How business, doctors and journalists prey on your food anxieties I

How business, doctors and journalists prey on your food anxieties I

How business, doctors and journalists prey on your food anxieties I


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ForbesS<br />

GUBUST 14. 1995 • VOLUME 156 • NUMBER 4<br />


122 Rpaciram<br />

caaldpmwRwan<br />

tM• weuW have<br />

174 Nas.ea<br />

bmn nn Pnad Nxr<br />

bor.Thulapaneae<br />

Rg:nad we<br />

Nln't figld .<br />

a nceatl<strong>on</strong><br />

ahud .[hat<br />

mekeahYn<br />

buiBeha•hall .<br />


130 Lies, Damned Lies And Medical Statistics<br />

Iry Frinp E .3 is ;<br />

Tha'c\ a ieim a~c¢P abuut u hu wc ear, drink <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

brcadm. 14ot thc scuo a¢ bucd <strong>on</strong> Itnghable smtutics .<br />

122 AnUnueccvsaryWar<br />

ByThumuSOweI<br />

Thc gnat Icssnn al Wurld 4Y .u II Is that the M1laughar<br />

rvu brnught nn be pacifiv :ui mueh as bv :niliradvm .<br />

163 WiBMicrosof[DominateBaWdngt<br />

ByP~7iaraA Sha.ier<br />

Unlikdv- Fnanc(al insdmd<strong>on</strong>s are mo big, r<strong>on</strong> smarr<br />

xnd too enncnehed m be pushed aside bv hlicrosoft .<br />

168 WhyYouNeedA'Pmst<br />

Dy Gamlyn T .6eee<br />

?1o mlddlc-dass 6amilv shouW be rrsthout <strong>on</strong>c .<br />

176 The Yin And Yang Gf Overseas Investing<br />

By Jasan Lwag<br />

Snmc avm'sr.rs funds am country-pickcq s<strong>on</strong>m snxk<br />

pickurs. Scudder Glnhal F<strong>on</strong>d rs a thrnmpis#er .<br />

50 1/•fountl<br />

peradaealmk<br />

overflowing<br />

withPh.D .'santl<br />

fatsutwrtlles.<br />

~<br />



42 Dreyer'sGr<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>lce<br />

Crearn: Battling to he<br />

nuntber <strong>on</strong>e nati<strong>on</strong>wide .<br />

BySe5iludNe<br />

44 Perfumania:Itv<br />

plans to bring perfome<br />

to the masses went awry .<br />

3, Lna MaukBeha:<br />

46 CincivnatiBeO :<br />

Charthtgitsownc<strong>on</strong>rse<br />

tostayomfrorrtin the<br />

teleph<strong>on</strong>e <str<strong>on</strong>g>business</str<strong>on</strong>g>.<br />

Byt;arySamuers<br />

47 W<strong>on</strong>iworHv Roger<br />

Farah made an easy<br />

$14 milliun last year .<br />

But this year he is going<br />

ta carn everydime he gets<br />

By Phyhs Bumn<br />

wrh Carahne Waxler<br />

81 Uni<strong>on</strong>Teaaa<br />

PetroleuntHoldings :<br />

Nearly bankrupt ten years<br />

ago, it's Bush <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> seeking<br />

I billi<strong>on</strong> barrels of oil.<br />

By fum Mack<br />

82 Comdisco :Itmust<br />

painfully adapt to a world<br />

where mainframes are<br />

replaced by PCs-<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

locker-room manncrs<br />

are po0tica0y incorrect .<br />

ByMaunew5ch~bm<br />

88 Ho.spiqiityFrancluse<br />

Systems :Invkeeper<br />

HenrySBvermanis<br />

about to lead his<br />

immigrantpartnersinm<br />

a sec<strong>on</strong>d industry.<br />

Bylocl"dtllmar<br />

90 Mylan Laboratories :<br />

Still the leadm in generics.<br />

What's lts secret!<br />

BySrzanrz Oliver<br />

96 Unitedlbmini<strong>on</strong><br />

Industries : Its basses<br />

kuew what they wanted<br />

todo,butthevwentabout<br />

it rashly <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> fuo0shiy .<br />

