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Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

WOMEN'S<br />

From Another Pointe<br />

of View<br />

By lUargaret<br />

Burns<br />

Hate'it? We do. We believe a set sbould be beautifully<br />

groomed, but never artificial looking. Our customers<br />

don't sneak off to do a quick littlt' re-comb<br />

job. They leave our salon looking n~tural, p?ise~,<br />

sure of themselves ..Like to leave the halidresser s this<br />

way? Then you'd probably like us. Very much.<br />

Bart Edmond<br />

~5 E. Adams/On The Park/Downtown/WO 2-1112<br />

Short and to<br />

the Pointe<br />

i<br />

I A J. CERAVOLO of Wllshington<br />

road, was recently ini.<br />

tiated into Tau Kappa Epsil{ln<br />

fraternity at Eastern Michigan<br />

Liggett School Alumnae. their friendsa~d, of ~our~e, University. Cerevola is the son<br />

antiques lovers are flocking .t~ th~ sch~ol 1~ BrIarclIff of DR. and MRS. ALBERT J.<br />

drive today, Thursday. to VlSlt Llgge.tt s third ~nnual CERAVOLO.<br />

attended a Wednesday evening prevIew cocktail and * • •<br />

from the affair which is sponsored by parents and alum- STEPHEN S. BURGESS, a<br />

nae, go to Ll 'gge' tt's Endowment Fu.nd. psychology major, son of MR.<br />

and MRS. STARLING S. BUR.<br />

Lucky patrons of the show and sale were able to get GESS. of Beverly road, was<br />

an early peek at the beau~iful anti9ues:whe~ they award.!d a B.S. degree at Union<br />

attended a Wednesday evenmg prevIew clcktal}. and College commencement exerdinner<br />

party ... and what they ~aw, were .magmf.lcent cises Jun 16.<br />

pieces assembled by 41 of the natIOn s leadmg antIques • • "'<br />

dealers from 14 states. J. MAURICE DES ROSIERS,<br />

The exhibits include 18th .and 19th century Ameri- of University place, was award.<br />

. k f.t ed second prize in the Fourth<br />

can and English country furniture(. Sha er .. urm ure, Annual "KiIlg of the Patio"<br />

primitive paintings, folk art and orIental prmts. Other Contest sponsored hy the Detroit<br />

gems to charm the viewers are. American decorative Edison Company for his recipe<br />

accessories; English silver; Wedgwood, Lowestoft. and for Barbecued Flank Steak.<br />

Canton china; period pottery; porcelain and glass pleces. "' "' • Receiving Doc to r of Medi-<br />

The show which is managed by Russell Carrell of MR. and MRS. JOHN F. CRO- cine degrees from Wayne State<br />

Connecticut, i~ rated one of the top five in the country WELL, of Troy, Mich., announce University at the June 18 com.<br />

S d J 22 H f the birth of a daughter, KAREN mencement exercises held at<br />

G R055 E POI NT ENE W S<br />

tArs. Nicholas D. Mancini, II<br />

Photo by 1. S. DeForest<br />

Marriage vows were exchanged by KAREN SYD.<br />

NEY SAVORY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sid.<br />

ney Savory, of Somerset road, and Mr. Mancini, son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mancini, of Hollywood avenue,<br />

Saturday, June 15, at Peace Lutheran Church.<br />

in education at the June com- avenue is currently serving<br />

mcncement of the Teachers with the U. S. Army Reserve<br />

College Columbia University. in summer training at Ft. Gor-<br />

, ..,," don, Ga. Major Woodbury is<br />

plans and training cHicer for<br />

the 300tb MP Prisoner of War<br />

Command from Livonia, Mich.<br />

igan.<br />

an: d will cont.inue th.rough. atur ay, une . ours or THERESA CROWELL. May 21. Cobo Hall were R. RICHARD .. • ..<br />

thIS outstandmg antIque dIsplay and sale are from noon Mrs Crowell is the former COOK. son of tbe GEORGE R. Former PoInter MRS. ALAN<br />

to 10 o'clock today and Friday, June 21, and from noon MAiuE ELIZABETH LEWIS COOKS, of Sborecrest circle, MAHIN, who was graduated<br />

to 6 o'clock on Saturday, June 22.. I daughter of MR. and MRS. A: wbo earned his Bachelors de. from Grosse Pointe High School<br />

Tickets for the show are $1.50 ... and for hungry INGERSOLL LEWIS. JR" of gree at Hope College and on in 1955, was recently elected<br />

visitors luncheon is available. Lewiston road. July 1 will hegin interning at trustee on the East Detroit<br />

, * • • Detroit General Hospital; 8TE- Board of Education. Mrs. Mao<br />

Sole Mia DONALD W. KOSY. of Peach PHEN V. GORYL, of St. Clair hin, the former JANE HAR.<br />

Detroit Yacht Club members, both young and Tree lane. received his :,laster avenue, son of DR. and MRS. PER, will be the first woman<br />

