How business, doctors and journalists prey on your food anxieties I

How business, doctors and journalists prey on your food anxieties I

How business, doctors and journalists prey on your food anxieties I


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H<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>icapping<br />

the letters<br />

Mara Hulhvr. is edior<br />

e; tne Alexardria, Va .-<br />

based Hu/bert<br />

Pmancrar Digest .<br />

a m<strong>on</strong>tGly serv~ce<br />

:hat m<strong>on</strong>itors the<br />

reriornance of<br />

InVestnentadVNsOfy<br />

etters .<br />

Is SUPERIOR L.'~sT rsRFORUASCE bc' an imestment<br />

adviser ana'assurance of titture superinr<br />

performance? Has the holder of ~esterdae's<br />

hot h<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> got a good chance of holding hot<br />

h<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>s in the future? Yes! That fact emerees<br />

clearlv fiom mv just-completed sun e% of investment<br />

letter performance oser the entire 15<br />

years tlte Hrdbe ;t Finaracial Dijsrt has m<strong>on</strong>itored<br />

the industn .<br />

J1v findine flies in the face of the st<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>ard<br />

academic argnment that performance is r<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g>om<br />

. If that were true, pou could more or less<br />

ignore past records chen pidcing a mut tal tund,<br />

an imestment ad~iser or a nmrket letter . Dog<br />

rodav would not necessarily mcan dog tomorrow<br />

. In fact, it might be better to go with the<br />

dogs because regressi<strong>on</strong> to the mean ~till e% entuaily<br />

gi~e the leaders their comeupnance .<br />

My new data provide a str<strong>on</strong>g statistical<br />

basis for believing that going with the %rinners<br />

makes good im-estment sense . Not all Inngterm<br />

winners have c<strong>on</strong>tinued to beat the market.<br />

but the spread bctw'een their average performance<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> the areragc performance of the<br />

losers has c<strong>on</strong>tinued .<br />

One reas<strong>on</strong> some obseners fail to detect<br />

this relati<strong>on</strong>ship between past <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> fimue oerformance<br />

is this : It depends crucially <strong>on</strong> how the<br />

past is defined . Focus <strong>on</strong> the short-term, <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> the<br />

relati<strong>on</strong>ship disappears altogether-thc good,<br />

the b'ad <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> the indifferent are indistinguishable<br />

short term . This holds true fur quartcrlc <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g><br />

even yearly performance . Remember *,his the<br />

next time you get an investment letter tdvertisement<br />

that attempts to capitalize <strong>on</strong> a short-<br />

2rni high ranking in the xEO.<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>How</str<strong>on</strong>g> manw aears of past performance are<br />

needed in order to increase ~-our chances okfutnre<br />

succes_c- Five is a minimum, <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> ten is e% -en<br />

better . Mc research sho%es that the letters that<br />

shine over flw- <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> ten-~ear periods arc likeh° to<br />

c<strong>on</strong>tinue to do weil, While those that do badlr iu<br />

these periods are more likeh' to c<strong>on</strong>tinuc to do<br />

badh . Intagine <strong>your</strong>selfin the shoes ofan itwestor<br />

st'ho, in mid-1990, is pickin*an adaise_ to follow<br />

for the ti~e ~ears from theu until toden . Ho%~<br />

best could you hare used the ten N ears of performance<br />

ratings then in the trFn databasc?<br />

You'd be happiest todatif N-ou had : sed all<br />

ten t,cars of performance data then asailable to<br />

separate winners irom losers . If in mid- 1990<br />

you had im-estcd with dte ten-% ear market beaters,<br />

Vou'd have made an acerage of 13-2%<br />

compounded bN noNN , cersus 12 .3% for the stock<br />

market itself You'd ha~e made just4 .1°6 bo,<br />

imesting in the ten-N ear market laggards .<br />

What would hat'e happened if in mid-1990<br />

you Itad picked fice-,,ear \\ inners rather than<br />

ten-% ear uinners? You %could h .ne made<br />

10 .0% compounded, relsus 8 .3% bv incesting<br />

~rith the tiN e-N car losers . Note that this 10 .0°/ato-8<br />

.3%o diP}ercntial issmailet-than [ha 13 .2%-<br />

to-4 .1% dif'tcrential fur ten vears .<br />

Or cou could have _fl<strong>on</strong>c ~cith the three-vear<br />

t~inners . If cou had, cou Would ha%e gained a<br />

10 .3i, compounded reuun ocer Ihe next fi%e<br />

t•ears, Nersus 8 .8%a for in .'esting ~% ith tlu threet•ear<br />

losers . In ot9ler uards, going uith rite<br />

direc-%,ear markct bcaters oulr mareinalh~ increases<br />

tnur odds offuture success~ ~<br />

C<strong>on</strong>dusi<strong>on</strong> : Go uith the ten-rear winners .<br />

Take Nt'i_th a grain of salt thingslike the Wall<br />

Sn~eet jarn,naPs rcporting ofshort-term muutat<br />

fund uerformancc, where <strong>on</strong>e ciac oftheirfuedav<br />

reporting c%•cle is de%oted to performance<br />

oN °er the last 20 trading davs <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> anothcr to the<br />

last 65 trading dat•s .<br />

Who are the ten- ear «inners in the HFD<br />

sueepstalces? In tu'st place is trpi Rdpicw (edited<br />

b~' Louis \arellierl, tthich produced a 902°'~<br />

return through mid-1995, versus a 268% total<br />

return for the Wilshire 5000 index , In sec<strong>on</strong>d<br />

place is tlte Cilif'rnnia Technology Stock Letter<br />

(edited b~\-Iichael Slurphv <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> Lissa Morganthulerl,<br />

«ith a 440% remrn ; <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> in third<br />

place is the Cbrsi-fisz (edited bv Dan Sullit,an),<br />

10111 :129 1"%~ re*.urn . Rounding out the top h\z<br />

tor perfurmance ocer the last decade are nro<br />

published b~b-tartin Z~ceig : the Zvrip Forecast<br />

Here are the top five ~<br />

investment letters over the p<br />

past ten years-<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> that's ~<br />

l<strong>on</strong>g enough to really count. c<br />

<str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> the Zirciq Per'frnrrnnnce Ratinns Report, yA<br />

«ith gains of 27s%r <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> 272%, respcctiseh . ~<br />

Though the Ztteig letters' gains appc'ar to be .~<br />

<strong>on</strong>hmodastk ahead aftiie markcr, this is deccp<br />

tive : The~ts-erc produced with 23% <str<strong>on</strong>g>and</str<strong>on</strong>g> 29%<br />

less % olatilin(or risk) than thc market itself-a<br />

srinning comitinati<strong>on</strong> . M<br />

Forbes. August 14, 1995 187<br />


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