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Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Public<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />




Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan<br />


Phone TU 2.6900<br />

~Iember ~l1rhlgan Press Asseciation and Natiooal Editorial Association<br />


Schools<br />

Īn<br />

lIy "r. Thf'o~ I. "'nrierson, Superinlendent<br />

Focus<br />

of Schools<br />

Wilh Ih" conccpt of an ex .. , a sizeable percentage of o~r<br />

I(.~dl'd Mhnol year again reo [youth will voluntarily use a<br />

c('iving attcnlion nalionally.1 portion ~f their v~cation to furmosl<br />

rl'c('nt1y in Vicc.Prcsident ' Iher thclr education.<br />

Humphrey',; addr~ss to th" A year ago for example, the<br />

Memorial<br />

Center Schedule<br />

Sunday, June 23<br />

10:30 a.m. Unity Church and Sunday School.<br />

$ 5:30 p,m. Beginning & Advam;ed Karate-Mr.<br />

Kyu Shim, Instructor.<br />

* 9:00<br />

Monday, June 24<br />

and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Mrs. Martin Burke,<br />

Instructor.<br />

10:00 a.m. Weight Watchers of Eastern Michigan, Inc.<br />

10:00 noon Pointers Duphcate Bridge.<br />

12:15 p.m. Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Meeting and<br />

Luncheon.<br />

" 2:00 and 7:30 p.m. Beginning Drawing & Painting in<br />

Mixed Medai-,Jack 0: Summers, Instructor.<br />

1st class of series of 8 lessons. $24<br />

* 7:30<br />

for series. .<br />

p.m. "Psycho" Hitchock Thriller,'. followed by<br />

Movie Rock at 9:30 p.h. with "Chances Are"<br />

Band. $1.25 in advance. $1.50 at door.<br />

* 8:00<br />

Adults welcomed at movie only.<br />

p.m. Beginning Folk Guitar - Alex Suczek, In.<br />

* 8:00<br />

structor.<br />

p.m. Bridge for Beginners - Mrs. Carrie Kiley,<br />

Instructor.<br />

* 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus - Richard<br />

Johns, Director.<br />

,<br />

* 9:00<br />

Tuesday, June 25<br />

a.m. and 10:30 a.m Art Camp 1 - Mrs. Martin<br />

Burke,<br />

Instructor.<br />

*' 9:30 a.m. Landscape and Compositional Painting<br />

Professor Emil Weddige, Instructor.<br />

01< 10:00 a.m. Service Guild for Children's Hospital<br />

Workshop. .<br />

12:00 noon FLEC Luncheon & Meeting.<br />

12:00noori Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe Lunch.<br />

eon.<br />

1:00 p.m. Women's Prayer Group of Unity Church.<br />

6:3~ p.m. Grosse Pointe' Plant Personnel Association<br />

* 7:30<br />

- Dinner &- Meeting.<br />

p.m. Grosse Pointe Chess Club.<br />

7:30 p.m. Weight Watchers of Eastern Michigan, Inc.<br />

7:45 p.m. Students of Josephine CaroHn Piano Recital.<br />

$ 8:00 p.m. Refresher Bridge Course - Mrs. Carrie<br />

Kiley, Instructor. i<br />

Wednesday, June 26 I<br />

$ 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I - Mrs. Martin<br />

* 9:30<br />

Burke, Instructor. I<br />

a.m. Landscape and Compositional Painting :<br />

Professor Emil Weddige, Instructor.<br />

J 1:00 a.m. Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe - Crihbage<br />

Group.<br />

12:00 noon Thompson Home Luncheon.<br />

12:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Traffic & Safety Committee<br />

- Luncheon & Meeting.<br />

"'12:~O p.m. Senior Ladies Club of Grosse Pointe - Tea.<br />

... 1:()O p.m. Beginning Life Drawing - .Ianet Benedict,<br />

Instructor.<br />

7:30 p.m. Students of Mrs. Morganthaler Piano Recital.<br />

* 7:3G p.m. ~eginning Sculpture - Raymond Katz, In.<br />

structor.<br />

8:00 p.m. 9600 Air Force Reserve Mee.mg.<br />

:\'ational Sci('nc(' T('al'hers' summcr school prog-ram en tion of two tcach('rs and two school enrichment pro~ram<br />