"old", are singing Italian arias and polishing their go.n. of ~ien~e degree in elect~ical STEPHEN V. GORYL,ofBishop to serve on the board in 12<br />

dol as, J'ust to I!et in the mood for the club's Venetian e~glDeerlng at Stanford Umver- road, Detroit, who earned his years. She has three children<br />

~ d Slty on Sunday Jun 16 Bachelor of Science degree at in the Detroit School System.<br />

Days, which are being planned for Friday an .. '", .. e. Wayne State University and will .. .. ..<br />

(Continued on Page 31) KEVIN PATRICK BRODER. intern at oBn Secours Hospital; SUE SNOLERSKI, daughter<br />

ICK, son of MRS. WILLIAM P. JOHN B. MARSHAL. of Bea- of MR. 'and 1I1RB. RALPH<br />

BRODERICK and the late Mr. consfield avenue, son of' the SNOLERSKI. of Mapleton road,<br />

- Broderick, of Lakeview avenue, DONALD B. MARSHALS, of senior at St. Paul High School,<br />

recently reeeived his Bachelor Lansing, w10 received his will attend the University of<br />

of Science degree in accounting Bachelor of Arts degree from Detroit journalism workshop<br />

from Merrimack College. Kevin Albion College and will intern this summer. Sue is co-editor<br />

was senior class treasurer, a at Detroit General Hospital; and f th hool earbook Paulit-e<br />

student tutor, a memher of the LEONARD W. SACHS, son of 0 e sc y , .<br />

varsity hockey team the Busi- Mr. and Mrs. LEONARD W'j .... •<br />

ness Club and the 'Accounting SACHS, of St. Clair avenue, who ELIZABETH A. DuMOUCH.<br />

Society. earned his Bachelor of Arts de. ELLE, of Muir road, has been<br />

.. • • gree at WSU and will intern at awarded a $900 student sum-<br />

THOMAS GLENN THOMP- Detroit General Hospital. Imer fellowship grant by .the<br />

SON. son of the JOHN LEE • • .. IMichigan Cancer F0JlJ!dati~n.<br />

THOMPSONS, of Grayton road./ MAJOR CHARLES F. WOOD. Elizahe~ is in the Umverslty<br />

was awarded a Masters degree I BURY, JR. of 1976 Beaufait of DetroIt grad~a~ sch~<br />

This is that I'"e.just-eom.e-fro~<br />

the-hairdresser look.<br />

W"lto1t.:Pi~rCt<br />

9JUlJlAa1 e<br />



B:::.~:::::c.""J aren Y<br />

grant will make p"ssible a con.<br />

tinued study by auto.radiographic<br />

and fluorescent methods<br />

of the ground substance of<br />

developing elastic cartilage.<br />

The work will progress under<br />

the direction of DR: PAULINE<br />

WOOD, of the U. Ot D. biology<br />

,<br />

\.<br />


of Elford court has been named<br />

chairman of The Ladies Activities<br />

for The Marine Corps Re-<br />

PagsTwenfy.One<br />

Dinner Fetes iK 5 d eySavory<br />

~1~~~:rD:i~~~t f~:~~~~i~~e~h~~ ISay5 VOWS Ju ne 15<br />

ney. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bride's Sister Dale Savory Serves As Maid Of Honorj<br />

Marshall Wbitney, Jr., of Ven. B h Of B 'd Alb t ~~ .• A t<br />

dome road. Thursday, June 13, rot er rI egroom. er lVIacl~1 c s<br />

Honoring Bethine at the formal As Best Man; Attendants Wore lime<br />

dinner were her aunt and uncle, Green Ribbed Cotton Dresses<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Mc.<br />

Gregor, Jr., of Rochester, Mich, Karen Sydney Savory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

and her cousin, Katharine Helen George Sidney Savory, Jr., of Somerset road, became<br />

McGregor, also of Rocbester. the wife of Nicholas Daniel Mancini, II, son of Mr. and<br />

Bethine mad~ ber. formal de- Mrs. Albert Mancini, of Hollywood avenue, Saturday<br />

but at a reception gIven by her evening, June 15, at Peace Lutheran Church.<br />

parents at the Country Club OIl A reception at The Whit.~>----- -- _<br />

June 14. tier Hotel followed the cere-I' less, ribb~d colton dresses wi~h<br />

The entrance hall of the. club mony at which The Rev- dee,? appliques. of lace o~ ~eIr<br />

was decorated for the .dmner d D 'd L d . I bodices extendmg to theIr Jewwith<br />

topiary trees. trimmed ere.n. aVI U WIg I eled necklines.<br />

with white flowers. Tables for offICIated. The newlyweds The honor attendaat carried<br />

eight, covered with delphinium then left for a vacation in a colonial bouquet of yellow<br />

blue cloths and each decorated Northern Michigan. daisies and baby's.breath. The<br />

with centerpieces of a candle For her wedding, the bride bridesmaids' bouquets were<br />

surrounded by blue and white selected an Empire embroidered were accented with pumpkin<br />

flowers were place in the big silk organza gown accented with orange daisies.<br />

hall. Place.cards trimmed with dimensional flowers and a Acting as his brother's hest<br />

blue and white flowers complet- chapel train. man was Albert ~lanrini, Jr.,<br />

ed the table settings. A bouffant finger-tip veil feU I assisted by ushers Gregory<br />

