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Page<br />

Sixteen<br />

114OZ. TUBE. REGULAR 81,<br />

COlOR<br />


LUSTRE<br />

.LA.RGE 19"<br />


.BA.KED-ON<br />

ENA.MEL<br />

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IE I. :.--<br />


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non-marplostic leg tips<br />

brass<br />

A & D OINTMENT<br />

OUR lOW 63 l><br />

PRICE ."<br />


'11 OZ. WT •• REG. 98~ • MENNEN<br />


SHAVE BOMB 59 l><br />

Rotulor 01 Monl~.1 ."<br />

2.00 JAR<br />

SHAMPOO 99"<br />

~lOW<br />

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fi nished legs<br />

POLAROID #108<br />

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OUR LOW<br />

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1.99<br />

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REG. 2.00 • POUND<br />


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SALE DAYS THRU SUN. Most advertised items available while they last<br />



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15103 Kercheval<br />

VA 1-5400<br />

-----------------------------------<br />

Kotd"rs<br />


FROM<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 20,1968<br />

------ -------- --------------------------------_._--------- lid .. 1. ----- -,<br />

I ters. Doug Ulmer s I art e d a Sparlans a 12-6 eClSlon over LIPTO"'.'S<br />

Little League Results<br />

Dodger rally with a hit. and the Wilucats. .~<br />

Steve Zaranek and Eric Van The Bears inched past the TEA BAGS<br />

The results below are Irom 'and Bob Krause were the de-! Hee each had three hits. Gary Wolverines 2-1. Bryan Eugenio<br />

last week's Little I,eague and fensivc "tars, Rick Padilla \':as Lannen played an outslanding and John Cox pitched a good 48 5'c<br />

Babe Ruth Leagul games, the '."inning pitcher. In a tight game as caleh"r. : game for the Bears. Cox hit a Count<br />

which, due to space limitations ,ball gall'l', the Red Sox went pa,.t American Association i\linors three-run homer. Paul Re~man: FARMS MARKET<br />

were not printed in last week's the Orioles 3.2. Pete Bellanger Standings and Howard Brubaker did a i 3SS Fisher<br />

issue of the NEWS. was the winnig pitchcr. picking, Won I,os( Pet. good pitching job for the Wol-1'------------<br />

.... ~ up 13 strikeouts. Bob Burns Omaha 7 3 .700 verines. I ~---------<br />

GROSSE POINTE made a good defensive play at St. Paul 7 3 .700 The Badgers edged the Goph- .,-.----------,<br />

WOODS.SHORES s e can d bas e. Mike St~fford Denver 6 3 .667 ers 2-1. Charles Apel was the t'D.n Sundays 10:00 to 4:Jt<br />

By ,j,an Walker : picked up two hits and drove in DaUas 5 4. 556 winning pit chI' rand Barrv Thurs. and Fr[. TI\[ 9:0lI 1'.11\<br />

American Majors . the wioni":g run and Kim Adler Charleston 5 5 .500 Burns hit in the winn: 'ig run. WE DELIVER<br />

Standings : scored. tWice. Ed Tropp of the Indianapolis 5 5 .500 Noel Bissinger also had a hit.<br />

Won I,ost Pet.: Sox Will be ~ut for the rest of i\linneapolis 5 5 .500 Although the Lions defeated<br />

Indians 9 3 .750' the season With a broken hand. Witchita oj #; .400 the Badgers 4-1. Dennis Savage<br />

Red Sox 9 3 .750' The Yankees deleated the Ath- Houston 3 7 .300 played a good game, Jim Staric. i<br />

White Sox 9:1 .7;)fJ leUes 11-5. Tom Elsey got his Louisville 3 7 .300 co hit a homer and Mark Ken!<br />

Yankees 7;).583 first hit, a double, and scored Omaha and St. Paul remained I ~c~y played a good game in the<br />

Atbletics 5 7 .417, th.ree. run~. Steve Elsey was the tied for the American Associa.' mf[eld, .<br />

Arioles 4 . 8 .333, wIDDlngpitcher, tion League's lead In a bard fought, extra-inning,<br />

Tigers 4 8 .3331 Joe Thies of the Tigers hurled ' . game. the Wildcats defeated the I'<br />

