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<strong>ÇUKUROVA</strong> <strong>UNIVERSITY</strong><br />

<strong>INSTITUTE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>NATURAL</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>APPLIED</strong> SCIENCES<br />

MSc THESIS<br />

Mustafa İNCİ<br />

MODELING <strong>AND</strong> ANALYSIS <strong>OF</strong> MULTILEVEL INVERTER BASED<br />



ADANA, 2013

<strong>ÇUKUROVA</strong> <strong>UNIVERSITY</strong><br />

<strong>INSTITUTE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>NATURAL</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>APPLIED</strong> SCIENCES<br />

MODELING <strong>AND</strong> ANALYSIS <strong>OF</strong> MULTILEVEL INVERTER BASED<br />


Mustafa İNCİ<br />

MSc THESIS<br />


We certify that the thesis titled above was reviewed and approved for the award of<br />

degree of the Master of Science by the board of jury on 27/06/2013.<br />

……………….................................. ………………................ …………………......................<br />

Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Çağatay BAYINDIR Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜMAY Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ramazan ÇOBAN<br />


MEMBER<br />

MEMBER<br />

This MSc Thesis is written at the Department of Institute of Natural And Applied<br />

Sciences of Çukurova University.<br />

Registration Number:<br />

Prof. Dr. Mustafa GÖK<br />

Director<br />

Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences<br />

This thesis was supported by the Scientific Research Project Unit of Çukurova University for<br />

my thesis (Project Number: MMF2012YL23).<br />

Note: The usage of the presented specific declerations, tables, figures, and photographs either in this<br />

thesis or in any other reference without citiation is subject to "The law of Arts and<br />

Intellectual Products" number of 5846 of Turkish Republic.


MSc THESIS<br />

MODELING <strong>AND</strong> ANALYSIS <strong>OF</strong> MULTILEVEL INVERTER BASED<br />


Mustafa İNCİ<br />

<strong>ÇUKUROVA</strong> <strong>UNIVERSITY</strong><br />

<strong>INSTITUTE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>NATURAL</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>APPLIED</strong> SCIENCES<br />


Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Çağatay BAYINDIR<br />

Year : 2013, Pages 126<br />

Jury : Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Çağatay BAYINDIR<br />

: Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜMAY<br />

: Assoc. Dr. Ramazan ÇOBAN<br />

Voltage, current, frequency deviations and waveform distortions that causes<br />

equipment failure, economical loss and several negative effects are known as power<br />

quality problems. Among the power quality problems, voltage sags and swells are<br />

the most significant disturbances. The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is the most<br />

effective and economical custom power device applied to protect sensitive loads<br />

from voltage sags and swells.<br />

In this thesis, dynamic voltage restorer with dc-dc converter is modeled in<br />

PSCAD/EMTDC. DC-DC converter is used to maintain and control the dc voltage of<br />

the inverter during voltage sag. The developed topology permits to use in medium<br />

power systems. Multilevel inverter is used to allow high power-handling than the<br />

two-level inverter. EPLL, SRF and SOGI-PLL is used to detect and extract the<br />

voltage sag and swell. SOGI-PLL is a new method to extract voltage magnitude and<br />

phase angle simultaneously. The comparison results of EPLL, SRF and SOGI-PLL<br />

are presented in thesis. The performance of DVR is evaluated through simulations<br />

for compensation of balanced and unbalanced voltage sags.<br />

The main purpose of this thesis is analyzing and modeling of DVR, which<br />

protects a 1-MVA nonlinear load. The performance results of the proposed topology<br />

are presented with different cases by PSCAD/EMTDC program.<br />

Keywords: Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Voltage Sag and swell, Power Quality, DC-<br />

DC Converter, Multilevel Inverter<br />


ÖZ<br />




Mustafa İNCİ<br />

<strong>ÇUKUROVA</strong> ÜNİVERSİTESİ<br />



Danışman : Doç. Dr. K. Çağatay BAYINDIR<br />

Yıl: 2013, Sayfa 126<br />

Jüri : Doç. Dr. K. Çağatay BAYINDIR<br />

: Prof. Dr. Mehmet TÜMAY<br />

: Doç. Dr. Ramazan ÇOBAN<br />

Ekipman bozulmaları, ekonomik kayıp ve çeşitli negatif etkilere sebep olan<br />

gerilim, akım ve frekans sapmaları ve dalga şeklindeki bozulmalar güç kalitesi<br />

problemleri olarak bilinir. Gerilim düşmeleri ve yükselmeleri, güç kalitesi<br />

problemleri içinde en önemli bozukluklardır. Dinamik gerilim iyileştirici hassas ve<br />

lineer olmayan yükleri gerilim düşme ve yükselmelerinden korumak için en etkili ve<br />

ekonomik özel güç cihazıdır.<br />

Bu tez çalışmasında, da-da dönüştürücülü dinamik gerilim iyileştiricinin<br />

PSCAD/EMTDC’de modellemesi yapılmıştır. Da-da dönüştürücü gerilim düşmesi<br />

esnasında eviricinin da geriliminin kontrolü ve korunması için kullanılır. Amaçlanan<br />

topoloji orta güç sistemlerde kullanıma izin vermektedir. İki seviyeli topolojilere<br />

gore daha yüksek güçlerde çalışma imkanı verdiği için çok seviyeli evirici<br />

kullanılmıştır. Gerilim düşme ve yükselmelerini sezmek ve tespit etmek amacı ile<br />

EPLL, SRF ve SOGI-PLL kullanılmıştır. Tezde; EPLL, SRF ve SOGI-PLL<br />

metodlarının karşılaştırma sonuçları yer almaktadır. Dengeli ve dengesiz gerilim<br />

düşmelerini gidermek için DGİ’nin performansı simülasyon çalışmaları ile<br />

değerlendirilmiştir.<br />

Bu tezin temel amacı, 1 MVA’l ık doğrusal olmayan yükü koruyan DGİ’nin<br />

analiz, modellenmesidir. Amaçlanan topolojinin performans sonuçları farklı<br />

durumlar için PSCAD/EMTDC programı ile sunulmuştur.<br />

Anahtar Kelimeler: Dinamik Gerilim İyileştirici, Gerilim Düşme ve Yükselmeleri,<br />

Güç Kalitesi, DA-DA Dönüştürücü, Çok Seviyeli Evirici<br />



First and foremost I want to thank my supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Çağatay<br />

BAYINDIR. I appreciate all his contributions of time, ideas, and funding to make my<br />

MSc. Thesis.<br />

I am also grateful to Prof. Dr. Mehmet TUMAY, head of the Department, for<br />

his help and support during my study.<br />

I owe special thanks to Adnan TAN, Tahsin KÖROĞLU and Tuğçe<br />

DEMİRDELEN for his companionship and cooperation during my study.<br />

I would like also to thank and acknowledge the financial supported by<br />

Scientific Research Project Unit of Çukurova University for my thesis (Project<br />

Number: MMF2012YL23)<br />

I would like to thank to Fatih Elihoş, Ahmet Baykara, M. Selim AYGEN and<br />

all of my friends for everything. Lastly, I would like to thank my family for all their<br />

love and encouragement.<br />

Mustafa İNCİ<br />



PAGES<br />

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................. I<br />

ÖZ ................................................................................................................................ II<br />

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................... III<br />

CONTENTS ............................................................................................................... IV<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> TABLES .................................................................................................. VIII<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> FIGURES .................................................................................................... X<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> SYMBOLS .............................................................................................. XIV<br />

LIST <strong>OF</strong> ABBREVATIONS .................................................................................. XVI<br />

1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1<br />

1.1. Background ....................................................................................................... 1<br />

1.2. DVR .................................................................................................................. 1<br />

1.3. Outline of Thesis............................................................................................... 3<br />

2. POWER QUALITY ................................................................................................. 5<br />

2.1. Sources and Effects of Power Quality Problems .............................................. 6<br />

2.2. Power Quality Problems ................................................................................... 6<br />

2.2.1. Voltage Sag ............................................................................................ 8<br />

2.2.2. Voltage Swell ......................................................................................... 8<br />

2.2.3. Voltage Fluctuations .............................................................................. 8<br />

2.2.4. Harmonics .............................................................................................. 9<br />

2.2.5. Interharmonics........................................................................................ 9<br />

2.2.6. Transients ............................................................................................. 10<br />

2.2.7. Interruption ........................................................................................... 10<br />

2.3. Power Quality Standards ................................................................................. 11<br />

2.4. Solutions to Power Quality Problems .............................................................. 11<br />

3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR ................................................................................ 13<br />

3.1. Introduction..................................................................................................... 13<br />

3.2. Power Circuit and Topologies ........................................................................ 13<br />

3.2.1. Operation of DVR ................................................................................ 15<br />

3.2.2. Use of Converters in DVR ................................................................... 17<br />

IV Inverters .................................................................................. 17<br /> Rectifier .................................................................................. 19<br /> DC-DC Converters ................................................................. 21<br /> AC-AC Converters ................................................................. 22<br />

3.2.3. Energy Storage ..................................................................................... 23<br />

3.2.4. Injection Transformer........................................................................... 24<br />

3.2.5. Filter ..................................................................................................... 27<br />

3.3. Control of DVR ............................................................................................... 31<br />

3.3.1. Sag/swell detection............................................................................... 31<br />

3.3.2. Operation Mode ................................................................................... 31<br /> Protection Mode ..................................................................... 32<br /> Standby Mode ......................................................................... 32<br /> Injection Mode ........................................................................ 33<br />

3.3.3. Voltage Injection Strategies ................................................................. 33<br /> Pre-sag compensation ............................................................. 34<br /> In-phase compensation ........................................................... 34<br /> Phase advance compensation .................................................. 35<br />

3.3.4. Reference Voltage Generation ............................................................. 36<br />

3.3.5. Voltage Control Methods ..................................................................... 37<br /> Open Loop .............................................................................. 37<br /> Closed Loop ............................................................................ 40<br />

3.3.6. Gate Signal Generation ........................................................................ 42<br />

4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR ...................................................................... 45<br />

4.1. Design of Grid and Load ................................................................................. 45<br />

4.2. Power Circuit Design of DVR Components ................................................... 46<br />

4.2.1. Design of Inverter Circuit .................................................................... 47<br />

4.2.2. Design of Inverter Filter ....................................................................... 50<br />

4.2.3. Design of DC-DC Converter ................................................................ 55<br />

4.3. Control System ................................................................................................ 59<br />

4.3.1. Sag Detection ....................................................................................... 60<br /> Enhanced Phase Locked Loop (EPLL) .................................. 60<br />

V Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) .................................... 64<br /> SOGI-PLL .............................................................................. 67<br /> Reference Generation Using Sag Detection Methods ............ 69<br />

4.3.2. Voltage Injection Strategy.................................................................... 71<br />

4.3.3. Voltage Control Strategy: Closed Loop ............................................... 76<br />

4.3.4. Gate Signal Generation ........................................................................ 78<br /> Inverter .................................................................................... 79<br /> DC-DC Converter ................................................................... 80<br />

5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES .............................................. 83<br />

5.1. Comparison of Sag Detection Methods (EPLL, SRF and SogiPLL) .............. 85<br />

5.2. Simulation Results for Open Loop and Closed Loop ...................................... 88<br />

5.2.1. Open Loop Voltage Control Method ................................................... 88<br /> Case 1: Single Phase Voltage Sag .......................................... 89<br /> Case 2: Two Phase Voltage Sag ............................................. 91<br /> Case 3: Three Phase Voltage Sag ........................................... 94<br />

5.2.2. Closed Loop Voltage Control Method ................................................. 97<br /> Case 4: Single Phase Voltage Sag .......................................... 98<br /> Case 5: Two Phase Voltage Sag ........................................... 100<br /> Case 6: Three Phase Voltage Sag ......................................... 103<br />

5.2.3. Comparison of Voltage Control Methods .......................................... 106<br />

6. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 109<br />

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 112<br />

BIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................... 121<br />

APPENDIX .............................................................................................................. 122<br />



LIST <strong>OF</strong> TABLES<br />

PAGES<br />

Table 2.1. Typical characteristics of voltage disturbances ........................................ 11<br />

Table 4.1. Grid and load parameters of proposed system .......................................... 46<br />

Table 4.2. Switch states of five level diode clamped inverter ................................... 49<br />

Table 5.1. PSCAD/EMTDC Simulation Parameters ................................................. 84<br />

Table 5.2. System Parameters .................................................................................... 84<br />

Table 5.3. Simulated Load Parameters ...................................................................... 84<br />

Table 5.4. Simulation parameters of Voltage Source Inverter ................................... 84<br />

Table 5.5. Simulation parameters of Full Bridge DC-DC Converter ........................ 85<br />

Table 5.6. Injection Transformer Parameters ............................................................. 85<br />

Table 5.7. Sag inception and finish time for three methods....................................... 87<br />

Table 5.8. Comparison and RMS values of phase voltages in open loop and<br />

closed loop control method ................................................................... 107<br />


LIST <strong>OF</strong> FIGURES<br />

PAGES<br />

Figure 1.1. DVR structure (Vilathgamuwa et al, 2002) ............................................... 2<br />

Figure 2.1. Basic disturbances: (a) Causes at customer side, (b) Causes<br />

at utility side and (c) Affected equipment (Köroğlu,2012)..................... 7<br />

Figure 2.2. Percentage occurrences of PQ disturbances in equipment<br />

interruptions (Köroğlu,2012) .................................................................. 7<br />

Figure 3.1. The Basic Structure of Dynamic Voltage Restorer (Vilathgamuwa et<br />

al, 2002) ................................................................................................... 14<br />

Figure 3.2. DVR connected in a medium voltage level power system ...................... 16<br />

Figure 3.3. H-Bridge Inverter..................................................................................... 18<br />

Figure 3.4. DVR with no energy storage and supply-side-connected rectifier .......... 20<br />

Figure 3.5. DVR with no energy storage and load-side-connected rectifier .............. 20<br />

Figure 3.6. Location of a DC-DC Converter in a DVR ............................................. 21<br />

Figure 3.7. System-level requirements for DVR with ac/ac converter. ..................... 22<br />

Figure 3.8. (a), (b) and (c) Equivalent circuit of system shown in Figure 3.1 ........... 26<br />

Figure 3.9. Location of inverter-side and line-side filters in DVR ............................ 28<br />

Figure 3.10. Inverter-side filter in DVR..................................................................... 29<br />

Figure 3.11. Scheme of the protection mode ............................................................. 32<br />

Figure 3.12. Scheme of the standby mode ................................................................. 32<br />

Figure 3.13. Vector diagram of pre-sag compensation .............................................. 34<br />

Figure 3.14. Vector diagram of in-phase compensation ............................................ 35<br />

Figure 3.15. Phasor diagram of the phase advance compensation method ................ 36<br />

Figure 3.16. Open Loop Control Method .................................................................. 37<br />

Figure 3.17. Block diagram representation of DVR system with openloop<br />

controller(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2002) .......................................... 38<br />

Figure 3.18. Block diagram representation of DVR system with closed<br />

loop controller(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2002). ......................................... 40<br />

Figure 4.1. The proposed multilevel inverter based DVR structure with full<br />

bridge DC-DC Converter ........................................................................ 45<br />

Figure 4.2. Three-phase uncontrolled six pulse rectifier............................................ 46<br />

Figure 4.3. Single phase symmetrical five level diode clamped inverter .................. 47<br />


Figure 4.4. Equivalent Circuit for Inverter Side Filter ............................................... 50<br />

Figure 4.5. Block Diagram of Single Phase PWM-VSI............................................. 51<br />

Figure 4.6. The Frequency Response of the Inverter Side Connected Filter ............. 53<br />

Figure 4.7. Phase Plot of the Inverter Side Connected Filter ..................................... 54<br />

Figure 4.8. Circuit diagram of full bridge DC–DC Converter ................................... 55<br />

Figure 4.9. Timing diagram and basic waveforms for isolated full-bridge<br />

dc-dc converter ........................................................................................ 56<br />

Figure 4.10. Structure of Enhanced Phase Locked Loop ........................................... 61<br />

Figure 4.11. Conventional SRF based detection ........................................................ 65<br />

Figure 4.12. Proposed SRF based phase detection (a) Phase A,<br />

(b) Phase B, (c) Phase C .................................................................... 66<br />

Figure 4.13. Block diagram of the orthogonal signals generator based on<br />

SOGI-PLL ............................................................................................. 68<br />

Figure 4.14. Block diagram of proposed method based on EPLL, SRF and<br />

SOGIPLL(Köroğlu,2012) ..................................................................... 69<br />

Figure 4.15. (a) Busbar, (b) magnitude(sag depth) and (c) sag detection signals ..... 70<br />

Figure 4.16 Phasor diagram of Pre-Sag Compensation methods ............................... 71<br />

Figure 4.17. Conventional phase freezer unit(Köroğlu,2012) ................................... 72<br />

Figure 4.18. Phasor subtraction .................................................................................. 73<br />

Figure 4.19. Flow chart of proposed phase freezing (Köroğlu, 2012) ....................... 74<br />

Figure 4.20. Block diagram of the phase freezing in DVR control ........................... 75<br />

Figure 4.21. Reference voltages generated with In-Phase and Pre-Sag methods ...... 75<br />

Figure 4.22. Proposed multiloop control method....................................................... 77<br />

Figure 4.23. Comparison of Closed Loop and Open Loop in proposed DVR ........... 78<br />

Figure 4.24. Generation of gate signals for each multilevel five level diode clamped<br />

inverter .................................................................................................. 79<br />

Figure 4.25. The flow chart of DC-DC Controller..................................................... 80<br />

Figure 4.26. Carrier and reference signals generated by PI controller....................... 81<br />

Figure 4.27. Generation of gate signals for full bridge dc-dc converter .................... 82<br />

