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All the News of<br />

All the Pointes Every<br />

Thursday Morning<br />

rosse Pointe<br />

Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes<br />

-\;vrtO~L-.-;2;;9;--IN~o-,-;2~5;:---------th-=En::-ter-e-:d-a-s-:s-eC------------I from Grosse Pointe Park,<br />

The hospital also requested Po1:pe Chase Grosse Pointe City, Grosse<br />

that it be permitted to use the I>'-' Pointe Farms, H a r per<br />

strip of land which ;t owns be Woods, Roseville, East Detween<br />

Caroline and Jefferson for 16.Year Old I trait, S1. Clair Shores and<br />

parking purposes. Detroit, Melvindale, Garden<br />

The hospital proposes to re- At 100 h City, Pontiac and New<br />

duee the height of its expansion mP Haven, picketed the S1.<br />

from the initial request to 45 ft., I Clair Shores City Hall on<br />

the height of the present facil- Youth Hits Tree after En- Jefferson and 11 Mile road,<br />

ity, in accordance with the pre, \ prior to the Council Meetvious<br />

understanding arrived at countering Road Block .<br />

between the Council and the at Kercheval and m~he combined action is part<br />

hospital in May of 1966. Harvard Road of a planned campaign to show<br />

. Want 3211 Beds city administrations the<br />

The expansion would permit Farms police have filed strength and determination of<br />

the hospital to increase its. size multiple charges with Ju- the Police OUicer Associations<br />

to 320 beds and enable It to venUe C 0 u r t authorities of these communities.<br />

I t I m de n' all pr s Informed sources told the<br />

camp e eyre a r lZe . e - a g a ins t two 16.year-old NEWS tbat this "united front"<br />

ent areas. The expansion has b h t d<br />

the approval of the Greater De- oys, w 0 were arres e on was the approach all the police<br />

troit Hospital Council. :r'uesday, Jun~ 11, follow- associations were planning to<br />

Hospital spokesmen said that mg a lOO.mIle. an hour use in future negotiations. 1\1ost<br />

approval for the expansion was chase through CIty streets, of the participating police as.<br />

not asked immediately after the The. teenagers ~rew th~ at- sociations are currently infavorable<br />

decisions of the Michi- tentlOn of polIce offIcers valved in wage ~egotiations.<br />

. I h . Are Far Apart<br />

gan Court of Appeals because rou t me Y c eckmg s tor e A representative of on!! of the<br />

the hospital wished to study the doors along Kercheval av- Pointe associations told the<br />

possihility of operating and can- enue. NEWS that the police associa.<br />

su'ueting the hospital .uill!er the ... 11 .<br />

City's present 35 ft. lleight limi- Det Joseph .Miller s.ald that lions ave set a minunum and<br />

th i h ,,;d tIt k: that the communities have set<br />

tation which would be 10 ft. less one you. . s c ar~e WI. rec - a maximum-well below the asthan<br />

the present construction. l~ss dnvmg, ~eemg polIce of- sociations minimum.<br />

These studies hy consultants flCe!S, possessIOn ~f a stolen<br />

and architects made it clear v.ehlcle. and possessIOn of stolen If the showing in front of 51.<br />

he 35-foot limit imposed lIcense plates. The second boy Clair Shores City Hall is an<br />

that t h d' example of "Blue Power" it<br />

unreasonable cost penaltles and is e arge WIth possession of a will he something to be reckoperational<br />

d iff i cuI tie s, the stol~n motor vehi~le, and pos- oned with.<br />

spokesmen said. session of stolen lIcense plates. The Grosse Pointe Park Po.<br />

Public Hearing Set At about 5:45 a.m. on the lice Officers Association has<br />

Mayor David E. Burgess ex., Tu.esday date, Patrolman Fr.an- car r i e d the fight one step<br />

plained to Neil B. Hayes, attor. COI~Bdang~r and John Kralza, further. It has hand delivered<br />

ney representing Ban Secours whtle checkmg doors of. a store the following letter to each and<br />

Hospital, and hospital repre- at Kercheval and LakeVIew, ob. every Park resident:<br />

sentatives present, that the served a car parked at the ex. "Dear Resident:<br />

Council had set Wednesday treme easterly end of Ker- "Your Police Officers of<br />

August 7, at 8 o'clock, in Mair~ ch~val,. with ~ts lights out. They Grosse Pointe Park seek your<br />

School for the puhlic hearing said, In their report, that a support on their request for<br />

on the'issue. parked car in that area was wage increases. We thini;: you<br />

H f rth - I' d th t th unusual for that time of the should know the status of ollr<br />

e u er e",p ame a e morning pending negotiations with the<br />

City Planner, Brandon Rogers,' city for a salary adjustment.<br />

who should be present at the Police Investigate As residents we realize that<br />

hearing, would be vacationing The policemen felt an inves. you are faced with the unend.<br />

from July 15 through August 2. tigation might be in order, and ing problems of tax increases,<br />

He s.aid that noti£cation o~ the Idrove toward the spot. As the but we h~ve the same problem.<br />

hearmg must also be published driver of the parked car saw "After same months of nego.<br />

prior to the hearing. the approaching police vehicle, tiating with the city committee<br />

lIfayor Burgess added that he started up and drove west we have been offen:d a wage<br />

since this was such an import- Continued on Page 2 increase that would leave our<br />

ant and ('Ontroversial issue the base pay $1,300 less per officer<br />

Council felt it would be judi. than the base salary paId De.<br />

cious to take time to insure that Loclnnoor Club troil police officers. This is exall<br />

legal requirements for the Continued on Page 2<br />

public hearing were properly Plans Approved<br />

fulfilled.<br />

gun control bill. The three com. Memorial tributes may be I Gordon S tap Ie s, newly ap. be free just to listen or to dance him President of the Southeast. Formal approval has been<br />

panies, Reminglw, Winchester sent to Mountain Rescue Coun I pointed concertmaster of the to this delightful music perform. ern Michigan Chiefs of Police WINDSlimLD BROKEN given by the Grosse Pointe<br />

I<br />

Hoodlmns Beat<br />

Up Farms Youth<br />

and Savage, said they supported cil Unit. Box 67, Seattle, Wash., i Detroit Symphony and long time ed as originally scored for a Association, and President of George S. Hoover of 28404 Woods Planning Commis!lion for<br />

. 9881l. !music director of the Festival. salon group of instruments. the Michigan Police Chi~fs As, proposed parking spaces. and Farms police, are searching<br />

legislation banning the mter- , '11 th d . . Grant, St. Clair Shores, com- for the new building and site for iour teenage hoodlums, who,<br />

state mail ordersalesofrifles------llwlappearon~secon.p~o.portionsoftheprOgramwillsOclatIOn;anrll.dtFI...th .<br />

gram, July 17. WIth clarmetlst be for listening only and in this p ame a arms po Ice on for the new UJchmoor Club at WI out warnmg or provocation.<br />

~~: ~~~~:tra~~o:.ro~~stedth~~ CORVETTE STRIPPED I Paul Schaller and pianist Wi!. category will be special perfor- WHEREAS, he has played Wednesday, June 12, that while. 1018Sunningdale drive. severely beat a Farms boy<br />

Harold Miller, 5243 Radnor,! Ham Doppmann. They will pre. mances by guest artists, Mr. an important part in developing he was traveling east on Ker- The letter to the Commission about the face on Monday, June<br />

suggested that the Administra. D t't t d th theft of' sent work of Grieg Beethoven d M G d St 1 h local safety programs such as cheval I'n hI'S pl'ckup truck, a stated that the new clubhouse, 17. The victim, J. Herbert<br />

lion's approach be modified to e rOI " repor. eel s .' .' an rs, Jr on • ap es, w a the Bicycle Safety Inspection Munchausen, 17, o{ 323 Morass<br />

allnw individual s tat e s the two wheels, tires and hubc~)J" Iand Bartok .. The dmner Will be will play a special group of car with five tee nag e boys to be finished "sometime duroff<br />

of his '66 Corvette whIch: a Chaud.FrOId Buffet. ,Schubert dances for two violins l)rogram for the protection of passed him. One of the pas. ing 1969", will have a floor road. was taken to St. John<br />

rignt to exempt themselves from was parked on Ihe east side of " For the final evening. the: and gui~r with classical guitar- our ehildern; and sengers leaned out of the left area of approximately 33,000 Hospital where several stitches<br />

the prohibition of mail order were required to close wounds<br />

17450 Mack at the Sunoco sla. ' Festival planner~ were inspired 'I ist. Alexander Suczek, (who will WHEREAS, he authored a rear window and tossed an un. square feet. The men's locker<br />

sales. ".. lion, He told officers he parked' by the great success of last also offer some of his senti men- book of rules and regulations known object at his windshield, room building wi!' remain until inside the mouth and outside<br />

the car there at 5:30 ]).m. on. year's Candlelight Cabaret and i tal songs of old Vienna). which has heen adopted by al. shattering the glass, He was the clubhouse is ~omple~ed. th~~~~~lman Ro bert Kraiza.<br />

l\Ionday, June 17 R June 13 and returned for. it at: they hDPe eve~ lO t~p that gala 1 Intermission Feature I most eyery. l~w enforcement unable to give the authorities a Plans call for the lmmedlate who was dispatched 10 the Kro-<br />

DR. NATHAN FEINSINGE , 2:25 a.m. on the .14th. to .dISCO\:-p~()gram. MUSICWIll be b~ a I As a special intermission fea. \ agency 10 lI1Jchlgan; and description of the Cllr or OCCII. construction of a pre.fabricated ge:' parking lot. Mack and<br />

labor mediator, flew to the Uni. er the !heft. Pollce are mvestI- Viennese e~semble ()f strmgs ture I.he Grosse Pointe Cham- WHEREAS h h . d pants, or the direction they took steel caddy and cart storage<br />

versity of Wisconsin, Sunday li and woodwmds from the De. • .' . ' ~. as rec~lVe Morass, was met there by<br />

after his attempts to bring the ~a ~g. . . __ ." '. __ .. bel' Smge~s, dIreded by Edgar stateWIde recogmtIon for hIS es. when leaving the scene. I structure. Farms Fire Sgt. Arthur Turner.<br />

bargainers for the Detroit Free B~llups,. WIll present the Brahm I tablishment ilf Police Training who had been sent to the scene<br />

. N d th F 11 U d M. B Llebeslteder Waltzes, Opus 52. Progr'ms' and S 1 I F 1 CI when a citizen reported a per.<br />

P ress a? d. Detr~lt ews an e: a s It er oVtng US. The Terrace Dinner for the! " .' '. C tOO,S orCet to large son lying on the ground.<br />

{our strlk!ng umons to an ~gree. ! , evening will, of course, be a WHEREAS, ~s 2. Pollee Offl'\ / The fireman lold the officer<br />

ment faIled, The pubhshers jl" S 'N tl · T It' Vi~nnese menu and a sparkling I cer he has epitomIzed compe. F PI d P that an unknown woman inagreed<br />

~o Feinsinger's e~onomic Ian ays 0 ltng 0 .punch will be available through. ltence! fairness. understant!inl:, I or aygroull rograms formed him that four, or five.<br />

suggestlon.s but Ule. UDlons reo . out the evening. No effort,is bl'!' and fIrmness; and .. ----- 'boys got out of a small car<br />

f~sed. Femsmger said that the "Nothing to il," obsl'r\'-:>d,"You're pulling a dead man' ing spared to make the pro- WHEREAS he has scrved Summer playground fun for lof the proposed increase in tax and started to beat Munchausen,<br />

blt~erness on the part of the James Hunler. 6fl years old,! under your hus!" I grams and dinner as gracious the community by his firm but elementary school age children millage, it has become neces. for no apparent reason,<br />

mllons Involved was the stumbo after he had been dra!(~ed for; Park Police Sgt. Rohert Me., and l atisfying as possible anrl sympathetic handling of young is once again going to he avail- sary to conduct a self.sustaining The heating victim told Kra;za<br />

1J~!(block to the setUe.me!"t. He a hlock beneath a DSR bun hus :Allister. passing the scene at; to enhance the atmosphere of people in trouble; and able to Grosse Pointe ehildren. program this summer, and on a that he was on his way to<br />

WIll. ret~lrn to DetrOIt. If the under which he lell whilc at, Ihe mom;nt. hailed Ihe bus. The. the Ball, palrons are encouraged . . An excitin~ program or arls, re.~tricted bas i Ii whereby the Kroger to shop for his mother.<br />

partIes Involved so deSire. The tempi in" to board the moving driver. F,dward E. FIedler, 1342 to come for that final program I WHEREAS, Gross.e Pomte IS erafls. games, sinl:ing, slory leI. playground will be open only He walked d"wn IIill c 1'" S t,<br />

strike is now in its 215th day. I vehicle" on Thursrlay morning, Lakcpointe. stepped down, pale' in summer formal nttire i a hetter. place to hve be.ci\\lse ling, and extraordinary special two days a week at each school jumped over :!te wall at the<br />

" • • June 13, ' and shaking. For intormatioIt or ticket or. 1he ~as gIVen so much of hImself evcnts has hC\ln announced for (Defer being the 0 n 1y excep. rear of the parking lot, and saw<br />

Tuesday, June 18 Bul the smallstalured. pep At almost the same moment. ' ders, call ticket cnairman Mrs.! to It; the "lementary schools by the tion), It will he necessary (0 several hoys "doing something<br />

DR. NATHAN FEINSINGER pery , Hunter quickly admits, Huntcr tumbled f~om ~nder the Joh~ Lesesne. TUxedo 6.2848, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT Department of Com m un it y char!(c a daily fee of 50 cents to a car in the lot."<br />

called contracts m the news. even though he carried neIther hus. on the opposite Side, slood or pick up a p~ogram announce- RESOLVED that this Board of Services of the Grosse Pointe for eacb child with a maximum l\Iunchausen sa i d t hat he<br />

paper induslry "interludes be. a rabbit's foot nor a fourleaf up and br.uslted hImself off, to, ment and mill order fo.rm at Directors on behalf of the en. Publi~ Schools. charge of one dollar per day for walked past the youths with<br />

Iween strikes" from his Wiscon. clover, he is "the luckiest man Ihe astOnishment 01 everyone a,:!ybranch of tbe pubhc hbrar~. tire membership of the Cluh, Begmnmg Monday anrl Tues anyone family, harely a glance, when a small<br />

sin home yesterday, after talks in Grosse Pointe.' present. 'Tickets are also a~aJ1able dl- records its deep and sincere da~, ,June 24 and 25, a w('ll This fec will not incll1de the car with four youths dro\'e up<br />

belween Detroit's newspaper Police reported that Hunler, . He was taken t~JCottage Hos. rectly from committee mem- appreciation for the efforts of I tramed st,aff of play!(round cost of some of Ihe craft mOl. alongsidc of him. and the occu.<br />


,- Page Two<br />

--a<br />

II<br />

a LEBOW<br />

sport coat<br />

and slacks<br />

combination<br />

•.. now that's<br />

something<br />

special!<br />

Small tattersall check<br />

sport coats made of a<br />

fine blend of Dacron<br />

and worsted . , . handtailored<br />

by Lebow for suprem: comfort. Lebow<br />

all-worsted lightweight slacks in harmonizing<br />

tOIles, The en::;emblesare in Turf Green, Hone~.:,<br />

French Blue, and Black and White. See them<br />

this week.<br />

Th. Sport Coo,, 95.00 ne Slacks, 35.00<br />


111ejl ~\ w)e(I r<br />

Police<br />

~ofeSsional Trien have satisfied theil' unique requirements<br />

for conservative, distinctive clothing at Van Bovens for<br />

over forty years. Our current summer collection of light<br />

weight, naturally tailored suits should please your every<br />

business or social requirement. We invite your inspection<br />

today while our selection is wide and size ranges complete.<br />

Suits $85.00 to $140.00<br />

41 EAST ADAMS AVE., at Grand Circus Park<br />

WO 2-1605<br />



STORE HOURS, Mon. thru 501.-9:30 A.M. I", 5:30 P,M.<br />

Press<br />


Pay Fight<br />

Cha8e Y011th at 100 MPH<br />

(Conllnued from Page 1) ! to autbid us for quali:ied per. (Continued from PigI' 1) : lempt to turn left onlo Cadieux<br />

elusive af fringe benefits hut sonne!. on Kercheval, passing Ih~ pa: and lost control. The ,auto,<br />

: the fringe henefits paid us are or the police officers noli' em. trolmen. : Icaped lhe west cllrb, hit a<br />

suhstantially iess lnan thase ployed by the City of Grasse Belanger, driving the scout tree and bounerd back onlo the<br />

'paid palice olficers in surround. POinte Park, m?re than 25 per. car, I!laneed in the rear view road, an~ came to a slop.<br />

in" com munities The commit. cent are recruits: 40 percent mirror and sail' the \'outhful The dnver was placed under,<br />

te~ negotiating' for the city. ~ave less than two ycars' servo driver lurn left onto Waverly arrest, as was his companion, ,<br />

refuses to recognize that police- i Ice, and ov~r 50 per;ent h~ve lane, with. it appeared. with who lhe officers said. was either,:<br />

men employcd here have at, ;ess than. five ye~rs servIce. only the driver in the auto. slumped down, or had been<br />

,least the same expenses as I fhase o.fflcers hav~ng accumu. Belanger said he made a "U" sleeping in the fronl seat duro<br />

Detroit policemen and in many 'Iated InJmm~m r~lIremen,t hen turn (a follow, and as he ap., In!: the ~hase. , .<br />

i Instances our policemen have ellIs .have, little Jncentatlve to poached the lane be saw the I De( Miller saId that car wllh<br />

i expenses greater than their ;emalO With t,he Pa~k sys(~m other car stopped' on the lane, the teenager.s had heen. stolen<br />

('ounterparts employed by lhe If the wage dlffere~l'al con~In. at Kercheval. and drove near from a I~catlon In DetrOit, and<br />

City of Delroit. ues Those commumtles paYIng to ask the driver if something that lhe license plal~s ha.d been<br />

more than the Park are con. t 1<br />

"N th h '''as aml'ss. The 16-.vcar.old he. s<br />

f H hi d<br />

0 e,n rom a car In Ig an ,<br />

Ulllerous SUT\'eys roul(. tinuaJly soliciting our police .. P k<br />

out the years of bargaining with oHieers to leave the Park. The hind the wheel replied in. the -~:_---- ... _._--_:<br />

,cit~, afficials have established i administration of our depart. negative" but he seemed fTl~ht.<br />

that the

- ..... O-,.~ .. ..., ..... ...<br />

~ ...... • L ., .. .... • .., ••<br />

.{<br />

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />


School Board 110lds Last Regula.r illeeting of Year<br />

~RIED,OR SCR.Al\IBLED? i throwlI eggs al her car while it I<br />

CIty pollee received a rcport! was parked in front of her home I<br />

on Wedn~sday; June 12, from 'I somctime between 1: 30 and 1'45 '<br />

Mrs. Wilham Belcher 752 Ncff pm Patrol f(' ..<br />

stating persons unk~own had J fi~d: 0 Icers were noll. Th~ last regular m 0 nth I y as those who received aw~rds atioll at this point is well in<br />

----- - meetmg of the Grosse 1'0llltc from the Delroit AsslJeiatioll of hand, while secondary and ~pc.<br />

------ ...; Board of Education for the Phi Beta Kappa and 0 the r cial educaliLn areas are in<br />

. 1967-1968 year was held al 7:30 organizations. reasonablc control.<br />

TOUGH DAY PAL' . .. p,m. on Tuesday, June 11, at A major item was the ap.: Mr. Kennedy said that since<br />


A Room or a "Houseful/"<br />

WilliAMS<br />

For a no obligation estimate cell<br />

14711 HARPER<br />

ALL<br />

From<br />

. ' d -_~ - Maire Elementary School. 740 proval of textbooks for tile COIll his last report. the special edu.<br />

T<br />

y - 't'. road. ing year, The list of textbooks, cation field has prorluced an<br />

cOOL , ..~"'1 Mrs.<br />

~ WINDOW'<br />


TU 6-4848<br />

Sterli.lg' Silver<br />

SAVE.<br />

250/0<br />



BRANDS<br />

GOLD<br />

PINKY<br />

RINGS<br />

$6 00<br />

• LUNT<br />

• ALVIN<br />

• TOWLE<br />

• GORHAM<br />

• WALLACl<br />

• HEIRLOOM<br />


• REED & BARTON<br />




Vogue JEWELERS<br />

7 Mile noor M.ck Ave.<br />


22377 MOROSS ROAD<br />

Cadieux<br />

Paul G. Hykes. presi., presented to the trustees al the increased number of intercsll'd.<br />

dent. eonducted the meeting I May meeting for their scrutiny. and qualificd applicants wilh.<br />

and Dr. Theos 1. Andcrson, Suo was approved, with Trustee Ar. the execption of those with<br />

perintendent of Schools, pre: nold P. Fuchs abstaining, majors in the secondary level<br />

sented his report. I By a six to one vote, the trus of preparation of work with tllC<br />

Mrs. Hykes introduced sue- tces approved a 5 per cent mentally iJandicaped, Mathe<br />

cessful candidates in the June: salary adjustment for Dr. Theos matics anc\ industrial arts appli. :<br />

10 election, incumbent Mrs.' I. Anderson, Superintendent of cants still remain in the minor I<br />

Joscph P. Thompson, currently Schools. who has completed the ity with vacancies existing in!<br />

serving as Secretary of tile. first year of his initial five year these areas, i<br />

. Board of Edncation, and new.: eontrac!. According to Mr. Kennedy,<br />

comer Lee H. Allen. The Board of Edncation:lll of the 100 new teachers under<br />

Russell H. Peebles. retiring proved the rcport of Ray !\Iac- contract to date, seven formervice<br />

president of the Board, Arthur, Director of Bnsinehs Iy taught in the Pointe and are<br />

was given a standing ovation I and Finance. returning. Six of the recruits<br />

by the audience. Mr. Peebl,~s, [n other business, the trustees dfd their studcnt teaching in<br />

Refrigeration & Heating Inc. currently ending five years as approvcd professional staff ap. the local public schools.<br />

a trustee, was uot a candidat!' pointments for j h e coming The trustees set Monday. July<br />

TU 4-2585<br />

in the June 10 election. school year, approved leaves of 1, as the date for the organiza-<br />

Commenting upon the record, a b s e n c e. resignations, and tion meeting for the coming!<br />


on<br />

New and Used Cars<br />

(omplete Selection<br />



1820T Mock Ave.,<br />

884.1880<br />

Playgrounds<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

the program.<br />

On Mondays and W~dncsdaj!s<br />

\ the 'following schools will be<br />

open for summer program from<br />

I1 to 4 p.m.: Barnes, Poupard I<br />

and Kerby. Maire school will be<br />

open on Mondays and Wednes- I<br />

days from 9 to 12 noon.<br />

On' Tuesdays and Thursdays<br />

the following schools wiiI be<br />

open from 1 10 4 pm.: Ferry.<br />

Mason, Monteith and Hichard.<br />

I Defer s c h 00 1 will be open<br />

from 1 to 4 p.m. M 0 n day<br />

through Thursday and will accommodate<br />

children also Ii\'ing<br />

in the Trombly ScilOol ncigh.<br />

borhood.<br />

p,m. at Maire School to ,'Icct<br />

officers and adopt by.laws, The<br />

public is cordially invited to<br />

attend.<br />

FLOWER<br />

Reg. 52.99<br />


Ken Caramagno, 1210 Ken'<br />

sington, reported the theft of his<br />

Schwinn Sting Ray. 20", blue<br />

and chrome bicycle from Horbert<br />

Hall Patk on Wednesday,<br />

June 12.<br />


r-------- W!TH THIS AD -------,<br />

CUT<br />


CUT<br />

MUMS<br />

doz.<br />

.lIt ana the Board of Educahon ap- Annual Inventory Clearance<br />

voted for good education in: proved appointment, to the sum-<br />

Grosse Pointe. I know you: mer school staff of G r 0 sse LIGH<br />

will continue the fine school. Pointe High School, Brownell<br />

system we have upheld. It has Junior High School, and ~Ion.:<br />

becn a great privilege for me teith and Richa.rd element~ry I<br />

to serve as your trustee" schools for th" Six-week sessIOn'<br />

In his informal report Super. which bcgan June 11.<br />

intendent Anderson rev e a led The trustees also authorized<br />

that the enrollment of the pub. the appointment of staft to con .<br />

i lic schools has now reached duet sum mer programs in<br />

12618 an increase of 332 over driver education and three proa<br />

~ea~ ago. grams in special education.<br />

He also reported that Grosse The remcdial reading and pcr-<br />

Pointe High School was again ceplual development program,:<br />

placed on the list of secondary pre.school language and speech.<br />

schools approved for 1967-68 by development, and an activity<br />

the North Central AssociatiOl~, program for trainable retarded<br />

Dr. Anderson commendcd 150 children. I<br />

seniors at Grosse Pointe High In a discussion of staffing for i<br />

Schoof who were elected to the 1968-69, Lawrence F. Kennedy,!<br />

National Honor Society as well Assistant Superintendent-Profes. !<br />

-- .. ----.. ... - sional Personnel, reported that,<br />

the total lis' of vacancies num ..<br />

"Come to the Pointe" bel'S 17 One secondary and five'<br />

for elementary school teachers are'<br />

under contract on an unassigned'<br />

~ ~i<br />

'J afiurcbUl ~~l~$It~ ~<br />

~ ~<br />

~ THE CLASSIC TELESCOPE ••• an ~<br />

(Qexpression of good taste and fashion to'"<br />

Q awareness for "in-town" wear. Ren- ~<br />

~ dered in finest imported straw braids, ~<br />

~ the classic telescope croWH. is truly a ,~<br />

~ handsome addition to the cosmopoli- ~<br />

~ tan's wardrobe. ~7.50 to $35 ~<br />

basis which leaves a nct of 11<br />

members of the professional<br />

staff to be employed.<br />

Three of these vacancies are<br />

on the elementary level. 10 at<br />

the secondary level and four in<br />

I h especial cducation arca.<br />

This means the elementary s:tu-<br />



OPEN<br />

SUNDAY<br />

Enjoy SAVINGS up to<br />

50cro<br />


EXCEPTIONAL VALUES available on a first come, first<br />

served basis. These aren't seconds. These lighting styles are<br />

all first quality merchandise. Some are showroom samples.<br />

And they're being offered at important savings. Why are we<br />

doing this? Simple. We have to make room for new lighting<br />

collections scheduled to arrive in a few weeks. This sale happens<br />

only once a year. $0 come early, and SAVE!<br />

-.RAV<br />

• ELECTRIC<br />


27311 CRATIOT AVE.<br />

(No.r 1T MilO)<br />

Phone PR 1-22 t 1<br />

AMPLE<br />


..............•............ ~............••........•...........••••.••.•.......••..••..•••.•••.•....••....••..........<br />