kly Netl `Neimerg<br />

98 Fortverldving :<br />

Alce juice ruay not<br />

do pcople murh good,<br />

but Rea Maughan has<br />

gotten rich selBug it.<br />

5y C :rrutnpner Palmeri<br />

140 StartingYour<br />

Own Business<br />

Colinaire Internati<strong>on</strong>al :<br />

Underst<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>ing that people<br />

eat with their eyes as<br />

well as with their mouths .<br />

ByR LeSelrman<br />

144 Up& Comers<br />

WahlCBpperisinvading<br />

a msture, crowded market<br />

with "a better product ."<br />

ByJOiryFdnf<br />

145 Hi-LuAntomatlve<br />

revisited .<br />

ByCmdmeiNaxler<br />

166 FacesBehivd<br />

The Figures<br />

hmes Wcbcq O'&'icn<br />

Inamnri<strong>on</strong>ul ; Crndria<br />

ICmvlcc, Pavhi<strong>on</strong> designcr;<br />

Nancy Hxwthomq<br />

C<strong>on</strong>rincnnl Cablcvisi<strong>on</strong>-<br />


56 Bloating the deHcit:<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>How</str<strong>on</strong>g> importers are making<br />

the U .S. trade balanra<br />

look wnrse than it is.<br />

By Dam<strong>on</strong> Damn<br />


50 Nurlhernlyd<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>:<br />

Will the cease-fux huid<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>brbig peace at Iast7<br />

Smart<str<strong>on</strong>g>business</str<strong>on</strong>g>peopie<br />

are betting that it will.<br />

By Ricnad C. Morau<br />

54 Design:European<br />

kitchen makers are having<br />

a tough time establishing<br />

themselves in the U .S .<br />

By Peler Pihrnan<br />

156 Carbitrage: Making<br />

m<strong>on</strong>ey off the spreada<br />

betweenluxnry-car<br />

priees around the worid .<br />

By Nma Mark<br />




158 Supedortechnology<br />

al<strong>on</strong>e doesn't spell<br />

success.lLere's also the<br />

human factor .<br />

3y Flommg Mvv:hs<br />

162 Fred Gibb<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong>ce<br />

beat Bill Gates. Then it<br />

wasa0downhill .<br />

By Scth bcove<br />

164 Insights<br />

ByMeheelGrenWrre<br />


10 Side Lines<br />

12 Folluw-Through<br />

18 Thelnformer<br />

20 ReadersSay<br />

23 Faet<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>Comment<br />

28 GtherComments<br />

33 Commentary<br />

37 What's Ahead For<br />

Business<br />

38 TheF'arbeatnAnx<br />

199 Flashbacks<br />

200 Thoughts<br />

Edirori,rl indcx is mi pagc 6<br />

174 The M<strong>on</strong>ey Men<br />

Bill Ehrnun antidpates<br />

a mild recessian but says<br />

he's a bull anyway.<br />

By JomasJaife<br />

179 The FarbesBarra<br />

WaBStreetReview<br />

180 C<strong>on</strong>tmodities<br />

Review<br />

182 Streetwalker<br />

Salamnn Inc ; UC4er<br />

Tcchnoloqics; iahn<br />

gogle i markct predi.-<br />

tinns; Taurr Air .<br />


190 Bargain0igitta<br />

overseas are nat aiways<br />

the smartest buyv.<br />

ByC6aC3nder5<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> Alerdncra Alger<br />

191 GneeBttlemore<br />

than gadgets, pagers have<br />

newuses .<br />

By M¢hael Noer<br />

192 StayingHeaithy<br />

Most °desiguer" watu<br />

is about aa pure as<br />

San Ant<strong>on</strong>io tap water .<br />

By R . iee 3ullwa-i<br />

185 Statistical<br />

Spotlight<br />

Some real estate<br />

invesYment trosts<br />

look like good buys .<br />

By Enc S . Hardy<br />


136 PointOfl:ew<br />

SfeveH Ilanke<br />

146 RealityCheck<br />

RoledH Nelsan<br />

186 TheC<strong>on</strong>trarian<br />

David Dreman<br />

187 WaB Street<br />

Irregula<br />

Mark Hulbed<br />

188 FinancialStntegy<br />

A .baryShiuing<br />

194 couectors<br />

The pros <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> c<strong>on</strong>s of<br />

a reaale number .<br />

ByChnshe Brrvrn<br />

Cover tlloSraL<strong>on</strong> hy<br />

6urcGe D :;gzn Fksinglu<br />


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