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_mn 7 7 'f $ f en . SS2 S S<br />


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Thirty.Two<br />

Multiple Listing Service<br />

sells houses fast.<br />

You benefit in more ways than one when you sell<br />

your house through a Realtor'll><br />

You have his expert, professional help to rely<br />

at every step of the sale, from first showing to<br />

final closing. He doesn't waste your time<br />

with casual sightseers or windolr'!shoppers--every<br />

prospect he brings to see your house is a<br />

genuinely interested prospect.<br />

And through Multiple listing, many Realtors can<br />

pool their resources to bring you a far wider<br />

range of prospective buyers.<br />


1,500 SALESPEOPLE TO<br />


CALL or STOP IN and SEE - Any office displaying<br />

the emblem below.<br />

Macomb County Board of Realtors<br />

Eastern Detroit Realty Association<br />

McEdra<br />

Multi-Photo-List<br />

ONE ...<br />

£byQ<br />


Bows ~~i:~'isr~~e<br />

Photo-Files<br />

SAVE YOU<br />

Driving Miles<br />

16701 E. WARREN<br />

Yes ... There<br />

is only one<br />

Sibyl Beauty<br />

School. All<br />

efforts are concentrated<br />

on giving<br />

you the finest<br />

training availableeverything<br />

in<br />

ONE!<br />

•<br />

TU 6.6676<br />

where he servcd as rush chair in Hawaii and evcntuall\' com- 19.'i5to 19.'\9,and was appointed<br />

man and (-ha"tcr cditor. !. ""te '" at N~wport Ncws, Va.• I'n ! gcneral sales manager. business<br />

,Ail-Navy Tennis. c xc h a n g e in 1960. He was<br />

Beyslt'r. who is prc>enlly named to head the Woodward<br />

slationed ill HonOlulu, has been '. Ill' Egan was elected president<br />

lel1ered in the .;port two year." of the Sales and ~Iarkeling Ex ,<br />

L11i.~i.-<br />

in high schoo!. eClilives or Delroit, hIP, in 1966.<br />

_________ A graduate of St. Philip Nl'ri l<br />

I1i~h School. he al1ended the<br />

Cl'TTI:'IiG ('ORNERS<br />

haglQette<br />

Uniw'rsily of Detroit hefore<br />

Ceorgl' Flynn ('~i1ed City poliee joining ~!iehig;1Il BI'I!.<br />

(,n Satllrday, .T1I11!' 15. to rl'port Egan and his wife, Palricia.<br />

tllal ~ l'irn'r, but lar('enou~ have five sons anri a dallghter.<br />

Ihid had pas~1'1Ia OIl(' d()lI~r<br />

hill as a fi \(' dollar bill hv alter VANDAi.S-~\T-WORK I<br />

;11~ Ihe l'orl1l'rs. 'fhi' bill ~\'a~rr .Tack R 0 h I' cr. principal of,<br />

lailH'd hy ]lolicr.<br />

Maire School. c;,i1('ri City l)olice i<br />

on Thursd;,y. ,funl, n, to report<br />

NO m.liEPp.I:'IiT thrce broken wind"ws in the'<br />

~Iany IH'Opir advise others to portable clas,\rornns. The win.<br />

saw monr)' lorl~y. but few give dows appear to h:,Vl' h(,en hrok.<br />

ad\';,'!' on how to do it.<br />

en hy BB shoL~ ~nr! [lOP cans.<br />

nI'Si~l",r1 I" ~11:\I.TIli/I'<br />

II", hlll~jlll'" "f h"s~ ..1<br />

l(tlil1~. 1'",,11,(>111,:1 1\111,<br />

unique I: I 0(.111:1 d r,l\\"sl rill~<br />

4:o\,'I'r 1I11i1i:!l1'c1 to ll;illl['.lI<br />

(II ,,;iintl':I 1"",1-",.

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