. .<br />

. . .<br />

o<br />

, ING SA LE<br />

• 0<br />

• 0<br />

•<br />

•<br />

~ ~<br />

~ ~~ ~<br />

~ Woodward Ave, at Grand Circus Park ~<br />

~ also in Chica~o ~<br />

i.t'(~~~~~x;J~~~~r_;~r;v1»:;)~~"~Mr';~~~r;v~~~<br />

---------- ------------ -----_ .... _._<br />

Our<br />

Cars. Ar WHITfWALlS, DELU<br />

Equipped Not<br />

HooT", aultid. mirror, dirodianal.itnol., nylon carp.t,<br />

boe'lc.up light'l wind,},i.ld wa,h,rs, compl.t. tClf.ty<br />

Stri ed EQUIPPED, Nd;"S~R;~p'iD<br />

Cheyell. 300 Coupe Deluxe Wheel Covers, Whitewall Tires<br />

H.... '. ''f'''' ... i,. .., ...iMl.''' .......... , ,~. Chenolet 1/ NOYG<br />

52073<br />

...._ ~at~ 51913<br />

l.hh.eu~'"m', .. 01'bl1tIDM,..,..,.'cllI'f .<br />

..<br />

.::~,~~.!<br />

'~\<br />

,~::.5221<br />

CamaroSportiC. ~<br />

~.,It.. ~' "/""" liog'<br />

~:(m ~~.l<br />

~:;'il:m<br />

f~~<br />

'-<br />

• ~IID~~,~~~<br />


.._-----_.<br />


No Jam<br />


6 YR. WARRANTY<br />

~~~~<br />

~:~<br />

full 350 0 free swinging impellers<br />

retract or swivel. No<br />

jamming'<br />

~plus<br />

""f;<br />

theseI<br />

featur~s<br />

Quiet. ..<br />

full length<br />

outer shell,<br />

plus thick<br />

insulation.<br />

~ Re~ersing<br />

-l; & ActIOn ...<br />

~~ •. grinds both<br />

• • dl rectlOns •<br />

~<br />

Tough ...<br />

stainless<br />

sleel grinding<br />

componenls.<br />

Yz H.P. Motor.<br />

only $79 50<br />

POINTE<br />


VA 1.5550<br />

14950 Mock Ave,<br />

Grone Pointe Pork<br />

. .ȯ. t<br />

.<br />

. s are<br />

Sure, the Woods proudly offer three distinguished new cars -Volkswagen,<br />

BMW and Mercedes-Benz. But they also offer fine, previouslyowned<br />

.<br />

cars, of most all makes and models. American or import, you<br />

can rest easy when you buy at the Woods. You know your car is hones<br />

.<br />

tly presented, and fairly priced. New car, used car - whatever your<br />

needs dictate - see the Woods. Values? The Woods are full of 'em!<br />

.<br />

.<br />

. ...<br />

... .<br />

.<br />

. .,<br />

-'t<br />

It<br />

..................................................... ..•..•............•••.••••..•.•••.•.......•••..........<br />

O~.-<br />


., ,..•<br />

0••<br />

~: .,<br />

.<br />

.<br />

@<br />

n_1_ WOOD MOTORS, INC.<br />

1~41~ GRATIOT AVc. (AT 8 MILE) I DUROll I CALI. o21bbOO ., 1535l GRATIOT AVl. \AT 8 MILL) / DUROIl I CALL ~2l-6900

Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 20, !968<br />

Guys with m 0 n e y to burn<br />

seldom sit by the fire.<br />

~1t1r.H""""U~~<br />

~.,- "'.,('",~,.a.O:-<br />



17Q07 £. Warren TO 1.360b<br />

WOlnen Injured<br />

Mrs. Helen B. Johnston, 916<br />

Harcourt, was driving north on<br />

Rivard on Tuesday, June 11.<br />

and failed to stop for the sign<br />

at Waterloo. Her car was struck<br />

on the side by a car driven by<br />

Eula Mae Cau1ton, 3448 Arndt,<br />

You'll Eet the RIGHT PRICE from a strailht.talking salnman.<br />

You'll select from the LARGESTPONTIAC INYEN'fORY in Michilan.<br />

Your Pontiac will stay "new" longer with QUALITY CAUSLEYSERVICE.<br />

Prices on all models<br />

quoted over the phone •• ,<br />

•.. call for your<br />

Jim Caus!ey deal<br />

•• , TU 6.1700<br />

World's<br />

Largest<br />

Pontiac<br />

Dealer<br />

$2965<br />


17&77 MACk AVE.<br />

btt""een c,,("tuX<br />

,~ 7 Mfle<br />

O'(H TIL •<br />

Mond., & Thu ,>

" '.<br />

'.<br />

", ~,' • I, •<br />

, .. , '.... ".<br />

Thursday I June 20, 1968<br />

Rescuers, Rescued and Gratefu I<br />

Able to smile her gratitude to Fire<br />

Sgt. Arthur Turner and Fireman Donald<br />

Ettinger, is Heide Hinkel, 5, who on June<br />

6, was revived by the firemen. both members<br />

of t~e Farms Fire Department, after<br />

she fell mto a neighbor's swimming pool<br />

and nearly drowned. Heide, while pIa\'.<br />

ing with a fl'icnd. fell into the pool and<br />

sank to the bottom, She was pulled out<br />

by the woman owner of the property,<br />

Mrs. Edward Frohlich, of 30 Preston<br />

Memorial Center Dri've<br />

Reaches All-Time Peak<br />

A new all.time high of con!ri.: road, during th~ fiscal year<br />

bulions made to the G r ass e! beginning August 1. he added:<br />

Pointe Memorial's Annual Fam- i Among the recent donors are:<br />

ily Participation Campaign to- I June 5<br />

tali~~ $~3,887.50 fro m 5,362 Mr. and Mrs. Howard W.<br />

famIlies m. the area, was an. Bacon, Robert C. Callaway, Innounced<br />

thIS w~ek by !larry W. tcriors, Joseph H. Carollo, Mr.<br />

Mellen .. ca'!1palgn chalrmau; and Mrs. Charlcs R. Chandler,<br />

ContnhutlOns from vanous Bert Cremers, Mrs. Edith Hak.<br />

other sources also are rcccl\'cd ken, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lan.<br />

th~oughout ~he y e ~ r, Mellen caster, Mr. and Mrs. Ovid L.<br />

saId. DonatIOns dunng the an- McBroom, Melbourne J. Miller,<br />

nual drive for funds assure the Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Rowc,<br />

operation and continuing de. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur VanLer.<br />

velopment of the beautiful and berghe, Mr. and Mrs. Richard<br />

popular center at 32 Lake Shore \ D. Walker.<br />

---::=. -- _.-- -- ._-. June 6<br />

RENT or BUY Mr. and Mrs. Vernon G.<br />

P' nos _ Organs IAljets, Mr, and Mrs. Peter R,<br />

la Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.<br />

llaldwin, Mr. and Mrs. James<br />

P. Bayes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert<br />

E. Dice, Mr: and Mrs. John<br />

Feikens, Mr. W. H. Hagen.<br />

I meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W.<br />

Lowr~:~J~r~;~iYFClark<br />


22933 Gratiot. nr. 9 Mile<br />

775.8000 - Hr>. 10 to 9<br />

.....{<br />

place The girl was blue and in serious<br />

condition, when the firemen arrived.<br />

Turner applied mouth.to-mouth resuscitation,<br />

and when Heide began to breathe<br />

again, Ettinger quickly applied the oxygen<br />

resuscitator. Also shown in the pic.<br />

ture are Heide's grateful parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Edward Hinkel, Jr., of 27<br />

Preston place, The fireman were cited<br />

hI the Farms council n Monday June 17.<br />

'I James. Mr. and Mrs. Webster<br />

B. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Mat<br />

thew C. Patterson, .Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Earle A. Peters, Mr. and<br />

I Mrs. Samuel J. Price. Durell S.<br />

R i c h .1 r d s, Miss Marthe<br />

(Continued on Page 31)<br />

M.<br />

I<br />


RAIN and<br />

~ACOBSEN<br />

Call your Mea ll1lli<br />

Dealer now for a ~ ~<br />

free estimate. I<br />

Tofte<br />

~<br />

for "pennies a day"<br />

Now you can install an AFCO-<br />

Comfortmaker Cooling Unit for whole<br />

house Air Conditioning at tile lowest<br />

price em.<br />

install oow and enjoy your refresh.<br />

ingly cool home all summer.<br />

-.-'-'{[~.-'~"'-"-I.-<br />

6' Herman's<br />

CALL:<br />

779.2498 MI 4.5458 754.9660<br />

Member of Better Heating<br />

and Cooling Bureau<br />


Lightning Hits Honses~Wires<br />

The severe spring storm that I land. 851 Lincoln, called City<br />

hit The Poi n t e in the early i police on that date to rep(lrt a<br />

hours on Friday, June 14, kept I large tree limb had fallen in<br />

City police and firemen hopping. I front of her home. Officers re.<br />

Mrs. Florence M. Souther. moved the limb 'and observed<br />

Make banking easy for YOllfself<br />


BANK<br />

& TRUST<br />

c}'cJur Cf'a "LiIJ' CBilfl.king.(;et'f!er<br />

N$'WIIlS elf ~:MIO ~<br />

Page<br />

that another limh was hanging I wire was down at 453 Fisher in the roof of that residence and<br />

precariously on the same tree.' and was arcing. Officers noti. two holes in the (oaf of 824<br />

They notified the Highway De. fied the Edison Company. Cadieux. Neither of the houses<br />

partment to attend to it. Firemen responded to a call sustained fires.<br />

lIlrs. William Rappman, 466 on the 15th reporting lightning!<br />

Lincoln, also called Police on had struck a hOl'se at 818 I The reward for good deeds<br />

that date to report an Edison Cadicux. They found two holes: often goes to the wrong person.<br />

We give you more than 80 places<br />

to save automatically,<br />

and four are<br />

this close to home .<br />

If you don't have a plan for saving, we have one for you. It's<br />

called Check & Save. You simply tel! us how much you want<br />

to save eachfl1onth, and we transfer the money automatically~<br />

once or twi,ce'!:amonth as you choose, from your checking<br />

account to your savings account-where it will earn our 4%<br />

annual rate, paid and compounded quarterly. Or, if you<br />

prefer to save larger amounts (at least $100 at a time after<br />

an initial deposit of $1,000) you ean have your money<br />

transferred to a TimeDeposit account where it will earn 5%<br />

annually, paid and compounded quartedy. Ask about<br />

Check & Save at your Family Banking Cenler. Le! us h~p<br />

you save part of your check before you part with it all.<br />

Family Banking Ccntcrs at Mack.HilIcrest , Mack.Chalmm<br />

• Jefferson.Piper • Harpcr.ChaJmer~<br />

_. _.------------------------._-_._--------- ----------<br />

The Association of the Iranian Carpetweavers--,AJCof/ran<br />



OF<br />

Five<br />

- ...."<br />

.. A.'<br />

...,..<br />

~<br />

• ~JIi '"<br />

... ~ :~ lo<br />

.~<br />

• ' .... {'1"'<br />

~.i;;~<br />

• ~ •• ~1Jl<br />




HANDLE<br />

Plus:<br />

• Easier starting<br />

• larger capacity<br />

catcher<br />

grass<br />

• Washout port<br />

• Quick height adiustmenl<br />

• 18 and 21" Models<br />




------ u ---------------------- a - E ------2----------a<br />

Page<br />

Sill<br />

Pair Accused<br />

In Tire Theft<br />


Two men were arrested by<br />

Woods police and charged with<br />

stealing tw'o brand new tires<br />

from the Mobil Center, 19770<br />

Mack avenue.<br />

On Wednesday, June 12, po.<br />

lice received a phone caB from<br />

Francis Hoffman of 18791 Me.<br />

Cormick, Detroit. an employe<br />

of the service station, whO reo<br />

ported that two men in a car<br />

drove into the station, removed<br />

two tires from a rack, and then<br />

drove north on ::\fack toward<br />

Vernier.<br />

Patrolman Thomas Podeszwik,<br />

on the alert for the pair and<br />

their car, spotted them at<br />

Vernier, near the Edsel Ford<br />

Freeway, and stopped them.<br />

The officer called for assist.<br />

ance.<br />

Accused of the larceny are.<br />

Willic G. Johnson, 33, of 5744<br />

Van Dyke; and Clarence Rod.<br />

ers, 36. of 3122 St. Aubin, both<br />

of Detroit. They were taken to<br />

the station for further question.<br />

ing by Woods Cpl. Bernard<br />

Kclly and Patrolman Donald<br />

Sabel, who arrived to help<br />

Podeszwik. Three H a r per<br />

Woods policemen also showed<br />

up in case they were needed.<br />

Podes:wik said that after he<br />

stopped the pair and was about<br />

to get out of his scout' car,<br />

Johnson and Roders got out<br />

of their vehicle and approached<br />


I<br />


A Requiem Mass was said on I<br />

Wednesday, June 12, in 8t.<br />

Ambrose Church, for Mr. Vismara,<br />

75, of 964 Westchester<br />

road. He died on Sunday,<br />

June 9.<br />

A native Detroiter, Mr. Vis.<br />

mara was a Pointe resident for<br />

over 40 years.<br />

He ~s survived by his wife,<br />

Catherme; a son, John; three<br />

daughters, Mary Louise, Mrs.<br />

Robert Reid, Mrs. Nicholas<br />

Rudelle, and ten grandchildren.<br />

Interment was in Mount Olio<br />

vet Cemetery.<br />


Funeral s e r vie e s for :\iI'.<br />

Vance, of 2049 Beaufait avenue,<br />

were held on Monday, June 3, at<br />

the A. H. Peters Funeral Home.<br />

He died on Thursday, May 30,<br />

in Bon Seeours Hospital. .<br />

lIiI'. Vance was born in Log.<br />

ansport, Ind., on December 25,<br />

1899. He was a member of the<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian<br />

Chureb and a life memo<br />

ber of Elks Lodge No. 66 of<br />

Logansport.<br />

He is survived by his wife, I<br />

you're a curlv top in an<br />

easy-traveling<br />

25.00<br />

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

A review of the past pre.<br />

sents a new view of the future.<br />


WITH<br />

d see<br />

. t corne an<br />

. .te yOU 0<br />

We 'f '<br />

10'11 • a beaut! \,II<br />

j of roses ,n<br />

tnousanas<br />

of co\ors.<br />

array<br />

Beautiful healthy plants waiting<br />

to be planted in your garden<br />

FREE<br />

ANY<br />

from '2 25<br />

$2.25 ROSE<br />




(THRU AUGUST J, J 968)<br />

Beautiful Display 0/<br />

Garden Statues and Fountaim<br />



243()O HARPER (between 9 6' 10 Mile) PR 5-3455<br />

Open Thursday and Friday Evenings<br />

stretch<br />

wig of dynel modacrylic,<br />

permanently curled<br />

in fashion's newest<br />

romantic look. Darks,<br />

blondes, frosted<br />

Complete<br />

head form.<br />

tones.<br />

lona; a son, Edmund C. Jr,. of<br />

Framingham, Mass.; one broth.<br />

er, W. A. Vance, of Lansing;<br />

-------------------------1 two sisters, Mrs. Coy Harding, of<br />

JOliN JOHNIDES sons, John W. and Thomas G.; Logansport and Mrs. Neil Os.<br />

Funeral services for Mr. two sisters, Mrs. Charles Very.<br />

Johnides, 67, of 520 Lakepointe ser and Mr~, Rene De Serrano, born, of Lansing, and two grand.<br />

children.<br />

av~nue, were held Monday, and two grandchildren. Interment was in Cadillac<br />

Jun~ 10, in the Assumption In t e r men t was in Mount<br />

Greek Orthodox Church. He Olivet Cemetery. Memorial Gardens. East.<br />

died on Thursday, June 6. I<br />

Born in Constantinople, Mr. CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN<br />

Johnides migrated to the United I RUSSELL<br />

States in 1920 and was a resi. Funeral services for Christo.<br />

dent of Grosse Pointe for 20 pher Russell, 6, of 543 Barring.<br />

years. He was active on the ton road, .were held on Tuesday,<br />

Evangelissimos Church Board, June 18, In the Verheyden Fun.<br />

president of the Ahepa Alpha eral Home.<br />

Chapter No. 40, and the' Byzan.\' He is survived by his parents<br />

tion Seven Stars. Mr. a~d Mrs. Leland Russell;<br />

. two slSters, Laurq and Mrs.<br />

He was a member of RublCan Darlynn Youngquist Jr' t<br />

Lodge No. 495, ~&A.!I~.; a memo brothers, Leland Jo~atha~ a:~<br />

ber of the Scottl~h RIte BodIes Alan; his grandmother, Mrs.<br />

and .\loslem ~hr.me. Temple; a Pearl Wallace.<br />

member of KIlwmmng Chapter Interment was in White<br />

No, 380, Ord~r of the Eastern Chapel Cemetery.<br />

Star; a CounCIl member of the<br />

East Detroit Chapter, Order of<br />

Demolay; . past vice.president<br />

and governor of the Federa.<br />

tion of :Micriastic and Thracian<br />

Societit!s; and active on the<br />

Council No. Troop 86. Boy<br />

Scouts of America from Tram.<br />

bly School.<br />

Mr. Johnides is survived by<br />

his wife, Andronekey; two<br />

daughters, Victoria Johnides<br />

and Mrs. Michael Gregg; his<br />

son.in.law, Michael Gregg; and<br />

four grandchildren.<br />

Interment was in Acacia Park<br />

Cemdery.<br />

him, as if they did not want lIJARY COllJl\IYN<br />

him to look into their auto. Funeral s e r v ice s for Mrs.<br />

Nevertheless, the officer went Commyn, 77, of 953 Beaconsfield<br />

to the other car, and saw two avenud, were held Saturday,<br />

new tires on the rear seat and June 15, in the Verheyden Fu.<br />

informed the pair that they neral .Home and from S1. Am.<br />

were under arrest on suspicion brose Church. She died on Wed.<br />

of larceny. nesday, June IB, in Cottage Hos.<br />

At the station. another em. pita!.<br />

ploye of the gas station, William Wife of th'! late G~orge. Mrs.<br />

J. Haas, 22, of 3935 Coplin, Commyn is survived by a daughtold<br />

police that he was pumping ter, Mrs. Margaret Van Acker;<br />

gas, when Hoffman asked him three sons, Raymond, Edward<br />

if he had removed two tires and Albert; three sisters, Mrs.<br />

from the rack, and he replied Lena Bultinck, Mrs. LO!lise Via.<br />

in the negative. ene and Mrs. Julie LaHousse;<br />

At that time, the two men and three brothers, Henry, Ed.<br />

in the car were driving away. ward and Joseph Van Hoet.<br />

Haas said, and he chased them She was also sister of the late<br />

Iin his car to Eight Mile road Charles Van Hoet and Emma<br />

and Mack, and got close enough Allemon. . ( .<br />

tll take down their license platc Interment was III Mount JlIvet<br />

number. I cemeter y _ •. -----<br />

It w~s ~~t disclosed which of LAl\JBERT KLEINJIARDT<br />

th~ paIr I. was, but Hoffman .Funeral services for !lIr.<br />

saId that

p kg c_ t .....~.. ce e .. Q . .p•. e..,e4.c4~Q. 4,,4.4 i"e,. E. t. 4 ~ . 4 e,.. i,e.,.S,. '. .,~ . • • 0, .... "S,. ,.4. 3.9" .. 4. e. 9" ",? .s, 1$,; #1 OJ •, .J.. '.". ..~ ... ',', .. t ... ,.... , ' •.••<br />

\. ',~,.'"<br />

\. ".' ;.<br />

HUDSON<br />

I, •• ~ ..__ ..~f.--I{~'.<br />

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Sa-'1.n<br />

1. Cluster of metallic circles on shiny black or white patent. A/so in dres~y gold kid siudded with rhinestones, 9.90<br />

'.'0 and11.'0<br />

Umberto sandals and<br />

thongs by Andrew Geller<br />

2. The antique look of pewter imbedded with bright matching little beads on black, orange or yellow palent, 9.90<br />

Made by Umberto in Italy, expressly for Andrew Gel!er! We came<br />

into these absolutely great looking sandals and thongs by sheer<br />

luck and couldn't wait to pass our lucky break onto you. Right<br />

now across the country they're selling for much, much more. You'll<br />

see why with just one look at the beautiful workmanship, fine de.<br />

tailing, imaginative styling and superb fit. We ordered thousands,<br />

but they'll go fast. Try them on in Salon Shoes or call CA 3.5100.<br />

3. Hundreds of delicate discs sewn onto coral, red, orange, blue, green and turquoise kid or blackpalent,.12.90<br />

4. A bright golden sunburst centered orr just a mere whisp of shiny white or no/ural bone patent thong, 9.90'<br />

5. Sporty cross-strops of oronge./green/yellow, white patent, red/while/bl'Jck polent, bone/brown patent, 12.90<br />

----' .._.,- ............ ,.-<br />

6. T.strapped and open.toed, marked by four spark ling buttons on navy blue or white potent, '12.90<br />

Hudson's Downtown<br />

open Monday and<br />

Wednesday<br />

till 8:30 p.m.<br />

'Northland, Eastland,<br />

Westland, Pontiac<br />

open Monday, Thursday,<br />

Friday PondSaturday<br />

till 9 :00 p.m.<br />

7. lots of open work with gold./oned bullons in bone, orange, white, yellow, blod and green potent, 12.90<br />

, s<br />


Wo()dward Ave. and Grand River<br />


8 Mile and Northweslern<br />


8 Mile ond Kelly ROods<br />


CENTER<br />

Warren and Wilyne ROods<br />


T~Ir.\lr.'ph and Elizabeth Lilke Road<br />

1<br />

am s<br />

" •<br />

d • _

;.1.' •. :~ .••. ;.r:.!.;<br />

I<br />

II<br />

Page<br />

LIPTON'S<br />

TEA<br />

BAGS<br />

48 59c<br />

Co"nt<br />


89 Kercheval<br />

~__---------,..l<br />

"-'--_._-"--'--- ~<br />

Bic)7de Thefts Heported in Cily<br />

Three bicycle thefts were re. On lhat same date Jim Cio('.<br />

ported to City ]Jolice on June, 1204 Yorkshire, reported his<br />

14, and June 15. Michael Men. : red and white hicycle stolen<br />

then, 912 University, reported i f!'olll I\'('ff Memorial Park. t\lar.<br />

the theft of his gold and chromc ' till Walton, 458 Washington. fl'<br />

trimmed bicycle from (he bike i )lorted the theft of his black and<br />

racK at 17101 Kerchel'al on June: white bike from !\eff ~Iemorial<br />

14. Park on the t5th<br />

.1 VERBRUGGE'S<br />


Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

--- -_ .. - -_._-------~_._.---------- - --------~------------------- -----------<br />

· 'Poupard. • TURNED OVER $25 bond which was paid to a<br />

olueers- Jf flUI etlre ntent All mcmbers of thc council City po J ice officer Dwighl city of Detroit police officer.<br />

L G 1 R<br />

FI'l et A ttellllell B f Ma as. ever)' off.duly park police Stanlon lane, to lhe City police<br />

Btl 11<br />

JJ~i'".~~m~-<br />

~.\\\;. cQ2JUlggO'llOQOO~.<br />

'"::.~~~~:f:~' ~!i.} ~ ~Qllm~J~<br />

", . ~ '-'.- - .~<br />


"PA~~<br />

6TIIIlIS ./~mH~" . Jf. iI ,r r !, I I!J IJ!JI<br />

24 Size<br />

Eig"t<br />



California<br />


Jumbo Size<br />

Solid Crisp<br />


97~<br />

45~a<br />

2 fDr 45 c<br />

FRUIT<br />


1 Lb. 1-0:c. Can<br />

M<br />

TU 5.1565<br />


2<br />

FAMILY<br />


SIZE<br />


1 Lb.4-0:c.<br />

29~a<br />

Welchad~<br />


46-01:. Can<br />

WNe al the banquel, as well Scott look Thomas 1"redal, 78<br />

. ,~< . / / . .,' _ ) _11 Y officer, induding Capt. Arnold stalion on Tuesday, June 11, on<br />

________ : Hough and Lt. Gerald Kestcloot an outstanding traffic warrant<br />

By acfual count. 27,5 persoll,.\('dllC~"a)' el'cllill~" June 12, Citl' M:lvor David Burgess in Detroit, Ill.' was released all<br />

alt('nded a retirement banquet \0 hOllor two oulstanding Park: allended and so did the follow- I<br />

held at Sl. ~laron's So;'ial Ilall, of{i('ials, Police Chief Arthur i ing municipal judges, C. Joseph;<br />

Louwers, and Fire Chief Wil- Belanger, Park; Don J. Good<br />

51. Jean and K('rcheval, Delroit, Iiam GrauL row, Woods; and Douglas Pater.<br />

ROLLED<br />


ROAST89~<br />

So you're in range<br />

a your next new car:<br />

Fine.You're in range<br />

Chief LoulI'ers retired on ~Iav son, City; and othrr judicial<br />

31, af!rr 3B ye,lrs of service dignitaries from Wayne County<br />

with the Police Department; and surrounding cities<br />

i and Chief Graul will lea\'e his There was a large contingent<br />

post on June 30. after having i of agents of the Federal Bureau<br />

servl'd the dtv for 4[) veal's. 'of !nVl'stigation, and a number'<br />

Park Mayor' Matthew' Patter- of Stale Policemen. who as CoL<br />

son, who emceed the progra m, Fredritk E. Davids, Slale Police<br />

disclosed that a number of police DlreNor, saId. also represrnt<br />

thlds and other public offi- the State Fire ;\larshal's Office.<br />

cials from cities, near and far, since each trooper is automatiewere<br />

unable to j)(' present be ally a deputy fire marshal.<br />

cause of I,ressing duties, and ~Iany others were prrsrnt to<br />

other reasons. pay tribute to Chirfs Louwers<br />

lIowever, the 275 persons ill and .Graul, .in~Juding lhe ~hiefs' !<br />

attendance, heard glowing tri fa!J1Jhes fnends and plalll ar-'<br />

buIes paid to Louwers and lJ1Jrel's.<br />

Graul, from the mayor, and Before Ihe feasl. was lI~d~rother<br />

speakers. after w~1ich the way" Rev: J. \~llIl~m Gl'lffl.th I<br />

chiefs were given a standing. of SI. R~chard s Cat h.o II C,<br />

0\ ati')n ; Church. \\0 cst/and, a relatll'c of i<br />

L<br />

. K' Chief Graul, was called upon<br />




,~<br />

.<br />

" W~ .s£RVE DETROIT AND<br />

" ALL SU8UIIBS<br />

2941 £. JEFFERSON<br />

i&:~~E<br />

AUTO<br />

• Daily<br />

• WeeJdy<br />


• Monthly<br />

leasing (up to 3 yrs.) All Makes<br />

( ..II James Jenkins: TU 1.5000<br />

VENEER<br />

People who can't see any<br />

deeper than the paint are some.<br />

times fooled by the finish.<br />

Creek Ranch, hiS h~me near thc ~ives of the honorees and" (i lit<br />

Onoway, MIch., 300 miles away, others al lhe head table a£ler, * OSS AWNINGS lit<br />

to be present al the banquet. He which he called for recognition i *' I ." *'<br />

was IIllroduced by ~Iayor Pal- of dhmitaries in the ~I,dience. : :<br />

.arry . nox, retired Inkster to giv(' the invocation, t>!t1< SERVING 3 GENERATIONS OF SMART DETRDIT£RS U*,<br />

pollce Chief, cam: from Canada Ma 1'01' Patterson introduced, * :.<br />

tmon. . FOllowing this, Co!. Davids; I} GIVE LONG LASTING SERVICE *'<br />

Among t.he are~ pohce heads G.1en Thom, retired Delroit Fin: * -;*<br />

p~esent, ~vlth their \,;11'es were: Chief, and presently Warren * Get Year 'Round Protection Tit<br />

Clly Chl~f Andrew Teetae~t. Fire Commissioner; and Glenn It with New Beautiful l:<br />

Woods Dlreetor of P u h Ill: Leonard Oak Park Direclor of: Vinyl Coated Dacron I}<br />

5afet~ Allen A~drews; pa,rk Puhlic S~fety and current presi- 11- Fabrics _.ll'<br />

I?ll'eCLo: of PubliC Safely \\- IJ- dent of The :\lichigan Police 11- ; >Iham<br />

Ellenberg, who succeeds Chiefs Association. were asked" LO.-7-0890 I}<br />

hoth Louwers and Graul; and to speak 11- I}<br />

Harper Woods Chief Allen Mig- }\( th~ conclusion of the' 11- FREE ESTIMATlS • CONVENIENT TERMS ~ It<br />

hO'11 D. .., ). speeches, Mayor Patterson pre- i<br />

Sores Irecto!. of r ubllc ,ented Chief Louwers and Chief<br />

SafelY Thomas Cochlll \~as Im- Graul with inscribed, gold wrist<br />

: ahle t~ al\l!nd he~ause o.f Illness; walches, after which he asked<br />

,and I-arms PolIce Clllef Jack the chiefs to inlrodnce their<br />

F. Roh, was unable to to be families,<br />

prese~t. b~cause of back and The newest recruils of both<br />

SIde injuries suffer?d the clay the Police and Fire Deparl<br />

before, Jun.e 11, which rest~lted ments of the Park, Patrolman<br />

when he tned to stop a drIver- Michael Kortas, and Pipeman<br />

less, r~naway car. . Casper Allor, presented each<br />

A~so I~ attendance was retIred chief a porta hIe AM-FM porl-<br />

Clt} Pol!ce ~hlC[ Th,omas Trom- able Zenilh radio, Korlas to<br />

bly, ChICf feetaert s predeces- LOllwers, and Allor to Graul,<br />

so~, D t I I d gifts of the personnel of their<br />

'Ire e par. m e ~ lea s respective dcpartmer,ts.<br />

p~esent, \~ere: CIty .Chlef Albe.rl Park Citv Manager Roherl<br />

~ akllll; F arms Chief M. WlI- A, Sloan was then called upon<br />

II~m Mason, and. of course the to present the cbiefs witb serdirectors<br />

af public safety, whose vice o:ertificates after which he<br />

tItles not only make them heads introduced the members of the<br />

of .lhe police departments. of committee who worked -so hard<br />

their respeclJve commumhes<br />

b I al fir h' f Al t for the success<br />

. n so. e e .Ie s. . so presen They are:<br />

was retIred fIre chlCf GelJrge Fire Capt. Henry<br />

of the<br />

M.<br />

banquet.<br />

DeClerck,<br />

I<br />

New Modern Designs<br />


• Comet.<br />

$6 a DAY ~i~e<br />

• Mercury.<br />

$8 a Day ':i~e<br />

• Cougar.<br />

$8 a Day ~I~e<br />

Police Lt. Gerard .J. Kestleloo!.<br />

Fire LI. Philip Ill. Cosla, Police<br />

Sgt. George B. Blair; Del. Sgt.<br />

.Tames E. LaPratt, and Veron<br />

inca C, Fodell, who was committee<br />

treasurer; and Erma O.<br />

130 Kercheval on 'he Hill<br />

Nyiri, who was the secretary, ---------- -----------<br />

Climaxing the affair W:ls tl.,c<br />

presentation of the reli~ menl Open Thursday and Friday Evenings<br />

hadges to each of the chids, by<br />

Director of Public Safety Wil- i<br />

Iiam Ellenberg, who sueeeds<br />

botb men as administrative<br />

_hea(1 of holh d(~partments.<br />

.,.'~:(<br />

You thought about it. Debated about it.<br />

And flnolly decided: You're getting a new car.<br />

Will you go right out and pop<br />

for the first car you see?<br />

A '01 of people do-and<br />

end up driving so.called<br />

low-priced cors that cosi<br />

as much-or more-than<br />

this full-size Olds 88.<br />

There's no reason for<br />

you to do this. You can<br />

enjoy all Ihe advantages<br />

an 88 offers. Smooth<br />

ride (Olds 88's<br />

a anO<br />

wheelbase is a full 123<br />

inches.l Impressive<br />

response (Rocket 350<br />

V-B, standard.) And on<br />

abundance of room and<br />

comfort (Olds seals are<br />

nearly 5 feef wide.1 Most of<br />

all, you get the exira ossuranca<br />

that's yours in on Olds. Plus all<br />

the GM safety features.<br />

So before you make a<br />

~nal decision, price check<br />

an Olds 88. Today.<br />

\<br />

get with the Nehru bfuer now<br />

See your<br />

'fholl~nl11!. lor cnl1(',~r nn,. hi!!h<br />

~('hool :;ll1d('nt~ ha\.~' ... ''{CllI<br />

ran, too, _ . I,', ~,,",.nnteed or<br />

rOll dol1't l~.HY;<br />

• Achieve better grades<br />

• CuI down your hours of study<br />

• Increue your income with<br />

grealer knowledge<br />

• Our average gr.duMe re ,ds In<br />

12 minutes what used to reo<br />

quire an hour<br />

• More th.n 400,000 g,.du,'es<br />

including the sMfI .,1 Ihe /,'e<br />

Prt~~ir:~nl Kenn~dy<br />

Learn to Read<br />

3 to 10 Times<br />

Foster<br />

See the EVl!'lyn Wood Story~ Sun,<br />

clay, midnight, Ch,nnel SO, re'.<br />

lowing the Lou Gordon Show.<br />

C:dl ltl-::~\' I I ~,I\liHlr<br />

i I I ~1;1"1 t ': 11 ~0 II<br />

~62 7056<br />

~ EVELYN<br />

W WOOD<br />


1101 W.shinglon Blvd,<br />

Op.lroit lAich. 4R226<br />

. In rWHlr .., CIIIt" Thr'r'l'UQhout th@' World<br />

and join the movement to the<br />

latest sport coat look hittin~<br />

the scene. Contemplate<br />

the great det ai ling: standup<br />

collar, flap pockets, deep<br />

back vents, self covered buttons.<br />

Brown or grey in rayon<br />

and wool. Student sizes<br />

36 to 40 regular. 40.00<br />

Jacobson's<br />


" ' '.' ,<br />

.. ,- .. , "'j •• "<br />

Thursday, June 20, 1968 G R0 SSE POI N TEN EW S Page Nine<br />

--------------------------------_.<br />



flAVORFUL<br />

OPEN PIT<br />

Barbecue<br />

Sauce<br />

1 LI.<br />

12 OZ.<br />

Ill.<br />


DOUBLE<br />


39 C -<br />


6* 0%.<br />

WI. CAN<br />

29 C •<br />

no special meat order<br />

is too large or too small<br />

to fill in 24 hour!<br />

If it's 0 special occasion, and you need 01) unusual<br />

type. size. or quantity of meat. Former. Jock will get it for<br />

you in just 24 hours!<br />

Need 15 strip steaks? Or. 10 beef tenderloins? Or<br />

5 filets? No order is too large or too small 10 be filled!<br />

Just call 931,6970 to place your order. giving the 1ime<br />

'(lnd 1he day (after 24 hours) YOu plan on dropping in at<br />

your neighborhood l'armer Jock's slore.<br />

When you come in to the store, your m-eol 't1tIntl'g~<br />

will have your order all wropp~dond ready to go!<br />

, And.;.there s no extra charge for this special serl/ice'll<br />

either " because Former Jock will sland QO his head t~<br />

Genie ~QU better!<br />


GO POWER<br />


150%.<br />

WT. lOX<br />

~ Town Prlele ~:<br />

,:~'JSweetPeas<br />

./..<br />

•<br />


6 DalClOUS flAVORS<br />

Farm Maid<br />

140%.<br />

WT. BAG<br />

% GAl.<br />

CTN.<br />

39 C<br />

10 C<br />

fLAVORS<br />


Town PrW. Mayonnals.<br />


Liquid I-:-fam.<br />


Archw flY CookIes<br />


SafRower<br />


Chiffon Mar.ar.e<br />


Ch•• s. Spr.acls<br />


SW Iss Ch.esft<br />



Cream Ch••••<br />


Eckrich Be.f Smorla. Pac<br />

QT. 4 9t OUNCAN HINES 1 LB. 251-<br />

JAR • Assort." Cak. MIx.. 2~o~Z..,<br />

'~~~22 C ALL PURPOSE 2 B<br />

A: G'99~<br />

l8<br />

CAN Farm er Jack C.ff ••<br />

3 Stokely Fruit Drinks ~~rf"<br />

'L'B. 3 2 C OEL MONTE DEllCIOUS t LB. 22 ~<br />

2<br />

p~.$lo0 ()~ANGE,GRAPEORPUNCH tQT. 19~<br />

CTN. Fruit Cocktail. ,~~~':<br />

t;:,:;i',:';~;';.:(t;10S71Miiii!ii'%;mi;t!:~~f.it~;t;!;;~::.:J!if1<br />

.. ' SANDWICHES, SUNDAE CUPS 1;'1,<br />


'LB. 39~<br />

CTN.<br />

5~'.f: 59~<br />

JARS<br />

BJ:t 49~<br />

"KG.<br />

B02. 25~<br />

WT.<br />

"KG.<br />

t~~. 89~<br />

"KG.<br />

..<br />

Mu1Ty<br />

Buddy<br />


Aunt '.m 1m. Wafll ••<br />


Blrels Ey. Cool ""hip<br />


W.lch. Grap. 'ulce<br />


Swanlon.<br />


Dinner.<br />

. k:{)~<br />

Quaker Malell.;1<br />

Drumsticks 1;11<br />

49 C ti~<br />

1<br />

6PK. !)1<br />

~r:~:. "::-. ::::::::~.:::.'::{,~':.:

4. __<br />

0. Allen<br />

'i<br />

-<br />

Page Ten<br />


~ook out .for ,'acationing The miracle man of today is .Jud (Je<br />

children, motorists-expect them lone whose needs keep his wants II ~<br />

~O_dOlh~exp~cted. in the background. Hears<br />

-<br />

~'~<br />

,~~~ WlIIIIERI'<br />

To S"v'<br />

Paterson<br />

4 Cases<br />

City M un ic i p a I Court convened<br />

on Tuesday, June 11, with<br />


/'l-~~<br />

I Judge Douglas L, Paterson pre-<br />

,siding. Four cases were heard.<br />

~ Two drivers were charged<br />

,with car not under control rei<br />

suiting in an accident. Ibth<br />

,plea guilty and ,"ere found<br />

, guilty and fill< j $20. They were<br />

'" ~

=';4 ,<br />

4 .Q , $ • ~

...1' ,' •• " ' .' • .,I ... ' .' ~<br />

Page Twelve<br />

•<br />

Price<br />

reduced on<br />

Ford XL's<br />

with air<br />

conditioning<br />

Ford's Seethe-light<br />

Sale!<br />


Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

• Troop 86 Holds<br />

Court of Honor<br />

Troop 86, Boy Scouts of<br />

America, which meets at Trombly<br />

School, recently held ~<br />

Court of Honor and Recogmlion.<br />

The highlight of the evening<br />

was presentation of the<br />

Eagle Scout Award to William<br />

Schoelwer. William was also<br />

awarded the Bud Vogt Memorial<br />

Trophy.<br />

Troop Committee chairman<br />

Robert Sawyer, reports the following<br />

scouts were presented<br />

awards by Scoutmaster Ctarence<br />

P. Heath; Second class<br />

awards went to Ronald Cote,<br />

Fred Driscoll, Gordon Morrison,<br />

Steve Morrison, William<br />

MacConoachie, WilHam Spencer<br />

Anthony Treuch, Pat Connell,<br />

John Sawyer and Doug Florence.<br />

Tim Finan, Eric .1ensen,<br />

Steven Linne, Jim l\[acConnachie,<br />

Charles Ramm; Mike<br />

Ramm, Kurt Smith, Wayne<br />

Triner, Chris Ground

7<br />

_._.lIIIIII ... ------ .. u '!"'' --- ... ~, .. ;t J.e; yoc' fIf';/f, Doo

.". .. • ; ,j, • 1: I ~ • I • , , I • '. "," ., ..... ",<br />

'-<br />

,<br />

Pig, Fourteen<br />


It may sound easy, but the<br />

hardest thing in the world to<br />

get is an honest opinion.<br />


Sales engineer is spending the<br />

months of August and September<br />

in keland. Will be able to represent<br />

or otherwise serve your firm.<br />

Broad experience in both engineering<br />

and sales. For details write<br />

E. $, PRATT<br />

582 Heff Road,<br />

Gtou, Pointe. Mich. 48230<br />

TU 2.6077<br />

MLC Overrules License Refusal<br />


Pointe.City Camp Youth Accused<br />

Project Planned Of Bad Driving<br />

The Woods Council's recom- mission Director, Roger J. Ros.<br />

mendation to deny an SDM end ale, rescinded its order of<br />

(beer and wine), license to Merit April 8 of this year, which de-<br />

Woods Pharmacy, Inc., 19325 nied Merit Woods the lir.ense Grosse Pointe children and<br />

Mack avenue, was overruled by and ordered the Council to han. Inner.City children can join in<br />

the Michigan Liquor Commis. dIe the contract for license and gaining both skills and unc'~l"<br />

sion in a communication read bond forms immediately, 'after standing this summer throl. ,}<br />

to members of the Council at which the Commission would a day camp project in ,he<br />

its meeting on Monday, June 3. issue the license. "Communicating Arts."<br />

o .. U th C '1 den'ed I The Council expressed concern This pilot project is being<br />

rlglDa y e oun.cl ! lover this action by the Liquor launched by Christ Church,<br />

the request for th.e lice~e .be- Commission and said they felt Grosse Pointe, and the Episco.<br />

~ause they felt With a ~lmllar the procedure quite unusual pal Church of the Messiah in<br />

licen~e holder a few doors away, since normally the Liquor Com- East Grand boulevard, Detroit.<br />

~arking and other legal and po- mission recognizes the city's The camp is slated for weekly<br />

bee enfor.ceme~t problems could concern over licensing of estab- mornings, 9 to 12:30 o'clock,<br />

develop mto city prohlems. lishments, allowing the particu- July 15 through 31. It is open<br />

In a letter dated May 16. the lIar city involved to have juris., to all children between the ages<br />

I Michigan Liquor Control Com. I dictiOll over such matters. of four and 11. regardless of<br />

SALE<br />


SUMMER<br />


$22 to $36<br />

Originally $30 to $50<br />

Two-piece sleeveless dresses, shirt and skirt looks, threepiece<br />

suits ••.<br />

now at savings •••<br />

,.<br />

all the best moods of new summer fashion<br />

plans. Pastels! ,brights and darktones<br />

of linen or creaseresistant<br />

rayon blends. Sizes 8 to 16.<br />

just in time for vacation and travel<br />

Jacobsons<br />

Girls and Teens'<br />

Dress Clearance<br />


3.50 to 9.00<br />

Just in time for vacation! !!!<br />

885.5400<br />

religious affiliation.<br />

Sessions will be divided be.<br />

tween facilities at Christ Church<br />

and Messiah, with transporta.<br />

tion provided both ways.<br />

Classes will include creative<br />

dance, drama, pottery, painting,<br />

music and craCts, as well as such<br />

recreational activities as basket.<br />

ball and softball. Staff memo<br />

bers have been chosen who are<br />

talented both in the arts and<br />

in developing creativity in the<br />

child.<br />

By drawing in families from<br />

local and urban parishes, the<br />

project also hopes to foster<br />

community relations hetween<br />

GP Woods Boy<br />

Injured by Car<br />

So",e<br />

Air Conditioned<br />

• Fords • Falcons • Campers • Thunderbirds<br />

• Mush;ngs • Demos • Pick.ups • Trucks<br />

• Tt)rinos • Vans • Officials' Cars • Station Wagons<br />

• Instant Credit • Highest Trade-ins • No Payments 'til August<br />

• Quality Service • Courteous Sales Counselors • Reconditioned Used Cars<br />

You'll be ,I.d you lived at<br />


16901 Mack Ave., near C.dieux<br />

Sol•• D.pt. Opall 8:30 a.lIl. to 9:00 lI.rn. Mon. I, Thun.-8:30 0.11'I.to 6:00 p.m. Tue•., Wed., Fri... Sat,<br />

,..<br />

the Inner City and the suburbs.<br />

Co.ordinators of the program<br />

are Mrs. David Pethick, from<br />

Christ C h u r c h, and Sister<br />

Hilda Manson, from the Church<br />

of the Messiah. Sister Hilda,<br />

a church and community work.<br />

er in the Episcopal Church<br />

Army. has conducted a "Sum.<br />

mer Camp at Home" program<br />

at Messiah for many years.<br />

There will be a $5 enrollment<br />

fee for each child. Registra.<br />

tions must be made by June 27<br />

by calling either Christ Church,<br />

TU 5-4841, or the Church of<br />

the Messiah, LO 7-1158.<br />

Dana Byron Hoffer, 4, son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hoffer of<br />

1067 Anita, was taken to St.<br />

John Hospital by Woods police<br />

ambulance on Sautrday, June<br />

15, suffering from back and<br />

head injuries, received when he<br />

was struck by an automobile in<br />

front of his home.<br />

According to a witness, Dana,<br />

while playing with two other<br />

children, ran into the street and<br />

was struck by a car driven by<br />

Diane Carol Larson of 34 Putnam.<br />

The youngster was knock.<br />

ed forward, and hit again with<br />

the left front wheel and was<br />

pushed against the pavement.<br />

The boy and car carne to rest<br />

at the north curb.<br />

Miss Larson, in a statemen~ to<br />

police, said that she was g?lDg<br />

east on Anita, when she noticed<br />

three children playing, and suddenly<br />

the little boy darted out<br />

Gregory L. Atkins, 18, of 499<br />

Sunningdale, was arrested by<br />

Woods pOlice a few minutes<br />

after midnight on Tuesday,<br />

June 11, and Charged with driv.<br />

ing while under the influence<br />

of liquor.<br />

Sgt. Thomas K:we and Patrol.<br />

man Albert Abend said they<br />

were on routine patrol, going<br />

south on Charlevoix, when they<br />

observed a car nearing the Ver.<br />

nier road intersection at .\ high<br />

rate of speed. The vehicle had<br />

no headlights, the policeman<br />

said.<br />

The officers said they gave<br />

chase, and that they paced the<br />

car, driven by Atkins, at 70<br />

miles an hour, and witnessed<br />

the youth driving to the extreme<br />

left of the road, in an<br />

area where "No Passing Zone"<br />

signs were posted.<br />

Atkins was stopped at Morn.<br />

ingside and Vernier and asked<br />

for his operator's license and<br />

car registration. The officers<br />

said they detected an odor of<br />

alcohol on the youth's breath<br />

and informed him that he was<br />

under arrest for reckless driving,<br />

which later was .changed<br />

to driving while under the in-<br />

(luen('~ of laquor.<br />

At the station, the young man<br />

failed the breathalyzer test, and<br />

was beld until he posted $100<br />

bond, pending a court date.<br />

AIter posting of the bond, he<br />

was released to his parents.<br />

Thurber Named<br />

College Trustee<br />

i~--BU-L-K -G-RA-S-S -S-(E-Dt:<br />

n All Brands<br />

:":-'<br />

Any Quantity<br />

Donald M. D. Thurber, president<br />

of a Detroit Public relations<br />

firm, and a Grosse Pointe<br />

citizen for more than 40 years,<br />

was chosen by a vote of nearly<br />

two to one over his nearest<br />

opponent, as a trustee of Wayne<br />

County Community College,<br />

District 1, at the June 10 school<br />

election.<br />

Thurber who lives at 794 Neff<br />

road, is a graduate of Harvard<br />

University. He served for six<br />

years as a regent of the Uni.<br />

versity of Michigan, and two<br />

years on the Michigan State<br />

Board of Education.<br />

Currently he is a member<br />

of the Overseers' Committee on<br />

Harvard College, and the Michi.<br />

gan Citizens Advisory Committee<br />

for Higher Education.<br />

Thurber received 7,432,votes.<br />

Runner.up was Charles S.<br />

Davis, with 3,862 votes, and<br />

third was James R. Haley, with<br />

1,064. College District 1 is composed<br />

of part of Detroit's east<br />

side, the Grosse Pointes and<br />

Harper Woods.<br />

I<br />

Just about the tJme a man I<br />

begins to think he knows it all I<br />

he cuts another wi,dom tooth.<br />

Girls' sizes 3.}4<br />

into the street. She said she ap.<br />

plied her brakes hard, and<br />

originally 5.00 to 12.00<br />

swerved to avoid hitting the<br />

child, but was not successful.<br />

A witness, Jerrald L. May.<br />

nard of 6001 Newport, Detroit,<br />

Tel:!ns' sizes 6-14 9.00 to 12.00<br />

in his written statement, claim.<br />

ed he saw the child hit. He said<br />

originally 12.00 to 16.00<br />

he was traveling west on the<br />

street, when he observed the<br />

children and slowed to about<br />

This savings opportunity offers you our entire stock of<br />

20 miles' an hour. . ~ PLENTY OF FREE PARKING<br />

He stated he saw the car I<br />

pretty spring and summer fashions while the season is<br />

driven by Miss Larson, and ~;' ..' LAWN & GARD£N<br />

noted that she was traveling too J]l ORNAMENTS FOUNTAINS<br />

still here. The cottons and cotton blends are right-now<br />

fast. He looked in his rear view ,.~<br />

styles in prints and solids.<br />

mirror and saw the boy hit, and ,I ..... :." ..~.~.,.<br />

stopped to render aid to the vie- :~<br />

tim, he added.'<br />