Figure 5.1. PSCAD/EMTDC model of proposed DVR System ................................ 83<br />

Figure 5.2. (a) Source side busbar voltages, (b) Voltage sag inception time and (c)<br />

Magnitude information for three sag detection methods ........................ 86<br />


Figure 5.3. Injected voltages by using three sag detection methods .......................... 87<br />

Figure 5.4. Source side voltages by using EPLL, SRF and SogiPLL methods ......... 88<br />

Figure 5.5. Simulation results for Case 1 ................................................................... 89<br />

Figure 5.6. DC link voltage for Case 1 ..................................................................... 90<br />

Figure 5.7. RMS Characterisics for Case 1 ................................................................ 91<br />

Figure 5.8. Simulation results for Case 2 ................................................................... 92<br />

Figure 5.9. DC link voltage for Case 2 ...................................................................... 93<br />

Figure 5.10. RMS characteristics for Case 2.............................................................. 94<br />

Figure 5.11. Simulation results for Case 3 ................................................................. 95<br />

Figure 5.12. DC link voltage for Case 3 .................................................................... 96<br />

Figure 5.13. RMS characteristics for Case 3............................................................. 97<br />

Figure 5.14. Simulation results for Case 4 ................................................................. 98<br />

Figure 5.15. DC link voltage for Case 4 .................................................................... 99<br />

Figure 5.16. RMS characterisics for Case 4 ............................................................. 100<br />

Figure 5.17. Simulation results for Case 5 ............................................................... 101<br />

Figure 5.18. DC link voltage for Case 5 .................................................................. 102<br />

Figure 5.19. RMS characteristics for Case 5............................................................ 103<br />

Figure 5.20. Simulation results for Case 6 ............................................................... 104<br />

Figure 5.21. DC link voltage for Case 6 .................................................................. 105<br />

Figure 5.22. RMS characteristics for Case 6............................................................ 106<br />



LIST <strong>OF</strong> SYMBOLS<br />

C : DC Link Capacitor Value<br />

DC<br />

C<br />

f<br />

: Filter Capacitor Value<br />

: Injection Transformer Rating<br />

e (t) : Difference of input and synchronized fundamental components of<br />

f<br />

0<br />

f<br />

s<br />

I dc<br />

I<br />

s<br />

I<br />

L<br />

Enhanced Phase Locked Loop<br />

: Cut-off frequency<br />

: Switching frequency<br />

: DC link Capacitor Current<br />

: Source-Side Current<br />

: Load-Side Current<br />

I Re<br />

: Rectifier Current<br />

ctifier<br />

K<br />

i<br />

L<br />

f<br />

m<br />

a<br />

: Turns ratio of the injection transformer<br />

: Filtre Inductor Value<br />

: Modulation index<br />

ms<br />

n<br />

N<br />

P<br />

N<br />

S<br />

: Miliseconds<br />

: Order of harmonics<br />

: Primary Winding of Transformer<br />

: Secondary Winding of Transformer<br />

S : Voltage Sag/Swell depth<br />

depth<br />

S<br />

c<br />

: Volt Amperes Rating of DC Link Capacitor<br />

u (t) : Input signal of Enhanced Phase Locked Loop<br />

V cappi<br />

V cap,ref<br />

V dclink<br />

V d<br />

: Error between Actual and Reference Values of DC link Capacitor<br />

Voltage<br />

: DC link Capacitor Voltage Reference Value<br />

: DC link Capacitor Voltage<br />

: D Component of SRF Transform<br />


̊<br />

V dc,ref<br />

V q<br />

V l<br />

V presag<br />

V dclink,min<br />

error inphase<br />

: DC Link Reference Value<br />

: Q Component of SRF Transform<br />

: Calculated Line Value<br />

: Calculated Presag Value<br />

: Minimum Value of DC link Capacitor Voltage<br />

V<br />

,<br />

: The magnitude of the injected voltage with In-Phase Compensation<br />

V<br />

error , presag<br />

: The magnitude of the injected voltage with Pre-Sag Compensation<br />

V : Output Voltage of hybrid cascade diode clamped inverter<br />

output<br />

V : Output voltage of LC Filter<br />

filter<br />

V : Injected Voltage by DVR<br />

inj<br />

V<br />

inv<br />

V<br />

inv (n)<br />

V<br />

L<br />

V<br />

o( n)<br />

V<br />

p<br />

V<br />

sag<br />

V<br />

source<br />

: Output voltage of the PWM inverter<br />

: nth order harmonic voltages on the input of inverter<br />

: Load Voltage<br />

: nth order harmonic voltages on the output of inverter<br />

: Voltage on the high voltage side of the injection transformer<br />

: Magnitude of Sagged Voltage<br />

: Source Voltage<br />

y (t)<br />

: Synchronized fundamental component of EPLL<br />

∆ ω (t) : Frequency deviation of EPLL<br />

θ (t) : The phase angle of Synchronized fundamental component of EPLL<br />

θ : The angle of the injected voltage with In-Phase Compensation<br />

error,inphase<br />

θ : Phase angle of Sagged Voltage<br />

sag<br />

θ : The angle of the injected voltage with Pre-Sag Compensation<br />

error, presag<br />

θ presag<br />

δ Vload<br />

μ<br />

: Pre-Sag Angle<br />

: Phase information of System Voltage<br />

: Micro<br />

: Degree<br />


LIST <strong>OF</strong> ABBREVATIONS<br />

A<br />

AC<br />

APF<br />

ASD<br />

CP<br />

D<br />

DVR<br />

dB<br />

DC<br />

EMI<br />

EPLL<br />

FC<br />

FFT<br />

FT<br />

HV<br />

Hz<br />

IEC<br />

IEEE<br />

IGBT<br />

IRPT<br />

LPF<br />

LL<br />

MV<br />

MVA<br />

NPC<br />

PAC<br />

PCC<br />

PD<br />

PI<br />

: Amper<br />

: Alternating Current<br />

: Active Power Filter<br />

: Adjustable Speed Drives<br />

: Custom Power<br />

: Duty<br />

: Dynamic Voltage Restorer<br />

: deciBel<br />

: Direct Current<br />

: Electro Magnetic Interference<br />

: Enhanced Phase Locked Loop<br />

: Flying Capacitor<br />

: Fast Fourier Transform<br />

: Fourier Transform<br />

: High Voltage<br />

: Hertz<br />

: International Electrotechnical Commission<br />

: International Electrical Electronics Engineering<br />

: Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor<br />

: Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory<br />

: Low Pass Filter<br />

: Line-to-Line<br />

: Medium Voltage<br />

: Mega Volt Amperes<br />

: Neutral Point Clamped<br />

: Phase AdvanceCompensation<br />

: Point of Common Coupling<br />

: Phase Detector<br />

: Proportional-Integrator<br />


PLL<br />

: Phase Locked Loop<br />

PQ<br />

: Power Quality<br />

PU<br />

: Per Unit<br />

PSCAD/EMTDC : Power System Computer Aided Design /<br />

Electromagnetic Transient DC Program<br />

PU<br />

: Per Unit<br />

PWM<br />

: Pulse Width Modulation<br />

RDFT<br />

: Recursive Discrete Fourier Transform<br />

RMS<br />

: Root Mean Square<br />

SLGF<br />

: Single Line to Ground Fault<br />

SOGI-PLL<br />

: Second Order Generalized Integrator Phase Locked<br />

Loop<br />

SPWM<br />

: Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation<br />

SMES<br />

: Superconducting Magnetic Energy Source<br />

SMPS<br />

: Switched Mode Power Supplies<br />

SRF<br />

: Synchronous Reference Frame<br />

STS<br />

: Static Transfer Switch<br />

THD<br />

: Total Harmonic Distortion<br />

UPS<br />

: Uninterruptible Power Supply<br />

V<br />

: Volts<br />

VA<br />

: Volt Amperes<br />

VCO<br />

: Voltage Conrol Oscillator<br />

VSC<br />

: Voltage Source Converter<br />

VSI<br />

: Voltage Source Inverter<br />


1. INTRODUCTION Mustafa İNCİ<br />


The study in this thesis consists of the design and control of Dynamic Voltage<br />

Restorer in medium power systems. The content and aim of study is provided<br />

comprehensively below.<br />

1.1. Background<br />

Electrical power quality become an important issue because of the change in<br />

the characteristics of loads connected to power system due to development of<br />

technology and increase in electricity demand. Voltage, current, frequency deviations<br />

and waveform distortions that cause equipment failure, economical loss and several<br />

negative effects are known as power quality problems.<br />

The most severe power quality problems in electrical systems are called as<br />

voltage sag and swell. Voltage sag is known as short duration reductions in the rms<br />

voltage. Another problem, voltage swell is defined as an increase in the rms voltage.<br />

Several custom power devices such as UPS, DVR, static series compensator etc.<br />

have been improved to solve these problems. Among these several custom power<br />

devices, Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is an effective solution to solve these<br />

power quality problems.<br />

1.2. DVR<br />

The dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is the most effective and economical<br />

custom power device applied to protect sensitive loads from voltage sags and swells.<br />

Dynamic voltage restorer is a series connected device located between sensitive load<br />

and grid in system, it both detects voltage sags/swell problems and injects controlled<br />

voltage to system. To perform this process, a conventional DVR consists of inverter,<br />

dc-link capacitor, filter and transformer which will be extensively explained in thesis.<br />


1. INTRODUCTION Mustafa İNCİ<br />

1.3. Outline of Thesis<br />

The thesis consists of the following chapters:<br />

After this first chapter, in Chapter 2 Power Quality Problems; Sources and<br />

effects of power quality problems, power quality problems and their explanation,<br />

Power Quality Standards and solution of power quality problems are explained.<br />

Chapter 3 The Fundamentals of DVR gives an overview of available DVR<br />

system, the function of converters in power circuit configuration, filter and<br />

transformer design. It also includes control methods in available literature.<br />

The power circuit design of multilevel inverter based DVR components, sag<br />

detection methods, voltage injection strategies used in proposed DVR are explained<br />

in Chapter 4 Modeling of Proposed DVR.<br />

Simulation results which consist of comparison of sag/swell detection<br />

methods, voltage injection strategies (presag, in-phase) and voltage control strategies<br />

are given in Chapter 5 Simulation Results and Case Studies. Also, this chapter<br />

includes analysis of full bridge dc-dc converter for voltage sag compensation.<br />


1. INTRODUCTION Mustafa İNCİ<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />


The term “Power Quality” is defined as “Set of parameters defining the<br />

properties of power quality as delivered to the user in normal operating conditions<br />

in terms of continuity of supply and characteristics of voltage (symmetry,<br />

frequency, magnitude, waveform) in IEC. In IEEE Std. 1100-1 999, “Power Quality”<br />

is defined as “The concept of powering and grounding electronic equipment in a<br />

manner that is suitable to the operation of that equipment in a manner that is suitable<br />

to the operation of that equipment and compatible with the premise wiring system<br />

and other connected equipment (Ise et al., 2000).<br />

Power Quality just meant the ability of utilities to provide electric power<br />

without interruption. However, in recent years, power quality becomes an important<br />

concern to customers as well as utilities and facilities. Customers require higher<br />

quality of power than ever before due to the increase in critical load and electronic<br />

device. Power quality is different from reliability in view of the duration of events it<br />

deals with. It treats very short events with a few cycles or seconds duration. New<br />

power quality problems such as sag, swell, harmonic distortion, unbalance, transient,<br />

and flicker may impact on customer devices, causes malfunctions and cost on lost<br />

production and downtime. These problems should be measured and assessed more<br />

accurately than before (Won et al., 2003).<br />

Recently, an increased number of sensitive loads have been integrated into<br />

the electrical power systems. Consequently, the demand for high power quality and<br />

voltage stability has increased significantly (Meyer et al., 2008). Some basic<br />

criterions for power quality are constant rms value, constant frequency, symmetrical<br />

three-phases, pure sinusoidal wave shape and limited THD. These values should be<br />

kept between limits determined by standards if the power quality level is considered<br />

to be high. Power quality covers several types of problems of electrical supply<br />

and power system disturbances. The cost of power interruptions and disturbances<br />

can be quite high as a result of the important processes controlled and maintained<br />

by the sensitive devices (Dong et al., 2004). Sources and effects of power quality<br />

problems can be summarized as follows in 2.1.<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />

2.1. Sources and Effects of Power Quality Problems<br />

Power distribution systems, ideally, should provide their customers with an<br />

uninterrupted flow of energy at smooth sinusoidal voltage at the contracted<br />

magnitude level and frequency. However, in practice, power systems, especially the<br />

distribution systems, have numerous nonlinear loads, which significantly affect the<br />

quality of power supplies. As a result of the nonlinear loads, the purity of the<br />

waveform of supplies is lost. This ends up producing power quality problems (Jena).<br />

The distortion in the quality of supply power can be occurred because of various<br />

devices; some of the primary sources of distortion can be identified as below:<br />

• Power Electronic Devices<br />

• IT and Office Equipments<br />

• Arcing Devices<br />

• Load Switching<br />

• Large Motor Starting<br />

• Embedded Generation<br />

• Electromagnetic Radiations and Cables<br />

• Storm and Environment Related Causes etc.<br />

The growth of the nonlinear loads like the devices with switching power<br />

supplies have increased the current harmonics, EMI problems, unnecessary reactive<br />

power and power losses which causes distortion, harmonics, flicker phenomena, sag<br />

and swell conditions on the line voltages and other problems (Hosseini et al., 2006).<br />

2.2. Power Quality Problems<br />

The importance of power quality (PQ) has risen very considerably over the<br />

last two decades due to a marked increase in the number of equipment which is<br />

sensitive to adverse PQ environments, the disturbances introduced by nonlinear<br />

loads, and the proliferation of renewable energy sources, among others. At least 50%<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />

of all PQ disturbances are of the voltage quality type, where the interest is the study<br />

of any deviation of the voltage waveform from its ideal form. The best well-known<br />

disturbances are voltage sags and swells, harmonic and interharmonic voltages, and,<br />

for three-phase systems, voltage imbalances (Roncero-Sanchez et al., 2009).<br />

A number of national and local surveys helped to quantify the statistical<br />

aspects of this problem. The most common disturbances and the most commonly<br />

affected equipments are illustrated in Figure 2.1 (Emanuel et al., 1997).<br />

Figure 2.1. Basic disturbances: (a) Causes at customer side, (b) Causes at<br />

utility side and (c) Affected equipment (Köroğlu,2012)<br />

Another survey result is given in Figure 2.2 which shows the percentage<br />

occurrences of PQ disturbances in equipment interruptions (Köroğlu , 2012).<br />

Figure 2.2. Percentage occurrences of PQ disturbances in equipment interruptions<br />

(Köroğlu,2012)<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />

2.2.1. Voltage Sag<br />

Voltage sags are now one of the most important power quality problems in<br />

the distribution system. A voltage sag is a momentary decrease in the RMS ac<br />

voltage (10%–90% of the nominal voltage), at the power frequency, of duration from<br />

0.5 cycles to a few seconds. Voltage sags are normally caused by short-circuit faults<br />

such as a single-line-to-ground fault in the power system or by the starting up of<br />

induction motors of large rating. Voltage sags may cause the malfunction of voltagesensitive<br />

loads in factories, buildings, and hospitals (Kangarlu et al., 2010).<br />

Voltage sags can cause tripping of contactors, motor starters, relays, restarting<br />

expense of computers and shutdown of an entire production line. The sources of<br />

voltage sags are basically faults on adjacent feeders, lighting, short circuit event, start<br />

up of heavy loads, transformer energizing and motor starting (Bollen, 2001).<br />

2.2.2. Voltage Swell<br />

Voltage swell is defined as a short duration increasing in RMS supply with<br />

increase in voltage ranging from 1.1 pu to 1.8 pu of nominal supply. The main causes<br />

for voltage swell are switching of large capacitors or removal of heavy loads<br />

(Kangarlu et al., 2010).<br />

Voltage swells might not be as common as voltage sags, however are much<br />

more harmful and disruptive to static power converters. In fact, they may severely<br />

damage or trip them, causing shutdowns of entire processes. This overall situation<br />

has become even more critical given the recent industrial trend to increase operating<br />

voltages of power converters (a practice that has pushed semiconductor devices up to<br />

their limit. A closer look to this phenomenon is, hence, required (Burgos et al.,<br />

2005).<br />

2.2.3. Voltage Fluctuations<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Voltage fluctuations are systematic variations of the voltage envelope or a<br />

series of random voltage changes. Arc furnaces are the most common cause of<br />

voltage fluctuations on the transmission and distribution system (Martinez, 1998).<br />

The voltage fluctuation is one of the major power quality problems in a weak power<br />

system, which feeds fluctuating loads, such as electric arc furnaces and arc welders.<br />

In general, the flicker components exhibit frequencies in the range 0.1 Hz to 30 Hz<br />

and are especially important due to visual irritation. Many reports indicate that a<br />

small voltage fluctuation from 0.3% to 0.5% in the frequency range of 6-10 Hz will<br />

cause visible incandescent lamp flickering and let people feel uncomfortable (Wu et<br />

al., 2006).<br />

2.2.4. Harmonics<br />

Harmonics can be defined as the spectral components at frequencies<br />

that are integer multiples of the ac system fundamental frequency (Testa et al.,<br />

