Radiation Curing Test Methods - infoHouse

Radiation Curing Test Methods - infoHouse Radiation Curing Test Methods - infoHouse

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AUTHOR<br />

Camille J. Kallendorf<br />

Technical Committee Chair<br />

Radtech International<br />

Borden Chemical<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio<br />

David Cyterski<br />

Lord Corporation<br />

Erie, Pennsylvania<br />


Anne Spinks<br />

Henkel Corporation<br />

La Grange, Illinois<br />

David Dreifus<br />

Loctite Corporation<br />

Newington, Connecticut

President's Message<br />

RadTech International is pleased to present this First Edition of the RadTech International <strong>Radiation</strong><br />

<strong>Curing</strong> <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong>.<br />

As the use of radiation curing technology expands there has been a stated need from the users for<br />

a single-source reference for test methods directly related to this technology. With this in mind, the<br />

RadTech International <strong>Radiation</strong> <strong>Curing</strong> <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> book was prepared by the Technical<br />

Committee of RadTech International for distribution at RadTech's first major event: The RadTech<br />

'88 -- North America Conference and Exposition in New Orleans, April 24-28, 1988 -- the largest<br />

radiation curing exposition to date. RadTech will hold these Conferences in North America biannually.<br />

The Technical Committee proposes to update this manual every two years in conjunction with<br />

the North American Conferences. RadTech International believes this text will be of service to you<br />

as you evaluate your UV/EB coatings, inks and adhesives.<br />

RadTech International was founded in mid-1986 as a nonprofit organization to serve the needs of<br />

all of the radiation curing and processing industry -- supplier, user, and prospective user. Membership<br />

in the association is open to any individual engaged in or interested in the radiation curing and<br />

processing industry. In just 21 months, RadTech International membership has grown to 400 individuals,<br />

primarily users. The association currently operates through seven committees: Membership,<br />

Technical, Marketing, Program, Editing, Exhibit and Users.<br />

Additional information about membership, publications, seminars and other activities may be obtained<br />

from RadTech International, 60 Reevere Drive, Suite 500, Northbrook, Illinois 60062 U.S.A.,<br />

312/480-9576.<br />

Alice Pincus<br />

President<br />

RadTech International<br />

NOTI= By publishing this book, RadTech International and its members do not warrant the information and test<br />

methods contained herein as proper under all conditions and expressly disclaim any responsibility for damages arising<br />

from the use, application or reliance on the information and test methods contained herein.<br />

0 1988 RadTech International<br />

All RiPhts Reserved<br />

ASTM Standards included in this Manual are reprinted with permission from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards,<br />

copyright American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19 103.<br />

..<br />


(m Designation: D 5403 - 93<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />

Volatile Content of <strong>Radiation</strong> Curable Materials'<br />

1. !hope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover procedures for the determination<br />

of weight percept volatile content of coatings, inks,<br />

and adhesives designed to be cud by exposure to ultraviolet<br />

light or to a beam of accelerated electrons.<br />

1.2 <strong>Test</strong> Method A is applicable to radiation curable<br />

materials that arc essentially 100 96 reactive but may contain<br />

traces (no more than 3 %) of volatile materials as impurities<br />

or introduced by the indudon of various additives.<br />

1.3 <strong>Test</strong> Method B is applicable to all radiation curable<br />

matenah but must be uscd for materials that contain volatile<br />

solvents intentionally introduced to control application viscosity<br />

and which am intended to bc removed from the<br />

material prior to cwc.<br />

I .4 These test methods may not bt applicable to radiation<br />

curable materials wherein the volatile material is water, and<br />

other procedures may be substituted by mutual consent of<br />

the producer and user.<br />

1.5 This stondard does not purport to address all of the<br />

sdety problems: Q any, associated with its use, It is the<br />

responsibiIity of the user of this stan&rd to establish appro<br />

priate safay and health practices and determine the applicability<br />

of regulatory limitations prior to use. A spec& hazard<br />

statement is given in Note 9.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 2369 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Volatile Content of Coatings2<br />

E 145 Specification for Gravity Convection and Forced<br />

Ventilation Ovens3<br />

E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in<br />

ASTM <strong>Methods</strong>3<br />

E 69 1 hdce for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to<br />

Determine the Precision of a Tcst Method'<br />

3. Terminology<br />

3.1 Definitions:<br />

3.1.1 me-the condition of a wating after conversion to<br />

the final state of cun as measured by tests generally related<br />

to end use performance and mutually agreeable to supplier<br />

and purchaser.<br />

3.1.2 ultraviolet (Uv) curing-conversion of a coating<br />

from its application state to its final use state by means of a<br />

mechanism initiated by ultraviolet radiation generated by<br />

equipment dcsigned.for that purpose.<br />

3.1.3 electron beam (EB) curing-wnversion of a coating<br />

its application state to its final use state by means of a<br />

mechanism initiated by elcctron beam radiation generated<br />

by equipment designed for that purpose.<br />

3.1.4 processing volatile-loss in specimen weight under<br />

test mnditims that arc desigoed to simulate actual industrial<br />

cum processing conditions.<br />

3.1.5 potential vofatiles-loss in specimen weight upon<br />

heating at 1 IO'C for 60 ruin after radiation curing.<br />

D1scu5910~-Thi~ value is an estimation of volatile loss that may<br />

occur during aghg or under extreme storage conditions. Potential<br />

4<br />

volatiles may also be rcfd to as residual volatila.<br />

3.1.6 total volatiles-sum of the proCessing volatiles and<br />

the potential volatila.<br />

I from<br />

4. Summary of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong><br />

4.1 A designated quantity of material is weighed before<br />

and after a cure step that simulates normal industrial<br />

proctssing. The test specimen is weighed again after heating<br />

at 110 f 5% for 60 dn. The percent volatile is calculated<br />

From the losses in weight.<br />

5. Significance and Usa,<br />

5.1 Thest test methods an the procedures of choice for<br />

determining volatile content of materials designed to be<br />

cured by exposure to ultraviolet light or electron beam<br />

irradiation. These types of materials contain liquid reactants<br />

that react to become part of the film during cure, but, which<br />

under the test conditions of <strong>Test</strong> Method D2369, will be<br />

erroneously measured as volatiles. The conditions of these<br />

test methods am Similar to <strong>Test</strong> Method D2369 with the<br />

inclusion of a step to curc the material prior to weight loss<br />

determination. Volatile content k determined as two separate<br />

components-pmmsing volatiles and potential<br />

~olatilm. processing v~latiles L z measilre of voiatiic ioss<br />

during the actual CUR process. Potential volatiles is a<br />

measure of volatile loss that might occur during aging or<br />

under extreme storage conditions. Thesc volatile content<br />

measurements an useful to the producer and user of a<br />

material and to environmental interests for determining<br />

emissions.<br />

6. Interferences<br />

6.1 The degree to which the results of thest procedures<br />

accurately measure the volatiles emitted during actual use is<br />

absolutely dependent upon proper cure during the test<br />

procedure. Although overcure will have little or no effect<br />

upon measured volatiles, undercure may lead to erroneously<br />

1<br />


@ D5403<br />

high values. Since various pieces of cure equipment may<br />

vary widely in efficiency, it is essential that dialogue between<br />

matvial manufactunr and Wng laboratory establish a cure<br />

schedule appropriate both to the material to be tested and to,<br />

the cure equipment to be used in the procedure. 1<br />

7. scope<br />


7.1 This test method is applicable to radiation curable<br />

mataids with solvent content less than or equal to 3 %.<br />

e a. ~ p p u ~ t ~<br />

8.1 Aluminum Substrae, stan&ud test pan& ( 102 mm by<br />

305 nun) or heavy gage (0.05 mm minimum) foil. <strong>Test</strong><br />

pan& an most convenient and may be cut into smaller<br />

pieccs for east of weighing. Pncondition the substrate for 30<br />

min at 110 i j% and Store in a desiccator prior to use.<br />

8.2 Fod Drd Oven, Type IIA or Type IIB E;S specified<br />

in Specification E 145.<br />

8.3 Ultraviolet L&ht or Electron Beam <strong>Curing</strong> Equip<br />

ment-Thm arc Lmcral cml"m supplim of labratory<br />

scale equipment that simulatts industrial curing processts?<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Mix the sample, if ncctssBry, to ensure uniformity.<br />

Hand stirring is recommended to avoid the entrapment of<br />

air bubbles.<br />

9.2 Weigh the preconditioned aluminum substrate, (8.1)<br />

to 0.1 mg (A). The sire of the aluminum substrate must<br />

allow a minimum of Oi2 g of material to be applieQ at the<br />

supplier's rccOmmcndcd film thickness. Usc rubber gloves or<br />

tongs, or both, to handle samples.<br />

9.3 Apply a minimum of 0.2 g of test specimen to the<br />

aluminum substrate and reweigh to 0.1 mg (B). Preparc a<br />

total of three test Specimens.<br />

9.4 Cun the test &men by exposur~ to W or EB as<br />

pnscribed by the supplier of the material.<br />

9.5 Allow the test specimen to cool 15 min at room<br />

temperatwe and d g h to 0.1 mg (C).<br />

9.6 Heat the test specimcp in a forced draft oven (8.2) for<br />

60 min at 110 f YC.<br />

NOTE 3-MUuiaIs that can react with atmospheric moisture during<br />

port cure, thu 4 UV ationicuuabk epoxy mataials, may exhibit a<br />

wWt gain d e procedure in 9.6. If this OCCUIJ, the sample should be<br />

retatad md rllowtd to port cun at room temperature for 48 h OAer<br />

procedure h 9.5, and then rcwigkd prior to procedure in 9.6. The<br />

weight aAer post cure should then be used as Weight C in the calculation<br />

of percent potential volatila in 10.1.<br />

9.6 Allow the test specimen to cool to room temperature<br />

in a desiccatOr and d g h to 0.1 mg, (D).<br />

10. cal~tioar<br />

10.1 Calculate the weight percent volatiles as follows:<br />

pnxxssine VOlatileJ - 100 [(B - c)/(B - A)]<br />

Potential Volatiles = 100 [(C - D)/(B - A)J<br />

Total volatiles - 96 procesinS Volatiles + 96 Potential Volatiles<br />

whm<br />

A = weight of aluminum substrate, g,<br />

B = weight of aluminum substrate plus test specimen, g,<br />

(1)<br />

(2)<br />

C = wight of aluminum substrate plus test specimen after<br />

a, gl and<br />

D = weight of aluminum substrate plus cured test specimen<br />

after heating.<br />

11. Reiish and Bias<br />

1 1.1 Interlaboratory <strong>Test</strong> Program-An interlaboratory<br />

studf of volatile content of radiation cured materials (<strong>Test</strong><br />

Method A) was conducted in accordance with Practice E 69 1<br />

in nine laboratories with three materials, with each laboratory<br />

obtaining three test results for each material.<br />

11.2 <strong>Test</strong> Result-The precision information given below<br />

for volatile content in weight percent is for the comparison of<br />

two test results, each of which is the average of three test<br />

determinations.<br />

1 1.3 Precision:<br />

Roardw Vohtila<br />

95 Z reprt.bility limit (within Lbontory)<br />

95 Z rrprodudbiiity limit (khwan kbonlorics)<br />

Potential VoLtila<br />

95 % rcpat.bility Limit (within Lbontory)<br />

95 I nproducibiiity limit (baw&n kbontorics)<br />

Total Vdrtiies<br />

95 % npatability limit (within Lbomlory)<br />

95 % ~ucibility limit (baw&n Lbontoria)<br />

Perant<br />

0.9<br />

I .6<br />

2.1<br />

4.2<br />

The terms repeatability limit and reproducibility limit are<br />

used as spcci6cd in Practice E 177. The rtspaCtive standard<br />

deviations among test results may be obtained by dividing<br />

the limit values by 2.8. The form of this pdon statement<br />

is in accordance with Practice E 177,31.1.<br />

11.4 Bias--Since there is no accepted reference material<br />

or method, or laboratory suitable for determining the bias for<br />

$e p&m in *w *db method €O€ mzasuring the voiatiie<br />

content of radiation cured mate% no statement of bias is<br />

being made.<br />


12. scope<br />

12.1 This test method is applicable to all radiation curable<br />

materials that will cure properly at the designated specimen<br />

2.3<br />

3 9<br />


7<br />

,<br />

(9 D5403<br />

weight, which corresponds to a film thickness of 50 to 75 pm<br />

depending upon solvent content. <strong>Test</strong> Method B is the<br />

method of choice for all radiation curable materials with<br />

solvent content greater than 3 X.<br />

12.2 This test method is not applicable to maten&<br />

containing styrene due to its volatility at 50'C.<br />

13. Apparatus<br />

13.1 Aluminum Foil Dish, 58 mm in diameter by 18 mm<br />

in height with a smooth (planar) bottom surface. Precondition<br />

the dishes for 30 min in an oven at I10 f 5'C and store<br />

in a desiccator prior to use.<br />

13.2 Forced DraJ Oven, Type IIA or Type IIB as specified<br />

in Specification E 145.<br />

NOTE &The shelves of the oven must be level.<br />

13.3 Syringe, 1 mL, capable of properly dispensing the<br />

material under test at suficient rate that the specimen can be<br />

dissolved in the solvent. Disposable syringes are recommended.<br />

13.4 Ultraviolet Light or Electron Beam <strong>Curing</strong> Equip<br />

menf-There an several commercial suppliers of laboratory<br />

scale equipment that simulates industrial curing proctsses.'<br />

14. Reagents<br />

14.1 Purify of Reagenfs-Reagent grade chemicals shall<br />

be used in all tests. Unless otherwise indicated, it is intended<br />

that all reagents shall conform the specifications of the<br />

Committee on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical<br />

Society, where such specifications are available.6 Other<br />

grades may be used, provided it is first ascertained that the<br />

reagent is of sufficiently high purity to permit its use without<br />

lessening the accuracy of the determination.<br />

15. Procedure<br />

15.1 Mix the sample, if necessary, to ensure uniformity.<br />

Hand stimng is recommended to avoid the entrapment of<br />

air bubbles.<br />

15.2 Weigh a preconditioned aluminum dish (1 3.1) to 0.1<br />

mg (A). Use rubber gloves or tongs, or both, to handle<br />

sample dishes.<br />

15.3 Using the syringe (see 13.3) weigh to 0.1 mg (B), by<br />

difference, 0.3 f 0.1 g of test specimen into the foil dish to<br />

which has been added 3 f 1 mL of acetone. Add the material<br />

dropwise, swirling the dish to disperse it completely in the<br />

acetone. If the material forms a lump that cannot be<br />

dispersed, discard the test specimen and prepare a new one.<br />

Prepare a total of three samples.<br />

NOTE 5-Be sure to wipe the outer surface of the syringe clean after<br />

obtaining the test specimen. Pull the syringe plunger up 114 of an inch to<br />

pull the material away from the neck of the syringe. Cap and weigh the<br />

syringe. Ancr dispensing the test specimen, do not wipe the tip of the<br />

syringe. Remove the material from the neck of the syringe by pulling up<br />

the plunger. Cap and reweigh the syringe. Note that sample weight (B)<br />

equals initial weight syringe minus final weight syringe.<br />

NOTE &Use disposable rubber doves or polyethylene to handle the<br />

syringe.<br />

NOTE 7-If the material is not compatible with acetone,<br />

tetrahydrofuran (THF) or a blend of acetone and THF may be<br />

substituted.<br />

15.4 Heat the samples in the forced draft oven (see 13.2)<br />

for 30 min at 50 i 2'C.<br />

3<br />

N m I-This step is Critical since I large amount of solvent present<br />

in the sample during cure will interfere with the cure process and an<br />

inadequate degree of cure may result, which could produce erroneous<br />

volatile results (see 6.1). If the material contains only very fast solvents,<br />

a lower temperature/shomr time may be substituted if it can be<br />

demonstrated that the conditions arc adequate to remove at leas( 90 %<br />

of the original solvent in the composition. Any remaining solvent will be<br />

removed during the subsequent cun and heating steps. In the case of<br />

samples that contain volatile solvents for control of application viscosity,<br />

this step also simulates the industrial p d n g stage nccQsary<br />

to remove the solvent prior to cure.<br />

15.5 Cure the test specimen by exposure to UV or EB as<br />

prescribed by the supplier of the material (see Note 2).<br />

15.6 Allow the test specimen to cool for 5 min at room<br />

temperature and reweigh (0.<br />

15.7 Heat the test specimen in the forced draft oven (see<br />

13.2) for 60 min at 110 f 5%.<br />

NOTE 9 Precaution-In addition to other precautions, provide adequate<br />

ventilation, consistent with accepted laboratory practice, to<br />

prevent solvent vapon from accumulating to a dangerous level.<br />

15.8 Allow test specimen to cool to room temperature in a<br />

desiccator and reweigh (D).<br />

16. Calculations<br />

16.1 Calculate the weigh percent volatiles as follows:<br />

Processing Volatiles - 100 (B - (C - A)]/B (3)<br />

Potential volatiles = 100 ((C - D)/B]<br />

Total Volatiles - 96 Processing Volatiles + 96 Potential Volatiles<br />

where:<br />

A = weight of aluminum dish, g,<br />

B = weight of test specimen, g,<br />

C = weight of aluminum dish plus test specimen after initial<br />

heating and cure, g and<br />

D = weight of aluminum dish plus cured test specimen after<br />

final heating, g.<br />

17. Precision and Bias:<br />

1 7.1 Interlaboratory <strong>Test</strong> Program-An interlaboratory<br />

study of volatile content of radiation cured materials (<strong>Test</strong><br />

Method B) was conducted in accordance with Practice E 69 1<br />

in eleven laboratories with three materials, with each Igboratory<br />

obtaining three test results for each material.<br />

17.2 <strong>Test</strong> Result-The precision information given in<br />

17.3 for volatile content in weight percent is for the<br />

comparison of two test results, each of which is the average<br />

of three test determinations.<br />

1 7.3 Precision:<br />

Fbcasing Volatila<br />

95 96 repeatability limit (within laboratory)<br />

95 I reproducibility limit (between Irbontoria)<br />

Potential Volarila<br />

95 96 repeatability limit (within laboratory)<br />

95 96 reproducibility limit (ktmcn Irbontoria)<br />

Total Vohh<br />

95 96 rrpertability limit (within laboratory)<br />

95 96 reproducibility limit (between labontoria)<br />

Percent<br />

2.0<br />

3.4<br />

1.1<br />

4.1<br />

2.0<br />

5.1<br />

The terms repeatability limit and reproducibility limit are<br />

'Supporting data uc available from ASTM Hcadquuun. Request "I-<br />

1083.<br />


(& D5403<br />

I<br />

used as specified in Practice E 177. The respective standard<br />

deviations among test results may be obtained by dividing<br />

the limit values by 2.8. The form of this precision statement<br />

is in accodmce with Practice E 177,31.1.<br />

c<br />

17.4 Bim4ince then is no accepted refennix material,<br />

method, or laboratory for determining the bias for the<br />

p d m in this test method for measuring volatile content<br />

of radiation Cured materials, no statement on bias is being<br />

made.<br />

18*<br />

18.1 elcctron beam curing; radiation curable material;<br />

radiation curing; ultraviolet curing; volatile content<br />


Table of Contents<br />

..<br />

President's Message ............................................. 11<br />

Chapter 1: Coatings<br />

Introduction .......................................................... 2<br />

Color .................................................................... 2<br />

Density ................................................................. 2<br />

Reactivity ............................................................. 2<br />

Refractive Index ................................................... 2<br />

Rheology .............................................................. 4<br />

Shelf-life Stability ................................................ 4<br />

Surface Tension ................................................... 4<br />

Chemical Functionality ........................................ 6<br />

Wear Resistance (Abralion) ................................ 6<br />

Surface Slip .......................................................... 6<br />

Hardness .............................................................. 6<br />

Gloss .................................................................... 8<br />

Glass Transition Temperature .............................. 8<br />

Tensile Properties ................................................ 8<br />

Flexibility ............................................................. 8<br />

Chemical Resistance ............................................ 8<br />

Barrier Properties ................................................ 10<br />

Adhesion ............................................................. 10<br />

Residual Unsaturation ......................................... 10<br />

Residual Monomer .............................................. 10<br />

Volatiles .............................................................. 10<br />

Exposure <strong>Test</strong>ing ................................................ 10<br />

Conclusion .......................................................... 11<br />

Chapter 2: Inks<br />

Introduction ......................................................... 15<br />

Grind ................................................................... 15<br />

Tack .................................................................... 15<br />

Hardness ............................................................. 15<br />

Color and Strength .............................................. 15<br />

...<br />


Chapter 3: Adhesives<br />

Introduction ......................................................... 18<br />

Rheology ............................................................. 18<br />

Tensile <strong>Test</strong>s ....................................................... 18<br />

Volatiles .............................................................. 18<br />

Barrier Properties ................................................ 18<br />

Hardness ............................................................. 20<br />

Refractive Index .................................................. 20<br />

Flexibility ............................................................ 20<br />

Tack .................................................................... 20<br />

Electrical ............................................................. 20<br />

Thermal Properties .............................................. 20<br />

Strength of Bonds ............................................... 21<br />

Peel ..................................................................... 21<br />

Fatigue Life ......................................................... 22<br />

Solvent Resistance .............................................. 22<br />

Exposure <strong>Test</strong>ing ................................................ 22<br />

Temperature and Humidity <strong>Test</strong>ing .................... 22<br />

Chapter 4: Troubleshooting<br />

Before Processing ............................................... 26<br />

During Processing ............................................... 28<br />

After Exposure to <strong>Radiation</strong> ............................... 28<br />

t<br />

Chapter 5: Glossary<br />

Glossary .............................................................. 31<br />

Appendixes<br />

1 . 12 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> ...........................................<br />

38<br />

13 ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> ....................................... 43<br />

14 Common Abbreviations and Symbols .... 428<br />

15 Common Units and Conversion Factors . 429<br />

16 Temperature Conversion Table .............. 430<br />

17 Advertiser Index ..................................... 433<br />




World leader in the manufacture and technology of coatings for<br />

automotive and industrial markets<br />

Over 60 coatings production, R&D, and customer service satellite<br />

facilities in 14 states and 9 countries<br />

One of the largest and most modern R&D facilities in the<br />

coatings industry<br />

Over 500 scientists and technicians devoted solely to coatings<br />

research<br />

Twenty years of commercial and R&D experience in coatings for:<br />

wood, vinyl, plastics, flooring, furniture, paper, graphic arts,<br />

container, metal and vacuum metallizing<br />

For information on how FFCI can kip meet your radkiibii cure<br />

coatings requirements, please call or write:<br />

PPG Industries, Inc.<br />

4325 Rosanna Drive<br />

Allison Park, PA 15101<br />

Phone: 412-492-5200<br />

FAX: 4 12-487-364 1<br />

Don Eshenbaugh, Market Manager<br />

<strong>Radiation</strong> Technology

Help for Formulating Chemists<br />

Call: 800-323-7386 or 800-431 -1 900<br />

Developing a new formulation for coatings, inks and<br />

CIBA-GEIGY can help you short circuit this cycle.<br />

adhesives can mean a time-intensive cycle of formu-<br />

late and experiment. And waiting for samples is<br />

only part of the problem.<br />

Call us for samples from our broad line of photoini-<br />

tiators, light stabilizers, antioxidants, optical bright-<br />

eners and corrosion inhibitors:<br />

Photoinitiators<br />

Irgacurea 500,184, Q07,651<br />

Light Staikizers<br />

TinuvinB 292,1130 as well as others for specific applications<br />

Antioxidants<br />

IrganoxB 1035, among others<br />

Optical Brighteners<br />

UvitexB OB<br />

~<br />

Corrosion Inhibitors<br />

lrgacors 252<br />

CIBA-GEIGY technical specialists can help you get<br />

started in the right direction. We are available to<br />

help you select the products for your formulation’s<br />

performance for each application and light source.<br />

So call today f6t 8 khple and let us help you<br />

optimize your formulation and minimize your time.<br />

Or, write to Additives Division, Coatings, <strong>Radiation</strong><br />

<strong>Curing</strong> and Photography Group, Three Skyline<br />

Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532.<br />


CHAPTER 1<br />



I<br />


<strong>Radiation</strong> cured inks, coatings and adhesives are formulated<br />

for a variety of end uses, and have a wide range of<br />

desired properties; however, certain basic properties are<br />

universal, regardless of application. In many cases these properties<br />

are inter-related, that is, alteration of one causes another<br />

to change.<br />

This book is a reference document only. The book draws<br />

upon the experience of the technical committee of RadTech<br />

International. Where appropriate, ASTM (American Society<br />

for <strong>Test</strong>ing Materials) test procedures are referenced. If<br />

the method is not an ASTM procedure, the method is provided<br />

in the appendix as are the ASTM methods. The<br />

usefulness of the various tests is discussed, as well as the advantages<br />

and disadvantages of the procedures.<br />

In addition, there is a chapter on troubleshooting radiation<br />

curable materials. A glossary of terms applicable to radiation<br />

curing is at the end of the book, as well as some useful<br />

tables.<br />

For all cured film properties, the method and extent of<br />

cure will affect the results.<br />


COLOR<br />

It is often desirable for radiation curable clear coatings<br />

to function as a protective topcoat for a substrate without altering<br />

the color of the substrate. Many of these coatings possess<br />

a pale tan to yellow/gold tint. Variation in color from batch<br />

to batch of a given formulation may indicate differences in<br />

concentration of individual components or the presence of<br />

a contaminant. Properties such as viscosity and cure speed<br />

should be checked if a variation in color is noted.<br />

Of the three methods listed, the Gardner Color Scale is<br />

the quickest. It is, however, based upon the comparative<br />

judgement of what the operator sees, and as such it is a subjective<br />

test. For greater accuracy the Platinum-Cobalt Scale<br />

or the Hunter Color Difference <strong>Methods</strong> are recommended.<br />

The latter two procedures require the purchase of spectrophotometers,<br />

and therefore are more expensive. In addition,<br />

they are more difficult to perform and require more time<br />

than does the Gardner Color Scale.<br />

Name: Gardner Color Scale.<br />

r’ropeny Xeasured: Coior.<br />

Method: ASTM D1209<br />

Comments: See ASTM D2849 for the preparation and<br />

calibration of standards. Color standards can be purchased from<br />

companies such as Hellige Inc., Garden City, N.J.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Calibrated color standards. Gardner-<br />

Holdt tubes, clear glass with flat bottoms.<br />

Name: Platinum-Cobalt Scale.<br />

Property Measured: Color.<br />

Method: ASTM D2849.<br />

Comments: See ASTM D2849 for the preparation and<br />

calibration of standards.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Calibrated color standards, Nessler tubes<br />

(matched, lOOml, tall form), and spectrophotometer.<br />

Name: Hunter Color Difference.<br />

Property Measured: Color.<br />

Method: ASTM E450.<br />

Comments: Measures the color of low colored liquids<br />

regardless of hue. Water is used as the reference.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Hunterlab Color Difference Meter,<br />

absorption cells, and pure water.<br />


Since radiation curable coatings are near 100% reactive<br />

(i.e. non-volatile products), knowledge of the density of the<br />

liquid is indicative of the weight of the film per area of coated<br />

substrate, i.e. the mileage. Variations in coating density from<br />

batch to batch of the same formulation may indicate potential<br />

variation in the concentration of its components. Reproducibility<br />

of .2#/gal is normal. The test is easy to perform and<br />

rapid.<br />

Name: Weight per Volume.<br />

Property Measured: Density.<br />

Method: ASTM D1475.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> must be run at constant temperature.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Weight per gallon cup or pycnometer,<br />

thermometer, and laboratory balance, accurate to .01 gram.<br />


Reactivity test methods are designed for quality control.<br />

The speed of cure of a “test” batch is compared to that of<br />

an “acceptable” batch. A “test” batch that is slower or faster<br />

in cure may indicate either a concentration variation of one<br />

or more of the components or the presence of a contaminant.<br />

The method is also used to evaluate the relative cure speed<br />

of new formulations.<br />

The Speed of Cure Versus a Standard is easily done but<br />

is subjective in nature. The Infrared Spectroscopy Method<br />

measures the diszppearance of double bonds. Since the IR<br />

is not very quantitative, this method is also not very accurate<br />

and in addition, it requires the use of an infrared spectrophotometer.<br />

Name: Speed of Cure Versus Standard.<br />

Property Measured: Reactivity.<br />

Method: See Appendix 1.<br />

Necessary Equipment: <strong>Curing</strong> apparatus.<br />

Name: Infrared Spectroscopy.<br />

Property Measured: Reactivity.<br />

Method: See Appendix 2.<br />

Necessary Equipment: <strong>Curing</strong> apparatus and infrared<br />

spectrophotometer.<br />


The refractive index of a substance is the ratio of the<br />

speed of light through a vacuum to the speed of light through<br />

a sample. The refractive index of a substance is very sensitive<br />

to compositional variations. Therefore, the method is<br />

useful to check the uniformity of batches or the presence of<br />

contamination.<br />

Name: Refractive Index.<br />

Method: ASTM D1218.<br />

Comments: Liquids must be light colored. <strong>Test</strong> liquid must be<br />


,<br />



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free of bubbles. Temperature affects the results.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Thermometer and refractometer such as<br />

Bausch & Lomb’s “Precision Type Range 1.33 to 1.64 for the<br />

Sodium D line.”<br />


Rheology deals with the flow or deformation of the<br />

coating. Depending upon the application of the coating, the<br />

rheology of the coating is specified. Since rheology is a<br />

measurement of the movement of the fluid, changes in this<br />

property affect the properties of leveling, flowout, sag<br />

resistance, etc.<br />

The major aspect of rheology is viscosity, which is the<br />

internal friction of a fluid. Viscosity differences may be indicative<br />

of formulational differences, which can manifest<br />

themselves in other properties such as toughness, flexibility,<br />

abrasion resistance, etc. (2)<br />

A cup type of viscometer measures the time it takes for<br />

the coating to empty through an orifice in the bottom of the<br />

cup. For this type of viscometer the coating needs to be<br />

Newtonian or near-Newtonian (viscosity is not dependent<br />

upon shearing forces) or else it is difficult to judge the break<br />

in the flow of the coating stream. The closer the orifice is<br />

to a capillary, the more accurate the test. The cup methods<br />

are easy to use and rapid, but are limited in viscosity range<br />

to relatively fluid materials. They are not precise, but are<br />

practical and cleanup is rapid. Cup type viscometers are frequently<br />

used during application to assure the viscosity of the<br />

coating is within the viscosity range of the equipment and<br />

the process.<br />

Coatings which are more viscous are measured either<br />

on a Laray viscometer or on an inkometer. The latter simulates<br />

the operation of an offset press. The former measures<br />

the resistance of a rod coated with a test material to falling<br />

through a narrow collar.<br />

The most accurate method is the Rotational Viscometer<br />

Method. The procedure can measure coatings over a wide<br />

range of viscosities. It is slower than cup methods, but is still<br />

practical. Modifications to the procedures permits the<br />

measurement of thixotropy. Thixotropic coatings are materials<br />

whose viscosity decreases upon application of shear.<br />

Name: Viscosity by Zahn Cup.<br />

Property Measured: Rheology.<br />

Method: ASTM D1084, ASTM D4212.<br />

Comments: Must be measured at constant temperature. If<br />

viscosity is shear dependent use ASTM D2556.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Zahn viscosity cup set, stopwatch or<br />

other timing device, and thermometer.<br />

Name: Viscosity by Ford Cup.<br />

Property Measured: Rheology.<br />

Method: ASTM D1200.<br />

Comments: Must be measured at constant temperature. If<br />

material is thixotropic use ASTM D2196.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Ford viscosity cup set, stopwatch or<br />

other timing device, and thermometer.<br />

Name: Yield Value by Falling Rod Viscometer (Laray).<br />

Property Measured; Rheology.<br />

Method: See Appendix 3.<br />

4<br />

Necessary Equipment: Laray Viscometer with photoelectric<br />

timer, constant temperature bath, thermometer, programmable<br />

calculator or computer or calibrated graph paper, and plastic<br />

spatula.<br />

Name: Tack by Inkometer.<br />

Property Measured: Rheology.<br />

Method: ASTM D4361.<br />

Comments: Needs to be measured at constant temperature and<br />

constant rpm.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Inkometer and calibrated ink pipet.<br />

Name: Viscosity by Rotational Viscometer.<br />

Property Measured: Rheology.<br />

Method: ASTM D1084, Method B.<br />

Comments: Must be measured at constant temperature,<br />

normally 25 C. For non-Newtonian materials, viscosity may<br />

vary with speed and spindle, therefore these items should also<br />

be reported.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Rotational viscometer, such as<br />

Brookfield model LV or RV, and thermometer.<br />

Name: Thixotropy by Viscometer.<br />

Property Measured: Rheology.<br />

Method: ASTM D2196.<br />

Comments: Must be measured at constant temperature.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Rotational viscometer with at least 4<br />

speeds, thermometer, and high speed mixer.<br />


Measurement of this property is indicative of the storage<br />

stability of the coating prior to use. The test does not tell how<br />

long the coating is stable. It gives stability in contrast to a<br />

reference material.<br />

Name: Oven Aging.<br />

Property Measured: Shelf-Life Stability.<br />

Method: ASTM D4144.<br />

Comments: Container composition may vary results. Control<br />

should be run simultaneously. Since oxygen inhibits the<br />

polymerization reaction, the proportion of headspace to coating<br />

will affect the results. Can also measure the change in viscosity<br />

with heating instead of gellation point.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Container, thermometer, and constant<br />

temperature oven.<br />


Surface tension is indicative of such properties as wettability,<br />

purity, crawling, cratering, foaming, and adhesion.<br />

Coatings tend to flow from areas of low surface tension to<br />

areas of high surface tension. Wetting is the unforced instantaneous<br />

spreading of a liquid to cover a solid substrate. In<br />

order to wet a substrate, the surface tension of the liquid must<br />

be lower than the surface free energy of the substrate. Crawling<br />

occurs if a coating of high surface tension is applied to<br />

a substrate with lower surface free energy. When this happens<br />

the coating puddles. Failure to properly wet the substrate<br />

reduces the adhesion of the coating. Cratering is often caused<br />

by a contaminant of low surface tension on the substrate’s<br />

surface or in the coating. The coating tends to flow away from<br />

the contaminant. In order to achieve good leveling, materials<br />

of low surface tension are often added to the coating. These<br />

materials, however, often cause foaming.

.<br />

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Name: Surface Tension.<br />

Method: ASTM D1331, Method A.<br />

Comments: Should be reported at constant temperature. All<br />

equipment must be clean.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tensiometer and container, at least 6 cm<br />

in diameter.<br />


Analysis of the coating for chemical functionality is<br />

useful in evaluating it for performance in a particular end use.<br />

For example, the acid number is indicative of residual acid<br />

which may be present. The acid is often acrylic acid. Residual<br />

acid can be corrosive to some substrates.<br />

In a similar manner, the alkalinity number is indicative<br />

of residual base which may be present and be detrimental<br />

to certain end uses. The hydroxyl number is the number of<br />

-OH groups present. These groups are polar and are also<br />

potentially reactive sites.<br />

The unsaturation aspect of the test determines the number<br />

of double bonds in the coating. These are also potentially<br />

reactive sites. The determination of water is valuable since<br />

if it is present as a contaminant, it may have a significant<br />

effect upon properties such as viscosity, cure speed, tensile<br />

strength, percent elongation, modulus, refractive index, surface<br />

tension, hardness, and wear resistance among others.<br />

The disadvantages of these tests are that they do require some<br />

knowledge of chemistry and are time consuming.<br />

Name: Chemical Functionality.<br />

Properties Measured: Acid number, alkalinity number, hydroxyl<br />

number, unsaturation, and water content.<br />

Method: ASTM D2849.<br />

Comments: Care must be taken with chemicals involved.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Erlenmeyer flask, buret, ethanol,<br />

hydrochloric acid, phenolphthalein indicator, potassium<br />

hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, benzene, pipet, balance, mercuric<br />

acetate, methanol, sodium bromide, beaker, Karl Fischer<br />

reagent, and Karl Fischer titrator.<br />



Abrasion resistance is related to the properties of hardness,<br />

tensile strength, elastic modulus, and toughness. Abrasion<br />

or wear resistance is the ability of a coating in bulk to<br />

withstand mechanical forces which tend to progressively<br />

remove the coating. Mar resistance is the ability of the surface<br />

of the coating to withstand these forces. The greater the<br />

elasticity of the coating, the better able it is to deform and<br />

therfore the more abrasion resistant it tends to be. As tensile<br />

strength increases, the coating exhibits greater wear resistance.<br />

(3)<br />

The Taber Abrasion <strong>Test</strong> is more destructive than the<br />

Sutherland Rub <strong>Test</strong>. Addition of slip agents can improve the<br />

results of the Sutherland Rub <strong>Test</strong>, but tend to have little effect<br />

on the results of a Taber <strong>Test</strong>. The Taber <strong>Test</strong> is difficult<br />

to reproduce between laboratories. The Sutherland Rub <strong>Test</strong><br />

is designed to simulate the rubbing of materials during shipment.<br />

Foreign materials, coating thickness, and temperature<br />

will affect the results of both tests.<br />

6<br />

Name: Sutherland Rub.<br />

Property Measured: Wear Resistance.<br />

Method: Tappi RC- 183 (4).<br />

Comments: Specify the weight and number of rubs used. Also<br />

specify the surfaces to be rubbed (for example, coating to<br />

stock).<br />

Necessary Equipment: Rub test equipment such as that from<br />

Sutherland Paper Co. (Kalamazoo, Mich.).<br />

Name: Taber Abrasion.<br />

Property Measured: Wear Resistance.<br />

Method: ASTM D4060.<br />

Comments: Specify wheel, weight per wheel, and number of<br />

cycles. Reproducibility between labs is poor.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Taber Abrasion tester.<br />


Surface slip is important for shipping and handling coated<br />

substrates. The greater the surface slip, or the lower the coefficient<br />

of friction, the easier materials slide past each other.<br />

This test measures the resistance to movement. As the surface<br />

slip increases, often the surface is more resistant to marring<br />

and abrasion. In addition to the test methods listed there<br />

is also the Three Point Sled Method. The tests are dependent<br />

upon complete cure of the surface of the coating.<br />

Name: Horizontal Plane.<br />

Property Measured: Surface Slip.<br />

Method: ASTM D3247.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Friction testing apparatus such as that<br />

supplied by American Glass Research (Butler, Pa.) or Altek<br />

Co. (Torrington, Ct.).<br />

Name: Inclined Plane.<br />

Property Measured: Surface Slip.<br />

Method: ASTM D3334.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Timer, inclined plane, and sled.<br />


One advantage of radiation curable coatings is their high<br />

degree of hardness. The harder a coating is, the more it resists<br />

indentation and scratching. Hardness tests are dependent upon<br />

the coating’s thickness, substrate, and adhesion. The Durometer<br />

<strong>Test</strong> measures the amount of penetration of a needle into<br />

the coating. For soft coatings a Shore A durometer is used,<br />

for harder. coatings the Shore D durometer is used. The Steel<br />

Wool Rotary <strong>Test</strong> measures the resistance to abrasion by<br />

rotating steel wool at a force of 12 psi.<br />

For the ?encii Hardness <strong>Test</strong>, hardness is determined by<br />

a set of numbered pencils. The first pencil which scratches<br />

the surface is reported as the coating’s hardness. The test has<br />

the advantage of being rapid. It is, however, operator dependent.<br />

The “squareness” of the point, the applied force, and<br />

the angle affect the results. In addition to the listed tests, there<br />

are also the Knoop Hardness <strong>Test</strong> (ASTM D1474) and fingernail<br />

scratching which is a subjective indicator of surface<br />

hardness.<br />

Name: Durometer.<br />

Property Measured: Hardness.<br />

Method: ASTM D2240.<br />

Comments: Results can be temperature, thickness, and applied

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At Henkel, service for the Photomer series of radiation-curing<br />

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pressure dependent. Using a weight to apply the pressure can<br />

eliminate the effect of applied pressure.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Durometer.<br />

Name: Steel Wool Rotary <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

Property Measured: Hardness.<br />

Method: See Appendix 9.<br />

Necessary Equipment: #OOOO steel wool and rotary holder for<br />

the steel wool designed to deliver 12 psi.<br />

Name: Pencil Hardness.<br />

Property Measured: Hardness.<br />

Method: ASTM D3363.<br />

Comments: Should be tested at ambient temperature. Results<br />

can vary with substrate composition and film thickness.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Calibrated set of drawing leads or<br />

equivalent set of calibrated pencils meeting the following<br />

hardness scale:<br />

Soft: 6B-5B-4B-3B-2B-lB-HB-F-H-2H-3H-4H-5H-6H: Hard.<br />

GLOSS<br />

Gloss is the property of a surface which causes it to<br />

reflect light; high gloss is often a desirable aesthetic feature<br />

of radiation curable coatings. A glossmeter is used to quantitatively<br />

measure light reflected from a surface at various<br />

angles.<br />

Property Measured: Gloss.<br />

Method: ASTM D523.<br />

Comments: Gloss is affected by substrate color and texture as<br />

well as method of application.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Glossmeter (60 degree for mid-range<br />

gloss, 85 degree for low gloss, and 20 degree for high gloss).<br />


Properties such as refractive index, modulus, coefficient<br />

of thermal expansion, rupture strength, percent elongation,<br />

and dielectric constant change significantly at the glass transition<br />

temperature. It is, therefore, desirable to know the<br />

temperature at which the coating changes from a soft, rubbery<br />

state to a more brittle material. The glass transition<br />

temperature is detected with a differential scanning<br />

calorimeter. Although this test is very useful for the prediction<br />

of performance, it is both time-consuming and expensive.<br />

Name: Differential Scanning Calorimeter.<br />

Property Measured: Glass Transition Temperature.<br />

Method: ASTM D3248.<br />

Comments: Sensitive to heating rate.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Differential scanning calorimeter and<br />

sample pans.<br />


Mechanical properties are important to the performance<br />

of radiation-cured systems. A tensile (pulling) load is applied<br />

using a tensile testing instrument to determine properties such<br />

as modulus, elongation at break, and strength. Rupture<br />

strength is the greatest stress a coating can withstand prior<br />

to ripping. Modulus is a measure of the stress required to<br />

elongate the coating a given distance. Elongation is required<br />

if the coated substrate must be post-formed. The test is sensitive<br />

to edge effects, so a precision cutter is recommended.<br />

8<br />

In addition, the tests are sensitive to both temperature and<br />

humidity. Actual values vary with the rate at which the sample<br />

is elongated.<br />

Name: Modulus, Rupture Strength, % Elongation, Tensile<br />

Strength.<br />

Properties Measured: All of the above.<br />

Method: ASTM D882.<br />

Comments: Can be used to test free film or coated surface.<br />

ASTM D638 should be used if film thickness is greater than 1<br />

mm. Values may vary with the degree of cure and sample<br />

conditioning.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tensile tester, such as a Instron.<br />


The flexibility of a coating is its ability to be twisted and<br />

bent. Usually, the more flexible a film is, the better able it<br />

is to resist cracking. Also, thicker films are usually less flexible.<br />

Flexibility is affected by not only the film’s ability to<br />

move but also by adhesion. As the temperature increases,<br />

most films become more flexible. If the film absorbs humidity,<br />

the water can act as a plasticizer. The rate at which the<br />

film is tested affects the results. The faster the test is run,<br />

the less flexible it appears to be. In addition to the test listed<br />

below, the Cylindrical Mandrel <strong>Test</strong>, the T-Bend <strong>Test</strong>, and<br />

the Impact <strong>Test</strong>, which measures instantaneous flexibility, also<br />

are used to measure this property.<br />

Name: Conical Mandrel Bend.<br />

Property Measured: Flexibility.<br />

Method: ASTM D522.<br />

Comments: Flexibility will be affected by both the substrate and<br />

applied film thickness, therefore, these factors should be kept<br />

constant when doing comparisons.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Conical Mandrel Flexibility tester.<br />


Chemical attack of a coating by solvents, water, acid,<br />

or base can result in loss of adhesion, loss of gloss, reduction<br />

of tensile properties, and swelling. The Covered Spot<br />

<strong>Test</strong> provides contact between a coating and various chemical<br />

substances to give a qualitative measure of the relative<br />

resistance of a coating. In the Solvent Rub <strong>Test</strong> the solvent<br />

is rubbed with a cloth across the surface of a coating. This<br />

test, run with methyl ethyl ketone, is often used as an indicator<br />

of completeness of cure.<br />

Name: Covered Spot <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

Property Measured: Chemical Resistance.<br />

Method: ASTM D1308.<br />

Comments: Applied film thickness can affect results. To assure<br />

uniform contact with low viscosity solvents, a 1” square of<br />

tissue can be saturated and placed on the test surface.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Watch glass approximately 2“ in<br />

diameter and 1” square tissue.<br />

Name: Solvent Rub.<br />

Property Measured: Chemical Resistance.<br />

Method: See Appendix 8.<br />

Comments: Choose chemicals to which the coating will be<br />

exposed during use.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Cloth, pipet, distilled water, and solvent.

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<strong>Radiation</strong> cured coatings, particularly those used in<br />

packaging applications may be required to exclude moisture.<br />

The barrier properties of a coating are expressed either as<br />

water vapor transmission rate or as a moisture vapor transmission<br />

rate, which are calculated from the amount of water<br />

transmitted through an area of coating under precise<br />

temperature, pressure, and relative humidity conditions.<br />

Moisture can cause loss of adhesion, substrate corrosion, or<br />

degradation of the substrate. For the tests, film preparation<br />

is critical. A pin hole in the coating can have a large<br />

adverse effect. The tests are very temperature and relative<br />

humidity dependent.<br />

Name: Moisture Vapor Permeability.<br />

Property Measured: Moisture Barrier.<br />

Method: ASTM D1653.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Analytical balance, controlled<br />

environment.<br />

Name: Water Vapor Transmission Rate.<br />

Property Measured: Water Barrier.<br />

Method: ASTM E96.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Sealable test specimen, mounting dishes,<br />

constant temperature and humidity environment, analytical<br />

scale.<br />


Adhesion tests measure the force needed to remove a<br />

coating from the substrate. The qualitative adhesion of a<br />

coating to a specific substrate can be tested by observing the<br />

amount of scored coating which is removed from the substrate<br />

by pressure sensitive tape. Any surface preparation done to<br />

the substrate can affect adhesion. Adhesion is improved by<br />

good lay, good wetting, and dry substrates. Lack of through<br />

cure of a coating will give poor results in adhesion testing.<br />

Name: Tape <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

Property Measured: Adhesion.<br />

Method: ASTM D3359.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> tape used should be specified. <strong>Test</strong> is only for<br />

films less than 5 mils in thickness.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Pressure sensitive tape, steel ruler, and<br />

single-edge razor blade.<br />


The Permanganate Stain <strong>Test</strong> is a qualitative measure of<br />

the extent of cure of a coating by observation of the intensity<br />

of color after staining. This intensity is proportional to the<br />

amount of residual unsaturation.<br />

Name: Permanganate Stain <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

Property Measured: Residual Unsaturation.<br />

Method: See Appendix 7.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> is qualitative only. Residence time of solution<br />

affects the results.<br />

Necessary Equipment: 1% potassium permanganate solution and<br />

stopwatch.<br />


<strong>Radiation</strong> curing normally involves “ 100% solids”<br />

systems in which ultraviolet cure gives optimum properties.<br />

If cure is partial the film can slowly continue curing which<br />

10<br />

changes the properties. In addition, unreacted monomer can<br />

act as a plasticizer. As it is removed, the film properties can<br />

change. The Extractables by Gas Chromatography <strong>Test</strong> detects<br />

uncured monomers which have been extracted from the<br />

coating with solvent. The quantitative gravimetric method<br />

provides a determination of the extend of cure by measuring<br />

the weight of uncured monomer.<br />

Name: Extractables by Gas Chromatographic Analysis.<br />

Property Measured: Residual Monomer.<br />

Method: See Appendix 6.<br />

Necessary Equipment: 25 mi screw cap vial, sample shaker,<br />

gas chromatograph, standard solutions, tetrahydrofuran, and<br />

syringe.<br />

Name: Extractables by Gravimetric Determination.<br />

Property Measured: Residual Monomers.<br />

Method: See Appendix 5.<br />

Necessary Equipment: 25 ml screw cap vial, sample shaker,<br />

crystallizing dish, analytical balance, tetrahydrofuran, and<br />

cotton gloves.<br />


Volatile materials in radiation curable formulations may<br />

contribute odor and undesirable emissions, and may decrease<br />

performance properties. This baking method quantitatively<br />

measures volatiles as a loss of sample weight after baking.<br />

Name: Volatiles by Baking.<br />

Method: ASTM D1259, Appendix 4.<br />

Comments: Can be used on cured film or on uncured coating.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Petri dish or aluminum pans, constant<br />

temperature forced air oven, analytical balance, stopwatch,<br />

syringe, and cotton gloves.<br />


For coatings used in outdoor applications it is desirable<br />

to simulate the effect of exterior exposure upon the coating.<br />

Artificial testing done with UV accelerated weatherometers<br />

and fadeometers is done considerably faster than exterior exposure<br />

testing. The artificial testing, however, may not accurately<br />

simulate the effects of weathering.<br />

Name: Exterior Exposure <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

Property Measured: Weathering.<br />

Method: ASTM D1006.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> needs to be run for an extended period<br />

of time.<br />

Necessary Equipmerit: <strong>Test</strong>ing site and method to hang the<br />

specimens.<br />

Name: Xenon-arc Lamp.<br />

Property Measured: Weathering.<br />

Method: ASTM G26.<br />

Comments: Method is for light exposure and water spray.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Xenon-arc and water spray test<br />

equipment.<br />

Name: Fluorescent U.V. Condensation.<br />

Property Measured: Weathering.<br />

Method: ASTM G53.<br />

Comments: Correlation with weathering tests done outside may<br />

be difficult.<br />

Necessary Equipment: <strong>Test</strong> equipment with fluorescent U.V.<br />

light, temperature probe, timer, and water spray.

.<br />



The purpose of various tests for radiation curable clear<br />

topcoats was presented including the advantages and disadvantages<br />

of each test. In addition, the inter-relationships of<br />

various properties were examined. Where appropriate, comments<br />

to aid in testing were added.<br />

The test methods and equipment cited in this book are<br />

intended for reference only. The committee does not endorse<br />

any method or equipment.<br />

(1) American Society of <strong>Test</strong>ing Materials. All ASTM<br />

methods cited are available from this society: 1916 Race<br />

St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />

(2) Kallendorf, Camille J. and Singleton, Mitchell, Correlation<br />

Between the Properties of Wet Ultraviolet Coatings<br />

and Cured Films, Conference Proceedings, Radcure ’84,<br />

Sept. 1984.<br />

(3) Sward, G.G., Paint <strong>Test</strong>ing Manual, ASTM, 1972, pp.<br />

301-302.<br />

(4) Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry: 360<br />

Lexington Ave. New York.<br />

This chapter is reprinted courtesy of the authors of the book and<br />

the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Copyright 1987, from the<br />

Radcure ’86 Conference Proceedings.<br />


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CHAPTER 2<br />

INKS<br />


ACME has made top-quality, problemsolving<br />

inks since 1909, in a full range of<br />

colors, including an outstanding opaque<br />

white. Specially made for the plastics<br />

industry, ACME inks for dry or wet offset<br />

printing are available in Offset Air Dry, UV<br />

(Acraset) cure and IR cure formulations.<br />

They produce unexcelled color intensity,<br />

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stability when printing on Styrofoam,<br />

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Whatever problems you’re having printing<br />

on plastics, ACME has guaranteed solution:<br />

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sample to run in your own plant. Whichever<br />

you choose, it’s no problem to find an<br />

answer. A phone call or letter will bring<br />

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The test methods cited in the coatings chapter are applicable<br />

to radiation cured inks and are therefore not cited<br />

in this section. The methods listed here are used for conventional<br />

inks but are applicable to radiation cure. They deal with<br />

how pigment can affect the formulation in the areas of grind,<br />

tack, hardness and color.<br />

GRIND<br />

Fineness of grind is indicative of how well dispersed a<br />

pigment is in the oligomer-monomer. Failure to obtain a good<br />

grind will affect cylinder wear, color strength, water uptake<br />

and the tack of an ink. The printed surface can have piling,<br />

lower gloss, areas of pickoff, streaking, and reduced rub or<br />

abrasion resistance. The grind tests will also indicate partial<br />

gellation of a radiation-curable ink.<br />

Name: Npiri Grind.<br />

Property Measured: Dispersion.<br />

Method: ASTM D1316.<br />

Comments: Dust particles will give false readings so grind<br />

gauge and scraper must be well cleaned. Ink should be sampled<br />

from the bulk, not the surface.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Npiri grind gauge.<br />

Name: Hegman Grind.<br />

Property Measured: Dispersion.<br />

Method: ASTM D1210.<br />

Comments: Same as above.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Hegman grind gauge.<br />

TACK<br />

Tack is the measurement of the “stickiness” of a<br />

substance. It is desirable to have the tack as high as possible<br />

to produce the sharpest print; however, too high a tack will<br />

cause picking of the substrate. Improper tack will cause poor<br />

transfer of the ink on the rolls and subsequently to the<br />

substrate, as well as misting and slinging problems. Smearing<br />

can also be caused by having improper tack.<br />

The most common method to measure tack is the inkometer<br />

test. The inkometer measures the force required to<br />

cause inked rollers to rotate in contact with each other.<br />

Temperature must remain constant, since higher temperatures<br />

tend to break down an ink and lower the reading. The amount<br />

of ink applied to the rollers, the speed of the rollers, the time<br />

the ink has been on the roiiers and the pressure applied to<br />

the rollers all affect the reading. The finger tapout test is very<br />

quick and inexpensive, but also is highly subjective.<br />

Name: Tack by Inkometer.<br />

Property Measured: Stickiness of an Ink.<br />

Method: See Appendix 10.<br />

Comments: Amount of ink, temperature, roller pressure, time,<br />

and roller speed affect the reading.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Inkometer, ink pipet, spatula and<br />

stopwatch.<br />

Name: Finger Tapout <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

Property Measured: Stickiness of Ink.<br />

Method: See Appendix 11.<br />

Comments: Highly subjective.<br />


The methods cited in the coatings chapter are also applicable<br />

to inks and are commonly used in the industry. The<br />

addition of pigment to make an ink will tend to soften the<br />

film. The softer the film, the easier it will abrade.<br />

Name: Rocker Hardness.<br />

Property Measured: Hardness.<br />

Method: ASTM D2134.<br />

Comments: Incompletely cured ink will allow monomers and or<br />

oligomers to migrate to the surface and slow the rocker which<br />

will produce inaccurate results. Plasticizers which could<br />

migrate to the surface also affect results.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Sward Hardness Rocker, Model C.<br />


As with conventional inks, color and strength are critical<br />

to the print. The test cited below is visual and therefore subjective,<br />

yet it is reproducible with experience in performing<br />

the test. The test consists of drawing down the test ink versus<br />

a standard and comparing the color. Strength is measured<br />

by diluting both inks with the same amount of white tinting<br />

ink and comparing drawdowns. For white inks, black ink may<br />

be used for the test. Colormeters are available to measure<br />

the color of a print.<br />

Name: Strength and Color of Ink.<br />

Properties Measured: Strength, Color.<br />

Method: ASTM D387.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> is visual and therefore subjective. <strong>Test</strong> is not<br />

applicable to white ink; however, ASTM D332 is the method<br />

for white.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Drawdown bar, anilox roller, quick peek,<br />

and Little Joe press or appropriate equipment to make print.<br />


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CHAPTER 3<br />




<strong>Radiation</strong>-curable adhesives are formulated to bond a<br />

wide variety of substrates together. If the adhesive is being<br />

cured between the two substrates, care must be taken to assure<br />

adequate ultraviolet or electron-beam energy reaches the<br />

adhesive through the substrate. As with radiation-curable inks<br />

and coatings, the method of application and extent of cure<br />

affect the results and performance of the cured adhesive.<br />



Rheology is the study of the deformation or flow of a<br />

material when stress is applied. In a perfectly viscous liquid<br />

the observed stress is dependent upon only the rate of deformation.<br />

The material has no memory of previously applied<br />

stresses. The work used to produce the stress is instantaneously<br />

dissipated. The stress at a given instant is dependent only<br />

on how rapidly it is deformed at that moment. Such materials<br />

are called Newtonian or non-thixotropic. A non-Newtonian<br />

or thixotropic material changes viscosity as the stress is<br />

changed. The method of application determines the necessary<br />

viscosity for the adhesive.<br />

Name: Viscosity of Adhesive.<br />

Property Measured: Viscosity.<br />

Method: ASTM D1084-Method B.<br />

Comments: Method should be used for non-thixotropic<br />

adhesives (Newtonian). This method applies to adhesives<br />

between 50 and 200,000 CP in viscosity. Viscosity is highly<br />

temperature dependent so temperature must be held constant.<br />

Viscosity also varies with the speed of rotation and the spindle<br />

used. The viscometer is less accurate at the high and low<br />

portion of the scale (less than 20 and greater than 80). Damage<br />

such as scratches to the spindle or cup noticeably alters the<br />

results, as does a bent spindle connector. Amount of sample<br />

used will change the results and therefore the quantity must be<br />

specified.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Rotational viscometer, such as<br />

Brookfield LV or RV models, and thermometer or temperature<br />

controller.<br />

Name: Apparent Viscosity of Adhesives Having Shear-Rate-<br />

Dependent Flow Properties.<br />

Property Measured: Viscosity.<br />

Method: ASTM D2556-69.<br />

Comments: Method should be used for thixotropic adhesives<br />

(non-Newtonian). All other comments for D-1084, Method B<br />

apply.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Rotational viscometer, such as<br />

Brookfield LV or RV models, and thermometer or temperature<br />

controller.<br />




18<br />


Adhesives must be able to withstand the stresses to which<br />

the substrates will be exposed without loss of tensile<br />

properties. In the test, a tensile or pulling load is applied to<br />

the sample and the properties of modulus, elongation at break,<br />

rupture strength, and tensile strength are determined. Tensile<br />

strength is the maximum stress (load) the sample withstands<br />

without breaking. Rupture strength is the stress which occurs<br />

at break. Both tensile strength and rupture strength are<br />

reported in psi. Percent elongation is the elongation of the<br />

sample at break expressed as a percentage of the original<br />

gauge length. Modulus is the ratio of the stress to the<br />

corresponding strain (amount which the sample is stressed).<br />

It is also called the elastic modulus or Young’s modulus. The<br />

higher the modulus value, the harder it is to stretch the<br />

sample.<br />

Name: Tensile Properties of Plastics.<br />

Properties Measured: Tensile strength, rupture strength,<br />

% elongation, modulus.<br />

Method: ASTM D638.<br />

Comments: Results are dependent upon the degree of cure, the<br />

thickness of the sample, and the rate of the crosshead.<br />

Temperature and humidity change the results, therefore<br />

preconditioning of the sample is recommended. Nicks in the<br />

edge of the sample create stresses which alter the results.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Sample cutter, micrometer, and tensile<br />

testing machine with constant rate of crosshead movement.<br />


Volatiles from an adhesive can migrate to an interface<br />

of the adhesive and substrate causing loss of bond strength.<br />

Volatiles can also destroy the properties of nearby components<br />

and are therefore carefully monitored in the aerospace and<br />

electronics industries. For environmental reasons, VOCs<br />

should be minimized. For non-electronic applications, the<br />

method can be modified using a conventional oven.<br />

Name: Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable<br />

Materials From Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment.<br />

Property Measured: Volatiles.<br />

Method: ASTM E595.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Vacuum oven and analytical balance.<br />


In packaging applications, it is desirable for the adhesive<br />

to act either as a moisture barrier or water barrier in addition<br />

to bonding the two substrates. With both of the following<br />

tests, application of the adhesive is critical since a pinhole<br />

can indicate failure of the adhesive to act as a barrier. Both<br />

tests are sensitive to temperature and humidity.<br />

Name: Moisture Vapor Permeability.<br />

Property Measured: Moisture Barrier.<br />

Method: ASTM D1653.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Analytical balance and controlled<br />

environment.<br />

Name: Water Vapor Transmission Rate.<br />

Property Measured: Water barrier.<br />

Method: ASTM E96.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Sealable test specimen mounting dishes,





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constant temperature and humidity environment, and analytical<br />

scale.<br />


For bonding in certain applications it is desirable to match<br />

the hardness of the adhesive to that of the substrate. The<br />

harder the adhesive, the more it resists indentation under applied<br />

stress. This affects the ability of the adhesive to withstand<br />

stress prior to it moving and losing bond strength.<br />

Name: Rubber Property-Durometer Hardness.<br />

Property Measured: Hardness.<br />

Method: ASTM D2240.<br />

Comments: Results are dependent upon the degree of cure,<br />

temperature, humidity and applied pressure. Use of a weight to<br />

apply the pressure can eliminate the effect of pressure. Use a<br />

Shore A durometer for soft adhesives and a Shore D durometer<br />

for harder adhesives.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Durometer.<br />


Refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a<br />

vacuum to the speed of light in a sample. It measures a fundamental<br />

property of a substance and is therefore useful for<br />

the control of purity or composition. For optical parts, the<br />

refractive index of the adhesive is critical. For bonding of<br />

transparent substrates, if the refractive index is not carefully<br />

selected, distortion will occur. The method referenced is for<br />

cured adhesives. If the refractive index of uncured adhesives<br />

is desired use the method cited in the coatings section.<br />

Name: Index of Refraction of Transparent Organic Plastics.<br />

Property Measured: Refractive Index.<br />

Method: ASTM D542.<br />

Comments: Temperature affects results, so it should be reported<br />

with the refractive index.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Abbe refractometer and thermometer.<br />


If the bonded substrates in the end use must withstand<br />

flexing, the adhesive must be able to bend with the substrates.<br />

Name: Mandrel Bend.<br />

Propem Measured: Flexibility.<br />

Method: ASTM D3111.<br />

Comments: This test is useful for comparing radiation cured<br />

adhesive specimens for flexibility. Flexibility will be affected by<br />

the substrates selected and the thickness of the adhesive<br />

applied. Therefore, these factors should be kept constant during<br />

comparisons.<br />

TACK<br />

Tack is the stickiness of a substance. In radiation curing<br />

it is often desirable to bond only onesubstrateduring exposure<br />

to UV or EB radiation and to have the adhesive remain tacky<br />

so a second substrate can be bound. Tack is measured as being<br />

the maximum force necessary to break the bond between<br />

the adhesive and the probe. The method is useful for both<br />

rigid and flexible substrates.<br />

Name: Pressure Sensitive Tack of Adhesives Using an Inverted<br />

Probe Machine.<br />

Property Measured: Tack.<br />

20<br />

Method: ASTM D2979.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> is temperature sensitive.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Polyken Probe Tack <strong>Test</strong>er or equivalent<br />

equipment.<br />


It is important to measure the electrical properties of the<br />

adhesive in any application where an electric field is present.<br />

For example, if the adhesive is bonding an insulator, it is<br />

desirable for the adhesive to also perform as an insulator.<br />

The dielectric strength is the voltage an insulating material<br />

can withstand prior to breakdown or penetration. The dielectric<br />

constant indicates the ability of an insulator to store electrical<br />

energy. The dissipation factor indicates the amount of<br />

energy or power loss which occurs in virtually all dielectric<br />

materials. Resistivity is the resistance to leakage either along<br />

the surface of a material or through the body of a material.<br />

Name: Dielectric Breakdown Voltage and Dielectric Strength of<br />

Solid Electrical Insulating Materials at Commercial Power<br />

Frequencies.<br />

Property Measured: Dielectric Strength.<br />

Method: ASTM D149.<br />

Comments: Caution must be exercised since lethal voltages are<br />

used and if done improperly a fire hazard exists. Dielectric<br />

strength is influenced by temperature and moisture content so<br />

conditioning is recommended. Sample must be solid.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Voltage source, voltmeter, and<br />

electrodes.<br />

Name: A-C Loss Characteristics and Permittivity (Dielectric<br />

Constant) of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials.<br />

Properties Measured: Dielectric Constant, Dissipation Factor.<br />

Method: ASTM D150.<br />

Comments: Sheet specimens are preferred.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Electrodes, capacitance bridge.<br />

Name: D-C Resistance or Conductance of Insulating Materials.<br />

Properties Measured: Surface and Volume Resistivity.<br />

Method: ASTM D257.<br />


A change in the volume of an adhesive with a change<br />

in temperature in the end use can cause stress on delicate<br />

parts resulting in failure. For example, in fiber optics, a<br />

change in volume of an adhesive can cause microbending<br />

which increases the signal loss. Also, depending on the use<br />

it can be desirable for the adhesive to conduct heat from one<br />

component to another.<br />

Name: Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics.<br />

Property Measured: Thermal Expansion.<br />

Method: ASTM D696.<br />

Comments: Method ignores the effect of moisture content,<br />

plasticizer loss, and stress relaxation. The adhesive cannot be<br />

distorted by application of dilatometer.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Fused-quartz dilatometer, linear scale,<br />

liquid temperature bath, and thermometer.<br />

Name: Thermal Conductivity Measurements by Means of a<br />

Twin Standard Comparative Instrument and Its Use with<br />

Liquids.<br />

Property Measured: Thermal Conductivity.

Method: See Appendix 1.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Heater, two standards with known<br />

thermal conductivity, "0" ring, and thermocouples.<br />


The purpose of any adhesive is to bond two substrates<br />

together. Therefore, a critical property to be measured is the<br />

strength of that bond. The test selected to measure this property<br />

should be the one which best simulates the end use of<br />

the adhesive. The suggested methods need to be modified to<br />

radiation curing from conventional cure and to the desired<br />

substrates. Adhesive bonds are sensitive to temperature,<br />

humidity, degree of cure, and substrate preparation. It is<br />

recommended that samples be preconditioned.<br />

Shear is the stress which tends to make one part of a<br />

body slide over the adjacent part. Creep is the strain which<br />

develops when a constant stress is applied. Compression is<br />

a pushing type of force. Torque is the force that tends to cause<br />

torsion or rotation. Impact is the energy absorbed from a falling<br />

object.<br />

Name: Determining Strength Development of Adhesive Bonds.<br />

Property Measured: Minimum dose for fixture.<br />

Method: ASTM D1144.<br />

Comments: Modify method to determine the lowest dose for<br />

fixture, not the time for fixture. <strong>Test</strong> is often used in<br />

metaheta1 bonds which undergo a heat cycle after radiation<br />

curing. Method is useful for both liquid and paste adhesives.<br />

Name: Shear Strength of Adhesive Bonds Between Rigid<br />

Substrates by the Block Shear Method.<br />

Property Measured: Shear Strength.<br />

Method: ASTM D4501.<br />

Comments: The substrates are bonded together and the<br />

minimum force to shear them apart is measured. <strong>Test</strong> is<br />

applicable to plasticfplastic, plastdmetal, and plasticfglass<br />

bonds. The moduli of the substrates must be greater than the<br />

modulus of the adhesive.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tensile testing equipment with shearing<br />

fixture.<br />

Name: Creep Properties of Adhesive in Shear by Compression<br />

Loading.<br />

Property Measured: Creep.<br />

Method: ASTM D2293.<br />

Comments: Constant compressional stress is imposed and the<br />

strain at subsequent times is monitored. <strong>Test</strong> is applicable if the<br />

bond will be expected to withstand constant stress.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Compression creep test apparatus and<br />

microeyepiece.<br />

Name: Creep Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension<br />

Loading.<br />

Property Measured: Creep.<br />

Method: ASTM D2294.<br />

Commenrs: Method is similiar to above with stress being<br />

tensile.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tension creep test apparatus and<br />

microscope.<br />

Name: Strength Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension<br />

Loading.<br />

Propem Measured: Tensile shear.<br />

Method: ASTM D1002.<br />

21<br />

Comments: Method measures the comparative shear strengths<br />

of adhesives by applying tension (load) to failure in shear area.<br />

This test is widely used in adhesive industry.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tensile testing equipment.<br />

Name: Strength Properties of Double Lap Shear Adhesive<br />

Joints by Tension Loading.<br />

Property Measured: Tensile Shear.<br />

Method: ASTM D3528.<br />

Comments: Method determines the tensile shear strengths when<br />

tested under low peel conditions. Results vary with<br />

configuration used, speed of test, and testing environment.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tensile testing equipment.<br />

Name: Determining the Torque Strength of Ultraviolet Light<br />

Cured GlasdMetal Adhesive Joints.<br />

Property Measured: Torsional Shear.<br />

Method: ASTM D3658.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> gives comparative torque strength to failure<br />

data. <strong>Test</strong> is not limited to gladmetal bonds. Method is<br />

primarily used to test aluminum hexagonal blocks to glass<br />

plate bonds.<br />

Necessary Equipment: <strong>Test</strong> provides specifications for holder,<br />

light bug, and UV source.<br />

Name: Impact Strength of Adhesive Bonds.<br />

Property Measured: Impact Shear.<br />

Method: ASTM D950.<br />

Comments: Method determines the comparative impact values<br />

of adhesive bonds in shear. The impact value is the energy<br />

absorbed by the specimen when sheared by a single blow of the<br />

test machine hammer. <strong>Test</strong> indicates the relative toughness of<br />

bonds. <strong>Test</strong> should be run in the mid-range of the equipment,<br />

since accuracy is reduced at the top and bottom of the range.<br />

Name: Tensile Strength of Adhesives by Means of Bar and Rod<br />

Specimens.<br />

Property Measured: Tensile Strength.<br />

Method: ASTM D2095.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> reports maximum load carried by specimen at<br />

failure. Modification of test is frequently used where specimen<br />

is bonded to 3"x3"x%" glass plate.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tensile testing equipment.<br />

PEEL<br />

Peel strength is the stripping strength. As with bond<br />

strength, the tests are sensitive to humidity, temperature, cure,<br />

and surface preparation and therefore preconditioning is<br />

recommended. Selection of peel test should be determined<br />

by the substrates involved.<br />

Name: Peel or Stripping Strength of Adhesive Bonds.<br />

Property Measured: Peel Strength.<br />

Method: ASTM D903.<br />

Comments: Gives comparative peel characteristics where one<br />

substrate must be flexible and non-extensible. Separation angle<br />

is 180 degrees.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tensile testing equipment.<br />

Name: Relative Peel Resistance of Adhesive Bonds When<br />

Substrates are Flexible.<br />

Property Measured: Peel Resistance.<br />

Method: ASTM D1876.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> measures relative peel resistance of adhesive<br />

bonds when substrates are flexible. <strong>Test</strong> angle is 90 degrees.

Necessary Equipment: Tensile testing equipment.<br />

Name: Strength Properties of Adhesives in Cleavage Peel by<br />

Tension Loading.<br />

Property Measured: Cleavage Peel.<br />

Method: ASTM D3807.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> measures cleavage peel of semi-rigid<br />

substrates. <strong>Test</strong>ing angle is less than 30 degrees.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Tension testing equipment.<br />



The method determines the resistance of the adhesive<br />

to cyclic loading. Substrates must be flexible.<br />

Name: Fatigue Properties of Adhesives in Shear by Tension<br />

Loading.<br />

Property Measured: Fatigue Life.<br />

Method: ASTM D3166.<br />

Comments: <strong>Test</strong> is sensitive to humidity, temperature, cure<br />

dose, and surface preparation.<br />

Necessary Equipment: <strong>Test</strong> machine capable of applying<br />

sinusoidal cyclic axial load.<br />


In the lifetime of an adhesive, it is often exposed to<br />

various solvents which can cause loss of bond strength. The<br />

test exposes the cured adhesive to various solvents and compares<br />

the bond strength of exposed adhesive and a control<br />

sample.<br />

Name: Resistance of Adhesive Bonds to Chemical Reagents.<br />

Property Measured: Solvent Exposure.<br />

Method: ASTM D896.<br />

Comments: Select bond strength test which is applicable to end<br />

use. Modification which is frequently used is to immerse the<br />

samples in 188 F pressurized vessels.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Appropriate solvents, jars, and tensile<br />

testing equipment.<br />


For adhesives used in outdoor applications it is desirable<br />

to determine if sunlight adversely affects the adhesive.<br />

Artificial testing may not accurately simulate outdoor<br />

weathering.<br />

Name: Ultraviolet Light Aging of Adhesive Bonded Joints.<br />

Property Measured: UV Exposure.<br />

Method: ASTM D904.<br />

Comments: Substrates must be translucent. Adhesive fails when<br />

it turns yellow or milky.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Carbon arc light source.<br />


Both temperature and humidity affect the bond strength<br />

of an adhesive. The test is designed to determine the extent<br />

each affects the bond strength.<br />

Name: Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Adhesive Bonds.<br />

Method: ASTM D115 1.<br />

Comments: Select appropriate strength test for end use.<br />

Necessary Equipment: Conditioning cabinets and tensile testing<br />

equipment.<br />



Benzophenone<br />

0 Soluble off-white flake.<br />

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CHAPTER 4<br />




1. What if the batch is cloudy?<br />

a. Stir the material.<br />

b. Make sure the material is at the recommended<br />

temperature.<br />

c. Excess humidity or moisture could be present.<br />

d. Check the data sheet to determine if material should<br />

be cloudy.<br />

e. Consult your supplier.<br />

2. What if the batch is clear but develops haze or cloudiness<br />

with time?<br />

a. Check to determine if anything has changed in the<br />

storage facility.<br />

b. Check to be sure container is properly sealed.<br />

C. Check other containers to determine if they have the<br />

same problem.<br />

d. Check the date of expiration.<br />

e. A radiation source may be affecting your bulk<br />

material. Check cover, room lighting, and stray radiation<br />

from equipment.<br />

f. Check for contamination from lines as well as storage<br />

container.<br />

g. Make sure material is at the recommended temperature.<br />

h. Excess humidity or moisture may be present.<br />

i. Check the data sheet to determine if this is normal.<br />

j. Consult the supplier.<br />

3. What if the viscosity is too high?<br />

a. Run the shelf-life stability test.<br />

b. Temperature may be too low.<br />

c. Run the refractive index test as a check for contamination.<br />

d. <strong>Radiation</strong> source may be raising the viscosity. Check<br />

cover, room lighting and stray radiation from<br />

equipment.<br />

e. Run density test to determine consistency in concentration<br />

of components.<br />

f. If possible, dilute product to reduce the viscosity.<br />

g. Raising the temperature will lower the viscosity, but<br />

caution is needed since excessive temperature will cure<br />

the material.<br />

h. Run appropriate rheology test to determine how much<br />

the viscosity is out-of-spec.<br />

i. Mix well and remeasure viscosity.<br />

j. Prior to use in production, test the material on the<br />

substrate.<br />

k. Consult the supplier.<br />

4. What if the viscosity is too low?<br />

a. Temperature may be too high.<br />

b. Run the refractive index test as a check for contamination.<br />

Water and other solvents may lower the viscosity.<br />

c. Run density test to determine the consistency in concentration<br />

of components. Water and solvents will<br />

change the density.<br />

d. Mix well and re-measure the viscosity.<br />

26<br />

e. Prior to use in production, test on substrate.<br />

f. Run appropriate rheology test to determine how the<br />

material is out-of-spec.<br />

g. Consult the supplier.<br />

5. What if the color of the batch is different from standard?<br />

a. Stir the material.<br />

b. Make sure the material is at the recommended temperature.<br />

c. Check for accidental exposure to heat and light.<br />

d. Prior to use in production, test on substrate.<br />

e. Determine if color difference is noticeable in cured<br />

product.<br />

f. Run appropriate color test to determine how much the<br />

color is out-of-spec.<br />

g. Consult the supplier.<br />

6. What if the smell is different from standard?<br />

a. Smell can be indicative of a change in composition.<br />

Run density test to determine consistency in concentration<br />

of components. Different solvents can change<br />

odor.<br />

b. Run refractive index test as check for contamination.<br />

c. Check for sources of contamination.<br />

d. If possible, have the material analyzed.<br />

e. Check all other important properties to see if performance<br />

is changed.<br />

f. Consult the supplier.<br />

7. What if the supplied material is solid?<br />

a. Slowly bring the material to recommended temperature.<br />

b. Check for heat and light sources in storage area.<br />

c. Check the shelf-life with appropriate test.<br />

d. Consult the data sheet to determine if this is normal.<br />

If so follow instructions to re-liquify.<br />

e. Consult the supplier.<br />

8. What if there are suspended particulates and/or a<br />

sediment?<br />

a. Stir well and bring to recommended temperature.<br />

b. Filtration may be useful, but check performance of<br />

material prior to use in production.<br />

c. Check the shelf-life with appropriate test.<br />

d. Consult the supplier.<br />

9. What if the material when applied to the substrate exhibits<br />

surface defects such as pinholes, craters, etc.?<br />

a. Stir well and make sure bulk material and substrate<br />

are at the recommended temperature.<br />

b. Check the preparation of the substrate.<br />

c. Make sure the application equipment is at the proper<br />

temperature.<br />

d. Measure the viscosity by the appropriate method. If<br />

incorrect, refer to questions 3 and 4.<br />

e. Run refractive index test as a check for contamination.<br />

Small variations in silicone concentration greatly<br />

affect the lay.<br />

f. Heat coating, substrate and/or coated substrate to<br />

eliminate pinholes caused by solvent and/or air

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entrapment.<br />

g. Run surface tension test. Improper surface tension will<br />

cause the material to not wet the substrate.<br />

h. If material is ink, check the grind with the appropriate<br />

test.<br />

10. What if material foams?<br />

a. Stir gently and bring to recommended temperature.<br />

Excessive stirring may create foam.<br />

b. Run appropriate viscosity test. If incorrect, refer to<br />

questions 3 and 4.<br />

c. Run refractive index test as a check for contamination.<br />

d. Run density test as a check for compositional changes<br />

or contamination.<br />

e. Heat coating to facilitate bubble release in the<br />

reservoir.<br />

f. Prevent any free fall of material which can cause<br />

bubbles.,<br />

g. Heat coated substrate to accelerate bubble release from<br />

surface of coated substrate.<br />

h. Consult the supplier.<br />

11. What if the material is acceptable at first but upon reuse<br />

it cannot be dispensed?<br />

a. Check to be sure material was stored in light proof<br />

container or if it was exposed to UV light.<br />

b. Check for contamination from cured material.<br />

c. Consult the supplier.<br />


1. What if the material smokes while being cured?<br />

a. Check the line speed.<br />

b. Check the thickness of the material. If it is too thick,<br />

heat from the lamps may be causing degradation.<br />

c. Check the distance of coated substrate from the radiation<br />

source. Heat from the bulbs may be causing<br />

degradation.<br />

d. <strong>Radiation</strong> source may be too intense for particular composition<br />

or the substrate causing volatilization.<br />

e. If any of the above are faulty, consult the equipment<br />

supplier. If not, consult the materials supplier.<br />

2. What if the coated “cured” substrate “hangs up” on the<br />

processing line?<br />

a. Run the appropriate reactivity test to verify cure.<br />

b. Run appropriate surface slip test and compare the<br />

results to the standard.<br />

c. Check your conveyor unit.<br />

d. Such a situation can cause aBre. Immediately remove<br />

W source from the substrate either through automatic<br />

interlock system or manually shut off the lamps.<br />

e. Consult the suppliers.<br />

3. What if there is a noticeable different odor upon cure?<br />

a. Although cured UV or EB coatings often possess some<br />

odor, it is normally much less than that of the uncured<br />

coating. Often such differences in odor upon curing<br />

emanate from the substrate itself, printing inks, etc.<br />

Should the odor be traced to the cured coating, there<br />

are additives which the coating supplier can incorporate<br />

to “mask” (not eliminate) the odor in favor of<br />

one which is less offensive.<br />

b. Run the appropriate residual monomer test. Uncured<br />

monomer could cause the odor.<br />

4. What if after exposure to radiation there is no apparent<br />

change in the material, Le., it’s wet?<br />

a. Ensure that cure unit is properly operating.<br />

b. Mix coating thoroughly prior to use.<br />

c. Determine recommended cure speed from product<br />

data sheetskoatings supplier.<br />

d. Run the appropriate reactivity test.<br />

e. Consult the supplier of the material.<br />

5. What if the material is hazy after exosure to radiation?<br />

a. Determine if “haze” is due to the surface deposition<br />

of some kind or whether it is present within the cured<br />

coating itself (can “haze” be wiped off or not?).<br />

b. Check with product technical literaturehpplier to<br />

determine if this occurrence is to be expected.<br />

c. Consult the supplier.<br />

6. What if the material develops blush after exposure to<br />

radiation?<br />

a. This occurrence is most likely due to a non-reactive<br />

additive migrating to the surface of the cured coating<br />

and is likely to worsen with time. Coating reformulation<br />

is required.<br />

7. What if the material is tacky?<br />

a. Consult product technical literaturehpplier to determine<br />

recommended cure speed for the product.<br />

b. Ensure the curing unit is operating properly.<br />

c. Mix coating thoroughly prior to use.<br />

d. Did the material become contaminated? Water and<br />

other contaminates can slow the cure.<br />

e. Run the appropriate reactivity test.<br />

f. Run the glass transition temperature test. Coatings<br />

above their glass transition temperature will be soft<br />

and rubbery; below their glass transition temperature<br />

they will be hard and brittle.<br />

g. Consult the product technical literature/supplier to<br />

determine if the cured surface is expected to be tacky<br />

$.e., very soft).<br />


1. What if the gloss is too low?<br />

a. Consult product technical literaturehpplier for the<br />

gloss range that can be expected at a given film thickness<br />

and cure conditions.<br />

b. Run the appropriate gloss test.<br />

c. Consult coating supplier regarding adjustments that<br />

may be made to cure conditions and/or coating to alter<br />

gloss to the desired level.<br />


2. What if the gloss is too high? c. Determine if smoothing bar can be employed after<br />

a. Consult product technical literaturehpplier for gloss<br />

coating but before curing.<br />

range that can be expected at given film thickness and d. Contact the supplier.<br />

cure conditions.<br />

7. What if there are pinholes, craters or fisheyes?<br />

b. Consult coating supplier regarding adjustments that<br />

a. Ensure material was properly mixed prior to use.<br />

may be made to cure conditions and/or coating to alter<br />

b. Heat substrate and/or coating to promote flow. Conthe<br />

gloss to the desired level.<br />

tact supplier for heating recommendation.<br />

c. Ensure the coating is thoroughly mixed prior to use.<br />

c. Determine if smoothing bar can be employed after<br />

d. Depending upon the mechanism of gloss reduction<br />

coating but before curing.<br />

which the product employs, heating to 100’-140’ F<br />

d. Run the appropriate rheology test.<br />

(38’-59’ C) may enhance the gloss reduction.<br />

e. Run the surface tension test. Changes in surface tene.<br />

Run the appropriate gloss test.<br />

sion of either substrate or applied material can result<br />

f. Consult the supplier.<br />

3. What if the material is tacky?<br />

a. Consult the product technical literature/supplier to determine<br />

the recommended cure speed for the product.<br />

b. Ensure that the curing unit is operating properly.<br />

c. Mix the coating thoroughly prior to use.<br />

d. Consult product technical literaturehpplier to determine<br />

if the cured surface is expected to be tacky (Le.,<br />

very soft).<br />

e. Run the appropriate reactivity test to determine the<br />

rate of cure.<br />

f. Run the glass transition temperature test. Materials<br />

above the glass transition temperature will be soft and<br />

rubbery, below the glass transition temperature they<br />

will be hard and brittle.<br />

g. Run the residual unsaturation test.<br />

4. What if the material does not adhere as the standard does?<br />

a. Ensure that the material is properly mixed prior to use.<br />

b. Ensure that the material is applied at the same film<br />

thickness and cured under the same conditions as the<br />

standard.<br />

c. Contact coating supplier and substrate supplier regarding<br />

methods to improve adhesion.<br />

d. Run the surface tension test using a standard.<br />

e. If the material is an adhesive, run the appropriate tack,<br />

strength of bond, peel, and temperature and humidity<br />

tests.<br />

5. What if the color is different from the standard?<br />

a. Ensure the material is applied at the same film thickness<br />

and cured under the same conditions as the standard.<br />

b. Compare suspect material and standard “side by side”<br />

to eliminate application and curing variables.<br />

c. Run the appropriate color test to determine how much<br />

the color is out-of-spec.<br />

d. Over-curing the film can cause it to darken.<br />

e. Check the expiration date. Old material can darken.<br />

f. Check for exposure to heat.<br />

g. If the material is an ink, check the tack.<br />

h. Consult the supplier.<br />

6. What if there is orange peel or wrinkling?<br />

a. Ensure material was properly mixed prior to use.<br />

b. Heat substrate and/or coating to promote flow. Contact<br />

supplier for heating recommendation.<br />

29<br />

in surface deformations.<br />

f. If the material is an ink, check the grind.<br />

g. Contact the supplier.<br />

8. What if the material has sagged?<br />

a. Refer to the technical literature/supplier to determine<br />

if the viscosity/rheology of the material is suitable for<br />

application without sagging. If needed, run the appropriate<br />

viscosity or rheology test.<br />

b. Contact the supplier.<br />

9. What if the abrasion is not within the specification range?<br />

a. Run the appropriate abrasion test.<br />

b. Ensure the material was thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Check for particulates which could abrade.<br />

d. Ensure the material was applied and cured as recommended<br />

by the supplier.<br />

e. Contact the supplier.<br />

10. What if the mar resistance is not within the specification<br />

range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for mar resistance using<br />

a standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

11. What if the wear resistance is not within the specification<br />

range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for wear resistance using<br />

a standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

12. What if the slip is not within the specification range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for slip (COF) using a<br />

standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.

13. What if the hardness is not within the specification range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for hardness using a<br />

standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

14.<br />

15. What if the tensile properties are not within the specification<br />

range?<br />

Perform the appropriate test for tensile properties using<br />

a standard.<br />

Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

Contact the supplier.<br />

16.<br />

17.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

What if the chemical resistance is not within the specification<br />

range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for chemical resistance<br />

using a standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application,<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

What if the flexibility is not within the specification<br />

range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for flexibility using a<br />

standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

What if the barrier properties are not within the specification<br />

range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for barrier properties<br />

using a standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

18.<br />

19.<br />

What if the accelerated weathering is not within the<br />

specification range?<br />

a. Perform the appropriate test for weathering using a<br />

standard.<br />

b. Ensure the material is thoroughly mixed prior to<br />

application.<br />

c. Ensure that the material was applied and cured under<br />

the recommended conditions.<br />

d. Contact the supplier.<br />

What if the VOC level needs to be calculated?<br />

a. The VOC of a product can be calculated having only<br />

the weight/gallon and the weight solids of the material,<br />

which can normally be found on the technical literature<br />

for the product. The general formula for VOC is:<br />

(lbs./gal.) (100-solids)<br />

voc =<br />

100<br />

In instances where one is mixing various materials at<br />

the job site and needs to determine the VOC of the<br />

mixture, one needs to determine the VOC of each of<br />

the individual components as described above and incorporate<br />

these values into the following:<br />

voc =<br />

(VOC 1) (gal. 1) + (voc 2) (gal. 2) + . * .<br />

gallons 1 + gallons 2<br />

b . Run the volatiles test.<br />

c. Contact the supplier.<br />

20 * What if the coated substrate becomes distorted upon<br />

curing?<br />

Contact the supplier of the substrate to determine the<br />

sensitivity of the material to parameters such as heat.<br />

Contact the curing equipment supplier to determine<br />

a means of reducing the amount of heat to which the<br />

coated substrate is exposed. This may involve the installation<br />

of quartz filters, a more efficient lamp cooling<br />

mechanism, a “cooled” conveyor system, “chill”<br />

rollers, etc.<br />

If distortion is due to coating shrinkage upon curing,<br />

a reduction in coating thickness should reduce the<br />

amount of distortion.<br />

Contact the supplier.<br />

21. What if there is a different odor upon cure?<br />

a. Run the residual monomer test.<br />

b. Run the volatiles test.<br />

c. Consult the supplier.<br />


CHAPTER 5<br />




The ability of a material to withstand mechanical action such<br />

as rubbing, scraping or erosion, that tends to progressively<br />

remove material from the surface.<br />


Increasing power or energy of electrons through an electrical<br />

field (usually 50 to 350,000 volts or more) in a vacuum.<br />


The quantity of base, expressed in milligrams of potassium<br />

hydroxide, that is required to neutralize the free acids present<br />

in the sample.<br />


Chemical materials, usually monomers and oligomers, which<br />

contain the grouping CH, = CHC-0- .<br />

II<br />

ADHESION 0<br />

The state in which two surfaces are held together by interfacial<br />

forces which may consist of valence forces or interlocking<br />

action, or both.<br />


Any substance that is capable of bonding other substances<br />

together by surface attachment.<br />


The quantity of base, expressed as milligrams of potassium<br />

hydroxide, present in a sample.<br />


A unit of linear measure commonly used in measurement of<br />

wavelengths of frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum<br />

(lo-'' meter).<br />


A group of chemical materials most of which are sensitive<br />

to light and readily form free radicals. The structure is<br />

ArCOR (Ar). Some of these are useful photoinitiators.<br />


The properties of a substance which allow it to act as a barrier<br />

especially to water vapor or moisture.<br />


A group of chemical materials most of which are sensitive<br />

to light and readily form free radicals. Chemical structure<br />

is ArCOCHORAr. Some of these are useful photoinitiators.<br />

BLUSH<br />

Precipitation of water vapors on the surface of a film.<br />


The strength of the union between materials.<br />


Any material which aids completion of a chemical reaction<br />

without itself becoming part of the product.<br />


A cationic reactive species generated from a stable molecule<br />

by energy absorption which initiates polymerization of cationically<br />

sensitive monomers such as epoxides.<br />


The average load per unit width of bond line required to produce<br />

progressive separation of two bonded, semirigid<br />

adherends under specified conditions.<br />


The measure of the relative difficulty with which the surface<br />

of one material will slide over an adjacent surface of itself<br />

or of another material.<br />


The measure of the change in length of a material when subjected<br />

to specified temperatures.<br />


A pushing type of force.<br />


The result of rapid spreading of a component or contaminant<br />

over the surface of the applied material characterized<br />

by scattered depressions at the film surface.<br />


The retraction of a liquid from the substrate over large<br />

regions.<br />

CREEP<br />

The dimensional change of a material with time under load.<br />

The strain which develops when a constant stress is applied.<br />


A reactive chemical material which will form bonds between<br />

other molecules in a formula.<br />

CURE<br />

Conversion of a material from a raw state to a finished and<br />

useful condition by chemical reaction.<br />


Reactions which take place in closed containers of radiation<br />

curable formulations - usually premature polymerization.<br />


A curing system in which the substrate is positioned either<br />

closer to or farther away than the facial distance.<br />


The chemical breakdown of a high molecular weight material.<br />


The weight per unit voiume of a materiai usuaiiy expressed<br />

in gramskc.<br />


An indication of the ability of an insulator to store electrical<br />

energy.<br />


The voltage an insulating material can withstand prior to<br />

breakdown or penetration.<br />


A measure of the amount of energy or power loss which occurs<br />

in virtually all dielectric materials.<br />



The specific wavelengths emitted from an ultraviolet lamp<br />

are mainly dependent upon the fill. Using mercury as the<br />

norm, the spectral output can be changed by the addition of<br />

dopants such as beryllium or iron.<br />

DOSE<br />

Energy absorbed per unit mass usually in Megarads. One<br />

Megarad equals 1 million rads, 10' erg& 2.30 caloriedg,<br />

4.3 BTU'sAb., 10 wattsecond& or 4.54 kW seconds/lb.<br />


Dose per unit time, usually Mradshecond.<br />


A type of chemical bond wherein two pairs of electrons are<br />

shared between two atoms.<br />


Recovery, partial or complete, of original shape after deforminn<br />

forces are removed.<br />

-<br />


The entire range of wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic<br />

radiation extending from gamma rays to the<br />

longest radio waves, including visible light.<br />


An electron is a negatively charged particle with a mass of<br />

9.21 times grams.<br />


A beam of electrons displaced from a metallic filament by<br />

a high voltage source of acceleration.<br />


An electron beam generated via a linear source (or cathode),<br />

as opposed to a scanned source.<br />


The depth of penetration into a substrate by the accelerated<br />

electrons. DeDth of Denetration deDends on the kinetic energy<br />

v-<br />

imparted to the electron by the accelerating voltage.<br />


A reactive part of a chemical molecule with structure<br />

YO\<br />

-CH -CH-.<br />


The moving away of a coating to form a circular deformation,<br />

usually caused by contamination or wetting difficulties.<br />


A material which when added to a formulation decreases its<br />

flammability.<br />


Lamp containing xenon gas which produces UV radiation<br />

using a special electric transformer system.<br />


The ability of a material to twist and bend.<br />

FLOW OUT<br />

The ability of an applied material to eliminate surface markings<br />

to produce a smooth, uniform surface on drying.<br />


The dispersion of a gas in a liquid or solid.<br />


The distance from a lamp with reflector at which the peak<br />

energy can be obtained.<br />


An electron beam which is generated through a simple filament<br />

source, as opposed to a linear cathode source.<br />


A reactive species having an unpaired electron which initiates<br />

a reaction with a double bond, e.g., acrylic polymerization.<br />

It is produced from its stable paired state by energy<br />

absomtion.<br />


A chemical reaction which takes place only when a free<br />

radical or molecule which has lost one electron is generated.<br />

Y<br />

FU"UJTY<br />


The number of groups on any one molecule which can readily<br />

react.<br />


The point at which a liquid forms a semi-solid system.<br />


The temperature at which a material changes from a soft,<br />

rubbery state ta a more brittle state.<br />


Any materid which can be removed from a curd film by<br />

solvents, usually measured as a weight difference.<br />

GLOSS<br />

FATIGUE LIFE The property<br />

~-<br />

of a surface which causes it to reflect light.<br />

The number of cycles of stress or strain (of a specified<br />

character) that a sample can sustain before failure of a<br />

specified nature occurs.<br />

FILL<br />

Ultraviolet is enegry generated when specific materials are<br />

sufficiently excited so that the electrons in the material change<br />

their energy level. The material used in an ultraviolet lamp<br />

which undergoes this change is called the fill e.g. in a mercury<br />

vapor lamp, the fill is mercury.<br />

33<br />

GRIND<br />

The dispersion of particles (usually pigments) in a coating,<br />

ink or adhesive.<br />


The property of a material which causes it to resist indentation<br />

and scratching.<br />

HAZE<br />

That percentage of transmitted light which in passing through

the specimen deviates from the incident beam by forward<br />

scattering.<br />


A curing reaction which takes place when the materials are<br />

subjected to a form of heat.<br />


The number of milligrams of potassium hydroxide equivalent<br />

to the number of -OH groups present in the sample.<br />

IMPACT<br />

The energy absorbed by a specimen when subjected to a falling<br />

object.<br />


The blanketing (usually from air) by a nonreactive gas (usually<br />

nitrogen, sometimes a mixture of nitrogen and carbon<br />

dioxide).<br />


Photon energy having wavelengths between 1 and 100<br />

microns.<br />


Normally a heat or thermal reaction induced by application<br />

of infrared energy.<br />


A material that is a poor conductor of electricity.<br />


Reaction of molecules having lost or gained an electron pair.<br />


The ability of a material to cover a dry surface easily and<br />

uniformly and to hold its level without sagging or running.<br />


The rate of travel of the substrate under the beam or curtain,<br />

usually expressed in meters or feet per minute.<br />


See electron curtain.<br />


The ability of the surface of a material to withstand<br />

mechanical forces.<br />

MEGARAD OR Mrad<br />

On Mrad equals one million rads. The megarad is the term<br />

usually used to describe the dose given: i.e., 0.5 Mrad, 2<br />

Mrads, etc.<br />


A megavolt is one million electron volts. This is the kinetic<br />

energy acquired by an electron accelerated across a potential<br />

of one million volts (1,000,000 volts).<br />


Lamp in which light is generated through presence of mercury<br />

vapor. Most UV lamps are mercury vapor lamps.<br />


Energy having wavelengths between 1 and 10 millimeters.<br />


Emission into the air of small amounts of material during<br />

processing.<br />


A measure of the ratio of the stress on a material versus strain.<br />


The rate at which water permeates a cured film under<br />

specified conditions.<br />


A molecule of relative low molecular weight and simple structure<br />

capable of combining with itself or other similar<br />

molecules through reactive sites to form a polymer.<br />


A unit of distance commonly used in measuring wavelength<br />

in the electromagnetic spectrum - one billionth of a meter<br />

meter).<br />


A liquid whose viscosity is not dependent on shearing forces.<br />


The practice of using nitrogen gas to exclude air from the<br />

surface of the product to be cured during radiation processing.<br />


A lower molecular weight resin or polymer which is used<br />

in a radiation curable formula. Usually oligomers are liquid<br />

or easily liquifiable.<br />


A wrinkling, contoured surface usually caused by differential<br />

curing of the surface as compared to the bulk of the<br />

material.<br />


The effect of oxygen which terminates or retards the rate of<br />

polymerization.<br />

OZONE<br />

A different form of oxygen that occurs when high energy electrical<br />

discharge is present (OJ.<br />


Measures taken to ensure that buildup of ozone concentration<br />

does not occur.<br />


Stripping strength.<br />


The increase in length produced by a tensile load, expressed<br />

as a percentage of the gauge length.<br />


The process of using photon energy (light) to start some type<br />

of chemical reaction.<br />


A molecule which when exposed to a specific wavelength of<br />

energy forms a reactive species which starts the chain reaction<br />

to cause polymer formation.<br />



A chemical which will transfer energy and form free radicals<br />

by interacting with another chemical.<br />


A composition which will either crosslink or depolymerize<br />

on exposure to light, forming a physical differentiation between<br />

the exposed and unexposed portion.<br />

PICK OFF<br />

Loss of adhesion usually discovered during a tape adhesion<br />

test.<br />

PIN HOLE<br />

Surface imperfection of a material caused by the breaking<br />

of bubbles.<br />

PLASMA<br />

A vapor in which there are energetic free radicals, ions or<br />

molecules. These species are usually formed by radio frequency<br />

discharge.<br />


A compound added to increase the flexibility and toughness<br />

of the final product.<br />

POLAR<br />

Description of a molecule in which the positive and negative<br />

electrical charges are permanently separated.<br />


A macromolecule consisting of an indefinite number of<br />

monomer units. The molecular weights may range from about<br />

20,000 into the millions.<br />


A chemical reaction usually carried out with a catalyst, heat,<br />

or energy in which two or more relatively simple compounds<br />

or molecules combine to form a macromolecule.<br />


Continuation of reactions of materials in the ink or coating<br />

after exposure to radiation has ceased.<br />


See flash xenon.<br />


A description of the quality of a material.<br />


A description of the amount of a material.<br />


A lamp made from a silicate material called quartz which<br />

is fitted with electrical connections to form an irradiator. It<br />

may be made into an infrared emitter or it may be filled with<br />

mercury vapor to produce ultraviolet light.<br />

RAD<br />

The unit of dose equal to an energy absorption of 100 ergs<br />

per gram.<br />


<strong>Radiation</strong> as generally applied to coatings, inks and adhesives<br />