He claimed that the girl's car ~ _<br />

DOG &<br />

1aCOb. son's ~J~~~yf:;i ~,1;I<br />

CAT<br />

FOOD<br />

Aucrted brands and hard to<br />

I'ind<br />

it,.m ••<br />

Police s

_-c.<br />

..<br />

QGO!A .c •••• ao.c. 4<br />

•<br />

$<br />

sa • 4 $ 4.<br />

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />




We Repair Storm Sash and Screens<br />



Allemon<br />

Carden Supply<br />

(Acrou from H.w.rd Johnson's}<br />


881.6130 or 881.4600<br />

Meldrum<br />

Trucking and<br />

Carden Supplies<br />

17921 Mock Ave. TU 4-2184<br />

Com., WOlhinllton<br />

Would Add Areas<br />

To 'Wilderness'<br />


N · hb h d I" Mic~ael Ochalek, age 10, from r<br />

el9 or 00 CI b N Troop 96 Hold Dale S. Johnson<br />

St. Philomena School, also earn. S<br />

Park Policemen Get Promotions<br />

U ews ed five ribbons including second C f HR. A d<br />

plac ein all-around. Mike's other Oltrt 0 01l0r eCelVeS Wal' Announcement of the promo- ,dren. With the department for<br />

Six Grosse Pointe" gymnasts Wayne Steyer, age 12, from r!bbons are secon~ place in the tions of three members of the Ithe past 10 years, he became<br />

from the Neighborhood Club Brownell Junior High School, Side horse vaultm~ and t~,l A court of Honor was held A Grosse Pointe High School Grosse Pointe Park police de- a corporal in, 1967, has now<br />

representing the Detroit Turn: e.arned five ribbons including paral~eI bar, and t~:lrd place ID for Boy Scout Troop 96 Mon- student, Dale S. Johnson, has partment were made this week become a sergeant, assigned<br />

ers, captured 20 ribbons ill a trio fIrst place in allaround, Wayne's the. SIde horse rot. ne and the day, June 3, at the Grosse been named winner of a Society by William EJlenburg, director to the uniform division.<br />

, angular junior gymnastics meet other ribbons are second place horl~ontal bar. ') Pointe Me m 0 ria 1 Church of Exploration Geophysicists of public safety. ------<br />

on Saturday, June 8, at tjle on the low horizontal bar and ~Ic~ele Ochalek, ?flCha~1s (Lakeshore District). Alternate Award at the 19th George Blair, 46 years old, UTOPIA<br />

Toledo Turners in Toledo, Ohio. the parallel bar, and third place twm SIster, also from S~. PhIlo- The rank of E a g 1e was International Science Fair held in the department for 15 years, The millenium will have been<br />

The cities com pet in g were for the side horse vault and the mena .School: was .the ~vmner of awarded John Williams, while in Detroit. Michigan, recently. was awarded sergeant's stripes reached when we can have last-<br />

Akron, Toledo and Detroit. side horse routine. ~our rlbbon~ mcludmg first place Rem Siekmann was given the The A war d was given for and was placed in charge of the ing peace without fighting for<br />

------------------ m the SIde h 0 r s e vault. Star rank. the excellence of Johnson's School Safety Division. He lives it every generation.<br />






New Cors • Used Cars • Part. • Custom Collision Sho.p<br />

13033 GRATIOT LAkeyiew 6.S00o<br />

Night Service LA ].9877<br />

TEETHSTAYTIGHT ..• for months with this amazing new 50ft pink.<br />

liner. Eases ure gums, giving you lasting comfort - eat anything.<br />

Ends doily bother with stickums you swallow. Easy to use-puregentle,<br />

harmless, smooth, brushoble, clean sanitary and sofe. Removable.<br />

Fills out shrunken mouth making you look and feel younger.<br />

Holds dentures tighter longer or your money bock. Save money ond<br />

timll-ilet 0 big sheet of genuine PLASTI-CUSH10N~at your nearby<br />

Drug Store today. Insist on genuine PLASTI-CUSHION~.<br />

White or Black<br />

Enameled Aluminum<br />


DOORS,<br />


20497 Mack Ave.<br />

ROSE<br />


Here's the professional.type rose<br />

food for home gardener's use,<br />

Special combination of organic<br />

and mineral plant foods<br />

just right for sturdy stems<br />

and abundant, colorful blooms. 25" "ItrOlln Conltnt OrKlnic<br />

Apply Agrieo Rose Food Now<br />

8.8.8 analysis. 5.lb. box-9se 20.1b. bag only $295<br />

17727 Mock at Univenity<br />

882.8877 - We Deliver<br />

Michele's other ribbons are sec. Science Fair exhibit entitled wI.th hl's ",ue Margaret and<br />

d 1 h 1hose receiving Merit bad. .. .... ' , ,<br />

on p ace on t e uneven paral. ges were: J 0 h n Williams, "Holographic Interferometry." one child at 905 Beaconsfield<br />

lei bars and the trampoline, and Ace r t ifie a t I.' recog. avenue.<br />

d I .bb' b (Scholarship, Safety, Conservaa<br />

Ir pace rl on m Turn - nizing this outstanding accom-<br />

thO<br />

ling. tion of Natural Resources); plishment was presented to Ja:nes La Pratt, 36, w~s<br />

, Steven Potter, age 13. from Dean Ernsberger (Swimming Johnson at the Fair's Awards appomted to the department. In<br />

Brownell Jr. High School, cap. and Lifesaving)' Keith Beasley Ceremony Thursday May 16 1956, and promoted to detective<br />

tured two ribbons including first .(Citizenship in the

Page<br />

Sixteen<br />

114OZ. TUBE. REGULAR 81,<br />

COlOR<br />


LUSTRE<br />

.LA.RGE 19"<br />


.BA.KED-ON<br />

ENA.MEL<br />

G 1 29 .FINISH<br />

IE I. :.--<br />


!"~~~~<br />

non-marplostic leg tips<br />

brass<br />

A & D OINTMENT<br />

OUR lOW 63 l><br />

PRICE ."<br />


'11 OZ. WT •• REG. 98~ • MENNEN<br />


SHAVE BOMB 59 l><br />

Rotulor 01 Monl~.1 ."<br />

2.00 JAR<br />

SHAMPOO 99"<br />

~lOW<br />

'"<br />

99.~<br />

,!~~~~<br />

fi nished legs<br />

POLAROID #108<br />

REG.3 99<br />

4.64 •<br />

CREME<br />

20 OZ. RAID<br />

~ARD GUARD<br />


lUG FOGGER<br />

1.49<br />

HlIiGl) 10'<br />


OUR LOW<br />

PRICE<br />

1.99<br />

REG. 23~<br />


'2FOR39~<br />

REG. 1.09. 18 OZ.<br />

MICRIN<br />

77'"<br />

MOUTH<br />

WASH ,.<br />

REG. 2.00 • POUND<br />


HA~~CET<br />

REG. 1.45.<br />

I!!<br />

7 OZ. WT.<br />

Right Guard<br />

SPRAY 88<br />


SALE DAYS THRU SUN. Most advertised items available while they last<br />



'where your drug dollar buys more'<br />


LIQUOR<br />


Imporfed and Oomestic<br />

Wines and Champagnes<br />

Plus Your favorite<br />

Brand of Beer<br />




SEPT.<br />

PRICES<br />

JUNE?<br />

300 Bargains Waiting for<br />

Youat-<br />

Richard<br />

Buick<br />

... 'j. ,~<br />

15103 Kercheval<br />

VA 1-5400<br />

-----------------------------------<br />

Kotd"rs<br />


FROM<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 20,1968<br />

------ -------- --------------------------------_._--------- lid .. 1. ----- -,<br />

I ters. Doug Ulmer s I art e d a Sparlans a 12-6 eClSlon over LIPTO"'.'S<br />

Little League Results<br />

Dodger rally with a hit. and the Wilucats. .~<br />

Steve Zaranek and Eric Van The Bears inched past the TEA BAGS<br />

The results below are Irom 'and Bob Krause were the de-! Hee each had three hits. Gary Wolverines 2-1. Bryan Eugenio<br />

last week's Little I,eague and fensivc "tars, Rick Padilla \':as Lannen played an outslanding and John Cox pitched a good 48 5'c<br />

Babe Ruth Leagul games, the '."inning pitcher. In a tight game as caleh"r. : game for the Bears. Cox hit a Count<br />

which, due to space limitations ,ball gall'l', the Red Sox went pa,.t American Association i\linors three-run homer. Paul Re~man: FARMS MARKET<br />

were not printed in last week's the Orioles 3.2. Pete Bellanger Standings and Howard Brubaker did a i 3SS Fisher<br />

issue of the NEWS. was the winnig pitchcr. picking, Won I,os( Pet. good pitching job for the Wol-1'------------<br />

.... ~ up 13 strikeouts. Bob Burns Omaha 7 3 .700 verines. I ~---------<br />

GROSSE POINTE made a good defensive play at St. Paul 7 3 .700 The Badgers edged the Goph- .,-.----------,<br />

WOODS.SHORES s e can d bas e. Mike St~fford Denver 6 3 .667 ers 2-1. Charles Apel was the t'D.n Sundays 10:00 to 4:Jt<br />

By ,j,an Walker : picked up two hits and drove in DaUas 5 4. 556 winning pit chI' rand Barrv Thurs. and Fr[. TI\[ 9:0lI 1'.11\<br />

American Majors . the wioni":g run and Kim Adler Charleston 5 5 .500 Burns hit in the winn: 'ig run. WE DELIVER<br />

Standings : scored. tWice. Ed Tropp of the Indianapolis 5 5 .500 Noel Bissinger also had a hit.<br />

Won I,ost Pet.: Sox Will be ~ut for the rest of i\linneapolis 5 5 .500 Although the Lions defeated<br />

Indians 9 3 .750' the season With a broken hand. Witchita oj #; .400 the Badgers 4-1. Dennis Savage<br />

Red Sox 9 3 .750' The Yankees deleated the Ath- Houston 3 7 .300 played a good game, Jim Staric. i<br />

White Sox 9:1 .7;)fJ leUes 11-5. Tom Elsey got his Louisville 3 7 .300 co hit a homer and Mark Ken!<br />

Yankees 7;).583 first hit, a double, and scored Omaha and St. Paul remained I ~c~y played a good game in the<br />

Atbletics 5 7 .417, th.ree. run~. Steve Elsey was the tied for the American Associa.' mf[eld, .<br />

Arioles 4 . 8 .333, wIDDlngpitcher, tion League's lead In a bard fought, extra-inning,<br />

Tigers 4 8 .3331 Joe Thies of the Tigers hurled ' . game. the Wildcats defeated the I'<br />

GrossePointe tells;n, C"o<br />

• AUTO LEASING •<br />


One Cllr or Fleet<br />

44.95<br />

VilJroson;c Units<br />


• ~REDfT AVAILABLE •<br />

1968 IMPALA<br />

$1369<br />

"Nobody, but Nobody<br />

Beats Our Deal!"<br />

~<br />

IiiIi<br />

LA 7.9139<br />

Business Notes<br />

----.- ---------- --.----.-----.- Appointmer,t of Arthur B.<br />

Hudson, of Merriweather road,<br />

as vice President, Administra.<br />

tion and Corporate Develop"TlentI<br />

for R. P. Schcrer Corporation,<br />

IDctroit. has been announced by<br />

Robert P. Scherer, Jr .• presidcnt.<br />

Dick Ballard - or - Ed Nosek<br />

Your Grosse Pointe representatiyes<br />



I<br />

885.4770<br />

15550 E. Warren<br />

George Polosky, Mgr.<br />


14802 CRATIOT<br />

We Can Adjust<br />

Our Plan<br />

Ta Yaur Needs<br />



Only minutes away from the Pointes Via 1-94 X-way<br />

GRATIOT.IS MILE 293.1010<br />


I<br />

This international phaT'lllaceu.<br />

tical amI medical prorlucts<br />

manufaclurer produces enl apsulations<br />

lor the pharmaceutical.<br />

('osmelic anrl foorl inrlustries.<br />

also produces fine ('hem.<br />

ira1s. and manufactures medical<br />

anrl surgical instruments and<br />

pcrsollal care equipment in its<br />

pla,ls throughout t~ world.<br />

III his llew post. Hudson. formerly<br />

Coordinator of Corporate<br />

Developmcllt. will be pcrform .<br />

•inJ::rlutics related to administra.<br />

tive management for both the<br />

parent company and its sub.<br />

sidiaries,<br />

Durinll his four.year association<br />

with Scherer he has been<br />

responsible lor four Corporate<br />

acquisitions and is presently<br />

al'ting as vice,president of the<br />

Storz Instrument Co. of St<br />

Louis. an R. P. Scherer sub.<br />

sidiary acquired ill 1965. Among<br />

: his oiher dutics. he will can,<br />

,tinuc to coordinate corporation<br />

rliversilication and acqllisition<br />

I act ivitics.<br />

I<br />

i :'\Ir, Hurlson is a gradual!' of I<br />

I Williams CoJ1el:c with an ,\,B, I<br />

dCj(rec.<br />

I<br />

On Order of $S or MOR<br />

ROSLYN<br />

MARKET<br />

Oldest<br />

in t~e Woods<br />

Senators 1 11 .083 i a no-hitter to defeat the Sena- o:-a~ac d~feat~ :t. pau~ ~-,~ Hawkeyes 3-2. John Porlera was 21020 MACK at Roslyn U.<br />

The American League race tors 19-0. Thies.hit a homer and aS d<br />

IBc. a Rens a a gOOd' I the winning pitcher. Gary Kuck 884.3600<br />

'd . an nan oose was goo on<br />

has become more exciting as the two doubles tO.JI hiS own cause defense. (Continued on Page 17) [-----------<br />

Cndians, Red Sox and White Sox and John Westhal had a three . -.----.----.-.-------~--------<br />

. are tied for the league's lead. base hit The Tigers knocked oil .~enver c.ame u~ With three 18760 MACK<br />

The ]ndians blanked the Ori- the Yanks 10-6, Bob Veneri vlctones thiS ~eek. Tom Shea-<br />

(ll ~. 3 0<br />

,. -<br />

b<br />

e<br />

h'l d th h't't h socked a three-run homer and han and KevlD Calka blasted<br />

11 e no- I PI c - . h D k ",. l1'l<br />

ing of Chip Little. Little also I Pele Joos hit in the go-ahead omers as enver too "IC I a<br />

'lll run in the third inning Dan 18-8. Bruce Seeber was the Wlll-<br />

ted three daubles an d B I I '. 't h dIll t d<br />

blas<br />

' Brennan and Pete B\lCk hit lIIalalouris went the distance fir mng pi c, er an a so .co ec I'<br />

saf I n d J H the victory and Harry D'Ren two RBI s. Denver went past<br />

I' y. "rennan an ay en- Ind' apoJ' 71 Doug DeGa<br />

derson were the outstanding de- made some good plays in center t Ian 15 th<br />

- a~, . hef<br />

. field ano was I' wlllmng pite er<br />

enslve playe,rs. Don Wolczko of . . . and slugged out two doubles In<br />

the. C?noles pitched a fine game. I Nahonal ~la)Ors their third victory, Denver'destnkmg<br />

out 14 batters. ,I Standings f I' ate d Charleston &-6. Brad<br />

In a real slugfest. tbe IndIans .. Won Lost Pd. Reed struck out 15 battllrs and<br />

out'slugged the Senators 14-8. Phillles 10 1 .909 had a triple while F ran k I i n I<br />

Tom Brennan weot four for four, Braves 10 2 .833 Saad went three for three.<br />

Steve Rudolph and Tom Dype Cards 8 4 .667 .. .,<br />

had two hits, and John Leonar- Cubs 7 5 .583 Wichita e.dged fi~st place St.1<br />

do, Jeff Stieber and Paul VHeu. Red Legs 7 5 .583 P.aul 8-7. Jim Da!1 lell went the<br />

reux collected bits. Hitters for Pirates 3 9 .250 distance for tbe VIctory.<br />

the Senators were Tom Mi- Giants 1 to .091 The pitcbing of Bob Brent and<br />

chaels; Duane Halkides, Mike Dodgers 1 11 .083 I'the hitting of Alan Meda and<br />

Rosiere, Phil Howe 1Is, and The Phillies maintained a lead Pete .Tocco brought ~oust?n a<br />

Marty Noah. in the National League by win- 7-5 VIctory over Lou I S v III e.<br />

The Red Sox downed the Sena- ning their n i nth a nd tenth H~uston defeated Dalla~ ~.1,<br />

tors 3-1. Pete Bellanger bombcd straight games. T,lm Kelly was the wJllntng<br />

two homers and Mike Stafford ..' th pItcher and Pete Tocco got some<br />

_____________ The Philhes lIIehed past I' good bits.<br />

Cubs 9-8, Harry AlbrIght bad •.<br />

lour RBI's, Rick Capotosto. clII- Inter~~:~g~lnors<br />

lected t h r e e hits, and Dave W Lo t Pet<br />

Thom~s and John Brobst each Toronto 8 0n 2 s .800<br />

had hits . .K;erry SorgelotJ~ was Rochester 7 2 778<br />

the winning pitcher and had Richmond 7 3 '700<br />

three hits as the Phillies went Buffalo 6 4 •600<br />

past the Dodgers 8-2. Harry AI- Montreal 4 5 '444<br />

bright had three hits, Dave Thie- Columbus 4 6 '400<br />

man, Ken Soreloos and Rick HolJywood 4 6 '400<br />

Brykalski had two hits, and John I\liami .. 6 '400<br />

David .and .Jim Simon were the Tampa 4 6 :480<br />

defenSive stars, . Syracuse 0 8 .000<br />

The Cards won a pair of Two Toronto victories comgames<br />

this week, first by defeat- bined.with two Richmond losses<br />

ing th~ Giants 10.3: Ted Werner has given Toronto sole possesa~d<br />

Blli D~ws?n pItched for the sion of first place in the Inter-<br />

VictOry. Phil Simons h~d a hom:national League.<br />

er and three RB!'s.MIke Belloh .<br />

got a hit and exec;uteu. some Toronto whlppe~ Montreal 12.2<br />

crilfty base running. Mark Sim- a.s Jeff Lubeck pitched. the enons<br />

got a hit and played well tire ga~e and gave up. only<br />

in the field and Billy Ventimi- three hits. D(lu~ Langs blasted<br />

glia played. ago 0 d defensive a three ,base hit and colle~ted<br />

game. Paul Kappaz collected t~o RBI s. Je~ Sc~otzberg p~ckthree<br />

hits llnd played a good e~ up three hlt~. Tim Guswel~er<br />

game at first base as the Cards pitched a one-hit, shutout facmg<br />

buried the' Pirates 17-2 Mickey only 19 bat t I' r s as ToroJ?to<br />

Shook had a' good day behind breezed pa~t Syr~cuse 11-0. Tim<br />

the plate and Danny' Lenahan had two hits w~J1e Joe Dust~r<br />

scored four runs and Ted Wer. co~lected four .hlts and Charbe<br />

Der scored five.<br />

Miller had a t~Iple and a doub~e.<br />

The Dodgers have succeeded ~oches.ter pIcked uP, two VIeio<br />

winning their first game of tones thIS week .to gam sec0!1 d<br />

the season at the expense of the p~ace. J?ave Austin was the Wln-<br />

Pirates 7-1. Frank Munaco, af- DIng pitcher as Roc b est e r<br />

ter being sidelined three weeks knocked off Hollywood 9.3. pave<br />

with a broken finger, pitched a also scored two runs and ]lIcked<br />

one-hitter and struck out 11 bat- up an R~I. Tom Van Egmond<br />

knocked m h"o runs and scored<br />

twice. Rochester upset Richmond<br />

11.6. Jack Ventimiglia<br />

was the batting star with three<br />

hits, including a home run, and<br />

four RBI's. Dave Van Egmond<br />

scored two runs and collected<br />

Ian RBI.<br />

Bert Mooney and Mark Adamo<br />

combined pitching efforts as<br />

Buffalo took Tampa 14-6. Greg<br />

Adamo and Mark Rinke were<br />

Ithe hitters and Scott Beveridge<br />

made some outstanding plays<br />

in the outfield.<br />

Hollywood buried Tampa 30-8. I<br />

Mark Clinton went the distance<br />

to pick up the victory and John<br />

Grannan was the offensive star,<br />

Randy Petrilli was the outstanding<br />

fielder.<br />

Tampa blasted Miami 23-4 as<br />

Dave Di Cicco hit a homer and<br />

Tom Belloli picked up three hits.<br />

Collegiate League<br />

With the assistance of all the<br />

Collegiate League managers, all<br />

accurate standings of the teams<br />

will be published in next week's<br />

papers.<br />

A seven-run rally in the bot.<br />

tom of the fourth gave the<br />

at Kerby-Grosse Pointe farms<br />

~ Open Monday through Friday $.,<br />

Saturday 8.4<br />

General Jet-Air n wanlWAUS<br />

The same tireS that come on brand new '68 cars.!<br />

Brand ne',',!,fac.toryfresh General Jet-Air nTubelessWllitewalls.<br />

Not seconds. Not blemished tires, But first class, high<br />

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quality tires with Duragenll Tubber, dual tread design for<br />

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Get yours now!<br />

$80~TI*i$3lmTlRES$I'<br />

'ThI>o,I"";1O' 6.95. It ., , :<br />

for 13S. It. lot tomp.tl.<br />

Plu., $1.15, SUI<br />

, ' rod. Exti.. Tn' per II...<br />

Use Generals AUTO-CHARGE PLAN<br />

No money.down, easy.monthly payments<br />

Our ~ialis4<br />

in,[all ~w.<br />

famous make<br />

sflock abwrbers.<br />

Oon', lake<br />

chances! Gee<br />

1'",ilivc c.v<br />

COnl~!<br />

Shock<br />

Absorbers<br />

3FORj<br />

1. Front End Alignment<br />

.2. Brake Adjustment<br />

3. Wheel Balance<br />

$995~<br />

eMa<br />

Our ~ correct c~ter.<br />

camber, toe-m, b:leout and tJlo<br />

spect steefillg. Tt.'!Y precisiOlJt<br />

balance both front whe~ls to<br />

=~:. ~ wear. Md adjusC<br />

PlttHft 1M II1f a/1/Jo;"lmt1lf<br />

•.•• ,. drn't ;" ... TODAY /<br />

- '.<br />

.<br />

"d,y. Jun. ~Ol J 968<br />


the safety laws in the 1ft e leag ue Re It<br />

re no substitute for the SU S<br />

t who is safety.minded. (Continued from PaKe 18)<br />


ORSE<br />

HOW<br />

JUNE 20.23<br />

8:30 a.m.<br />

• :30 p.m.<br />

7:10 p.m.<br />

655 Cook ROld<br />

Admission $1.00<br />


Majors-America.<br />

The Orioles won two, taking<br />

the White Sox 10.8.a n d the<br />

Yankees 7.4. In beating the<br />

White Sox Mathews and Peters<br />

each bit 3 singles while Quinn<br />

blasted a triple. In a losing<br />

cause Gardner slammed a<br />

homer and double. For the win<br />

over the Yankees. Don Bartlett<br />

was the winner and helped his<br />

own cause by slapping 3 singles.<br />

Although the Yankees<br />

I<br />

dilln't score heavily. they eon.<br />

nected for 5 doubles with 2 off<br />

The only thing better than: one Fiat<br />

is two of them<br />


Outsells VW b, 350,000 un pe" , • .,<br />


(/)AiJJ~<br />

9lal.i.atL<br />

ShJ1L<br />

Just Narth of Cit?/ Airport<br />

LA<br />

98<br />

FIFTH<br />


J.I III<br />

R0!1nl<br />

tnnnainn<br />


WITH TIll<br />

Iknocked in two runs with a trio<br />

pie in the fifth inlling to win<br />

the game. Jeff Henry had a<br />

triple for the H4wkeyes and Bill<br />

~rauenheim<br />

smgles.<br />



Bottled in the U.S.A. to save you<br />

money on tdx~S and freight.<br />


and}, :ike Scott had<br />


CARS<br />

Immediafe Delive,y<br />

g.rn. 'JoAd e~<br />

Sa've With New Plan!<br />


Jim Causley Leasing<br />

17601 MACK AVE. TU 6.4605<br />

We Wilf ••<br />

Durin,<br />

Open At U.ual<br />

Remodelin,<br />



AND<br />

GUNS<br />

B. McDaniel Gun Shop<br />

15102 KERCHEVAL VA '.1200<br />

0"'" Me"., TlItIl., WH., tat., , te , ,."'.<br />

0"''' "rill.\' , '.1lI. .. a '.1lI.<br />

I • 5-passenger<br />

comfort<br />

• Action.packed 65 hp engine<br />

II •<br />

•<br />

4-wheel disc brakes<br />

Emergency flasher system<br />

I • I B sofety features in aU<br />

• 24 "elltros" at no extra cost<br />

12324 GRATIOT<br />


lifted one over the fence. The to lead Toledo to victory. Paul<br />

Army bats were not quiet how. Jurasov tripled for the winners.<br />

ever. Syer blasted a 4 bagger David McCoy pitched well for<br />

Phil Peters b8t and Tom Steen and Jaglois bJt a double and the losers. striking out 12.<br />

poked 3 singles.<br />

triple.<br />

Rochester 4. Syracuse 3-This<br />

The Indians squeaked by the The Marines took the first exciting game went two extra<br />

Yankees 7-6 with Don Bakich third 7'() with all wins. innings before being decided by<br />

hitting a homer. Kelly MacLean<br />

Nation<br />

one run. Morgan was the winning<br />

pitcher, while Bob Neville<br />

stole home and, hit a ,f.bagger Northweitern took the meas.<br />

but still lost to Haddad. Then ure of Illlnois 21-15 despite BUt pitched well for the losers.<br />

the Senators turned the tables Spencer's home run for the Richmond 10, Toledo 2-Joe<br />

on the Indians when Steve Pem. loser. Iowa squeaked hy Indiana Gorski was the winning pitcher.<br />

berton struck out 13 in wlllt11ng 14-13 with Bob Utter driving in and Tom Heidt was the nilling<br />

2.1. Downer with 2 singles and the winning run. Gregg Free. star with a home run 8nd a<br />

Levering with a single and man and Paul Doelle each con. triple. Alfred Large also doubled<br />

triple bolstered Pemberton's nected for rOUIldtrippers, Min. for the winners.<br />

efforts.<br />

nesota added another victory In the majors-Peters continues<br />

to be the pitching star of<br />

Tim Finan's 2 doubles and lS-8 over Alaska. Melling of the<br />

Dick Redmond's double helped Gophers and ZUrstade of the the league ,while the Pirates<br />

the Athletics to a 9'() win over Klondykes each bit homers. won their first game of tbe season<br />

behind the strong pitching<br />

the Senators, Despite the con. Navy shot down Air Force<br />

tinued heavy hitting of Finan 25-5 with Gough's 4 singles in of Mark Schmidt.<br />

with 2 more doubles against the 5 at bats. McMillan rapped two<br />

White Sox, he and his Athletics singles and a double 8S well as<br />

mates went under 13.5.<br />

assisting in the pitching. Air TELLS OF THEFT<br />

Foree turned the next game Mrs. Euldine Pizzimenti of I<br />

Saturday was make.up day<br />

for games rained out earlier and around by downing Jowa 20-14. 16442 Fairmont, Detroit, inform. i<br />

saw Naeyaert pitched his In-<br />

Paul Koueiter had help {rom ed Farms police 011 Thursday,<br />

dians to an 11.2 victory over the<br />

Orioles. The hitters duel of the<br />

Athletics 15.13 win over the<br />

Yankees saw 7 doubles and<br />

homers by Finan and Hook an.<br />

son. Meanwhile Costa knocked<br />

out a double and homer, and<br />

Jacoby lofted 2 over the fence.<br />

Redmond's double play effort<br />

took some attention away from<br />

the bitters. Downer's hits and<br />

pitching in relief, hel~d the<br />

senators seal a tight 3.2 win<br />

over the White Sox.<br />

. The Indians won the first half<br />

with 9.1 record.<br />

SecoH HaU Stalldiags<br />

W L<br />

Oriole. 2.<br />

Atblelica 1 1<br />

Indians 1 1<br />

SeDators 1 1<br />

White Sol: 1 1<br />

Yankees • 2<br />

The delayed tie game between<br />

the Pirates ud the Cardinals<br />

was taken by the Cardinali 2.1<br />

on a Pira~e' error in the eighth.<br />

The secOnd half bas opened<br />

with the Braves and Cardinals<br />

each winning twO).The Braves<br />

downed the Giants 10.3 on 4<br />

homers. Copty. Thomas, Arm.<br />

bruster and Tocco letting go.<br />

Copty continues to blast the<br />

ball over the fence as he hit<br />

another. and two singles and<br />

knocked in the winning run in<br />

the Braves' 5.4 win over the<br />

.Pirates.<br />

Bowersox slugged two doubles<br />

in aiding Smaha pitch the Carda<br />

to • 9-5 submission of the Red<br />

Legs. In winning 7-6 over the<br />

Giants all the scoring came m<br />

the last two innings.<br />

The Pirates' Chip Gauthier<br />

laced a triple in aiding his own<br />

cause against the Dodgers. 8-1.<br />

The Dodgers bowed ...-3 to the<br />

Red Legs as Michalak pitched<br />

and battlJd his way to victory.<br />

The Braves won the first h.lf<br />

with 9.1 record.<br />

Second Half StandiD,s<br />

. W L<br />

Braves 2 0<br />

Cardin.:s 2 0<br />

Pirates 1 1<br />

Red Legs 1 1<br />

Dodgers e %<br />

Giants 0 2<br />

MlDOrs-American<br />

Purdue overcame Michigan<br />

State 11-10 in working off a tie<br />

game. Verbiest received credit<br />

for the win. Army iorfeited to<br />

the Marines who don't seem to<br />

need a handout. They went on<br />

to beat Hawaii 13.7 and Ohio<br />

State 14.6.<br />

Purdue kept up its winning<br />

ways with a 11.7 win over Wis.<br />

consin and a 15.9 victory over<br />

Hawaii. Verbiest Ind Codde<br />

were the winniest pitchers in<br />

these two.<br />

Michigan State split • pair,<br />

taking Hawaii U.9. with the<br />

help of Day's round tripper and<br />

double. They dropped a 16.5 de.<br />

cision to Wisconsin when Kellett<br />

!loomed two homers ..nd a triple.<br />

Michigan scraped by Army<br />

1....13. with Monsour getting two<br />

doubles and a single to usist<br />

Otto in his winning effort. Ohio<br />

State had II similar problem<br />

with Army, winning 16-13. Joe<br />

Fikany struck out 5 while Ruble<br />

Mike Heamon's triple in becom.<br />

ing the winning pitcher.<br />

Minnesota was iI,; top once<br />

again in its 8.4 victory over<br />

Northwestern. Fountain, Me-<br />

Cuish and Crowley each leaned<br />

mto triples in Ferris' winning<br />

effort.<br />

Iowa won a rain delayed<br />

game against Northwe$tern<br />

11.10. Greg Freeman 8nd Utter<br />

belted ... baggers while Calc ••<br />

tera hit 2 triples and Miller a<br />

homer.<br />

Minnesota was the first third<br />

winner with a perfect 7.0.<br />

The Board of Directors ap.<br />

proved participation in both the<br />

District Cbampionship Tournament<br />

and International Tourna.<br />

ment.<br />



First 8aU<br />

Brav83<br />

'-I<br />

PIrate.................<br />

6-S-<br />

Cardlnals ,..' , 5.4~<br />

FARMS<br />

The eillht and nine year old<br />

stars of tomorrow in Grosse<br />

Pointe Farms are playing exciting<br />

baseball this year. Starting<br />

the second round, the teams are<br />

bunched closely together. Some<br />

of the games played this past<br />

week went as follows:<br />

COlumbus 15, Richmond 1-<br />

Dan C 0 u v r e u r poled a lon,<br />

home run and pi t c he d three<br />

scoreless innin gs. strlking OUt<br />

nine.<br />

Syracuse .... Toledo 3-In a I<br />

well played g a m e by both<br />

teams, Bob Neville and Bob Mc.<br />

Campbell teamed up to hold off I'<br />

the Toledoans. The pair notched<br />

eleven slrlkeoust.<br />

Columbus 8. BuIlalo 6-Dan<br />

Couvreur arain. pitched three<br />

scoreless innings aQd made an<br />

unassisted double play at first<br />

base. BiD Ahee and Kevin Cole<br />

led the hitting attack by doubl.<br />

ing with the bases loaded.<br />

Toledo 7, Al b. n y 5-Grant<br />

Pkhe struck out 16 aDd hit a<br />

bome run with the bues loaded<br />

May 23. that she had locked a<br />

number of articles of new clothing<br />

in the trunk of her automobile.<br />

She said she believed that<br />

while the car was parked at<br />

Fisher ltnd Grosse Pointe boule.<br />

vard, while she was working.<br />

someone entered the trunk and ,.<br />

stole the Items, valued at a<br />

total of $107.<br />

E:~i:'.:.:.::.:.:::::::::.:::::::::::::::<br />

~~I'<br />


FIr.t aaU<br />

I<br />

Indians........,....... ... 3-1 .<br />

yankees.......... 5-4<br />

AibleUc. ............,... .. 5-4<br />

senators " .. 4.5<br />

Orioles .. 3.6<br />

White 8ft%....... , 2-&<br />


First Third<br />

Minnesota ...... ......,....,.... 7-(1<br />

Navy.............................<br />

&-1<br />

low...................... 4-3<br />

Aluka 3-4<br />

D1lDoil...... , 3-4<br />

Nortlnmtent .. 3-t<br />

Air Force , 1-&<br />

Indiana............. 1-8<br />


Flm Third<br />

MartH........, 7.0<br />

Purdue 5-%<br />

•• "aU 4-Z-<br />

Oblo SU&e .., H<br />

Army:............ 3 ...<br />

M1chJIaJl............. 2-5<br />

Micbl,an Sute..... ,...... 1-5.<br />

WisCOII.ln ..... ' ....... , , ,...... 1-8<br />

.Deno(o tie lame.<br />

.sTOLEN BIKE<br />

Stephen Nowack of 328 Philip.<br />

Detroit. reported to Grosse<br />

Pointe Park pollee that his bi.<br />

cycle was stoleD from the city's<br />

waterfront park Sunday evening,<br />

June 9.<br />

FOR<br />

FOR SAFnY<br />

CANVAS<br />

OXfORD5<br />

&<br />

LUTHER<br />


,0 ~<br />

AFLOAT<br />

BROWSE<br />


WHEEL<br />

~<br />

.vr.<br />

J<br />

:0:;::'<br />

on '"Y<br />

I •• tl<br />

th~ !.!<br />

sbip's wheel 1M. .~<br />

1HtS MACK TU 2.'.<br />

01"" Dally , t. 6<br />

Fri. , t••<br />

.;. ••• 1968 c~,.,<br />

CHEVYS~".<br />

save<br />

$1200<br />

From Manufacturer's Suggested List Price<br />



12668 GRATIOT LA 6.8000<br />

CITY OF<br />

~1'ointtf~<br />




to b. held on<br />

AUGUST 6, 1968<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that registration of<br />

qualified electors who have ttl!t already registered, can be<br />

mr,de with the City Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe<br />

Farms. at his office in the Municipal Building. 90 Kerby<br />

Road. City of Grosse Pointe Farms, Wayne County. Michigan,<br />

any day prior to and including July 5, 1968 and that<br />

the City Clerk will be in his office Monday throuah Friday<br />

from 8:30A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and Wednesday evenings until<br />

6:00 P.M. for. the purpose of accepting registrations.<br />

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that for the convenience<br />

of the electors, the Clerk will be in his office from<br />

8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. EST" on Saturday. June 29, 1968<br />

and {rom 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Ef.T.• on Friday. July 5,<br />

1968. for the purpose of receiving registrations.<br />

90 Kerby Road, TUxedo 5.6600<br />




FARMS<br />

Published in the Grosse Pointe News June 20, 1968 and<br />

June 27, 1968.<br />

To.,.ewho<br />

a second car<br />

IaslIIIOIdh:<br />

PIty.<br />

If only yoU h

~EDilaDd<br />

Page<br />

Eighteen<br />


There are still seah left for the Lakeview Grand<br />

European trip which will leave Detroit on August<br />

6th via BOAC and return August 27th. Countries<br />

to be visited are: England, Netherlands, Germany,<br />

Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and F",nce. Price of the<br />

trip will be $775 plus $17.50 if air travel tax is<br />

levied. Contact Mr. $chaublin, Principal, at his<br />

home, phone nllmber is PR 7-5767 regarding further<br />

information.<br />

NOW<br />

The<br />


Exciting<br />


Gpen Monday, JUIte 24<br />

•<br />

The Teacher',.<br />

Sensational Mllsicol,<br />

Vocalist, TV Sto-s<br />

Act IV Restaurant.Supper Club<br />

2990 W. Grand Blvd.<br />

Telephone 873.4600<br />

Across from tilt Fisller TfJeatre<br />

GOLDEN<br />

BUDDHA<br />

Chinese-American<br />

HOURS:<br />

Mon,-Thurs. 11 a.m. to 12<br />


Wood.cud 2 81k.1 S ,~ MJ<br />

to! I 4.~006<br />


3rl'j 31 W 0,,,,(\(1 Blvd<br />

fA 4002S<br />



16340 HARPER<br />

Fri. & Sot. 11 a.m. to 1 near Whittier<br />

Sunday 12 to 12 Ample Parking<br />

Featuring the very finest in Can- COMPUTE<br />

tonese dishes for Luncheons and C.flY Ollt Service<br />

Dinners, plus exotic Cocktails. 881-6010<br />

She belongs<br />

to a double-agent<br />

who is ordered<br />

to kill ...himself!<br />

COLUMBIA PtCIURiS Preselli.<br />

A~JHONYWIlNS Prodocliollof<br />

Mia lIusi

Thursday, June 1.0, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Paqe Nineteen<br />

'J1a@<br />

Boyal COtlchmtll'<br />

has<br />


PAINS<br />

Metro Airport Transportation<br />

By Royal Coachman Limousine<br />

Has Exponded its Operations<br />

To Serve The Entire<br />

Eastside<br />

Hourly Service Everyday<br />

6 a.m. to 1 a,m.<br />

To and From<br />

Parkcrest Motel, 20000 Harper<br />

Pot Pourri Restaurant, Mack at Harvard<br />

City Airport Motel, Gratiot at Connor<br />

Holiday Inn, Harper at Connor<br />

"The Whittier" Hotel, Jefferson at Burns<br />

Call For Reservations and Information<br />

886-1322 • 278.6163<br />

~---------------._------------~---------------<br />

.W.E CAN.<br />

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DON'T MOVE •••••<br />

REMODEL!<br />


WE CAN: ADD A BEDROOM (or fwo) 10 YOUR HOUSE<br />




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Want to talk about it? We'll be delighted to meet with<br />

you, discuss how to transform your house into a dream<br />

home. There's no obligation, of course_ But at ieast you'll<br />

know how things COULD be. Call anytime. Like Right<br />

Now!<br />


881-1024<br />

18164 MACK AVE.-GROSSE PTE, 48224<br />


Babe Ruth League<br />

1<br />

(Continued from Page 18) I and the score was 6.4, A couple<br />

The second week of the sec- lof misplays resulted in runs for<br />

ond half saw s e " era I close the 0 I d -l'i m e I'S as Gene<br />

games and only one team with "Wh~els" Clem ~ea{ out a, sh~t<br />

an unbeateu record. City Mes- to Gilmour. at third, ~~arstllJer s<br />

senger picked three wins this bunt sent Clem to thl~d where<br />

week to lead the pack wilh a 5.0 he. scored on a lhrowmg error<br />

record On Wednesday Citv which moved Marse to second.<br />

Messe~ger beat Locr.s Lumbe'r An attempted pick-off h,it him<br />

4.2 as Larry Pappas pitched and. boun~ed to the out-flCld. alfine<br />

ball to get the win. In other lowmg him to ~core .. PadIlla<br />

action, Ray Whyte battled Val walked, aUI'ance(/ to. third .a.nd<br />

lev Die Cast on even terms for scored on Bill DaVid s sacflfJce<br />

seven innings until the game fly.<br />

was called on account of dark- The scoring end e d in the<br />

ness .with the score tied 5.5. sixth when "Big Bell" Ku(srher<br />

Dave Hosea for Val Ie)' and was nicked by Bill David and<br />


Rinke Pontiac finally got on the<br />

win column 9.2 over Dick Green<br />

Chrysler. Gary Benr.ett was the<br />

winning pitcher over Dick Co.<br />

chell and also had a home run<br />

to help his winnjng caulioC. Haze<br />

Locke alsO homercd Cot Rinke.<br />

Jim Ne\' had three hits and Ed<br />

Chase ~ingled m a run. Green's<br />

big hillers were Joe Tringali<br />

who homered, !\like Jara, Randy<br />

Villareal and Brad Biesenthal.<br />

On Friday Ponliar continued<br />

its winning ways wilh a 4-0 win<br />

over Pointe Dodge.<br />

Youths Create<br />

Own Ball Park<br />

Doug Shepard for Whyte pitch. scored when "Tea tin' Terry" It may not be Tiger Stadium<br />

ed out of several jams to keep Kasiborski cleared tile left field I'ut the baseball diamond in<br />

the game close. In the third fence with a tremendous blast. Three Mile drive is a blessing to<br />

game of tbe day, Pioneer Fur- The whole group adjourned to Grosse Pointe Park youngsters<br />

niture beat Harbour.g 158 in a the home of Gene & Virginia and a sourre of special pride to<br />

game that was close until Pio- Clem for a fine get-together & 13 hoys living in that communeer<br />

scored three runs in the alibi session. and everyone had nity.<br />

sixth and five in the seventh. a fine afternoon. A vacant lot infested by weeds I<br />

Dave Mar~in. Jim Clark a~d IOuI' regular play started on and tall grass until a short time<br />

Jack Diesmg had three hIts. ~londa~. as Rinke Cad i II a c ago, the area in which the ball<br />

~ach for the _winners and Dies-I downed Dick Green Chrysler 3-2 field is situated is now a model<br />

JOg had a triPle and ho~erun_ with Jeff David ~elling the win of beautification.<br />

Andy Dzul also hid 2 hits and over Rob Parker who tripled, Furthermore, the circumstandrove<br />

in three while Jim Clark Cass Michaels also doubled for ces surrounding it offer wellgot<br />

the win. Sam B~rdato had Green while Mark Wittmer dou- earned and welcome relief from<br />

2 hits for the losers bled in Greg LeFevre with the the u sua I story of restlelis<br />

Thursday, C i t y Messenger winning run. Richard Buick youths wasting their time in<br />

beat Pioneer Furniture 7-6 com- bombed Rinke POllliac 153 with idleness.<br />

in¥ up with 2 runs ill the botto~ Scott Burns taking the win from None of the 13 boys is willing<br />

of the seventh to ~eep the~r Roger Rosenbusch. Pontiac got to claim the credit, but it oc-.<br />

I<br />

I unbealen record. MIke Alkrle their hits from Gar\, Bennett curred to one of tJ.em not long<br />

h~d 2. hits for the. winners. ~nd I' Dave Belanger & Larry Bauer: ago that the community as well.<br />

hiS smgle drove 10 the tJelOg .Bob Haas Burns Bill Poole as they themselves needed a I<br />

r~n and then he ~cc.red the ~in-I and Terry' Lynch ~I'er(' the hit- nearby field on whie!l they could<br />

n.lOg ru!! on a fielders chOice., tel's for Buick_ Pointe Dodge play. Working withoul adult su-<br />

Jim Whipple gave up only seven stopped Merollis Chevrolet 7-5 pervision, and using their own<br />

hits to get the win. Jim


Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Public<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />




Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan<br />


Phone TU 2.6900<br />

~Iember ~l1rhlgan Press Asseciation and Natiooal Editorial Association<br />


Schools<br />

Īn<br />

lIy "r. Thf'o~ I. "'nrierson, Superinlendent<br />

Focus<br />

of Schools<br />

Wilh Ih" conccpt of an ex .. , a sizeable percentage of o~r<br />

I(.~dl'd Mhnol year again reo [youth will voluntarily use a<br />

c('iving attcnlion nalionally.1 portion ~f their v~cation to furmosl<br />

rl'c('nt1y in Vicc.Prcsident ' Iher thclr education.<br />

Humphrey',; addr~ss to th" A year ago for example, the<br />

Memorial<br />

Center Schedule<br />

Sunday, June 23<br />

10:30 a.m. Unity Church and Sunday School.<br />

$ 5:30 p,m. Beginning & Advam;ed Karate-Mr.<br />

Kyu Shim, Instructor.<br />

* 9:00<br />

Monday, June 24<br />

and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Mrs. Martin Burke,<br />

Instructor.<br />

10:00 a.m. Weight Watchers of Eastern Michigan, Inc.<br />

10:00 noon Pointers Duphcate Bridge.<br />

12:15 p.m. Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe-Meeting and<br />

Luncheon.<br />

" 2:00 and 7:30 p.m. Beginning Drawing & Painting in<br />

Mixed Medai-,Jack 0: Summers, Instructor.<br />

1st class of series of 8 lessons. $24<br />

* 7:30<br />

for series. .<br />

p.m. "Psycho" Hitchock Thriller,'. followed by<br />

Movie Rock at 9:30 p.h. with "Chances Are"<br />

Band. $1.25 in advance. $1.50 at door.<br />

* 8:00<br />

Adults welcomed at movie only.<br />

p.m. Beginning Folk Guitar - Alex Suczek, In.<br />

* 8:00<br />

structor.<br />

p.m. Bridge for Beginners - Mrs. Carrie Kiley,<br />

Instructor.<br />

* 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus - Richard<br />

Johns, Director.<br />

,<br />

* 9:00<br />

Tuesday, June 25<br />

a.m. and 10:30 a.m Art Camp 1 - Mrs. Martin<br />

Burke,<br />

Instructor.<br />

*' 9:30 a.m. Landscape and Compositional Painting<br />

Professor Emil Weddige, Instructor.<br />

01< 10:00 a.m. Service Guild for Children's Hospital<br />

Workshop. .<br />

12:00 noon FLEC Luncheon & Meeting.<br />

12:00noori Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe Lunch.<br />

eon.<br />

1:00 p.m. Women's Prayer Group of Unity Church.<br />

6:3~ p.m. Grosse Pointe' Plant Personnel Association<br />

* 7:30<br />

- Dinner &- Meeting.<br />

p.m. Grosse Pointe Chess Club.<br />

7:30 p.m. Weight Watchers of Eastern Michigan, Inc.<br />

7:45 p.m. Students of Josephine CaroHn Piano Recital.<br />

$ 8:00 p.m. Refresher Bridge Course - Mrs. Carrie<br />

Kiley, Instructor. i<br />

Wednesday, June 26 I<br />

$ 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I - Mrs. Martin<br />

* 9:30<br />

Burke, Instructor. I<br />

a.m. Landscape and Compositional Painting :<br />

Professor Emil Weddige, Instructor.<br />

J 1:00 a.m. Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe - Crihbage<br />

Group.<br />

12:00 noon Thompson Home Luncheon.<br />

12:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Traffic & Safety Committee<br />

- Luncheon & Meeting.<br />

"'12:~O p.m. Senior Ladies Club of Grosse Pointe - Tea.<br />

... 1:()O p.m. Beginning Life Drawing - .Ianet Benedict,<br />

Instructor.<br />

7:30 p.m. Students of Mrs. Morganthaler Piano Recital.<br />

* 7:3G p.m. ~eginning Sculpture - Raymond Katz, In.<br />

structor.<br />

8:00 p.m. 9600 Air Force Reserve Mee.mg.<br />

:\'ational Sci('nc(' T('al'hers' summcr school prog-ram en tion of two tcach('rs and two school enrichment pro~ram<br />

Associallrln, it ~(~l'm~~ppropri. roll cd 1.858 studl'nls, Our puh. voluntaryaidl's. compare with the NEA study?<br />

"II' to r('"il'\\' local philosophy iiI' s('hools furnished 1,361 A small rural srhool system You may judge for ynursl'lI.<br />

and sro';llI('nt 011 thl' year studl'nts. 407 eam(' from local in Nchrasl:a provided a special At Grossc Pointe High Schoot<br />

rOllnd opnatlOn of 1111'pllblir Catholic paroehia\ schoob. and n~fure study projl'ct cmpha. we provide workshops in art<br />

What Goes On<br />

at<br />

Your Library<br />

a, Vlrglnla Leonard<br />

Open Daily 9 a.m .•9 p.m. June 20. June 27<br />

* All Memorial.sponsored activities open to the<br />

GFlsse Pointe Public. Hospital equipment available for<br />

free loan: crutches, wheel chairs, heating lamps and<br />

h~ital beds. While in Toronto recently, tery books. Yet he produced a<br />

.OSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER AND LENDING we learned, sadly, via the radio, fantastic number of works, en.<br />

GR of the death of ORe of our fav. compassing the "Human Com.<br />

404 Fifth A\'enue,"';...e:~.\ •.;'..'i.W~~~~wR~~::,ntatlve, Inr. BYrant 9.7300<br />

LIBRARY. Mrs. Harry Frost on duty Tuesday, Wednes. orite people-Helen Keller. I edy." . The Russian author,<br />