2007). The harmonic voltage and current distortion are strongly linked with<br />

each other because harmonic voltage distortion is mainly due to non-sinusoidal<br />

load currents. Current harmonic distortion requires overrating of series components<br />

like transformers and cables. As the series resistance increases with frequency, a<br />

distorted current will cause more losses than a sinusoidal current of the same rms<br />

value (Bollen, 2001).<br />

2.2.5. Interharmonics<br />

Interharmonics are spectral components at frequencies that are not integer<br />

multiples of the system fundamental frequency. Interharmonics can be observed<br />

in an increasing number of loads in addition to harmonics. The main sources of<br />

interharmonics are static frequency converters, cycloconverters, high voltage direct<br />

current(HVDC) transmission systems, induction motors, welding machines, arc<br />

furnaces, and all loads not pulsating synchronously with the fundamental power<br />

system frequency (Tayjasanant et al., 2005;Yacamini, 1996)<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />

2.2.6. Transients<br />

A transient is “that part of the change in a variable that disappears<br />

during transition from one steady state operating condition to another”. Another<br />

word in common usage that is often considered synonymous with transient is<br />

“surge” (Dugan et al, 2003). Transients can be be classified into two categories:<br />

“impulsive” and “oscillatory”:<br />

• Impulsive transients: Sudden, non-power frequency change in the steady<br />

state condition of the voltage, current or both<br />

• Oscillatory transients: Voltage or current whose instantaneous value<br />

changes polarity rapidly.<br />

2.2.7. Interruption<br />

In the European standard EN 50160 two terms are used (Nielsen et al., 2002):<br />

• Long interruptions: longer than three minutes.<br />

• Short interruptions: up to three minutes.<br />

Interruptions are typically caused by different types of faults e.g. malfunction<br />

of protection equipment or lightning. In a system without redundancy a fault often<br />

leads to a long interruption, which requires manual intervention. Short interruptions<br />

are often caused by automatic reclosing after a fault. Short interruptions below three<br />

minutes are normally considered a voltage quality problem. Interruptions are a severe<br />

power quality problem, but in a wide range of industrial countries interruptions occur<br />

very rare, because of redundancy and high maintenance of the grid (Nielsen et al.,<br />

2002).<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />

2.3. Power Quality Standards<br />

The specific characteristics of supply voltage have been defined in<br />

standards, which are used to determine the level of quality with reference to:<br />

frequency, voltage level, wave shape and symmetry of the three-phase voltage<br />

(Mofty et al., 2001). The IEEE 519-1992 and IEEE 1159-1995 describe the<br />

compatibility level required by equipment connected to the network, as well as<br />

the limits of emissions from the devices (IEEE Std. 519, 1992; IEEE Std.1159,<br />

1995). The characteristic properties of disturbances are shown in Table 2.1.<br />

Table 2.1. Typical characteristics of voltage disturbances<br />

Disturbance Typical Voltage Typical Duration<br />

Type Magnitude<br />

Sag 0.1-0.9 pu 0.5-30 cycle<br />

Swell 1.1-1.8 pu 0.5-30 cycle<br />

Flicker 0-1 % Steady state<br />


2. POWER QUALITY Mustafa İNCİ<br />

• Lightning and surge arresters<br />

• Thyristor Based Static Switches<br />

• Energy Storage Systems<br />

• Electronic tap changing transformer<br />

• Harmonic Filter<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR<br />

3.1. Introduction<br />

Among the power quality problems, voltage sags and swells are the most<br />

significant disturbances. In order to overcome these problems, power electronic<br />

converter based custom power devices are introduced recently. Inside of these<br />

devices, the dynamic voltage restorer is the most efficient and economical device to<br />

protect sensitive loads from voltage sags and swells.<br />

3.2. Power Circuit and Topologies<br />

DVR is a series connected device located between sensitive load and grid in<br />

system, it both detects voltage sag/swell problems and injects controlled voltage to<br />

system. Additionally, it can be used for harmonics compensation and transient<br />

reduction in voltage and fault current limitations in available literature. To perform<br />

these processes, DVR injects a controlled voltage in series with the supply voltage in<br />

phase via injection transformer to restore the power quality.<br />

The basic structure of a conventional DVR is shown in Figure 3.1. It can be<br />

divided into four categories: inverter, dc-link capacitor, filter and injection<br />

transformer. An inverter system is used to convert dc storage into ac form. Passive<br />

filter is responsible for eliminating the unwanted harmonic components generated in<br />

inverter. In this way, it converts inverter pwm output to sinusoidal waveform.<br />

Another component, energy storage unit such as batteries, supercapacitors, SMES<br />

etc. is used to provide energy requirement in DC form. Lastly, transformer injects<br />

controlled voltage and provides isolation between load and the system.<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

3.2.1. Operation of DVR<br />

Dynamic voltage restorers (DVRs) are considered effective custom power<br />

devices for mitigating the impacts of upstream voltage disturbances on sensitive<br />

loads. The disturbances include voltage distortions and/or sudden changes in loadterminal<br />

voltage, in the form of sags or swells. By injecting a compensating voltage<br />

in series with the sensitive load terminal voltage during the disturbances, a DVR can<br />

maintain the load voltage at the desired amplitude and waveform. In the course of the<br />

compensation, however, a DVR will inevitably inject (absorb) a certain amount of<br />

active power to (from) the external system. The amount of the power exchange will<br />

dictate the severity of the sag/swell that can be ridden through by the load and the<br />

rating of the energy storage device required to undertake the task. In fact, by<br />

choosing an appropriate amplitude and phase angle of the DVR output injection<br />

voltage, one can control the injected/absorbed power such that compensation with<br />

zero or minimum power injection can be realised. This means either the minimum<br />

power-rating energy storage device can be incorporated into the design or the<br />

maximum load ride-through can be achieved with the given energy-storage capacity<br />

(Li et al., 2007).<br />

The intention is only to protect one consumer or a group of consumers with<br />

value added power. Applying a DVR in the medium or low voltage distribution<br />

system would often be possible and a radial grid structure is the only type of system<br />

considered here. In Europe three wire systems are common in the medium voltage<br />

systems and four wires in low voltage systems. In both systems the main purpose is<br />

to inject synchronous voltages during symmetrical faults and in some cases inject an<br />

inverse voltage component during non-symmetrical faults (Oğuz et al., 2004). A<br />

typical DVR connected system circuit at medium voltage (MV) distribution network<br />

is shown in Figure 3.2. The DVR essentially consists of a series connected injection<br />

transformer, a voltage source inverter (VSI), inverter output filter and an energy<br />

storage device connected to the dc link. The high voltage (HV) power system<br />

upstream to the DVR is represented by an equivalent voltage source which is<br />

transformed to MV level by a step-down transformer. The basic operation principle<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

of the DVR is to inject an appropriate voltage in series with the supply through<br />

injection transformer when a PCC voltage sag is detected. MV loads or low voltage<br />

(LV) loads connected downstream after another step-down transformer are thus<br />

protected from the PCC voltage sag (Li et al., 2007).<br />

Figure 3.2. DVR connected in a medium voltage level power system<br />

Implemented at medium voltage level, the DVR can be used for high power<br />

applications or to protect a group of MV or LV consumers who would expect<br />

reduced costs per MVA by operating at MV level. But this implementation at<br />

medium voltage level also subjects the DVR to more frequent faults in the<br />

downstream load side. Large fault currents will flow through the DVR during a<br />

downstream fault before the opening of a circuit breaker. This large fault current will<br />

cause PCC voltage drop, which would affect the MV or LV loads on the other<br />

feeders connected to PCC (Figure 3.2). Furthermore, if not controlled properly, DVR<br />

might also contribute to the PCC voltage sag in the process of compensating the<br />

missing voltage, thus further worsening the fault situation. During downstream<br />

faults, passive control methods are often used to protect the DVR by enabling a<br />

bypass circuit (usually a slow mechanical bypass together with a fast solid-state<br />

switch), while allowing a large fault current to flow which could cause PCC voltage<br />

to drop. Compared to the passive protection of DVR, active control of DVR during a<br />

downstream fault makes the additional protection circuits unnecessary and the<br />

implementation easy. But the disadvantage is the requirement of higher<br />

compensation capacity from the DVR (Li et al., 2007).<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

3.2.2. Use of Converters in DVR<br />

Numerous circuit topologies which are used for different functions are<br />

available for the DVR. These are: inverters, rectifiers, AC-AC converters and DC-<br />

DC converters.<br /> Inverters<br />

The most common inverter topologies are the two- or three-level three-phase<br />

converter where the dc-side capacitor(s) is connected alternately to all ac phases. The<br />

purpose of this capacitor is to mainly absorb harmonic ripple and, hence, it has a<br />

relatively small energy storage requirement, particularly when operating in balanced<br />

conditions. The size of this capacitor has to be increased, if needed, to provide<br />

voltage support in unbalanced conditions. Also, since the capacitor is shared between<br />

the three phases, sag on only one phase may cause a distortion in the injected current<br />

waveforms on the other phases (Al-Hadidi et al., 2008).<br />

Another popular converter topology is the H-bridge cascade inverter. A single<br />

phase of this converter is shown in Figure 3.3. Converters with this topology are<br />

suitable in power systems applications due to their ability to synthesize waveforms<br />

with reduced lower order harmonics and to attain higher voltages with a limited<br />

maximum device rating. The principal of operation for this topology is that each<br />

capacitor can be connected by means of the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)<br />

switches so that its voltage contributes positively or negatively or not at all to the<br />

output waveform. This makes the control more complex in comparison with<br />

conventional two- or three-level converters. However, in contrast to such<br />

conventional topologies, the multilevel offers the following significant advantages<br />

(Al-Hadidi et al., 2008).<br />

1) Modularized circuit layout and packaging are possible because each level<br />

has the same structure. Increasing or reducing the number of modules permits the<br />

converter to be designed for any arbitrary voltage level in a straightforward manner.<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

This also allows for the removal of the series transformer, thereby reducing size and<br />

cost.<br />

2) Each bridge can be controlled independently permitting efficient singlephase<br />

voltage compensation.<br />

3) The aspect of particular interest in this paper is the inherent energy storage<br />

capability of the capacitors which makes this topology ideal for the transient<br />

injection of real power. It is true that the H-bridge cascade topology requires larger<br />

capacitors due to second harmonics ripple on the capacitors, which could be seen as a<br />

disadvantage in comparison with traditional two- or three-level three-phase<br />

converters. However, the larger capacitors also provide additional energy storage<br />

capability which, if exploited, could turn this disadvantage into an advantage. The<br />

principle contribution of this paper is to devise a new control method that exploits<br />

the inherent stored energy of the capacitors in the most efficient manner to prolong<br />

the duration over which large unbalanced sags can be compensated (Al-Hadidi et al.,<br />

2008).<br />

Figure 3.3. H-Bridge Inverter<br />

A multilevel converter was proposed to increase the converter operation<br />

voltage, avoiding the series connection of switching elements. However, the<br />

multilevel converter is complex to form the output voltage and requires too many<br />

back-connection diodes or flying capacitors (Han et al., 2006).<br />

For higher power applications, power-electronic devices are usually<br />

connected to the medium-voltage (MV) grid and the use of two-level voltage<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

converters becomes difficult to justify owing to the high voltages that the switches<br />

must block (Roncero-Sánchez et al., 2009).<br />

One solution is to use multilevel voltage-source converters which allow high<br />

power-handling capability with lower harmonic distortion and lower switching<br />

power losses than the two-level converter (Roncero-Sánchez et al., 2009).<br />

Among the different topologies of multilevel converters, the most popular<br />

are: neutral-point-clamped converters (NPC), flying-capacitor converters (FC), and<br />

cascaded-multimodular H-bridge converters. NPC converters require clamping<br />

diodes and are prone to voltage imbalances in their dc capacitors. The H-bridge<br />

converter limitations are the large number of individual inverters and the number of<br />

isolated dc voltage sources required. The main drawback of FC converters is that the<br />

number of capacitors increases with the number of levels in the output voltage.<br />

However, they offer more flexibility in the choice of switching combinations,<br />

allowing more control of the voltage balance in the dc capacitors. Furthermore, the<br />

extension of a converter to a higher level one, beyond three levels, is easier in FC<br />

converters than in NPC converters, which makes the FC topology more attractive<br />

(Roncero-Sánchez et al., 2009).<br /> Rectifier<br />

AC to DC converter is used to convert AC into DC form. The topology used<br />

in dynamic voltage restorer is diode rectifier. Installation of a diode-bridge rectifier<br />

circuitry to the DVR provides an economical means for the dc-link to negotiate<br />

active power. Unfortunately, this DVR configuration only allows unidirectional<br />

power flow from the diode-bridge rectifier circuitry to the inverter. When swell or<br />

overvoltage occurs in the power distribution lines, the conventional in-phase and<br />

phase-invariant voltage injection schemes cause inverters to absorb active power<br />

from the lines, which charges up the dc storage capacitors and increases their voltage<br />

levels. Excess dc-link voltage rise will damage the dc storage capacitors and<br />

switching devices. Moreover, the rise in dc-link voltage will nonlinearly increase<br />

switching loss and lowers the DVR’s system efficiency (Lam et al., 2008).<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 3.4. DVR with no energy storage and supply-side-connected rectifier<br />

Figure 3.5. DVR with no energy storage and load-side-connected rectifier<br />

The following significant difference exists in operation between rectifiers in<br />

Figs. 3.4 and 3.5 during the occurrence of voltage sags. In Figure 3.4, a voltage drop<br />

appears at the source side or at the ac terminals of the rectifier. As a result, the<br />

rectifier losses its rectification capability when the maximal source voltage gets<br />

lower than the dc-link voltage. Therefore, the series converter requires a large dc<br />

capacitor as an energy-storage element intended for feeding electric dc power to the<br />

series converter (Jimichi et al., 2008).<br />

On the other hand, no voltage drop appears at the load side or at the ac<br />

terminals of the rectifier in Figure 3.5, because the series converter compensates for<br />

voltage sags. This makes it possible to keep the rectifier active in regulating the dclink<br />

voltage, even for the duration of voltage sags. In this case, the electric power<br />

required for voltage-sag compensation comes from the rectifier to the series<br />

converter. In other words, the dc capacitor does not play any role in feeding the<br />

electric power required for compensation to the series converter. Thus, the DVR in<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

phase itself further worsens the severity of the sag. Additionally, these schemes<br />

cannot provide phase correction, as sags are generally accompanied by phase jumps<br />

(Subramanian et al., 2010).<br />

3.2.3. Energy Storage<br />

Energy storage is required to provide real power to the load when large<br />

voltage sags take place. Examples of energy storage are lead-acid batteries, flywheel,<br />

superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), etc. For SMES, batteries and<br />

capacitors, which are dc devices, solid-state inverters are used in the power<br />

conversion system to accept and deliver power. For flywheels, which have rotating<br />

components, ac-to-ac conversion is performed. The energy storage devices used for<br />

this study are lead-acid batteries. Batteries provide rapid response for either charge or<br />

discharge, but the discharge rate is limited by chemical reaction rates so that the<br />

available energy depends on the discharge rate. Generally, the DVR has several<br />

operating states (Zhan et al., 2001).<br />

1) When a voltage sag/swell occurs on the line, the DVR responds by<br />

injecting three single-phase voltages in synchronism with the network voltages. Each<br />

phase of the injected voltages can be controlled independently or together in<br />

magnitude and phase. The DVR draws active power from batteries and supplies this<br />

together with reactive power to the load (Zhan et al., 2001).<br />

2) When the voltage supply is operating under normal conditions, the DVR<br />

operates in a standby mode if the battery is fully charged; or the DVR operates in the<br />

self-charging control mode if the batteries need to be recharged (Zhan et al., 2001).<br />

3) In the event of a fault or short circuit downstream, the DVR (specifically,<br />

the VSI) must be protected against overcurrent flowing through the power<br />

semiconductor switches. The rating of the DVR inverters is the limiting factor for<br />

normal load current seen in the primary windings and reflected in the secondary<br />

windings of the series insertion transformer. For line currents exceeding the inverter<br />

rating, a bypass scheme is incorporated to protect the power electronics (Zhan et al.,<br />

2001).<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

3.2.4. Injection Transformer<br />

The main purpose of the injection transformer is to boost the voltage supplied<br />

by the filtered VSC output to the desired level while isolating the Series<br />

Compensator circuit from the distribution network (Perera et al., 2006). The<br />

injection transformers not only reduce the voltage requirement of the inverters,<br />

but also provide isolation (Ghosh et al., 2002). In addition, the injection<br />

transformer is a special purpose transformer that has the ability to limit the<br />

coupling of noise and transient energy from the primary side to the secondary<br />

side (Zhan et al., 2001).<br />

The MVA rating is determined by using power calculation equation by<br />

(3.1) and (3.2). VDVR<br />

is the primary voltage of the injection transformer and V<br />

DVR, max<br />

is the voltage rating of injection transformer.<br />

DVR = V<br />

VA, rating dvrIload<br />

(3.1)<br />

V<br />

DVR<br />

VA,<br />

rating<br />

dvr, max<br />

= (3.2)<br />

Iload<br />

By using (3.1) and (3.2), the depth of voltage sag which can be compensated<br />

is calculated in (3.3)<br />

V<br />

V<br />

dvr,max<br />

sag, pu<br />

= 0 ≤<br />

sag, pu<br />

≤ 1<br />

Vsource<br />

V (3.3)<br />

During a voltage sag compensation, the load voltage is maintained at 1 p.u.<br />

