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To YatkBranner<br />

Ianptwcoa86tarcA,nc .In.tplLi,h61yU1 raptoo :aw[Ones®j.ae7Lmonea, noa .iix+rm<br />

shown to havc nuniunal potcntialto changc bchavior .<br />

Table I<br />

Correlations lictwccn Modifiable Mediators and 1'hu il<br />

Mediating Variable Alcohol . Tobacco Inhalants Tlllcit<br />

l?sc<br />

I)Ng5<br />

Normative Reliel's -0 .63 -0 .52 -0,38 •U .42<br />

Life Style Compatibility -U .C 1 -0 .56 -0 .38 -0 .37<br />

Comnutmcnt -0 .59 -0 .59 -0 .33 -0 .30<br />

Bclicfs about Conecyucnccs -0 . 55 -U .45 -0 .39 -0 .13<br />

12,csistancc Skills -U 4U -0 .33 -0 .31 -U .25<br />

Goal-setting -0 .?,5 -0 .25 -0 .20 -U .19<br />

iecisinn Skills -0 .24 -0 .24 -U .18 -0 .19<br />

Activities/Alternatives -0 .23 -0 .25 -U .t7 -0 .16<br />

Sclf listcctn -U .19 -0.21 -0 .20 -0 .17<br />

Stress Mana,cntcnt Skills -0 .12 -U .13 -U,13 -U,U7<br />

Sucial!Lilk Skills U .US -0 .02 0 .04 0 .05<br />

Assiatanc,c Skilis 0 .05 U .05 0 .03 0-01<br />

tn the end, success in school-based prevention requires the development of a significant<br />

knowledge base . The importance of this technical capability cannot he trver-emphtu ;ired .<br />

Without it, preventive approaches will fail more often than they succeed . The lact that failure<br />

charactcrizc :r ncariy all nan-resoarch-hascd curriculur approachcv undurycuresthiv point .<br />

Currently, the school-based prevention field is characterized and dominated by individuals and<br />

groups who believe strongly in the value ul'preventitm . More often than not, intuitive<br />

approaches that Lend to he adopted seldom . if ever, achieve prevention goals . No matter how<br />

wide¢pread or pnpidar a prnKram may hr., ellet•tivenev,; in prevenling the inaet uf enh%snre nsrt<br />

and abuse murLL remain the primary and sole criterion by which programs are judged .<br />

The state-of-the-art in prevention programming now clearly favors programs that are datadriven<br />

; programs must tar,;et and change mediating variables that are strongly predictive of<br />

substance use development . Many of the approaches that have been popular in the past .<br />

including huilding self esteem, teachin g g eneric naciai skillti, an d teaching s:pecilic skills such as<br />

stress managcmcnt arc nct likciy to bc cffcctivc in school-bascd prcvcntiou . Yrogrants thar<br />

target thcsc characteristics may fultill othCr IICCdS . but arC not likely Io 17C effective aS<br />

preventive tools .<br />

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crt .<br />

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