333 :-':orlh ~ti"higan Avenue Phone Financial 6-2214 day, Thursday, 10 a.m..4 p.m. Volunteer consultant on I first read her STORY OF MY Dostoevski so well known for<br />

duty Friday, 2.4 p.m. TV. 1.5494. LIFE many years ago, and was his C RIM E AND PUNISH.<br />

ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERAL MANAGER .so moved and impressed by it MENT and other classics, had<br />

WILLIAM ADAMO ADVERTISING MANAGER Thursday, June 20 I that I reread it many times in frail health and physical sur<br />

JANET MUELLER FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY '" 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Mrs. Martin Burke, the years that followed. ferings when held as a prisoner.<br />

JAMES J. NJAIM ..NEWS Instructor. And then, even more recently, Sigmund Freud, usually reo<br />

PEPPER WHITELAW NEWS $ 9:30 a.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor • the gre~t. story that was made ferred to as the father of psy.<br />

WALTER W. FULLER NEWS 12'00 noon Grosse Pointe Real Estate Women Counse. more vlVld through the play, choanalysis, -and author of a<br />

PAMELA AHDRIOTAKIS. NEWS . M . THE MIRACLE WORKER. Now vast n'lmber of books. had can.<br />

MARY LORIMER ADVERTISING lors-L~nche?n and eetmg, . . this truly great.souled woman eer of the jaw, and endured<br />

BARBARA H. CICHY ADVERTISING >I< 2:00.4:00 p.m. Children s Day-for Grosse POInte Chll- has left us, but there remains great pain during the last 16<br />

LILLIAN KARR . . ..ADVERTISING dren aged 5. 10. . an inspiring recollection of her years of his life.<br />

JOHN MacKENZIEH' BUSINESS I' '" 7:00 p.m. Buffet Theatre Supper-$4 (tax and servIce life and the handicaps she had The world would have been<br />

JOANNE EASON ACCOUNTS included). to overcome to communicate poorer without the works of<br />

ONNELLEE KOENIG ..CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' >I< 8:00 p.m. Beginning Folk Guitar-Alex Suczek, In. with the outside world. I've Emerson, and yet his health<br />

ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING structor. 0 ~ten wondered what more was broken. largely through tbe<br />

~(l~IEST~~~~~ER gmCUt1~ig~ ; .. 8:00 p.m. Classical Guitar-.Bryan Crowe, Instructor. I mIght she have done for the death of his wife, who died of<br />

_. __. .!_R_CU___ '", 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Summer Chorus-Richard :;~ltli~~~ she not been deaf Q~~~~~Pt:~~. B ;i~fs~a ~vrit~: I<br />

k<br />

d<br />

Johns, Instructor. . All of this started a l:hain reo fought an ever.losing fight with<br />

Time ToTo e A Stan 8:00 p.m. Men's Garden Club of Grosse POInte. action-how many other writers the opium habit but he man-<br />

"Tyranny begins where law ends," said William Pitt.<br />

Surely someone, somewhere, somehow, in our Na.<br />

tion's Capital, must soon awaken to a dangerous national<br />

situation which has been recognized by millions of Ameri.<br />

cans for a long time.<br />

Obviously the United States of America is in real<br />

trouble, at home and abroad, and if something isn't done<br />

now to attempt to cur)) the rising tide of tyrannical<br />

malcontents there may be disaster ahead.<br />

Surely mnst of us are fed up to our chin with poverty<br />

marchers, lawless student mobs, race riots, crime in the<br />

streets, shootings, pornography, strikes, war, and the<br />

volatile economic situation.<br />

We are living in strangely deranged times, where<br />

there is very little peace of mind. We have become a Nation<br />

of dreary, frightened, confused people, sorely in<br />

need of powerful, honest and forthright leadership, always<br />

wondering "What next?"<br />

In the past score or so of years an amazing majority<br />

of us have been brain-washed by vast floods of<br />

propaganda from Washington, and many other parts of<br />

the world. Because of a lack of proper information we<br />

have been lulled into a state of false security, and are<br />

now living in a sort of patriotic: coma.<br />

Our hopes have been raised by half-truths, and<br />

outright fabrications and false promises, only to have<br />

them shattered when the truth became known.<br />

Sad to state, but many, too many Americans have<br />

remained deaf, dumb and blind through one horrible<br />

crisis after another, Millions of them choose not to vote.<br />

They have become imbued with a "don't give a damn"<br />

attitude.<br />

Now, in this national election year of 1968, the<br />

chips are down. It's time for the citizens of this great<br />

and glorious land to awaken and fight the evil forces<br />

which beset us from within and without, or face the<br />

possibility of losing all that we hold dear-liberty and<br />

the pursuit ~f happiness!<br />

Perhaps Cassius was right when be declared: "The<br />

fault, dear Brutus, lies not 'il) our star~but in our.<br />

selves." As they once did in ancient Rome, we ih America<br />

seem to have lost "the breed of noble bloods." In<br />

truth, there are no true statesmen in today's political<br />

arena.<br />

Some students of history believe that the United<br />

States new is in greater danger of having its liberties<br />

trampled into the dust than at any time since the<br />

Revolution!l.ry War.<br />

There are bands of protesters lurking everywhereand<br />

the Congress is rushing pe]].me]] to pass laws in an<br />

attempt to thwart the malcontents, without serious<br />

thoughts of how these statutes may affect the future of<br />

the nation.<br />

Certainly law.abiding citizens do not wish to find<br />

themselves tyrannized by a government which makes<br />

hurried attempts to curb tyrants at large in the land by<br />

adopting new laws.<br />

At this fearsome hour what America seems to need,<br />

more than anything else, are governments - federal,<br />

state, county and' municipal-which will rigidly enforce<br />

the laws already on the statute books. Passing so.called<br />

emergency laws only will snip away more of the freedoms<br />

which still remain, and add to the present confusion.<br />

Knowledgeable law enforcement leaders are the first<br />

to admit that strict adherence to the laws we already<br />

have would go a long way to solving many of our present<br />

problems. And, they would hope, that the Supreme Court<br />

may take some action to remove many of the roadblocks<br />

it has placed in their paths.<br />

Don't you. as a freedom.loving citizen. think it's<br />

ahout time for the American people to get up off their<br />

big fat indifferences, and fight {or the right they adore<br />

with the most powerful ,weapons at their disposal-the<br />

ballot and public opinion?<br />

Let us all start, right now, to give battle to hoth our<br />

seen and unseen enemies hard at work, endeavoring to<br />

unoermine our sacred institutions. W.W.F.<br />

8:30 p.m, Grosse Pointe Theatre Performance KIS •. could I think of who h'ad had aged to accomplish an extraor.<br />

MET. Telephone 779.3020. serious handicaps, but had pro. dinary amount of work of high<br />

• duced great literature in spite quality. Alexander Pope, al.<br />

* 9:00<br />

Friday, June 21 of their afflications? I don't though healthy as an infant,<br />

a.m. Portrait Painting Class-Carol Wald, In know how many you can recall, suffered a severe illness in<br />

structor. but I'd like to mention a few childhQod which kept him in a<br />

... 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. Art Camp I-Mrs. Martin Burke, that have ~ome to ~)' mind. state of poor health, giving him<br />

Instruct r . In the fIeld of blindness, we a morbid outlook on life. Bos.<br />

'" . 0 . • can go back as far as Homer, well was a great hypochondriac<br />

7.00 p.m .. Buffet Theatre Supper-$4 (tax and servIce the Greek poet, who was alleged and was also thought to have<br />

mcluded). ' to have been sightless, but who, been mad.<br />

8:00 p.m. New Iadom Club. in spite of this problem, wrote A more recent author who<br />

8:00 p.m. Remoc Investment Club. the ILIAD and the ODYSSEY. wrote, perhaps' to keep her<br />

8:30 p.m. Grosse Pdinte Theatre Performance KIS. Also one inevitably remembers mind off her phy',ical condition,<br />

MET John Milton, the English poet, was Flannery O'Connor. Her,<br />

. born in 1608, who, in 1658, after disease was lupus (in the same<br />

Saturday, June 22 losing his eyesight, began work general group as arthritis and<br />

*10 00 a m<br />

: ..<br />

French for Children-Henrietta LaCroix, In- on a great poem that had long<br />

filled his mind. In 1660 he was<br />

rheumatic fever. After<br />

ing her EVERYTHING<br />

read.<br />

THAT<br />

structor. in political retirement, which RISES MUST CONVERGE one<br />

7:00 p.m, Sigma Kappa Sorority of Wayne state Uni- gave him the chance to finish wishes that she might !Jave lived<br />

versity Dinner Dance. this work - PARADJSE LOST-. past the age of 39 to have writ.<br />

oj 7:00 p.m. Buffet Theatre Supper-$4 (tax and service He dictated it to his three ten more stories of that fine<br />

* 7:30<br />

included). . daughters; I ate r in. 1671 he caliber.<br />

p.m, Duplicate Bridge-Mrs. Marvin Bourget, wrote PARADJSE REGAINED. We could go on-Edgar Allen<br />

Instructor. His last poem was SAMSON Poe the alcoholic; Emily Dick.<br />

8:30 p.m. Grosse<br />

MET.<br />

Pointe Theatre Performanee WIS. AGONISTES.<br />

Another English poet, Lord<br />

inson the withdrawn;<br />

the shy and sensitive<br />

Shelley,<br />

(calll'd<br />

Byron, author of s u c h well mad by some) - the list could<br />

known works as THE PRIS- be endless. And always the nag-<br />

ONER OF CHI L LON, was ging and unanswerable question<br />

handicapped by malformation of -would they. have done better<br />

Sang both feet - the right one being without their physical handicaps<br />

the worst. Some say it was and. neuroses? Perhaps for<br />

polio, some call it a club foot; some, the literary output would<br />

at any rate, he was considered have been better and greater.<br />

crippled. Yet, who has not For other~ withnut the sensitiv.<br />

heard of Byron as a major lit. ity, the neurotic leanings, even<br />

erary figure? the physical problems, 1i f e I<br />

You who were brought up on might have been quite pedes.<br />

the BARRETTS OF WIMPOLE trian and we would never have<br />

STREET, will remember that been left the rich and inspiring<br />

Elizabeth Barr~tt Br?wni~g, be. legacy that Helen Keller, and<br />

fore her marriage lived 10 her others like her, have left us;<br />

room for seven years, victim, Herein lies their immortality.<br />

apparently, of an injury caused<br />

by the faU of her saddle on M ellP I<br />

her,back while trying to saddle errl. a mer<br />

her pony. G" C. "<br />

Sidney Lanier. the American IVeS ItatIons<br />

poet suffered from tuberculo. __<br />

sis, brought on by three months Four per son sreceived the<br />

in prison during the Civil War. hi g h est recognition Merrill.<br />

Later, he suffered a more .se. Palmer Institute can give when<br />

vere illness about four )'ears they were presented Citations<br />

before his death. Franz Kafka, by the Institute Tuesday morn.<br />

the Austrian novelist and essay. ing, June 4.<br />

ist, also was plagued with this The four were Rt. Rev. Rich.<br />

same illness dying at the age<br />

of 40. Eugene O'Neill was also ard S. Emrich, of Washington<br />

tubercular, and after the deat} road. Bishop of the Diocese of<br />

of his parents and brother his Michiga", Episcopal C h u r c h;<br />

_ plays took on a preoccupation Dr. William R. Kea.st, P!esident<br />

with death. From 1943 until of Wayne State Umvez:slty; and<br />

his death in 1953 he was also Dr. and Mrs. D a V.Id Mace,<br />

- in .poor heallh. However he 1eft world-renowned marflage coun.<br />

us such works as EMPEROR selors.<br />

JONES ~{QURNING BECOMES "Through the i r accomplish.<br />

ELECTRA and AH WILDER. ments and wide interests they<br />

NESS. share our goals and aspira.<br />

1t is claimed that the great Uons." said Merrill.Palmer trus.<br />

French author Balzac under. tee Lem Bowen, who awarded<br />

mined his heai~h by o~erstudy the Citations.<br />

and excessive reading of mys BIshop Emflch was CIted "In<br />

Grosse Pointe University School<br />



Remedial courses in mathematics, reading, social studies<br />

and science. .<br />

Sma" classes (four to six students).<br />

Selected faculty from our stoff.<br />

June 24th through August 9th Monday through Friday,<br />

8:00.12: 15.<br />


Small classes allow for strengtheniog and advanced work<br />

In mathematics, English, and foreign languages. Advanced<br />

credit courses in history.<br />

June 24th through August 9th, Mondoy through Saturday,<br />

8:00-12:15.<br />

TYPING<br />

June 24th through July 26, Monday through Friday.<br />


By<br />







MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY - I :00.3.00 PM.<br />

For Information: Darrel C. Wahon, Director<br />

TU 4-4444 or Evenins,: 881-8719<br />

schools 00 came from othrr n('ighboring sizing practic,11 aspects (or and sewing, speed readin~,_ _ _<br />

In GrossI' Point("s J9M com- : institutions stuclcnts not particularly inter. modern lileraturc. speech. soci. fr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lill<br />

mllnity opinion poll. 83 perc('nt. Why do so man~' stlldents cstI'd in school work. ology, American government,<br />

READING and<br />


of thosl' f(','ponding dill not enroll in ~ummrr c1a~sl's'! FH~ht instruction w~s offered con.~umer economics. p('rsonal<br />

fal'or thl' impll'menlation of ~ Tradi1ion~lIy, the pros:ram lias 10 a group of 16ycar.old hIgh and arlvanced typing. notehand.<br />

fourquarll'r JlI~n of ~('hool, pTOvid('d an opportunity for the school sturlents in a suhurllan inrlepl'ndanl study in malhe.<br />

olll'ration. And 5A pcr('('nt o( .,tud('nt who has fmlcd ~r fal. s('hool ,~~'stem in Wisconsin. mahcs. several history COllrses,<br />

lhosl' who jndie;'t(',! a falor. lercd dUTIng the acadl'ml!' yle (or the slimmer i to twelve gifted junior high Mor,sl' Code. Iho~e who WIsh to a\'all Ihem.<br />


TU 4.4444<br />

S('SbllJD lhal began last Monday, i school pupils under the diree. How docs OllT local slimmer .~elves of the opporlumty. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii-'l<br />

nwon<br />

Whalj<br />

.r.., E .." 1.1.<br />

by Sibyl<br />

8ummel' Special . . Roman Bath soap is n0:-V on<br />

sale at Trail Apothecary, 121 Ke~che~al. Avallable<br />

in Mary Chess fragrances •. WhIte LIlac, ~apestry,<br />

Strategy, Yram, Gardenia, Carnat~on ... gift. boxed<br />

sets of the bath size, regularly fIVe dollars IS now<br />

four. A box of six guest soaps, regularly threefifty<br />

is two.fifty. Save a. doll~r on ~ssence Spray ..<br />

that mist.on must for a hngermg chng of fragrance.<br />

•<br />

Artful Entertaining ... might include<br />

gold mini easels for place<br />

cards. A set of four is seven dol.<br />

Jars at Touch of Elegance in the<br />

Colonial Federal Building. An.<br />

other entertaining idea is the<br />

golden egg lighters . . . a set of<br />

two ... six dollars,<br />

••<br />

Here, There And Everywhere ... DenIer has col.<br />

lected an exciting group of area rugs. From Mo.rocco<br />

comes antique and new ones . . . fro~. ArIzona,<br />

American Indian designs ... from HaItI, the un.<br />

usual! Select from stock or order at 77 Kercheval.<br />

•<br />

Fishing For Something New?<br />

Catch the collection of fish.shaped,<br />

fish.colored, china from Portugal at ~<br />

The League Show, 98 Kercheval.<br />

Platters, plates, sauce boats, even e.". J1.JIf. .~<br />

a denizen.of.the-deep tureen carry<br />

out the design and inspire amus.<br />

f/ll..-,ut- T<br />

ing fish stories . • . and table talk.<br />

•<br />

Hamlin's Tells Us ... the greatest year of the cen.<br />

tury is 1966 for Chablis Grand Cru Les Clos .. It's<br />

a Frank Schoonmaker selection, also . . . and is<br />

to be served chilled. Call TUxedo 5.8400 or drop<br />

by 89 Kercheval.<br />

•<br />

Style<br />

start<br />

. . • on the<br />

with easy-care<br />

tennis court can<br />

tennis dresses,<br />

~<br />

.<br />

designed by McMullen with usual per. "'-:<br />

fectian. Take two ... an embroidered<br />

eyelet (thirty dollars) . . . a pique, .<br />

lace bordered (twenty.five dollars). :-' .<br />

T~ey come in white.only, at Margaret<br />

RIce.<br />

•<br />

Mr. Sheridan-Books . , . 81 Kercheval, tells us he<br />

almost cornered the market on "The Money Game"<br />

by Adam Smith. At least, he has a new supply<br />

of this popular, place-your ..order.please book. Chap.<br />

ter titles . : ' "What Money Really Is" .•• "How It<br />

Is Played II). Wall Street" , •. might make you see<br />

numbers. Just se(, six ninety.five (the price) and<br />

call ... 81';1-1671 or 881.2916 to reserve your copy.<br />

•<br />

Success Story ... the style shows, during lunch, at<br />

the Bronze Door, 123 Kercheval, presented by<br />

Tou~h of Elegance are' so well attended, they will .<br />

contmue thru summer on the first and third Tues.<br />

days. Do make reservations ..• 886.1932.<br />

•<br />

recognition of hIs unflagging cf. guidance and family relations,<br />

forts in the field of human reo not only in Britain and America<br />

lations to promote a lasting but throughout all the major<br />

mutual understanding between eulturai areas of the world."<br />

persons of all classes, all races, The citations were awarded<br />

all creeds." at a brief ceremony in Merrill.<br />

The citation to Dr. Keast read Palmer's Pauline Knapp Build.<br />

that "under his leadership a ing, preceding the annual meet.<br />

great urban university is bring. ing ot the'lnstitute,<br />

ing its resources to bear upon I .'<br />

the many problems that face NO ESCAPE<br />

Our community in a time of No man has ever been able<br />

accelerating social change." to hide from the subpoenas of<br />

The joint citation to Dr. and the court of conscience.<br />

Mrs. Mace pointed out tbat to<br />

them "we owe so much of our Tact allows a man to change<br />

present knowledge of marriage the subject, but not his mind.<br />

-------= ----<br />

over a century of service<br />

'The \Vm..R. eHam.iHon eo,<br />


Since 1855<br />




_.. -<br />

DETROIT :Ni.') c.~ssAVF.1'\U; TE 1.2712<br />


N.W. DETROIT JHl)flfl J,\MFS COIlZE1'\5 " DI 1.I~oO<br />

.tsn r 2 7 rES cmasert.. s brimss?.es .•••••<br />

' ..<br />

en no 2<br />

n o o'<br />

. , ~

;.:<br />

. ~.<br />

I<br />

~<br />

J ,<br />

3<br />

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

WOMEN'S<br />

From Another Pointe<br />

of View<br />

By lUargaret<br />

Burns<br />

Hate'it? We do. We believe a set sbould be beautifully<br />

groomed, but never artificial looking. Our customers<br />

don't sneak off to do a quick littlt' re-comb<br />

job. They leave our salon looking n~tural, p?ise~,<br />

sure of themselves ..Like to leave the halidresser s this<br />

way? Then you'd probably like us. Very much.<br />

Bart Edmond<br />

~5 E. Adams/On The Park/Downtown/WO 2-1112<br />

Short and to<br />

the Pointe<br />

i<br />

I A J. CERAVOLO of Wllshington<br />

road, was recently ini.<br />

tiated into Tau Kappa Epsil{ln<br />

fraternity at Eastern Michigan<br />

Liggett School Alumnae. their friendsa~d, of ~our~e, University. Cerevola is the son<br />

antiques lovers are flocking .t~ th~ sch~ol 1~ BrIarclIff of DR. and MRS. ALBERT J.<br />

drive today, Thursday. to VlSlt Llgge.tt s third ~nnual CERAVOLO.<br />

attended a Wednesday evening prevIew cocktail and * • •<br />

from the affair which is sponsored by parents and alum- STEPHEN S. BURGESS, a<br />

nae, go to Ll 'gge' tt's Endowment Fu.nd. psychology major, son of MR.<br />

and MRS. STARLING S. BUR.<br />

Lucky patrons of the show and sale were able to get GESS. of Beverly road, was<br />

an early peek at the beau~iful anti9ues:whe~ they award.!d a B.S. degree at Union<br />

attended a Wednesday evenmg prevIew clcktal}. and College commencement exerdinner<br />

party ... and what they ~aw, were .magmf.lcent cises Jun 16.<br />

pieces assembled by 41 of the natIOn s leadmg antIques • • "'<br />

dealers from 14 states. J. MAURICE DES ROSIERS,<br />

The exhibits include 18th .and 19th century Ameri- of University place, was award.<br />

. k f.t ed second prize in the Fourth<br />

can and English country furniture(. Sha er .. urm ure, Annual "KiIlg of the Patio"<br />

primitive paintings, folk art and orIental prmts. Other Contest sponsored hy the Detroit<br />

gems to charm the viewers are. American decorative Edison Company for his recipe<br />

accessories; English silver; Wedgwood, Lowestoft. and for Barbecued Flank Steak.<br />

Canton china; period pottery; porcelain and glass pleces. "' "' • Receiving Doc to r of Medi-<br />

The show which is managed by Russell Carrell of MR. and MRS. JOHN F. CRO- cine degrees from Wayne State<br />

Connecticut, i~ rated one of the top five in the country WELL, of Troy, Mich., announce University at the June 18 com.<br />

S d J 22 H f the birth of a daughter, KAREN mencement exercises held at<br />

G R055 E POI NT ENE W S<br />

tArs. Nicholas D. Mancini, II<br />

Photo by 1. S. DeForest<br />

Marriage vows were exchanged by KAREN SYD.<br />

NEY SAVORY, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Sid.<br />

ney Savory, of Somerset road, and Mr. Mancini, son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mancini, of Hollywood avenue,<br />

Saturday, June 15, at Peace Lutheran Church.<br />

in education at the June com- avenue is currently serving<br />

mcncement of the Teachers with the U. S. Army Reserve<br />

College Columbia University. in summer training at Ft. Gor-<br />

, ..,," don, Ga. Major Woodbury is<br />

plans and training cHicer for<br />

the 300tb MP Prisoner of War<br />

Command from Livonia, Mich.<br />

igan.<br />

an: d will cont.inue th.rough. atur ay, une . ours or THERESA CROWELL. May 21. Cobo Hall were R. RICHARD .. • ..<br />

thIS outstandmg antIque dIsplay and sale are from noon Mrs Crowell is the former COOK. son of tbe GEORGE R. Former PoInter MRS. ALAN<br />

to 10 o'clock today and Friday, June 21, and from noon MAiuE ELIZABETH LEWIS COOKS, of Sborecrest circle, MAHIN, who was graduated<br />

to 6 o'clock on Saturday, June 22.. I daughter of MR. and MRS. A: wbo earned his Bachelors de. from Grosse Pointe High School<br />

Tickets for the show are $1.50 ... and for hungry INGERSOLL LEWIS. JR" of gree at Hope College and on in 1955, was recently elected<br />

visitors luncheon is available. Lewiston road. July 1 will hegin interning at trustee on the East Detroit<br />

, * • • Detroit General Hospital; 8TE- Board of Education. Mrs. Mao<br />

Sole Mia DONALD W. KOSY. of Peach PHEN V. GORYL, of St. Clair hin, the former JANE HAR.<br />

Detroit Yacht Club members, both young and Tree lane. received his :,laster avenue, son of DR. and MRS. PER, will be the first woman<br />

"old", are singing Italian arias and polishing their go.n. of ~ien~e degree in elect~ical STEPHEN V. GORYL,ofBishop to serve on the board in 12<br />

dol as, J'ust to I!et in the mood for the club's Venetian e~glDeerlng at Stanford Umver- road, Detroit, who earned his years. She has three children<br />

~ d Slty on Sunday Jun 16 Bachelor of Science degree at in the Detroit School System.<br />

Days, which are being planned for Friday an .. '", .. e. Wayne State University and will .. .. ..<br />

(Continued on Page 31) KEVIN PATRICK BRODER. intern at oBn Secours Hospital; SUE SNOLERSKI, daughter<br />

ICK, son of MRS. WILLIAM P. JOHN B. MARSHAL. of Bea- of MR. 'and 1I1RB. RALPH<br />

BRODERICK and the late Mr. consfield avenue, son of' the SNOLERSKI. of Mapleton road,<br />

- Broderick, of Lakeview avenue, DONALD B. MARSHALS, of senior at St. Paul High School,<br />

recently reeeived his Bachelor Lansing, w10 received his will attend the University of<br />

of Science degree in accounting Bachelor of Arts degree from Detroit journalism workshop<br />

from Merrimack College. Kevin Albion College and will intern this summer. Sue is co-editor<br />

was senior class treasurer, a at Detroit General Hospital; and f th hool earbook Paulit-e<br />

student tutor, a memher of the LEONARD W. SACHS, son of 0 e sc y , .<br />

varsity hockey team the Busi- Mr. and Mrs. LEONARD W'j .... •<br />

ness Club and the 'Accounting SACHS, of St. Clair avenue, who ELIZABETH A. DuMOUCH.<br />

Society. earned his Bachelor of Arts de. ELLE, of Muir road, has been<br />

.. • • gree at WSU and will intern at awarded a $900 student sum-<br />

THOMAS GLENN THOMP- Detroit General Hospital. Imer fellowship grant by .the<br />

SON. son of the JOHN LEE • • .. IMichigan Cancer F0JlJ!dati~n.<br />

THOMPSONS, of Grayton road./ MAJOR CHARLES F. WOOD. Elizahe~ is in the Umverslty<br />

was awarded a Masters degree I BURY, JR. of 1976 Beaufait of DetroIt grad~a~ sch~<br />

This is that I'"e.just-eom.e-fro~<br />

the-hairdresser look.<br />

W"lto1t.:Pi~rCt<br />

9JUlJlAa1 e<br />



B:::.~:::::c.""J aren Y<br />

grant will make p"ssible a con.<br />

tinued study by auto.radiographic<br />

and fluorescent methods<br />

of the ground substance of<br />

developing elastic cartilage.<br />

The work will progress under<br />

the direction of DR: PAULINE<br />

WOOD, of the U. Ot D. biology<br />

,<br />

\.<br />


of Elford court has been named<br />

chairman of The Ladies Activities<br />

for The Marine Corps Re-<br />

PagsTwenfy.One<br />

Dinner Fetes iK 5 d eySavory<br />

~1~~~:rD:i~~~t f~:~~~~i~~e~h~~ ISay5 VOWS Ju ne 15<br />

ney. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bride's Sister Dale Savory Serves As Maid Of Honorj<br />

Marshall Wbitney, Jr., of Ven. B h Of B 'd Alb t ~~ .• A t<br />

dome road. Thursday, June 13, rot er rI egroom. er lVIacl~1 c s<br />

Honoring Bethine at the formal As Best Man; Attendants Wore lime<br />

dinner were her aunt and uncle, Green Ribbed Cotton Dresses<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Mc.<br />

Gregor, Jr., of Rochester, Mich, Karen Sydney Savory, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

and her cousin, Katharine Helen George Sidney Savory, Jr., of Somerset road, became<br />

McGregor, also of Rocbester. the wife of Nicholas Daniel Mancini, II, son of Mr. and<br />

Bethine mad~ ber. formal de- Mrs. Albert Mancini, of Hollywood avenue, Saturday<br />

but at a reception gIven by her evening, June 15, at Peace Lutheran Church.<br />

parents at the Country Club OIl A reception at The Whit.~>----- -- _<br />

June 14. tier Hotel followed the cere-I' less, ribb~d colton dresses wi~h<br />

The entrance hall of the. club mony at which The Rev- dee,? appliques. of lace o~ ~eIr<br />

was decorated for the .dmner d D 'd L d . I bodices extendmg to theIr Jewwith<br />

topiary trees. trimmed ere.n. aVI U WIg I eled necklines.<br />

with white flowers. Tables for offICIated. The newlyweds The honor attendaat carried<br />

eight, covered with delphinium then left for a vacation in a colonial bouquet of yellow<br />

blue cloths and each decorated Northern Michigan. daisies and baby's.breath. The<br />

with centerpieces of a candle For her wedding, the bride bridesmaids' bouquets were<br />

surrounded by blue and white selected an Empire embroidered were accented with pumpkin<br />

flowers were place in the big silk organza gown accented with orange daisies.<br />

hall. Place.cards trimmed with dimensional flowers and a Acting as his brother's hest<br />

blue and white flowers complet- chapel train. man was Albert ~lanrini, Jr.,<br />

ed the table settings. A bouffant finger-tip veil feU I assisted by ushers Gregory<br />

Large arrangements of blue from her headpiece of silk or- Moser, Ronald Carson and Stan.<br />

delphiniums. white stock car- ganza flowers accented with ley Cappo<br />

nations and gladioli were on the seed pearls. She carri'cd a col. Mrs. Savory chose a greeu<br />

mantels at each end of the hall onial cascllJe of gardenias with silk coat ap" dress ensemhle<br />

and in the arches leading to the camellia foil age. with yellow cymbidium Ilrcilids.<br />

hall, where guests also danced Attending the former :Misf, For her son's wedding. Mrs.<br />

to the music of Al Navarro. Savory were her sister and maid Mancini selected an aqua outfit<br />

A sleeveless aqua blue raw of honor Dale Savory, Mrs. with a silk peau de soie dress<br />

silk A-line dress with ruffles at Douglas Magary of Brighton. and silk organza coat, and mat.<br />

the neck and hemline was chos. Mass., and Mrs. Stanley Capp, ching accessories. She wore a<br />

en by Betbine for the dinner. sister of the bridegroom. corsage of pink cymbidium or-<br />

Her flowers were a white cym- They wore lime green. sleeve. chids.<br />

bidium orchid wrist corsage. I -----.-----------<br />

Mrs. McGregor was gowned dpeartment, sponsor of the serve Officer's Association An.<br />

in yellow, fashioned with a lace project. nual Military Conference to be<br />

top and alaskine skirt. A cor- ,. ,. .. held in Detroit in May, 1969.<br />

:;age of yellow cymbidium or. Among the 4.100 students Wl~LIAM W. BALLEW has<br />

chids completed her costume. who received academic degrees been associated with The Ma-<br />

The honoree's cousin, Katlla- from Harvard University this rine Corps for 26 years and rerine<br />

chose for the affair a past week are WILLIAM ceived a promotion to Colonel<br />

sleeveless, A-line dress in shock- FRANCES. BARTLETT FRAN. in December, 1967.<br />

ing pink crepe to which she CIS, of Country Club drive, and<br />

pinned a corsage of pink and JOHN WILLIAM SANDERS,<br />

whil.e ,cymbidium orchids. lof Torrey road. They. hoth re-<br />

Wl1llam J. McLane, Jr" of ceil'ed Master uf Busmess Ad.<br />

Indianapolis, Ind., was Bethine's ministration degrees.<br />

escort for the evening while " .. "<br />

David Brown, of Rochester e~- HARRY JOSEPH CHANCEY,<br />

corted Katbarine. Jr. son of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

HA'RRY J. CHANCEY of Grand<br />

Marais boulevard, has been accepted<br />

into Michigan State University's<br />

Honors College.<br />

. " ..<br />

n<br />

" . ..<br />

ALISE RANGER, class of<br />

1070. at Kemper Hall, was<br />

honorcd recently at the Commencement<br />

Announcement of<br />

Honors-Activities Pro g ram.<br />

She received a Service Award.<br />

a Choir Awaru, a certUicate<br />

for participation in Kenosha<br />

Head Start Pro g ram and<br />

played the role of Peep-bo in<br />

Commellcement presentation of<br />

The Mikado. She is the daughter<br />

of the JAMES RANGERS,<br />

of East Jefferson avenue.<br />

(Continued on Page 32)<br />

UP<br />

TO<br />

• SUITS<br />

• COSTUMES<br />

• DRESSES<br />

I :<br />

2<br />

off<br />

A Special, Group<br />

including<br />

of Dresses<br />


'IS and up<br />

•<br />

SUITS and COATS ••• s45 and up<br />

•<br />

WEDDING GOWNS • , .545 and up<br />

•<br />


•<br />

MADE.TO-ORDER MODELS. •• '90 and up<br />

•<br />

FINE JEWELRY '/4 TO 113OFF<br />

•<br />


greatly<br />

reduced!<br />

•<br />

MilLINERY $5-$7.50.$10<br />

•<br />

No Returns-No Alterations-No C.O.D.'s<br />

•<br />

3 Kercheval Ave., ot Fisher Rood<br />

Pll1lrh nua Judy Block<br />

TU .-1505<br />


3ht .shops of<br />

W~ltolt.J'i~..c~<br />

Kercheval at Sf, Clair<br />

550 If. W•• dwllrd<br />

GrOSH<br />

•• i"to<br />

.irmi.... 1IJ<br />

Jht<br />

$bop.s of<br />

W&1lton.J'i~..c~<br />

Kerche,ral at St. Clair ~<br />

550. N•. Woodward<br />

- --.<br />

Grosse Pointe<br />


Page Twenty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 20, 1961<br />

~SocietyNews Gathered from All of the Pointes<br />

.1<br />

J<br />

Sievers-ll1iller Troth Is Told<br />

The engagemenl of Georgia Iboulevard, has been announced<br />

• • ~Iiller, daughter oC Mrs. Geprge : by the bride-elect's mother.<br />

~liller, of Thre~ :'tIlle road, and, An August 2 wedding is plan-<br />

Ihe late Mr. lIhller, and Alfred j. ' . ,<br />

Sie\'ers, son of Mr. and :'llrs., ned In 51. Philip and Sl. Ste.<br />

.\Iax Sie\'ers, oC Lochmoor. phen Episcopal Churph.<br />

.•..<br />

•<br />

\':J<br />

,<br />

\<br />

..... I,<br />

,<br />


to attend<br />

an<br />

Exhibition of Roses<br />

sponsored by the<br />



,. "C Friday and Saturday, June 21st and 22nd<br />

at<br />

Jacobson's<br />


Special Floral Table Displays Created by the following<br />

Rose Sociely Members, will be on display in the Gilt<br />

and Silver Shops:<br />

Mrs. Len B. Bowen<br />

Mrs. Edward Hegglin<br />

Mr. Paul Kolvoord<br />

Dr. Lyndle R. Martin<br />

Mrs. Herbert Mainswaring<br />

Mrs. George Moister<br />

Mrs. Leslie Pressel<br />

Mr. :James Turnbull<br />

Mrs. John Veech<br />

Mrs. Robert Waters<br />

Mr. Alexander Wiener<br />

Jacobsons<br />

McLeod-H uebentha I<br />

Rites Read June 15,<br />

Ceremony Held In Metropolitan Methodist Church:<br />

Attendants Wear Yellow Saki Frocks; Guests<br />

Received In Crystal Ballroom Of<br />

Whittier Hotel<br />

Planning to mak;tlleir h~me i~ Warren after a trip I<br />

through Northeastern Canada are Mr. and Mrs. Roderick<br />

John McLeod, who exchanged wedding vows at Metro.<br />

politan Methodist Church, Saturday, June 15.<br />

All receptiofn Tinhthe'ShrYtst~al' a lace. jacket. Both-m-o-t-he-rs-I<br />

B<br />

a room 0 e '¥ I ler i wore corsages of cymbidium or-<br />

Hotel followed the candle- I chids. I<br />

light ceremony at wh~ch Oul.of-town guests included<br />

Dr. Robert Harvey Bodme ~lr. and ~Irs. Reinhard Hue. I<br />

officiated. Th~ bride, the uenthal. of Schenectady. N.Y.;<br />

former Judith Marie Hue- Mr. and :\Irs. William H. :\loll,<br />

benthal, is the daughter of o~ Lake Gen~va; the. Russell K.<br />

the Theodore Huebenthals, Notts of Madison, WIS.; ~(r. and<br />

of Fisher road. Mrs .. Donald Wallace, also of<br />

~Ir. McLeod is the ~iJnof ~lrs. jta~lson; "1~,and Afr~. Stewart<br />

"[arion A McLeod of Corbell Well, of Arlington Heights. Ill.;<br />

- -D- -. 'd hit 11Ilr. and Mrs. Gr~ham 13eard, of<br />

al'enue, elrOlt, an tea e BranUord ant. M' a d M<br />

Dr. Donald N, ~~c~eod. _ Phillips Whari~, ~f ~elJa~~:<br />

For her weddm." the bride Pnt nd 'I d "~I D . I<br />

I I d 'Ik <br />

se ec e a Sl or.,anza over<br />

t<br />

ar - Thomas .. a<br />

of<br />

"r.<br />

~1l<br />

an<br />

~I<br />

.•<br />

.<br />

rs, aDIe<br />

Ceta gown fashioned with a full' ,- . - orTis.<br />

Chapel train, trimmed in Chanlilly<br />

lace flowing from her skirt.<br />

Her bodice. also of Chanlilly<br />

lace. was accented with seed<br />

pearls and paillelte~.<br />

lIer silk illusion veil, beaded<br />

Ueception Held<br />

For Debutantes<br />

with Chantilly lace appliques, The Lothrop road home of Mr.<br />

was attached to a headpiece of and Mrs. Jean F. Mesritz was<br />

silk orgam.a hows and beaded the scene of a late afternoon<br />

,lace points_ She carried a dou- reception Saturday. June 15, at<br />

ble ca~-cade of white roses, step- which lheir daughter, Ann Elizhanotis<br />

and trailing ivy. ab

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty.thr ..<br />

Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Miss Ulbrich Bride<br />

Of Mr. John Connor<br />

-------<br />

Bride Wore Her Mother's Gown Of Chantilly Lace<br />

And Carried 18th Century Bouquet; Bridesmaids<br />

Dressed In Yellow Frocks Trimmed<br />

In Olive Green<br />

The Chantilly lace \~dding- gown of her mother<br />

was worn by Beverly Ulbrich for her marriage to John<br />

Connor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Connor of Lincoln<br />

road, Saturday evening, June 15, at Our Savior Lutheran<br />

Church.<br />

The b l' ide's headpiece ,'--------------<br />

was also fashioned of Chan.: Roy Ulbrich served as his! •..<br />

tilly lace trimmed with seed I brolher-inlaw's besl man. John'<br />

pt'1rls and she carried an. Watson and William Denne'S of<br />

18th century bouquet of ~Ann Arbor s~ated the guests..<br />

white and ivory flowers lIIrs. Ulbnch chose. all I!U:<br />

tied with white velvet rib. ~~~tj~w~re~tI~:~~1 I~~~a;in~~~ i<br />

bons. . ,<br />

The brtde s uncle. Dr. A. H.<br />

a cymbidium 0 r chi<br />

matching clutch ba".<br />

d to her: .<br />

Ulbrich, officiated, assisted. by The bridegroom's b mother se- The Reveren.d John Buchhelm- lected it pink imported Italian I<br />

er. A reception at the Gou~met silk and jeweled formal and;<br />

Hous.e followed the servIces. also pinned a cymbidium orchid<br />

She ~s the daughter of the Roy to her purse<br />

Ulbnchs of Torrey road. I<br />

, The bridegroom's sister. Gail. • "Yhen th~ ne~vly\~eds left for<br />

served as maid of honor with th.elr. vacatIOn to ~ a r ~her n<br />

bridesmaids G a i I :\1acEachin, ~hchlgan and WiSCOnSin, the<br />

~Irs. John Watson and 1111'5< new Mr.s. ~onnor wore a red<br />

Robert .Masserang_ IlOen ~ult WIth black patent ac.<br />

They .wore y e I J 0 w linen cessor~es.. .<br />

dresses t rim m e d with olive BeglO~mg. to ~uly, the newly<br />

gre~n flowers and flowing bows IlVeds wdl bve 10 Mount Clem.<br />

and yellow bow headpieces. ens. '<br />

Each carried matching baskets --<br />

with yellow, white and tange- HEAD IN SAND<br />

rine flowers both fresh and No man is so blind as the one<br />

dried, with green ivy and tied who refuses to see himself as<br />

with velvet ribbon. olhers see him.<br />


danjsh<br />

furniture<br />

IptiI flU, 'm 6:3D; Man. '" Wid. 'III 9<br />

PMnt !luge Seleclion of Imported<br />

16HSll house of Scandinavian Tea.kwoOd Furnllure<br />

.J)enmarlt 2 ~?"~M~.R<br />

Mrs, John<br />

Connor<br />

Our Savior Lutheran Church was the setting for<br />

the wedding of BEVERLY ULBRICH, daughter of the<br />

Roy l:ibrichs of Torrey road, and Mr. Connor, son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Connor of Lincoln road, on<br />

Saturday, June 15. .<br />

Paddocks<br />

Mr. and JIll's. Thomas Pad.<br />

dock, of N1Jtre Dame road, introduced<br />

their granddaughter,<br />

Cecily Bovaird Kerr. to society<br />

at a reception in their home<br />

Tuesday, June 18.<br />

Cecily is the daughter of Mr.<br />

and Mr~. Rohert Corry Kerr,<br />

II, of Franklin, Mich.<br />

With her grandparents, C"cily<br />

greeted guests ou the porch<br />

wearing a short A.line white<br />

pique dress. She carried a bou.<br />

-------------------------------<br />

. quet of pink geraniums<br />

----~--<br />

and ivy,<br />

.....<br />

":,,",'<br />

Fete Granddaughter<br />

Mrs. Mark Alan Hart<br />

Photo by J. S. DeForest<br />

JOYCE ANNE FOUNTAIN, daughter of the<br />

Bernard }

P'go T w only.lour GROSH POINTE NEWS Thursdoy, Jun~ 20,1968<br />

Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes<br />

lIam Fls~us, of Ballour road,<br />

Dinner Planned At Hunt Club ::~,Ih~o:;;~'D"I.. , orB~I,<br />

A UOD, a zebra, a gIrafie, and red and whIte carnations. The Willards will attend with<br />

two llve monkeyS will grace the Helping the WlUards the Thomu J. Rc&bl.D.t1I,also<br />

ready<br />

Grolle Pointe Hunt Club Satur. the club house and thc larl:e of Ballour road. The E. RI~hard<br />

day l!venin, June 22 when I dlnlng tent are the Montford Murllays, of North Oxford road,<br />

dinner dance climaxes the III. Grayblels, of Peacb Tree lane; are brlnl:ing as their guests, the<br />

IlUU JUlie Horse Show. the WlUlam Barry.ll, of Stanton Paul Boesens of Hawthorne<br />

neeoraUOII' ebllrmu, lane: the Edward Peabodys, of road.<br />

Mr.<br />

and 1111.Walter Willanl, BaL Lincoln road: the Pete Per. Other of members with reserva.<br />

lour rold, are leudlnl their raehlos, of Fairway drive: the tlons Include the John Lillys, of<br />

moDkey, "Pedro." "RID,o," the Norman Werthmanns, of Pear Wan:rly lane, Sally Lenaban of<br />

other monkey 11 the pet Of the Tree lane: the L!n~nln Wurzers NcU road. and the Dean Con.<br />

Lulie "'rilley •• The other anI. of Broadstolle road, and the ways, of Webber place.<br />

mill are l1fe••1zec1 plplt.mldle. Garland KnJibls, of Fairford ---<br />

It aU addl to the zoo thema of rOld. Never anilclpate tomorrow',<br />

"Up In Central Park." Table At troubles and tho e of todl1<br />

the table with the Barr)'li s<br />

deeoraUODI will be bouqUdl of and KnlJhtl, will be the Wit. won't be balf the burden.<br />

A Rare WU~in Beautiful<br />

Silverplate<br />


t&Q4tZll,{!&<br />

/fi1ft£~J'rdolf/<br />

@<br />

ane( fjQ1lJtf tflle<br />

cf£oet<br />

TROY<br />

Judith Ann Parsons<br />

Wed to Harry Collins<br />

AfIOnd... 1s w... !Iuo Liootl Dr..... , Kolhy Nokan<br />

s..... ,.. Flower 6Kl, She Dr.. sed In Pole<br />

&.. Ortonz;o FrOd< And Corried '<br />

...... Of Mioiotur. Com.lions<br />

I~=~~~~:":~<br />

~ of Ifr. aud _. Henry c. P........ of West-<br />

- rood, .. d Iiarr)' RoIIert Collins, IOn of tho late<br />

I Mr. ud ](no Julius ColliDl, on Friday. June 14.<br />

I Guest were recejyed tile pariJb: hill fOllowinal Dr. Steve. Staryk aeted u<br />

the neuiq Rnicelin 1m. bM ma., UIiMd 1r,r u.e HIlI<br />

.. ueI LutIMraa "Cburch. oC the bridegroom, Jun. ad<br />

before the IleWl.fwedI: left JeHrey CollklI.<br />

for' a yacatioa in Nortbtl1l IIn. P.fIOM cilole • milt<br />

Michl,.. Jr1lM: lace _ .. Ice-lid wltllI<br />

For ller weddilll, 1M 1Hide ....... etnI,e.<br />

::~":,,II:' or-=-,:: The newMr. ud 1Ir•• Col•<br />

• ltor.s.ctII tnia. Her f1ht. 1lDI wiD •• ke their 110m ...<br />

::~. =.-.r..::: DelnIiL ~aiL<br />

'Mt:.l~ u.a ..... ofc.":.Rf:)lJ!;,lftft,:it;,. -:. ~<br />

:::.-:.: ::r =-= ~r~~U:;-:~ I<br />

:'~i~m:.~.: =. =..~ ::-:::I<br />

=- r--.... "lite :Olj:.e~ :.~~ ~<br />

1'IMJ' e.rrW arraIIIlIlIteIltI addreM WI' lItUY .... ., ...<br />

...,.~. 1tI'Y" ...... Ha. lD'jond III PlJdMIoIY. He I'<br />

el .............. tal'MUaM;. .r.eolt x. J.ritI of Hew York.<br />

:a-~.::t:r= ~ ~~.~~~d~<br />

e.Iia', .... lid. weui-.:. WU IC:U", at D.rbaautll wiUl<br />

Cohl"<br />

.... - DtIIo PIlI ".......... emIr.<br />

. Mnltafile<br />


"SECONDs"<br />

IF "F.am"<br />

48 in. wide<br />

$U5 YD.<br />

23 BEAUIlFll<br />

COLORS<br />

Sylmerizecl Finish<br />

CALICO~<br />

1133S. Tele,raph 0," Dilly8:311.5:3.<br />

INur PHIIIC') MH, Nkt' 'III 9<br />

FE Z.9163 ""'" S,....<br />

I~=nlta<br />

file H_<br />

ANTIQUE SAnN ~ A<br />

fer .. ~<br />

• .,., •III........ UtI.IIII1' •<br />

'..<br />

~<br />

~<br />

~<br />

16835<br />

Kercheval<br />

Ave.<br />

mthe Village<br />

TU 5.1232<br />

Clpao TIotHa4ay<br />

E.... p<br />

I.,<br />

!II! ea't • cootI IMChaftic .. arty?<br />

I When some buyers look at our line, they're so bedazzled by<br />

• our Garden of Edens that they never see our Deep Springs.<br />

If we hid our decor.tor flair, they might see us for what we<br />

I are. Technicians. Inventors. Experimenters. Good meehan-<br />

_ ics .• Our newest technical triumph? We"re taking the<br />

l' shock out of nylon - out of Deep Springs. Tanglewood.<br />

~ River-sun and other nylon carpet classics. The kind that<br />

• perform-and will perform more with static reduction and<br />

~~2~~e:~:r<br />