The maximum DVR injected voltage (defined by the DVR VA rating) is<br />

V<br />

DVRVA,<br />

rating 0.4<br />

= = 0. pu<br />

(3.4)<br />

I 0.1<br />

DVR, max<br />

= 4<br />

load<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

This is more than the DVR voltage rating (0.5p.u.), therefore the device is<br />

voltage limited i.e. V DVR , max<br />

= 0. 5pu<br />

. The lower limit of the retained supply=0.9p.u.–<br />

0.4p.u.=0.5 p.u. (Ramachandaramurthy et al., 2004).<br />

The equivalent circuit of the conventional DVR shown in Figure 3.1 is<br />

illustrated using Figure 3.8. From Figure 3.1, it is quite clear that the voltage on the<br />

load side of the DVR is given by<br />

V = V + V<br />

(3.5)<br />

L<br />

S<br />

DVR<br />

i<br />

f<br />

s s p p<br />

inv<br />

f<br />

filter<br />

M<br />

DVR<br />

S<br />

Load<br />

(a)<br />

L<br />

filter<br />

transformer<br />

n 2 R i<br />

n V inv<br />

n 2 L f<br />

n 2 Rs n 2 Ls Rp<br />

Lp<br />

n 2 C<br />

ZM<br />

f<br />

n V filter<br />

V DVR<br />

V S<br />

Load<br />

(b)<br />

V L<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Load<br />

Figure 3.8. (a), (b) and (c) Equivalent circuit of system shown in Figure 3.1<br />

(c)<br />

By using equivalent circuit, the injected voltage<br />

can be written as<br />

V<br />

DVR<br />

Z<br />

= M<br />

nV<br />

filter<br />

Req<br />

+ jωL<br />

(3.6)<br />

eq<br />

The relationship between and can be expressed as<br />

V<br />

filter<br />

Z<br />

1<br />

jωC<br />

= C<br />

f<br />

=<br />

Vinv<br />

=<br />

ZC<br />

+ Ri<br />

+ Z 1<br />

L + Ri<br />

+ jωL<br />

2<br />

f<br />

jωC<br />

f<br />

V<br />

inv<br />

( 1−<br />

ω L<br />

f<br />

C<br />

f<br />

) + jRiωC<br />

f<br />

(3.7)<br />

By using (3.6) and (3.7), can be rearranged in (3.8) and (3.9)<br />

V<br />

Z<br />

V<br />

ω +<br />

= M<br />

DVR<br />

n<br />

Req<br />

+ j L<br />

2<br />

eq<br />

inv<br />

( 1−<br />

ω L<br />

f<br />

C<br />

f<br />

) jωRiC<br />

f<br />

Z<br />

M<br />

V<br />

( R + jω L )( [ 1−<br />

ω L C ) + jωR C ] inv<br />

= n<br />

2<br />

eq eq<br />

f<br />

f<br />

i<br />

f<br />

(3.8)<br />

V<br />

DVR<br />

= NV inv<br />

(3.9)<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

In (3.10), actual voltage ratio between and can be explained<br />

N<br />

Z<br />

= n<br />

2<br />

eq eq<br />

M<br />

( R + jω L )( [ 1−<br />

ω L C ) + jωR C ]<br />

f<br />

f<br />

i<br />

f<br />

(3.10)<br />

When the source voltage varies, is maintained by the injection voltage<br />

from the DVR. As effective DVR voltage sag periods, the load current I<br />

L<br />

will<br />

be maintained constant. Considering that the magnetization impedance<br />

Z<br />

M<br />

of the<br />

series transformer is much larger than the transformer is much larger than the<br />

transformer series resistance and leakage reactance, it can be concluded that the<br />

voltage drop<br />

∆Vp<br />

caused by the transformer is ∆ V p<br />

= ( R eq<br />

+ jωL<br />

eq<br />

) I L<br />

, where<br />

R<br />

eq<br />

2<br />

2<br />

= Rp<br />

+ n Rs<br />

, Leq<br />

Lp<br />

+ n Ls<br />

= . The magnitude of the voltage drop is<br />

( R eq<br />

+ jωL<br />

eq<br />

) I L<br />

∆ V p<br />

=<br />

. Clearly, ∆Vp<br />

will contribute toward a reduction in the load<br />

voltage. Also the associated active power loss due to the transformer<br />

I 2<br />

eq L<br />

R exists at<br />

all time. Hence to reduce the voltage drop and power loss due to the transformer it is<br />

desirable that its short-circuit impedance<br />

means a more costly transformer (Li et al., 2002).<br />

R<br />

eq<br />

+ jωL<br />

is kept as low as possible. This<br />

eq<br />

3.2.5. Filter<br />

The semiconductor switching devices are used in wide variety of industrial<br />

loads. The non-linear characteristics of semiconductor devices cause distorted<br />

waveforms associated with harmonics. To overcome this problem and providing<br />

clean electrical supply filter unit is used (Choi et al., 2002; Li et al., 2001). The<br />

purpose of any of the filtering schemes is for the attenuation of the high-order<br />

harmonics due to the inverter switching (Choi et al, 2000). Two filtering methods are<br />

presented in literature: line side and inverter side.<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

V<br />

V<br />

load<br />

inv<br />

2<br />

= 1/ L<br />

f<br />

C<br />

f<br />

ω f<br />

=<br />

2<br />

2<br />

s + sR / L + 1/ L C s + 2ξ<br />

ω s + ω<br />

(3.11)<br />

f<br />

f<br />

f<br />

f<br />

f<br />

f<br />

2<br />

f<br />

Figure 3.10. Inverter-side filter in DVR<br />

From (3.11), and can be written in (3.12):<br />

ξ<br />

f<br />

=<br />

R<br />

C<br />

f f<br />

2 L<br />

f<br />

,<br />

1<br />

ω<br />

f<br />

=<br />

(3.12)<br />

C L<br />

f<br />

f<br />

The resistance<br />

R<br />

f<br />

is a sum of the series resistance of the filter inductor<br />

and the equivalent resistance of the inverter switches. For a given filter cutoff<br />

frequencyω , infinite combinations of the filter inductance and the filter capacitance<br />

f<br />

L<br />

f<br />

are possible. When the proportion of<br />

C / L is designed large, the filter damping<br />

f<br />

f<br />

coefficient<br />

ξ<br />

f<br />

can be increased, and the disturbance rejection against the load<br />

current may be also increased. However, the inverter current may contain high<br />

ripples which results in larger inverter size. Therefore, the proportion of C / L has<br />

certain limitation (Kim et al., 2004).<br />

Figure 3.10 shows the single line equivalent circuit of inverter side LC filter<br />

in DVR. V<br />

inv<br />

and V<br />

load<br />

represents the voltage on the output of inverter and load. Z<br />

L<br />

f<br />

f<br />

is equivalent impedance in section of load and its equivalent value is<br />

R + jωL<br />

.<br />

L<br />

L<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

The basic principle behind the design of the filter is to provide a shunt path<br />

for the harmonic current and a series impedance to carry the harmonic voltages. To<br />

achieve this goal, the capacitor should be chosen to satisfy (Choi, et al., 2002):<br />

Z = K Z , K >> 1<br />

(3.13)<br />

Load ( m)<br />

f Cf ( m)<br />

f<br />

Where Z − j ( m C)<br />

(<br />

>> / ω andω 0<br />

= 2πf<br />

0,<br />

f0<br />

, represents the fundamental<br />

cf m)<br />

0<br />

frequency, and<br />

is the order of the lowest harmonics to be attenuated. From Figure<br />

3.10, let V<br />

inv(n)<br />

and V<br />

L(n)<br />

represent the respective nth order harmonic voltages on the<br />

inverter and load-side of the L-C filter and n=m,m+1,m+2,m+,,,,,M. M is the order of<br />

the highest harmonics to be attenuated. By using (3.13), we can obtain the following<br />

relationship:<br />

V = K V<br />

(3.14)<br />

load ( n)<br />

( n)<br />

inv(<br />

n)<br />

2<br />

Where = 1/ ( n ) LC 1)<br />

K n<br />

ω . Thus,<br />

( )<br />

0<br />

−<br />

1<br />

1+<br />

K(<br />

n)<br />

L = (3.15)<br />

2<br />

( nω<br />

) C<br />

0<br />

From (3.13), it is obvious that for a given<br />

Z<br />

load<br />

, C is directly proportional to<br />

K<br />

f<br />

. Thus, a suitable value for C can be obtained by the selection of an appropriate<br />

value for K . Furthermore, (3.14) means that, in order to reduce the nth order<br />

f<br />

harmonic voltage with rms value from V<br />

inv(n)<br />

to V<br />

load (n)<br />

, the inductor of the filter can<br />

be chosen according to (3.15) once the capacitor value C is given and K<br />

(n)<br />

is chosen<br />

according to (3.14). Indeed, it will be shown in the next section that the voltage<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

harmonic distortions on the load-side of the DVR can be reduced to a permissible<br />

level with a properly selected value of K<br />

(n)<br />

, where n=m(Choi, et al., 2002).<br />

3.3. Control of DVR<br />

The main purpose of the control system is to maintain a constant voltage<br />

magnitude at the side where a sensitive load is connected, under sag/swell<br />

conditions. The control strategy is a fairly critical issue in DVR. All control<br />

strategies consist of five stages which are called as sag/swell detection, operation<br />

mode, voltage injection strategy, reference voltage generation and gate signal<br />

generation.<br />

3.3.1. Sag/swell detection<br />

In control strategy, for the calculation of reference signals to achieve voltage<br />

sag/swell compensation, instantaneous voltage signals need to be measured.<br />

Instrumentation transformers and Hall-effect sensors are used to measure the voltage<br />

signals in system. Then, these measured signals are used to generate the reference<br />

signals for sag/swell compensation.<br />

3.3.2. Operation Mode<br />

The phase angle and amplitude of the injected voltage are variable<br />

during sag. This will allow the control of active and reactive power exchange<br />

between the DVR and the distribution system. Generally , the operation of the<br />

DVR can be categorized into three operation mode: protection mode, standby<br />

mode (during steady state) and injection mode (during sag) (Teke, 2005).<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br /> Protection Mode<br />

If the current on the load side exceeds a permissible limit due to a short<br />

circuit on the load or large inrush current, the DVR will be isolated from the systems<br />

by using the bypass switches as shown in Figure 3.11, S2 and S3 will open and S1<br />

will be closed to provide an alternative path for the load current (Shazly et al., 2013).<br />

Figure 3.11. Scheme of the protection mode<br /> Standby Mode<br />

In the standby mode, the injection transformer’s secondary winding is shorted<br />

through the converter. The structure of standby mode is shown in Figure 3.12. This<br />

mode is preferred in steady-state conditions due to the voltage drops born of<br />

transformer reactance.<br />

Figure 3.12. Scheme of the standby mode<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

If the distribution circuit is weak there is need to inject small compensation<br />

voltage to operate correctly. During short circuit operation, the injected voltages and<br />

magnetic fluxes are virtually zero thereby full load current pass through the primary.<br />

The DVR will be most of the time in normal mode operation. During standby mode<br />

normal operation), the short circuit impedance of the injection transformer<br />

determines the voltage drop across the DVR (Teke, 2005).<br /> Injection Mode<br />

The primary function of Dynamic Voltage Restorer is compensating voltage<br />

disturbances on distribution system. To achieve compensation, three single-phase ac<br />

voltages are injected in series with required magnitude, phase and wave shape. The<br />

types of voltage sags, load conditions and power rating of DVR will determine the<br />

possibility of compensating voltage sag (Teke, 2005).<br />

3.3.3. Voltage Injection Strategies<br />

The way in which the dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) is used during the<br />

voltage injection mode depends upon several limiting factors such as: DVR power<br />

rating, load conditions, and voltage-sag type. For example, some loads are sensitive<br />

to phase-angel jumps, some others are sensitive to a change in voltage magnitude and<br />

some others are tolerant to all these disturbances. Therefore the control strategies to<br />

be applied depend upon the load characteristics (Shazly et al., 2013). There are four<br />

different methods of DVR voltage injection strategies:<br />

• Pre-sag compensation<br />

• In-phase compensation<br />

• In-phase advanced compensation<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br /> Pre-sag compensation<br />

The pre-sag compensation method tracks supply voltage continuously load<br />

voltage during a fault to restore the pre-fault condition. Figure 3.13 shows the singlephase<br />

vector diagram of the pre-sag compensation. In this method, the load voltage<br />

can be restored ideally, but injected active power cannot be controlled and is<br />

determined by external conditions such as the type of faults and load condition (Quirl<br />

et al., 2006).<br />

Figure 3.13. Vector diagram of pre-sag compensation<br /> In-phase compensation<br />

As already mentioned, the pre-sag compensation does not lead to a minimized<br />

voltage amplitude. This can be realized with the in-phase strategy, which is designed<br />

to control the DVR with a minimum output voltage. In Figure 3.14, the voltages for<br />

this strategy are depicted. In contrast to the pre-sag version, the voltage is now<br />

compensated in phase to the grid voltage after the sag. Hence, the required voltage<br />

amplitude is minimized, but the phase jump is not compensated (Meyer et al., 2008).<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 3.14. Vector diagram of in-phase compensation<br />

In most cases, a voltage sag leads to a phase jump, therefore the distortions<br />

due to phase changes are not minimized. As a consequence, a phase jump will be<br />

applied to at the load, leading to transients and circulating currents. Thus, if a<br />

sensitive load must be secured, the in-phase compensation cannot be used, be-cause<br />

it could lead to the tripping of sensitive loads. Note that, to realize this strategy, the<br />

PLL has to be synchronized to the grid voltage itself, and therefore, must not be<br />

locked to the pre-sag grid voltage during the compensation (Meyer et al., 2008).<br /> Phase advance compensation<br />

In this method the real power spent by DVR is minimized by decreasing the<br />

power angle between the sag voltage and the load current. In the two previous cases,<br />

namely pre -sag and in-phase compensation, active power is injected into the system<br />

by the DVR during disturbances. Moreover, the active power supplied is limited to<br />

the stored energy in the DC link and this part is one of the most expensive parts of<br />

the DVR. The minimization of injected energy is achieved by making the injection<br />

voltage phasor perpendicular to the load current phasor (Shazly et al., 2013).<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 3.15. Phasor diagram of the phase advance compensation method<br />

In this method the values of load current and voltage are fixed in the system<br />

so one can change only the phase of the sag voltage. In short, PAC method uses only<br />

reactive power and unfortunately, not all the sags can be mitigated without real<br />

power, as a consequence, this method is only suitable for a limited sag range (Shazly<br />

et al., 2013).<br />

3.3.4. Reference Voltage Generation<br />

Reference signals are generated using time domain and frequency domain<br />

methods in literature. Frequency domain methods use Fourier Transform (FT) to<br />

generate reference signals. Even though it enables selective harmonic elimination<br />

and provides to generate reference signals rapidly, it has main drawbacks such as<br />

requirement at least one cycle to estimate the reference current and control<br />

complexity compared to control methods in time domain. Synchronous Reference<br />

Frame (SRF) and P-q-r (IRPT) are the most common and popular control techniques<br />

to determine the reference signals based on time-domain. RMS (Average) Magnitude<br />

Detector, Recursive Weighted Least Square Method, Modified Delta Rule Method,<br />

Kalman Filter, EPLL are another methods to generate reference voltages in dynamic<br />

voltage restorer. Besides, SOGIPLL is performed and analyzed to extract reference<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

signal firstly. In this thesis, EPLL, SRF and SOGI-PLL methods which are<br />

comprehensively expressed in Chapter 4 are used to generate reference values.<br />

3.3.5. Voltage Control Methods<br />

The accuracy and dynamic behavior of the pulse width modulation and<br />

voltage drop due to switching devices and passive components in DVR directly<br />

affects the injected voltage generated by DVR. In available literature, there are two<br />

voltage control systems used in the DVR applications: open loop and closed loop.<br /> Open Loop<br />

Usually, the control voltage of the DVR is derived by comparing the<br />

incoming supply voltage against a desired reference voltage. Although system<br />

stability is guaranteed in this type of control, damping is poor, and the stability<br />

margin may not be sufficient in the presence of inverter-side filter (Vilathgamuwa et<br />

al., 2006). In this method, the control signal , is simply compared supply voltage<br />

against a reference voltage.<br />

Figure 3.16. Open Loop Control Method<br />

V<br />

i<br />

i<br />

( V −V<br />

)<br />

= k<br />

(3.16)<br />

ref<br />

s<br />

In this control system, the voltage at source side of the DVR is compared with<br />

the voltage at load-side reference voltage. Error between source-side and load-side<br />

voltages is used to compare with a triangle signal in PWM module.<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