35<br />

comprises three energy groupings: high velocity electrons<br />

(electron beam and scanning linear cathode), ultraviolet and<br />

infrared energy.<br />


Physiological hazards caused by high energy photons, electrons<br />

or x-rays.<br />


Electrical energy produced in the 10 to 10" Hz range. At<br />

some frequencies it can be used to ionize or excite various<br />

chemical molecules, both inorganic and organic, without<br />

direct electrical contact.<br />


A chemical which serves two purposes in a formulation: thinning<br />

or viscosity reduction and providing reactivity with other<br />

ingredients for curing or polymerization.<br />


Measurement of the ratio of the speed of light through a<br />

vacuum to the speed of light through a sample.<br />

RESIN<br />

A polymeric material, either natural or synthetic, which is<br />

usually considered an ingredient in formulation.<br />


The resistance to leakage of a material.<br />


Measurement of the movement of a fluid.<br />


The greatest stress a material can withstand prior to ripping.<br />

SAG<br />

The movement of the surface layer of a wet film (on a vertical<br />

surface) downwards.<br />


The ability of the surface layer of a wet film to resist<br />

downward motion (on a vertical surface).<br />

SCAN<br />

A method of controlling or focusing an electron beam; usually<br />

done with high energy beams.<br />

SHEAR<br />

The stress which tends to make one part of a body slide over<br />

the adjacent part.<br />


The amount of time a material may be stored under specified<br />

conditions with no significant changes in properties.<br />


Emission into the air of large quantities of material during<br />

processing.<br />


A substance capable of dissolving another substance to form<br />

a uniform, dispersed mixture at the molecular or ionic level.<br />


Additives to coating, ink or adhesive formulations which help

extend shelf life and resist heat or other degradation.<br />


The unfinished product upon which a finishing (e.g., coating,<br />

ink or adhesive) is placed.<br />


The energy which exists at the surface/air interface of a film<br />

as compared to the energy in the bulk of the film.<br />


The ability and ease of sliding of the surface of one material<br />

over the surface of itself or another material.<br />


The attractive force exerted by the molecules below the surface<br />

upon those at the surface/air interface.<br />

TACK<br />

The stickiness of a substance.<br />


The rupture strength (stress-strain product at break) per unit<br />

area of a material subjected to a specific dynamic load.<br />


Descriptive term for type of radiation catalyzed polymerization<br />

in which sulfur containing unsaturated chemicals are<br />

utilized.<br />


A property of a liquid whereby it’s viscosity decreases upon<br />

application of shear and increases when the shear is<br />

discontinued.<br />


The curing of the bulk of a material down to and including<br />

the materiallsubstrate interface as opposed to a surface cure<br />

where only the material/air interface is cured.<br />

TORQUE<br />

A force which tends to cause torsion or rotation.<br />


The stiffness, rigidity or resilience of a material.<br />


A life-threatening physiological behavior of materials.<br />


That light emitted in the 200-400 nm wavelength range.<br />


Engineered equipment for UV curing which includes UV<br />

lamps with conveying equipment for “in-line” operation.<br />


Ultraviolet light built to operate at low power using a low<br />

pressure lamp.<br />


Ultraviolet light built to operate near the visible spectrum.<br />

This may be more nearly similar to a fluorescent lamp.<br />


A double bond in a chemical molecule (usually between carbon<br />

atoms or between carbon and another atom) which is<br />

reactive to free radical initiation.<br />


The internal resistance to flow exhibited by a fluid.<br />


Solid or liquid materials which pass into the vapor state at<br />

a given temperature.<br />


The steady water vapor flow in unit time through unit area<br />

of a material under specified conditions.<br />


The ability of a coating in bulk to withstand mechanical<br />

forces.<br />


The ability of the substrate surface to be wet by a liquid<br />

material.<br />


The unforced, instantaneous spreading of a liquid to cover<br />

a solid substrate.<br />

WINDOW<br />

A metallic foil in an electron beam generating unit that allows<br />

passage of energetic electrons from the beam.<br />



1-12 TEST METHODS<br />









1. On appropriate substrate apply coating to be examined<br />

on left, and coating with known cure characteristics on<br />

right.<br />

2. Cure the coatings.<br />

3. By fingernail scratch or MEK rubs, determine if trial<br />

coating is more, less, or equally cured compared to the<br />

standard.<br />

4. If appropriate, repeat procedure with faster or slaver curing<br />

standard.<br />



The test involves measurement in the reduction of the<br />

infrared absorbtion of the characteristic bands for the double<br />

bonds which react during polymerization. The principle<br />

frequency examined is 810 cm-1 which is the twisting motion<br />

of the CH2=CH- group. Other bands which result from<br />

the double bond and can be examined in an infrared spectrum<br />

are: 720cm- 1 (methylene rock) ,907 cm- 1 (out-of-plane<br />

C-H bend), 1645 cm-1 (C=C stretch), and 3050 cm-1<br />

(olefinic C-H stretch).<br />




1. Laray viscometer with photoelectric timer.<br />

2. Plastic ink spatula.<br />

3. Water bath.<br />

4. Thermistor temperature sensor.<br />

5. TI 58-C or TI-59 programmed calculator.<br />


Inks should be previously conditioned at 25 C and then worked<br />

up on the slab prior to testing. Temperature sensor should<br />

be kept in the hole provided in the collar.<br />

1. Place a small quantity (approx. 5g.) around the bottom<br />

of the rod, with the rod held in the up position.<br />

2. Estimate the weight required to cause the rod to drop in<br />

15 sec. Place this weight on top of the rod. Remove the<br />

support arm and allow the rod to fall. Do not record the<br />

first drop time. The drop time should be about 15 sec.<br />

3. Remove weight from rod, pull rod up slowly and replace<br />

the support arm under the rod.<br />

4. Using only a plastic spatula remove the accumulated ink<br />

at the top of the rod and replace it on the bottom of the<br />

rod next to the collar.<br />

5. Add or subtract weight as needed to obtain the 15 sec.<br />

drop time.<br />

6. Reset timer.<br />

7. Remove the rod support.<br />

8. Record the drop time.<br />

9. Repeat steps 3 through 8.<br />

10. The procedure is to be repeated until two readings are<br />

within .2 sec of each other.<br />

11. Time measurement should be taken at three weight levels,<br />

increased by 100 grams at each level.<br />

12. Average time readings at each weight.<br />

Procedure for TI 59 calculator attached to a PC lOOC printer:<br />

1. Turn printer on.<br />

2. Make sure print button is up on the printer.<br />

3. Put programmed card through calculator. Clear calculator<br />

each time card is put through.<br />

4. Enter temperature in degrees Celsius.<br />

5. Press Sto.<br />

6. Press 2 6.<br />

7. Press C.<br />

8. Enter the lowest weight.<br />

9. Press A.<br />

10. Enter the average time in sec.<br />

11. Press B.<br />

12. Repeat steps 8 through 11 for the other weights and times.<br />

13. Press D.<br />



1. Petri dish with cover.<br />

2. 10 cc disposable syringe.<br />

3. Dessicator with dessicant.<br />

4. Conventional convection forced air oven.<br />

5. Cotton gloves.<br />

6. Analytical balance.<br />

7. Stopwatch.<br />


1. Place petri dish in oven with cover at 82 C for 5 minutes.<br />

2. Place the petri dish and cover in the dessicator to cool<br />

for 5 minutes.<br />

3. Weigh the petri dish and cover (initial weight).<br />

4. Using a syringe, add 2 cc of the coating to the petri dish<br />

and reweigh the petri dish, the cover, and the sample.<br />

5. Place the sample in the 82 C oven with the lid removed<br />

for 5 minutes.<br />

6. Cool in the dessicator for 5 minutes.<br />

7. Weigh the petri dish, cover, and sample (final weight).<br />

8. Calculations:<br />

Initial Weight - Final Weight = Weight loss of sample.<br />

% Volatility = weight loss x 100<br />

initial weight<br />

Note: Cotton gloves should be worn when handling all containers<br />

in this procedure.<br />


1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

APPENDIX 5:<br />



Cut cured film into slices. This increases the surface area<br />

and aids the extraction process.<br />

Weigh 25 ml screw cap vial on analytical scale.<br />

Add approximately 1.0 gram of film sample to vial.<br />

Determine exact weight by reweighing vial plus sample<br />

on analytical balance and calculating the weight<br />

difference.<br />

Add approximately 20 ml. of reagent grade tetrahydrofuran<br />

to vial and seal.<br />

Shake on shaker for 1 hour.<br />

Allow vial to sit overnight.<br />

Shake on shaker for 1 hour.<br />

Filter the THF solution into a preweighed (via analytical<br />

balance) crystallizing dish. Rinse with an additional 5-10<br />

mls THE<br />

Allow the THF to flash off. When a constant weight is<br />

attained for the crystallizing dish calculate the extract<br />

weight by difference. Air drying overnight is adequate.<br />

Calculate the % extractables as follows:<br />

% extractables = extract weight x 100<br />

sample weight<br />

Perform above in triplicate and report the results as an<br />

average.<br />

Note: All containers which are weighed in above procedure<br />

should be handled wearing cotton gloves.<br />



1. Cut film into thin slices. This is to increase the surface<br />

area and aids in the extraction process.<br />

2. Weigh 25 ml screw cap vial on analytical balance.<br />

3. Add approximately 1 .O gram of the film sample to vial.<br />

4. Determine the exact weight by reweighing vial plus the<br />

sample on analytical balance and calculating the weight<br />

by difference.<br />

5. Pipet 10 mls of reagent grade tetrahydrofuran into vial<br />

and seal.<br />

6. Shake in shaker for 1 hour.<br />

7. Allow vial to sit overnight.<br />

8. Shake on shaker for 1 hour.<br />

9. Prepare standard solutions of suspect components (suggested<br />

concentration: 20 mg of each standard in 10 mls<br />

of THF).<br />

10. Inject 1 ml of the sample into gas chromatograph equipped<br />

with the appropriate column and detector.<br />

11. Inject 1 ml of each standard into gas chromatograph.<br />

12. Identify the extractables by comparing the peaks in<br />

sample chromatogram to peaks in the standard chromatograms.<br />



1. Prepare a 1 % solution of potassium permanganate in<br />

deionized or distilled water.<br />

2. Apply a sufficient quantity of the solution to the cured<br />

film in order to cover an area approximately Yz inch<br />

square. (The area covered is not critical, however, a large<br />

area will allow an easier reading of stain intensity).<br />

3. Allow the solution to remain in contact with the film for<br />

5 minutes. Then rinse with water.<br />

4. In the area where the solution was in contact with the<br />

coating, a brown stain will be apparent. The intensity<br />

of the stain will be proportional to the residual unsaturation<br />

in the coating.<br />

This test is qualitative only. Residence time of the solution<br />

is important.<br />



1. TWO pound ball peen hammer.<br />

2. 4” x 4” square of felt to cover ball on hammer.<br />

3. 6” x 12” drawdown coated with batch to be tested.<br />

4. Methyl ethyl ketone.<br />

5. Oven.<br />

6. Meyer bar.<br />


1. Apply coating to substrate and cure.<br />

2. Apply MEK to felt attached to the hammer.<br />

3. Stroke the drawdown with a back and forth motion at a<br />

constant rate.<br />

4. Each back and forth motion is counted as a double rub.<br />

5. Care must be taken to keep the handle of the hammer<br />

level with the table top and no downward pressure should<br />

be exerted on the hammer.<br />

6. Stroke the hammer until the first sign of the substrate<br />

shows. Discount any breakthrough at the pivot point on<br />

each end of the stroke.<br />


This severe abrasion test uses a 1.25 inch square pad<br />

of commercially available 0000 grade steel wool. The steel<br />

wool pad is loaded with appropriate weights to give either<br />

12 psi or 24 psi pressure. The pad is rotated on the substrate<br />

five times. Results are reported as an increase in the percent<br />

haze.<br />


The inkometer is an instrument designed to measure the<br />

effective consistency of printing inks under conditions in<br />


which the degree of working the ink closely approximates<br />

that which takes place during printing.<br />

Results are obtained in numerical values for the torque<br />

required to “work” the ink film at known rates, with<br />

predetermined film thickness and temperature.<br />

Records can be made either in the form of consistency<br />

curves or of numerical values for tack and length. In addition<br />

to consistency, the inkometer is useful for the following:<br />

1. Tack Readings<br />

To determine the tack of process inks. The numerical tack<br />

value would have a characteristic level for each “down”.<br />

For example a printing sequence of yellow, red, blue and<br />

black might have tack readings of 14, 13, 12 and 10<br />

respectively.<br />

2. Press Stability<br />

To determine press stability - this can be gauged by noting<br />

the percentage tack increase with time. Generally a 10 minute<br />

period is used. Tack readings are to be taken each minute<br />

from 1 to 10. The stability should be reported as the highest<br />

tack value measured over the 10 minute cycle.<br />

3. Misting or Flying<br />

To determine misting Or flying of a particular ink under controlled<br />

conditions to simulate the ink’s behavior on a commercial<br />

press or decorator. This test provides controlled<br />

speed, temperature, film thickness, and roller contact<br />

pressure.<br />


1. Inkometer.<br />

2. Ink pipette.<br />

3. 3” spatula.<br />

4. Stopwatch.<br />


1. Check water bath to make sure it is 90 F.<br />

2. Set roller RPM at:<br />

a. For tack and stability, use 1200 RPM or as specified.<br />

b. For misting, use 90 F/1200 RPM or as specified.<br />

3. Balance the machine at the operating speed to be used<br />

in subsequent tests. This is accomplished by moving the<br />

locking lever to the left to release the beam and adjusting<br />

the counterweight at the left rear of the machine to bring<br />

the indicating pointer in line with the middle line at the<br />

beam end.<br />

4. Prior to the first inkometer test of the day, zero the instrument<br />

using the 10 and 25 check weights.<br />

5. Prior to each determination (unless the inkometer is being<br />

run continuously) run the instrument dry for 15<br />

minutes with the top roller and vibrating roller in contact<br />

with the brass roller.<br />

6. Prior to the first inkometer test of the day, condition the<br />

rollers by running an ink for at least 1 minute. Clean up<br />

with recommended solvents. Dry rollers with isopropyl<br />

alcohol.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

Fill the ink metering device with the ink to be tested.<br />

Push the piston all the way out and then allow it to return<br />

slowly, working the ink into the cup with a spatula to<br />

eliminate air bubbles. Make sure the piston is completely<br />

down and screwed tight. Scrape off the excess ink by<br />

passing the edge of the spatula across the end of the<br />

pipette, at such an angle that the surface will be completely<br />

level.<br />

Spread the ink evenly across the upper roller. Wipe off<br />

any ink remaining in the pipette on the vibrator roll.<br />

Obtain initial distribution by turning the motor coupling<br />

by hand. Distribute the ink for 10 seconds at 400 RPM<br />

prior to the start of the 1 minute tack reading.<br />

Switch the RPM to 1200 and start the timer immediately.<br />

Move the sliding weight so that the beam is continuously<br />

in balance. Release the beam only when taking a<br />

reading and at the designated times. Take readings at one<br />

minute intervals.<br />

Standard tack readings are at 1200 RPM at 90 F for 60<br />

seconds.<br />

NOTES<br />

1. To determine press stability, note the percentage change<br />

in tack with time. The greater the rate of change, the<br />

lower the ink stability.<br />

2. To determine flying and misting, suspend a piece of white<br />

paper under the roller and allow the inkometer to run<br />

at operating speed for one minute. At the end of this<br />

period, examine the paper for the presence of ink.<br />

3. Calibration weights can be purchased to check the<br />

mechanical integrity of the inkometer.<br />

4. A rubber durometer can be purchased to monitor the condition<br />

of the rubber rollers.<br />


The test consists of placing a small amount of ink on<br />

the index finger and tapping the finger on a rigid surface,<br />

such as a piece of glass. The subjective resistance to movement<br />

or the stickiness of the ink is noted. The test is usually<br />

run by an experienced person or with a control ink. The test<br />

is highly subjective. Temperature will affect results. This test<br />

is not recommeded for acrylated materials.<br />





The twin standard comparative method of measuring<br />

thermal conductivity utilizes two standards of known thermal<br />

conductivity material, which are placed on either side<br />

of an unknown sample. An axial flow of heat is caused to<br />

flow through this stack by placing a heater on one side of<br />


the stack and a liquid cooled heat sink on the other side. Thermocouples<br />

are then used to measure the interface temperatures.<br />

The test stack is well insulated laterally so that the<br />

heat flow is almost unidirectional. Since small heat losses<br />

do occur at the sides, the two standards are used, one measuring<br />

the heat flow into the sample and the other measuring<br />

the heat flow out of the sample. To contain a liquid use an<br />

0 ring. The average measurements of the two standards<br />

represents a good value for the heat flow through the<br />

unknown sample. If we say the average heat flux through<br />

the two standards is equal to the heat flux through the sample,<br />

we have:<br />

Q/A (standards) = QIA (sample)<br />

where QIA equals the heat flow per unit area, Btu/hr-sq. ft.<br />

and (k T/ X) (standard) = (k T/ X (sample)<br />

where k = thermal conductivity, Btu-in/hr-sq. ft.-F<br />

T = temperature difference, F<br />

X = thickness normal to heat flow, inches<br />

Thus: k (sample) = K (standard) ( T/ X) (std.) ( X/ T) (sample)<br />

Since all quantities to the left are known or can be measured,<br />

the thermal conductivity of the sample can be determined.<br />

Convection or motion of the fluid is considered to be<br />

negligable. The standards used are %" thick by 2" diameter<br />

disks of fused silica (quartz) .p<br />


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APPENDIX 13<br />



I' Annual<br />

Wb<br />

Designation: D 149 - 81<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />




This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 149: the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace Method 4031 of Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

Standard 406 and for listing in the Do D Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the procedure for<br />

determination of the dielectric strength of solid<br />

insulating materials at commercial power frequencies,<br />

under specified conditions.<br />

1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the tests shall<br />

be made at 60 Hz. However, this method may<br />

be used at any frequency from 25 to 800 Hz.<br />

At frequencies above 800 Hz dielectric heating<br />

may be a problem.<br />

1.3 This method is intended to be used in<br />

conjunction with the ASTM standard or other<br />

document that refers to this method. References<br />

to this document should specify the particular<br />

options to be used (see 4.4).<br />

1.4 It may be used at various temperatures,<br />

and in any suitable gaseous or liquid surrounding<br />

medium.<br />

1.5 This method is not intended for measuring<br />

the dielectric strength of materials that are<br />

fluid under the conditions of test.<br />

1.6 This method is not intended for use in<br />

determining intrinsic dielectric strength, directvoltage<br />

dielectric strength, or thermal failure<br />

under electrical stress (see Method D 3 15 i j.<br />

1.7 The method is most commonly used to<br />

determine the dielectric breakdown voltage<br />

through the thickness of a test specimen (puncture).<br />

It may also be used to determine dielectric<br />

breakdown voltage along the interface between<br />

a solid specimen and a gaseous or liquid<br />

surrounding medium (flashover). With the addition<br />

of instructions modifying Section 1 I, this<br />

method may be used for proof testing.<br />

1.8 The method appears in<br />

sections:<br />

Subject<br />

Apparatus<br />

Applicable Documents<br />

Calculations<br />

Calibration<br />

Conditioning<br />

Procedure<br />

Precision and Accuracy<br />

Report<br />

Safety Precautions<br />

Sampling<br />

Scope<br />

Significance<br />

Summary of Method<br />

Terminology<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

the following<br />

Section<br />

6<br />

2<br />

13<br />

IO<br />

I I<br />

12<br />

15<br />

14<br />

7<br />

8<br />

I<br />

4<br />

3<br />

5<br />

9<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 374 <strong>Test</strong>s for Thickness of Solid Electrical<br />

Insulation2<br />

D 6 I8 Conditioning Plastics and Electrical<br />

Insulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing'<br />

D 877 <strong>Test</strong> for Dielectric Breakdown Voltage<br />

of Insulating Liquids Using Disk Electrodes"<br />

D 171 1 Definitions of Terms Relating to<br />

Electrical Insulation2s ''<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-9 on Electrical Insulating Materials and is the direct<br />

responsibility of Subcommittee D09.12 on Electrical <strong>Test</strong>s.<br />

Current edition approved Jan. 30, I98 I. Published March<br />

1981. Originally published as D 149-22 T. Last previous edition<br />

D 149-75.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 39.<br />

Book of ASTM Standards. Part 40.<br />


D 2413 Preparing and Electrical <strong>Test</strong>ing of<br />

Insulating Paper and Board Impregnated<br />

with a Liquid Dielectric',<br />

D 2436 Specification for Forced-Convection<br />

Laboratory Ovens for Electrical Ovens2<br />

D 3 15 1 <strong>Test</strong> for Thermal Failure Under<br />

Electric Stress of Solid Electrical Insulating<br />

Materials'<br />

D 3487 Specification for Mineral Insulating<br />

Oil Used in Electrical Apparatus3<br />

2.2 Other Standards:<br />

International Electrotechnical Commis~ion:~<br />

Pub. 243 Recommended <strong>Methods</strong> of <strong>Test</strong> for<br />

Electrical Strength of Solid Insulating Materials<br />

at Power Frequencies<br />

American National Standards Institute<br />

Standard:4<br />

C68.1 Techniques for Dielectric <strong>Test</strong>s, IEEE<br />

Standard No. 4<br />

3. Summary of Method<br />

3.1 Alternating voltage, at a commercial<br />

power frequency (60 Hz, unless otherwise specified)<br />

is applied to a test specimen. The voltage<br />

is increased from zero or from a level well<br />

below the breakdown voltage, in one of three<br />

prescribed methods of voltage application, until<br />

dielectric failure of the test specimen occurs.<br />

3.2 Most commonly, the test voltage is applied<br />

using simple test electrodes on opposite<br />

faces of specimens. The specimens may be<br />

molded or cast, or cut from flat sheet or plate.<br />

Other electrode and specimen configurations<br />

may be used to accommodate the geometry of<br />

the sample material, or to simulate a specific<br />

application for which the material is being<br />

evaluated.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 The dielectric strength of an electrical<br />

insulating material is a property of interest for<br />

any application where an electrical field wil: be<br />

present. In many cases the dielectric strength of<br />

a material will be the determining factor in the<br />

design of the apparatus in which it is to be<br />

used.<br />

4.2 <strong>Test</strong>s made as specified herein may be<br />

used to provide part of the information needed<br />

for determining suitability of a material for a<br />

given application; and also, for detecting<br />

changes or deviations from normal characteristics<br />

resulting from processing variables, aging<br />

conditions, or other manufacturing or environmental<br />

situations. This method is useful for<br />

process control, acceptance or research testing.<br />

4.3 Results obtained by this method can seldom<br />

be used directly to determine the dielectric<br />

behavior of a material in an actual application.<br />

In most cases it is necessary that these results<br />

be evaluated by comparison with results obtained<br />

from other functional tests or from tests<br />

on other materials, or both, in order to estimate<br />

their significance for a particular material.<br />

4.4 Documents specifying the use of this<br />

method should also specify:<br />

4.4.1 Method of voltage application,<br />

4.4.2 Voltage rate-of-rise, if slow rate-of-rise<br />

method is specified,<br />

4.4.3 Specimen selection, preparation, and<br />

conditioning,<br />

4.4.4 Surrounding medium and temperature<br />

during test,<br />

4.4.5 Electrodes, and<br />

4.4.6 Any desired deviations from the recommended<br />

procedures as given.<br />

4.5 If any of the requirements listed in 4.4<br />

are missing from the specifying document, then<br />

the recommendations for the several variables<br />

shall be followed.<br />

4.6 Appendix X1 contains a more complete<br />

discussion of the significance of dielectric<br />

strength tests.<br />

5. Terminology<br />

5.1 Refer to Definitions D 171 1 for definitions<br />

of the following terms:<br />

5.1.1 dielectric breakdown voltage,<br />

5.1.2 dielectric failure,<br />

5.1.3 dielectric strength, and<br />

5.1.4 flashover.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 Voltage Source-Obtain the test voltage<br />

from a step-up transformer supplied from B<br />

variable sinusoidal low-voltage source. The<br />

transformer, its voltage source, and the associated<br />

controls shall have the following capabilities:<br />

6.1.1 The ratio of crest to root-mean-square<br />

(rms) test voltage shall be equal to h k 5 9%<br />

(1.34 to 1.48), with the test specimen in the<br />

Available from American National Standards Institute,<br />

1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018.<br />


D 149<br />

circuit, at all voltages greater than 50 96 of the<br />

breakdown voltage.<br />

6.1.2 The capacity of the source shall be<br />

sufficient to maintain the test voltage until<br />

dielectric breakdown occurs. For most materials,<br />

using electrodes similar to those shown in<br />

Table 1, an output current capacity of 40 mA<br />

is usually satisfactory. For more complex electrode<br />

structures, or for testing high-loss materials,<br />

higher current capacity may be needed.<br />

The power rating for most tests will vary from<br />

0.5 kVA for testing low-capacitance specinlens<br />

at voltages up to 10 kV, to 5 kVA for voltages<br />

up to 100 kV.<br />

6.1.3 The controls on the variable low-voltage<br />

source shall be capable of varying the<br />

supply voltage and the resultant test voltage<br />

smoothly, uniformly, and without overshoots<br />

or transients, in accordance with 12.1. Under<br />

no circumstance shall the peak of any voltage<br />

transient exceed 1.48 times the indicated rms<br />

test voltage. Motor-driven controls are preferable<br />

for making short-time (see 12.1.1) or slowrate-of-rise<br />

(see 12.1.3) tests.<br />

6.1.4 Equip the voltage source with a circuitbreaking<br />

device that will operate within three<br />

cycles. The device shall disconnect the voltage<br />

source equipment from the power service and<br />

protect it from overload as a result of specimen<br />

breakdown causing an overload of the testing<br />

apparatus. If prolonged current follows breakdown<br />

it will result in unnecessary burning of<br />

the test specimens, pitting of the electrodes, and<br />

contamination of any liquid surrounding medium.<br />

6. I .5 The circuit-breaking device should<br />

have an adjustable current-sensing element in<br />

the step-up transformer secondary, to allow for<br />

adjustment consistent with the specimen characteristics<br />

and arranged to sense specimen current.<br />

Set the sensing element to respond to a<br />

current that is indicative of specimen breakdown.<br />

6.1.6 The specimen current-sensing element<br />

may be in the primary of the step-up transformer.<br />

Calibrate the current-sensing dial in<br />

terms of specimen current.<br />

6.1.7 Exercise care in setting the response of<br />

the current control. If the control is set too<br />

high, the circuit will not respond when breakdown<br />

occurs; if set too low, it may respond to<br />

leakage currents, capacitive currents, or partial<br />

discharge (corona) currents or, when the sensing<br />

element is located in the primary, to the<br />

step-up transformer magnetizing current.<br />

6.2 Voltage Measurement-A voltmeter<br />

must be provided for measuring the rms test<br />

voltage. A peak-reading voltmeter may be used,<br />

in which case divide the reading by h to get<br />

rms values. The overall error of the voltagemeasuring<br />

circuit shall not exceed 5 96 of the<br />

measured value. In addition, the response time<br />

of the voltmeter shall be such that its time lag<br />

will not be greater than 1 96 of full scale at any<br />

rate-of-rise used.<br />

6.2.1 Measure the voltage using a voltmeter<br />

or potential transformer connected to the specimen<br />

electrodes, or to a separate voltmeter<br />

winding, on the test transformer, that is unaffected<br />

by the step-up transformer loading.<br />

NOTE-Those test sets making use of test transformer<br />

primary voltage measurement as an indication<br />

of the voltage across the specimen electrodes is in<br />

violation of this issue of the method unless calibrated<br />

at the specific breakdown voltage and current. Calibration<br />

will be dependent upon transformer secondary<br />

current and voltage at the time of breakdown.<br />

6.2.2 It is desirable for the reading of the<br />

maximum applied test voltage to be retained<br />

on the voltmeter after breakdown so that the<br />

breakdown voltage can be accurately read and<br />

recorded.<br />

6.3 Electrodes-For a given specimen configuration,<br />

the dielectric breakdown voltage<br />

may vary considerably, depending upon the<br />

geometry and placement of the test electrodes.<br />

For this reason it is important that the electrodes<br />

to be used be described when specifying<br />

this method, and that they be described in the<br />

report.<br />

6.3.1 One of the electrodes listed in Table 1<br />

should be specified by the document referring<br />

this method. If no electrodes have been specified<br />

select an applicable one from Table 1, or<br />

use other electrodes mutually acceptable to the<br />

parties concerned when the standard electrodes<br />

cannot be used due to the nature or configuration<br />

of the material being tested. See references<br />

in Appendix X2 for examples of some<br />

special electrodes. In any event the electrodes<br />

must be described in the report.<br />

6.3.2 The electrodes should be in contact<br />

with the test specimen over the entire area of<br />

the electrode, except for such obvious areas as<br />


D 149<br />

the rounded edges of Types 1, 2, 3, and 6 of<br />

Table 1.<br />

6.3.3 Keep the electrode surfaces clean and<br />

smooth, and free from projecting irregularities<br />

resulting from previous tests. If asperities have<br />

developed, they must be removed.<br />

6.3.4 Whenever the electrodes are dissimilar<br />

in size or shape, the one at which the lowest<br />

concentration of stress exists, usually the larger<br />

in size and with the largest radius, should be at<br />

ground potential.<br />

6.3.5 In some special cases liquid metal electrodes,<br />

foil electrodes, metal shot, water, or<br />

conductive coating electrodes are used. It must<br />

be recognized that these may give results differing<br />

widely from those obtained with other<br />

types of electrodes.<br />

6.3.6 Because of the effect of the electrodes<br />

on the test results, it is frequently possible to<br />

obtain additional information as to the dielectric<br />

properties of a material (or a group of<br />

materials) by running tests with more than one<br />

type of electrodes. This technique is of particular<br />

value for research testing.<br />

6.4 Surrounding Medium-The document<br />

calling for this method should specify the surrounding<br />

medium and the test temperature, if<br />

tests are not to be made in air at ambient<br />

temperature and humidity. It is normally preferable<br />

to test materials in the medium in which<br />

they are to be used. When conditions of use are<br />

not well-defined, materials should be tested in<br />

air, unless the breakdown voltage is so high as<br />

to require excessively large specimens, or to<br />

cause heavy surface discharges and burning<br />

prior to failure. Flashover must be avoided,<br />

and the effects of partial discharges prior to<br />

failure minimized, even on short-time tests. The<br />

material of the seals or shrouds around the<br />

electrodes may influence the breakdown values.<br />

For specimens having a high breakdown<br />

voltage it is frequently preferable or even necessary<br />

to make tests in insulating oil. Breakdown<br />

values obtained in insulating oil may not<br />

be comparable with those obtained in air. In<br />

many cases, particularly for research or qualification<br />

purposes, it is desirable to test at the<br />

expected temperature of operation.<br />

6.4.1 When tests are made in insulating oil,<br />

an oil bath of adequate size shall be provided.<br />

The use of glass containers is not recommended<br />

for tests at voltages above about 10 kV, because<br />

the energy released at breakdown may be sufficient<br />

to shatter the container. Metal baths<br />

must be grounded. It is recommended that<br />

mineral oil meeting the requirements of Specification<br />

D 3487, Type I or 11, be used. It should<br />

have a dielectric breakdown voltage as determined<br />

by Method D877 of at least 26 kV.<br />

Other dielectric fluids may be used as surrounding<br />

mediums if specified. These include,<br />

but are not limited to, silicone fluids and other<br />

liquids intended for use in transformers, circuit<br />

breakers, capacitors, or cables.<br /> Breakdown values obtained using<br />

liquids having different electrical properties<br />

may not be comparable. See X1.4.7. If tests are<br />

to be made at other than room temperature,<br />

the bath must be provided with a means for<br />

heating or cooling the liquid, and with a means<br />

to ensure uniform temperature. Small baths<br />

can in some cases be placed in an oven (see<br />

6.4.2) in order to provide temperature control.<br />

If forced circulation of the fluid is provided,<br />

care must be taken to prevent bubbles from<br />

being whipped into the fluid. The temperature<br />

shall be maintained within & 5°C of the specified<br />

test temperature at the electrodes, unless<br />

otherwise specified. In many cases it is specified<br />

that specimens to be tested in insulating oil are<br />

to be previously impregnated with the oil and<br />

not removed from the oil before testing (see<br />

Method D 2413). For such materials, the bath<br />

must be of such design that it will not be<br />

necessary to expose the specimens to air before<br />

testing.<br />

6.4.2 If tests in air are to be made at other<br />

than ambient temperature or humidity, an oven<br />

or controlled humidity chamber must be provided<br />

for the tests. Ovens meeting the requirements<br />

of Specification D2436 and provided<br />

with means for introducing the test voltage will<br />

be suitable for use when only temperature is to<br />

be controlled.<br />

6.4.3 <strong>Test</strong>s in gasses other than air will generally<br />

require the use of chambers that can be<br />

evacuated and filled with the test gas, usually<br />

under some controlled pressure. The design of<br />

such chambers will be determined by the nature<br />

of the test program to be undertaken.<br />

6.5 <strong>Test</strong> Chamber-The test chamber or area<br />

in which the tests are to be made shall be of<br />

sufficient size to hold the test equipment, and<br />

shall be provided with interlocks to prevent<br />


D 149<br />

accidental contact with any electrically energized<br />

parts. A number of different physical<br />

arrangements of voltage source, measuring<br />

equipment, baths or ovens, and electrodes are<br />

possible, but it is essential that (I) all gates or<br />

doors providing access to spaces in which there<br />

are electrically energized parts be interlocked<br />

to shut off the voltage source when opened; (2)<br />

clearances are sumciently large that the field in<br />

the area of the electrodes and specimen are not<br />

distorted and that flashovers and partial discharges<br />

(corona) do not occur except between<br />

the test electrodes; and (3) insertion and replacement<br />

of specimens between tests be as<br />

simple and convenient as possible. Visual observation<br />

of the electrodes and test specimen<br />

during the test is frequently desirable.<br />

7. Safety Precautions<br />

7.1 Lethal voltages are present during every<br />

dielectric breakdown test. It is essential that the<br />

test apparatus and all associated equipment<br />

that may be electrically connected to it be<br />

designed, installed, and operated so that it is<br />

not possible for any person to make contact<br />

with energized conductors.<br />

7.2 Solidly ground all metal parts that any<br />

person might come into contact with during the<br />

test.<br />

7.3 Thoroughly instruct all operators in the<br />

proper way to conduct the tests safely.<br />

7.4 When making tests at high voltage with<br />

large area electrodes, particularly in compressed<br />

gas or in oil, the energy released at<br />

breakdown may be sufficient to result in fire,<br />

explosion, or rupture of the test chamber. Design<br />

of test equipment, test chambers, and test<br />

specimens should be such as to minimize the<br />

possibility of such occurrences, and to eliminate<br />

the possibility of personal injury.<br />

8. Sampling<br />

8.1 The detailed sampling procedure for the<br />

material being tested should be defined in the<br />

specification for that material<br />

8.2 Sampling procedures for quality control<br />

purposes should provide for gathering of sufficient<br />

samples to estimate both the average<br />

quality and the variability of the lot being<br />

examined; and for proper protection of the<br />

samples from the time they are taken until the<br />

preparation of the test specimens in the labo-<br />

ratory or other test area is begun.<br />

8.3 For the purposes of most tests it is desirable<br />

to take samples from areas that are not<br />

immediately adjacent to obvious defects or discontinuities<br />

in the material. The outer few layers<br />

of roll material, the top sheets of a package<br />

of sheets, or material immediately next to an<br />

edge of a sheet or roll should be avoided, unless<br />

the presence or proximity of defects or discontinuities<br />

is of interest in the investigation of the<br />

material.<br />

8.4 The sample should be large enough to<br />

permit making as many individual tests as may<br />

be requiied for the particular material (see<br />

12.3).<br />

9. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

9.1 Preparation and Handling:<br />

9.1.1 Prepare specimens from samples collected<br />

in accordance with Section 8.<br />

9.1.2 When flat-faced electrodes are to be<br />

used, the surfaces of the specimens which will<br />

be in contact with the electrodes shall be<br />

smooth parallel planes, insofar as possible without<br />

actual surface machining.<br />

9.1.3 The specimens shall be of sufficient<br />

size to prevent flashover under the conditions<br />

of test. For thin materials it may be convenient<br />

to use specimens large enough to permit making<br />

more than one test on a single piece.<br />

9.1.4 For thicker materials (usually more<br />

than 2 mm thick) the breakdown strength may<br />

be high enough that flashover or intense surface<br />

partial discharges (corona) may occur prior to<br />

breakdown. Techniques that may be used to<br />

prevent flashover, or to reduce partial discharge<br />

(corona) include:<br /> Immerse the specimen in insulating<br />

oil during the test. See X 1.4.7 for the surrounding<br />

medium factors influencing breakdown.<br />

This may be necessary for specimens that have<br />

not been dried and impregnated with oil, as<br />

well as for those which have been prepared in<br />

accordance with Method D 2413, for example.<br />

(See 6.4.)<br /> Machine a recess or drill a flat-bottom<br />

hole in one or both surfaces of the specimen<br />

to reduce the test thickness. If dissimilar<br />

electrodes are used (such as Type 6 of Table 1)<br />

and only one surface is to be machined, the<br />

larger of the two electrodes should be in contact<br />

with the machined surface. Care must be taken<br />


D 149<br />

in machining specimens not to contaminate or<br />

mechanically damage them.<br /> Apply seals or shrouds around the<br />

electrodes, in contact with the specimen to reduce<br />

the tendency to flashover.<br />

9.1.5 Materials that are not in flat sheet form<br />

shall be tested using specimens (and electrodes)<br />

appropriate to the material and the geometry<br />

of the sample. It is essential that for these<br />

materials both the specimen and the electrodes<br />

be defined in the specification for the material.<br />

9.1.6. Whatever the form of the material, if<br />

tests of other than surface-to-surface puncture<br />

strength are to be made, define the specimens<br />

and the electrodes in the specification for the<br />

material.<br />

9.2 In nearly all cases the actual thickness of<br />

the test specimen is important. Unless otherwise<br />

specified, measure the thickness after the test<br />

in the immediate vicinity of the area of breakdown.<br />

Measurements shall be made at room<br />

temperature (25 f 5"C), using the appropriate<br />

procedure of Method D 374.<br />

10. Calibration<br />

10.1 In making calibration measurements,<br />

take care that the values of voltage at the<br />

electrodes can be determined within the accuracy<br />

given in 6.2, with the test specimens in the<br />

circuit.<br />

10.2 Use an independently calibrated voltmeter<br />

attached to the output of the test voltage<br />

source to verify the accuracy of the measuring<br />

device. Electrostatic voltmeters, voltage dividers,<br />

or potential transformers having comparable<br />

accuracy may be used for calibration measurement.<br />

10.3 At voltages above about 12 kV rms<br />

(16.9 kV peak) a sphere gap may be used to<br />

calibrate the readings of the voltage-measuring<br />

device. Follow procedures as specified in ANSI<br />

C68.1 in such calibration.<br />

11. Conditioning<br />

11.1 The dielectric strength of most solid<br />

insulating materials is influenced by temperature<br />

and moisture content. Materials so affected<br />

should be brought to equilibrium with an atmosphere<br />

of controlled temperature and relative<br />

humidity before testing. For such materials,<br />

the conditioning should be included in<br />

the specification referencing this method.<br />

1 I .2 Unless otherwise specified, follow the<br />

procedures in Method D 6 18.<br />

11.3 For many materials the moisture content<br />

has more effect on dielectric strength than<br />

does temperature. Conditioning times for these<br />

materials should be sufficiently long to permit<br />

the specimens to reach moisture equilibrium as<br />

well as temperature equilibrium.<br />

1 1.4 If the conditioning atmposphere is such<br />

that condensation occurs on the surface of the<br />

specimens, it may be desirable to wipe the<br />

surfaces of the specimens immediately before<br />

testing. This will usually reduce the probability<br />

of surface flashover.<br />

12. Procedure<br />

12.1 <strong>Methods</strong> of Voltage Application:<br />

12.1.1 Method A, Short-Time <strong>Test</strong>-Apply<br />

voltage uniformly to the test electrodes from<br />

zero at one of the rates shown in Fig. 1A until<br />

breakdown occurs. Use the short-time test unless<br />

othwise specified.<br /> When establishing a rate initially in<br />

order for it to be included in a new specification,<br />

select a rate that, for a given set of specimens,<br />

will give an average time to breakdown<br />

of between 10 and 20 s. It may be necessary to<br />

run one or two preliminary tests in order to<br />

determine the most suitable rate-of-rise. For<br />

many materials a rate of 500 V/s is used.<br /> If the document referencing this<br />

method specified a rate-of-rise it shall be used<br />

consistently in spite of occasional average time<br />

to breakdown falling outside the range of 10 to<br />

20 s. In this case, the times to failures shall be<br />

made a part of the report.<br /> In running a series of tests comparing<br />

different material, the same rate-of-rise<br />

shall be used with preference given to a rate<br />

that allows the average time to be between 10<br />

and 20 s. If the time to breakdown cannot be<br />

adhered to, the time shall be made a part of the<br />

report.<br />

12.1.2 Method B, Step-by-Step <strong>Test</strong>-Apply<br />

voltage to the test electrodes at the preferred<br />

starting voltage and in steps and duration as<br />

shown in Fig. IB until breakdown occurs.<br /> From the list in Fig. 1B select the<br />

initial voltage to be the one closest to 50 96 of<br />

the experimentally determined or expected<br />

breakdown voltage under the short time test.<br /> If an initial voltage other than one<br />

of the preferred values listed in Fig. 1B is<br />

selected, it is recommended that the voltage<br />


D 149<br />

steps be 10% of the preferred initial voltage<br />

immediately below the selected value.<br /> Apply the initial voltage by increasing<br />

the voltage from zero as rapidly as can be<br />

accomplished without introducing a transient<br />

voltage or overshoot beyond that permitted in<br />

6.1.3. Similar requirements shall apply to the<br />

procedure used to increase the voltage between<br />

successive steps. After the initial step, the time<br />

required to raise the voltage to the succeeding<br />

step shall be counted as part of the time at the<br />

succeeding step.<br /> If breakdown occurs while the voltage<br />

is being increased to the next step, it shall<br />

be recorded as having occurred at the next<br />

lower step and the actual breakdown voltage<br />

also reported.<br /> It is desirable that breakdown occur<br />

in four to ten steps, but in not less than 120 s.<br />

If failure occurs at the third step or less, or in<br />

less than 120 s, whichever is greater, on more<br />

than one specimen in a group, the tests should<br />

be repeated with a lower initial voltage. If<br />

failure does not occur before the twelfth step<br />

or greater than 720 s, increase the initial voltage.<br /> Record the initial voltage, the voltage<br />

steps, the breakdown voltage, and the<br />

length of time that the breakdown voltage was<br />

held. If failure occurred while the voltage was<br />

being increased to the starting voltage the failure<br />

time shall be zero.<br /> Other time lengths for the voltage<br />

steps may be specified, depending upon the<br />

purpose of the test. Commonly used lengths are<br />

20 s and 300 s (5 min). For research purposes,<br />

it may be of value to conduct tests using more<br />

than one time interval on a given material.<br />

12.1.3 Method C, Slow Rate-of-Rise <strong>Test</strong>-<br />

Apply voltage to the test electrodes, from the<br />

starting voltage and at the rate shown in Fig.<br />

IC until breakdown occurs.<br /> Select the initial voltage from shorttime<br />

tests made as specified in 12.1.1. The<br />

initial voltage shall be reached as specified in<br /><br /> Use the rate-of-voltage rise from the<br />

initial value specified in the document calling<br />

for this method. Ordinarily the rate is selected<br />

to approximate the average rate for a step-bystep<br />

test.<br /> If more than one specimen of a<br />

group of specimens breaks down in less than<br />

120 s, reduce either the initial voltage or the<br />

rate-of-rise, or both.<br /> If more than one specimen of a<br />

group of specimens breaks down at less than<br />

1.5 times the initial voltage, reduce the initial<br />

value. If breakdown repeatedly occurs at a<br />

value greater than 2.5 times the initial value<br />

(and at a time of over 120 s), increase the initial<br />

voltage.<br />

12.2 Criteria of Breakdown-Dielectric failure<br />

or dielectric breakdown (as defined in Definitions<br />

D 171 1) consists of an increase in conductance,<br />

limiting the electric field that can be<br />

sustained. This phenomenon is most commonly<br />

evidenced during the test by abrupt rupture<br />

through the thickness of the specimen, which<br />

can be seen and heard, and which results in a<br />

visible puncture and decomposition of the specimen<br />

in the breakdown area. This form of<br />

breakdown is generally irreversible. Repeated<br />

applications of voltage level (sometimes unmeasurably<br />

low), usually with additional damage<br />

at the breakdown area. Such repeated applications<br />

of voltage may be used to give positive<br />

evidence of breakdown and to make the<br />

breakdown path more visible.<br />

12.2.1 A rapid rise in leakage current may<br />

result in tripping of the voltage source without<br />

visible decomposition of the specimen. This<br />

type of failure, usually associated with slowrise<br />

tests at elevated temperatures, may in some<br />

cases be reversible, that is, recovery of the<br />

dielectric strength may occur if the specimen is<br />

allowed to cool to its original test temperature<br />

bcfore reapplying voltage. The voltage source<br />

must trip rapidly at relatively low current for<br />

this type of failure to occur.<br />

12.2.2 Tripping of the voltage source may<br />

occur due to flashover, to partial discharge<br />

current, to reactive current in a high capacitance<br />

specimen, or to malfunctioning of the<br />

breaker. Such interruptions of the test do not<br />

constitute breakdown (except for flashover<br />

tests) and should not be considered as a satisfactory<br />

test.<br />

12.2.3 If the breaker is set for too high a<br />

current, or if the breaker malfunctions, excessive<br />

burning of the specimen will occur.<br />

12.3 Number of <strong>Test</strong>s-Make five breakdowns<br />

unless otherwise specified for the particular<br />

material.<br />


13. Calculations<br />

13.1 Calculate for each test the dielectric<br />

strength in kV/mm or V/mil at breakdown,<br />

and for step-by-step tests, the gradient at the<br />

highest voltage step at which breakdown did<br />

not occur.<br />

13.2 Calculate the average dielectric<br />

strength and the standard deviation, or other<br />

measure of variability.<br />

14. Report<br />

14.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

14.1.1 Identification of the test sample.<br />

14.1.2 For Each Specimen:<br /> Measured thickness,<br /> Maximum voltage withstood (for<br />

step-by-step tests),<br /> Dielectric breakdown voltage,<br /> Dielectric strength (for step-by-step<br />

tests),<br /> Dielectric breakdown stength, and<br /> Location of failure (center of electrode,<br />

edge, or outside).<br />

14.1.3 For Each Sample:<br /> Average dielectric withstand<br />

strength,<br /> Average dielectric breakdown<br />

strength,<br /> Indication of variability, preferably<br />

the standard deviation and coefficient of variation,<br /> Description of test specimens,<br /> Conditioning and specimen preparation,<br /> Ambient atmosphere temperature<br />

and relative humidity,<br />

4Slb D 149<br /> Surrounding medium,<br /> <strong>Test</strong> temperature,<br /> Description of electrodes,<br /> Method of voltage application, and<br /> 1 Date of test.<br />

15. Precision and Accuracy<br />

15.1 Single- Operator Precision-Depending<br />

upon the variability of the material being<br />

tested, the specimen thickness, method of voltage<br />

application, and the extent to which transient<br />

voltage surges are controlled or suppressed,<br />

the coefficient of variation (standard<br />

deviation divided by the mean) may vary from<br />

a low 1 or 2% to as high as 20% or more.<br />

When making duplicate tests on five specimens<br />

from the same sample, the coefficient of variation<br />

will usually be less than 7 %.<br />

15.2 Multilaboratory Precision-The precision<br />

of tests made in different laboratories (or<br />

of tests made using different equipment in the<br />

same laboratory) may be quite variable. If identical<br />

types of equipment are used, with specimen<br />

preparation, electrodes, and testing procedures<br />

closely controlled, the single-operator<br />

precision may be closely approached. When<br />

direct comparison of results from two or more<br />

laboratories is to be made, it is recommended<br />

that the precision between the laboratories involved<br />

be evaluated.<br />

15.3 Accuracy-This method does not determine<br />

the intrinsic dielectric strength. The test<br />

values are dependent upon specimen geometry,<br />

electrodes, and other variable factors, in addition<br />

to the properties of the sample, so that it<br />

is not possible to make a statement of accuracy.<br />


sub D 149<br />

TABLE I<br />

Electrode<br />

Description of<br />

Tvpe<br />

Opposing cylinders 51 mm (2 in.) in diameter, 25 mm<br />

(1 in.) thick with edges rounded to 6.4 mm (0.25 in.)<br />

radius<br />

Opposing cylinders 25 mm ( I in.) in diameter, 25 mm<br />

(1 in.) thick with edges rounded to 3.2 mm (0.125 in.)<br />

radius<br />

Opposing cylindrical rods 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) in diameter<br />

with edges rounded to 0.8 mm (0.0313 in.) radius”<br />

Typical Electrodes for Dielectric Strength <strong>Test</strong>ing of Various Types of Insulating MaterialsA<br />

Flat plates 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) wide and 108 mm (4.25<br />

in.) long with edges square and ends rounded to 3.2<br />

mm (0.125 in.) radius<br />

Hemispherical electrodes 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) in diamete4‘<br />

Opposing cylinders; the lower one 75 mm (3 in.) in<br />

diameter, 15 mm (0.60 in.) thick the upper one 25<br />

mm (I in.) in diameter, 25 mm thick; with edges of<br />

both rounded to 3 mm (0.12 in.) radius’<br />

Insulating Materials<br />

flat sheets of paper, films, fabrics, rubber, molded plastics,<br />

laminates, boards, glass, mica, and ceramic<br />

same as for Type 1, particularly for glass, mica, plastic.<br />

and ceramic<br />

same as for Type I, particularly for varnish, plastic, and<br />

other thin film and tapes: where small specimens<br />

necessitate the use of smaller electrodes, or where<br />

testing of a small area is desired<br />

same as for Type I, particularly for rubber tapes and<br />

other narrow widths of thin materials<br />

filling and treating compounds, gels and semisolid compounds<br />

and greases, embedding, potting, and encapsulating<br />

materials<br />

same as for Types 1 and 2<br />

A These electrodes are those most commonly specified or referenced in ASTM standards. With the exception of Type 5<br />

electrodes, no attempt has been made to suggest electrode systems for other than flat surface material. Other electrodes may<br />

be used as specified in ASTM standards or as agreed upon between seller and purchaser where none of these electrodes in the<br />

table is suitable for proper evaluation of the material being tested.<br />

Electrodes are normally made from either brass or stainless steel. Reference should be made to the standard governing<br />

the material to be tested to determine which, if either, material is preferable:<br />

The electrodes surfaces should be polished and free from irregularities resulting from previous testing.<br />

” Refer to the appropriate standard for the load force applied by the upper electrode assembly. Unless otherwise specified<br />

the upper electrodes shall be 50 -t 2 g.<br />

E Refer to the appropriate standard for the proper gap settings.<br />

The Type 6 electrodes are those given in IEC Publication 243 for testing of flat sheet materials. They are less critical as<br />

to concentricity of the electrodes than are the Types I and 2 electrodes.<br />

FIG. 1A<br />

Rates<br />

(V/S) t 20 41,<br />

IO0<br />

200<br />

500<br />

IO00<br />

2000<br />

5000<br />

Voltage Profile of Short-Time <strong>Test</strong><br />


Start<br />

Step Voltage<br />

Voltages when Increment Constraints<br />

(kV) V. V. (kV)A is (kV)<br />

0.25 5 or less 0.25 (ti - to) = (I?- ti) = (1.3 - tr) = 60 & 5 S<br />

0.50 over 5 to 10 0.50<br />

I over 10 to 25 I<br />

2 over 25 to 50 2<br />

5 over 50 to 100 5 120 5 t~ 5 720 s<br />

10 over 100 10<br />

20<br />

50 step is used.)<br />

100<br />

(IM will usually exceed 720 s if 300 s time<br />

A V. = 0.5 (V, for Short-Time <strong>Test</strong>), unless constraints cannot be met.<br />

FIG. 1B Voltage Profile of Stepby-Step <strong>Test</strong><br />

Rates (V/s) f 20 %<br />

tbd<br />

Constraints<br />

I<br />

Ihd > 120 s<br />

2<br />

5<br />

10<br />

Yh,, = > 1.5 v,<br />

12.5<br />

20<br />

25<br />

50<br />

100<br />

FIG. 1C Voltage Profile of Slow Rated-Rise <strong>Test</strong><br />




X1.l Introduction<br />

XI. 1.1 A brief review of three postulated mechanisms<br />

of breakdown, namely: (1) the discharge or<br />

corona mechanism, (2) the thermal mechanism, and<br />

(3) the intrinsic mechanism, as well as a discussion of<br />

the principal factors affecting tests on practical dielectrics,<br />

are given here to aid in interpreting the data.<br />

The breakdown mechanisms usually operate in combination<br />

rather than singly. The following discussion<br />

applies only to solid and semisolid materials.<br />

X1.2 Postulated Mechanisms of Dielectric Breakdown<br />

XI .2.1 Breakdown Caused by Electrical Discharges-In<br />

many tests on commercial materials,<br />

breakdown is caused by electrical discharges, which<br />

produce high local fields. With solid materials the<br />

discharges usually occur in the surrounding medium,<br />

thus increasing the test area and producing failure at<br />

or beyond the electrode edge. Discharges may occur<br />

in any internal voids or bubbles that are present or<br />

may develop. These may cause local erosion or chemical<br />

decomposition. These processes may continue<br />

until a complete failure path is formed between the<br />

electrodes.<br />

XI .2.2 Thermal Breakdown-Cumulative heating<br />

develops in local paths within many materials when<br />

they are subjected to high electric field intensities,<br />

causing dielectric and ionic conduction losses which<br />

generate heat more rapidly than can be dissipated.<br />

Breakdown may then occur because of thermal instability<br />

of the material.<br />

XI .2.3 Intrinsic Breakdown-If electric discharges<br />

or thermal instability do not cause failure, breakdown<br />

will still occur when the field intensity becomes sufficient<br />

to accelerate electrons through the material.<br />

This critical field intensity is called the intrinsic dielectric<br />

strength. It cannot be determined by this test<br />

method, although the mechanism itself may be involved.<br />

X1.3 Nature of Electrical Insulating Materials<br />

X1.3. I Solid commerical electrical insulating materials<br />

are generally nonhomogeneous and may contain<br />

dielectric defects of various kinds. Dielectric<br />

breakdown often occurs in an area of the test specimen<br />

other than that where the field intensity is<br />

greatest and sometimes in an area remote from the<br />

material directly between the electrodes. Weak spots<br />

within the volume under stress sometimes determine<br />

the test results.<br />

X1.4 Influence of <strong>Test</strong> and Specimen Conditions<br />

X 1.4.1 Electrodes-In general, the breakdown<br />

voltage will tend to decrease with increasing electrode<br />

area, this area effect being more pronounced with<br />

thin test specimens. <strong>Test</strong> results are also affected by<br />

the electrode geometry. Results may be affected also<br />

by the material from which the electrodes are constructed,<br />

since the thermal and discharge mechanism<br />

may be influenced by the thermal conductivity and<br />

the work function, respectively, of the electrode material.<br />

Generally speaking, the effect of the electrode<br />

material is difficult to establish because of the scatter<br />

of experimental data.<br />

XI .4.2 Specimen Thickness-The dielectric<br />

strength of solid commerical electrical insulating materials<br />

is greatly dependent upon the specimen thickness.<br />

Experience has shown that for solid and semisolid<br />

materials, the dielectric strength varies inversely<br />

as a fractional power of the specimen thickness, and<br />

there is a substantial amount of evidence that for<br />

relatively homogeneous solids, the dielectric strength<br />

varies approximately as the reciprocal of the square<br />

root of the thickness. In the case of solids that can be<br />

melted and poured to solidify between fixed electrodes,<br />

the effect of electrode separation is less clearly<br />

defined. Since the electrode separation can be fixed<br />

at will in such cases, it is customary to perform<br />

dielectric strength tests on liquids and usually on<br />

fusible solids, with electrodes having a standardized<br />

fixed spacing. Since the dielectric strength is so dependent<br />

upon thickness it is meaningless to report<br />

dielectric strength data for a material without stating<br />

the thickness of the test specimens used.<br />

X 1.4.3 Temperature-The temperature of the test<br />

specimen and its surrounding medium influence the<br />

dielectric strength, although for most materials small<br />

variations of ambient temperature may have a negligible<br />

effect. In general, the dielectric strength will<br />

decrease with increasing temperatures, but the extent<br />

to which this is true depends upon the material under<br />

test. When it is known that a material will be required<br />

to function at other than normal room temperature,<br />

it is essential that the dielectric strength-temperature<br />

relationship for the material be determined over the<br />

range of expected operating temperatures.<br />

X1.4.4 Time-<strong>Test</strong> results will be influenced by<br />

the rate of voltage application. In general, the breakdown<br />

voltage will tend to increase with increasing<br />

rate of voltage application. This is to be expected<br />

because the thermal breakdown mechanism is timedependent<br />

and the discharge mechanism is usually<br />

time-dependent, although in some cases the latter<br />

mechanism may cause rapid failure by producing<br />

critically high local field intensitives.<br />

XI .4.5 Wave Form-In general, the dielectric<br />

strength is influenced by the wave form of the applied<br />

voltage. Within the limits specified in this method<br />

the influence of wave form is not significant.<br />

X 1.4.6 Frequency-The dielectric strength is not<br />


D 149<br />

significantly influenced by frequency variations<br />

within the range of commerical power frequencies<br />

provided for in this method. However, inferences<br />

concerning dielectric strength behavior at other than<br />

commerical power frequencies (50 to 60 Hz) must<br />

not be made from results obtained by this method.<br />

X I .4.7 Surrounding Medium-Solid insulating<br />

materials having a high breakdown voltage are usually<br />

tested by immersing the test specimens in a liquid<br />

dielectric such as tranformer oil, silicone oil, or chlorofluorocarbons,<br />

in order to minimize the effects of<br />

surface discharges prior to breakdown. It has been<br />

shown by S. Whitehead5 that in order to avoid discharges<br />

in the surrounding medium prior to reaching<br />

the breakdown voltage of the solid test specimen, in<br />

alternating voltage tests it is necessary that<br />

Emelm ><br />

If the liquid immersion medium is a low loss material,<br />

the criterion simplifies to<br />

and if the liquid immersion medium is a semiconducting<br />

material the criterion becomes<br />

Emam 27f~r~0Es<br />

where:<br />

E = electric strength,<br />

f = frequency,<br />

E and E' = permittivity,<br />

D = dissipation factor, and<br />

U = conductivity (S/m).<br />

Subscripts:<br />

m refers to immersion medium,<br />

r refers to relative,<br />

0 refers to free space,<br />

(EO = 8.854 X IO-'' F/m) and<br />

s refers to solid dielectric.<br />

X1.4.7. I Whitehead points out that it is therefore<br />

desirable to increase E, and em, or um, if surface<br />

discharges are to be avoided. He also mentions (p.<br />

261) that the use of moist semiconducting oil can<br />

effect an appreciable reduction in edge discharges.<br />

Unless the breakdown path between the electrodes is<br />

solely within the solid, results in one medium cannot<br />

be compared with those in a different medium. It<br />

should also be noted that if the solid is porous or<br />

capable of being permeated by the immersion medium,<br />

the breakdown strength of the solid is directly<br />

affected by the electrical properties of immersion<br />

medium.<br />

XI .4.8 Relative Humidity-The realtive humidity<br />

influences the dielectric strength to the extent that<br />

moisture absorbed by, or on the surface of, the material<br />

under test affects the dielectric loss and surface<br />

conductivity. Hence, its importance will depend to a<br />

large extent upon the nature of the material being<br />

tested. However, even materials that absorb little or<br />

no moisture may be affected because of greatly increased<br />

chemical effects of discharge in the presence<br />

of moisture. Except in cases where the effect of<br />

exposure on dielectric strength is being investigated,<br />

it is customary to control or limit the relative humidity<br />

effects by standard conditioning procedures.<br />

X1.5 Evaluation<br />

X1.5.1 A fundamental requirement of the insulation<br />

in electrical apparatus is that it withstand the<br />

voltage imposed on it in service. Therefore there is a<br />

great need for a test to evaluate the performance of<br />

particular materials at high voltage stress. The dielectric<br />

breakdown voltage test represents a convenient<br />

preliminary test to determine whether a material<br />

merits further consideration, but it falls short of a<br />

complete evaluation in two important respects. First,<br />

the condition of a material as installed in apparatus<br />

is much different from its condition in this test,<br />

particularly with regard to the configuration of the<br />

electric field and the area of material exposed to it,<br />

corona, mechanical stress, ambient medium, and association<br />

with other materials. Second, in service<br />

there are deteriorating influences, heat, mechanical<br />

stress, corona and its products, contaminants, etc.,<br />

which may reduce the breakdown voltage far below<br />

its value as originally installed. Some of these effects<br />

can be incorporated in laboratory tests, and a better<br />

estimate of the material will result, but the final<br />

consideration must always be that of the performance<br />

of the material in actual service.<br />

X1.5.2 The dielectric breakdown test may be used<br />

as a material inspection or quality control test, as a<br />

means of inferring other conditions such as variability,<br />

or to indicate deteriorating processes such as<br />

thermal aging. In these uses of the test it is the relative<br />

value of the breakdown voltage that is important<br />

rather than the absolute value.<br />

' Whitehead, S., Dielectric Breakdown of Solids, Oxford<br />

University Press, 195 I.<br />


X2.1 Introduction<br />

~2.1.1 It is not expected that the documents listed<br />

in this appendix comprise a complete list of ASTM<br />

standards referring to Method D 149. This listing is<br />

included herein for the purpose of providing reference<br />

to a broad spectrum of documents concerned<br />

with dielectric strength at power frequencies. In some<br />

cases the manner in which the reference is made to<br />

this method is not in conformance with the requirements<br />

of 4.4. Do not use another document, such as<br />

those given in this as a model for providing<br />

reference to this method, unless there is conformity<br />

with 4.4.<br />


ASTM<br />

Designation<br />

Subject<br />

Fabric, Fiber, Paper, Tape, Film, Flexible<br />

Composites, and Coated Fabrics:<br />

D 69<br />

D 119<br />

D 202<br />

D 295<br />

D 373<br />

D 619<br />

D 902<br />

D IO00<br />

D 1373<br />

D 1389<br />

D 1458<br />

D 1459<br />

D 1830<br />

D 1930<br />

D 2305<br />

D 2381<br />

D 2413<br />

D 3391<br />

Friction Tape<br />

Rubber Tape<br />

Insulating Paper<br />

Varnished Cotton Fabric<br />

Tape<br />

Black Bias-Cut Varnished<br />

Cloth and Tape<br />

Vulcanized Fiber<br />

Resin-Coated Glass Fabrics<br />

and Tapes<br />

Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive-Coated<br />

Tapes<br />

Ozone-Resistant Rubber<br />

Tape<br />

Thin Solid Electric Insulating<br />

Material<br />

Silicone Rubber-Coated<br />

Glass Fabric and Tapes<br />

Silicone Varnished Glass<br />

Cloth and Tape<br />

Coated Fabirc<br />

Kraft Dielectric Tissue<br />

Polymeric Film<br />

Flexible Composite<br />

Impregnated Paper<br />

Rubber Tape<br />

Molding and Embedding Compounds:<br />

D700 Phenolic Molding Compounds<br />

D 704 Melamine-Formaldehyde<br />

Molding Compounds<br />

D 705 Urea-Formaldehyde Molding<br />

Compounds<br />

D 729 Vinylidene Chloride Molding<br />

Compounds<br />

451r D 149<br />

X2.2 ASTM Standards Referring to Method D 149<br />

ASTM<br />

Desig-<br />

Subject<br />

nation<br />

D 1430 Polychlorotrifuoroethylene<br />

(PCTFE) Plastic<br />

D 1636 Allyl Molding Compounds<br />

D 1674 Polymerizable Embedding<br />

Compounds<br />

Mica, Glass, and Porcelain:<br />

D I16 Vitrified Ceramic Materials<br />

D 352 Pasted Mica<br />

D 748 Natural Block Mica<br />

D 1039 Glass-Bonded Mica<br />

D 1677 Untreated Mica Paper<br />

D 2442 Alumina Ceramics<br />

Sleeving, Tubes, Sheets, and Rods.<br />

D 229 Rigid Sheet and Plate Materials<br />

D 348<br />

D 349<br />

D 350<br />

Laminated Tubes<br />

Laminated Round Rods<br />

Flexible Treated Sleeving<br />

D 709 Laminated<br />

Materials<br />

Thermosetting<br />

D 876 Nonrigid Vinyl Chloride<br />

Polymer Tubing<br />

D 1202 Cellulose Acetate Sheet and<br />

D 1675<br />

D 1710<br />

D 2671<br />

D 3394<br />

Film<br />

TFE-Fluorocarbon Tubing<br />

TFE-Fluorocarbon Rod<br />

Heat-Shrinkable Tubing<br />

Insulating Board<br />

Varnishes, Solvents, and Coatings:<br />

D I I5 Varnishes<br />

D I346 Silicone Insulating Varnishes<br />

D 1932 Thermal Endurances of<br />

Flexible Electrical Insulating<br />

Varnishes<br />

~~<br />

ASTM<br />

Desig-<br />

Subject<br />

nation<br />

_________<br />

D 2250 Halogenated Organic Solvents<br />

D 3214 Coating Powders<br />

Rubber and Rubber Products:<br />

D 120 Rubber Insulating Gloves<br />

D 178 Rubber Matting<br />

D 530 Hard Rubber<br />

D 1048 Rubber Insulating Blankets<br />

D 1049 Rubber Insulator Hoods<br />

D I050 Rubber Insulating Line<br />

Hose<br />

D 1051 Rubber Insulating Sleeves<br />

D 3391 Rubber Tape<br />

Filling Compounds:<br />

D 176 Solid Filling and Treating<br />

Compounds<br />

Adhesives:<br />

D 1304 Adhesives Relative to Use<br />

as Electrical Insulation<br />

Wire and Cable:<br />

D 470 Thermosetting Insulated<br />

and Jacketed Wire and<br />

Cable<br />

D 1676 Film-Insulated Magnet<br />

Wire<br />

D 2307 Film-Insulated Magnet<br />

Wire<br />

D 2633 Thermoplastic Insulated<br />

and Jacketed Wire and<br />

Cable<br />

D 3032 Hookup Wire Insulation<br />

D 3353 Fibrous Insulated Magnet<br />

Wire<br />

General:<br />

D 2304<br />

Thermal Evaluation<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

connection wiih any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years<br />

and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. lfyou feel that your comments have not received afair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race SI., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, which will schedule a<br />

further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there, you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors.<br />


Wb<br />

Designation: D 150 - 81"'<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />




This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 150; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

These methods have been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace Method 4021 of Federal <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method Standard 406 and for listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />

" Nom-Editorial changes were made throughout in October 1981.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 These methods cover the determination<br />

of relative permittivity, dissipation factor, loss<br />

index, power factor, phase angle, and loss angle<br />

of specimens of solid electrical insulating materials<br />

when the standards used are lumped<br />

impedances. The frequency range that can be<br />

covered extends from less than 1 Hz to several<br />

hundred megahertz.<br />

NOTE 1-In common usage, the word relative is<br />

frequently dropped.<br />

1.2 The methods are presented in the following<br />

sequence:<br />

Section<br />

Terminology 3<br />

Significance 4<br />

General Measurement Considerations 5<br />

Electrode Systems 6<br />

Choice of Apparatus and Method for Measuring<br />

Capacitance and A-C Loss 7<br />

Sampling 8<br />

Procedure 9<br />

Report 10<br />

References<br />

Appendix X I-Corrections for Series Inductance and Resistance<br />

and Stray Capacitances<br />

Appendix X2-Effective Area of Guarded Electrode<br />

Appendix X3-Factors Affecting Permittivity and Loss<br />

Characteristics<br />

Appendix XI-Circuit Diagrams of Typical Measuring Circuits<br />

1.3 Since some materials require special<br />

treatment, reference should also be made to the<br />

ASTM methods applicable to the material to<br />

be tested.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 374 <strong>Test</strong> for Thickness of Solid Electrical<br />

In~ulation~'~<br />

D 1082 <strong>Test</strong> for Power Factor and Dielectric<br />

Constant of Natural Mica4<br />

D 137 1 Recommended Practice for Cleaning<br />

Plastic Specimens for Insulation Resistance,<br />

Surface Resistance, and Volume Resistivity<br />

<strong>Test</strong>ing3<br />

D 1531 <strong>Test</strong> for Dielectric Constant and Dissipation<br />

Factor of Polyethylene by Liquid<br />

Displacement Procedure''<br />

D 1711 Definitions of Terms Relating to<br />

Electrical Ins~lation"~<br />

3. Terminology<br />

3.1 capacitance, C-that property of a system<br />

of conductors and dielectrics which permits<br />

the storage of electrically separated charges<br />

when potential differences exist between the<br />

conductors. It is the ratio of a quantity, Q, of<br />

electricity to a potential difference, V. A capacitance<br />

value is always positive. The units are<br />

These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-9 on Electrical Insulating Materials and are<br />

the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D09.12 on Electrical<br />

<strong>Test</strong>s.<br />

Current edition approved Feb. 27, 1981. Published April<br />

1981. Originally published as D 150- 22 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 150 - 80.<br />

' 1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol08.01.<br />

1983 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 10.02.<br />

' 1983 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 10.01.<br />


D 150<br />

farads when the charge is expressed in coulombs<br />

and the potential in volts:<br />

C=Q/V (1)<br />

3.2 dissipation factor (tan 6) (loss tangent),<br />

D-the ratio of the loss index to its relative<br />

permittivity or<br />

D = K”/K!<br />

(2)<br />

It is also the tangent of its loss angle, 6 or the<br />

cotangent of its phase angle, 8.<br />

NOTE a:<br />

D = tan S = cot 0 = XJR,<br />

= G/oC, = I/wC,R, (3)<br />

where:<br />

G = equivalent a-c conductance,<br />

X, = parallel reactance,<br />

R, = equivalent a-c parallel resistance,<br />

C, = parallel capacitance, and<br />

o = 2nrf(sinusoidal wave shape assumed).<br />

The reciprocal of the dissipation factor is the quality<br />

factor, Q, sometimes called the storage factor. The<br />

dissipation factor, D, of the capacitor is the same for<br />

both the series and parallel representations as follows:<br />

D = wR,C, = I/wR,C, (4)<br />

The relationships between series and parallel components<br />

are as follows:<br />

C, = CJ( I + D2) (5)<br />

RJR, = (I + D2)/D2 = 1 + (1/D2) = I + Q’ (6)<br />

NOTE b: Series Representation-While the parallel<br />

representation of an insulating material having a<br />

dielectric loss (Fig. I) is usually the proper representation,<br />

it is always possible and occasionally desirable<br />

to represent a capacitor at a single frequency by a<br />

capacitance, C,, in series with a resistance, R, (Figs.<br />

3 and 4).<br />

3.3 loss angle (phase defect angle), &the<br />

angle whose tangent is the dissipation factor or<br />

arctan K”/K’. It is also the difference between<br />

90” and the phase angle.<br />

NOTE a-The relation of phase angle and loss<br />

angle is shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Loss angle is sometimes<br />

called the phase defect angle.<br />

3.4 loss index, K” (€,”)-the magnitude of<br />

the imaginary part of the relative complex permittivity.<br />

It is the product of the relative permittivity<br />

and dissipation factor.<br />

NOTE a-It<br />

may be expressed as<br />

K” = K’ D<br />

= power loss (E2 X 277 f X E,,-’ (7)<br />

When the units are watts, volts per centimetre,<br />

hertz, and cubic centimetres, eo has the value 8.8542<br />

x 10-l~.<br />

NOTE b-Loss index is the term agreed upon<br />

internationally. In the U.S.A. K” was formerly called<br />

the loss factor.<br />

3.5 phase angle, &the angle whose cotangent<br />

is the dissipation factor, arccot K”/K’. It is<br />

also the angular difference in the phase between<br />

the sinusoidal alternating voltage applied<br />

to a dielectric and the component of the resulting<br />

current having the same frequency as the<br />

voltage.<br />

NOTE-The relation of phase angle and loss angle<br />

is shown in Figs. 2 and 4. Loss angle is sometimes<br />

called the phase defect angle.<br />

3.6 power factor, PF-the ratio of the power<br />

in watts, W, dissipated in a material to the<br />

product of the effective sinusoidal voltage, V,<br />

and current, I, in volt-amperes. It may be expressed<br />

as the cosine of the phase angle t9 (or<br />

the sine of the loss angle 8).<br />

PF = W/ VI = G/ JG2 + (o C,)’<br />

= sin S = cos 0<br />

When the dissipation factor is less than 0.1, the<br />

power factor differs from the dissipation factor<br />

by less than 0.5 %. Their exact relationship may<br />

be found from the following:<br />

PF = D/-]<br />

D = PF/JI - ( PF)~<br />

(9)<br />

3.7 relative permittivity (relative dielectric<br />

constant) (SIC) K’(E,)-the real part of the relative<br />

complex permittivity. It is also the ratio<br />

of the equivalent parallel capacitance, C,, of a<br />

given configuration of electrodes with a material<br />

as a dielectric to the capacitance, C,, of the<br />

same configuration of electrodes with vacuum<br />

(or air for most practical purposes) as the dielectric:<br />

K’ = cp/cL, (iOj<br />

NOTE a-In common usage the word “relative” is<br />

frequently dropped.<br />

NOTE b-Experimentally, vacuum must be replaced<br />

by the material at all points where it makes a<br />

significant change in capacitance. The equivalent<br />

circuit of the dielectric is assumed to consist of C,, a<br />

capacitance in parallel with conductance.<br />

NOTE c-C, is taken to be C, the equivalent<br />

parallel capacitance as shown in Fig. 1.<br />

NOTE d-The series capacitance is larger than the<br />

parallel capacitance by less than 1 % for a dissipation<br />

(8)<br />


factor of 0.1, and by less than 0. I % for a dissipation<br />

factor of 0.03. If a measuring circuit yields results in<br />

terms of series components, the parallel capacitance<br />

must be calculated from Eq 5 before the corrections<br />

and permittivity are calculated.<br />

NOTE e-The permittivity of dry air at 23°C and<br />

standard pressure at 101.3 kPa is 1.000536 Its<br />

divergence from unity, K' - 1, is inversely proportional<br />

to absolute temperature and directly proportional<br />

to atmospheric pressure. The increase in permittivity<br />

when the space is saturated with water vapor<br />

at 23°C is 0.00025 (2, 3), and vanes approximately<br />

linearly with temperature expressed in degrees Celsius,<br />

from 10 to 27°C. For partial saturation the<br />

increase is proportional to the relative humidity.<br />

factor, power factor, phase angle, or loss angle.<br />

Factors affecting a-c loss are discussed in Appendix<br />

X3.<br />

4.3 Correlation- When adequate correlating<br />

data are available, dissipation factor or power<br />

factor may be used to indicate the characteristics<br />

of a material in other respects such as<br />

dielectric breakdown, moisture content, degree<br />

of cure, and deterioration from any cause.<br />

However, deterioration due to thermal aging<br />

may not affect dissipation factor unless the<br />

material is subsequently exposed to moisture.<br />

While the initial value of dissipation factor is<br />

3.8 Other definitions may be found in Def- important, the change in dissipation factor with<br />

initions D 17 1 1.<br />

aging may be much more significant.<br />

4. Significance<br />

4.1 Permittivity-Insulating materials are<br />

used in general in two distinct ways, (1) to<br />

support and insulate components of an electrical<br />

network from each other and from ground,<br />

and (2) to function as the dielectric of a capacitor.<br />

For the first use, it is generally desirable to<br />

have the capacitance of the support as small as<br />

possible, consistent with acceptable mechanical,<br />

chemical, and heat-resisting properties. A<br />

low value of permittivity is thus desirable. For<br />

the second use, it is desirable to have a high<br />

value of permittivity, so that the capacitor may<br />

be physically as small as possible. Intermediate<br />

values of permittivity are sometimes used for<br />

grading stresses at the edge or end of a conductor<br />

to minimize a-c corona. Factors affecting<br />

permittivity are discussed in Appendix X3.<br />

4.2 A-C Loss-For both cases (as electrical<br />

insulation and as capacitor dielectric) the a-c<br />

loss generally should be small, both in order to<br />

reduce the heating of the material and to minimize<br />

its effect on the rest of the network. In<br />

high frequency applications, a low value of loss<br />

index is particularly desirable, since for a given<br />

value of loss index, the dielectric loss increases<br />

directly with frequency. In certain dielectric<br />

configurations such as are used in terminating<br />

bushings and cables for test, an increased loss,<br />

usually obtained from increased conductivity,<br />

is sometimes introduced to control the voltage<br />

gradient. In comparisons of materials having<br />

approximately the same permittivity or in the<br />

use of any material under such conditions that<br />

its permittivity remains essentially constant, the<br />

quantity considered may also be dissipation<br />

5. General Measurement Considerations<br />

5.1 Fringing and Stray Capacitance-These<br />

methods are based upon placing a specimen of<br />

material in an electrode system with a vacuum<br />

capacitance that can be either calculated accurately<br />

or determined by a calibration in the<br />

absence of the solid material. The problem of<br />

determining the two capacitance values that are<br />

required, directly or indirectly, to determine K:<br />

is best illustrated by reference to Figs. 5 and 6,<br />

showing two parallel plate electrodes between<br />

which the unknown material is to be placed for<br />

measurement. In addition to the desired direct<br />

interelectrode capacitance, C,f the system as<br />

seen at terminals a-a' includes the following:<br />

C, = fringing or edge capacitance,<br />

C, = capacitance to ground of the outside<br />

face of each electrode,<br />

CL = capacitance between connecting leads,<br />

CL, = capacitance of the leads to ground, and<br />

CL= = capacitance between the leads and the<br />

electrodes.<br />

Only the desired capacitance, Cv, is independent<br />

of the outside environment, all the others<br />

being dependent to 2 degree on the proximity<br />

of other objects. It becomes immediately necessary<br />

to distinguish between two possible measuring<br />

conditions in order to discuss the effects<br />

of the undesired capacitances. If one measuring<br />

electrode is grounded, as is often the case, all<br />

of the capacitances described, except the<br />

ground capacitance of the grounded electrode<br />

The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of<br />

references appended to these methods.<br />


D 150<br />

and its lead, are in parallel with the desired C,.<br />

If a guarded test cell is used the capacitance to<br />

ground no longer appears and the capacitance<br />

seen at a-a’ includes C,, Ce, and the lead<br />

capacitances only. The lead capacitance can<br />

usually be made negligibly small. The edge<br />

capacitance, Ce, in air, can be calculated with<br />

reasonable accuracy, but in the presence of the<br />

dielectric the value changes. Empirical corrections<br />

have been derived for various conditions,<br />

and these are given in Table 1 (for the case of<br />

thin electrodes such as. foil). In routine work,<br />

where best accuracy is not required it may be<br />

convenient to use unshielded, two-electrode<br />

systems and make the approximate corrections.<br />

However, for exacting measurements it is necessary<br />

to use guarded electrodes.<br />

5.2 Guarded Electrodes-The fringing and<br />

stray capacitance at the edge of the guarded<br />

electrode is practically eliminated by the addition<br />

of a guard electrode as shown in Fig. 7. If<br />

the test specimen and guard electrode extend<br />

beyond the guarded electrode by at least twice<br />

the thickness of the specimen and the guard<br />

gap is very small, the field distribution in the<br />

guarded area will be identical with that existing<br />

when vacuum is the dielectric, and the ratio of<br />

these two direct capacitances is the permittivity.<br />

Furthermore, the field between the active electrodes<br />

is defined and the vacuum capacitance<br />

can be calculated with the accuracy limited<br />

only by the accuracy with which the dimensions<br />

are known. For these reasons the guarded electrode<br />

(three-terminal) method is to be used as<br />

the referee method unless otherwise agreed<br />

upon. Figure 8 shows a schematic representation<br />

of a completely guarded and shielded electrode<br />

system. Although the guard is commonly<br />

grounded, the arrangement shown permits<br />

grounding either measuring electrode or none<br />

of the electrodes to accommodate the particular<br />

three-terminal measuring system being used. If<br />

the guard is connected to ground, or to a guard<br />

terminal on the measuring circuit, the measured<br />

capacitance is the direct capacitance between<br />

the two measuring electrodes. If, however, one<br />

of the measuring electrodes is grounded, the<br />

capacitance to ground of the ungrounded electrode<br />

and leads is in parallel with the desired<br />

direct capacitance. To eliminate this source of<br />

error, the ungrounded electrode should be surrounded<br />

by a shield connected to guard as<br />

shown in Fig. 8. In addition to guarded meth-<br />

ods, which are not always convenient or practical<br />

and which are limited to frequencies less<br />

than a few megahertz, techniques using special<br />

cells and procedures have been devised that<br />

yield, with two-terminal measurements, accuracies<br />

comparable to those obtained with<br />

guarded measurements. Such methods described<br />

here include shielded micrometer electrodes<br />

(6.3.2) and fluid displacement methods<br />

(6.3.3).<br />

5.3 Geometry of Specimens-For determining<br />

the permittivity and dissipation factor of a<br />

material, sheet specimens are preferable. Cylindrical<br />

specimens can also be used, but generally<br />

with lesser accuracy. The source of the greatest<br />

uncertainty in permittivity is in the determination<br />

of the dimensions of the specimen, and<br />

particularly that of its thickness which should,<br />

therefore, be large enough to allow its measurement<br />

with the required accuracy. The chosen<br />

thickness will depend on the method of producing<br />

the specimen and the likely variation<br />

from point to point. For 1 % accuracy a thickness<br />

of 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) is usually sufficient,<br />

although for greater accuracy it nay be desirable<br />

to use a thicker specimen. Another source<br />

of error, when foil or rigid electrodes are used,<br />

is in the unavoidable gap between the electrodes<br />

and the specimen. For thin specimens<br />

the error in permittivity can be as much as 25<br />

%. A similar error occurs in dissipation factor,<br />

although when foil electrodes are applied with<br />

a grease, the two errors may not have the same<br />

magnitude. For the most accurate measurements<br />

on thin specimens, the fluid displacement<br />

method should be used (6.3.3). This<br />

method reduces or completely eliminates the<br />

need for electrodes on the specimen. The thickness<br />

must be determined by measurements distributed<br />

systematically over the area of the<br />

specimen that is used in the electrical measurement<br />

and should be uniform within +-i % of<br />

the average thickness. If the whole area of the<br />

specimen will be covered by the electrodes, and<br />

if the density of the material is known, the<br />

average thickness can be determined by weighing.<br />

The diameter chosen for the specimen<br />

should be such as to provide a specimen capacitance<br />

that can be measured to the desired<br />

accuracy. With well guarded and screened apparatus<br />

there need be no difficulty in measuring<br />

specimens having capacitances of 10 pF to a<br />

resolution of 1 part in 1000. A thick specimen<br />


D 150<br />

of low permittivity may necessitate a diameter<br />

of 100 mm or more to obtain the desired capacitance<br />

accuracy. In the measurement of<br />

small values of dissipation factor, the essential<br />

points are that no appreciable dissipation factor<br />

shall be contributed by the series resistance of<br />

the electrodes and that in the measuring network<br />

no large capacitance shall be connected<br />

in parallel with that of the specimen. The first<br />

of these points favors thick specimens; the second<br />

suggests thin specimens of large area. Micrometex<br />

electrode methods (6.3.2) can be used<br />

to eliminate the effects of series resistance. A<br />

guarded specimen holder (Fig. 8) can be used<br />

to minimize extraneous capacitances.<br />

5.4 Calculation of Vacuum Capacitance-<br />

The practical shapes for which capacitance can<br />

be most accurately calculated are flat parallel<br />

plates and coaxial cylinders, the equations for<br />

which are given in Table 1. These equations<br />

are based on a uniform field between the measuring<br />

electrodes, with no fringing at the edges.<br />

Capacitance calculated on this basis is known<br />

as the direct interelectrode capacitance.<br />

5.5 Edge, Ground, and Gap Corrections-<br />

The equations for calculating edge capacitance,<br />

given in Table 1, are empirical, based on published<br />

work (4) (see 7.5). They are expressed in<br />

terms of picofarads per centimetre of perimeter<br />

and are thus independent of the shape of the<br />

electrodes. It is recognized that they are dimensionally<br />

incorrect, but they are found to give<br />

better approximations to the true edge capacitance<br />

than any other equations that have been<br />

proposed. Ground capacitance cannot be calculated<br />

by any equations presently known.<br />

When measurements must be made that include<br />

capacitance to ground, it is recommended<br />

that the value be determined experimentally<br />

for the particular setup used. This can be done<br />

using a dielectric sample holder or a threeelectrode<br />

method. The difference between the<br />

capacitance measured in the two-terminal arrangement<br />

and the capacitance calculated from<br />

the permittivity and the dimensions of the specimen<br />

is the ground capacitance plus the edge<br />

capacitance. The edge capacitance can be calculated<br />

using one of the equations of Table l.<br />

As long as the same physical arrangement of<br />

leads and electrodes is maintained, the ground<br />

capacitance will remain constant, and the experimentally<br />

determined value can be used as<br />

a correction to subsequently measured values<br />

of capacitance. The effective area of a guarded<br />

electrode is greater than its actual area by<br />

approximately half the area of the guard gap<br />

(5, 6, 18). Thus, the diameter of a circular<br />

electrode, each dimension of a rectangular electrode,<br />

or the length of a cylindrical electrode is<br />

increased by the width of this gap. When the<br />

ratio of gap width, g, to specimen thickness, t,<br />

is appreciable, the increase in the effective dimension<br />

of the guarded electrode is somewhat<br />

less than the gap width. Details of computation<br />

€or this case are given in Appendix X2.<br />

6. Electrode Systems<br />

6.1 Contacting Electrodes-A specimen may<br />

be provided with its own electrodes, of one of<br />

the materials listed below. For two-terminal<br />

measurements the electrodes may extend either<br />

to the edge of the specimen or may be smaller<br />

than the specimen. In the latter case the two<br />

electrodes may be equal or unequal in size. If<br />

equal in size and smaller than the specimen,<br />

the edge of the specimen must extend beyond<br />

the electrodes by at least twice the specimen<br />

thickness. The choice between these three sizes<br />

of electrodes will depend on convenience of<br />

application of the electrodes, and on the type<br />

of measurement adopted. The edge correction<br />

(see Table 1) is smallest for the case of electrodes<br />

extending to the edge of the specimen<br />

and largest for unequal electrodes. When the<br />

electrodes extend to the edge of the specimen,<br />

these edges must be sharp. Such electrodes<br />

must be used, if attached electrodes are used at<br />

all, when a micrometer electrode system is employed.<br />

When equal-size electrodes smaller<br />

than the specimen are used, it is difficult to<br />

center them unless the specimen is translucent<br />

or an aligning fixture is employed. For threeterminal<br />

measurements, the width of the guard<br />

electrode shall be at least twice the thickness of<br />

the specimen (tij 7). The gap width shall be as<br />

small as practical (0.5 mm is possible). For<br />

measurement of dissipation factor at the higher<br />

frequencies, electrodes of this type may be unsatisfactory<br />

because of their series resistance.<br />

Micrometer electrodes should be used for the<br />

measurements.<br />

6.2 Electrod? Materials:<br />

6.2.1 Metal Foil-Lead or tin foil from<br />

0.0075 to 0.025 mm thick applied with a minimum<br />

quantity of refined petrolatum, silicone<br />

grease, silicone oil, or other suitable low-loss<br />


D 150<br />

adhesive is generally used as the electrode material.<br />

Aluminum foil has also been used, but<br />

it is not recommended because of its stiffness<br />

and the probability of high contact resistance<br />

due to the oxidized surface. Lead foil also may<br />

give trouble because of its stiffness. Such electrodes<br />

should be applied under a smoothing<br />

pressure sufficient to eliminate all wrinkles and<br />

to work excess adhesive toward the edge of the<br />

foil. One very effective method is to use a<br />

narrow roller, and to roll outward on the surface<br />

until do visible imprint can be made on<br />

the foil. With care the adhesive film can be<br />

reduced to 0.0025 mm. As this film is in series<br />

with the specimen, it will always cause the<br />

measured permittivity to be too low and probably<br />

the dissipation factor to be too high. These<br />

errors usually become excessive for specimens<br />

of thickness less than 0.125 mm. The error in<br />

dissipation factor is negligible for such thin<br />

specimens only when the dissipation factor of<br />

the film is nearly the same as that of the<br />

specimen. When the electrode is to extend to<br />

the edge, it should be made larger than the<br />

specimen and then cut to the edge with a small,<br />

finely ground blade. A guarded and guard<br />

electrode can be made from an electrode that<br />

covers the entire surface, by cutting out a narrow<br />

strip (0.5 mm is possible) by means of a<br />

compass equipped with a narrow cutting edge.<br />

6.2.2 Conducting Paint-Certain types of<br />

high-conductivity silver paints, either airdrying<br />

or low-temperature-baking varieties, are<br />

commercially available for use as electrode material.<br />

They are sufficiently porous to permit<br />

diffusion of moisture through them and thereby<br />

allow the test specimen to condition after application<br />

of the electrodes. This is particularly<br />

useful in studying humidity effects. The paint<br />

has the disadvantage of not being ready for use<br />

immediately after application. It usually requires<br />

an overnight air-drying or iow-temperature<br />

baking to remove all traces of solvent,<br />

which otherwise may increase both permittivity<br />

and dissipation factor. It also may not be easy<br />

to obtain sharply defined electrode areas when<br />

the paint is brushed on, but this limitation<br />

usually can be overcome by spraying the paint<br />

and employing either clamp-on or pressuresensitive<br />

masks. The conductivity of silver paint<br />

electrodes may be low enough to give trouble<br />

at the higher frequencies. It is essential that the<br />

solvent of the paint does not affect the specimen<br />

permanently.<br />

6.2.3 Fired- On Silver- Fired-on silver electrodes<br />

are suitable only for glass and other<br />

ceramics that can withstand, without change, a<br />

firing temperature of about 350°C. Its high<br />

conductivity makes such an electrode material<br />

satisfactory for use on low-loss materials such<br />

as fused silica, even at the highest frequencies,<br />

and its ability to conform to a rough surface<br />

makes it satisfactory for use with high-permittivity<br />

materials, such as the titanates.<br />

6.2.4 Sprayed Metal-A low-melting-point<br />

metal applied with a spray gun provides a<br />

spongy film for use as electrode material which,<br />

because of its grainy structure, has roughly the<br />

same electrical conductivity and the same moisture<br />

porosity as conducting paints. Suitable<br />

masks must be used to obtain sharp edges. It<br />

conforms readily to a rough surface, such as<br />

cloth, but does not penetrate very small holes<br />

in a thin film and produce short circuits. Its<br />

adhesion to some surfaces is poor, especially<br />

after exposure to high humidity or water immersion.<br />

Advantages over conducting paint are<br />

freedom from effects of solvents, and readiness<br />

for use immediately after application.<br />

6.2.5 Evaporated Metal-Evaporated metal<br />

used as an electrode material may have inadequate<br />

conductivity because of its extreme thinness,<br />

and must be backed with electroplated<br />

copper or sheet metal. Its adhesion is adequate,<br />

and by itself it is sufficiently porous to moisture.<br />

The necessity for using a vacuum system in<br />

evaporating the metal is a disadvantage.<br />

6.2.6 Liquid Metal-Mercury electrodes<br />

may be used by floating the specimen on a pool<br />

of mercury and using confining rings with<br />

sharp edges for retaining the mercury for the<br />

guarded and guard electrodes, as shown in Fig.<br />

9. A more convenient arrangement, when a<br />

considerable number of specimens must be<br />

tested, is the test fiiture shown in Fig. I of<br />

Method D 1082. There is some health hazard<br />

present due to the toxicity of mercury vapor,<br />

especially at elevated temperatures, and suitable<br />

precautions should be taken during use. In<br />

measuring low-loss materials in the form of<br />

thin films such as mica splittings, contamination<br />

of the mercury may introduce considerable<br />

error, and it may be necessary to use clean<br />

mercury for each test. Wood's metal or other<br />

low-melting alloy can be used in a similar<br />

manner with a somewhat reduced health haz-<br />


D 150<br />

ard. Mercury metal vapor poisoning has long<br />

been recognized as a hazard in industry. The<br />

boiling point of mercury is 356.6OC. However,<br />

the concentration of mercury vapor over spills<br />

from broken thermometers, barometers, or<br />

other instruments using mercury can easily exceed<br />

the maximum standards as set forth by<br />

the American Conference of Governmental Industrial<br />

Hygienists (ACGIH).' Mercury, being<br />

a liquid and quite heavy, will disintegrate into<br />

small droplets and seep into cracks and crevices<br />

in the floor. The increased area of exposure<br />

adds significantly to the mercury vapor concentration<br />

in air. Mercury vapor concentration is<br />

easily monitored using commercially available<br />

sniffers. Spot checks regularly and thorough<br />

checks should be made after spills and around<br />

operations where mercury is exposed to the<br />

atmosphere. Emergency spill kits are also available<br />

should the airborne concentration exceed<br />

the standard.<br />

6.2.7 Rigid Metal-For smooth, thick, or<br />

slightly compressible specimens, rigid electrodes<br />

under high pressure can sometimes be<br />

used, especially for routine work. Electrodes 10<br />

mm in diameter, under a pressure of 18.0 MPa<br />

have been found useful for measurements on<br />

plastic materials, even those as thin as 0.025<br />

mm. Electrodes 50 mm in diameter, under pressure,<br />

have also been used successfully for<br />

thicker materials. However, it is difficult to<br />

avoid an air film when using solid electrodes,<br />

and the effect of such a film becomes greater as<br />

the permittivity of the material being tested<br />

increases and its thickness decreases. The uncertainty<br />

in the determination of thickness also<br />

increases as the thickness decreases. The dimensions<br />

of a specimen may continue to<br />

change for as long as 24 h after the application<br />

of pressure.<br />

6.2.8 Water-Water can be used as one electrode<br />

€or testing insulated wire and cable when<br />

the measurements are made at low frequency<br />

(up to 1000 Hz, approximately). Care must be<br />

taken to ensure that electrical leakage at the<br />

ends of the specimen is negligible.<br />

6.3 Non- Contacting Electrodes:<br />

6.3.1 Fixed Electrodes-Specimens of sufficiently<br />

low surface conductivity can be measured<br />

without applied electrodes by inserting<br />

them in a prefabricated electrode system, in<br />

which there is an intentional airgap on one or<br />

both sides of the specimen. The electrode sys-<br />

tem should be rigidly assembled and should<br />

preferably include a guard electrode. For the<br />

same accuracy, a more accurate determination<br />

of the electrode spacing and the thickness of<br />

the specimen is required than if direct contact<br />

electrodes are used. However, if the electrode<br />

system is filled with a liquid, these limitations<br />

may be removed (see 6.3.3).<br />

6.3.2 Micrometer Electrodes-The micrometer-electrode<br />

system, as shown in Fig. 10, was<br />

developed (8) to eliminate the errors caused by<br />

the series inductance and resistance of the connecting<br />

leads and of the measuring capacitor at<br />

high frequencies. A built-in vernier capacitor is<br />

also provided for use in the susceptance variation<br />

method. It accomplishes this by maintaining<br />

these inductances and resistances relatively<br />

constant, regardless of whether the test specimen<br />

is in or out of the circuit. The specimen,<br />

which is either the same size as, or smaller than,<br />

the electrodes, is clamped between the electrodes.<br />

Unless the surfaces of the specimen are<br />

lapped or ground very flat, metal foil or its<br />

equivalent must be applied to the specimen<br />

before it is placed in the electrode system. If<br />

electrodes are applied, they also must be<br />

smooth and flat. Upon removal of the specimen,<br />

the electrode system can be made to have<br />

the same capacitance by moving the micrometer<br />

electrodes closer together. When the micrometer-electrode<br />

system is carefully calibrated<br />

for capacitance changes, its use eliminates<br />

the corrections for edge capacitance,<br />

ground capacitance, and connection capacitance.<br />

In this respect it is advantageous to use<br />

it over the entire frequency range. A disadvantage<br />

is that the capacitance calibration is not as<br />

accurate as that of a conventional multiplate<br />

variable capacitor, and also it is not direct<br />

reading. At frequencies below 1 MHz, where<br />

the effect of series inductance and resistance in<br />

the ieads is negligible, the capacitance calibration<br />

of the micrometer electrodes can be replaced<br />

by that of a standard capacitor, either<br />

in parallel with the micrometer-electrode system<br />

or in the adjacent capacitance arm of the<br />

bridge. The change in capacitance with the<br />

specimen in and out is measured in terms of<br />

this capacitor. A source of minor error in<br />

micrometer-electrode system is that the edge<br />

capacitance of the electrodes, which is included<br />

'Bldg. D-5, 6500 Glenway Ave. B, Cincinnati, Ohio<br />

4521 1.<br />


D 150<br />

in their calibration, is slightly changed by the<br />

presence of a dielectric having the same diameter<br />

as the electrodes. This error can be practically<br />

eliminated by making the diameter of the<br />

specimen less than that of the electrodes by<br />

twice its thickness (3). When no electrodes are<br />

attached to the specimen, surface conductivity<br />

may cause serious errors in dissipation factor<br />

measurements of low loss material. Unless materials<br />

are to be tested "as received" they should<br />

be cleaned and dried in accordance with Recommended<br />

Practice D 1371 and measured in a<br />

dry atmosphere. When the bridge used for<br />

measurement has a guard circuit, it is advantageous<br />

to use guarded micrometer electrodes.<br />

The effects of fringing, etc., are almost completely<br />

eliminated. When the electrodes and<br />

holder are well made, no capacitance calibration<br />

is necessary as the capacitance can be<br />

calculated from the electrode spacing and the<br />

diameter. The micrometer itself will require<br />

calibration, however. It is not practicable to use<br />

electrodes on the specimen when using guarded<br />

micrometer electrodes unless the specimen is<br />

smaller in diameter than the guarded electrode.<br />

6.3.3 Fluid Displacement <strong>Methods</strong>-When<br />

the immersion medium is a liquid, and no<br />

guard is used, the parallel-plate system preferably<br />

shall be constructed so that the insulated<br />

high potential plate is supported between, parallel<br />

to, and equidistant from two parallel lowpotential<br />

or grounded plates, the latter being<br />

the opposite inside walls of the test cell designed<br />

to hold the liquid. This construction<br />

makes the electrode system essentially selfshielding,<br />

but normally requires duplicate test<br />

specimens. Provision must be made for precise<br />

temperature measurement of the liquid (9,lO).<br />

Cells should be constructed of brass and gold<br />

plated. The high-potential electrode shall be<br />

removable for cleaning. The faces must be as<br />

nearly optically flat and piane paraiiei as possible.<br />

A suitable liquid cell for measurements<br />

up to 1 MHz is shown in Fig. 1 of Method<br />

D 1531. Changes in the dimensions of this cell<br />

may be made to provide for testing sheet specimens<br />

of various thicknesses or sizes, but, such<br />

changes should not reduce the capacitance of<br />

the cell filled with the standard liquid to less<br />

than 100 pF. For measurements at frequencies<br />

from 1 to about 50 MHz, the cell dimensions<br />

must be greatly reduced, and the leads must be<br />

as short and direct as possible. The capacitance<br />

of the cell with liquid shall not exceed 30 or 40<br />

pF for measurements at 50 MHz. Experience<br />

has shown that a capacitance of 10 pF can be<br />

used up to 100 MHz without loss of accuracy.<br />

Guarded parallel-plate electrodes have the advantage<br />

that single specimens can be measured<br />

with full accuracy. Also a prior knowledge of<br />

the permittivity of the liquid is not required as<br />

it can be measured directly (11). If the cell is<br />

constructed with a micrometer electrode, specimens<br />

having widely different thicknesses can<br />

be measured with high accuracy since the electrodes<br />

can be adjusted to a spacing only slightly<br />

greater than the thickness of the specimen. If<br />

the permittivity of the fluid approximates that<br />

of the specimen the effect of errors in determination<br />

of specimen thicknesses are minimized.<br />

The use of a nearly matching liquid and a<br />

micrometer cell permits high accuracy in measuring<br />

even very thin film.<br />

All necessity for determining specimen thickness<br />

and electrode spacing is eliminated if successive<br />

measurements are made in two fluids of<br />

known permittivity (12,13,18). This method is<br />

not restricted to any frequency range; however,<br />

it is best to limit use of liquid immersion methods<br />

to frequencies for which the dissipation<br />

factor of the liquid is less than 0.01 (preferably<br />

less than O.OOO1 for low-loss specimens).<br />

When using the two-fluid method it is important<br />

that both measurements be made on<br />

the same area of the specimen as the thickness<br />

may not be the same at all points. To ensure<br />

that the same area is tested both times and to<br />

facilitate the handling of thin films, specimen<br />

holders are convenient. The holder can be a U-<br />

shaped piece that will slide into grooves in the<br />

electrode cell. It is also necessary to control the<br />

temperature to at least 0.1OC. The cell may be<br />

provided with cooling coils for this purpose<br />

(13).<br />

7. Choice of Apparatus and <strong>Methods</strong> for Measuring<br />

Capacitance and A-C Loss<br />

7.1 Frequency Range-<strong>Methods</strong> for measuring<br />

capacitance and a-c loss can be divided into<br />

three groups: null methods, resonance methods,<br />

and deflection methods. The choice of a<br />

method for any particular case will depend<br />

primarily on the operating frequency. The resistive-<br />

or inductive-ratio-arm capacitance<br />

bridge in its various forms can be used over the<br />

frequency range from less than 1 Hz to a few<br />


D 150<br />

megahertz. For frequencies below 1 Hz, special<br />

methods and instruments are required. Parallel-T<br />

networks are used at the higher frequencies<br />

from 500 kHz to 30 MHz, since they partake<br />

of some of the characteristics of resonant<br />

circuits. Resonance methods are used over a<br />

frequency range from 50 kHz to several<br />

hundred megahertz. The deflection method,<br />

using commercial indicating meters, is employed<br />

only at power-line frequencies from 25<br />

to 60 Hz, where the higher voltages required<br />

can easily be obtained.<br />

7.2 Direct and Substitution <strong>Methods</strong>-In any<br />

direct method, the values of capacitance and a-<br />

c loss are in terms of all the circuit elements<br />

used in the method, and are therefore subject<br />

to all their errors. Much greater accuracy can<br />

be obtained by a substitution method in which<br />

readings are taken with the unknown capacitor<br />

both connected and disconnected. The errors<br />

in those circuit elements that are unchanged<br />

are in general eliminated; however, a connectioil<br />

error remains (Note 2).<br />

7.3 Two- and Three-Terminal Measurements-The<br />

choice between three-terminal and<br />

two-terminal measurements is generally one<br />

between accuracy and convenience. The use of<br />

a guard electrode on the dielectric specimen<br />

nearly eliminates the effect of edge and ground<br />

capacitance, as explained in 5.2. The provision<br />

of a guard terminal eliminates some of the<br />

errors introduced by the circuit elements. On<br />

the other hand, the extra circuit elements and<br />

shielding usually required to provide the guard<br />

terminal add considerably to the size of the<br />

measuring equipment, and the number of adjustments<br />

required to obtain the final result<br />

may be increased many times. Guard circuits<br />

for resistive-ratio-arm capacitance bridges are<br />

rarely used at frequencies above 1 MHz. Inductive-ratio-arm<br />

bridges provide a guard terminai<br />

without requiring extra circuits or adjustments.<br />

Parallel-T networks and resonant<br />

circuits are not provided with guard circuits. In<br />

the deflection method a guard can be provided<br />

merely by extra shielding. The use of a twoterminal<br />

micrometer-electrode system provides<br />

many of the advantages of three-terminal measurements<br />

by nearly eliminating the effect of<br />

edge and ground capacitances but may increase<br />

the number of observations or balancing adjustments.<br />

Its use also eliminates the errors<br />

caused by series inductance and resistance in<br />

the connecting leads at the higher frequencies.<br />

It can be used over the entire frequency range<br />

to several hundred megahertz. When a guard<br />

is used, the possibility exists that the measured<br />

dissipation factor may be less than the true<br />

value. This is caused by resistance in the guard<br />

circuit at points between the guard point of the<br />

measuring circuit and the guard electrode. This<br />

may arise from high contact resistance, lead<br />

resistance, or from high resistance in the guard<br />

electrode itself. In extreme cases the dissipation<br />

factor may appear to be negative. This condition<br />

is most likely to exist when the dissipation<br />

factor without the guard is higher than normal<br />

due to surface leakage. Any point capacitively<br />

coupled to the measuring electrodes and resistively<br />

coupled to the guard point can be a<br />

source of difficulty. The common guard resistance<br />

produces an equivalent negative dissipation<br />

factor proportional to chc&, where ch<br />

and Ct are guard-to-electrode capacitances and<br />

Rg is the guard resistance (14).<br />

7.4 Fluid Displacement <strong>Methods</strong>-The fluid<br />

displacement method may be employed using<br />

either three-terminal or self-shielded, two-terminal<br />

cells. With the three-terminal cell the<br />

permittivity of the fluids used may be determined<br />

directly. The self-shielded, two-terminal<br />

cell provides many of the advantages of the<br />

three-terminal cell by nearly eliminating the<br />

effects of edge and grcund capacitance, and it<br />

may be used with measuring circuits having no<br />

provision for a gcard. If it is equipped with an<br />

integral micrometer electrode, the effects on the<br />

capacitance of series inductance in the connective<br />

leads at the higher frequencies may be<br />

eliminated.<br />

7.5 Accuracy-The methods outlined in 7.1<br />

contemplate an accuracy in the determination<br />

of permittivity off 1 9% and of dissipation factor<br />

of f (5 '36 + 0.0005). These accuracies depend<br />

upon at ieast three factors: the accuracy of the<br />

observations for capacitance and dissipation<br />

factor, the accuracy of the corrections to these<br />

quantities caused by the electrode arrangement<br />

used, and the accuracy of the calculation of the<br />

direct interelectrode vacuum capacitance. Under<br />

favorable conditions and at the lower fre-<br />

quencies, capacitance can be measured with an<br />

accuracy of f (0.1 5% + 0.02 pF) and dissipation<br />

factor with an accuracy of k (2 % + 0.00005).<br />

At the higher frequencies these limits may increase<br />

for capacitance to k (0.5 % + 0.1 pF)<br />


D150<br />

and for dissipation factor to f (2 % + 0.0002).<br />

Measurements of dielectric specimens provided<br />

with a guard electrode are subject only to the<br />

error in capacitance and in the calculation of<br />

the direct interelectrode vacuum capacitance.<br />

The error caused by too wide a gap between<br />

the guarded and the guard electrodes will generally<br />

amount to several tenths percent, and the<br />

correction can be calculated to a few percent.<br />

The error in measuring the thickness of the<br />

specimen can amount to a few tenths percent<br />

for an average thickness of 2 mm, on the assumption<br />

that it can be measured to k0.005<br />

mm. The diameter of a circular specimen can<br />

be measured to an accuracy of kO.l%, but<br />

enters as the square. Combining these errors,<br />

the direct interelectrode vacuum capacitance<br />

can be determined to an accuracy of k0.5 %.<br />

Specimens with contact electrodes, measured<br />

with micrometer electrodes, have no corrections<br />

other than that for direct interelectrode capacitance,<br />

provided they are sufficiently smaller in<br />

diameter than the micrometer electrodes. When<br />

two-terminal specimens are measured in any<br />

other manner, the calculation of edge capacitance<br />

and determination of ground capacitance<br />

will involve considerable error, since each may<br />

be from 2 to 40 % of the specimen capacitance.<br />

With the present knowledge of these capacitances,<br />

there may be a 10 9% error in calculating<br />

the edge capacitance and a 25 9% error in evaluating<br />

the ground capacitance. Hence the total<br />

error involved may be from several tenths to<br />

10 % or more. However, when neither electrode<br />

is grounded, the ground capacitance error is<br />

minimized (5.1). With micrometer electrodes,<br />

it is possible to measure dissipation factor of<br />

the order of 0.03 to within k0.0003 and dissipation<br />

factor of the order of 0.0002 to within<br />

&0.00005, of the true values. The range of<br />

dissipation factor is normally 0.0001 to 0.1 but<br />

may be extended above 0.1. Between 10 and 20<br />

MHz it is possible to detect a dissipation factor<br />

of 0.00002. Permittivity from 2 to 5 may be<br />

determined to k 2 9%. The accuracy is limited by<br />

the accuracy of the measurements required in<br />

the calculation of direct interelectrode vacuum<br />

capacitance and by errors in the micrometerelectrode<br />

system.<br />

8. Sampling<br />

8.1 See materials specifications for instructions<br />

on sampling.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Preparation of Specimens:<br />