~~~~e:r~~r~:r~e:'~r'~~~.' A~~CABIN<br />

. _ that's what we've done for you lately. CRAFTS<br />

; T".. Eijkllszewski<br />

.. ::~~"" CoJwiil:..n $<br />

• 776.5510 I '"'""'O'214.'i5 Mack AVenue ~<br />

.; ~"""""'~~::'--:-"'IlV~:W-::~.JlMo::w-_-..::>tI

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Woman's Page<br />

Patricia M. Moran<br />

Marries Mr. Forster<br />

Sunningdale Dri~e Home Of-B;:ide's Parent Setting<br />

For R.eceptlon; Lace Motifs Trim Her Gown<br />

And Train; Bridegroom Teaches In<br />

Grosse Pointe School System<br />

The Reverend Ralph Barton officiated at the wedding<br />

of Patricia Mary Moran. and Brian Joseph Forster<br />

at 1 o'clock on Saturday, June 15, in Our Lady Star of<br />

the Sea Church. • ---.----- - ---_<br />

. A recept~on at the Sun. ~Mrs. Thomas J. Moran, fo1.<br />

mngdale dnve home of the lowed the services The<br />

bride's parents, Mr. and bridegroom is the ~on of<br />

GORHAM<br />


~~@<br />

ONLY A FEW<br />

DAYS LEFT!<br />

Special savings on<br />

Gorham Place Settings<br />

Now is the ideal time to buy ... for<br />

a bride, an anniversary or for yourself.<br />

Buy by the place setting and save ...<br />

from $48 on a 32-pc service for 8 10<br />

$144 on a 72-jJc. service for 12.<br />

Save $6 on e"ch 4-pc. place setting:<br />

teaspoon, place kuife, place fork,<br />

individual salad fork.<br />

Save $8 on each 5-pc. place setting:<br />

teaspoon, place knife, place fork,<br />

place spoon or cream soup speon,<br />

individual salad fork.<br />

Save $12 on each 6-pc. place setting:<br />

teaspoon, place knife, place fork,<br />

place spoon or cream soup spoon,<br />

individual salad fork, spreader.<br />


the Andrew E. Forsters, of<br />

Birmingham.<br />

I,ace mot i f s trimmed the<br />

sleel'es and Empire waistline of<br />

the bride's organza over taffeta<br />

gown and also her Cathedral<br />

train.<br />

A matching Dior bow held her<br />

shoulder length illusion veil.<br />

Wearing lime green coHon<br />

ottoman frocks accented with<br />

shocking pink bows and pink<br />

gamette roses were attendants<br />

Catherine 'toran, maid of honor.<br />

and Lucy and Mary 'loran. the<br />

bride's three sisters, 'tary Jo<br />

Louisell, 'Irs. Kenneth Bower<br />

and Abbie Forster, sister of<br />

the bridegroom<br />

Dennis Forster se:'\'ed as best<br />

man. Tim )1 c Car thy, Keith<br />

Stark, Chuck Gramlich. Jerry<br />

Pachla and Joe 'loran acted as<br />

u,hcrs.<br />

Upon their return from a wedding<br />

trip in Northern )tichigan,<br />

the newlyweds will make their<br />

home in Detroit and 'Ir. Forster<br />

wiII continue teaching in the<br />

Grosse Pointe Public School<br />

system.<br />

Norris-Schafer<br />

Betrothal Told<br />

Greetings<br />


Mrs, Brian Joseph<br />

Mrs. David<br />

Forster<br />

A, Brindle, Jr.<br />

I Brindle-Mason<br />

Rites<br />

In Memorial Church<br />

Bride's Street Length Gown Trimmed With Green<br />

Bows; Reception Held In Mason Home; Newlyweds<br />

Will Make Their Home in<br />

Mack Avenue In Pointe<br />

. : The Reverend Bertram dcHeus Atwood officiated<br />

I at the morning marriage rites of Marilyn Candice Mason<br />

•and David Anthony Brindle, Jr., at Grosse Pointe Memorial<br />

Church on Saturday, June 15.<br />

I<br />

: Guests were<br />

-<br />

recelve~<br />

.-----------<br />

~t 1 thony Brindle of Findlay,<br />

,the home of the bnde s ! Ohio.<br />

Specially Priced<br />

$5.<br />

Page<br />

Twenty-five<br />

• • • by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Mr. and lIIrs. Charles Shafer<br />

of Royal Oak are announcing<br />

the engagement of their daugh.<br />

ter, Patricia Ann to Christopher<br />

lit F. Norris, son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Edc F. Norris, of Kensing- Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr.<br />

ton road. Marriage vows were exchanged by PATRICIA<br />

Miss Shafer is attending Mich- MARY MORAN, daughter of 1\11'.and Mrs. Thomas J.<br />

igan State Universit)' and will<br />

be attending Wayne State Moran, of Sunningdale drive, and Mr. Forster, son of<br />

University in the Fall. the Andrew E. Forsters, of Birmingham, on Saturday,<br />

Her fiance is attending Wayne June 15, at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church.<br />

State Universit),. An Augustl------- ---- --------- - ------<br />

wedding is planned in Christ!<br />

Church, Cranbrook. I<br />


mother of LEIGH B. MIDDLE- I<br />

DITCH, of Lewiston road. re- i<br />

cently celebrated her l04th<br />

birthday at an Open House<br />

given in her honor in the Mol'-<br />

oun Nursing Home. Many of her<br />

friends were also in attendance.<br />

veil and she carried a nosegay<br />

of daisies.<br />

The bridegroom's sister. in.<br />

law. Mrs. Will i a m Brindle.<br />

wearing a crepe floral print<br />

frock aud carrying a nosegay<br />

of yellow daisies, served as<br />

maid of honor.<br />

William Brindle acted as hi,<br />

brother's best. man. assisted by<br />

Keneth P. Koberstien.<br />

Mrs. ?llason wore an orange<br />

linen outiit accented with a<br />

corsage of Tiger Illlies. The<br />

pink linen dress of the bridegroom's<br />

mother was set off wilh<br />

a corsage of pink carnations.<br />

The new Mr. and ;\lrs. 'lasoll<br />

will make their home on l\lack<br />

avenue.<br />

.parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. James; A str~et lenath white lace EASY CREDIT<br />

:Mason of Berkshire road. I dress with gre;n 'bows at the M

... n .'ere sa<br />

'I' Elizabeth<br />

Pa98 Twenty-six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes<br />

-------------------------------------------------------- -<br />

D b h P J h<br />

B rl ·d f M I e<br />

'I<br />

0<br />

Johnsoll another siste~ J<br />

e or a 0 nso n _of the bride, C?ristine. Johnson i<br />

• I and Sarah Devlin, COUSlllS of the<br />

bride, Susan Jenks, Nancy Pos. i<br />

,selius and Thayer McDougal.l<br />

r C<br />

. awe y :fr~~~y \~~{c d:tsit:n~O~ter~a~~:; i<br />

Ceremony At Chri~t-Ch~J;:~h;B~id;Chooses Gown Of :~~se~~~al~ro~~lv:lt~n~~~il:tr::c~:!<br />

Tucked Batiste Trimmed With Appliqued lace; lines to their hems and also<br />

Reception At Home Of Bride's from their old.fashioned hoquets:<br />

of whIte carnatIOns.<br />

G randmother ' .<br />

___ __ __ 1 he brother of the bride. I<br />

Christ Church was the setting for the marriage rites groom. Charles Cawley, served<br />

of Deborah Peabody Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. as best n;an, assisted by. Wil,<br />

Charles Bissen Johnson Jr and Max E C I lIam Kmef, Charles BIssell I<br />

J fC'" ugene aw ey, ,Johnson, Il1. brother of the i<br />

,r., son 0 ommand~r Max Eugene Cawley USN and: bride, Andrew Camden. Andrew<br />

Mrs. Cawley, an of Rivard boulevard, on the afternoon; Baker. Russell Collins, Byron<br />

of Saturday, June 15. .------------------- : Brooks and George Myers,<br />

The Reverend Erville ap~liqued lace. and a ea~hedral: The mother of the bride<br />

Maynard officiated at the ~,r~ln. An elbow lenglh IHusi?n: cbose a cafe au lait tucked silk'<br />

l:eremony. A receptIon at v~ll fcll from hcr small medIC I uigaula dre~" wilh ruffle~ ..t.<br />

,the home of the bride's I cap. . .! the neck and wrist, and a:<br />

grandmo'her, Mrs. Charles She earned an )1?fashlO~ed: matching hat.<br />

Bissell Johnson of Wash- bouquet of stephanot~s an~. II'Y.! The bridcgroom:s In 0 the r<br />

ingt~n road, followed the Jo~n~~~~~e~c~:d t~: r::;:~e~f ~I:~~~ ~~~~~le~n: j::~:t ~~~~m~I:S~ii~~<br />

se~vlce. . while t.h~ bride.groom's si,ter, a matching whimsey. Stand.up<br />

rhe hfldes go~n wa~ tucked !I~rs. Wilham Kmef, was matron ruffles trimmed the jacket, and<br />

Batiste. styled WIth ~ high neck 01 honor. the bodice of the ,:lress was chilo<br />

and short sleeves tflmmed with Also attending the bride were fon.<br />

cflJd 7ittt4(;etl~<br />

Mrs, Max E, Cawley, Jr.<br />

--- --~ -------------------------------------------<br />

William Herz Takes Bride<br />

Diana Lynn fescar, daughter<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pescar,<br />

of Dearborn, became the br.ide<br />

of William Dawson Herz, son<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Herz,<br />

of Harcourt road, on May 25 in<br />

Our Lady of Sorrows Church<br />

in Farmington. Father T. E.<br />

1I1urray officiated at the nuptial<br />

mass as he did 29 years ago at<br />

the marriage of the bride.<br />

groom's parents.<br />

For her wedding the bride<br />

chose a floor length gown of<br />

imported ivory peau de soie with<br />

Alencon lace and seed pearls<br />

re.embroidered on the bodice.<br />

Her Cathedral length veil was<br />

also trimmed with Aleneon lace<br />

and seed pearls. She carried a<br />

nusegay of daisies and yellow,<br />

roses.<br />

Christine Herrema, who servo<br />

ed as maid of honor, and bridesmaids,<br />

Margaret Almasian and<br />

Terry lIerz, sister of the bride.<br />

groom. wore floor length dresses<br />

of two. toned yellow linen, which<br />

featurcd daisies at the waistline.<br />

Their headpieces were of<br />

daisies and they carried match.<br />

ing daisy nosegays.<br />

Flying in from Hawaii to<br />

serve as best man was Michael<br />

Nanery, of Royal Oak. Ushers<br />

were John Vogel, of Westport,<br />

Conn., and Daniel Pescar,<br />

brother of the bride,<br />

lIIrs. Pescar was gowned in<br />

a powder blue lace dress for<br />

her daughter's wed din g. A<br />

matching street length silk<br />

coat completed her ensemble.<br />

The mother of the bridegroom<br />

chose a mint green silk dress<br />

with a matching coat for the<br />

occasion. Their flowers II')re<br />

carnations tinted to match their<br />

gowns.<br />

Following a wedding break.<br />

fast at the Botsford Inn, the<br />

newlyweds left for California<br />

where they will make their<br />

home. Mr. Hertz is affiliated<br />

with a Los Angeles law firm<br />

and they will be living in the<br />

suburb of Hollywood Hills.<br />

Out.of.town guests included<br />

Mrs. Richard Dawson, of Port<br />

Huron, grandmother of the<br />

bridegroom, and Nils Hanson,<br />

grandfather of the bride.<br />


Every man needs true friends<br />

- not to flatter him, but to<br />

strengthen his weak points.<br />

-- _.~--_.._----------<br />

" "<br />

KITCHEN@)<br />

: Remodeling<br />

.~Is Our Only Business!<br />




GROSSE PTE.: 15218 E. JEFFEPSON, Open Daily 'til 5<br />

DEARBORN: 13101 W. WARREN, Daily and Sunday 'IllS<br />

~A_<br />

(Wdflfte&<br />

~1J11tr~ G % P-/I<br />


•<br />


•<br />


•<br />


•<br />


•<br />


•<br />


All Sales Final. No Mail or Phone Orders. No C.O.D's<br />

Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 • Detroit open Mondays until 8:30<br />

Troy Open Thursda'ls and Fridays until 9:00<br />

Pholo by Gene Butler<br />

The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bissell<br />

Johnson, Jr., DEBORAH PEABODY JOHNSON, and<br />

Mr. Cawley, son of Commander Max Eugene Cawley<br />

USN and Mrs. Cawley, all of Rivard boulevard, exchanged<br />

marriage vows Saturday afternoon, June 15,<br />

at Christ Church.<br />

Raphael-Horst<br />

Betrothal Told<br />


Tapering off on a bad habit is<br />

nothing more than kindling a<br />

: fire for a new start.<br />

Chase-Labadie<br />

Troth Is Told<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Horst, of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Laba-<br />

Beaver Falls, Pa., are announc- die, of Moross road, have an.<br />

ing the engagement of their dlkInced the engagement of<br />

daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to their daughter, Suzanne Marie,<br />