Associallrln, it ~(~l'm~~ppropri. roll cd 1.858 studl'nls, Our puh. voluntaryaidl's. compare with the NEA study?<br />

"II' to r('"il'\\' local philosophy iiI' s('hools furnished 1,361 A small rural srhool system You may judge for ynursl'lI.<br />

and sro';llI('nt 011 thl' year studl'nts. 407 eam(' from local in Nchrasl:a provided a special At Grossc Pointe High Schoot<br />

rOllnd opnatlOn of 1111'pllblir Catholic paroehia\ schoob. and n~fure study projl'ct cmpha. we provide workshops in art<br />

What Goes On<br />

at<br />

Your Library<br />

a, Vlrglnla Leonard<br />

Open Daily 9 a.m .•9 p.m. June 20. June 27<br />

* All Memorial.sponsored activities open to the<br />

GFlsse Pointe Public. Hospital equipment available for<br />

free loan: crutches, wheel chairs, heating lamps and<br />

h~ital beds. While in Toronto recently, tery books. Yet he produced a<br />

.OSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER AND LENDING we learned, sadly, via the radio, fantastic number of works, en.<br />

GR of the death of ORe of our fav. compassing the "Human Com.<br />

404 Fifth A\'enue,"';...e:~.\ •.;'..'i.W~~~~wR~~::,ntatlve, Inr. BYrant 9.7300<br />

LIBRARY. Mrs. Harry Frost on duty Tuesday, Wednes. orite people-Helen Keller. I edy." . The Russian author,<br />


333 :-':orlh ~ti"higan Avenue Phone Financial 6-2214 day, Thursday, 10 a.m..4 p.m. Volunteer consultant on I first read her STORY OF MY Dostoevski so well known for<br />

duty Friday, 2.4 p.m. TV. 1.5494. LIFE many years ago, and was his C RIM E AND PUNISH.<br />

ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER .so moved and impressed by it MENT and other classics, had<br />

WILLIAM ADAMO ADVERTISING MANAGER Thursday, June 20 I that I reread it many times in frail health and physical sur<br />

JANET MUELLER FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY '" 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Mrs. Martin Burke, the years that followed. ferings when held as a prisoner.<br />

JAMES J. NJAIM ..NEWS Instructor. And then, even more recently, Sigmund Freud, usually reo<br />

PEPPER WHITELAW NEWS $ 9:30 a.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor • the gre~t. story that was made ferred to as the father of psy.<br />

WALTER W. FULLER NEWS 12'00 noon Grosse Pointe Real Estate Women Counse. more vlVld through the play, choanalysis, -and author of a<br />

PAMELA AHDRIOTAKIS. NEWS . M . THE MIRACLE WORKER. Now vast n'lmber of books. had can.<br />

MARY LORIMER ADVERTISING lors-L~nche?n and eetmg, . . this truly great.souled woman eer of the jaw, and endured<br />

BARBARA H. CICHY ADVERTISING >I< 2:00.4:00 p.m. Children s Day-for Grosse POInte Chll- has left us, but there remains great pain during the last 16<br />

LILLIAN KARR . . ..ADVERTISING dren aged 5. 10. . an inspiring recollection of her years of his life.<br />

JOHN MacKENZIEH' BUSINESS I' '" 7:00 p.m. Buffet Theatre Supper-$4 (tax and servIce life and the handicaps she had The world would have been<br />

JOANNE EASON ACCOUNTS included). to overcome to communicate poorer without the works of<br />

ONNELLEE KOENIG ..CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' >I< 8:00 p.m. Beginning Folk Guitar-Alex Suczek, In. with the outside world. I've Emerson, and yet his health<br />

ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING structor. 0 ~ten wondered what more was broken. largely through tbe<br />

~(l~IEST~~~~~ER gmCUt1~ig~ ; .. 8:00 p.m. Classical Guitar-.Bryan Crowe, Instructor. I mIght she have done for the death of his wife, who died of<br />