9.1.1 General-Cut or mold the test specimens<br />

to a suitable shape and thickness determined<br />

by the material specification being followed<br />

or by the accuracy of measurement required,<br />

the test method, and the frequency at<br />

which the measurements are to be made. Measure<br />

the thickness in accordance with the standard<br />

method required by the material being<br />

tested. If there is no standard for a particular<br />

material, then measure thickness in accordance<br />

with <strong>Methods</strong> D 374. The actual points of measurement<br />

shall be uniformly distributed over<br />

the area to be covered by the measuring electrodes.<br />

Apply suitable measuring electrodes to<br />

the specimens (Section 6) (unless the fluid displacement<br />

method will be used), the choice as<br />

to size and number depending mainly on<br />

whether three-terminal or two-terminal measurements<br />

are to be made and, if the latter,<br />

whether or not a micrometer-electrode system<br />

will be used (6.3). The material chosen for the<br />

specimen electrodes will depend both on convenience<br />

of application and on whether or not<br />

the specimen must be conditioned at high temperature<br />

and high relative humidity (Section<br />

6). Obtain the dimensions of the electrodes (of<br />

the smaller if they are unequal) preferably by<br />

a traveling microscope, or by measuring with<br />

a steel scale graduated to 0.25 mm and a microscope<br />

of sufficient power to allow the scale<br />

to be read to the nearest 0.05 mm. Measure the<br />

diameter of a circular electrode, or the dimensions<br />

of a rectangular electrode, at several<br />

points to obtain an average.<br />

9.1.2 Micrometer Electrodes-The area of<br />

the specimen may be equal to or less than the<br />

area of the electrodes, but no part of the specimen<br />

shall extend beyond the electrode edges.<br />

The edges of the specimens sha!! be rrnooth<br />

and perpendicular to the plane of the sheet and<br />

shall also be sharply defined so that the dimensions<br />

in the plane of the sheet may be determined<br />

to the nearest 0.025 mm. The thickness<br />

may have any value from 0.025 mm or less to<br />

about 6 mm or greater, depending upon the<br />

maximum usable plate spacing of the parallelplate<br />

electrode system. ‘The specimens shall be<br />

as flat and uniform in thickness as possible,<br />

and free of voids, inclusions of foreign matter,<br />

wrinkles, and other defects. It has been found<br />

that very thin specimens may be tested more<br />


D 150<br />

conveniently and accurately by using a composite<br />

of several or a large number of thicknesses.<br />

The average thickness of each specimen<br />

shall be determined as nearly as possible to<br />

within k0.0025 mm. In certain cases, notably<br />

for thin films and the like but usually excluding<br />

porous materials, it may be preferable to determine<br />

the average thickness by calculation from<br />

the known or measured density of the material,<br />

the area of the specimen face, and the mass of<br />

the specimen (or specimens, when tested in<br />

multiple thicknesses of the sheet), obtained by<br />

accurate weighing on an analytical balance.<br />

9.1.3 Fluid Displacement-When the immersion<br />

medium is a liquid, the specimen may be<br />

larger than the electrodes if the permittivity of<br />

the standard liquid is within about 1 % of that<br />

of the specimen (see Method D 1531). Also,<br />

duplicate specimens will normally be required<br />

for a cell of the type described in 6.3.3, although<br />

it is possible to test a single specimen at a time<br />

in such cells. In any case, the thickness of the<br />

specimen preferably should not be less than<br />

about 80 % of the electrode spacing, this being<br />

particularly true when the dissipation factor of<br />

the material being tested is less than about<br />

0.00 1.<br />

9.1.4 Cleaning-Since it has been found that<br />

in the case of certain materials when tested<br />

without electrodes the results are affected erratically<br />

by the presence of conducting contaminants<br />

on the surfaces of the specimens, clean<br />

the test specimens by a suitable solvent or other<br />

means (as prescribed in the material specification)<br />

and allow to dry thoroughly before test<br />

(15). This is particularly important when tests<br />

are to be made in air at low frequencies (60 to<br />

10 000 Hz), but is less important for measurements<br />

at radio frequencies. Cleaning of specimens<br />

will also reduce the tendency to contaminate<br />

the immersion medium in the case of tests<br />

performed wing a liquid medium. Use Recommended<br />

Practice D 1371 as a guide to the<br />

choice of suitable cleaning procedures. After<br />

cleaning, handle the specimens only with<br />

tweezers and store in individual envelopes to<br />

preclude further contamination before testing.<br />

9.2 Measurement-Place the test specimen<br />

with its attached electrodes in a suitable measuring<br />

cell, and measure its capacitance and a-<br />

c loss by a method having the required sensitivity<br />

and accuracy. For routine work when the<br />

highest accuracy is not required, or when nei-<br />

ther terminal of the specimen is grounded, it is<br />

not necessary to place the solid specimen in a<br />

test cell.<br />

NOTE 2-The method used to connect the specimen<br />

to the measuring circuit is very important, especially<br />

for two-terminal measurements. The connection<br />

method by critical spacing, formerly recommended<br />

in <strong>Methods</strong> D 150 for parallel substitution<br />

measurements can cause a negative error of 0.5 pF.<br />

A similar error occurs when two-terminal specimens<br />

are measured in a cell used as a guard. Since no<br />

method for eliminating this error is presently known,<br />

when an error of this magnitude must be avoided, an<br />

alternative method must be used, that is, micrometer<br />

electroaes, fluid immersion cell, or three-terminal<br />

specimen with guarded leads.<br />

NOTE 3-Detailed instructions for making the<br />

measurements needed to obtain capacitance and dissipation<br />

factor and for making any necessary corrections<br />

due to the measuring circuit are given in the<br />

instruction books supplied with commercial equipment.<br />

The following paragraphs are intended to furnish<br />

the additional instruction required.<br />

9.2.1 Fixed Electrodes-Adjust the plate<br />

spacing accurately to a value suitable for the<br />

specimen to be tested. For low-loss materials in<br />

particular, the plate spacing and specimen<br />

thickness should be such that the specimen will<br />

occupy not less than about 80 % of the electrode<br />

gap. For tests in air, plate spacings less than<br />

about 0.1 mm are not recommended. When the<br />

electrode spacing is not adjustable to a suitable<br />

value, specimens of the proper thickness must<br />

be prepared. Measure the capacitance and dissipation<br />

factor of the cell, and then carefully<br />

insert and center the specimen between the<br />

electrodes of the micrometer electrodes or test<br />

cell. Repeat the measurements. For maximum<br />

accuracy determine AC and AD directly, if<br />

possible with the measuring equipment used.<br />

Record the test temperature.<br />

9.2.2 Micrometer Electrodes-Micrometer<br />

electrodes are commonly used with the electrodes<br />

making contact with the specimen or its<br />

attached electrodes. To make a measurement<br />

first clamp the specimen between the micrometer<br />

electrodes, and balance or tune the network<br />

used for measurement. Then remove the specimen,<br />

and reset the electrodes to restore the<br />

total capacitance in the circuit or bridge arm to<br />

its original value by moving the micrometer<br />

electrodes closer together.<br />

9.2.3 Fluid Displacement <strong>Methods</strong>-When a<br />

single liquid is used, fill the cell and measure<br />

the capacitance and dissipation factor. Carefully<br />

insert the specimen (or specimens if the<br />


two-specimen cell is used) and center it. Repeat<br />

the measurements. For maximum accuracy determine<br />

AC and AD directly, if possible with<br />

the measuring equipment used. Record the test<br />

temperature to the nearest 0.0 1 "C. Remove<br />

specimens promptly from the liquid to prevent<br />

swelling, and refill the cell to the proper level<br />

before proceeding to test additional specimens.<br />

Equations for calculation of results are given in<br />

Table 3. Method D 1531 describes in detail the<br />

application of this method to the measurement<br />

of polyethylene. When a guarded cell, preferably<br />

with micrometer electrode, is available,<br />

greater accuracy can be obtained by measuring<br />

the specimen in two fluids. This method also<br />

eliminates the need to know the specimen dimensions.<br />

The procedure is the same as before<br />

except for the use of two fluids having different<br />

permittivities (12, 13, 18). It is convenient to<br />

use air as the first fluid since this avoids the<br />

necessity for cleaning the specimen between<br />

measurements. The use of a guarded cell permits<br />

the determination of the permittivity of<br />

the liquid or liquids used (3.2). When either the<br />

one- or two-fluid method is used, greatest accuracy<br />

is possible when the permittivity of one<br />

liquid most nearly matches that of the specimen.<br />

NOTE &--When the two-fluid method is used, the<br />

dissipation factor can be obtained from either set of<br />

readings (most accurately from the set with the higher<br />

Kr?.<br />

9.3 Calculation of Permittivity, Dissipation<br />

Factor, and Loss Index-The measuring circuits<br />

used will give, for the specimen being<br />

measured at a given frequency, a value of<br />

capacitance and of a-c loss expressed as Q,<br />

dissipation factor, or series or parallel resistance.<br />

When the permittivity is to be calculated<br />

from the observed capacitance values, these<br />

values must be converted to parallel capacitance,<br />

if not so expressed, by the use of Ey 5.<br />

The equations given in Table 2 can be used in<br />

calculating the capacitance of the specimen<br />

when micrometer electrodes are used. The<br />

equations given in Table 3 for the different<br />

electrode systems can be used in calculating<br />

permittivity and dissipation factor. When the<br />

parallel substitution method is used, the dissipation<br />

factor readings must be multiplied by<br />

the ratio of the total circuit capacitance to the<br />

capacitance of the specimen or cell. Q and<br />

series or parallel resistance also require calculation<br />

from the observed values. Permittivity is:<br />

Kx) = cp/ct, (1 1)<br />

Expressions for the vacuum capacitance (5.4)<br />

for flat parallel plates and coaxial cylinders are<br />

given in Table 1. When the a-c loss is expressed<br />

as series resistance or parallel resistance or<br />

conductance, the dissipation factor may be calculated<br />

using the relations given in Eqs 3 and<br />

4. Loss index is the product of dissipation factor<br />

and permittivity 3.4.<br />

9.4 Corrections-The leads used to connect<br />

the specimen to the measuring circuit have both<br />

inductance and resistance which, at high frequencies,<br />

increase the measured capacitance<br />

and dissipation factor. When extra capacitances<br />

have been included in the measurements, such<br />

as edge capacitance, and ground capacitance,<br />

which may occur in two-terminal measurements,<br />

the observed parallel capacitance will<br />

be increased and the observed dissipation factor<br />

will be decreased. Corrections for these effects<br />

are given in Appendix X1 and Table 1.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

10.1.1 Description of the material tested,<br />

that is, the name, grade, color, manufacturer,<br />

and other pertinent data,<br />

10.1.2 Shape and dimensions of the test<br />

specimen,<br />

10.1.3 Type and dimensions of the electrodes<br />

and measuring cell,<br />

10.1.4 Conditioning of the specimen, and<br />

test conditions,<br />

10.1.5 Method of measurement and measurement<br />

circuit,<br />

10.1.6 Applied voltage, effective voltage gradient,<br />

and frequency, and<br />

10.1.7 Values of parallel capacitance, dissipation<br />

factor or power factor, permittivity, loss<br />

index, and estimated accuracy.<br />

11. Precision and Accuracy<br />

11.1 The precision and accuracy of this test<br />

method is currently in preparation.<br />



(1) Hector, L. G. and Woernle , D. L., “The Dielectric<br />

Constants of Ei ht dases’*, Physical Review,<br />

PHRVA, Vol69, % ebruary 1964, pp. 101-<br />

105.<br />

(2) Ford, L. H., “The Effect of Humidity on the<br />

Calibration of Precision Air Ca acitors”, Proceedin<br />

s, PIEEA, Institution of I! lectrical En i-<br />

neers [London), Vol 96, Part 111, January 19 9,<br />

(3) E:se!!-I!pand Freome, K. O., “Dielectric Constant<br />

and Refractive Index of Air and Its Princi<br />

a1 Constituents at 24,000 Mc/s”, Nature,<br />

&RWA, Vol 167, March 31,‘~. 512.<br />

(4) Scott, A. H., and Curtis, H. L., Edge Correction<br />

in the Determination of Dielectric Constant,”<br />

Journal of Research, JNBAA, Nat. Bureau<br />

Standards, Vol22, June, 1939, pp. 747-775.<br />

(5) Amey, W. G., and Hambur er, F., Jr., “A<br />

Method for Evaluating the Sur P ace and Volume<br />

Resistance Characteristics of Solid Dielectric<br />

Materials,” Proceedings, ASTEA, Am. SOC.<br />

<strong>Test</strong>in Mats., Vol 49, 1949, pp. 1079-1091.<br />

(6) Field, e;. F., “Errors Occurring in the Measurement<br />

of Dielectric Constant,” Proceedin s, AS-<br />

TEA, Am. SOC. <strong>Test</strong>ing Mats., Vol54, 1 B 54, pp.<br />

456-478.<br />

(7) Moon, C., and Sparks, C. M., “Standards for<br />

Low Values of Direct Ca acitance,” Journal of<br />

Research, JNBAA, Nat. I! ureau Standards, Vol<br />

41, November, 1948, pp. 497-507.<br />

(8) Hartshorn, L., and Ward, W. H., “The Measurement<br />

of the Permittivity and Power Factor<br />

of Dielectrics at Frequencies from lo4 to 10’<br />

Cycles per Second,” Proceedin s, PIEEA, Institution<br />

of Electrical En ineers ( f ondon), Vol79,<br />

1936, pp. 597-609; or P roceedings of the Wireless<br />

Section, Zbid., Vol 12, March, 1937, p . 6-18.<br />

(9) Coutlee, K. G., “Liquid Dis lacement .1p est Cell<br />

for Dielectric Constant an B Dissipation Factor<br />

to 100 Mc,” presented at Conference on<br />

“P E ectrical Insulation (NRC), October, 1959, and<br />

reviewed in Insulation, INULA, November,<br />

9<br />

1959, p. 26.<br />

(IO) Ma ott, A. A., and Smith, E. R., “Table of<br />

Die 7 ectric Constants of Pure Liquids,” NBS<br />

Circular No. 514, 1951.<br />

(11) Hartshorn, L., Parry, J. V. L., and Essen, L.,<br />

“The Measurement of the Dielectric Constant<br />

of Standard Liquids,” Proceedings, PPSBA,<br />

Physical SOC. (London), Vol 68B, July, 1955,<br />

422-446.<br />

(12) l?. arris, ’ W. P., and Scott, A. H., “Precise Measurement<br />

of the Dielectric Constant by the Twofluid<br />

Technique,” 1962 Annual Report, Conference<br />

on Electrical Insulation, NAS-NAC, 5 1.<br />

(13) Endicott, H. S., and McGowan, E. J., “keasurement<br />

of Permittivity and Dissi ation Factor<br />

Without Attached Electrodes,” P 960 Annual<br />

Report, Conference on Electrical Insulation,<br />

NAS-NAC.<br />

(14) Harris, W. P., “Apparent Negative Im edances<br />

and their Effect on Three-terminal 8 ielectric<br />

Loss Measurements,” 1965 Annual Report,<br />

Conference on Electrical Insulation, NAS-NRC<br />

Publication 1356.<br />

(15) Field, R. F., “The Formation of Ionized Water<br />

Films on Dielectrics Under Conditions of Hi h<br />

Humidity,” Journal Ap lied Physics, JAPIA, ? 01<br />

17, May, 1946, p. 31l325.<br />

(16) Lauritzen, J. l, “The Effective Area of a<br />

Guarded Electrode,” 1963 Annual Re ort, Conference<br />

on Electrical Insulation, 8 AS-NRC<br />

Publication 1141.<br />

tober, 1937, p .493-512.<br />

(18) Endicott, H. K., “Guard Gap Corrections for<br />

Guarded-Electrical Measurements and Exact<br />

Equations for the Two-Fluid Method of Measurin<br />

Permittivit and Loss,” Journal of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

and $valuation, fTEVA, Vol 4, No. 3, May<br />

1976, pp. 188-195.<br />


:;-<br />

TABLE 1 Calculations of Vacuum Capacitance and Edge Corrections (see 7.5)<br />

Type of Electrode<br />

~ $ :<br />

Correction<br />

~<br />

for<br />

~<br />

Stray Field<br />

~<br />

at an Edge,<br />

~<br />

pF<br />

~ ~<br />

c, = 0<br />

Disk electrodes with guard-ring:<br />

Disk electrodes without guard-ring:<br />

Diameter of the electrodes = diameter<br />

of the specimen:<br />

mi<br />

a<br />

*A<br />

Equal electrodes smaller than the<br />

specimen:<br />

a<br />

Unequal electrodes:<br />

d'<br />

C,. = 0.0069541 -!- t<br />

where a e t, C, = (0.0087 - 0.00252 In t)P<br />

C, = (0.0019 IC: - 0.00252 In t + 0.0068)P<br />

where: IC: = an approximate value<br />

of the specimen permittivity,<br />

and<br />

a cb: t.<br />

Cylindrical electrodes with guard-ring:<br />

1<br />

c,, =<br />

t$m$<br />

I , r<br />

. . .,<br />

0.055632 ([I + B* g)<br />

dz<br />

In -<br />

di<br />

C, = (0.0041 IC: - 0.00334 ln t + 0.0122)P<br />

where: K; = an approximate value<br />

of the specimen permittivity,<br />

and<br />

a t.<br />

c, = 0<br />

Cylindrical electrodes without guard-ring:<br />

t<br />

-L<br />

3m<br />

t Ill<br />

--r<br />

* See Appendix X2 for corrections to guard gap.<br />

Parallel Capacitance<br />

0.055632 I! t I<br />

c,, =<br />

If -

TABLE 3 Calculation of Permittivity and Dissipation Factor, Noncontacting Electrodes<br />

Permittivity Dissipation Factor Definitions of Symbols<br />

Micrometer electrodes in air (with guard ring):<br />

AC = capacitance change when specimen is inserted (+ when capaci-<br />

1<br />

D, = D, +<br />

tance increases),<br />

MK,'AD<br />

C1 = capacitance with specimen in place,<br />

AD = increase in dissipation factor when specimen is inserted,<br />

D, = dissipation factor with specimen in place,<br />

Dr = dissipation factor, fluid,<br />

or, if to is adjusted to a new value, ti, such that<br />

to = parallel-plate spacing,<br />

AC-0<br />

t = average thickness of specimen,<br />

t<br />

M = to/t - 1,<br />

Kr =<br />

t - (to- to')<br />

Cf = K;C" capacitance with fluid alone,<br />

= 0.0088542 (dimensions in nun),<br />

Plane electrodes-fluid displacement:<br />

A = area of the electrodes, mmz (the smaller if the two are unequal),<br />

I Kr'<br />

D,= D,+ADM<br />

K; = permittivity of fluid at test temperature (= 1.00066 for air at<br />

Kr =-<br />

I +<br />

23"C, 50 9% RH),<br />

D:<br />

C, = vacuum capacitance of area considered (e, Alto, pF),<br />

= OD of inner electrode,<br />

dl = IDofspecimen,<br />

d2 = ODofspecimen,and<br />

When the dissipation factor of the specimen is less than about 0.1, the following equations<br />

d3 = ID of outer electrode, a<br />

can be used:<br />

1-<br />

K~C,, + Ac 7<br />

Cylindrical electrodes (with guard rings)-fluid displacement.<br />

Ki<br />

K/ =<br />

I--- AC lOgd31do<br />

CI lOgdz/dl<br />

D,= D,+M~AD<br />

Kf<br />

NOTE 1-C and D in these equations are the values for the cell and may<br />

require calculations from the readings of the measuring circuit (as<br />

when using parallel substitution). Refer to Note 10.<br />

3<br />

0<br />

A<br />

8<br />

Two-fluid method-plane electrodes (with guard ring):<br />

NOTE 2-In the equation for the two-fluid method, subscripts 1 and 2<br />

refer to the first and second fluids, respectively.<br />

NOTE 3-Values of C in the two-fluid equations are the equivalent series<br />

values.<br />

Az = effective area of guarded electrode with specimen in liquid,<br />

= (d + 8,)' 1r/4 (See Appendix X2 for corrections to guard gap).

vwcp<br />

FIG. 1 Parallel Circuit<br />

FIG. 4 Vector Diagram for Parallel Circuit<br />

Rs I<br />

FIG. 2 Series Circuit<br />

FIG. 5 Flux Lines Between Electrodes<br />

FIG. 3 Vector Diagram for Series Circuit<br />




Guar<br />

Elect<br />

FIG. 6 Stray Capacitances<br />

Guarded<br />

Electrode<br />



FIG. 7 Guarded PardleCPlate Electrode System<br />

Unguarded<br />

Electrode<br />

FIG. 8 Three-Terminal Cell for Solids<br />

FIG. 9 Guarded Specimen with Mercury Electrodes<br />


icrometer Screw<br />

Grounded Terminals<br />

FIG. 10 Micrometer-Electrode System<br />




XI.l The increase in ca acitance due to the inductance<br />

of the leads and o P dissipation factor due to<br />

the resistance of the leads is calculated as follows:<br />

AC = w2L,C2<br />

AD = RwC, (12)<br />

I<br />

where:<br />

C, = true capacitance of the capacitor being measured,<br />

L, = series inductance of the leads,<br />

R, = series resistance of the leads, and<br />

w = 2n times the frequency, Hz.<br />

NOTE XI-L and R can be calculated for the leads<br />

used, from measurements of a physically small capacitor,<br />

made both at the measuring equipment terminals<br />

and at the far end of the leads. C is the<br />

ca acitance measured at the terminals, AC is the<br />

di R erence between the two capacitance readings, and<br />

R is calculated from the measured values of C and<br />

D.<br />

X1.2 While it is desirable to have these leads as<br />

short as ossible, it is difficult to reduce their inductance<br />

an B resistance below 0.1 pH and 0.05 at 1<br />

MHz. The high-frequency resistance increases with<br />

the s uare root of the frequency. Hence these correc-<br />

tions 5 ewme increasingly important above 1 MHz.<br />

When extra capacitances have been included in the<br />

measurements, such as ed e capacitance, C,, and<br />

ground capacitance. Cg, w &1 ich may occur in twoterminal<br />

measurements. the observed parallel capac-<br />

itance will be increased and the observed dissipation<br />

factor will be decreased. Designating these observed<br />

quantities by the subscript, m, the corrected values<br />

are calculated as follows:<br />

Cp = C m - (Ce + Cs)<br />

D = CmDm/Cp<br />

= CmDm/ [Cm - (ce + Cg)]<br />

Xl.3 The expression for dissipation factor assumes<br />

that the extra ca acitances are free from loss.<br />

This is essentially true P or ground capacitance except<br />

at low fre uencies, and also for edge capacitance<br />

when the e 9 ectrodes extend to the edge of the specimen,<br />

since nearly all of the flux lines are in air. The<br />

permittivity and loss index are calculated as follows:<br />

K'<br />

Cp/Cu = [C, - (Ce + Cg)]/Cu<br />

K" = CmDm/Cu<br />

X1.4 When one or both of the electrodes are<br />

smaller than the s ecimen, the edge capacitance has<br />

two components. %e capacitance associated with the<br />

flux lines that pass through the surrounding dielectric<br />

has a dissipation factor which, for isotro ic materials,<br />

is the same as that of the body of the die P ectric. There<br />

is no loss in the capacitance associated with the flux<br />

lines through the air. Since it is not practicable to<br />

separate the capacitances, the usual practice is to<br />

consider the measured dissipation factor to be the<br />

true dissipation factor.<br />


X2.1 The effective area of a guarded electrode is<br />

greater than its actual area b approximately half the<br />

area of the guarded gap. 6 enerally, therefore, the<br />

diameter of a circular electrode, each dimension of a<br />

rectangular electrode, or the len th of a cylindrical<br />

electrode is increased by the widt fl of the guard gap.<br />


However, when the ratio of gap width, g, to electrode<br />

separation, I (usually approximately the specimen<br />

thickness), is appreciable, the increase in the efFective<br />

dimension of the guarded electrode is less than the<br />

gap width by a quantity, 28, called the guard-gap<br />

correction, .which is a function of: (a) the ratio /r,<br />

(b) the ratio of the permittivity of the medium %etween<br />

the electrodes, K', to the ermittivity of the<br />

medium in the gap, upg, and (cy the ratio of the<br />

thickness of the electrodes, a, to the gap width.<br />

x2.2 Exact equations for calculating 28/g for certah<br />

ratios Of K1/Ki and a/g (16) are Shown in Ep. 15<br />

to 17.<br />

X2.3 The fraction of the guard gap to be added to<br />

the overall electrode dimension before calculating the<br />

effective electrode area is B = 1 - 2Wg. Taking into<br />

accmt (b) and (c) above (16), R may be calculated<br />

from the empirical equation in E4. 18.<br />

A is a function of the ratio a/g. When a/g = 0 (thin<br />

electrodes), A= 1. When a/g is one or greater than<br />

one (thick electrodes), A approaches the limit 0.8106<br />

(exactly 8/7r2). Intermediate values of A can be read<br />

from Fi . X2.<br />

X2.4 %'he ratio of In B from Eq 16 to In B Eq 15<br />

is very nearly 1.23 for g/t 5 10. Therefore, the<br />

necessity for evaluating Eq 16 can be eliminated by<br />

writing Eq 18 as shown in Eq 19.<br />

X2.5 VaIues of B calculated from Eq 19 will differ<br />

from the exact values by a maximum of 0.0 1. For a<br />

0.25-mm guard gap this maximum error would give<br />

a 0.0025-mm error in electrode diameter or electrode<br />

dimension. For a 25" electrode this would be an<br />

error of 0.02 % in area.<br />

where:<br />

-=- 2s<br />

g<br />

4t In oosh (z)<br />

rg<br />

K'>><br />

~g), a/g any value<br />

K'<br />


X3.1 Frequency<br />

X3.1.1 Insulating materials are used over the entire<br />

electromagnetic spectrum, from direct current to<br />

radar frequencies of at least 3 X IO"' Hz. There are<br />

only a very few materials, such as polystyrene, polyethylene,<br />

and fused silica, whose permittivity and loss<br />

index are even approximately constant over this frequency<br />

range. It is necessary either to measure permittivity<br />

and loss index at the frequency at which the<br />

material will be used or to measure them at several<br />

frequencies suitably placed, if the material is to be<br />

used over a fre uency range.<br />

X3.1.2 The Langes in permittivity and loss index<br />

with frequency are produced by the dielectric polarizations<br />

which exist in the material. The two most<br />

important are dipole polarization due to olar molecules<br />

and interfacial polarization caused ! y inhomogeneities<br />

in the material. Permittivity and loss index<br />

vary with frequenc in the manner shown in Fig. X 1<br />

(17). Starting at t K e highest frequency where the<br />

permittivity is determined by an atomic or electronic<br />

polarization, each succeeding polarization, dipole or<br />

interfacial, adds its contribution to permittivity with<br />

the result that the permittivity has its maximum value<br />

at zero frequency. Each polarization furnishes a maximum<br />

of both loss index and dissipation factor. The<br />

frequency at which loss index is a maximum is called<br />

the relaxation frequency for that polarization. It is<br />

also the frequency at which the permittivity is increasing<br />

at the greatest rate and at which half its<br />

change for that polarization has occurred. A knowledge<br />

of the effects of these polarizations will frequently<br />

help to determine the frequencies at which<br />

measurements should be made.<br />

X3. I .3 Any d-c conductance in the dielectric<br />

caused b free ions or electrons, while having no<br />

direct ef ? ect on permittivity, will produce a dissipation<br />

factor that varies inverse1 with frequency, and<br />

that becomes infinite at zero r requency (dotted line<br />

in Fig. Xl).<br />


D 150<br />

X3.2 Temperature<br />

X3.2.1 The major electrical effect of tem erature<br />

on an insulating material is to increase the re P axation<br />

frequencies of its polarizations. They increase ex o-<br />

nentially with temperature at rates such that a ten P old<br />

increase in relaxation frequency may be produced by<br />

temperature increments ranging from 6 to 50°C. The<br />

temperature coefficient of permittivity at the lower<br />

frequencies would always be sitive except for the<br />

fact that the temperature coe fFO icients of permittivity<br />

resulting from many atomic and electronic polarizations<br />

are negative. The temperature coefficient will<br />

or interfacial polar-<br />

of loss index<br />

and dissipation factor may be either positive or neg-<br />

frequency and<br />

negative for lower fre uencies. Since the relaxation<br />

fre uency of interfacia 4 polarization is usually below<br />

1 I3 z, the corresponding temperature coefficient of<br />

loss index and dissipation factor will be positive at<br />

all usual measuring frequencies. Since the d-c conductance<br />

of a dielectric usually increases ex onentially<br />

with decrease of the reciprocal of a E solute<br />

temperature, the values of loss index and dissipation<br />

factor arising therefrom will increase in a similar<br />

manner and will produce a larger positive temperature<br />

coefficient.<br />

X3.3 Voltage<br />

X3.3.1 All dielectric polarizations except interfacial<br />

are near1 independent of the existing potential<br />

gradient unti r such a value is reached that ionization<br />

occurs in voids in the material or on its surface, or<br />

that breakdown occurs. In interfacial polarization the<br />

number of free ions may increase with voltage and<br />

chan e both the magnitude of the polarization and<br />

its re P axation frequency. The d-c conductance is similarly<br />

affected.<br />

X3.4 Humidity<br />

X3.4.1 The major electrical effect of humidity on<br />

an insulating material is to increase greatly the magnitude<br />

of its interfacial olarization, thus increasing<br />

both its permittivity angloss index and also its d-c<br />

conductance. These effects of humidity are caused by<br />

absorption of water into the volume of the material<br />

and by the formation of an ionized water film on its<br />

surface. The latter forms in a matter of minutes,<br />

while the former may require days and sometimes<br />

months to attain equilibrium, particularly for thick<br />

and relatively impervious materials (15).<br />

X3.5 Water Immersion<br />

X3.5.I The effect of water immersion on an insulating<br />

material ap roximates that of ex osure to<br />

100% relative humigty. Water is absorbe B into the<br />

volume of the material, usually at a greater rate than<br />

occurs under a relative humidity of 100 %. However,<br />

the total amount of water absorbed when equilibrium<br />

is finally established is essentially the same under the<br />

two conditions. If there are water-soluble substances<br />

in the material, they will leach out much faster under<br />

water immersion than under 100 % relative humidity<br />

without condensation. If the water used for immersion<br />

is not pure, its impurities may be carried into<br />

the material. When the material is removed from the<br />

water for measurement, the water film formed on its<br />

surface will be thicker and more conducting than that<br />

produced by a 100 % relative humidity without condensation,<br />

and will require some time to attain equili<br />

brium .<br />

X3.6 Weathering<br />

X3.6.1 Weathering, being a natural phenomenon,<br />

includes the effects of varying temperature and humidity,<br />

of fallin rain, severe winds, impurities in the<br />

atmosphere, ani the ultraviolet light and heat of the<br />

sun. Under such conditions the surface of an insulating<br />

material may be permanently changed, physically<br />

by rou hemg and cracking, and chemically by<br />

the loss of tie more soluble components and by the<br />

reactions of the salts, acids, and other impurities<br />

deposited on the surface. Any water film formed on<br />

the surface will be thicker and more conducting, and<br />

water will penetrate more easily into the volume of<br />

the material.<br />

X3.7 Deterioration<br />

X3.7. I Under operating conditions of voltage and<br />

tem erature, an insulating material may deteriorate<br />

in e P ectric strength because of the absorption of moisture,<br />

physical changes of its surface, chemical changes<br />

in its com osition, and the effects of ionization both<br />

on its sur P ace and on the surfaces of internal voids.<br />

In general, both its permittivity and its dissipation<br />

factor will be increased, and these increases will be<br />

greater the lower the measuring frequency. With a<br />

pro er understandin of the effects outlined in X3.1<br />

to B 3.6, the observe L!changes in any electrical property,<br />

particularly dissipation factor, can be made a<br />

measure of deterioration and hence of decrease in<br />

dielectric strength.<br />

X3.8 Conditioning<br />

X3.8.1 The electrical characteristics of many insulating<br />

materials are so dependent on temperature,<br />

humidity, and water immersion, as indicated in the<br />

paragraphs above, that it is usually necessary to<br />

specify the past history of a specimen and its test<br />

conditions regarding these factors. Unless measurements<br />

are to be made at room temperature (20 to<br />

30°C) and unspecified relative humidity, the specimen<br />

should be conditioned in accordance with<br />

ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> D 618, Conditioning Plastics and<br />

Electrical Insulating Materials for Te~ting.~ The procedure<br />

chosen should be that which most nearly<br />

matches operating conditions. When data are required<br />

covering a wide range of temperature and<br />

relative humidity, it will be necessary to use intermediate<br />

values and possibly to condition to equilibrium.<br />

X3.8.2 <strong>Methods</strong> of maintainin specified relative<br />

humidities are described in AS#M Recommended<br />

Practice E 104, Maintaining Constant Relative Humidity<br />

by Means of Aqueous solution^.^<br />

X3.8.3 S ecifications for conditioning units are<br />

given in A !TM Specifications E 197, for Enclosures<br />

and Servicing Units for <strong>Test</strong>s Above and Below<br />

Room Temperature.<br />



X4.1 The sim lified circuits and e uations presented<br />

in Figs. X s to XI0 are for genera? information<br />

only. The instruction book accompanying a particu-<br />

lar piece of equipment should be consulted for the<br />

exact diagram, equations, and method of measurement<br />

to be used.<br />

Polarizations<br />

I Interfacial Dipole<br />

I<br />

L<br />

\.<br />

I 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I<br />

-6-5 -4-3-2 -I 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO<br />

Log<br />

Frequency, HZ<br />

FIG. XI Typical Polarizations (17)<br />


A<br />

FIG. X2 A versus a/g<br />


Equations<br />

Method of Balance<br />

C, = (Ri/Rz)C* Vary CI and R2 with SI in posi-<br />

D, = URICI tion M to obtain minimum<br />

deflection in Detector D, Repeat<br />

with SI in position G by<br />

varying CI; and RF. Repeat<br />

the above until the detector<br />

shows no change in balance<br />

by switching SI to M or G.<br />

Nom-This type of bridge is especially useful for high-voltage measurements at power frequencies as almost all of the<br />

applied voltage appears across the standard capacitor, C,, and the specimen, C,. The balancing circuits and detector are very<br />

nearly at ground potential.<br />

FIG. X3 High-Voltage Schering Bridge<br />

Equations<br />

Method of Balance<br />

Cx = (Ri/Rz)Cs Set ratio of RI to R2 (range) and<br />

- Dx = uCIRI vary C, and CI to obtain balante.<br />

FIG. X4 Low-Voltage Schering Bridge, Direct Method<br />

Equations<br />

Method of Balance<br />

C, = ACa<br />

ACA = C,' - C,<br />

Vary CI and C,, without and<br />

with the specimen connected,<br />

D, = (C,'/AC,)ACiwRi to obtain balance. Symbols<br />

ACi = Ci - Ci' used for the initial balance,<br />

with the ungrounded lead to<br />

the unknown disconnected,<br />

- are primed.<br />

FIG. X5 Low-Voltage Schering Bridge, Parallel Substitution Method<br />


D 150<br />

FIG. X6 Inductive-Ratio-Arm (Transformer) Circuit<br />

Method of Balance<br />

Set ratio of LI to Lz (range) and<br />

adjust C. and G, to obtain balance.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Equations<br />

Method of Balance<br />

' C, = C,' - C, = AC8 Balance without and rebalance<br />

with unknown connected, us-<br />

= AGx<br />

ing C. and C4. Symbols used<br />

- D, = G,/wC, = AGr/wAC8 for the initial balance are<br />

primed.<br />

FIG. X7 Parallel-T Network, Parallel Substitution Method<br />

I L--A<br />

I<br />

I<br />

L _ _________--_-__ _I<br />

FIG. X8<br />

Resonant-Rise (@Meter) Method<br />

Method of Balance<br />

Adjust to resonance, without<br />

and with the specimen, noting<br />

I, maximum V and C,. With<br />

a standard I, V on the VTVM<br />

can be calibrated in terms of<br />

Q, since Q = V/IR. Subscripts<br />

1 and 2 denote first and second<br />

balance respectively.<br />

Equations<br />

Method of Balance<br />

__________-_-- --<br />

-7 C, =Act,<br />

Adjust CI so maximum<br />

I<br />

I AC, = C,,' - C,<br />

resonance V' is just un-<br />

I<br />

i CIIJ<br />

I (C

COS e, = w/ VI<br />

0 D, = COS e/ JI - (cos e)*<br />

known connected.<br />

NoTE-This method is for use at power frequencies. Instrument corrections should be applied and an unusually sensitive<br />

wattmeter is required due to small losses. Errors from stray fields should be eliminated by shielding. Accuracy depends on<br />

combined instrument errors and is best at full scale.<br />

FIG. X10 Voltmeter-Wattmeter-Ammeter Method<br />

-<br />

CX<br />

R<br />

Equations<br />

= CI<br />

I<br />

=_<br />

wc2<br />

Method of Balance<br />

Adjust C1 and C2 to obtain<br />

.lull.<br />

C2<br />

D, =-<br />

CI<br />

Assumption: The amplitudes of VI, V2 and VI are equal.<br />

Nom-This circuit requires a source providing at least two outputs, one in quadrature phase relationship with the others.<br />

A third phase, 180 deg from the reference, if not available directly from the source, can be achieved by means of an inverting,<br />

unity-gain operation amplifier. This circuit is useful from frequencies as low as 0.001 Hz (with proper detector) to as high as<br />

10 kHz (with appropriate corrections for phase errors). Accuracy to within 0.1 % of C, is easily attained using a fully shielded<br />

(three-terminal) system. Shield is not shown.<br />

FIG. X11 Ultra-Low-Frequency Bridge Using Multiphase Source<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>in and Materials takes no position res ecting the validity o an atent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentionetin this standard. Users of this standrd are expressb a d vise dYt at determination the<br />

validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five<br />

years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or<br />

for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration<br />

at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received<br />

a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

19103, which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there, you may appeal to the<br />

ASTM Board of Directors.<br />


~~<br />

ab<br />

Designation: D 257 - 78 (Reapproved 1983)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 257; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

These methods have been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Definse to replace Method 4041 of Federal Standard<br />

406 andfir listing in the DoD Index of SpeciJcaions and Standards.<br />

NOTE-Paragraph I .3 and editorial changes were made throughout in July 1983.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover direct-current<br />

procedures for the determination of d-c insulation<br />

resistance, volume resistance, volume resistivity,<br />

surface resistance, and surface resistivity<br />

of electrical insulating materials, or the corresponding<br />

conductances and conductivities.<br />

1.2 The test methods and procedures appear<br />

in the sections as follows:<br />

Method or Procedure<br />

Applicable Documents<br />

Calculation<br />

Choice of Apparatus and Method<br />

Cleaning Solid Specimens<br />

Conditioning of Specimens<br />

Definitions<br />

Effective Area of Guarded Electrode<br />

Electrode Systems<br />

Factors Affixting Insulation Resistance or<br />

Conductance Measurements<br />

Humidity Control<br />

Liquid Specimens and Cells<br />

Precision and Accuracy<br />

Procedure for the Measurement of Resistance<br />

or Conductance<br />

Report<br />

Sampling<br />

Significance<br />

Specimen Mounting<br />

Summary of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

<strong>Test</strong> Specimens for Insulation, Volume,<br />

and Surface Resistance or Conductance<br />

Determination<br />

Typical Measurement <strong>Methods</strong><br />

SeCtion<br />

2<br />

13<br />

7<br />

10.1<br />

11<br />

5<br />

x2<br />

6<br />

XI<br />

11.2<br />

9.4<br />

15<br />

12<br />

14<br />

8<br />

4<br />

10<br />

3<br />

9<br />

x3<br />

1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all ofthe safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use. See 6.1.8. I.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D374 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for Thickness of Solid<br />

Electrical Insulation2.3<br />

D 618 <strong>Methods</strong> of Conditioning Plastics and<br />

Electrical Insulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing2<br />

D 1 169 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Specific Resistance<br />

(Resistivity) of Electrical Insulating Liquids4<br />

E 104 Recommended Practice for Main&-<br />

ing Constant Relative Humidity by Means<br />

of Aqueous Solutions'<br />

3. Description of Terms Specific to This Standard<br />

3.1 insulation resistance, R,-the insulation<br />

resistance between two electrodes that are in<br />

contact with, or embedded in, a specimen, is the<br />

ratio of the direct voltage applied to the electrodes<br />

to the total current between them. It is dependent<br />

upon both the volume and surface resistances of<br />

the specimen.<br />

3.2 volume resistance, R,-the volume resist-<br />

' These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-9 on Electrical Insulating Materials and are the<br />

direct responsibility of Subcommittee DO9.12 on Electrical<br />

<strong>Test</strong>s.<br />

Current edition approved July 28, 1978. Published September<br />

1978. Originally issued as D 257-25 T. Last previous edition<br />

D 251 - 16.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol08.0 I.<br />

'Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 10.02.<br />

'Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 10.03.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.<br />


D 257<br />

ance between two electrodes that are in contact<br />

with, or embedded in, a specimen, is the ratio of<br />

the direct voltage applied to the electrodes to that<br />

portion of the current between them that is distributed<br />

through the volume of the specimen.<br />

3.3 surface resistance, Rs-the surface resistance<br />

between two electrodes that are on the<br />

surface of a specimen is the ratio of the direct<br />

voltage applied to the electrodes to that portion<br />

of the current between them which is primarily<br />

in a thin layer of moisture or other semiconducting<br />

material that may be deposited on the surface.<br />

3.4 volume resistivity, p,-the volume resistivity<br />

of a material is the ratio of the potential<br />

gradient parallel to the current in the material to<br />

the current density.<br />

NOTE 1 -In the metric system, volume resistivity of<br />

an electrical insulating material in ohm-cm is numerically<br />

equal to the volume resistance in ohms between<br />

opposite faces of a l-cm cube of the material. (Volume<br />

resistivity in i2.m has a value of 1/100 of the value in<br />

SZ . cm.)<br />

3.5 surface resistivity, ps-the surface resistivity<br />

of a material is the ratio of the potential<br />

gradient parallel to the current along its surface<br />

to the current per unit width of the surface.<br />

NOTE 2-Surface resistivity of a material is numerically<br />

equal to the surface resistance between two electrodes<br />

forming opposite sides of a square. The size of<br />

the square is immaterial.<br />

4. Summary of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

4.1 The resistance or conductance of a material<br />

specimen or of a capacitor is determined<br />

from a measurement of current or of voltage<br />

drop under specified conditions. By using the<br />

appropriate electrode systems, surface and volume<br />

resistance or conductance may be measured<br />

separately. The resistivity or conductivity can<br />

then be calculated when the required specimen<br />

and electrode dimensions are known.<br />

5. Significance and Use<br />

5.1 Insulating materials are used to isolate<br />

components of an electrical system from each<br />

other and from ground, as well as to provide<br />

mechanical support for the components. For this<br />

purpose, it is generally desirable to have the<br />

insulation resistance as high as possible, consistent<br />

with acceptable mechanical, chemical, and<br />

heat-resisting properties. Since insulation resistance<br />

or conductance combines both volume and<br />

surface resistance or conductance, its measured<br />

value is most useful when the test specimen and<br />

electrodes have the same form as is required in<br />

actual use. Surface resistance or conductance<br />

changes rapidly with humidity, while volume<br />

resistance or conductance changes slowly although<br />

the final change may eventually be<br />

greater.<br />

5.2 Resistivity or conductivity may be used to<br />

predict, indirectly, the low-frequency dielectric<br />

breakdown and dissipation factor properties of<br />

some materials. Resistivity or conductivity is often<br />

used as an indirect measure of moisture<br />

content, degree of cure, mechanical continuity,<br />

and deterioration of various types. The usefulness<br />

of these indirect measurements is dependent on<br />

the degree of correlation established by supporting<br />

theoretical or experimental investigations. A<br />

decrease of surface resistance may result either<br />

in an increase of the dielectric breakdown voltage<br />

because the electric field intensity is reduced, or<br />

a decrease of the dielectric breakdown voltage<br />

because the area under stress is increased.<br />

5.3 All the dielectric resistances or conductances<br />

depend on the length of time of electrification<br />

and on the value of applied voltage (in<br />

addition to the usual environmental variables).<br />

These must be known to make the measured<br />

value of resistance or conductance meaningful.<br />

5.4 Volume resistivity or conductivity can be<br />

used as an aid in designing an insulator for a<br />

specific application. The change of resistivity or<br />

conductivity with temperature and humidity<br />

may be great (1, 2, 3, 4),6 and must be known<br />

when designing for operating conditions. Volume<br />

resistivity or conductivity determinations are often<br />

used in checking the uniformity of an insulating<br />

material, either with regard to processing<br />

or to detect conductive impurities that affect the<br />

quality of the material and that may not be<br />

readily detectable by other methods.<br />

5.5 Volume resistivities above lo2' O.cm<br />

( a. mj, obtained on specimens under usuai<br />

laboratory conditions, are of doubtful validity,<br />

considering the limitations of commonly used<br />

measuring equipment.<br />

5.6 Surface resistance or conductance cannot<br />

be measured accurately, only approximated, because<br />

more or less volume resistance or conductance<br />

is nearly always involved in the measurement.<br />

The measured value is largely a property<br />

of the contamination that happens to be on the<br />

6The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of<br />

references appended to these methods.<br />


D 257<br />

specimen at the time. However, the permittivity<br />

of the specimen influences the deposition of contaminants<br />

and its surface characteristics affect<br />

the conductance of the contaminants. Surface<br />

resistivity or conductivity can be considered to<br />

be related to material properties when contamination<br />

is involved but is not a material property<br />

in the usual sense.<br />

6. Electrode Systems<br />

6.1 The electrodes for insulating materials<br />

should be of a material that is readily applied,<br />

allows intimate contact with the specimen<br />

surface, and introduces no appreciable error<br />

because of electrode resistance or contamination<br />

of the specimen (5). The electrode material<br />

should be corrosion-resistant under the<br />

conditions of test. For tests of fabricated<br />

specimens such as feed-through bushings, cables,<br />

etc., the electrodes employed are a part<br />

of the specimen or its mounting. Measurements<br />

of insulation resistance or conductance,<br />

then, include the contaminating effects of<br />

electrode or mounting materials and are generally<br />

related to the performance of the specimen<br />

in actual use.<br />

6.1 .l Binding- Post and Taper- Pin Electrodes,<br />

Figs. 1 and 3, provide a means of<br />

applying voltage to rigid insulating materials<br />

to permit an evaluation of their resistive or<br />

conductive properties. These electrodes simulate<br />

to some degree the actual conditions of<br />

use, such as binding posts on instrument<br />

panels and terminal strips. In the case of<br />

laminated insulating materials having highresin-content<br />

surfaces, somewhat lower insulation<br />

resistance values may be obtained with<br />

taper-pin than with binding posts, due to<br />

more intimate contact with the body of the<br />

insulating material. Resistance or conductance<br />

values obtained are highly influenced by<br />

the individuai contact between each pin and<br />

the dielectric material, the surface roughness<br />

of the pins, and the smoothness of the hole in<br />

the dielectric material. Reproducibility of results<br />

on different specimens is difficult to<br />

obtain.<br />

6.1.2 Metal Bars in the arrangement of<br />

Fig. 2 were primarily devised to evaluate the<br />

insulation resistance or conductance of flexible<br />

tapes and thin, solid specimens as a fairly<br />

simple and convenient means of electrical<br />

quality control. This arrangement is some-<br />

what more satisfactory for obtaining approximate<br />

values of surface resistance or conductance<br />

when the width of the insulating material<br />

is much greater than its thickness.<br />

6.1.3 Silver Paint, Figs, 4, 6, and 7, is<br />

available commercially with a high conductivity,<br />

either air-drying or low-temperature-baking<br />

varieties, which are sufficiently porous to<br />

permit diffusion of moisture through them<br />

and thereby allow the test specimen to be<br />

conditioned after the application of the electrodes.<br />

This is a particularly useful feature in<br />

studying resistance-humidity effects, as well<br />

as change with temperature. However, before<br />

conductive paint is used as an electrode material,<br />

it should be established that the solvent<br />

in the paint does not attack the material so as<br />

to change its electrical properties. Reasonably<br />

smooth edges of guard electrodes may be<br />

obtained with a fine-bristle brush. However,<br />

for circular electrodes, sharper edges can be<br />

obtained by the use of a ruling compass and<br />

silver paint for drawing the outline circles of<br />

the electrodes and filling in the enclosed areas<br />

by brush. A narrow strip masking tape may<br />

be used, provided the pressure-sensitive adhesive<br />

used does not contaminate the surface<br />

of the specimen. Clamp-on masks also may be<br />

used if the electrode paint is sprayed on.<br />

6.1.4 Sprayed Metal, Figs. 4, 6, and 7,<br />

may be used if satisfactory adhesion to the<br />

test specimen can be obtained. Thin sprayed<br />

electrodes may have certain advantages in<br />

that they are ready for use as soon as applied.<br />

They may be sufficiently porous to allow the<br />

specimen to be conditioned, but this should<br />

be verified. Narrow strips of masking tape or<br />

clamp-on masks must be used to produce a<br />

gap between the guarded and the guard electrodes.<br />

The tape shall be such as not to<br />

contaminate the gap surface.<br />

6.1.5 Evaporated Metal may be used under<br />

the same conditions given in 6.1.4.<br />

6.1.6 Metal Foil, Fig. 4, may be applied to<br />

specimen surfaces as electrodes. The usual<br />

thickness of metal foil used for resistance or<br />

conductance studies of dielectrics ranges from<br />

6 to 80 pm. Lead or tin foil is in most<br />

common use, and is usually attached to the<br />

test specimen by a minimum quantity of petrolatum,<br />

silicone grease, oil, or other suitable<br />

material, as an adhesive. Such electrodes shall<br />

be applied under a smoothing pressure suffi-<br />


cient to eliminate all wrinkles, and to work<br />

excess adhesive toward the edge of the foil<br />

where it can be wiped off with a cleansing<br />

tissue. One very effective method is to use a<br />

hard narrow roller (10 to 15 mm wide), and<br />

to roll outward on the surface until no visible<br />

imprint can be made on the foil with the<br />

roller. This technique can be used satisfactorily<br />

only on specimens that have very flat<br />

surfaces. With care, the adhesive film can be<br />

reduced to 2.5 pm. As this film is in series<br />

with the specimen, it will always cause the<br />

measured resistance to be too high. This error<br />

may become excessive for the lower-resistivity<br />

specimens of thickness less than 250 pm.<br />

Also the hard roller can force sharp particles<br />

into or through thin films (50 pm). Foil<br />

electrodes are not porous and will not allow<br />

the test specimen to condition after the electrodes<br />

have been applied. The adhesive may<br />

lose its effectiveness at elevated temperatures<br />

necessitating the use of flat metal back-up<br />

plates under pressure. It is possible, with the<br />

aid of a suitable cutting device, to cut a proper<br />

width strip from one electrode to form a<br />

guarded and guard electrode. Such a threeterminal<br />

specimen normally cannot be used<br />

for surface resistance or conductance measurements<br />

because of the grease remaining on<br />

the gap surface. It may be very difficult to<br />

clean the entire gap surface without disturbing<br />

the adjacent edges of the electfode.<br />

6.1.7 Colloidal Graphite, Fig. 4, dispersed<br />

in water or other suitable vehicle, may be<br />

brushed on nonporous, sheet insulating materials<br />

to form an air-drying electrode. Masking<br />

tapes or clamp-on masks may be used<br />

(6.1.4). This electrode material is recommended<br />

only if all of the following conditions<br />

are met:<br /> The material to be tested must<br />

accept a graphite coating that will not flake<br />

before testing,<br /> The material being tested must not<br />

absorb water readily, and<br /> Conditioning must be in a dry atmosphere<br />

(Procedure B, <strong>Methods</strong> D 618),<br />

and measurements made in this same atmosphere.<br />

6.1.8 Mercury or other liquid metal electrodes<br />

give satisfactory results. Mercury is not<br />

recommended for continuous use or at elevated<br />

temperatures due to toxic effects. Cau-<br />

tion-see The metal forming the<br />

upper electrodes should be confined by stainless<br />

steel rings, each of which should have its<br />

lower rim reduced to a sharp edge by beveling<br />

on the side away from the liquid metal. Figure<br />

5 shows two electrode arrangements.<br /> Caution-Mercury metal vapor poisoning<br />

has long been recognized as a hazard in<br />

industry. The maximum exposure limits are set<br />

by the American Conference of Governmental<br />

Industrial Hygienists7. The concentration of mercury<br />

vapor over spills from broken thermometers,<br />

barometers, or other instruments using mercury<br />

can easily exceed these exposure limits.<br />

Mercury, being a liquid and quite heavy, will<br />

disintegrate into small droplets and seep into<br />

cracks and crevices in the floor. The use of a<br />

commercially available emergency spill kit is recommended<br />

whenever a spill occurs. The increased<br />

area of exposure adds significantly to the<br />

mercury vapor concentration in air. Mercury<br />

vapor concentration is easily monitored using<br />

commercially available sniffers. Spot checks<br />

should be made periodically around operations<br />

where mercury is exposed to the atmosphere.<br />

Thorough checks should be made after spills.<br />

6.1.9 Flat Metal Plates, Fig. 4, (preferably<br />

guarded) may be used for testing flexible and<br />

compressible materials, both at room temperature<br />

and at elevated temperatures. They may<br />

be circular or rectangular (for tapes). To<br />

ensure intimate contact with the specimen,<br />

considerable pressure is usually required.<br />

Pressures of 140 to 700 kPa have been found<br />

satisfactory (see material specifications).<br />

6.1.10 Conducting Rubber has been used<br />

as electrode material, as in Fig. 4, and has the<br />

advantage that it can quickly and easily be<br />

applied and removed from the specimen. As<br />

the electrodes are applied only during the<br />

time of measurement, they do not interfere<br />

with the conditioning of the specimen. The<br />

conductive-rubber material must be backed<br />

by proper plates and be soft enough so that<br />

effective contact with the specimen is obtained<br />

when a reasonable pressure is applied.<br />

NOTE 3-There is evidence that values of conductivity<br />

obtained using conductive-rubber electrodes<br />

are always smaller (20 to 70 YO) than values<br />

obtained with tinfoil electrodes (6). When only<br />

order-of-magnitude accuracies are required, and<br />

’ American Conference of Governmental and Industrial Hygienists,<br />

P.O. 1937, Cincinnati, OH, 4520 1.<br />


D 257<br />

these contact errors can be neglected, a properly<br />

designed set of conductive-rubber electrodes can<br />

provide a rapid means for making conductivity and<br />

resistivity determinations.<br />

6.1.1 1 Water is widely employed as one<br />

electrode in testing insulation on wires and<br />

cables. Both ends of the specimen must be<br />

out of the water and of such length that<br />

leakage along the insulation is negligible.<br />

Guard rings may be necessary at each end. It<br />

may be desirable to add a small amount of<br />

sodium chloride to the water to ensure high<br />

conductivity. Measurements may be performed<br />

at temperatures up to about 100°C.<br />

7. Choice of Apparatus and Method<br />

7.1 Power Supply-A source of very<br />

steady direct voltage is required (see X1.7.3).<br />

Batteries or other stable direct voltage supplies<br />

may be used.<br />

7.2 Direct Measurements -The current<br />

through a specimen at a fixed voltage may be<br />

measured using any equipment that has the<br />

required sensitivity and accuracy (210 % is<br />

usually adequate). Current-measuring devices<br />

available include electrometers, d-c amplifiers<br />

with indicating meters, and galvanometers.<br />

Typical methods and circuits are given in<br />

Appendix X3. When the measuring device<br />

scale is calibrated to read ohms directly no<br />

calculations are required.<br />

7.3 Comparison <strong>Methods</strong> -A Wheatstonebridge<br />

circuit may be used to compare the<br />

resistance of the specimen with that of a<br />

standard resistor (see Appendix X3).<br />

7.4 Precision and Bias Considerations:<br />

7.4.1 General -As a guide in the choice of<br />

apparatus, the pertinent considerations are<br />

summarized in Table 1, but it is not implied<br />

that the examples enumerated are the only<br />

ones applicable. This table is not intended to<br />

indicate the limits of sensitivity and error of<br />

the various methods per se, but rather is<br />

intended to indicate limits that are distinctly<br />

possible with modern apparatus. In any case,<br />

such limits can be achieved or exceeded only<br />

through careful selection and combination of<br />

the apparatus employed. It must be emphasized,<br />

however, that the errors considered are<br />

those of instrumentation only. Errors such as<br />

those discussed in Appendix X1 are an entirely<br />

different matter. In this latter connection,<br />

the last column of Table 1 lists the<br />

resistance that is shunted by the insulation<br />

resistance between the guarded electrode and<br />

the guard system for the various methods. In<br />

general, the lower such resistance, the less<br />

probability of error from undue shunting.<br />

NOTE 4-No matter what measurement method<br />

is employed, the highest precisions are achieved<br />

only with careful evaluation of all sources of error.<br />

It is possible either to set up any of these methods<br />

from the component parts, or to acquire a completely<br />

integrated apparatus. In general, the methods<br />

using high-sensitivity galvanometers require a<br />

more permanent installation than those using indicating<br />

meters or recorders. The methods using<br />

indicating devices such as voltmeters, galvanometers,<br />

d-c amplifiers, and electrometers require the<br />

minimum of manual adjustment and are easy to<br />

read but the operator is required to make the<br />

reading at a particular time. The Wheatstone bridge<br />

(Fig. X4) and the potentiometer method (Fig.<br />

X2(b)) require the undivided attention of the operator<br />

in keeping a balance, but allow the setting at<br />

a particular time to be read at leisure.<br />

7.4.2 Direct Measurements:<br /> Galvanometer-Voltmeter -The<br />

maximum percentage error in the measurement<br />

of resistance by the galvanometer-voltmeter<br />

method is the sum of the percentage<br />

errors of galvanometer indication, galvanometer<br />

readability, and voltmeter indication. As<br />

an example: a galvanometer having a sensitivity<br />

of 500 pA/scale division will be deflected<br />

25 divisions with 500 V applied to a resistance<br />

of 40 GLR (conductance of 25 pS). If the<br />

deflection can be read to the nearest 0.5<br />

division, and the calibration error (including<br />

Ayrton Shunt error) is 22 % of the observed<br />

value, the resultant galvanometer error will<br />

not exceed +4 %. If the voltmeter has an error<br />

of +2 % of full scale, this resistance can be measured<br />

with a maximum error of +6 % when the<br />

voltmeter reads full scale, and +lo % when it<br />

reads one third full scale. The desirability of<br />

readings near full scale are readily apparent.<br /> Voltmeter-Ammeter -The maximum<br />

percentage error in the computed value<br />

is the sum of the percentage errors in the<br />

voltages, V, and V,, and the resistance, R,.<br />

The errors in V, and R, are generally dependent<br />

more on the characteristics of the apparatus<br />

used than on the particular method. The<br />

most significant factors that determine the<br />

errors in V, are indicator errors, amplifier<br />

zero drift, and amplifier gain stability. With<br />

modern, well-designed amplifiers or electrometers,<br />

gain stability is usually not a matter<br />


of concern. With existing techniques, the zero<br />

drift of direct voltage amplifiers or electrometers<br />

cannot be eliminated but it can be made<br />

slow enough to be relatively insignificant for<br />

these measurements. The zero drift is virtually<br />

nonexistent for carefully designed convertertype<br />

amplifiers. Consequently, the null<br />

method of Fig. X 1.2(6) is theoretically less subject<br />

to error than those methods employing an<br />

indicating instrument, provided, however, that<br />

the potentiometer voltage is accurately known.<br />

The error in R, is to some extent dependent on<br />

the amplifier sensitivity. For measurement of a<br />

given current, the higher the amplifier sensitivity,<br />

the greater likelihood that lower valued, highly<br />

precise wire-wound standard resistors can be<br />

used. Such amplifiers can be obtained. Standard<br />

resistances of 100 GR known to +2 %, are available.<br />

If IO-mV input to the amplifier or electrometer<br />

gives full-scale deflection with an error not<br />

greater than 2 % of full scale, with 500 V applied,<br />

a resistance of 5000 TR can be measured with a<br />

maximum error of 6 % when the voltmeter reads<br />

full scale, and 10 % when it reads '/3 scale.<br /> Comparison - Galvanometer - The<br />

maximum percentage error in the computed<br />

resistance or conductance is given by the sum<br />

of the percentage errors in R,, the galvanometer<br />

deflections or amplifier readings, and the<br />

assumption that the current sensitivities are<br />

independent of the deflections. The latter<br />

assumption is correct to well within 22 %<br />

over the useful range (above l/10 full-scale<br />

deflection) of a good, modern galvanometer<br />

(probably '/3 scale deflection for a d-c current<br />

amplifier). The error in R, depends on the<br />

type of resistor used, but resistances of 1 MR<br />

with a limit of error as low as 0.1 % are<br />

available. With a galvanometer or d-c current<br />

amplifier having a sensitivity of 10 nA for fullscale<br />

deflection, 500 V applied to a resistance<br />

of 5 TSL will produce a 1 90 deflection. At this<br />

voltage, with the above noted standard resistor,<br />

and with Fy = lo5, d,s would be about half<br />

of full-scale deflection, with a readability error<br />

not more than +1 %. If d, is approximately<br />

*/4 of full-scale deflection, the readability<br />

error would not exceed +.4 %, and a<br />

resistance of the order of 200 GR could be<br />

measured with a maximum error of 25'/2 %.<br /> Voltage Rate-of-Change -The accuracy<br />

of the measurement is directly propor-<br />

tional to the accuracy of the measurement of<br />

applied voltage and time rate of change of the<br />

electrometer reading. The length of time that<br />

the electrometer switch is open and the scale<br />

used should be such that the time can be<br />

measured accurately and a full-scale reading<br />

obtained. Under these conditions, the accuracy<br />

will be comparable with that of the other<br />

methods of measuring current.<br /> Comparison Bridge - When the<br />

detector has adequate sensitivity, the maximum<br />

percentage error in the computer resistance<br />

is the sum of the percentage errors in the<br />

arms, A, B, and N. With a detector sensitivity<br />

of 1 mV/scale division, 500 V applied to the<br />

bridge, and RN = 1 GR, a resistance of 1000<br />

TO will produce a detector deflection of one<br />

scale division. Assuming negligible errors in<br />

RA and RB, with RN = 1 GR known to within<br />

22 % and with the bridge balanced to one<br />

detector-scale division, a resistance of 100 TR<br />

can be measured with a maximum error of<br />

26 %.<br />

8. Sampling<br />

8.1 Refer to applicable materials specifications<br />

for sampling instructions.<br />

9. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

9.1 Insulation Resistance or Conductance<br />

Determination:<br />

9.1.1 The measurement is of greatest value<br />

when the specimen has the form, electrodes,<br />

and mounting required in actual use. Bushings,<br />

cables, and capacitors are typical examples<br />

for which the test electrodes are a part of<br />

the specimen and its normal mounting means.<br />

9.1.2 For solid materials, the test specimen<br />

may be of any practical form. The specimen<br />

forms most commonly used are flat plates,<br />

tapes, rods, and tubes. The electrode arrangements<br />

of Fig. 3 may be used for flat plates,<br />

rods, or rigid tubes whose inner diameter is<br />

about 20 mm or more. The electrode arrangement<br />

of Fig. 2 may be used for strips of sheet<br />

material or for flexible tape. For rigid strip<br />

specimens the metal support may not be required.<br />

The electrode arrangements of Fig. 7<br />

may be used for flat plates, rods, or tubes.<br />

Comparison of materials when using different<br />

electrode arrangements is frequently inconclusive<br />

and should be avoided.<br />


9.2 Volume Resistance or Conductance Determination:<br />

9.2.1 The test specimen may have any<br />

practical form that allows the use of a third<br />

electrode, when necessary, to guard against<br />

error from surface effects. <strong>Test</strong> specimens<br />

may be in the form of flat plates, tapes, or<br />

tubes. Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the application<br />

and arrangement of electrodes for plate<br />

or sheet specimens. Figure 6 is a diametral<br />

cross section of three electrodes applied to a<br />

tubular specimen, in which electrode No. 1 is<br />

the guarded electrode, electrode No. 2 is a<br />

guard electrode consisting of a ring at each<br />

end of electrode No. 1, and electrode No. 3 is<br />

the unguarded electrode (7, 8). For materials<br />

that have negligible surface leakage, the guard<br />

rings may be omitted. Convenient and generally<br />

suitable dimensions applicable to Fig. 4<br />

in the case of test specimens that are 3 mm in<br />

thickness are as follows: D3 = 100 mm, D2 =<br />

88 mm, and D1 = 76 mm, or alternatively, D3<br />

= 50 mm, D2 = 38 mm, and D, = 25 mm.<br />

For a given sensitivity, the larger specimen<br />

allows more accurate measurements on materials<br />

of higher resistivity.<br />

9.2.2 Measure the average thickness of the<br />

specimens in accordance with one of the methods<br />

in <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> D 374 pertaining to the material<br />

being tested. The actual points of measurement<br />

shall be uniformly distributed over the area to be<br />

covered by the measuring electrodes.<br />

9.2.3 It is not necessary that the electrodes<br />

have the circular symmetry shown in Fig. 4<br />

although this is generally convenient. The<br />

guarded electrode (No. 1) may be circular,<br />

square, or rectangular, allowing ready computation<br />

of the guarded electrode area for<br />

volume resistivity or conductivity determination<br />

when such is desired. The diameter of a<br />

circular electrode, the side of a square, or the<br />

shortest side of a rectangular electrode,<br />

should be at least four times the specimen<br />

thickness. The gap width should be great<br />

enough so that the surface leakage between<br />

electrodes No. 1 and No. 2 does not cause an<br />

error in the measurement (this is particularly<br />

important for high-input-impedance instruments,<br />

such as electrometers). If the gap is<br />

made equal to twice the specimen thickness,<br />

as suggested in 9.3.3, so that the specimen<br />

can be used also for surface resistance or<br />

conductance determinations, the effective<br />

area of electrode No. 1 can be taken, usually<br />

with sufficient accuracy, as extending to the<br />

center of the gap. If, under special conditions,<br />

it becomes desirable to determine a more<br />

accurate value for the effective area of electrode<br />

No. 1, the correction for the gap width<br />

can be obtained from Appendix X2. Electrode<br />

No. 3 may have any shape provided<br />

that it extends at all points beyond the inner<br />

edge of electrode No. 2 by at least twice the<br />

specimen thickness.<br />

9.2.4 For tubular specimens, electrode No.<br />

1 should encircle the outside of the specimen<br />

and its axial length should be at least four<br />

times the specimen wall thickness. Considerations<br />

regarding the gap width are the same<br />

as those given in 9.2.3. Electrode No. 2 consists<br />

of an encircling electrode at each end of<br />

the tube, the two parts being electrically connected<br />

by external means. The axial length of<br />

each of these parts should be at least twice the<br />

wall thickness of the specimen. Electrode No.<br />

3 must cover the inside surface of the specimen<br />

for an axial length extending beyond the<br />

outside gap edges by at least twice the wall<br />

thickness. The tubular specimen (Fig. 6) may<br />

take the form of an insulated wire or cable. If<br />

the length of electrode is more than 100 times<br />

the thickness of the insulation, the effects of<br />

the ends of the guarded electrode become<br />

negligible, and careful spacing of the guard<br />

electrodes is not required. Thus, the gap<br />

between electrodes No. 1 and No. 2 may be<br />

several centimetres to permit sufficient surface<br />

resistance between these electrodes when<br />

water is used as electrode No. 1. In this case,<br />

no correction is made for the gap width.<br />

9.3 Surface Resistance or Conductance Determination:<br />

9.3.1 The test specimen may be of any<br />

practical form consistent with the particular<br />

objective, such as flat plates, tapes, or tubes.<br />

9.3.2 The arrangements of Figs. 2 and 3<br />

were devised for those cases where the volume<br />

resistance is known to be high relative to<br />

that of the surface (2). However, the combination<br />

of molded and machined surfaces<br />

makes the result obtained generally inconclusive<br />

for rigid strip specimens. The arrangement<br />

of Fig. 2 is somewhat more satisfactory<br />

when applied to specimens for which the<br />

width is much greater than the thickness, the<br />

cut edge effect thus tending to become rela-<br />


D 257<br />

tively small. Hence, this arrangement is more<br />

suitable for testing thin specimens such as<br />

tape, than for testing relatively thicker specimens.<br />

The arrangements of Figs. 2 and 3<br />

should never be used for resistance or conductance<br />

determinations without due considerations<br />

of the limitations noted above.<br />

9.3.3 The three electrode arrangements of<br />

Figs. 4, 5, and 6 may be used for purposes of<br />

material comparison. The resistance or conductance<br />

of the surface gap between electrodes<br />

No. 1 and No. 2 is determined directly<br />

by using electrode No. 1 as the guarded electrode,<br />

electrode No. 3 as the guard electrode,<br />

and electrode No. 2 as the unguarded electrode<br />

(7,8). The resistance or conductance so<br />

determined is actually the resultant of the<br />

surface resistance or conductance between<br />

electrodes No. 1 and No. 2 in parallel with<br />

some volume resistance or conductance between<br />

the same two electrodes. For this arrangement<br />

the surface gap width,g, should be<br />

approximately twice the specimen thickness,<br />

t, except for thin specimens, where g may be<br />

much greater than twice the material thickness.<br />

9.3.4 Special techniques and electrode dimensions<br />

may be required for very thin specimens<br />

having such a low volume resistivity<br />

that the resultant low resistance between the<br />

guarded electrode and the guard system<br />

would cause excessive error.<br />

9.4 Liquid Insulation Resistance-The sampling<br />

of liquid insulating materials, the test cells<br />

employed, and the methods of cleaning the cells<br />

shall be in accordance with <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1 169.<br />

10. Specimen Mounting<br />

10.1 In mounting the specimens for measurements,<br />

it is important that there shall be no<br />

conductive paths between the electrodes or between<br />

the measuring electrodes and ground that<br />

will have a significant effect on the reading of the<br />

measuring instrument (9). Insulating surfaces<br />

should not be handled with bare fingers (acetate<br />

rayon gloves are recommended). For referee tests<br />

of volume resistivity or conductivity, the surfaces<br />

should be cleaned with a suitable solvent before<br />

conditioning. When surface resistance is to be<br />

measured, the surfaces should be cleaned or not<br />

cleaned as specified or agreed upon.<br />

11. Conditioning<br />

11.1 The specimens shall be conditioned in<br />

accordance with <strong>Methods</strong> D 61 8.<br />

11.2 Circulating-air environmental chambers<br />

or the methods described in Recommended<br />

Practice E 104 may be used for controlling<br />

the relative humidity.<br />

12. Procedure<br />

12.1 Insulation Resistance or Conductance<br />

-Properly mount the specimen in the test<br />

chamber. If the test chamber and the conditioning<br />

chamber are the same (recommended<br />

procedure), the specimens should be mounted<br />

before the conditioning is started. Make the measurement<br />

with a suitable device having the required<br />

sensitivity and accuracy (see Appendix<br />

X3). Unless otherwise specified, the time of electrification<br />

shall be 60 s and the applied direct<br />

voltage shall be 500 f 5 V.<br />

12.2 Volume Resistivity or Conductivity -<br />

Measure the dimensions of the electrodes and<br />

width of guard gap,g. Make the measurement<br />

with a suitable device having the required<br />

sensitivity and accuracy. Unless otherwise<br />

specified, the time of electrification shall be<br />

60 s, and the applied direct voltage shall be<br />

500 +: 5 V.<br />

12.3 Surface Resistance or Conductance:<br />

12.3.1 Measure the electrode dimensions<br />

and the distance between the electrodes, g .<br />

Measure the surface resistance or conductance<br />

between electrodes No. 1 and 2 with a<br />

suitable device having the required sensitivity<br />

and accuracy. Unless otherwise specified, the<br />

time of electrification shall be 60 s, and the<br />

applied direct voltage shall be 500 * 5 V.<br />

12.3.2 When the electrode arrangement of<br />

Fig. 2 is used, P is taken as the perimeter of<br />

the cross section of the specimen. For thin<br />

specimens, such as tapes, this perimeter effectively<br />

reduces to twice the specimen width.<br />

12.3.3 When the electrode arrangements<br />

of Fig. 7 are used (and the volume resistance<br />

is known to be high compared to the surface<br />

resistance), P is taken to be the length of the<br />

electrodes or circumference of the cylinder.<br />

13. Calculation<br />

13.1 Calculate the volume resistivity, p,.,<br />

and the volume conductivity, y,., using the<br />

equations in Table 2.<br />


D 257<br />

13.2 Calculate the surface resistivity, ps,<br />

and the surface conductivity, ys, using the<br />

equations in Table 2.<br />

14. Report<br />

14.1 The report shall include at least the<br />

following:<br />

14.1 .l. A description and identification of<br />

the material (name, grade, color, manufacturer,<br />

etc.),<br />

14.1.2 Shape and dimensions of the test<br />

specimen,<br />

14.1.3 Type and dimensions of electrodes,<br />

14.1.4 Conditioning of the specimen<br />

(cleaning, predrying, hours at humidity and<br />

temperature, etc.),<br />

14.1.5 <strong>Test</strong> conditions (specimen temperature,<br />

relative humidity, etc., at time of measurement),<br />

14.1.6 Method of measurement (see A p<br />

pendix X3),<br />

14.1.7 Applied voltage,<br />

14.1.8 Time of electrification of measurement,<br />

14.1.9 Measured values of the appropriate<br />

resistances in ohms or conductances in siemens,<br />

14.1.10 Computed values when required,<br />

of volume resistivity in ohm-centimetres, volume<br />

conductivity in siemens per centimetre,<br />

surface resistivity in ohms (per square), or<br />

surface conductivity in siemens (per square),<br />

and<br />

14.1.11 Statement as to whether the reported<br />

values are “apparent” or “steadystate.”<br />

15. Precision and Bias<br />

15.1 Precision and bias are inherently affected<br />

by the choice of method, apparatus, and specimen.<br />

For analysis and details see Sections 7 and<br />

9, and particularly 7.4.1 through<br />


(1) Curtis, H. L., “Insulating Properties of Solid<br />

Dielectric.” Bulletin, Nat. Bureau Standards,<br />

Vol 11, 1915, Scientific Paper No. 234, pp.<br />

369-417.<br />

(2) Field, R. F., “How Humidity Affects Insulation,<br />

Part I, D-C Phenomena,” General Radio<br />

Experimenter, Vol 20, Nos. 2 and 3, July-<br />

August, 1945.<br />

(3) Field, R. F., “The Formation of Ionized Water<br />

Films on Dielectrics Under Conditions of<br />

High Humidity,” Journal of Applied Physics,<br />

Vol5, May, 1946.<br />

(4) Herou, R., and LaCoste, R., “Sur La MCsure<br />

Des Resistivities et L’Etude de Conditionnement<br />

des Isolantes en Feuilles,” Report IEC<br />

15-GT2 (France) 4 April, 1963.<br />

(5) Thompson, B. H., and Mathes, K. N., “Electrolytic<br />

Corrosion - <strong>Methods</strong> of Evaluating<br />

Materials Used in Tropical Service,” Transactions,<br />

Am. Inst. Electrical Engrs., Vol 64,<br />

June, 1945, p. 287.<br />

(6) Scottj A. H., “Anomalous Conductance Behavior<br />

in Polymers,” Report of the 1965<br />

Conference on Electrical Insulation, NRC-<br />

NAS.<br />

(7) Amey, W. G., and Hamberger, F., Jr., “A<br />

Method for Evaluating the Surface and Volume<br />

Resistance Characteristics of Solid Dielectric<br />

Materials,” Proceedings, Am. SOC.<br />

<strong>Test</strong>ing Mats., Vol49, 1949, pp. 1079-1091.<br />

(8) Witt, R. K., Chapman, J. J., and Raskin, B.<br />

L., “Measuring of Surface and Volume Resistance,”<br />

Modern Plastics, Vol 24, No. 8,<br />

April, 1947, p. 152.<br />

(9) Scott, A. H., “Insulation Resistance Measurements,”<br />

Fourth Electrical Insulation Conference,<br />

Washington, D.C., Feb. 19-22,<br />

1962.<br />

(10) Kline, G. M., Martin, A. R., and Crouse, W.<br />

A., “Sorption of Water by Plastics,” Proceedings,<br />

Am. SOC. <strong>Test</strong>ing Mats., Vol 40, 1940,<br />

pp. 1273-1282.<br />

(11) Greenfield, E. W ., “Insulation Resistance<br />

Measurements,” Electrical Engineering, Vol<br />

66. July, 1947, pp. 698-703.<br />

(12) Cole, K. S., and Cole, R. H., “Dispersion<br />

and Absorption in Dielectrics, I1 Direct Current<br />

Characteristics,” Journal of Chemical<br />

Physics, Vol 10, 1942.<br />

(13) Field, R. F., “Interpretation of Current-Time<br />

Curves as Applied to Insulation <strong>Test</strong>ing,”<br />

AIEE Boston District Meeting, April 19-20,<br />

1944.<br />

(14) Lauritzen, J. I., “The Effective Area of a<br />

Guarded Electrode ,” Annual Report, Conference<br />

on Electrical Insulation. NAS-NRC Publication<br />

1141, 1963.<br />

(15) Turner, E. F., Brancato, E. L., and Price,<br />

W., “The Measurement of Insulation Conductivity.”<br />

NRf, Report 5060, Naval Research<br />

Laboratory, Feb. 25, 1958.<br />

(16) Dorcas, D. S., and Scott, R. N., “Instrumentation<br />

for Measuring the D-C Conductivity of<br />

Very High Resistivity Materials,” Review of<br />

Scientific Instruments, Vol 35, No. 9, Sept.<br />

1964.<br />

(17) Endicott, H. S., “Insulation Resistance, Absorption,<br />

and Their Measurement,” Annual<br />

Report, Conference on Electrical Insulation,<br />

NAS-NRC Publication, 1958.<br />

(18) Occhini, E. and Maschio, G., “Electrical<br />

Characteristics of Oil-Im regnated Pa er as<br />

Insulation for HV-DC cagles,’? IEEE Runsactions<br />

on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol<br />

PAS-86, No. 3- March 1967.<br />

(19) Endicott, H. S., “Guard-Gap Correction for<br />


~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~<br />

Guarded-Electrode Measurements and Exact <strong>Test</strong>ing and Evaluation, JTEVA, Vol 4, No.<br />

Equations for the Two-Fluid Method of 3, May 1976, pp. 188-195.<br />

Measuring Permittivity and Loss," Journal of<br />

TABLE 1 Apparatus and Conditions for Use<br />

Reference<br />

Ohms Shunted<br />

Maximum Maximum by Insulation<br />

Ohms Ohms Type of<br />

Method<br />

Resistance from<br />

Detectable to<br />

Section Figure<br />

Measurement Guard to<br />

at 500 V<br />

Guarded<br />

500 V<br />

Electrode<br />

Voltmeter-ammeter (gal- X3.1 XI 10" 10" deflection 10 to I O<br />

vanometer)<br />

Comparison (galvanom- x3.4 x3<br />

IO" 10" deflection IO to 105<br />

eter)<br />

Voltmeter-ammeter (d-c<br />

amplification,<br />

trometer)<br />

elec-<br />

Comparison (Wheatstone<br />

bridge)<br />

Voltage rate-of-change<br />

Megohmmeter (typical)<br />

X3.2 X2(4<br />

(Position I)<br />

ma)<br />

(Position 2)<br />

X2(@<br />

XW)<br />

x3.5 x4<br />

x3.3 x5<br />

commercial instruments<br />

lol:l<br />

deflection<br />

10'8 deflection<br />

10'5 deflection<br />

1015 null<br />

1014 null<br />

ioi4<br />

deflection<br />

direct-reading<br />

io2 to io9<br />

102 to lo:'<br />

Io:' to IO"<br />

0 (effective)<br />

lo5 to 106<br />

unguarded<br />

io4 to ioi0<br />

TABLE 2<br />

Calculation of Resistivity or Conductivity'<br />

Type of Electrodes or<br />

Specimen<br />

Volume Resistivity, 0-cm<br />

Volume Conductivity, SI<br />

cm<br />

t<br />

7. = - G,<br />

A<br />

Circular (Fig. 4)<br />

Rectangular<br />

Square<br />

Tubes (Fig. 6)<br />

Cables<br />

2rrLR.,<br />

A = (a + g) (b + g)<br />

A = (a + g)'<br />

A = mDo(L + g)<br />

Dz<br />

In- Dl<br />

yr = -<br />

~TLR,.<br />

Surface Resistivity, 0<br />

Surface Conductivity, S<br />

(per square)<br />

(per square)<br />

P<br />

g<br />

Pa = -R,<br />

7s = -Gs<br />

g<br />

P<br />

Circular (Fig. 4)<br />

P = WDO<br />

Rectangular<br />

P = 2(a b + 2g)<br />

Square<br />

P = 4(a + g)<br />

Tubes (Figs. 6 and 7)<br />

P=2nDZ<br />

Nomenclature:<br />

A = the effective area of the measuring electrode for the particular arrangement employed,<br />

P = the effective perimeter of the guarded electrode for the particular arrangement employed,<br />

R, = measured volume resistance in ohms,<br />

G, = measured volume conductance in siemens,<br />

R, = measured surface resistance in ohms,<br />

G, = measured surface conductance in siemens,<br />

t = average thickness of the specimen,<br />

Do, D1, Dp, g, L = dimensions indicated in Figs. 4 and 6 (see Appendix X2 for correction tog ),<br />

a, b, = lengths of the sides of rectangular electrodes, and<br />

In = natural logarithm.<br />

All dimensions are in centimetres.<br />


1<br />

64"<br />

Metd Support<br />

and Guard.<br />

Side View<br />

Brass, Copper, or<br />

Stainless Steel<br />

Electrodes<br />

II<br />

!! ! I<br />

1 .<br />

I :<br />

II<br />

..<br />

Methacrylate<br />

End View<br />

FIG. 2 Strip Electrodes for Tapes md Flat, Solid Specimens<br />


-+--<br />

I<br />

I<br />

-+--<br />

25mm min.<br />

I<br />

--<br />

-25mm mln.<br />

- c<br />

E<br />

E<br />

0<br />

N<br />

E<br />

-<br />

Y<br />

0<br />

N I<br />

c<br />

z<br />

E<br />

- 1 0<br />

N<br />

I<br />

A. Plate Specimen<br />

25mmmh-1-25*1 --<br />

mm-, 25mm min.<br />

I<br />

I.D. 20mm min.<br />

.-<br />

8. Tube Specimen<br />

O.D. 20mm min.<br />

C. Rod Specimen<br />

Use Pratt 8 Whitney No.3 Taper Pins<br />

FIG. 3 Taper-PinElectmdes<br />


FIG. 4<br />

Electrode<br />

Volume Resistivity g Z 21 Surface Resistivity<br />

Fht Specimen for Measuring Volume and Surface Resistances or Conductances<br />

\ r..<br />

Specimen<br />

ttrr.<br />

Detoil<br />

NOTE: Gution--See 6. I .8<br />

FIG. SA Mercury Electrodes for Flat, Solid Specimens<br />


Cell Material: Polystyrene.<br />

TFE-Fluorocarbon, or/<br />

, I Poly(nethy1 methacrylate)<br />

I I I<br />

22" 122 mm - Drill for 6-32<br />

1<br />

Flat-head Screws<br />

/- 7 I" drill<br />

SPecimen<br />

I<br />

I<br />

NOTE: C.utiolc--see 6. I .8<br />

FIG. 5B Mercury Cell for Thin Sheet Matdl<br />

Electrode N&- D 2 --I L t<br />

= (Dl + 9)/2 L > 41 g S 2t Volume Resistivity g h 2t Surface Resistivity<br />

FIG. 6 Tubular Specimen for Measuring Volume and Surface Resistances or Conductances<br />


D 257<br />

.i<br />

25mmmin. - lOO* I mm - 25mmmin.<br />

A-Plate<br />

Specimen<br />

B-Tube<br />

or Rod Specimen<br />

FIG. 7 Conducting-Paint Electrodes<br />


(Nonmandatory Information)<br />



X1.l Inherent Variation in Materials -Because<br />

of the variability of the resistance of a given specimen<br />

under similar test conditions and the nonuniformity<br />

of the same material from specimen to<br />

specimen, determinations are usually not reproducible<br />

to closer than 10 % and often are even more<br />

widely divergent (a range of values of 10 to 1 may<br />

be obtained under apparently identical conditionsj.<br />

X1.2 Temperature -The resistance of electrical<br />

insulating materials is known to change with temperature,<br />

and the variation often can be represented<br />

by a function of the form: (18)<br />

R = BemlT<br />

(XI 1<br />

where:<br />

R = resistance (or resistivity) of an insulating material<br />

or system,<br />

B = proportionality constant,<br />

m = activation constant, and<br />

T = absolute temperature in kelvin (K).<br />

This equation is a simplified form of the Arrhenius<br />

equation relating the activation energy of a chemical<br />

reaction to the absolute temperature; and the<br />

Boltzmann principle, a general law dealing with the<br />

statistical distribution of energy among large numbers<br />

of minute particles subject to thermal agitation.<br />

The activation constant, m, has a value that is<br />

characteristic of a particular energy absorption<br />

process. Several such processes may exist within the<br />

material, each with a different effective temperature<br />

range, so that several values of m would be<br />

needed to fully characterize the material. These<br />

values of m can be determined experimentally by<br />

plotting the natural logarithm of resistance against<br />

the reciprocal of the absolute temperature. The<br />

desired values of m are obtained from such a plot<br />

by measuring the slopes of the straight-line sections<br />

of the plot. This derives from Eq (l), for its follows<br />

that by taking the natural logarithm of both sides:<br />

1<br />

In R = In B + m T -<br />

The change in resistance (or resistivity) corresponding<br />

to a change in absolute temperature from TI to<br />

T2, based on Eq 1, and expressed in logarithmic<br />

form, is:<br />


(X3)<br />

These e uations are valid over a temperature range<br />

In (R2/R1) = m (; - 4) (s)<br />

= m<br />

only if t B e material does not undergo a transition<br />

within this temperature range. Extrapolations are<br />

seldom safe since transitions are seldom obvious or<br />

predictable. As a corollary, deviation of a plot of<br />

the logarithm of R against 1/T from a straight line is<br />

evidence that a transition is occurring. Furthermore,<br />

in making comparisons between materials, it<br />

is essential that measurements be made over the<br />

entire range of interest for all materials.<br />

NOTE X1 -The resistance of an electrical insulating<br />

material may be affected by the time of<br />

temperature exposure. Therefore, equivalent temperature<br />

conditioning periods are essentially for<br />

comparative measurements.<br />

NOTE X2 -If the insulating material shows signs<br />

of deterioration after conditioning at elevated temperature<br />

conditioning periods are essential for comparative<br />

measurements.<br />

X1.3 Temperature and Humidity -The insulation<br />

resistance of solid dielectric materials decreases<br />

both with increasing temperature as described in<br />

X1.2 and with increasing humidity (1, 2, 3, 4).<br />

Volume resistance is particularly sensitive to temperature<br />

changes, while surface resistance changes<br />

widely and very rapidly with humidity changes (2,<br />

3). In both cases the change is exponential. For<br />

some materials a change from 25 to 100°C may<br />

change insulation resistance or conductance by a<br />

factor of 100 000, often due to the combined<br />

effects of temperature and moisture content<br />

chan e; the effect of temperature change alone is<br />

usua f ly much smaller. A change from 25 to 90 %<br />

relative humidity may change insulation resistance<br />

or conductance by as much as a factor of 1 000 000<br />

or more. Insulation resistance or conductance is a<br />

function of both the volume and surface resistance<br />

or conductance of the specimen, and surface resistance<br />

changes almost instantaneously with change of<br />

relative humidity. It is, therefore, absolutely essential<br />

to maintain both temperature and relative humidity<br />

within close limits during the conditioning<br />

period and to make the insulation resistance or<br />

conductance measurements in the specified conditioning<br />

environment. Another point not to be overlooked<br />

is that at relative humidities above 90 %,<br />

surface condensation may result from inadvertant<br />

fluctuations in humidity or temperature produced<br />

by the conditioning system. This problem can be<br />

avoided by the use of equivalent absolute humidity<br />

at a slightly higher temperature, as equilibrium<br />

moisture content remains nearly the same for a<br />

small temperature change. In determining the effect<br />

of humidity on volume resistance or conductance,<br />

extended periods of conditioning are required, since<br />

the absorption of water into the body of the dielectric<br />

is a relatively slow process (10). Some specimens<br />

require months to come to equilibrium. When<br />

such long periods of conditioning are prohibitive,<br />

use of thinner specimens or comparative measurements<br />

near equilibrium may be reasonable alternatives,<br />

but the details must be included in the test<br />

report.<br />

X1.4 Time of Electrification -Measurement of a<br />

dielectric material is not fundamentally different<br />

from that of a conductor except that an additional<br />

96<br />

D 257<br />

parameter, time of electrification, (and in some<br />

cases the voltage gradient) is involved. The relationship<br />

between the applied voltage and the current<br />

is involved in both cases. For dielectric materials,<br />

the standard resistance placed in series with<br />

the unknown resistance must have a relatively low<br />

value, so that essentially full voltage will be applied<br />

across the unknown resistance. When a potential<br />

difference is applied to a specimen, the current<br />

through it generally decreases asymptotically toward<br />

a limiting value which may be less than 0.01<br />

of the current observed at the end of 1 min (9,ll).<br />

This decrease of current with time is due to dielectric<br />

absorption (interfacial polarization, volume<br />

charge, etc.) and the sweep of mobile ions to the<br />

electrodes. In general, the relation of current and<br />

time is of the form I(t) = after the initial<br />

charge is completed and until the true leakage<br />

current becomes a significant factor (12, 13). In<br />

this relation A is a constant, numerically the current<br />

at unit time, and m usually, but not always, has a<br />

value between 0 and 1. Depending upon the characteristics<br />

of the specimen material, the time required<br />

for the current to decrease to within 1 % of<br />

this minimum value may be from a few seconds to<br />

many hours. Thus, in order to ensure that measurements<br />

on a given material will be com arable, it is<br />

necessary to specify the time of electri P ication. The<br />

conventional arbitrary time of electrification has<br />

been 1 min. For some materials, misleading conclusions<br />

may be drawn from the test results obtained<br />

at this arbitrary time. A resistance-time or conductance-time<br />

curve should be obtained under the conditions<br />

of test for a given material as a basis for<br />

selection of a suitable time of electrification, which<br />

must be specified in the test method for that material,<br />

or such curves should be used for comparative<br />

purposes. Occasionally, a material will be found for<br />

which the current increases with time. In this case<br />

either the time curves must be used or a special<br />

study undertaken, and arbitrary decisions made as<br />

to the time of electrification.<br />

X 1.5 Magnitude of Voltage:<br />

X1.5.1 Both volume and surface resistance or<br />

conductance of a specimen may be voltage-sensitive<br />

(4). In that case, it is necessary that the same<br />

voltage gradient be used if measurements on similar<br />

specimens are to be comparable. Also, the applied<br />

voltage should be within at least 5 % of the specified<br />

voltage. This is a separate requirement from<br />

that given in X1.7.3, which discusses voltage regulation<br />

and stability where appreciable specimen<br />

capacitance is involved.<br />

X1.5.2 Commonly specified test voltages to be<br />

applied to the complete specimen are 100, 250,<br />

500,1000,2500,5000,10 000 and 15 000 V. Of<br />

these, the most frequently used are 100 and 500 V.<br />

The higher voltages are used either to study the<br />

voltage-resistance or voltage-conductance characteristics<br />

of materials (to make tests at or near the<br />

operating voltage gradients), or to increase the<br />

sensitivity of measurement.<br />

X1.5.3 Specimen resistance or conductance of<br />

some materials may, depending upon the moisture<br />

content, be affected by the polarity of the applied<br />

voltage. This effect, caused by electrolysis or ionic<br />

migration, or both, particularly in the presence of<br />

nonuniform fields, may be particularly noticeable in<br />

insulation configurations such as those found in<br />

cables where the test-voltage gradient is greater at

D 257<br />

the inner conductor than at the outer surface.<br />

Where electrolysis or ionic migration does exist in<br />

specimens, the electrical resistance will be lower<br />

when the smaller test electrode is made negative<br />

with respect to the larger. In such cases, the polarity<br />

of the applied voltage shall be specified according<br />

to the requirements of the specimen under test.<br />

X1.6 Contour of Specimen:<br />

X1.6.1 The measured value of the insulation<br />

resistance or conductance of a specimen results<br />

from the composite effect of its volume and surface<br />

resistances or conductances. Since the relative values<br />

of the components vary from material to material,<br />

comparison of different materials by the use of<br />

the electrode systems of Figs. 1, 2, and 3 is generally<br />

inconclusive. There is no assurance that, if<br />

material A has a higher insulation resistance than<br />

material B as measured by the use of one of these<br />

electrode systems, it will also have a higher resistance<br />

than B in the application for which it is<br />

intended.<br />

X1.6.2 It is possible to devise specimen and<br />

electrode configurations suitable for the separate<br />

evaluation of the volume resistance or conductance<br />

and the approximate surface resistance or conductance<br />

of the same specimen. In general, this requires<br />

at least three electrodes so arranged that one may<br />

select electrode pairs for which the resistance or<br />

conductance measured is primarily that of either a<br />

volume current path or a surface current path, not<br />

both (7).<br />

X1.7 Deficiencies in the Measuring Circuit:<br />

X1.7.1 The insulation resistance of many solid<br />

dielectric specimens is extremely high at standard<br />

laboratory conditions, approaching or exceeding<br />

the maximum measurable limits given in Table 1.<br />

Unless extreme care is taken with the insulation of<br />

the measuring circuit, the values obtained are more<br />

a measure of apparatus limitations than of the<br />

material itself. Thus errors in the measurement of<br />

the specimen may arise from undue shunting of the<br />

specimen, reference resistors, or the current-measuring<br />

device, by leakage resistances or conductances<br />

of unknown, and possibly variable, magnitude.<br />

X1.7.2 Electrolytic, contact, or thermal emf's<br />

may exist in the measuring circuit itself; or spurious<br />

emf's may be caused by leakage from external<br />

sources. Thermal emf's are normally insignificant<br />

except in the low resistance circuit of a galvanometer<br />

and shunt. When thermal emf's are present,<br />

random drifts in the galvanometer zero occur. Slow<br />

drifts due to air currents may be troublesome.<br />

Electrolytic emf's are usually associated with moist<br />

specimens and dissimilar metals, but emf's of 20<br />

mV or more can be obtained in the guard circuit of<br />

a high-resistance detector when pieces of the same<br />

metal are in contact with moist specimens. If a<br />

voltage is applied between the guard and the<br />

guarded electrodes a polarization emf may remain<br />

after the voltage is removed. True contact emf's can<br />

be detected only with an electrometer and are not a<br />

source of error. The term "spurious emf'' is sometimes<br />

applied to electrolytic emf's. To ensure the<br />

absence of spurious emf's of whatever origin, the<br />

deflection of the detecting device should be observed<br />

before the application of voltage to the<br />

specimen and after the voltage has been removed.<br />

If the two deflections are the same, or nearly the<br />

same, a correction can be made to the measured<br />

resistance or conductance, provided the correction<br />

is small. If the deflections differ widely, or approach<br />

the deflection of the measurement, it will be necessary<br />

to find and eliminate the source of the spurious<br />

emf (5). Capacitance changes in the connecting<br />

shielded cables can cause serious difficulties.<br />

X1.7.3 Where appreciable specimen capacitance<br />

is involved, both the regulation and transient<br />

stability of the applied voltage should be such that<br />

resistance or conductance measurements can be<br />

made to prescribed accuracy. Short-time transients,<br />

as well as relatively long-time drifts in the applied<br />

voltage may cause spurious capacitive charge and<br />

discharge currents which can significantly affect the<br />

accuracy of measurement. In the case of currentmeasuring<br />

methods particularly, this can be a serious<br />

problem. The current in the measuring instrument<br />

due to a voltage transient is Zo = C,dV/dt.<br />

The amplitude and rate of pointer excursions depend<br />

upon the following factors:<br />

X1.7.3.1 The capacitance of the specimen,<br />

X1.7.3.2 The magnitude of the current being<br />

measured,<br />

X1.7.3.3 The magnitude and duration of the<br />

incoming voltage transient, and its rate of change,<br />

X1.7.3.4 The ability of the stabilizing circuit<br />

used to provide a constant voltage with incoming<br />

transients of various characteristics, and<br />

X1.7.3.5 The time-constant of the complete test<br />

circuit as compared to the period and damping of<br />

the current-measuring instrument.<br />

X1.7.4 Changes of range of a current-measuring<br />

instrument may introduce a current transient. When<br />

R, 4 R, and C, 6 C,, the equation of this transient<br />

is<br />

z = (V~/R,)[Z - e~'/~m',] (X4)<br />

where:<br />

Vo = applied voltage,<br />

R, = apparent resistance of the specimen,<br />

R, = effective input resistance of the measuring<br />

instrument,<br />

C, = capacitance of the specimen at 1000 Hz,<br />

C, = input capacitance of the measuring instrument,<br />

and<br />

t = time after R, is switched into the circuit.<br />

For not more than 5 % error due to this transient,<br />

R,C, 5 tl3 (X5)<br />

Microammeters employing feedback are usually<br />

free of this source of error as the actual input<br />

resistance is divided, effectively, by the amount of<br />

feedback, usuaiiy at least by i000.<br />

X1.8 Residual Charge-In X1.4 it was pointed<br />

out that tlfe current continues for a long time after<br />

the application of a potential difference to the<br />

electrodes. Conversely, current will continue for a<br />

long time after the electrodes of a charged specimen<br />

are connected together. It should be established<br />

that the test specimen is completely discharged<br />

before attempting the first measurement, a repeat<br />

measurement, a measurement of volume resistance<br />

following a measurement of surface resistance, or a<br />

measurement with reversed voltage (9). The time<br />

of discharge before making a measurement should<br />

be at least four times any previous charging time.<br />

The specimen electrodes should be connected together<br />

until the measurement is to be made to<br />


D 257<br />

prevent any build-up of charge from the surroundings.<br />

X 1.9 Guarding:<br />

X1.9.1 Guarding depends on interposing, in all<br />

critical insulated paths, guard conductors which<br />

intercept all stray currents that might otherwise<br />

cause errors. The guard conductors are connected<br />

together, constituting the guard system and forming,<br />

with the measuring terminals, a three-terminal<br />

network. When suitable connections are made,<br />

stray currents from spurious external voltages are<br />

shunted away from the measuring circuit by the<br />

guard system.<br />

X 1.9.2 Proper use of the guard system for the methods<br />

involving current measurement is illustrated in<br />

Figs. XI.1 to X1.3, inclusive, where the guard system<br />

is shown connected to the junction of the voltage source<br />

and current-measuring instrument or standard resistor.<br />

In Fig. X1.4 for the Wheatstone-bridge method, the<br />

guard system is shown connected to the junction of the<br />

two lower-valued-resistance arms. In all cases, to be<br />

effective, guarding must be complete, and must include<br />

any controls operated by the observer in making the<br />

measurement. The guard system is generally maintained<br />

at a potential close to that of the guarded ter-<br />

minal, but insulated from it. This is because, among<br />

other things, the resistance of many insulating materials<br />

is voltage-dependent. Otherwise, the direct resistances<br />

or conductances of a three-terminal network are independent<br />

of the electrode potentials. It is usual to ground<br />

the guard system and hence one side of the voltage<br />

source and current-measuring device. This places both<br />

terminals of the specimen above ground. Sometimes,<br />

one terminal of the specimen is permanently grounded.<br />

The current-measuring device usually is then connected<br />

to this terminal, requiring that the voltage source be<br />

well insulated from ground.<br />

X1.9.3 Errors in current measurements may result<br />

from the fact that the current-measuring device<br />

is shunted by the resistance or conductance between<br />

the guarded terminal and the guard system. This<br />

resistance should be at least 10 to 100 times the<br />

input resistance of the current measuring device. In<br />

some bridge techniques, the guard and measuring<br />

terminals are brought to nearly the same potentials,<br />

but a standard resistor in the bridge IS shunted<br />

between the unguarded terminal and the guard<br />

system. This resistance should be at least 1000<br />

times that of the reference resistor.<br />

I<br />

I I Ayrtori Shunt<br />

FIG. X1.1<br />

Voltmeter-Ammeter Method Using<br />

a Galvanometer.<br />


I<br />

'/<br />

(a)Normal Use of Amplifier and Indicating Meter<br />

'1<br />

I<br />

Voltmeter<br />

L<br />

(b) Amplifier and Indicating Meter os Null Detector<br />

I I I I<br />

-<br />

I<br />

FIG. X1.3 Comparison Method<br />

Using a Galvanometer<br />

I<br />

FIG. X1.2 Voltmeter-Ammeter Method<br />

Using D-C Amplification<br />

I 1<br />

-<br />

I V X iRN<br />

Detector<br />

FIG. X1.4 Comparison Method Using<br />

a Wheatstone Bridge<br />


X2.1 General -Calculation of volume resistivity<br />

from the measured volume resistance involves the<br />

quantity A, the effective area of the guarded electrode.<br />

Depending on the material properties and<br />

the electrode configuration, A differs from the<br />

actual area of the guarded electrode for either, or<br />

both, of the following reasons.<br />

X2.1.1 Fringing of the lines of current in the<br />

region of the electrode edges may effectively increase<br />

the electrode dimensions.<br />

X2.1.2 If plane electrodes are not parallel, or if<br />

tubular electrodes are not coaxial, the current density<br />

in the specimen will not be uniform, and an<br />

error may result. This error is usually small and<br />

may be ignored.<br />

X2.2 Fringing:<br />

X2.2.1 If the specimen material is homogeneous and<br />

isotropic, fringing effectively extends the guarded elec-<br />

trode edge by an amount (14,19):<br />

and g and t are the dimensions indicated in Figs. 4 and<br />

6. The correction may also be written<br />

g[1 - P W I = Bg (X7)<br />

where B is the fraction of the gap width to be added<br />

to the diameter of circular electrodes or to the<br />

dimensions of rectangular or cylindrical electrodes.<br />

X2.2.2 Laminated materials, however, are<br />

somewhat anisotropic after volume absorption of<br />

moisture. Volume resistivity parallel to the laminations<br />

is then lower than that in the perpendicular<br />

direction, and the fringing effect is increased. With<br />


D 257<br />

such moist laminates, 6 ap roaches zero, and the<br />

guarded electrode effective! extends to the center<br />

of the gap between guarded and unguarded electrodes<br />

(14).<br />

X2.2.3 The fraction of the gap width g to be<br />

added to the diameter of circular electrodes or to<br />

the electrode dimensions of rectangular or cylindrical<br />

electrodes, B, as determined by above equation<br />

for 6, is as follows:<br />

glt B glt B<br />

0.1 0.96 1.0 0.64<br />

0.2 0.92 1.2 0.59<br />

0.3 0.88 1.5 0.51<br />

0.4 0.85 2.0 0.41<br />

0.5 0.81 2.5 0.34<br />

0.6 0.77 3.0 0.29<br />

0.8 0.71<br />

NOTE X3 -The symbol “In” designates loga-<br />

rithm to the base e = 2.718. . . . When g is<br />

approximately equal to 2t, 6 is determined with<br />

sufficient approximation by the equation:<br />

6 = 0.586t<br />

NOTE X4-For tests on thin films when t

D 257<br />

is connected as shown, to include the potentiometer in<br />

the measuring circuit. When connections are made. in<br />

this manner, no resistance is placed in the measunng<br />

circuit at balance and thus no voltage drop appears<br />

between the measuring electrode and the guard electrode.<br />

However, a steeply increasing fraction of R, is<br />

included in the measuring circuit, as the potentiometer<br />

is moved off balance. Any alternating voltage appearing<br />

across the specimen resistance is amplified by the net<br />

amplifier gain. The amplifier may be either a direct<br />

voltage amplifier or an alternating voltage amplifier<br />

provided with input and output converters. Induced<br />

alternating voltages across the specimen often are sufficiently<br />

troublesome that a resistance-capacitance filter<br />

preceding the amplifier is required. The input resistance<br />

of this filter should be at least 100 times greater than<br />

the effect resistance that is placed in the measurement<br />

circuit by resistance R,.<br />

X3.2.4 The resistance R,, or the conductance, G,, is<br />

calculated as follows:<br />

R, = l/Gx = V,/Ix = (V,/V,)R, (X9)<br />

where:<br />

V, = applied voltage,<br />

I, = specimen current,<br />

R, = standard resistance, and<br />

V, = voltage drop across R,, indicated by the amplifier<br />

output meter, the electrometer or the calibrated<br />

potentiometer.<br />

X3.3 Voltage Rate-of-Change Method:<br />

X3.3. I If the specimen capacitance is relatively<br />

large, or capacitors are to be measured, the apparent<br />

resistant, R,, can be determined from the charging<br />

voltage, Vo, the specimen capacitance value, CO (capacitance<br />

of C, at 1000 Hz), and the rate-of-change of<br />

voltage, dV/dt, using the circuit of Fig. X3.1 (17). To<br />

make a measurement the specimen is charged by closing<br />

Sz,with the electrometer shorting switch SI closed.<br />

When SI is subsequently opened, the voltage across the<br />

specimen will fall because the leakage and absorption<br />

currents must then be supplied by the capacitance Co<br />

rather than by Vo. The drop in voltage across the<br />

specimen will be shown by the electrometer. If a recorder<br />

is connected to the output of the electrometer,<br />

the rate of change of voltage, dV/dt, can be read from<br />

the recorder trace at any desired time after SZ is closed<br />

(60 s usually specified). Alternatively, the voltage, AV,<br />

appearing on the electrometer in a time, At, can be<br />

used. Since this gives an average of the rate-of-change<br />

of voltage during At, the time Al should be centered at<br />

the specified electrification time (time since closing Sz).<br />

X3.3.2 If the input resistance of the electrometer<br />

is greater than the apparent specimen resistance<br />

and the input capacitance is 0.01 or less of that of<br />

the specimen, the apparent resistance at the time ai<br />

which dV/dt or AV/& is determined is<br />

R, = Vo/I, = Vodt/CodV, or, Vo&/C0AV, (X10)<br />

depending on whether or not a recorder is used.<br />

When the electrometer input resistance or capacitance<br />

cannot be ignored or when V , is more than a<br />

small fraction of Vo the complete equation should<br />

be used.<br />

where:<br />

C, = capacitance of C, at 1000 Hz,<br />

R, = input resistance of the electrometer,<br />

C, = input capacitance of the electrometer,<br />

Vo = applied voltage, and<br />

V, = electrometer reading = voltage decrease on<br />

c,<br />

X3.4 Comparison Method Using a Galvanometer<br />

or D-C Amplifier (I):<br />

X3.4.1 A standard resistance, R,, and a galvanometer<br />

or d-c amplifier are connected to the<br />

voltage source and to the test specimen as shown in<br />

Fig. X3. The galvanometer and its associated Ayrton<br />

shunt is the same as described in X3.1.1. An<br />

amplifier of equivalent direct current sensitivity<br />

with an appropriate indicator may be used in place<br />

of the galvanometer. It is convenient, but not<br />

necessary, and not desirable if batteries are used as<br />

the voltage source (unless a high-input resistance<br />

voltmeter is used), to connect a voltmeter across<br />

the source for a continuous check of its voltage.<br />

The switch is provided for shorting the unknown<br />

resistance in the process of measurement. Sometimes<br />

provision is made to short either the unknown<br />

or standard resistance but not both at the same<br />

time.<br />

X3.4.2 In general, it is preferable to leave the<br />

standard resistance in the circuit st all times to<br />

prevent damage to the current measuring instrument<br />

in case of specimen failure. With the shunt set<br />

to the least sensitive position and with the switch<br />

open, the voltage is applied. The Ayrton shunt is<br />

then adjusted to give as near maximum scale reading<br />

as possible. At the end of the electrification<br />

time the deflection, d,, and the shunt ratio, F,, are<br />

noted. The shunt is then set to the least sensitive<br />

position and the switch is closed to short the unknown<br />

resistance. Again the shunt is adjusted to<br />

give as near maximum scale reading as possible and<br />

the galvanometer or meter deflection, d,, and the<br />

shunt ratio, F,, are noted. It is assumed that the<br />

current sensitivities of the galvanometer or amplifier<br />

are equal for nearly equal deflections d, and d,.<br />

X3.4.3 The unknown resistance, R,, or conductance,<br />

G,, is calculated as follows:<br />

R, = l/C, = R,[(d,F,/d,F,) - 13 (X12)<br />

where:<br />

F, and F,= ratios of the total current to the galvanometer<br />

or d-c amplifier with Ri in<br />

the circuit, and shorted, respectively.<br />

X3.4.4 In case R, is shorted when R, is in the<br />

circuit or the ratio of F, to F, is greater than 100,<br />

the value of R, or C, is computed as follows:<br />

R, = 1/G, = R (d,F, /d,F,) (XI31<br />

X3.5 Comparison <strong>Methods</strong> Using a Wheatstone<br />

-<br />

Bridge (2):<br />

X3.5.1 The test specimen is connected into one arm<br />

of a Wheatstone bridge as shown in Fig. X1.4. The<br />

three known arms shall be of as high resistance as<br />

practicable, limited by the errors inherent in such resistors.<br />

Usually, the lowest resistance, RA, is used for<br />

convenient balance adjustment, with either RB or RN<br />

being changed in decade steps. The detector shall be a<br />

d-c amplifier, with an input resistance high compared<br />

to any of these arms.<br />

X3.5.2 The unknown resistance, R,, or conductance,<br />

G,, is calculated as follows:<br />

R, = I/G, = R&v/RA<br />

(X14)<br />


D 257<br />

where RA, RB, and RN are as shown in Fig. XI .4. When<br />

arm A is a rheostat, its dial can be calibrated to read<br />

directly in megohms after multiplying by the factor<br />

RBRN which for convenience, can be varied in decade<br />

steps.<br />

X3.6 Recordings-it is possible to record continuously<br />

against time the values of the unknown resistance<br />

or the corresponding value of current at a known<br />

voltage. Generally, this is accomplished by an adaptation<br />

of the voltmeter-ammeter method, using d-c amplification<br />

(X3.2). The zero drift of direct coupled d-c<br />

amplifiers, while slow enough for the measurements of<br />

X3.2, may be too fast for continuous recording. This<br />

problem can be resolved by periodic checks of the zero,<br />

or by using an a-c amplifier with input and output<br />

converter. The indicating meter of Fig. X 1.2(a) can be<br />

replaced by a recording milliammeter or millivoltmeter<br />

as appropriate for the amplifier used. The recorder may<br />

be either the deflection type or the null-balance type,<br />

the latter usually having a smaller error. Null-balancetype<br />

recorders also can be employed to perform the<br />

function of automatically adjusting the potentiometer<br />

shown in Fig. XI .2(b) and thereby indicating and recording<br />

the quantity under measurement. The characteristics<br />

of amplifier, recorder balancing mechanism,<br />

and potentiometer can be made such as to constitute a<br />

well integrated, stable, electromechanical, feedback sys-<br />

tem of high sensitivity and low error. Such systems also<br />

can be arranged with the potentiometer fed from the<br />

same source of stable voltage as the specimen, thereby<br />

eliminating the voltmeter error, and allowing a sensitivity<br />

and precision comparable with those of the Wheatstone-Bridge<br />

Method (X3.5).<br />

X3.7 Direct-Reading Instruments -There are<br />

available, and in general use, instruments that<br />

indicate resistance directly, by a determination of<br />

the ratio of voltage and current in bridge methods<br />

or related modes. Some units incorporate various<br />

advanced features and refinements such as digital<br />

readout. Most direct reading instruments are selfcontained,<br />

portable, and comprise a stable d-c<br />

power supply with multi-test voltage capability, a<br />

null detector or an indicator, and all relevant auxiliaries.<br />

Measurement accuracies vary somewhat<br />

with type of equipment and range of resistances<br />

covered; for the more elaborate instruments accuracies<br />

are comparable to those obtained with the<br />

voltmeter-ammeter method using a galvanometer<br />

(X3.1). The direct-reading instruments do not necessarily<br />

supplant any of the other typical measurement<br />

methods described in this Appendix, but do<br />

offer simplicity and convenience for both routine<br />

and investigative resistance measurements.<br />

FIG. X3.1 Voltage Rate-of-Chenge Method<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights. and the risk of infiingement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