Theodore Raphael, SOli of Mr. to James Arnold Chase. son of<br />

and Mrs. Frank George Raphael, I' Mr. and Mrs. Leland Marshall<br />

of Renaud road. Chase, of Paw Paw, Mich.<br />

Miss Horst was graduated Both the hride.elect and her'<br />

from Beaver High School in fiance are students at Mirhigan<br />

1963 and from Oberlin' College State University.<br />

I in 1967. !)'he is currently a ean- A September wed din g is<br />

,didate for a Master of Library planned.<br />

Science degree at Simmons Col.<br />

lege in Boston. JERRY LANZ, son of CARL<br />

Her fiance was graduated LANZES, of ChalIonte avenue,<br />

I from Oberlin College in 1967, entertained 50 of his former<br />

and from Mount Hermon classmates fro m the Grosse,<br />

School of Mass. He is presently Pointe High School Class of '67<br />

completing work on a Masters last Saturday night. The Mixed<br />

degree at the School of Inter- Media provided music for the<br />

nation Service, American Uni. party, which was also attended<br />

versity in Washington, D.C, He by LENNIE OGNIBENE, of<br />

I will teach history at Wilbraham Morris Plains, and GERRY<br />

Academy in Wilbraham, Mass. ARMSTRONG, of We s tf i e I d,<br />

in September. N.J., the host's classmates at<br />

An August 17 wedding is McPherson College. Jerry plans<br />

planned. to transfer from McPherson,<br />

entering Western Michigan Uni,<br />

versity in Septemb.:r.<br />

Self-sympathy is the super<br />

highway that leads to misery.<br />

Sale<br />

Summer Shoes<br />

Amalfi sandals, VanEIi's,<br />

loyce<br />

• • 9 95<br />

• •<br />

Amalti low and mid.heels<br />

Delise Debs~Mr.Seymour's<br />

D'Antonio's, Caprini's<br />

lulianelli's<br />

•<br />

12 •<br />

95<br />

14 •<br />

95<br />

. . . .. 19 95<br />

.. 22 95<br />

Sizes AAAA-C, 31h.ll (lOIh.ll downtown only,<br />

$2 extra). No mail, phone, C.O.D.'s. All sales<br />

final. Detroit, Northland, Grosse Pointe, Westland.<br />


(the self-winders) ... available at '.Jochnloor Jewelry<br />

OMEGA<br />

ROLEX<br />

TIS SOT<br />

Rolt.x<br />

isn'l jusl a<br />

}lie(~e 0 f jewelry.<br />

- -==<br />

SALE '12.99<br />

It\i lit .. tOll~lU'st<br />

waldl ill Ih.. worM.<br />

SUMMER<br />


tb, "6ulom6tic" choicll •••<br />

slIlf-winding watch"<br />

o<br />

OMEGA<br />

by<br />

HIS: Constellalion ch,onometu.<br />

officially certifle'd for exceptiona1<br />

accu,acy by a SWISSGovernment Testing<br />

BlireaU. 24;ewel movement 14K gold<br />

. tOPwilh Ilaonl'55 steel back. $205.<br />

HlRS; Ladymdtlc, 14K gold WillI<br />

matching b,a,~elet Sapphene racet.<br />

edged cryslal, $300.<br />

Other Conslellatlonl from $15510<br />

S12oo; Ladymllics from $105.<br />

X<br />

TISSOT<br />

Tells the date, winds<br />

itself, is unconditionally :<br />

guaranh:ed for a year,<br />

i<br />


Reg. $19.<br />

Casual shifts with<br />

shirtmaker detailing, in<br />

assorted checks, prints,<br />

stripes,<br />

solid colors.<br />

Easy-care cottons<br />

that<br />

keep their cool, 8-18.<br />

The Sports Shop.<br />

You'll find morc frnc wotchr~<br />

to ,hoo" from .. , 01 nC1,i>y<br />

IIJ(hmfl(Jr<br />

LO( :UMOOH<br />

Jewelry.<br />

.JEWELRY<br />

20926 MACK AVE. TU 1-6038<br />


WOODS<br />


located be'ween Hampton Rd. and Hollywood,<br />

Open 9 A.M, te 5:30 Tuel., Wed" Thun" Sol,<br />

5,: .. up the Rolc, GMT Mmitr_<br />

Wotcrpro~f', Iclf.winding With<br />

30-lewel ch,,'nomctcr movement<br />

Automotlc dotc_ Revolving !'-czel<br />

tells thc "me In ony two ports<br />

01 the w0r1d. Stolnless stcel cosc<br />

and mntch,n~ brnccle'. $24500<br />

HOLEX<br />

'~Vi;1 n (,J'(', (r

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Woman's<br />


Page<br />

Twenty-seven<br />



WOoded Acres on Bridge La!;e<br />

l i.' 1 IIr .. from Detroil-2 Mi. from Clarkston<br />

.'- Campmg Mon. thrn Frj.-'Veekends Home<br />

I .' .Boating. Swimming • Riding • Archery<br />

~III 75<br />

-~ R,flery. Wat~r Skiing • "'ayrides • Campfire<br />

Sings. • Cookouts • Wild and Domestic Animals<br />

Overnight Campouts • Trips<br />

Boys and Girls 514 College Staff<br />

$50 \Veekly Season Discount Transportation<br />

Wrile or Phone for Brochure<br />

14260 Sibley Rd.<br />

Riverview, fAith. 48192<br />

Page<br />

Newlywed D'HerdesI<br />

Traveling In North<br />

Reception Held In Home; Bride Chooses Candlelight<br />

Taffeta Gown; Couple Will Make Home In<br />

Strathmoor Road<br />

A reception at -the-hom~ afM!'. and Mrs. George i<br />

H. Ha~lmond, of Kenwood court, followed the marriage I<br />

of theIr daughter, Sara I\loran, to Frank Emil D'Herde<br />

son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil D'Herde, of St. Clair Shores; I<br />

• Friday, June 14.<br />

CHRISTMAS :N JUNE I The Rig h t Reverend i<br />

Cpl. William Plumb and Cpl. Frank McPhillips officiated,<br />

George Brackx recovered a Ro- j at the evening services in'<br />

wil Deluxe 26" bicvcle on the 1St. Paul's-oll-the-Lakeshore. ~<br />

northeast corner of University It'ollowi.ng. a trip to North.<br />

aDd St. Paul on Tuesday June ern MIchIgan, the newly- I i<br />

11, that was stolen from Grosse ~veds will make their hOIl~e ,<br />

Pointe Park in December of '67. 1Il Strath~oor.road. Detr?!t. ,<br />

_' . . A candlelight Imported taf eta '<br />

Park police were notified, and gown fashioned with a bateau i<br />

picked up the bicycle. necklinc and bracelet length I<br />

sleel'es lI'as chosen bv the bride. ,<br />

WOMAN HURT IN FALL A Julict cap of Dutchess lace:<br />

embroidered in seed pearls held City police receivp.d a report her twoticrcd full length veil. I<br />

on Saturday, June 15. that 1\Irs. She carried her prayer book •.<br />

Carol Chupa, 1398 Anita, had with one white catlleya orchid~:<br />

fallen down the stairs in Ja. and phalaenopsis orchids inter.: i<br />

eobson's, 17030 Kercheval. They mingled with star ivy and satin' :.<br />

took Mrs. Chupa to Bon Secours . streamers,<br />

i }'<br />

Hospital for !::_e~nl_en~: i__!he bride's two sisters, Bar. ~L<br />

• • by, of and for Pointe<br />

.'<br />

Mrs. Frank Emil D'Herde<br />

Photo by Paul Gach<br />

Friday evening, June 14, marked the marriage of<br />

SARA MORAN HAMMOND, daughter of the George<br />

H. Hammonds, of Kenwood court, and Mr. D'Herde,<br />

son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil D'Herde, of St. Clair Shores,<br />

in St. Paul's.on.the-Lakeshore.<br />

-- - -~- --- --- ------------------<br />

bara K. Hammond and Mrs.<br />

. Keith P Edwards, were the<br />

, maid and matron of honor. Also<br />

: attending her were ~Irs. Doug.<br />

ias Smith and :\lary Lou Clark.<br />

Thel' wore dresses of maize<br />

silk \I;ith point de Venise l~"e<br />

in a floral motif and high neck.<br />

lines encircled with wreaths of<br />

multi-colored Vcnise flowers.<br />

Their veils fell from filigree<br />

pearl flowers surro:!nded by<br />

hanging silkcn blossoms. They<br />

carricd b 0 u que I s of white<br />

daisies and ivy.<br />

Joseph D'Herde acted as his<br />

brother's best man, assisted by<br />

the bride's two brothers, Robert<br />

W. Hammond and George H.<br />

Hammond, Jr.. James Meech,<br />

and Jerry Hunt. of ~lissouri.<br />

:\Irs. Hammond's buttercup<br />

yellow sheatlt.. dress was trim.<br />

med with chatlVdnd pearl beading,<br />

She wore a tiny hatlet of<br />

lilies.of.the.valley and matching<br />

ribbon, and accented her<br />

outfit with green cymbidium or.<br />

chids.<br />

The bridegroom's mother se.<br />

lected a light blue silk shantung<br />

coat and dress ensemble with<br />

matching a~cessories. She wore<br />

a corsage of pink cymbidium<br />

orchids.<br />

Receiving degrees from Central<br />

Michigan University during<br />

June 8 commencement ceremonies<br />

were NANCY A. EADS, of<br />

St. Clair avenue, Bachelor of<br />

Science in Education; SUSAN<br />

L. AKERS, of Hampton road,<br />

Bachelor of Science; NANCY<br />

L. VUKIN. of Country Club<br />

drive, Bachelor of Science in<br />

Educatir,n; HOWARD T.<br />

GATES, of Hunt Club drive,<br />

and William G. Peterson, of<br />

Prest wick road, both /\'laster of<br />

Business Administration; and<br />

THOMAS R. l\IARSHALL, of<br />

Roslyn road, Bachclor of Science<br />

in Business Administra.<br />

tion.<br />

..;:" .~ "..,<br />

, 'Give the ..<br />

Accutron<br />

Timepiece<br />

. @ ,<br />

for Graduation<br />

.~ .<br />

.>~.'.<br />

BILL NOECKER, son of the I sity. He also had thc distinction I L. ~IARTIN, son of MR. and<br />

MARSHALL NOECKERS, of. of sharing goalie duties on the: MRS. JAMES C. ~tARTIN, of<br />

Handy road, returned h 0 me' Cornell freshman hockey team. I Hawthorne road, received their<br />

from Ithaca, N.Y., last week.! • • • : commissions as second lieutcn.<br />

Bill has just completed his i JOliN B. KEAN, son of ~m.:ants from Major Leonard<br />

freshman year in the Engineer-land MRS. MARVIN B. KEAN,' Nowak at the annual spring<br />

ing College of Cornell Univer- of Kenwood court. and Jr:RRY . term ROTC Commissioning<br />

\<br />

\.\<br />

\<br />

\\<br />

U<br />

Open Thursday and Friday Evenings<br />

~'fl<br />

~<br />

I<br />

})<br />

Women<br />

Ceremonies at Michigan State<br />

University. John will serve four<br />

years' active duty as a commissioned<br />

resene officer in the<br />

Air Force and Jerry will serve<br />

two years in the Army.<br />

wool knit costumes<br />

arrive Iookiag<br />

'It'" • .dI:esses witb<br />

compaDoa-C08'tS<br />

S£es.8~16.<br />

14600<br />

great<br />

Jacobsons<br />

tG<br />

SAtE<br />


8.99<br />

Regular 1I.OO<br />

ACCUTRON 11211" YJater£lroof,.sweep second<br />

hand, applied markers on silverton. dial.<br />

~Iack alligator strap, $125.00<br />

The Accutron movement does not<br />

depend en watchl'lorks. Instead, an elee- I<br />

: tronic.powered tuning fork keeps pre-.<br />

else time through vibrations. In fact, we<br />

guarantee monlhly accuracy within 60<br />

seconds.t<br />

ACCUTRON" ~ BULOYA iI It."" om""'''' ....<br />

A cooJ, smooth.fifling longleg pantie does wonders rOst<br />

your summer shape and ouilook •.Comfort.efesign€'d by<br />

Olga in while ny!on/tycra0spondex, fhis sirdle has<br />

sltelch.loce<br />

cuffs, dip.front waist and front pane'<br />

backed with permanently stiffened race for fummy<br />

control, Sizes,sma". medium or large.<br />

'.'~.<br />

Wherever you're headed, here's how 10 go in style:<br />

in an exceplional three-piece suilth.ll', OlliS aIO/IC.<br />

Under the jackel is a shell with slight.ly capped<br />

sleeves and a Aat neckline bow. Fine Imporled rayon.<br />

COCo.l or blue. 8 to 1B, 60,00<br />

16910 Kcrcheval Al'e.. (;ro,sr Poinlr<br />

(Open Thurs, 'W 9)<br />

Downtown at 1554 Wasiling:on Blwl.<br />

Northland Center<br />

(Open Mon.. Thurs., J!,rl. and Sat. Nights)<br />

f<br />

16835 Kercheval Ave.<br />

in tile Villaoe<br />

TU 5-1232<br />

Open Thursday<br />

Evenings<br />

Jacobsons<br />


.,. .. .~.".,.. . ..,.. . ',,' ~ . '. . . . ~<br />

I<br />

,'. "

4 ••<br />

_ ..... a. ;:p:<br />

,. ..-:j<br />

__ Pa_ge Twenty.Eight G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

Society News--Gathered from All of the Pointes<br />

~llSS W E ~ D Y EWALD, elections, which wcre held duro<br />

rlai~ghter of !llR. and MRS. ing the Spring Term, all orn- I<br />

'HENRY T, EWALD of Moross cers of the Abbot Student GOI'-<br />

road. Grosse Pointe has been ernment Association were llick<br />

chosen President of the Student ed by the student body. Abbot<br />

(; 0 ,. ern men t Association at Academy, the first incorporated<br />

.~_bb~ A cad I' m y, Ando,.er, girls' scliool in New England,<br />

~Jass., [or the academic I'ear lecently held its 139th Com.<br />

beginning September, 1968: At meneement Exerelses.<br />

I<br />

Christine Williams Announces<br />



to go to her summer shop in Harbor Springs, Mich.<br />

A storewide Sale is in Progress on all itemscards<br />

and fail' trauc items are excluded.<br />

Everything else loti, to 50!),} off.<br />

Hand made quilts and all our antiques on sale.<br />

We will see you ill September unless you see us<br />

first in Harbor Springs Leaving" .June 25th.<br />

23161 G,eote, Mack Avenue<br />

For the woman who<br />

wouldn't mind an<br />

endless summer,<br />

there is a certain<br />

kind of store:<br />

Peck&Peck.<br />

St. Clair Shares<br />

Draw the side strings on this brightly printed swimsuit<br />

and presto! it's a bikini. Or tie them higher for better<br />

cove~dge. With our famous fitting inner bra; from our<br />

Surf Club Collection. Potpourri print of blues and greens.<br />

Nylon. 8 to 14,23.00<br />

16910 Kerchl'val Ave., (;ro.'sc Poinle<br />

(Opcn Thurs. 'lil flJ<br />

Downtown at t554 Washingtoll BInI.<br />

Northland Center<br />

'Open MOil., Th llrs, Fri. :Ind Sat<br />

Nights)<br />

r-=-=-=-=oc c c c-c-=.~=;;;<br />

•<br />

c c c c =-~~~o::.::~<br />

Mrs.<br />

Richard Charles Scherr<br />

ION<br />

OIJ'flCIANS<br />

20183 Mack Ave.<br />

Grasse Pointe 884-5770<br />

20841 Kelly Road<br />

Eo,t Det,oit 773-3:"05<br />

~SIGNE 'fnt; WEV~R ~<br />



~<br />

~ CLASS BEGI NS ~<br />

JUNE 26th<br />

~ WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS 10-12 1'1<br />

FOR 5 WEEKS<br />

Creiilivc approach to I,'pestry weavmg on d SImple frame loom En'phasls on ~:<br />

~ exploration in yarns ,md f"brlcs. ~<br />

All Breeds Groomed<br />

Call for Appointment<br />

882-5512<br />

Mrs. James Samuel Liska<br />

PilOtob, Eddie )lcGralil, Jr. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wood of<br />

i The Reverend Francis P. Comely of Cambridge, Fisher road, CONSTANCE GUERRANT, and Mr.<br />

' !I'ld., officiated at the marriage ceremony which united Liska, son of MI'. and Mrs. Otto Liska of N. Riverside,<br />

:)ALLY ANNE BOESEN, daughter of the Paul Boesens IlL, said their wedding vows in Christ Chmch Satur-<br />

I of Hawthorne road, and Mr. Scherr, son of the E. F. I J 15<br />

, Sc herrs 0 fWd . e gewoo d d' nve, 111 . 0 vr I ,ady Star of the (ay, une .<br />

'._ .... _ _ .... ._ ,<br />

iS~h';~;~B~~sen y;wsliska-Wood<br />

THE<br />

ARE<br />


BOXER<br />

PUPS<br />

HERE<br />

STOCK<br />

PUPS<br />

15616 HARPER<br />

west of Berkshire<br />

DETROIT 48224<br />

Compute Pet<br />

Suppli~, and Acceuo,ies<br />

f) Class tallght by Bd I Horning. ~<br />

Charming Sf. Clair River Colonial<br />



Thurs'day, June 20, 1968<br />

GROSSE ,POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Nine<br />

Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

--------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------_._------------_ .._-_."-------------<br />

.Set Baril-Frank<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.<br />

Frink, of Philadelphia. Pa.,<br />

have announced the engage<br />

ment of their daughter, Judith<br />

Diane, to Robert Barit, Jr .•<br />

son of Mrs. Stirling Loud of<br />

, Trombley road, and Rob e r t<br />

Barit of Warwick, Bermuda.<br />

Miss Frank was graduated<br />

from Pierce Junior College in<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

Her £ i ".nee was graduated<br />

August<br />

Bride<br />

~IIJ~;, Photo by Gene Butler<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Willred Peter<br />

Whyte, of Berkshire road, have<br />

announced the engagement of<br />

their daughter, MARY CATH.<br />

FITTED<br />

i EllINE, to Daniel L. McCarthy,<br />

i son of Mr. and l\lrs. Thomas B.<br />

. ROYAL OAK<br />

ROSEVILLE ' McCarthy, of Audubon road. An<br />

August 16 wedding is planned.<br />

1220 N. Woodward<br />

27103 Gratiot<br />

----I<br />

Phone 547-4222<br />

Phone. 779.2190<br />


GR<br />


from Grosse Pointe High School<br />

and ~lichigan State University.<br />

Hc is currcntly residing in l\1t.<br />

Rainier, Md.<br />

A July wedding is planned.<br />


Lochmoor boulevard, is among<br />

the 16 Wayne State University<br />

coeds recently installed as mem-I<br />

bers of the Gold Key Chapter of<br />

the ]\Iortar Board national honor<br />

society for senior women.<br />

For a limited Time<br />

Only - 7" high Du-<br />

Barry patterned, silver-plated<br />

goblet -<br />

a 17.50 value - incJuded<br />

with each<br />

5.pc. setting in<br />

DuBorry you select.<br />

Rites For July<br />

WARREN<br />


5-p,. place setting, plus goblet, 77.50<br />

---------1<br />

EJBS ExaminedI Blasses Fined!<br />

21207 Mack 20958 Van Dyke<br />

Phone 886-1066 Phone 754.2460<br />

Open Diil1. includiPS saturday 9:30 to 6 - Mon. & Thurs. Nites 'til9 p.m.<br />


• DR. H. MARKOWJTZ<br />

Licensed Docto,s 0' Optometry<br />

----- ---------------------------<br />

If it's from Wright Kay, it's Distinctive<br />

Expressively lovely new pattern made<br />

all the mOre attractive because we<br />

include a matching goblet with each<br />

5-piece place setting. Luxurious<br />

weight sterling for which International<br />

Silver Company is famous!<br />

Wright l).ay<br />

1500 Woodward, 17051 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe and Northland<br />

885-5515. Grosse Pointe open Thurs. & Fri. eves. 'tif 8:30<br />

------------------- ----_.<br />

Liska- Woods<br />

(Continued from Page 28)<br />

apricot silk sheath with a match. :<br />

ing jacket.<br />

I<br />

When the newlyweds left (or I<br />

a.month's trip in Oregon, the<br />

new Mrs. Liska wore a hot pink<br />

coat and dress outfit. They will<br />

reside in Chicago upon their return.<br />

Out-of-town guests included<br />

the bride's grandmother, Mrs.<br />

James A. Figg of Fork Union,<br />

Va.; Mr. and J\~rs. James A.<br />

Figg, Jr., of Princeton, N.J.;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Fred K. Wood of<br />

Valparaiso, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Frank Liska of Lincolnwood, Ill.<br />

and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Slavin,<br />

I of Oshawa, Ont., Canada.<br />

ICouple Planning<br />

IAllgust Wedding<br />

Planning an August 24 wedding<br />

in St. Peter's Catholic<br />

Church, in Lindsay, Tex., are<br />

D Q rot h y Marie Zimmerer,<br />

daughter of the John F. Zimmerers,<br />

of Gainesville, Tex.,<br />

and Robert Owen Billner, son<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Billner, I<br />

o( Brys drive.<br />

Tbe bride-elect was graduated<br />

from Sacred Heart High<br />

School, Muenster" Tex. She attended<br />

Our Lady of the Lake<br />

College in San Antonio, and<br />

Southern Methodist University<br />

in'Dallas.<br />

Her f i an c e was graduated<br />

from Sf. Paul High School and<br />

received his Bachel{)r of Science<br />

degree in electrical engineering<br />

from Ihe University of Detroit.<br />

He received his Masters degree<br />

in electrical engineering from<br />

Southern Methodist University<br />

in Dallas. He is a member of<br />

Eta Kappa Nu fraternity.<br />

A leader of men is not one<br />

who tr'es to get ahead of others.<br />

Gowanie's Mixed Bridge<br />

Marathon Winners Named<br />

Gowanie Golf Club's Mixe,l<br />

Bridge Marathon me m be r s<br />

have concluded their season,<br />

Winners were: first place, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Hugh N. Mendenhall;<br />

second place, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

I Nestor Teck; third place, Mr.<br />

and IIfrs. W a 1t e r Opel, and<br />

fourth place winners were Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Gilbert E. Guymer.<br />


20 TO 40%<br />

Scherr-Boesen<br />

---. __ . __._---_._-----_ ..~--<br />

(Continued from Page 28) \Vore a pale' pink, silk worsted<br />

Best man was Jack Retterer, dress with beading at the neck<br />

wllh ushers Paul Boesen. Jr., and hem and matching acces-<br />

Patrick Richardson of Rome, sories. Both pinned two cym-<br />

Ga., Rick Grenzke, Bruce Get. bidium orchids to their purses.<br />

zan and Thomas Scherr, the The new Mr. and Mrs. Scherr<br />

bridegroom's brother. will make their home in Ann<br />

Mrs. Boesen selected an ice Arbor.<br />

blue, silk worsted, A~line skim.<br />

mer trimmed with white at the<br />

It's impossible to make your<br />

collar and hem.<br />

mark in this world just using<br />

The bridegroom's In 0 the r ditto marks.<br />





IN A WIDE<br />



OFF<br />

JJ" edding<br />


DINNER<br />


Donation $1.00, June 22, 3:30 to 8:30<br />

Pointe Masonic Temple<br />

1850 Vernier Road, Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

Sponsured by Composite Chapter<br />

Elizabeth Rehm-Worthy<br />

Everyone<br />

Welcome<br />

of O.E.S.<br />

Matron<br />

JUNrOR<br />

usually $26-$30<br />

Take your pick of many<br />

styles: drip-dry marvels in<br />

white, pink, yellow. blue,<br />

navy, 5-13, for juniors and<br />

junior petites. Not all<br />

sizes and colors in<br />

all styles; no ph'me<br />

or mail orders.<br />

""I:I 0 Ie.. ~i:o~~~~~i~e<br />

I,I~<br />

~ J,<br />

a-Westland<br />




KN ITS<br />

Detroit<br />

Northland<br />

Complete Interior Decorating Services<br />

- No Obligation, Of Course.<br />

. ,<br />

Shop Mon., Thurs., Fri. &. Sot. Till 9 P.M.<br />


Milo Baughman's most outstanding<br />

sofas and chairs are<br />

now specially priced at Englander's.<br />

They are in the finest top grade fabrics and<br />

cost you less than the regular starting grade covers!<br />

Included are rich tweeds, jacquords, elegant velvets and<br />

textures. Luxuriously cushioned in seven alternate<br />

layers of polyfoam and Dacron. Enjoy the greal<br />

look of these contemporary furnishings that<br />

recognize the valid human needs oi<br />

good seating now at great savings!<br />

All items subiect to prior sale.<br />


A. 91" sofa, reversible, no welt, back and seat<br />

cushions. Solid walnut base. Regularly $556 to<br />

$627.50 NOW $399.<br />

B. 96" sofa, reversible back and seat cushions,<br />

no welts. 2 additiDnal bolster pillows. Solid walnut<br />

bose and legs. Regularly from $549. NOW $399.<br />

C. 85/1 sofa, butlon tufted, one reversible cush.<br />

ion base. Loose back pillow in color co-ordinated<br />

fabrics. Regularly $577 to $672 ..... NOW $399.<br />

D. Dp.ep-seating lounge choir with reversible<br />

back and seat cushions, Solid walnut base. Regularly<br />

$255 to $320 •.. ; NOW $199,<br />

E. "Tub-far-two" chair with buHon tufted reversible<br />

seat cushion and 3 loose back pillows in color<br />

c:orrelated fabrics. Regularly from $390 to $451.<br />

NOW $299.<br />

f. Tub chair with walnut pedestal base. Reversible<br />

seat cushion, no welts. Regularly $220 to<br />

$262 NOW $159.<br />

G. Contour chair with bentwood walnut frame •<br />

Reversible, no welt, back and seat cushions. Regularly<br />

~260 to $373 •.....••....... NOW $209,<br />

....... ~ ..

S-$ •• ><br />

as<br />

$<br />

"<br />

Pa~ Thirty<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 20. 1968<br />

~'oman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

•<br />

Teens to Dance At Lochmoor<br />

The TCl!nage Committee of and tickets may be purchased<br />

Lochmoor Country Club is hold. I at the door. Teenagers who<br />

illg a dance this evening, June -have completed the n:nth grade,<br />

20, from '8:30 until midnight. through twelve graders, will be<br />

Teenagers will dance to the mu- admitted. Any Grosse Pointe<br />

sic of "Tile Rationals." "The teenagers, who have identifica-<br />

Chances AJ;e" and "The Sounds tion cards may attend,<br />

01 Nite." For further information call<br />

Admissioll is $2 per person TUxedo 4.3900.<br />

\<br />

Antique<br />

J<br />

~<br />

.' ),<br />

On Hamilton<br />

SUNDAY, JUNE 30th,<br />

C:oyton C. Purdy, Jr.<br />

Ronert G. "dgor<br />

Mary F. Schleff<br />

Open This Sund.y<br />

PURDY<br />

Ann Bedford Goodmon<br />

Shirl.y 1.. lon6<br />

Alto Newton<br />

Helen Co,,"olly<br />

Rito He,z<br />


BAZAAR<br />

Ave., South of 6 Mile<br />

10 a,m, fo 6 p,m,<br />

Marion J. Bode<br />

John R. Strongman<br />

Derothy Meeker<br />

&<br />

2 :30 to 5 p,m.<br />

And priced so you can afford to do some "doing" if your tastes differ with<br />

those of the owner. All which is required to transform this four bedroom<br />

colonial into a real showplace is a lot of paint and a few pieces of new carpeting.<br />

The detailing of the first floor rooms is superb, and there is that<br />

paneled library which so many families desire. A most attractive basement room<br />

with its unique corner fireplace reminds us of an early American tavern.<br />

Priced under Forty Thousand.<br />

63 Kercheval, in the Colon i••Federal BIde,<br />

2057 COUNTRY CLUB<br />

3 br. J 112 baths. Flexible arranp,ement<br />

of family room with connecting<br />

la...",tory may be a first floor<br />

bedroom.<br />

Daughter Honored<br />

At A Small Dance<br />

Julio B. Tebin<br />

Jomes P. Donoher<br />

Sue Megowen<br />

EDGAR<br />

John S. Goodman<br />



Open Sunday 2:30-5:00<br />

2073 NORWOOD<br />

TU 6-6010<br />

COlo,,;al that sparkles with charm.<br />

3 bedrooms 1 Iii baths and family<br />

room. Immaculate condition.<br />

Our /'x, rl'mcly knnwlc

ThursdaYr June 20, 1968<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty-one<br />

Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women<br />

Parties Planned For August Bride<br />

Donors<br />

ContlDqed from Page 5<br />

Sauzedde, Mrs. Joseph Vlasic.<br />

Deborah Anne Fricke, daughter<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Egon E. Sunday, June 23, in th~ Solomon<br />

at a miscellaneous shower on<br />

Fricke, of Linville road, whose Ballantyne residence.<br />

IUDe 7<br />

forthcoming marriage to Jeff.<br />

Mrs. Richard Bivens of In.<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin F.<br />

rey W. Smith, son of Mrs. Ralph dianapolis, Ind., sister of the<br />

Haddad, Mrs. Scovell Hopkins,<br />

H. Smith, of Champine place, bride.elect will give a spinster<br />

Mr .and Mrs. Winfield S. Jewell,<br />

and the late Mr. Smith, is dinner on Monday, August 12,<br />

Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John C. Ken'<br />

scheduled for August 16, is in the Fricke family residence.<br />

nedy, T. J. Moroun, Mr. and<br />

being hl\nored by a round of<br />

Mrs. Alan T. Pritzel, Mr. and<br />

pre.nuptial parties.<br />

Mrs. Ralph Smith, Mother of Mrs. Richard Studer, Mr. and<br />

the prospective bride-groom, Mrs. Paul R. Trigg, Jr., Dr. and<br />

will entertain the bridal party Mrs. Harold E. Usndek, W. Tom<br />

at a rehearsal dinner the week Zur Schmiede, Jr.<br />

preceding the ceremony.<br />

IUDe 10<br />

Kenneth Byron, Edward W.<br />

Evatz, Dr. ar..d Mrs. George<br />

The bride. to - be's grand.<br />

mother, Mrs. Edward Egan, of<br />

Detroit, gave a shower for<br />

Deborah in the Village Manor<br />

on June 17. Each guest brou~ht<br />

with her a favorite family reo<br />

cipe.<br />

Mrs. Sam Solomon and Mrs.<br />

John Smith will be co.hostesses<br />


Being a good husband is like<br />

any otber job-much easier if<br />

you get along with the boss.<br />

marriage<br />

There's so much more to a wedding thtn iust<br />

"getting married." It's all the planning, parFes,<br />

and preparation that make a wedding such a<br />

hectic, but hAPPY OCCasion. We at The Sphere<br />

are spending a lot of time studying marriage,<br />

that's why we offer you such an extensive array<br />

of party paper products (Shower and Wedding)-<br />

plus planning books, shower books, photograph<br />

albums, invjtQtjon books, guest books, and, of<br />

course, wedding books-also personalized bridesmaid<br />

and usher presents like picture frames, bar<br />

knives, ca ndle snuffers, blazer buttons, letter<br />

openers, and shoe horns-or-for the Bridefalique<br />

crystal, Lenox china, Royal Holland<br />

pewter, Hansen stainless steel, starter settings,<br />

antique reproductions including lamps, silver, and<br />

furniture and wooden Solar services by VermHlion.<br />

Needless to say, our customers appreciate the<br />

completeness of the selection. They're saying<br />

things about The Sphere-We like what we're<br />

hearing-We think you will too!<br />

19849 MACK AVE.<br />

884-6615-Grosse<br />

Paul Maxon<br />

Richard !.. Maxon<br />

Bernlrd Whilley<br />

Hugh C. Wilson<br />

William I. Devlin<br />

Pointe Woods<br />


Original, refreshing, graciously arranged.<br />

Your guests will be charmed.<br />

Goodheart, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert<br />

F. Gould, William J. Her.<br />

man, Mr. and Mrs. George C.<br />

- Hofmeister, Mr. and Mrs. Herman<br />

E. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

James Matthews, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Earl G. Meyer, Dr. and Mrs.<br />

Kenneth Moore, Mr. and Mrs. I<br />

Charles A. Schwandt, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. F. K. Seydler, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Berthold A; Treiber, Dr.<br />

and Mrs. Jeremy D. Webster,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron E. Wilcox.<br />

June 11<br />

Mr. and Mrs. John C. Donnelly,<br />

Mrs. Rita Fossee, Grosse<br />

Pointe Real Estate Board, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Louis Hribar, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Robert P. Hyde, Mrs. Paul<br />

F. McNally, Sr., S. A. Ramsay,<br />

J. William Rioux, Harlow C.<br />

Stahl.<br />


ROBERT C. FELTON, of Fort<br />

Myer, Va., formerly of Hidden<br />

lane, announce the birth of a<br />

daup,hter, MICHELLE MARIE,<br />

.May 31. Mrs. Felton is the former<br />


daughter of MR. and MRS. ED.<br />

WARD A. NOLD, of Roslyn<br />

road.<br />

ENJOY<br />

WALKING'<br />

RIPPLEsoles<br />

so(ten<br />

the sidewalks. AbSllfb shoctt,<br />

reduce fatigue. Put new pep ill<br />

your step. Largest stock anywhere.<br />

(We Oliginated tiIe~<br />

HaCK<br />


33 &It MIllS<br />

1S3IO I.Iwmais 2DI'J1 ".., ...<br />

235 PiIlw, .......<br />

Dlmensiolls<br />

believed correct<br />

but not gllGronteed<br />

In addition to rooms shown above, there is a weJlfiUed Recreation Room<br />

with fireplace, bar, and Lavatory. It is reached by an appealing circular<br />

stairway down from the spacious main hall. Other .features. include. a<br />

private bathroom for. every ~e

_mn 7 7 'f $ f en . SS2 S S<br />


Page<br />

Thirty.Two<br />

Multiple Listing Service<br />

sells houses fast.<br />

You benefit in more ways than one when you sell<br />

your house through a Realtor'll><br />

You have his expert, professional help to rely<br />

at every step of the sale, from first showing to<br />

final closing. He doesn't waste your time<br />

with casual sightseers or windolr'!shoppers--every<br />

prospect he brings to see your house is a<br />

genuinely interested prospect.<br />

And through Multiple listing, many Realtors can<br />

pool their resources to bring you a far wider<br />

range of prospective buyers.<br />


1,500 SALESPEOPLE TO<br />


CALL or STOP IN and SEE - Any office displaying<br />

the emblem below.<br />

Macomb County Board of Realtors<br />

Eastern Detroit Realty Association<br />

McEdra<br />

Multi-Photo-List<br />

ONE ...<br />

£byQ<br />


Bows ~~i:~'isr~~e<br />

Photo-Files<br />

SAVE YOU<br />

Driving Miles<br />

16701 E. WARREN<br />

Yes ... There<br />

is only one<br />

Sibyl Beauty<br />

School. All<br />

efforts are concentrated<br />

on giving<br />

you the finest<br />

training availableeverything<br />

in<br />

ONE!<br />

•<br />

TU 6.6676<br />

where he servcd as rush chair in Hawaii and evcntuall\' com- 19.'i5to 19.'\9,and was appointed<br />

man and (-ha"tcr cditor. !. ""te '" at N~wport Ncws, Va.• I'n ! gcneral sales manager. business<br />

,Ail-Navy Tennis. c xc h a n g e in 1960. He was<br />

Beyslt'r. who is prc>enlly named to head the Woodward<br />

slationed ill HonOlulu, has been '. Ill' Egan was elected president<br />

lel1ered in the .;port two year." of the Sales and ~Iarkeling Ex ,<br />

L11i.~i.-<br />

in high schoo!. eClilives or Delroit, hIP, in 1966.<br />

_________ A graduate of St. Philip Nl'ri l<br />

I1i~h School. he al1ended the<br />

Cl'TTI:'IiG ('ORNERS<br />

haglQette<br />

Uniw'rsily of Detroit hefore<br />

Ceorgl' Flynn ('~i1ed City poliee joining ~!iehig;1Il BI'I!.<br />

(,n Satllrday, .T1I11!' 15. to rl'port Egan and his wife, Palricia.<br />

tllal ~ l'irn'r, but lar('enou~ have five sons anri a dallghter.<br />

Ihid had pas~1'1Ia OIl(' d()lI~r<br />

hill as a fi \(' dollar bill hv alter VANDAi.S-~\T-WORK I<br />

;11~ Ihe l'orl1l'rs. 'fhi' bill ~\'a~rr .Tack R 0 h I' cr. principal of,<br />

lailH'd hy ]lolicr.<br />

Maire School. c;,i1('ri City l)olice i<br />

on Thursd;,y. ,funl, n, to report<br />

NO m.liEPp.I:'IiT thrce broken wind"ws in the'<br />

~Iany IH'Opir advise others to portable clas,\rornns. The win.<br />

saw monr)' lorl~y. but few give dows appear to h:,Vl' h(,en hrok.<br />

ad\';,'!' on how to do it.<br />

en hy BB shoL~ ~nr! [lOP cans.<br />

nI'Si~l",r1 I" ~11:\I.TIli/I'<br />

II", hlll~jlll'" "f h"s~ ..1<br />

l(tlil1~. 1'",,11,(>111,:1 1\111,<br />

unique I: I 0(.111:1 d r,l\\"sl rill~<br />

4:o\,'I'r 1I11i1i:!l1'c1 to ll;illl['.lI<br />

(II ,,;iintl':I 1"",1-",.

