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Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Woman's Page<br />

Patricia M. Moran<br />

Marries Mr. Forster<br />

Sunningdale Dri~e Home Of-B;:ide's Parent Setting<br />

For R.eceptlon; Lace Motifs Trim Her Gown<br />

And Train; Bridegroom Teaches In<br />

Grosse Pointe School System<br />

The Reverend Ralph Barton officiated at the wedding<br />

of Patricia Mary Moran. and Brian Joseph Forster<br />

at 1 o'clock on Saturday, June 15, in Our Lady Star of<br />

the Sea Church. • ---.----- - ---_<br />

. A recept~on at the Sun. ~Mrs. Thomas J. Moran, fo1.<br />

mngdale dnve home of the lowed the services The<br />

bride's parents, Mr. and bridegroom is the ~on of<br />

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the Andrew E. Forsters, of<br />

Birmingham.<br />

I,ace mot i f s trimmed the<br />

sleel'es and Empire waistline of<br />

the bride's organza over taffeta<br />

gown and also her Cathedral<br />

train.<br />

A matching Dior bow held her<br />

shoulder length illusion veil.<br />

Wearing lime green coHon<br />

ottoman frocks accented with<br />

shocking pink bows and pink<br />

gamette roses were attendants<br />

Catherine 'toran, maid of honor.<br />

and Lucy and Mary 'loran. the<br />

bride's three sisters, 'tary Jo<br />

Louisell, 'Irs. Kenneth Bower<br />

and Abbie Forster, sister of<br />

the bridegroom<br />

Dennis Forster se:'\'ed as best<br />

man. Tim )1 c Car thy, Keith<br />

Stark, Chuck Gramlich. Jerry<br />

Pachla and Joe 'loran acted as<br />

u,hcrs.<br />

Upon their return from a wedding<br />

trip in Northern )tichigan,<br />

the newlyweds will make their<br />

home in Detroit and 'Ir. Forster<br />

wiII continue teaching in the<br />

Grosse Pointe Public School<br />

system.<br />

Norris-Schafer<br />

Betrothal Told<br />

Greetings<br />


Mrs, Brian Joseph<br />

Mrs. David<br />

Forster<br />

A, Brindle, Jr.<br />

I Brindle-Mason<br />

Rites<br />

In Memorial Church<br />

Bride's Street Length Gown Trimmed With Green<br />

Bows; Reception Held In Mason Home; Newlyweds<br />

Will Make Their Home in<br />

Mack Avenue In Pointe<br />

. : The Reverend Bertram dcHeus Atwood officiated<br />

I at the morning marriage rites of Marilyn Candice Mason<br />

•and David Anthony Brindle, Jr., at Grosse Pointe Memorial<br />

Church on Saturday, June 15.<br />

I<br />

: Guests were<br />

-<br />

recelve~<br />

.-----------<br />

~t 1 thony Brindle of Findlay,<br />

,the home of the bnde s ! Ohio.<br />

Specially Priced<br />

$5.<br />

Page<br />

Twenty-five<br />

• • • by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Mr. and lIIrs. Charles Shafer<br />

of Royal Oak are announcing<br />

the engagement of their daugh.<br />

ter, Patricia Ann to Christopher<br />

lit F. Norris, son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Edc F. Norris, of Kensing- Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr.<br />

ton road. Marriage vows were exchanged by PATRICIA<br />

Miss Shafer is attending Mich- MARY MORAN, daughter of 1\11'.and Mrs. Thomas J.<br />

igan State Universit)' and will<br />

be attending Wayne State Moran, of Sunningdale drive, and Mr. Forster, son of<br />

University in the Fall. the Andrew E. Forsters, of Birmingham, on Saturday,<br />

Her fiance is attending Wayne June 15, at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church.<br />

State Universit),. An Augustl------- ---- --------- - ------<br />

wedding is planned in Christ!<br />

Church, Cranbrook. I<br />


mother of LEIGH B. MIDDLE- I<br />

DITCH, of Lewiston road. re- i<br />

cently celebrated her l04th<br />

birthday at an Open House<br />

given in her honor in the Mol'-<br />

oun Nursing Home. Many of her<br />

friends were also in attendance.<br />

veil and she carried a nosegay<br />

of daisies.<br />

The bridegroom's sister. in.<br />

law. Mrs. Will i a m Brindle.<br />

wearing a crepe floral print<br />

frock aud carrying a nosegay<br />

of yellow daisies, served as<br />

maid of honor.<br />

William Brindle acted as hi,<br />

brother's best. man. assisted by<br />

Keneth P. Koberstien.<br />

Mrs. ?llason wore an orange<br />

linen outiit accented with a<br />

corsage of Tiger Illlies. The<br />

pink linen dress of the bridegroom's<br />

mother was set off wilh<br />

a corsage of pink carnations.<br />

The new Mr. and ;\lrs. 'lasoll<br />

will make their home on l\lack<br />

avenue.<br />

.parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. James; A str~et lenath white lace EASY CREDIT<br />

:Mason of Berkshire road. I dress with gre;n 'bows at the M

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