4[Tb Designation: D 332 - 80<br />

An American National Standard<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 332; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This tiiethod hos been opprowdfor use he ugencies of the Deportment of Defense IO replace Method 4222 of Fedrrol Te.st Method<br />

Stundurd No. 141A und for listing in the DoD Index of Specijicotions ond Stondords.<br />

1. scope<br />

I. I This method is intended to be used only<br />

for comparing a sample of the pigment to be<br />

tested with a reference standard of the same<br />

type and grade.<br />

1.2 This method utilizes visual assessment to<br />

evaluate the results. ASTM Method D 2745,<br />

<strong>Test</strong> for Instrumental Tinting Strength of<br />

White Pigments,' covers a more precise procedure<br />

based on instrumental measurement of<br />

reflectance of tinted pastes.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard<br />

D262 Specification for Ultramarine Blue<br />

Pigmen t2<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3. I Balance, laboratory-type, sensitive to 0.1<br />

mg, equipped with a counter- balanced watch<br />

glass.<br />

3.2 Buret, I-mL capacity, stopcock controlled.<br />

graduated in 0. I-ml divisions, or other<br />

suitable dispensing apparatus with a delivery<br />

accurate to 0.05 mL.<br />

3.3 Glass Muller-A weighted glass muller<br />

with beveled edge having a total weight of 15<br />

Ib (6.8 kg) and a grinding face of from 2?'4 to 3<br />

in. (70 to 76 mm) in diameter. The face shall<br />

be free of blowholes and other imperfections<br />

and kept roughened by lightly grinding with<br />

No. 303 optical emery, or its equivalent, and<br />

turpentine.<br />

3.4 Rubbing Suqace- A ground glass plate,<br />

at least 14 by 20 in. (355 by 510 mm), the<br />

surface of which is kept roughened by lightly<br />

grinding with No. 303 optical emery, or its<br />

equivalent, and turpentine.<br />

3.5 Automatic Muller, auto ma ti^,^ equipped<br />

with a weight that exerts a permanent 50-lbf<br />

(220-N) force and an additional weight exerting<br />

a 50-lbf making a total of 100-lbf (445-N). The<br />

two glass plates shall be kept sharp by removing<br />

from the machine and grinding them face-toface<br />

with No. 303 optical emery or equivalent,<br />

and water.<br />

3.6 Spatula-A flexible spatula having a<br />

chromium-plated or plastic blade 3 to 6 in. (75<br />

to 150 mm) long.<br />

3.7 Panels of bright tin, glass, or white-lacquered<br />

cardboard.<br />

3.8 Scraper-A French scraper or stiff scraping<br />

knife having a blade that is about 3 or 4 in.<br />

(75 to 100 mm) wide with a straight edge.<br />

4. Materials<br />

4. I Tinting Material-Ultramarine blue conforming<br />

to Specification D262 or a grade<br />

agreed upon by the purchaser and the seller.<br />

4.2 Oil-Refined linseed oil with an acid<br />

number of approximately 4.<br />

5. Reference Standard<br />

5.1 A standard white pigment of the same<br />

:ype and grade as the sample !o be tested, as<br />

agreed upon by the purchaser and the seller.<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is the<br />

direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.26 on Optical Prop<br />

erties.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 1,1980. Published November<br />

1980. Originally published as D 332 - 3 I T. Last previous edition<br />

D 332-64 (1975).<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 06.02.<br />

A satisfactory muller is supplied by the Hoover Color Corp.,<br />

I3 Cordier St. Irvington. N.J. 07 I 1 I .<br />


6. Procedure A-Glass Muller<br />

6.1 Weigh exactly 2 g of the reference standard<br />

white pigment and the amount of ultramarine<br />

blue listed in Table 1. Transfer the<br />

weighed portions of white and blue pigments<br />

to the ground-glass plate. Add the amount of<br />

oil specified in Table I from the buret (Note).<br />

Be sure to allow the buret to drain to its true<br />

level because variations in the amount of oil<br />

decrease the accuracy of the test. Work the<br />

pigments and oil into a paste with the spatula;<br />

then rub up the paste with the glass muller,<br />

spreading it over an area 3 to 4 in. (75 to 100<br />

mm) wide and from 12 to 15 in. (305 to 380<br />

mm) long. In counting the rubs, one stroke up<br />

and one stroke back is considered one rub.<br />

Allow the muller to travel up one side and back<br />

the other side, twisting it slightly at the top and<br />

bottom of each stroke. After each 25 rubs with<br />

the muller, “pick up” the paste with the spatula<br />

by scraping the face of the muller and gathering<br />

the paste on the slab into a mound. Repeat<br />

until the paste has been given 100 rubs.<br />

NOTE I-Where the resulting paste is too fluid or<br />

too thick for mulling, adjust the quantity of oil to<br />

give a workable paste and prepare a new paste,<br />

mulling as before. Report the amount of oil used.<br />

6.2 Treat 2 g of the sample in exactly the<br />

same manner as prescribed in 6.1 for the reference<br />

standard, using the same amount of<br />

tinting material and oil.<br />

6.3 Spread the pastes of the reference standard<br />

and the sample in parallel contiguous rectangular<br />

areas on the panel, each about I in.<br />

(25 mm) wide and 2 in. (50 mm) long. Use the<br />

scraper to smooth the surface of the pastes<br />

(here called “draw-downs”) by drawing the<br />

scraper lightly over the pastes to give a straight<br />

and even line of contact between them. Keep<br />

the drawn-downs sufficiently thick to obscure<br />

the panel.<br />

6.4 Immediately examine the draw-downs of<br />

the two pastes, on the top side only, for relative<br />

lightness of tint. If the sample is lighter than<br />

the reference standard it has greater tinting<br />

strength. If the sample differs appreciably from<br />

the reference standard in lightness of tint, and<br />

if a numerical rating is desired, prepare other<br />

pastes of the reference standard white pigment<br />

using different amounts of the tinting material.<br />

Make a draw-down of the sample paste with<br />

each standard as described in 6.3. Select the<br />

draw-down in which the standard paste most<br />

closely matches the sample paste in lightness.<br />

Use the weight of tinting material in this<br />

method to calculate the tinting strength of the<br />

sample.<br />

7. Procedure B-Automatic Muller<br />

7.1 In order to minimize the effect of the<br />

difference in grinding of the area near the<br />

center of the plates as compared to the area<br />

sear the periphery of the plates, draw two<br />

concentric circles under the base plate of the<br />

muller in such a way that they show clearly<br />

through the plate. These circles can be drawn<br />

either on a paper inserted under the plate, or<br />

drawn directly on the bottom of the plate. The<br />

inner circle should be 2% in. (63 mm) in diameter<br />

and the outer circle 4% in. (1 15.3 mm)<br />

in diameter.<br />

7.2 Carefully weigh the pigment as described<br />

in 5.1. transferring the pigment to the base plate<br />

of the muller. Add the oil and work the pigment<br />

and oil into a paste with the spatula. Distribute<br />

the paste within the area between the two con-<br />

Fentric circles on the plate, close the muller,<br />

and add a 50-lb (23-kg) weight (to make a total<br />

weight of 100 Ib (45 kg) pressing the plates<br />

together. Mull the paste with three series of<br />

mulls of 50 revolutions each with a pickup of<br />

the paste between each series, spreading the<br />

paste as before between the two concentric<br />

circles before starting the next series.<br />

7.3 Continue the treatment of the paste of<br />

the sample and standard as described in 6.2,<br />

6.3, and 6.4.<br />

8. Calculation<br />

8. I Calculate the tinting strength of the sample<br />

as follows:<br />

Tinting strength of pigment = (B/A) x T<br />

where:<br />

A = weight in grams of tinting material used<br />

with reference standard to give equality of<br />

tint,<br />

B = weight in grams of tinting material used<br />

with sample, and<br />

T = arbitrary tinting strength value given to<br />

the reference standard.<br />


TABLE 1 Quantities of Materials for Tinting Strength<br />

<strong>Test</strong>s<br />

Weight of<br />

Weight of Ultrama- Amount<br />

Pigment Typc Pigment, rine Blue of Oil,<br />

t3 Tinting mL<br />

Pigment, g<br />

-<br />

White lead 2 0.2 0.5<br />

Zinc oxide 2 0.2 0.7<br />

Zinc oxide, leaded 2 0.2 0.5<br />

Lithopone 2 0.2 0.7<br />

Zinc sulfide 2 0.4 0.7<br />

Titanium dioxide<br />

(anatase) 2 0.4 I .o<br />

(rutile) 2 0.4 0.9<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this stundard. Users of this standardare expressly advised that determination of the vaIidity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years<br />

and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn, Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to A STM Headquarters. Your comments will receive carejiul consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technicalcommittee, which you may attend. Ifyou feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., PhiIadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


Designation: D 387 - 86<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia. Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 387; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use bv agencies of the Department of Defense to replace Method 4220. I . 4221 of Federal <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method Standard No. 141A and for lisring in (he DoD Index of Speci9carions and Standards.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This test method is intended to be used to<br />

compare the color and strength of a pigment<br />

under test with a reference standard of the same<br />

type and grade.<br />

1.2 This test method does not apply to white<br />

pigments.<br />

NOTE I-<strong>Test</strong> Method D 3022 is similar to this test<br />

method. but it utilizes a miniature sandmill rather than<br />

a mechanical muller, to disperse the color pigment.<br />

NOTE 2-<strong>Test</strong> Method D332 and <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

D2745 are similar to this test method, but they are<br />

intended for use with white pigments, rather than color<br />

pigments.<br />

1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of the user of this standard to establish appropriate<br />

safety and health practices and determine<br />

the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to<br />

use. Specific hazard statements are given in Section<br />

7.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D332 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Tinting Strength of<br />

White Pigments2<br />

D 1729 Practice for Visual Evaluation of Color<br />

Differences of Opaque Materials)<br />

D 2244 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Instrumental Evaluation<br />

of Color Differences of Opaque Materials)<br />

D 2745 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Instrumental Tinting<br />

Strength of White Pigments2<br />

D 3022 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Color and Strength of<br />

Color Pigments by Use of a Miniature Sandmill2<br />

D 3964 Practice for Selection of Coating Specimens<br />

for Appearance Measurements2<br />

E 97 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Directional Reflectance<br />

Factor. 45-deg, 0-deg of Opaque Specimens<br />

by Broad-Band Filter Reflectometry3<br />

E 308 Practice for Spectrophotometry and Description<br />

of Color in CIE System4<br />

3. Summary of <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

3.1 Pigments are dispersed in a suitable vehicle<br />

with a mechanical muller. <strong>Test</strong> and standard<br />

pigments are treated identically. Opaque drawdowns<br />

are made from the dispersions and compared.<br />

either visually or instrumentally. for color<br />

and strength differences.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 Color and tinting strength are the most<br />

important properties of a color pigment. This test<br />

method provides a means of testing these properties<br />

for quality control.<br />

4.2 This test method is intended as a referee<br />

method so that such matters as the vehicle for<br />

preparing the dispersions and the white for making<br />

tints have been suggested. However, other<br />

This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-l on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is<br />

the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.26 on Optical<br />

Properties.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 26, 1986. Published October<br />

1986. Originally published as D 387 - 34 T. Last previous edition<br />

D 387 - 8 I .<br />

Annual Bonk of ASTM Standards, Vol06.02.<br />

Annual Book oJASTM Slandords, Vol06.0 1.<br />

'Annual Book oJASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.<br />


D 387<br />

vehicles and whites may be suitable for quality<br />

control purposes, and changes in this test method<br />

are allowed by agreement between the parties to<br />

a test.<br />

4.3 It is assumed that the most exact comparison<br />

of mass color and tinting strength occurs<br />

when the pigment is completely dispersed. By<br />

following the procedure described in Annex A I,<br />

the conditions for achieving the maximum practical<br />

degree of dispersion with a mechanical<br />

muller may be determined. Color and strength<br />

tests should be camed out under these conditions.<br />

4.4 The results obtained with a mechanical<br />

muller do not necessarily correlate directly with<br />

an industrial situation where different dispersing<br />

conditions exist. However, dispersion with a mechanical<br />

muller is a quick and inexpensive way<br />

of testing the color and strength of a pigment for<br />

routine quality control.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 Balances-(I) A balance sensitive to 10<br />

mg and (2) an analytical balance sensitive to 1 .O<br />

mg.<br />

5.2 Muller, Me~hanical,~ equipped with<br />

ground-glass plates to which a variable but<br />

known force may be added in 50-lbf (220-N)<br />

increments. The driven glass plate shall have a<br />

speed of rotation of between 70 and 120 rpm<br />

and the apparatus shall have an arrangement<br />

for pre-setting the number of revolutions in<br />

multiples of 50.<br />

5.3 Rubbing Surfaces-The rubbing surfaces<br />

of the ground glass plates shall be kept sharp<br />

by removing them from the muller and grinding<br />

them face-to-face with No. 303 optical<br />

emery, or its equivalent, and water.<br />

5.4 Small Glass Slab or other nonabsorbent<br />

material, suitable for weighing and mixing pigment<br />

pastes.<br />

5.5 Spatula-A flexible spatuia having a 3<br />

to 6-in. (75 to 150-mm) blade.<br />

5.6 Paper Charts,b white with a black band<br />

and a surface impervious to paint liquids.<br />

5.7 Film Applicator,' at least 3 in. (75 mm)<br />

wide with a clearance of 4 mils (100 pm) to<br />

produce wet films about 2 mils (50 pm) thick.<br />

5.8 Color-Measuring Instrument, meeting the<br />

requirements of <strong>Test</strong> Method D 2244.<br />

6. Materials<br />

6.1 Reference Standard-A standard pig-<br />

ment of the same type and grade as the pigment<br />

to be tested, as agreed upon between the purchaser<br />

and the seller.<br />

6.2 Vehicle-A solvent-free vehicle, such as<br />

No. 1 lithographic varnish, with 0.8 9% each of<br />

cobalt and manganese driers (6 % types).<br />

6.3 White Tinting Paste-A white paint compatible<br />

with the dispersion vehicle, such as 57<br />

parts of rutile titanium dioxide dispersed in 43<br />

parts of the vehicle described in 6.2.<br />

NOTE 3-Because the choice of vehicle and white<br />

tinting pigment may affect the results, they should be<br />

agreed upon between the purchaser and the seller.<br />

7. Hazards<br />

7.1 Some pigments may be potentially toxic<br />

and therefore should be handled with care.<br />

Obtain specific precautions from the manufacturer<br />

or supplier.<br />

7.2 Many solvents and paint vehicles present<br />

explosion, fire, and toxicity hazards, and they<br />

should accordingly be handled with care.<br />

Again, obtain specific precautions from the<br />

manufacturer or supplier.<br />

8. Dispersing Conditions<br />

8.1 The conditions for dispersing the pigment<br />

on the mechanical muller should be such<br />

that the maximum tinting strength is developed.<br />

For each pigment and each dispersing<br />

vehicle the development of tinting strength by<br />

the mechanical muller is influenced by the<br />

force applied, the number of revolutions, the<br />

mass of the pigment, and the mass of the vehicle.<br />

The conditions for obtaining the maximum<br />

tinting strength with the mechanical<br />

muller can be determined by following the<br />

procedure in Annex A 1.<br />

8.2 If these conditions are known for a particular<br />

pigment with a particular vehicle, or if<br />

the purchaser and seller agree upon a particular<br />

set of conditions, there is no need to carry out<br />

the procedure in Annex Ai.<br />

9. Dispersion Procedure<br />

9.1 Decide, by agreement or by experimentation,<br />

as discussed in Section 8, the following<br />

A satisfactory muller is supplied by the Hoover Color Corp.,<br />

I3 Cordier St., Irvington, NJ 07 I I 1.<br />

White charts with a black band are preferred for judging<br />

opacity. Satisfactory charts are available from the Morest Co.,<br />

21 1 Centre St., New York, NY 10073, and the Leneta Co., P.O.<br />

Box 576, Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423.<br />

'Satisfactory film applicators are available from Bird and<br />

Son, Walpole, MA 02081 and Precision Gage & Tool Co., 28<br />

Volkenand Ave., Dayton, OH 45410.<br />


D 307<br />

dispersing conditions:<br />

9.1.1 Force applied to the muller plates;<br />

9.1.2 Number of revolutions;<br />

9.1.3 Mass of the pigment; and<br />

9.1.4 Mass of the vehicle.<br />

9.2 Applying these decisions, prepare a dispersion<br />

of the reference standard pigment.<br />

Weigh onto a glass slab to within 2 mg, the<br />

appropriate quantities of the standard pigment<br />

and the dispersing vehicle. Mix the pigment<br />

and vehicle together thoroughly with the spatula<br />

and transfer the mixture to the lower plate<br />

of the muller. Spread the mixture in a path<br />

approximately 100 mm wide and halfway between<br />

the center and rim of the lower plate,<br />

and clean the spatula as much as possible by<br />

wiping it on the upper plate of the muller.<br />

Close the plates and carry out the mulling<br />

stages of 50 revolutions; after each stage collect<br />

the paste from both plates with the spatula and<br />

spread it around the 100-mm path on the lower<br />

plate, wiping the spatula on the upper plate as<br />

before. When the mulling has been carried out<br />

for the prescribed number of revolutions, collect<br />

the paste and store it. Clean the glass slab,<br />

the muller plates, and the spatula, and repeat<br />

the procedure with exactly the same quantities<br />

of the test sample and vehicle. Collect the paste<br />

from this sample and store it. Clean the glass<br />

slab, the muller plates, and the spatula.<br />

NOTE &The most common sources of error in<br />

this procedure are inaccurate weighing, incomplete<br />

transfer of the pigment and vehicle mixture, and<br />

contamination of the plates by previous samples.<br />

10. Masstone Color Procedure<br />

10.1 Draw down a portion of the test and<br />

standard pastes in juxtaposition on a paper<br />

chart over a vacuum-drawdown plate or other<br />

suitable plane surface with the film applicator,<br />

Make sure that the coating is opaque.<br />

10.2 immediately compare the colors visually<br />

while still wet, using Practice D 1729, and record<br />

the results. Set the drawdowns aside in a dustfree<br />

area to dry. When dry repeat the visual color<br />

difference evaluation and record the results. See<br />

Practice D 3964.<br />

10.3 If desired, evaluate the color difference<br />

instrumentally using <strong>Test</strong> Method D 2244, and<br />

report the color difference in units as agreed upon<br />

between the purchaser and seller.<br />

NOTE 5-Wet color difference evaluations may<br />

not agree with dry color difference evaluations because<br />

of such phenomena as flooding and flocculation.<br />

In the case of a difference between the wet and<br />

dry evaluations, the purchaser and the seller should<br />

agree upon which condition is the standard.<br />

NOTE 6-Color difference measurements of wet<br />

paints may require a special adapter to protect the<br />

instrument from fouling. Because color differencemeasuring<br />

instruments differ widely in their design,<br />

the user may have to develop his own adapter.<br />

108<br />

11. Tint Color Procedure<br />

11.1 Determine by calculation the amount<br />

of white pigment paste that must be added to<br />

0.5 g of the color pigment paste so that the<br />

mixture contains 1 part of dry color pigment to<br />

10 parts of dry white pigment. For stronger or<br />

weaker pigments this ratio may be adjusted<br />

accordingly, for example, 1:20 or 1:5, respectively.<br />

1 1.2 Weigh 500 k 2 mg of the standard color<br />

pigment paste onto a glass slab. Then weigh the<br />

amount of white pigment paste determined in<br />

I 1.1, and place it next to the color pigment paste<br />

on the glass slab. Thoroughly mix the two pastes<br />

together with the spatula until a uniform color is<br />

observed.<br />

11.3 Prepare a tint mixture of the test color<br />

pigment paste and the white pigment paste on a<br />

separate glass slab by the procedure described in<br />

11.2.<br />

I I .4 Draw a portion of the test and standard<br />

tint pastes down in juxtaposition on a paper chart<br />

as in 10.1, Evaluate the color difference visually<br />

as in 10.2 and, if desired, instrumentally as in<br />

10.3. Clean the spatula blade and glass slabs.<br />

12. Calculation of Tinting Strength<br />

12. I If the colors of the test tint paste and the<br />

standard tint paste are visually the same, the<br />

tinting strength of the test pigment is equal to<br />

that of the standard pigment, and the relative<br />

tinting strength of the test pigment is 100%.<br />

However, if the test and standard colors are not<br />

the same, the difference may be due to tinting<br />

strength or hue (shade).<br />

12.2 To determine the relative tinting strength<br />

of the test pigment, repeat the operations of<br />

Section 11, but this time use an amount of the<br />

test pigment paste that is estimated to give the<br />

closest color match to the * standard pigment<br />

paste. Repeat this procedure until satisfied that<br />

the closest color match has been obtained. At<br />

this point any residual color difference between<br />

the test and the standard pigments is attributed<br />

to a shade difference, rather than a strength difference.<br />

Note and record this shade difference.<br />


D 387<br />

12.3 Calculate the relative tinting strength of<br />

the test pigment by dividing the mass of the<br />

standard paste by the mass of the test paste used<br />

to obtain the closest color match; multiply by<br />

100 to express the result in percent.<br />

12.4 If desired, the relative tinting strength of<br />

the sample pigment can be calculated from instrumental<br />

measurements (see <strong>Test</strong> Method E 97<br />

or Practice E 308) using the following equation:<br />

TS = [( 1 - R,)’/2Rm]u/[( 1 - Rm)2/2Rm]s (T)<br />

where:<br />

TS = tinting strength of test pigment,<br />

R, = measured reflectant factor (as a decimal),<br />

T = assigned tinting strength of standard,<br />

usually 100 %, and subscripts “u” and<br />

“s” refer to the test and standard pigments,<br />

respectively.<br />

12.4.1 For R, use the lowest reflectance value<br />

measured in the range 420 to 680 nm with a<br />

spectrophotometer or abridged spectrophotometer.<br />

This method of calculation is not valid when<br />

any tristimulus value or filter colorimeter reading<br />

is substituted for R, unless it can be demonstrated<br />

that with such a substitution the function<br />

(1 - Rm)*/2R, still varies linearly with concentration<br />

for the pigments being tested over the<br />

range of concentrations of interest. Because the<br />

use of different parameters may give significantly<br />

different results for the tinting strength, the<br />

choice of the parameter to be used as R, shall be<br />

agreed on between the purchaser and the seller.<br />

NOTE 7-This method is not applicable to metameric<br />

specimens, or to specimens exhibiting large<br />

shade differences, or to specimens differing in<br />

strength by more than about 30 %.<br />

13. Report<br />

13. I Report the following information:<br />

13.1.1 Type and identification of the test pigment,<br />

reference standard pigment, white tinting<br />

pigment, and dispersing vehicle.<br />

13.1.2 Mass ratio of pigment to vehicle, and<br />

for tints mass ratio of color pigment mass to<br />

white pigment.<br />

13.1.3 Manufacturer and model number of<br />

the mechanical muller employed.<br />

13.1.4 Total force applied to the muller plates<br />

and total number of revolutions.<br />

13.1.5 Results of the visual evaluation of the<br />

color difference (masstone and tint) in accordance<br />

with Practice D 1729.<br />

13.1.6 If an instrument was used to evaluate<br />

the color difference, the results of the instrumental<br />

evaluation in accordance with <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

D 2244.<br />

13.1.7 Relative tinting strength and method<br />

by which it was determined (visual or instrumental).<br />

Also, for the instrumental method, the parameter<br />

used as the measure of R,.<br />

13.1.8 Any deviation, by agreement or otherwise,<br />

from the test procedure described above.<br />

14. Precision<br />

14.1 The precision of this test method depends<br />

on several factors such as the type of<br />

pigment. the level of tinting, and the magnitude<br />

and direction of the color difference. This point<br />

is illustrated by the results in Table I(& which<br />

contains the between-laboratories standard deviations<br />

obtained in an interlaboratory study involving<br />

five different laboratories and four different<br />

pigments. The dispersing conditions used to<br />

obtain these results are listed in Table 2.<br />

14.2 Table l(b) lists the maximum acceptable<br />

differences, calculated at the 95 % confidence<br />

level from the results in Table l(a).<br />

ANNEX<br />

(Mandatory Information)<br />


A1.I The following describes a test method for determining<br />

the conditions for achieving the maximum<br />

level of tinting strength with the mechanical muller.<br />

A I .2 Determine the appr6priate ratio of color pigment<br />

to dispersing vehicle by performing the following<br />

operations: Tare off the weight of a lass slab on<br />

a balance. Weigh 1.00 f 0.01 g of t a e standard<br />

pigment on to the glass slab. Add dispersing vehicle<br />

to the pigment in small amounts and mix them<br />

together with the spatula. Keep adding the vehicle<br />

and mixing the paste until the pigment is completely<br />

wetted and a workable paste is obtained. At this point<br />

the consistency of the paste should be such that a dab<br />

of the paste will drop from the spatula when it is<br />

gently tapped with the finger. Weigh the paste, and<br />

subtract the mass of the pigment to determine the<br />


mass of the vehicle. Calculate the pigment to vehicle<br />

mass ratio. Repeat the operations described above<br />

for the test pigment.<br />

A1.3 Determine the appropriate amount of pigment<br />

to use by estimating, to within 0.2 mL, the<br />

volume of that paste prepared in A 1.2 that has the<br />

smallest pigment-to-vehicle mass ratio. Calculate the<br />

masses of pigment and vehicle needed to give a paste<br />

having a volume of about 2.0 mL. Round the amount<br />

of pigment down and the amount of vehicle up to<br />

the nearest 0.1 g.<br />

A 1.4 Apply 100 Ibf (440 N) to the muller plates and<br />

prepare a tint of the standard pigment in accordance<br />

with the procedure in Sections 9 and 11. Use the<br />

amounts of the color pigment and dispersing vehicle<br />

determined in A 1.3 and mull the paste for 100 revolutions<br />

in two stages of 50 revolutions each.<br />

A 1.5 Prepare three more specimens from the same<br />

sample following the procedure described in A 1.4,<br />

but mull these specimens, in stages of 50 revolutions,<br />

for 200,300, and 400 revolutions, respectively.<br />

A1.6 Compare each of the four specimens, one to<br />

the other, for tinting strength using one of the methods<br />

described in Section 12, and determine the minimum<br />

number of revolutions necessary to achieve full tinting<br />

strength. If the tinting strength is still developing after<br />

400 revolutions, repeat A1.4 to A1.6 with 50 lbf (220<br />

N) more force on the mechanical muller plates.<br />

A1.7 Record the appropriate amounts of pigment<br />

and vehicle (by Al.3), the force applied to the mechanical<br />

muller plates and the minimum number of revolutions<br />

required for maximum tinting strength.<br />

A 1.8 Table 2 lists, as examples, the dispersing conditions<br />

used in the interlaboratory study that established<br />

the precision given in Tables l(a) and l(h). The vehicle<br />

used was No. 1 lithographic varnish with 0.8 % each of<br />

cobalt and manganese driers (6 % types).<br />

TABLE I(a)<br />

Pigment Type<br />

Between-Laboratories Standard Deviations for Various Color Difference" and Tinting Strength' Parameters<br />

Masstone Color Tint Color Tinting Strength<br />

____<br />

Pa Ab AL AE Aa Ab AL AE Y T R V<br />

Yellow Iron Oxide 0.10 0.46 0.22 0.42 0.13 0.20 0.19 0.08 2.0 2.2 3.0 0.7<br />

BON Red 0.12 0.37 0.20 0.28 0.29 0.31 0.07 0.24 0.7 1.8 1.1 2.5<br />

Molybdate Orange 0.09 0.14 0.06 0.1 I 0.11 0.12 0.05 0.14 0.5 0.8 0.6 1.0<br />

PhthalocyanineGreenC 0.29 0.65 1.43 0.51 0.25 0.07 0.13 0.21 1.6 1.8 2.6 1.8<br />

TABLE I(b) Maximum Acceptable Differences for Various Color DifferenceA and Tinting Strength' Parameters<br />

Pigment Type<br />

Masstone Color Tint Color Tinting Strength<br />

--_________ ~<br />

Aa Ab AL AE Aa Ab AI, AE Y T R V<br />

~<br />

Yellow Iron Oxide 0.28 1.30 0.62 1.19 0.37 0.57 0.54 0.23 5.7 6.2 8.5 2.0<br />

BON Red 0.34 1.05 0.57 0.79 0.82 0.88 0.20 0.68 2.0 5.1 3.1 7.1<br />

Molybdate Orange 0.25 0.40 0.17 0.31 0.31 0.34 0.14 0.40 1.4 2.3 1.7 2.8<br />

Pthalocyanine Green'' 0.82 1.84 4.04 1.44 0.71 0.20 0.37 0.59 4.5 5.1 7.4 5.1<br />

" Color difference values were calculated with the CIE 1976 L*a*b* (CIELAB) equation.<br />

'Tinting strengths were calculated four different ways with the equation in 12.2: Y, based on Y tristimulus value; T, based on<br />

lowest tristimulus value: R. based on lowest reflectance factor between 420 nm and 680 nm; and I.'. based on visual observation.<br />

'Severe bronzing occurred with the masstone of this pigment (more in the batch than the standard), which probably affected the<br />

color difference measurements made with different types of instruments.<br />

Pigment type<br />

TABLE 2 Dispersing Conditions Used in Interlaboratory Study<br />

Pthalocyanine Yellow Iron BON Red Molybdate<br />

Green Oxide Oranee - - ___<br />

0-<br />

Force applied to the muller plates, Ib (N) 100 (440) loo (440) loo (440) 100 (440)<br />

Total number of revolutions 400 (8 x 50) 100 (2 x 50) 200 (4 x 50) 100 (2 x 50)<br />

Mass of color pigment, g 0.15 I .o 0.6 2.0<br />

Mass of dispersing vehicle, g I .8 I .7 I .4 1 .o<br />

The American Societyfor <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

conneetior: with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you fie1 that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Designation: D 522 - 85<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appeaf in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 522: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

T1ii.s iesi tnethod has been approvedjiw 11.~1~ by agencies of the Depariment of Defense to replace Method 6222 of Federul Tesi Meihod<br />

Siuttdard No. 141.4 and,/i,r listing in the DoD Index of Specjficurions and Standards.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers the determination<br />

by the conical mandrel test apparatus of the<br />

elongation of attached coatings when applied to<br />

flat sheet metal of uniform surface texture.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

A 109 Specification for Steel, Carbon, Cold-<br />

Rolled Strip'<br />

D823 <strong>Methods</strong> of Producing Films of Uniform<br />

Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer,<br />

and Related Products on <strong>Test</strong> Panels3<br />

D 1 186 Method for Nondestructive Measurement<br />

of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic<br />

Coatings Applied to a Ferrous Base3<br />

3. Summary of Method<br />

3.1 The materials under test are applied at<br />

uniform thickness to flat sheet metal panels.<br />

After drying or curing, the panels are bent over<br />

a conical mandrel. The elongation is determined<br />

from the position of the first visible cracking<br />

relative to the small end of the mandrel.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 Coatings attached to substrates are elongated<br />

when the substrates are bent during the<br />

manufacture of articles or when the articles are<br />

abused in service. This test method has been<br />

found useful in rating attached coatings for their<br />

ability to resist cracking when elongated.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 Conical Mandrel Te~ter,~ consisting of a<br />

metal cone, a rotating panel bending arm, and<br />

panel clamps, all mounted on a metal base as<br />

illustrated in Fig. 1.<br />

5.1.1 Cone, smooth steel, 8 in. (3.2 mm) in<br />

length, with a diameter of I/s in. at one end and<br />

a diameter of 11/2 in. (38 mm) at the other end.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 The base metal (Note 1) of the specimen<br />

upon which the coating is applied shall be coldrolled<br />

carbon steel strip '/3z in. (0.8 mm) thick<br />

temper No. 5, edge No. 5, finish No. 2. The steel<br />

used shall conform to the dimensional requirements<br />

of Specification A 109. The dimensions of<br />

the base metal shall be 4% in. (114 mm) in width,<br />

with a maximum length Of 7% in. (177 mm) and<br />

a maximum thickness of 1/32 in. (0.8 mm). The<br />

surface preparation of the base metal shall be<br />

agreed upon by the purchaser and the seller. Prior<br />

to application of the finish Ehose edges of the<br />

specimen that will be bent in the test shall be<br />

rounded slightly to remove burrs in order to<br />

eliminate anomalous effects associated with<br />

cracking of a sharp metallic edge when bent over<br />

the small end of the mandrel.<br />

'This test method is under the jurisdiction of the ASTM<br />

Committee D-l on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials<br />

and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.23 on<br />

Physical Properties of Applied Paint Films.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 27, 1985. Published November<br />

1985. Originally published as D 522 - 39. Last previous<br />

edition D 522 - 60 (I 979).<br />

.4nniral Bmk 0/'.4STM Standards. Vol 0 I .03.<br />

.Jnnital Book o/..ISTM Siandards. Vol 06.01.<br />

'Suitable apparatus is available from Gardner/Neotec. Division<br />

of Pacific Scientific Co.. I 100 East-West Highway, Silver<br />

Spring. MD 20910 and from Paul N. Gardner Co.. 316 Northeast<br />

First St., Pompano Beach, FL 33061-6688.<br />


D 522<br />

NOTE I-Other suitable materials for the test specimen<br />

may be employed. The apparatus is designed for<br />

testing metal panels having a maximum thickness of<br />

'/32 in. (0.8 mm). The method for calculating the elongation<br />

of coatings applied to base materials other than<br />

the steel specified in Section 6 is contained in the<br />

Appendix.<br />

6.2 The coating under test shall be applied to<br />

the clean base metal in accordance with <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 823. The time between the application of the<br />

coating and the testing of the specimen, as well<br />

as the temperature and humidity environment<br />

used for maturing the coating film during this<br />

period, shall be agreed upon by the purchaser<br />

and the seller.<br />

7. Conditioning and Number of <strong>Test</strong>s<br />

7.1 At least three replicate specimens shall be<br />

tested under conditions of temperature and humidity<br />

mutually agreed upon by the purchaser<br />

and the seller. If it is desirable to check elongation<br />

values at another time or place, the film thickness<br />

and the temperature and humidity conditions at<br />

the time of test shall be the same as those at<br />

which the original determinations were made.<br />

Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser and<br />

the seller, elongation measurements shall be<br />

made at 73.5 k 3.5"F (23 & 2°C) and 50 f 5 %<br />

relative humidity after equilibrating the test specimens<br />

to these conditions for at least 24 h.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8. I With the operating lever of the apparatus<br />

in a horizontal position, slip the test specimen<br />

between the mandrel and the drawbar with the<br />

finish side towards the drawbar and rigidly clamp<br />

in a vertical position adjacent to the mandrel by<br />

placing the long edge behind the clamping bar in<br />

such a manner that the panel is always set up to<br />

the narrow end of the mandrel. Slip two sheets<br />

of No. 1 brown kraft wrapping paper, substance<br />

30, thoroughly lubricated on each side with talc,<br />

between the specimen and the drawbar and hold<br />

in position only by the pressure of the drawbar<br />

against the paper.<br />

8.2 Move the lever through about 180" at<br />

uniform velocity to bend the specimen approximately<br />

135" in about 15 s (Note 2). Take care at<br />

the end of the stroke so as not to unnecessarily<br />

deform the specimen.<br />

NOTE 2-To simulate some use conditions, it may<br />

be desirable to bend the specimen approximately 135"<br />

in I to 1.5 s. However, when this rapid rate of bending<br />

is used, something other than elongation as defined in<br />

this test method is being measured.<br />

8.3 Examine the bent surface of the specimen<br />

immediately with the unaided eye for cracking.<br />

Having determined and suitably marked the end<br />

of the crack farthest from the small end of the<br />

mandrel, which shall be considered as the end<br />

point, bring the drawbar to the starting position<br />

and remove the panel from the mandrel. Measure<br />

the distance from the farthest end of the<br />

crack to the small end of the mandrel. If it is<br />

desired to compare results with cylindrical mandrel<br />

results, determine the mandrel diameter at<br />

which cracking ceased.<br />

8.4 Perform a minimum of three determinations<br />

of the thickness of the coating on each of<br />

the specimens in accordance with Method<br />

D 1186. The mean value is used in calculating<br />

elongation.<br />

9. Calculation<br />

9.1 Determine the elongation of the finish<br />

from the plotted curve in Fig. 2. This curve<br />

represents the relation between the percent of<br />

elongation and the diameter of the conical mandrel<br />

for a 1.0 mil coating thickness. The relation<br />

between the distance along the conical mandrel<br />

and the corresponding diameter has also been<br />

plotted on this curve.<br />

9.2 Adjust the percent elongation value obtained<br />

from Fig. 2 for coating thickness by adding<br />

the correction obtained from Fig. 3.<br />

NOTE 3: Example-Suppose a visual examination<br />

of the finish on the bent cold-rolled steel specimens %z<br />

in. (0.8 mm) in thickness shows that the end of the first<br />

crack in the coating is at a distance of 3 in. (75 mm)<br />

from the small end of the cone. From Fig. 2 determine<br />

the percent elongation of the film from the measured<br />

crack distance, in this example 5.2 %. To correct for<br />

coating thickness add the value obtained from Fig. 3.<br />

At a crack distance of 3 in. the correction per mil (25<br />

pm) of coating thickness is 0.3 %. If the film thickness<br />

in the example IS 2 mils, the actual percent elongation<br />

is 5.2 + (2 x 0.3) = 5.8 %.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 Report the following information:<br />

10.1.1 Mean and range of coating elongation<br />

values for each specimen.<br />

10.1.3 Meart and range of coating film thickness<br />

for each specimen.<br />

10.1.3 Specimen preparation procedure used.<br />

10.1.4 'fcst conditions.<br />


(1m D522<br />

10.1.5 Mean and range of elongation and film the precision of this test method. Plans are being<br />

thickness for the replicate specimens.<br />

made to obtain such results. This test method<br />

has been in use for many years and is considered<br />

11. Precision<br />

acceptable for evaluating the crack resistance of<br />

1 1.1 Results are not available to determine attached coatings.<br />

FIG. 1 Conical Mandrel <strong>Test</strong> Apparatus<br />

6<br />


FIG. 2 Distance Along Cone and Corresponding Mandrel Size versus Percent Elongation for Specimens on Cold-Rolled Steel %z<br />

in. (0.8 mm) in Thickness<br />


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 09 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6<br />


FIG. 3 Correction for Thickness of Film<br />


(Nonmandatory Information)<br />


X 1.1 Assuming elastic conditions of the base material<br />

(which, of course, is not the case but is useful in<br />

establishing a limiting condition), the theoretical elongation<br />

for each mandrel size can be calculated. Under<br />

this assumption the moduli of elasticity for tension and<br />

compression are equal in magnitude and the neutral<br />

plane (that is, the plane where the bent metal is neither<br />

elongated nor compressed) is at the centroidal axis of<br />

the specimen. In a strip having a thickness, I, bent<br />

around a mandrel of radius, r, the neutral plane would<br />

be located at a distance t/2 from the surface of the<br />

metal, and the perimeter of the bent section along the<br />

neutral axis, assuming the specimen to be bent through<br />

I go", is equal to r(r + t/2). At the upper surface of the<br />

metal, the perimeter would be equal to r(r + I), and<br />

the elongation of its surface would be:<br />

Elongation = r(r + t) - r(r + t/2)<br />

Elongation = 7r(t/2)<br />

and the percent elongation at the surface would be:<br />

Elongation, % = [(rt/2) X 100]/7r(~ + t/2)<br />

Elongation, % = [f/(2r +.!)I x !OO<br />

X 1.2 Using this equation, the theoretical elongation<br />

(under elastic conditions) at the surface of the specimen<br />

can be calculated for any thickness of specimen and<br />

mandrel size, resulting in the following values for three<br />

specimen thicknesses and six mandrel sizes:<br />

Elongation, %<br />

Mandrel Size = 2r<br />

Specimen 1 in. 3/4 in. V2 in. 3/n in. V4 in. '/a in.<br />

Thickness. (25.4 (19 (12.7 (9.5 (6.4 (3.2<br />

in. mm) mm) mm) mm) mm) mm)<br />

f = 1/w(0.4 mm) 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.9 11.1<br />

t = %2(0.8 mm) 3.0 4.0 5.9 7.7 11.1 20.0<br />

r=%6(1.6mm) 5.9 7.7 11.1 14.3 20.0 33.3<br />

X 1.3 Actually the specimens are elongated considerably<br />

past their elastic limit, so that the elongations<br />

obtained with the mandrel test are considerably higher<br />

than the values calculated above. Since it is impossible<br />

to calculate the position of the neutral plane when the<br />

elastic limit has been exceeded, a special jig should be<br />

used to measure the elongation directly.<br />

X1.4 This jig (Fig. X1.1) consists of two forks for<br />

holding the mandrel and specimen in position and a<br />

roller with which the specimen is tightly wrapped<br />

around and held against the mandrel.<br />

X 1.5 Method of Measuring Elongation with Jig-<br />

Two parallel gage scratches shall be made with a sharp<br />

stylus on the edge of the specimen and so located that<br />

when it is wrapped around the mandrel the included<br />

angle between the scratches will be approximately 180".<br />

In locating the scratches, it is necessary to make sure<br />

that they will be within the section of the specimen<br />

which after bending is tightly wrapped against the mandrel.<br />

Having located the scratches, the linear distance<br />

between them shall be measured to within 2 pm.5 The<br />

specimen shall then be clamped in the jig and the roller<br />

brought down tight against it. The roller shall then be<br />

drawn around causing the specimen to be tightly<br />

wrapped and secured against the surface ofthe mandrel.<br />

In order to hold the jig in this position the forks shall<br />

be held together with a C-clamp. The clamp jig shall<br />

then be rigidly mounted on the table of the measuring<br />

machine.' Each of the gage scratches shall then be made<br />

to coincide with the vertical cross hair of the measuring<br />

eyepiece while the horizontal cross hair is tangent to<br />

the curvature ofthr upper surface of the specimen. The<br />

angle reading shall be taken at each of these points. The<br />

difference between the two angle readings is a measure<br />

of the included angle formed by the two gage scratches<br />

__<br />

'A star comparator is suitable for this purpose.<br />


D 522<br />

and the radii drawn coincident with the scratches. The<br />

angle readings shall be read in minutes and seconds to<br />

a precision of &5 s. The total diameter of the mandrel<br />

and the bent specimen shall also be determined. From<br />

these data the percent elongation at the surface of the<br />

specimen may be calculated as follows:<br />

L = ar/ 180r<br />

Elongation, ?6 = [(L - d)/dl x 100<br />

where:<br />

a = angle,",<br />

L = arclength,<br />

r = radius of curvature for system (mandrel radius +<br />

1). and<br />

d = original distance between scratches.<br />

FIG. X1.1 Jig for Determining Elongation of Bent Metal Specimens<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any sirch<br />

putent rights, and the risk of injringement of such rights. are entireiv their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject 10 revision ut any time by the responsible technical commitree and must be reeiened everyjve years and<br />

If not revised, either reupproved or withdrawn. Yoirr comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and shoitld be addressed to ASTM Heqdqirarters. Your comments nil receive carefitl consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, nhich voir may attend. If yoir feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing yoii shoitld<br />

make voitr views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race SI.. Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Designation: D 523 - 85"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 523; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This fesi method has been approvedfor use by agencies offhe Deparfmenf of Dejhnse andfor lisfing in the DoD Index qfSpectficafions<br />

and Standards.<br />

'' NOTE-Paragraph 6.2. Note 3, and Figs. I and 2 were changed editorially in November 1986.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers the measurement<br />

of the specular gloss of nonmetallic specimens<br />

for glossmeter geometries of 60, 20, and 85" (1-<br />

7).*<br />

I .2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the s&ty problems<br />

associafed with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safity and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitalions<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D823 <strong>Methods</strong> of Producing Films of Uniform<br />

Thickness of Paint, Varnish, and Related<br />

Products on <strong>Test</strong> Panels3<br />

D 3964 Practice for Selection of Coating Specimens<br />

for Appearance Measurement3<br />

D 3980 Practice for Interlaboratory <strong>Test</strong>ing of<br />

Paints and Related Materials3<br />

D4039 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Reflectioc Haze of<br />

High-Gloss Surfaces3<br />

E 97 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Directional Reflectance<br />

Factor, 45-deg, 0-deg of Opaque Specimens<br />

by Broad-Band Filter Reflectometry3<br />

E 430 Method for Measurement of Gloss of<br />

High-Gloss Surfaces by Goni~photometry~<br />

3. Definitions<br />

3.1 gloss, specular-the relative luminous reflectance<br />

factor of a specimen in the mirror direction.<br />

3.2 relative luminous reflectance factor-the<br />

ratio of the luminous flux reflected from a specimen<br />

to the luminous flux reflected from a standard<br />

surface under the same geometric conditions.<br />

For the purpose of measuring specular gloss, the<br />

standard surface is polished glass.<br />

4. Summary of Method<br />

4.1 Measurements are made with 60, 20, or<br />

85" geometry (8,9). The geometry of angles and<br />

apertures is chosen so that these procedures may<br />

be used as follows:<br />

4.1.1 The 60" geometry is used for intercomparing<br />

most specimens and for determining when<br />

the 20" geometry may be more applicable.<br />

4.1.2 The 20" geometry is advantageous for<br />

comparing specimens having 60" gloss higher<br />

than 70.<br />

4.1.3 The 85" geometry is used for comparing<br />

specimens for sheen or near-grazing shininess. It<br />

is most frequently applied when specimens have<br />

60" gloss values lower than IO.<br />

5. Significance and Use<br />

5,l Gloss is associated with the capacity of a<br />

surface to reflect more light in some directions<br />

than in others. The directions associated with<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D- I on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is<br />

the direct responsibility of Subcommittee WI .26 on Optical<br />

Properties.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 27, 1985. Published November<br />

1985. Originally published as D 523 - 39 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 523 - 80.<br />

'The boldface numbers in parentheses rerer to the list of<br />

references at the end of this test method.<br />

Annual Book (?f ASTM Standards. Vol 06.0 I .<br />

' Anntrul Book ofASTM Siandards. Vol 14.02.<br />


D 523<br />

mirror (or specular) reflection normally have the<br />

highest reflectances. Measurements by this test<br />

method correlate with visual observations of surface<br />

shininess made at roughly the corresponding<br />

angles.<br />

5.1.1 Measured gloss ratings by this test<br />

method are obtained by comparing the specular<br />

reflectance from the specimen to that from a<br />

black glass standard. Since specular reflectance<br />

depends also on the surface refractive index of<br />

the specimen, the measured gloss ratings change<br />

as the surface refractive index changes. In obtaining<br />

the visual gloss ratings, however, it is customary<br />

to compare the specular reflectances of two<br />

specimens having similar surface refractive indices.<br />

Since the instrumental ratings are affected<br />

more than the visual ratings by changes in surface<br />

refractive index, non-agreement between visual<br />

and instrumental gloss ratings can occur when<br />

high gloss specimen surfaces differing in refractive<br />

index are compared.<br />

5.2 Other visual aspects of surface appearance,<br />

such as distinctness of reflected images, reflection<br />

haze, and texture, are frequently involved in the<br />

assessment of gloss (I), (6), (7). Method E430<br />

includes techniques for the measurement of both<br />

distinctness-of-image gloss and reflection haze.<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method D 4039 provides an alternative procedure<br />

for measuring reflection haze.<br />

5.3 Little is known about the relations of numerical-to-perceptual<br />

intervals of specular gloss.<br />

It is probable that, within the middle-scale ranges<br />

(for example, 10 to 60), perceived specular gloss<br />

differences correspond more closely to differences<br />

in ratios of gloss values than to differences<br />

in numerical magnitudes of gloss.<br />

6. Apparatus'<br />

6.1 lnstrumental Components-The apparatus<br />

shall consist of an incandescent light source<br />

furnishing an incident beam. means for locating<br />

the surface of the specimen, and a receptor located<br />

to receive the required pyramid of rays<br />

reflected by the specimen. The receptor shall be<br />

a photosensitive device responding to visible radiation.<br />

6.2 Geometric Conditions-The axis of the<br />

incident beam shall be at one of the specified<br />

angles from the perpendicular to the specimen<br />

surface. The axis of the receptor shall be at the<br />

mirror reflection of the axis of the incident beam.<br />

The axis of the incident beam and the axis of the<br />

receptor shall be within 0.1 O of the nominal value<br />

indicated by the geometry. With a flat piece of<br />

polished black glass or other front-surface mirror<br />

in the specimen position, an image of the source<br />

shall be formed at the center of the receptor field<br />

stop (receptor window). The length of the illuminated<br />

area of the specimen shall be not more<br />

than one third of the distance from the center of<br />

this area to the receptor field stop. The dimensions<br />

and tolerance of the source and receptor<br />

shall be as indicated in Table 1. The angular<br />

dimensions of the receptor field stop are measured<br />

from the receptor lens in a collimatedbeam-type<br />

instrument, as illustrated in Fig. 1,<br />

and from the test surface in a converging-beamtype<br />

instrument, as illustrated in Fig. 2. See Figs.<br />

1 and 2 for a generalized illustration of the dimensions.<br />

The tolerances are chosen so that errors<br />

in the source and receptor apertures do not<br />

produce an error of more than one gloss unit at<br />

any point on the scale. (5).<br />

6.2.1 The important geometric dimensions of<br />

any specular-gloss measurement are:<br /> Beam axis angle(s), usually 60, 20, or<br />

85".<br /> Accepted angular divergences from<br />

principal rays (degree of spizading or diffusion<br />

of the reflected beam).<br />

NOTE I -The parallel-beam glossmeters possess the<br />

better uniformity of principle-ray angle of reflection,<br />

but the converging-beam glossmeters possess the better<br />

uniformity in extent of angular divergence accepted for<br />

measurement.<br />

NOTE 2--Po/uri~u~ion--An evaluation of the impact<br />

of polarization on gloss measurement has been<br />

reported (10). The magnitude of the polarization error<br />

depends on the difference between the refractive indices<br />

of specimen and standard, the angle of incidence. and<br />

the degree of polarization. Because the specimen and<br />

standard are generally quite similar optically, measured<br />

gloss values are little affected by polarization.<br />

6.3 Vignefting-There shall be no vignetting<br />

of rays that lie within the field angles specified in<br />

Table 1.<br />

6.4 Spectral Conditions-Results should not<br />

differ significantly from those obtained with a<br />

source-filter photocell combination that is spectrally<br />

corrected to yield CIE luminous efficiency<br />

with CIE source C. Since specular reflection is,<br />

in general, spectrally nonselective, spectral cor-<br />

' A list of manufacturerers of glossmeters can be obtained<br />

from ASTM Headquarters.<br />


D 523<br />

rections need to be applied only to highly chromatic,<br />

low-gloss specimens upon agreement of<br />

users of this test method.<br />

6.5 Measurement Mechanism-The receptormeasurement<br />

mechanism shall give a numerical<br />

indication that is proportional to the light flux<br />

passing the receptor field stop with +1 % of fullscale<br />

reading.<br />

7. Reference Standards<br />

7.1 Primary Standards-Highly polished,<br />

plane, black glass with a refractive index of 1.567<br />

for the sodium D line shall be assigned a specular<br />

gloss value of 100 for each geometry. The gloss<br />

value for glass of any other refractive index can<br />

be computed from the Fresnel equation (5). For<br />

small differences in refractive index, however,<br />

the gloss value is a linear function of index, but<br />

the rate of change of gloss with index is different<br />

for each geometry. Each 0.001 increment in refractive<br />

index produces a change of 0.27, 0.16,<br />

and 0.0 I6 in the gloss value assigned to a polished<br />

standard for the 20, 60, and 85" geometries,<br />

respectively. For example, glass of index 1.527<br />

would be assigned values of 89.2,93.6, and 99.4,<br />

in order of increasing geometry.<br />

NOTE 3-Polished black glass has been reported to<br />

change in refractive index with time largely due to<br />

chemical contamination (IO). The original values can<br />

be restored by optical polishing with cerium oxide. A<br />

wedge of high-purity quartz provides a more stable<br />

reference standard than glass.<br />

7.2 Working Srandards6-Ceramic tile, depolished<br />

ground opaque glass, emery paper, and<br />

other semigloss materials having hard and uniform<br />

surfaces are suitable when calibrated against<br />

a primary standard on a glossmeter known to<br />

meet the requirements of this test method. Such<br />

standards should be checked periodically for constancy<br />

by comparing with primary standards.<br />

7.3 Store standards in a closed container when<br />

not in use. Keep them clean and away from any<br />

dirt that might scratch or mar their surfaces.<br />

Never place standards face down on a surface<br />

that may be dirty or abrasive. Always hold standards<br />

at the side edges to avoid getting oil from<br />

the skin on the standard surface. Clean the standards<br />

in warm water and a mild detergent solution<br />

brushing gently with a soft nylon brush. (Do not<br />

use soap solutions to clean standards, because<br />

they can leave a film.) Rinse standards in hot<br />

running water (temperature near 150°F (65°C) to<br />

remove detergent solution, followed by a final<br />

rinse in distilled water. Do not wipe standards.<br />

The polished black glass high-gloss standard may<br />

be dabbed gently with a lint-free paper towel or<br />

other lint-free absorbent material. Place the<br />

rinsed standards in a warm oven to dry.<br />

8. Preparation and Selection of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

8.1 This test method does not cover preparation<br />

techniques. Whenever a test for gloss requires<br />

the preparation of test specimens, use the<br />

procedures given in <strong>Methods</strong> D 823.<br />

NOTE 4-To determine the maximum gloss obtainable<br />

from a test material, such as a paint or varnish,<br />

use <strong>Methods</strong> B or C of <strong>Methods</strong> D 823.<br />

8.2 Select specimens in accordance with Practice<br />

D 3964.<br />

9. Instrument Calibration<br />

9. I Operate the glossmeter in accordance with<br />

the manufacturer's instructions.<br />

9.2 Verify the instrument zero by placing a<br />

black cavity in the specified position. If the reading<br />

is not within +O. 1 of zero, subtract it algebraically<br />

from subsequent readings or adjust the<br />

instrument to read zero.<br />

9.3 Calibrate the instrument at the start and<br />

completion of every period of glossmeter operation,<br />

and during the operation at sufficiently<br />

frequent intervals to assure that the instrument<br />

response is practically constant. To calibrate, adjust<br />

the instrument to read correctly the gloss of<br />

a highly polished standard, properly positioned<br />

and oriented, and then read the gloss of a working<br />

standard in the mid-gloss range. If the instrument<br />

reading for the second standard does not agree<br />

within one unit of its assigned values, check<br />

cleanliness and repeat. If the instrument reading<br />

for the second standard still does not agree within<br />

one unit of its assigned value, repeat with another<br />

mid-range standard. If the disparity is still more<br />

than one unit, do not use the instrument without<br />

readjustment, preferably by the manufacturer.<br />

10. Procedure<br />

10.1 Position each specimen in turn beneath<br />

(or on) the glossmeter. For specimens with brush<br />

Gloss standards are available from: Gardner/Neotec, Division<br />

of Pacific Scientific Co., 2431 Linden Lane, Silver Spring,<br />

MD 20910 Byk-Chemie USA, Inc., 524 South Cherry St.,<br />

Wallingford. CT 06492; and Hunter Associates Laboratory. Inc.,<br />

I I495 Sunset Hills Road, Reston. VA 22090.<br />


I<br />

D 523<br />

marks or similar texture effects, place them in<br />

such a way that the directions of the marks are<br />

parallel to the plane of the axes of the incident<br />

and reflected beams.<br />

10.2 Take at least three readings on a 3 by 6-<br />

in. (75 by 150-mm) area of the test specimen. If<br />

the range is greater than two gloss units, take<br />

additional readings and calculate the mean after<br />

discarding divergent results as in the section on<br />

<strong>Test</strong> for Outliers of Practice D 3980. For larger<br />

specimens, take a proportionately greater number<br />

of readings.<br />

11. Diffuse Correction<br />

11.1 Apply diffuse corrections only upon<br />

agreement between the producer and the user.<br />

To apply the correction, subtract it from the<br />

glossmeter reading. To measure the correction,<br />

illuminate the specimen perpendicularly and<br />

view at the incident angle with the receiver a p<br />

erture specified in 6.2 for the corresponding geometry.<br />

To compute the correction, multiply the<br />

45', 0" directional reflectance of the specimen,<br />

determined in accordance with <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

E97, by the effective fraction of the luminous<br />

flux reflected by the perfect diffuse reflector and<br />

accepted by the receiver aperture. The luminous<br />

flux entering the receiver aperture from the perfect<br />

white diffusor would give the following gloss<br />

indications for each of the geometries:<br />

12 Report<br />

Geometry, *<br />

Gloss of Perfect White Diffuser<br />

60 2.5<br />

20 1.2<br />

85 0.03<br />

12.1 Report the following:<br />

12.1.1 Mean specular gloss readings and the<br />

geometry used.<br />

12.1.2 If uniformity of surface is of interest,<br />

the presence of any specimen that exhibits gloss<br />

readings varying by more than 5 % from their<br />

mean.<br />

12.1.3 Where preparation of the test specimen<br />

has been necessary, a description or identification<br />

of the method of preparation.<br />

12.1.4 Manufacturer's name and model designation<br />

of the glossmeter.<br />

12.1.5 Working standard or standards of gloss<br />

used.<br />

13. Precision<br />

13.1 On the basis of studies of this test method<br />

by several laboratories in which single determinations<br />

were made on different days on several<br />

ceramic tiles and painted panels differing in visually<br />

perceived gloss, the pooled within-laboratory<br />

and between-laboratories standard deviations<br />

were found to be those shown in Table 2.<br />

Based on these standard deviations, the following<br />

criteria should be used for judging the acceptability<br />

of results at the 95 % confidence level:<br />

13.1.1 Repeatability-Two results, each of<br />

which are single determinations obtained on the<br />

same specimen by the same operator, should be<br />

considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

the maximum acceptable differences given in<br />

Table 3.<br />

13.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results, each the<br />

mean of three determinations, obtained on the<br />

Jame specimen by different laboratories should<br />

be considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

the maximum acceptable differences given in<br />

Table 3. This does not include variability due to<br />

preparation' of panels in different laboratories.<br />

NOTE 5-For some types of paint, particularly semigloss,<br />

the measured gloss is affected by method of film<br />

preparation and drying conditions so that the reproducibility<br />

of results from such materials may be poorer<br />

than the values given in Table 3.<br />


D523<br />

TABLE 1 Angles and Relative Dimensions of Source Image and Receptors<br />

In Plane of<br />

Measurement<br />

Perpendicular to<br />

Plane of Measurement<br />

Relative<br />

Relative<br />

8, tan 8’2 Dimension 8, tan e’2 Dimension<br />

Source image 0.75 0.0131 0.171 2.5 0.0436 0.568<br />

Tolerance * 0.25 0.0044 0.057 0.5 0.0087 0.1 14<br />

60’ receptor 4.4 0.0768 I .000 11.7 0.2049 2.668<br />

Tolerance ? 0.1 0.00 I8 0.023 0.2 0.0035 0.046<br />

20’ receptor 1.8 0.03 14 0.409 3.6 0.0629 0.819<br />

Tolerance +- 0.05 0.0009 0.0 12 0. I 0.0018 0.023<br />

85” receptor 4.0 0.0698 0.909 6.0 0.1048 I .365<br />

Tolerance ? 0.3 0.0052 0.068 0.3 0.0052 0.068<br />

Type of<br />

Gloss, *<br />

TABLE 2 Standard Deviations of Gloss Determinations<br />

No. of<br />

Degrees of Freedom<br />

Standard Deviations<br />

Ceramic Within- Between-<br />

Within-<br />

Between-<br />

Tiles Laboratory Laboratories Laboratory‘ Laboratories’<br />

20 4 40 34 0.4 I .2<br />

60 4 40 34 0.3 I .2<br />

85 2 16 6 0.2 0.6<br />

Type 0.f<br />

Gloss.<br />

No. of<br />

Degrees of Freedom<br />

Standard Deviations<br />

Painted Within- Between- Within- Between-<br />

Panels Laboratory Laboratories Laboratory‘ Laboratories’<br />

20 8 no 72 0.6<br />

60 22 220 I36 0.3<br />

85 6 48 18 0.3<br />

” Single determinations.<br />

’ For means of three determinations<br />

2.2<br />

I .2<br />

2.4<br />

TABLE 3 Maximum Acceptable Differences for Two<br />

Results<br />

Repeatability Reproducibility<br />

Type of<br />

(Within Laboratoriesy<br />

(Between Laboratories)’<br />

Gloss.<br />

Ceramic Painted Ceramic Painted<br />

Tiles Panels Tiles Panels<br />

’0 1.1 I .7 3.5 6.4<br />

60 0.9 0.9 3.4 3.5<br />

85 0.6 0.8 2.0 7.2<br />

A Singie determinations.<br />

*For means of three determinations.<br />


D523<br />

TEST<br />


:----A<br />




FIG. 1<br />

Diagram of Parallel-Beam Glossmeter Showing Apertures and Source Mirror-Image Position<br />

TEST<br />


LENS<br />

J-<br />


/”<br />

zniiar<br />

.LE ......._.<br />

-_<br />


SOURCE<br />




I<br />


FIG. 2 Diagram of Converging-Beam Glossmeter Showing Apertures and Source Mirror-Image Position<br />


@ D523<br />


(1) Hunter, R. S., “<strong>Methods</strong> of Determining Gloss,”<br />

Proceedings, ASTM, Vol36, 1936, Part 11, p. 783.<br />

Also, Journal of Research, Nat. Bureau Standards,<br />

Vol 18, No. I, January 1937, p. 19 (Research<br />

Paper RP958). Six somewhat different appearance<br />

attributes are shown to be variously associated<br />

with gloss. Therefore, as many as six different<br />

photometric scales may be required to handle all<br />

gloss measurement problems. (This paper is out<br />

of print).<br />

(2) Hunter, R. S., and Judd, D. B., “Development of<br />

a Method of Classifying Paint According to<br />

Gloss,” ASTM Bulletin, No. 97, March 1939, p.<br />

1 1. A comparison is made of several geometrically<br />

different photometric scales for separating paint<br />

finishes for gloss. The geometric conditions of test<br />

later incorporated in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 523 are recommended.<br />

(3) Wetlaufer, L. A.. and Scott, W. E., “The Measurement<br />

of Gloss,” Industrial and Engineering<br />

Chemistry, Analytical Edition, Vol 12, November<br />

1940, p. 647. A goniophotometric study of a<br />

number of paint finishes illuminated at 45”; a<br />

study of gloss readings affected by variation of<br />

aperture for 45 and 60” incidence.<br />

(4) Hunter, R. S., “The Gloss Measurement of Paint<br />

Finishes,” ASTM Bulletin, No. 150, January<br />

1948. p. 72. History of <strong>Test</strong> Method D 523.<br />

(5) Hammond, H. K., 111, and Nimerroff. 1.. “Measurement<br />

of Sixty-Degree Specular Gloss.” Journal<br />

q/Rt.search. Nat. Bureau Standards. A study<br />

of the effect of aperture variation on glossmeter<br />

readings. including definitions of terms used in<br />

connection with specular gloss measurement, the<br />

Fresnel equation in a form readily usable for<br />

computation, and the deviation of diffuse correction<br />

formulas.<br />

(6) Hunter, R. S., “Gloss Evaluation of Materials,”<br />

ASTM Bulletin, No. 186, December 1952, p. 48.<br />

A study of the history of gloss methods in ASTM<br />

and other societies, describing the background in<br />

the choice of geometry of these methods. Contains<br />

photographs depicting gloss characteristics of a<br />

variety of methods.<br />

(7) Hunter, R. S., The Measurment of Appearance,<br />

Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1975, Chapter 6.<br />

“Scales for Gloss and Other Geometric Attributes,”<br />

and Chapter 13, “Instruments for the Geometric<br />

Attributes of Object Appearance.”<br />

(8) Horning. S. C., and Morse, M. P., “Measurement<br />

of the Gloss of Paint Panels,” Oflcial Digest,<br />

Federation of Paint and Varnish Production<br />

Clubs, March 1947, p. 153. A study of the effect<br />

of geometric conditions on results of gloss tests<br />

with special attention to high-gloss panels.<br />

(9) Huey, S.. Hunter, R. S., Schreckendgust. J. G..<br />

and Hammond. H. K.. 111, “Symposium on Gloss<br />

Measurement.” O[/k*ial Digest, Vol 36, No. 47 1.<br />

April 1964. p. 343. Contains discussion of industrial<br />

experience in measurement of 60” specular<br />

gloss (Huey). high-gloss measurement (Hunter),<br />

evaluation of low-gloss finishes with 85” sheen<br />

measurements (Schreckendgust), and gloss standards<br />

and glossmeter standardization (Hammond).<br />

(IO) Budde. W.. “Stability Problems in Gloss Measurements,”<br />

Joirrnul (?/‘Coatings Teclinologv. Vol 52.<br />

June 1980, pp. 44-48.<br />

The American Societyji)r <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials iaki.s no position respecting the validity ofany paient rights assertc~d in conncwion<br />

with ani‘ item mcwtioned in this standard. U.7er.s qf this standard are evpriwly advised thar determination of the validity of any siich<br />

patent rights. and [he risk of infiingcvnent of such rights. art entirely their ow responsibility.<br />

This standard is siibjiw to rcvision at any lime hy [hi> riqwnsihle technical committee and miist he revitwed ewrj*jivc years and<br />

If nor riviscd. eiihvr reapproved or withdrawn. Your c”wni.7 are invitcd pither .for revision of this standard or ji)r udditional<br />

standards and shoiild hi. addrc.ssi.d to ASTM Heudquarter.s. Your commcnt.7 uill receive cari:/iil consideration ut a tncvting ofthe<br />

re~sponsihlc, technical twnmiircv. which you muj, attend. lf,soii,fivl ihat yoiir commenis have not received a juir hiwring you slioiild<br />

makii j *ow view knoun to the ASTM Committcv on Standards. 1916 Race SI.. Philaddphia. PA 1910-3.<br />


ds[b L-9 ANSVASTM D 542 - 50 (Reapproved 1977)c<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />



This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 542; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of<br />

last reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replnce method 3011 of Federal <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method Standard 406, and for listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />

Nom-Sections 1 and 6 were changed editorially in May 1977.<br />

1- scope<br />

1.1 These methods cover the measurement<br />

of the index of refraction of transparent organic<br />

plastic materials.<br />

1.2 Two procedures, refractometric and<br />

microscopical methods, are proposed in order<br />

to cover satisfactorily the maximum range of<br />

indices found in these materials. Both methods<br />

require optically homogeneous specimens<br />

of uniform index for ease of duplicability. The<br />

refractometric method is to be preferred<br />

wherever it is applicable.<br />

NOTE ]-The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard.<br />

2. Significance<br />

2.1 This test measures a fundamental property<br />

of matter useful for control of purity and<br />

composition, for simple identification purposes<br />

and for optical parts design. It is capable<br />

of much greater precision than ordinarily<br />

required. The refractometric method is accurate<br />

to four significant figures. The microscopical<br />

method, which is dependent upon the operator's<br />

skill in determining f~cus, is usaa!!y<br />

accurate to only three significant figures.<br />

3. Conditioning<br />

3.1 Conditioning-Condition the test specimens<br />

at 23 f 2 C (73.4 f 3.6 F) and 50 f 5<br />

percent relative humidity for not less than 40<br />

h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A<br />

of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> D 618, Conditioning Plastics<br />

and Electrical Insulating Materials for<br />

<strong>Test</strong>ing,' for those tests where conditioning is<br />

required. In cases of disagreement, the tolerances<br />

shall be 1 C (1.8 F) and =t2 percent relative<br />

humidity .<br />

3.2 <strong>Test</strong> Conditions-Conduct tests in the<br />

Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 23 f<br />

2C (73.4 f 3.6F) and 50 f 5 percent relative<br />

humidity, unless otherwise specified in<br />

the test methods or in this specification. In<br />

cases of disagreements, the tolerances shall be<br />

1 C (1.8 F) and &2 percent relative humidity.<br />

If a material is found to have a high thermal<br />

coefficient of index, the temperature shall be<br />

accurately controlled to 23 C.<br />


4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 The apparatus for the preferred method<br />

shall consist of an Ab& refractometer (Note<br />

2), a suitable source of white light, and a<br />

small quantity of a suitable contacting liquid<br />

(Notes 3 and 4).<br />

NOTE 2-Other suitable refractometers can be<br />

used with appropriate modification of procedure as<br />

described in Section 6.<br />

NOTE 3-4 satisfactory contacting liquid is one<br />

which will not soften or otherwise attack the surface<br />

of the plastic within a period of 2 h of contact. The<br />

index of refraction of the liquid must be higher, by<br />

not less than one unit in the second decimal place,<br />

than the index of the plastic being measured.<br />

The following liquids are suggested:<br />

'These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-20 on Plastics ana are the direct responsibility<br />

of Suocommittee D-20.40 on Optical Properties.<br />

Current edition effective Sept. 30, 1950. Originally issued<br />

1939. Replaces D 542 - 42.<br />

Annual Book o/ ASTM Standards, Part 35.<br />


D 542<br />

Phenol<br />

resin<br />

Plastic<br />

formaldehyde<br />

Cellulose acetate and<br />

cellulose nitrate<br />

Acrylic resins<br />

Vinyl resins"<br />

Styrene resins<br />

Contacting Liquid<br />

a-bromnaphthalene<br />

{<br />

cassia oil<br />

aniseed oil<br />

a-bromnaphthalene<br />

saturated aqueous sohtion<br />

of zinc chloride<br />

made slightly acid<br />

a-monobromnaph thalene<br />

saturated aqueous solution<br />

of potassium mercuric<br />

iodide (Thoulet's or<br />

Sonstadt's solution)'<br />

" No liquid has been found to date which is entirfly<br />

satisfact0r.y for vinyl resins.<br />

Avoid contact of this liquid with the skin or prolonged<br />

contact with the metal parts of the refractometer.<br />

NOTE &In many cases a liquid as suggested<br />

above is not available and a second rapid reading<br />

must be made on a fresh specimen after preliminary<br />

trial.<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

5.1 The test specimen shall be of a size<br />

such as will conveniently fit on the face of the<br />

fixed half of the refractometer prisms (Note 5).<br />

A specimen measuring 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) by<br />

12.7 mm (0.5 in.) on one face is usually satisfactory.<br />

NOTE %For maximum accuracy in the refractometer<br />

method the surface contacting the prism shall<br />

be quite flat. This surface can be judged for flatness,<br />

provided the specimen has been satisfactorily polished,<br />

by observing the sharpness of the dividing<br />

line between the light and dark field. A sharp,<br />

straight dividing line indicates a satisfactory contact<br />

of the specimen and prism surfaces.<br />

5.2 The surface to be used in contact with<br />

the prism shall be flat and shall have a good<br />

polish. A second edge surface perpendicular<br />

to the first and on one end of the specimen<br />

shall be prepared with a fair polish (Note 6).<br />

The polished surfaces shall intersect without a<br />

beveled or rounded edge.<br />

NoTEGI~ has been found possible to prepare a<br />

satisfactorily polished surface by hand polishing<br />

small specimens on an abrasive material backed by<br />

a piece of plate glass. Fine emery paper (for example,<br />

No. OOO Behr-Manning polishing paper) followed<br />

by a polishing rouge suspended in water on a<br />

piece of parchment paper have been used as the<br />

abrasive.<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 Remove the hinged illuminating prism<br />

from the refractometer, if necessary. Place a<br />

source of diffuse light so that good illumination<br />

is obtained along the plane of the surface<br />

of contact between the specimen and the refractometer<br />

prism. Place a small drop of a<br />

suitable contacting liquid on the polished surface<br />

of the specimen and then place the specimen<br />

in firm contact with the surface of the<br />

prism and with the polished edge of the specimen<br />

toward the source of light. Determine the<br />

index of refraction in the same manner as for<br />

liquids. This shall be done by moving the index<br />

arm of the refractometer until the field<br />

seen through the eyepiece is one-half dark.<br />

Adjust the compensator (Amici prisms) drum<br />

to remove all color from the field. Adjust the<br />

index arm by means of the vernier until the<br />

dividing line between the light and dark portions<br />

of the field exactly coincides with the<br />

intersection of the cross hairs as seen in the<br />

eyepiece. Read the value of the index of refraction<br />

for the sodium D lines. Determine<br />

the dispersion by reading the compensator<br />

drum and applying this figure, along with the<br />

index of refraction, to a chart or table supplied<br />

with the instrument.<br />

NOTE 7-Sodium light from some type of a sodium<br />

burner is of use in increasing the accuracy and<br />

ease of setting of the refractometer.<br />


7. Apparatus<br />

7.1 The apparatus for the auxiliary method<br />

shall consist of a microscope having a magnifying<br />

power of at least 200 diameters. This<br />

microscope shall be equipped with a means of<br />

measuring the longitudinal travel of the lens<br />

tube to within 0.025 mm (0.001 in.).<br />

8. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

8.1 The specimen described in Sectinn 5<br />

will be satisfactory for use with the microscopical<br />

method if it is not too thick to permit<br />

focusing the microscope through the polished<br />

surface (having a fair polish). A small specimen<br />

taken from a sheet of the material may<br />

be used if it is about 6.3 mm (0.25 in.) in<br />

thickness.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Place a specimen having two parallel<br />

surfaces on the measuring microscope table<br />


D 542<br />

with that surface having the best polish placed<br />

nearest to the objective. Focus the microscope<br />

through the specimen and on the bottom surface.<br />

Note the reading of the longitudinal displacement<br />

of the lens tube to the nearest 0.025<br />

mm (0.001 in.) or less. Without moving the<br />

specimen, focus the microscope on the top<br />

surface of the specimen and again note the<br />

reading of the displacement. The difference<br />

between these two readings is the apparent<br />

thickness of the specimen. The index of refraction<br />

is found by dividing the actual thickness<br />

of the specimen by the apparent thickness.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

10.1.1 The name of the method used.<br />

10.1.2 The index of refraction to the nearest<br />

significant figure warranted by the accuracy<br />

and duplicability of the measurement. If<br />

the index is specified to more than three significant<br />

figures, the wave length of light for<br />

which the measurement was made shall be<br />

specified.<br />

NOTE 8-In the case of nonisotropic materials,<br />

for example injection and compression molded ma-<br />

terials. the index observed by the AbbC refractometer<br />

method will be the average value for a thin layer<br />

of small area at a point of contact near the center of<br />

the refractometer prism. For a complete and accurate<br />

determination of the variation of the index<br />

throughout the test specimen it is necessary to make<br />

the measurement at more than one point on the surface<br />

and within the body of the material. This can<br />

be done by preparing a contacting surface both perpendicular<br />

and parallel to the molding pressure or<br />

flow. After the test specimen is contacted to the<br />

prism it may be translated carefully for short distances<br />

along the prism surface in the direction of<br />

the light source while the variation of index is followed<br />

with the refractometer. This procedure should<br />

be repeated a sufficient number of times and for a<br />

sufficient number of specimens to determine the<br />

range of indices involved. The average value and<br />

the range of the index readings obtained from these<br />

specimens shall be reported if the range exceeds the<br />

accuracy of the measurement. If the variations in<br />

index are systematic with the orientation of the test<br />

specimen and if these variations exceed those found<br />

between specimens of the same material, the nature<br />

of these variations shall be reported with the average<br />

value.<br />

Care should be taken to work rapidly to avoid<br />

changes in the refractive index of the plastic due to<br />

its absorption of the contacting liquid.<br />

10.1.3 The temperature in degrees Celsius<br />

at which the index was measured.<br />

10.1.4 If available, the dispersion shall be<br />

reported along with the index of refraction.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights awerted<br />

in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination<br />

of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five<br />

years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or<br />

for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration<br />

at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not<br />

received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St.,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there, you<br />

may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors.<br />


Designation: D 638 - 87a<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 638: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This test mdicxl has been approved fi,r iise by agencies qfthe Department of Definse andfijr listing in the DoD 1nde.v i$S~&ntion.s<br />

and Standards.<br />

1. scope<br />

I. 1 This test method covers the determination<br />

of the tensile properties of plastics in the form of<br />

standard dumbbell-shaped test specimens when<br />

tested under defined conditions of pretreatment,<br />

temperature, humidity, and testing machine<br />

speed.<br />

1.2 This test method can be used for testing<br />

materials of any thickness up to 0.55 in. (14<br />

mm). However, for testing specimens in the form<br />

of thin sheeting, including film less than 0.04 in.<br />

( I .O mm) in thickness, <strong>Test</strong> Method D 882 is the<br />

preferred test method. Materials with a thickness<br />

greater than 0.55 in. must be reduced by machining.<br />

NOTE I-A complete metric companion to <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method D 638 has been developed-D 638 M.<br />

NOTE 2-This test method is not intended to cover<br />

precise physical procedures. It is recognized that the<br />

constant-rate-of-crosshead-movement type of test<br />

leaves much to be desired from a theoretical standpoint,<br />

that wide differences may exist between rate of crosshead<br />

movement and rate of strain between gage marks<br />

on the specimen, and that the testing speeds specified<br />

disguise important effects characteristic of materials in<br />

the plastic state. Further, it is realized that variations in<br />

the thicknesses of test specimens, which are permitted<br />

by these procedures, produce variations in the surfacevolume<br />

ratios of such specimens, and that these variations<br />

may influence the test results. Hence, where directly<br />

comparable results are desired, all samples should<br />

be of equal thickness. Special additional tests should be<br />

used where more precise physical data are needed.<br />

NOTE 3-This test method may be used for testing<br />

phenolic molded resin or laminated materials. However,<br />

where these materials are used as electrical insulation,<br />

such materials should be tested in accordance<br />

with Method D 229 and <strong>Test</strong> Method D 65 I .<br />

1.3 The values as stated in inch-pound units<br />

are to be regarded as the standard. The values in<br />

parentheses are given for information only.<br />

1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the sakt-v prob<br />

Iems associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of the user ofthis standard to establish appropriate<br />

safety and health practices and determine<br />

the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to<br />

use.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2. I ASTM Standards:<br />

D229 Method of <strong>Test</strong>ing Rigid Sheet and Plate<br />

Materials Used for Electrical In~ulation~-~<br />

D374 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for Thickness of Solid<br />

Electrical Insulati~n~*~<br />

D412 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for Rubber Properties in<br />

Tensi~n~.~<br />

D 6 I8 <strong>Methods</strong> of Conditioning Plastics and<br />

Electrical Insulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing2<br />

D651 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Tensile Strength of<br />

Molded Electrical Insulating Materials3<br />

D882 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for Tensile Properties of<br />

Thin Plastic Sheeting2<br />

D883 Definitions of Terms Relating to<br />

Plastics2<br />

D 1822 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Tensile-Impact Energy<br />

to Break Plastics and Electrical Insulating<br />

Materials6<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

IT20 on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee<br />

D 20. IO on Mechanical Properties.<br />

Current edition approved Oct. 30.1987. Published Duxmber<br />

1987. Originally published as D638 - 41 7. Last pteviouS edition<br />

D 638 - 87.<br />

*Annual Book ofASTM Standards. Vol08.0 I .<br />

' Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.0 I.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.02.<br />

'Annual Book ofASTM Standards. Vol09.01.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Vol08.02.<br />


D 638<br />

D4066 Specification for Nylon Injection and<br />

Extrusion Materials (PA)'<br />

E 4 Practices for Load Verification of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

Machines'.'<br />

E 83 Practice for Verification and Classification<br />

of Extensometers'<br />

E 691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Program to Determine the Precision<br />

of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong>'<br />

3. Definitions<br />

3.1 General-Definitions of terms applying to<br />

this test method appear in Definitions D 883 and<br />

Annex A I.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 This test method is designed to produce<br />

tensile property data for the control and specification<br />

of plastic materials. These data are also<br />

useful for qualitative characterization and for<br />

research and development.<br />

4.2 Tensile properties may vary with specimen<br />

preparation and with speed and environment<br />

of testing. Consequently, where precise<br />

comparative results are desired, these factors<br />

must be carefully controlled.<br />

4.2.1 It is realized that a material cannot be<br />

tested without also testing the method of preparation<br />

of that material. Hence, when comparative<br />

tests of materials per se are desired, the greatest<br />

care must be exercised to ensure that all samples<br />

are prepared in exactly the same way, unless the<br />

test is to include the effects of sample preparation.<br />

Similarly, for referee purposes or comparisons<br />

within any given series of specimens, care<br />

must be taken to secure the maximum degree of<br />

uniformity in details of preparation, treatment,<br />

and handling.<br />

4.3 Tensile properties may provide useful data<br />

for plastics engineering design purposes. However,<br />

because of the high degree of sensitivity<br />

exhibited by many plastics io raie of straining<br />

and environmental conditions, data obtained by<br />

this test method cannot be considered valid for<br />

applications involving load-time scales or environments<br />

widely different from those of this test<br />

method. In cases of such dissimilarity, no reliable<br />

estimation of the limit of usefulness can be made<br />

for most plastics. This sensitivity to rate of straining<br />

and environment necessitates testing over a<br />

broad load-time scale (including impact and<br />

creep) and range of environmental conditions if<br />

tensile properties are to suffice for engineering<br />

design purposes.<br />

NOTE 4-Since the existence of a true elastic limit<br />

in plastics (as in many other organic materials and in<br />

many metals) is debatable, the propriety of applying<br />

the term "elastic modulus" in its quoted generally accepted<br />

definition to describe the "stiffness" or "rigidity"<br />

of a plastic has beem seriously questioned. The exact<br />

stress-strain characteristics of plastic materials are<br />

highly dependent on such factors as rate of application<br />

of stress, temperature, previous history of specimen,<br />

etc. However. stress-strain curves for plastics. determined<br />

as described in this test method, almost always<br />

show a linear region at low stresses, and a straight line<br />

drawn tangent to this portion of the curve permits<br />

calculation of an elastic modulus of the usually defined<br />

type. Such a constant is useful if its arbitrary nature<br />

and dependence on time. temperature, and similar<br />

factors are realized.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5. I <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine-A testing machine of<br />

the constan t-rate-of-crosshead-movement type<br />

and comprising essentially the following:<br />

5. I. 1 Fixed Member-A fixed or essentially<br />

stationary member carrying one grip.<br />

5. I .2 Movable Member-A movable member<br />

carrying a second grip.<br />

5. I .3 Grips-Grips for holding the test specimen<br />

between the fixed member and the movable<br />

member. The grips shall be self-aligning, that is,<br />

they shall be attached to the fixed and movable<br />

member, respectively, in such a manner that they<br />

will move freely into alignment as won as any<br />

load is applied, so that the long axis of the test<br />

specimen will coincide with the direction of the<br />

applied pull through the center line of the grip<br />

assembly. The specimens should be aligned as<br />

perfectly as possible with the direction of pull so<br />

that no rotary motion that may induce slippage<br />

will occur in the grips; there is a limit to the<br />

amount of misalignment self-aligning grips will<br />

accommodate.<br />

5. I .3. I The test specimen shall be held in such<br />

a way that slippage relative to the grips is prevented<br />

insofar as possible. Grip surfaces that are<br />

deeply scored or serrated with a pattern similar<br />

to those of a coarse single-cut file, serrations<br />

about 0.09 in. (2.4 mm) apart and about 0.06 in.<br />

( 1.6 mm) deep, have been found satisfactory for<br />

most thermoplastics. Finer serrations have been<br />

'Annual Book oJASTM Standards, Vol08.03.<br />

Annual Book oJASTM Standards. Vol03.0 I .<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.<br />


D 638<br />

found to be more satisfactory for harder plastics.<br />

such as the thermosetting materials. The serrations<br />

should be kept clean and sharp. Breaking<br />

in the grips may occur at times, even when deep<br />

serrations or abraded specimen surfaces are used:<br />

other techniques must be used in these cases.<br />

Other techniques that have been found useful.<br />

particularly with smooth-faced grips, are abrading<br />

that portion of the surface of the specimen<br />

that will be in the grips. and interposing thin<br />

pieces of abrasive cloth, abrasive paper, or plastic<br />

or rubber-coated fabric, commonly called hospital<br />

sheeting. between the specimen and the grip<br />

surface. No. 80 double-sided abrasive paper has<br />

been found effective in many cases. An openmesh<br />

fabric. in which the threads are coated with<br />

abrasive has also been effective. Reducing the<br />

cross-sectional area of the specimen may also be<br />

effective. The use of special types of grips is<br />

sometimes necessary to eliminate slippage and<br />

breakage in the grips.<br />

5. I .4 Driw Mechanism-A drive mechanism<br />

for imparting to the movable member a uniform.<br />

controlled velocity with respect to the stationary<br />

member, this velocity to be regulated as specified<br />

in Section 9.<br />

5. I .5 Load Indicator-A suitable load-indicating<br />

mechanism capable of showing the total<br />

tensile load carried by the test specimen when<br />

held by the grips. This mechanism shall be essentially<br />

free of inertia lag at the specified rate of<br />

testing and shall indicate the load with an accuracy<br />

of _+I 96 of the indicated value, or better.<br />

The accuracy of the testing machine shall be<br />

verified in accordance with Practices E 4.<br />

NOTE 5-Experience has shown that many testing<br />

machines now in use are incapable of maintaining<br />

accuracy for as long as the periods between inspection<br />

recommended in Practices E4. Hence, it is recommended<br />

that each machine be studied individually and<br />

verified as often as may be found necessary. It frequently<br />

will be necessary to perform this function daily.<br />

5.1.6 The fixed member, movable member,<br />

drive mechanism, and grips shall be constructed<br />

of such materials and in such proportions that<br />

the total elastic longitudinal strain of the system<br />

constituted by these parts does not exceed I %<br />

of the total longitudinal strain between the two<br />

gage marks on the test specimen at any time<br />

during the test and at any load up to the rated<br />

capacity of the machine.<br />

5.2 Extension Indicator-A suitable instru-<br />

ment for determining the distance between two<br />

fixed points located within the gage length of the<br />

test specimen at any time during the test. It is<br />

desirable. but not essential. that this instrument<br />

automatically record this distance (or any change<br />

in it) as a function of the load on the test specimen<br />

or of the elapsed time from the start of the<br />

test. If only the latter is obtained. data on load as<br />

a function of time must also be taken.<br />

5.2. I Low Ewnsion (Modirlirs) Measirrc-<br />

nwnts-For elastic modulus measurements, a<br />

mechanically attached extensometer accurate to<br />

_+I 96 of the measured strain shall be used. The<br />

attachment of the extensometer shall be such as<br />

to cause no damage to the surface of the specimen,<br />

and the weight of the instrument shall not<br />

induce bending strains in the specimen. A noncontacting<br />

extensometer may be used if it can be<br />

shown to be of equivalent sensitivity.<br />

5.2.2 High E.vtcnsion Mcasirrcmennrs- For<br />

strain measurements beyond the Hookean region,<br />

alternative methods of strain measurement<br />

may be used, but they must be accurate to .+I %<br />

of the measured strain.<br />

5.2.3 All extension indicators shall be free of<br />

inertial lag at the specified speed of testing and<br />

shall be calibrated periodically in accordance<br />

with Practice E 83.<br />

NOTI.: 6-Refer to Practice E 83.<br />

5.3 Micro~ncwrs-Suitable micrometers for<br />

measuring the width and thickness of the test<br />

specimen to an incremental discrimination of at<br />

least 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) should be used. All<br />

width and thickness measurements of rigid and<br />

semirigid plastics may be measured with a hand<br />

micrometer with ratchet. A suitable instrument<br />

for measuring the thickness of nonrigid test specimens<br />

shall have: (I) a contact measuring pressure<br />

of 3.6 .+ 0.36 psi (25 .+ 2.5 kPa), (2) a<br />

movable circular contact foot 0.250 .+ 0.001 in.<br />

(6.35 .+ 0.025 mm) in diameter, and (3) a lower<br />

fixed anvil large enough to extend beyond the<br />

contact foot in all directions and being parallel<br />

to the contact foot within 0.0002 (0.005 mm) in.<br />

over the entire foot area. Flatness of foot and<br />

anvil shall conform to the portion of the Calibration<br />

Section of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> D 374, which addresses<br />

“flatness of surfaces of micrometers.”<br />

5.1.3. An optional instrument equipped with a<br />

circular contact foot 0.625 f 0.003 in. (I 5.88 .+<br />

0.08 mm) in diameter is recommended for thickness<br />

measuring of process samples or larger spec-<br />


0638<br />

imens at least 0.625 in. (1 5.88 mm) in minimum<br />

width.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 Sheet. Plate, and Molded Plastics:<br />

6. I. I Rigid and Semirigid Plastics-The test<br />

specimen shall conform to the dimensions shown<br />

in Fig. 1. The Type I specimen is the preferred<br />

specimen and shall be used where sufficient material<br />

having a thickness of 0.28 in. (7 mm) or<br />

less is available. The Type I1 specimen may be<br />

used when a material does not break in the<br />

narrow section with the preferred Type I specimen.<br />

The Type V specimen shall be used where<br />

only limited material having a thickness of 0.16<br />

in. (4 mm) or less is available for evaluation, or<br />

where a large number of specimens are to be<br />

exposed in a limited space (thermal and environmental<br />

stability tests, etc.). The Type IV specimen<br />

should be used when direct comparisons are<br />

required between materials in different rigidity<br />

cases (that is, nonrigid and semirigid). The Type<br />

I11 specimen must be used for all materials with<br />

a thickness of greater than 0.28 in. (7 mm) but<br />

not more than 0.55 in. (14 mm).<br />

6.1.2 Nonrigid Plastics-The test specimen<br />

shall conform to the dimensions shown in Fig. 1.<br />

The Type IV specimen shall be used for testing<br />

nonrigid plastics with a thickness of 0.16 in. (4<br />

mm) or less. The Type I11 specimen must be used<br />

for all materials with a thickness greater than<br />

0.28 in. (7 mm) but not more than 0.55 in. (14<br />

mm).<br />

6.1.3 Preparation-<strong>Test</strong> specimens shall be<br />

prepared by machining operations, or die cutting,<br />

from materials in sheet, plate, slab, or similar<br />

form. Materials thicker than 0.55 in. (14 mm)<br />

must be machined to 0.55 in. (14 mm) for use as<br />

Type I11 specimens. Specimens can also be prepared<br />

by molding the material to be tested.<br />

NOTE 7-Specimens prepared by injection molding<br />

may have different tensile properties than specimens<br />

prepared by machining or diecutting because of the<br />

orientation induced. This effect may be more pronounced<br />

in specimens with narrow sections.<br />

6.2 The test specimen for rigid tubes shall be<br />

as shown in Fig. 2. The length, L, shall be as<br />

shown in the table in Fig. 2. A groove shall be<br />

machined around the outside of the specimen at<br />

the center of its length so that the wall section<br />

after machining shall be 60% of the original<br />

nominal wall thickness. This groove shall consist<br />

of a straight section 2.25 in. (57.2 mm) in length<br />

with a radius of 3 in. (76 mm) at each end joining<br />

it to the outside diameter. Steel or brass plugs<br />

having diameters such that they will fit snugly<br />

inside the tube and having a length equal to the<br />

full jaw length plus 1 in. (25 mm) shall be placed<br />

in the ends of the specimens to prevent crushing.<br />

They can be located conveniently in the tube by<br />

separating and supporting them on a threaded<br />

metal rod. Details of plugs and test assembly are<br />

shown in Fig. 2.<br />

6.3 The test specimen for rigid rods shall be<br />

as shown in Fig. 3. The length, L, shall be as<br />

shown in the table in Fig. 3. A groove shall be<br />

machined around the specimen at the center of<br />

its length so that the diameter of the machined<br />

portion shall be 60% of the original nominal<br />

diameter. This groove shall consist of a straight<br />

section 2.25 in. (57.2 mm) in length with a radius<br />

of 3 in. (76 mm) at each end joining it to the<br />

outside diameter.<br />

6.4 All surfaces of the specimen shall be free<br />

of visible flaws, scratches, or imperfections.<br />

Marks left by coarse machining operations shall<br />

be carefully removed with a fine file or abrasive,<br />

and the filed surfaces shall then be smoothed<br />

with abrasive paper (No. 00 or finer). The finishing<br />

sanding strokes shall be made in a direction<br />

parallel to the long axis of the test specimen. All<br />

flash shall be removed from a molded specimen,<br />

taking great care not to disturb the molded surfaces.<br />

In machining a specimen, undercuts that<br />

would exceed the dimensional tolerances shown<br />

in Fig. 1 shall be scrupulously avoided. Care shall<br />

also be taken to avoid other common machining<br />

errors.<br />

6.5 If it is necessary to place gage marks on<br />

the specimen, this shall be done with a wax<br />

crayon or India ink that will not affect the material<br />

being tested. Gage marks shall not be<br />

scratched, punched, or impressed on the specimen.<br />

6.6 When testing materials that are suspected<br />

of anisotropy, duplicate sets of test specimens<br />

shall be prepared, having their long axes respectively<br />

parallel with, and normal to, the suspected<br />

direction of anisotropy.<br />

7. Conditioning<br />

7.1 Conditioning-Condition the test specimens<br />

at 73.4 f 3.6"F (23 f 2%) and 50 f 5 %<br />

relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to<br />


D 638<br />

test in accordance with Procedure A of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 6 18, for those tests where conditioning is required.<br />

In cases of disagreement, the tolerances<br />

shall be k I .8"f(+ 1°C) and +2 % relative humidity.<br />

7.1.1 Note that for some hygroscopic materials,<br />

such as nylons, the material specifications<br />

(for example, Specification D 4066) call for testing<br />

"dry as-molded specimens." Such requirements<br />

take precedence over the above routine<br />

preconditioning to 50 % relative humidity and<br />

require sealing the specimens in water vaporimpermeable<br />

containers as won as molded and<br />

not removing them until ready for testing.<br />

7.2 <strong>Test</strong> Conditions-Conduct tests in the<br />

Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 73.4 f 3.6"F<br />

(23 f 2'C) and 50 f: 5 % relative humidity, unless<br />

otherwise specified in the test methods. In cases<br />

of disagreements, the tolerances shall be I .8"F<br />

(1°C) and +-2 % relative humidity.<br />

NOTE 8-The tensile properties of some plastics<br />

change rapidly with small changes in temperature.<br />

Since heat may be generated as a result of straining the<br />

specimen at high rates, conduct tests without forced<br />

cooling to ensure uniformity of test conditions. Measure<br />

the temperature in the reduced section of the<br />

specimen and record it for materials where self-heating<br />

is suspected.<br />

8. Number of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

8.1 <strong>Test</strong> at least five specimens for each sample<br />

in the case of isotropic materials.<br />

8.2 <strong>Test</strong> ten specimens, five normal to, and<br />

five parallel with the principal axis of anisotropy,<br />

for each sample in the case of anisotropic materials.<br />

8.3 Discard specimens that break at some obvious<br />

fortuitous flaw, or that do not break between<br />

the predetermined gage marks, and make<br />

retests, unless such flaws constitute a variable to<br />

be studied.<br />

NOTE 9-Before testing, all transparent specimens<br />

shoufd be inspected in a poianscope. Those which show<br />

atypical or concentrated strain patterns should be rejected,<br />

unless the effects of these residual strains constitute<br />

a variable to be studied.<br />

9. Speed of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

9.1 Speed of testing shall be the relative rate<br />

of motion of the grips or test fixtures during the<br />

test. Rate of motion of the driven grip or fixture<br />

when the testing machine is running idle may be<br />

used, if it can be shown that the resulting speed<br />

of testing is within the limits of variation allowed.<br />

9.2 Choose the speed of testing from Table 1.<br />

Determine this chosen speed of testing by the<br />

specification for the material being tested, or by<br />

agreement between those concerned. When the<br />

speed is not specified, use the lowest speed shown<br />

in Table 1 for the specimen geometry being used,<br />

which gives rupture within */2 to 5 min testing<br />

time.<br />

9.3 Modulus determinations may be made at<br />

the speed selected for the other tensile properties<br />

when the recorder response and resolution are<br />

adequate.<br />

10. Procedure<br />

10.1 Measure the width and thickness of rigid<br />

flat specimens (Fig. 1) with a suitable micrometer<br />

to the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) at several<br />

points along their narrow sections. Measure the<br />

thickness of nonrigid specimens (produced by a<br />

Type IV die) in the same manner with the required<br />

dial micrometer. Take the width of this<br />

specimen as the distance between the cutting<br />

edges of the die in the narrow section. Measure<br />

the diameter of rod specimens, and the inside<br />

and outside diameters of tube specimens, to the<br />

nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) at a minimum of<br />

two points 90" apart; make these measurements<br />

along the groove for specimens so constructed.<br />

Use plugs in testing tube specimens, as shown in<br />

Fig. 2.<br />

10.2 Place the specimen in the grips of the<br />

testing machine, taking care to align the long axis<br />

of the specimen and the grips with an imaginary<br />

line joining the points of attachment of the grips<br />

to the machine. The distance between the ends<br />

of the gripping surfaces, when using flat specimens,<br />

shall be as indicated in Fig. 1. On tube and<br />

rod specimens, the location for the grips shall be<br />

as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Tighten the grips<br />

evenly and firmly to the degree necessary to<br />

prevent slippage of the specimen during the test,<br />

but not to the point where the specimen would<br />

be crushed.<br />

10.3 Attach the extension indicator. When<br />

modulus is being determined, the extension indicator<br />

must continuously record the distance<br />

the specimen is stretched (elongated) within the<br />

gage length as a function of the load through the<br />

initial (linear) portion of the load-elongation<br />

curve.<br />

NOTE 10-Modulus of materials is determined from<br />

the slope of the linear portion of the stress-strain curve.<br />


D 638<br />

For most plastics, this linear portion if very small,<br />

occurs very rapidly, and must be recorded automatically.<br />

The change in jaw separation is never to be used<br />

for calculating modulus or elongation.<br />

10.4 Set the speed of testing at the proper rate<br />

as required in Section 9, and start the machine.<br />

10.5 Record the load-extension curve of the<br />

specimen.<br />

10.6 Record the load and extension at the<br />

yield point (if one exists) and the load and extension<br />

at the moment of rupture.<br />

NOTE I 1-If it is desired to measure both modulus<br />

and failure properties (yield or break, or both), it may<br />

be necessary, in the case of highly extensible materials<br />

to run two independent tests. The high magnification<br />

extensometer normally used to determine properties up<br />

to the yield point may not be suitable for tests involving<br />

high extensibility. If allowed to remain attached to the<br />

specimen, the extensometer could be permanently<br />

damaged. A broad range incremental extensometer or<br />

hand rule technique may be needed when such materials<br />

are taken to rupture.<br />

11. Calculation<br />

11.1 Tensile Strength-Calculate the tensile<br />

strength by dividing the maximum load in newtons<br />

(or pounds-force) by the original minimum<br />

cross-sectional area of the specimen in square<br />

metres (or square inches). Express the result in<br />

pascals (or pounds-force per square inch) and<br />

report it to three significant figures as "Tensile<br />

Strength at Yield" or "Tensile Strength at Break,"<br />

whichever term is applicable. When a nominal<br />

yield or break load less than the maximum is<br />

present and applicable, it may be desirable also<br />

to calculate, in a similar manner, the corresponding<br />

"Tensile Stress at Yield" or "Tensile Stress at<br />

Break" and report it to three significant figures<br />

(Annex Note A 1.1 ).<br />

I 1.2 Percent Elongation-If the specimen<br />

gives a yield load that is larger than the load at<br />

break, calculate "Percent Elongation at Yield."<br />

Otherwise, calculate "Percent Elongation at<br />

Break." Do this by reading the extension (change<br />

in gage length) at the moment the applicable load<br />

is reached. Divide that extension by the original<br />

gage length and multiply by 100. Report "Percent<br />

Elongation at Yield" or "Percent Elongation at<br />

Break" to two significant figures. When a yield<br />

or breaking load less than the maximum is present<br />

and of interest, it is desirable to calculate and<br />

report both "Percent Elongation at Yield" and<br />

"Percent Elongation at Break" (Annex Note<br />

A 1.2).<br />

1 1.3 Moduhrs of Elasticity-Calculate the<br />

modulus of elasticity by extending the initial<br />

linear portion of the load-extension curve and<br />

dividing the difference in stress corresponding to<br />

any segment of section on this straight line by<br />

the corresponding difference in strain. All elastic<br />

modulus values shall be computed using the<br />

average initial cross-sectional area of the test<br />

specimens in the calculations. The result shall be<br />

expressed in pounds-force per square inch (pascals)<br />

and reported to three significant figures.<br />

11.4 For each series of tests, calculate the<br />

arithmetic mean of all values obtained and report<br />

it as the "average value'' for the particular prop<br />

erty in question.<br />

1 1.5 Calculate the standard deviation (estimated)<br />

as follows and report it to two significant<br />

figures:<br />

s = d(ZX2 - nP)/(n - I)<br />

where:<br />

s = estimated standard deviation,<br />

X = value of single observation,<br />

n = number of observations, and<br />

= arithmetic mean of the set of observations.<br />

1 1.6 See Appendix X 1 for information on toe<br />

compensation.<br />

12. Report<br />

12.1 The report shall include the following<br />

12. I. 1 Complete identifications of the material<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer's<br />

code numbers, form, principal dimensions, previous<br />

history, etc.,<br />

12.1.2 Method of preparing test specimens,<br />

12.1.3 Type of test specimen and dimensions,<br />

12.1.4 Conditioning procedure used,<br />

12.1.5 Atmospheric conditions in test room,<br />

12.1.6 Number of specimens tested,<br />

12.1.7 Speed of testing,<br />

12.1.8 Tensile strength at yield or break, average<br />

value, and standard deviation,<br />

12.1.9 Tensile stress at yield or break, if a p<br />

plicable, average value, and standard deviation,<br />

12.1.10 Percentage elongation at yield or<br />

break (or both, as applicable), average value, and<br />

standard deviation,<br />

12.1.1 1 Modulus of elasticity, average value,<br />

and standard deviation, and<br />

12.1.12 Dateoftest.<br />


D638<br />

13. Precision and Biasao<br />

13. I Tables 2 through 6 are based on a round<br />

robin conducted in 1984. involving five materials<br />

tested by eight laboratories using the Type I<br />

specimen, all of nominal 0.125-in. thickness.<br />

Each test result was based on five individual<br />

determinations. Each laboratory obtained two<br />

test results for each material.<br />

13.2 In Tables 2 through 6. for the materials<br />

indicated, and for test results that are derived<br />

from testing five specimens:<br />

13.2. I S, is the within-laboratory standard deviation<br />

of the average: fr = 2.83 s,. (See 13.2.3<br />

for application of lr.)<br />

13.2.2 SR is the between-laboratory standard<br />

deviation of the average: IR = 2.83 SR. (See 13.2.4<br />

for application of IR.)<br />

13.2.3 Ri~pcJatahility-In comparing two test<br />

results for the same material. obtained by the<br />

same operator using the same equipment on the<br />

same day, those test results should be judged not<br />

equivalent if they differ by more than the I, value<br />

for that material and condition.<br />

I 3.2.4 Rc~prodircihility-1 n comparing two<br />

test results for the same material. obtained by<br />

different operators using different equipment on<br />

different days. those test results should be judged<br />

not equivalent if they differ by more than the IR<br />

value for that material and condition. (This ap<br />

plies between different laboratories or between<br />

different equipment within the same laboratory.)<br />

13.2.5 Any judgment in accordance with<br />

13.2.3 and 13.2.4 will have an approximate 95 %<br />

(0.95) probability of being correct.<br />

13.2.6 Other formulations may give somewhat<br />

different results.<br />

13.3 For further information on the methodology<br />

used in this section. see Practice E 69 I.<br />

13.4 There are no recognized standards on<br />

which to base an estimate of bias for this test<br />

method.<br />

13.5 The precision of this test method is very<br />

dependent upon the uniformity of specimen<br />

preparation. standard practices for which are covered<br />

in other documents.<br />

lo Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters.<br />

Request RR: D20-I 125.<br />

-<br />

TABLE 1<br />

Designations for Speed of <strong>Test</strong>ing"<br />

speed Of<br />

Classification" Specimen Type in./min<br />

(mm/min)<br />

Nominal Strainc<br />

Rate at Start of <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

in./in. -min<br />

(mm/mm. min)<br />

Rigid and Semirigid I. 11. Ill rods and tubes 0.2 f 25 7% 0.1<br />

2* IO% I<br />

IV<br />

20* 10% IO<br />

0.2 * 25 % 0.15<br />

2* IO% I .5<br />

20* 10% I5<br />

V 0.05 f 25 % 0. I<br />

0.5 * 25 % 1<br />

5*25% IO<br />

Nonrigid 111 2*10%<br />

20* 10%<br />

I<br />

IO<br />

IV<br />

2* IO%<br />

I .5<br />

202 iO-70 ij<br />

A Select the lowest speed that produces rupture in Yz to 5 min for the specimen geometry being used (see 9.2).<br />