For a practical DVR system, it can be shown that the nondominant real root<br />

3 2<br />

(pole) of the system characteristics equation a1 os<br />

+ a2os<br />

+ a3<br />

os<br />

+ a4o<br />

is<br />

2<br />

2<br />

approximately located at − ( r + n r )/( L + n L )<br />

equation can be factorized as (Vilathgamuwa et al., 2006).<br />

l<br />

t<br />

L<br />

t<br />

. Therefore the characteristics<br />

a<br />

2<br />

2 2<br />

( L + n L ) s + ( r + n r ) ( s + b s )<br />

3 2<br />

1 o<br />

s a2os<br />

+ a3os<br />

+ a4o<br />

≈ b10<br />

l t l t<br />

}<br />

20<br />

+<br />

+ { b (3.20)<br />

30<br />

and by equating the coefficients on both sides, the coefficients b<br />

10<br />

, b20,<br />

b30<br />

, ,<br />

and b40<br />

can be determined. They are given in the Appendix (Vilathgamuwa et al.,<br />

2006).<br />

The expressions for b<br />

10<br />

, b20,<br />

b30<br />

reveal that the locations of the remaining two<br />

complex and dominant poles depend on the filter, load, and the series transformer<br />

parameters. Indeed further analysis will show that the real part of the poles is equal<br />

to<br />

− r / 2L<br />

f<br />

f<br />

. As a safeguard against voltage sag, the DVR is expected to be on-line<br />

at all time so that there is minimal delay in providing the voltage support as and<br />

when it is needed. Hence it is desirable that the restorer has low loss and thus the<br />

filter resistance r(f) is kept to as low a value as practicable. This could mean that the<br />

dominant complex poles are located very close to the imaginary axis. Therefore the<br />

transient response of the distribution system following a sag behaves very much like<br />

a second-order system with natural damping frequency of ω<br />

n0<br />

given by<br />

(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2006).<br />

r + n r + n r 1<br />

ω (3.21)<br />

2 2<br />

l t f<br />

n0 =<br />

≈<br />

2<br />

( rl<br />

+ n rt<br />

) L<br />

f<br />

C<br />

f<br />

L<br />

f<br />

C<br />

f<br />

As<br />

r<br />

l<br />

2<br />

2<br />

>> n rt<br />

and rl<br />

n rf<br />

>> .<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

V<br />

i<br />

i<br />

[ k ( V −V<br />

) + k k ( V −V<br />

) − i ]<br />

= k<br />

{ }<br />

(3.22)<br />

f<br />

ref<br />

s<br />

c<br />

v<br />

ref<br />

l<br />

c<br />

The load side voltage for this control configuration is given by (3.23)<br />

Vload<br />

Gclose<br />

1<br />

Vref<br />

+ Gclose2<br />

= V<br />

(3.23)<br />

s<br />

Where G<br />

close1<br />

is the closed-loop transfer function from the reference signal<br />

V<br />

ref<br />

to V<br />

load<br />

while G<br />

close2<br />

is the closed-loop transfer function from the supply voltage<br />

V<br />

s<br />

to V<br />

load<br />

. These transfer functions (3.24) and (3.25) (Vilathgamuwa et al., 2002) :<br />

G<br />

( nk k k + nk )( L s + r )<br />

i c v i l l<br />

close1 ( s)<br />

= (3.24)<br />

3<br />

2<br />

a1<br />

ncvs<br />

+ a2ncvs<br />

+ a3ncvs<br />

+ a4ncv<br />

G<br />

close 2<br />

( s)<br />

LL C s +<br />

2<br />

( L r + Lr + kk L ) C s + ( r rC + (1−<br />

nk)<br />

L + kk rC ) s+<br />

( 1−nk)<br />

3<br />

l f f f l l f i c l f f l f i l i c l f<br />

i l<br />

= (3.25)<br />

3 2<br />

a1<br />

ncvs<br />

+ a2<br />

ncvs<br />

+ a3<br />

ncvs<br />

+ a4<br />

ncv<br />

r<br />

Following a similar analysis as in open loop control method, it can be seen<br />

the real root of the characteristics equation can be approximately located at<br />

−<br />

2<br />

2<br />

( r + n r )/( L + n L )<br />

l<br />

t<br />

L<br />

(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2006).<br />

t<br />

. Factorization of the characteristics equation yields<br />

2<br />

2 2<br />

( L + n L ) s + ( r + n r ) ( s + b s bncv)<br />

3 2<br />

a1 ncv<br />

s + a2ncvs<br />

+ a3<br />

ncvs<br />

+ a4ncv<br />

≈ b1<br />

ncv{ l t l t<br />

}<br />

2ncv<br />

+ (3.26)<br />

Where<br />

b b ncv 2ncv<br />

1<br />

, and b 3 ncv<br />

are given in the Appendix.<br />

The expressions for the coefficients<br />

b b ncv 2ncv<br />

1<br />

, and b 3 ncv<br />

show that the two<br />

dominant complex poles depend largely on the values of the filter inductance, filter<br />

resistance as well as the capacitor current loop gain k<br />

c<br />

. Furthermore it can be shown<br />

that the real part of these poles is − ( rf<br />

+ kikc<br />

)/<br />

2L<br />

f<br />

. This is a very useful feature<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

because there is now an additional flexibility in the design introduced by the factor<br />

k<br />

c<br />

. For a given<br />

k<br />

i<br />

, the value of<br />

k<br />

c<br />

can be chosen such that<br />

k k >> r and a<br />

corresponding increase in the real part of the complex poles is obtained. Thus the<br />

damping level can be increased with an increase of the capacitor current gain<br />

(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2006).<br />

The resulting system can be seen to have the natural damping frequency ω<br />

nncv<br />

i<br />

c<br />

f<br />

r + n r + n r + nk k k r<br />

1<br />

2 2<br />

l t f i c v l 1+<br />

nk k k<br />

ω<br />

nncv<br />

=<br />

≈<br />

== 1+<br />

nk k k . (3.27)<br />

i c v<br />

2<br />

i c v<br />

( rl<br />

+ n rt<br />

) Lf<br />

C<br />

f<br />

Lf<br />

C<br />

f<br />

Lf<br />

C<br />

f<br />

The natural damping frequency of the closed loop system is therefore<br />

approximately<br />

1 + nk k k times filter resonance frequency(Vilathgamuwa et al.,<br />

i<br />

c<br />

v<br />

2002).<br />

System damping and stability margin can be improved by properly selecting<br />

the gains k<br />

c<br />

and k<br />

v<br />

. These gains are determined for a given design specification by<br />

deriving transfer function between load and the reference voltage. Further analysis<br />

reveals that the increase of current gain<br />

tends to increase the damping level while<br />

the increase of voltage gain k<br />

v<br />

, tends to decrease it. As the feed forward gain<br />

presents only in the numerator of the transfer function it does not contribute to<br />

improve system damping and stability margin. However it can be independently<br />

adjusted to decrease steady state error of compensated load voltage. However it can<br />

be independently adjusted to decrease steady state error of compensated load voltage<br />

(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2006).<br />

k<br />

f<br />

,<br />

3.3.6. Gate Signal Generation<br />

Gate signals are used to control of the electrical switches in inverter. The rms<br />

value of output voltage in inverter is controlled by turning the solid-state devices.<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

There are several techniques to generate firing signals for solid-state devices in<br />

inverter. These techniques play important role in effective performance of dynamic<br />

voltage restorer. Pulse Width Modulation and Space Vector Modulation are the most<br />

common techniques which are used to generate gate signals.<br />


3. FUNDAMENTALS <strong>OF</strong> DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Table 4.1. Grid and load parameters of proposed system<br />

Grid Parameters<br />

Source<br />

Frequency<br />

Load Parameters<br />

Type<br />

Power rating<br />

Voltage rating<br />

Value<br />

11 kV three phase<br />

50 Hz<br />

Value<br />

Nonlinear six pulse rectifier<br />

1 MVA<br />

8 kV (dc)<br />

Figure 4.2.<br />

The circuit structure of six pulse rectifier used in proposed DVR is shown in<br />

Figure 4.2. Three-phase uncontrolled six pulse rectifier<br />

4.2. Power Circuit Design of DVR Components<br />

The power circuit of the proposed Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)<br />

topology in a three phase system is shown in Figure 4.4. It connected between<br />

three phase sources and nonlinear load. As seen from the Figure 4.2, there are three<br />

main elements, which are considered in the design of a DVR.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

• Inverter Circuit<br />

• Output Filter<br />

• DC-DC Converter<br />

4.2.1. Design of Inverter Circuit<br />

The inverter circuit is used to inject controlled voltage and maintain the<br />

desired output voltage. The injected voltage is generated by accurately controlling<br />

the switches in the inverter. The most common inverter topologies are the two- or<br />

three-level three-phase converter used in DVR. Another popular converter topology<br />

is the H-bridge cascade inverter. For higher power applications, the use of two-level<br />

voltage converters becomes difficult to perform because of switch ratings and<br />

efficiencies. One solution is to use multilevel voltage-source converters which allow<br />

high power-handling capability than the two level and H-bridge inverters.<br />

Figure 4.3. Single phase symmetrical five level diode clamped inverter<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Among the different topologies of multilevel converters, the most popular<br />

are: diode clamped inverters, flying-capacitor inverters, and cascade H-bridge<br />

inverters(Patil et al., 2012). An m-level diode-clamped multilevel inverter typically<br />

consists of m-1 capacitors on the dc bus and produces m levels of the phase<br />

voltage(Ozdemir et al., 2007). Figure 4.3 presents a single-phase diode-clamped<br />

inverter with two three-level legs. In this case, the dc-link is composed of two<br />

capacitors. For proper modulation and to avoid excessive voltage on switches, the<br />

voltage on the dc-link capacitors should be the same(Stala,2011).<br />

V<br />

p<br />

= V N<br />

(4.1)<br />

Proposed topology consists of two capacitors on dc bus and generates fivevoltage<br />

levels of phase voltage in inverter. Inverter structure consists of three single<br />

phase five level diode clamped inverter for each phases. In this wise, it can<br />

compensate balanced and unbalanced voltage sag/swell. Also, each diode clamped<br />

inverter generates five voltage level (-Vdc, -0.5Vdc, 0, 0.5Vdc,Vdc). The voltage<br />

levels and their corresponding switch states of inverter for each five level diode<br />

clamped inverter are shown in Table 4.2. State condition 1 means the switch is ON,<br />

and state 0 means the switch is off.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Table 4.2. Switch states of five level diode clamped inverter<br />

State G1 G2 G3 G4 Vout<br />

1 0 0 0 0 0<br />

2 0 0 0 1 -0.5<br />

3 0 0 1 0 0<br />

4 0 0 1 1 -1<br />

5 0 1 0 0 0.5<br />

6 0 1 0 1 0<br />

7 0 1 1 0 0<br />

8 0 1 1 1 -0.5<br />

9 1 0 0 0 0<br />

10 1 0 0 1 0<br />

11 1 0 1 0 0<br />

12 1 0 1 1 0<br />

13 1 1 0 0 1<br />

14 1 1 0 1 0.5<br />

15 1 1 1 0 0<br />

16 1 1 1 1 0<br />

Node “0” indicates grounding, “P” indicates positive terminal and “N” is the<br />

negative terminal in inverter. Switches ( G , G , G G )<br />

1 2 3,<br />

4<br />

are the main devices operating<br />

, , ,<br />

as modulating switche for the PWM. Switches ( , G , G G )<br />

,<br />

complementary switches of ( , G , G G )<br />

1 2 3,<br />

4<br />

G are the<br />

1 2 3<br />

,<br />

G as shown in Figure 4.3.<br />

DC link capacitor voltage is calculated as in (4.2):<br />

4<br />

2<br />

= sdepth<br />

(4.2)<br />

n 3<br />

V<br />

dc,min<br />

Vl−l<br />

, rms<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

In proposed system, and is determined to compensate voltage sag<br />

of 35% in (4.3):<br />

2<br />

V dc , min<br />

= 11kV<br />

× 0.4 ≅ 1. 572kV<br />

(4.3)<br />

2 3<br />

DC capacitor voltage V<br />

DC<br />

is determined as 1700 V; equivalent DC capacitor<br />

value is calculated as 25 mF.<br />

4.2.2. Design of Inverter Filter<br />

There are several types of filters. The simplest variant is filter inductor<br />

connected to the inverter's output. But also combinations with capacitors like LC or<br />

LCL can be used. The LC type inverter-side filter is used in this study and the<br />

equivalent circuit is depicted in Figure 4.4. It is second order filter and it has better<br />

damping behaviuor than L-filter. This simple configuration is easy to design and it<br />

works mostly without problems. The second order filter provides 12 dB per octave of<br />

attenuation after the cut-off frequency f 0<br />

, it has no gain before f 0<br />

, but it presents a<br />

peaking at the resonant frequency f 0<br />

(Lettl et al., 2011, Köroğlu, 2012).<br />

Figure 4.4. Equivalent Circuit for Inverter Side Filter<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

In this equivalent circuit,<br />

L<br />

f<br />

and<br />

C<br />

f<br />

constitute the single section LC filter;<br />

R<br />

f<br />

is used to damp the filter at the resonant frequency f 0<br />

. V<br />

inv<br />

represents the output<br />

voltage of the PWM inverter, i is the input current, a<br />

i<br />

c<br />

is the capacitor current, i o<br />

and V<br />

o<br />

are the output current and the output voltage of inverter side filter. Transfer<br />

function of the LC filter is expressed as (Köroğlu, 2012);<br />

V<br />

1<br />

L<br />

f<br />

s + R<br />

f<br />

s)<br />

= V ( )<br />

I ( s)<br />

2 inv<br />

s −<br />

o<br />

(4.4)<br />

L C s + R C s + 1 L C s + R C s + 1<br />

o<br />

(<br />

2<br />

f f f f<br />

f f<br />

f<br />

f<br />

Figure 4.5 shows the block diagram of single phase PWM inverter side filter<br />

according to the transfer function (Kim et al., 2000, Köroğlu, 2012).<br />

1<br />

L s +<br />

f<br />

R f<br />

1<br />

C f<br />

s<br />

Figure 4.5. Block Diagram of Single Phase PWM-VSI.<br />

In the conventional output filter design method, the output current i is 0<br />

treated as the disturbance and so it is neglected and the new transfer characteristic<br />

can be rewritten as (Kim et al., 2000, Köroğlu, 2012);<br />

Vo<br />

( s)<br />

H ( s)<br />

= =<br />

2<br />

V ( s)<br />

L C s<br />

inv<br />

f<br />

f<br />

1<br />

+ R C<br />

f<br />

f<br />

s + 1<br />

(4.5)<br />

While choosing the filtering system, the cut-off frequency f<br />

0<br />

of the filter<br />

should be minimally 10 times greater then grid frequency and simultaneously<br />

maximally one half of the converter switching frequency. The decrease of the power<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

factor caused by the filter capacitance should be lower than 5% (Lettl et al., 2011,<br />

Köroğlu et, 2012).<br />

Cut off frequency f<br />

0<br />

should be between 500 Hz and 1500 Hz where grid<br />

frequency is 50 Hz and PWM inverter switching frequency is 3000 Hz (Köroğlu,<br />

2012).<br />

f<br />

o<br />

1<br />

= (4.6)<br />

2π L C<br />

f<br />

f<br />

In order to achieve the proper<br />

L<br />

f<br />

and<br />

C<br />

f<br />

values, this time below equations<br />

should be satisfied (Acar, 2002; Choi et al., 2002).<br />

K<br />

V<br />

THD P<br />

V<br />

T<br />

= (4.7)<br />

K<br />

i<br />

M<br />

∑<br />

n=<br />

m<br />

M ⎛<br />

2<br />

V inv n<br />

⎞<br />

2<br />

( )<br />

V ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

o(<br />

n)<br />

= ∑<br />

< V<br />

2<br />

n m nwo L<br />

f<br />

C<br />

= ⎝ ( )<br />

f<br />

−1⎠<br />

2<br />

T<br />

(4.8)<br />

V<br />

inv<br />

4VDC<br />

( n)<br />

= (4.9)<br />

2 nπ<br />

In Equation 4.7, V<br />

T<br />

is the rms value of total harmonics voltage (per phase) on<br />

the high voltage-side of the injection transformer, K<br />

THD<br />

is the voltage THD for a 11<br />

kV system which can not be greater than 5.0%, K<br />

i<br />

is the turns ratio of the injection<br />

transformer, V<br />

p<br />

is the voltage on the high voltage side of the injection transformer.<br />

In Equation 4.6, V<br />

o( n)<br />

and V<br />

inv (n)<br />

are the n th order harmonic voltages on the<br />

output and input of inverter where n is the order of harmonics (n = m, m+1, m+2,....,<br />

M). V<br />

inv (n)<br />

can be obtained form Equation 4.6, in which VDC<br />

is the DC link voltage.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

L , C and<br />

f<br />

f<br />

R<br />

f<br />

values are determined according to above equations and<br />

using these values in the transfer characteristic obtained in Equation 4.6, bode plot is<br />

drawn. A Bode plot is a plot of the magnitude and phase of a transfer function or<br />

other complex valued quantity, vs. frequency. The magnitude plot is effectively a<br />

log-log plot, since the magnitude is expressed in decibels and the frequency axis is<br />

logarithmic (Erickson et al., 2000, Köroğlu, 2012). Bode plot for<br />

( L f<br />

= 1.25<br />

mH , C = 80 µ F and R = 0.04 Ω ) is shown in Figure 4.6.<br />

f<br />

f<br />

Figure 4.6. The Frequency Response of the Inverter Side Connected Filter<br />

Decibel values of some simple magnitudes are listed in Table 4.3. The<br />

magnitude of a dimensionless quantity G can be expressed in decibels as follows<br />

(Erickson et al., 2000):<br />

G dB<br />

= 20 log10 ( G )<br />

(4.10)<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Table 4.3. Expressing Magnitudes in Decibels<br />

Actual Magnitude Magnitude in dB<br />

0.01 -40<br />

0.1 -20<br />

1 0<br />

2 6<br />

10 20<br />

100 40<br />

Figure 4.7 shows the phase plot of the inverter side filter, the phase tends to<br />

0 o at low frequency and tends to -180 o at high frequency, at cut off frequency f = f<br />

o<br />

,<br />

the phase is -90 o .<br />

Figure 4.7. Phase Plot of the Inverter Side Connected Filter<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

4.2.3. Design of DC-DC Converter<br />

This topics presents the controller design procedures of the full bridge<br />

isolated dc/dc converter used in proposed DVR. Figure 4.8 shows the structure of<br />

proposed dc-dc converter.<br />

Figure 4.8. Circuit diagram of full bridge DC–DC Converter<br />

The main function of the dc-to-dc converter is to maintain and control the dc<br />

voltage of the inverter during voltage sag. Proposed DC-DC converter allows the<br />

DVR to compensate deep and long duration voltage sags(Jowder et al., 2009).<br />

Timing diagram with basic operating waveforms are presented in Figure 4.9.<br />

Gate signals (S1, S2, S3 and S4) are generated with comparison of reference signal<br />

with carrier.<br />

Primary switches, S1-S4, are hard switched and operated in pairs, S1-S2 and<br />

S3-S4 respectively. Drive signals are 180 degree phase shifted. Switch transistor duty<br />

cycle, D, is below 50 percent to avoid switch overlap and thus short circuit of input<br />

