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Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Woman's<br />


Page<br />

Twenty-seven<br />



WOoded Acres on Bridge La!;e<br />

l i.' 1 IIr .. from Detroil-2 Mi. from Clarkston<br />

.'- Campmg Mon. thrn Frj.-'Veekends Home<br />

I .' .Boating. Swimming • Riding • Archery<br />

~III 75<br />

-~ R,flery. Wat~r Skiing • "'ayrides • Campfire<br />

Sings. • Cookouts • Wild and Domestic Animals<br />

Overnight Campouts • Trips<br />

Boys and Girls 514 College Staff<br />

$50 \Veekly Season Discount Transportation<br />

Wrile or Phone for Brochure<br />

14260 Sibley Rd.<br />

Riverview, fAith. 48192<br />

Page<br />

Newlywed D'HerdesI<br />

Traveling In North<br />

Reception Held In Home; Bride Chooses Candlelight<br />

Taffeta Gown; Couple Will Make Home In<br />

Strathmoor Road<br />

A reception at -the-hom~ afM!'. and Mrs. George i<br />

H. Ha~lmond, of Kenwood court, followed the marriage I<br />

of theIr daughter, Sara I\loran, to Frank Emil D'Herde<br />

son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil D'Herde, of St. Clair Shores; I<br />

• Friday, June 14.<br />

CHRISTMAS :N JUNE I The Rig h t Reverend i<br />

Cpl. William Plumb and Cpl. Frank McPhillips officiated,<br />

George Brackx recovered a Ro- j at the evening services in'<br />

wil Deluxe 26" bicvcle on the 1St. Paul's-oll-the-Lakeshore. ~<br />

northeast corner of University It'ollowi.ng. a trip to North.<br />

aDd St. Paul on Tuesday June ern MIchIgan, the newly- I i<br />

11, that was stolen from Grosse ~veds will make their hOIl~e ,<br />

Pointe Park in December of '67. 1Il Strath~oor.road. Detr?!t. ,<br />

_' . . A candlelight Imported taf eta '<br />

Park police were notified, and gown fashioned with a bateau i<br />

picked up the bicycle. necklinc and bracelet length I<br />

sleel'es lI'as chosen bv the bride. ,<br />

WOMAN HURT IN FALL A Julict cap of Dutchess lace:<br />

embroidered in seed pearls held City police receivp.d a report her twoticrcd full length veil. I<br />

on Saturday, June 15. that 1\Irs. She carried her prayer book •.<br />

Carol Chupa, 1398 Anita, had with one white catlleya orchid~:<br />

fallen down the stairs in Ja. and phalaenopsis orchids inter.: i<br />

eobson's, 17030 Kercheval. They mingled with star ivy and satin' :.<br />

took Mrs. Chupa to Bon Secours . streamers,<br />

i }'<br />

Hospital for !::_e~nl_en~: i__!he bride's two sisters, Bar. ~L<br />

• • by, of and for Pointe<br />

.'<br />

Mrs. Frank Emil D'Herde<br />

Photo by Paul Gach<br />

Friday evening, June 14, marked the marriage of<br />

SARA MORAN HAMMOND, daughter of the George<br />

H. Hammonds, of Kenwood court, and Mr. D'Herde,<br />

son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil D'Herde, of St. Clair Shores,<br />