"See Definitions D 883 for definitions.<br />

The initial rate of straining cannot be calculated exactly for dumbbell-shaped specimens because of extension, both in the<br />

reduced section outside the gage length and in the fillets. This initial strain rate can be measured from the initial slope of the tcnsik<br />

strai n-versus-time diagram.<br />


TABLE 2 Modulus, 18 psi. for Eight LaborntMies. Five Materials<br />

. Mean S, SR I, In<br />

Polypropylene 0.2 IO 0.0089 0.07 I 0.025 0.201<br />

Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 0.246 0.0179 0.035 0.05 I 0.144<br />

Acrylic 0.48 I 0.0 I79 0.063 0.05 1 0.144<br />

General Resin Nylon 1.17 0.0537 0.2 I7 0. I52 0.614<br />

General Resin Polyester I .39 0.0894 0.266 0.253 0.753<br />

TABLE 3 Tensile Stress at Yield, Id psi. for Eight laboratories, Three Materials<br />

Mean S, SR I, IR<br />

Polypropylene 3.63 0.022 0.161 0.062 0.456<br />

Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 5.0I 0.058 0.227 0.164 0.642<br />

Acrylic 10.4 0.067 0.317 0.190 0.897<br />

~-<br />

TABLE 4 Elongation at Yield, W, for Eight laboratories, Three Materials<br />

Mean S, sn 1, 1,<br />

Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 3.65 0.27 0.62 0.76 1.75<br />

Acrylic 4.89 0.2 I 0.55 0.59 1.56<br />

Polypropylene 8.79 0.45 5.86 1.27 16.5<br />

TABLE 5 Tensile Strength at Break, Id psi. for Eight hhtories, Five Materials"<br />

Mean S, sn I, In<br />

Polypropylene 2.97 1.54 I .65 4.37 4.66<br />

Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 4.82 0.058 0.180 0.164 0.m<br />

Acrylic 9.09 0.452 0.75 I I .27 2.13<br />

General Resin Polyester 20.8 0.233 0.437 0.659 I .24<br />

General Resin Nylon 23.6 0.277 0.698 0.784 I .98<br />

A Tensile strength and elongation at break values obtained for unreinforced propylene plastics generally are highly variable due<br />

to inconsistencies in necking or "drawing" of the Center section of the test bar. Since tensile strength and elongation at yield are<br />

more reproducible and relate in most cases to the practical usefulness of a molded part. they are generally recommended for<br />

specification purposes.<br />

TABLE 6 Elomution at Break. 96. for Eight laboratories, Five Materials"<br />

Mean S, SR 1, In<br />

General Resin Polyester 3.68 0.20 2.33 0.570 6.59<br />

General Resin Nylon 3.87 0.10 2.13 0.283 6.03<br />

Acrylic 13.2 2.05 3.65 5.80 10.3<br />

Cellulose Acetate Butyrate 14. I I .87 6.62 5.29 18.7<br />

Polypropylene 293.0 50.9 119.0 144.0 337.0<br />

A Tensile strength and elongation a! break values oWned for unrtinfcmed propylene plastics pnmlly are highly variable due<br />

to inconsistencies in necking or "drawing" of the center section of the test bar. Since tensile stmgth and elongation at yield are<br />

more reproducible and relate in most cases to the practical usefulness of a molded part. they are generally recommended for<br />

specification purposes.<br />


@ D638<br />

r<br />

i-.<br />

--.__<br />

- i d<br />

' Z - . c<br />

- LO -<br />

TYPE LP<br />

- -T<br />

Specimen Dimensions for Thickness, T. in. (mmy<br />

0.28 (7) or under<br />

Over 0.28 to<br />

0.55 (7 to 0. I6 (4) or under<br />

Dimensions (see drawings) 14) incl. Tolerances<br />

Type1 TmII TywIII TmIVG<br />

U'-Width of narrow section".' 0.50 (13) 0.25 (6) 0.75 (19) 0.25 (6)<br />

L-Length of narrow section 2.25 (57) 2.25 (57) 2.25 (57) 1.30 (33)<br />

R'O-Width over-all, minE 0.75 ( 19) 0.75 ( 19) I. I3 (29) 0.75 ( 19)<br />

WO-Width over-all, mint ... ... ... ...<br />

LO-Length over-all. minF 6.5 (165) 7.2 (183) 9.7 (246) 4.5 (I IS)<br />

G-Gage lengthr 2.00 (50) 2.00 (50) 2.00 (50) ...<br />

Type VI<br />

0.125 (3.18) M.02 (M.5)G.'<br />

0.375 (9.53) M.02 (M.57<br />

... M.25 (6.4)<br />

0.375 (9.53) M.125 (+3.18)<br />

2.5 (63.5) no max (no max)<br />

0.300 (7.62) M.010 (M.25)'<br />

131<br />

... M.005 (M.<br />

G-Gage lengthC ... ... ... 1.00 (25)<br />

D-Distance-between grips 4.5(115) 5.3(135) 4.5(llS) 2.SH(64) LO(25.4) MO.2(f5) '<br />

R-Radius of fillet 3.00 (76) 3.00 (76) 3.00 (76) 0.56 (14) 0.5 (12.7) M.04 (*I7<br />

RO-Outer radius (Type IV) ... ... ... I.00(25) ... M.04 (*I)<br />

FIG. 1 Tensioa <strong>Test</strong> Specinmu for Sbeet, Phte, .Id Molded phrtics<br />

"The width at the center W, shall be M.OO0 in., -0.004 in. (M.00 mm. -0. IO mm) compared with width Wat other parts of<br />

the reduced section. Any nduction in W at the center shall be gradual, equally on each side so that no abrupt chaw in dimeasion<br />

result.<br />

' For molded specimens, a draft of not over 0.005 in. (0. I3 mm) may be allowed for either Type I or I1 specimens 0.13 in. (3.2<br />

mm) in thickness, and this should be taken into account when calculating width of the specimen. Thus a typical section ofa molded<br />

Type I specimen, having the maximum allowable draft, could be as follows<br />

<strong>Test</strong> marks or initial extensometer span.<br />

Thickness, T. shall be 0.13 f 0.02 in. (3.2 f 0.4 mm) for all types of molded specimens and for other Typa I and 11 specimens<br />

where possible. If specimens an machined from sheets or plates, thickness, T, may be the thickness of the sheet or plate provided<br />

this does not ex& the range saated for the intended specimen type. For sheets of nominal thickness greater than 0.55 in. (14 mm)<br />

the specimens shall be machined to 0.55 f 0.02 in. (I4 f 0.4 mm) in thickness, for use with the Type 111 specimen. For sheas of<br />

nominal thickness between 0.55 and 2 in. (14 and 5 I mm) approximately equal amounts shall be machined thm each surkc. For<br />

thicker sheets both surfaces of the specimen shall be machined and the location of the specimen with denma to the original<br />

thickness of the sheet, shall be noted. Tolerances on thickness less than 0.55 in. (14 mm) shall be those stpadprd for the grede of<br />

material tested.<br />

EOverall widths greater than the minimum indicated may be desirable for some materials in order to avoid bmking in the grips.<br />

FOverall lengths greater than the minimum indicated may be desirable either to avoid W n g in the grips or to saw special<br />

test requirements.<br />

For the Type IV specimen, the intend width of the narrow section of the die shall be 0.250 f 0.002 in. (6.00 f 0.05 mm).<br />

The dimensions are essentially those of Die C in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 412.<br />

"When self-tightening grips are used, for highly extensible poly" the distance bttween grips will dcpcld upon the types of<br />

grips used and may not be critical if maintained uniform once chosen.<br />


D638<br />

.......... ......<br />

-- -------<br />

0.505 in., mrx<br />

(12.03 mm)<br />

c ........ 0.500 in. ......-.<br />

(12.70 mm)<br />

‘The Type V specimen shall be machined or die cut to the dimensions shown, or molded in a mold whose cavity has these<br />

dimensions. The dimensions shall bc:<br />

It’ = 0.125 f 0.001 in. (3.18 f 0.03 mm).<br />

L = 0.375 f 0.003 in. (9.53 f 0.08 mm).<br />

G = 0.300 f 0.001 in. (7.62 f 0.02 mm). and<br />

R = 0.500 f 0.003 in. (12.7 f 0.08 mm).<br />

The other tolerances are those in the table.<br />

’Supporting data on the introduction of the L specimen of <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1822 as the Type V specimen are available from<br />

ASTM Headquarters. Request RRD 20-1038.<br />

FIG. I Continued.<br />

I<br />

--<br />


-<br />

Metal Plugs<br />

\<br />

Nominal wall Thickness<br />

1,<br />


Length of Radial Scr9ions.<br />

2R.S.<br />

in. (mm)<br />

Total Calculated Minimum<br />

Length of Specimen<br />

men Standard be Length. used for L. 3.5-in. of Speci- (89-<br />

mm) Jaw&<br />

V32 (0.79) 0.547 ( I 3.9) 13.80 (350) I5 (381)<br />

v64 (I.2) 0.670 ( 17.0) 13.92 (354) I5 (381)<br />

%s (1.6) 0.773 ( 19.6) 14.02 (356) I5 (381)<br />

J ~ (2.4) Z<br />

0.946 (24.0) 14.20 (361) 15 (381)<br />

Vi (3.2) 1.091 (27.7) 14.34 (364) I5 (381)<br />

'/I6 (4.8) 1.333 (33.9) 14.58 (370) I5 (381)<br />

V4 (6.4) 1.536 (39.0) 14.79 (376) 15.75 (400)<br />

%6 (7.9) 1.714 (43.5) 14.96 (380) 15.75 (400)<br />

w (9.5) I .873 (47.6) 15.12 (384) 15.75 (400)<br />

'116 ( I 1.1) 2,019(51.3) 15.27 (388) 15.75 (400)<br />

95 (12.7) 2.154 (54.7) 15.40 (391) 16.5 ..(4191<br />

. --,<br />

A For other jaws gmter than 3.5 in. (89 mm), the standad length shall be increased by twice the length of the jaws minus 7 in.<br />

(I 78 mm). The standard length permits a slippage of approximately 0.25 to 0.50 in. (6.4 lo 12.7 mm) in each jaw while maintaining<br />

maximum length of jaw grip.<br />

FIG. 2 D&g"i Showing Loation of Tube Tension <strong>Test</strong> Specimens in <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine<br />

-<br />


Machine to<br />

Nominal Diameter<br />

% (3.2)<br />

%6 (4.7)<br />

V4 (6.4)<br />

v8 (9.5)<br />

'h(12.7)<br />

U ( 15.9)<br />

?h( 19.0)<br />

'18 (22.2)<br />

I (25.4)<br />

1%(31.8)<br />

1 'h(38. I )<br />

1% (42.5)<br />

2 (50.8)<br />


Length of Radial<br />

Sections, 2R.S.<br />

0.773 (19.6)<br />

0.946 (24.0)<br />

1.091 (27.7)<br />

1.333 (33.9)<br />

1.536 (39.0)<br />

1.714 (43.5)<br />

1.873 (47.6)<br />

2.019 (51.5)<br />

2. I54 (54.7)<br />

2.398 (60.9)<br />

2.615 (66.4)<br />

2.812 (71.4)<br />

2.993 (76.0)<br />

in. (mm)<br />

Total Calculated Minimum<br />

Length of Specimen<br />

14.02 (356)<br />

14.20 (361)<br />

14.34 (364)<br />

14.58 (370)<br />

14.79 (376)<br />

14.96 (380)<br />

15.12 (384)<br />

15.27 (388)<br />

15.40 (391)<br />

15.65 (398)<br />

15.87 (403)<br />

16.06 (408)<br />

16.24 (412)<br />

Standard Length. L, of Specimen<br />

lo be used for 89-mm<br />

(3Ih-in.) JawsA<br />

I5 (381)<br />

15 (381)<br />

I5 (381)<br />

I5 (381)<br />

15.75 (400)<br />

15.75 (400)<br />

!5.75 (400)<br />

15.75 (400)<br />

16.5 (419)<br />

16.5 (419)<br />

16.5 (419)<br />

16.5 (419)<br />

17 1432)<br />

A For other jaws greater than 3.5 in. (89 mm). the standard length shall be increased by twice the length of the jaws minus 7in.<br />

( I78 mm). The standard length permits a slippage of approximately 0.25 to 0.50 (6.4 to 12.7 mm) in each jaw while maintaining<br />

maximum length of jaw grip.<br />

FIG. 3 Myplm Showing Location of Rod Tension <strong>Test</strong> Specimen in <strong>Test</strong>iq Machine<br />


@ 0638<br />

ANNEX<br />

(Mandatory Information)<br />


A 1. I rensile stress (nominal)-the tensile load per<br />

unit area of minimum original cross-section, within the<br />

gage boundaries, camed by the test specimen at any<br />

given moment. It is expressed in force per unit area,<br />

usually pounds-force per square inch (megapascals).<br />

NOTE A I . I-The expression of tensile properties in<br />

terms of the minimum original cross-section is almost<br />

universally used in practice. In the case of materials<br />

exhibiting high extensibility, or "necking". or both,<br />

(A I. I I) nominal stress calculations may not be meaningful<br />

beyond the yield point (A I. IO) due to the extcnsive<br />

reduction in cross-sectional area that ensues. Under<br />

some circumstances it may be desirable to express the<br />

tensile properties per unit of minimum prevailing crosssection.<br />

These properties are called "true" tensile prop<br />

erties (that is. true tensile stress, etc.).<br />

A I .2 tensilestrengrh (nominal)-the maximum tensile<br />

stress (nominal) sustained by the specimen during<br />

a tension test. When the maximum stress occurs at the<br />

yield point (AI.10). it shall be designated Tensile<br />

Strength at Yield. When the maximum stress occurs at<br />

break. it shall be designated Tensile Strength at Break.<br />

A I .3 gage length-the original length of that portion<br />

of the specimen over which strain or change in<br />

length is determined.<br />

A 1.4 elungatiun-the increase in length produced<br />

in the gage length of the test specimen by a tensile load.<br />

It is expressed in units of length, usually inches (millimetres).<br />

(Also known as exrension.)<br />

NOTE A 1.2-Elongation and strain values are valid<br />

only in cases were uniformity of specimen behavior<br />

within the gage length is present. In the case of materials<br />

exhibiting "necking phenomena," such values are only<br />

of qualitative utility after attainment of "yield" point.<br />

This is due to inability to assure that necking will<br />

encompass the entire length between the gage marks<br />

prior to specimen failure.<br />

A I .5 percenrage elungatiun-the elongation of a test<br />

specimen expressed as a percentage of the gage length.<br />

A I .6 percentage elongation at yield and break:<br />

A I .6. I percentage elungation at yield-the percentage<br />

elongation at the moment the yield point (A1.10)<br />

is attained in the test specimen.<br />

A I .6.2 percenrage elongation at break-the percentage<br />

elongation at the moment of rupture of the test<br />

specimen.<br />

A I .7 strain-the ratio of the elongation to the gage<br />

length of the test specimen, that is, the change in length<br />

per unit of original length. It is expressed as a dimensionless<br />

ratio.<br />

A1.8 true strain (see Fig. Al.1) is defined by the<br />

following equation for CT:<br />

where:<br />

dL = the increment of elongation when the distance<br />

between the gage marks is L,<br />

L,, = the original distance between gage marks. and<br />

L = the distance between gage marks at any time.<br />

A I .9 tcwsilc stress-sfrain ciirve-a diagram in which<br />

values of tensile stress are plotted as ordinates against<br />

corresponding values of tensile strain as abscissas.<br />

A1.10 yieldpuinr-the first point on thestress-strain<br />

curve at which an increase in strain occurs without an<br />

increase in stress (Fig. A I .2).<br />

NOTE A I .3-Only materials whose stress-strain<br />

curves exhibit a point of zero slope may be considered<br />

as having a yield point.<br />

NOTE A I .4--Some materials exhibit a distinct<br />

"break" or discontinuity in the stress-strain curve in<br />

the elastic region. This break is not a yield point by<br />

definition. However, this point may prove useful for<br />

material characterization in some cases.<br />

A I. I I necking-the localized reduction in cross-section<br />

which may occur in a material under tensile stress.<br />

A I. 12 yield srrength-the stress at which a material<br />

exhibits a specified limiting deviation from the proportionality<br />

of stress to strain. Unless otherwise specified.<br />

this stress will be the stress at the yield point and when<br />

expressed in relation to the Tensile Strength shall be<br />

designated either Tensile Strength at Yield or Tensile<br />

Stress at Yield as required under A I .2 (Fig. A 1.2). (See<br />

ufier yield srrengrh.)<br />

A I. I3 offset yield stret,gth-the stress at which the<br />

strain exceeds by a specified amount (the offset) an<br />

extension of the initial proportional portion of the<br />

stress-strain curve. It is expressed in force per unit area,<br />

usually pounds-force per square inch (megapaxals).<br />

NOTE AI.5-This measurement is useful for materials<br />

whose stresstrain curve in the yield range is of<br />

gradual curvature. The offset yield strength can be<br />

derived from a stress-strain curve as follows (Fig. A I .3):<br />

On the strain axis lay off OM equal to the specified<br />

offset.<br />

Draw OA tangent to the initial straight-line portion<br />

of the stress-strain curve.<br />

Through M draw a line MN parallel to OA and locate<br />

the intersection of MN with the stress-strain curve.<br />

The stress at the point of intersection r is the "offset<br />

yield strength." The specified value of the offset must<br />

be stated as a percentage of the original gage length in<br />

conjunction with the strength value. Example: 0.1 96<br />


0 638<br />

offset yield strength = ... psi (MPa), or yield strength<br />

at 0.1 96 offset ... psi (MPa).<br />

A I. 14 propurtional limit-the greatest stress which<br />

a material is capable ofsustaining without any deviation<br />

from proportionality of stress to strain (Hooke’s law).<br />

It is expressed in force per unit area, usually poundsforce<br />

per square inch (megapascals).<br />

A 1.15 elastic limit-the greatest stress which a material<br />

is capable of sustaining without any permanent<br />

strain remaining upon complete release of the stress. It<br />

is expressed in force per unit area, usually pounds-force<br />

per square inch (megapascals).<br />

NOTE A I .6--Measured values of proportional limit<br />

and elastic limit vary greatly with the sensitivity and<br />

accuracy of the testing equipment, eccentricity of loading,<br />

the scale to which the stress-strain diagram is<br />

plotted, and other factors. Consequently, these values<br />

are usually replaced by yield strength.<br />

A1.16 modulus of elasticity-the ratio of stress<br />

(nominal) to corresponding strain below the proportional<br />

limit of a material. It is expressed in force per<br />

unit area, usually pounds-force per square inch (megapascals)<br />

(Also known as elastic modulus or Young’s<br />

modulus).<br />

NOTE A I .7-The stress-strain relations of many<br />

plastics do not conform to Hooke’s law throughout the<br />

elastic range but deviate therefrom even at stresses well<br />

below the elastic limit. For such materials the slope of<br />

the tangent to the stress-strain curve at a low stress is<br />

usually taken as the modulus of elasticity. Since the<br />

existence of a true proportional limit in plastics is<br />

debatable, the propriety of applying the term “modulus<br />

of elasticity” to describe the stiffness or rigidity of a<br />

plastic has been seriously questioned. The exact stressstrain<br />

characteristics of plastic materials are very dependent<br />

on such factors as rate of stressing, temperature,<br />

previous specimen history, etc. However, such a<br />

value is useful if its arbitrary nature and dependence<br />

on time, temperature, and other factors are realized.<br />

A I. 17 secant modulus-the ratio of stress (nominal)<br />

to corresponding strain at any specified point on the<br />

stress-strain curve. It is expressed in force per unit area,<br />

usually pounds-force per square inch (megapascals),<br />

and reported together with the specified stress or strain.<br />

NOTE A 1.8-This measurement is usually employed<br />

in place of modulus of elasticity in the case of materials<br />

whose stress-strain diagram does not demonstrate proportionality<br />

of stress to strain.<br />

A 1. I8 percentage reduction of area (nominab-the<br />

difference between the original cross-sectional area<br />

measured at the point of rupture after breaking and<br />

after all retraction has ceased, expressed as a percentage<br />

of the original area.<br />

A 1.19 percentage reduction of area (“)-the difference<br />

between the original cross-sectional area of the<br />

test specimen and the minimum cross-sectional area<br />

within the gage boundaries prevailing at the moment<br />

of rupture, expressed as a percentage of the original<br />

area.<br />

A1.20 rate of loading-the change in tensile load<br />

carried by the specimen per unit time. It is expressed<br />

in force per unit time, usually pounds-force (newtons)<br />

per minute. The initial rate of loading can be calculated<br />

h m the initial slope of the load versus time diagram.<br />

A1.21 rate of stressing (nominao-the change in<br />

tensile stress (nominal) per unit time. It is expressed in<br />

force per unit area per unit time, usually pounds-force<br />

per square inch (megapasals) per minute. The initial<br />

rate of stressing can be calculated from the initial slope<br />

of the tensile stress (nominal) versus time diagram.<br />

NOTE A1.9-The initial rate of stressing as determined<br />

in this manner ha5 only limited physical significance.<br />

It does, however, roughly describe the average<br />

rate at which the initial stress (nominal) carried by the<br />

test specimen is applied. It is affected by the elasticity<br />

and flow characteristics of the materials being tested.<br />

At the yield point, the rate of stressing (true) may<br />

continue to have a positive value if the cross-sectional<br />

area is decreasing.<br />

A 1.22 rate of straining-the change in tensile strain<br />

per unit time. It is expressed either as strain per unit<br />

time, usually inches per inch (metres per metre) per<br />

minute, or percentage elongation per unit time, usually<br />

percentage elongation per minute. The initial rate of<br />

straining can be calculated from the initial slope of the<br />

tensile strain versus time diagram.<br />

NOTE A I. IO-The initial rate of straining is synonymous<br />

with the rate of crosshead movement divided by<br />

the initial distance between crossheads only in a machine<br />

with constant-rate-of-crosshead movement and<br />

when the specimen has a uniform original cross-section,<br />

does not “neck down,“ and does not slip in the jaws.<br />

A1.23 Symbols-The following symbols may be<br />

used for the above terms:<br />

SYMBOL<br />

W<br />

AW<br />

L<br />

LO<br />

L.<br />

AL,<br />

A<br />

Ao<br />

AA<br />

A.<br />

AT<br />

t<br />

At<br />

U<br />

Au<br />

UT<br />

VU<br />

=UT<br />

c<br />

AC<br />

CU<br />

%2<br />

Y.P.<br />

E<br />

TERM<br />

Load<br />

Increment of load<br />

Distance between gage marks at any time<br />

Original distance between gage marks<br />

Distance between gage marks at moment of<br />

rupture<br />

Increment of distance between gage marks<br />

= elongation<br />

Minimum cross-sectional area at any time<br />

Original cross-section area<br />

Increment of cross-sectional area<br />

Cross-sectional area at point of rupture measured<br />

after breaking specimen<br />

Cross-sectional area at point of rupture,<br />

measured at the moment of rupture<br />

Time<br />

Increment of time<br />

Tensile stress<br />

Increment of stress<br />

True tensile stress<br />

Tensile strength at break (nominal)<br />

Tensile strength at break (true)<br />

Strain<br />

Increment of strain<br />

Total strain, at break<br />

True strain<br />

Percentage elongation<br />

Yield point<br />

Modulus of elasticity<br />

A1.24 Relations between these various terms may<br />

be defined as follows:<br />


~<br />

0638<br />

u = W/Ao<br />

UT = W/A<br />

ut1 = W/Ao (where W is breaking load)<br />

OUT = W/A T (where W is breaking load)<br />

t = AL/Lo= (L - Lo)/Lo<br />

tL1 -- t Lu - LYLO<br />

"= dL/L = In L/Lo<br />

WE/= [(L- Lo)/Lo] X 100 = t x 100<br />

Percentage reduction of area (nominal)<br />

= [(A0 - &)/A01 X 100<br />

Percentage reduction ofarea (true)<br />

= [(A0- AT)/&] X 100<br />

Rate of loading = A W/Af<br />

Rateofstressing(nominal) = Aa/At = (A W/A,,)/At<br />

Rate of straining = &/At = (AL./Lo)Af<br />

For the case where the volume of the test specimen<br />

does not change during the test, the following three<br />

relations hold: ~<br />

UT= a(l + t) = t7L/Lo<br />

041 + tu) = uu L JLo<br />

A= Ao/(l+t)<br />

OUT=<br />

A<br />

/<br />

FIG. A1.2<br />

STRAIN<br />

TensikDes@ations<br />


@ D638<br />

I A N<br />

cn<br />

'<br />

cn<br />

L<br />

/ /<br />

/<br />

/ OM=Specified<br />

Off set<br />

0 M<br />

Strain<br />

FIG. A13 Offsct Yield Strength<br />


(Nonmandatory Information)<br />


X I. I In a typical stresstrain curve (Fig. XI, I) there<br />

is a toe region, AC, that does not represent a property<br />

of the material. It is an artifact caused by a takeup of<br />

slack, and alignment or seating of the specimen. In<br />

order to obtain correct values of such parameters as<br />

modulus, strain. and offset yield point, this artifact must<br />

be compensated for to give the corrected zero point on<br />

the strain or extension axis.<br />

X 1.2 In the case of a material exhibiting a region of<br />

Hookean (linear) behavior (Fig. XI. I), a continuation<br />

of the linear (CD) region of the curve is constructed<br />

through the zero-stress axis. This intersection (B) is the<br />

corrected zero-strain point from which all extensions<br />

or strains must be measured, including the yield offset<br />

(BE), if applicable. The elastic modulus can be determined<br />

by dividing the stress at any point along the line<br />

CD (or its extension) by the strain at the same point<br />

(measured from point B, defined as zero-strain).<br />

XI .3 In the case of a material that does not exhibit<br />

any linear region (Fig. Xl.2), the same kind of toe<br />

correction of the zero-strain point can be made by<br />

constructing a tangent to the maximum slope at the<br />

inflection point (H'). This is extended to intersect the<br />

strain axis at point B', the corrected zero-strain point.<br />

Using point B' as zero strain, the stress at any point<br />

(G') on the curve can be divided by the strain at that<br />

point to obtain a secant modulus (slope of line B' G').<br />

For those materials with no linear region, any attempt<br />

to use the tangent through the inflection point as a basis<br />

for determination of an offset yield point may result in<br />

unacceptable error.<br />


A B E Strain<br />

Ncm-.%me chart recorders pl01 the mirror image of this<br />

graph.<br />

FIG. X1.l Material with Hookean Region<br />

A B‘ Strain<br />

NOTE-some chart recorders plot the mirror image of this<br />

graph.<br />

FIG. XI.2 Material with No Hookean Region<br />

The American Scniet.r.fi)r <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no pasition respecting thin validity qlbny patent rights ussserted in connection<br />

with any i:em mentioned in rhis standard. Users ofthis standard are espressly advised that determination ot’tht validity (!/‘any S14C.h<br />

patent rixhts, and the risk of infringement qf such rights. arc entirelr their o w re.vponsihility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any timi. by the responsible technical commirtee and must he reviewed iwr~*/iw years and<br />

If ncn revised, either reapproved or nithdrawn. Your comments are invited either Ji)r revision of rhis standard or ,lbr additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive carefir1 consideration at a mecting of the<br />

responsible technical committee. which jvnt may attend. If you .feel that your comments haw not received a ,fair hilaring you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race S:., Philadelphia. PA 19/03.<br />




ASTM D 696 - 79<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 696; the number immediately following the designation indicates<br />

the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the<br />

year of last reapproval.<br />

NoTE-scction 5.2 was corrected editorially and the designation date was changed May 4. 1979.<br />

_ _ . -<br />

This method hos been approved for use by agenries of the Deparrment of Dejense andlor listing in the Do D Index of Speccifications<br />

ond Standards.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This method covers determination of<br />

the coefficient of linear thermal expansion<br />

for plastics by use of a vitreous silica dilatometer.<br />

At the test temperatures and under the<br />

stresses imposed, the plastic materials shall<br />

have a negligible creep or elastic strain rate<br />

or both, insofar as these properties would<br />

significantly affect the accuracy of the measure<br />

men t s .<br />

NOTE 1 -See also Method E 228.<br />

1.2 The thermal expansion of a plastic is<br />

composed of a reversible component on which<br />

are superimposed changes in length due to<br />

changes in moisture content, curing, loss of<br />

plasticizer or solvents, release of stresses,<br />

phase changes and other factors. This method<br />

of test is intended for determining the coefficient<br />

of linear thermal expansion under the<br />

exclusion of these factors as far as possible.<br />

In general, it will not be possible to exclude<br />

the effect of these factors completely. For<br />

this reason, the method can be expected to<br />

give only an approximation to the true thermal<br />

expansion.<br />

NOTE 2 -The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

E 228 <strong>Test</strong> for Linear Thermal Expansion<br />

of Rigid Solids with a Vitreous Silica<br />

Dilatometer'<br />

D 2236 <strong>Test</strong> for Dynamic Mechanical Prop<br />

erties of Plastics by Means of a Torsional<br />

Pendulum3<br />

143<br />

D 1898 Recommended Practice for Sampling<br />

of Plastics3<br />

D 618 Conditioning Plastics and Electrical<br />

Insulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing3<br />

3. Significance<br />

3.1 The coefficient of linear thermal expansion,<br />

a, between temperatures T1 and T2 for<br />

a specimen whose length is L,, at the reference<br />

temperature, is given by the following equation:<br />

1~ = (L2 - Ll)/[L,(T, - Tal = ALILOAT<br />

where L, and L, are the specimen lengths at<br />

temperatures T, and T2, respectively. (Y is,<br />

therefore, obtained by dividing the linear<br />

expansion per unit length by the change in<br />

temperature.<br />

3.2 The nature of most plastics and the<br />

construction of the common type of dilatometer<br />

make -30 to +30°C a convenient temperature<br />

range for linear thermal expansion<br />

measurements of plastics. This range covers<br />

the temperatures in which plastics are very<br />

commonly used. When extending the range<br />

when the measurement of a plastic whose<br />

characteristics are not known through the<br />

standard range is being made, particular attention<br />

shall be paid to the factors mentioned<br />

in 1.2 and special preliminary investigations<br />

This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-20 on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D20.30 on Thermal Properties.<br />

Current edition approved May 4. 1979. Published July<br />

1979. Originally published as D 6%-42. Last previous edition<br />

D 6% - 70 (1978).<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts IO, 17.41, and<br />

44.<br />

a Annuol Book of ASTM Stondards, Part 35.

D 696<br />

by thermo-mechanical analysis, such as that<br />

prescribed in Method D 2236 for the location<br />

of phase changes. may be required to avoid<br />

excessive error. Other ways of locating phase<br />

changes or transition temperatures using the<br />

dilatometer itself may be employed to cover<br />

the range of temperatures in question by<br />

using smaller steps than 30°C or by observing<br />

the rate of expansion during a steady rise in<br />

temperature of the specimen. Once such a<br />

transition point has been located, a separate<br />

coefficient of expansion for a temperature<br />

range below and above the transition point<br />

shall be determined. For specification and<br />

comparison purposes. the range from -30°C<br />

to +30"C (provided it is known that no transition<br />

point exists in this range) shall be used.<br />

4. Summary of Method<br />

4.1 This method is intended to provide a<br />

means of determining the coefficient of linear<br />

thermal expansion of plastics which are not<br />

distorted or indented by the thrust of the<br />

dilatometer on the specimen. The specimen<br />

is placed at the bottom of the outer dilatometer<br />

tube with the inner one resting on it. The<br />

measuring device which is firmly attached to<br />

the outer tube is in contact with the top of<br />

the inner tube and indicates variations in the<br />

length of the specimen with changes in temperature.<br />

Temperature changes are brought<br />

about by immersing the outer tube in a liquid<br />

bath at the desired temperature.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 Fused-Quartz- Tube Dilatometer suitable<br />

for this method is illustrated in Fig. I. A<br />

clearance of approximately 1 mm is allowed<br />

hetween the inner and outer tubes.<br />

5.2 Device for measuring the changes in<br />

length (dial gage. LVCT. iii iXe eqiiivaknt)<br />

shall be fixed on the mounting fixture so that<br />

its position may be adjusted to accommodate<br />

specimens of varying length (see 7.2). The<br />

accuracy shall be such that the error of indication<br />

will not exceed f 1.0 pn (4 x in.)<br />

for any length change. The weight of the inner<br />

silica tube plus the measuring device reaction<br />

shall not exert a stress of more than 70 kPa (IO<br />

psi) on the specimen so that the specimen is not<br />

distorted or appreciably indented.<br />

5.3 Scale or Caliper capable of measuring<br />

the initial length of the specimen with an<br />

accuracy of a0.S % .<br />

5.4 Liquid Bath to control the temperature<br />

of the specimen. The bath shall be so arranged<br />

that uniform temperature over the length of<br />

the specimen is assured. Means shall be provided<br />

for stirring the bath and for controlling<br />

its temperature within 50.2"C (0.4"F) at the<br />

time of the temperature and measuring device<br />

readings.<br />

NOTE 3-Jt is preferable and not difficult to<br />

avoid contact between the bath liquid and the test<br />

specimen. If such contact is unavoidable. care must<br />

be taken to select a liquid that will not affect the<br />

physical properties of the material under test.<br />

5.5 Thermometer or Thermocouple -The<br />

bath temperature shall be measured by a<br />

thermometer or thermocouple capable of an<br />

accuracy of +O.I"C (a0.2"F).<br />

6. Sampling<br />

6. I Unless otherwise agreed upon between<br />

interested parties. the material shall be sampled<br />

as described in Sections 8 through 14 of<br />

Recommended Practice D 1898.<br />

7. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

7. I The test specimens may be prepared by<br />

machining. molding. or casting operations under<br />

conditions which give a minimum of strain<br />

or anisotropy. If specimens are cut from samples<br />

that are suspected of anisotropy. the<br />

specimens shall be cut along the principal<br />

axes of anisotropy and the coefficient of linear<br />

thermal expansion shall be measured on each<br />

set of specimens.<br />

7.2 The specimen length shall be between<br />

50 mm (2 in.) and 125 mm (5 in.).<br />

NOTE 4 -If specimens shorter than SO mm are<br />

used. a loss in sensitivity results. If specimens<br />

greatly longer than 125 mm are used. the tem<br />

ture gradient along the specimen becomes diK%<br />

to control within the prescribed limits. The length<br />

used will be governed by the sensitivity and range<br />

of the measuring device, the extension expected<br />

and the accuracy desired. Generally speaking, the<br />

longer the specimen and the more sensitive the<br />

measuring device, the more accurate will be the<br />

determination if the temperature is well controlled.<br />

7.3 The cross section of the test specimen<br />

may be round. square. or rectangular and<br />

should fit easily into the outer tube of the<br />

dilatometer without excessive play on the one<br />


D 696<br />

hand or friction on the other. The cross<br />

section of the specimen shall be large enough<br />

so that no bending or twisting of the specimen<br />

occurs. Convenient specimen cross sections<br />

are: 12.5 by 6.3 mm (I/? in. by l/4 in.). 12.5<br />

by 3 mm (I/z by I/a in.). 12.5 mm (I/? in.) in<br />

diameter or 6.3 mm (l/4 in.) in diameter. If<br />

excessive play is found with some of the<br />

thinner specimen, guide sections may be cemented<br />

or otherwise attached to the sides of<br />

the specimen to fill out the space.<br />

7.4 The ends of the specimens shall be<br />

reasonably flat and perpendicular to the<br />

length axis of the specimen. The ends shall<br />

be protected against indentation by means of<br />

flat, thin steel plates cemented or otherwise<br />

firmly attached to them before the specimen<br />

is placed in the dilatometer. These plates<br />

shall be 0.3 to 0.5 mm (0.012 to 0.020 in.)<br />

in thickness.<br />

8. Conditioning<br />

8.1 Conditioning -Condition the test specmens<br />

at 23 * 2°C (73.4 & 3.6"F) and 50 *<br />

5 % relative humidity for not less than 40 h<br />

prior to test in accordance with Procedure A<br />

of <strong>Methods</strong> D 6 18 for those tests where conditioning<br />

is required. In cases of disagreement,<br />

the tolerances shall be kI"C (k1.8"F)<br />

and k 2 9% relative humidity.<br />

8.2 <strong>Test</strong> Conditions-Conduct tests in the<br />

Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 23 2<br />

2°C (73.4 * 3.6"F) and 50 2 5 % relative<br />

humidity. unless otherwise specified in the<br />

test methods or in this specification. In cases<br />

of disagreement. the tolerances shall be 2 1 "C<br />

(2 1.8"F) and 22 % relative humidity.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Measure the length of the conditioned<br />

specimen at room temperature to the nearest<br />

25 pm (0.0ui in.j with the scale or caiiper<br />

(see 4.3).<br />

9.2 Cement or otherwise attach the steel<br />

plates to the ends of the specimen to prevent<br />

indentation (see 7.4).<br />

9.3 Mount the specimen in the dilatometer.<br />

Carefully install the dilatometer in the<br />

-30°C (-22°F) bath so that the top of the<br />

specimen is at least 50 mm (2 in.) below the<br />

liquid level of the bath. Maintain the temperature<br />

of the bath in the range from -32°C to<br />

28°C (-25 to -18°F) 2 0.2"C (0.4"F) until<br />

the temperature of the specimen reaches the<br />

temperature of the bath as denoted by no<br />

further movement indicated by the measuring<br />

device over a period of 5 to IO min. Record<br />

the actual temperature and the measuring<br />

device reading.<br />

9.4 Without disturbing or jarring the dilatometer.<br />

change to the +3O"C (86°F) bath.<br />

so that the top of the specimen is at least 50<br />

mm (2 in.) below the liquid level of the bath.<br />

Maintain the temperature of the bath in the<br />

range from +32 to +28"C (+82 to 90°F)<br />

+0.2"C (O.4"F) until the temperature of the<br />

specimen reaches that of the bath as denoted<br />

by no further changes in the measuring device<br />

reading over a period of 5 to IO min. Record<br />

the actual temperature and the measuring<br />

device reading.<br />

9.5 Without disturbing or jarring the dilatometer.<br />

change to the -30°C (-22°F) bath<br />

and repeat the procedure in 9.3.<br />

NOTE 5 -It is convenient to use alternately two<br />

baths at the proper tem eratures. Great care should<br />

be taken not to distur \ the apparatus during the<br />

transfer of baths. Tall Thermos bottles have been<br />

successfully used. The use of two baths is referred<br />

because this will reduce the time requiretfto bring<br />

the specimen to the desired temperature. The test<br />

should be conducted in as short a time as possible<br />

to avoid changes in physical properties during long<br />

cxposures to high and ION tcmpcraturcs that might<br />

possibly take place.<br />

9.6 If the change in length per degree of<br />

temperature difference due to heating does<br />

not agree with the change in length per degree<br />

due to cooling within IO % of their average.<br />

the cause of the discrepancy shall be investigated<br />

and. if possible. eliminated. The test<br />

shall then be repeated until agreement is<br />

reached.<br />

10. Calculation<br />

10.1 Calculate the coefficient of linear thermal<br />

expansion over the temperature range<br />

used as follows:<br />

a = AL./L,,AT<br />

where:<br />

a = coefficient of linear thermal expansion<br />

per degree Celsius.<br />

AL = change in length of test specimen due<br />

to heating or to cooling.<br />

L,, = length of test specimen at room tem-<br />


0 696<br />

perature (AL and Lo being measured<br />

in the same units). and<br />

37' = temperature differences. "C, over<br />

which the change in the length of the<br />

specimen is measured.<br />

The values of a for heating and for cooling<br />

shall be averaged to give the value to be<br />

reported.<br />

11. Report<br />

11.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

11.1.1 Designation of material, including<br />

name of manufacturer and information on<br />

composition when known.<br />

I I .I .2 Method of preparation of test specimen,<br />

1 1.1.3 Form and dimensions of test specimen.<br />

I I. I .4 Type of apparatus used,<br />

1 1.1 .S Temperatures between which the<br />

coefficient of linear thermal expansion has<br />

been determined.<br />

1 I .I .6 Average coefficient of linear thermal<br />

expansion per degree Celsius,<br />

1 I .I .7 Location of phase change or transition<br />

point temperatures. if this is in the range<br />

of temperatures used. and<br />

1 I .I .8 Complete description of any unusual<br />

behavior of the specimen. for example. differences<br />

of more than 10 % in measured values<br />

of expansion and contraction.<br />

12. Precision<br />

12.1 The intralaboratory coefficient of variation<br />

by this method is 1 .S to 2 %.<br />


FllR RECI)PJIM<br />

\ L.V.D.T.<br />

\<br />



15 Ma (,5% IN.)<br />

FIG. 1 MTmbe Dibtometer.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>in and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of an atent rights asserted in<br />

connritioti with my item mentione fir; :his srandard. Llsers cf this standard are .-xpr.-ssl advkedlkr de!mninnticn of the<br />

validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infiingvment of such rights. is entirely deir own responsibility.<br />

ThiF standard is subject to revkion at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five<br />

years and if not revised. either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either fir revision of this standard or<br />

fir additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration<br />

I a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you fie1 that your comments have not received<br />

a fiir hearing you should make your vuws known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race SI., Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

19103, which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfiction there, you may appeal IO the<br />

ASTM Board of Directors.<br />


4Ib<br />

Designation: D 882 - 83<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 882: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

T1ii.v mcvliod hus hivn approved,fi)r use by ugcncie.s qj'thi. Department oj' Dctfi.n.se to replace Method 1013 o$ Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

Stundurd 406. und.fi)r listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />

1. Scope<br />

I. 1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of tensile properties of plastics in the form<br />

of thin sheeting, including film (less than I .O mm<br />

(0.04 in.) in thickness).<br />

NOTE I-Film has been arbitrarily defined as sheeting<br />

having nominal thickness not greater than 0.25 mm<br />

(0.010 in.).<br />

NOTE 2-Tensile properties of plastics 1 .O mm (0.04<br />

in.) or greater in thickness shall be determined according<br />

to <strong>Test</strong> Method D 638.<br />

I .2 Two types of tension tests are described in<br />

these test methods, differing basically only in<br />

manner of load application. These test methods<br />

may be used to test all plastics within the thickness<br />

range described and the capacity of the<br />

machine employed.<br />

I .2.1 Method A. Stalic Weighing-Conslant-<br />

Ratcc$Grip Separation <strong>Test</strong>-This method employs<br />

a constant rate of separation of the grips<br />

holding the ends of the test specimen.<br />

1.2.2 Melhod B. Pendtilum Weighing-Constant-Rare-ocPower-Grip<br />

Motion <strong>Test</strong>-This<br />

method employs a constant rate of motion of<br />

one grip and a variable rate of motion of the<br />

second grip. The variable-rate grip is attached to<br />

a pendulum weighing head, and its movement is<br />

dependent on the load-deformation behavior of<br />

the material under test.<br />

1.3 Specimen extension may be measured in<br />

these methods by grip separation, extension indicators,<br />

or displacement of gage marks.<br />

1.4 A procedure for determining the tensile<br />

modulus of elasticity is included, using Method<br />

A at one strain rate.<br />

1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard.<br />

NOTE .3-This<br />

modulus determination procedure is<br />

based on the use of grip separation as a measure of<br />

extension; however, the desirability of using extension<br />

indicators accurate to k I .O % or better as specified in<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method D 638 is recognized, and provision for the<br />

use of such instrumentation is incorporated in the<br />

procedure.<br />

I .6 This .stundurd rnuj- involve hazardous matc~riul.~,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

docs not pirrport to uddress all of'thc. sakty proh-<br />

Ions associated with its i~sc. It is the responsihilit??<br />

oj whoever irses lhis slandard to con.sirlt and<br />

estuhlish uppropriate sufkty and health practices<br />

and determine ihe applicahility o~rcgirlatory limitations<br />

prior to irse.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D374 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for Thickness of Solid<br />

Electrical Insulation'<br />

D6 I8 <strong>Methods</strong> of Conditioning Plastics and<br />

Electrical Insulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing'<br />

D638 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Tensile Properties of<br />

Plastics'<br />

E 69 1 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Program to Determine the Precision<br />

of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong>3<br />

3. Significance and Use<br />

3.1 Tensile properties determined by these<br />

methods are of value for the identification and<br />

characterization of materials for control and<br />

specification purposes. Tensile properties may<br />

' These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-20 on Plastics and are the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D20. IO on Mechanical Properties.<br />

Current edition approved July 29. 1983. Published October<br />

1983. Originally published as D882 - 46 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 882 - 81.<br />

Annual Book qf ASTM Standard.s, Vol08.0 I.<br />

'.Jnnrtul Rook ofASTM Standards, Vols 08.03 and 14.02.<br />


D 882<br />

vary with specimen thickness, method of preparation,<br />

speed of testing, type of grips used, and<br />

manner of measuring extension. Consequently,<br />

where precise comparative results are desired,<br />

these factors must be carefully controlled. Since<br />

the actual loading rates vary between <strong>Methods</strong> A<br />

and B, the results obtained using these two methods<br />

cannot be directly compared. Method A is<br />

preferred and shall be used for referee purposes,<br />

unless otherwise indicated in particular material<br />

specifications.<br />

3.2 Tensile properties may be utilized to provide<br />

data for research and development and engineering<br />

design as well as quality control and<br />

specification. However, data from such tests cannot<br />

be considered significant for applications differing<br />

widely from the load-time scale of the test<br />

employed.<br />

3.3 The tensile modulus of elasticity is an<br />

index of the stiffness of thin plastic sheeting. The<br />

reproducibility of test results is good when precise<br />

control is maintained over all test conditions.<br />

When different materials are being compared for<br />

stiffness, specimens of identical dimensions must<br />

be employed.<br />

3.4 The tensile energy to break (TEB) is the<br />

total energy absorbed per unit volume of the<br />

specimen up to the point of rupture. In some<br />

texts this property has been referred to as toughness.<br />

It is used to evaluate materials that may be<br />

subjected to heavy abuse or that might stall web<br />

transport equipment in the event of a machine<br />

malfunction in end-use applications. However,<br />

the rate of strain, specimen parameters, and especially<br />

flaws may cause large variations in the<br />

results. In that sense, caution is advised in utilizing<br />

TEB test results for end-use design applications.<br />

3.5 Materials that fail by tearing give anomalous<br />

data which cannot be compared with those<br />

from normal failure.<br />

4. Definitions<br />

4.1 Definitions of terms and symbols relating<br />

to tension testing of plastics appear in the Annex<br />

to <strong>Test</strong> Method D 638.<br />

4.2 tear failure-a tensile failure characterized<br />

by fracture initiating at one edge of the specimen<br />

and progressing across the specimen at a rate<br />

slow enough to produce an anomalous loaddeformation<br />

curve.<br />

4.3 line grips-grips having faces designed to<br />

concentrate the entire gripping force along a single<br />

line perpendicular to the direction of testing<br />

stress. This is usually done by combining one<br />

standard flat face and an opposing face from<br />

which protrudes a half-round.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5. I Grips-A gripping system that minimizes<br />

both slippage and uneven stress distribution.<br />

NOTE 4-Grips lined with thin rubber, crocus-cloth,<br />

or pressure-sensitive tape as well as file-faced or serrated<br />

grips have been successfully used for many materials.<br />

The choice of grip surface will depend on the material<br />

tested, thickness, etc. More recently, line grips padded<br />

on the round face with I .O-mm (40-mil) blotting paper<br />

have been found superior. Air-actuated grips have been<br />

found advantageous, particularly in the case of materials<br />

that tend to “neck” into the grips, since pressure<br />

is maintained at all times. In cases where samples<br />

frequently fail at the edge of the grips, it may be<br />

advantageous to increase slightly the radius of curvature<br />

of the edges where the grips come in contact with the<br />

test area of the specimen.<br />

5.2 Thickness Gage-A dead-weight dial micrometer<br />

as prescribed in Method C of <strong>Test</strong><br />

<strong>Methods</strong> D 374, reading to 0.0025 mm (O.OOO1<br />

in.) or less.<br />

5.3 Width-Measuring Devices-Suitable test<br />

scales or other width measuring devices capable<br />

of measuring 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) or less.<br />

5.4 Specimen Cutter-Razor blades, fixtures<br />

incorporating razor blades, suitable paper cutters,<br />

or other devices capable of cutting the specimens<br />

to the proper width and producing straight, clean,<br />

parallel edges with no visible imperfections, shall<br />

be used. Devices that use razor blades have<br />

proved especially suitable for materials having an<br />

elongation-at-fracture above 10 to 20 %. A device<br />

consisting of two parallel knives mounted firmly<br />

against a precision-ground base shear block (similar<br />

to a paper cutter) has also proved satisfactory.<br />

The use of striking dies is not recommended<br />

because of poor and inconsistent specimen edges<br />

which may be produced. It is imperative that the<br />

cutting edges be kept sharp and free from visible<br />

scratches or nicks.<br />

5.5 Extension Indicalors (if employed) shall<br />

conform to requirements specified in <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method D 638. In addition, such apparatus shall<br />

be so designed as to minimize stress on the<br />

specimen at the contact points of the specimen<br />

and the indicator (see 8.3).<br />

5.6 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machines:<br />

5.6.1 For Method A-A testing machine of<br />


the constant rate-of-jaw-separation type. The machine<br />

shall be equipped with a weighing system<br />

that moves a maximum distance of 2 % of the<br />

specimen extension within the range being measured.<br />

The machine shall be equipped with a<br />

device for recording the tensile load and the<br />

amount of separation of the grips; both of these<br />

measuring systems shall be accurate to +-2 %.<br />

The rate of separation of the jaws shall be uniform<br />

and capable of adjustment from approximately<br />

1.3 to 500 mm (0.05 to 20 in.)/min in<br />

increments necessary to produce the strain rates<br />

specified in 9.3 and 9.4. This method (A) shall<br />

be used for tensile modulus of elasticity measurements<br />

(Note 5).<br />

5.6.2 For Method B-A testing machine of<br />

the pendulum type. This machine shall be<br />

equipped with a pendulum weighing head to<br />

measure the load applied to the test specimen<br />

and a device for indicating or recording the tensile<br />

load carried by the specimen with an accuracy<br />

of +2 %. The rate of travel of the poweractivated<br />

grip shall be uniform and capable of<br />

adjustment to 50.8 and 508 mm (2 and 20 in.)/<br />

min.<br />

NOTE 5-A high response speed in the recording<br />

system is desirable, particularly when relatively high<br />

strain rates are employed for rigid materials. The speed<br />

of pen response for recorders is supplied by manufacturers<br />

of this equipment. Care must be taken to conduct<br />

tests at conditions such that response time (ability of<br />

recorder to follow actual load) will produce less than<br />

2 % error.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 The test specimens shall consist of strips<br />

of uniform width and thickness at least 50 mm<br />

(2 in.) longer than the grip separation used.<br />

6.2 The nominal width of the specimens shall<br />

be not less than 5.0 mm (0.20 in.) or greater than<br />

25.4 mm (1.O in.).<br />

6.3 A width-thickness ratio of at least eight<br />

shaii be used. Narrow specimens magnify effects<br />

of edge strains or flaws, or both.<br />

6.4 The utmost care shall be exercised in cutting<br />

specimens to prevent nicks and tears which<br />

are likely to cause premature failures (Note 6).<br />

The edges shall be parallel to within 5 % of the<br />

width over the length of the specimen between<br />

the grips.<br />

NOTE 6-Microscopical examination of specimens<br />

may be used to detect flaws due to sample or specimen<br />

preparation.<br />

6.5 Wherever possible, the test specimens<br />

shall be selected so that thickness is uniform to<br />

within 10 % of the thickness over the length of<br />

the specimen between the grips in the case of<br />

materials 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) or less in thickness<br />

and to within 5 % in the case of materials greater<br />

than 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) in thickness but less<br />

than 1 .OO mm (0.040 in.) in thickness.<br />

NOTE 7-In cases where thickness variations are in<br />

excess of those recommended in 6.5, results may not<br />

be characteristic of the material under test.<br />

6.6 If the material is suspected of being anisotropic,<br />

two sets of test specimens shall be prepared<br />

having their long axes respectively parallel<br />

with and normal to the suspected direction of<br />

anisotropy.<br />

6.7 For tensile modulus of elasticity determinations,<br />

a specimen gage length of 250 mm (10<br />

in.) shall be considered as standard. This length<br />

is used in order to minimize the effects of grip<br />

slippage on test results. When this length is not<br />

feasible, test sections as short as 100 mm (4 in.)<br />

may be used if it has been shown that results are<br />

not appreciably affected. However, the 250-mm<br />

gage length shall be used for referee purposes.<br />

The speed of testing of shorter specimens must<br />

be adjusted in order for the strain rate to be<br />

equivalent to that of the standard specimen.<br />

NOTE 8-Two round robins4 have shown that, for<br />

materials of less than 0.25-mm ( IO-mil) thickness, line<br />

grips padded on the round side with 1.0-mm (40-mil)<br />

blotting paper give the same results with a 100-mm test<br />

section as a 250-mm test section produces with flatface<br />

grips.<br />

Note 9-Excessive jaw slippage becomes increasingly<br />

difficult to overcome in cases where high modulus<br />

materials are tested in thicknesses greater than 0.25 mm<br />

(0.010 in.).<br />

7. Conditioning<br />

7.1 Conditioning-Condition the test specimens<br />

at 23 f 2°C (73.4 + 3.6"F) and 50 f 5 %<br />

reiative humidity for not iess than 40 h prior to<br />

test in accordance with Procedure A of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 6 18 for those tests where conditioning is required.<br />

