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I<br />

II<br />

Page<br />

LIPTON'S<br />

TEA<br />

BAGS<br />

48 59c<br />

Co"nt<br />


89 Kercheval<br />

~__---------,..l<br />

"-'--_._-"--'--- ~<br />

Bic)7de Thefts Heported in Cily<br />

Three bicycle thefts were re. On lhat same date Jim Cio('.<br />

ported to City ]Jolice on June, 1204 Yorkshire, reported his<br />

14, and June 15. Michael Men. : red and white hicycle stolen<br />

then, 912 University, reported i f!'olll I\'('ff Memorial Park. t\lar.<br />

the theft of his gold and chromc ' till Walton, 458 Washington. fl'<br />

trimmed bicycle from (he bike i )lorted the theft of his black and<br />

racK at 17101 Kerchel'al on June: white bike from !\eff ~Iemorial<br />

14. Park on the t5th<br />

.1 VERBRUGGE'S<br />


Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

--- -_ .. - -_._-------~_._.---------- - --------~------------------- -----------<br />

· 'Poupard. • TURNED OVER $25 bond which was paid to a<br />

olueers- Jf flUI etlre ntent All mcmbers of thc council City po J ice officer Dwighl city of Detroit police officer.<br />

L G 1 R<br />

FI'l et A ttellllell B f Ma as. ever)' off.duly park police Stanlon lane, to lhe City police<br />

Btl 11<br />

JJ~i'".~~m~-<br />

~.\\\;. cQ2JUlggO'llOQOO~.<br />

'"::.~~~~:f:~' ~!i.} ~ ~Qllm~J~<br />

", . ~ '-'.- - .~<br />


"PA~~<br />

6TIIIlIS ./~mH~" . Jf. iI ,r r !, I I!J IJ!JI<br />

24 Size<br />

Eig"t<br />



California<br />


Jumbo Size<br />

Solid Crisp<br />


97~<br />

45~a<br />

2 fDr 45 c<br />

FRUIT<br />


1 Lb. 1-0:c. Can<br />

M<br />

TU 5.1565<br />


2<br />

FAMILY<br />


SIZE<br />


1 Lb.4-0:c.<br />

29~a<br />

Welchad~<br />


46-01:. Can<br />

WNe al the banquel, as well Scott look Thomas 1"redal, 78<br />

. ,~< . / / . .,' _ ) _11 Y officer, induding Capt. Arnold stalion on Tuesday, June 11, on<br />

________ : Hough and Lt. Gerald Kestcloot an outstanding traffic warrant<br />

By acfual count. 27,5 persoll,.\('dllC~"a)' el'cllill~" June 12, Citl' M:lvor David Burgess in Detroit, Ill.' was released all<br />

alt('nded a retirement banquet \0 hOllor two oulstanding Park: allended and so did the follow- I<br />

held at Sl. ~laron's So;'ial Ilall, of{i('ials, Police Chief Arthur i ing municipal judges, C. Joseph;<br />

