Coherent Backscattering from Multiple Scattering Systems - KOPS ...

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2 Theory The scalar wave equation 2.1 can be written in form of the inhomogenous differential equation ∇ 2 Ψ(⃗r) + k 2 Ψ(⃗r) = −V(⃗r)Ψ(⃗r) where k 2 [ ] = ω2 ɛ c 2 surr , and V(⃗r) = ω2 0 c ɛ(⃗r) − ɛsurr is the scattering potential. a Its solution at a 2 0 certain point⃗r is given by ∫ Ψ(⃗r) = Ψ in (⃗r) + G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 )V(⃗r 1 )Ψ(⃗r 1 ) d⃗r 1 (2.2) where Ψ in is the part of the incoming wave that has not been scattered before. G 0 is termed the bare Green’s function and describes the propagation of the electromagnetic field in a medium without scatterers. It is defined by ∇ 2 G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 ) + k 2 G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 ) = −δ(⃗r,⃗r 1 ) and is given by G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 ) = e−ik|⃗r−⃗r 1| 4π|⃗r −⃗r 1 | By applying eqn. 2.2 recursively, the wave function can be expanded into a perturbation series ∫ Ψ(⃗r) = Ψ in (⃗r) + G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 )V(⃗r 1 )Ψ in (⃗r 1 ) d⃗r 1 + ∫∫ + G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 )V(⃗r 1 )G 0 (⃗r 1 ,⃗r 2 )V(⃗r 2 )Ψ in (⃗r 2 ) d⃗r 1 d⃗r 2 + · · · (2.3) It would be convenient to split off the incoming wave Ψ in like Ψ(⃗r) = ∫ G(⃗r,⃗r ′ )Ψ in (⃗r ′ ) d⃗r ′ . This introduces the total Green’s function G, which describes the electromagnetic field at a certain position⃗r due to a disturbance at another point⃗r ′ . It has a perturbation series ∫ G(⃗r,⃗r ′ ) = G 0 (⃗r,⃗r ′ ) + G 0 (⃗r,⃗r a )V(⃗r a )G 0 (⃗r a ,⃗r ′ ) d⃗r a + ∫∫ + G 0 (⃗r,⃗r a )V(⃗r a )G 0 (⃗r a ,⃗r b )V(⃗r b )G 0 (⃗r b ,⃗r ′ ) d⃗r a d⃗r b + · · · and the formal definition ∇ 2 G(⃗r,⃗r ′ ) + ω2 ɛ(⃗r)G(⃗r,⃗r ′ ) = −δ(⃗r,⃗r ′ ) c 2 0 [a] Elsewhere [16, 56], the scattering potential is defined as V(⃗r) = ω2 [ɛ c 2 surr − ɛ(⃗r)] (or similar), so that the wave 0 equation becomes ∇ 2 Ψ(⃗r) + k 2 Ψ(⃗r) = V(⃗r)Ψ(⃗r). This definition makes the perturbation series eqn. 2.3 look less intuitive as half of the integrals seem to be subtracted. 4

2.2 Single scattering – Mie theory Figure 2.1: Coordinate system of single scattering. The coordinate system (θ, φ) of Mie scattering at a spherical particle with radius a is defined by the wave vector ⃗ kin and the electric field vector ⃗ Ein of the incoming light wave. The wave vectors of the incoming and outgoing waves⃗ kin and⃗ kout span the scattering plane. The scattered light intensity at a certain point⃗r must then be ∫∫ I(⃗r) ∝ G(⃗r,⃗r 1 )G ∗ (⃗r,⃗r 2 )Ψ in (⃗r 1 )Ψ ∗ in(⃗r 2 ) d⃗r 1 d⃗r 2 For a dilute system with pointlike scatterers the perturbation series of eqn. 2.3 immediately justifies treating multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves as random walks of photons with different numbers of scattering events: The photons travel in free space (described by Green’s functions G 0 , which have the form of spherical waves) until they hit a particle and are scattered into the surrounding space, where they again propagate freely, hit another particle, and so on. The random walk picture can still be upheld if the size of the particles is not negligible. However, in this case one needs to consider how the particles distribute the incoming intensity into their surrounding to describe the random walk properly. If a spherical particle can be considered as an acceptable approximation for the actual particle shape, one can use the solution given by G. Mie [42] and others. In the next section, we will follow the approach of [16] to derive the distribution of the scattered light around a single particle. 2.2 Single scattering – Mie theory The problem of an electromagnetic wave scattered by a spherical particle clearly has a spherical symmetry. Therefore it is convenient to treat the problem in a polar coordinate system with the scattering particle of radius a located in the origin, and wave vector and polarization of the incident light defining the angular coordinates θ = 0 and φ = 0. The wave equation in polar coordinates 1 r 2 ( ∂ r 2 ∂Ψ ) + 1 ∂r ∂r r 2 sin θ ( ∂ sin θ ∂Ψ ) + ∂θ ∂θ 1 r 2 sin 2 θ ∂ 2 Ψ ∂φ 2 + k2 Ψ = 0 5