_. __. .!_R_CU___ '", 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus-Richard :;~ltli~~~ she not been deaf Q~~~~~Pt:~~. B ;i~fs~a ~vrit~: I<br />

k<br />

d<br />

Johns, Instructor. . All of this started a l:hain reo fought an ever.losing fight with<br />

Time ToTo e A Stan 8:00 p.m. Men's Garden Club of Grosse POInte. action-how many other writers the opium habit but he man-<br />

"Tyranny begins where law ends," said William Pitt.<br />

Surely someone, somewhere, somehow, in our Na.<br />

tion's Capital, must soon awaken to a dangerous national<br />

situation which has been recognized by millions of Ameri.<br />

cans for a long time.<br />

Obviously the United States of America is in real<br />

trouble, at home and abroad, and if something isn't done<br />

now to attempt to cur)) the rising tide of tyrannical<br />

malcontents there may be disaster ahead.<br />

Surely mnst of us are fed up to our chin with poverty<br />

marchers, lawless student mobs, race riots, crime in the<br />

streets, shootings, pornography, strikes, war, and the<br />

volatile economic situation.<br />

We are living in strangely deranged times, where<br />

there is very little peace of mind. We have become a Nation<br />

of dreary, frightened, confused people, sorely in<br />

need of powerful, honest and forthright leadership, always<br />

wondering "What next?"<br />

In the past score or so of years an amazing majority<br />

of us have been brain-washed by vast floods of<br />

propaganda from Washington, and many other parts of<br />

the world. Because of a lack of proper information we<br />

have been lulled into a state of false security, and are<br />

now living in a sort of patriotic: coma.<br />

Our hopes have been raised by half-truths, and<br />

outright fabrications and false promises, only to have<br />

them shattered when the truth became known.<br />

Sad to state, but many, too many Americans have<br />

remained deaf, dumb and blind through one horrible<br />

crisis after another, Millions of them choose not to vote.<br />

They have become imbued with a "don't give a damn"<br />

attitude.<br />

Now, in this national election year of 1968, the<br />

chips are down. It's time for the citizens of this great<br />

and glorious land to awaken and fight the evil forces<br />

which beset us from within and without, or face the<br />

possibility of losing all that we hold dear-liberty and<br />

the pursuit ~f happiness!<br />

Perhaps Cassius was right when be declared: "The<br />

fault, dear Brutus, lies not 'il) our star~but in our.<br />

selves." As they once did in ancient Rome, we ih America<br />

seem to have lost "the breed of noble bloods." In<br />

truth, there are no true statesmen in today's political<br />

arena.<br />

Some students of history believe that the United<br />

States new is in greater danger of having its liberties<br />

trampled into the dust than at any time since the<br />

Revolution!l.ry War.<br />

There are bands of protesters lurking everywhereand<br />

the Congress is rushing pe]].me]] to pass laws in an<br />

attempt to thwart the malcontents, without serious<br />

thoughts of how these statutes may affect the future of<br />

the nation.<br />

Certainly law.abiding citizens do not wish to find<br />

themselves tyrannized by a government which makes<br />

hurried attempts to curb tyrants at large in the land by<br />

adopting new laws.<br />

At this fearsome hour what America seems to need,<br />

more than anything else, are governments - federal,<br />

state, county and' municipal-which will rigidly enforce<br />

the laws already on the statute books. Passing so.called<br />

emergency laws only will snip away more of the freedoms<br />

which still remain, and add to the present confusion.<br />

Knowledgeable law enforcement leaders are the first<br />

to admit that strict adherence to the laws we already<br />

have would go a long way to solving many of our present<br />

problems. And, they would hope, that the Supreme Court<br />

may take some action to remove many of the roadblocks<br />

it has placed in their paths.<br />

Don't you. as a freedom.loving citizen. think it's<br />

ahout time for the American people to get up off their<br />

big fat indifferences, and fight {or the right they adore<br />

with the most powerful ,weapons at their disposal-the<br />

ballot and public opinion?<br />

Let us all start, right now, to give battle to hoth our<br />

seen and unseen enemies hard at work, endeavoring to<br />

unoermine our sacred institutions. W.W.F.<br />

8:30 p.m, Grosse Pointe Theatre Performance KIS •. could I think of who h'ad had aged to accomplish an extraor.<br />