(Nymand et al., 2010).<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 4.9. Timing diagram and basic waveforms for isolated full-bridge dc-dc<br />

converter<br />

2010).<br />

Basic converter operation can be divided into four main states(Nymand et al.,<br />

State 1, First on-period, T1:A first converter on-period, T1, starts when switches,<br />

S1-S2, are turned on. Switches, S3-S4, and diodes, D3-D4, are off. Reflected<br />

inductor current flows from input capacitor, C1, through switch, S1, transformer, T1,<br />

diode, D1, and inductor, L1 to the output, and returns to input through diode, D2, and<br />

switch, S2. The period ends when switches, S1 and S2, are turned off again. Duration<br />

of the on-period is (Nymand et al., 2010):<br />

T = DT<br />

1<br />

(4.11)<br />

The plot for the secondary voltage Vs is shown on Figure 4.9,<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

N<br />

= V nV<br />

(4.12)<br />

P<br />

V<br />

S<br />

in<br />

=<br />

N<br />

P<br />

in<br />

Where transformer turns ratio is defined as the ratio of secondary winding<br />

turn number to primary winding turn number.<br />

N<br />

N<br />

S<br />

n = (4.13)<br />

P<br />

The voltage across the output inductor L1 is given by<br />

V<br />

L<br />

N<br />

S<br />

= VS<br />

−VO<br />

= −VO<br />

(4.14)<br />

N<br />

P<br />

Assuming a constant output voltage Vo, the voltage across L1 is a constant,<br />

resulting in a linearly increasing current in L1. In the interval when S1, S2 or S3,S4<br />

is closed, the change in current in L1 is<br />

∆I<br />

L<br />

∆t<br />

∆I<br />

L<br />

=<br />

DT<br />

VL<br />

=<br />

L<br />

1<br />

=<br />

L<br />

1 1 1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

⎛ N<br />

⎜<br />

⎝ N<br />

S<br />

P<br />

V<br />

in<br />

−V<br />

O<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠<br />

(4.15)<br />

State 2, First off-period, T2: A first converter off-period, T2, starts when switches,<br />

S1 and S2, are turned off. All primary switches are off. Inductor current, iL1, is freewheeling<br />

through the two parallel branches, D1-D4 and D3-D2, to output. Inductor<br />

current is discharging. Transformer magnetizing current circulates in the transformer<br />

secondary winding and the diodes, D1-D3 and/or D2-D4. The period ends when<br />

switches, S3 and S4 are turned on (Nymand et al., 2010).<br />

⎛ 1 ⎞<br />

T2 = ⎜ − D⎟T<br />

(4.15)<br />

⎝ 2 ⎠<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

The voltage across L1 is Vo, resulting in a linearly decreasing current in L1.<br />

The change in current while both switches are open is<br />

∆I<br />

∆t<br />

L1<br />

∆I<br />

L1<br />

V<br />

= = −<br />

T / 2 − DT L<br />

O<br />

1<br />

(4.17)<br />

State 3, Second on-period, T3: A second on-period similar to the first is initiated<br />

when switches, S3 and S4, are turned on. Reflected inductor current flows from input<br />

capacitor, C1, through switch, S3, transformer, T1, (in opposite direction compared<br />

to first on-period) diode, D3, and inductor, L1, to the output. Current returns to input<br />

through diode, D4, and switch, S4. The period ends when switches, S3 and S4, are<br />

turned off again. Period time is equal to the first on-period, (Nymand et al.,<br />

2010).<br />

State 4, Second off-period, T4: Finally, a second off-period starts when switches,<br />

S3 and S4, are turned off. All primary switches are off. Inductor current, iL1, is freewheeling<br />

through the two parallel branches, D1-D4 and D3-D2, to output. Inductor<br />

current is discharging. Transformer magnetizing current circulates in the transformer<br />

secondary winding (in opposite direction to first off-period) and the diodes, D1-D3<br />

and/or D2-D4. The period ends when switches, S1 and S2, are turned on. Period time<br />

is equal to the first off-period time, T<br />

4<br />

= T 2<br />

. Duration of the off-period is (Nymand et<br />

al., 2010):<br />

Since the net change in inductor current over one period must be zero for<br />

steady-state operation,<br />

( ∆ ) + ( ∆I<br />

) 0<br />

I (4.18)<br />

L, closed L,<br />

open<br />

=<br />

1<br />

L<br />

1<br />

⎛ N<br />

S<br />

⎞ VO<br />

⎜ Vin<br />

−VO<br />

⎟DT<br />

+ ( T / 2 − DT ) = 0<br />

(4.19)<br />

⎝ N<br />

P ⎠ L1<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Solving for Vo,<br />

V<br />

O<br />

⎛ N<br />

S<br />

VS<br />

D<br />

N ⎟ ⎞<br />

= 2 ⎜<br />

(4.20)<br />

⎝ P ⎠<br />

2011),<br />

It is also useful to express the ripple as a fraction of the output voltage(Hard,<br />

∆V<br />

V<br />

O<br />

O<br />

1−<br />

D<br />

=<br />

8LCf<br />

2<br />

(4.21)<br />

In design, it is useful to rearrange the preceding equation to express required<br />

capacitance in terms of specified voltage ripple(Hard, 2011):<br />

1−<br />

D<br />

C = (4.22)<br />

8L<br />

2<br />

( ∆V<br />

/ V ) f<br />

O<br />

O<br />

If the ripple is not large, the assumption of a constant output voltage is<br />

reason-able and the preceding analysis is essentially valid(Hard, 2011).<br />

Finally, the VA rating of the capacitor, denoted as , is (Li et al., 2001):<br />

S = k V I<br />

(4.23)<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

Where<br />

1.2(Li et al., 2001).<br />

k<br />

C<br />

is an optional safety coefficient, typically ranging from 1.0 to<br />

4.3. Control System<br />

The control system of a DVR plays an important role, with the requirements<br />

of fast response and more accuracy. Many extraction and mitigation strategies is<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

presented with different control algorithms and different topologies in dynamic<br />

voltage restorer. Voltage sag and swell must be detected fast and compensated<br />

accurately. SRF and EPLL are widely used for sag/swell detection and reference<br />

extraction. In addition to these controllers, SOGI-PLL is used to generate reference<br />

signals when sag/swell is detected. The DVR must inject the series voltage according<br />

to several criteria. In proposed system, it uses presage compensation method which<br />

prevent phase-jump problem and requires less power transfer compared to in-phase<br />

compensation method. Due to the lack of damping and poor dynamic performance in<br />

the open loop control, the closed-loop control is preferred in proposed method.<br />

4.3.1. Sag Detection<br />

Many sag detection methods are presented with different control algorithms<br />

in literature. Voltage sag and swell must be detected fast and compensated<br />

accurately. SRF and EPLL are widely used for sag/swell detection and reference<br />

extraction. In addition to these controllers, SOGI-PLL is a new method to generate<br />

reference signals when sag/swell is detected. This section is also to explain the<br />

structures of the EPLL, SRF, SogiPLL for three phase Dynamic Voltage Restorer for<br />

sag/swell compensation and consists of their comparison results.<br /> Enhanced Phase Locked Loop (EPLL)<br />

This section analysis Enhanced Phase-Locked Loop (EPLL) which is used to<br />

obtain signal magnitude and phase angle information in DVR systems. Conventional<br />

PLLs are used to extract phase angle of a signal. However, EPLL has a capability<br />

determination of amplitude and phase angle detection compared to conventional<br />

PLLs.<br />

The main building block of the system is an enhanced phase-locked loop<br />

(EPLL) which extracts the synchronised fundamental component of the input signal<br />

and its amplitude, phase angle and frequency(Karimi et al, 2005). When compared<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

• The synchronized fundamental component,<br />

• The amplitude, A (t)<br />

, of y (t)<br />

• The phase angle θ (t)<br />

, of y (t)<br />

.<br />

• The frequency deviation, ∆ ω (t)<br />

;<br />

• Time-derivatives of the amplitude, phase and frequency.<br />

The error signal e(t)=u(t)-y(t) is the total distortion signal of the input and it<br />

can be expressed as a continuous time (Teke et al., 2011).<br />

∫<br />

e ( t ) = u ( t ) − sinθ<br />

( t ) e ( t ).sinθ<br />

( t ). K . A<br />

dt<br />

(4.24)<br />

Here, and , located at the right hand side of (1), are assumed as a<br />

constant due to the value at the instant t that is equal to that of the instance (t-1).<br />

Hence, the final statement of (4.24) is given as<br />

∫<br />

e ( t ) = u ( t ) − sinθ<br />

( t − 1) e ( t − 1).sinθ<br />

( t − 1). K . A<br />

dt<br />

(4.25)<br />

Considering that e(t-1) and sin(t-1) are constant, then<br />

∫<br />

e ( t)<br />

= u ( t)<br />

− e ( t −1)<br />

sin<br />

2 θ ( t −1).<br />

K dt<br />

(4.26)<br />

A<br />

If the constants are assumed as<br />

sin θ ( t −1)<br />

= µ<br />

(4.27)<br />

1<br />

2<br />

( µ<br />

1<br />

) . K<br />

A 2<br />

e (4.28)<br />

2<br />

( t −1)<br />

sin<br />

θ ( t −1).<br />

K<br />

A<br />

= e ( t −1)<br />

= µ<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Then, the last statement of e(t) can be written as<br />

e t)<br />

= u ( t)<br />

− µ t<br />

(4.29)<br />

(<br />

2<br />

A (t) can be expressed as<br />

∫<br />

A ( t ) = e ( t ) . s inθ<br />

( t ). K . A<br />

dt<br />

(4.30)<br />

In (5.30),<br />

is assumed as a constant due to the value at the instant t<br />

that is equal to that of the instance (t-1). Hence, the final statement of (4.32) is given<br />

in the following equations:<br />

A ( t ) = ∫ e ( t ) .sin θ ( t −1).<br />

K . A<br />

dt<br />

(4.31)<br />

Considering that sin θ ( t −1)<br />

= µ<br />

1<br />

and substituting e (t)<br />

into A (t)<br />

, A (t)<br />

can be<br />

rewritten as<br />

A ( t)<br />

= µ<br />

1.<br />

K<br />

A ∫[ u ( t)<br />

− µ<br />

2t]dt<br />

.<br />

(4.32)<br />

the input signal u ( t)<br />

= u.sin ( wt + α)<br />

and A (t)<br />

is organized as follows:<br />

A ( t)<br />

= µ<br />

1.<br />

K<br />

A ∫[ u sin(wt<br />

+ α)<br />

− µ<br />

2t]dt<br />

.<br />

(4.33)<br />

µ<br />

1.<br />

K<br />

A<br />

. u cos( wt + α)<br />

µ<br />

1µ<br />

2K<br />

A 2<br />

= −<br />

−<br />

(4.34)<br />

A ( t)<br />

t<br />

w<br />

2<br />

The speed of the response is determined by parameters K and<br />

. Rate of<br />

convergence is increased by increasing K and<br />

. Thus, these two parameters<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

control transient as well as steady-state behavior of the filter. This feature of the<br />

filter, as it is shown in this paper, makes it suitable for a variety of<br />

applications(Karimi et al, 2002).<br /> Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF)<br />

This algorithm is based on obtaining the equivalent space vector of three<br />

phase quanitities(Meena et al, 2012).The three supply phases are converted into one<br />

phasor “ V S<br />

” which itself is comprised of two orthogonal components " Vα<br />

and V<br />

β<br />

" .<br />

A synchronous reference frame is locked to “ V S<br />

” via a PLL. The vectors are<br />

generated by the following formulas (4.35) and (4.36):<br />

⎡V<br />

⎢<br />

V<br />

⎢<br />

⎢⎣<br />

V<br />

α<br />

β<br />

0<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

=<br />

⎥<br />

⎥⎦<br />

⎡1<br />

2 ⎢<br />

0<br />

3 ⎢<br />

⎢⎣<br />

0<br />

− 0.5<br />

0.866<br />

0<br />

− 0.5 ⎤⎡V<br />

− 0.866<br />

⎥⎢<br />

V<br />

⎥⎢<br />

0 ⎥⎦<br />

⎢⎣<br />

V<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎥<br />

⎥⎦<br />

(4.35)<br />

⎡V<br />

⎢<br />

⎣V<br />

d<br />

q<br />

⎤ ⎡ cosϑ<br />

⎥ = ⎢<br />

⎦ ⎣−<br />

sinϑ<br />

sinϑ<br />

⎤⎡V<br />

⎥⎢<br />

cosϑ⎦⎣V<br />

α<br />

β<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

(4.36)<br />

If the utility system operates under normal conditions, or if any balanced fault<br />

occurs, positive sequence d–q components (Vd and Vq) are DC components. If any<br />

unbalanced fault occurs, the resulting voltage sag/swell is unbalanced and contains<br />

both positive sequence and 100 Hz (for 50 Hz network frequency) negative sequence<br />

components(Tumay et al., 2009). For a positive sequence SRF, the positive sequence<br />

component can be named as DC, and 100 Hz negative sequence component can be<br />

named as ripple. Conventionally, to separate the DC component and ripples, a low<br />

pass filter (LPF) is used after<br />

p<br />

dq<br />

2<br />

d<br />

2<br />

q<br />

V = V = V + V operation. Nevertheless, the<br />

‘original positive sequence component’ cannot be obtained. The filter also causes a<br />

certain amount of delay in the error signal. Vp is used for error calculation after<br />

separation of DC components and ripples by disturbance filters(Tumay et al,2009).<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 4.11. Conventional SRF based detection<br />

2<br />

d<br />

2<br />

q<br />

From Figure 4.11, V = V = V + V , this voltage varies with the grid<br />

p<br />

dq<br />

voltages then the voltage sags can be detected from value of V<br />

dq<br />

. This V<br />

dq<br />

is filtered<br />

by low-pass filter (LPF) for<br />

2ω<br />

or 100-Hz component elimination (for 50-Hz<br />

distribution systems). The filtered V<br />

dq<br />

or V<br />

dq , f<br />

is finally compared to a dc reference<br />

in comparator (i.e. 0.9 pu). The comparator output is a sag signal, which initiates a<br />

voltage sag compensation process when the voltage sag occurs(Sillapawicharn et<br />

al,2011).<br />

To compensate unbalance voltage sags, three-phase symmetric voltages can<br />

be constructed by a-phase voltage, which is carried into dq transform according to<br />

the equation(Jianwei et al,2011):<br />

V<br />

a<br />

= V<br />

ref<br />

n<br />

( iy + ϑ ) + 2u<br />

( ωiy<br />

+ )<br />

n<br />

∑ u<br />

i=<br />

1 1i<br />

sin<br />

1i<br />

∑i<br />

=<br />

, a<br />

= 2 ω<br />

2i<br />

sin ϑ<br />

i<br />

(4.38)<br />

1 2<br />

It can be constructed for<br />

V<br />

ref , b<br />

=<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

ω u ⎜ + + ⎟<br />

= i i<br />

it<br />

1 1<br />

2<br />

1 2<br />

sin ω ϑ2i<br />

(4.39)<br />

⎝ 3 ⎠<br />

⎝ 3 ⎠<br />

n<br />

n<br />

∑ 2u1<br />

i<br />

sin⎜<br />

it + ϑ<br />

i<br />

− ⎟ + ∑ =<br />

i<br />

V<br />

ref , c<br />

=<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

⎛ 2π<br />

⎞<br />

ω u ⎜ + − ⎟<br />

= i i<br />

it<br />

1 1<br />

2<br />

1 2<br />

sin ω ϑ2i<br />

(4.40)<br />

⎝ 3 ⎠<br />

⎝ 3 ⎠<br />

n<br />

n<br />

∑ 2u1<br />

i<br />

sin⎜<br />

it + ϑ<br />

i<br />

+ ⎟ + ∑ =<br />

i<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Also, it can be written as,<br />

2π<br />

4π<br />

π<br />

V<br />

ref , b<br />

= Va∠<br />

( − ) = Va∠<br />

( ) = −Va<br />

∠ ( )<br />

(4.41)<br />

3 3 3<br />

π<br />

( V + V ) = −V<br />

+ V ∠ ( )<br />

V<br />

ref , c<br />

= −<br />

a ref , b a a<br />

(4.42)<br />

3<br />

ref b<br />

According to above expression, each equation is repeated for b and c phases.<br />

V ,<br />

can be got by A-phase voltage forward π / 3 , the opposite of the sum of A-<br />

phase and B-phase voltages is Vc, Assume the system period is 20 ms, then the<br />

three-phase voltages constructed by this method theoretically delay<br />

ms (Jianwei et al,2011).<br />

20ms<br />

* π<br />

, as 3.4<br />

2π<br />

*3<br />

Figure 4.12. Proposed SRF based phase detection (a) Phase A, (b) Phase B,<br />

(c) Phase C<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 4.12 shows that the unbalance voltage sag/swell in three phase systems<br />

are detected to compansate unbalance voltage sag/swell seperately.<br />

dqc f<br />

V<br />

dqa f<br />

Vdqb,<br />

f<br />

,<br />

, and<br />

V ,<br />

are severally filtered by low-pass filter for component elimination. Finally,<br />

the filtered<br />

V<br />

dqa, f<br />

Vdqb,<br />

f<br />

, Vdqc,<br />

f<br />

, are finally compared to a dc reference in comparator.<br />

The comparator output is a sag/swell signal, which initiates a voltage sag/swell<br />

compensation process when the voltage sag/swell occurs.<br /> SOGI-PLL<br />

Signals of the electrical utility grid are usually corrupted by noise and<br />

harmonics. One way to remove these interferences is to apply filters. Either fixed or<br />

adaptive filters can be used to fulfill the above purpose. Yet, the design of fixed<br />

filters requires prior knowledge of both the signal and the noise, which may be<br />

difficult to obtain, especially when the three-phase grid is subjected to unbalanced<br />

faults. On the other hand, adaptive filters are able to adjust their impulse responses<br />

automatically according to the output signal of the filters, and their designs require<br />

less knowledge of the source signals or noise characteristics. This property of<br />

adaptive filters has made them highly useful for a variety of applications. For PLL<br />

applications, the adaptive filtering technique is employed mainly for noise reduction<br />

and quadrature signal generation, as is illustrated in the following example(Gao et<br />

al.,2012).<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

where k affects the bandwidth of the closed-loop system(Ciobotaru et al.,2006).<br /> Reference Generation Using Sag Detection Methods<br />