edy"<br />

StiU<br />

Thursday, June 20, 1968<br />

WANTED<br />


SHADES and LAMPS<br />

WE WANT<br />

"LILLiAN"<br />


2155 Elizabeth Lake Road<br />

Pontiac. Michigan 4BD53<br />

313-682-4421<br />


I<br />

Ii<br />

Page<br />

Clm.ified<br />

Thirty.Four<br />

i4&&J£&L<br />

g JiLii£&i3 Z:W.mD&£1&1tQJ£i4Z.lf#4N II<br />


ADS<br />


SPECIAL READlNG Develop.<br />

ment for students who need<br />

specialized help with funela.<br />

mental reading skills, word<br />

recognition. comprehension,<br />

vocabulary improvement. Your<br />

home. 685.6215.<br />


IN<br />


All subjects; all grades.<br />

Adults and children. Certified<br />

teachers.<br />

('..aU:<br />



KE 7-4653<br />


Elementary through junior high.<br />

For students who need<br />

strengthening in addition, sub.<br />

traction, multiplic;>tion, division,<br />

fractions, decimals, per<br />

cent, through algebra. Your<br />

home. 885.6215.<br />

SUMMER TUTORING in Math,<br />

English and Reading, grades<br />

1.8, professional teacher. Call<br />

Mr. Partrite after 4 p.m., 776.<br />

5344.<br />




TOR Tutoring by degree teach.<br />

ears available in all subjects for<br />

grades high school, college and<br />

adult education.<br />

339 Merriweather<br />

TUxedo 4-2820<br />


Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

COLL~GE Girl will tutor math<br />

to grade s c h 001 children.<br />

Grades 1-8. 881-5513.<br />

W!LL TUTOR - Elementary<br />

grades, experienced teacher.<br />

Reasonable, 884,5190.<br />

PRIVATE Tutoring in all grade<br />

school subjects by experienced.<br />

certified teacher. 886.<br />

1354<br />

3-LOST<br />


$25 REWARD for return of antique<br />

black iron geranium pot.<br />

Removed from porch graduation<br />

night. TUxedo 6-0438.<br />

LOST Solid gold Cross ball point<br />

pen, engraved Julie. Reward.<br />

882.9826.<br />

Saleswomen<br />

WE NEED mature women<br />

whom we can train to fill in<br />

our "Very Special Way."<br />

Permanent full time and part<br />

time schedules available. We<br />

are also interested in house.<br />

wives who have a few spare<br />

hours during the summer<br />

they could work, but who do<br />

not want to .assume a regular<br />

job until Fall.<br />

Area interviewing on date,<br />

time and stores listed below:<br />

4-HELP<br />

Tailor<br />

- Fitter<br />


220 E. GENESEE AVE.<br />


Phone 7548442<br />

Call: Ray Lcwis, Manager<br />

Grossc Pointe office for<br />

appointment.<br />


WANTED<br />

Secretary $630 Free<br />

Secretary to VP<br />


27500 Harper PR ?5600<br />

EXCELLENT opportunity for<br />

ambitious mlln as trainee<br />

4-HElP<br />

I<br />

GROSSE<br />

WANTED<br />


painters. Marine gas dock<br />

operator. Detroit Boat Basin.<br />

9666 E. Jefferson.<br />


sm31l east side hospital. Ex.<br />

perience desired but not essential.<br />

To work alternate<br />

weekends. Salary commensu.<br />

rate in Detroit area. Excellent<br />

fringe benefits. Call Mrs.<br />

Judd, V Alley 1.6000 Ext. 273.<br />




POINTE<br />

NEWS<br />



HOUSEKEEPER for general East Warren near Grosse Pointe,<br />

work. Good cleaner, no laun- catr.ring to small weddings,<br />

dry. 4 or 5 days. 2 adults. 822. showers, retirement parties,<br />

1887. R~ent references. husiness meetings, etc. For<br />

HOUSEKEEPER. Live in or information, con t act Mr.<br />

Weiss, DRexel ].6032.<br />

home nights. Other help. Top _<br />

wages. 886.6005 or 886.4616.<br />

EUROPEAN WOMAN - 2 days<br />

cleaning, ironing. Thorough,<br />

dependable. Pleasant home.<br />

TUxedo 4.4671.<br />

EXPERIENCED bousekeeper<br />

for two- adults. Plain cooking,<br />

cleaning. Live-in. Saturday and<br />

Sunday off. Pleasant home.<br />

References required. 885-7743.<br />

SALARY $500 PER<br />

MONTH<br />

Phone Miss Olson at 962.3921. 5-SITUATION WANTED<br />

EARN $2.50 PER HOUR<br />

Ladks distributing catalogs and<br />

giving out samples near home.<br />

TUxedo 4-7531 and 823-1837.<br />


Grosse Poir.~::, office needs accurate<br />

typist in mortgage de.<br />

partment. Exc-ellent working<br />

conditions. Call 886.1080 for<br />

appointment.<br />

COCKTAIL WAITRESS and din.<br />

ing room waitress. Full and<br />

part.timl). Must have tray experience.<br />

Apply in person be.<br />

tween 9 and 5. 10721 Whittier.<br />


CEPTIONIST for downtown<br />

Internist's office. Good salary.<br />

Call after 5 P.M. Valley 3-<br />

087ll.<br />


Telephone answering service<br />

switchboard operator. No ex.<br />

perience necessary. Mac k.<br />

Cadieux area. Must be over 30<br />

with legible hand writing.<br />

Available to work 4 p.m. to<br />

midnight shift. Rotating week.<br />

ends. Write R. Kehrer, 600<br />

Michigan Building, Detroit,<br />

48226.<br />


Grace Brown<br />

Mack-Cadieux Area<br />

Transcribing, general typing,<br />

881-5350<br />

for management. Interesting BOOTH for rent in Grosse<br />

congenial growing hllsiness. Pointe beauty salon. 884.4308 IF YOU'LL name the job ;y.ou<br />

No special experience re- or 823.4283. I want done, we'll do it . . .<br />

quired. East side near Grosse EXPERIENCED semi _ truck Stokes Multiple Services, VA<br />

Pointe. 884.0033. "9172<br />

driver part time. State age T •<br />

GIRL FRIDAY for sales prC'-<br />

motion agency. Good typing<br />

necessary. shorthand helpful. .<br />

Salary open. Call 567.2960 between<br />

9 and 5.<br />

ELEMENTARY Teacher desires<br />

live.in child care for<br />

travelling parents, during<br />

summer. Husband in Viet<br />

Nam. LIncoln 9-1874.<br />

COUNTTR woman experienced,<br />

dry cleaning. All benefits.<br />

Need full time dependable<br />

worn a!) for Grosse Pte. store.<br />

Denby Cleaners, 20087 Mack.<br />


Company pays fee. El(cellent<br />

potential. Good skills. IBM<br />

electric.<br />

ACE<br />


962-7160<br />

MEDICAL ASSISTANT, practi.<br />

cal nurse or nurses aid for<br />

East Side Internist office, 3Y2<br />

days weekly. Stdte experi.<br />

ence and references. Reply to<br />

Box X80, Grosse Pointe News.<br />

Experienced tailor to alter fine<br />

men's clothing and meet the<br />

public. This is a management<br />

position in one of Michigan's<br />

newest and finest men's<br />

stores.<br />

'<br />

DIETITIAN, east side hospital.<br />

B.S. degree in foods and nu.<br />

trition. ADA membership reo<br />

quired. Duties mainly therapeutic<br />

with some administration.<br />

Some experience pre.<br />

ferred. Salary commensurate<br />

with experience. Call Mrs.<br />

Judd, VAlley 1.6000 Ext. 273.<br />


COUPLE for 14.family apt.<br />

near Chalmers-WaI'ren aves.<br />

Large apartment and salary<br />

for qualified couple. TU 2;<br />

4011.<br />

Executive Sec. Free $650<br />

Junior Steno Free $375<br />

Receptionist Typist Free $425<br />

Gereral Office, Free $300<br />

H. S. G. .......Free $300<br />

Sreno. Personnel Dept. Free $450<br />

Asst. Bookkeeper Free $425<br />

Stat. Typist , Free $475<br />


1177 Penobscot Bldg.<br />

WO 1-5177<br />

NURSE.COMPANION. Accompany<br />

couple to private Michigan<br />

resort for 2 months. Hus.<br />

band semi invalid. Salary<br />

commensurate with ex periel'ce.<br />

TUxedo 5-1109.<br />

WANTED - Experienced wire<br />

Tuesday. June 25 from 2 to 4 fence painter. Call TU 2.7516.<br />

p.m.<br />

19211 Mack at 7 Mile<br />

Universal City. 28642 Dequin.<br />

dre at 12 Mile.<br />

Winkelman's<br />

BEAUTICIAN for exclusive<br />

Grosse Pointe clientele. Call<br />

after 6. Valley 1-6408.<br />

_._ ...__ .---"-_.------_ .. _ ..•.._.-------_.,-_._------<br />

BOOKKEEPER and general of.<br />

fice work. Part time, flexihle<br />

hours. E. Side lo~ation.<br />

882-7575.<br />

H. S. Grads<br />

Looking for a joh?<br />

Sce us firs!.<br />


27500 Harper PR 2.5600<br />

---_.- .. - .._---<br />



Nee d creal ive. experienced<br />

ort'st to doreet busy, four. man<br />

ort deparlmenf. S h a u I d be<br />

,I,ong on oe,ign Qnd IQyOlll.<br />

Must be Qble fQ supervise Qnd<br />

handle wide variety of work,<br />

including newspaper ods, fold.<br />

ers. dorect mo,1 pieces, slides.<br />

presentotions. quick ie flyers.<br />

Knowledge of type and produc.<br />

tron for both ie!lcrrres, Qnd<br />

offset printIng requlled. Guur.<br />

entecd to be exc,ting. challeng.<br />

ing, rewording. Write PrOMO'<br />

tion Directo,. Dlt,cil r-rce<br />

Press. giving full detoils of<br />

background and education.<br />

m&t\iim.n:a<br />

Can TUxedo 2.6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly if<br />

Cell<br />

TUXEDO 2-6900<br />

3 Trunk Lines<br />

Your Ad Cln B. Charged<br />

..~,~':L'-!Wffg,mi;;;;,~£r~4;i@Z1""Zjl'ij:r;.\,jf?&K~'ltll on Cadlewe<br />


FARMS<br />

Trall Pbam1aC}'. KerellevlU on<br />

the B.'/1<br />

J'arma unl'" I'laher BeL and<br />

Kercheval<br />

Schettlelll Drop, nah. lid. and<br />

Maumee<br />

C~fl:.':t Drugl, Kack and 7<br />

Co~':fre HOlpltal on Kercheval<br />

FOR RENT<br />


SLEEPS 8<br />

PHONE 882.1537<br />

and<br />

Merlt-Woodl Drur Center. Mack<br />

and Boumelll')ulh<br />


Groue Pointe Pbarmat'1, Mack<br />

and Kanebelter<br />

Harkneu Phar.Jlaq, Mack and<br />

Lochmoor .<br />

Boward Jomwen.. Mack and I.<br />

MU.<br />

Bob'l Dru,., Mack and RoIl1D<br />


BrIa'l Dru,c 510... Mack and<br />

TOIllalae<br />

B.ancb I&edleal 8e".y\C4l PbU'lllaey.<br />

Mack and JlOrlll<br />

G.P. Polt OffIce, )tack Ind Warren<br />

Porkies Dru, store. Mack alld st.<br />

Clair<br />

D~~:~ Drup, .. aell lAd<br />

L • L PhannaeJ, Jllck nd ....<br />

conan.ld<br />

:::~J':e~r~~'r;i~~lhoppe<br />


Manor Pharmacy. Greater Mlek<br />

Ind Red Mapl. Lane<br />

Am~rl~kn a~~IC~~~fte 1{~~ter<br />

Like Pharmaey. I!:. II Mlle. Between<br />

Mlek lod Jefrerson<br />

l-DEATH<br />


MAIER. Marion, Grosse Pointe 4-HElP WANTED<br />

High gr:tduate 1967 Dear_<br />

daughter of Willard .R. and Responsible perSO:1 to care for<br />

Mary. Dear sister of QM:l, 2112 year girl, 5 hours daily,<br />

Leo F., U.S. Navy, Thomas J. summer. Kercheval-Washingand<br />

Cathy A. Granddaughter ton Rd. References. Tuxedo<br />

of Bessie Zimmer. At A. H. 2-5262.<br />

Peters Funeral Home, 20705<br />

Mack, Grosse Pointe Woods.<br />

1A-PEitSONALS<br />


None finer. No minimum<br />

charge. Select from over 70<br />

beautiful proofs. For appointment<br />

in your home to see<br />

Grosse Pointe's most creative<br />

photography, call J. S. De<br />

Fl)rest, 884-48:52.<br />

';'(jO", a Pop Weekly. is dis.<br />

tributed at the Op Shop, Par.<br />

aphanalia and WABX (in the<br />

David Stott Building).<br />

2A-MUSIC<br />


PIANO, THEORY: Pre.school<br />

through university level. Wal.<br />

ter Mueller, 482 Colonial Ct.<br />

N. TUxedo 6-1090.<br />


MMTA Certified Piano Teacher<br />

Theory Classes<br />

Studio Punch and Judy Bldg.<br />

15 Kercheval TU 1.7747<br />

Res: 1023 Ro~lyn TU 4.2~2<br />

DOES YOUR child need Indi.<br />

vidual Ilelp? Expert tutoring,<br />

grades 1-1, CertJ1led teacher.<br />

Call Mr. Portrite after' p.m.,<br />

'176-53"-<br />



Guitar<br />

Piano<br />

Guitar Rental and Sales<br />

15 Kercheval<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

TU 4~ Res. 372.8994<br />

---------_ .... __ .... _"- -_.".-<br />


DESIGNED [or all children with<br />

or without a background of<br />

music. Limited. 885-6215.<br />


DESlGNED (or teachers. par.<br />

enls. and all teen.agers, Cur.<br />

rent popular songs a special ..I<br />

ty. Your home. 88~-6215.<br />

2D-TlJTORING<br />

FRENCH. new melhod. With;<br />

tapes you take home. Children i<br />

or adults. MI 2-3469, 5 p.m.-<br />

9 p.m.<br />

I<br />


Male or female, full or parttime.<br />

good salary. Can 886-<br />

4366.<br />

TU 4.7000<br />

& CO.<br />

I~<br />

I<br />

and experience, to Grosse<br />

Pointe News, Box A.25.<br />

Your Girl Frid~y<br />

Se cret

Thursday,. June 20, 1968<br />

8-ARTICLES<br />

FOR SALE<br />



$12<br />

Beginners enroll now!<br />

$20.$29 Guitars $15.88!<br />

$59 Electric guitars. 2 pick.ups,<br />

$29<br />

$169 "Beattle" violin bass's with<br />

cases $88<br />

$49 AMPLIFIERS $29<br />

MARTIN style Rosewood gui.<br />

tars $99<br />

GIBSON "Barney Kessell" style<br />

electric guitars, gold trim<br />

collector's special $200<br />

$25G Finest quality Rosewood<br />

Folk guitars with plush cases<br />

$125<br />

VOX Wah.Wah's $49<br />

8-ARTICLES<br />

WE<br />


GUNS<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Reloading I'quipment and com.<br />

ponents. Scope and Sight In.<br />

stanations. Stock fitting and<br />

complete gunsmithing.<br />






B. McDAN IEL CO.<br />

Cor. Maryland VA 1-8200<br />

15102 KERCHEVAL<br />

1335 WOOD and Coal cook<br />

stove. Like new, $175. 1-359-<br />

2191.<br />

$300 Vox Fender Gibson Mos. DRIVERS! Approximately $18<br />

rite epiphone, guitars $175 buys $10,000 / $20,000 Lillbility<br />

$280 Fender Telecaster guitar Property damage. Medical<br />

and case $150 payments. TUxedo 1.2376.<br />

$395 Hafner "Beatie" Bass and NEW wool strips for braiding<br />

case $225, rugs, 50c per pound. Linen<br />

$239 Vox Cambridge reverb I and wool yarns for weaving<br />

amps $149 and shuttles 8821653<br />

$124.Fender Princeton amps $79 .'<br />

$430 Vox "Berkley" twin reo PIA~O, \~alnut contemporary<br />

verb $299 ~pmet, Like new. Early Amer.<br />

$400 Vox Essex Bass Amps $299 Ican wall telephone. TUxedo<br />

$449 Fender Bassman Amp $349 4.1526.<br />

$499 Fender Twin reverb $349 GARAGE SALE. Friday only<br />

$890 Vox Westminster Bass 10-4. 1170 Harvard Road.<br />

Amp $550<br />

$960 Vox Royal Guardsman<br />

Amps $595<br />

$495 Twin 15 reverb amps 160<br />

watts $329<br />

$495 Twin 15 Bass amps 160<br />

watts $299<br />

$300 DELUXE 4.pc. drum sets<br />

with 3 cymbals $170<br />

$495 Slingerland, Rogers, Lud.<br />

wig, Vox -t.pe. Deluxe sets $299<br />

USED drum sets $59<br />

$795 Vox Continental organ $550<br />

~95 Farfisa organ $349<br />

"The Smartest See Artists"<br />


New Location 14485 Gratiot<br />

Nr. 7 Mile DR 2.1500<br />

Hrs. 10.9 Daily<br />

RECORD player, portable, auto.<br />

matic changer, $20. 881.6331.<br />

ESTATES bought and sold.<br />

complete or odd pieces. An.<br />

tiques, silver, china, furni.<br />

ture. Orientai rogs. Hugh C.<br />

Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO<br />

6.2500.<br />

DREXEL F r e n c h provincial<br />

fruitwood bedroom twin set,<br />

Hunter window fan, single<br />

btdroom set, AMC TV can.<br />

10k. pictures, triple dresser<br />

• mirr(',r. Men's suits, ,"oats<br />

& wzedo, size 42L. Ladie's<br />

drel8es & coats, size 12. TUx.<br />

edo 2-6636.<br />

TWO AMPLIFIERS, 3 speaker<br />

units, 2 speaker columns, aU<br />

Kustom padded black leather.<br />

Good condition. $2,400 value,<br />

price $925. Phone 468-6ll6O.<br />

BAMBOO furniture, 6 chairs,<br />

all with cushions, 3 tables,<br />

bamboo bridge table with 4<br />

chairs, nest of tables, 4 panel<br />

screen, Dumont TV, good con.<br />

dition, reclining chair, maple<br />

table, 4 chairs, 42" coffee<br />

table, console radio - reeord<br />

player, upright freezer, type.<br />

writer, 2 black office chairs,<br />

miscelJaneol\s. Call after I<br />

p.m. TU edo 4-9920.<br />

MAHOGANY dining room set,<br />

dinette set. bookcase, lamp<br />

table. TUxedll 2-3911.<br />

ANTIQUE rosefood sofa decor.<br />

ator's piece. Adjustable draw.<br />

ing board 4x6. Call 821.0357.<br />


Larg"st Selection of Resale<br />

Clothin~ in Area.<br />

New sportwear and lingerie<br />

50 to 75% Off<br />

Origin al Price<br />

Spring Clothing Taken<br />

on Consignment for<br />


20339 Mack TU 1-8082<br />

10 to 5 Daily; Fri. 'til 9<br />

OIL Paintings, deal direct, uoted<br />

artist, $10-$150. Daily, Sunday,<br />

LI 8-6579.<br />



10:305 Daily Closed Mon.<br />

We Buy and Sell<br />

22418 Mack, bet. 8 and 9 Mile<br />

772.8606<br />

GUITAR, classical, folk. Excellent<br />

condition, like new. $35.<br />

STUDIO 861.2662<br />

REFRIFERATOR - Frigidaire<br />

Frost.free - bottom freezer.<br />

Excellent condition. 886.7104,<br />

HAMMOND B-3 Organ, 7<br />

months old with Leslie. Like<br />

new. 882-5442.<br />

CLOTHING - Womens<br />

men's, medium, large.<br />

day, Snturday. 12.5,<br />

Hollywood.<br />

7.12,<br />

Fri.<br />

1422<br />

USED items. Small refrigera.<br />

tor, sofa, gas stove, hide.a.<br />

bed, cheap. 885-4014.<br />

DECOUPAGE BAGS by Evelyn"<br />

30 coats of varnish, Grosse<br />

Pointe location. VA 1-~485.<br />


June 29, 180 Ridgemont, 10 a.m.<br />

ORIENTAL RUG 9x12' three<br />

matching scatter rugs. Certi.<br />

fied Carpet Cleaners TU 4'<br />

5135.<br />

8-ARTICLES<br />

FOR SALE<br />

LAWNMOWER (hand), walk.<br />

ing sprinkler, tricycle, coffee<br />

table, modern dinillg (;handil'<br />

lier. 884.1144.<br />

ONE SATIN trim genuine broad<br />

tail hip length jacket, 16.18.<br />

20. One genuine Persian lamb<br />

shoulder scarf with ten mink<br />

tliils. WO 5-2221.<br />

MARC Chagall, Salvador Dali-<br />

Signed originals. Limited edi.<br />

tions. CoJ1ector's museum<br />

pieces. TUedo 6.3142.<br />

BALDWIN piano, 7-ft., concert<br />

grand. Ebony. Perfect condi.<br />

tion. $4,000. TUxedo 2.5818.<br />

GAS DRYER, good condition,<br />

30. New stall shower and flK'<br />

tures, $30. Girls' 24" bike, $5.<br />

E)(~ellent bird cage and<br />

stand, $8. TUxedo 1-0151.<br />

GARAGE Sale-Friday, Satur.<br />

day, June 21: 22, 10 a.m. An<br />

tique bed, pictures, linens,<br />

furniture, barrels, trunks,<br />

clothing, electric appliances,<br />

miscellaneous. 346 McMillan.<br />

MAHOGANY elining room suite<br />

including buffet, 6 chairs and<br />

8-ARTICLES<br />


FOR SALE<br />

INCINERATOR, Blue Clene.<br />

land milke, never installed,<br />

for gas, 4 years old. Excel.<br />

lent, $35. Imported fruit bowl<br />

from Germany, hand made,<br />

$15. Kent amp., electric,<br />

never used, $35. Man's hunt.<br />

ing clothes, size 42 & 44. 2<br />

jackets and 2 pants, used<br />

twice, all for $35. Two Lional<br />

trains and small track. 100<br />

feet of track ami board, many<br />

extras, an for $30. 3lh horse<br />

power motor, $15. Motor<br />

scooter, Puegot, brand new,<br />

yenow with painted daises.<br />

Will go 35 miles, $100. Call<br />

after 5 p.m. 268.1531.<br />

G-E convertible dishwasher,<br />

cotton carpet, 14x20'. 884-8881.<br />

AIR CONDITIONER, Fedders,<br />

10M BTU, 115 V" window<br />

unit. Used less than 10 hours.<br />

Call TUxedo 6-4251.<br />


gas stove, glider, large chest<br />

of drawers. TUxedo 58974.<br />

ANTIQUE French Provincial<br />

sofa, $200, good condition.<br />

822-2418.<br />

table with pads. Also bronze ANTIQUE pine harvest table,<br />

bird cage with stand. CaB 4'x7' with 6 chairs, dry sink<br />

TUxedo 4-2536. with hutch top and copper<br />

MAHOGANY dining room set. I liners,. cher~y drop, leaf ta.<br />

G.E. refrigeraotr, gas stove. I ble, pme sailmaker s bench,<br />

Rummage sale, 1146 Elford coffee table. 23161 Greater<br />

Court off Torrey Road. Mack Ave.<br />

If 0 USE II 0 L D miseelJanc<br />

oUS. children's clolhcs and<br />

toys. maternity ('lothes, size<br />

12 dinin~ room tahlc (2<br />

leavcs, pads), lounRe chair,<br />

shoes, purses, hats, lIquarium<br />

(20.gal completc), swimming<br />

pool. 12!i Moran Rd" 884.6393,<br />

FENDER Duo-Sonic guitar and<br />

super reverb amplifier, excellent<br />

condition. 881-6659.<br />

ONE SET, 3 jalousie windows<br />

with storms and screens;<br />

wood service door with six<br />

panes; one aluminum door<br />

with storms and screens, 2<br />

pllir checked raperies, one<br />

lined, rods and rings included;<br />

2 louvered cupboard doors,<br />

vinpl covered bench with pedestal<br />

table; Wishmaster, 20<br />

Formica wood grain cupboard<br />

handles, firedoor. Saturday<br />

and Sunday, 10 ~o 4. 884-1150.<br />


Antiques, jewelry, lamps, air<br />

conditioner, bed sid e chair<br />

commode, pictures, miscellaneous<br />

items. Friday and Saturday,<br />

10 to 4 422 Lothrop<br />

Road.<br />

SWIMMING POOL, 3'x12', filter,<br />

ladder and maintenance kit,<br />

$50. 884-9221.<br />

MOVING - 8-piece dining set,<br />

clock radio, Bell & Howell<br />

8mm movie camera and pro.<br />

jector. Sp:!rti sun lamp, GE<br />

tooth brush set, 2 snow tires,<br />

men's clothes, size 46; lady's<br />

clothes, size 12. TUxedo 5-<br />

5684.<br />

PAIR modern club chairs, gold,<br />

Kroehler, good condition, both<br />

$35. TUxedo 4-2684.<br />

REEL POWER mower, lawn<br />

sweeper, garden tools, car.<br />

penter tools, men's luggage,<br />

poker chip sets, floor lamp,<br />

office chair, storage cabinet.<br />

TUxedo 4-1:'72 after Wednesday.<br />

PORTABLE massage table, $75.<br />

GE stove, $75. Metal clothes<br />

cabinet, $30. Record cabinet<br />

table, $15. 886.0416.<br />

EATON car air.conditioner. 773-<br />

3499.<br />

MARBLE COCKTAIL table, 2<br />

lady's desks, walnut buffet,<br />

cedar chest, lawn chaise,<br />

chairs standard typewritcr,<br />

drapc;ies, lamps. antiques,<br />

misceUaneous items and bric.<br />

a braes. 884.9263.<br />


Fcnder Mustang guitar, 2 mi.<br />

crophones with stands. 881.<br />

5178.<br />

-<br />

GRAND PIANO. 5'7", mahogany,<br />

includes bench, $250. TU<br />

1-6475 after 6 p.m. weekends<br />

all day.<br />

---------------------<br />

BALDWIN Orgasonfc organ in<br />

ex('cllent condition, $500 or<br />

best offer. 886.4427.<br />

_.----- . ---- .-._--- -- -<br />

CLARINET, Conn. like new.<br />

886.6099.<br />


..__.~----- - - .. - -<br />

TYPEWRITER, Victor calcula.<br />

tor, desk and swivel chair.<br />

bookcase. 4 drawer file cab.<br />

inet, storage cabinet. Multi.<br />

lith 1250 Offset press and<br />

Robinson camera, misccllanc.<br />

ous equipment. AU purchascd<br />

recently and in good condi.<br />

tion. No dealcrs. 771-1870.<br />

_. __ .'.-<br />

81-ANTIQUES<br />

$2:; REWARD for rcturn of an.<br />

tiquc black iron geranium pot.<br />

Removed from porch gradulI'<br />

tion night. TUxedo 60,138.<br />

SIGNED STEUBEN, ns Prus.<br />

:,;ia, Mary GrcRory, Royal<br />

Bayrcuth. Cranhcrry, misccl.<br />

laneous. 294.5527.<br />



Old things, misc.<br />

We've emptied 2 houses. Our<br />

shop is bursting with real<br />

buys for home or cottage.<br />

PORTS OF '::ALL<br />


SHOPS<br />

23220 Mack near 9 Mile<br />

775-1970<br />

Daily, Saturday 105<br />

Sunday, 12-5<br />


BAZAAR<br />

MINI<br />

BIKES<br />

Little Indian and Huttman<br />


19815 MACK AVE. TU 1-6233<br />


Factory re built,<br />

EZ terms.<br />

537-1117<br />

$122 DN.<br />

ED RINKE<br />


Van Dyke at 101;2 Mi.<br />

SL 4.0440<br />

New '68 Truck Sale<br />

150 Trucks<br />

For Sale<br />

Ready to Work<br />

El Camino Camper<br />

4Whccl Camper<br />

'.';,& 'VI Ton Pickups<br />

50 to Choose F'rom<br />

Step Van, 8 to )2 F't.<br />


• 2 C<br />

REAL<br />

, f ~<br />

Page<br />


ADS<br />

CaU TUxedo 2.6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly<br />

BURKE<br />


12740 GRATIOT<br />

371-2290<br />



13535 VAN DYKE<br />

J65.6000<br />

._----_._------~------<br />

JAGUAR, E type 4.2,1965 road.<br />

ster, purchased in England.<br />

Green paint and leather, reo<br />

movable hard top, chrome<br />

wire wheels, FM.AM marine<br />

radio. Excellent condition.<br />

719.2184.<br />

1964 PLYMOUTH Sport Fury<br />

c()i,vertible, 4.speed, power<br />

steering. Best offer. LA 7-0

.<br />

"<br />

'"."lING<br />


LOCATED NEAR schools and<br />

transportation, this bungalow<br />

offers a full dining room,<br />

master bedroom, and full<br />

bath on the first floor. Up.<br />

stairs are two bedrooms, bath,<br />

and sitting room. Priced in<br />

the mid twenties.<br />



a.BEDROOM colonial near Ker.<br />

cheval on Maryland. Nice<br />

screened and glassed front<br />

porch. Bath with stall shower<br />

in uasement plus new furnace<br />

and wiring. Priced to sell.<br />


2 LARGE BEDROOMS and bath<br />

on 1st floor, large hall and<br />

bedroom with Ih bath on 2nd<br />

floor. Streened porch over.<br />

looks lovely yard. Excellent<br />

location.<br />

84 Kercheval<br />

HIGBIE<br />

REALTY<br />


Open Sunday 2.5<br />

ST. CLAIR<br />

886.7100<br />

560 S. Rosedale, between Morn.<br />

.ingslde and Van K Drive.<br />

LovelY three bedroom, face<br />

brick ranch type. Has 90 ft.<br />

lot, attached 2 ear garage,<br />

1~ baths, family room with<br />

natural fireplace plus many<br />

other "must see" fea.tures.<br />

ROSLYN,1227<br />

Well locatell 2-bedroom brick<br />

Colonial. Attacbed garaie.<br />

Natural fireplace. Cll'peting<br />

and draperies. Handy to<br />

transportation, public and<br />

parochial schools.<br />

Rowe & Grove<br />


OPEN SUNDAY 2.5<br />

DEVONSHIRE 1035 - If you<br />

enjoy the luxury of large<br />

rooms-stop Sunday and see<br />

this attractively updated gra.<br />

cious home: Library, Den. 4<br />

Family Bedrooms, plus<br />

maids. Large landscaped lot.<br />

Quick Possession.<br />


POINTE, Spacious well built<br />

English Colonial on 88" Ap.<br />

prox. 244' Lot. 5 B(;drooms,<br />

3 baths, 2 lavs. Paneled Li.<br />

b.-ary. Screened Terrace. AU.<br />

3 car Garage.<br />

WESTCHESTER 654-ln beauU. 1<br />

fill Windmill Pointe. Spacious<br />

3 Bedroom, Colonial. Excel.<br />

lent Condition. Family Room.<br />

Panelled Library. Excellent<br />

carpeting, 2lh batbs, 2 car<br />

att. Garage. Large landscaped<br />

lot. Many extras.<br />



WESTWIND LANE 3O-If you<br />

like charm, privacy - extra<br />

size rooms - this ranch will<br />

please you. 2 Bedrooms, Fam.<br />

fly Room, separate breakfast<br />

room. 2 baths down. 2nd floor<br />

has 2 bedrooms and bath -<br />

ideal for 2 boys or 2 girls.<br />

Basement has unusual rustic<br />

recreation room with har.<br />

SHORES<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2.5<br />

JEFFERSON 22713 - This at.<br />

tractive custom 2 Bedroom, 2<br />

Bath Ranch is Ideal for two or<br />

three Adults. Modern Kitchen,<br />

Family Room has N.F.P.<br />

overlooking Patio and beautl.<br />

fully landscaped sprlnJdered<br />

grounds. Quick Possession.<br />

NORCREST 23318-5ee this ex.<br />

cellent 2 Bedroom Ranch, Ph<br />

Baths, Mod ern Kitchen,<br />

R a i sed Hearth lo'ireplace.<br />

Fine Landscapinll. Immeoiate<br />

P05sesslon,<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />



A NEW HOME<br />

Our idea home at 6 Elmsleigh<br />

Lane is open daily and Sunday<br />

from 2 to 4:30. Elmsleigh<br />

Lane is south of Jefferson and<br />

east of Cadieux.<br />

We aiso have other homes under<br />

construction and a limited<br />

number of building sites.<br />

WALTERH.<br />

4~ BEACON HILL<br />

TU 2.1401<br />

COLONIAL-On a hill between<br />

Grosse Pointe Blvd. and Lake.<br />

shore. Attractive hard.tll.find<br />

3 bedrooms, 3 full bat h s.<br />

Everything down with both<br />

library and family room. I<br />

30 SUNSET LANE<br />


house near the Lake in the<br />

F8rms. Rambling colonial<br />

surrounded by lovely garden.<br />

Master suite ofllibrary down.<br />

2 bedrooms with 2 bat!]s up.<br />

NORTH OXFORD, 1081 - De. .Members of Grosse Pointe<br />

Jigbtful COLONIAL near Lig. Multiple Listing Assoc.<br />

gett & new high ,schQOl.4 bed. Member of MeEdr.<br />

rOOlJlll, 2Y.l baths, paneled<br />

library, paneled family room,<br />

WE TRADE<br />

games room. Carpeting in.<br />

cluded. TU 4.0600.<br />

21043 MACK TU 4.1000<br />

OXFORD ROAD, 1834-Exceptionally<br />

neat bungalow on 80'<br />

lot. Good carpeting includ-:d.<br />

Ideal for young couple or reo<br />

tiree who likes to garden.<br />

Quick occupancy available,<br />

TU 1-4~.<br />


LORAINE 732-Quick Occupan.<br />

is cy. 3 bedroom. 1',i bath colonial<br />

near School and Transportation.<br />

2 blocks to shop.<br />

ping, 2 Fireplaces, N ice<br />

Kitchen. Screened sleeping<br />

porch. Brick Garage. Rea.<br />

sonably priced for quick sale<br />

TU 2.1400<br />

Pig, Thirty-Sev,n<br />

13-REAL ESTATE<br />

FOR SALE<br />

CO-OP Apartment on Detroit<br />

River, 1 bedroom, carpeted<br />

and drapes, swimming pool,<br />

private balcony, $21,000 cash<br />

Monthly mainlenance $60.<br />

777-3310<br />

Evenings 881-{l430<br />

TAPPAN<br />




The following homes are not<br />

"cheap," but they are "good!"<br />

We invite you to treat yourself<br />

10 the finest. Call us today.<br />

884-6200<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00.5:00<br />

HARPER WOODS, 20515 Roscommon.<br />

Extra land, 91' corner<br />

lot. Many trees. Complete fering of this lovely 3 bed.<br />

1589 HOLLYWOOD- First Of-<br />

basement apartment. $23,800. room coloniai with large Bv<br />

Owner.<br />

ing room, dining room, cheer.<br />

ful kitchen featuring wan to<br />

wall carpeting, 1',i.car ga.<br />

Following By Appointment rage.<br />


FAIRFORD. Eiegant 3 bedroom<br />

Rancb with the comfort of<br />

central air. conditioning. Large<br />

living room and formal dining<br />

room plus family room for<br />

the TV. This home is' set on<br />

a lovely CQrner lot with a 2<br />

car attached garage. Ever JO<br />

mucb more to see.<br />

HARPER<br />


GROSSE<br />

WOODS<br />

HUNTINGTON 21120. Attractive<br />

2 bedroom Ranch. Center foyer,<br />

delightful family room for<br />

relaxation. This home is in<br />

A-I condition. Convenient to<br />

transportlition and shopping.<br />

Don't miss seeing this excellent<br />

buy. Call now.<br />

OLD HOMESTEAD 20041. If<br />

you like gardening and plenty<br />

of ground to roam aro'Jnd in,<br />

I suggest you call to see this<br />

excellent 2-bedroom h 0 m e<br />

with breezeway and attached<br />

garage. Mother's dream kitchen<br />

with stove and refriger.<br />

ator to match,<br />

BEAUFAIT 21136. First offering,<br />

Excellent floor plan with<br />

center foyer. 3 Bedroom face<br />

brick Ranch. One and a half<br />

baths. Large kitchen. 2',i.car<br />

garage, Grosse Pointe school<br />

district. This home has well<br />

maintained interior and ex.<br />

terior. Call immediately.<br />

WARREN<br />

DOWLAND 32532. First Offering.<br />

Like new. 2.bedroom<br />

Ranch plus large family room,<br />

one and a half baths, huge<br />

kitchen. Good area.<br />

BETIY Vl.NGI<br />


20525MACK<br />

MAST eo.<br />

POINTE<br />

886-3210<br />

363 BELANGER-Owner mOV.<br />

ing out of town and wants<br />

quick sale-4 bedroom bunglt.<br />

low situated in large lot in<br />

the Farms.<br />

705 PEMBERTON-Immediate<br />

occupancy in this contemporary<br />

colonial located on corner<br />

lot with spacious grounds<br />

and beautiful walled garden.<br />

This 3 bedroom, 11f.!.bath<br />

coloniai is for the family who<br />

like the unusual home. See<br />

this one Sunday!<br />



OFFERING of custom.built 4<br />

bedroom colonial by Cox 6:<br />

Baker, large living room, for.<br />

mal dining room, kitchen<br />

with all. built.ins, family<br />

room, 21k baths, recreation<br />

room with fireplace, 2',i.car<br />

attached garage, Prestige 10'<br />

cation.<br />

1039 CANTEll!3URY - Sum.<br />

mer's coming, so be prepared<br />

with f u 11y air. conditioned<br />

quad.level, and enjoy those<br />

hot spells ahead. We oHef<br />

this quality 4 bedroom home<br />

with spacious family room,<br />

full basement and 2',i.car at.<br />

tached garage ..<br />

TAPPAN<br />


Says<br />

90 Kercheval - on.tbe.HiD<br />

Member of Grosse Pointe<br />

Real Estate Board<br />


SALE<br />

OM<br />


8NOWON<br />

SALE<br />

AT A<br />

~ &REAT<br />

=- SAVINiS<br />

Adding Machinu and<br />

T'pOwrft.n SaI.. .. $trYlct<br />


Typewriter Service<br />

13131 E. JEFFERSON AVE.<br />

Next to tM N,wpOrt Hote.<br />

VA 2-3S~<br />

Shoe Repair<br />

365 Fisher Rd .• QpP. High<br />


522.24ALTER-One of the new.<br />

er and spotless two-family<br />

intomes, convenient to every.<br />

thing. Total rental is $305.00<br />

per ffi()uth. At $2lI,900 it. won't<br />

last long:<br />

560 ALTER ROAD - See this<br />

good, honest value with excel.<br />

lent floor plan, convenient location.<br />

3 bedrooms, 11k bath<br />

colonial in excellent condition.<br />

14275 LlNNHURST - Well.built<br />

3 bedroom, Iv.. story family<br />

home in good condition, with<br />

space for additional bedroom.<br />

I<br />

HARVARD 4348.Ideal home for j17209 WAVENEY-Looklng for<br />

large family. 3 bedroom Co- a starter or retirement home?<br />

Ionia!. New kitchen linoleum We have a 3 bedroom bunga.<br />

and formica counters. Formal low in tip.top condition with<br />

dining room. 2 car garage. gas f.a. heat. CaU us now for<br />

further details.<br />

Stop in to let us show you our<br />

photos of many other homes<br />

in Grosse Pointe and vicinity.<br />



Cleaning. Turning. Repalrlng<br />

Fast service<br />



GRA"TOP<br />


14830 Warren, It Alter<br />

TUxedo &-6000<br />

Sr.''I;nl tlte Poilll' A,..<br />

Grosse Pointe Ca.<br />

TU 2-511I<br />

There's "MOORE" ;11 Store for you, , ,<br />

when you SELECT "The Ori,inal Itellald,"<br />


2()."car membu East Sid. Fully QUinnell<br />

'11<br />

S<br />

& C M~llI.PhoIOLt.t : ::,:,I~:~II~\<br />

Iowa y 0 Smlee GrosSi Point. tndultrlal proputiu<br />

I!!m!<br />

To bUll Of' ,.U<br />

TU 4-7000 '\1: • Call VA 2.5052<br />

• '1IIl.,UlI.<br />

Information Ilnd Pictures • •<br />

15517 M"CK<br />

of Most Homes for .. b.t. Somtrllt 1,,11I<br />

Sale In tb8 Pointes _,. Notllnghtm


Page Thirty.Eight<br />

13-=~~L$A~~ATE__ 13-~~~Lsl~~ A~E<br />

:,:~;"":~~~:,<br />

'J " I ch~se a .fine custom buill! RANCH style home, 3 bedrooms,<br />

An~ '.1::> M reSidence Ideally located on a 2 full baths, famlly room, car.<br />

