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proportion of studcnts who use drugs incrcascs gradually bcginning in nriddlc or junior high<br />

schoal, not abruptly at grade twelve or CICCCn . 'lhis SUQgCSTS T118t t11C tUlll about which was<br />

foanally observed in high school seniors in 1991 had its bcgintlings several years earlier .<br />

Prevention<br />

Kcducirtz thc tlczrtatnl Lin' drugs tuust be pait uf a cuttiprchcnsivc natiuual sLnUCLy fur<br />

addressing the nation's drug problems . '!hc goal ot prevention is to delay, deter, or eliminate<br />

the onset of suhslanae use within populations . At the core nl-Prevention programs are,weveral<br />

aeenmplinnc Lh ;u decerve. txmeidersuinn . il iq now widely rer.ngniie.tl thnt prevenlinn prngram .<br />

that are effective have several eunmtnn t'eaturen (Dusenburv and Falcu . 1943) . Primary among<br />

theui is ptugiam liwua . Ptngtmu luwti - the utc .mxa uf tlte piugiaut and whut the lnugaut<br />

attempts Lu chang e - is the most important element of preventive intervention .<br />

The history of prevention suggests that there have been three eras of program develnpment .<br />

The first era can he characterir .ed as being intuiLin-drivien . Intuitive programs predominate in<br />

our schools and communities today . These programs rcl7ect common sense ideas . ideology .<br />

and doing what appears tu he popular or exciting .<br />

The seumd era ctf prosram developement is characlerii .ed by theory-driven pro; rams . These<br />

programz . primarily funded thrnugh research prcijectx sponsored by the National Inxtitute tin<br />

Drug Abuso (NiDA) and the Nationul Institute on Alcohol Abusus and Alcoholivm (NiAAA)<br />

have relied on a comhinatiun of host-discipline theory (i .e . theories in which the program<br />

developer was trained as a student) and intuition (nllen not admitted) to guide program<br />

development . Thus, social psychologists liicused un strategies that reflected the theories of<br />

Ihr.ir di .ciplinn cuch ae Cnr .i :d Ir.nrning Theory (R:mdnra . 14474) nntl Ihe Thenry nfRe;iume,d<br />

Action (Ajzon & 1'ighlicin, 1J78) . Sociologists tbcuscd on Social Control'1'hcory (Hirachi,<br />

19b8), itcscanlrcrs gruuudcd in public lualtlr uscd tlrc Hcalth 13clicf Mutlcl (Rust .7lstuck, ct al,<br />

1S'/ :1) . Prevention pro ;rauuncrs have used assumpttons about cause and clTCct that are uilurctlt<br />

in each of these theoretical perspectives to develop preventive interventions . 'fhc dccadc of the<br />

19RU's witncsscd nutncrnua field trials in which varitius comhinatinna of clcmcntc were<br />

delivered and tong-tcrm follow-up traclanC behavioral cftocts coaiplctcd .<br />

Much ot' what is known about cffcctivc school-bascd cun9cular approaches has been learned<br />

from rescarchcr-nzitiatcd intervention trials .<br />

ltl a recent review, Toblcr and Stratton (in press) have examined four groups of programs :<br />

(a) information programs . (b) affcctivc programs which also included intoiillation cotnponcins,<br />

(c) social influence progratns which also tCndcd to include infortnation, and (d) multiplc<br />

component programs, usually including sontc clcmcnt of all three ofthc previous groups but<br />

Clllphasizitld social influence in coti,jutlct(on with additional effective strategies . '1'obicr and<br />

Stratton (lil press) used means and standard devlatlollS to calculate erfCCt size 4taflshcS for each<br />

of the studica reviewed above . 'lbblcr'a rovicw incrcnscd the number of studics in thc annlysis<br />

arttl cuutluctcd attalyscs on Lwu data scts . '11u: first iucludCd all rcput'tcd studics lur wlnch cLlccl<br />

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