GrossePointe tells;n, C"o<br />

• AUTO LEASING •<br />


One Cllr or Fleet<br />

44.95<br />

VilJroson;c Units<br />


• ~REDfT AVAILABLE •<br />

1968 IMPALA<br />

$1369<br />

"Nobody, but Nobody<br />

Beats Our Deal!"<br />

~<br />

IiiIi<br />

LA 7.9139<br />

Business Notes<br />

----.- ---------- --.----.-----.- Appointmer,t of Arthur B.<br />

Hudson, of Merriweather road,<br />

as vice President, Administra.<br />

tion and Corporate Develop"TlentI<br />

for R. P. Schcrer Corporation,<br />

IDctroit. has been announced by<br />

Robert P. Scherer, Jr .• presidcnt.<br />

Dick Ballard - or - Ed Nosek<br />

Your Grosse Pointe representatiyes<br />



I<br />

885.4770<br />

15550 E. Warren<br />

George Polosky, Mgr.<br />


14802 CRATIOT<br />

We Can Adjust<br />

Our Plan<br />

Ta Yaur Needs<br />



Only minutes away from the Pointes Via 1-94 X-way<br />

GRATIOT.IS MILE 293.1010<br />


I<br />

This international phaT'lllaceu.<br />

tical amI medical prorlucts<br />

manufaclurer produces enl apsulations<br />

lor the pharmaceutical.<br />

('osmelic anrl foorl inrlustries.<br />

also produces fine ('hem.<br />

ira1s. and manufactures medical<br />

anrl surgical instruments and<br />

pcrsollal care equipment in its<br />

pla,ls throughout t~ world.<br />

III his llew post. Hudson. formerly<br />

Coordinator of Corporate<br />

Developmcllt. will be pcrform .<br />

•inJ::rlutics related to administra.<br />

tive management for both the<br />

parent company and its sub.<br />

sidiaries,<br />

Durinll his four.year association<br />

with Scherer he has been<br />

responsible lor four Corporate<br />

acquisitions and is presently<br />

al'ting as vice,president of the<br />

Storz Instrument Co. of St<br />

Louis. an R. P. Scherer sub.<br />

sidiary acquired ill 1965. Among<br />

: his oiher dutics. he will can,<br />

,tinuc to coordinate corporation<br />

rliversilication and acqllisition<br />

I act ivitics.<br />

I<br />

i :'\Ir, Hurlson is a gradual!' of I<br />

I Williams CoJ1el:c with an ,\,B, I<br />

dCj(rec.<br />

I<br />

On Order of $S or MOR<br />

ROSLYN<br />

MARKET<br />

Oldest<br />

in t~e Woods<br />

Senators 1 11 .083 i a no-hitter to defeat the Sena- o:-a~ac d~feat~ :t. pau~ ~-,~ Hawkeyes 3-2. John Porlera was 21020 MACK at Roslyn U.<br />

The American League race tors 19-0. Thies.hit a homer and aS d<br />

IBc. a Rens a a gOOd' I the winning pitcher. Gary Kuck 884.3600<br />

'd . an nan oose was goo on<br />

has become more exciting as the two doubles tO.JI hiS own cause defense. (Continued on Page 17) [-----------<br />

Cndians, Red Sox and White Sox and John Westhal had a three . -.----.----.-.-------~--------<br />

. are tied for the league's lead. base hit The Tigers knocked oil .~enver c.ame u~ With three 18760 MACK<br />

The ]ndians blanked the Ori- the Yanks 10-6, Bob Veneri vlctones thiS ~eek. Tom Shea-<br />

(ll ~. 3 0<br />

,. -<br />

b<br />

e<br />

h'l d th h't't h socked a three-run homer and han and KevlD Calka blasted<br />

11 e no- I PI c - . h D k ",. l1'l<br />

ing of Chip Little. Little also I Pele Joos hit in the go-ahead omers as enver too "IC I a<br />

'lll run in the third inning Dan 18-8. Bruce Seeber was the Wlll-<br />

ted three daubles an d B I I '. 't h dIll t d<br />

blas<br />

' Brennan and Pete B\lCk hit lIIalalouris went the distance fir mng pi c, er an a so .co ec I'<br />

saf I n d J H the victory and Harry D'Ren two RBI s. Denver went past<br />

I' y. "rennan an ay en- Ind' apoJ' 71 Doug DeGa<br />

derson were the outstanding de- made some good plays in center t Ian 15 th<br />

- a~, . hef<br />

. field ano was I' wlllmng pite er<br />

enslve playe,rs. Don Wolczko of . . . and slugged out two doubles In<br />

the. C?noles pitched a fine game. I Nahonal ~la)Ors their third victory, Denver'destnkmg<br />

out 14 batters. ,I Standings f I' ate d Charleston &-6. Brad<br />

In a real slugfest. tbe IndIans .. Won Lost Pd. Reed struck out 15 battllrs and<br />

out'slugged the Senators 14-8. Phillles 10 1 .909 had a triple while F ran k I i n I<br />

Tom Brennan weot four for four, Braves 10 2 .833 Saad went three for three.<br />

Steve Rudolph and Tom Dype Cards 8 4 .667 .. .,<br />

had two hits, and John Leonar- Cubs 7 5 .583 Wichita e.dged fi~st place St.1<br />

do, Jeff Stieber and Paul VHeu. Red Legs 7 5 .583 P.aul 8-7. Jim Da!1 lell went the<br />

reux collected bits. Hitters for Pirates 3 9 .250 distance for tbe VIctory.<br />

the Senators were Tom Mi- Giants 1 to .091 The pitcbing of Bob Brent and<br />

chaels; Duane Halkides, Mike Dodgers 1 11 .083 I'the hitting of Alan Meda and<br />