Large arrangements of blue from her headpiece of silk or- Moser, Ronald Carson and Stan.<br />

delphiniums. white stock car- ganza flowers accented with ley Cappo<br />

nations and gladioli were on the seed pearls. She carri'cd a col. Mrs. Savory chose a greeu<br />

mantels at each end of the hall onial cascllJe of gardenias with silk coat ap" dress ensemhle<br />

and in the arches leading to the camellia foil age. with yellow cymbidium Ilrcilids.<br />

hall, where guests also danced Attending the former :Misf, For her son's wedding. Mrs.<br />

to the music of Al Navarro. Savory were her sister and maid Mancini selected an aqua outfit<br />

A sleeveless aqua blue raw of honor Dale Savory, Mrs. with a silk peau de soie dress<br />

silk A-line dress with ruffles at Douglas Magary of Brighton. and silk organza coat, and mat.<br />

the neck and hemline was chos. Mass., and Mrs. Stanley Capp, ching accessories. She wore a<br />

en by Betbine for the dinner. sister of the bridegroom. corsage of pink cymbidium or-<br />

Her flowers were a white cym- They wore lime green. sleeve. chids.<br />

bidium orchid wrist corsage. I -----.-----------<br />

Mrs. McGregor was gowned dpeartment, sponsor of the serve Officer's Association An.<br />

in yellow, fashioned with a lace project. nual Military Conference to be<br />

top and alaskine skirt. A cor- ,. ,. .. held in Detroit in May, 1969.<br />

:;age of yellow cymbidium or. Among the 4.100 students Wl~LIAM W. BALLEW has<br />

chids completed her costume. who received academic degrees been associated with The Ma-<br />

The honoree's cousin, Katlla- from Harvard University this rine Corps for 26 years and rerine<br />

chose for the affair a past week are WILLIAM ceived a promotion to Colonel<br />

sleeveless, A-line dress in shock- FRANCES. BARTLETT FRAN. in December, 1967.<br />

ing pink crepe to which she CIS, of Country Club drive, and<br />

pinned a corsage of pink and JOHN WILLIAM SANDERS,<br />

whil.e ,cymbidium orchids. lof Torrey road. They. hoth re-<br />

Wl1llam J. McLane, Jr" of ceil'ed Master uf Busmess Ad.<br />

Indianapolis, Ind., was Bethine's ministration degrees.<br />

escort for the evening while " .. "<br />

David Brown, of Rochester e~- HARRY JOSEPH CHANCEY,<br />

corted Katbarine. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

HA'RRY J. CHANCEY of Grand<br />

Marais boulevard, has been accepted<br />

into Michigan State University's<br />

Honors College.<br />

. " ..<br />

n<br />

" . ..<br />

ALISE RANGER, class of<br />

1070. at Kemper Hall, was<br />

honorcd recently at the Commencement<br />

Announcement of<br />

Honors-Activities Pro g ram.<br />

She received a Service Award.<br />

a Choir Awaru, a certUicate<br />

for participation in Kenosha<br />

Head Start Pro g ram and<br />

played the role of Peep-bo in<br />

Commellcement presentation of<br />

The Mikado. She is the daughter<br />

of the JAMES RANGERS,<br />

of East Jefferson avenue.<br />

(Continued on Page 32)<br />

UP<br />

TO<br />

• SUITS<br />

• COSTUMES<br />

• DRESSES<br />

I :<br />

2<br />

off<br />

A Special, Group<br />

including<br />

of Dresses<br />


'IS and up<br />

•<br />

SUITS and COATS ••• s45 and up<br />

•<br />

WEDDING GOWNS • , .545 and up<br />

•<br />


•<br />

MADE.TO-ORDER MODELS. •• '90 and up<br />

•<br />

FINE JEWELRY '/4 TO 113OFF<br />

•<br />


greatly<br />

reduced!<br />

•<br />

MilLINERY $5-$7.50.$10<br />

•<br />

No Returns-No Alterations-No C.O.D.'s<br />

•<br />

3 Kercheval Ave., ot Fisher Rood<br />

Pll1lrh nua Judy Block<br />

TU .-1505<br />


3ht .shops of<br />

W~ltolt.J'i~..c~<br />

Kercheval at Sf, Clair<br />

550 If. W•• dwllrd<br />

GrOSH<br />

•• i"to<br />

.irmi.... 1IJ<br />

Jht<br />

$bop.s of<br />

W&1lton.J'i~..c~<br />

Kerche,ral at St. Clair ~<br />

550. N•. Woodward<br />

- --.<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />


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