in St. Paul's.on.the-Lakeshore.<br />

-- - -~- --- --- ------------------<br />

bara K. Hammond and Mrs.<br />

. Keith P Edwards, were the<br />

, maid and matron of honor. Also<br />

: attending her were ~Irs. Doug.<br />

ias Smith and :\lary Lou Clark.<br />

Thel' wore dresses of maize<br />

silk \I;ith point de Venise l~"e<br />

in a floral motif and high neck.<br />

lines encircled with wreaths of<br />

multi-colored Vcnise flowers.<br />

Their veils fell from filigree<br />

pearl flowers surro:!nded by<br />

hanging silkcn blossoms. They<br />

carricd b 0 u que I s of white<br />

daisies and ivy.<br />

Joseph D'Herde acted as his<br />

brother's best man, assisted by<br />

the bride's two brothers, Robert<br />

W. Hammond and George H.<br />

Hammond, Jr.. James Meech,<br />

and Jerry Hunt. of ~lissouri.<br />

:\Irs. Hammond's buttercup<br />

yellow sheatlt.. dress was trim.<br />

med with chatlVdnd pearl beading,<br />

She wore a tiny hatlet of<br />

lilies.of.the.valley and matching<br />

ribbon, and accented her<br />

outfit with green cymbidium or.<br />

chids.<br />

The bridegroom's mother se.<br />

lected a light blue silk shantung<br />

coat and dress ensemble with<br />

matching a~cessories. She wore<br />

a corsage of pink cymbidium<br />

orchids.<br />

Receiving degrees from Central<br />

Michigan University during<br />

June 8 commencement ceremonies<br />

were NANCY A. EADS, of<br />

St. Clair avenue, Bachelor of<br />

Science in Education; SUSAN<br />

L. AKERS, of Hampton road,<br />

Bachelor of Science; NANCY<br />

L. VUKIN. of Country Club<br />

drive, Bachelor of Science in<br />

Educatir,n; HOWARD T.<br />

GATES, of Hunt Club drive,<br />

and William G. Peterson, of<br />

Prest wick road, both /\'laster of<br />

Business Administration; and<br />

THOMAS R. l\IARSHALL, of<br />

Roslyn road, Bachclor of Science<br />

in Business Administra.<br />

tion.<br />

..;:" .~ "..,<br />

, 'Give the ..<br />

Accutron<br />

Timepiece<br />

. @ ,<br />

for Graduation<br />

.~ .<br />

.>~.'.<br />

BILL NOECKER, son of the I sity. He also had thc distinction I L. ~IARTIN, son of MR. and<br />

MARSHALL NOECKERS, of. of sharing goalie duties on the: MRS. JAMES C. ~tARTIN, of<br />

Handy road, returned h 0 me' Cornell freshman hockey team. I Hawthorne road, received their<br />

from Ithaca, N.Y., last week.! • • • : commissions as second lieutcn.<br />

Bill has just completed his i JOliN B. KEAN, son of ~m.:ants from Major Leonard<br />

freshman year in the Engineer-land MRS. MARVIN B. KEAN,' Nowak at the annual spring<br />

ing College of Cornell Univer- of Kenwood court. and Jr:RRY . term ROTC Commissioning<br />

\<br />

\.\<br />

\<br />

\\<br />

U<br />

Open Thursday and Friday Evenings<br />

~'fl<br />

~<br />

I<br />

})<br />

Women<br />

Ceremonies at Michigan State<br />

University. John will serve four<br />

years' active duty as a commissioned<br />

resene officer in the<br />

Air Force and Jerry will serve<br />

two years in the Army.<br />

wool knit costumes<br />

arrive Iookiag<br />

'It'" • .dI:esses witb<br />

compaDoa-C08'tS<br />

S£es.8~16.<br />

14600<br />

great<br />

Jacobsons<br />

tG<br />

SAtE<br />


8.99<br />

Regular 1I.OO<br />

ACCUTRON 11211" YJater£lroof,.sweep second<br />

hand, applied markers on silverton. dial.<br />

~Iack alligator strap, $125.00<br />

The Accutron movement does not<br />

depend en watchl'lorks. Instead, an elee- I<br />

: tronic.powered tuning fork keeps pre-.<br />

else time through vibrations. In fact, we<br />

guarantee monlhly accuracy within 60<br />

seconds.t<br />

ACCUTRON" ~ BULOYA iI It."" om""'''' ....<br />

A cooJ, smooth.fifling longleg pantie does wonders rOst<br />

your summer shape and ouilook •.Comfort.efesign€'d by<br />

Olga in while ny!on/tycra0spondex, fhis sirdle has<br />

sltelch.loce<br />

cuffs, dip.front waist and front pane'<br />

backed with permanently stiffened race for fummy<br />

control, Sizes,sma". medium or large.<br />

'.'~.<br />

Wherever you're headed, here's how 10 go in style:<br />

in an exceplional three-piece suilth.ll', OlliS aIO/IC.<br />

Under the jackel is a shell with slight.ly capped<br />

sleeves and a Aat neckline bow. Fine Imporled rayon.<br />

COCo.l or blue. 8 to 1B, 60,00<br />

16910 Kcrcheval Al'e.. (;ro,sr Poinlr<br />

(Open Thurs, 'W 9)<br />

Downtown at 1554 Wasiling:on Blwl.<br />

Northland Center<br />

(Open Mon.. Thurs., J!,rl. and Sat. Nights)<br />

f<br />

16835 Kercheval Ave.<br />

in tile Villaoe<br />

TU 5-1232<br />

Open Thursday<br />

Evenings<br />

Jacobsons<br />


.,. .. .~.".,.. . ..,.. . ',,' ~ . '. . . . ~<br />

I<br />

,'. "

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