Rosiere, Phil Howe 1Is, and The Phillies maintained a lead Pete .Tocco brought ~oust?n a<br />

Marty Noah. in the National League by win- 7-5 VIctory over Lou I S v III e.<br />

The Red Sox downed the Sena- ning their n i nth a nd tenth H~uston defeated Dalla~ ~.1,<br />

tors 3-1. Pete Bellanger bombcd straight games. T,lm Kelly was the wJllntng<br />

two homers and Mike Stafford ..' th pItcher and Pete Tocco got some<br />

_____________ The Philhes lIIehed past I' good bits.<br />

Cubs 9-8, Harry AlbrIght bad •.<br />

lour RBI's, Rick Capotosto. clII- Inter~~:~g~lnors<br />

lected t h r e e hits, and Dave W Lo t Pet<br />

Thom~s and John Brobst each Toronto 8 0n 2 s .800<br />

had hits . .K;erry SorgelotJ~ was Rochester 7 2 778<br />

the winning pitcher and had Richmond 7 3 '700<br />

three hits as the Phillies went Buffalo 6 4 •600<br />

past the Dodgers 8-2. Harry AI- Montreal 4 5 '444<br />

bright had three hits, Dave Thie- Columbus 4 6 '400<br />

man, Ken Soreloos and Rick HolJywood 4 6 '400<br />

Brykalski had two hits, and John I\liami .. 6 '400<br />

David .and .Jim Simon were the Tampa 4 6 :480<br />

defenSive stars, . Syracuse 0 8 .000<br />

The Cards won a pair of Two Toronto victories comgames<br />

this week, first by defeat- bined.with two Richmond losses<br />

ing th~ Giants 10.3: Ted Werner has given Toronto sole possesa~d<br />

Blli D~ws?n pItched for the sion of first place in the Inter-<br />

VictOry. Phil Simons h~d a hom:national League.<br />

er and three RB!'s.MIke Belloh .<br />

got a hit and exec;uteu. some Toronto whlppe~ Montreal 12.2<br />

crilfty base running. Mark Sim- a.s Jeff Lubeck pitched. the enons<br />

got a hit and played well tire ga~e and gave up. only<br />

in the field and Billy Ventimi- three hits. D(lu~ Langs blasted<br />

glia played. ago 0 d defensive a three ,base hit and colle~ted<br />

game. Paul Kappaz collected t~o RBI s. Je~ Sc~otzberg p~ckthree<br />

hits llnd played a good e~ up three hlt~. Tim Guswel~er<br />

game at first base as the Cards pitched a one-hit, shutout facmg<br />

buried the' Pirates 17-2 Mickey only 19 bat t I' r s as ToroJ?to<br />

Shook had a' good day behind breezed pa~t Syr~cuse 11-0. Tim<br />

the plate and Danny' Lenahan had two hits w~J1e Joe Dust~r<br />

scored four runs and Ted Wer. co~lected four .hlts and Charbe<br />

Der scored five.<br />

Miller had a t~Iple and a doub~e.<br />

The Dodgers have succeeded ~oches.ter pIcked uP, two VIeio<br />

winning their first game of tones thIS week .to gam sec0!1 d<br />

the season at the expense of the p~ace. J?ave Austin was the Wln-<br />

Pirates 7-1. Frank Munaco, af- DIng pitcher as Roc b est e r<br />

ter being sidelined three weeks knocked off Hollywood 9.3. pave<br />

with a broken finger, pitched a also scored two runs and ]lIcked<br />

one-hitter and struck out 11 bat- up an R~I. Tom Van Egmond<br />

knocked m h"o runs and scored<br />

twice. Rochester upset Richmond<br />

11.6. Jack Ventimiglia<br />

was the batting star with three<br />

hits, including a home run, and<br />

four RBI's. Dave Van Egmond<br />

scored two runs and collected<br />

Ian RBI.<br />

Bert Mooney and Mark Adamo<br />

combined pitching efforts as<br />

Buffalo took Tampa 14-6. Greg<br />

Adamo and Mark Rinke were<br />

Ithe hitters and Scott Beveridge<br />

made some outstanding plays<br />

in the outfield.<br />

Hollywood buried Tampa 30-8. I<br />

Mark Clinton went the distance<br />

to pick up the victory and John<br />

Grannan was the offensive star,<br />

Randy Petrilli was the outstanding<br />

fielder.<br />

Tampa blasted Miami 23-4 as<br />

Dave Di Cicco hit a homer and<br />

Tom Belloli picked up three hits.<br />

Collegiate League<br />

With the assistance of all the<br />

Collegiate League managers, all<br />

accurate standings of the teams<br />

will be published in next week's<br />

papers.<br />

A seven-run rally in the bot.<br />

tom of the fourth gave the<br />

at Kerby-Grosse Pointe farms<br />

~ Open Monday through Friday $.,<br />

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•.•• ,. drn't ;" ... TODAY /<br />

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