Louwers, and Fire Chief Wil- Belanger, Park; Don J. Good<br />

51. Jean and K('rcheval, Delroit, Iiam GrauL row, Woods; and Douglas Pater.<br />

ROLLED<br />


ROAST89~<br />

So you're in range<br />

a your next new car:<br />

Fine.You're in range<br />

Chief LoulI'ers retired on ~Iav son, City; and othrr judicial<br />

31, af!rr 3B ye,lrs of service dignitaries from Wayne County<br />

with the Police Department; and surrounding cities<br />

i and Chief Graul will lea\'e his There was a large contingent<br />

post on June 30. after having i of agents of the Federal Bureau<br />

servl'd the dtv for 4[) veal's. 'of !nVl'stigation, and a number'<br />

Park Mayor' Matthew' Patter- of Stale Policemen. who as CoL<br />

son, who emceed the progra m, Fredritk E. Davids, Slale Police<br />

disclosed that a number of police DlreNor, saId. also represrnt<br />

thlds and other public offi- the State Fire ;\larshal's Office.<br />

cials from cities, near and far, since each trooper is automatiewere<br />

unable to j)(' present be ally a deputy fire marshal.<br />

cause of I,ressing duties, and ~Iany others were prrsrnt to<br />

other reasons. pay tribute to Chirfs Louwers<br />

lIowever, the 275 persons ill and .Graul, .in~Juding lhe ~hiefs' !<br />

attendance, heard glowing tri fa!J1Jhes fnends and plalll ar-'<br />

buIes paid to Louwers and lJ1Jrel's.<br />

Graul, from the mayor, and Before Ihe feasl. was lI~d~rother<br />

speakers. after w~1ich the way" Rev: J. \~llIl~m Gl'lffl.th I<br />

chiefs were given a standing. of SI. R~chard s Cat h.o II C,<br />

0\ ati')n ; Church. \\0 cst/and, a relatll'c of i<br />

L<br />

. K' Chief Graul, was called upon<br />




,~<br />

.<br />

" W~ .s£RVE DETROIT AND<br />

" ALL SU8UIIBS<br />

2941 £. JEFFERSON<br />

i&:~~E<br />

AUTO<br />

• Daily<br />

• WeeJdy<br />


• Monthly<br />

leasing (up to 3 yrs.) All Makes<br />

( ..II James Jenkins: TU 1.5000<br />

VENEER<br />

People who can't see any<br />

deeper than the paint are some.<br />

times fooled by the finish.<br />

Creek Ranch, hiS h~me near thc ~ives of the honorees and" (i lit<br />

Onoway, MIch., 300 miles away, others al lhe head table a£ler, * OSS AWNINGS lit<br />

to be present al the banquet. He which he called for recognition i *' I ." *'<br />

was IIllroduced by ~Iayor Pal- of dhmitaries in the ~I,dience. : :<br />

.arry . nox, retired Inkster to giv(' the invocation, t>!t1< SERVING 3 GENERATIONS OF SMART DETRDIT£RS U*,<br />

pollce Chief, cam: from Canada Ma 1'01' Patterson introduced, * :.<br />

tmon. . FOllowing this, Co!. Davids; I} GIVE LONG LASTING SERVICE *'<br />

Among t.he are~ pohce heads G.1en Thom, retired Delroit Fin: * -;*<br />

p~esent, ~vlth their \,;11'es were: Chief, and presently Warren * Get Year 'Round Protection Tit<br />

Clly Chl~f Andrew Teetae~t. Fire Commissioner; and Glenn It with New Beautiful l:<br />

Woods Dlreetor of P u h Ill: Leonard Oak Park Direclor of: Vinyl Coated Dacron I}<br />

5afet~ Allen A~drews; pa,rk Puhlic S~fety and current presi- 11- Fabrics _.ll'<br />

I?ll'eCLo: of PubliC Safely \\- IJ- dent of The :\lichigan Police 11- ; >Iham<br />

Ellenberg, who succeeds Chiefs Association. were asked" LO.-7-0890 I}<br />

hoth Louwers and Graul; and to speak 11- I}<br />

Harper Woods Chief Allen Mig- }\( th~ conclusion of the' 11- FREE ESTIMATlS • CONVENIENT TERMS ~ It<br />