2 Theory<br />

The scalar wave equation 2.1 can be written in form of the inhomogenous differential equation<br />

∇ 2 Ψ(⃗r) + k 2 Ψ(⃗r) = −V(⃗r)Ψ(⃗r)<br />

where k 2 [ ]<br />

= ω2 ɛ<br />

c 2 surr , and V(⃗r) = ω2<br />

0<br />

c ɛ(⃗r) − ɛsurr is the scattering potential. a Its solution at a<br />

2<br />

0<br />

certain point⃗r is given by<br />

∫<br />

Ψ(⃗r) = Ψ in (⃗r) +<br />

G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 )V(⃗r 1 )Ψ(⃗r 1 ) d⃗r 1 (2.2)<br />

where Ψ in is the part of the incoming wave that has not been scattered before. G 0 is termed the<br />

bare Green’s function and describes the propagation of the electromagnetic field in a medium<br />

without scatterers. It is defined by<br />

∇ 2 G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 ) + k 2 G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 ) = −δ(⃗r,⃗r 1 )<br />

and is given by<br />

G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 ) = e−ik|⃗r−⃗r 1|<br />

4π|⃗r −⃗r 1 |<br />

By applying eqn. 2.2 recursively, the wave function can be expanded into a perturbation series<br />

∫<br />

Ψ(⃗r) = Ψ in (⃗r) +<br />

G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 )V(⃗r 1 )Ψ in (⃗r 1 ) d⃗r 1 +<br />

∫∫<br />

+ G 0 (⃗r,⃗r 1 )V(⃗r 1 )G 0 (⃗r 1 ,⃗r 2 )V(⃗r 2 )Ψ in (⃗r 2 ) d⃗r 1 d⃗r 2 + · · · (2.3)<br />

It would be convenient to split off the incoming wave Ψ in like Ψ(⃗r) = ∫ G(⃗r,⃗r ′ )Ψ in (⃗r ′ ) d⃗r ′ .<br />

This introduces the total Green’s function G, which describes the electromagnetic field at a<br />

certain position⃗r due to a disturbance at another point⃗r ′ . It has a perturbation series<br />

∫<br />

G(⃗r,⃗r ′ ) = G 0 (⃗r,⃗r ′ ) + G 0 (⃗r,⃗r a )V(⃗r a )G 0 (⃗r a ,⃗r ′ ) d⃗r a +<br />

∫∫<br />

+ G 0 (⃗r,⃗r a )V(⃗r a )G 0 (⃗r a ,⃗r b )V(⃗r b )G 0 (⃗r b ,⃗r ′ ) d⃗r a d⃗r b + · · ·<br />

and the formal definition<br />

∇ 2 G(⃗r,⃗r ′ ) + ω2 ɛ(⃗r)G(⃗r,⃗r ′ ) = −δ(⃗r,⃗r ′ )<br />

c 2 0<br />

[a] Elsewhere [16, 56], the scattering potential is defined as V(⃗r) = ω2 [ɛ<br />

c 2 surr − ɛ(⃗r)] (or similar), so that the wave<br />

0<br />

equation becomes ∇ 2 Ψ(⃗r) + k 2 Ψ(⃗r) = V(⃗r)Ψ(⃗r). This definition makes the perturbation series eqn. 2.3 look less<br />

intuitive as half of the integrals seem to be subtracted.<br />


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