I CLASSIFIED iA~~~"::~<br />

WILCOX<br />


884-3550<br />

1610 TORREY Rd.-This fine<br />

Cox & Baker Cape Cod is situated<br />

on a culde.sae, 2 bed.<br />

rooms down and semi-finish.<br />

ed second floor. Attached 2'1l<br />

car garage.<br />

WILCOX<br />


884.3550<br />

Ph.STORY brick bungalow, ex.<br />

pansion attic, 2 bedrooms, 1'12<br />

baths, 2.car garage. Open<br />

Sunday and following eve.<br />

nings. 1309 Roslyn Rd.<br />

---------- -~-------------<br />

I HARPER WOODS, 2-bedroom<br />

19969 FAIRWAY DR. brick ranch. Many extras.<br />

GROSSE PTE, WOODS Grosse Pointe school system.<br />

Deluxe semi-ranch, 3 bedrooms, Call owner for appoin\menl.<br />

paneled den, dining room, TUxedo 6.{)858.<br />

large kitchen, attached gar. ..----.-.--.-.---.<br />

age. Spotless condition.<br />


C. P. PARK.<br />

TUX 2-4661<br />

5796 BALFOUR-I).room Colon<br />

i a I, furnishings optional.<br />

Leaving city. TUxedo 1-4497.<br />

-_.-----------------_._------_ .•._-_.~--<br />


Open Sunday 2-5<br />

48B La Belle, corner Mack. 3.4<br />

h~droom Cape Cod. 2 com.<br />

plete baths, kitchen with<br />

huilt.ins, 2. car garage. Quick<br />

possession.<br />


TU 6-1900<br />


1214 BUCJ~INGHAM-Atlraclive<br />

-Roomy - Colonial - Spa'<br />

cious Lot. Idcally locatcd for<br />

large busy family. Owner<br />

wants action.<br />


2 TO 5<br />

ST C L A I R SHORES - 22619<br />

. Edgewood. Sharp thrce.bedroom<br />

colonial. Kitchen with<br />

hreakfast area, Priced to .ell.<br />

ST. CLAIR S Ii 0 It E 5-23201<br />

Greencrest. Exceptionallhreehedroor.l,<br />

]'" hath Ran

ursdlYI Jun~ 20, 1'&8<br />


EE KITTENS, 6 weeks old<br />

eallhy, cuddly. Need a happy<br />

ome. Tuxedo 1.0140.<br />

XER Puppies. AKC chamion<br />

blood lines. 885.3037.<br />

211-PAINTING AND<br />



CUTE black kittens, $1 each.<br />

5293 Yorkshire<br />

8 weeks old. ED 1-9997.<br />

882.9750 or 331-8029<br />

ODLES, miniature, silver. ---------<br />

AKC. 9 weeks old. Reason- INTERIOR, Exterior painting,<br />

able. LAkeview 6.4673. ' floor .tiling, ca~penter repairs.<br />

Quality materIals used. Free<br />

O-PlA.NO<br />

.<br />

,<br />

a<br />

,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

&, STORAGE<br />


.- Licensed. Responsible. House<br />

'~ hold and office furniture. Da y<br />

or nigbt service. No job to0<br />

large or too small. Free esti<br />

mates.! 861-2280.<br />


I<br />

HOOVER<br />

-----_._---<br />


CO<br />

---~-_ .•------_._-<br />


ALL ROOFING, gutters, siding,<br />

storms, doors. awnings, en.<br />

". closures, remodeling, terms.<br />

294.6644<br />


We paint homes and garages -<br />

aluminum siding, wood, brick,<br />

block, etc. Very reasonable.<br />

Any paint of your choice. Esti.<br />

mates are free. 371-7478.<br />

Exterior<br />

DONALD<br />

Free<br />

YERKEY<br />

_._----<br />



TU 1-7336<br />


9 a.m ..4:30 p.m., 759-3030<br />

KURT<br />

f<br />






Interior and Exterior<br />

20 Yean. Experience<br />


Three lIL:~'Dri\.e<br />

8~2'()870<br />

21J.-WA\.L<br />

WALL<br />

(:; SONS<br />

WE SPECIALIZE - Exterior<br />

painting. 27 years' experience.<br />


Reasona'ole.<br />

TW '1-5896<br />

Decorator<br />

Estimates<br />

BLI SS<br />

TU 1-7050<br />

40 Years in G.P.<br />

G. OI.Mt1'i<br />

WI:-':!>(J\\ CLEA,'3.<br />

EX I'E I~T lawn ('lilt ing hy 2 eX'<br />

prrien('eil lIi.vrarold,. Own<br />

l'qlllpllll'nl, rea"on~hlr rail'S.<br />

rriwhll'. Call 'j'lixl'do :: J.t1l7<br />

or BB;,766fi.<br />

LAWiI: alld l.:arlil'n work. LI~ht<br />

h;lIliing. EXJlcrirlln'd, rl'li<br />

ailll. l'rl:1' ,',llma\('s, PHrsl'otl<br />

HOIlJ7.<br />

GrOSH Poi"t.<br />


211 Morouloacl<br />

886.2363<br />

Minister<br />

PerTII A. TIlO1ll

" ,'",<br />

away<br />

. '" . .. .. ... . .'<br />

. .., , .' ~..<br />

Page Forty<br />

A Sensational<br />

*<br />

Buy<br />

*<br />

Roses<br />

*<br />

"'ho!lwhere and whatnot II<br />

by whoozit<br />

I<br />

"I BI"Slom L"ne<br />

TU 6-3600<br />

*<br />


Feature Page<br />

Pointers of Interest<br />

*<br />

Good Ta!!ite<br />



*<br />

Specializing in children's parite.f<br />

for over 10 !loors<br />

For Inform.tlan TW 3.'543<br />

*<br />

fiJ~nte<br />

Favorite Recipes<br />

of<br />

We conclude our series of excerpts from the letters People in The KnOtD<br />

of Grosse Pointe High School student Carl Graham, who 11 • b P t R<br />

By The Way .•.<br />

"<br />

Thursday. Jun. 20. 196a<br />

CounterPoints<br />

will return home in July after spending a year in France ASPARAGUS y a ousseau<br />

as an American Field Service exchange student: HAM AND UPS<br />

Check ... the new checks at Walton-Pierce for transi.<br />

.. .. • ROLL. tional dressing in junior si~es. A s.mart brown an~ black<br />

Contributed by check dress has a jaunty Jacket WIth a perky. whl~e col-<br />

November 25, 1967 .•• "This has been the period Mrs. F. Cole, Jr. lar and bow. A sophisticated black ~nsemble.ls wmdowof<br />

trimester exams which are really important ... So ICooked asparagus spears paned with whit~ and b~lted. This collecho.n travels<br />

I've been really studyLng, like for hours, ~hieh is what Cold boiled ham, sliced to cities and contments thIS summer and then mto early<br />

m)' buddies also do ... It's paying off - a dissertation Pinch of soda fall with iashion and cool!<br />

in philosophy got a very good grade, the history exam 2 C. medium white sauce .. .. * , k A<br />

which I studied about 20 hours for, (in two days), I got Opt ... to be curly-topped because it is "the'. 100 .<br />

about the seventh highest grade on, and in FRENCH - .•.•••.•. . 1 C. Imperial cheese French Perm-ahel gives you the. per-r:nanent basts for all<br />

I still can't believe this one - I got the fifth highest " J@.' . Salt those natural looking curls. It ts qmck and easy o!!, the<br />

grade out of our class of 44 We went to Brussels for I .,.• ). Cook asparagus with pinch of hair. We watched Wahib doinn one of his expert hmrcuts<br />

the weckend of November 11 Brussels itself is, like!' .'\ soda (to keep it green) and before giving the Permabel. ~ot all that ~uch later he<br />

most of Bel~ium apparently, intensely Americanized and I . ..:.••• "z ......• ~ salt. Roll about four .asparagus flicked the cml,s into place mto a flattertng comb-out.<br />

Is really fort of an ugly city ... (We saw) the Grand' I ....N••~ ..,.: I spears in each tb.in slice of ham. At Leo-.'Z.17888 Mack Avenue, this complete beauty pack.<br />

, Secure with toothpicks. Add • 393<br />

Place-a court in the very center of the citv with all: : cheese to white sauce ~nd pour age is twenty-five dollars TUxedo 4.9 .<br />

the buildings incredibly oid, ornate, and original, some i. . ...'.. ' "'" over roll-ups. Bake in flat dish . '" '" ..<br />

as far back as the 1600's. (This is) one of the few places Il kN ' for 15 minutes in 375 d~gree In Tbe Bag ••• fUll and style. ••• see the colorful carry.aDs at<br />

in Europe that is TOT ALLY old. No modern buildings. oven. Lemon accent after cook. Michelle's Boutique at Leon. They couble as heach bag~ bec~use<br />

at all-too bad it was only in one spot. Belgium in • ing asparagus will give added they are lined with plastic. They're tagged with pr~etical little<br />

itself is weird-you take a fork and depending which . flavor, Serves two per person. prices.<br />

direction you go, you will hit country speaking one of ----..,...-. • •<br />

two different langua~es-French or Flemish ..• SHAPE II. . .. ''..<br />

Atwood Famil,.- Season Spanning. , . travel.wise transitional dresses and<br />

:.: ,, ;.> ~~~ ~~wev~~v~~r~o sr;~~irnniE~~11s~~ )~?:~:::~n. ~hJr've :I_,;c:, Off to Europe ri~~;~b~e;~bfa:; ~;~~~ ~:~~~~e~rt~7 \~~~r:.r ~~~b.Pi~~~<br />

* .. * ---_..:.. . Photo by Eddie McGrath, Jr. black linen with white and a combination of rown,<br />

turquoise with a touch of tortoise are a few of the<br />

November 27 (continued) . "Last weekend was Officers of the Special Education Volunteer Program, (left to right), DAVID WHIp. The Re\'erend~ and Mrs. Ber- chic choices.<br />

great, too-the American girl from California came in PLE KATHLEEN KORNIECK, GEORGENE SHOEMAKER, NANCY l\tcGRAW and tra~ deH. Atwo?d and their 01< " 01<<br />

.. , ' A"I "tARTIN daughter Betsy will leave Sun. - h<br />

from .Rouen a.nd It was oh, so fme to see ~er and talk \\ ILL! It " • • day night for London where Whatever • • . your personal style may be Mutsc l~r'<br />

Amen.can ag~iln ... We talked to an .Amencan student By Pepper Whitelnw ~-- .----. - they will visit friends. }Ir. At. Kitchens, 20227 Mack Avenue, can help you, express ~t.<br />

here In Pans who. was an AFSer .In Denmark four Being a teenager today is more difficult than in I career opportunities in .profes- wood will go to Uppsala, Swe. Each of their designs is distinctive enough to carry a<br />

y~ars ago-anrl whIle. we were sta~dIng. there, another our day. It has become a label associated with "way-out" sions dedicated at helping the den, on July 3, for the FoU!'~ single decorating theme bu~ be adventur0lJ:S. ~~x st1!le,~<br />

~Irl came up-asked If w~ (the Cahf0,rman and J) were d . g k kie clothes poP. potato chips and a general I handicapped. , Assembly of th~ Wo~ld CouncIl and periods as the mood strtkes you. The "zndwtduahst<br />

mdeed the French AmerIcans for thiS year-then she f a~~1~ 'f ,?O'ho cares" ' ~~---~--~----~- -~- "Our group advisor, Dr. Sos.1 ~f Churches whIch wlll.be meet- touch is what counts in decorating today. Let Mutschler<br />

and the Denmark sludent saw each other's faces, scream- ee n 0 \\ . I th faces of thE:, nowsky has been fantastically I mg for almost L'lree. we~ks. Ilelp you custom plan an "individualistic" kitchen.<br />

ed and cried and hugged each other, etc, Seems they BU\ th?lse ::; us ~h~n~av~::: ~~fl~~ens~ee he~p in the Satur. i helpful" Bill exclaims ... "We The World Council will have. . * * *<br />

were BOTH in Denmark four years ago and haven't I O~Pthoruonul yg ad::;t~e cannot and day Swimming Program. Any i all thi~ he's a great guy," delegates fr.om 23 Ochurl.1clhbes Collecting Time ••• gather a bouquet of scents ata saviJigs. Many<br />

h th . Jt' t h t h . WI Y n . " I from 180 natIons. Th ere w e Bo h E<br />

se~n ~ac 0 er sm~e, s s range w a, appens In will not give them that kmd i amount o.f w~~k IS worth those Dr. Sosnowsky thinks the' a large number of -Roman' Calli. famous and favorite fragrances, such as rg ese's cco, are now<br />

thIS hfe-two Amencans o.ut of .19 who ~ ere In De~. of a label. Proof of the sense happy smiles, she adds. group's members are pretty olic observers. The World Coun- s.,ecially prIced at tbe Notre Dame Pharmacy. If you're in tbe<br />

mar~ four years ago meet In Pans-I would be ~keptI- of responsihility to others, pre. The Vice-President great too ... they have a won. cil has member churches in the collecting mood .•• RevIon's complete package of Nail.Builders<br />

cal If I hadn't been there ... "Tomorrow I'm gomg to sent in our young adults comes Sixtee~. year -old Georgene derful working arrangement. Greek and Russian Orthodox wiD help end splitting and peeling ••• three dollars.<br />

eat lunch with a French guy whose son is in the States I to light in a newly formed Shoemaker, next year's vice- Ii any of you know a teen. churches, as weJ! as Anglican .. * ..<br />

currently ... Apparently he has somehow wangled it gr,oup from Grosse Poin~e Soulh president. d,aughter of Mr~, ager who is looking for some. churches and most of tile ~ajor Keep In Contact ... while on vacation with friendly<br />

so that we're to take aperitifs with the MAYOR of some Hl~h School, the SpeCial Edu. Patricia Shoemake~. of 51. Clall' thing worthwhile to occupy him- Protestant deno~inations: little notes on Montag's gay, colorful stationery. .Pads<br />

city-Chee ... " catIOn Volunleer Program. . avenue, h~s two sisters; K~Uy, self with this summer, tell There will be six sections for of high fashion colors coordinate with print.lined enol<<br />

.. * . ThIS progra~ ?ffers adlh- 18, a se~lOr at Grosse. POinte him to call 885-2000, ex, 61, and group discussions of the The velopes. The pad of paper is a dollar .. the envelopes,<br />

tlonal help to hdndlc~pped chll. South HIgh ~chool, ~Im, .12, speak to Dr. Sosnowsky, and Mission of the Church, Interna. . ht f' t s r ht d tt d S' tte ed<br />

December 20, 1967. At present l'm in a cafe dr~n and youlh I~ Grosse who attends Pierce JUnior HI,gh he'll share in the worthwhile tional Relationships, Christian eig y- 1ve cen s. ummer- 19 0 e WISS pa rn<br />

stuffed with students, hearing a new Beatles' record on POinte a.nd surroundmg areas. ::md Jeb, 11, who goes to Maire experience these five teenagers Economic Responsibility, The paper in delicate colors is also found in the new 8ta.<br />

the juke.box. Today was the last day of school before The. m~Jor .purpose of t~e or. Elementary, School: Georgene are having! Nature of the Ministry, New tionery shipment at The Sphere, 19849 Mack Avenue.<br />

Christmas vacation ;md we got out at 1 o'eloek. We're' gamzatlOn IS ~he ext~lIS!o." of pla~s the plano, sl~gs In t~e Forms of Worship, and The * .. ..<br />

. b k ' . Ivolunteer servIce to mdlVldual ChrISt Church ChOir and IS Christian ~.tvle of Life. Mr. At. Once A Year .• _ there's a special on Borghese's Mois.<br />

gomg a~ to school at 4.30 hO,wever to ta.ke part In I children and younr adults. For hoping to land a job teaching Updegraff-Durie wood will work with the last turizer. You get double the amount for a single price at<br />

an ol~ .~ench hlgh.sch~ol boys custom~m~l~g and I example, one voluntcer is help. swimming at. the City park this group. The meetings wlIl be Edward Nepi Parrucchiere, 19463 Mack Avenue.<br />

marchmg ln groups etc. In the streets ... It s rIdIculous I ing a child to learn the latest summer. "I enjoy helping Rites Are Read held at the University of Upp. * .. '"<br />

but fantastic great fun-the spirit in an all-boys school dance steps, another is helping people," she, counters when sala and the opening meeting<br />

can be tremendous ••• " a child to build a reading queried as to why she joined will' be held in the ancient More Parties Ahead? • - • Plan on a new party dress to refresh<br />

vocabulary, still another is the organization. Nancy Ida Durie, daughter Cathedral. your collection. lust unpacked and in Martha's Closet, 373 Fisher<br />

• • • working with a child with severe Kathy Kornieck, present sec. of Mrs, Hector R. Durie and Road, some elegant long chiffons and short crispy-fresh charmers.<br />

, the late Mr, Durie, of Detroit, ------ ..<br />

Later that l1ame day, .• "Well, it is 10:30 and I'm visual motor problems, 1retary of SEVP, is the daugh- and David Edwin Updegraff, ,NO .PROBLEM . .. * , .<br />

back after a wonderful hour running around the streets Meaningful F:xperience . I ter ~f Mr. and .Mrs. Jerome son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. There s little excuse for .a! The KaleIdoscope ... has a !1ew supply of ~lashc throwsinging<br />

all kinds of Russian and German songs and our The aim of thiS program IS Kormeck, of Bllhrmoor road. Uptiegraff, of Neff road, ex- poor ex~use wh~n t~e world IS 'I ~Iasses. They ~ome In a drum motlf and floral<br />

school boy chants, in a group of about 100. It was just to provide a meaningful ex- Kathy plans to attend Eastern changed marriage vows Satur. full ~f htt~~~te ~e_s:~_~ scatterl?gs. Twen~y m. a package .. cost from two to<br />

FJNE, man. The flies (cops) appeared after one.half perience to those the organiza. Michigan University and major day, June 15, in Grosse Pointe three 'fIfty. Four SIZes mclude a sherbet at 16135<br />

hour and followed us around for the rest of the time, tion serves ... not a baby- in elementary education. Ths Memorilil Church. The Rever- I Halting a IIirt""' party? Mack and Bedford. P.S. We've used them several times.<br />

silting service. Dr. William P. summer she will he working at end Ben L. Tallman officiated.!. '" * ..<br />

all four of them, going the wrong way down one-way Sosnowsky, the group's advisor the. CYO Girls' Camp in Port<br />

streets in their big truck and everything. All the towns- and Chid Psychologist for the Samlac. Presently she works For the double. ring cerc- Decorators . . . have used shags as accents for years.<br />

people are in on it and turn and smile as we descend Grosse Pointe Schools, serves as Iat a local restaurant two days mony, the bride selected a I Now they Ilave come into the popular price area. At Ed<br />

on them and run by in a yelling horde ... It is the liaison between the student, a week. white silk, A.line organza and Maliszewski Carpeting, 21435 Mack Avenue, they are<br />

k. d f t thO '11 I b" ld Chantilly lace gown trimmed i '1 bl . t . I C b' C ft' ha t<br />

m 0 grea mg you WI a ways remem er . . . volunteers and the ehi ren, and I Bubbling with enthusiasm with seed pearls, with a cathe-' avaz a e m many ma erws. a zn ra s s 9 carpe s<br />

.. • * helps the students select ex. I Kathy says. "I joined the dral Irain of matching lace. have interesting textures and come in so many colors.<br />

h I . th °00 . William G, Martin, of Haw which includes: Rick, 16; Mary- while carnations, maline baubo<br />

es m c 0 .year-old walls on the silver nver curv. 13 B b 11 !II th les and variegated ivy was<br />

ing off into the mist as the sun shines down obliquely thorne road. He was rece?t1y anne, , ar ara ". ar a, centered with a white orchid.<br />

th h th I d I I I t k b h f • t graduated from Grosse Pomte 8, Jack, 7, all of whom attend<br />

roug e c 011 s'. ,ove y. 00" a unc 0 pIC ures 'South High School and is plan- St. .roan of Arc School; and The maid of honor, Phyllis<br />

and I hope they wlll be good. . . :ning to attend Central Michi- Betsy, 4, and Billy, 2. Dibble and bridesmaids, Janet _<br />

* .. * I gan Universjty in the fall. Next Year's ~ader Kay Updegraff, sister of the<br />

March 14, 1968 ... "Today was the first summery! He has three younger sisters; I Current, vlcep~esldent a~d I>ridegroom. Marlene Durie,<br />

day, warm etc .• since about September, ... We have I LIZ,' 16, a stud,ent al Grosse, nex~ years president, DaVid cousin of the bride, l!nd Geor.<br />

P h ~ h S h I Wh I the son of the ianna Pohil, all wore maize<br />

finished all our compositions now and I'm really too I omte N~rt hlg e 00 next. Ipp e. IS . Chantilly lace Camelot coats<br />

. r. . . . year; Emily. 14, who also WIll Charles H. Whlpples, of Oxford<br />

efgol~ISIcal not tt? bra l<br />

g thIS tllme. It hdas a IdeePljYj unlre~l. atteud North; and Lynne. 11. road. He has a I>rother. Jim. over sleeveless gowns with i<br />

ee mg ev~ry 1I11,e ~ct t lese gra es- re? y (on t who attends Ferry Elementary 14, and a sisler. Betsy, 13., lace Empire I>odic.esand linen I<br />

have the ImpreSSIOn I ve done too great a Job at all School. Dave has worked with the. blended sheath skirts.<br />

I<br />

and th~ grades al~e j!lsl unreal ... I'm first in Frenc~ Bill lo\'es to fish, golf, (al Fo~ndation ~?r Excertio~al! They wore mat~hing Chantilly<br />

and Philosophy thiS time ... Unreal, unreal, unreal. .. though hc won't reveal what he ChIldren. .. We do anyth~ng I lace and chiffon picture hats and<br />

* * .. shoot.) and drive around The IWe can to help ... from playmg ,carried small yellow baskets<br />

Point~ 'on his Honda. He de-I games. to helping wi~h lu~~hes, i filled with miniat~re y~lIow<br />

Undated • • . "In the sevcn months (we've becn votes a lot of time to working! to . tellmg a few Jokes, he i an,d white. c~rnatlOns ~nterhere),<br />

none of us 11 (U.S. American Ficld Service ex-, with thc handicapped. He helps smiles. . mlOgled WIth IVy and ribbon<br />

change studentsl has ever had the slightest incident or with the Saturday swimming Dave has been an Area I streamers.<br />

i<br />

program and visits and cheers I Leader for the March of Dimes: George Moffett, III. acted as<br />

anything but friendliness on all sides. Thc same with up a 20.vear.old youth who is and wiII be working this sum. i best man for the bridegroom.<br />

some of the Embassy people's kids and other Americans paralyzed', Imer: as w,i11 Bill, as a rec-! Ushering were William P. Kim-<br />

I've mct-some of thcm having lived here for years. In i Sister Inspired Ireatlon11 aid at. Barnes Ele .. l>a.II, Da~ Dunn, .cousin of the<br />

. _. . .. When asked how he found. mentary School In the lraID- Imde. Wilham Glmmy, Robert<br />

general, I fmd the anh-Amcrlt'an feeling non'cxlstent time to do so rnurh volunteer able program, Chances arc jf •.Jaeobi. Kim Kalz and Rohert ~<br />

on a personal level-although there is a lot or, political work, Bill smiles and says. you'rc a teenager you've heard Reiner.<br />

stuff, graffiti elc., against Ameril'an politics. Americans ""10 not thal busy. , . besides of. Dav~. lie. ~lays the I>~~s. For, her daug~ter's wedding'<br />

'. . . I enJoy the work, It IS very gllltar WIth a six-member rock n and the reccptIon at FrI!S<br />

and all tllIngs American ar(' ('ven consld('red most cluc satisfying, My sister. Liz, L~ roll group called "The Chances Crystal! Ballroom. Mrs, Durie<br />

and snobby b)' lots or people-the biggest status s)'mbol planning to initiale a similar: Arc." He is also president of: selected a cerulean blue silk'<br />

)'OU can ha\'c, short of a Rolls. is a Ford Mustang. It's program at Norlh next year. .. t?e, youth group at St. Mlrhael's . lincn and Chantilly lae~ sheath<br />

f Id " I guess my enthusiasm is con F_plseopal church. with a full length lace coat,<br />

a unny wor . tal:ious:' he grins. "We've been "We really hope man,I' more and a hat of shaded blue chif.<br />

$1<br />

told that our group is one of leenagers will offer 10 help in fon flo\\'ers. She pinned a cor ..<br />

the few ~uch sludent organiza. our program." Dave stales, sage of white sweetheart rose~<br />

lion.~ in the nalion. . and "Anyone of lIig-h Srhool age and minia'i1re carnations to her<br />

Wl're proud of it." he adds. from ANY loral srhool ran purst.<br />

..<br />

. I<br />

." 6~<br />

periences for the children. group J..lcause I wanted to Go ahead, be a decorator •.. it's easier than you think<br />

t Utndated • 'Id' 'h'Th is wfeerlkebn~ltwhasRi~theresdtitnhg.L~'t Among the group's enthusi- share the fun 1 have in living A crowdnIfashionedt°dfd°drgan.ztha ... 776.5510.<br />

wen 0 see an 0 e a eall- t 0 UI Y IC ar e IOn- astic officers is Bill Marlin. with someone else." We're sure roses an eaves sue WI<br />

Hearted in 1198. Or rather, what remains. It's a real president, who helped Dr, Sos- Kathy has brightened many a pearls fell from her triple.<br />

'" ... *<br />

Come In _ . • and see the new Holpoint built.in appliances at<br />

citadel-on a hill overlooking the Seine Valley, acces. nowsky organize the program. cloudy day for those she helps. tiered bouffant veil of import-<br />

Kitchen Remodelers, 15281 East lefferson. Let one of their ex-<br />

"ible from only one direction. You look out through Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. She comes from a large family ed illusion. Her bouquet of<br />

perts show you how to save money on .kitchen remodeling through<br />

proper planning. Their interior decorator will do a color rendering<br />

of your proposed new kitchen so you can see how it will look<br />

before you decide to go ahead .•• LO '.2400.<br />

.. .. .<br />

Rediscover , .. old favorites like chicken croquettes and<br />

beef stroganoff of Westfields, 15506 Mack at Somerset.<br />

We never prepare them at home any more but we do<br />

order them there and they are delicious. See their menu<br />

and enjoy well remembered favorites of your own.<br />

" * *<br />

_._-- .-<br />

~-<br />

I<br />

Fat Fad Fans . . . have discovered the new collection<br />

FREE<br />

summery polyester dresses at Ports of Call, 23220 Mack<br />

Avenue. Hand-screened prints are in gay colors. If you<br />

BOX OF TEA I wear a large size, check tile new Fat Fads and become<br />

With PurdIn. of $5 Or Mart<br />

a fan!<br />

OR'ENr~L Oyrr<br />

SHOP<br />

11145 WHITTIER<br />

cst Whitehcsll<br />

the basket purses at Ports of Call with colorful<br />

nowers, fruits or vegetables on the felt lids coordinat8 Dicely<br />

with the dresses.<br />

.. • *<br />

Plaza Suite? ... Well, it will probably cost you (for a<br />

one bedroom suite) from fifty to one hundred ten dol.<br />

lars. Compare prices here in Detroit. A one bedroom<br />

suite at the Hotel St. Regis is thirty-five to fifty dollars.<br />

We're not suggesting you miss a first class stay in N.Y.C.!<br />

Never! We are mentioning the comparatively reasonable<br />

Hotel St. Regis in Detroit for "top drawer" treatment<br />

"for out-of-town guests or business associates. Single<br />

rooms ... from eighteen dollars ... 873-3000.<br />

:;.: * *<br />

Notes ... from The Posh Studio, Inc .... Mr. lWchael<br />

and Mr. Ron pr~udly ?nnou?Zce Mis,s, Dorothy, well.<br />

known Grosse Pomte hOlr I;tylzst, has Jomed their staff.<br />

Tiley are featuring Mr. Sassoon's and Mr. Scllacove's<br />

short curly look. Try one of nine skilled stylists for tile<br />

latest look in hair designs, .. 88fl.1377.<br />

* " 01<<br />

N " (' 16 Id"" Isn't it peculiar (not<br />

J ancy .11C,raw. a .year.o Jom, The hridtgroom's mother<br />

~enior, and daughter or the "We now have 37 active chose a champagne Alcncon funny) that when we<br />

Doonan D. :'IIeGra.ws. of Briar. memhers." interjects r.ill. "and lare drcss and eoat ensemble The Posh Sel ... 18700 Mack "nnue is open now. If you drop<br />

ff I '11" t f th" 'alwa 0 '<br />

(' I roal. WI "e secre ary 0 e "roup IS ys ..rowmg, with matching accessories, and were bombing _ North b" , ror coffee on Friday or Salurday you'll he treated to Informal<br />

I~r " organization in the fall. She' You know. wl"re lookinlo:for the pinncd a corsage of pink sweet Vietnam there were modeling of their hostess gowns. arternoon playsuits, maxi and<br />

is an inlerested and intercst. average studellt, with a desire: hearl roses and miniature car mini skirwd fasbions. One of the boutique goodies is the newest<br />

ing teenager. She loves to play to help others .. , grades have nations to her purse, protests from the pulpit swim cap that looks like a cllrly wig. For men's gifts there is<br />

thl' guitar. sing folk ~ongs: play no "I>eari'l,l( on nH'ml>ership at When lea\'ing for her trip: _ protests from civiC a selection of ties and jew:lr y . ..<br />

Ihe. pI.ano and Ihc ~ar~onJca. alL I through the Nl'w England f<br />

Shl's I>een a GIrl .,coul for Vl'ar.Rounrt Program statcs thc I>ride worc a two.: group s- protests rom 4 Ways ... to get from the east side to Metro Airport.<br />

10 yrars and has earned five Katr.lren add$. "Thi$ is a piece' yellow anrt while cotlon students - But now ," 1. Take a cab, direct. 2. Take a cab downtown and<br />

Aide Ilal.~. (raeh har reqlllres year round program, on a onr. tl'xlured ,'llit. with matching: when the Viet Cong is tran::;fer to a. bus .. 3. Dri,ve your car. 4. Ride the Royal<br />

50 hours of work prr year). Shr toollr I>asis, II really doe,~n't accessories. Coachman Llmousme, direct, at one.half the price of<br />

, ,sings. in Ihe high .~rhool choir require a lot of time; you Thr rouple will make their' reducing Saigon to a cab. with no inconvenient transfers to make and avoid<br />

,.~.lId IS a past ofhrcr of the ran ..~pend anywiu.rr from onr home in Westland.<br />

69<br />

I ashes _ ki Ifing women, parking problems. If you prefer number 4 ..• phone<br />

i ~uturl' l\:urs~s Clul>. Nancy 10 flvc hours a wed With thosr In September 'Irs Upde: chl'ldren, 'nd CI'vl'II'ans ~; the Royal Coachman, TUxedo 6.1322.<br />

, hope~ 10 rarn a degree in physi you help." . . "'.. : n<br />

! (';,1 Ihrrapy, Thc ol>jrctil'rs of the orl!"ani. ~rarr Will r~sume teaching at. -the silence is deafen- , •. ... 01<<br />

, Shr has tll"O brothrrs. ASN 1.ation arl' fOllrfold To provide S.Ollt~fl~ldH~~h ~chool and Me. . , ~' Whcre s , .. tile most conVClllcnt place to fiud 0 complete<br />

full do.. n i 1)"l)hl('. ~Iatloned at the Naval vollinteers for as.,islinl( the ~:Pl"glaff ";J~ ~glO ~ea~hlDg Ing. . - iil,I(' of 11and-sell,n and parchmellt lomp shades? Wnq/lt's<br />

,'Ir Statioll in Memphis Tenn., handic'apprd. to provide rduca l("nomlcs a ,as ern. Ir 19an __ ~4"If/s and Lamps. JRfl5() Mac/( Avcnl/e i:; tile answer,<br />

Thursday Th,u Sund"y Only . and Bru('c. I~. who 'alll'n!],; tional cxprrirn('cs not IIsllall~. 1I1l'rrslly. STUnJOCAMEnASHo n<br />

,TCl.redo .5.8839, ~ ~ b<br />

Nate; You Mult Menti,," This Ad to Receive Thi. Wce~'. Special , l'arl'l'II~ .Junior IJigh. "I joined, found in school or at home. to ------ U K r ~ . .<br />

"<br />

I 13300 E WARREN i thl' organizalion 11l'eall~(,I lI'anl rir\'clop malure IInner~tandinl:. L,\CKS CONFIDENCI'; CAR.L JOYNER _ For Thl' nn.II:Yours~lfer .• '. there arc all sorls of( "ortdml'nt.s"<br />

. , ('d lo hrIp .somcolle not as or Ihl' handicapprd and Iheir It's a waste of tim

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