In cases of disagreement, the tolerances<br />

shall be 1 "C ( 1.8"F) and 22 % relative humidity.<br />

7.2 <strong>Test</strong> Conditions-Conduct tests in the<br />

Standard Laboratdry Atmosphere of 23 rt 2°C<br />

(73.4 rt 3.6"F) and 50 f 5 % relative humidity,<br />

A summary report is available from ASTM Headquarters.<br />

Request RR:D20-1058.<br />


D 882<br />

unless otherwise specified in the test methods or<br />

in this specification. In cases of disagreements,<br />

the tolerances shall be f 1°C (f 1.8"F) and f 2 %<br />

relative humidity.<br />

8. Number of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

8. I In the case of isotropic materials, at least<br />

five specimens shall be tested from each sample.<br />

8.2 In the case ofanisotropic materials, at least<br />

ten specimens, five normal and five parallel with<br />

the principal axis of anisotropy, shall be tested<br />

from each sample.<br />

8.3 Specimens that fail at some obvious flaw<br />

or that fail outside the gage length shall be discarded<br />

and retests made, unless such flaws or<br />

conditions constitute a variable whose effect is<br />

being studied. However, jaw breaks (failures at<br />

the grip contact point) are acceptable if it has<br />

been shown that results from suck tests are in<br />

essential agreement with values obtained from<br />

breaks occurring within the gage length.<br />

NOTE l&In the case of some materials, examination<br />

of specimens, prior to and following testing, under<br />

crossed optical polarizers (polarizing films) provides a<br />

useful means of detecting flaws which may be, or are,<br />

responsible for premature failure.<br />

9. Speed of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

9. I The speed of testing is the rate of separation<br />

of the two members (or grips) of the testing<br />

machine when running idle (under no load). This<br />

rate of separation shall be maintained within 5 %<br />

of no-load value when running under full-capacity<br />

load.<br />

9.2 The speed of testing shall be calculated<br />

from the required initial strain rate as specified<br />

in Table 1. The rate of grip separation may be<br />

determined for the purpose of this test method<br />

from the initial strain rate as follows:<br />

A=BC<br />

WhPTP:<br />

A = rate of grip separation, mm (or in.)/min<br />

B = initial distance between grips, mm (or in.),<br />

and<br />

C = initial strain rate, mm/mm.min (or in./<br />

in.. min).<br />

9.3 The initial strain rate shall be as in Table<br />

I unless otherwise indicated by the specification<br />

for the material being tested.<br />

Note 1 I-Results obtained at different initial strain<br />

rates are not comparable; consequently, where direct<br />

comparisons between materials in various elongation<br />

classes are required, a single initial strain rate should<br />

be used. For some materials it may be advisable to<br />

select the strain rates on the basis of percentage elongation<br />

at yield.<br />

9.4 In cases where conflicting material classification,<br />

as determined by percentage elongation<br />

at break values, results in a choice of strain rates,<br />

the lower rate shall be used.<br />

9.5 If modulus values are being determined,<br />

separate specimens shall be used whenever strain<br />

rates and specimen dimensions are not the same<br />

as those employed in the test for other tensile<br />

properties.<br />

10. Procedure<br />

10.1 Select a load range such that specimen<br />

failure occurs within its upper two thirds. A few<br />

trial runs may be necessary to select a proper<br />

combination of load range and specimen width.<br />

10.2 Measure the cross-sectional area of the<br />

specimen at several points along its length. Measure<br />

the width to an accuracy of 0.25 mm (0.010<br />

in.) or better. Measure the thickness to an accuracy<br />

of 0.0025 mm (0.OOOl in.) or better for films<br />

less than 0.25 mm (0.0 IO in.) in thickness and to<br />

an accuracy of I % or better for films greater<br />

than 0.25 mm (0.010 in.) but less than 1.0 mm<br />

(0.040 in.) in thickness.<br />

10.3 The initial grip separation shall be at least<br />

50 mm (2 in.) for materials having a total elongation<br />

at break of 100 % or more, and at least<br />

100 mm (4 in.) for materials having a total<br />

elongation at break of less than 100 %.<br />

NOTE 12-Since slippage is a potential problem in<br />

these tests, as great an initial distance between grips as<br />

possible should be employed.<br />

10.4 Set the rate of grip separation to give the<br />

desired strain rate based on the initial distance<br />

between the grips (Note 13). Balance, zero, and<br />

calibrate the load weighing and recording system.<br />

Nun i 3-Suggesied crosshead speeds and iniiiai<br />

grip separation to give the desired initial strain rate<br />

described in Table I are shown in Table 2.<br />

10.5 In cases where it is desired to measure a<br />

test section other than the total length between<br />

the grips, mark the ends ofthe desired test section<br />

with a soft, fine wax crayon or with ink. Do not<br />

scratch these marks onto the surface since such<br />

scratches may act as stress raisers and cause<br />

premature specimen failure. Extensometers may<br />

be used if available; in this case, the test section<br />


D 882<br />

will be defined by the contact points of the extensometer.<br />

NOTE 14-Measurement of a specific test section is<br />

necessary with some materials having high elongation.<br />

As the specimen elongates, the accompanying reduction<br />

in area results in a loosening of material at the inside<br />

edge of the grips. This reduction and loosening moves<br />

back into the grips as further elongation and reduction<br />

in area takes place. In effect this causes problems similar<br />

to grip slippage, that is, exaggerates measured extension.<br />

10.6 Place the test specimen in the grips of<br />

the testing machine, taking care to align the long<br />

axis of the specimen with an imaginary line<br />

joining the points of attachment of the grips to<br />

the machine. Tighten the grips evenly and firmly<br />

to the degree necessary to minimize slipping of<br />

the specimen during test.<br />

10.7 Start the machine and record load versus<br />

extension.<br />

10.7.1 When the total length between the grips<br />

is used as the test area, record load versus grip<br />

separation.<br />

10.7.2 When a specific test area has been<br />

marked on the specimen, follow the displacement<br />

of the edge boundary lines with respect to<br />

each other with dividers or some other suitable<br />

device. If a load-extension curve is desired, plot<br />

various extensions versus corresponding loads<br />

sustained, as measured by the load indicator.<br />

10.7.3 When an extensometer is used, record<br />

load versus extension of the test area measured<br />

by the extensometer.<br />

10.8 If modulus values are being determined,<br />

select a load range and chart rate to produce a<br />

load-extension curve of between 30 and 60" to<br />

the X axis. For maximum accuracy, use the most<br />

sensitive load scale for which this condition can<br />

be met. The test may be discontinued when the<br />

load-extension curve deviates from linearity.<br />

10.9 In the case of materials being evaluated<br />

for secant modulus, the test may be discontinued<br />

when the specified extension has been reached.<br />

IO. 10 If tensile energy to break is being determined,<br />

some provision must be made for integration<br />

of the stress-strain curve. This may be<br />

either an electronic integration during the test or<br />

a subsequent determination from the area of the<br />

finished stress-strain curve (see Annex A 1).<br />

1 1. Calculations<br />

1 1. I Breaking Factor (nominal) shall be calculated<br />

by dividing the maximum load by the<br />

original minimum width of the specimen. The<br />

result shall be expressed in force per unit of<br />

width, usually newtons per metre (or pounds per<br />

inch) of width, and reported to three significant<br />

figures. The thickness of the film shall always be<br />

stated to the nearest 0.0025 mm (O.OOO1 in.).<br />

Example-Breaking Factor = 1.75 kN/m<br />

(10.0 Ibf/in.) of width for 0.1300-mm (0.0051-<br />

in.) thickness.<br />

NOTE 15-This method of reporting is useful for<br />

very thin films (0.13 mm (0.005 in.) and less) for which<br />

breaking load may not be proportional to cross-sectional<br />

area and whose thickness may be dificult to<br />

determine with precision. Furthermore, films which are<br />

in effect laminar due to orientation, skin effects, nonuniform<br />

crystallinity, etc., have tensile properties disproportionate<br />

to cross-sectional area.<br />

11.2 Tensile Strength (nominal) shall be calculated<br />

by dividing the maximum load by the<br />

original minimum cross-sectional area of the<br />

specimen. The result shall be expressed in force<br />

per unit area, usually megapascals (or poundsforce<br />

per square inch). This value shall be reported<br />

to three significant figures.<br />

NOTE 16-When tear failure occurs, so indicate and<br />

calculate results based on load and elongation at which<br />

tear initiates, as reflected in the loaddeformation curve.<br />

11.3 Tensile Strength at Break (nominal) shall<br />

be calculated in the same way as the tensile<br />

strength except that the load at break shall be<br />

used in place of the maximum load (Notes 16<br />

and 17).<br />

NOTE 17-In many cases tensile strength and tensile<br />

strength at break are identical.<br />

1 1.4 Percentage Elongation at Break shall be<br />

calculated by dividing the elongation at the moment<br />

of rupture of the specimen by the initial<br />

gage length of the specimen and multiplying by<br />

100. When gage marks or extensometers are used<br />

to define a specific test section, only this length<br />

shall be used in the calculation, otherwise the<br />

distance between the grips shall be used. The<br />

result shall be expressed in percent and reported<br />

to two significant figures (Note 16).<br />

1 1.5 Yield Strength, where applicable, shall be<br />

calculated by dividing the load at the yield point<br />

by the original minimum cross-sectional area of<br />

the specimen. The result shall be expressed in<br />

force per unit area, usually megapascals (or<br />

pounds-force per square inch). This value shall<br />

be reported to three significant figures. Alternatively,<br />

for materials that exhibit Hookean behav-<br />


D 882<br />

ior in the initial part of the curve, an offset yield<br />

strength may be obtained as described in the<br />

Appendix of <strong>Test</strong> Method D 638. In this case the<br />

value should be given as “yield strength at--%<br />

ofTse t .”<br />

I I .6 Pcwvnrugi> Elongution UI Yield where applicable<br />

shall be calculated by dividing the elongation<br />

at the yield point by the initial gage length<br />

of specimen and multiplying by 100. When gage<br />

marks or extensometers are used to define a<br />

specific test section, only this length shall be used<br />

in the calculation. The results shall be expressed<br />

in percent and reported to two significant figures.<br />

When offset yield strength is used, the elongation<br />

at the offset yield strength may be calculated.<br />

11.7 Elastic Modulus shall be calculated by<br />

drawing a tangent to the initial linear portion of<br />

the load-extension curve, selecting any point<br />

on this tangent, and dividing the tensile stress by<br />

the corresponding strain. For purposes of this<br />

determination, the tensile stress shall be calculated<br />

by dividing the load by the average original<br />

cross section of the test section. The result shall<br />

be expressed in force per unit area, usually megapascals<br />

(or pounds-force per square inch), and<br />

reported to three significant figures.<br />

11.8 Secanr Modulus at a designated strain<br />

shall be calculated by dividing the corresponding<br />

stress (nominal) by the specified strain. Elastic<br />

modulus values are preferable and shall be calculated<br />

whenever possible. However, for materials<br />

where no proportionality is evident, the<br />

secant value shall be calculated. Draw the tangent<br />

as directed in 11.7 and start the measurement of<br />

strain where the tangent line goes through zero<br />

stress. The stress to be used in the calculation is<br />

then determined by dividing the load at the designated<br />

strain on the load-extension curve by the<br />

original average cross-sectional area of the specimen.<br />

11.9 For each series of tests, the arithmetic<br />

mean of all values obtained shall be calculated<br />

to the proper number of significant figures.<br />

1 1.10 The standard deviation (estimated)<br />

shall be calculated as follows and reported to two<br />

significant figures:<br />

s = J(ZX2 - nX2)/(n - I )<br />

where:<br />

s = estimated standard deviation,<br />

X = value of a single observation,<br />

n = number of observations, and<br />

X = arithmetic mean of the set of observations.<br />

1 I . 11 Tensile Energy lo Break where applicable<br />

shall be calculated by integrating the energy<br />

per unit volume under the stress-strain curve or<br />

by integrating the total energy absorbed and dividing<br />

it by the volume of the original gage region<br />

of the specimen. As indicated in Annex AI, this<br />

may be done directly during the test by an electronic<br />

integrator, or subsequently by computation<br />

from the area of the plotted curve. The result<br />

shall be expressed in energy per unit volume,<br />

usually in megajoules per cubic metre (or inchpounds-force<br />

per cubic inch). This value shall be<br />

reported to two significant figures.<br />

11.12 See Appendix X 1 for information on<br />

toe compensation.<br />

12. Report<br />

12.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

12.1.1 Complete identification of the material<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer’s<br />

code number, form, principal dimensions, previous<br />

history, and orientation of samples with<br />

respect to anisotropy (if any),<br />

12.1.2 Method of preparing test specimens,<br />

12.1.3 Thickness, width, and length of test<br />

specimens,<br />

12.1.4 Number of specimens tested,<br />

12.1.5 Strain rate employed,<br />

12. I .6 Grip separation (initial),<br />

12.1.7 Crosshead speed (rate of grip separa-<br />

tion),<br />

12.1.8 Gage length (if different from grip separation),<br />

12.1.9 Type of grips used, including facing (if<br />

any),<br />

12.1.10 <strong>Test</strong> method (A or B),<br />

12.1.11 Conditioning procedure (test conditions,<br />

temperature, and relative humidity if nonstandard),<br />

12.1.12 Anomalous behavior such as tear failure<br />

and failure at a grip,<br />

12.1. I 3 Average breaking factor and standard<br />

deviation,<br />

12.1.14 Average tensile strength (nominal)<br />

and standard deviation,<br />

12.1.15 Average tensile strength at break<br />

(nominal) and standard deviation,<br />

12.1. I6 Average percentage elongation at<br />

break and standard deviation,<br />

12. I. 17 Where applicable: Average tensile energy<br />

to break and standard deviation,<br />

12.1.18 In the case of materials exhibiting<br />

“yield” phenomenon:<br />


D 882<br />

Average yield strength and standard deviation,<br />

and<br />

Average percentage elongation at yield and<br />

standard deviation,<br />

12.1.19 For mdterials which do not exhibit a<br />

yield point:<br />

Average-% offset yield strength and standard<br />

deviation, and<br />

Average percentage elongation at-% offset<br />

yield strength and standard deviation,<br />

12.1.20 Average modulus of elasticity and<br />

standard deviation (if secant modulus is used, so<br />

indicate and report strain at which calculated),<br />

and<br />

12. I .2 1 When an extensometer is employed,<br />

so indicate.<br />

13. Precision and Bias<br />

13.1 An interlaboratory test was run in 1977<br />

in which randomly drawn samples of four thin<br />

(- 0.025 mm (0.001-in.)) materials were tested<br />

with five specimens in each laboratory. Elastic<br />

(tangent) modulus measurements were made by<br />

six laboratories, and secant (I %) modulus measurements<br />

were taken by five laboratories, with<br />

one laboratory in common. The four materials<br />

were 0.0014-in. low-density polyethylene<br />

(LDPE), 0.00 16411. highdensity polyethylene<br />

(H DPE), 0.00 I I -in. polypropylene (PP), and<br />

0.0009-in. poly(ethy1ene terephthalate) (PET).<br />

The relative precision obtained in this interlaboratory<br />

study is in Table 3.<br />

13.1.1 In deriving the estimates in Table 3,<br />

statistical outliers were not removed, in keeping<br />

with Practice E 69 I. In the table, Sa; ?6 is defined<br />

as standard deviation, expressed as a percentage<br />

of the average value, of one specimen replicate<br />

measurement of modulus for one material in one<br />

laboratory during the course of one day. Si., % is<br />

defined as standard deviation, expressed as a<br />

pxcentage cf the grand zverage value, of mu!&<br />

laboratory measurements of modulus for one<br />

material, with the within-laboratory component<br />

of variability removed.'<br />

13.2 For within-laboratory measurements, for<br />

n replicate specimens per sample of one material,<br />

the standard deviation, S,, of a mean value, X, is<br />

as follows:<br />

S, = Sw/(n)'/'<br />

13.3 For between-laboratory measurements,<br />

for n replicate specimens per sample of one material<br />

in each lab, the standard deviation, SR, for<br />

the distribution of lab means, f, about the grand<br />

mean, X, is as follows:<br />

s/l = (S? + SL*)'/'<br />

NOTE 18-Since S, as used here (and in the interlaboratory<br />

study) does not contain all of the components<br />

of variability that could be included in the definition of<br />

S,for example different operators, different days, etc.,<br />

the variability associated with these components is<br />

transferred into the value of SL.<br />

13.4 From derived values of S, and SR, and<br />

by selection of the appropriate value of the deviate,<br />

u, from a table of the normal distribution<br />

for any chosen confidence level, other statistics<br />

can be derived as desired, such as 95 % (or other)<br />

probability limits for an 2 in one laboratory, the<br />

least significant difference between means for one<br />

material in two laboratories, etc.<br />

13.5 An interlaboratory test was run in 1981-<br />

82 in which randomly drawn samples of six<br />

materials (one of these in three thicknesses) ranging<br />

in thickness from 0.019 to 0.178 mm<br />

(0.00075 to 0.007 in.) were tested in seven laboratories.<br />

A test result was defined as the mean of<br />

five specimen determinations. The materials and<br />

their thicknesses are identified in Tables 4 to 8.<br />

which correspond to Table 2 in Practice E 691.<br />

Each of Tables 4 to 8 contain data for one of the<br />

following properties: tensile yield stress, yield<br />

elongation, tensile strength, tensile elongation at<br />

break, and tensile energy at break (see Note 19h6<br />

13.6 Bias-There is no basis for defining the<br />

bias of the values obtained by this test method.<br />

NOTE 19-Subsequent to filing the research report.<br />

examination of the LDPE used in this study between<br />

crossed polariLers revealed lengthwise lines representing<br />

substanila! widthwig vanatinn in mnlecular orientation<br />

that probably was not successfully randomized out<br />

of the SI values.<br />

' Supporting data are available on loan from ASTM Headquarters.<br />

Request RH:D20- 1084.<br />

*Supporting data are available on loan from ASTM Headquarters.<br />

Request RR:I>ZO-I 101.<br />


~~~ ~~<br />

TABLE 1<br />

Speedof<strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

Modulus of Elasticity Determination<br />

A 0.1<br />

Determinations other than Elastic Modulus<br />

A Less than 20 0. I<br />

20 to 100 0.5<br />

Greater than 100 10.0<br />

B Less than 100 0.5<br />

Greater than 100 10.0<br />

Method<br />

Percentage Elongation<br />

at Break<br />

TABLE 2 Crosshead Speeds and Initial Grip !%paration<br />

Initial Strain Rate, Initial Grip Separation Rate of Grip Separation<br />

mm/mm .min<br />

mm in. mm/min in./min<br />

(Win..min)<br />

Modulus of Elasticity Determination<br />

A 0. I 250 10 25 1 .o<br />

Determinations other than Elastic Modulus<br />

A Less than 20 0. I 125 5 12.5 0.5<br />

20 to 100 0.5 100 4 50 2.0<br />

Greater than 100 10.0 50 2 500 20.0<br />

B Less than 100 0.5 100 4 50 2.0<br />

Greater than 100 10.0 50 2 500 20.0<br />

TABLE 3 Precision Data<br />

Tangent Modulus<br />

Material Average, MPa (psi) SW, % SI., %<br />

LDPE 372 (53 900) 7.5 16<br />

HDPE 1320(191 OOO) 6.4 8<br />

PP 2930(425 OOO) 5.4 7<br />

PET 4630 (672 OOO) 4.6 8<br />

Secant Modulus<br />

LDPE 310 (45 OOO) 10.5 6<br />

HDPE 1030(150 OOO) 4.9 6<br />

PP 2570(372 OOO) 2.8 7<br />

PET 4410(640 OOO) 3.5 4<br />

TABLE 4 Yield Stress<br />

Material Thickness, mils Average, IO’ psi (S,); IO’ psi (SL): IO’ psi /(r): IO’ psi I(R)P IO’ psi<br />

LDPE 1 in .” !.49 O.OS! 0.!2 0.14 0.37<br />

HDPE I .o 4.33 0.084 0.13 0.24 0.44<br />

PP 0.75 6.40 0.13 0.50 0.37 I .46<br />

Pc 4.0 8.59 0.072 0.28 0.20 0.82<br />

CTA 5.3 11.4 0.12 0.49 0.34 I .43<br />

PET 4.0 14.3 0.12 0.20 0.34 0.66<br />

PET 2.5 14.4 0.14 0.52 0.40 I .52<br />

PET 7 .O 14.4 0.13 0.34 0.37 1.03<br />

A (S,z = The estimated repeatability standard deviation within laboratories for the ,th material.<br />

(SL), = The estimated between laboratory variability, expressed as the square root of the component of variance for the fh<br />

material.<br />

c/(r)i= 2 &(S,),. See Practice E691.<br />

/(R), = 2 ~((SL),’ + (S,):)’’z. See Practice E 691.<br />


~~ ______~<br />

~<br />

TABLE 5 Yield Elongation<br />

PP<br />

PET<br />

PET<br />

PET<br />

CTA<br />

Pc<br />

HDPE<br />

LDPE<br />

NOTE-*<br />

~~<br />

0.75<br />

2.5<br />

4.0<br />

7.0<br />

5.3<br />

4.0<br />

I .o<br />

1 .O<br />

Table 4 for footnote explanation.<br />

3.5<br />

5.2<br />

5.3<br />

5.4<br />

5.4<br />

6.9<br />

8.8<br />

10.0<br />

0.15<br />

0.26<br />

0.25<br />

0.14<br />

0.19<br />

0.24<br />

0.32<br />

0.55<br />

0.38<br />

0.88<br />

0.55<br />

I .04<br />

0.97<br />

0.95<br />

I .79<br />

3.36<br />

0.42<br />

0.74<br />

0.7 1<br />

0.40<br />

0.54<br />

0.68<br />

0.9 I<br />

I .56<br />

I .2<br />

2.6<br />

I .7<br />

3 .O<br />

2.8<br />

2.8<br />

5.2<br />

9.6<br />

TABLE 6 Tensile Strength<br />

Material Thickness, mils Average, IO3 psi (S,); IO’ psi (SLIP IO3 psi IO3 psi I(RIiD IO3 psi<br />

LDPE I .o 3.42<br />

HDPE I .o 6.87<br />

Pc 4.0 12.0<br />

CTA 5.3 14.6<br />

PP 0.75 28.4<br />

PET 4.0 28.9<br />

PET 7.0 30.3<br />

PET 2.5 30.6<br />

NOTE-*<br />

Table 4 for footnote explanation.<br />

TABLE 7<br />

0.14 0.5 I<br />

0.27 0.76<br />

0.34 0.86<br />

0.20 I .36<br />

1.57 4.28<br />

0.65 1.09<br />

0.83 I .02<br />

I .22 2.34<br />

Elongation at Break<br />

0.40 I .5<br />

0.76 2.3<br />

0.96 2.6<br />

0.57 3.9<br />

4.4 12.9<br />

I .8 3.6<br />

2.3 3.7<br />

3.4 7.5<br />

Material Thickness, mils Average, % csr,;. % (SL),B, %I 4rd % I(RhD, %<br />

CTA<br />

PP<br />

PET<br />

PET<br />

PET<br />

5.3<br />

0.75<br />

2.5<br />

7.0<br />

4.0<br />

26.4<br />

57.8<br />

I20<br />

I32<br />

134<br />

1 .o<br />

4.4<br />

8.0<br />

5.8<br />

4.4<br />

4.2<br />

11.9<br />

12.2<br />

8.9<br />

11.4<br />

3<br />

12<br />

23<br />

16<br />

12<br />

12<br />

36<br />

41<br />

30<br />

35<br />

Pc<br />

4.0<br />

I55<br />

5.4<br />

16.2<br />

I5<br />

48<br />

LDPE<br />

I .o<br />

205<br />

24.4<br />

69. I<br />

69<br />

210<br />

HDPE<br />

I .O<br />

570<br />

26.0<br />

87.9<br />

74<br />

260<br />

Nan-See Table 4 for footnote explanation.<br />

TABLE 8 Tensile Energy to Break<br />

Average, 10) (S,),” IO3 (sL): 103 I(rhc 10’ I(R)P IO’<br />

Material Thickness, mils - in./lb - in./lb<br />

-<br />

in./lb<br />

-<br />

in./lb<br />

- in./lb<br />

in.’ in.3 in? in.3 1n.3<br />

CTA<br />

LDPE<br />

PP<br />

PC<br />

HDPE<br />

PET<br />

PET<br />

PET<br />

NOTE-see<br />

5.0<br />

I .o<br />

0.75<br />

4.0<br />

I .o<br />

2.5<br />

4.0<br />

7 .O<br />

Table 4 for footnote explanation.<br />

3.14<br />

5.55<br />

11.3<br />

12.9<br />

26.0<br />

26.1<br />

27. I<br />

28.4<br />

0.14<br />

0.84<br />

1.19<br />

0.59<br />

I .87<br />

2.13<br />

I .42<br />

1.71<br />

0.69<br />

2.32<br />

2.87<br />

1.43<br />

4.66<br />

3.62<br />

2.35<br />

2.12<br />

0.4 2.0<br />

2.4 7.0<br />

3.4 8.8<br />

I .7 4.4<br />

5.3 14.2<br />

6.0 11.9<br />

4.0 7.8<br />

4.8 7.7<br />


ANNEX<br />

(Mandatory Information)<br />


A1.I Tensile energy to break (TEB) is defined by<br />

the area under the stress-strain curve, or<br />

TEB = s“ Sdr<br />

where S is the stress at any strain, e; and CT is the strain<br />

at rupture. The value is in units of energy per unit<br />

volume of the specimen’s initial gage region. TEB is<br />

most conveniently and accurately measured with a<br />

tension tester equipped with an integrator. The calculation<br />

is then:<br />

TEB<br />

(full scale load) (chart speed)<br />

(crosshead speed/chart speed)<br />

= (VK)<br />

(mean caliper) (specimen width)<br />

(gage length)<br />

where I is the integrator count reading and K is the<br />

maximum possible count per unit time for a constant<br />

full scale load. This whole calculation is typically done<br />

electronically. The results are best expressed in megajoules<br />

per cubic metre (or inch-pounds-force per cubic<br />

inch).<br />

A1.2 Without an integrator, the area under the recorded<br />

stress-strain curve can be measured by planimeter,<br />

counting squares, or weighing the cut-out<br />

curve. These techniques are time-consuming and likely<br />

to be less accurate, since the load scale on some chart<br />

paper is not in round-number dimensions. Moreover,<br />

if the curve coordinates are in terms of force and<br />

extension instead of stress and strain, the calculated<br />

energy, corresponding to the measured area, must be<br />

divided by the product of gage length, specimen width,<br />

and mean caliper:<br />

TEB<br />

(curve area) (force per unit chart scale)<br />

- (extension per unit chart travel)<br />

(mean caliper) (specimen width)<br />

(gage length)<br />

A1.3 For example, if the area under a force-extension<br />

curve is 60 OOO mm2, the load coordinate is 2.0<br />

N/mm of chart scale, the extension coordinate is 0.25<br />

mm of extension per mm of chart travel, and the<br />

specimen dimensions are 0. I mm caliper, 15 mm width<br />

and lo0 mm gage length, then the calculation for tensile<br />

energy to break is:<br />

TEB<br />

(60 000 mm2) (2.0<br />

-<br />

N/mm) (0.25 x IO-’ m/mm)<br />

(0.1 x IO-’m) (I5 x IO-’ m) (100 x IO-’ m)<br />

TEB = 200 MJ/m3<br />



(Nonmandatory Information)<br />


X I. I In a typical stress-strain curve (Fig. X 1. I ) there<br />

is a toe region, AC, which does not represent a property<br />

of the material. It is an artifact caused by a takeup of<br />

slack, and alignment or seating of the specimen. In<br />

order to obtain correct values of such parameters as<br />

modulus, strain, and offset yield point, this artifact must<br />

be compensated for to give the corrected zero point on<br />

the strain or extension axis.<br />

X 1.2 In the case of a material exhibiting a region of<br />

Hookean (linear) behavior (Fig. X 1. I), a continuation<br />

of the linear (C'D) region of the curve is constructed<br />

through the zero-stress axis. This intersection (B) is the<br />

corrected zero-strain point from which all extensions<br />

or strains must be measured, including the yield offset<br />

(BE), if applicable. The elastic modulus can be determined<br />

by dividing the stress at any point along the line<br />

CD (or its extension) by the strain at the same point<br />

(measured from point E, defined as zero-strain).<br />

X 1.3 In the case of a material that does not exhibit<br />

any linear region (Fig. X1.2), the same kind of toe<br />

correction of the zero-strain point can be made by<br />

constructing a tangent to the maximum slope at the<br />

inflection point (H'). This is extended to intersect the<br />

strain axis at point E', the corrected zero-strain point.<br />

Using point B' as zero strain, the stress at any point<br />

(G') on the curve can be divided by the strain at that<br />

point to obtain a secant modulus (slope of line B' G').<br />

For those materials with no linear region, any attempt<br />

to use the tangent through the inflection point as a basis<br />

for determination of an offset yield point may result in<br />

unacceptable error.<br />

A B E Strain<br />

NOTE-some chart recorders plot the mirror image of this<br />

graph.<br />

FIG. XI.l Material with Haokean Region<br />


I<br />

Strain<br />

NOTE-some chart recorders plot the mirror image of this<br />

graph.<br />

FIG. XI.2 Material with No Hookean Region<br />

7'llc .4 mivicun Society./i)r Tecting and Murerial.s takes no position respecting the validity cfany putcnr righ1.s asscrtcd in tnnncction<br />

with unv iicrn nicntioncd in this standurd. Userr 01'thi.c standard urc csprcssly advised that diwrmination of the validity of any such<br />

putcnt rights. and the risk ofinfiingiv"t of such rights. urc intircly thcir onn re.sponsihilily.<br />

This stundurd is tirbjci~to rcvision at any time bv thc~ responsihk technical commirke und must be reviewed cvivjj,/ivr ycars and<br />

I/' titit rcviscd. cVthcr rcupproved or withdrawn. Your cvm"~s are invitcd i4hcr .fiw revision of this srandard or jiir additionul<br />

,stundurd.s and shoirld hi. addriwcd to ASTM I~c.crdqiiartiw. Yoirr tamtnmts nil1 receive cari$il consideration UI a meeting of the<br />

rc..sponvihlc tcchtiii~cil tommitti.e which jroic may attcnd. l/yoirji.(.l that ymr cctnmmts have not rc.ceived a Juir hearing you shoiild<br />

tnuki~ !.ow vicw know to the .4STM Committee on Stundards. I916 Race SI., Philadelphia. Pa. 19/03.<br />


Designation: D 896 - 84<br />


la16 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 896; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval..<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace method 201 I. I of Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

Standard No. I75a and for listing in the DoD Index of Specijkations and Standards.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers the testing of all<br />

types of adhesives for resistance to chemical reagents.<br />

It includes provisions for reporting loss<br />

in strength in accordance with ASTM test methods<br />

for strength properties of adhesives.<br />

NOTE I-See ASTM <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> D 897, <strong>Test</strong> for<br />

Tensile Properties of Adhesive Bonds? D 2095, Tensile<br />

Strength of Adhesives by Means of Bar and Rod Specimens?<br />

D 1344, Cross-Lap Specimens for Tensile Prop<br />

erties of Adhesives? D 903, <strong>Test</strong> for Peel or Stripping<br />

Strength of Adhesive Bonds? D 1876, <strong>Test</strong> for Peel<br />

Resistance of Adhesives (T-Peel <strong>Test</strong>)? D 905, <strong>Test</strong> for<br />

Strength Properties of Adhesive Bonds in Shear by<br />

Compression Loading,' D 906, <strong>Test</strong> for Streogth hap<br />

erties of Adhesives in Ply\;vood Type Construction in<br />

Shear by .Tension Loading? D 950, <strong>Test</strong> for Impact<br />

Strength of Adhesive Bonds? D 1002, <strong>Test</strong> for Smngth<br />

Properties of Adhesive in Shear by Tension Loading<br />

(Metal-to-Metal): and D 1062, <strong>Test</strong> for Cleavage<br />

Strength of Metal-to-Metal Adhesive Bonds.' Other<br />

methods of test covering strength properties ace in<br />

process of formulation by Committee PI4 on Adhesives.<br />

NQTE 2-A short-time test is permissible for the<br />

purpose of eliminating those materials that are unsuitable<br />

or unduly affected by the reagents. The screening<br />

test may be performed on films or suitable specimens<br />

of the adhesive prepared according to the inanufacturer's<br />

instructions with regard to dry time, cure, etc.<br />

NOTE 3-Adhesives may be subjected to salt spray<br />

(fog) testing by utilizing Method B 117.<br />

1.2 This standard may involve hazardous<br />

materials, operations, and equipment. This<br />

standard does not purport to address all of the<br />

safety problems associated with its use. It is the<br />

responsibility of whoever uses this standard to<br />

consult and establish appropriate safety and<br />

health practices and determine the applicability<br />

of regulatory limitations prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

B 117 <strong>Methods</strong> of Salt Spray (Fog) <strong>Test</strong>ing3<br />

D 471 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Rubber Property-Effect<br />

of Liquids4<br />

D 543 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Resistance of Plastics<br />

to Chemical Reagents'<br />

D 1151 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Effect of Moisture<br />

and Temperature on Adhesive Bonds'<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 The apparatus shall consist of containers<br />

for test specimens and a cabinet for maintaining<br />

a temperature of 23 f 1.1"C (73.4 f 2°F). Other<br />

suitable apparatus will be required for conducting<br />

immersion tests above and below rwm temperature.<br />

NOTE 4-Exercise care in the choice of materials<br />

t to adherend and containers in that they<br />

are with una "R-" ected by the chemicals and solvents used in<br />

the test.<br />

3.2 Apparatus for making strength tests is<br />

specified in the method far the prowqy to be<br />

measured (see Notes I and 2).<br />

4. Rwsnts<br />

NCYTE 5-Directions for preparations of reagents are<br />

for approximately I-L quantities. All percentages are<br />

by weight.<br />

This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee<br />

P 14.20 on Durability.<br />

Cpnent edition approved Feb. 24, 1984. Published April<br />

1984. Qngtnally published as D 896 - 46. Last previous edition<br />

D 896 - 66 (1979)."<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol03.02.<br />

' Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol09.0 I.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol08.01.<br />


D 896<br />

4.1 Standard chemical reagents shall be selected<br />

from the list given in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 543.<br />

Standard oils and fuels shall be selected from the<br />

list given in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 47 1.<br />

4.2 Distilled Water-Freshly prepared distilled<br />

water shall be used wherever water is specified<br />

in this method.<br />

5. Supplementary Reagents (Note 5)<br />

5.1 Hydrocarbon Mixture No. 1:<br />

Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane)<br />

Benzene<br />

Toluene<br />

Xylene<br />

5.2 Standard Jet Fuel No. 1:<br />

600 mL<br />

50 mL<br />

200 mL<br />

150 mL<br />

Toluene<br />

300 mL<br />

Cyclohexane<br />

600 mL<br />

Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpen- 100 mL<br />

tane)<br />

n-Butyl disulfide<br />

10 mL<br />

n-Butyl mercaptan<br />

0.125 g<br />

equivalent to 0.005 weight % of<br />

mercaptan sulfur)<br />

5.3 Standard Jet Fuel No. 2:<br />

Toluene<br />

300 mL<br />

Cyclohexane<br />

600 mL<br />

Isooctane (2,2,4-trimethylpen- 100 mL<br />

tane)<br />

n-Butyl disulfide<br />

1 mL<br />

n-Butyl mercaptan<br />

0.010 g<br />

(equivalent to 0.004 weight % of<br />

mercaptan sulfur)<br />

5.4 Silicone Fluid (Polydimethysiloxane),<br />

having a viscosity of 200 cSt (mm2/s) at 25°C.<br />

5.5 Engine Antifreeze (Ethylene Glycol), (inhibited).<br />

5.6 Butyl Alcohol (Normal Butanol).<br />

5.7 Brake Fluid.<br />

5.8 Automotive Power Steering Fluid.<br />

5.9 Trichloroethylene (+ 5 % Acetone).<br />

NOTE 6-Additional reagents may be substituted for<br />

or supplemented to those listed in Section 5 on agreement<br />

between the purchaser and the manufacturer,<br />

provided such reagents are within the general scope of<br />

this method.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 The test specimens shall be identical with<br />

those required in ASTM test methods for the<br />

strength properties to be measured (see Notes 1<br />

and 2), and the conditioning period before exposure<br />

shall correspond to the conditioning period<br />

before testing as given in the specified ASTM<br />

test method.<br />

6.2 Select matched specimens for control and<br />

exposure treatments.<br />

7. Procedure<br />

7.1 Place each specimen in a separate container<br />

and totally immerse in a sufficient quantity<br />

of the reagent (Note 7) for 7 days at a temperature<br />

of 23 f 1.1"C (73.4 f 2'F) (Note 8). Place the<br />

specimen on edge in the container in the case of<br />

flat specimens so that it is supported at an angle<br />

from the bottom and side wall of the container.<br />

Stir the reagent every 24 h by moderate manual<br />

rotation of the container. Maintain the strength<br />

of the chemical solutions constant. Use completely<br />

closed containers to minimize evaporation<br />

or any change in concentration (for example,<br />

due to hygroscopicity). Where the reagent-specimen<br />

combination may result in vaporizing or<br />

outgassing, the container should be selected to<br />

withstand the pressure resulting from the test<br />

temperature so that the test reagent stays liquid.<br />

NOTE 7-The volume of reagent used shall be ten<br />

times the volume of the specimen.<br />

NOTE 8--Selection of an alternative test temperature<br />

and immersion time is permissible upon agreement<br />

between the purchaser and the manufacturer. The alternative<br />

test temperature may be selected from the<br />

table in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1151.<br />

7.2 Remove the individual specimen from the<br />

reagent. Rinse aqueous reagents off the specimen<br />

with distilled water. Rinse off other reagents with<br />

a suitable organic solvent. Blot the specimen dry<br />

with a clean dry cloth or blotting paper. Determine<br />

the strength of the specimen immediately<br />

at a temperature of 23 2 1.1"C (73.4 2 2'F) in<br />

accordance with the specified method (see Notes<br />

1, 2, and 9).<br />

7.3<br />

I.J Using air as the contact medium, condition<br />

the control specimens at 23 k 1.1 "C and 50<br />

f 2 % relative humidity during the same 7 days<br />

that the test specimens are exposed to the chemical<br />

treatment. Determine the strength of the<br />

control specimens, testing in accordance with the<br />

specified method (see Notes 1 and 2) and at a<br />

temperature of 23 2 l.l"C, and calculate the<br />

average control strength.<br />

7.3.1 When an alternative temperature is selected<br />

for exposure of test specimens (see Notes<br />

8 and 9), hold the control specimens in a closed<br />


D 896<br />

container for the 7-day period at the same temperature<br />

as the test specimens. Return the controls<br />

to 23 f 1.1 "C before testing.<br />

NOTE 9-Selection of an alternative temperature for<br />

determining the strength of the specimen is permissible<br />

upon agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.<br />

The altemative temperature shall be selected<br />

from the table in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1 I5 1.<br />

8. Report<br />

8.1 The report shall include the individual and<br />

average strength property values of the control<br />

specimens and the temperature at which the values<br />

were determined.<br />

8.2 The report shall include the following information<br />

for each adhesive tested in all the<br />

standard reagents and any specified supplementary<br />

reagents:<br />

8.2.1 Immersion time and temperature.<br />

8.2.2 Strength property value of each specimen<br />

and temperature at which value was determined.<br />

8.2.3 Percentage change in average strength<br />

resulting from the immersion test, calculated to<br />

the nearest I % taking the average strength property<br />

value of control test specimens as 100 %.<br />

8.2.4 General appearance and behavior of<br />

each specimen during and after immersion.<br />

8.2.5 Type of specimen.<br />

8.2.6 Trade name and type of adhesive used.<br />

8.2.7 ASTM designation of materials and test<br />

procedure used, and<br />

8.2.8 Application, drying, and curing conditions<br />

used in preparing the specimens.<br />

The American Societyfor <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

$ not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you @el that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />




ASTM D 903 - 49 (Reapproved 1978)<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

15 not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 903; the number immediately following the designation indicates<br />

the year of original adoption or, in. the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the<br />

year of last reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Dejense to replace method 1041.1 of Federal <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method Standard No. I7Sa andfor listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />


The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds will depend on the<br />

conditions under which the bonding process is carried out. Unless otherwise agreed<br />

upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser, the bonding conditions shall be prescribed<br />

by the manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to ensure that complete information<br />

is available to the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer of<br />

the adhesive shall furnish numerical values and other specific information for each<br />

of the following variables:<br />

(I) Procedure for preparation of surfaces prior to application of the adhesive,<br />

including the moisture content of wood, the cleaning and drying of metal surfaces,<br />

and special surface treatments such as sanding which are not specifically limited by<br />

the pertinent test method.<br />

(2) Complete mixing directions for the adhesive.<br />

(3) Conditions for application of the adhesive including the rate of spread or<br />

thickness of film, number of coats to be applied, whether to be applied to one or<br />

both surfaces, and the conditions of drying where more than one coat is required.<br />

(4) Assembly conditions before application of pressure, including the room temperature,<br />

length of time, and whether open or closed assembly is to be used.<br />

(5) <strong>Curing</strong> conditions, 'including the amount of pressure to be applied, the length<br />

of time under pressure and the temperature of the assembly when under pressure.<br />

It should be stated whether this temperature is that of the glue line, or of the atmosphere<br />

at which the assembly is to be maintained.<br />

(6) Conditioning procedure before testing, unless a standard procedure is specified,<br />

including the length of time, temperature, and relative humidity.<br />

A range may be prescribed for any variable by the manufacturer of the adhesive<br />

if it can be assumed by the test operator that any arbitrarily chosen value within<br />

such a range or any combination of such values for several variables will be acceptable<br />

to both the manufacturer and the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

1. Scope<br />

2. Description of Terms<br />

1.1 This method covers the determination 2.1 Peel or Stripping Strength-The<br />

of the comparative peel or stripping characteristics<br />

of adhesive bonds when tested on<br />

standard sized specimens and under defined<br />

mittee D-14 on Adhesives.<br />

conditions Of pretreatment, temperature, and<br />

Current edition effective %Dt.<br />

testing machine speed. issued 1946. Replaces D 903 - 46 t.<br />

163<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Corn-<br />

30. 1949. Orieinallv<br />

1 -

D 903<br />

average load per unit width of bond line required<br />

to separate progressively one member<br />

from the other over the adhered surfaces at<br />

a separation angle of approximately 180 deg<br />

and at a separation rate of 152 mm (6 in.)/<br />

min. It is expressed in kilograms per millimeter<br />

(pounds per inch) of width.<br />

2.2 Flexible-The designation “flexible”<br />

in this test indicates a material of the proper<br />

flexural strength and thickness to permit a<br />

turn back at an approximate 180-deg angle in<br />

the expected loading range of the test without<br />

failure. In order to fulfill all terms of the definition,<br />

at least one of the adhered materials<br />

must be flexible.<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine-A power-driven<br />

machine, with a constant rate-of-jaw separation<br />

or of the inclina’tion balance or pendulum<br />

type, which shall fulfill the following<br />

requirements:<br />

3.1.1 The applied tension as measured and<br />

recorded shall be accurate within &l percent.<br />

3.1.2 Specimens shall be held in the testing<br />

machine by grips which clamp firmly and<br />

prevent slipping at all times.<br />

3.1.3 The rate of travel of the power-actuated<br />

grip shall be 305 mm (12 in.)/min. This<br />

rate which provides a separation of 152 mm<br />

(6 in.)/min shall be uniform throughout the<br />

tests.<br />

3.1.4 The machine shall be operated without<br />

any device for maintaining maximum load<br />

indication. In pendulum-type machines, the<br />

weight lever shall swing as a free pendulum<br />

without engagement of pawls.<br />

3.1.5 The machine shall be autographic<br />

giving a chart having the inches of separation<br />

as one axis and applied tension as the other<br />

axis of coordinates.<br />

3.1.6 The machine shall be of such capacity<br />

that the maximum applied tension during<br />

test shall not exceed 85 percent nor be less<br />

than 15 percent of the rated capacity.<br />

3.2 Conditioning Room or Desiccators-<br />

A conditioning room capable of maintaining<br />

a relative humidity of 50 f 2 percent at<br />

23 * IC (73.4 * 2 F), or desiccators filled<br />

with a saturated salt solution (Note 1) to give<br />

a relative humidity of 50 f 2 percent at<br />

23 + 1 C are required for the conditioning<br />

of some specimens.<br />

NOTE 1-A saturated salt solution of calcium<br />

nitrate will give approximately 5 1 percent relative<br />

humidity at the testing temperature.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

4.1 The test specimen, shown in Fig. I(a),<br />

shall consist of one piece of flexible material,<br />

25 by 304.8 mm (1 by 12 in.), bonded for 152.4<br />

mm (6 in.) at one end to one piece of flexible<br />

or rigid material, 25 by 203.2 mm (I by 8 in.),<br />

with the unbonded portions of each member<br />

being face to face.<br />

4.2 In order to maintain a separation rate<br />

of 152.4 mm (6 in.)/min the specimen shall<br />

be relatively nonextensible in the expected<br />

loading range. Where a material is sufficiently<br />

extensible to lessen radically the separation<br />

rate, it shall be backed up with a suitable<br />

nonextensible material. In reporting such a<br />

test, the backing material and method shall<br />

be completely identified.<br />

4.3 <strong>Test</strong> materials shall be thick enough<br />

to withstand the expected tensile pull but<br />

not over 3 mm in.) in thickness. Wherever<br />

possible, the standard thickness of<br />

specimens shall be: metals, 1.6 mm (‘/M in.),<br />

plastics, 1/16 in., woods, ‘/a in., rubber compounds,<br />

1.9 mm (0.075 in.), and cotton duck,<br />

627.4 gm/m2 (30 oz/yd2). Other special materials,<br />

as well as the standard materials, shall<br />

be completely identified in the test report as<br />

specified in Section 9.<br />

4.4 At least ten test specimens shall be<br />

tested for each adhesive.<br />

4.5 Any specimen whose test result is out<br />

of line due to some obvious flaw shall be discarded<br />

and retest made.<br />

5. Preparation of <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

4.1 5 1 P.w J nr~cenditi~ning<br />

y.’<br />

cx s-ecia! y preparation<br />

of the areas to be bonded shall be done<br />

in accordance with the recommendations of<br />

the manufacturer of the adhesive.<br />

5.2 All bonding shall be done in accordance<br />

with the procedure and recommendations as<br />

outlined by the manufacturer of the adhesive.<br />

5.3 While individual specimens may be<br />

prepared, it is recommended that specimens<br />

be cut from bonded panels approximately<br />

152.4 mm (6 in.) in width as shown in Fig.<br />

I@), so that five standard 25-mm (I-in.) wide<br />


specimens may be obtained from each panel.<br />

6. Conditioning<br />

6.1 Condition all specimens for 7 days by<br />

exposure to a relative humidity of 50 f 2<br />

percent at 23 f 1 C (73.4 f 2 F) or until<br />

equilibrium is reached, except where the adhesive<br />

manufacturer may specify such an<br />

aging period to be unnecessary or a shorter<br />

period to be adequate.<br />

6.2 Special conditioning procedures may be<br />

used by agreement between the purchaser and<br />

the manufacturer.<br />

7. Procedure<br />

7.1 Conduct the test as soon as possible<br />

after removing the test specimens from the<br />

conditoning atmosphere and preferably under<br />

the same conditions.<br />

7.2 Separate the free end of the 25-mm<br />

(l-in.) wide flexible member by hand from the<br />

other member for a distance of about 1 in.<br />

Place the specimen in the testing machine by<br />

clamping the free end of the 8-in. long member<br />

in one grip, turning back the free end of<br />

the flexible member and clamping it in the<br />

other grip as shown in Fig. 2. Attach the separated<br />

end of the specimen, with all separate<br />

parts except the one under test securely<br />

gripped, to the recording head by means of a<br />

clamp using care to adjust it symmetrically in<br />

order that the tension is distributed uniformly.<br />

Maintain the specimen during the test approximately<br />

in the plane of the clamps. This<br />

may be done either by attaching the minimum<br />

weight required to the free end of the specimen<br />

or by holding the specimen against an<br />

alignment plate (Fig. 2) attached to the stationary<br />

clamp. In either case, take into account<br />

the added weight in determining the<br />

load causing separation. Grip the I-in. wide<br />

flexible mefiber symmetrically 2nd fiimly<br />

without twisting in the power-actuated clamp.<br />

Adjust the autographic mechanism and chart<br />

to zero and start the machine. Strip the separating<br />

member from the specimen approximately<br />

at an angle of 180 deg and continue the<br />

D 903<br />

separation for a sufficient distance to indicate<br />

the peel or stripping value. Peel at least one<br />

half of the bonded area, even though a peel or<br />

stripping value may be indicated before this<br />

point.<br />

8. Calculations<br />

8.1 Determine the actual peel or stripping<br />

strength by drawing on the autographic chart<br />

the best average load line that will accommodate<br />

the recorded curve. Report the load so indicated,<br />

corrected for any tare weight which<br />

may have been used with the specimen as described<br />

in 7.2 expressed in kilograms per millimeter<br />

(pounds per inch) of width for separation<br />

at 152.4 mm (6 in.)/min, as the peel or<br />

stripping strength for the particular specimen<br />

under test.<br />

8.2 For each series of tests, calculate the<br />

arithmetic mean of all the values obtained and<br />

report as the “average value.”<br />

9. Report<br />

9.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

9. I . I Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

and specimen tested, including types,<br />

source, manufacturer’s code numbers, form,<br />

etc.,<br />

9. I .2 Method of preparing test specimens,<br />

9.1.3 Conditioning procedure used,<br />

9.1.4 <strong>Test</strong>ing room conditions,<br />

9.1.5 Number of specimens tested,<br />

9. I .6 Speed of testing,<br />

9.1.7 Average value of peel or stripping<br />

strength,<br />

9.1.8 Maximum and minimum strength<br />

values of the series,<br />

9.1.9 Individual rest values, individual<br />

autographic charts, and other statistical data<br />

requested by the purchaser, and<br />

9. I . IO Type of failure; whether in adhesion,<br />

cohesion in the adhesive or in the material<br />

being bonded.<br />

NOT^ 2 Cohesive or adhesive failure may be<br />

determined by observation. A cohesive failure is<br />

one which has occurred in the adhesive or specimen<br />

material itself. Adhesive failure refers to the lack of<br />

adherence to the materials being bonded.<br />


------<br />

ir-*-<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Original I<br />

Panel 4 ~),, -<br />

I<br />

I.<br />

Flexible<br />

Member<br />

/<br />

- 1<br />

Bond k~ I<br />

Line<br />

-----<br />

a) <strong>Test</strong> Specimen. (b) Specimens from Bonded Panel.<br />

Metric Equivalen ts<br />

in. I 2 6 I2<br />

ni m 25 51 152.4 305<br />

i I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1<br />

FIG. 2<br />

Specimen Under <strong>Test</strong>.<br />

FIG. I<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Specimen.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>in and Materials takes no position res ecting the validity of an atent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentionetin this standard. Users of this standrd are expresslv advisedYtRat determination of the<br />

validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is enlirels their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five<br />

years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or<br />

for additional standards and should be addrkssed to A STM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration<br />

at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received<br />

a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, I916 Race SI., Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

19103, which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there, you may appeal to the<br />

ASTM Board of Directors.<br />


Designation: D 904 - 57 (Reapproved 1981)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard Practice for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 904; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

NOTE-section 2 was added editoriallv and subseauent sections renumbered in Mdrch 1985.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This practice defines conditions for the<br />

exposure of adhesives in the form of glued transparent<br />

or translucent assemblies to ( I ) artificial<br />

and (2) natural light sources. Where such information<br />

is of value, the same exposure conditions<br />

may be used on adhesive film or any other suitable<br />

form in which light may be a deteriorating<br />

factor.<br />

1.2 This practice is limited to the method of<br />

obtaining the exposure conditions and procedure<br />

to be followed, but does not cover methods of<br />

test to be used in evaluating the effects of the<br />

exposure.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D749 Method for Calibrating a Light Source<br />

Used For Accelerating the Deterioration of<br />

Rubbe9<br />

D879 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Tensile Properties of<br />

Adhesive Bonds3<br />

D903 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Peel or Stripping<br />

Strength of Adhesive Bonds3<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Artijkial Light Exposure Unit (Note 1)-<br />

The exposure unit4 shall consist of a carbon-arc<br />

light source and suitable specimen supports, with<br />

means being provided for measuring and controlling<br />

the current-voltage of the light source,<br />

temperature of the air surrounding the specimens,<br />

and exposure cycle.<br />

NOTE 1 -Follow<br />

recommendations.<br />

equipment manufacturer's safety<br />

3.1 Light Source (Note 1 )-A carbon-arc with<br />

suitable transparent globe or window.<br />

3.1.2 Specimen Supports-Supports shall be<br />

provided for mounting the specimens vertically<br />

and in such a manner that uniform distribution<br />

of light is obtained at the specimen. The specimens<br />

shall be rotated around the arc to ensure<br />

further uniform distribution of light. If the specimens<br />

are mounted both above and below the<br />

horizontal center line of the light source, they<br />

may be mounted at an angle with the vertical not<br />

greater than 30" so that the light from the arc has<br />

a normal incidence upon the specimens. Specimens<br />

above and below the horizontal line shall<br />

be transposed periodically to provide uniform<br />

distribution of the light over the face of the<br />

specimens.<br />

3.1.3 Thermometer-A suitable shielded thermometer<br />

for determining the temperature of the<br />

air at the position of the specimen in the drum.<br />

3.2 Natural Sunlight Exposure Rack-The<br />

I This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee<br />

D14.20 on Durability.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 30. 1957. Published November<br />

1957. Originally published as D904 -46. Last previous<br />

edition D 904 - 55 T.<br />

Discontinued. see 1975 Annual Book of.4STM Standards.<br />

Part 37.<br />

' Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Vol 15.06.<br />

' Units that successfully fulfill all requirements of this method<br />

are the Atlas Single and Twin Arc Apparatus (Alternating or<br />

Direct Current), Atlas FadeOmeter. and the National Carbon<br />

Apparatus.<br />


D 904<br />

rack shall consist of any suitable framework on<br />

which the test specimens may be fastened at an<br />

angle of 45" facing south. The specimens shall be<br />

protected from direct contact with other weathering<br />

elements and foreign matter by means of a<br />

transparent shield' which will allow transmission<br />

of normal solar radiation, but no attempt shall<br />

be made to control temperature or relative humidity<br />

surrounding the specimens. The roof of a<br />

building is a satisfactory location for an exposure<br />

rack.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

4. I <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall be prepared and aged<br />

prior to test in accordance with the recommendations<br />

of the manufacturer for use of the adhesive.<br />

These specimens shall be of a suitable form<br />

and number to meet the requirements of the<br />

investigation and shall conform in detail with the<br />

requirements prescribed in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 897,<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method D903, or any other ASTM test<br />

method pertaining to strength properties of adhesives<br />

for the desired strength test or with other<br />

established test methods such as for light transmission,<br />

haze, etc. Where visual inspection or<br />

arbitrary evaluation is resorted to, the specimens<br />

may be of any designated shape and size or in<br />

the form of a film.<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

5. I Artificial Light:<br />

5. I. 1 Firmly fasten the test specimens in their<br />

holders and then expose to the carbon-arc light<br />

source. Also provide check specimens, shielded<br />

from the light source, to determine any degradation<br />

resulting from temperature and humidity<br />

effects rather than radiation alone. Maintain the<br />

temperature of the air surrounding the specimens<br />

between 35 and 50°C as measured by the shielded<br />

thermometer. Recommended exposure time<br />

shall he !@ h or a mu!tip!e of !!I h unless a<br />

significant change can be expected in a shorter<br />

time. Exposure period may be repeated as often<br />

as desired. Operate the units at all times under<br />

the following conditions:<br /> Atlas Single and Twin Arc Apparatus<br />

(Alternating Current )-The average for each<br />

trim or burning period shall be 135 V f 2 % and<br />

I6 A f 2 % at the arc. During the burning period,<br />

the voltage may vary between 125 and 145 V<br />

and the amperage between 15 and 18 A.<br /> Atlas Single and Twin Arc Apparatus<br />

(Direct Current)-The average for each trim or<br />

burning period shall be 135 V f 2 % and 12 A<br />

f 2 % at the arc. During the burning period, the<br />

voltage may vary between 130 and 145 V and<br />

the amperage between 11 and 13 A.<br />

5. I. 1.3 Atlas FadeOmeter-Same as prescribed<br />

in and<br /> National Apparatus-The average for<br />

each trim or burning period shall be 50 V f 2 %<br />

and 60 A f 2 % at the arc.<br />

5.1.2 Replace filters (globes and windows)<br />

after 2000 h of use, or when pronounced discoloration<br />

or milkiness develops, whichever occurs<br />

first (Note 2). Clean filters each day by washing<br />

with detergent and water.<br />

NOTE 2-The use of Method D 749, is suggested for<br />

checking the uniformity of operation of the light source.<br />

5.2 Natural Light-Attach the specimens to<br />

the 45" angle rack and place the transparent<br />

shield in position. Provide check specimens<br />

shielded from the sun to determine any degradation<br />

resulting from temperature and humidity<br />

effects rather than radiation alone. Examine sgecimens<br />

at 2-week intervals and conduct final evaluation<br />

or testing at a predetermined time. A<br />

suitable exposure period is 1 year, although it<br />

may be shorter or longer as agreed upon by the<br />

manufacturer and the purchaser. Clean and inspect<br />

the transparent shield at least once every 2<br />

weeks and replace at the first sign of discoloration<br />

or milkiness.<br />

6. Report<br />

6.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

6. I. I Complete identification of the adhesives<br />

and specimen materials used.<br />

6. I .2 Method of preparation of specimens, including<br />

thickness of glue line or film.<br />

6.1.3 Type and duration of exposure to light<br />

including a complete description of the exposure<br />

unit used for artificial light, and the geographical<br />

location, dates of the exposure period, and general<br />

climatic conditions for natural light.<br />

6.1.4 Description of any visual changes in appearance<br />

that may have occurred during each<br />

exposure period for both the test and check spec-<br />

s Pyrex glass. 9200 PX, has been found satisfactory for the<br />

shield.<br />


imens.<br />

6.1.5 Results of any physical, chemical or<br />

other tests made to determine the extent of deg-<br />

radation resulting from the exposure. This shall<br />

also include tests on the check specimens. The<br />

test methods used shall be adequately described.<br />

The American Societyji)r <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users qfthis standard are expre.ss1.v advised that determination qf the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement qf such rights, are entirelv their own re~sponsibility.<br />

This slundurd is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical commitlee and must be reviewed every,five years and<br />

If not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or ,for additional<br />

.standards and should be addre.ssed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting cfthe<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you .fie1 that your comments have not received a ,fair hearing you should<br />

makevour views known to fhe ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race Sf., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


ab<br />

Designation: D 950 - 82 (Reapproved 1987)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 950 the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace methods 1033 and 1033.1 T of Federal<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method Standard No. 17Sa and for listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />

'I NmE-Sections 3 and 4 were editorially transposed in October 1986.<br />


The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds will depend on the<br />

conditions under which the bonding process is carried out. Unless otherwise agreed<br />

upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser, the bonding conditions shall be<br />

prescribed by the manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to ensure that complete<br />

information is available to the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer of the<br />

adhesive shall furnish numerical values and other specific information for each of the<br />

following variables:<br />

(I) Procedure for preparation of surfaces prior to application of the adhesive,<br />

including the moisture content of wood, the cleaning and drying of metal surfaces, and<br />

special surface treatments such as sanding which are not specifically limited by the<br />

pertinent test method.<br />

(2) Complete mixing directions for the adhesive.<br />

(3) Conditions for application of the adhesive including the rate of spread or thickness<br />

of film, number of coats to be applied, whether to be applied to one or both surfaces,<br />

and the conditions of drying where more than one coat is required.<br />

(4) Assembly conditions before application of pressure, including the room temperature,<br />

length of time, and whether open or closed assembly is to be used.<br />

(5) <strong>Curing</strong> conditions, including the amount of pressure to be applied, the length of<br />

time under pressure and the temperature of the assembly when under pressure. It should<br />

be stated whether this temperature is that of the glue line, or of the atmosphere at which<br />

the assembly is to be maintained.<br />

(6) Conditioning procedure before testing, unless a standard procedure is specified,<br />

including the length of time, temperature, and relative humidity.<br />

A range may be prescribed for any variable by the manufacturer of the adhesive if it<br />

can be assumed by the test operator that any arbitrarily chosen value within such a<br />

range or any combination of such values for several variables will be acceptable to both<br />

the manufacturer and the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This test method coven the determination<br />

of the comparative impact value of adhesive<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety prob-<br />

[ems associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

Of the User Of this standard to establish appro-<br />

bonds in when tested On standard 'peCi-<br />

I This test method is the juridiction of ASTM Cornmens<br />

under specified conditions of preparation, mitt= D-14 on Adhesives and is the dim responsibility of<br />

conditioning, and testing.<br />

Subcommittee D14.30 on Wood Adhesives.<br />

Current edition approved Nov. 26, 1982. Published January<br />

This standard may hazardous ma- 1983. Originally published D 950 - 52 T. Last pmrious editerials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard tion D 950 - 78.<br />


D 950<br />

priute sufety and health practices and determine<br />

the upplicability of regulatory limitations prior to<br />

use.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2. I ASTM Standards:<br />

A 108 Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon,<br />

Cold-Finished, Standard Quality2<br />

B 16 Specification for Free-Cutting Brass<br />

Rod, Bar, and Shapes for Use on Screw<br />

Machines"<br />

B 107 Specification for Magnesium-Alloy<br />

Extruded Bars, Rods, Shapes, Tubes, and<br />

Wire4<br />

B 133 Specification for Copper Rod, Bar,<br />

and Shapes3<br />

B 139 Specification for Phosphor Bronze<br />

Rod, Bar, and Shapes:'<br />

B 15 1 Specification for Copper-Nickel-Zinc<br />

Alloy (Nickel Silver) and Copper-Nickel<br />

Rod and Bar3<br />

B 2 1 I Specification for Aluminum-Alloy<br />

Bars, Rods, and Wire"<br />

D 143 <strong>Methods</strong> of <strong>Test</strong>ing Small Clear Specimens<br />

of Timber5<br />

D 905 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Strength Properties of<br />

Adhesive Bonds in Shear by Compression<br />

Loading6<br />

E 23 <strong>Methods</strong> for Notched Bar Impact <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

of Metallic Materials7<br />

3. Description of Term Specific to This Standard<br />

3.1 impuct vaalue-the energy absorbed by a<br />

specimen of standard design when sheared by a<br />

single blow of a testing machine hammer. Impact<br />

value is expressed in joules per square metre or<br />

foot-pounds-force per square inch.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4. I Adhesives can fail under a sudden impact<br />

load and not under a slowly applied load of the<br />

same or greater force.<br />

4.2 This test method can be used to compare<br />

the sensitivity of various adhesives to suddenly<br />

applied loads.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine:<br />

5.1.1 A pendulum-type impact machine with<br />

a hand velocity of 3.4 m/s (1 1 Ws), comprising<br />

essentially the following:<br /> Impact Head equipped with a flat<br />

striking face slightly wider than the test speci-<br />

men, aligned to strike the specimen full-face.<br /> Jig to hold the test specimen, as<br />

shown in Fig. 1. The jig illustrated is not suitable<br />

for use with all impact machines and vises.<br />

Dimensions and design of the jig may be varied<br />

as required for adaptation to machines and<br />

vises available, provided the following general<br />

requirements are met: It is necessary that the<br />

jig be machined from a solid piece of steel and<br />

be solidly bolted to the base of the testing<br />

machine. Corners shall be drilled to ensure that<br />

the test specimen sets flush against the retaining<br />

end of the jig; the drilled corners are required<br />

to minimize dirt collection at the corners which<br />

could hold the end of the specimen away from<br />

the face of the jig. The jig shall be provided<br />

with a screw to tighten the specimen in the jig,<br />

to minimize the tendency of the specimen to<br />

overturn when struck. To prevent the holding<br />

screw from splitting specimens of wood, a metal<br />

plate shall be placed between the end of the<br />

wood block and the end of the screw. The jig<br />

shall be so located that the specimen will be<br />

struck at the point of maximum head velocity.<br />

5.1. I .3 Vise or Bolts to hold the jig rigid and<br />

immobile under the stress of the testing machine<br />

hammer. The total height of the vise, jig,<br />

and test specimen shall be such that the lower<br />

edge of the striking face of the impact head<br />

strikes the specimen as near the adhesive line<br />

as possible, preferably within 0.79 mm ('h in.).<br />

Ordinarily the distance between the top of the<br />

jaws of the vise of the machine and the bottom<br />

of the striking face of the head is 22 mm (0.866<br />

in.), and proper height of the specimen may be<br />

obtained by adjusting its height in the jig.<br />

5.1.2 Additional information on impact testing<br />

machines and their calibration may be<br />

found in <strong>Methods</strong> E 23.<br />

5.2 Conditioning Room or Desiccators---A<br />

conditioning room capable of maintaining a<br />

relative humidity of 50 k 2 % at 23 -L 1.1 "C<br />

(73.4 A 2"F), or desiccators fiiied with a saturated<br />

salt solution (Note 1) to give a relative<br />

humidity of 50 k 2 % at 23 k 1.1"C (73.4 f<br />

2°F).<br />

NOIL 1- A saturated salt solution of calcium nitrate<br />

will give approximately 51 % relative humidity<br />

at the test temperature.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Siandards, Vol 0 I .05.<br />

'Annual Book (4 ASTM Siandards, Vol02.0 I.<br />

'Annual Book ifASTM Standards. Vol02.02.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol04.09.<br />

.4nnual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />

' Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol03.01.<br />

17 1

D 950<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 The test specimen for metal-to-metal adhesives<br />

shall conform to the dimensions given<br />

in Fig. 2(a), whenever possible. In cases where<br />

this specimen cannot be fractured in the testing<br />

machine available, the square dimensions of<br />

the 25.4 by 25.4-mm (1 by 1-in.) block may be<br />

reduced to a smaller square, keeping the dimensions<br />

of the 25.4 by 445" (1 by l%-in.)<br />

block constant. The dimensions of the specimen<br />

and bonded area shall be clearly stated in<br />

the report (Section 12). In any case, it is desirable<br />

that the specimen size be such as to give<br />

impact strengths that fall somewhere near the<br />

middle range of the testing machine, since readings<br />

in the highest and lowest ranges are often<br />

unreliable. The specimen shall be assembled so<br />

the face receiving the impact load is at the point<br />

of maximum velocity of the impact head. The<br />

impact face of the specimen shall be square and<br />

flat, perpendicular to the plane of the glue line,<br />

and parallel to the striking face of the pendulum.<br />

Metals conforming to the following specifications<br />

are recommended:<br />

Metal<br />

Designation<br />

Brass<br />

ASTM B 16. C36000 half-hard tem-<br />

Per<br />

Copper<br />

ASTM B 133, C I IOOO, hard temper<br />

Aluminum ASTM B 21 I, A92024: G-3<br />

Steel<br />

AIS1 1020, G 10200; cold-finished bar<br />

Phosphor bronze ASTM B 139, C54400<br />

Magnesium ASTM B 107, AZ61A or MIA-F<br />

Nickel silver ASTM B 151, C77000, quarter-hard<br />

<strong>Test</strong>s on adhesives with high impact strength<br />

preferably should be run on steel to minimize<br />

deformation. Specimens may be re-used after<br />

testing, provided that the face receiving the<br />

impact is not deformed.<br />

6.2 <strong>Test</strong> specimens for wood-to-wood adhesives<br />

shall conform to the dimensions shown in<br />

Fig. 2 (b). The specimens may be prepared by<br />

gluing blocks 9.5 mm (3/e in.) thick by 1 in. wide,<br />

of convenient length, to blocks 19 mm (% in.)<br />

thick by 44.4 mm ( 13/4 in.) wide, of the same<br />

convenient length, where the 25.4-mm ( 1-in.)<br />

and 1 3/4-in. dimensions, respectively, are those in<br />

the direction of the grain. Specimens, each 1 in.<br />

in width, may then be cut from the glued assembly<br />

by cutting across the long dimension, in the<br />

grain direction. Hard maple (mer saccharrum or<br />

acer Nigrum), having a minimum specific gravity<br />

of 0.65 based on oven-dry weight and volume,<br />

shall be selected (Note 2). These blocks shall be<br />

of straight grain and free from defects, including<br />

knots, birdseye, short grain, decay, and any unusual<br />

discolorations within the test area. The<br />

blocks shall be at the equilibrium moisture content<br />

recommended by the manufacturer of the<br />

adhesive. In the absence of such recommendation,<br />

the moisture content shall be from 10 to<br />

12 %, based on oven-dry weight as determined<br />

on representative samples in accordance with<br />

Sections 124 to 127 of <strong>Methods</strong> D 143. Just prior<br />

to gluing, the blocks shall be surfaced, preferably<br />

with a hand-feed jointer and then weighed and<br />

assembled in pairs so that blocks of approximately<br />

the same specific gravity are glued together.<br />

The surfaces sMl remain msanded and<br />

shall be free from dirt. Blocks shall be glued as<br />

described in Section 7, after which test specimens<br />

conforming to Fig. 2 (b) shall be prepared.<br />

NOTE 2-A method of selecting maple blocks of<br />

satisfactory specific gravity is described in the Appendix<br />

of <strong>Test</strong> Method D905. For referee tests, the specific<br />

gravity of blocks may be determined in accordance with<br />

Sections I16 and I17 of Method D 143.<br />

7. Gluing<br />

7.1 Gluing shall be done in accordance with<br />

the procedure outlined by the manufacturer of<br />

the adhesive.<br />

7.1.1 For metal-to-metal specimens, preparation<br />

of areas that are to be cemented shall be<br />

in accordance with the recommendationsof the<br />

manufacturer of the adhesive.<br />

7.1.2 For wood-to-wood specimens, the<br />

grain of the wood shall be parallel in the two<br />

pieces and parallel to the glue line as shown in<br />

Fig. 2 (6). If, due to circumstances, wood with<br />

a slight taper in the grain must be used, the<br />

pieces shall be assembled so the grain runs<br />

toward the glue line toward the back of the<br />

specimen. Thus, failures that start in the wood<br />

will be directed toward the glue line. Excess<br />

glue at the impact face should be removed<br />

carefuuliy to ensure proper striking of the impact<br />

head. Also squeeze-out should be removed<br />

when necessary to ensure proper positioning of<br />

the specimen in the jig.<br />

8. Conditioning<br />

8.1 Preconditioning is not required for<br />

metal-to-metal bonds. The adhesive is ready<br />

for test purposes when it has been applied in<br />

accordance with Section 7, unless otherwise<br />

specified by the manufacturer or the purchaser.<br />


D 950<br />

8.2 All wood specimens shall be conditioned<br />

at a humidity of50 f 2 %, and at a temperature<br />

of 23 f 1.1OC (73.4 f 2"F), either for a period<br />

of 7 days or until specimens reach equilibrium<br />

as indicated by no progressive changes in<br />

weight, whichever is the shorter period.<br />

8.3 Special conditioning procedures may be<br />

used by agreement between the manufacturer<br />

and the purchaser.<br />

9. Number of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

9.1 At least ten test specimens shall be tested<br />

for each adhesive in the case of metal-to-metal<br />

specimens.<br />

9.2 At least 20 specimens shall be tested,<br />

representing at least four different joints, in the<br />

case of wood-to-wood adhesives.<br />

9.3 Specimens that break at some obviously<br />

fortuitous flaw remote from the glue line shall<br />

be discarded and retests made, unless such<br />

flaws constitute a variable the effect of which<br />

it is desired to study.<br />

10. Procedure<br />

10.1 <strong>Test</strong> in an atmosphere such that the<br />

moisture content of the wood specimens developed<br />

under the conditions prescribed in 8.2 is<br />

not noticeably altered during testing, and test<br />

as soon as possible after the conditioningperiod<br />

prescribed in 8.2.<br />

10.2 Place the specimen in the jig in the vise<br />

of the impact machine so that the specimen<br />

butts squarely against the retaining end of the<br />

jig. Rest the impact head of the machine gently<br />

against the specimen and adjust the jig so that<br />

the head fits squarely against the impact face<br />

of the specimen.<br />

10.3 Raise the impact head to a predetermined<br />

height and release the safety catch. The<br />

impact energy absorbed by the specimen may<br />

then be read directly.<br />

10.4 Record the foilowing information:<br />

10.4.1 Record joules or foot-pounds-force of<br />

energy absorbed in producing failure of the<br />

specimen.<br />

10.4.2 Record bonded area of specimen.<br />

10.4.3 In case of metal-to-metal adhesives,<br />

record the percentages of cohesion, adhesion,<br />

and contact failures (Note 3). This will be based<br />

on visual inspection.<br />

10.4.4 In case of wood-to-wood adhesives,<br />

record the percentages of wood, glue, and con-<br />

tact failures. This will be based on visual inspection.<br />

NOTE 3-Cohesion failure may be obtained by<br />

observing how much of the failure has occurred in<br />

the adhesive itself. That is, if the cement has adhered<br />

to the metal test pieces and no voids are visible, it<br />

represents a 100 % cohesion failure. Adhesion failure<br />

refers to the lack of adhering to metals being fastened.<br />

Contact failure refers to lack of glue lines being in<br />

contact due to uneven surfaces, poor pressure distribution,<br />

etc.<br />

11. Calculation<br />

1 1. I Calculate the impact value of the specimen<br />

as the energy absorbed in producing failure<br />

of the specimen divided by the bonded area<br />

of the specimen, and express in joules per<br />

square metre or foot-pounds-force per square<br />

inch. Report the values to the nearest 100 J/m2<br />

(0.1 ft..lbf/in.'). Unit results cannot be extended<br />

to different areas than those tested.<br />

12. Report<br />

12.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

12.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer's<br />

code numbers, form, etc.,<br />

12.1.2 Method of preparing test specimens,<br />

dimensions of specimens, and materials<br />

bonded,<br />

12.1.3 Average thickness of adhesive layer<br />

after formation of the joint, within 0.03 mm<br />

(0.001 in.). The method of obtaining the thickness<br />

of the adhesive layer shall be described<br />

including procedure, location of measurements,<br />

and range of measurements.<br />

12.1.4 Conditioning procedure used,<br />

12.1.5 Atmosphere conditions in test room,<br />

12.1.6 Number of specimens tested,<br />

12.1.7 Actual bonded area, and<br />

12.1.8 Maximum, minimum, and average<br />

value of impact strength, with an average value<br />

of the percentages of wood, glue, and contact<br />

failures for !he wood specimens, or cohesion,<br />

adhesion, and contact failures for the metal<br />

specimens.<br />

13. Precision and Bias<br />

13.1 At the present time there is no basis for<br />

a statement of precision or bias concerning the<br />

reproducibility of results among laboratories.<br />

Such information may be available in the future<br />

following round-robin testing among laboratories.<br />


4$lb<br />

D950<br />

13.2 The precision and bias of the test is a the wood's variability. Precision shall be reported<br />

function of the properties of the cured bondline; in terms of the standard deviation of the data<br />

and if wood failure occurs, they are a function of and the standard error of the mean.<br />

IMPACT<br />

....................<br />

....................<br />

....................<br />

'--TESTING<br />


Metric Equivalents<br />

I<br />



NO. REO: ON€<br />

-- 3i<br />

STEEL OR<br />

EQUAL<br />

.. ...<br />

1<br />

pit + I----<br />


in. mm in. mm<br />

. -. . . . ___<br />

L/x 3.2 1.005 + 0.005 25.527 + 0.127<br />

:YU 9.5 -O.m -0.OOO<br />

% 12.7 1 Y2 38. I<br />

'K2 14.9 I .800 + 0.005<br />

45.720 + 0.127<br />

K 16 -0.OoO -0.OOO<br />

R 19 2 50.8<br />

I 25.4 2% 52.8<br />

3 Y2 88.9<br />

5 %2 131<br />

FIG. I<br />

Adapter Jig for Impact Machines<br />


4m 0950<br />

Adhesive Bond<br />

L 13,i-----l<br />

(a) Metal-to-Metal Specimen<br />

Adhesive Bond<br />

-<br />

'LI 3; -A<br />

Directicn of Grain<br />

(b) Wood-to-Wood Specimen<br />

Metric Equivalents<br />

in. YH Y4 I I :%<br />

mm 9.5 19 25.4 44.4<br />

FIG. 2 Block Shear Impact <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquariers. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. uyoufiel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Designation: D 1002 - 72 (Reapproved 1983)<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1002; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace methods I032 and 1032.IT of Federal<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method Standard No. I7Sa and for listing in the DoD Index of Specifcations and Standards.<br />

The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds will depend on the<br />

conditions under which the bonding process is camed out. Unless otherwise agreed upon<br />

by the manufacturer and the purchaser, the bonding conditions shall be prescribed by the<br />

manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to ensure that complete information is available to<br />

the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer of the adhesive shall furnish numerical<br />

values and other specific information for each of the following variables:<br />

(1) Procedure for preparation of surfaces prior to application of the adhesive, the cleaning<br />

and drying of metal surfaces, and special surface treatments such as sanding that are not<br />

specifically limited by the pertinent test method.<br />

(2) Complete mixing directions for the adhesive.<br />

(3) Conditions for application of the adhesive, including the rate of spread or thickness<br />

of film, number of coats to be applied, whether to be applied to one or both surfaces, and<br />

the conditions of drying where more than one coat is required.<br />

(4) Assembly conditions before application of pressure, including the room temperature,<br />

relative humidity, length of time, and whether open or closed assembly is to be used.<br />

(5) <strong>Curing</strong> conditions, including the amount of pressure to be applied, the length of time<br />

under pressure, method of applying pressure (pressure bag, press platens, etc.), heat-up rate,<br />

and the temperature of the assembly when under pressure. It should be stated whether this<br />

temperature is that of the bondline or of the atmosphere at which the assembly is to be<br />

maintained.<br />

(6) Conditioning procedure before testing, unless a standard procedure is specified,<br />

including the length of time, temperature, and relative humidity.<br />

A range may be prescribed for any variable by the manufacturer of the adhesive if it can<br />

be assumed by the test operator that any arbitrarily chosen value within such a range or<br />

any combination of such values for several variables will be acceptable to both the<br />

manufacturer and the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

1. Scope does not purport to address all of the safety prob-<br />

1.1 This test method covers the determination lems associated with its use. It is the responsibilof<br />

the comparative shear strengths of adhesives ity of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

~-<br />

for bonding metals when tested On a standard<br />

I This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Cornspecimen<br />

and under specified conditions ofprep- mittee D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct resmnsibilitv of<br />

aration and test.<br />

Subcommittee D14.80 on Metal Bonding Adhesives.<br />

Current edition approved July 28, 1972. Published October<br />

This standard may hazardous ma-<br />

1972. Originally publish& as D 1002 - 49 T. Last previous<br />

terials, operations,'and equipment. This standard edition D 1002 - 64 (1970).<br />


D 1002<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Apparatus<br />

2.1 The testing machine shall conform to the<br />

requirements of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> E4, Verification<br />

of <strong>Test</strong>ing Machines.* The testing machine<br />

shall be so selected that the breaking load of the<br />

specimens falls between 15 and 85 percent of the<br />

full-scale capacity. The machine shall be capable<br />

of maintaining a rate of loading of 80 to 100 kg/<br />

cm2 (1 200 to 1400 psi)/min, or, if the rate is<br />

dependent on crosshead motion, the machine<br />

should be set to approach this rate of loading. It<br />

shall be provided with a suitable pair of selfaligning<br />

grips to hold the specimen. It is recommended<br />

that the jaws of these grips shall engage<br />

the outer 25 mm (1 in.) of each end of the test<br />

specimen firmly (Note 1). The grips and attachments<br />

shall be so constructed that they will move<br />

into alignment with the test specimen as soon as<br />

the load is applied, so that the long axis of the<br />

test specimen will coincide with the direction of<br />

the applied pull through the center line of the<br />

grip assembly.<br />

NOTE 1 -The length of overlap of the specimen may<br />

be vaned where necessary. The length of the specimen<br />

in the jaws, however, must not be varied. The distance<br />

from the end of the lap to the end of the jaws should<br />

be 63 mm (2% in.) in all tests.<br />

3. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

3.1 <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall conform to the form<br />

and dimensions shown in Fig. 1. These shall be<br />

cut from test panels prepared as prescribed in<br />

Section 4. The recommended thickness of the<br />

sheets is 1.62 2 0.125 mm (0.064 f 0.005 in.).<br />

The recommended length of overlap for most<br />

metals of 1.62 mm (0.064 in.) in thickness is 12.7<br />

2 0.25 mm (0.5 f 0.01 in.).<br />

NOTE 2-Since it is undesirabie IO exceed the yield<br />

point of the metal in tension during test, the permissible<br />

length of overlap in the specimen will vary with the<br />

thickness and type of metal, and on the general level of<br />

strength of the adhesive being investigated. The maximum<br />

permissible length may be computed from the<br />

following relationship:<br />

L = Fty tJr<br />

where:<br />

L = length of overlap, in.,<br />

t = thickness of metal, in.,<br />

Fty = yield point of metal (or the stress at pro-<br />

portional limit), psi, and<br />

7 = 150 percent of the estimated average shear<br />

strength in adhesive bond, psi.<br />

NOTE 3-A variation in thickness of the metal, and<br />

the length of overlap, will likely influence the test values<br />

and make direct comparison of data questionable. For<br />

this reason, in comparative or specification tests, the<br />

thickness should preferably be 1.62 k 0.125 mm (0.064<br />

k 0.005 in.) and the length of overlap should preferably<br />

be 12.7 & 0.25 mm (0.5 & 0.01 in.), or not in excess of<br />

the value computed in Note 2. For development tests<br />

values could be different, but should then be constant.<br />

3.2 The following grades of metal are recommended<br />

for the test specimens:<br />

Metal<br />

ASTM Designation”<br />

BW B 36, Alloy 8<br />

copper<br />

B 152, Type A<br />

Aluminum<br />

B 209, Alloy 2024, T3 temper<br />

Steel A 109, Grade 2<br />

Corrosion-resisting steel A 167, Type 302<br />

Titanium B 265<br />

” These designations refer to the following specifications of<br />

the American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials:<br />

B 36, for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip, and Rolled Bar:<br />

B 152, for Copper Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar,3<br />

B209, for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate4<br />

A 109, for Cold-Rolled Carbon Steel Strip,’<br />

A 167, for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Chromium-Nickel<br />

Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip,’ and<br />

B265, for Titanium and Titanium Alloy Strip, Sheet, and<br />

Plate6<br />

3.3 At least 30 specimens shall be tested, representing<br />

at least four different joints. However,<br />

if statistical analysis of data and variance is employed,<br />

it should be possible to reduce this number.<br />

4. Preparation of <strong>Test</strong> Joints<br />

4.1 It is recommended that test specimens be<br />

made up in multipies of at least five specimens,<br />

and then cut into individual test specimens (Note<br />

4), Figs. 2 and 3. Cut sheets of the metals prescribed<br />

in 3.1 and 3.2 to suitable size. All edges<br />

of the metal panels and specimens which will be<br />

within (or which wiIi boundj the iap joints shaii<br />

be machined true (without burrs or bevels and at<br />

right angles to faces) and smooth (rms 160 max)<br />

before the panels are surface-treated and bonded.<br />

Clean and dry the sheets carefully, according to<br />

the procedure prescribed by the manufacturer of<br />

the adhesive, and assemble in pairs. Prepare and<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol03.0 1.<br />

’ Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol02.01.<br />

‘Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol02.02.<br />

’ Annua/ Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standardr, Vol02.04.<br />


D 1002<br />

apply the adhesive according to the recommendations<br />

of the manufacturer of the adhesive. Ap<br />

ply the adhesive to a sufficient length in the area<br />

across the end of one or both metal sheets so that<br />

the adhesive will cover a space approximately 6<br />

mm (11’4 in.) longer than the overlap as selected in<br />

Section 3. Assemble the sheets so that they will<br />

be held rigidly so that the length of the overlap<br />

will be controlled, as indicated in Section 3,<br />

within 0.25 mm (kO.01 in.), and the adhesive<br />

allowed to cure as prescribed by the manufacturer<br />

of the adhesive.<br />

NOTE 4-Bonding specimens in multiple panels is<br />

believed to give more representative specimens. However,<br />

individual specimens may be prepared if agreeable<br />

to the supplier or the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

5. Preparation of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

5.1 Cut the test specimens, as shown in Fig.<br />

1, from the panels, Figs. 2 and 3. Perform the<br />

cutting operation so as to avoid overheating or<br />

mechanical damage to the joints (Note 5). For<br />

final preparation trim panel area according to<br />

Fig. 5. Measure the width of the specimen and<br />

the length of the overlap to the nearest 0.25 mm<br />

(0.01 in.) to determine the shear area.<br />

NOTE 5-A five-tooth, typesetter’s circular saw has<br />

been found suitable for such purposes.<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 <strong>Test</strong> the specimens, prepared as prescribed<br />

in Section 5, as soon after preparation as possible.<br />

The manufacturer of the adhesive may, however,<br />

prescribe a definite period of conditioning under<br />

specific conditions before testing.<br />

6.2 Place the specimens in the grips of the<br />

testing machine so that the outer 25 mm (1 in.)<br />

of each end are in contact with the jaws (Note 1)<br />

and so that the long axis of the test specimen<br />

coincides with the direction of applied pull<br />

through the center iine of the grip assembiy.<br />

Apply the loading immediately to the specimen<br />

at the rate of 80 to 100 kg/cm2 (1200 to 1400<br />

psi) of the shear area per min. Continue the load<br />

to failure. This rate of loading will be approximated<br />

by a free crosshead speed of 1.3 mm (0.05<br />

in.)/min.<br />

7. Calculations<br />

7.1 Record the load at failure and the nature<br />

and amount of this failure (cohesion in adhesive<br />

or metal, or adhesion) for each specimen. Express<br />

all failing loads in kilograms per square centimeter<br />

(pounds per square inch) of shear area,<br />

calculated to the nearest 0.06 cm2 (0.01 in.’).<br />

8. Report<br />

8.1 The report shall include the following information:<br />

8.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, date manufactured,<br />

manufacturers’ code numbers, form, etc.,<br />

8.1.2 Complete identification of the metal<br />

used, its thickness, and the method of cleaning<br />

and preparing its surfaces prior to bonding,<br />

8.1.3 Application and bonding conditions<br />

used in preparing specimens,<br />

8.1.4 Average thickness of adhesive layer after<br />

formation of the joint within 0.001 in. The<br />

method of obtaining the thickness of the adhesive<br />

layer shall be described including procedure, location<br />

of measurements, and range of measurements.<br />

8.1.5 Length of overlap used,<br />

8.1.6 Conditioning procedure used for speci-<br />

mens prior to testing,<br />

8.1.7 Number of specimens tested,<br />

8.1.8 Number of joints represented and type<br />

of joint if other than single overlap,<br />

8.1.9 Maximum, minimum, and average values<br />

for the failing load, and<br />

8.1.10 The nature of the failure, including the<br />

average estimated percentages of failure in the<br />

cohesion of the adhesive, contact failure, and<br />

adhesion to the metal.<br />


'<br />

-- I 6 mm<br />

(0.064")<br />

-GLUE LINE<br />

IN-<br />

TEST<br />

FIG. 1<br />

--- 127t L mm-- 1<br />

L 177.8 t Lmm---<br />

Form and Dimensions of <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

TEST<br />

GRIPS<br />

t-<br />

-<br />

25.4"<br />

20.254<br />

(1.000"<br />

+-O.OIO 1<br />

%I<br />

Typical<br />

.<br />

177.8mm23.175<br />

(7.0:' to. 125)<br />

FIG. 2 Standard <strong>Test</strong> Panel<br />


4.775"<br />

t 0.127<br />

(0.188"<br />

f+o.oosl<br />

igi<br />

t0.002 - 0.0001<br />

7.137 mm<br />

t 0.1 27<br />

(0.281''<br />

31.775 mrr<br />

20.127<br />

-----<br />

(1.251''<br />

+O.OOS) J<br />

25.4 mm<br />

t0.254<br />

1(1.00"-<br />

f0.010)<br />

FIG. 3 Optional Panel for Acceptance <strong>Test</strong>s Only<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjive years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


ab<br />

Designation: D 1006 - 73 (Reapproved 1986)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard Practice for<br />


ON WOOD'<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1006; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reappmval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This practice has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Definse to replace Method 6161.1 of Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

Standard No. 141A and for listing in the DoD index of Spec8cations and Standards.<br />

'I Nom-Editorial changes were made throughout in April 1986.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This practice deals only with the testing of<br />

house paints and trim paints on new, previously<br />

unpainted wood.<br />

1.2 This practice describes a test procedure<br />

that embodies the principles considered necessary<br />

for reliable results. Variations necessitated<br />

by circumstances may be introduced by agreement<br />

provided they do not violate these principles.<br />

One procedure embodying the principles is<br />

described in the Annex for use by those who find<br />

it coqvenient.<br />

1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of the user of this standard to establish appropriate<br />

safety and health practices and determine<br />

the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to<br />

use.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D358 Specification for Wood to Be Used As<br />

Panels in Weathering <strong>Test</strong>s of Paint and<br />

Varnishes2<br />

D 1 150 Single and Multi-Panel Forms for Recording<br />

Results of Exposure <strong>Test</strong>s of Paints2<br />

2.2 US. Federal Standard:<br />

TT-W-57 1 b Federal Specification for Wood-<br />

Preservative, Recommended Treating Practice3<br />

3. Significance and Use<br />

3.1 The procedure described in this practice is<br />

intended to aid in evaluating the performance of<br />

house and trim paints applied to new, previously<br />

unpainted wood.<br />

3.2 Since natural environment varies with respect<br />

to season, geography, and topography, test<br />

results can vary in accordance with location and<br />

may not correlate to actual in-service performance<br />

(5.1).<br />

4. Extent of <strong>Test</strong> Program<br />

4.1 The extent of the exterior exposure test<br />

program must be governed by the breadth of the<br />

conclusions desired. The types of paints to be<br />

tested, the range in climatic conditions to be met,<br />

also the types of woods and structures on which<br />

the paints are to be used are important factors to<br />

be considered in establishing the exposure program.<br />

5. Location of <strong>Test</strong> Stations<br />

5.1 The climatic conditions of the test sites<br />

should be representative of those of the area in<br />

' This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-l on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is the<br />

direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.27 on Accelerated<br />

<strong>Test</strong>ing.<br />

Current edition approved Oct. 29,1973. Published December<br />

1973. Originally published as D 1006 - 51 T. Last previous edi-<br />

tion D 1006 - 56 ( 1970).<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol06.0 1.<br />

' Available from Naval Publications and Forms Center, 5801<br />

Tabor Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19120.<br />


D 1006<br />

which the paints are to be used. The type and<br />

rate of failure of a paint film will vary when<br />

exposed to different combinations of climatic<br />

and atmospheric conditions. For reliable results,<br />

exposure sites should be selected that are representative<br />

geographically, climatically, and in atmospheric<br />

contaminations with those of the locality<br />

in which the paint will be used. To obtain<br />

conclusions that are valid for paints with national<br />

distribution requires exposure at several sites,<br />

selected to cover a wide range in climatic condition~.~<br />

6. Exposure Positions<br />

6.1 Panels for testing house paints and trim<br />

paints should be exposed on vertical test fences<br />

facing both south and north. In comparisons<br />

where dirt collection and mildew resistance are<br />

not pertinent, north vertical exposures may be<br />

omitted. There should be no obstructions close<br />

enough to shade test panels from the sun more<br />

than 2 h after sunrise, or 2 h before sunset.<br />

6.2 In the case where it is desirable to expose<br />

coated panels in a sheltered area, such as under<br />

eaves, a suitable test fence with a sheltered or<br />

eave arrangement can be used (see Annex).<br />

7. Construction of <strong>Test</strong> Fences<br />

7.1 <strong>Test</strong> fences should be durable and rigid<br />

enough to remain upright under the action of<br />

prevailing winds and frost throughout the contemplated<br />

period of testing5<br />

7.2 Lower edges of test panels, when mounted<br />

on test fences, should be at least I8 in. (460 mm)<br />

above ground level to avoid dampness and mud<br />

splash. Backs of painted boards or plywood<br />

should be protected against direct exposure to<br />

the weather by methods such as, (I) having panels<br />

on both sides of the fence, (2) mounting the<br />

panels on sheathing, and (3) closing the opposite<br />

side of the fence.<br />

7.3 Fences should have watertight caps to<br />

keep water from getting behind test panels.<br />

8. Selection of Woods for <strong>Test</strong> Panels<br />

8.1 Paint need be tested only on woods on<br />

which it is likely to be used in practice. Conclusions<br />

drawn from tests made on a limited variety<br />

of woods, however, should not be generalized for<br />

woods of other kinds.<br />

NoTE-Se Specification D 358.<br />

8.2 Prior to use, test lumber and panels should<br />

be stored under such conditions that the moisture<br />

content of the wood will be maintained within<br />

the normal range for exterior woodwork in the<br />

region in which the tests are made.<br />

9. Construction of <strong>Test</strong> Panels<br />

9. I For house paints, unless the pattern of the<br />

siding requires some other choice, test panels<br />

should be made of one or the other of two<br />

patterns of siding, namely, ‘12 or 3/4 by 6-in. (1 3<br />

or 20 by 150-mm) bevel siding or 1 by 6411. (25<br />

by 150-mm) drop siding.<br />

9.2 If the panels in the house paint test are<br />

not subdivided, one 3-ft (900-mm) length of 6-<br />

in. (1 50-mm) siding will be acceptable. If the<br />

panels are subdivided, two 18411. (460-mm)<br />

lengths are sufficient. Exposures on wood panels<br />

should preferably be carried out on three panels<br />

to allow for variations in the wood.<br />

9.3 For trim paints, the test panel should carry<br />

1 by 4411. (25 by 100-mm) pieces of trim lumber<br />

at each end.<br />

9.4 A test panel of I .5 ft2 (I 400 cm2) or more<br />

in area, as provided in 9.2, may be subdivided<br />

into two or more test areas each not less than 10<br />

in. (250 mm) long and 0.75 ft2 (700 cm2) in area.<br />

Each test area is for painting with a different<br />

paint. Paints placed on the test areas of one panel<br />

furnish a comparison as to behavior.<br />

9.5 When it will not interfere with the properties<br />

to be tested, all panels should be coated on<br />

the back to prevent warping.<br />

10. Control or Comparison Paint for Extending<br />

the Comparisons<br />

10.1 When several paints are to be compared,<br />

one paint should be selected as a standard of<br />

comparison or “control.” The control paint<br />

should then be applied on one test area of each<br />

:est pane!. Variations caused bj: wood differences<br />

are revealed in the behavior of the control paint,<br />

and can be used to adjust the ratings of the other<br />

paints to a common basis. For best results there<br />

should be two controls-one known to perform<br />

well and one known to perform poorly.<br />

‘Suggested sites include the Great Lakes region. Florida,<br />

extreme southern Louisiana. the southwest region. and northeast<br />

region.<br />

Fences, such as presented by W. A. Southard in the May<br />

I959 issue of the O[ficiul Di~cw, are acceptable.<br />


D 1006<br />

1 1. Application of Paints<br />

1 I. 1 All tests that are to be compared closely<br />

with one another should be placed on exposure<br />

as nearly simultaneously as possible. When a<br />

group of tests is too extensive for completion<br />

within a month, use a control paint or duplicate<br />

of at least 5 % of the test areas at successive<br />

exposure periods.<br />

1 1.2 It is best in theory and practice to do the<br />

painting out-of-doors in proper weather for<br />

painting: however, indoor painting is permissible<br />

provided no more than 1 week6 elapses between<br />

successive coats and between applying the last<br />

coat and exposing on the test fence: and provided,<br />

further, that all painting is done under<br />

essentially the same drying conditions. It is necessary<br />

to allow each coat to cure sufficiently<br />

before top coating.<br />

11.3 Preferred procedure is to apply paints<br />

with the test panel in a vertical position and kept<br />

vertical until the paint has set. If paint is spread<br />

on horizontal panels, the panels should be placed<br />

vertically immediately thereafter.<br />

1 1.4 Records should be kept of the spreading<br />

rates at which paints are applied. When the purpose<br />

of the tests is to compare commercial paints,<br />

it may be appropriate to let the painter apply<br />

them at what seems to be their natural spreading<br />

rates. When the purpose is to study variation in<br />

paint composition, application should usually be<br />

at suitable predetermined spreading rates which<br />

can be controlled by applying a given weight or<br />

volume of coating to a measured area.<br />

12. Inspections and Records<br />

12.1 After panels have been exposed to the<br />

weather, inspections should be made after not<br />

more than 1 month, at 3 months, and at intervals<br />

of 3 months during the first 2 years, and every 6<br />

months thereafter. Midwinter inspections, however,<br />

may be omitted in northern latitudes.' Inspections<br />

may be made more frequently if desired.<br />

Usually the exposures should be continued<br />

for a considerable length of time after deterioration<br />

has reached the point at which best practice<br />

calls for repainting.<br />

12.2 Records should be kept on forms such as<br />

Standard D 1150.*<br />

Seventy-two hours is the preferred maximum.<br />

' Inspection should be made to assure that exposed panels<br />

are not covered by accumulated snow banks.<br />

'These record sheets may be obtained from ASTM Headquarters<br />

(order Adjunct No. 12-4 I 1500- I I and 12-4 I 1500-2 I )<br />

and from the Fedcration of Societies for Coatings Technology,<br />

1315 Walnut St., Suite 832. Philadelphia, PA 19107.<br />

ANNEX<br />

(Mandatory Information)<br />


A I. I The plan for test fence and panels described in<br />

this Annex conforms to the principles set forth in this<br />

practice. It represents only one of numerous possible<br />

embodiments of the priiiciples recommended.<br />

A !.2 Canstrudio:: of <strong>Test</strong> Fence:<br />

A1.2.1 The test fence, or test rack, runs east and<br />

west, and is constructed to hold test panels on both<br />

sides so that there are panels facing both north and<br />

south. There are two rows of panels, one above the<br />

other, on each side of the fence. A 90' cap is placed<br />

along the top of the fence, and projects approximately<br />

1 in. (25 mm) beyond the face of the mounted panels.<br />

The fence must be suficiently sturdy in construction<br />

to withstand strong winds. It is mounted on wood posts<br />

that are impregnated with creosote under pressure, in<br />

accordance with Fed. Spec. TT-W-57 1 b.<br />

A1.2.2 Figure Al.l shows one span or unit. The<br />

fence can be extended to as many units as the site<br />

permits or as are needed for the number of exposure<br />

tests to be made. Additional fences may be built parallel<br />

to one another, but they should be spaced far enough<br />

apart to keep each fence from casting shadows on the<br />

adjacent fences during all but the first 2 h after sunrise<br />

and the !as? 2 h befQre s "e at the time ofthe winter<br />

solstice.<br />

A 1.2.3 When cleated panels of drop siding, which<br />

do not have backing, are used, there shall always be a<br />

pair of panels, one facing north and one facing south,<br />

to give the backs mutual protection from the weather.<br />

If for any reason there are panels on one side only of<br />

the fence, the other side shall be covered with rooting<br />

paper or other covering to protect the backs of the<br />

panels.<br />

A I .3 Construction of <strong>Test</strong> Panels:<br />

A 1.3. I House Paints-The boards of siding are assembled<br />

in a manner similar to house construction.<br />

Five pieces of '/2 by 6-in. ( I3 by 150-mm) bevel siding<br />

are nailed securely on a backing of %-in. (64" ply-<br />


D 1006<br />

wood exterior grade, as shown in Fig. A I .2. The top<br />

board is a blank connecting board, cut to narrower<br />

width and painted as hereinafter described. The other<br />

four boards are test boards: they may be all of one<br />

species or two each of two different species. The overlap<br />

between boards should be not less than I in. (25 mm).<br />

Cadmium- or zinc-coated nails, 1% in. (28 mm) long,<br />

should be used and should be spaced as indicated, and<br />

clinched on the back. The lower edge of the bottom<br />

board is shimmed out from the plywood with a wood<br />

shim and the bottom board projects Vi in. beyond the<br />

shim in order to permit insertion of a panel underneath.<br />

The top of the panel, which is a blank board precoated<br />

with chalk-resisting exterior paint such as aluminum<br />

paint, is cut to a width of 4% in. (I I5 mm); the cutting<br />

makes a suitable shim for use under the bottom board.<br />

The plywood projects '/2 in. beyond the boards at the<br />

ends and I in. (25 mm) at the bottom; at the top the<br />

plywood projects 2 in. (50 mm) beyond the top of the<br />

second board and is overlapped by about 2'12 in. (65<br />

mm) by the top blank board. Holes are bored through<br />

the top blank board as indicated to permit positioning<br />

ofthe panel on the fence by means of small pegs. Holes<br />

are bored through the projecting ends of the plywood<br />

to permit secure fastening of the panels to the fence by<br />

means of wood clamps held in position by bolts with<br />

wing nuts as indicated (see also Fig. A I. I).<br />

A I .3. I. I Panels made of 6-in ( 150-mm) drop siding<br />

should consist of four test boards 37 in. (940 mm) long,<br />

and a narrow blank connecting board 3 in. (75 mm)<br />

wide, fitted snugly together and held by three cleats, %<br />

by 2 in. (16 by 50 mm) wide, nailed firmly on the<br />

backs. By adjusting the width of the blank connecting<br />

board the dropsiding panels can be made to fit on<br />

fences designed as shown in Fig. A 1.1, although it may<br />

be impracticable to mount both types of panel together<br />

on the same fence.<br />

A1.3.2 Trim Paints-An example of a panel for<br />

testing trim paint is shown in Fig. A1.3. It is a modification<br />

of the panel shown in Fig. A 1.2. The modification<br />

consists in shortening the pieces of siding to 27 in.<br />

(685 mm) to make room for two pieces of trim lumber,<br />

1 by 4 in. (25 to 100 mm), at each end; and in narrowing<br />

the exposed width of the siding to 4 in. to make room<br />

for another piece of trim lumber, 1 by 6 in. (25 by 150<br />

mm), across the top. This piece is undercut, as shown<br />

in the sketch, so as to fit over the siding. The cap may<br />

be made ofgalvanized iron, aluminum, or painted iron.<br />

No blank connecting boards between two panels are<br />

needed. The panel may be fastened to the fence in the<br />

same way as the body paint panel. A much less elaborate<br />

panel, satisfactory in many cases, is merely a plain<br />

board, approximately 1 by 6 by 36 in. (25 by 150 by<br />

915 mm).<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and<br />

not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee. which you may attend. If you fie1 that your comments have not received ahir hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Dl006<br />

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cu<br />

NOTE-] in. = 25.4 mm.<br />

FIG. A13 ASTM <strong>Test</strong> Panel for Exterior Exposure of Trim Mats<br />

tSlDE VIEW<br />

(center crosa -roction)

Designation: D 1084 - 63 (Reapproved 1981)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 49103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASW Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed iwthe current combined index, will appeaf in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1084: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

These methods have been approvedfir use by agencies of the Department of Ddense to replace method 4021 of Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

Standard No. I75a and for listing in the DoD Index of Spec@cations and St4rds.<br />

NmE-Section 2 was added editorially and subsequent d ons renumbered in March 1985.<br />

1. Scope<br />

I. 1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of the viscosity of free-flowing adhesives.<br />

Four methods are covered, as follows:<br />

1.1. I Method A is applicable only to adhesives<br />

that will deliver 50 mL in a st&dy uninterrupted<br />

stream from one of the cups described in Section<br />

3.<br />

1.1.2 Method B is intended for measuring the<br />

viscosity of adhesives covering a range from 50<br />

to 200 000 CP and is limited to materials that<br />

have or approach Newtonian flow characteristics.<br />

1.1.3 Method C is intended primarily as a<br />

control method for determining the viscosity of<br />

adhesives that have or approach Newtonian flow<br />

characteristics.<br />

1.1.4 Method D is intended primarily as a<br />

control method for determining the viscosity of<br />

materials which have an equivalent viscosity no<br />

greater than approximately 3000 CP and is limited<br />

to materials that have or approach Newtonian<br />

flow characteristics.<br />

NOTE 1-For adhesives that do not exhibit Newtonian<br />

or near Newtonian flow characteristics, <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method D 2556, shr???ld ?x mnsidered.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2. I ASTM Standards:<br />

D 88 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Saybolt Viscosity2<br />

D 1 15 <strong>Methods</strong> of <strong>Test</strong>ing Varnishes Used for<br />

Electrical Insulation'<br />

D 562 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Consistency of Paints<br />

Using the Stormer Viscometer"<br />

D 1208 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for Common Properties<br />

of Certain Pigments'<br />

D 1545 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Viscosity of Transparent<br />

Liquids by Bubble Time <strong>Methods</strong>4*'<br />

D 1601 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Dilute Solution Viscosity<br />

of Ethylene Polymers6<br />

D2256 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Breaking Load<br />

(Strength) and Elongation of Yam by the<br />

Single Strand Method'<br />

METHOD A<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 The apparatus (Fig. 1) shall consist of a<br />

set of four viscosity cups so designed as to deliver<br />

50 mL of the sample in from 30 to 100 s at a<br />

temperature of 23 k 0.5"C (73.4 k 0.9"F).<br />

4. Procedure<br />

4.1 Bring the sample to be tested and the<br />

viscosity cup to a temperature of 23 +. OS'C<br />

(73.4 & 0.9"F) (preferably in a constant-temperature<br />

room). Then mount the consistency cup in<br />

the clamp provided for the purpose and place the<br />

receiving cylinder in position. With the outlet of<br />

the cup closed by means of the finger, pour the<br />

sample into the cup until it is filled to overflowing.<br />

Strike off the excess with a straightedge, and<br />

I These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-14 on Adhesives and are the direct responsibility<br />

of Subcommittee D 14.10 on Working PropertieS.<br />

Current edition approved Nov. 19, 1963. Published January<br />

1964. Originally published as D 1084 - 50.Last previous edition<br />

D 1084- 60.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.04.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 10.01.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 06.01.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 06.02.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 08.02.<br />

'Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol. 07.01.<br />


then remove the finger from over the outlet and<br />

allow the sample to flow into the receiving cylinder.<br />

Determine the number of seconds from<br />

the time the finger is removed from the orifice<br />

until the top of the meniscus reaches to 50-mL<br />

mark on the cylinder by a stop watch and record<br />

as the viscosity of the material.<br />

5. Report<br />

5.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

5.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer’s<br />

code numbers, form, date of test, date of manufacture,<br />

etc.,<br />

5.1.2 Conditioning procedure used for samples<br />

prior to testing,<br />

5.1.3 Number of tests made, and<br />

5.1.4 Average consistency in seconds and the<br />

number of the viscosity cup used.<br />

METHOD B<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 Viscometer-The apparatus shall consist<br />

of a Brookfield synchrolectric viscosimeter,”<br />

Model RVO, RVF, MVO, or MVF, or an equivalent<br />

instrument. A series of spindles with various<br />

sized disks is provided with each instrument<br />

covering a standard range of viscosities. Scored,<br />

warped, or otherwise damaged spindles shall not<br />

be used. To ensure uniform edge effects, a spindle<br />

guard and cylindrical calibration sleeve shall be<br />

used whenever the data are to be reported in<br />

centipoises. By mutual agreement the instrument<br />

may be USBd without the calibration sleeve or<br />

guard in a standard container such as a 1 qt paint<br />

can, or glass jar, but care must be taken to center<br />

the spindle in the container. Values obtained<br />

without the calibration sleeve shall be reported<br />

as apparent centipoises, and the container shall<br />

be completely described in the report.<br />

5.2 Themomder-A pm5siion thermometer<br />

with graduations not greater than 0.2”C divisions.<br />

7. procedure<br />

7.1 Conditioning-Bring the sample of the adhesive<br />

and the instrument to a temperature of 23<br />

f 0.5% (preferably in a constant-temperature<br />

room), and maintain the sample uniformly at<br />

this standard temperature throughout the test.<br />

Protect adhesives containing volatile solvents<br />

from evaporation during conditioning. If special<br />

conditioning methods are neoessary, such as the<br />

D 1064<br />

use of a circulating water bath, they shall be<br />

specified in 7.1.2.<br />

7.2 Adjustment-Select a spindle suitable to<br />

the viscosity range of the material and firmly fit<br />

it into the shaft extension which comes down<br />

through the center of the dial casing.<br />

7.3 Determination-Insert the spindle perpendicularly<br />

into the material to be tested until<br />

immersed to the depth indicated by the groove<br />

cut into the shaft. Press down the clutch lever<br />

and start the motor by snapping the toggle switch.<br />

Then release the lever and allow rotation to<br />

continue until the pointer has reached the position<br />

where it is stationary in relation to the<br />

rotating dial. Again press down the clutch lever<br />

and snap the switch off. If the pointer is not in<br />

view when the dial has come to rest, the motor<br />

should be started again and allowed to run until<br />

the pointer reaches the vision plate, keeping the<br />

clutch lever depressed. Take the reading at the<br />

pointer. A check reading can also be made by<br />

restarting the motor before releasing the clutch.<br />

If the pointer makes a complete turn of the dial,<br />

this indicates that the viscosity is too great for<br />

the capacity of the spindle used. A slower speed<br />

of rotation or a spindle with a greater range<br />

should be used. If the pointer moves less than<br />

20 % of the way around the dial, this indicates<br />

that the viscosity is too low for accurate measurement<br />

with the spindle or rate of rotation<br />

used. A faster speed of rotation or a spindle with<br />

a lower range should be used. Make a minimum<br />

of three nxdings. Some instruments have two<br />

concentric scales, and great care should be taken<br />

to read the pointer on the corm3 scale as spxified<br />

by the manufacturer for the spindle used.<br />

8. Calibration<br />

8.1 When used for referee purposes, calibrate<br />

the instrument by measuring the VisCosity of a<br />

standard oil: using the same spindle and speed<br />

of rotation employed to measure the wpk. If<br />

the ViscOSity of the oil as read by the instrument<br />

differs by more than 2 % and less than 20 I<br />

from the certified viscosity of the oil, calculate<br />

the viscosity of the unknown by means of the<br />

appropriate correction factor. Investigate a difference<br />

of more tban 20%, and determine a<br />

* Manufactured by the Brookfield Engineering Laboratories,<br />

Stouphton. -.~ MA.<br />

ivailabk from the Cannon Instrument Co., Box 16, State<br />

College, PA 16801.<br />


D 1084<br />

calibration curve using at least two standard oils<br />

with viscosities on either side of the sample for<br />

the instrument.<br />

9. Report<br />

9.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

9.1. I Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer's<br />

code numbers, form, date of test, date of manufacture,<br />

etc.,<br />

9.1.2 Name and model number of the instrument<br />

used,<br />

9.1.3 Number of the spindle used,<br />

9.1.4 Speed used,<br />

9.1.5 Conditioning procedure employed, including<br />

details of the container and time elapsed<br />

between various operations used in the preparation<br />

of the adhesive mix,<br />

9.1.6 Temperature of the sample at the conclusion<br />

of the test,<br />

9. I .7 Number of tests made, and<br />

9.1.8 Viscosity in centipoises, together with<br />

the range of the observation in centipoises.<br />

METHOD C<br />

10. Apparatus<br />

IO. I Viscometer-The apparatus shall consist<br />

of a Stormer viscosimeter with double flag paddle-type<br />

rotor as specified in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 562,<br />

or an equivalent apparatus. The viscometer shall<br />

be in good repair and the spindle shall spin freely<br />

when started without the paddle.<br />

10.2 Containers-Round friction-top metal<br />

cans having a capacity of 1 qt (0.9 L). Nonstandard<br />

containers may be used by mutual agreement,<br />

when necessary to prevent corrosion or<br />

other deleterious effects of metal cans.<br />

10.3 Thermometer-A precision thermometer<br />

with graduations not greater than 0.2"C divisions.<br />

10.4 Timer-A stop watch or suitable timer<br />

measuring to 0.2 s.<br />

11. Procedure<br />

I 1.1 Conditioning-Bring the containers<br />

holding the samples to be tested and the paddle<br />

to be used to a temperature of 23 +. OS'C (preferably<br />

in a constant-temperature room), and<br />

maintain the sample uniformly at this standard<br />

temperature throughout the test. Protect adhesives<br />

containing volatile solvents from evaporation<br />

during conditioning. If special conditioning<br />

methods are necessary, such as the use of a<br />

circulating water bath, they shall be specified in<br />

12.1.2.<br />

1 1.2 Adjustment-Prepare the instrument for<br />

use by raising the weight to the top by winding<br />

up the cord with the ratchet provided for that<br />

purpose. Set the revolution counter at 10 revolutions<br />

below the zero mark. The falling weight<br />

shall be of such magnitude that a minimum time<br />

of 20 s is required for 100 revolutions of the<br />

paddle when the test is conducted as specified in<br />

11.2. Choose the weight from the series 50, 100,<br />

200, 500, and 1000 g. Fasten the paddle securely<br />

on the shaft, place the container on the platform,<br />

and raise until the surface of the adhesive just<br />

reaches the mark on the stem of the paddle. This<br />

ensures uniform depth of immersion of the paddle.<br />

1 I .3 Determinution-Release the brake on<br />

the large cog wheel, and start the timing device<br />

when the needle on the revolution counter passes<br />

the zero mark. Note the time for 100 revolutions<br />

accurately to the closest 0.2 s. Make a minimum<br />

of three determinations.<br />

12. Report<br />

12. I The report shall including the following:<br />

12.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer's<br />

code numbers, form, date of test, date of manufacture,<br />

etc.,<br />

12. I .2 Conditioning procedure employed, including<br />

time elapsed between various operations<br />

used in the preparation of the adhesive mix,<br />

12.1.3 Details of nonstandard containers, if<br />

used,<br />

12.1.4 Temperature of the sample at the conclusion<br />

of the test,<br />

12.1.5 Weight used,<br />

12.1.6 Number of tests made, and<br />

12.1.7 Average viscosity in seconds for 100<br />

revolutions, together with the range of the observations.<br />

NOTE 2-The limitation of this method to self-leveling<br />

adhesives eliminates thixotropic and plastic materials<br />

whose viscosity is a function of the rate of stirring<br />

and previous history of the adhesive.<br />

13. Apparatus<br />

METHOD D<br />

13. I The apparatus (Fig. 2) shall consist of a<br />

set of five Zahn viscosity C U~S'~SO designed as to<br />

l0Manufactured by the General Electric Co., West Lynn,<br />

MA.<br />


D1084<br />

allow a sample to flow through the calibrated<br />

orifice in approximately 1 min or less, best results<br />

being obtained when the flow time is between 20<br />

and 40 s.<br />

13.2 The following figures are given only for<br />

the purpose of selecting the proper viscometer.<br />

They are not intended for use in converting<br />

centipoises to Zahn seconds.<br />

Orifice Size,<br />

Range,<br />

in. (mm) Range, CP Zahn's<br />

0.0788 (2.002) 20 to 85 40 to 85<br />

0.1082 (2.748) 30 to 170 20 to 70<br />

0.1487 (3.777) 170 to 550 25 to 60<br />

0.1684 (4.277) 200 to 900 20 to 65<br />

0.2072 (5.263) 250 to 1200 15 to 60<br />

(and above)<br />

14. Procedure<br />

14.1 Conditioning-Bring the sample of the<br />

adhesive and the cup to a temperature of 23 &<br />

0.5"C (73.4 & 0.9"F), preferably in a constanttemperature<br />

room, and maintain the sample uniformly<br />

at this standard temperature throughout<br />

the test. Other temperatures of test are optional.<br />

Protect adhesives containing volatile solvents<br />

from evaporation during conditioning. If special<br />

conditioning methods are necessary, such as the<br />

use of a circulating water bath, they shall be<br />

specified in 15.1.2.<br />

14.2 Determination-Hold the viscometer in<br />

a vertical position (by means of a small ring at<br />

the end of the handle) and completely immerse<br />

the cup into the. sample being tested. Lift the<br />

viscometer out of the sample (Note 3). Determine<br />

by means of a stop watch the number of seconds<br />

from the time the top edge of the viscometer cup<br />

breaks the surface until the steady flow from the<br />

orifice first breaks, and record this time as the<br />

consistency of the material. Record the temperature<br />

of the sample and the number of the cup.<br />

NOTE 3-Time of removal must be rapid; unless<br />

build-up of adhesive on the side of the cup occurs, the<br />

time of removal should be about 1 s.<br />

15. Report<br />

15.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

15.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer's<br />

code numbers, form, date of test, date of manufacture,<br />

etc.,<br />

15.1.2 Conditioning procedure employed for<br />

samples prior to testing,<br />

15.1.3 Number of tests made, and<br />

15.1.4 Average viscosity in seconds and the<br />

number of the viscosity cup used.<br />

NOTE I-Four consistency cups constitute a set: as follows:<br />

Diameter of Orifice, in.<br />

First cup<br />

0.07 f O.OOO1<br />

Second cup<br />

0.10 f o.Oo01<br />

Third cup<br />

0.15 f O.OOO1<br />

Fourth cup<br />

0.25 f O.Oo01<br />

NOTE 2-Cups made of brass or bronze. Orifice disks made<br />

of I8 X chromium, 8 % nickel stainless steel. The diameter of<br />

the orifice pressed in the cup shall be stamped on the cup.<br />

NOTE 3-Fractional dimensions subject to permissible variations<br />

of plus or minus 0.01 in., unless otherwise specified.<br />

FIG. 1<br />

Consistency Cups and Apparatus Assembly<br />

(Method A)<br />


-4<br />

19.5 2 8)<br />

14 (34.666)<br />

-r<br />

T 2.398<br />

f .005<br />

(6.091<br />

i<br />

2.013)<br />

NOTE I -Five<br />

DRIFICE~<br />

AREA<br />

JOINTS<br />

-1.397 f .010 DIA.4<br />

(3.548 .025)<br />

L 375<br />

953)<br />

-F<br />

1.00 u<br />

(2.54)<br />

I<br />

(Dimensions in Inches, Centimetres in Parentheses)<br />

viscosity cups constitute a set, as follows:<br />

Diameter of Orifice<br />

in. + 0.0003 mm + 0.0076<br />

- 0.0002 - 0.005 I<br />

I'<br />

1<br />

I<br />

1<br />

i<br />

I<br />

1.197<br />

- f .005 1.0.<br />

(3.294<br />

- .013)<br />

First cup 0.0788 2.002<br />

Second cup 0.1082 2.748<br />

Third cup 0.1487 3.777<br />

Fourth cup 0. I684 4.277<br />

Fifth cup 0.2072 5.263<br />

N~TE 24ups shall be made of stainless steel, 0.050 in. (1.27 mm) thick. The number of the cup shall be stamped on a plate<br />

on the cup.<br />

FIG. 2 Viscosity Cups (Method D)<br />


D1084<br />


(Nonmandatory Information)<br />


XI.l Reference viscosity methods giving equipment used are shown on the following table:<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method for Refers to Equipment Used<br />

Viscosity of Transparent Liquids by Bubble Time D 1545 Gardner-Holdt tubes<br />

Method<br />

Saybolt Viscosity D 88 Saybolt viscometer<br />

Dilute Solution Viscosity of Ethylene Polymers D 1601 Modified Ubbelohde viscometer<br />

Viscosity of Paints, Varnishes, and Lacquers by D 1200 Ford cup<br />

Ford Viscosity Cup<br />

Varnishes Used for Electrical Insulation D 115 MacMichael viscosimeter<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination ofthe validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infiingement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjve years and<br />

is not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


(Nb<br />

Designation: D 1144 - 84<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 49103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index. will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard Practice for<br />


BONDS'<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1 144; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This practice covers the determination of<br />

the strength development of adhesive bonds<br />

when tested on a standard specimen under specifed<br />

conditions of preparation and testing. It is<br />

applicable to adhesives in liquid or paste form<br />

that require curing at specified conditions of time<br />

and temperature or specific substrate preparation.<br />

It is intended primarily to be used with<br />

metal-to-metal adherends; however, plastics,<br />

woods, glass, or combinations of these may be<br />

substituted.<br />

1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2. I ASTM Slandards:=<br />

D 1002 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Strength Properties of<br />

Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading<br />

(Metal-to-Metal)<br />

D I338 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Working Life of Liquid<br />

or Paste Adhesives by Consistency and<br />

Bond Strength<br />

3. Significance and Use<br />

3. I This standard contains suggested provisions<br />

for reporting strength values. Any ASTM<br />

test method for determining strength properties<br />

of adhesive bonds may be used. This practice is<br />

not intended to determine the pot or working life<br />

of two-component epoxy of similar type adhe-<br />

sives. Refer to <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1338. It should be<br />

noted that there are adhesives whose testing requires<br />

special techniques and whose properties<br />

are difficult to reproduce from tester to tester.<br />

These variables should be kept in mind when<br />

analyzing the data obtained using this method.<br />

4. Terminology<br />

4.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This<br />

Standard:<br />

4.1.1 jxture time (set time)-the shortest<br />

time required by an adhesive to develop handling<br />

strength such that test specimens can be removed<br />

from fixtures, undamped, or handled without<br />

stressing the bond, thereby affecting bond<br />

strength.<br />

4.1.2 handling strength-a low level of<br />

strength initially obtained by an adhesive that<br />

allows specimens to be handled, moved, or unclamped<br />

without causing disruption of the curing<br />

process or affecting bond strength.<br />

4.1.3 activator, or accelerator (surface)-an<br />

adhesive curing agent that is applied to a bonding<br />

surface for the purpose of affecting or speeding,<br />

or both, the cure of an adhesive.<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

5.1 It is suggested that lap-type shear specimens<br />

in accordance with <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1002,<br />

be used. Other types of test specimens may be<br />

' This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee<br />

D14.10 on Working Properties.<br />

Current edition approved Feb. 24, 1984. Published April<br />

1984. Originally published as D I 144 - 5 I . Last previous edition<br />

D 1144-57(1975).<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />


D 1144<br />

used with agreement between the manufacturer<br />

and the purchaser.<br />

6. Preparation of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 Prepare test specimens in accordance with<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method D 1002, or other applicable test<br />

method. Preparation of the bonding surface<br />

should be accomplished by a method mutually<br />

agreed upon between the manufacturer and the<br />

purchaser. Vapor phase degreasing, grit blasting,<br />

hand abrasion, or testing on oiled surfaces are<br />

some of the methods that are available. If a<br />

surface activator or accelerator is used, it should<br />

be applied in accordance with the instructions of<br />

the manufacturer. Whether one- or two-surface<br />

activation is used, should be agreed upon between<br />

the manufacturer and the purchaser. Allow<br />

assembled specimens to cure at the temperature<br />

and period of time prescribed by the manufacturer<br />

to develop full strength. This is intended to<br />

determine if any post curing of the adhesive<br />

occurs that would cause a strength increase and<br />

decrease. Bond strength variability could be<br />

caused by embrittlement or a further hardening<br />

of the adhesive during the cure cycle.<br />

6.2 In addition, prepare assemblies for curing<br />

at the same temperature and time intervals to<br />

determine fixture time and 20, 50, and 80%<br />

strength. If the adhesive is cured by heat, specimens<br />

should be heated at a predetermined rate<br />

such that a consistent temperature rise is obtained.<br />

Differences in heating rates will naturally<br />

occur between different types of test specimens<br />

due to different conductivities. Determine the<br />

temperature of the adhesive by means of a<br />

properly insulated thermocouple or contact pyrometer<br />

placed in the geometric center of the<br />

bond area. Bring the adhesive layer to the curing<br />

temperature as promptly as possible and start the<br />

measurement of curing time when the adhesive<br />

has reached the curing temperature.<br />

6.3 After the i;iliiilg tieaimeat, d10~ the S ~ C -<br />

imens to return to room temperature by natural<br />

air convection. Preconditioning of the specimens<br />

prior to testing is permissible upon agreement<br />

between the purchaser and the manufacturer.<br />

Altering the manner in which the cured specimens<br />

are to be returned to room temperature<br />

also is permissible, provided the method is agreeable<br />

to the purchaser and manufacturer. Room<br />

temperature-curing adhesives are allowed to cure<br />

for specific time intervals at a temperature of 22<br />

k 3'C (72 f 6°F). Cure time is measured from<br />

the initial assembly and clamping of test specimens.<br />

If the test adhesive has an unusual cure<br />

mechanism, or does not adapt to conventional<br />

assembly and test methods, a test procedure<br />

should be mutually agreed upon between the<br />

manufacturer and the purchaser. This procedure<br />

should adhere as closely as possible to those<br />

outlined in this practice.<br />

7. Procedure for Determining Fixture Time (Set<br />

Time)<br />

7.1 Prepare test specimens as outlined in Section<br />

6. Apply a specified amount of adhesive, as<br />

recommended by the manufacturer, to one surface.<br />

If a surface activator or accelerator is used,<br />

apply this to the other surface, or both, if specifically<br />

required by the manufacturer or purchaser.<br />

Assemble specimens and clamp as recommended<br />

by the manufacturer.<br />

7.2 After a specified time, remove clamps and<br />

determine if the bond has developed handling<br />

strength. The initial test time should be longer<br />

than is expected to develop handling strength. In<br />

subsequent tests, intervals should be shortened<br />

such that the minimum time to develop handling<br />

strength eventually is determined.<br />

7.3 In testing parts for handling strength, specimens<br />

should be loaded, axially, torsionally, or<br />

in cleavage, to ensure that the blocking strength<br />

of the adhesive is not mistaken for handling<br />

strength. Once the minimum time has been determined,<br />

the test should be repeated a minimum<br />

of three times to ensure its accuracy. For adhesive<br />

types where fixture time is irrelevant or too short<br />

to test, this test should be excluded at the agreement<br />

of the manufacturer and purchaser.<br />

7.4 <strong>Test</strong> the specimens as described in the<br />

selected appropriate ASTM test method. <strong>Test</strong><br />

heat-cured specimens immediately after reaching<br />

room temperature. Room temperature-cured<br />

speciinens are tested iinmzdiately a hi the specified<br />

cure time has elapsed.<br />

8. Report<br />

8.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

8.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer's<br />

code number, lot number, form, and activator,<br />

8.1.2 Complete identification of the adherend<br />

used, its type, thickness, method ofcleaning, and<br />

preparation of surface prior to bonding,<br />


D 1144<br />

8.1.3 Standard test method used, unit of time (second, minute, hour),<br />

8.1.4 Application and bonding conditions 8.1.7 Fixture time and cure speed data as acused<br />

in preparing the specimens,<br />

tual test values, versus test time, to the nearest<br />

8.1.5 Cure procedure used for specimens prior standard unit of time,<br />

to testing,<br />

8.1.8 Number of specimens tested, and<br />

8.1.6 Fixturing time to the nearest standard 8.1.9 Number of joints represented.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights. are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

is not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


4Tb<br />

Designation: D 1151 - 84<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annu$l Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


BONDS'<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1 I5 I ; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies ofthe Department ofDe/;.nse IO replace <strong>Methods</strong> 2052-T and 2031 of Federal<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method Standard No. I75a and for listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method defines conditions for<br />

determining the performance of adhesive bonds<br />

when subjected to continuous exposure at specified<br />

conditions of moisture and temperature. The<br />

performance is expressed as a percentage based<br />

on the ratio of strength retained after exposure<br />

to the original strength.<br />

1.2 This test method may be used to determine<br />

the performance, for suitable materials, in<br />

terms of any desired strength property of adhesive<br />

bonds. <strong>Test</strong> conditions of temperature and<br />

moisture only are here specified. The duration of<br />

exposure is dependent upon the nature of the<br />

adhesive and the type of specimens, and will,<br />

therefore, be covered by material specifications.<br />

1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safity and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards?<br />

D 897 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Tensile Properties of<br />

Adhesive Bonds<br />

D903 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Peel or Stripping<br />

Strength of Adhesive Bonds<br />

D 906 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Strength Properties of<br />

Adhesives in Plywood Type Construction in<br />

Shear by Tension Loading<br />

D 1002 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Strength Properties<br />

of Adhesives in shear by Tension Loading<br />

(Metal-to-Metal)<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Conditioning Cabinets or Ovens, with<br />

temperature and humidity control.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

4.1 <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall be prepared in accordance<br />

with the recommndations of the manufacturer<br />

of the adhesive. The specimens shall be<br />

of a suitable form and number to meet the requirements<br />

of the investigation. They shall conform<br />

in detail with the requirements prescribed<br />

in the ASTM test method covering the desired<br />

strength property, as listed in Section 2, and any<br />

other ASTM test method pertaining to strength<br />

properties of adhesives for the desired strength<br />

test.<br />

4.2 Matched specimens shall be selected for<br />

control and exposure treatments, the number to<br />

be fixed by the variability inherent in the method.<br />

5. Conditioning<br />

5.1 Preconditioning-All test specimens shall<br />

be conditioned for 7 days at 50 k 2 % relative<br />

humidity and 23 f 1°C (73.4 f 1.8"F) immediately<br />

prior to exposure, or prior to testing in the<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D 14.20 on Durability.<br />

Current edition approved Feb. 24, 1984. Published April<br />

1984. Originally published as D I15 I - 5 I T. Last previous<br />

edition D I I5 I - 72( 1979).<br />

.4nnual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />


~<br />

case of control specimens. Prior history of the<br />

test specimens should be known and recorded.<br />

5.2 Exposure Conditions-The exposure conditions<br />

shall conform to one of the standard test<br />

exposures given in Table 1.<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 <strong>Test</strong> the control specimens for strength by<br />

the appropriate method immediately after the<br />

preconditioning period. Average the values obtained.<br />

Record this average as the original<br />

strength against which the strength after exposure<br />

is to be compared in calculating performance.<br />

6.2 Subject the preconditioned specimens to<br />

the designated exposure conditions (Table 1) for<br />

the length of time prescribed by the specification<br />

for the adhesive being tested. At the end of the<br />

exposure period, test the specimens using one of<br />

the following procedures:<br />

6.2.1 <strong>Test</strong> the specimens under conditions at<br />

which they were exposed, or<br />

6.2.2 Condition the specimens for 4 h at 50 f<br />

2 % relative humidity and 23 +. 1°C (73.4 f.<br />

1.8"F) and test immediately thereafter, or<br />

6.2.3 Condition the specimens for 7 days at<br />

50 f 2 % relative humidity and 23 f. 1°C (73.4<br />

f 1.8"F) and test immediately thereafter.<br />

6.3 Average the strength values obtained and<br />

record the value as the average strength of the<br />

specimens after exposure.<br />

NOTE 1-The conditions under which the exposed<br />

specimens are tested will depend upon the nature of<br />

the adhesive, the adherend, and the strength property<br />

being investigated. This will be prescribed by the material<br />

specifications or by written agreement between<br />

the manufacturer and purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

7. Calculations<br />

7.1 Calculate the performance of the adhesive<br />

under test, as follows:<br />

Performance A = (A/O) x 100,<br />

Performance B = (B/D) x 100,<br />

D 1151<br />

or<br />

Performance C = (C/O) x 100.<br />

where:<br />

A = average strength when tested under the<br />

designated exposure condition in accordance<br />

with 6.2.1,<br />

B = average strength after exposure, when determined<br />

in accordance with 6.2.2,<br />

C = average strength after exposure, when determined<br />

in accordance with 6.2.3, and<br />

D = original strength, determined in accordance<br />

with 6.1.<br />

NOTE 2-Alternative methods of expressing results<br />

may be used.<br />

8. Report<br />

8.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

8.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer's<br />

code number, form, and method of preparation<br />

for use,<br />

8.1.2 Bonding conditions used in preparing<br />

test specimens, and history of specimens prior to<br />

testing.<br />

8.1.3 Description of test specimens, including<br />

materials, size, shape, and designation of ASTM<br />

test method covering the detailed requirements,<br />

8.1.4 Average thickness of adhesive layer after<br />

formation of the joint, within 0.001 in. The<br />

method of obtaining the thickness of the adhesive<br />

layer shall be described including procedure, location<br />

of measurements, and range of measurements.<br />

8.1.5 <strong>Test</strong> conditions used, any deviation<br />

from conditions listed in Table 1, duration of<br />

exposure, and condition of specimens at test<br />

(6.2.1 or 6.2.2).<br />

8.1.6 Number of specimens tested, strength of<br />

each specimen, and average strength for both<br />

control and exposed specimens, including the<br />

types of failure and am~unts of each tjjpe, and<br />

8.1.7 Performance expressed as a percentage<br />

(Section 7).<br />

_<br />


f@<br />

D1151<br />

TABLE I Standard <strong>Test</strong> Exposures<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Expo- Temperature“<br />

sure Number<br />

T ‘F<br />

1 -57<br />

2 -34<br />

3<br />

4<br />

-34<br />

0<br />

5 23<br />

6 23<br />

7 38<br />

8 63<br />

9 63<br />

10 63<br />

I1 70<br />

12 70<br />

13 82<br />

14 87<br />

15 82<br />

16 100<br />

17 100<br />

18 I05<br />

19 149<br />

20 204<br />

21 260<br />

22 316<br />

-70<br />

-30<br />

-30<br />

32<br />

73.4<br />

73.4<br />

100<br />

I45<br />

145<br />

145<br />

I58<br />

158<br />

180<br />

I88<br />

180<br />

212<br />

212<br />

22 1<br />

300<br />

400<br />

500<br />

600<br />

Moisture Conditions<br />

as conditioned<br />

as conditioned<br />

presoaked’<br />

as conditioned<br />

50 % RH<br />

immersed in water<br />

88 % RH<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

over wateF<br />

immersed in water<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

over wateF<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

over wateF<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

immersed in water<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

oven, uncontrolled<br />

humidity<br />

” The tolerance for test temperature shall be & 1°C or 1.8’F<br />

up to 82’C or 180°F. and -+I % for temperatures above 82°C or<br />

180°F.<br />

’ Presoaking shall consist of submerging specimens in water<br />

and applying vacuum at 5 I cm (20 in.) of mercury until weight<br />

equilibrium is reached.<br />

CThe relative humidity will ordinarily be 95 to 100 %.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item meniioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infiingement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision ai any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every jive years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which YOU may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing ynu should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


#Tb<br />

Designation: D 1200 - 82<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1200, the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthesesindicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This method has been approvedfor use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace Method 4282 of Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

Standard No. 141A md<br />

for listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the determination of<br />

the viscosity of Newtonian or near-Newtonian<br />

paints, varnishes, lacquers, and related liquid<br />

materials with the Ford-type efflux viscosity<br />

cup. If the material is non-Newtonian, that is,<br />

shear-thinning or thixotropic, Method D 2196<br />

should be used.<br />

1.2 The cup-orifice combination (Ford No.<br />

2, No. 3, or No. 4) is selected to provide an<br />

efflux time within the range 20 to 100 s. When<br />

the time of efflux is beyond this range, accurate<br />

temperature control is difficult. Any departure<br />

from Newtonian behavior may result in a lack<br />

of reproducibility because of the diffkulty of<br />

judging the break in the stream.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 2196 <strong>Test</strong> for Rheological Properties of<br />

Non-Newtonian Materials2<br />

E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers3<br />

3. Summary of Method<br />

3.1 The Ford viscosity cup is filled level full<br />

with the liquid under test, and the time f ~ the r<br />

material to flow through one of the standard<br />

orifices is measured.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 This method is useful for the determination<br />

of package and application viscosities of<br />

a number of paints and other Coatings and in<br />

the thinning of these materials, but is limited<br />

to Newtonian or near-Newtonian liquids.<br />

4.2 There are other types of apparatus for<br />

measuring viscosity in the laboratory that produce<br />

more accurate results.<br />

5. Definitions<br />

5.1 Newtonian liquid-a liquid in which the<br />

viscosity is independent of the shear stress or<br />

shear rate. If the ratio of shear stress to shear<br />

rate is not constant, the liquid is non-Newtonian.<br />

5.2 Near-Newtonian liquid-a liquid in<br />

which the variation of viscosity with shear rate<br />

is small and the effect on viscosity of mechanical<br />

disturbances such as stirring is negligible.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 Ford Viscosity Cup-No. 2, No. 3, and<br />

No. 4 Ford viscosity cups made of corrosionand<br />

solvent resistant materials assembled as<br />

complete units (Note l), and conforming to the<br />

dimensional requirements shown in Fig. 1. The<br />

orifice dimensions are considered as a guide for<br />

manufacture only and standardization of the<br />

instruments shall be based upon the calibration<br />

procedure described in the Appendix.<br />

NOTE 1-If the orifice is removed from the cup<br />

for any reason the cup should be recalibrated before<br />

use as described in the Appendix.<br />

6.2 Thermometer-Saybolt Viscosity Ther-<br />

'This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-l on Paints and Related Coatines and Materials<br />

and is the direct responsibilityof SubcomGittee D01.24<br />

on Physical Properties of Liquid Paints and Paint Materials.<br />

Current edition approved Nov. 26, 1982. Published January<br />

1983. Originally published as D 1200 - 52 T. Last previo;s<br />

edition D 1200 - 70 (1976).<br />

1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol06.01.<br />

1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, V0103.04.<br />


D1200<br />

mometer conforming to the requirements for<br />

Thermometer 17C or 17F (66 to 80°F) as prescribed<br />

in Specification E 1.<br />

6.3 Timing Device-Stop watch or other timing<br />

device graduated in divisions of 0.2 s or<br />

less, and accurate to within 3.6 s as compared<br />

to an electric clock operated for a period of 1<br />

h.<br />

NOTE 2-Timing devices actuated by synchronous<br />

motors may be used on electric circuits of<br />

controlled frequency only if they are accurate and<br />

capable of being read to 0.2 s.<br />

7. <strong>Test</strong> Sample<br />

7.1 The sample of the material to be tested<br />

shall be visibly homogeneous and free of any<br />

foreign material or air bubbles.<br />

8. Temperature of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

8.1 All measurements with the Ford viscosity<br />

cup shall be made at 77°F (25°C) or a<br />

temperature agreed upon between producer<br />

and user. Temperature drift during the test<br />

should be kept to a minimum.<br />

NOTE 3-A reasonable temperature tolerance and<br />

drift limit is +l.O°F (*OS0C). It is impossible to<br />

predict the effect of temperature change on each<br />

product with which the apparatus may be used. This<br />

factor may be less than 1 % per degree Celsius for<br />

some liquids while others may be considerably<br />

higher.<br />

9. Calibration<br />

9.1 Cups should be calibrated in accordance<br />

with the procedure described in the Appendix.<br />

The frequency of this calibration check depends<br />

upon the amount of use and the care<br />

that the individual cup receives. If the cup<br />

varies more than 10 5% from standard, it should<br />

not be used.<br />

10. Conditioning<br />

10.1 Bring the material to a temperature a<br />

few degrees below that desired and then agitate<br />

vigorously for 10 min on a reciprocating shaker<br />

in a pint can two thirds full. Allow to stand<br />

undisturbed for 10 min while adjusting further<br />

to the desired temperature. Make the viscosity<br />

determination at the end of the 10-min period.<br />

11. Procedure<br />

11.1 Make viscosity determinations in a<br />

room free of drafts and rapid changes in temperature.<br />

For the highest degree of precision<br />

the room temperature should be between 72<br />

and 82'F (22 and 28°C). Determinations<br />

should be made at a temperature above the<br />

dew point of the atmosphere surrounding the<br />

apparatus.<br />

11.2 Choose the proper cup so that the time<br />

of efflux will be between 20 and 100 s for cups<br />

No. 3 and 4 and between 40 and 100 s for cup<br />

No. 2 (Fig. 2).<br />

11.3 Level the instrument so that a cup may<br />

be filled level full without a meniscus or overflow<br />

at one side.<br />

11.4 Determine the time in seconds of efflux<br />

as follows: Close the orifice with the finger and<br />

fill the cup with the prepared sample. The<br />

preferred method is to overfill the cup and<br />

scrape off the excess with a straight edge. Remove<br />

the finger and measure the time from the<br />

moment efflux starts until the first break in the<br />

stream.<br />

11.5 If the cup has been established to be<br />

nonstandard when calibrated as described in<br />

the Appendix, apply the percent difference to<br />

the measured seconds to get the corrected viscosity<br />

in Ford cup seconds.<br />

12. Care of Cup<br />

12.1 Following each determination, clean<br />

the cup by the use of a suitable solvent and a<br />

soft brush. Under no conditions should metal<br />

cleaning tools be brought into contact with the<br />

instrument. Particular care must be exercised<br />

in cleaning the orifice to avoid any film deposit<br />

or nicks on the inside walls.<br />

13. Report<br />

13.1 Report the efflux time to the nearest 0.2<br />

s for the cup orifice combination (for example,<br />

viscosity 23.2 s with No. 4 Ford cup) the temperature<br />

of the test specimen (and where measured,<br />

for example, in efflux stream, cup, or<br />

container in which the material was conditioned),<br />

and the immediate history of agitation<br />

and rest prior to the measurement.<br />

14. Precision<br />

14.1 On the basis of an interlaboratory test<br />

of the method in which eight cooperators from<br />

four different laboratories made measurements<br />

on five different paints, the within-laboratories<br />

coefficient of variation was found to be 2.8 %<br />

with 35 degrees of freedom and the betweenlaboratories<br />

coefficient of variation was found<br />

20 1

D1200<br />

to be 6.9% with 30 degrees of freedom. Based<br />

on these coefficients, the following criteria<br />

should be used for judging the acceptability of<br />

results at the 95 % confidence level:<br />

14.1.1 Repeatability-Two results obtained<br />

by the same operator on different days should<br />

be considered suspect if they differ by more<br />

than 8%.<br />

14.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results obtained<br />

by operators in different laboratories<br />

should be considered suspect if they differ by<br />

more than 20%.<br />

9.5 mm-24 N.F. 2<br />


v)<br />

W<br />

Y<br />

0<br />

I-<br />

F"<br />

z<br />

W<br />

V<br />

i<br />

t<br />

v)<br />

0<br />

0<br />

s<br />

><br />


FIG. 2 Approximate Viscosity Curves for Ford Cups<br />

No.2 Orifice No.3 OiTfice, A.3.4 mm<br />

No.4 Orifice, A.4.1 II<br />

FIG. 1 Ford Viscosity Cup and Orifices<br />


XI. Calibration Procedure for Ford Cups<br />

X1.l The orifice of the Ford cup is commonly<br />

made of brass or some other corrosion-resistant material<br />

which is subject to wear with use and cleaning<br />

A small change in diameter of the orifice becomes<br />

significant in the results obtained with the use of this<br />

type of viscosity-measuring apparatus.<br />

X1.2 The viscosity standards4 are available only<br />

as 1-pt samples.<br />

X1.3 Select the appropriate liquid viscosity standard<br />

for the cup to be calibrated. Bring this cup and<br />

the liquid viscosity standard to a constant temperature<br />

as close as possible to 77.O"F (25.0"C) or to the<br />

operating temperature of the cup. Determine the time<br />

of efflux to the nearest 0.2 s using the procedure<br />

detailed in Section 11. Keep the temperature drift to<br />

within -+0.4"C. If the temperature is not 77'F, the<br />

actual temperature must be noted and the viscosity<br />

of the standard oil corrected to this temperature.<br />

X 1.4 The fc!!cwing fermulas are used to conver:<br />

the time of flow in seconds to kinematic viscosity:<br />

Centistokes (No. 2 = 2.388t - 0.007t2 - 57.008<br />

orifice)<br />

Centistokes (No. 3 = 2.3 14t - 15.200<br />

orifice)<br />

Certified kinematic viscosity standards are available<br />

from the Cannon Instrument Co., P.O. Box 16, State College,<br />

Pa. 16801. For particular oils applicable for use with the<br />

Ford Cups refer to Table X1.1. Oils available from other<br />

sources, having known kinematic viscosities, may also be<br />

used.<br />


Centistokes (No. 4 = 3.846t - 17.300 cent variation of the cup from standard. A percent<br />

orifice)<br />

correction can be applied to the seconds flow when<br />

where t = time of flow, s.<br />

the cup is in normal use. If the cup varies more than<br />

X 1.5 The difference between the certified viscosity 10 9% from standard, it is recommended that the<br />

and the determined viscosity, multiplied by 100 and orifice be replaced and that the cup be recalibrated.<br />

divided by the certified viscosity, will give the per-<br />

TABLE Xl.1 Viscosity Standards Recommended for<br />

Calibrating Ford Viscosity Cups<br />

Designated<br />

CUP<br />

Number Range' 'St<br />

Standard<br />

Designation<br />

Viscosity at<br />

77°F<br />

(25°C)A, cSt<br />

2 25 to 120 s-20 35<br />

3 40 to 220 S-60 I20<br />

4 70 to 370 S-60 120<br />

A Exact viscosities are suppIied with the oil samples.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any parent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years<br />

and f not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision ojthis standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />



1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appmr in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1209, the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthcscs indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This test method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Dqhie to replace Method 4243. I of Federal <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method Standard No. 141A and for listing in the DoD Inda ofSpeci$catim and Sta&r&.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This test method describes a procedure for<br />

the visual measurement of the color of essentially<br />

light colored liquids (Note 1). It is applicable only<br />

to materials in which the color-producing bodies<br />

present have light absorption characteristics<br />

nearly identical with those of the platinumabalt<br />

color standards used.<br />

NOTE I -A procedure for estimating color of darker<br />

liquids, described for soluble nitrocellulose base solutions,<br />

is given in <strong>Methods</strong> D 365.<br />

1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety prob<br />

lems associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use. Specific precautionary statements<br />

are given in Section 6.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 156 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Saybolt Color of Petroleum<br />

Products (Saybolt Chromometer<br />

Method)'<br />

D365 <strong>Methods</strong> for <strong>Test</strong>ing Soluble Nitrocellulose<br />

Base Solutions3<br />

D 1 193 Specification for Reagent Water"<br />

E 180 Recommended Practice for Developing<br />

Precision Data on ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> for Analysis<br />

and <strong>Test</strong>ing Industrial Chemicals4<br />

E 202 Method for Analysis of Ethylene Glycols<br />

and Propylene Glycol4<br />

E 346 Method for Analysis of Methanor<br />

3. Signifiaulce and use<br />

3.1 The property of color of a solvent varies<br />

in importance with the application for which it<br />

is intended, the amount of color that can be<br />

tolerated being dependent on the color characteristics<br />

of the material in which it is used. The<br />

paint, varnish, and lacquer solvents, or diluents<br />

commercially available on today's market normally<br />

have little or no color. The presence or<br />

absence of color in such material is an indication<br />

of the degree of refinement to which the solvent<br />

has been subjected or of the cleanliness of the<br />

shipping or storage container in which it is handled,<br />

or both.<br />

3.2 For a number of years the term "waterwhite"<br />

was considered sufficient as a measurement<br />

of solvent color. Several expressions for<br />

defining "water-white" gradually appeared and it<br />

became evident that a more precise color standard<br />

was needed. This was accomplished in 1952<br />

with the adoption of <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1209 using<br />

the platinum-cobalt scale. This test method is<br />

similar to the description given in the Standard<br />

<strong>Methods</strong> for the Examination of Water and<br />

Waste Water of the American Public Health<br />

Assn., 14th Ed., p. 65 and is referred to by many<br />

as "APHA Color." The preparation of these platinum-cobalt<br />

color standards was originally de-<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

Dl on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is<br />

the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.35 on Solvents,<br />

Plasticizers, and Chemical Intermediates.<br />

Current edition approved April 27. 1984. Published August<br />

1984. Originally published as D 1209 - 52. Last previous edition<br />

D 1209 - 79.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol05.01.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol06.02.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol06.03.<br />


D 1209<br />

scribed by Hazen, A., American Chemical Journal,<br />

Vol XIV, 1892, p. 300, in which he assigned<br />

the number 5 (parts per ten thousand) to his<br />

platinum-cobalt stock solution. Subsequently, in<br />

their first edition ( 1905) of Standard <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />

the Examination of Water, the American Public<br />

Health Assn., using exactly the same concentration<br />

of reagents, assigned the color designation<br />

500 (parts per million) which is the same ratio.<br />

The parts per million nomenclature is not used<br />

since color is not referred directly to a weight<br />

relationship. It is therefore recommended that<br />

the incorrect term "Hazen Color" should not be<br />

used. Also, because it refers primarily to water,<br />

the term "APHA Color" is undesirable. The recommended<br />

nomenclature for referring to the<br />

color of organic liquids is "Platinum-Cobalt<br />

Color, <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1209."<br />

3.3 The petroleum industry uses the saybolt<br />

colorimeter Method D 156 for measuring and<br />

defining the color of hydrocarbon solvents; however,<br />

this system of color measurement is not<br />

commonly employed outside of the petroleum<br />

industry. It has been reported by various sources<br />

that a Saybolt color of +25 is equivalent to 25 in<br />

the platinum-cobalt system or to colors produced<br />

by masses of potassium dichromate ranging between<br />

4.8 and 5.6 mg dissolved in l L of distilled<br />

water. Because of the differences in the spectral<br />

characteristics of the several color systems being<br />

compared and the subjective manner in which<br />

the measurements are made, exact equivalencies<br />

are difficult to obtain.<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 Spectrophotometer, equipped for liquid<br />

samples and for measurements in the visible<br />

region.'<br />

NOTE 2-The spectrophotometer used must be<br />

clean and in first4a.s operating condition. The instrument<br />

should be calibrated in accordance with the instructions<br />

given in the Standards for Checking the<br />

Calibration of Spectrophotometers (200 to IO00 nm)!<br />

4.2 Spectrophotometer Cells, matched having<br />

a IO-" light path.<br />

4.3 Color Comparison Tubes-Matched 100-<br />

mL, tall-form Nessler tubes, provided with<br />

ground-on, optically clear, glass caps. Tubes<br />

should be selected so that the height of the 100-<br />

mL graduation mark is 275 to 295 mm above<br />

the bottom of the tube.<br />

4.4 Color Comparator-A color comparator<br />

constructed to permit visual comparison of light<br />

transmitted through tall-form, 100-mL Nessler<br />

tubes in the direction of their longitudinal axes.<br />

The comparator should be constructed so that<br />

white light is passed through or reflected off a<br />

white glass plate and directed with equal intensity<br />

through the tubes, and should be shielded so that<br />

no light enters the tubes from the side.<br />

5. Reagents<br />

5.1 Purity of Reagents-Reagent grade chemicals<br />

shall be used in all tests. Unless otherwise<br />

indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall<br />

conform to the specifications of the Committee<br />

on Analytical Reagents of the American Chemical<br />

Society, where such specifications are available.'<br />

Other grades may be used, provided it is<br />

first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently<br />

high purity to permit its use without lessening<br />

the accuracy of the determination.<br />

5.2 Purity of Water-Unless otherwise indicated,<br />

references to water shall be understood to<br />

mean reagent water conforming to Type IV of<br />

Specification D 1193.<br />

5.3 Cobalt Chloride (CoC12-6H20).<br />

5.4 Hydrochloric Acid (sp gr l.l9)-Concentrated<br />

hydrochloric acid (HCI).<br />

5.5 Potassium Chloroplatinate (K2PtC16).<br />

6. !Safety Precautions<br />

6.1 Concentrated hydrochloric acid is a corrosive<br />

chemical. For further information, see<br />

supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet.<br />

7. Platinum-Cobalt Reference Standards<br />

7.1 Platinum-Cobalt Stock Solution-Dissolve<br />

1.245 g of potassium chloroplatinate<br />

(K2Pt&) and 1 .00 g of cobalt chloride (CoC12 e<br />

6H20) in water. Carefully add 100 mL of hydrochloric<br />

acid (Ha, sp gr 1.19) and dilute to 1 L<br />

with water. The absorbance of the 500 platinumcobalt<br />

stock solution in a cell having a 10-mm<br />

light path, with reagent water in a matched cell<br />

as the reference solution,* must fall within the<br />

limits given in Table I.<br />

-<br />

The Beckman Model Band its equivalents have been found<br />

satisfactory for this purpose.<br />

See National Bureau of Standards Letter Circular LC- 1017.<br />

'"Reagent chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications,"<br />

Am. Chemical Soc.. Washington, DC. For suggestions<br />

on the testing of reagents not listed by the American Chemical<br />

Society, see *Reagent Chemicals and Standards," by Joseph<br />

Rosin, D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc.. New York, NY, and the<br />

. n<br />

"United States wannacopcla.<br />

*See the manufwtum's instruction manual for complete<br />

details for operating the spctrophotametcr.<br />


7.2 Platinum-Cobalt Standards-From the<br />

stock solution, prepare color standards in accordance<br />

with Table 2 by diluting the required volumes<br />

to 100 mL with water in the Nessler tubes.<br />

Cap the tubes and seal the caps with shellac or a<br />

waterproof cement. When properly sealed and<br />

stored, these standards are stable for at least 1<br />

year and do not degrade markedly for 2 years.'<br />

7.2.1 For a more precise measurement of light<br />

colors below 15 platinumcobalt, prepare color<br />

standards from the stock solution in accordance<br />

with Table 3 by diluting the required volumes to<br />

100 mL with water in the Nessler tubes. Use a<br />

semi-microburet for measuring the required<br />

amount of stock solution.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Introduce 100 mL of sample into a Nessler<br />

tube, passing the sample through a filter if it has<br />

any visible turbidity. Cap the tube, place in the<br />

comparator, and compare with the standards.<br />

9. Report<br />

9.1 Report as the color the number of the<br />

standard that most nearly matches the specimen.<br />

In the event that the color lies midway between<br />

two standards, report the darker of the two.<br />

9.2 If, owing to differences in hue between the<br />

specimen and the standards, a definite match<br />

cannot be obtained, report the range over which<br />

an apparent match is obtained, and report the<br />

material as "off-hue".<br />

10. Precision'o<br />

10.1 Color Standards:<br />

10.1.1 These precision statements are based<br />

upon an interlaboratory study in which five platinum-cobalt<br />

standards having values of 25, 75,<br />

170, 385, and 475 were prepared in accordance<br />

with the instructions given in Section 7 of this<br />

test method and were given coded labels. These<br />

solutions were tested by one analyst in each of<br />

ten different laboratories making a single observation<br />

on one day and then repeating the observation<br />

on a second day. The analysts were requested<br />

to estimate the color to the nearest one<br />

unit for solutions below 40 platinum-cobalt, to<br />

the nearest five units for solutions b een 40<br />

and 100 platinumabalt and to the nearest ten<br />

units for solutions above 100 platinumabalt. In<br />

this interlaboratory study, the within-laboratory<br />

D 1209<br />

coefficient of variation was found to be 1.8 %<br />

with 60 degrees of freedom, and the betweenlaboratories<br />

coefficient of variation was found to<br />

be 5.3 % with 54 degrees of freedom. Based on<br />

these results, the following criteria, calculated in<br />

accordance with Recommended Practice E 180,<br />

should be used for judging the acceptability of<br />

results at the 95 % confidence level when the<br />

results are obtained under optimum conditions<br />

where the hue of the sample matches exactly the<br />

hue of the standards. Poorer precision will be<br />

obtained in varying degrees as the hue of the<br />

sample departs from that of the standards.<br />

10.1. I. 1 Repeafability-Two results, obtained<br />

by the same analyst on different days,<br />

should be considered suspect if they differ by<br />

more than 5.1 %.<br />

10. I. 1.2 Reproducibility-Two results, ob<br />

tained by analysts in different laboratories,<br />

should be considered suspect if they differ by<br />

more than 15 %.<br />

10.2 Specimen:' '<br />

10.2.1 In an interlaboratory study of this test<br />

method in which the standards described in Table<br />

3 were used, the within-laboratory standard<br />

deviation was found to be one platinum-cobalt<br />

unit at 56 degrees of freedom and the betweenlaboratory<br />

standard deviation was found to be 2<br />

platinum-cobalt units at 25 degrees of freedom.<br />

Based on these standard deviations, the following<br />

criteria should be used for judging, at the 95 %<br />

confidence level, the acceptability of results obtained<br />

on light colored samples.<br /> Repeatability-Two results, each the<br />

mean of duplicates, obtained by the same operator<br />

on different days should be considered suspect<br />

if they differ by more than two platinumcobalt<br />

units.<br />

10.2. I .2 Reproducibility-Two results, each<br />

the mean of duplicates, obtained by operators in<br />

different laboratories should be considered suspect<br />

if they differ by more tnan seven piatinumcobalt<br />

units.<br />

'Scharf, W. W., Ferbes, K. H., and White, R. G., 'Stability<br />

of Platinum-Cobalt Color Standards," Materials Research and<br />

Standards, Vol6, No. 6, June 1966, pp. 302-304.<br />

lo Supporting data are available on loan from ASTM Headquarters,<br />

1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. Request RR<br />

Dol-1024.<br />

'I These precision statements arc based on interhboratory<br />

studies conducted by Committee E-15 on Industrial Chemicals<br />

on samples of ethylene glycol and methanol as reported in<br />

Method E 202, Method E 346, and rrsearch report RR E 15-28.<br />

_<br />

_<br />


~~<br />

D 1209<br />

TABLE 1 Abmrbmce TdeMee umits For No. 500<br />

phti.racohlt stock solulion<br />

Wavelength. nm<br />

GAor<br />

Standard<br />

Number<br />

Stock<br />

Solution,<br />

mL<br />

Absorbance<br />

430 0.1 10 to 0.120<br />

455 0.130 to 0.145<br />

480 0.105 to 0.120<br />

510 0.055 to 0.065<br />

5 I<br />

IO 2<br />

IS 3<br />

20 4<br />

25 5<br />

30 6<br />

35 7<br />

40 8<br />

50 10<br />

60 12<br />

Color<br />

Standard<br />

Number<br />

Stock<br />

Solution,<br />

mL<br />

70 14<br />

100 20<br />

I50 30<br />

200 40<br />

250 50<br />

m 60<br />

350 70<br />

400 80<br />

450<br />

500<br />

90<br />

lW<br />

A This is phtinumabalt color No. 10 in <strong>Methods</strong> D 365.<br />

Color<br />

Standard<br />

Number<br />

Stock<br />

Solution,<br />

mL<br />

I 0.20<br />

2 0.40<br />

3 0.60<br />

4 0.80<br />

5 1 .00<br />

6 I .20<br />

I I .40<br />

8 1-60<br />

Color<br />

Standard<br />

Number<br />

Stock<br />

Solution,<br />

mL<br />

9 I .80<br />

10 2.00<br />

II 2.20<br />

12 2.40<br />

13 2.60<br />

14 2.80<br />

15 3.00<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights. and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjive years and<br />

ifnot revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

starhra3 and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

resjwnsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

&your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


Designation: D 1210 - 79 (Reapproved 1983)’‘<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


SYSTEMS‘<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 12 10; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (c) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This test method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense and for listing in the DoD Index of Spec~cations<br />

and Standards.<br />

‘I NoTE-Editorial changes were made throughout in December 1983.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers measurement of<br />

the degree of dispersion (commonly referred to<br />

as “fineness of grind”) of the pigment in a pigment-vehicle<br />

system such as liquid coatings and<br />

their intermediates. It may also be used to assess<br />

the inclusion of particulates by a cleanliness rating.<br />

1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problcms<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health pratices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Summary of Method<br />

2.1 The product is spread by means of a<br />

scraper in a calibrated tapered path. At some<br />

point in this path, particles or agglomerates, or<br />

both, will become visible. A direct reading from<br />

the calibrated scale is then made at the point<br />

where the particles form a definite pattern. When<br />

the single path gage is used it is also possible to<br />

rate “cleanliness” (see 6.2).<br />

3. Significance<br />

3.1 In making pigmented products, the pigment<br />

is usually dispersed in a portion of the<br />

vehicle in some sort of mill. At this stage, it is<br />

necessary to be able to judge if the pigment<br />

agglomerates have been sufficiently broken up so<br />

as not to interfere with the smoothness of the<br />

finished coating film. This method describes a<br />

way of making this judgment.<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 Gage-A hardened steel, stainless steel, or<br />

chrome-plated steel block (Fig. 1) approximately<br />

6.7 in. (170 mm) in length, and 0.6 in. (15 mm)<br />

in thickness. The top surface of the block shall<br />

be ground smooth and planar and shall contain<br />

one or two paths 5 in. (127 mm) in calibrated<br />

length. The path shall be tapered uniformly in<br />

depth lengthwise from 100 pm (about 4 mils) at<br />

10 mm from one end to zero depth at the other<br />

with intermediate calibrations in accordance<br />

with the depth at those points. Preferred calibrations<br />

are Hegman units and micrometres (Note<br />

1). Two path widths are covered by this method<br />

of test:<br />

4.1.1 Two parallel paths each 0.5 in. wide<br />

(12.5 mm) and spaced 0.5 in. apart centered in a<br />

block 2.5 in. (65 mm) wide.<br />

4.1.2 One path 2 in. (50 mm) Ir! width cmtered<br />

in a block 3.5 in. (90 mm) wide.<br />

NOTE 1 -Several arbitrary scales and modifications<br />

I This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials, and is<br />

the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.24 on Physical<br />

Properties of Liquid Paint and Paint Materials.<br />

Current edition approved Nov. 30, 1979. Published Januaw<br />

1980. Originally published as D 12 10 - 52. Last previous editioh<br />

D 1210- 78.<br />

* The report on which this precision statement is based has<br />

been filed at ASTM Headquarters, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia,<br />

Pa. 19103 as RR DO1 - 1017.<br />


of the gage are used by industry. In order that readings<br />

obtained with these arbitrary scales and modifications<br />

can be reported in the preferred units, the approximate<br />

relationship of these scales to gage depth is shown in<br />

the following example:<br />

PC or<br />

Hegman Depth, Depth, FSFT NPIRI<br />

%le” pmB milsB Scale‘ kale’<br />

0 100 4 0 40<br />

I 90 3.5 1 ‘/4 35<br />

2 15 3 2% 30<br />

3 65 2.5 3% 25<br />

4 50 2 5 20<br />

5 40 1.5 6% 15<br />

6 25 I 1’/2 IO<br />

7 15 0.5 8% 5<br />

8 0 0 10 0<br />

” Sometimes referred to in error as the North Standard scale.<br />

Rounded to nearest 5 pm or 0.5 mil.<br />

‘ Federation of Societies for Paint Technology scale.<br />

’National Printing Ink Research Institute scale, 0 to IO on<br />

the NPIRI Production Grindometer, but extended on many<br />

gages to 20 or 30.<br />

4.2 Scraper-A double-edged hardened steel,<br />

stainless steel, or chrome-plated steel blade (Fig.<br />

2) 3.75 in. (95 mm) long, 1.5 in. (38 mm) wide,<br />

and 0.25 in. (6.4 mm) thick. The two edges on<br />

the 3.75-in. sides shall be rounded to a radius of<br />

0.0 15 in. (0.38 mm).<br />

5. Care of Gage<br />

5.1 Clean the gage immediately after each use.<br />

Use a solvent and a soft cloth. Keep the gage<br />

covered or encased at all times when not in use.<br />

Protect gages that lie idle for extended periods of<br />

time from rust with an oil coating or oil soaked<br />

wrap.<br />

5.2 Do not allow any hard materials to come<br />

in contact with the gage surface or scraper in any<br />

manner that might result in scarring or nicking.<br />

Avoid tapping or scratching with other metal.<br />

5.3 The scraper may be rendered unsatisfactory<br />

for use by wear or nicks of the contact edge<br />

or warpage (Note 2). Replace or recondition unsatisfactory<br />

blades.<br />

NOTE 2-Wear or warpage of the scraper may be<br />

noted by facing the edge of the scraper down on the<br />

smooth level face of the gage, then inspecting the contact<br />

edge by means of a strong light, placed behind the<br />

gage. Rocking the scraper forward or back will reveal<br />

poor contact due to wear or warpage. Any light coming<br />

through between scraper and gage face shows that the<br />

scraper has been damaged and is not satisfactory for<br />

USe.<br />

6. Visual Standards<br />

6.1 The diagrams in Fig. 3 are reproductions<br />

of six typical fineness gage patterns with the<br />

double-path gage, 4.1.1, and they should be<br />

viewed with the purpose of standardizing the<br />

relationship of particle distribution to fineness<br />

designation. The arrow in each drawing represents<br />

the end point (reading) for that distribution.<br />

These patterns are to be used for notation of<br />

frequency of particles and should not be interpreted<br />

according to the size of the dots. Although<br />

called “standards,” they are really examples of<br />

fineness readings to be used as a guide, since no<br />

two particle distributions will be exactly the<br />

same.<br />

6.2 Similarly, Fig. 4 exhibits typical fineness<br />

gage patterns for the 2-in. (5 1-mm) gage, 4.1.2.<br />

These diagrams are to be used like those for the<br />

double-path gage except that a “cleanliness” rating<br />

is also shown. “Cleanliness” is descriptive of<br />

the number of particles that appear in the path<br />

above the fineness designation. Three ratings are<br />

indicated: “A” (0 to 8 specks), “B” (9 to 15<br />

specks), and “C” ( 16 or more specks).<br />

7. Procedure<br />

7.1 Place the gage on a horizontal flat, nonslippery<br />

surface and wipe clean immediately before<br />

the test. Be sure the gage surface is free of<br />

lint.<br />

7.2 Hand stir the sample (Note 3) vigorously<br />

for 2 min, taki,ng care that air bubbles are not<br />

whipped into the paint. To be sure of an accurate<br />

grind reading, samples must be free of air bubbles.<br />

NOTE 3-For this method to function properly, the<br />

pigment particles in the samples to be tested should be<br />

free to settle to the bottom of the gage channel after the<br />

drawdown. Therefore, before testing, high-viscosity intermediate<br />

samples which have little ability to flow<br />

should be reduced with a compatible liquid. Reduction<br />

should be in approximately the same proportion as the<br />

intermediate will be reduced in practice.<br />

7.3 Immediately place the material to be<br />

tested in the deep end of the path, or paths, so<br />

that it overflows the path slightly. When using<br />

the double-path gage, place material in both<br />

paths.<br />

7.4 Holding the scraper in both hands, nearly<br />

vertical but inclined slightly toward the operator,<br />

draw the material down the length of the path<br />

toward the shallow end of the gage with a uniform,<br />

brisk motion in approximately 1 to 2 s.<br />

Exert upon the scraper only sufficient pressure<br />

to clean excess material from the face of the gage<br />

within 10 s of placing the specimen on the gage,<br />

make a reading as follows:<br />


7.4.1 View the gage from the side, perpendicular<br />

to the length of the path. Keeping the gage<br />

between the operator and the light source, make<br />

the angle between the face Of the gage and the<br />

line of vision between 20 and 30 deg.<br />

NOTE 4-clear finishes may have to be Viewed at a<br />

lower angle or they may have to be Opacified with a<br />

finely ground colorant or dye in order to see better the<br />

particles of flatting pigment.<br />

7*4*2 Observe the point where the mate.ria1<br />

first shows a definite speckled pattern, not just<br />

isolated specks (see Figs. 3 and 4). This is the<br />

fineness reading. When using the two-path gage,<br />

average the values in the two paths to the nearest<br />

'/4 Hegman unit. This average is considered one<br />

reading.<br />

7.5 After the first drawdown and reading,<br />

which are preliminary for establishing proper test<br />

conditions and locating the position of the fineness<br />

reading, repeat the procedure twice, beginning<br />

with 7.3, to obtain two test readings. This<br />

process allows the two test readings to be made<br />

with limited time lapses between completion of<br />

drawdown and reading. (Do not consider any<br />

reading for the reported fineness when the time<br />

lapse exceeds 10 s.) Average the two readings to<br />

the nearest '/4 Hegman units (5 pm).<br />

7.6 Interpretation of Dispersion Pattern:<br />

7.6.1 Inspect the initial drawdown for pattern<br />

and the approximate fineness. Determine the<br />

point in the particle distribution that approximates<br />

a similar end point pattern to that of the<br />

pictorial standards.<br />

7.6.2 Judge cleanliness on the one-path gage<br />

either by comparison to the typical fineness patterns<br />

(shown only at a 6 Hegman level but applicable<br />

by analogy to any fineness level) or by<br />

counting nibs coarser than the selected fineness<br />

level (see 6.2 for cleanliness ranges).<br />

8. ReDort<br />

8.1 Report whether gage 4.1.1 (two path) or<br />

gage 4.1.2 (one path) was used. The reported<br />

reading is the average of two readings conforming<br />

to the conditions of7.6. Micrometre readings are<br />

to be reported to the nearest multiple of 5 pm<br />

and Hegman readings to the nearest '14 unit.<br />

Cleanliness may be reported also when using the<br />

two path gage.<br />

9. Precision<br />

9.1 On the basis of an interlaboratory test of<br />

this method in which 23 operators in 7 laboratories<br />

tested 6 samples of paints covering a broad<br />

range of compositions and finenesses, the singleoperator<br />

standard deviation was found to be 0.27<br />

Hegman units (3.4 pm), the within-laboratory<br />

standard deviation was found to be 0.70 Hegman<br />

units (8.8 pm) and the between-laboratories<br />

standard deviation was found to be 0.74 Hegman<br />

units (9.3 pm). Based on these standard deviations<br />

and the requirement that readings are to be<br />

reported to the nearest '/4 Hegman unit or multiple<br />

of 5 pm, the following criteria should be<br />

used for judging the precision of results at a 95 76<br />

confidence level:<br />

9.1.1 Repeatability-Two results obtained by<br />

a single operator should be considered suspect if<br />

they differ by more than 3/4 Hegman unit (10<br />

pm).<br />

9.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results, each the<br />

mean of two results obtained by different operators<br />

in the same or different laboratories should<br />

be considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

29" Hegman units (25 pm).<br />


H<br />

0-<br />

I -<br />

2-<br />

-<br />

3-<br />

-<br />

4-<br />

-<br />

5-<br />

6-<br />

7-<br />

-<br />

8-<br />

-<br />

-60<br />

-<br />

-40<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-2 0<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-0<br />

Two-Path Gage<br />

FIG. 1 Fineness Gages<br />

One-Path Gage<br />

21 1

Note-! in. = 25.4 mm<br />

FIG. 2 %per<br />


D 1210<br />

H<br />

0-<br />

- 100<br />

H<br />

0-<br />

- 100<br />

c<br />

I -<br />

-<br />

2-<br />

I -<br />

C__<br />

2-<br />

-<br />

-75<br />

3-<br />

4-<br />

-50<br />

4-<br />

5-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

5-<br />

6-<br />

_._-<br />

-25<br />

-<br />

6-<br />

-<br />

7 --<br />

--<br />

7-<br />

_c_<br />

8-<br />

13/4 Hegman 80 pm<br />

FIG. 3a Typical Fineness Gage Patterns<br />

8-<br />

3% Hegman 60 pm<br />


D1210<br />

H<br />

0-<br />

-100<br />

H<br />

0-<br />

- 190<br />

I -<br />

2-<br />

0<br />

-<br />

I -<br />

-75 2-<br />

-7s<br />

-<br />

3-<br />

3-<br />

Ai-<br />

-<br />

5 -.-<br />

:<br />

-50<br />

4-<br />

5-<br />

-50<br />

6-<br />

-- -<br />

-25<br />

6-<br />

-25<br />

7- I<br />

7-<br />

8-<br />

4 Hegman 50 pm<br />

0<br />

8-<br />

4% Hegman 40 pm<br />

FIG. 3b Typical Fineness Gage Patterns<br />

-0<br />


H<br />

0-<br />

- 100<br />

H<br />

0 --<br />

-<br />

- IO0<br />

I -<br />

I -<br />

-<br />

2-<br />

c__<br />

3-<br />

2-<br />

-<br />

3-<br />

L__<br />

4-<br />

c_<br />

5-<br />

7-<br />

--<br />

8-<br />

-50<br />

-25<br />

-<br />

4-<br />

-<br />

5-<br />

-<br />

6-<br />

--<br />

><br />

7-<br />

-<br />

8-<br />

6 Hegman 25 pm 6% Hegman 15 pm<br />

FIG. 3c Typical Fineness Gage Patterns<br />

-<br />

-25<br />

-<br />

-0<br />


D 1210<br />

H<br />

I<br />

H<br />

0-<br />

0-<br />

I -<br />

-<br />

.<br />

I<br />

3-<br />

-<br />

4-<br />

-<br />

5-<br />

-<br />

. .<br />

I ’<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

- .<br />

.. .. .<br />

* ’<br />

. - . -<br />

- .-<br />

. .I<br />

. - .<br />

. .<br />

.-<br />

..<br />

6-<br />

7-<br />

-<br />

7 -I<br />

-<br />

8-<br />

I Hegman 85 pm “A” Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4a Typical Fineness Gage Pattern<br />

8-<br />

2 Hegman 75 pm “A” Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4b Typical Fineness Gage Pattern<br />


D1210<br />

&<br />

- 100<br />

42w<br />

- 100<br />

-<br />

-75<br />

-<br />

-75<br />

-<br />

-50<br />

-<br />

-50<br />

-<br />

-25<br />

-25<br />

-<br />

3 Hegman 60 pm "A" Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4c Typical Fineness Gage Pattem<br />

-0<br />

4 Hegman 50 pm "B" Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4d Typical Fineness Gage Pattern<br />

-<br />

-0<br />


H<br />

0-<br />

-<br />

I -<br />

2-<br />

-<br />

3-<br />

.<br />

H<br />

0-<br />

-<br />

I -<br />

-<br />

2-<br />

_-<br />

3-<br />

L<br />

4-<br />

-<br />

5-<br />

-<br />

6-<br />

-<br />

7-<br />

-<br />

8-<br />

..<br />

- :<br />

' . . .,<br />

. -<br />

. . I - ,<br />

. .' . -<br />

.. .. I :<br />

I . . - I * , .<br />

5 Hegman 35 pm "C" Cleanliness<br />

FIG 4e Typical Fineness Gage Pattern<br />

-50<br />

-<br />

4-<br />

-2s<br />

- 6,<br />

-<br />

-0<br />

c<br />

7-<br />

8-<br />

6 Hegman 25 pm "A" Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4f Typical Fineness Cage Pattern<br />


D1210<br />

H<br />

0-<br />

-<br />

I -<br />

2-<br />

-<br />

3-<br />

c<br />

4-<br />

-<br />

5-<br />

.<br />

,<br />

.*<br />

L<br />

__L.-6.1;<br />

. . ‘0<br />

-<br />

7-<br />

-<br />

8-<br />

. -<br />

. . -. -<br />

I .<br />

. ,<br />

..... . 1 . . . . .<br />

..........<br />

;...-.*: :,:;:<br />

.........<br />

...- ................. :...-......:’.’.’<br />

.. .-,.-- , :..<br />

6 Hegman 25 pm “B” Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4g Typical Fineness Gage Pattern<br />

-0 8-<br />

I<br />

6 Hegman 25 pm “C” Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4h Typical Fineness Gage Pattern<br />


H<br />

0-<br />

-<br />

I -<br />

--<br />

2-<br />

-<br />

3-<br />

r(m D1210<br />

. . . .<br />

._ . . .<br />

. . . . ......<br />

. .<br />

....;*..:. . -‘ . *<br />

;.,-.:;- .;:.:-.: ..........<br />

............. .. :’:::’. ......<br />

.. . - _ .<br />

7 Hegman 10 pm “A” Cleanliness<br />

FIG. 4i Typical Fineness Gage Pattern<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in [his standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights. are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjve years and<br />

f not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a medng yf the<br />

responsible technical commiitee, which you may attend. rf you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 19/15 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


Designation: D 1218 - 82<br />

An American National Standard<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1218; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of on 'nal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapprova&a superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the measurement of<br />

refractive indexes, accurate to six units in the<br />

fitlh decimal place, and refractive dispersions,<br />

accurate to twelve units in the fifh decimal<br />

place, of transparent and light-colored hydrocarbon<br />

liquids that have refractive indexes in<br />

the range from 1.33 to 1 SO, and at temperatures<br />

from 20 to 3OOC. The method is not applicable<br />

within the accuracy stated to liquids having<br />

colors darker than No. 4 ASTM Color as determined<br />

by Method D 1500, to liquids having<br />

bubble points so near the test temperature that<br />

a reading cannot be obtained before substantial<br />

weathering takes place, to liquids having a<br />

refractive index above 1.50, or to measurements<br />

made at temperatures above 30°C.<br />

NOTE 1-The instrument can be successfully used<br />

for refractive indexes above 1 SO, and at temperatures<br />

both below 2OoC and above 3OoC, but as yet certified<br />

liquid standards for the ranges above a refractive<br />

index of 1.50 are not available, so the precision and<br />

accuracy of the instrument under these conditions<br />

have not been evaluated. Similarly, certified refractive<br />

indexes of liquids at temperatures other than the<br />

20 to 30°C range are not available, although the<br />

instrument can be used up to 5OOC.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 841 Specification for Nitration Grade Toluene2<br />

D 1500 <strong>Test</strong> Method for ASTM Color of<br />

Petroleum Products (ASTM Color Scale)3<br />

E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers4<br />

3. Defmitions<br />

3.1 refructive index-the ratio of the velocity<br />

of light (of specified wavelength) in air, to its<br />

velocity in the substance under examination. It<br />

may also be defined as the sine of the angle of<br />

incidence divided by the sine of the angle of<br />

refraction, as light passes from air into the<br />

substance. This is the relative index of refraction.<br />

If absolute refractive index (that is, referred<br />

to vacuum) is desired, this value should<br />

be multiplied by the factor 1.00027, the absolute<br />

refractive index of air. The numerical value<br />

of refractive index of liquids varies inversely<br />

with both wavelength and temperature.<br />

3.2 refractive dispersion- the difference between<br />

the refractive indexes of a substance for<br />

light of two different wavelengths, both indexes<br />

being measured at the same temperature. For<br />

convenience in calculations, the value of the<br />

daerence thus obtained is usually multiplied<br />

by 10,OOO.<br />

4. Summary of Method<br />

4.1 The refractive index is measured by the<br />

critical angle method with a Bausch & Lomb<br />

Precision Refractometer using monochromatic<br />

light. The instrument is previously adjusted by<br />

means of a solid reference standard and the<br />