MET. Telephone 779.3020. serious handicaps, but had pro. dinary amount of work of high<br />

• duced great literature in spite quality. Alexander Pope, al.<br />

* 9:00<br />

Friday, June 21 of their afflications? I don't though healthy as an infant,<br />

a.m. Portrait Painting Class-Carol Wald, In know how many you can recall, suffered a severe illness in<br />

structor. but I'd like to mention a few childhQod which kept him in a<br />

... 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Mrs. Martin Burke, that have ~ome to ~)' mind. state of poor health, giving him<br />

Instruct r . In the fIeld of blindness, we a morbid outlook on life. Bos.<br />

'" . 0 . • can go back as far as Homer, well was a great hypochondriac<br />

7.00 p.m .. Buffet Theatre Supper-$4 (tax and servIce the Greek poet, who was alleged and was also thought to have<br />

mcluded). ' to have been sightless, but who, been mad.<br />

8:00 p.m. New Iadom Club. in spite of this problem, wrote A more recent author who<br />

8:00 p.m. Remoc Investment Club. the ILIAD and the ODYSSEY. wrote, perhaps' to keep her<br />

8:30 p.m. Grosse Pdinte Theatre Performance KIS. Also one inevitably remembers mind off her phy',ical condition,<br />

MET John Milton, the English poet, was Flannery O'Connor. Her,<br />

. born in 1608, who, in 1658, after disease was lupus (in the same<br />

Saturday, June 22 losing his eyesight, began work general group as arthritis and<br />

*10 00 a m<br />

: ..<br />

French for Children-Henrietta LaCroix, In- on a great poem that had long<br />

filled his mind. In 1660 he was<br />

rheumatic fever. After<br />

ing her EVERYTHING<br />

read.<br />

THAT<br />

structor. in political retirement, which RISES MUST CONVERGE one<br />

7:00 p.m, Sigma Kappa Sorority of Wayne state Uni- gave him the chance to finish wishes that she might !Jave lived<br />

versity Dinner Dance. this work - PARADJSE LOST-. past the age of 39 to have writ.<br />

oj 7:00 p.m. Buffet Theatre Supper-$4 (tax and service He dictated it to his three ten more stories of that fine<br />

* 7:30<br />

included). . daughters; I ate r in. 1671 he caliber.<br />

p.m, Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Marvin Bourget, wrote PARADJSE REGAINED. We could go on-Edgar Allen<br />

Instructor. His last poem was SAMSON Poe the alcoholic; Emily Dick.<br />

8:30 p.m. Grosse<br />

MET.<br />

Pointe Theatre Performanee WIS. AGONISTES.<br />

Another English poet, Lord<br />

inson the withdrawn;<br />

the shy and sensitive<br />

Shelley,<br />

(calll'd<br />

Byron, author of s u c h well mad by some) - the list could<br />

known works as THE PRIS- be endless. And always the nag-<br />

ONER OF CHI L LON, was ging and unanswerable question<br />

handicapped by malformation of -would they. have done better<br />

Sang both feet - the right one being without their physical handicaps<br />

the worst. Some say it was and. neuroses? Perhaps for<br />

polio, some call it a club foot; some, the literary output would<br />

at any rate, he was considered have been better and greater.<br />

crippled. Yet, who has not For other~ withnut the sensitiv.<br />

heard of Byron as a major lit. ity, the neurotic leanings, even<br />

erary figure? the physical problems, 1i f e I<br />

You who were brought up on might have been quite pedes.<br />

the BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE trian and we would never have<br />

