PROF. DR. CORINNE L. HOFMAN - Universiteit Leiden

PROF. DR. CORINNE L. HOFMAN - Universiteit Leiden PROF. DR. CORINNE L. HOFMAN - Universiteit Leiden
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2007 Juntando las piezas del rompecabezas, dandole sentido a la cronologia ceramica del este de la Republica Dominicana. El Caribe Arqueologico 10:104‐115. Hoogland, M.L.P., and C.L. Hofman 1993 Kelbey's Ridge 2, a fourteenth century Taino settlement on Saba, N.A. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 26:163‐181. 1999 Taino expansion towards the Lesser Antilles. The case of Saba. Journal des Américanistes 85:93‐113. 2010 Island dynamics: evidence for mobility and exchange at the site of Anse á la Gourde, Guadeloupe. In: S. Fitzpatrick and A. Scott (eds), New perspectives in Caribbean prehistory. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. Isendoorn, D., C.L. Hofman, and M. Booden 2008 Back to the source: provenance areas of clays and temper materials of pre‐Columbian Caribbean ceramics. Special issue nr. 2, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology, 15‐24. Rodriguez Ramos, R., and C.L. Hofman 2009 Vinculos trans‐oceanicos en el Caribe precolombino. Vinculos (Museo Nacional de Costa Rica). Petersen, J.B., C.L. Hofman, and L.A. Curet 2004 Time and culture: chronology and taxonomy in the eastern Caribbean and the Guianas. In: A. Delpuech and C.L. Hofman (eds), Late Ceramic Age Societies in the eastern Caribbean, 17‐32. Paris Monographs in American Archaeology (E. Taladoire, series editor). BAR International series, Oxford. Van Gijn, A., and C.L. Hofman 2008 Were they used as tools. An exploratory functional study of abraded potsherds from pre‐ Columbian Caribbean sites. Caribbean Journal of Science, vol. 41(1): 21‐35. Working papers, proceedings and reports Delpuech, A., C.L. Hofman, and M.L.P. Hoogland 1995 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. DRAC/UL (56 pp.). 1996 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. DRAC/UL (130 pp.). 1997 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. DRAC/UL (12 pp.). 1997 St. François, Anse à la Gourde. Bilan Scientifique, p. 33‐37. Service Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de la Guadeloupe, DRAC, Guadeloupe,. 1998 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. DRAC/UL (40 pp.). 1998 St. François, Anse à la Gourde. Bilan Scientifique, p. 28‐32. Service Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de la Guadelouipe, DRAC, Guadeloupe. 1999 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. DRAC/UL (278 pp.). 1999 St. François, Anse à la Gourde. Bilan Scientifique, p. 28‐31. Service Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de la Guadeloupe, DRAC, Guadeloupe, 2001 Excavations at the site of Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Organization, history and environmental setting. In: International association for Caribbean archaeology (ed.), Proceedings of the XVIIIth Congress for Caribbean Archaeology II, pp. 156‐161. International Association for Caribbean Archaeology, Guadeloupe. 2003 Amerindian settlements and archaeological reality. The case of Grande Terre, Guadeloupe. In: L. Alofs and R.A.C.F. Dijkhoff (eds), Proceedings of the XIXth Congress for Caribbean Archaeology II, pp. 99‐108. Publications of the Archaeological Museum Aruba 9, Oranjestad. 12

2002 Un village amérindien de l'an 1000 à la Guadeloupe: Anse à la Gourde (Saint‐François), Culturas Aborigenes del Caribe, Seminario regional. Federacion Internacional de Sociedades Cientificas, pp. 231‐240. Santo Domingo, 12‐13 Nov. 1998. 2003 Premiers horticulteurs amérindiens dans l'archipel Guadeloupéen: Morel I (Le Moule) et la question Huecan/Cedrosan Saladoïde. In: A. Delpuech, J.‐P. Giraud and A. Hesse (eds), Archéologie précolombienne et coloniale des Caraïbes, Actes du 123e Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, Antilles­Guyane, pp. 127‐139. Editions du C.T.H.S., Paris. Hofman, C.L., and M.L.P. Hoogland 1988 Indian Communities during the First European Contacts on Saba. An Archaeological Investigation. Report, Leiden University, Leiden (20 pp.). 1994 Quatre sites préhistorique tardive en Guadeloupe. Pointe Canot, Pointe Helleux, Grande Anse et Morne Cybèle. Rapport de fouille, DRAC, Guadeloupe (40 pp.). Hofman, C.L. 1995 Inferring inter‐insular relationships from pottery style. In: R.E. Alegría and M. Rodríguez (eds), Proceedings of the XVth International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology, pp. 233‐ 242. Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1995 Le site de Grande Anse, Terre de Bas, Les Saintes. Rapport de fouille, Ul/DRAC (41 pp.). 1995 Three late prehistoric sites in the periphery of Guadeloupe. The sites of Grande Anse, Terre de Bas, Les Saintes and Morne Cybèle 1 and 2, La Désirade. In: G. Richard (ed.), Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology II, pp. 156‐ 167. Conseil Régional de la Guadeloupe, Basse‐Terre, Guadeloupe. 2008 Indianenverhalen. Het kwetsbare verleden van de Antillen. Oratie. Universiteit Leiden. Hofman, C.L., D. Aaij, E. Boomsma, H. Eilders, and D. Isendoorn 2000 Occupations Saladoïdes de l'archipel Guadeloupéen. Rapport de prospection Thématique. Opération annuelle 1999. UL/DRAC (54 pp.). Hofman C.L. , and E. Milton Branford 2011 Lavoutte revisited, preliminary results of the 2009 rescue excavations at Cas‐En‐Bas, St. Lucia. Proceedings of the XXIII rd Congress of the International Association for Caribbean Archaeology, Antigua. Hofman, C.L, A. Delpuech, and M.L.P. Hoogland 1999 Archaeological investigations at the site of Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Stratigraphy, ceramic chronology and settlement data. In: International association for Caribbean archaeology (eds), Proceedings of the XVIIIth Congress for Caribbean Archaeology I, pp. 162‐172. International Association for Caribbean Archaeology, Guadeloupe. Hofman, C.L., and M.L.P. Hoogland 1991 The Later prehistory of Saba, N.A.: The Settlement Site of Kelbey's Ridge (1300‐1450 A.D.). In: E.N. Ayubi and J.B. Haviser (eds), Proceedings of the XIIIth International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology I, pp. 477‐92. Reports of the Archaeological‐ Anthropological Institute of the Netherlands Antilles Number 9, Willemstad, Curaçao. 1993 Ceramic Developments on Saba, N.A. Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress for Caribbean Archaeology, pp. 550‐560. Barbados Museum and Historical Society, Barbados. 2010 Rescue excavations at Lavoutte, Cas‐en‐Bas, St. Lucia. Interim report, Leiden University, Leiden. Hofman C.L., M.L.P. Hoogland, and A. Boomert 2011 Excavations at the site of Argyle, St. Vincent. Interim report. Leiden University, Leiden. 13