Sag detection methods are used to detect balanced/unbalanced sag and swells.<br />

Firstly, all voltage signals are converted to per unit values. Magnitude signal (A(t)) is<br />

extracted form EPLL, SRF and SOGIPLL. A(t) signal is subtracted from reference<br />

signal (1 pu), the voltage sag/swell depth is calculated as shown in Figure 4.14. It<br />

shows the structure of sag/swell depth detection method based on EPLL, SRF and<br />

SOGIPLL.<br />

Figure 4.14. Block diagram of proposed method based on EPLL, SRF and<br />

SOGIPLL(Köroğlu,2012)<br />

Sag/swell depth is calculated using (4.35):<br />

S depth<br />

= 1−<br />

A(<br />

t)<br />

(4.46)<br />

Figure 4.15 shows a single phase sag condition for three sag detection<br />

methods. As shown in figure, voltage sag initiates at 0.3s with a 0.1s duration and<br />

%30 sag depth.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

10.0<br />

8.0<br />

6.0<br />

4.0<br />

2.0<br />

0.0<br />

-2.0<br />

-4.0<br />

-6.0<br />

-8.0<br />

-10.0<br />

Voltage Sag<br />

Vbusbar A Vbusbar B Vbusbar C<br />

0.280 0.300 0.320 0.340 0.360 0.380 0.400 0.420<br />

(a)<br />

Voltage Sag Detection Signal(EPLL)<br />

Voltage Sag Detection(SRF)<br />

Voltage Sag Detection (SOGIPLL)<br />

(b) (c)<br />

Figure 4.15. (a) Busbar, (b) magnitude(sag depth) and (c) sag detection signals<br />

It is shown Figure 4.15, SRF is the best way to detect voltage sag and swell<br />

compared to EPLL and SOGIPLL. SRF is more superior than EPLL and SOGIPLL<br />

due to its speed and The advantages of SRF are fast and more accurately than EPLL<br />

and SOGIPLL. EPLL and SOGIPLL extract phase information which is an<br />

advantage compared to SRF. However, It is clear that EPLL and SOGIPLL have<br />

more oscillatory than SRF.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

4.3.2. Voltage Injection Strategy<br />

Voltage sag and swell problems have several characteristic properties which<br />

must be compensate. Sag/swell magnitude and phase jump problem are the most<br />

important problems in sensitive loads. Therefore, the voltage injection strategies<br />

must be applied depend upon these major issues.<br />

The standard solution for compensating voltage sags is to reestablish the<br />

exact voltage before the sag. Therefore, the amplitude and the phase of the voltage<br />

before the sag have to be exactly restored. The resulting vector is shown in Figure<br />

4.16.(Meyer et al., 2008)<br />

Figure 4.16 Phasor diagram of Pre-Sag Compensation methods<br />

In PSC method, determining pre-sag angle (θ presag ) is determined by using a<br />

phase freezer unit. In literature, conventional phase freezer unit is created by<br />

measuring the supply voltage (V s ) and freezing the phase angle of the supply voltage<br />

when sag occurs. The phase angle of the supply voltage is used as the reference<br />

phase angle of the load voltage (V l ) during sag operation as seen in Figure 4.17<br />

(Delfino et al.,2005; Nielsen et al.,2004; Vilatgamuwa et al.,2002; Ajaei et al.,2011;<br />

Köroğlu,2012).<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 4.17. Conventional phase freezer unit(Köroğlu,2012)<br />

The most important disadvantage of the conventional phase freezer unit is<br />

that it tracks both supply and load voltages and needs two independent voltage<br />

measurements. The conventional method works with no error in simulation<br />

environment but in practical it is very difficult to measure both supply and load side<br />

voltages. Supply measurement should be somewhere upstream of the fault which is<br />

difficult to locate and measure. To overcome the disadvantages of the conventional<br />

phase freezer unit, proposed algorithm is used in this thesis seen from Figure<br />

4.20(Köroğlu,2012).<br />

The block diagram of the proposed DVR control system for single-phase is<br />

shown in Figure 4.19. Supply-side and load-side voltages are defined by (4.47) and<br />

(4.48), respectively<br />

v<br />

presag<br />

presag<br />

( ω t + ϑ )<br />

= V × cos (4.47)<br />

presag<br />

v<br />

l<br />

sl<br />

( ω t + ϑ )<br />

= V × cos (4.48)<br />

l<br />

Based on the presag compensation method, the voltage phasor, which must be<br />

injected by the DVR, is the complex difference between the supply voltage phasor<br />

and the presag supply voltage phasor, as shown in the vector diagram of Figure 4.17.<br />

This phasor ( V<br />

inj<br />

) is calculated by the phasor subtraction unit, shown in Figure 4.18,<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

according to (4.47) and (4.48). The coefficient γ in (4.47) is 1 when<br />

V<br />

presag<br />

cosϑ > V cosϑ<br />

; otherwise, it is “-1”(Ajaei et al.,2011)<br />

presag<br />

S<br />

S<br />

V<br />

inj<br />

2<br />

( V cosϑ<br />

−V<br />

cosϑ<br />

) − ( V sinϑ<br />

−V<br />

sinϑ<br />

) )<br />

2<br />

= γ ×<br />

(4.49)<br />

presag<br />

presag<br />

S<br />

S<br />

presag<br />

presag<br />

S<br />

S<br />

ϑ<br />

inj<br />

⎛<br />

⎞<br />

−<br />

Vpresag<br />

sinϑpresag<br />

−VS<br />

sinϑS<br />

= tan 1 ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

(4.50)<br />

⎝Vpresag<br />

cosϑpresag<br />

−VS<br />

cosϑS<br />

⎠<br />

Figure 4.18. Phasor subtraction<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

In the proposed phase freezing method, load side voltage is used to generate<br />

phase information shown in Figure 4.19. The phase angle of load side voltage is<br />

written to an array by two periods which each perios is 1000 sample. When sag<br />

occurs at a time, EPLL detects sag and sends enable signal (i1); then the phase<br />

information of one period before sag initiated is used as output phase. So, the phase<br />

is freezed and used during the sag. When sag finishes, instant phase information is<br />

used as output again. This process repeats itself for every sample time (Köroğlu,<br />

2012). The proposed system is simulated using presag compensation method. Phase<br />

freezing process is shown in Figure 4.20. The system in Figure 4.21 has a fault 30%<br />

sag with 12 o angle jump initiates at 0.3s with a duration of 0.1s. It explains to<br />

achieve phase freezing process between ϑ andϑ .<br />

s presag<br />

Figure 4.20. Block diagram of the phase freezing in DVR control<br />

Figure 4.21. Reference voltages generated with In-Phase and Pre-Sag methods<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Depending on the phase angle of the grid voltage during the sag, the DVR has<br />

to deliver a higher voltage amplitude to restore the correct voltage magnitude,<br />

because the phase jump of the grid has also to be compensated by the DVR.<br />

Therefore, the system has to be designed for a higher maximum voltage. In addition,<br />

less energy from the DC-link can be extracted (Meyer at al., 2008). Figure 4.22<br />

shows simulation results for 30% sag with 12 o angle jump starts at 0.3s with a<br />

duration of 0.1s. The amplitude of V<br />

error, presag<br />

is higher than V<br />

error, inphase<br />

.<br />

4.3.3. Voltage Control Strategy: Closed Loop<br />

In the case of voltage compensated APFs, output filters nand inverters are the<br />

main components. The inverter output voltage passes through the output filters to get<br />

switching-ripple-free compensation voltages. However, the output filters bring in<br />

time delay and resonance problems on the compensation voltage also. Thus, proper<br />

control methods are required to get the output compensation voltage according to a<br />

reference value (Kim et al., 2005). The accuracy and dynamic operation of dynamic<br />

voltage restores is an important issue. Basically, there are two voltage control<br />

strategies used in the dynamic voltage restorer: open loop and closed-loop.<br />

Open Loop method is uncontrolled and poor dynamic performance due to<br />

lack of its simple structure. Another disadvantage of using such open-loop control<br />

scheme is that the steady-state load voltage may not be compensated to the desired<br />

value owing to voltage drop across the transformer series impedance and the filter.<br />

This becomes particularly important if the load is nonlinear as nonsinusoidal currents<br />

drawn by such a load can distort the load voltage(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2002). In<br />

proposed method, Closed loop method is preferred due to its strong dynamic<br />

behavior. For the DVR injection voltage control, a multiloop control scheme is<br />

implemented as illustrated in Figure 4.22.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

V (s)<br />

-<br />

V ref (s)<br />

-<br />

v<br />

-<br />

c<br />

i<br />

Error<br />

Signal<br />

for PWM<br />

V (s)<br />

I (s)<br />

Figure 4.22. Proposed multiloop control method<br />

To track the load voltage properly, it is necessary to include a load voltage<br />

feedback. If the filter capacitor current is fed back to achieve a sinusoidal capacitor<br />

current while an outer voltage loop is used to regulate the output voltage. A<br />

feedforward loop will also be incorporated to improve dynamic response of the load<br />

voltage(Vilathgamuwa et al., 2002). After a voltage sag/swell is detected, the<br />

difference between the reference voltage and measured load voltage is calculated in<br />

per unit. The DVR injected voltage feedback ( V l<br />

) is compared with its reference<br />

( V ref<br />

) and the capacitor current(Ic) is used to improve dynamic performance of DVR.<br />

Then, the error is used to generate PWM signals.<br />

The natural damping frequency of closed-loop<br />

ω<br />

damping<br />

,<br />

1<br />

ω<br />

damping<br />

= ( 1+<br />

nkikckv<br />

)<br />

(4.51)<br />

L C<br />

f<br />

f<br />

The natural damping frequency in closed loop system is therefore<br />

approximately 1+ nk k k ) times filter resonance frequency. The value of LC<br />

(<br />

i c v<br />

cutoff frequency is about 300 Hz in open loop control method. By choosing<br />

n 2 , k = 1, k = 50, k = 0.15 in proposed controller, Figure 4.23 explain the effect<br />

=<br />

i v<br />

c<br />

of closed loop method compared to open loop.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Vbusbar(rms)<br />


Vload(rms)<br />

7.00<br />

6.80<br />

6.60<br />

6.40<br />

6.20<br />

6.00<br />

5.80<br />

5.60<br />

5.40<br />

5.20<br />

5.00<br />

4.80<br />

4.60<br />

4.40<br />

4.20<br />

4.00<br />

7.00<br />

6.80<br />

6.60<br />

6.40<br />

6.20<br />

6.00<br />

5.80<br />

5.60<br />

5.40<br />

5.20<br />

5.00<br />

4.80<br />

4.60<br />

4.40<br />

4.20<br />

4.00<br />

0.200 0.240 0.280 0.320 0.360 0.400 0.440 0.480<br />

Vbusbar(rms)<br />


Vload(rms)<br />

0.200 0.240 0.280 0.320 0.360 0.400 0.440 0.480<br />

Figure 4.23. Comparison of Close Loop and Open Loop in proposed DVR<br />

As it is seen from Figure 4.23, Closed loop shows better performance than<br />

open loop method. Closed loop regulate the output voltage and keeps it constant at<br />

the side where a nonlinear load is connected.<br />

4.3.4. Gate Signal Generation<br />

In proposed DVR, gate signals are generated for two converters:<br />

• Symmetrical five level diode clamped multilevel inverter<br />

• Full bridge DC-DC converter<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br /> Inverter<br />

The gating signals in inverter are generated by using modulating techniques.<br />

The most popular modulation techniques are sinusoidal pulse width modulation,<br />

space vector modulation, fuzzy logic controller etc. Sinusoidal Pulse Width (SPWM)<br />

technique is used to generate gate signals in proposed DVR. The gating signals are<br />

generated by comparing a sinusoidal reference with a triangular carrier signal. The<br />

amplitude of carrier signal controls the modulation index and it regulates output<br />

voltage of inverter. The modulation index is expressed as below:<br />

A<br />

A<br />

R<br />

M = (4.52)<br />

C<br />

The switching frequency of solid-state devices in diode clamped multilevel<br />

inverter is selected as 3000 Hz. Two triangular waves for each five-level diode<br />

clamped inverter are compared with two reference signal. Each triangular wave is<br />

compared with error (reference) signal as shown in Figure 4.24.<br />

Figure 4.24. Generation of gate signals for each multilevel five level diode clamped<br />

inverter<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Firstly, PI control measures<br />

V<br />

dc<br />

and compare it with V dc , ref<br />

(1.7kV<br />

) When<br />

Vdc<br />

below down V dc , ref<br />

(1.7kV<br />

) , PI signal is generated and compared with reference<br />

signal. This process repeated itself continuously. If PI output is greater than reference<br />

signal, reference is equal to reference signal(0.6). If PI output generates lower<br />

magnitude signal than reference(0.6), reference signal is equal to PI output and gate<br />

signals are generated.<br />

Carrier and reference signals generated by PI controller are shown in Figure<br />

4.26.<br />

Figure 4.26. Carrier and reference signals generated by PI controller<br />

Timing diagram with modulation waveforms are presented in Figure 4.27.<br />

Gate signals (S1, S2, S3 and S4) are generated with comparison of reference signal<br />

with carrier.<br />


4. MODELING <strong>OF</strong> PROPOSED DVR Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 4.27. Generation of gate signals for full bridge dc-dc converter<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />


This section presents the simulation results of multilevel inverter based DVR<br />

with DC-DC Converter. Simulation results consist of comparison of sag/swell<br />

detection methods (EPLL, SRF, SogiPLL), voltage control strategies (Open Loop,<br />

Closed Loop) and different voltage sag case studies.<br />

A 1 MVA, 1.2/2.4 kV transformer is used for connecting the DVR to the<br />

network. The proposed DVR model is simulated by PSCAD/EMTDC to compensate<br />

voltage sag and voltage swell at the source side. The power circuit and<br />

PSCAD/EMTDC diagram of proposed DVR system used in this thesis are<br />

shown in Figure 5.1.<br />

Figure 5.1. PSCAD/EMTDC model of proposed DVR System<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Simulation parameters used in PSCAD/EMTDC are given in Table 5.1.<br />

Parameters of system, load, diode clamped multilevel inverter and dc-dc converter<br />

injection transformer are presented in Table 5.2-6, respectively.<br />

Table 5.1. PSCAD/EMTDC Simulation Parameters<br />

PSCAD/EMTDC Parameters<br />

Solution Time Step 20 µs<br />

Channel Plot Step 20 µs<br />

Duration of Simulation Run<br />

2 s<br />

Table 5.2. System Parameters<br />

System Parameters<br />

Fundamental Frequency<br />

Voltage Source (V S1 )<br />

Impedance of Feeder-I (R S1 + j2πL S1 )<br />

Short Circuit Powers of Feeder-I<br />

50 Hz<br />

11 kV (L-L, rms), phase angle 0 o<br />

0.000001 + j0.037699 Ω<br />

1500 MVA<br />

Table 5.3. Simulated Load Parameters<br />

Load Parameters<br />

Nonlinear/Sensitive Load (L1)<br />

A three-phase diode rectifier that supplies a load<br />

of 100 + j125.66 Ω, 710 kVA, pf = 0.983,<br />

THD=5.1 %<br />

Table 5.4. Simulation parameters of Voltage Source Inverter<br />

DVR (VSI)<br />

Compensation Rating 30%<br />

Filter inductor (L f )<br />

1.5 mH<br />

Filter Capacitor (C f ) 150 µF<br />

Filter Resistance (R f )<br />

Power Rating<br />

0.05 Ω<br />

1230 kVA<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Table 5.5. Simulation parameters of Full Bridge DC-DC Converter<br />

DVR (DC-DC Converter)<br />

Transformer Rating<br />

0.5 MVA<br />

Turn ratio (Ns/Np) 2/1<br />

Input Capacitor (C1)<br />

Output Capacitor (C eq )<br />

Input Voltage<br />

Output Voltage<br />

5 mF<br />

25 mF<br />

0.85 kV(dc)<br />

1.7 kV(dc)<br />

Table 5.6. Injection Transformer Parameters<br />

Injection Transformer (TR)<br />

Transformer MVA<br />

Base Operation Frequency<br />

Turns Ratio<br />

Leakage Reactance<br />

1 MVA<br />

50 Hz<br />

1.2 / 2.4 kV<br />

0.001 pu<br />

5.1. Comparison of Sag Detection Methods (EPLL, SRF and SogiPLL)<br />

Voltage sag/swell must be detected fast and compensated accurately. The<br />

sag inception is defined as the instant, when the RMS voltage (Vrms) of the supply<br />

drops below 0.9 p.u. The swell inception is defined as the instant, when the RMS<br />

voltage (Vrms) of the supply rises upper than 1.1 p.u.<br />

Firstly, unbalance sag condition is considered because of single line-toground<br />

fault is the most common type in transmission and distribution systems.<br />

Firstly, 30% single-phase voltage sag occurs between 0.3 s < t < 0.4 s. EPLL, SRF<br />

and SogiPLL is used to detect single-phase unbalance voltage sag. Figure 5.2 (a), (b)<br />

and (c) shows the source-side voltage, voltage sag inception time and magnitude<br />

information by using sag detection methods.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.2. (a) Source side busbar voltages, (b) Voltage sag inception time and (c)<br />