observed values are corrected, when necessary,<br />

by a calibration obtained with certified liquid<br />

standards.<br />

This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 27, 1982. Published January<br />

1983. Originally published as D 1218 - 52 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 1218 - 61 (1977).<br />

1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol05.03.<br />

1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol05.01.<br />

' 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 25 and 44.<br />

22 1

D 1218<br />

5. Significance and Use<br />

5.1 Refractive index and refractive dispersion<br />

are fundamental physical properties which<br />

can be used in conjunction with other properties<br />

to characterize pure hydrocarbons and their<br />

mixtures.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 Refractometer, Bausch & Lomb, “Precision”<br />

type,‘ range 1.33 to 1.64 for the sodium<br />

D line.<br />

6.2 Thermostat and Circulating Pump, capable<br />

of maintaining the indicated prism temperature<br />

constant within 0.02”C of the desired test<br />

temperature. The thermostating liquid should<br />

pass the thermometer on leaving, not on entering,<br />

the prism assembly.<br />

6.3 Thermometer- ASTM Saybolt Viscosity<br />

Thermometer 17C having a range from 19 to<br />

27OC, and conforming to the requirements of<br />

Specification E 1. The thermometer shall be<br />

used in an approved holder,6 as shown in Fig.<br />

1, such that almost total immersion (not more<br />

than emergent stem) is obtained, and reading<br />

to 0.0 1 “C is possible.<br />

6.4 Light Sources-The following light<br />

sources have been found satisfactory:<br />

6.4.1 Sodium Arc Lamp-The Unitized<br />

“Sodium Lab Arc” is furnished with the instrument.<br />

6.4.2 Mercury Arc Lamp-The H-4 type<br />

capillary mercury arc is furnished as an accessory<br />

to the refractometer.<br />

6.4.3 Hydrogen Discharge Lamp-Any type<br />

of lamp capable of producing light having an<br />

intensity of at least 32 Ix (3 footcandles) on an<br />

area of 1 cm2 on the entrance face of the<br />

illuminating prism. The luminous intensity<br />

may be conveniently measured by means of a<br />

photographic light meter held 254 mm (10 in.)<br />

from the !amp asd perpeadicular to the !igh:<br />

beam. For convenience, the lamp should be<br />

mounted on an extension of the sodium lamp<br />

support.<br />

6.4.4 Other Sources-Helium may be used<br />

in place of hydrogen in the lamp discussed in<br />

6.4.3.<br />

6.4.5 Light Filrers-For isolating the various<br />

spectral lines from the above sources, special<br />

light filters are required. The following are<br />

tentatively recommended:<br />

Wave- Spectral<br />

length, Line Filter<br />

A<br />

6678 Helium Coming No. 2404<br />

Y<br />

6563 H, None required. May use Corning ~<br />

No. 2404.<br />

5893 NaD None required<br />

5461 Hg, Wratten No. 62, or No. 77A, Corning<br />

Nos. 3486 + 4303 + 5 120<br />

5016 Helium Wratten No. 45 _<br />

4861 HF Corning Nos. 5030 + 3387,4303, or<br />

Wratten No. 45<br />

4358 Hga Corning Nos. 5 I 13,3389 + 5850.<br />

NOTE 2-In determinations of refractive indexes<br />

above approximately 1.53 (wherever the short wavelengths<br />

show a higher scale reading than the long)<br />

this system of filters is rendered worthless and filters<br />

must be chosen which remove all spectral lines of<br />

shorter wavelength than the one being read. Below<br />

this refractive index, the specific filters listed above,<br />

which remove spectral lines of longer wavelengths<br />

than the one being read, should be used.<br />

7. Solvents<br />

7.1 n-Pentane, 95 mol 96 minimum purity.<br />

(Danger! Extremely flammable. Harmful if inhaled.<br />

Vapors may cause flash fire. See Annex<br />

Al.1.)<br />

7.2 Toluene, conforming to Specification<br />

D 841. (Warning! Flammable. Vapor harmful.<br />

See Annex A1.2.)<br />

8. Reference Standards<br />

8.1 Solid Reference Standard, accurate to<br />

+0.00002 with the value of the refractive index<br />

engraved upon its upper face.<br />

8.2 Primary Liquid Standards-The organic<br />

liquids listed below, with the values of their<br />

refractive indexes for the D, F, and C lines<br />

certified at 20,25, and 30°C, obtained from the<br />

API Standard Reference Office?<br />

2,2,4-Trimethylpentane nD = 1.39<br />

Methy lcyclohexane nD = 1.42<br />

Toluene = 1.49<br />

(Warning! Flammable; see Annex A1.3.)<br />

9. Sample<br />

9.1 A sample of at least 0.5 mL is required.<br />

Manufactured by Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester,<br />

N. Y., Catalog No. 33-45-03. All instrument terminology<br />

used in this method corresponds with that used in the<br />

“Reference Manual” supplied with the instrument. Production<br />

of this refractometer was discontinuedin 1976. However<br />

it may be obtainable from instrument exchanges or used<br />

equipment suppliers. If other available instrumentation is<br />

used, the precision statements of Section 13 will not apply.<br />

Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa.<br />


D 1218<br />

The sample shall be free of suspended solids,<br />

water, or other materials that tend to scatter<br />

light. Water may be removed from hydrocarbons<br />

by treatment with calcium chloride followed<br />

by filtering or centrifuging to remove the<br />

desiccant. The possibility of changing the composition<br />

of a sample by action of the drying<br />

agent, by selective adsorption on the filter, or<br />

by fractional evaporation, shall be considered.<br />

(Warning! Volatile hydrocarbon samples are<br />

flammable; see Annex A1.3,)<br />

10. Preparation of Apparatus<br />

10.1 The refractometer shall be kept scrupulously<br />

clean at all times. Dust and oil if<br />

allowed to accumulate on any part of the instrument<br />

will fmd their way into the moving<br />

parts, causing wear and eventual misalignment;<br />

if permitted to collect on the prism, dust will<br />

dull the polish, resulting in hazy lines.<br />

10.2 Thoroughly clean the prism faces with<br />

a swab of surgicai-grade absorbent cotton saturated<br />

with a suitable solvent such as toluene.<br />

Pass the swab very lightly over the surface until<br />

it shows no tendency to streak. Repeat this<br />

procedure with n-pentane until both the glass<br />

and the adjacent polished metal surfaces are<br />

clean. Do not dry the prism faces by rubbing<br />

with dry cotton.<br />

10.3 Adjust the thermostat so that the temperature<br />

indicated by the refractometer thermometer<br />

is within 0.02"C of the desired value;<br />

turn on the sodium vapor lamp and allow it to<br />

warm up 30 min.<br />

NOTE 3-An error of 0.02OC in temperature of<br />

the sample will cause an error of 1 X IOv6 in the<br />

refractive index of methylcyclohexane.<br />

10.4 Control the ambient temperature<br />

within 1 OC of the test temperature. This can be<br />

done by regulation of the room temperature or<br />

by placing the instrument inside a specially<br />

designed constant-temperature box. The instrument<br />

shall also be so situated that it will<br />

not be subject to drafts.<br />

11. Standardization of Apparatus and Technique<br />

11.1 Thoroughly clean the prism faces and<br />

surfaces of the solid reference standard as described<br />

in 10.2, finally brushing the surfaces<br />

with a clean camel's-hair brush. Fix the hinged<br />

part in a wide-open position. Apply a drop of<br />

monobromonaphthalene, about 1.5 mm in di-<br />

ameter, to the center of the polished surface of<br />

the reference standard. Press the reference<br />

standard against the surface of the stationary<br />

prism with the polished end toward the light.<br />

If the proper amount of contacting liquid has<br />

been used, a continuous film of liquid will form<br />

between the prism and the reference standard,<br />

and the field will appear evenly illuminated. If<br />

not, irregular dark spots will appear in the<br />

illuminated field of the telescope when the<br />

knurled knob is turned and the light is in line<br />

with the longitudinal axis of the telescope.<br />

Gently manipulate the reference standard by<br />

pressure on one edge or another until the interference<br />

bands, as seen with the aid of the<br />

auxiliary lens, appear to extend horizontally in<br />

the rectangular contact area. It is well to keep<br />

the liquid wedge at such an angle that three to<br />

five bands can be seen, and the fringe pattern<br />

should appear centered in the exit pupil of the<br />

telescope.<br />

NOTE &-If there is any trace of roughness as the<br />

contact is being made, remove the reference standard<br />

and clean all surfaces again. More damage can be<br />

done to the prism surface in this operation than in<br />

weeks of use with liquids, if grit comes between the<br />

two surfaces during this contact. The amount of<br />

liquid should be just enough to fill the contact area<br />

completely, leaving no liquid at the front edge of the<br />

reference standard.<br />

11.2 Set the instrument to the scale reading<br />

corresponding to the refractive index engraved<br />

on the solid reference standard. Rotate the<br />

sodium lamp base while viewing the telescope<br />

until a sharp vertical line appears in the illuminated<br />

field and does not move with the<br />

rotation of the lamp. Adjust the eyepiece of the<br />

telescope to bring the cross hairs into sharp<br />

focus.<br />

11.3 Move the alidade by means of the hand<br />

wheel until the critical line on the left side of<br />

the band intersects the cross hairs, and read the<br />

scale. Repeat the setting at least twice and,<br />

between settings, shift the lamp slightly while<br />

observing the critical line in order to make sure<br />

a false line is not being observed. Average the<br />

scale readings for all the settings.<br />

11.4 Convert the average scale reading to<br />

refractive index by means of the table for the<br />

sodium D line. To give correct readings, without<br />

application of corrections, the average<br />

value obtained may differ from that engraved<br />

on the test specimen by more than 0.00002.<br />

11.5 If adjustment is necessary, set the scale<br />


D 1218<br />

to the reading corresponding to the value engraved<br />

on the solid reference standard, by<br />

means of the hand wheel on the side of the<br />

instrument. If the critical line is to the left of<br />

the intersection of the cross hairs, loosen the<br />

small screw on the left of the telescope and<br />

slowly tighten the one on the right until the<br />

lines coincide; if the critical line is to the right<br />

of the intersection, use the opposite procedure.<br />

At the fmal adjustment both screws should be<br />

snug but not tight. Again check the setting as<br />

in 11.3.<br />

12. Standardization with Reference Liquids<br />

12.1 Measure the refractive indexes of each<br />

of the primary liquid standards listed in 8.2 for<br />

the D, F, and C lines, at the test temperature<br />

20, 25, or 3OoC, following the procedure described<br />

in Section 13. If the values obtained do<br />

not agree with the certified values within<br />

O.ooOo3, determine a correction curve for each<br />

wavelength from an average of five independent<br />

determinations on each of the three certified<br />

liquid standards. A plot of the average error<br />

against refractive index provides a correction<br />

for all observed indexes between these points.<br />

NOTE 5-This does not imply that the refractive<br />

index engraved on the test specimen is necessarily<br />

inaccurate, but tends to correct an error introduced<br />

in the determination by the failure to obtain grazing<br />

incidence in the case of liquid samples. This fault,<br />

and other instrumental errors, if present, are inherent<br />

in the refractomer design and their magnitude varies<br />

with the refractive index of the liquid and different<br />

instruments.<br />

12.2 To observe any changes with time and<br />

use in the relative positions of prism and alidade,<br />

each operator shall check the instrument<br />

with the calibrated solid reference standard<br />

prior to his use of the instrument.<br />

13. Procedure<br />

13.1 Thoroughly clean the prism faces as<br />

described in 10.2. Adjust the thermostat so that<br />

the temperature indicated by the refractometer<br />

thermometer is within 0.02"C of the desired<br />

value.<br />

13.2 In testing nonviscous liquid samples,<br />

close the prism box and let stand for 4 to 5 min<br />

to ensure temperature equilibrium between the<br />

prisms and the circulating water. By means of<br />

a small pipet or medicine dropper, introduce a<br />

small quantity of sample into the tubulation<br />

between the prism faces. Turn the knurled head<br />

at the base of the telescope so as to bring the<br />

auxiliary lens into the light path, and observe<br />

through the face of the working prism. If the<br />

space between the prisms is completely filled<br />

with liquid, the field will be uniformly illuminated;<br />

bubbles or unfdled spaces will appear<br />

black. If the space is not completely filled, open<br />

the prism box slightly several times and add<br />

more liquid. Do not attempt to measure refractive<br />

indexes until the space between the prisms<br />

is completely fdled.<br />

13.3 In testing viscous liquids, open the<br />

prism box and apply the sample to the faces of<br />

both prisms, spreading evenly with a round<br />

wooden applicator stick. Never use metal or<br />

glass for this purpose as these may scratch the<br />

prism faces. Close the prism box slowly to avoid<br />

straining the hinge and locking mechanism.<br />

13.4 Adjust the illuminant to be in line with<br />

the telescope and bring the border line approximately<br />

to the reticle. While viewing the rear<br />

prism face by means of the auxiliary lens, rotate<br />

the lamp bracket to the right until only the<br />

extreme left side of the prism appears to be<br />

illuminated. If this rotation is camed too far,<br />

vertical interference lines will appear in the<br />

back face. These are generally irregular and<br />

rather faint. The best adjustment for contrast<br />

and illumination seems to be the point just<br />

before these fringes become distinct.<br />

13.5 Adjust the eyepiece of the telescope so<br />

as to bring the cross hairs into sharp focus, set<br />

the cross hairs on the critical edge and read the<br />

scale of the instrument. Readjust the position<br />

of the vapor lamp and repeat at least four times,<br />

approaching from either side of the critical<br />

edge, and record the average scale reading. (In<br />

order to avoid the possibility of using a false<br />

edge, it is best to adjust the position of the light<br />

source each time a setting is made rather than<br />

make four settings on one positioning of the<br />

lamp.)<br />

13.6 Without changing the position of the<br />

prism assembly, place other desired light<br />

sources into the angular position (with respect<br />

to the rear face of the refracting prism) occupied<br />

by the sodium lamp. Take average scale<br />

readings for the desired lines in the manner<br />

described in 13.4.<br />

13.7 In testing volatile samples, clean the<br />

prism faces without changing the position of<br />


D 1218<br />

the prism assembly or the lamp, recharge with<br />

sample, and read immediately.<br />

14. Calculation and Report<br />

14.1 Convert the observed scale readings to<br />

refractive indexes by use of the tables supplied<br />

with the instrument and report these values and<br />

the temperature at which the test was made,<br />

distinguishing between the various spectral<br />

lines used (for example, “ n ~ = 1.. -” or<br />

66 1<br />

n5 8 9 3 = 1. *”).<br />

14.2 To obtain refractive dispersion, subtract,<br />

nxz and nx,. Report the result and the<br />

temperature at which the test was made (for<br />

example “(nF - nc) x lo4 at t = * a” or “(ng<br />

- no) x io4 at t = -”).<br />

15. Precision and Accuracy<br />

15.1 Results should not differ from the mean<br />

by more than the following amounts:<br />

Reproducibility<br />

Repeatability Different Opera-<br />

One Operator tors and Apand<br />

Apparatus paratus<br />

Refractive index 0.00006 0.00006<br />

Refractive dispersion 0.000 I2 0.000 I2<br />

15.2 Results should not differ from the true<br />

value by more than the following amounts:<br />

Accuracy<br />

Refractive index 0.00006<br />

Refractive dispersion<br />

0.000 I2<br />

NOTE 6-The Drecision for this method was not<br />

obtained in accordance with RR:DO2- 1007.<br />

L---<br />

FIG. 1 Themmeter Holder<br />


ANNEX<br />

(Mandatory Information)<br />


Al.1 n-Pentane<br />

Danger-Extremely flammable.<br />

Harmful if inhaled. Vapors may cause flash fire.<br />

Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame.<br />

Keep container closed.<br />

Use with adequate ventilation.<br />

Avoid buildup of vapors and eliminate all sources<br />

of ignition, especially nonexplosion-proof electrical<br />

apparatus and heaters.<br />

Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.<br />

Avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact.<br />

A1.2 Toluene<br />

Warning-Flammable. Vapor harmful.<br />

Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame.<br />

Keep container closed.<br />

Use with adequate ventilation.<br />

bvoid breathing of vapor or spray mist.<br />

Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.<br />

A1.3 Flammable Liquid<br />

Warning- Flammable.<br />

Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame.<br />

Keep container closed.<br />

Use only with adequate ventilation.<br />

Avoid prolonged breathing of vapor or spray mist.<br />

Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years<br />

and f not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive cireful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical commitree, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

makeyour views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, I916 Race S!., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103,<br />


ab<br />

Designation: D 1259 - 85<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 49103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appeaf in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1259; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of nonvolatile content of solutions of resins<br />

in volatile organic solvents.<br />

1.2 Two methods are included as follows:<br />

1.2.1 Method A-For solutions of nonheatreactive<br />

resins. These solutions contain resins<br />

that remain stable and release the solvent under<br />

conditions of the test. Examples are ester gums<br />

and alkyds.<br />

1.2.2 Method B-For two types of solutions:<br /> Solutions of heat-reactive resins. These<br />

solutions contain resins that undergo condensation<br />

or other reactions under the influence of<br />

heat. Examples include the formaldehyde reaction<br />

products of urea, melamine, and phenols,<br />

and<br /> Solutions that release solvent slowly.<br />

Examples include epoxy resin solutions.<br />

1.3 <strong>Methods</strong> A and B differ primarily in the<br />

drying times and types of oven used.<br />

1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limiiaiions<br />

p ~ i to ~ tlse. r<br />

2. Summary of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

2.1 In both methods, a weighed specimen of<br />

resin solution is spread under pressure between<br />

two weighed sheets of aluminum or tin foil. The<br />

coated foil sheets are separated and then dried.<br />

The weight of residue is determined and the<br />

nonvolatile content is calculated. The method is<br />

unique in that it provides for drying of a very<br />

thin film of resin, thus minimizing chances for<br />

volatiles to be trapped and held during the heating<br />

operation.<br />

2.2 Either a gravity-convection or a forcedventilation<br />

oven and a 30-min heating period at<br />

105'C are used in Method A.<br />

2.3 A forced-ventilation oven and a 2-h heating<br />

period at 105°C are used in Method B.<br />

3. Significance and Use<br />

3.1 The nonvolatile content of resin solutions<br />

is useful to coatings producers and users for the<br />

determination of the total solids available for film<br />

formation and for the estimation of the volatile<br />

organic content.<br />



RESIN-<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 Ovens:<br />

4.1.1 Gravity-convection type, maintained at<br />

105 f 2"C, with vents open.<br />

4.1.2 Forced-ventilation type, maintained at<br />

105 & 2°C. For ovens with adjustable air flow<br />

rate, set the control damper at 50 %.<br />

4.2 Aluminum or Tin Foil,2 from 0.0015 to<br />

' These lesi methods zie under :he jurisdicricx of ASTM<br />

Committee D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials<br />

and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee DO1.21 on<br />

Paints and Paint Materials.<br />

Current edition approved Nov. 29, 1985. Published January<br />

1986. Originally published as D 1259 - 53. Last previousedition<br />

D 1259-61 (1980)".<br />

'Aluminum foil available from Thomas Scientific Co., P.O.<br />

Box 99, Swedesboro, NJ 08085; or from Sargent and Welch<br />

Scientific Co., 7300 North Linder Ave., Skokie, IL 60077 has<br />

been found satisfactory.<br />

Tin foil available from J. T. Baker Co., North Broad St.,<br />

North Philipsburg, NJ 08865 has been found satisfactory.<br />


~<br />

0.0020 in. (38 to 50 pm) in thickness. Either one<br />

piece 6 by 12 in. ( 150 by 300 mm), or two 6 by<br />

6-in. (150 by 150-mm) pieces may be used. The<br />

foil must be perfectly smooth; if it becomes wrinkled<br />

during the initial handling, roll smooth as<br />

directed in 5.2.<br />

4.3 Plate Glass-Two pieces about 3/16 in. (5<br />

mm) thick; one piece 5% by 5% in. (140 by 140<br />

mm) and one piece 7 by 7 in. (1 80 by 180 mm).<br />

4.4 Device for Weighing Specimens3-Apparatus<br />

that will prevent loss of volatile matter<br />

during the weighing operation such as any of the<br />

following, or equivalent:<br />

4.4.1 Syringe, Luer, 2 or 5-mL capacity,<br />

4.4.2 Weighing Buret, Smith, 1 0-mL capacity,<br />

or<br />

4.4.3 Bulb Pipet, dropping, with 50-mL Erlenmeyer<br />

flask.<br />

4.5 Roller, for Smoothing Foil-Use a ground<br />

and polished cylinder, preferably stainless steel,<br />

approximately 7 in. ( 180 mm) long and 2 in. (50<br />

mm) in diameter.<br />

4.6 Foil Trays, two types as follows:<br />

4.6.1 Trays measuring 6% by 12 in. (165 by<br />

300 mm), for use with 6 by 12-in. foil, constructed<br />

from No. 22-gage (0.6 mm) aluminum<br />

sheet in accordance with dimensions shown in<br />

Fig. 1. Several trays may be stacked in the oven<br />

to permit running several specimens simultaneously.<br />

4.6.2 Trays measuring 6l/2 by 6% in. (165 by<br />

165 mm), for use with 6 by 6-in. foil, with holder,<br />

shall be constructed from No. 22-gage aluminum<br />

sheet, as shown in Fig. 2.<br />

5. Procedure<br />

5.1 Use the following procedure with the 6 by<br />

12-in. foil sheets and the 6% by 12-in. trays.<br />

Alternatively two 6 by 6-in. foil sheets may be<br />

used in a similar manner with the 6% by 6Y2-h.<br />

trays. In handling the foil, avoid wrinkling or<br />

creasing the sheets until after the specimen has<br />

been dried. Sheets may be rolled for convenience<br />

of handling and making the initial weighing, but<br />

must be kept smooth throughout the pressing<br />

and drying operations.<br />

5.2 Weigh the foil to 0.1 mg. Open and place<br />

half the foil, with the shiny side up, on the 7 by<br />

7-in. glass plate. If necessary, roll smooth with<br />

the metal roller. By means of the weighing device,<br />

weigh by difference a 0.9 to 1.1-g specimen of<br />

the resin solution, to 0.1 mg. Place the specimen<br />

D 1259<br />

on the center of that area of the foil covering the<br />

glass plate. Place the other half of the foil on top.<br />

Covej the foil with the second glass plate, centering<br />

the glass on the foil, and press down suficiently<br />

to cause the specimen to spread uniformly<br />

into a thin film, about 3 in. (75 mm) in diameter.<br />

The pressure that must be exerted depends on<br />

the viscosity of the sample. In case a specimen of<br />

low viscosity should extend beyond the edge of<br />

the foil, repeat the determination, allowing a few<br />

minutes for a portion of the solvent to evaporate<br />

from the weighed specimen before covering and<br />

pressing it.<br />

5.3 After pressing, open the foil to its full<br />

length and place it in the foil tray. Place the tray<br />

in either a gravity-convection or a forced-ventilation<br />

oven at 105 & 2°C for 30 min.<br />

5.4 Remove the tray from the oven and then<br />

carefully remove the foil sheet from the tray.<br />

Return the dried film surfaces to the face-to-face<br />

position. While the foil is still warm, fold the<br />

edges together to enclose completely the dried<br />

film. Without undue delay, weigh to 0.1 mg.<br />

6. Calculation<br />

6.1 Calculate the nonvolatile content as follows:<br />

Nonvolatile content, % = [(A - B) x lOO]/S<br />

where:<br />

A = weight of foil plus dried solids, g,<br />

B = weight of foil, g, and<br />

S = weight of sample taken, g.<br />

7. Precision and Bias<br />

7.1 The following criteria should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results at the 95 %<br />

confidence level:<br />

7.1.1 Repeatability-The difference between<br />

two results, each the mean of duplicate determinations<br />

obtained by the same analyst is normally<br />

ahnut 02 %, abso!u?e. Two such resu!?s should<br />

be considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

0.5 %, absolute.<br />

7.1.2 Reproducibility-The difference between<br />

two results, each the mean of duplicate<br />

determinations, obtained by analysts in different<br />

laboratories is normally about 0.4 %, absolute.<br />

A Smith weighing buret is available from Ace Glass Co.,<br />

1430 Northwest Blvd., Vineland, NJ 08360. The bulb pipet is<br />

available from Thomas Scientific Co., P.O. Box 99, Swedesboro,<br />

NJ 08085 or from Fisher Scientific Co., 52 Fadem Rd., Springfield,<br />

NJ 0708 1.<br />


D 1259<br />

Two such results should be considered suspect if<br />

they differ by more than 1 .O %, absolute.<br />

7.1.3 No bias has been determined for these<br />

test methods.<br />




8. Apparatus<br />

8.1 Oven-Forced-ventilation type, maintained<br />

at 105 f 2°C. For ovens with adjustable<br />

air flow rate, set the control damper at 50 %.<br />

8.2 The remainder of the apparatus is identical<br />

with that given in 4.2 to 4.6.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Weigh the specimen of resin solution and<br />

press it between two sheets of foil as described in<br />

5.1 and 5.2.<br />

9.2 After pressing, open the foil to its full<br />

length and place it in the foil tray. Then place<br />

the tray in a forced-ventilation oven at 105 f<br />

2°C for 2 h. When using 6'/2 by 6'/2-in. trays and<br />

holder, place the assembly in the oven with the<br />

open ends perpendicular to the direction of air<br />

flow.<br />

9.3 Complete the determination as described<br />

in 5.4.<br />

10. Calculation<br />

10.1 Calculate the nonvoiatile content as described<br />

in Section 6.<br />

11. Precision and Bias<br />

1 1.1 The following criteria should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results at the 95 %<br />

confidence level.<br />

1 1.1.1 For Heat-Reactive Resin Solutions:<br />

1 Repeatability-The difference between<br />

two results, each the mean of duplicate<br />

determinations, obtained by the same analyst is<br />

normally about 0.3 %, absolute. Two such results<br />

should be considered suspect if they differ by<br />

more than 0.7 %, absolute.<br />

1 Reproducibility-The difference between<br />

two results, each the mean of duplicate<br />

determinations, obtained by analysts in different<br />

laboratories is normally about 0.7 %, absolute.<br />

Two such results should be considered suspect if<br />

they differ by more than 1.7 %, absolute.<br />

1 No bias has been determined for this<br />

test method.<br />

1 1.1.2 For Solutions that Release Solvent<br />

Slowly:<br />

1 Repeatability-The average difference<br />

between two results each the average of<br />

duplicate determinations, obtained by the same<br />

analyst is normally about 0.1 %, absolute. Two<br />

such results should be considered suspect if they<br />

differ by more than 0.3 %, absolute.<br />

1 Reproducibility-The average difference<br />

between two results obtained by analysts in<br />

different laboratories will approximate 0.2 %.<br />

Two such results should be considered suspect if<br />

they differ by more than 0.5 %, absolute.<br />

1 No bias has been determined for<br />

these test methods.<br />


D1259<br />

Material: 22-Gage Aluminum<br />

Sheet<br />

1"<br />

To Align with Pins<br />

5Diam Holes<br />

an I" Centers<br />

~ d o o o o o o o o o o<br />

1 %<br />

_tl<br />

U JJ T-<br />

/<br />

Pin, 2'' Diam<br />

32<br />

$ Long, 4 Req'd<br />

NOTE-Millimetre dimensions appear in section on Apparatus.<br />

FIG. 1 Tray for 6 by 12-in. Foil<br />


FIG. 2 Trays and Holder for 6 by 6-in. Foil<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

nith any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfwe years and<br />

not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed IO ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee. which you may attend. lf you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia. PA 19103.

dub<br />

Designation: D 1308 - 79 (Reapproved 1981 )r’<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method For<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1308; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of ori ‘nal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapprovafA superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This’method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace Method 6011,6081 of Federal <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method Standard No. 141A and for listing in the DoD index of Specificationsand Standards.<br />

~ ~~<br />

“NoTE--Editorial changes were made throughout in August 1981.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This method covers determination of the<br />

effect of household chemicals on clear and<br />

pigmented organic finishes, resulting in any<br />

objectionable alteration in the surface, such as<br />

discoloration, change in gloss, blistering,<br />

softening, swelling, loss of adhesion, or special<br />

phenomena.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard<br />

D 609 Preparation of Steel Panels for <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

Paint Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products*<br />

3. Summary of Method<br />

3.1 Three methods, each of which is particularly<br />

applicable to individual reagents under<br />

study, are described as follows:<br />

3.1.1 Spot <strong>Test</strong>, Covered-The reagent is<br />

placed on the test surface and immediately<br />

covered with a watch glass.<br />

3.1.2 Spot <strong>Test</strong>, Open-The test surface is<br />

subjected directly to the effect of substance,<br />

such as citrus fruit, oils, greases, beverages, etc.<br />

3.1.3 Immersion <strong>Test</strong>-A suitably prepared<br />

panel is immersed in the test reagent.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Panels<br />

4.1 Steel Panels-See Section 4 of Method<br />

D 609.<br />

4.2 Other Metal Panels, as agreed upon by<br />

the purchaser and the seller of the finish being<br />

tested.<br />

5. Reagents<br />

5.1 The choice of reagent shall be governed<br />

by ultimate coating use and by agreement between<br />

the purchaser and the seller of the finish<br />

being tested. The following reagents are sug-<br />

gested:<br />

5.1.1<br />

5.1.2<br />

5.1.3<br />

5.1.4<br />

5.1.5<br />

5.1.6<br />

5.1.7<br />

5.1.8<br />

5.1.9<br />

agents.<br />

Distilled Water, cold.<br />

Distilled Water, hot.<br />

Ethyl Alcohol (50 5% volume).<br />

Vinegar (3 96 acetic acid).<br />

Alkali Solution.<br />

Acid Solution.<br />

Soap Solution.<br />

Detergent Solution.<br />

Lighter Fluid and Other Volatile Re-<br />

5.1.10 Fruit-Piece of cut fruit, with cut portion<br />

placed face down on panel for time agreed<br />

upon between the purchaser and the seller.<br />

5.1.1 1 Oils and Fats-Butter, margarine,<br />

lard, shortening, vegetable oils, etc.<br />

5.1.12 Condiments-Mustard, catsup.<br />

5.1.13 Beverages-Coffee, tea, cocoa.<br />

5.1.14 Lubricating Oils and Greases.<br />

5.1.15 Other Reagents, as agreed upon between<br />

the purchaser and the seller.<br />

’ This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-I on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and<br />

is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D01.55 on Factory-Applied<br />

Coatings on Preformed Products.<br />

Current edition approved May 25, 1979. Published July<br />

1979. Originally published as D 1308-54T. Last previous<br />

edition D 1308-57 (1978).<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 21.<br />


Dl308<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 Panel Preparation-Spot and direct a p<br />

plication tests may be carried out on the fabricated<br />

article coated with the finishing system<br />

under evaluation, if sufficient plane surface is<br />

available. For immersion tests and tests where<br />

the fmished article is not available, select panels<br />

in accordance with Method D 609, or prepare<br />

special metal panels according to agreement<br />

between the purchaser and the seller of the<br />

finish. Apply the fmish according to the method<br />

and the schedule prescribed by the user of the<br />

lacquer. This schedule includes number of<br />

coats, frlm thickness, and other features. Allow<br />

the finished panels to age 1 week at normal<br />

room conditions, about 77°F (25°C) and 50 %<br />

relative humidity, before testing.<br />

6.2 Spot <strong>Test</strong>, Covered-Conduct the test at<br />

73.5 * 3.5"F (23 k 2°C) and 50 f 5 % relative<br />

humidity, or as agreed upon between the purchaser<br />

and the seller. Using a 5-mL pipet graduated<br />

in 0.1 mL, pipet onto the horizontal panel<br />

1 mL of the reagents listed in Section 4 and<br />

immediately cover with a watch glass. After an<br />

interval agreed upon by the purchaser and the<br />

seller, wipe the spot clean and examine immediately<br />

for effects as listed in Section 1. Frequently<br />

used intervals are 15 min, 1 h, and 16<br />

h, or by agreement between the producer and<br />

the user. If desired, allow the panel to recover<br />

for a specified period, and examine for return<br />

of original properties.<br />

6.3 Spot <strong>Test</strong>, Open-Conduct the test at<br />

73.5 f 3.5"F (23 f 2°C) and 50 f 5 % relative<br />

humidity, or as agreed upon between the purchaser<br />

and the seller. Place a small portion of<br />

the reagent on a horizontal panel or surface,<br />

with the exception of fruit juices, as mentioned<br />

in 5.4.10. After a time interval, as agreed upon<br />

between the purchaser and the seller, wipe the<br />

spot clean and examine immediately for effects<br />

as listed in Section 1. Frequently used inmvals<br />

are 15 min, 1 4 and 16 4 or by agreement<br />

between the producer and the user. If desired,<br />

allow the panel to recover for a specified period<br />

and examine for return of original properties.<br />

6.4 Imersion-Immerse panels to a depth<br />

of 50% in the specified reagents (5.1.1, 5.1.2,<br />

5.1.5,5.1.6, 5.1.7, and 5.1.8) contained in beakers,<br />

at a temperature and length of time agreed<br />

upon between the purchaser and the seller.<br />

Withdraw the panels, wash with distilled water,<br />

and examine immediately for any of the effects<br />

listed in Section 1. If desired, allow the panels<br />

to recover for a specified period and examine<br />

for return of the original properties. In general,<br />

it will not be necessary to seal the edges of the<br />

applied film. If the reagent effect is noted only<br />

around the panel edges, the test should be<br />

repeated using a suitable edge sealer. When<br />

sealing of edges is required, the selection of the<br />

sealer should be a matter of agreement between<br />

the purchaser and the seller.<br />

7. Report<br />

7.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

7.1.1 The system and the testing method<br />

employed. The test conditions are an important<br />

factor in the results obtained and, therefore,<br />

should be defined in the report.<br />

7.1.2 The type of the effect, if any (see Section<br />

1).<br />

a Precision<br />

8.1 This test is designed to provide a working<br />

procedure for examination of the effect of<br />

household chemicals on clear and pigmented<br />

organic finishes. The effects will be in terms of<br />

appearance, and numerical values are assigned<br />

ifa rating scale is used. No statement of precision,<br />

therefore, can be made.<br />

Tkc Ameiicmi Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials taka ne position respecting ?he validity of any patent rights asserted LT<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this stanaiud Users of this st&d die express+ advised that determination of rhe validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of thfdgement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibiliy.<br />

This stahrd is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical commiltee and must be reviewed every five yean<br />

and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this stanaiud or for oddtional<br />

standards and should be &essed to ASTM Headpmers. Your comments will receive carejul coderation at a meetmg of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend rfvou feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Commiltee on Stanaiud~, 1916 Race St., Philaahphio. Pa 19103. which will schedule a<br />

further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satifaction there. you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors.<br />



1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

A Reprint from Copyrighted ASTM Publications<br />

Standard Method of <strong>Test</strong> for<br />



Scope<br />

ASTM Designation : D 13 16 - 68 R 7 9<br />

This Standard of the American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials is issued under<br />

the fixed designation D 1316; the number immediately following the designation<br />

indicates the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year<br />

of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

Samples<br />

1. This method for determining the 4. When taking samples either from<br />

fineness of grind of printing inks is a container or from the apron of a mill,<br />

applicable to all pigmented inks with push aside the top layer and take the<br />

vehicles which are essentially non- sample from below. This technique prevolatile<br />

at room temperature and when vents any dust that may have settled on<br />

the dispersion is fine enough to fall with- the surface from being transferred to the<br />

in the range of the specified instrument. gage.<br />

Deiinition<br />

2. Fineness of Grind of a printing ink<br />

is a measure of the size and prevalence<br />

of oversize particles in the ink.<br />

Apparatus<br />

3. (a) Production Grindometer,2 with<br />

Adco Scraper.<br />

(b) Small Ink Kni'je.<br />

(c) Lint-Free Rag and Sdvml, €GT<br />

cleaning.<br />

Under the standardiiation procedure of<br />

the Society, this method is under the jurisdiction<br />

of the ASTM Committee D-1 on Paint,<br />

Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products.<br />

Current edition accepted Sept. 13, 1968. Originally<br />

issued 1954. Replaces D 1316 - 54 T.<br />

' The Production Grindometer. developed<br />

by the National Printing Ink Research Institute,<br />

may be obtained from the Precision Gage and<br />

Tool Co., Dayton, Ohio.<br />

Preparation and Standardization of<br />

Apparatus<br />

5. For a grindometer to function<br />

properly, the following conditions must<br />

be fulfilled:<br />

(a) The scraper and the block must<br />

be perfectly clean. Any dirt or lint<br />

present will produce a scratch and<br />

interfere with the readings.<br />

(b) The scraper must wipe the center<br />

and side areas clean. If these areas are<br />

not wiped clean, the clearances between<br />

the scraper and the bottoms of the paths<br />

will not be correct (Note 1).<br />

(c) Both the scraper and the block<br />

must be dimensionally perfect. Proper<br />

Derformance of "<br />

hependent upon its dimensions<br />

accurate within thirty millionths<br />

the grindometer is<br />

being<br />

of an<br />

10-68<br />

30-11<br />



inch. Deviations greater than this from<br />

the specified groove depths or in the<br />

linearity of the blade will produce readable<br />

errors in the results (Note 1).<br />

NOTE 1.-During the work on grindometers<br />

at the National Printing Ink Research Institute,<br />

a number of these imperfections have been observed.<br />

They may be most readiy classified according<br />

to their causes: warping of the parts,<br />

normal wear, misuse, and rusting, as follows:<br />

Warping has been noted in several of the<br />

Institute's grindometer blocks. It is first indicated<br />

by an inability to wipe clean either the<br />

center or one of the sides of the block. In the<br />

latter case there is also difficulty in getting<br />

agreement between the readings from the two<br />

paths. Warping is frequently caused by unrelieved<br />

strains in the steel, and can be corrected<br />

only by returning the instrument to the factory<br />

for reannealing and regrinding. No scraper<br />

warpage has been found to date.<br />

NO" Wear.-Under steady usage over an<br />

extended period of time, both scraper and block<br />

will wear, but scraper wear is much more rapid<br />

than block wear. Scraper wear can be checked<br />

from time to time by repeating a drawdown,<br />

using a new scraper. If the same reading is obtained<br />

as with the first scraper blade, there has<br />

been no appreciable blade wear. It is advisable<br />

to keep a new scraper on hand for checking the<br />

one in use. This extra scraper can then be put<br />

into use when the first is returned to the factory<br />

for refinishing. The refinished scraper can be<br />

held in reserve for future checking. Each blade<br />

of an Adco scraper should last for about two<br />

months with steady use, and a block should last<br />

for several years under these conditions.<br />

Misuse will, of course, reduce the life of the<br />

grindometer. The misuses usually encountered<br />

are mechanical, such as chipping of the blade or<br />

denting of the block. Such misuses involve<br />

rather drastic treatment, and show up immediately<br />

when the instrument is used.<br />

Rusling.-The grindometer is made of carbon<br />

steel and is subject to rusting; it is therefore<br />

important that a coating of a rust-preventive be<br />

kept on the gage when it is not in use.<br />

No difficulty will be encountered if the above<br />

points are recognized and a little care taken.<br />

The Production Grindometer is a precision instrument<br />

and must be treated as such.<br />

Procedure<br />

6. (a) Thoroughly clean the block<br />

and scraper to assure perfect cleanliness<br />

and freedom from dust and lint, or from<br />

grease in which the instrument was<br />

packed. The most effective cleaner is a<br />

lint-free rag with a volatile solvent<br />

such as mineral spirits or carbon tetrachloride.<br />

(b) Place the samples of ink across the<br />

deep end of the grooves about in.<br />

from the end of the block. Approximately<br />

0.5 ml of ink is suf?icient for a path<br />

1 in. wide.<br />

(c) Grasp the scraper in both hands<br />

in a nearly vertical position and draw<br />

down the ink on the block. Make the<br />

drawdown by a smooth, steady stroke<br />

that takes 7 to 10 sec to complete.<br />

(d) Determine grittiness of the ink<br />

films, as described in Section 7. Repeat<br />

the entire procedure at least two more<br />

times. If a reference standard is used in<br />

one path for comparison, alternate its<br />

position from side to side on the repeat<br />

tests.<br />

Calculation and Report<br />

7. Determine and report the grittiness<br />

of the ink by examination of the<br />

scratches appearing in the ink films<br />

(Note 2). A number of methods have<br />

been suggested for the conversion of a<br />

scratch pattern into a simple numerical<br />

result (Note 3) but the following one<br />

is simple and adequate:<br />

(a) Find the first point at which there<br />

are as many as four scratches, and read<br />

off this point to the nearest half division<br />

on the scale at the left of the gage block.<br />

(b) Take a second reading at the point<br />

at which there are as many as ten<br />

scratches. The two figures thus obtained<br />

are indicative of the grittiness of the Ira<br />

in the path examined. The higher they<br />

are, the grittier the ink; and the greater<br />

the difference between them, the broader<br />

the size-range of the largest particles.<br />

NOTE 2.4n some quarters there is a preference<br />

for examining the speckles which appear<br />

on the surface of the drawdown due to protruding<br />

pigment particle. These speckles always<br />

30-53<br />



appear at a greater path depth than do the<br />

scrrtchcs. However, it is frequently difficult to<br />

obtain agreement between operators on speckle<br />

readings without a carefully set-up series of<br />

standards (3);* and no such set of standards<br />

has yet gained broad acceptance.<br />

NOTE 3.-A preferred scale for reporting the<br />

grittiness of an ink, or the fineness of grind, is in<br />

microns. The approximate relationship between<br />

a The boldface numbers in parentheses refer<br />

to the references listed at the end of this method.<br />

other scales and microns is shown in the following<br />

example:<br />

Depth of Groove, P<br />

26 ...............<br />

20 ...............<br />

16 ...............<br />

10 ...............<br />

6 ...............<br />

0 ...............<br />

a To nearest tenth.<br />

Depth of I NF’IRI<br />

G ~ mils~ ~ Scalea ~ ~ ,<br />

1 .o<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

9.8<br />

7.9<br />

6.9<br />

2.9<br />

2.0<br />

0<br />


(1) W. C. Walker and A. C. Zettlemoyer, “The Ink Maker, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 31-34, 55,<br />

NPIRI Production Grindometer,” American 57 (1950).<br />

In& Maker, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 67-69, 93 (3) D. Doubleday and A. Barkman, “Reading<br />

(1949). the Hegman Grind Gage,” OfiiuZ Digmi,<br />

(2) W. C. Walker and A. C. Zettlemoyer, Federation of Paint and Varnish Production<br />

“Grindometer Fundamentals,” Amaican Clubs, No. 307, August, 1950, pp. 598608.<br />


Designation: D 1331 - 56 (Reapproved 1980)''<br />

Reapproved<br />

without change in<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. .19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of AS7'WI Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in-the current combined index, will appeai in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1331; the number immediHtely following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon ( E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

NoTE--Section 2 was added editorially and subsequent d ons renumbered May 1985.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of surface tension and interfacial tension of<br />

solutions of surface-active agents, as defined in<br />

Definitions D 459. Two methods are covered as<br />

follows:<br />

Method A-Surface Tension.<br />

Method B-Interfacial Tension.<br />

1.2 Method A is written primarily to cover<br />

aqueous solutions of surface-active agents, but is<br />

also applicable to nonaqueous solutions and<br />

mixed solvent solutions.<br />

1.3 Method B is applicable to two-phase solutions.<br />

More than one solute component may<br />

be present, including solute components that are<br />

not in themselves surface-active.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard:<br />

D 459 Definitions of Terms Relating to Soaps<br />

and Other Detergents'<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Tensiometer-Either the du Nouy precision<br />

tensiometer or the du Nouy interfacial tensiometer,<br />

equipped with either the 4 or the 6-cm<br />

circumference platinum ring, as furnished by the<br />

manufacturer, may be used. The tensiometer<br />

shall be placed on a sturdy support that is free<br />

from vibrations and other disturbances such as<br />

wind, sunlight, and heat. The wire of the ring<br />

shall be in one plane, free of bends or irregularities,<br />

and circular. When set in the instrument,<br />

the plane of the ring shall be horizontal, that is,<br />

parallel to the surface plane of the liquid being<br />

tested.<br />

3.2 Sample Container-The vessel for holding<br />

the liquid shall be not less than 6 cm in diameter,<br />

and sufficiently large to ensure that the contact<br />

angle between the ring and the interface is zero.<br />

4. Preparation of Apparatus<br />

4.1 Clean all glassware thoroughly. The use of<br />

fresh chromic-sulfuric acid cleaning mixture, followed<br />

by a thorough rinsing in distilled water. is<br />

recommended.<br />

4.2 Clean the platinum ring by rinsing thoroughly<br />

in a suitable solvent and in distilled water,<br />

before taking a set of measurements. Allow the<br />

ring to dry, and then heat to white heat in the<br />

oxidizing portion of a gas flame.<br />

5. Calibration of Apparatus<br />

5.1 The tensiometer is, in fact, a torsion balance,<br />

and the absolute accuracy depends on the<br />

length of the torsion arm, which is adjustable.<br />

Torsion may be applied to the wire by means of<br />

either the dial-adjusting screw (which controls<br />

the dial reading) or a rear adjusting screw. Calibration<br />

consists essentidly in adjusting the iength<br />

of the torsion arm so that the dial scale will read<br />

directly in dynes per centimetre. The precision<br />

tensiometer shall be calibrated in accordance<br />

' These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D12 on Soaps and Other Detergents and is the direct<br />

Responsibility of Subcommittee D 12.15 on Physical <strong>Test</strong>ing.<br />

Cumnt edition approved Sept. 10, 1956. Published November<br />

1956. Originally published as D 1331 - 54 T. Last previous<br />

editionsD 1331-54T.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.04<br />


~<br />

with the following: 5.1.1 to 5.1.3; the interfacial<br />

tensiometer shall be calibrated in accordance<br />

with 5.1.1 to 5.1.4.<br />

5.1.1 Level the tensiometer. A liquid level of<br />

the type employed on analytical balances may be<br />

used. Place the level on the table that holds the<br />

sample for testing, and adjust the leg screws of<br />

the tensiometer until the table is horizontal. Pull<br />

the torsion wire taut by means of the tension<br />

screw, and adjust the dial reading and the vernier<br />

to zero. Insert the platinum ring in the holder,<br />

and place a small piece of paper across the ring.<br />

This will serve as a platform to hold the calibrating<br />

weight. Turn the rear adjusting screw of the<br />

torsion wire until the index level of the arm is<br />

opposite the reference line of the mirror; this<br />

automatically compensates for the weight of the<br />

paper platform. Next, place an accurately standardized<br />

weight of between 500 and 800 mg on<br />

the paper platform and turn the dial-adjusting<br />

screw until the index level of the arm is opposite<br />

the reference line of the mirror. Record the dial<br />

reading to 0.10 divison. Call this “gamma-c.”<br />

5.1.2 Calculate what the reading “gamma-c”<br />

obtained in 5.1.1 should be when the tensiometer<br />

is properly adjusted, as follows (Note 1):<br />

Yc = (M x g112L<br />

where:<br />

M = weight placed on the paper platform, g,<br />

g = gravity constant (Note 2), cgs units, and<br />

L = mean circumference of the ring (furnished<br />

by the manufacturer with each ring).<br />

If the recorded dial reading “gamma-c” is greater<br />

than the calculated value, the torsion arm should<br />

be shortened. If “gamma-c” is less than the calculated<br />

value, the torsion arm should be<br />

lengthened. Repeat the calibration procedure,<br />

readjusting the zero position after each change in<br />

the length of the torsion arm, until the dial<br />

reading agrees with the calculated value. Each<br />

unit of the sale now represents a puii on the ring<br />

of 1 dyne/cm. Note that a conversion factor, F<br />

(see 5. I .3), must be multiplied by the scale reading<br />

to give corrected surface tension in dynes per<br />

centimetre.<br />

NOTE 1 Example-If M is exactly 0.600 g and L is<br />

4.00 cm:<br />

ye = (0.600 x 980.3)/(2 x 4.00) = 73.52 dynes/cm<br />

NOTE 2-The gravity constant is 980.3 at Chicago;<br />

in other localities it will differ very slightly from this<br />

value.<br />

D1331<br />

5.1.3 After the tensiometer has been calibrated,<br />

it is convenient to calculate the number<br />

of grams total pull on the ring that is represented<br />

by each scale divison. This is done simply by<br />

dividing the scale reading into the weight used<br />

for calibration (Note 3). This value is used in the<br />

calculation of the conversion factor, F, mentioned<br />

in 5.1.2<br />

NOTE 3-In the example given in Note 1, each scale<br />

unit after calibration represents:<br />

0.600173.52 = 0.008 16 1 g<br />

5.1.4 Interfacial Tensiometer-With the interfacial<br />

tensiometer, the same principle of calibrating<br />

by adjusting the length of the torsion arm<br />

also applies. This instrument has, however, in<br />

addition to the torsion arm, a torsion-arm counterbalance.<br />

Adjust the length of this counterbalance<br />

to coincide with that of the torsion arm<br />

itself, in order that the vertical members of the<br />

assembly may remain in line.<br />


TENS103<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 After the tensiometer has been calibrated,<br />

check the level and insert the cleaned platinum<br />

ring (Note 4) that will be used in the measurement.<br />

Check the plane of the ring, and set the<br />

dial and vernier at zero. Adjust the rear adjusting<br />

screw so that the index level of the arm is opposite<br />

the reference mark on the mirror, that is, the ri~g<br />

system is at the zero position.<br />

NOTE 4-Extreme care must be taken to have the<br />

sample vessel and platinum ring clean. Contamination<br />

of the liquid surface by dust or other atmospheric<br />

impurities during measurement should be avoided.<br />

6.2 Place the solution to be tested (Note 9,<br />

contained in the thoroughly cleaned vessel (Note<br />

4), on the sample platform. Raise the sample<br />

platform by means of its adjusting screw until<br />

the ring is just submerged.<br />

NOTE 5-Since the surface tension of a solution is a<br />

function of the concentration, care must be taken that<br />

the concentration is adjusted and recorded within<br />

known limits. The presence of solutes other than the<br />

surface-active agent should be ascertained and reported<br />

qualitatively and quantitatively, insofar as possible.<br />

This includes hardness components in the water. Care<br />

should be taken that the solution is physically homogeneous.<br />

Measurements made near or above the cloud<br />

point or other critical solubility points can be in serious<br />

error. This is particularly true when the solute is a<br />

surface-active material.<br />


6.3 Lower the platform slowly, at the same<br />

time applying torsion to the wire by means of<br />

the dial-adjusting screw. These simultaneous adjustments<br />

must be carefully proportioned so that<br />

the ring system remains constantly in its zero<br />

position. As the breaking point is approached,<br />

the adjustments must be made more carefully<br />

and more slowly. Record the dial reading when<br />

the ring detaches from the surface.<br />

6.4 Make at least two measurements. Additional<br />

measurements shall be made if indicated<br />

by the over-all variation obtained, the total number<br />

of readings to be determined by the magnitude<br />

of that variation.<br />

6.5 Record the temperature of the solution<br />

and the age of the surface at the time of testing.<br />

Since the submerging of the ring (6.2) may constitute<br />

a significant disturbance of the surface,<br />

take the age as the dapsed time between submersion<br />

and breakaway of the ring. The accuracy of<br />

this time observation may be indicated in the<br />

usual manner. In most cases an accuracy of +-5<br />

s is reasonable, and sufficient for this method.<br />

7. Calculation and Report<br />

7.1 The dial reading, obtained from a measurement<br />

carried out in the foregoing manner<br />

with a calibrated instrument, is actually the pull<br />

per linear centimetre on the ring (both inner and<br />

outer circumference being considered) at the<br />

break-point, expressed in dynes. This value,<br />

called the uncorrected surface tension, must be<br />

multiplied by a correcting factor, F, to give the<br />

corrected surface tension. F is a function of the<br />

contours of the liquid surface in the neighborhood<br />

of the ring ai the instant of breakaway. It<br />

can be numerically specified in terms of R, the<br />

mean radius, in centimetres, of the ring; r, the<br />

radius, in centimetres, of the wire from which<br />

the ring is made; and V, the maximum volume<br />

of !iquid e!evated above the free surface nf ?he<br />

liquid. For liquids of low surface tension, such as<br />

surface-active agen:s, F is, in general, appreciably<br />

less than unity. It must, therefore, be ascertained<br />

and applied. Values of F in terms of two compounded<br />

parameters, R3/V and R/r have been<br />

compiled and tabulated by Harkins and J~rdan.~<br />

In order to look up F in the tables, the values of<br />

these two parameters must be calculated. Values<br />

for R and I are furnished by the manufacturer<br />

with each ring. The value of Vis calculated from<br />

D 1331<br />

the following equation:<br />

V = M/(D - d)<br />

where:<br />

M = weight of liquid raised above the free surface<br />

of the liquid,<br />

D = density of liquid, and<br />

d = density of air saturated with vapor of the<br />

liquid.<br />

To calculate M, multiply the tensiometer dial<br />

reading by the factor which converts this reading<br />

into grams pull on the ring, as calculated in 5.1.3.<br />

The factor D can be measured by the usual<br />

procedures, and the value d can be obtained from<br />

published data. The corrected surface tension in<br />

dynes per centimetre is obtained by multiplying<br />

the uncorrected surface tension value by F.<br />

7.2 Unless specified, the surface tension values<br />

reported shall be corrected values. Report<br />

also the temperature at which the measurement<br />

was made. If it is desired to report the surface<br />

tension value of an aqueous solution at some<br />

standard temperature, for example, 25'C, and<br />

the measurement was actually made at a temperature<br />

within about 3°C of this value (that is, 22<br />

to 28'C), a correction factor of 0.14 dynes/cm.<br />

'C may be used. Subtract this correction factor<br />

from the surface tension when the temperature<br />

of the test is lower than the reported temperature,<br />

and add it to the surface tension when the temperature<br />

of the test is higher than the reported<br />

temperature. This value for the correction factor<br />

is not valid for nonaqueous liquids, and should<br />

be used only where the solvent is preponderantly<br />

water.<br />


8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Determine interfacial tension as described<br />

in Section 6 for surface tension, with the following<br />

mdifica€ionsr<br />

8. I. 1 Always move the ring from the aqueous<br />

side of the interface through to the nonaqueous<br />

side. With liquids lighter than water, it is accordingly<br />

possible to use the precision tensiometer as<br />

Harkins, W. D., and Jordan, H. F., "A Method for Determination<br />

of Surface and Interfacial Tension from the Maximum<br />

Pull on a Ring." Journal Am. Chemical Sac., Vol 52, 1930, p.<br />

1751. These tables are also published in Physical <strong>Methods</strong> c,'<br />

Organic Chemistry, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York,<br />

NY, VOI 1. 1945, p ~ 182-184. .<br />


D 1331<br />

well as the interfacial tensiometer. With liquids<br />

heavier than water, where the ring must be<br />

pushed downward, the interfacial tensiometer<br />

should be used.<br />

8.1.2 Use fresh solutions and a freshly cleaned<br />

ring for each determination.<br />

8.1.3 When operating with a liquid heavier<br />

than the aqueous solution, place the two-layer<br />

system in the sample vessel and place the ring in<br />

the upper (aqueous) layer. Make the measurement<br />

by turning the torsion wire counter-clockwise<br />

and simultaneously keeping the ring system<br />

in the zero position, as in the measurement of<br />

surface tension, until the ring breaks through the<br />

interface.<br />

8.1.4 When operating with a liquid (oil)<br />

lighter than the aqueous solution, first place the<br />

aqueous solution in the sample vessel and immerse<br />

the ring therein. Carefully pour the oil on<br />

top of the aqueous solution to form the two-layer<br />

system. Contact between the oil and the ring<br />

should be avoided during this operation. After<br />

allowing sufficient time for the interfacial tension<br />

to come to its equilibrium value (Note 6), make<br />

the measurement in the same manner as that<br />

used for measuring surface tension.<br />

NOTE 6-Since the interfacial energy of a newly<br />

formed liquid-liquid interface generally requires some<br />

time to reach its equilibrium value, it is advisable to<br />

wait at least 5 min after the interface is formed before<br />

taking a measurement.<br />

9. Calculation and Report<br />

9.1 As in the case of surface tension, a COK~Ction<br />

factor, F, must be multiplied by the dial<br />

reading (pull on the ring in dynes) in order to<br />

obtain the corrected value for interfacial tension.<br />

Values for F have been published by Zuidema<br />

and Waters! The factor F is, in this case, a<br />

function of the densities of the two liquids as well<br />

as of R and r, the radius of the ring and that of<br />

the wire, respectively.<br />

9.2 Unless specified, interfacial tension values<br />

reported shall be corrected values. Report and<br />

adequately specify the nature of the nonaqueous<br />

liquid (oil) used in the determination. Also report<br />

the temperature at which the determination was<br />

made. In contrast to surface tension values, interfacial<br />

tension values cannot adequately be corrected<br />

for small temperature deviations by means<br />

of a simple formula.<br />

'Zuidema, H. H., and Waters, G. W., "A Ring Method for<br />

Determination of Interfacial Tension," Industrial and Engineering<br />

Chemistry, Analytical Edition, Vol 13, 1941, p. 312.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this stadzrd. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

pa&ent rights. and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This stanahrd is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every jive years and<br />

fnot revised. either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be dressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive car& consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attd. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


4ib<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19105<br />

Raprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Designation: D 1474 - 85<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1474: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

Thew Iii.yI mi.rliod.v huve bivn upprovid ,/iw I I . bv ~ ugimii>.s qf [he Dipwtmcnr of Dil/irnsr 10 replucc Miithod 6212 of Fidiwl <strong>Test</strong><br />

Mi~lliod Slundurd No. 14lA undjiw lisling in Ihii DoD Index of Spi’c’(ficutions and Slundurds.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of the indentation hardness of organic materials<br />

such as dried paint, varnish, and lacquer<br />

coatings, when applied to an acceptable plane<br />

rigid surface, for example, metal or glass.<br />

I .2 Two methods are covered as follows:<br />

Method A-Knoop<br />

Method B-Pfund<br />

Indentation Hardness<br />

Indentation Hardness<br />

Sections<br />

6 to I2<br />

13 to 19<br />

1.3 Method A, which has the greater precision,<br />

provides hardness values in terms of Knoop<br />

Hardness Number (KHN). Method B provides<br />

hardness in terms of Pfund Hardness Number<br />

(PHN). Although the hardness value scales of<br />

these methods differ, the methods agree in the<br />

ranking of coating hardness.<br />

I .4 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all qf‘the saj2t.v prob-<br />

Ions associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whocwr uses this standard to consult and<br />

e.stablish appropriate s&ty and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability Vf‘regulatorv limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D823 <strong>Methods</strong> of Producing Films of Uniform<br />

Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer,<br />

and Related Products on <strong>Test</strong> Panels’<br />

D 1005 Method for Measurement of Dry-Film<br />

Thickness of Organic Coatings Using Micrometers*<br />

D I I86 <strong>Methods</strong> for Nondestructive Measurement<br />

of Dry-Film Thickness of Nonmag-<br />

netic Coatings Applied to a Ferrous Base’<br />

D 1400 Method for Nondestructive Measurement<br />

of Dry-Film Thickness of Nonconductive<br />

Coatings Applied to a Nonferrous BaseZ<br />

3. Definitions<br />

3.1 indentation hardness-the resistance to<br />

penetration by an indenter.<br />

3.2 Knoop indenter-a pyramidal diamond of<br />

prescribed dimensions.<br />

3.3 Pfund indenter-hemispherical quartz or<br />

sapphire indenter of prescribed dimensions.<br />

3.4 Knoop hardness number, KHN-the indentation<br />

hardness determined with a Knoop<br />

indenter, and calculated as follows:<br />

KHN = L/A, = L/12Cp<br />

where:<br />

L = load applied to the indenter, kg,<br />

I = measured length of long diagonal of the<br />

indentation, mm,<br />

C,, = indenter constant relating 1’ to A,,, and<br />

A,, = projected area of indentation, mm2.<br />

3.5 Pliind hardncw number, PHN-the indentation<br />

hardness determined with a Pfund indenter,<br />

and calculated as follows:<br />

PHN = L/A = 4L/*d2 = 1.27 (L/d’)<br />

’ These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-I on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials<br />

and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee W1.23 on<br />

Physical Properties of Applied Films.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 27, 1985. Published November<br />

1985. Originally published as D 1474 - 57 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 1474 - 68 (1979)“.<br />

Annitul Book o/ASTM Stundurds, Vol 06.01.<br />

24 1

D 1474<br />

where:<br />

L = load/kg applied to the indenter, kg,<br />

A = area of projected indentation, mm2, and<br />

d = diameter of projected indentation, mm.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 Identation hardness measurements have<br />

proven to be useful in rating coatings on rigid<br />

substrates for their resistance to mechanical<br />

abuse, such as that produced by blows, gouging,<br />

and scratching. These measurements do not necessarily<br />

characterize the resistance to mechanical<br />

abuse of coatings that are required to remain<br />

intact when deformed.<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

5.1 The substrate for the coating shall be an<br />

acceptable plane rigid surface such as glass or<br />

metal.<br />

5.2 The coating thickness on any one panel<br />

shall be uniform within 0.1 mil (3 pm). Coatings<br />

to be compared shall be of equal thickness within<br />

0.2 mil (5 pm). For maximum accuracy, the<br />

minimum permissible coating thickness shall be<br />

such that the depth of indentation does not exceed<br />

three fourths of the coating thickness, to<br />

minimize the effect of the substrate.<br />

5.3 At least three replicate specimens shall be<br />

tested for each coating to be evaluated.<br />

5.4 Coatings should be applied in accordance<br />

with <strong>Methods</strong> D 823 and their dry film thickness<br />

should be measured in accordance with <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 1005, D 1186, or D 1400.<br />



6. Summary of Method<br />

6.1 This method consists of applying a load<br />

to the surface of a coating by means of a pyramidal<br />

shaped diamond having specified face angles,<br />

and converting the measurements of the<br />

resultant permanent impression to a hardness<br />

number.<br />

7. Apparatus<br />

7.1 Hardness Te~ter,~ consisting of a load applicator,<br />

a Knoop indenter, and a microscope<br />

fitted with a movable micrometer stage. The<br />

apparatus shall mechanically bring the indenter<br />

into contact with the test surface with negligible<br />

impact, apply the selected full load, maintain it<br />

for 18 & 0.5 s, and withdraw the indenter.<br />

7.2 Knoop Indenter-The Knoop indenter is<br />

a pyramidal diamond with included longitudinal<br />

angles of 172" 30' and included transverse angle<br />

of 130" 0'.<br />

NOTE I-The ratio of the long to the short diagonal<br />

of the impression is approximately 7: 1 ; the ratio of the<br />

long diagonal to the depth of penetration is approximately<br />

30: 1.<br />

7.3 Microscope-The microscope shall have a<br />

filar micrometer eyepiece and sufficient objectives<br />

to permit the measurement of the length of<br />

impression to within &I %. The specimen shall<br />

be firmly supported on a movable micrometer<br />

stage attached to the microscope.<br />

8. Calibration<br />

8.1 Adjust the illumination in the microscope<br />

to give maximum contrast when viewing an indentation.<br />

8.2 By means of a calibrated scale, determine<br />

the factor for each microscope objective that will<br />

convert the filar scale units of the eyepiece to<br />

millimetres.<br />

8.3 With a 25-g load on the indenter, determine<br />

the KHN of a calibrated standard (Note 2)<br />

whose assigned value is not greater than 50 KHN.<br />

If the obtained value is within &5 % of the assigned<br />

value, the instrument is considered to be<br />

in calibration.<br />

NOTE 2-A suitable source of calibrated standards<br />

in this hardness range is not available. Therefore, by<br />

agreement of the parties concerned, a stable specimen<br />

(such as an aged coating of a baked enamel applied to<br />

a flat substrate) should be used to calibrate the participating<br />

hardness testers.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Unless otherwise specified, make the hardness<br />

determinations at 73.5 & 3.50"F (23 & 2°C)<br />

and 50 & 5 % relative humidity after equilibrating<br />

the specimens cnder these cnnditinns fer at<br />

least 24 h.<br />

9.2 Rigidly attach the specimen to the movable<br />

stage so that the surface to be measured is<br />

normal to the direction of indentation.<br />

NOTE 3-The panel should be so mounted that it<br />

Among the hardness testers meeting the apparatus requirements<br />

for this method are the Tukon Micro-hardness <strong>Test</strong>er<br />

and the Riehle Kentron Micro-hardness <strong>Test</strong>er, available from<br />

the Page-Wilson Measurement System Div., 929 Connecticut<br />

Ave., Box 902 I , Bridgeport, CT 06602.<br />


D 1474<br />

cannot move with respect to the stage in any direction<br />

during the course of the test.<br />

9.3 Use the microscope to select an area of<br />

the test specimen that is free of surface irregularities<br />

and imperfections. Place this area under the<br />

indenter by means of the movable micrometer<br />

stage.<br />

NOTE 4-If good impressions cannot be obtained<br />

because of the roughness of the surface of the specimen,<br />

gently polish the surface with No. 400 carborundum<br />

and finish off with jewelers rouge before making the<br />

impression.<br />

9.4 Preset the apparatus to apply a 25-g load<br />

and perform the test according to the manufacturer’s<br />

instructions. Maintain the time the indenter<br />

is in contact with the specimen for 18 f<br />

0.5 s.<br />

NOTE 5-For maximum accuracy, care must be<br />

taken that the indenter does not penetrate the coating<br />

to a depth beyond three fourths ofthe coating thickness.<br />

This is necessary to eliminate any major substrate effect<br />

on the hardness measurement.<br />

9.5 Immediately after the completion of the<br />

cycle, adjust the movable stage so that the indentation<br />

is in the field of the microscope. Focus the<br />

microscope on the indentation so that both extremities<br />

of the long diagonal (that is, where the<br />

upper edges of the indentation just converge) are<br />

as sharp as possible. Measure the length of the<br />

long diagonal of the impression with the filar<br />

micrometer eyepiece.<br />

NOTE 6-Select a microscope objective that will<br />

cause the length of impression to be between 200 and<br />

800 filar units to assure maximum accuracy in measurement.<br />

9.6 From the measurements obtained in 9.5,<br />

the information given in Note 1, and the measured<br />

film thickness at the place of indentation,<br />

calculate the depth of indenter penetration. If the<br />

depth of penetration exceeds three-fourths of the<br />

coating thickness, the results may be influenced<br />

by substrate proximity. Therefore, for maximum<br />

accuracy it is desirable to prepare thicker specimens<br />

and repeat the test. Instead of this procedure,<br />

at the option of purchaser and seller, an<br />

indenter load of less than 25 g may be used.<br />

9.7 Repeat the procedure described in 9.3,9.4,<br />

and 9.5 until at least five impressions have been<br />

made at widely spaced locations on the specimen.<br />

10. Calculations<br />

10.1 Calculate the mean indentation length in<br />

filar units.<br />

10.2 Convert this mean indentation length to<br />

KHN by means of the appropriate tables supplied<br />

with the instrument.<br />

NOTE 7-If a conversion table is not available, the<br />

KHN may be calculated as follows:<br />

KHN = O.O25/l2CP<br />

where:<br />

0.025= load applied, kg, to the indenter,<br />

1 = length of long diagonal of indentation,<br />

mm, and<br />

C, = indenter constant = 7.028 X lo-’.<br />

11. Report<br />

1 1.1 Report the following information:<br />

11.1.1 Mean and range of KHN values obtained<br />

for each specimen, stating the number of<br />

indentations made and the indenter load used,<br />

11.1.2 Mean film thickness of each specimen,<br />

based on the measurements made at the points<br />

of indentation,<br />

11. I .3 Specimen preparation and conditioning<br />

techniques used, and<br />

11.1.4 Mean and range of KHN values of the<br />

replicate panels.<br />

12. Precision<br />

12.1 On the basis of an interlaboratory test of<br />

this method in which operators in six laboratories<br />

tested seven coated panels having a broad range<br />

of hardness, the within-laboratory coefficient of<br />

variation was found to be 3 % with 2 1 degrees of<br />

freedom and the between-laboratories coefficient<br />

of variation 8 % with 30 degrees of freedom.<br />

Based upon these coefficients, the following criteria<br />

should be used for judging the acceptability<br />

of results at the 95 % confidence level:<br />

12.1.1 Repeatability-Two results, each the<br />

mean of three determinations on a specimen,<br />

obtained by the same operator should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than 9 % of<br />

their mean va!ue.<br />

12.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results, each the<br />

mean of three determinations on a specimen,<br />

obtained by operators in different laboratories<br />

should be considered suspect if they differ by<br />

more than 24 % of their mean value.<br />



13. Summary of Method<br />

13.1 This method consists of applying a load<br />

to the surface of a coating, by means of a trans-<br />


D 1474<br />

parent colorless quartz or synthetic sapphire<br />

hemisphere having a specified diameter, and converting<br />

the measurement of the resultant observed<br />

impression under load to a hardness number.<br />

14. Apparatus<br />

14.1 Hardness <strong>Test</strong>ers-The hardness testers<br />

used in this method shall consist of a load applicator,<br />

a Pfund quartz or sapphire indenter, and<br />

a microscope fitted with a stage. The apparatus<br />

shall be constructed so as to permit the indenter<br />

to be brought manually into contact with the<br />

specimen surface with negligible impact.<br />

14.2 Pfund Indentef-The Pfund indenter<br />

(Fig. 1) is a transparent colorless quartz or synthetic<br />

sapphire hemisphere with a spherical radius<br />

of 0.125 in. (3.18 mm) and a maximum<br />

spherical eccentricity of 0.002 in. (0.05 mm).<br />

14.3 Microscope-The microscope shall have<br />

a filar micrometer eyepiece and sufficient objectives<br />

to permit the measurement of the diameter<br />

of impression to within 21 %. The specimen<br />

shall be rigidly supported on the microscope<br />

stage.<br />

14.4 Timer, capable of measuring a time interval<br />

of 60 & 0.5 s.<br />

15. Standardization<br />

15.1 Adjust the illumination in the microscope<br />

to give maximum contrast when viewing<br />

an indentation.<br />

15.2 By means of a calibrated scale, determine<br />

the factor for each microscope objective that will<br />

convert the filar scale units of the eyepiece to<br />

millimetres.<br />

15.3 With a 1 .O-kg load on the indenter, determine<br />

the PHN of a calibrated standard (Note<br />

2) with an assigned value not greater than 40<br />

PHN. If the value obtained is within &5 ?6 of the<br />

assigned value. the instrument shall be considered<br />

to be in calibration.<br />

16. Procedure<br />

16.1 Unless otherwise specified, make the<br />

hardness determination at 73.5 f 3.5"F (23 f<br />

2°C) and 50 & 5 ?6 relative humidity, after holding<br />

the specimens under these conditions for not<br />

less than 24 h.<br />

16.2 Rigidly attach the specimens to the instrument<br />

stage such that the surface to be measured<br />

is normal to the direction of indentation<br />

(Note 3).<br />

16.3 With a 1 .O-kg load on the indenter. carefully<br />

bring the indenter into contact with the<br />

specimen surface, apply the full load, and start<br />

the timer. ~<br />

16.4 At the end of 60 s, while still under full<br />

load, rapidly measure the diameter of the circular<br />

impression with the filar eyepiece of the microscope<br />

(Note 6). It is very important that the<br />

diameter measurements be made rapidly so that<br />

the time the indenter is in contact with the specimen<br />

is closely controlled.<br />

16.5 From the measurements obtained in<br />

16.4, the information given in 14.2, and the<br />

measured film thickness at the place of indentation,<br />

calculate the depth of indenter penetration.<br />

If the depth of penetration exceeds three fourths<br />

of the coating thickness, the results may be influenced<br />

by substrate proximity. Therefore, for<br />

maximum accuracy it may be desirable to prepare<br />

thicker specimens and repeat the test.<br />

16.6 Repeat the procedure in 16.3 and 16.4<br />

until a total of at least five impressions have been<br />

made at widely spaced locations on the specimen.<br />

17. Calculations<br />

17.1 Calculate the mean indentation diameter<br />

in filar units.<br />

17.2 Convert this mean indentation diameter<br />

to millimetres using the appropriate factor determined<br />

in 15.2.<br />

17.3 Calculate the PHN as follows:<br />

PHN = 1.27/d2<br />

where:<br />

d= mean indentation diameter, mm.<br />

18. Report<br />

18.1 Report the following:<br />

18.1.1 Mean and range of PHN values obtained<br />

for each specimen, stating the number of<br />

indentations made.<br />

18.1.2 Mean film thickness of the specimen,<br />

based on measurements made near the points of<br />

indentation,<br />

18.1.3 Specimen preparation and conditioning<br />

techniques used, and<br />

18.1.4 Mean and range of PHN values of the<br />

replicate panels.<br />

A hardness tester meeting the apparatus requirements of<br />

this method is the Pfund Indentation Hardness <strong>Test</strong>er. available<br />

from the United States <strong>Test</strong>ing Co.. 1415 Park Ave.. Hoboken.<br />

NJ 07030.<br />


Nb<br />

Designation: D 1475 - 85<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the Rext edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method For<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1475; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Departmeni of Defense to replace Meihod 4184.1 of Federal Tesi Meihod<br />

Standard No. 141A and for lisiing in the DoD Index qfSpeclficaiions and Standards.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers the measurement<br />

of density of paints, varnishes, lacquers, and<br />

components thereof, other than pigments, when<br />

in fluid form.<br />

1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard:<br />

E 380 Metric Practice2<br />

3. Definition<br />

3.1 density-the mass (weight in vacuum) of<br />

a unit volume of the liquid at any given temperature.<br />

In this method, it is expressed as the weight<br />

in grams per millilitre, or as the weight in pounds<br />

avoirdupois of one U. S. gallon, of the liquid at<br />

the specified temperature; in the absence of other<br />

temperature specification, 25°C is assumed.<br />

4. Summary of Method<br />

4.1 The accurately known absolute density of<br />

distilled water at various temperatures (Table 1)<br />

is used to calibrate the volume of a container.<br />

The weight of the paint liquid contents of the<br />

same container at the standard temperature<br />

(25°C) or at an agreed-upon temperature is then<br />

determined and density of the contents calcu-<br />

lated in terms of grams per millilitre, or pounds<br />

per gallon at the specified temperature.<br />

5. Significance and Use<br />

5.1 Density is weight per unit volume. It is a<br />

key property in the identification, characterization,<br />

and quality control of a wide range of<br />

materials. Density measurements in terms of<br />

weight per gallon are commonly used to check<br />

paint quality. If the density is not within specification,<br />

there is a good chance that there was a<br />

mischarge or other serious problem.<br />

5.2 This test method is suitable for the determination<br />

of density of paint and related products<br />

and components when in liquid form. It is particularly<br />

applicable when the fluid has too high a<br />

viscosity or when a component is too volatile for<br />

a density balance determination.<br />

5.3 This test method provides for the maximum<br />

accuracy required for hiding power determinations.<br />

It is equally suitable for work in which<br />

less accuracy is required, by ignoring the directions<br />

for recalibration and consideration of temperature<br />

differentials, and using the container as<br />

a “weight-per-gallon” cup.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 Pycnometer-Any type, or weight-per-gal-<br />

’ This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-l on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is<br />

the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D01.24 on Physical<br />

Properties of Liquid Paints and Paint Materials.<br />

Current edition approved May 31, 1985. Published July<br />

1985. Originally published as D 1475 - 57 T. Last previous edition<br />

D 1475 - 60 (1980)“.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.<br />


D 1475<br />

Ion cup, having a capacity of from 20 to 100 mL<br />

may be used, provided that it may be filled<br />

readily with a viscous liquid, adjusted to exact<br />

volume, and covered to exclude loss of volatile<br />

matter.<br />

6.2 Thermometers, graduated in O.l"C, such<br />

as are supplied with glass pycnometers.<br />

6.3 Constant- Temperature Bath, held at<br />

25 k 0.1"C is desirable.<br />

6.4 Laboratory Analytical Balance.<br />

NOTE 1 -The usual weight-per-gallon cup and similar<br />

specialized pycnometers may have filled weights<br />

that exceed the capacity of the usual laboratory analytical<br />

balance. In such cases, use of a hanging pan, triplebeam<br />

balance, with scales graduated to 0.01 g has been<br />

found to provide results the mean of which was consistent<br />

with the overall precision and accuracy of the<br />

method.<br />

6.5 Desiccator and Desiccated Balance, or a<br />

room of reasonably constant temperature and<br />

humidity are desirable.<br />

7. Calibration of Pycnometer or Cup<br />

7.1 Determine the volume of the container at<br />

the specified temperature by employing the following<br />

steps:<br />

7.1.1 Clean and dry the container and bring<br />

it to constant weight. Chromic acid (see<br />

cleaner and nonresidual solvents may be used<br />

with glass containers and solvents with metal<br />

containers. For maximum accuracy, continue<br />

rinsing, drying, and weighing until the difference<br />

between two successive weighings does not exceed<br />

0.001 % of the weight of the container.<br />

Fingerprints on the container will change the<br />

weight and must be avoided. Record the weight,<br />

M, in grams.<br /> Chromic acid cleaning solution is corrosive<br />

to skin, eyes and mucous membranes and<br />

can cause severe burns. Avoid contact with eyes,<br />

skin or clothing. In making dilute solution, always<br />

add acid to water with care. In case of<br />

contact, flush skin with water, using a shower if<br />

exposure is severe. Flush eyes for 15 minutes<br />

with copious amounts of water. Immediately call<br />

a physician. Remove clothing immediately and<br />

wash before reuse. Chromic acid cleaning solution<br />

is a strong oxidizer. Avoid contact with<br />

organic or reducing substances as a fire could<br />

results. See supplier's Material Safety Data Sheet<br />

for further information.<br />

7.1.2 Fill the container with freshly boiled<br />

distilled water at a temperature somewhat below<br />

that specified. Cap the container, leaving the<br />

overflow orifice open. Immediately remove excess<br />

overflowed water or water held in depressions<br />

by wiping dry with absorbent material.<br />

Avoid occluding air bubbles in the container.<br />

7.1.3 Bring the container and contents to the<br />

specified temperature using the constant-temperature<br />

bath or room if necessary. This will cause<br />

further slight flow of water from the overflow<br />

orifice due to the expansion of the water with the<br />

rise of the temperature.<br />

7.1.4 Remove the excess overflow by wiping<br />

carefully with absorbent material, avoiding wicking<br />

of water out of orifice, and immediately cap<br />

the overflow tube where such has been provided.<br />

Dry the outside of the container, if necessary, by<br />

wiping with absorbent material. Do not remove<br />

overflow that occurs subsequent to the first wiping<br />

after attainment of the desired temperature<br />

(Note 2). Immediately weigh the filled container<br />

to the nearest 0.001 % of its weight (Note 3).<br />

Record this weight, N, in grams.<br />

NOTE 2-Handling the container with bare hands<br />

will increase the temperature and cause more overflow<br />

from the overflow orifice, and will also leave fingerprints;<br />

hence, handling only with tongs and with hands<br />

protected by clean, dry, absorbent material is recommended.<br />

NOTE 3-Immediate and rapid weighing of the filled<br />

container is recommended here to minimize loss of<br />

weight due to evaporation of the water through orifices,<br />

and from overflow subsequent to the first wiping after<br />

attainment of temperature where this overflow is not<br />

retained by a cap.<br />

7.1.5 Calculate the container volume as follows:<br />

V=(N-M)/p<br />

where:<br />

V = volume of container, mL,<br />

N = weight of container and water, g (7.1.4),<br />

M = weight of dry container, g (7.1.1), and<br />

p = absolute density of water at specified temperature,<br />

g/mL (see Table I).<br />

7.1.6 Obtain the mean of at least three determinations.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Repeat the steps in Section 7, substituting<br />

the sample for the distilled water and a suitable<br />

nonresidual solvent for the acetone or alcohol<br />

(see 7.1.2 and Note 4). Record the weight of the<br />

filled container, W, and the weight of the empty<br />

container, w, in grams.<br />


D 1475<br />

NOTE 4-Trapping of paint liquids in ground glass<br />

or metal joints is likely to result in high values of density<br />

that appear to increase with the viscosity and density<br />

of the material: such errors should be minimized by<br />

firm seating of the joints.<br />

8.2 Calculate the density in grams per millilitre<br />

as follows:<br />

where:<br />

D,,, = density, g/mL.<br />

D,,,=(W- W)/V<br />

8.3 Calculate the density in pounds per gallon<br />

as follows:<br />

D=(W- w)K/V<br />

where:<br />

D = density, lb/gal,<br />

K = 8.3454 (Note 5), and<br />

I/ = volume of container, mL (see 7.1.6).<br />

NOTE 5-The factor K, 8.3454, is calculated from<br />

volume-weight relationship as follows:<br />

8.345404 = [(2.54)" x (23 I .00)b]/(453.59237)c<br />

(2.54)' is the conversion factor for millilitres to<br />

cubic inches.<br />

23 1 .OO is the conversion factor for cubic Aches to<br />

gallons.<br />

'453.59237 is the conversion factor for grams to<br />

pounds.<br />

9. Report<br />

9. I In reporting the density, state the test temperature<br />

to the nearest O.l"C, the units, and the<br />

value calculated to the third place to the right of<br />

the decimal point (for example, D = x.xxx Ib/gal<br />

at 25°C); state the mean, the range, and the<br />

number of replicate determinations.<br />

10. Precision and Bias<br />

10.1 The precision estimates are based on an<br />

interlaboratory study in which one operator in<br />

each of six different laboratories analyzed in duplicate<br />

on two different days five samples of paint<br />

ranging in density from 8.5 to 12.5 Ibs/gal. The<br />

results were analyzed statistically in accordance<br />

with Practice E 180. The within-laboratory coefficient<br />

of variation was found to be 0.20 % relative<br />

with 25 degrees of freedom and the betweenlaboratory<br />

coefficient of variation was 0.6 1 %<br />

relative with 20 degrees of freedom. Based on<br />

these coefficients, the following criteria should be<br />

used for judging the acceptability of results at the<br />

95 % confidence level:<br />

10.1.1 Repeatability-Two results, each the<br />

mean of duplicate determinations, obtained by<br />

the same operator on different days should be<br />

considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

0.6 % relative.<br />

10.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results, each the<br />

mean of duplicate determinations, obtained by<br />

operators in different laboratories should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than 1.8 %<br />

relative.<br />

10.2 No data on bias has been generated for<br />

this method.<br />


TABLE 1<br />

Absolute Density of Water, g/mL<br />

"C Density<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

0.999127<br />

0.99897 I<br />

0.998772<br />

0.998623<br />

0.998433<br />

0.99823 1<br />

0.998020<br />

0.997798<br />

0.997566<br />

0.997324<br />

0.997072<br />

0.99681 1<br />

0.996540<br />

0.996260<br />

0.995972<br />

0.995684<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any irem mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination ofthe validity qf any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement cf such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every Jive years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting ofthe<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing voir should<br />

makevour views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


clSTb<br />

Designation: D 1544 - 80<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


SCALE)'<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1544, the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval.<br />

This method has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace Method 4248 of Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

Standard No. 141A and for listing in the DoD Index of SpecPCations and Standards.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the measurement of<br />

the color of transparent liquids by means of<br />

comparison with arbitrarily numbered glass<br />

standards. It applies to drying oils, varnishes,<br />

fatty acids, polymerized fatty acids, and resin<br />

solutions. Its application to other materials has<br />

not been tested.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 1545 <strong>Test</strong> for Viscosity of Transparent Liquids<br />

by Bubble Time Method2<br />

E 308 Recommended Practice For Spectrophotometry<br />

and Description of Color in<br />

CIE 1931 Systems3<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Glass Standards, 18, numbered separately,<br />

and having the color characteristics<br />

given in Table 1. A suitable procedure for their<br />

calibration is contained in the Appendix. The<br />

color shall be produced by the glass components<br />

only.<br />

3.2 Glass Tubes, c!ear, !Oh5 mm in inside<br />

diameter and about 114 mm in outside length.<br />

(Viscosity tubes, as described in Method<br />

D 1545, are satisfactory.)<br />

3.3 Suitable apparatus for comparing sample<br />

and standard. The apparatus may be of any<br />

design, but should have the following characteristics:<br />

3.3.1 Illumination-CIF. Illuminant C.<br />

3.3.2 Surrounding Field-The field should<br />

not differ significantly in brightness from the<br />

samples and standards and should be essentially<br />

achromatic.<br />

3.3.3 Field of View-The specimen and one<br />

or more standards should subtend a visual angle<br />

of about 2 deg and be in the field of view<br />

simultaneously.<br />

3.3.4 Separation of Standard and Specimen-<br />

There should be a perceptible separation between<br />

specimen and standard, but this should<br />

be as small as is mechanically possible.<br />

4. Procedure<br />

4.1 Fill a glass tube with the material under<br />

test. If the material is perceptibly cloudy, first<br />

filter it.<br />

4.2 Compare with glass standards, determining<br />

which standard most closely matches the<br />

specimen in brightness and saturation. Ignore<br />

hue differences.<br />

5. Report<br />

5.1 Report the color as the number of the<br />

standard most closely matching the specimen.<br />

If more precise measurements are needed, report<br />

as either matching a standard or lighter or<br />

darker. Thus, between colors 5 and 6, the steps<br />

will be 5, 5+, 5-, and 6.<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of Committee D-1<br />

on Paint and Related Coatings and is the direct responsibility<br />

of Subcommittee DOI.33 on Varnish and Resins Including<br />

Shellac.<br />

Current edition approved March 10, 1980. Published May<br />

1980. Originally published as D 1544 - 58 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 1544- 68 (1974).<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 27, 28, and 29.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 27 and 46.<br />


D 1544<br />

6. Precision<br />

6.1 On the basis of a study in which one<br />

observer at each of 80 laboratories made duplicate<br />

determinations on four samples, the<br />

"between" and "within" standard deviations<br />

were found to be 0.5 and 0.1 color number,<br />

respectively. Based on these standard deviations,<br />

the following criteria should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results at the 95 96<br />

confidence level.<br />

6.2 Repeatability-Two results obtained by<br />

a single operator should be considered suspect<br />

if they differ by more than two thirds of a color<br />

number.<br />

6.3 Reproducibility-Two results, each of the<br />

mean of duplicate measurements, made by operators<br />

in different laboratories should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than four-<br />

thirds of a color number.<br />

NOTE 1-If desired, liquid standards matching the<br />

colors given in Table 1, in glass tubes similar to the<br />

sample tubes may be used. These may be filled with<br />

potassium chloroplatinate for the light colors and<br />

solutions of ferric chloride and cobalt chloride in<br />

hydrochloric acid for the darker colors. The specifications<br />

and approximate composition of these solutions<br />

are given in ASTM Method D I544 - 58 T, <strong>Test</strong><br />

for Color of Transparent Liquids (Gardner Color<br />

Scale)." Many Glass Standards in current use do not<br />

conform to the values of Table 1.<br />

NOTE 2-The precision data were obtained using<br />

an instrument in which two standards are viewed<br />

simultaneously. There are other instruments available<br />

for color matching which would be expected to<br />

give similar results, but the statement above applies<br />

only to the instrument checked.<br />

' Discontinued, see 1961 Book of ASTM Standards, Part<br />

8.<br />

TABLE 1<br />

Color Specifications of Reference Standards<br />

Gard- Chromaticity Coordiner<br />

nates"<br />

Lumi- Trans-<br />

Color<br />

mittnous<br />

Stand- Transmit- Talerance<br />

ard<br />

tance Y<br />

Num-<br />

X<br />

Y<br />

ance<br />

(If-)<br />

ber<br />

I 0.3 I77 0.3303 80 7<br />

2 0.3233 0.3352 79 7<br />

3 0.3329 0.3452 76 6<br />

4 0.3437 0.3644 75 5<br />

5 0.3558 0.3840 74 4<br />

6 0.3767 0.4061 71 4<br />

7 0.4044 0.4352 67 4<br />

8 0.4207 0.4498 64 4<br />

9 0.4343 0.4640 61 4<br />

IO 0.4503 0.4760 57 4<br />

II 0.4842 0.48 I8 45 4<br />

12 0.5077 0.4638 36 5<br />

13 0.5392 0.4458 30 6<br />

14 0.5646 0.4270 22 6<br />

15 0.5857 0.4089 16 2<br />

16 0.6047 0.3921 II I<br />

17 0.6290 0.3701 6 1<br />

18 0.6477 0.3521 4 1<br />

a A duplicate standard shall have chromaticity coordinates<br />

that differ from the reference standard by no more than one<br />

third of the difference in x or ,P between adjacent reference<br />

standards. In any one set, no two standards shall be closer<br />

together than two thirds of the difference in x or ,p between<br />

corresponding reference standards.<br />

-<br />



A I. 1 Select a dual beam spectrophotometer with<br />

a sufficiently small light beam at the sample position<br />

so that all rays will pass through the standards to be<br />

calibrated. Alternatively equip the spectrophotometer<br />

with a condensing lens to accomplish this purpose.<br />

A1.2 Place the standards in turn in the sample<br />


position of the spectrophotometer. If the comparator<br />

is provided with a separate green filter in front of the<br />

light source, place this filter in the reference beam of<br />

the dual beam spectrophotometer during calibration<br />

of each standard.<br />

A1.3 Obtain spectral transmittance data for each<br />

glass reference standard by following Recommended<br />

Practice E 308.<br />

A1.4 From the spectral transmittance data for<br />

each reference standard calculate the CIE tristimulus<br />

values, X, Y, Z, and the chromaticity coordinates, x,<br />

y, for CIE Illuminant C (see Recommended Practice<br />

E 308).<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this siandard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the va1idit.y<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years<br />

and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. Ifyou feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, which will schedule a<br />

further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there, you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors.<br />

25 1

4Ib<br />

Designation: D 1653 - 85<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />


FILMS'<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1653; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

These test methods have been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense to replace Method 61 71 of Federal <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method Standard No. 141A and for listing in the DoD Index of SpeciJiations and Standards.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of the rate at which water vapor passes<br />

through films of paint, varnish, lacquer, and<br />

other organic coatings. The films may be free<br />

films or they may be on substrates such as plastic<br />

film, glass cloth, paper, or thin plywood.<br />

1.2 Two methods are covered as follows:<br />

1.2.1 Method A-Wet Cup Method, and<br />

1.2.2 Method B-Dry Cup Method.<br />

1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use. Specific precautionary statements<br />

are given in Section 8.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D823 <strong>Methods</strong> of Producing Films of Uniform<br />

Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer,<br />

and Related Products on <strong>Test</strong> Panels'<br />

D 1005 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Measurement of Dry-<br />

Film Thickness of Organic Coatings Using<br />

Micrometers2<br />

D 1 193 Specification for Reagent Water3<br />

E 96 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for Water Vapor Transmission<br />

of Materials4<br />

3. Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard<br />

3.1 water vapor transmission rate, WVT-the<br />

steady water vapor flow in unit time through unit<br />

area of a body, between two specific parallel<br />

surfaces, under specific conditions of temperature<br />

and humidity at each surface. Accepted<br />

inch-pound units are grains per square foot per<br />

hour. Accepted SI units are grams per square<br />

metre per 24 h.<br />

3.2 water vaporpermeance, WVP-the steady<br />

water vapor flow in unit time through unit area<br />

of a body induced by unit vapor pressure difference<br />

(Ap) between the two surfaces of the coating.<br />

Therefore, WVP = WVT/Ap. Accepted inchpound<br />

units are grains per square foot per hour<br />

per inch of mercury (called a perm). Accepted SI<br />

units are grams per square metre per 24 h per<br />

millimetre of mercury (called a metric perm).<br />

3.3 water vapor permeability, P-the permeance<br />

through the total thickness of a body. Therefore,<br />

P = (WVP).l, where 1 is thickness of body.<br />

Accepted inch-pound units are grains per square<br />

foot per hour per inch of mercury per mil of<br />

thickness (called perm-mil). Accepted SI units<br />

are grams per square metre per 24 h per millimetre<br />

of mercury per centimetre of thickness<br />

(called metric perm-centimetre).<br />

'These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials<br />

and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D01.23 on<br />

Physical Properties and Applied Paint Films.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 27, 1985. Published November<br />

1985. Originally published as D 1653 - 59 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 1653 - 72 (1979)t'.<br />

' Annual Book qf ASTM Standards, Vol06.0 I.<br />

'Annual Book ufASTM Standards, Vol06.03.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol04.06.<br />


D 1653<br />

4. Summary of Method<br />

4.1 In Method A (Wet Cup Method), the test<br />

specimen is sealed to the open mouth of a cup<br />

or dish containing distilled water, and the assembly<br />

placed in a test chamber with a controlled<br />

atmosphere. Two sets of exposure conditions are<br />

recommended for this method:<br />

4.1. I Condition A, consisting of very low relative<br />

humidity at 73°F (23"C), and<br />

4.1.2 Condition B, consisting of 50 % relative<br />

humidity at 73°F (23°C). Periodic weighings of<br />

the cup or dish are made to determine the rate<br />

of water vapor movement through the specimen.<br />

4.2 In Method B (Dry Cup Method) the test<br />

specimen is sealed to the open mouth of a cup<br />

or dish containing desiccant, and the assembly<br />

placed in a test chamber with a controlled atmosphere.<br />

Two sets of exposure conditions are<br />

recommended for this method:<br />

4.2.1 Condition B, consisting of 50 % relative<br />

humidity at 73°F (23"C), and<br />

4.2.2 Condition C, consisting of 90 % relative<br />

humidity at 100°F (38°C). Periodic weighings of<br />

the cup or dish are made to determine the rate<br />

of water vapor movement through the specimen.<br />

5. Significance And Use<br />

5.1 One of the factors affecting the protection<br />

provided by an organic coating is the resistance<br />

of the coating to permeation by water vapor.<br />

Hence, the permeability characteristics of coatings<br />

are important in assessing their performance<br />

in practical use.<br />

5.2 The purpose of these test methods is to<br />

obtain reliable values of water vapor transfer<br />

through permeable and semipermeable organic<br />

coatings. These values are for use in design, manufacture,<br />

and marketing.<br />

5.3 Water vapor transmission rate is not necessarily<br />

a linear function of film thickness and is<br />

not a linear function of temperature and relative<br />

humidity. Therefore, a permeance value obtained<br />

under one set of conditions may not indicate<br />

what the value would be for a different set<br />

of conditions. For this reason, the test conditions<br />

should be selected that most closely approach the<br />

conditions of use. While any set of conditions<br />

may be used, standard conditions that have been<br />

useful are given.<br />

5.4 Values of water vapor transmission rate<br />

(WVT) can be used in the relative rating of<br />

coatings for permeance only if the coatings are<br />

tested under the same closely controlled conditions<br />

of temperature and relative humidity and<br />

their film thicknesses are equal.<br />

5.5 Values of water vapor permeance (WVP)<br />

can be used for the comparison of materials of<br />

equal thickness that have been tested under different<br />

conditions of temperature and humidity.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 Permeability Cup' or Dish (Note l), consisting<br />

of a container made of noncorroding material,<br />

impermeable to water or water vapor. It<br />

should have a capacity of approximately 25 mL<br />

and be of such dimensions and mass that it can<br />

be weighed on an analytical balance. It should<br />

have a mouth opening that will permit the exposure<br />

of at least 25 cm2 of film to atmospheric<br />

conditions.<br />

NOTE I-If the cup or dish is made of aluminum,<br />

it must be anodized or given a protective clear coating<br />

to prevent corrosion.<br />

6.1. I One type of cup that is suitable has a<br />

flanged edge and is equipped with a separate<br />

corresponding flange, so that the test specimen<br />

can be held between them. The contacting faces<br />

of the flanges shall be ground to such flatness<br />

that when the film is in position, no moisture<br />

can be lost from the cup, except through the<br />

exposed area. For hard films, or films having a<br />

very rough surface, a soft rubber gasket may be<br />

inserted between the film and the flange. The<br />

flanges shall be held together with suitable<br />

clamps. A suitable cup of this type is the Gardner-<br />

Park Permeability Cup shown in Fig. 1.<br />

6.1.2 Another suitable cup is an open circular<br />

dish to which the test specimen can be sealed<br />

with wax.<br />

6.2 Low-Humidity Chamber, consisting of a<br />

standard glass desiccator or other suitable cabinet<br />

in which a desiccant may be placed that will<br />

produce a condition of very low (near zero) relative<br />

humidity. Provision must be made to maintain<br />

the desiccator or low-humidity chamber at<br />

a uniform temperature to within 1°F (0.6"C) of<br />

the desired temperature.<br />

NOTE 2-The desiccant may be replaced with a salt<br />

solution of known vapor pressure when a condition<br />

higher than practically zero vapor pressure is required.<br />

--<br />

'The Gardner Permeability Cup, with test area of 25 cm2,<br />

available from the Gardner/Neotec Division of the Pacific Scientific<br />

Co., 1 100 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910,<br />

has been found satisfactory for this purpose. Other suitable types<br />

of cups are described in the Appendix of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> E 96.<br />

25 3

D 1653<br />

6.3 <strong>Test</strong> Chamber, with a controlled temperature<br />

over the range from 70 to 1OO”F (20 to<br />

40°C) and a controlled relative humidity over the<br />

range from 50 to 90 %. The temperature shall be<br />

maintained to within 1°F of the desired value<br />

atd the relative humidity shall be maintained to<br />

within 2 ?6 of the desired value. Air shall be<br />

circulated continuously throughout the chamber<br />

to maintain uniform conditions at all test locations.<br />

6.4 Analytical Balance, having an adequate<br />

capacity for the weight of the test cups and a<br />

sensitivity of 1 mg.<br />

7. Materials<br />

7.1 Reagent Water (for the wet cup test), conforming<br />

to Type IV of Specification D 1193.<br />

7.2 Desiccant, consisting of either anhydrous<br />

calcium chloride (Ca Clz) or anhydrous magnesium<br />

perchlorate (Mg(C10&). (Caution-See<br />

8.1 .) The calcium chloride shall be dried at 400°F<br />

(200°C) before use.<br />

7.3 Sealant, such as wax, for attaching the test<br />

specimen to the top of the permeability cup. It<br />

must be highly resistant to the passage of water<br />

vapor (and water). It must not lose weight to, or<br />

gain weight from, the atmosphere in an amount,<br />

over the required period of time, that would<br />

affect the test result by more than 2 %. It must<br />

not affect the vapor pressure in a water-filled cup.<br />

NOTE 3-Among acceptable sealants are ( I ) a 60:40<br />

mixture of microcrystalline wax and refined crystalline<br />

parafin wax, and (2) a 5050 mixture of beeswax and<br />

rosin.<br />

7.4 Film Support, providing support for free<br />

films too brittle or otherwise unsatisfactory for<br />

handling. Support materials of parchmentized<br />

paper,6 filter paper, and glass cloth’ have been<br />

found to be satisfactory in some instances. Such<br />

support can have an effect on the test results.<br />

8. Precautions<br />

8.1 Use caution in handling magnesium perchlorate<br />

because of possible violent chemical reaction<br />

that may be produced if it comes in contact<br />

with some organic materials.<br />

9. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

9.1 It is very important that the test specimens<br />

be smooth, completely continuous films of uniform<br />

thickness throughout the test area, and<br />

entirely free of dust or other foreign matter.<br />

Apply coatings to substrates by one of the auto-<br />

matic-spray, dip, or doctor-blade methods described<br />

in <strong>Methods</strong> D 823. However, special test<br />

conditions may require that the coating be ap<br />

plied by brushing, roller coating, or other special<br />

methods. The thickness of the coating applied<br />

shall be within normal range for the type of<br />

material under test, and should not vary by more<br />

than 5 % of total thickness in any test series.<br />

NOTE 4-For coatings of low permeability, use the<br />

same method of application when test results are to be<br />

intercom pared.<br />

9.2 Air dry or bake the coated material for a<br />

specified time at a specified temperature, which<br />

depends upon the requirements of the coating<br />

under test. Permeability may vary with the baking<br />

schedule or the time of air drying. If the<br />

material is to be tested as a free film, remove it<br />

from the substrate and allow the previously unexposed<br />

surface free access to the air for at least 7<br />

days in the case of air-drying materials.<br />

9.3 Cut a circular disk from the conditionedfree<br />

film or coated support by placing the cup on<br />

the material and cutting around the outside edge<br />

with a razor blade. Measure the thickness of the<br />

disk at several places with a micrometer using<br />

the procedures in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1005. The<br />

thickness may also be calculated from the relationship<br />

between the area of the disk, weight of<br />

the disk, and density of the film. With supported<br />

films the weight of the support must be subtracted<br />

from the total weight of the disk. The<br />

amount of film in the area under test may be<br />

calculated from the ratio of the total area of the<br />

disk to the exposed area.<br />

NOTE 5-Wherever possible, use unsupported films<br />

to eliminate the potential interferences of substrates.<br />

9.4 When coatings are applied to only one<br />

side of a support, the coated side of the test<br />

specimen should be placed toward the water in<br />

the cup and the uncoated side exposed to the dry<br />

air of the desiccator. Coatings should not be<br />

applied to both sides of a support that will absorb<br />

water, such as paper, because they will show<br />

abnormally high permeability due to the swelling<br />

of the support and consequent distention of the<br />

film. Coatings applied to a fine grade of glass<br />

cloth do not show this distention because there<br />

Payne, H. F., “Permeability Measurements,” Paint and<br />

Varnish Proceedings, Scientific Section, National Paint, Varnish,<br />

and Lacquer Assoc., 1938.<br />

’ Payne, H. F., “Permeability to Moisture of Organic Surface<br />

Coatings,” Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Analytical<br />

Edition, Vol I I, 1939, p. 453.<br />


D 1653<br />

is no swelling of the fibers during this test. Glass<br />

cloth is preferred for coatings that are cured by<br />

baking and subsequent testing. The best method<br />

of application to glass cloth is by the automatic<br />

dipping apparatus, where the rate of withdrawal<br />

is such as to provide a film of uniform thickness.<br />


10. <strong>Test</strong> Conditions<br />


10. I Unless other conditions are agreed upon<br />

by the purchaser and the seller, the tests shall be<br />

performed under one or more of the following<br />

conditions:<br />

10.1. I Condition A-<strong>Test</strong> chamber maintained<br />

at 73°F (23°C) and very low (near zero)<br />

relative humidity.<br />

10.1.2 Condition B-<strong>Test</strong> chamber maintained<br />

at 73°F (23°C) and 50 % relative humidity.<br />

11. Procedure<br />

1 I. 1 Prepare at least two and preferably three<br />

test cups for each test material as follows:<br />

1 1.1. I Pour from 6 to 8 mL of distilled water<br />

in the permeability cup.<br />

11.1.2 If the cup is equipped with flanges,<br />

place the test specimen over the opening of the<br />

cup between the flanges and adjust the clamps to<br />

hold it firmly in position. If the coating is on a<br />

substrate or support, place the coated side toward<br />

the water in the cup.<br />

I 1. I .3 If the cup is not equipped with flanges,<br />

seal the test specimen to the top edge of the cup<br />

with wax:<br /> First place the test specimen, cut to<br />

the size of the cup, carefully on a thin cardboard<br />

ring soaked in molten wax. Equilibrate with vapor<br />

at the desired relative humidity and temperature.<br />

I 1. I .3.2 Then place the specimen-covered<br />

ring over the mouth of the cup, taking care that<br />

the film does not touch the water. Thoroughly<br />

seal the ring to the edge of the cup at the temperature<br />

to be used in the test. Make certain that<br />

a film area of at least 25 cm2 is exposed for the<br />

transmission of vapor.<br />

NOTE 6-Imperfections in the film that are not readily<br />

visible will produce a very high loss rate; consequently<br />

the test should always be run in duplicate, and<br />

preferably in triplicate.<br />

I I .4 Weigh the loaded cups to 1 mg and place<br />

them in the test chamber.<br />

11.5 Remove the cups for periodic weighing<br />

to determine the loss in weight. In general, the<br />

cups should be weighed every 24 h for a period<br />

of I week, or until the loss rate has become<br />

constant. For some very permeable coatings, it<br />

may be necessary to make weighings at shorter<br />

time intervals.<br />

NOTE 7-If the cup must be removed from the test<br />

chamber for weighing, then weigh the cup immediately<br />

after removal and return the cup to the test chamber<br />

immediately.<br />



12. <strong>Test</strong> Conditions<br />

12. I Unless other conditions are agreed upon<br />

by the purchaser and the seller, the tests shall be<br />

performed under one or more of the following<br />

conditions:<br />

12. I . I Condition B-<strong>Test</strong> chamber maintained<br />

at 73°F (23°C) and 50 % relative humidity.<br />

12. I .2 Condition C-<strong>Test</strong> chamber maintained<br />

at 100°F (38°C) and 90 % relative humidity.<br />

13. Procedure<br />

13.1 Prepare at least two and preferably three<br />

test cups for each test material as follows:<br />

13. I. 1 Fill the permeability cup with desiccant<br />

to within '/4 in. (6 mm) of the top edge.<br />

13.1.2 If the permeability cup is equipped<br />

with flanges, place the test specimen between the<br />

flanges and adjust the clamps to hold it firmly in<br />

position.<br />

13.1.3 If the permeability cup is not equipped<br />

with flanges, seal the test specimen to the top<br />

edge of the cup with wax in accordance with the<br />

procedures in 1 and 1<br />

13.1.4 Weigh the loaded cups to I mg and<br />

place them in the test chambers.<br />

13. I .5 Remove the cups for periodic weighing<br />

to determine the increase in weight. In general,<br />

the cups should be weighed every 24 h for a<br />

period of I week. or until the rate of weight<br />

increase has become constant. For some very<br />

permeable coatings, it may be necessary to make<br />

weighings at shorter time intervals (Note 7).<br />

14. Calculations<br />

14.1 For each material tested, determine the<br />

mean values for the replicate cup weighings in<br />

milligrams.<br />

14.2 Plot the mean values for successive<br />

weighings against elapsed time and draw a<br />

smooth curve through the plotted points. When<br />

a straight line adequately fits the plot of four<br />


D 1653<br />

successive 24 h spaced points, a nominally steady<br />

state exists. Determine the slope of the straight<br />

line which is the rate of vapor transmission, T,<br />

in terms of weight change in milligrams per hour.<br />

14.3 Calculate one or more of the following,<br />

depending on the permeability characteristics to<br />

be determined:<br />

14.3.1 Calculate the water vapor transmission<br />

rate, WVT:<br /> In inch-pound units as follows:<br />

WVT = (G/t)/A = grains per square foot per I h<br />

where:<br />

G = weight change, grains (from the straight<br />

line),<br />

t = time during which G occurred, h, and<br />

A = test area, ft2.<br />

1 g = 15.43 grains<br /> In metric units as follows:<br />

WVT = (G/t)/A = grams per mz per 24 h<br />

where:<br />

G = weight change, g (from straight line),<br />

t = time during which G occurred, h, and<br />

A = test area, mz.<br />

14.3.2 Calculate the permeance, WVP:<br /> In inch-pounds units as follows:<br />

WVP = WVT/Ap = grains per foot per I h<br />

per inch of mercury (perms)<br />

where:<br />

AP = S(RI - &),<br />

S = in. Hg (saturation vapor pressure at test<br />

temperature),<br />

RI = relative humidity at vapor source, and<br />

R2 = relative humidity at vapor sink.<br /> In metric units as follows:<br />

WVP = WVT/Ap = grams per square metre per 24 h<br />

per millimetre of mercury, (metric perms)<br />

where:<br />

AP = ~(RI-Rz),<br />

S = mm Hg (saturation vapor pressure at test<br />

temperature),<br />

RI = relative humidity at vapor source, and<br />

R2 = relative humidity at vapor sink.<br />

14.3.3 Calculate the permeability coefficient,<br />

p:<br /> In inch-pounds as follows:<br />

P = (WVP)-l = grains per ft2 per 1 h<br />

per inch of mercury per mil thickness (perm-mils)<br />

where:<br />

I = film thickness, mils.<br /> In metric units as follows:<br />

P = (WVP). 1 = grams per square metre per 24 h<br />

per millimetre of mercury per centimetre of thickness<br />

(metric perm-centimetre)<br />

where:<br />

1 = film thickness, cm.<br />

NOTE 8-Examples of calculations: In a dry cup test<br />

that ran 288 h (1 2 days) on a I .5-mil film with exposed<br />

area of 3.88 in? (25 cm2), it was found that the rate of<br />

gain was substantially constant after 48 h and during<br />

the subsequent 240 h, the weight gain was 500 mg. The<br />

controlled chamber conditions were measured to be<br />

89.O’F (3 1.7”C) and 49 % relative humidity.<br />

(a) Calculate in inch-pound units as follows:<br />

G/t = ( = 0.032 grains/h (15.43 is conversion<br />

from grams to grains),<br />

A = 3.88/144 = 0.027 ftz,<br />

then WVT = 0.032/0.027 = 1.19 grains/ft2 in 1 h,<br />

S = 1.378 in. Hg (saturation vapor pressure at 89”F),<br />

RI = 0.49 (in chamber),<br />

RZ = 0.00 (in cup),<br />

Ap = S (RI- R2) = 1.378 (0.49- 0.00) = 0.675 in.<br />

Hg,<br />

then WVP =<br />

WVP =<br />

WVT/Ap = 1.1910.675,<br />

1.76 grains per square foot per 1 h per<br />

inch of mercury, and<br />

WVP = 1.76 perms.<br />

P = (WVP).I,<br />

P = = 2.6,<br />

P = 2.6 grains per square foot per 1 h per inch of<br />

mercury per mil thickness, and<br />

P = 2.6 perm-mils.<br />

(b) Calculate in metric units as follows:<br />

G/t = 0.5/10 = 0.05 g/24 h,<br />

A = 0.225/104 = 0.0025 m,<br />

then WVT = 0.5/0.0025 = 20 g/m2 in 24 h,<br />

S = 35 mm Hg (saturation vapor pressure at 89”F),<br />

R1 = 0.49 (in chamber),<br />

R2 = 0.00(incup),<br />

Ap = S (RI- R2) = 35 (0.49 - 0.00) = 17.15 mm<br />

HI?,<br />

then WVP = WVT/Ap = 20117.15,<br />

WVP = 1.16 g per square metre per 24 h per milk<br />

metre of mercury,<br />

WVP = 1.16 metric perm,<br />

P<br />

P<br />

P<br />

= (WVP).I,<br />

= 16.0.0044 = O.OOO18 g per square metre per<br />

24 h per millimetre of mercury per cm thickness,<br />

and<br />

15. Report<br />

= 4.4 x !0-3 metric *m-centirnet.e.<br />

15.1 Report the following information:<br />

15.1.1 Method of coating application and curing<br />

procedure used.<br />

15.1.2 Mean film thickness of the test specimens<br />

for each material.<br />

15.1.3 Type of film support used, if any.<br />

15.1.4 Method used (Method A (Wet Cup) or<br />

Method B (Dry Cup).<br />

15.1.5 Which face of the test specimen was<br />


D 1653<br />

exposed to the higher humidity.<br />

15.1.6 <strong>Test</strong> temperature and relative humidity<br />

in the test chamber.<br />

15.1.7 Computed rate of water vapor transmission<br />

(WVT), either in inch-pound or in metric<br />

units.<br />

15. I .8 The computed permeance in terms of<br />

both perms and metric units.<br />

16. Precision<br />

16. I Results obtained by any one procedure<br />

on several test specimens from the same sample<br />

may differ as much as 10 % from their average.<br />

Careful attention to all aspects of the procedures<br />

is required in order to obtain test results of acceptable<br />

precision.<br />

NOTE 9-Some<br />

are:<br />

factors producing a lack of precision<br />

(a) Area of film transmission encroached upon by<br />

seal.<br />

(b) Splashing of film by water in wet cup method.<br />

(c) Variation in air gap under film.<br />

(d) Faulty control of temperature or humidity, or<br />

both.<br />

(e) Removal time ofcups from test conditions during<br />

weighing.<br />

(J) Leakage of seal.<br />


D1653<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Metric Equivalents<br />

in. 3% 3 '%6 '/32<br />

mm 82.6 76.2 17.5 2.4<br />

1 -Cap, Top<br />

2-Washer<br />

3-Gasket<br />

4-Base, Cup<br />

5--Dowel, %z<br />

in. in Diameter<br />

FIG. 1 Gardner-Park Permeability Cup<br />

The American Society,for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination ofthe validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infn'ngement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibi1i;y.<br />

This standard is subjecl[o revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjive years and<br />

iJ not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Wb<br />

Designation: D 1876 - 72 (Reapproved 1978)<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not'listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />


1983<br />

An American National Standard<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


(T-PEEL TEST)'<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1876; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This meihod has been approved for use by agencies of ihe Deparimeni of Defense as pari of Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method Standard<br />

No. I75a andfor lisiing in ihe DoD Index of Specijicaiions and Standards.<br />

1. Scope<br />


The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds will depend on the<br />

conditions under which the bonding process is carried out. Unless otherwise agreed<br />

upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser, the bonding conditions shall be prescribed<br />

by the manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to ensure that complete information<br />

is available to the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer of the<br />

adhesive shall furnish numerical values and other specific information for each of the<br />

following variables:<br />

(I) Procedure for preparation of the surfaces prior to application of the adhesive,<br />

the cleaning and drying of metal surfaces, and special surface treatments such as<br />

sanding, which are not specifically limited by the pertinent test method.<br />

(2) Complete mixing directions for the adhesive.<br />

(3) Conditions for application of the adhesive, including the rate of spread or<br />

thickness of film, number of coats to be applied, whether to be applied to one or both<br />

surfaces, and the conditions of drying where more than one coat is required.<br />

(4) Assembly conditions before application of pressure, including the room temperature,<br />

length of time, and whether open or closed assembly is to be used.<br />

(5) <strong>Curing</strong> conditions, including the amount of pressure to be applied, the length<br />

of time under pressure, and the temperature of the assembly when under pressure.<br />

It should be stated whether this temperature is that of the glue line, or of the atmosphere<br />

at which the assembly is to be maintained.<br />

(6) Conditioning procedure before testing, unless a standard procedure is specified,<br />

including the length of time, temperature, and relative humidity.<br />

A range may be prescribed for any variable by the manufacturer of the adhesive,<br />

if it can be assumed by the test operator that any arbitrarily chosen value within<br />

such a range or any combination of such values for several variables will be acceptable<br />

to both the manufacturer and the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

1.1 This method is primarily intended for<br />

determining the relative peel resistance of<br />

adhesive bonds between flexible adherends by<br />

means of a T-type specimen.<br />

2. Description of Terms<br />

2.1 T-peel Srrengrh is the average load per previous edition D 1876 69<br />

unit width of bond line required to produce<br />

progressive separation of two bonded, flexible<br />

adherends, under conditions designated in<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives<br />

Current edition approved July 28, 1972 Published OC-<br />

tober 1972 Origindlly published as D 1876<br />

61 T Last<br />


___I<br />

D 1876<br />

this method.<br />

2.2 Flexible-as used in this method, indicates<br />

that the adherends shall have such dimensions<br />

and physical properties as to permit<br />

bending them through any angle up to 90 deg<br />

without breaking or cracking.<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Tension <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine, capable 01<br />

applying a tensile load having the following<br />

prescribed conditions:<br />

3.1.1 The machine and loading range shall<br />

be so selected that the maximum load on the<br />

specimen falls between 15 and 85 percent of<br />

the upper limit of the loading range.<br />

3.1.2 The rate of movement between heads<br />

shall remain essentially constant under fluctuating<br />

loads.<br />

NOTE 1-It is difficult to meet this requirement<br />

when loads are measured with a spring-type or<br />

pendulum-type weighing device.<br />

3.1.3 The machine shall be equipped with<br />

suitable grips capable of clamping the specimens<br />

firmly and without slippage throughout<br />

the tests.<br />

3.1.4 The machine shall be autographic,<br />

giving a chart that can be read in terms of<br />

inches of separation as one coordinate and<br />

applied load as the other coordinate.<br />

3.1.5 The applied tension as measured and<br />

recorded shall be accurate within &I percent.<br />

3.2 Conditioning Room or Desiccators-<br />

The conditioning room or desiccators (Note 2)<br />

shall be capable of maintaining a relative humidity<br />

of 50 f 2 percent at 23 f 1 C (73.4 f<br />

1.8 F).<br />

NOTE 2-A saturated solution of calcium nitrate<br />

will give approximately 51 percent relative humidity<br />

at the testing temperature.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

4.: Laiiiinated test pneis (see Fig. i) shaii<br />

consist of two flexible adherends properly<br />

prepared and bonded together in accordance<br />

with the adhesive manufacturer’s recommendations.<br />

Specially prepared test panels shall<br />

be 152 mm (6 in.) wide by 305 mm (12 in.)<br />

long, but shall be bonded only over approximately<br />

241 mm (9 in.) of their length. <strong>Test</strong><br />

panels of these same dimensions may also be<br />

cut from larger, fully laminated panels.<br />

NOTE 3-Direct comparisons of different adhesives<br />

can be made only when specimen construc-<br />

tion and test conditions are identical.<br />

NOTE 4-Clad aluminum alloy 0.81 mm (0.032<br />

in.) thick conforming to ASTM Specification<br />

B 209, for Aluminum-Alloy Sheet and Plate,* Alloy<br />

2024-T3, has been found satisfactory as an adherend<br />

for structural adhesives. Canvas, coated fabrics,<br />

plastics films, and metal foils have also proven<br />

to be satisfactory adherends for use with specific<br />

adhesives.<br />

NOTE 5-It is not essential that the two adherends<br />

be alike, either in material or thickness. They<br />

shall, however, be capable of being bent through<br />

any angle up to 90 deg without breaking.<br />

4.2 The bonded panels shall be cut into 25-<br />

mm (1-in.) wide test specimens (see Fig. 1)<br />

by a means that is not deleterious to the bond.<br />

The 76-mm (3411.) long unbonded ends shall<br />

be bent apart, perpendicular to the glue line,<br />

for clamping in the grips of the testing machine.<br />

4.3 At least ten test specimens shall be<br />

tested for each adhesive.<br />

NOTE 6-Within the limitations imposed by<br />

Note 3, other specimen widths may be used, provided<br />

the test machine grips are of ample width to<br />

apply the load uniformly across the width of the<br />

adherends.<br />

NOTE 7-For obtaining a gripping area on specimens<br />

that are completely bonded, one end of the<br />

bonded specimen may be chilled in dry ice until<br />

the adhesive becomes brittle, and then the adherends<br />

may be carefully pried apart. This technique<br />

will not work for all adhesives and adherends.<br />

5. Conditioning<br />

5.1 Condition specimens for 7 days at a<br />

relative humidity of 50 f 2 percent at 23 f<br />

1 C (73.4 f 1.8 F), except where the adhesive<br />

manufacturer may specify such an aging<br />

period to be unnecessary or a shorter period<br />

to be adequate.<br />

NOTE 8-Conditioning is not required for laminated<br />

assemblies containing only metal adherends,<br />

unless specified as a part of the bonding procedure<br />

by the manufacturer of the adhesive.<br />

6, Procedure<br />

6.1 Clamp the bent. unbonded ends of the<br />

test specimen in the test grips of the tension<br />

testing machine. Apply the load at a constant<br />

head speed of 254 mm (10 in.)/min.<br />

NOTE 9-This speed will cause separation of the<br />

bond at a rate of 127 mm (5 in.)/min.<br />

6.2 During the peel test make an autographic<br />

recording of load versus head move-<br />

1983 Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol02.02.<br />


D 1876<br />

ment or load versus distance peeled.<br />

6.3 Determine the peel resistance over at<br />

least a 127-mm (Sin.) length of the bond line<br />

after the initial peak.<br />

7. Calculation<br />

7.1 Determine from the autographic curve<br />

for the first 127 mm (5 in.) of peeling after<br />

the initial peak the average peeling load in<br />

pounds per inch of the specimen width required<br />

to separate the adherends. It is preferred<br />

that the average be determined from<br />

the curve with the use of a planimeter.<br />

NOTE 10-In case a planimeter is not used, the<br />

average may be calculated as the average of load<br />

readings taken at fixed increments of crosshead<br />

motion. For example, the load may be recorded at<br />

each 25” (1-in.) interval of head motion (or<br />

each 12.7 mm (0.5 in.) interval of bond separation)<br />

following the initial peak, until at least ten readings<br />

have been obtained.<br />

8. Report<br />

8.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

8.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer’s<br />

code number, batch or lot number,<br />

form, etc.,<br />

8.1.2 Complete identification of adherends<br />

used, including material, thickness, surface<br />

preparation, and orientation,<br />

8.1.3 Description of bonding process, including<br />

method of application of adhesive,<br />

glue-line thickness, drying or precuring conditions<br />

(where applicable), curing time, temperature,<br />

and pressure,<br />

8.1.4 Average thickness of adhesive layer<br />

after formation of the joint, within 0.001 in.<br />

The method of obtaining the thickness of the<br />

adhesive layer shall be described including<br />

procedure, location of measurement, and<br />

range of measurements.<br />

8.1.5 Complete description of the test specimens,<br />

including dimensions and construction<br />

of the test specimens, conditions used for cutting<br />

individual test specimens, number of test<br />

panels represented, and number of individual<br />

test specimens,<br />

8.1.6 Conditioning procedure prior to testing,<br />

8.1.7 Type of test machine and crosshead<br />

separation rate used,<br />

8.1.8 Method of recording load and determining<br />

average load,<br />

8. I .9 Average, maximum, and minimum<br />

peeling load values for each individual specimen,<br />

8.1.10 Average T-peel strength in pounds<br />

per inch of width for each combination of<br />

materials and constructions under test, and<br />

8.1.1 1 Type of failure, that is, cohesive<br />

failure within the adhesive or adherend, adhesion<br />

to the adherend, or combinations<br />

thereof, for each individual specimen.<br />

26 I

4- SPECIMEN pull<br />


in. 1 3 6 9 12<br />

mm 25 76 152 229 305<br />

FIG. 1 <strong>Test</strong> Panel and <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, ore entiret) their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years<br />

and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited eitherfor revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. Ifyou feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


(Sib<br />

Designation: D 2095 - 72 ~ 8 3<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book ot ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

Standard Method of <strong>Test</strong> for<br />



This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2095; the number immediately following the designation indicates<br />

the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the<br />

year of last reapproval.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the determination<br />

of the relative tensile strength of adhesives<br />

by the use of bar- and rod-shaped butt-joined<br />

specimens under defined conditions of preparation,<br />

conditioning, and testing. The method<br />

is applicable to the testing of adhesives with<br />

various adherend materials in either similar<br />

or dissimilar combinations.<br />

NOTE I-Alternative test methods for determining<br />

the tensile strength of adhesives are as follows:<br />

ASTM Method D g97, <strong>Test</strong> for Tensile Properties<br />

of Adhesive Bonds,-<br />

ASTM Method D 1344, <strong>Test</strong>ing Cross-Lay<br />

Specimens for Tensile Properties of Adhesives;<br />

and<br />

ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> D 1205, <strong>Test</strong>ing Adhesives for<br />

Brake Lining and Other Friction Materials.'<br />

2. Significance<br />

2.1 Tension tests provide reasonably accurate<br />

information with regard to the tensile<br />

strength of adhesives. Tensile strength data<br />

may be suitable for specification acceptance,<br />

service evaluation, manufacturing control,<br />

research, and development. Tension tests are<br />

not considered significant for applications<br />

differing widely from the test in rate, direction,<br />

and type of loading.<br />

3. Description of Term<br />

3.1 The tensile strength of an adhesive is<br />

the maximum tensile stress which it is capable<br />

of sustaining. Tensile strength is calculated<br />

from the maximum load during a tension<br />

test carried to rupture and the original crosssectional<br />

area of the specimen (see ASTM<br />

Definitions E 6, Terms Relating to <strong>Methods</strong><br />

of Mechanical <strong>Test</strong>ing)."<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine-A testing machine<br />

capable of maintaining a specified rate of<br />

loading and in which the error for indicated<br />

loads that are to be measured shall not exceed<br />

f 1 percent. The load-indicating mechanism<br />

shall be essentially free of inertial lag<br />

at a specified rate of loading. The accuracy of<br />

the testing machine shall be verified in accordance<br />

with ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> E 4, Verification<br />

of <strong>Test</strong>ing Machines.4 The testing machine<br />

shall be provided with the following:<br />

4.1.1 Fixed Member-A fixed or essentially<br />

stationary member carrying one attachment<br />

fixture.<br />

4.1.2 Movable Member-A movable member<br />

carrying a second attachment fixture.<br />

4.1.3 Attachment Fixtures-Fixtures for<br />

holding a test specimen between the fixed<br />

member and the movable member. These<br />

shall be of the self-aligning type. The fixtures<br />

shall be attached to the fixed and movable<br />

members and to the test specimen in such a<br />

way that they will move into alignment as<br />

soon as load is applied, so that the long axis<br />

of the test specimen will coincide with the<br />

direction of the applied load. A design for<br />

fixtures that has proven satisfactory is shown<br />

in Figs. 1 and 2.<br />

4.2 Conditioning Room or Desiccators-<br />

A conditioning room capable of maintaining a<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-14 on Adhesives.<br />

Current edition approved July 28, 1972. Published October<br />

1972. Originally published D 2095 - 62 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 2095 - 69.<br />

-Annual Book ofASTMStandards, Part 16.<br />

' Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 3 1.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Part 30.<br />


elative humidity of 50 f 2 percent at 23 +<br />

1 C (73.4 f 1.8 F) or desiccators containing<br />

a saturated salt solution (Note 2) to give the<br />

same relative humidity and temperature.<br />

NOTE 2-A saturated salt solution of calcium<br />

nitrate will give approximately 51 percent relative<br />

humidity at 24.5 C (see ASTM Recommended<br />

Practice E 104, Maintaining Constant Relative<br />

Humidity by Means of Aqueous Solutions).4<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

5.1 Description and Preparation-Bar- or<br />

rod-type specimens shall be used in this test<br />

method. The design of the specimens and<br />

procedures used in preparing them shall be<br />

in accordance with ASTM Recommended<br />

Practice D 2094, Preparation of Bar and<br />

Rod Specimens for Adhesion <strong>Test</strong>s.2<br />

5.2 Number of Specimens-A minimum<br />

of five specimens shall be tested for each<br />

test condition.<br />

6. Conditioning<br />

6.1 All specimens, except those in which<br />

both adherends are metals, shall be conditioned<br />

prior to testing for at least 40 h at 50 f<br />

1 C (73.4 f 1.8 F). Metal-to-metal bonds can<br />

be tested as soon as the specimen has reached<br />

an equilibrium temperature of 23 f 1 C<br />

(73.4 f 1.8 F) after curing.<br />

6.2 Special conditioning procedures may<br />

be used by agreement between the purchaser<br />

and the manufacturer when the tensile<br />

strength of the adhesive at other conditions<br />

is to be determined.<br />

7. Procedure<br />

7.1 Place the specimen in the testing machine<br />

(see Fig. 2), using steel dowel pins and<br />

fixtures such as those described in 4.1.3 and<br />

start the loading. Conduct tests at other than<br />

room temperature with a suitable temperature-controlled<br />

test chamber enclosing the<br />

fixtures and test specimen while assembled<br />

in the testing machine.<br />

7.2 Speed of <strong>Test</strong>ing-Apply the load to<br />

the specimen at the rate of 170 to 195 kg/cm’<br />

(2400 to 2800 psi) of bond area per min, or,<br />

if rate of loading is measured as crosshead<br />

motion, set the testing machine to obtain the<br />

foregoing rate of loading.<br />

7.3 Record-Record the maximum load<br />

carried by the specimen at failure. Estimate<br />

D 2095<br />

the percentage cohesion failure, adhesion<br />

failure, contact failure, and adherend failure<br />

on the basis of bond area by visual inspection<br />

and record. If dissimilar adherends are used,<br />

estimate and record the percentage adhesion<br />

failure for each material. Discard specimens<br />

that break at some obvious flaw and retest,<br />

unless such flaws constitute a variable the<br />

effect of which it is desired to study.<br />

8. Calculations<br />

8.1 Calculate the tensile strength by dividing<br />

the breaking load by the area of the<br />

bonded surface. Express this result in kilograms<br />

per square centimeter (pounds per<br />

square inch) and, if possible, report to three<br />

significant figures.<br />

8.2 For each series of tests, calculate the<br />

arithmetic mean of all values obtained and<br />

report this value as the average tensile<br />

strength. This value shall be a result of no<br />

fewer than five tests.<br />

8.3 If it is desired to determine the standard<br />

deviation and coefficient of variation, calculate<br />

these values as follows and report to<br />

two significant figures:<br />

s = 4 (ZX2 - nX”)/(n - 1)<br />

u = lOOs/R<br />

where:<br />

s = estimated standard deviation,<br />

X = value of a single observation,<br />

n = number of observations,<br />

X = arithmetic mean of the set of observations,<br />

and<br />

u = estimated coefficient of variation.<br />

9. Report<br />

9.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

9.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, sourcel manufacturer’s<br />

code number, form, etc.,<br />

9.1.2 Identification of materials used as<br />

adherends and method of surface preparation<br />

used,<br />

9.1.3 Type of specimen (rod or bar) used<br />

and dimensions of inserted sheet material, if<br />

any,<br />

9.1.4 Method of application of adhesive<br />

and drying, precure and cure conditions used,<br />

9.1.5 Average thickness of adhesive layer<br />

after formation of the joint, within 0.001 in.<br />


The method of obtaining the thickness of the<br />

adhesive layer shall be described including<br />

9.1.8 <strong>Test</strong> room conditions and temperature<br />

of specimens at time of test,<br />

procedure, location of measurements, and 9.1.9 Number of specimens tested,<br />

range of measurements.<br />

9.1.10 Speed of testing, and<br />

9.1.6 Whether or not flash was removed 9.1.11 An average value of the tensile<br />

and method employed, if any,<br />

strength. Also, an average value of the per-<br />

9.1.7 Conditioning procedure used, centage of each type of failure, that is, adhesion,<br />

cohesion, contact, or adherend failure.<br />

I<br />

- I 31.75 t .13 mm. DU.<br />

(1.250-i .005")<br />

FIG. 1 <strong>Test</strong> Specimen and Attachment Fixtures.<br />


D 2095<br />

FIG. 2 <strong>Test</strong> Specimen with Attachment<br />

Fixtures Assembled in Tension <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine.<br />

By publication of this standard no position is taken with respect to the validity of any patent rights in connection therewith,<br />

and the American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing the standard<br />

against liability for infringement of any Letters Patent nor assume any such liability.<br />




ASTM D 2134 - 66 (Reapproved 1980)'<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2134 the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval.<br />

' NoTE-Editofial changes were made throughout in November 1980.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the determination of<br />

the relative degree of surface softening of organic<br />

coating by plastic compositions under<br />

specified exposure conditions.<br />

1.2 This method is not applicable to plastic<br />

compositions that may spew plasticizer under<br />

the test conditions, as this will lead to spurious<br />

results. The spewed plasticizer will slow the<br />

rocker, yet the organic coating may be unaffected.<br />

With unfamiliar plastic compositions a<br />

microscopic examination of the organic coating<br />

for possible spewing is recommended.<br />

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 618 Conditioning Plastics and Electrical<br />

Insulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing'<br />

D 823 Producing Films of Uniform Thickness<br />

of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related<br />

Products on <strong>Test</strong> Panels3<br />

3. Significance<br />

3.i Organic coaihgs may be ~~~&p:ib!e to<br />

softening as a result of contact by plastic compositions.<br />

Plasticizer migration from the plastic<br />

composition into the organic coating may cause<br />

surface softening. The test result is significant<br />

only for the specific surfaces in contact with<br />

each other.<br />

3.2 One important case of surface softening<br />

is that which takes place when plasticized<br />

poly(viny1 chloride) comes in contact with nitrocellulose<br />

coatings. The degree of softening is<br />

dependent on the plasticizer, the plasticizer<br />

concentration, and the nitrocellulose lacquer<br />

formulation.<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 Hardness <strong>Test</strong>er4-The hardness tester<br />

shall consist of two flat, chromium-plated<br />

bronze rings fmed together by a rack which<br />

supports two bubble tube-type levels and<br />

equipped with a vertical screw mounted from<br />

the top of the rings. The levels are used to<br />

measure the amplitude of the oscillations of the<br />

hardness tester. The rate of change in amplitude<br />

is used as a measure of the softness of the<br />

test surface. The hardness tester shall meet the<br />

following definitive characteris tics:<br />

Weight<br />

Diameter<br />

Width between rings<br />

Period<br />

loof log<br />

IO cm (4 in.)<br />

2.5 cm (1 in.)<br />

50 swings on glass plate in<br />

60.0 f 0.5 s<br />

Calibration Decrease in amplitude of 6<br />

deg, taken between approximately<br />

22 and 16 deg<br />

from the vertical, after 50<br />

swings on glass<br />

The hardness tester should be equipped with a<br />

clear cctiei to pioieet it from air cirrents dur;ig<br />

operation. A suitable tester is illustrated in Fig.<br />

1.<br />

This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-20 on Plastics and is the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D20.15 on Thermoplastic Materials.<br />

Current edition effective Sept. 20, 1966. Originally issued<br />

1962. Replaced D 2134 - 62 T.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 22,35, and 39.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 21.<br />

The Sward Hardness Rocker, Model C, available from<br />

Gardner Laboratory, Bethesda, Md., has been found satisfactory<br />

for this purpose.<br />


4.2 Glass Plates-Glass panels approximately<br />

15 cm square and a minimum of 2 mm<br />

thick are required. Preferably these should be<br />

plate glass; however, carefully inspected window<br />

glass without irregularities may be substituted.<br />

4.3 Cushioning Material- Sponge rubber or<br />

flexible urethane foam 1 to 2 cm thick and 15<br />

cm square is required for even distribution of<br />

the weight on the sample.<br />

4.4 Barrier Material-Aluminum foil of any<br />

commercial wrapping grade or other flexible,<br />

impervious film can be used to prevent contamination<br />

of the rubber or foam by plasticizer<br />

migration.<br />

4.5 Weights-Weights of 900 g (nominal 2<br />

lb) including the top cover glass.<br />

4.6 Photographic Roller-A hard rubber<br />

roller approximately 100 mm in length is required<br />

for pressing the plastic to the organic<br />

coating.<br />

4.7 Oven, laboratory-type, maintained at<br />

50°C.<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

5.1 The plastic specimen shall be a 50 by<br />

100 by 0.25-mm (nominal 2 by 4 by 0.01-in.)<br />

piece cut from a smooth uniform sheet. Embossed<br />

or nonuniform samples may be remolded<br />

to form smooth sheets.<br />

5.2 The organic coating specimen shall be a<br />

thin film on a glass panel with a dry thickness<br />

of 0.025 to 0.05 mm (1 to 2 mils). See Appendix<br />

for a suitable formulation for evaluation of<br />

softening.<br />

5.3 The film shall be dried or cured, or both,<br />

using recommended conditions dependent<br />

upon the type of organic coating. Only coatings<br />

visually free of holes, craters, orange peel, or<br />

other irregularities shall be used for this test.<br />

6. Calibration of Hardness <strong>Test</strong>er<br />

6.1 Calibrate the hardness tester on plate<br />

glass placed on a leveling table. After the tester<br />

is leveled, start oscillation of the tester so that<br />

the bubble in the left-hand tube slightly overlaps<br />

the mark. Place the cover in position and<br />

start the count (beginning with zero) when the<br />

bubble in the left-hand tube just fails to reach<br />

the mark. Stop the count when the bubble in<br />

the right-hand tube just fails to reach the mark.<br />

6.2 The hardness tester shall make 50 com-<br />

D 2134<br />

plete oscillations in 60 0.5 s. If the number<br />

of swings is not 50, adjust the angle of the lefthand<br />

bubble tube to give the correct value. The<br />

time for 50 swings can be changed by adjustments<br />

in the position of the weight on the<br />

vertical screw.<br />

7. Conditioning<br />

7.1 Conditioning-Condition the test specimens<br />

at 23 k 2°C (73.4 k 3.6"F) and 50 & 5<br />

% relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior<br />

to test in accordance with Procedure A of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 618, for those tests where conditioning<br />

is required. In cases of disagreement, the tolerances<br />

shall be 1°C (&l.S"F) and 22 %<br />

relative humidity.<br />

7.2 <strong>Test</strong> Conditions-Conduct tests in the<br />

Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 23 * 2°C<br />

(73.4 f 3.6"F) and 50 f 5 9% relative humidity,<br />

unless otherwise specified in the test methods<br />

or in this specification. In cases of disagreement,<br />

the tolerances shall be * 1 "C (* 1.8"F)<br />

and +2 9% relative humidity.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Prepare two panels of the organic coatings<br />

for each plastic composition to be tested.<br />

Prior to testing, condition the panels for 7 days<br />

at the conditions specified in Section 7.<br />

8.2 Determine the initial hardness of the<br />

coated panel in duplicate, using the procedure<br />

in Section 6, measuring parallel to the long<br />

direction of the coating. The number of complete<br />

oscillations multiplied by 2 gives the hardness<br />

value.<br />

NOTE 1-The rings of the hardness tester should<br />

be cleaned after each measurement with acetone or<br />

other suitable solvent and polished with a dry cloth.<br />

8.3 Heat the coated panel and plastic specimen<br />

in an oven at 50°C for 30 min and place<br />

the warm plastic specimen carefully on the<br />

organic coating surface, using the roller to ensure<br />

uniform contact between the specimen and<br />

panel. Use extreme care to prevent entrapment<br />

of air or dust particles under the plastic specimen.<br />

NOTE 2-With clear organic coatings inspect the<br />

panel from the back side to determine if uniform<br />

contact has been made.<br />

8.4 Cover the plastic specimen with the barrier<br />

material, sponge rubber, and the cover<br />

plate in that order, and add sufficient weight to<br />

-<br />


D 2134<br />

make 900 g (including top cover plate). To<br />

expedite attainment of temperature equilibrium<br />

in the mass, precondition the weight and<br />

cover glass at 50°C for a minimum of 1 h<br />

immediately before use.<br />

8.5 Place the sandwich in the 50°C oven for<br />

4 h. At the end of this time, disassemble the<br />

sandwich retaining the plastic specimen in a<br />

dust-free atmosphere.<br />

8.6 Condition the coated panel as in Section<br />

7 for a period of 4 to 24 h. Determine the<br />

hardness as in Section 6.<br />

8.7 Reassemble the sandwich, return to the<br />

oven for an additional 20-h exposure, and repeat<br />

the hardness measurement.<br />

9. Calculations<br />

9.1 Calculate the average initial hardness<br />

and hardness after 4 and 24-h exposures.<br />

9.2 Compute the percentage softening as follows:<br />

Softening, % = [(Ifo - H)/Ho] X 100<br />

where:<br />

Ho = hardness on unexposed panel, and<br />

H = hardness on exposed panel.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

10.1.1 Identification of the plastic specimen,<br />

10.1.2 Identification of the organic coating,<br />

and<br />

10.1.3 Average percentage softening for<br />

each contact time.<br />

11. Precision<br />

11.1 Inter- and intralaboratory tests in the<br />

range from 30 to 80 % softening may be expected<br />

to give 95 % confidence limits of the<br />

order f 10 %. Limits for the 4-h test may be<br />

expected to be somewhat higher than those for<br />

the 24-h test.<br />

FIG. 1 Rocker Hardness <strong>Test</strong>er<br />



X1.1 Formulation<br />

Xl.l.1 For evaluation of softening of nitrocellulose<br />

lacquer by poly(viny1 chloride) film, the following<br />

lacquer formulation has been found to be suitable<br />

when freshly prepared (Note Xl):<br />

Parts by<br />

Weight<br />

%-s nitrocellulose (30 % butyl wet)<br />

110.0<br />

Alkyd resin (60% in xylene)A 131.0<br />

Raw castor oilB 18.5<br />

Dioctyl phthalate 18.0<br />

Methyl ethyl ketone 55.0<br />

Methyl isobutyl ketone 169.0<br />

Diisobutyl ketone 22.0<br />

Isopropyl alcohol 53.2<br />

Xylene 38.2<br />

Toluene 143.5<br />

Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether - 15.2<br />

113.6<br />

A Duraplex ND-77B made by the Rohm and Haas Co.,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa., or equivalent, has been found satisfactory<br />


for this purpose.<br />

* Bakers AA made by the Baker Castor Oil co., Bayonne.<br />

N. J., or equivalent, has been found satisfactory for this<br />

purpose.<br />

NOTE X1-<strong>Methods</strong> D 823, outlines detailed procedures<br />

for producing uniform films of lacquers.<br />

X1.2 Application<br />

XI .2.1 A 0.075-” (3”ii) wet film of the above<br />

lacquer shall be applied to a glass panel by blade<br />

application. The film shall be dried for 24 h at room<br />

temperature, followed by 2 h at 60°C and then<br />

conditioned as prescribed in Section 7.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

conneciion with any iiem mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjve years<br />

and ynot revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of ihe<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103, which will schedule a<br />

further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there, you may appeal to the ASTM Board of Directors.<br />


Designation: D 2196 - 86<br />


1916 Race St. Philadelphia. Pa 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2 196: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (t) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

Thiw iiw mi.rhod.v havc hcvn upprond.li)r iisi' by uginc~ii>s i?/'/hc Dqurimcvii (!/'Dc:livsi~ io ripla~i~ .Wihod 4 37 o/' Fdcrul 7iw<br />

Merhtd Siandard No. 141.4 und,/i)r lisring in ihcp DoD 1ndi.r c?/Spi~c~/ic~urions and Siundurds.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of the apparent viscosity and the shear thinning<br />

and thixotropic properties of non-Newtonian<br />

materials in the shear rate range from 0.1 to<br />

50 s-I.<br />

I .2 This standard may involw hazardoirs marcv-ials.<br />

oprvutions, and cqiqlripmcwt. This standard<br />

does no[ purport to address all qftiic sqfi.ry proh-<br />

1cm.s associarcJd with its use. It is the rc~sponsibility<br />

of'Ihc usor ofthis standard to establish appro-<br />

priatc sufiyv and hdh practices and dctijrminc'<br />

rhc upplicabiliry oJ'rcJgirlulory limitations prior IO<br />

l(SC.<br />

2. Referenced Document<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard:<br />

E I Specification for ASTM Thermometers'<br />

3. Summary of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong><br />

3.1 <strong>Test</strong> Method A consists of determining<br />

the apparent viscosity of coatings and related<br />

materials by measuring the torque on a spindle<br />

rotating at a constant speed in the material.<br />

3.2 <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> B and C consist of determining<br />

the shear thinning and thixotropic (timedependent)<br />

rheological properties of the materials.'<br />

The viscosities of these materials are determined<br />

at a series of prescribed speeds of a rotational-type<br />

viscometer. The agitation of the material<br />

immediately preceding the viscosity measurements<br />

is carefully controlled.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 <strong>Test</strong> Method A is used for determining<br />

the apparent viscosity at a given rotational speed,<br />

although viscosities at two or more speeds better<br />

characterize a non-Newtonian material than does<br />

the single viscosity measurement.<br />

4.2 With <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> B and C. the extent of<br />

shear thinning is indicated by the drop in viscosity<br />

with increasing viscometer speed. The degree<br />

of thixotropy is indicated by comparison of viscosities<br />

at increasing and decreasing viscometer<br />

speeds (<strong>Test</strong> Method B). viscosity recovery (<strong>Test</strong><br />

Method B), or viscosities before and after high<br />

shear (combination of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> B and C).<br />

The high-shear treatment in <strong>Test</strong> Method C approximates<br />

shearing during paint application.<br />

The viscosity behavior measured after high shear<br />

is indicative of the characteristics of the paint<br />

soon after application.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5. I Rotational-type viscometers having at<br />

least four speeds, such as:<br />

5.1 . I Brookfirld I 'isc*omc~ter.'' Model LVF.<br />

having four rotational speeds, or Model LVT<br />

ha. ing eight rotational speeds, with set of four<br />

spindles; or<br />

5.1.2 Brookfidd Viscwmc~ter, Model RVF,<br />

having !-mi. ;ota:iona! speeds. or Mode! R!'T<br />

' These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-l on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials<br />

and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee DO1.24 on<br />

Physical Properties of Liquid Paints and Paint Materials.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 29. 1986. Published October<br />

1986. Originally published as D 2 I96 - 63 7'. Last previous edition<br />

D 2196 - XI.<br />

* ..inmu/ Rook 0/':1S7"'t4 L%ndurd.s. Vol I4.01.<br />

' Pierce. P. E., "Measurement of Rheology of Thixotropic<br />

Organic Coatings and Resins with the Brookfield Viscometer."<br />

Joftrnul o/'/'uin~ 1i.c~hnolog.r. Vol 43. No. 557. 197 I , pp. 35-43.<br />

' Brookfield viscometers are availablc from the Hrooklicld<br />

Engineering Laboratories. Inc.. 240 Cushing St.. Stoughton. MA<br />

02072.<br />

27 I

D 2196<br />

having eight rotational speeds, with set of seven<br />

spindles.<br />

5.2 T~~crinotni~li~r-ASTM thermometer having<br />

a range from 20 to 70°C and conforming to<br />

the requirements for Thermometer 49C as prescribed<br />

in Specification E I.<br />

5.3 C'onrainiw, round I-pt (0.5-L) can, 3% in.<br />

(85 mm) in diameter, or I-qt (I-L) can, 4 in. (100<br />

mm) in diameter.<br />

5.4 Shaker,' or equivalent machine capable of<br />

vigorously shaking the test specimen.<br />

6. Materials<br />

6. I Siandard Oils,6 calibrated in absolute viscosity,<br />

millipascal seconds.<br />

7. Calibration of Apparatus<br />

7. I Select at least two standard oils of viscosities<br />

differing by at least 5 P (0.5 Pa.s) within the<br />

viscosity range of the material being measured<br />

and in the range of the viscometer. Condition<br />

the oils as closely as possible to 25.0"C (or other<br />

agreed-upon temperature) for I h in a I-pt (0.5-<br />

L) can, 3% in. (85 mm) in diameter. Measure<br />

the viscosities of each oil as described in <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method B (Section 13) taking readings only at<br />

increasing speeds (13.7). Make certain that the<br />

spindle is centered in the container prior to taking<br />

measurements.<br />

Nore I-The Brookfield LV and RV series viscometersare<br />

equipped with a spindle guard leg. The spindle/<br />

speed multiplying factors (Table I ) are designed for use<br />

with the guard leg in place except for the following<br />

conditions: RV series when the factors are the same<br />

with or without the guard leg for spindles No. 3 through<br />

7; or LV series when the factors are the same with or<br />

without the guard leg for spindles No. 3 and 4.<br />

7.1.1 Calibration in a I-pt (0.5-L) can is always<br />

possible with the LV series viscometer with<br />

the guard leg attached. Calibration of the RV<br />

series viscometer in the I-pt can must be done<br />

with spind!es No. 3 through 7 without the guard<br />

leg. If the No. 1 or No. 2 spindles are to be used,<br />

calibration is carried out in the I-qt (I-L) can<br />

with the guard leg attached.<br />

7.2 Combining the tolerance of the viscometer<br />

(k 1 %, equal to the spindle/speed factor) and the<br />

tolerance of the temperature control (typically f<br />

0.5"C at 25°C) it is reasonable to assume that a<br />

viscometer is calibrated if the calculated viscosities<br />

are within +_5 % of the stated values (see<br />

Table 2 for examples of the considerable change<br />

in viscosity with temperature exhibited by stand-<br />

ard oils). If measurements are not made at 25°C'.<br />

then the stated viscosities should be corrected to<br />

the temperature at which they are measured. If<br />

the viscosities determined in 7. I differ from the<br />

stated values of the viscosity standard by more<br />

than 5 %, calculate new factors for each spindle/<br />

speed combination as follows:<br />

1 = 1 (1)<br />

where:<br />

1' = new factor for converting scale reading to<br />

viscosity, CP (mPa.s),<br />

1' = viscosity of standard oil. mPa.s, and<br />

s = scale reading of the viscometer.<br />

7.3 Prepare a table of new factors similar to<br />

that furnished with the viscometer (Table I) for<br />

the spindle/speed combinations worked out in<br />

7.2. Spindle/speed factors vary inversely with<br />

speed.<br />

8. Preparation of Specimen<br />

8.1 Fill a I-pt or I-qt can with samplc to<br />

within 1 in. (25 mm) of the top with the sample<br />

and bring it as close as possible to a temperature<br />

of 25°C or other agreed-upon temperature prior<br />

to test.<br />

8.2 Vigorously shake the specimen on the<br />

shaker or equivalent for 10 min, remove it from<br />

the shaker, and allow it to stand undisturbed for<br />

60 min at 25°C prior to testing (Note 2). Start<br />

the test no later than 65 min after removing the<br />

can from the shaker. Do not transfer the specimen<br />

from the container in which it was shaken.<br />

Noli 2-Shake time may be reduced if necessary.<br />

or as agreed upon between the purchaser and manufacturer,<br />

but, in any case. should not be less than 3 min.<br />



9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Make all measurements as close as possib!e<br />

to 25°C. or other agreed-upo:: temperatiire.<br />

9.2 Place the instrument on the adjustable<br />

stand. Lower the viscometer to a level that will<br />

immerse the spindle to the proper depth. Level<br />

the instrument using the attached spirit level.<br />

9.3 Tilt the selected spindle (Note 3). insert it<br />

A reciprocating shaker may be obtained from the Ked Devil<br />

Tools. 2400 Vauxhall Rd.. Union. NJ 07083.<br />

Absolute viscosity standards arc availahle in I-pt samples<br />

from The Cannon Instrument Co.. P.O. Box 16. State College.<br />

PA 16801. or Brooklield Engineering Laboratories. Inc., 240<br />

Cushing SI.. Stoughton. MA 02072.<br />


0 2196<br />

into one side of the center of the surface of the<br />

material. and attach the spindle to the instrument<br />

as follows: Firmly hold the upper shaft coupling<br />

with thumb and forefinger: screw left-hand<br />

thread spindle coupling securely to the upper<br />

shaft coupling being very careful when connecting<br />

to avoid undue side pressure which might<br />

affect alignment. Avoid rotating the dial so that<br />

pointer touches the stops at either extreme ofthe<br />

scale.<br />

NOTI: 3-Select the spindle/speed combination that<br />

will give a minimum scale reading of IO but preferably<br />

in the middle or upper portion of the scale. The speed<br />

and spindle to be used may differ from this by agreement<br />

between user and producer.<br />

9.4 Lower the viscometer until the groove<br />

(immersion mark) on the shaft just touches the<br />

material. Adjust the viscometer level if necessary.<br />

Move the container slowly in a horizontal plane<br />

until the spindle is located in approximately the<br />

center ofthe container so that the test will be run<br />

in a region undisturbed by the lowering of the<br />

spindle.<br />

9.5 Turn on the viscometer. Adjust the viscometer<br />

to the rpm selected (Note 3) for the<br />

material under test. Allow the viscometer to run<br />

until the pointer has stabilized (Note 4). After<br />

the pointer has stabilized. depress the clutch and<br />

switch ofT the motor so that when it stops, the<br />

pointer will bc in view (Note 5).<br />

No~ir 4-In thixotropic paints. the pointer does not<br />

always stabilize. On occasion it reaches a peak and then<br />

gradually declines as the structure is broken down. In<br />

these cases. the time of rotation or number of revolutions<br />

prior to reading the viscometcr should hc agreed<br />

to between user and manufacturer.<br />

Noli: 5-Always release the clutch while the spindle<br />

is still immersed so that the pointer will float. rather<br />

than snap back to zero.<br />

10. Calculation<br />

10.1 Calculate the apparent viscosity at each<br />

speed, as foliows:<br />

1,' = ,/.v<br />

where:<br />

1' = viscosity of sample in centipoises, mPa.s,<br />

,/' = scale factor furnished with instrument (see<br />

Table I), and<br />

.Y = scale reading of viscometer.<br />

11. Report<br />

I 1. I Report the following information:<br />

1 I. I. 1 The Brookfield viscometer model and<br />

spindle,<br />

I I. 1.2 The viscosity at the spindle/speed utilized.<br />

1 I. 1.3 The specinien temperature in degrees<br />

celsius, and<br />

I I. I .4 The shake time and rest period, if other<br />

than specified.<br />

12. Precision and Bias<br />

12. I t'rc~c'isior+--See Section 23 for precision.<br />

including that for measurement at a single speed.<br />

12.2 Bia.v-No statement of bias is possible<br />

with this test method.<br />

'IES'I' $1 ET1 10D B--VISCOSIT\' 1N DER<br />



13. Procedure<br />

13. I Make all measurements with the Brookfield<br />

viscometer as close as possible to 3°C. or<br />

ot her agreed upon tempera t u rc.<br />

13.2 Adjust thc instrument and attach the<br />

spindle as in 9.2 through 9.4.<br />

13.3 Set the viscometer at the slowest rotational<br />

speed (Notes 5 and 6). Start the viscometer<br />

and record the scale reading after ten revolutions<br />

(or other agreed-upon number of revolutions).<br />

Noli: 6-When the eight speed viscometers (RVT<br />

and LVT) are used. lower or higher speeds than that<br />

permitted by the four speed viscometers may be used<br />

upon agreement between producer and user.<br />

13.4 Increase the viscometer speed stepwise<br />

and record the scale reading after ten revolutions<br />

(or equivalent time for each spindle/speed combination)<br />

at each speed. After an observation has<br />

been made at the top speed. decrease the speed<br />

in steps to the slowest speed. recording the scale<br />

reading after ten revolutions (or equivalent time)<br />

at each speed.<br />

NOTI: 7-11 is preferable to change speed when the<br />

motor is running.<br />

13.5 After the last reading has been taken at<br />

the slowest speed, shut off the viscometer and<br />

allow it and the specimen to stand undisturbed<br />

for an agreed-upon rest period. At the end of the<br />

rest period, start the viscometer at the slowest<br />

speed and record the scale reading after ten revolutions<br />

(or other agreed-upon number of revolutions).<br />

14. Calculations and Interpretation of Results<br />

14. I Calculate the apparent viscosity at each<br />


D 2196<br />

speed as shown in Section 9.<br />

14.2 If desired, determine the degree of shzar<br />

thinning by the following method:<br />

14.2.1 Shear Thinning Index (sometimes erroneously<br />

called the thixotropic index)-Divide<br />

the apparent viscosity at a low rotational speed<br />

by the viscosity at a speed ten times higher.<br />

Typical speed combinations are 2 and 20 rpm, 5<br />

and 50 rpm, 6 and 60 rpm but selection is subject<br />

to agreement between producer and user. The<br />

resultant viscosity ratio is an index of the degree<br />

of shear thinning over that range of rotational<br />

speed with higher ratios indicating greater shear<br />

thinning.<br />

14.2.2 A regular or log-log plot of viscosity<br />

versus viscometer speed in rpm may also be<br />

useful in characterizing the shear-thinning behavior<br />

of the material. Such plots may be used for<br />

making comparisons between paints or other<br />

materials.<br />

14.3 If desired, estimate the degree of thixotropy<br />

(under conditions of limited sheanng-out<br />

of structure) by one of the following methods:<br />

14.3.1 Calculate the ratio of the slowest speed<br />

viscosity taken with increasing speed to that with<br />

decreasing speed. The higher the ratio, the greater<br />

the thixotropy.<br />

14.3.2 Calculate the ratio of the slowest speed<br />

viscosity taken after the rest period to that before<br />

the rest period. The higher the ratio, the greater<br />

the thixotropy.<br />

15. Report<br />

15.1 Report the following information:<br />

15. I . 1 The Brookfield viscometer and spindle,<br />

I 5.1.2 The viscosities at increasing and decreasing<br />

spindle speeds,<br />

15.1.3 The rest period time and the viscosity<br />

at the end of that time.<br />

15.1.4 The specimen temperature in degrees<br />

Celsius; and<br />

15. I .5 The shake time if other than that specified.<br />

15.2 Optionul Reporting:<br />

15.2.1 Degree ofshear Thinning-Shear thinning<br />

index and speeds over which it was measured<br />

(14.2).<br />

15.2.2 Esrimated Degree qf Thixorrop-v (under<br />

conditions of limited shearing-out of structure)-<br />

Ratio of the lowest speed viscosities, for both<br />

increasing and decreasing speeds; or ratio of the<br />

lowest speed viscosities before and after the rest<br />

period, and speed at which they were measured<br />

(14.3).<br />

16. Precision and Bias<br />

16.1 Precision-See Section 23 for precision,<br />

including that for measurement of the shear thinning<br />

index (ratio of viscosity at 5 r/min to that<br />

at 50 r/min). It has not been possible to devise a<br />

method for determining precision for viscosities<br />

at increasing and decreasing speeds other than as<br />

individual measurements. No attempt was made<br />

to determine the precision of the measurement<br />

of the degree of thixotropy because this parameter<br />

is dependent on the material, the time of the<br />

test, and other variables.<br />

16.2 Bias-No statement of bias is possible<br />

with this test method.<br />



17. Apparatus<br />

17.1 High-speed laboratory stirrer with speeds<br />

of at least 2000 rpm and equipped with a 2-in.<br />

(50-mm) diameter circular dispersion blade.'<br />

18. Preparation of Specimen<br />

18.1 Insert the 241-1. (SO-mm) blade into the<br />

center of the can (4.3) so that the blade is about<br />

I in. (25 mm) from the bottom. Run the mixer<br />

at 2000 rpm (Note 8) for 1 min.<br />

NOTE &-Materials may be sheared at other speeds<br />

using other size blades upon agreement between producer<br />

and user.<br />

19. Procedure<br />

19.1 Immediately insert the same spindle used<br />

in <strong>Test</strong> Method B into the sheared material in<br />

the same manner as in Section 9.<br />

19.2 Start the viscometer and adjust to the<br />

highest speed used in <strong>Test</strong> Method B (13.5).<br />

R~CGK! the ~ a!e reading after ten r ~ d i i t(ai<br />

i ~ ~<br />

other agreed-upon number of revolutions).<br />

19.3 Decrease the viscometer speed (Note 7)<br />

step-wise and record the scale readings at each<br />

speed down to the lowest speed used in <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method B, recording the scale reading after ten<br />

revolutions at each speed (or other agreed-upon<br />

number of revol ut ions).<br />

-~ .<br />

'Cowles or Shar type mixer/disperser<br />


D 2196<br />

20. Calculations and Interpretation of Results<br />

20.1 As in <strong>Test</strong> Method B. calculate the viscosities<br />

at each decreasing speed.<br />

20.2 If desired. calculate the degree of shear<br />

thinning by the method given in <strong>Test</strong> Method B,<br />

14.2. The measured viscosity behavior after<br />

shearing is essentially that of the paint immediately<br />

after application (disregarding changes in<br />

solids).<br />

20.3 If desired. estimate the degree of thixotropy<br />

(under conditions of cotnplufc shearing-out<br />

of structure) by calculating the ratio of the lowest<br />

speed viscosities before and after shear. The lowest<br />

speed before-shear viscosity is taken from <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method B. 14.1. at the lowest increasing speed.<br />

The lowest speed after-shear viscosity is taken<br />

from 20. I. The higher the ratio. the greater the<br />

thixotropy.<br />

21. Report<br />

2 1. I Report the following information:<br />

2 1.1.1 The Brookfield viscometer model and<br />

spindle,<br />

2 I. 1.2 The viscosities at decreasing spindle<br />

speeds.<br />

2 I . I .3 The specimen temperature in degrees<br />

Celsius. and<br />

2 1. I .4 The speed of the high-speed mixer. size<br />

of blade. and time of mixing if different from<br />

method.<br />

2 1.2 Optioml Rcportin&y:<br />

2 I 2.1 Dqrw of'Siiwr 77iirrtiiu,q--Shear thinning<br />

index and speed over which it was measured<br />

(14.1).<br />

2 1.2.2 E.vlirnuttd 7/ii.\-orro~pl.-Ratio of lowest<br />

speed viscosities before and after shear and<br />

the speed at which they were measured.<br />

22. Precision and Bias<br />

22. I frc.cSi.sion--The precision for individual<br />

viscosity measurements is the same as for <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method A in Section 23. No attempt has been<br />

made to determine the precision of the shear<br />

thinning index or degree of thixotropy for <strong>Test</strong><br />

Method C for the reasons given in 16.1.<br />

22.2 Bias-No statement of bias is possible<br />

with this test method.<br />

23. Summary of Precision<br />

23. I In an interlaboratoq study of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong><br />

A and B. eight operators in six laboratories<br />

measured on two days the viscosities of four<br />

architectural paints comprising a latex flat. a<br />

latex semi-gloss. a water-reducible gloss enamel.<br />

and an alkyd semi-gloss. that cobered a reasonable<br />

range in viscosities and were shear thinning.<br />

Measurements at increasing speeds of 5. 10. 30.<br />

and SO r/min (equivalent to eight operators testing<br />

16 samples) were used to obtain the precision<br />

of <strong>Test</strong> Method A. The within-laboratory coetlicient<br />

of variation for Tesr Method A (single<br />

speed) was found to be 3.49 % with I I! I degrees<br />

of freedom and for <strong>Test</strong> Method B (Shear Thinning<br />

Index) 3 3 with 31 degrees of freedom.<br />

T tie corresponding between-laboratories coe t?icicnts<br />

are 7.68 CO with 105 degrees of freedom<br />

and 7.63 % with 27 degrees of freedom. Based<br />

on these coefficients the following criteria should<br />

be used for judging the acceptability of results at<br />

the 95 7; confidence level:<br />

23. I . 1 R~J/~~i~ilti/Ji/ir~-TWO results obtained<br />

by thc same operator at different times should be<br />

considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

7 "0 relative for single speed viscosity and 9.5 5;<br />

relative for shear thinning index.<br />

23. I .2 Riprc,dirc.ihi/ifl.-Two results obtained<br />

by operators in different laboratories should be<br />

considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

21.6 and 22.1 9; relative. respectively. for the<br />

same two test methods.<br />


D 2196<br />

TABLE 1 Factors for Converting Brookfield Dial Readings<br />

to Centipoises (MillipascPI seconds)<br />

NOTE-M = 1000.<br />

RV Series Factors Spindles<br />

Speed'rpm I 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

0.5 200 800 2000 4000 8000 20M 80M<br />

I 100 400 1000 2000 4OOO IOM 40M<br />

2 50 200 500 1000 2000 5M 20M<br />

2.5 40 160 400 800 1600 4M 16M<br />

4 25 100 250 500 1000 2.5M IOM<br />

5 20 80 200 400 800 2M 8M<br />

IO IO 40 100 200 400 IM 4M<br />

20 5 20 50 100 200 500 2M<br />

50 2 8 20 40 80 200 800<br />

100 I 4 IO 20 40 100 400<br />

Speed. rpm<br />

0.3<br />

0.6<br />

1.5<br />

3.0<br />

6<br />

12<br />

30<br />

60<br />

LV Series Factors Spindles<br />

I 2 3 4<br />

200 1000<br />

100 500<br />

40 200<br />

20 100<br />

IO 50<br />

5 25<br />

2 IO<br />

I 5<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

800<br />

400<br />

200<br />

100<br />

40<br />

20<br />

20M<br />

1 OM<br />

4M<br />

2M<br />

IM<br />

500<br />

200<br />

100<br />

TABLE 2 Viscosity Variation of Cannon Viscosity<br />

Standards About the 25°C Temperature Point<br />

Cannon Viscosity<br />

Standard<br />

Viscosity at Viscosity Change With<br />

25°C. CP + I'C at 25'C. CP<br />

(m Pa. s) (mPa.s)<br />

s-600 I 400 87.7 (6.26 96)<br />

s-2Ooo 4 900 332 (6.77 %)<br />

S-8000 20 000 1462.3 (7.31 %)<br />

The American Societyji)r <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials tuk1.s no position rtqmting the validity (!/'any putivt rights assc~rtc~d in conncr'tion<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expriwly advised that determination o/'ihc salidity of any .sidi<br />

parent rights, and the risk if infringement of such rights. are entire1.v their own re.~pon.sihility.<br />

This standwd is suhject to revision at any time by the responsible. tcvhnical committee and must he rtviiwed evc~rv,fiw .wars and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited (.ither ,J>r revision of this standard or ji)r additional<br />

standards and should be addwssed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will rcwive careful tnnsidi~ration at a mcvting of thc~<br />

ri~.spon,sible technical committee, which you may attend. (f,vou!&el that your commmts have not received a ,/air hmring ,you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Raw St., Philadelphia. PA 19103.<br />


4sIE,<br />

Designation: D 2240 - 86<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2240 the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This iwthod hus hivn upprovi~d,fi)r usi' hr ugiwcies o?/'~hi~ Diymtmiwr ((Di:/i*n.si, IO rcpluiv mi*thid.v 531 1. I and 5321 in Fivhd<br />

T~w .tli~lliod Slundurd 6001 und mchd 1084 of Frdc.rcrl TiW Mi~~litd Stundurd 406. and 1i)r listing in !hi. DoD Inder 4'<br />

.Spir.ilii~utions und 9undard.s.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers two types of durometers,<br />

A and D, and the procedure for determining<br />

the indentation hardness of homogeneous<br />

materials ranging from soft vulcanized rubber<br />

to some rigid plastics.<br />

1.2 This test method is not applicable to the<br />

testing of coated fabrics.<br />

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard.<br />

1.4 This stundurd muy involvc huzurdoirs mutcvkds.<br />

operutions. und eyiripmcnt. This stundurd<br />

doe.s not purport to uddrcss all ofthc safi>tp prohkms<br />

u.s.sociutid with its IISY. It is thc~ responsibilit!.<br />

of' whocwr irws this standard to consrrlt und<br />

cstuhlish uppropriuto .safi,ry and hcwlth pruct ices<br />

unddctrrminc. the upplicuhility qfrquiutor.v limitutions<br />

prior to iise<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Stundurd.s:<br />

D530 <strong>Methods</strong> of <strong>Test</strong>ing Hard Rubber<br />

Products2<br />

D 618 <strong>Methods</strong> for Conditioning Plastics and<br />

Electrical Insulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing3<br />

D 785 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Rockwell Hardness of<br />

Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials3<br />

D 1349 Practice for Rubber-Standard Temperatures<br />

and Atmospheres for <strong>Test</strong>ing and<br />

C~nditioning~.~<br />

D 1415 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Rubber Property-<br />

International Hardness*<br />

D 3040 Practice for Preparing Precision Statements<br />

for Standards Related to Rubber and<br />

Rubber<br />

NOTE I-The specific dated edition of Practice<br />

D 3040 that prevails in this document is referenced in<br />

the Precision section.<br />

3. Summary of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

3.1 The Type A durometer is used for measuring<br />

softer materials, and the Type D for harder<br />

materials (see Note 6. Section 9). This test<br />

method permits hardness measurements based<br />

on either initial indentation or indentation after<br />

specified periods of time, or both.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 This test method is based on the penetration<br />

of a specified indentor forced into the material<br />

under specified conditions. The indentation<br />

hardness is inversely related to the penetration<br />

and is dependent on the elastic modulus and<br />

viscoelastic behavior of the material. The shape<br />

of the indentor and the force applied to it influence<br />

the results obtained so that there may be no<br />

simple relationship between the results obtained<br />

with one type of durometer and those obtained<br />

with either another type of durometer or another<br />

instrument for measuring hardness. This test<br />

method is an empirical test intended primarily<br />

for control purposes. No simple relationship exists<br />

between indentation hardness determined by<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-l I on Rubber and is the direct responsibility of Subcomittee<br />

DI I. IO on Physical <strong>Test</strong>s.<br />

Current edition approved March 27, 1986. Published May<br />

1986. Originally published as D2240-64 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 2240 - 85.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Slundards. Vol09.0 I.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Vol08.0 I.<br />

'Annual Book ofASTM Standard.% Vol 09.02.<br />


this test method and any fundamental propert)<br />

of the material tested. For specifcation purposes,<br />

it is recommended that Method D 14 I5 be used<br />

for soft materials and Method A of Method<br />

D 530 or Method D 785 be used for hard materials.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 Hardness-measuring apparatus or durometer<br />

consisting of the following components:<br />

5.1.1 Pressor Foot with a hole having a diameter<br />

between 2.5 and 3.2 mm (0. IO and 0.13<br />

in.) centered at least 6 mm (0.25 in.) from any<br />

edge of the foot.<br />

5. I .2 Indentor formed from hardened steel<br />

rod with a diameter between 1.15 and 1.40 mm<br />

(0.045 and 0.055 in.) to the shape and dimensions<br />

shown in Fig. I for Type A durometers or<br />

Fig. 2 for Type D durometers.<br />

5.1.3 Indicating Device on which the amount<br />

of extension of the point of indentor may be read<br />

in terms of graduations ranging from zero for full<br />

extension of 2.46 to 2.54 mm (0.097 to 0.100<br />

in.) (Note I) to 100 for zero extension obtained<br />

by placing presser foot and indentor in firm<br />

contact with a flat piece of glass.<br />

NOTE 2-Type A Shore Durometers serial numbers<br />

I through 16 300 and 16 351 through 16 900<br />

and Type A-2 Shore Durometers numbers I through<br />

8077 do not meet the requirement of 2.46 to 2.54 mm<br />

(0.097 to 0.100 in.) extension of the indentor at zero<br />

reading. These durometers will give readings which are<br />

low by amounts ranging from 3 units at 30 hardness to<br />

I unit at 90 hardness.<br />

5. I .4 Calibrated Spring for applying force to<br />

the indentor in accordance with one of the following<br />

equations:<br />

Force. N = 0.550 + 0.075 HA (1)<br />

where HA is the hardness reading on a Type A<br />

durometer, and<br />

Force, N = 0.4445HD (2)<br />

where HD is the hardness reading on a Type D<br />

durometer.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

6.1 The test specimen shall be at least 6 mm<br />

(0.25 in.) in thickness unless it is known that<br />

identical results are obtained with a thinner specimen<br />

(Note 2).A specimen may be composed of<br />

plied pieces to obtain the necessary thickness, but<br />

determinations made on such specimens may<br />

not agree with those made on solid specimens<br />

because the surfaces between plies may not be in<br />

complete contact. The lateral dimensions of the<br />

specimen shall be sufficient to permit measurements<br />

at least 12 mm (0.5 in.) from any edge<br />

unless it is known that identical results are obtained<br />

when measurements are made at a lesser<br />

distance from an edge. The surface of the specimen<br />

shall be flat over sufficient area to permit<br />

the presser foot to contact the specimen over an<br />

area having a radius of at least 6 mm (0.25 in.)<br />

from the indentor point. A suitable hardness<br />

determination cannot be made on a rounded,<br />

uneven, or rough surface.<br />

NOTE 3-The minimum requirement for the thickness<br />

of the specimen is dependent on the extent of<br />

penetration of the indentor into the specimen; that is.<br />

thinner specimens may be used for materials having<br />

hardness values at the upper end of the scale. The<br />

minimum distance from the edge at which measurements<br />

may be made likewise decreases as the hardness<br />

increases. For materials having hardness values above<br />

50 Type D durometer. the thickness of the specimen<br />

should be at least 3 mm (0. I2 in.) and measurements<br />

should not be made closer than 6 mm (0.25 in.) to any<br />

edge.<br />

7. Calibration<br />

7.1 The spring can be calibrated by supporting<br />

the durometer in a vertical position and resting<br />

the point of the indentor on a small spacer at the<br />

center of one pan of a balance as shown in Fig.<br />

3 in order to prevent interference between presser<br />

foot and pan (Note 3). The spacer shall have a<br />

small cylindrical stem approximately 2.5 mm<br />

(0.1 in.) in height and 1.25 mm (0.05 in.) in<br />

diameter, and shall be slightly cupped on top to<br />

accommodate the indentor point. Balance the<br />

mass of the spacer by a tare on the opposite pan<br />

of the balance. Add known masses to the opposite<br />

pan to balance the force on the indentor at<br />

various scale readings. The measured force (9.8<br />

x mass in kilograms) shall equal the force a!-<br />

culated by either Eq I within +. 0.08 N or Eq 2<br />

within & 0.44 N.<br />

NOTE 4-Instruments specifically designed for calibration<br />

of durometers may be used. Zwick & co..<br />

Control Equipment 7501, can be used for calibration<br />

as it is capable of measuring or applying a force on the<br />

point of the indentor within 0.004 N for a Type A<br />

durometer and within 0.02 N for a Type D durometer.<br />

Zwick Control Equipment 7501 with serial numbers<br />

higher than WA-20301 are satisfactory for this work.<br />

Instruments with lower serial numbers must be modified.<br />


eb<br />

7.2 Frequent checks in between calibrations<br />

in accordance with 7. I, of the indentor by means<br />

of a test block supplied by the manufacturer<br />

should be made to monitor the condition of the<br />

indentor relative to possible wear or damage.<br />

8. Conditioning<br />

8.1 <strong>Test</strong>s shall be made at 23 f 2°C (73.4 f<br />

3.6’F) if the temperature of test is not specified.<br />

When tests are made at other temperatures, it is<br />

recommended that they be made at one or more<br />

of the standard temperatures given in Practice<br />

D 1349 or Procedure A of Method D618. The<br />

specimens shall be conditioned at the temperature<br />

of test for at least I h before test for materials<br />

whose hardness is not dependent on the relative<br />

humidity. For materials whose hardness is dependent<br />

on the relative humidity, the specimens<br />

shall be conditioned in accordance with Procedure<br />

A of Method D 6 I8 and tested at the same<br />

conditions.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Place the specimen on a hard, horizontal<br />

surface. Hold the durometer in a vertical position<br />

with the point of the indentor at least 12 mm<br />

(0.5 in.) from any edge of the specimen, unless it<br />

is known that identical results are obtained when<br />

measurements are made with the indentor at a<br />

lesser distance. Apply the pressor foot to the<br />

specimen as rapidly as possible without shock,<br />

keeping the foot parallel to the surface of the<br />

specimen. Apply just sufficient pressure to obtain<br />

firm contact between pressor foot and specimen.<br />

NOTE 5-Better reproducibility may be obtained by<br />

using either a durometer stand or a mass centered<br />

on the axis of the indentor or both to apply the presser<br />

foot to the specimen. Recommended masses are I kg<br />

for the Type A durometer and 5 kg for the Type D<br />

durometer.<br />

9.2 Unless otherwise specified,<br />

. .<br />

read the scale<br />

ratory program with three materials of varying<br />

within i s ;after the ~ ~TSSH f30: is ifi firm c~nta~c!<br />

with the specimen, unless the durometer has a<br />

maximum indicator, in which case the maximum<br />

reading is taken. If a reading after a time interval<br />

is specified, hold the presser foot in contact with<br />

the specimen without change in position or pressure<br />

and read the scale after the period specified.<br />

NOTE 6-Durometers having only a maximum indicator<br />

cannot be used to obtain hardness values at<br />

various time intervals, nor in testing vinyl plastics which<br />

require the reading to be taken at I5 s.<br />

9.3 Make five measurements of hardness at<br />

D 2240<br />

different positions on the specimen at least 6 mm<br />

(0.25 in.) apart and determine the median value<br />

or the arithmetic mean.<br />

NOTE 7-It is recommended that measurements<br />

be made with the Type D durometer when values above<br />

90 are obtained with the Type A durometer and that<br />

measurements be made with the Type A durometer<br />

when values less than 20 are obtained with the Type D<br />

durometer. Values below IO Type A are inexact and<br />

should not be reported.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

10. I. 1 The hardness value obtained.<br />

IO. I .2 Complete identification of material<br />

tested, including date of vulcanization,<br />

IO. I .3 Description of specimen, including<br />

thickness and number of pieces plied. if less than<br />

6 mm (0.25 in.).<br />

IO. I .4 Temperature of test if other than 23°C.<br />

and relative humidity when hardness of material<br />

is dependent on humidity.<br />

10.1.5 Type and manufacture of durometer,<br />

IO. I .6 Indentation hardness time interval at<br />

which reading was taken (Note 7). and<br />

IO. 1.7 Date of test.<br />

NOTI 8-Readings may be reported in the form: A/<br />

45/15 where A is the type of durometer. 45 the reading.<br />

and I5 the time in seconds that the pressure foot is in<br />

firm contact with the specimen. Similarly. D/60/1 indicates<br />

a reading of 60 on the Type D durometer<br />

obtained either within I s or from a maximum indicator.<br />

11. Precision and Bias’<br />

I 1.1 These precision and bias statements have<br />

been prepared in accordance with Practice<br />

D 3040 - 8 I. Refer to Practice D 3040 for terminology<br />

and other testing and statistical concepts.<br />

I 1.2 The LQC precision for both Type A and<br />

D methods was determined from an interlabo-<br />

hardness, in each range, with SIX participating<br />

laboratories. <strong>Test</strong>s were conducted on two separate<br />

days in each laboratory for both the A and<br />

D programs. All materials were supplied from a<br />

single source.<br />

1 1.3 A test result for hardness (both A and D)<br />

was the median of five individual hardness readings<br />

on each day in each laboratory.<br />

11.4 Table 1 gives the precision results for<br />

’ Supporting data have been tiled at ASTM Headquarters.<br />

1916 RaceSt., Philadelphia, PA 19103. Request RR:DI 1-1029.<br />


~~<br />

D2240<br />

Type A method. Table 2 gives the precision<br />

results for Type D method.<br />

11.5 Repeatability refers to within laboratory<br />

precision; reproducibility refers to among (between)<br />

laboratory precision.<br />

1 I .6 Bias-In test method statistical termi-<br />

nology, bias is the difference between an average<br />

test value and the reference or true test property<br />

value. Reference values do not exist for this test<br />

method since the value or level of the test property<br />

is exclusively defined by the test method.<br />

Bias, therefore, can not be determined.<br />

Material<br />

Mean<br />

Level<br />

TABLE 1 LQC Hardness Precision Data-Type A<br />

Within Laboratories<br />

Among Laboratories<br />

S cv S cv<br />

I 51.4 0.646 0.0 I3 I .56 0.030<br />

2 65.3 0.878 0.014 2.14 0.333<br />

3 68.0 0.433 0.0064 2.28 0.034<br />

Average or Pooled Values 0.677 0.01 I8 2.018 0.0323<br />

Repeatability<br />

Reproducibility<br />

Standard Deviation, (S)" 0.677 2.045<br />

CoeFficient of Variation. (CV) 0.01 18 0.0325<br />

Least Significant Difference, (LSD)' 3.29 % 9.20 %<br />

A An average value. the value of S varies with mean level.<br />

'LSD based on 95 % confidence level; two results are considered significantly different if their difference, expressed as a<br />

percentage of their average, exceeds the stated percent value.<br />

Material<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

TABLE 2 LQC Hardness Precision Data-Type D"<br />

Mean Within Laboratories Among Laboratories<br />

Level s cv S cv<br />

42.6 0.316 0.0080 2.8 I5 0.066 I<br />

54.5 0.79 I 0.0 I50 3.536 0.0649<br />

82.3 1.012 0.0 I30 3.544 0.043 1<br />