hO'11 D. .., ). speeches, Mayor Patterson pre- i<br />

Sores Irecto!. of r ubllc ,ented Chief Louwers and Chief<br />

SafelY Thomas Cochlll \~as Im- Graul with inscribed, gold wrist<br />

: ahle t~ al\l!nd he~ause o.f Illness; walches, after which he asked<br />

,and I-arms PolIce Clllef Jack the chiefs to inlrodnce their<br />

F. Roh, was unable to to be families,<br />

prese~t. b~cause of back and The newest recruils of both<br />

SIde injuries suffer?d the clay the Police and Fire Deparl<br />

before, Jun.e 11, which rest~lted ments of the Park, Patrolman<br />

when he tned to stop a drIver- Michael Kortas, and Pipeman<br />

less, r~naway car. . Casper Allor, presented each<br />

A~so I~ attendance was retIred chief a porta hIe AM-FM porl-<br />

Clt} Pol!ce ~hlC[ Th,omas Trom- able Zenilh radio, Korlas to<br />

bly, ChICf feetaert s predeces- LOllwers, and Allor to Graul,<br />

so~, D t I I d gifts of the personnel of their<br />

'Ire e par. m e ~ lea s respective dcpartmer,ts.<br />

p~esent, \~ere: CIty .Chlef Albe.rl Park Citv Manager Roherl<br />

~ akllll; F arms Chief M. WlI- A, Sloan was then called upon<br />

II~m Mason, and. of course the to present the cbiefs witb serdirectors<br />

af public safety, whose vice o:ertificates after which he<br />

tItles not only make them heads introduced the members of the<br />

of .lhe police departments. of committee who worked -so hard<br />

their respeclJve commumhes<br />

b I al fir h' f Al t for the success<br />

. n so. e e .Ie s. . so presen They are:<br />

was retIred fIre chlCf GelJrge Fire Capt. Henry<br />

of the<br />

M.<br />

banquet.<br />

DeClerck,<br />

I<br />

New Modern Designs<br />


• Comet.<br />

$6 a DAY ~i~e<br />

• Mercury.<br />

$8 a Day ':i~e<br />

• Cougar.<br />

$8 a Day ~I~e<br />

Police Lt. Gerard .J. Kestleloo!.<br />

Fire LI. Philip Ill. Cosla, Police<br />

Sgt. George B. Blair; Del. Sgt.<br />

.Tames E. LaPratt, and Veron<br />

inca C, Fodell, who was committee<br />

treasurer; and Erma O.<br />

130 Kercheval on 'he Hill<br />

Nyiri, who was the secretary, ---------- -----------<br />

Climaxing the affair W:ls tl.,c<br />

presentation of the reli~ menl Open Thursday and Friday Evenings<br />

hadges to each of the chids, by<br />

Director of Public Safety Wil- i<br />

Iiam Ellenberg, who sueeeds<br />

botb men as administrative<br />

_hea(1 of holh d(~partments.<br />

.,.'~:(<br />

You thought about it. Debated about it.<br />

And flnolly decided: You're getting a new car.<br />

Will you go right out and pop<br />

for the first car you see?<br />

A '01 of people do-and<br />

end up driving so.called<br />

low-priced cors that cosi<br />

as much-or more-than<br />

this full-size Olds 88.<br />

There's no reason for<br />

you to do this. You can<br />

enjoy all Ihe advantages<br />

an 88 offers. Smooth<br />

ride (Olds 88's<br />

a anO<br />

wheelbase is a full 123<br />

inches.l Impressive<br />

response (Rocket 350<br />

V-B, standard.) And on<br />

abundance of room and<br />

comfort (Olds seals are<br />

nearly 5 feef wide.1 Most of<br />

all, you get the exira ossuranca<br />

that's yours in on Olds. Plus all<br />

the GM safety features.<br />

So before you make a<br />

~nal decision, price check<br />

an Olds 88. Today.<br />

\<br />

get with the Nehru bfuer now<br />

See your<br />

'fholl~nl11!. lor cnl1(',~r nn,. hi!!h<br />

~('hool :;ll1d('nt~ ha\.~' ... ''{CllI<br />

ran, too, _ . I,', ~,,",.nnteed or<br />

rOll dol1't l~.HY;<br />

• Achieve better grades<br />

• CuI down your hours of study<br />

• Increue your income with<br />

grealer knowledge<br />

• Our average gr.duMe re ,ds In<br />

12 minutes what used to reo<br />

quire an hour<br />

• More th.n 400,000 g,.du,'es<br />

including the sMfI .,1 Ihe /,'e<br />

Prt~~ir:~nl Kenn~dy<br />

Learn to Read<br />

3 to 10 Times<br />

Foster<br />

See the EVl!'lyn Wood Story~ Sun,<br />

clay, midnight, Ch,nnel SO, re'.<br />

lowing the Lou Gordon Show.<br />

C:dl ltl-::~\' I I ~,I\liHlr<br />

i I I ~1;1"1 t ': 11 ~0 II<br />

~62 7056<br />

~ EVELYN<br />

W WOOD<br />


1101 W.shinglon Blvd,<br />

Op.lroit lAich. 4R226<br />

. In rWHlr .., CIIIt" Thr'r'l'UQhout th@' World<br />

and join the movement to the<br />

latest sport coat look hittin~<br />

the scene. Contemplate<br />

the great det ai ling: standup<br />

collar, flap pockets, deep<br />

back vents, self covered buttons.<br />

Brown or grey in rayon<br />

and wool. Student sizes<br />

36 to 40 regular. 40.00<br />

Jacobson's<br />


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