2007 Juntando las piezas del rompecabezas, dandole sentido a la cronologia ceramica del este<br />

de la Republica Dominicana. El Caribe Arqueologico 10:104‐115.<br />

Hoogland, M.L.P., and C.L. Hofman<br />

1993 Kelbey's Ridge 2, a fourteenth century Taino settlement on Saba, N.A. Analecta<br />

Praehistorica <strong>Leiden</strong>sia 26:163‐181.<br />

1999 Taino expansion towards the Lesser Antilles. The case of Saba. Journal des Américanistes<br />

85:93‐113.<br />

2010 Island dynamics: evidence for mobility and exchange at the site of Anse á la Gourde,<br />

Guadeloupe. In: S. Fitzpatrick and A. Scott (eds), New perspectives in Caribbean<br />

prehistory. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.<br />

Isendoorn, D., C.L. Hofman, and M. Booden<br />

2008 Back to the source: provenance areas of clays and temper materials of pre‐Columbian<br />

Caribbean ceramics. Special issue nr. 2, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology, 15‐24.<br />

Rodriguez Ramos, R., and C.L. Hofman<br />

2009 Vinculos trans‐oceanicos en el Caribe precolombino. Vinculos (Museo Nacional de Costa<br />

Rica).<br />

Petersen, J.B., C.L. Hofman, and L.A. Curet<br />

2004 Time and culture: chronology and taxonomy in the eastern Caribbean and the Guianas.<br />

In: A. Delpuech and C.L. Hofman (eds), Late Ceramic Age Societies in the eastern<br />

Caribbean, 17‐32. Paris Monographs in American Archaeology (E. Taladoire, series<br />

editor). BAR International series, Oxford.<br />

Van Gijn, A., and C.L. Hofman<br />

2008 Were they used as tools. An exploratory functional study of abraded potsherds from pre‐<br />

Columbian Caribbean sites. Caribbean Journal of Science, vol. 41(1): 21‐35.<br />

Working papers, proceedings and reports<br />

Delpuech, A., C.L. Hofman, and M.L.P. Hoogland<br />

1995 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. <strong>DR</strong>AC/UL (56 pp.).<br />

1996 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. <strong>DR</strong>AC/UL (130 pp.).<br />

1997 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. <strong>DR</strong>AC/UL (12 pp.).<br />

1997 St. François, Anse à la Gourde. Bilan Scientifique, p. 33‐37. Service Régionale des Affaires<br />

Culturelles de la Guadeloupe, <strong>DR</strong>AC, Guadeloupe,.<br />

1998 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. <strong>DR</strong>AC/UL (40 pp.).<br />

1998 St. François, Anse à la Gourde. Bilan Scientifique, p. 28‐32. Service Régionale des Affaires<br />

Culturelles de la Guadelouipe, <strong>DR</strong>AC, Guadeloupe.<br />

1999 Le site de l'Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Rapport de fouille. <strong>DR</strong>AC/UL (278 pp.).<br />

1999 St. François, Anse à la Gourde. Bilan Scientifique, p. 28‐31. Service Régionale des Affaires<br />

Culturelles de la Guadeloupe, <strong>DR</strong>AC, Guadeloupe,<br />

2001 Excavations at the site of Anse à la Gourde, Guadeloupe. Organization, history and<br />

environmental setting. In: International association for Caribbean archaeology (ed.),<br />

Proceedings of the XVIIIth Congress for Caribbean Archaeology II, pp. 156‐161.<br />

International Association for Caribbean Archaeology, Guadeloupe.<br />

2003 Amerindian settlements and archaeological reality. The case of Grande Terre,<br />

Guadeloupe. In: L. Alofs and R.A.C.F. Dijkhoff (eds), Proceedings of the XIXth Congress for<br />

Caribbean Archaeology II, pp. 99‐108. Publications of the Archaeological Museum Aruba<br />

9, Oranjestad.<br />


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