STREET, will remember that been left the rich and inspiring<br />

Elizabeth Barr~tt Br?wni~g, be. legacy that Helen Keller, and<br />

fore her marriage lived 10 her others like her, have left us;<br />

room for seven years, victim, Herein lies their immortality.<br />

apparently, of an injury caused<br />

by the faU of her saddle on M ellP I<br />

her,back while trying to saddle errl. a mer<br />

her pony. G" C. "<br />

Sidney Lanier. the American IVeS ItatIons<br />

poet suffered from tuberculo. __<br />

sis, brought on by three months Four per son sreceived the<br />

in prison during the Civil War. hi g h est recognition Merrill.<br />

Later, he suffered a more .se. Palmer Institute can give when<br />

vere illness about four )'ears they were presented Citations<br />

before his death. Franz Kafka, by the Institute Tuesday morn.<br />

the Austrian novelist and essay. ing, June 4.<br />

ist, also was plagued with this The four were Rt. Rev. Rich.<br />

same illness dying at the age<br />

of 40. Eugene O'Neill was also ard S. Emrich, of Washington<br />

tubercular, and after the deat} road. Bishop of the Diocese of<br />

of his parents and brother his Michiga", Episcopal C h u r c h;<br />

_ plays took on a preoccupation Dr. William R. Kea.st, P!esident<br />

with death. From 1943 until of Wayne State Umvez:slty; and<br />

his death in 1953 he was also Dr. and Mrs. D a V.Id Mace,<br />

- in .poor heallh. However he 1eft world-renowned marflage coun.<br />

us such works as EMPEROR selors.<br />

JONES ~{QURNING BECOMES "Through the i r accomplish.<br />

ELECTRA and AH WILDER. ments and wide interests they<br />

NESS. share our goals and aspira.<br />

1t is claimed that the great Uons." said Merrill.Palmer trus.<br />

French author Balzac under. tee Lem Bowen, who awarded<br />

mined his heai~h by o~erstudy the Citations.<br />

and excessive reading of mys BIshop Emflch was CIted "In<br />

Grosse Pointe University School<br />



Remedial courses in mathematics, reading, social studies<br />

and science. .<br />

Sma" classes (four to six students).<br />

Selected faculty from our stoff.<br />

June 24th through August 9th Monday through Friday,<br />

8:00.12: 15.<br />


Small classes allow for strengtheniog and advanced work<br />

In mathematics, English, and foreign languages. Advanced<br />

credit courses in history.<br />

June 24th through August 9th, Mondoy through Saturday,<br />

8:00-12:15.<br />

TYPING<br />

June 24th through July 26, Monday through Friday.<br />


By<br />







MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY - I :00.3.00 PM.<br />

For Information: Darrel C. Wahon, Director<br />

TU 4-4444 or Evenins,: 881-8719<br />

schools 00 came from othrr n('ighboring sizing practic,11 aspects (or and sewing, speed readin~,_ _ _<br />

In GrossI' Point("s J9M com- : institutions stuclcnts not particularly inter. modern lileraturc. speech. soci. fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lill<br />

mllnity opinion poll. 83 perc('nt. Why do so man~' stlldents cstI'd in school work. ology, American government,<br />

READING and<br />


of thosl' f(','ponding dill not enroll in ~ummrr c1a~sl's'! FH~ht instruction w~s offered con.~umer economics. p('rsonal<br />

fal'or thl' impll'menlation of ~ Tradi1ion~lIy, the pros:ram lias 10 a group of 16ycar.old hIgh and arlvanced typing. notehand.<br />

fourquarll'r JlI~n of ~('hool, pTOvid('d an opportunity for the school sturlents in a suhurllan inrlepl'ndanl study in malhe.<br />

olll'ration. And 5A pcr('('nt o( .,tud('nt who has fmlcd ~r fal. s('hool ,~~'stem in Wisconsin. mahcs. several history COllrses,<br />

lhosl' who jndie;'t(',! a falor. lercd dUTIng the acadl'ml!' yle (or the slimmer i to twelve gifted junior high Mor,sl' Code. Iho~e who WIsh to a\'all Ihem.<br />


TU 4.4444<br />

S('SbllJD lhal began last Monday, i school pupils under the diree. How docs OllT local slimmer .~elves of the opporlumty. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii-'l<br />