Magnitude information for three sag detection methods<br />

Sag inception times for three methods are given in Table 5.7.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Table 5.7. Sag inception and finish time for three methods<br />

Voltage Sag (Phase A) Inception Finish Result<br />

EPLL 0.3028 s 0.4046 s Medium<br />

SRF 0.3012 s 0.4019 s Fast<br />

SogiPLL 0.3039 s 0.4055 s Slow<br />

It is shown Table 5.7, SRF is the best way to detect voltage sag and swell<br />

compared to EPLL and SOGIPLL. Although EPLL and SogiPLL extract the phase<br />

information compared to SRF, SRF is more superior than EPLL and SOGIPLL due<br />

to its speed and accuracy. However, It is clear that EPLL and SOGIPLL have more<br />

oscillatory than SRF as shown in Figure 5.2 (c).<br />

Figure 5.3 and Figure 5.4 show injected voltages and load-side voltages by<br />

using three sag detection methods.<br />

Figure 5.3. Injected voltages by using three sag detection methods<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

y<br />

y<br />

y<br />

12.0<br />

9.0<br />

6.0<br />

3.0<br />

0.0<br />

-3.0<br />

-6.0<br />

-9.0<br />

-12.0<br />

12.0<br />

9.0<br />

6.0<br />

3.0<br />

0.0<br />

-3.0<br />

-6.0<br />

-9.0<br />

-12.0<br />

12.0<br />

9.0<br />

6.0<br />

3.0<br />

0.0<br />

-3.0<br />

-6.0<br />

-9.0<br />

-12.0<br />

DVR : Graphs<br />

Vload_A_DQ Vload_B_DQ Vload_C_DQ<br />

Vload_A_DQ Vload_B_DQ Vload_C_DQ<br />

Vload_A_DQ Vload_B_DQ Vload_C_DQ<br />

0.260 0.280 0.300 0.320 0.340 0.360 0.380 0.400 0.420 0.440 ...<br />

...<br />

...<br />

Figure 5.4. Source side voltages by using EPLL, SRF and SogiPLL methods<br />

5.2. Simulation Results for Open Loop and Closed Loop<br />

Weather (lightning, wind, ice), animal contact, contamination of insulators,<br />

construction accidents, motor vehicle accidents, falling or contact with tree limbs can<br />

result in voltage sags. Such faults may be 3-phase, line-to-line, or single line-toground.<br />

The 3-phase faults are the most severe, but are relatively unusual(Bingham,<br />

1998). In proposed DVR, the voltage sags with 12◦ phase jump have been generated<br />

by controlled short circuit impedance in the grid.<br />

5.2.1. Open Loop Voltage Control Method<br />

Three case studies (Case 1, Case2 and Case 3) are presented for the following<br />

sag types using open loop control method:<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

• Single Phase Unbalance Voltage Sag<br />

• Two Phase Unbalance Voltage Sag<br />

• Three-phase balanced Voltage Sag<br /> Case 1: Single Phase Voltage Sag<br />

The great number of faults is single-phase line to ground fault (SLGF). In this<br />

case, single phase to ground fault is analyzed. This fault occurs on Phase-C. The<br />

phase voltage decreases to 70% from its nominal value during the period of 0.3-0.4 s.<br />

In this fault, phase jump occurs between source-side and load-side voltages.<br />

Phase jump is compensated by using presag compensation method.<br />

Figure 5.5. Simulation results for Case 1<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.6. DC link voltage for Case 1<br />

DC link capacitor voltage is kept at reference value (1.7 kV) by DC-DC<br />

Converter. DC link capacitor voltage (V cap ) varies between 1.655-1.68 kV band when<br />

the voltage sag occurs as it is seen from Figure 5.6. As soon as the sag is finished, dc<br />

link voltage (V c ) returns to its steady state value.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

RMS characteristics of Phase A, Phase B and Phase C voltages are seen in<br />

Figure 5.7 when single phase voltage sag occurs on Phase C.<br />

Figure 5.7. RMS Characterisics for Case 1<br /> Case 2: Two Phase Voltage Sag<br />

A and B phase source voltage decreases to 70% from its nominal value<br />

during the period of 0.3-0.4 s. In A and B phases, phase jump occurs between<br />

source-side and load-side voltages. DVR operation for double line to ground fault is<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

seen in Figure 5.18. Figure 5.8 (a) and 5.8 (b) show the simulation results of sourceside<br />

voltages and injected voltages under double-phase to ground fault. The load<br />

voltage is maintained at the desired 1 p.u. as shown in Figure 5.8 (c).<br />

Figure 5.8. Simulation results for Case 2<br />

DC link capacitor voltage is kept at reference value (1.7 kV) by DC-DC<br />

Converter. DC link capacitor voltage (V cap ) varies between 1.627-1.651 kV band<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

when the voltage sag occurs as it is seen from Figure 5.9. As soon as the sag is<br />

finished, dc link voltage (V c ) returns to its steady state value(1.7 kV).<br />

Figure 5.9. DC link voltage for Case 2<br />

RMS characteristics of Phase A, Phase B and Phase C voltages are seen in<br />

Figure 5.10 when two phase voltage sag occurs on Phase A and Phase B.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.10. RMS characteristics for Case 2<br /> Case 3: Three Phase Voltage Sag<br />

In this case, three phase balanced fault occurs. A, B and C phase source<br />

voltages decrease to 70% from its nominal value during the period of 0.3-0.4 s. In all<br />

phases, phase jump occurs between source-side and load-side voltages. Figure<br />

5.11 shows the simulation results of source-side, injected and load-side voltages<br />

under three-phase to ground fault. The load voltage is maintained at the desired 1 p.u.<br />

as shown in Figure 5.11.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.11. Simulation results for Case 3<br />

DC link capacitor voltage is kept at reference value (1.7 kV) by DC-DC<br />

Converter. DC link capacitor voltage (V cap ) drops to 1.61 kV when the voltage sag<br />

occurs as it is seen from Figure 5.12. As soon as the sag is finished, dc link voltage<br />

(V c ) returns to its steady state value(1.7 kV).<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.12. DC link voltage for Case 3<br />

RMS characteristics of Phase A, Phase B and Phase C voltages are seen in<br />

Figure 5.13 when three phase balance voltage sag occurs.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.13. RMS characteristics for Case 3<br />

5.2.2. Closed Loop Voltage Control Method<br />

Voltage sag compensation is provided by closed loop method in Case 4, Case<br />

5 and Case 6. Three case studies are presented for the following sag types using<br />

closed loop control method:<br />

• Single Phase Unbalance Voltage Sag<br />

• Two Phase Unbalance Voltage Sag<br />

• Three-phase balanced Voltage Sag<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br /> Case 4: Single Phase Voltage Sag<br />

The phase voltage decreases to 70% from its nominal value during the period<br />

of 0.3-0.4 s on Phase-C. In this fault, phase jump occurs between source-side<br />

and load-side voltages. Figure 5.14 shows source-side, injected and load-side<br />

voltages, respectively.<br />

Figure 5.14. Simulation results for Case 4<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.15. DC link voltage for Case 4<br />

DC link capacitor voltage is kept at reference value (1.7 kV) by DC-DC<br />

Converter. DC link capacitor voltage (V cap ) varies between 1.66-1.683 kV band when<br />

the voltage sag occurs as it is seen from Figure 5.15. As soon as the sag is finished,<br />

dc link voltage (V c ) returns to its steady state value.<br />

RMS characteristics of Phase A, Phase B and Phase C voltages are seen in<br />

Figure 5.16 when single phase voltage sag occurs on Phase C.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.16. RMS characterisics for Case 4<br /> Case 5: Two Phase Voltage Sag<br />

A and B phase source voltage decreases to 70% from its nominal value<br />

during the period of 0.3-0.4 s. In A and B phases, phase jump occurs between<br />

source-side and load-side voltages. DVR operation for double line to ground fault is<br />

seen in Figure 5.17. It shows the simulation results of source-side, injected and loadside<br />

voltages under double-phase to ground fault. The load voltage is maintained at<br />

the desired 1 p.u. as shown in Figure 5.17.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.17. Simulation results for Case 5<br />

DC link capacitor voltage is kept at reference value (1.7 kV) by DC-DC<br />

Converter. DC link capacitor voltage (V cap ) varies between 1.63-1.655 kV band when<br />

the voltage sag occurs as it is seen from Figure 5.18. As soon as the sag is finished,<br />

dc link voltage (V c ) returns to its steady state value(1.7 kV).<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.18. DC link voltage for Case 5<br />

RMS characteristics of Phase A, Phase B and Phase C voltages are seen in<br />

Figure 5.19 when two phase voltage sag occurs on Phase C.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.19. RMS characteristics for Case 5<br /> Case 6: Three Phase Voltage Sag<br />

In this case, three phase balanced fault occurs. A, B and C phase source<br />

voltages decrease to 70% from its nominal value during the period of 0.3-0.4 s. In all<br />

phases, phase jump occurs between source-side and load-side voltages. Figure<br />

5.20 shows the simulation results source-side voltages and injected voltages under<br />

three-phase to ground fault. The load voltage is maintained at the desired 1 p.u. as<br />

shown in Figure 5.20.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.20. Simulation results for Case 6<br />

DC link capacitor voltage is kept at reference value (1.7 kV) by DC-DC<br />

Converter. DC link capacitor voltage (V cap ) drops to 1.615 kV when the voltage sag<br />

occurs as it is seen from Figure 5.21. As soon as the sag is finished, dc link voltage<br />

(V c ) returns to its steady state value(1.7 kV).<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.21. DC link voltage for Case 6<br />

RMS characteristics of Phase A, Phase B and Phase C voltages are seen in<br />

Figure 5.22 when three phase balance voltage sag occurs.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Figure 5.22. RMS characteristics for Case 6<br />

5.2.3. Comparison of Voltage Control Methods<br />

Control methods are required to get the output compensation voltage<br />

according to a reference value (Kim et al., 2005). The accuracy and dynamic<br />

operation of dynamic voltage restorer is an important issue. Table 5.8 shows the<br />

comparison results of open loop and closed loop control methods.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />

Table 5.8. Comparison and RMS values of phase voltages in open loop and close<br />

loop control method<br />

RMS Values Of Phase Voltages<br />

Fault Type Open Loop Closed Loop<br />

Va Vb Vc Va Vb Vc<br />

Single Phase Fault 6.35 6.35 6.17 6.35 6.35 6.35<br />

Two Phase Fault 6.15 6.15 6.35 6.32 6.32 6.35<br />

Three Phase Fault 6.1 6.075 6.08 6.27 6.26 6.25<br />

As it is seen from simulation results, closed loop shows better performance<br />

than open loop control method. Also, simulation results show the effectiveness of<br />

closed loop control method against open loop method. It is clear that injected voltage<br />

in close loop has more sinusoidal shape than injected voltage than open loop. Closed<br />

loop regulate the output voltage and keeps it constant at the side where a nonlinear<br />

load is connected.<br />


5. SIMULATION RESULTS <strong>AND</strong> CASE STUDIES Mustafa İNCİ<br />


6. CONCLUSION Mustafa İNCİ<br />


The most severe power quality problems in electrical systems are called as<br />

voltage sag and swell. Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is an effective solution to<br />

solve these power quality problems. Dynamic voltage restorer is a series connected<br />

device located between sensitive/nonlinear load and grid in system, it both detects<br />

voltage sag/swell problems and injects controlled voltage to system.<br />

In this study, multilevel inverter based DVR with DC-DC converter is<br />

modeled using PSCAD/EMTDC. The proposed DVR is designed for medium<br />

voltage level (11 kV) system. DVR in a three phase system is designed to protect 1<br />

MVA nonlinear load. The voltage sags with phase 12◦ jump are generated by<br />

controlled short circuit impedance in the grid.<br />

The basic elements and trends in literature are described in Chapter 3. The<br />

design parameters for a DVR are given in Chapter 4. Control strategies are also<br />

explained in this chapter. Two voltage injection strategies (Presag, Inphase) are<br />

implemented and tested. When phase jump occurs in system, In-Phase and Pre-sag<br />

methods show similar performance. If phase between source-side and load-side<br />

consist of phase jump, Pre-Sag compensation method represents better performance<br />

than in-phase compensation method.<br />

SRF based control technique is used to detect and extract the PQ disturbances<br />

in system. Also, EPLL and SOGI-PLL are used to detect and extract the voltage sag<br />

and swell. SOGI-PLL is a new method to extract voltage magnitude and phase angle<br />

simultaneously. The comparison results of EPLL, SRF and SOGI-PLL are presented<br />

in simulation results.<br />

The accuracy and dynamic operation of dynamic voltage restorers is an<br />

important issue. In available literature, there are two voltage control systems used in<br />

DVR applications: open loop and closed loop. Error signals are obtained by using<br />

closed loop and open loop voltage control strategies in proposed study. It is<br />

observed that rms characteristics in closed loop system have more smooth shape than<br />

injected voltage in open loop system.<br />


6. CONCLUSION Mustafa İNCİ<br />

The inverter circuit in DVR is used to inject controlled voltage and maintain<br />

the desired output voltage. The most common inverter topologies in literature are the<br />

two- or three-level three-phase converter used in DVR. For high power applications,<br />

the use of two-level voltage converters becomes difficult to perform because of<br />

switch ratings and efficiencies. To prevent this condition, the symmetrical five level<br />

diode-clamp inverter is selected in proposed DVR. Symmetrical five level diodeclamped<br />

inverter consists of two single phase three level diode clamped inverter for<br />

each phases. In this wise, it can compensate balanced and unbalanced voltage<br />

sag/swell. It has advantages compared with cascade and diode clamped mutilevel<br />

inverters such as reduction the quantity, size and dimension of dc-link capacitors<br />

with lower cost. Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) based control scheme<br />

is chosen for the proposed multilevel inverter, two carrier based modulation<br />

technique for each diode clamped inverter has been presented and explained in this<br />

thesis.<br />

DC link voltage is an important issue when voltage sag occurs. To keep dc<br />

link voltage constant and to compensate deep and long duration voltage sag, DC-DC<br />

converter is employed. Full-Bridge isolated DC-DC converter is used in proposed<br />

DVR. The controller design procedures of the full bridge isolated dc/dc converter are<br />

presented. The simulation results show its effectiveness in DC link capacitor and<br />

keep it constant.<br />

In Chapter 6, the simulation results of proposed DVR are presented. System<br />

is constructed in PSCAD/EMTDC. Firstly, simulation is performed for different sag<br />

detection methods, voltage control strategies and voltage injection techniques.<br />

Secondly, simulation results are initiated for different voltage sag cases using open<br />

loop and closed loop voltage control methods. Source-side, load-side, injected<br />

voltages and DC-link voltages are given in simulation results. The proposed system<br />

shows that sag compensation is restored successfully.<br />

Voltage sags are the most important power quality problems in industrial areas.<br />

DVR is the most effective solution to compensate the disturbances. To reduce cost<br />

and improve performance of DVR, studies continue in the following topics.<br />


6. CONCLUSION Mustafa İNCİ<br />

• Energy optimization<br />

• Elimination of injection transformers<br />

• Energy Storage Unit (SMES, PV, Supercapacitor)<br />

• DC-DC Converter to keep DC link voltage constant<br />

• Transformer problems<br />

• Reducing the number of components<br />

• Multiple functions of DVR<br />

• High voltage applications<br />

• Multilevel inverter based DVR structures<br />

• AC-AC converter based DVR structures<br />

• Elimination of DC link capacitors<br />

By performing trend topics, higher efficiency and lower cost can be achieved<br />

compared with available systems.<br />



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Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 889-898<br />

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Mustafa İNCİ was born in Şanlı Urfa, Turkey in 1987. He received his B.S.<br />

degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department from Çukurova<br />

University in 2011. After completion his B.S. education, he started MSc education in<br />

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department in Çukurova University in 2011.<br />

He has been working as a Research Assistant in Electrical and Electronics<br />

Engineering Department of the Çukurova University since 2011. His research areas<br />

are Power Quality, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.<br />






LIST <strong>OF</strong> PUBLICATIONS<br />

International Conferences<br />

• DEMIRDELEN, T., INCI, M., BAYINDIR, K.C., TUMAY, M., 2013.<br />

Review of Hybrid Active Power Filter Topologies and Controllers, 4 th<br />

International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical<br />

Drives, POWERENG-2013, 13-17 May, Istanbul in Turkey<br />

• KOROGLU, T., INCI, M., BAYINDIR, K.C., TUMAY, M., 2013.<br />

Modeling and Analysis of a Nonlinear Adaptive Filter Control for Interline<br />

Unified Power Quality Conditioner, 4 th International Conference on Power<br />

Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives, POWERENG-2013, Istanbul in<br />

Turkey<br />

National Conferences<br />

• INCI, M., KOROGLU, T., BAYINDIR, K.C., TUMAY, M., 2013. Şebeke<br />

Gerilim Değişimlerini Sezme Amaçlı Kontrol Metodlarının İncelenmesi<br />

ve Performanslarının Değerlendirilmesi(Turkish), V. Enerji Verimliliği Ve<br />

Kalitesi Sempozyumu 2013, Kocaeli, Page(s): 180-184<br />


TERCİYANLI, A., BAYINDIR, K.K., TÜMAY, M., 2013. Şebekeye<br />

Bağlı Sistemler için Üç Faz ve Tek Faz PLL’lerin Performans<br />

Değerlendirmesi(Turkish), V. Enerji Verimliliği Ve Kalitesi Sempozyumu<br />

2013, Kocaeli , Page(s): 5-9<br />




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