nwon<br />

Whalj<br />

.r.., E .." 1.1.<br />

by Sibyl<br />

8ummel' Special . . Roman Bath soap is n0:-V on<br />

sale at Trail Apothecary, 121 Ke~che~al. Avallable<br />

in Mary Chess fragrances •. WhIte LIlac, ~apestry,<br />

Strategy, Yram, Gardenia, Carnat~on ... gift. boxed<br />

sets of the bath size, regularly fIVe dollars IS now<br />

four. A box of six guest soaps, regularly threefifty<br />

is two.fifty. Save a. doll~r on ~ssence Spray ..<br />

that mist.on must for a hngermg chng of fragrance.<br />

•<br />

Artful Entertaining ... might include<br />

gold mini easels for place<br />

cards. A set of four is seven dol.<br />

Jars at Touch of Elegance in the<br />

Colonial Federal Building. An.<br />

other entertaining idea is the<br />

golden egg lighters . . . a set of<br />

two ... six dollars,<br />

••<br />

Here, There And Everywhere ... DenIer has col.<br />

lected an exciting group of area rugs. From Mo.rocco<br />

comes antique and new ones . . . fro~. ArIzona,<br />

American Indian designs ... from HaItI, the un.<br />

usual! Select from stock or order at 77 Kercheval.<br />

•<br />

Fishing For Something New?<br />

Catch the collection of fish.shaped,<br />

fish.colored, china from Portugal at ~<br />

The League Show, 98 Kercheval.<br />

Platters, plates, sauce boats, even e.". J1.JIf. .~<br />

a denizen.of.the-deep tureen carry<br />

out the design and inspire amus.<br />

f/ll..-,ut- T<br />

ing fish stories . • . and table talk.<br />

•<br />

Hamlin's Tells Us ... the greatest year of the cen.<br />

tury is 1966 for Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos .. It's<br />

a Frank Schoonmaker selection, also . . . and is<br />

to be served chilled. Call TUxedo 5.8400 or drop<br />

by 89 Kercheval.<br />

•<br />

Style<br />

start<br />

. . • on the<br />

with easy-care<br />

tennis court can<br />

tennis dresses,<br />

~<br />

.<br />

designed by McMullen with usual per. "'-:<br />

fectian. Take two ... an embroidered<br />

eyelet (thirty dollars) . . . a pique, .<br />

lace bordered (twenty.five dollars). :-' .<br />

T~ey come in white.only, at Margaret<br />

RIce.<br />

•<br />

Mr. Sheridan-Books . , . 81 Kercheval, tells us he<br />

almost cornered the market on "The Money Game"<br />

by Adam Smith. At least, he has a new supply<br />

of this popular, place-your ..order.please book. Chap.<br />

ter titles . : ' "What Money Really Is" .•• "How It<br />

Is Played II). Wall Street" , •. might make you see<br />

numbers. Just se(, six ninety.five (the price) and<br />

call ... 81';1-1671 or 881.2916 to reserve your copy.<br />

•<br />

Success Story ... the style shows, during lunch, at<br />

the Bronze Door, 123 Kercheval, presented by<br />

Tou~h of Elegance are' so well attended, they will .<br />

contmue thru summer on the first and third Tues.<br />

days. Do make reservations ..• 886.1932.<br />

•<br />

recognition of hIs unflagging cf. guidance and family relations,<br />

forts in the field of human reo not only in Britain and America<br />

lations to promote a lasting but throughout all the major<br />

mutual understanding between eulturai areas of the world."<br />

persons of all classes, all races, The citations were awarded<br />

all creeds." at a brief ceremony in Merrill.<br />

The citation to Dr. Keast read Palmer's Pauline Knapp Build.<br />

that "under his leadership a ing, preceding the annual meet.<br />

great urban university is bring. ing ot the'lnstitute,<br />

ing its resources to bear upon I .'<br />

the many problems that face NO ESCAPE<br />

Our community in a time of No man has ever been able<br />

accelerating social change." to hide from the subpoenas of<br />

The joint citation to Dr. and the court of conscience.<br />

Mrs. Mace pointed out tbat to<br />

them "we owe so much of our Tact allows a man to change<br />

present knowledge of marriage the subject, but not his mind.<br />

-------= ----<br />

over a century of service<br />

'The \Vm..R. eHam.iHon eo,<br />


Since 1855<br />




_.. -<br />

DETROIT :Ni.') c.~ssAVF.1'\U; TE 1.2712<br />


N.W. DETROIT JHl)flfl J,\MFS COIlZE1'\5 " DI 1.I~oO<br />

.tsn r 2 7 rES cmasert.. s brimss?.es .•••••<br />

' ..<br />

en no 2<br />

n o o'<br />

. , ~

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