~~~~~~ ~<br />

Average or Pooled Values 0.762 0.0 I22 3.316 0.0590<br />

Repeatability<br />

Reproducibility<br />

Standard Deviation, (S)' 0.762 3.359<br />

CoeFficient of Variation. (CV) 0.0122 0.0596<br />

Least Significant Difference, (LSD)' 3.45 % 16.85 %<br />

A One laboratory did not report data. The results are based on five laboratories.<br />

'An average value, the value of S varies with mean level.<br />

'LSD based on 95 % confidence level: two results are considered significantly different if their difference. expressed as a<br />

percentage of their average, exceeds the stated percent level.<br />


D2240<br />

Q 35.2 5<br />

-OramiW<br />

I*<br />

0.79 ZOO3 mm<br />

FIG. 1 Indentor for Type A Durometer<br />

2. 5010.04~0m<br />

,o<br />

FIG. 2 Indentor for Type D Durometer<br />

Rod. 0.100~~012 mm<br />

The .4merican Sotietyji)r <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in iwmection<br />

with uny item mentioned in this standard. Users (?/‘this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

puieni rights. and the risk of infringement of such rights. are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is suhject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every,five .wars and<br />

If not revised. either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or ,for additional<br />

.standurd.v und should be uddressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting (f the<br />

re.sponsihle technical 1-ommittee. which ~vou may attend. If you .bel that your comments have not received a ,fair heuring you should<br />

muke your views know to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />

28 1

em<br />

Designation: D 2293 - 69 (Reapproved 1980)"<br />


1916 Raw St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appmr in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2293; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parenthesa indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change Since the last revision or rcapproval.<br />

'' Note in Section 2 was added editoriallv and subuent sections renumbmd in Ami1 1985.<br />

1. scope<br />

I. 1 This test method covers the determination<br />

of the creep properties of adhesives for bonding<br />

metals when tested on a standard specimen and<br />

subjected to certain conditions of temperature<br />

and compressive stress in a spring-loaded testing<br />

apparatus.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard:<br />

D 1002 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Strength Properties<br />

of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading<br />

(Metal-to-Metal?<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Compression Creep <strong>Test</strong> Apparatus, as<br />

shown in Figs. 1 and 2.<br />

3.2 Microscope, calibrated, with Filar microeyepiece<br />

and l OX objective lens.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

4.1 <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall conform to the form<br />

and dimensions shown in Fig. 3. These specimens<br />

are similar to the tension lap shear specimens<br />

described in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1002, except<br />

that the length of either side of the shear area<br />

shall be 6.35 mm (Vi in.) rather than 88.9 mm<br />

(3% in.) minimum.<br />

4.2 A complete description of these specimens<br />

and the method of preparation is given in Sections<br />

3,4, and 5 of <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1002.<br />

4.3 Each test specimen shall have the edges of<br />

the bond area polished and scribed with three<br />

fine lines across the glueline for creep measurement.<br />

5. Procedure<br />

5.1 To conduct a creep test, center the specimen<br />

within the slot between the washer and<br />

bushing of the apparatus as shown in Fig. 1.<br />

Compress the spring between the two bushings<br />

to the desired load by tightening the nut. The<br />

correct load can be applied by deflecting the<br />

spring a given measured amount as determined<br />

from a calibration curve.<br />

5.2 To measure total deflection, observe the<br />

average displacement of fine razor scratches<br />

across the centers of both sides of the lap joints<br />

with a calibrated microscope having a Filar microeyepiece<br />

and a lox objective lens.<br />

5.3 If the spring load is allowed to continue<br />

to compress the specimen, the observed initial<br />

deflection will be followed by a continued increasing<br />

deflection with time. To provide a complete<br />

history of creep behavior, measure these<br />

deflections periodically with the calibrated microscope<br />

for as long as the test is allowed to<br />

continue or until the adhesive joint fails.<br />

5.4 If a creep curve at other than room temperature<br />

is required, perform both the specimen<br />

loading and its subsequent exposure while holding<br />

the specimen to the desired temperature. A<br />

suitable oven or cold box may be used for this<br />

purpose. Under these conditions, the actual creep<br />

measurements are more difficult to obtain. This<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of<br />

Suhmitteee D14.80 on Metal Bonding Adhesives.<br />

Current edition approved May 9, 1969. Pulbished July 1969.<br />

Originally published as D2293 - 64 T. Last previous edition<br />

D 2293 - 64 T.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />


can be done, however, in one of two ways. The<br />

microscopic measurements can be made quickly<br />

and the specimen and its apparatus returned to<br />

its temperature box before its test temperature<br />

has changed appreciably. Or, periodically, additional<br />

fine scribe lines can be added adjacent to<br />

the original scratches across the centers of both<br />

sides of the lap joints and all of the displacements<br />

measured and calculated in terms of differences<br />

from the original scratches at the conclusion of<br />

the test. If final scratches are made just before<br />

the specimen is removed from the temperature<br />

box, the displacement measurements can be<br />

made at room temperature and with the specimen<br />

unloaded if desired. Furthermore, relaxation<br />

of the specimen after unloading can also be<br />

measured if the displacement readings are continued.<br />

5.5 If buckling of the specimen occurs due to<br />

compressive creep of the metal, discount the test<br />

and redesign the specimen.<br />

5.6 Record the total observed average deflection,<br />

the magnitude and duration of the compressive<br />

stress, and the test temperature for each<br />

specimen.<br />

6. Report<br />

6.1 The report shall include the following<br />

6.1.1 Complete description of materials and<br />

procedures used and dimensions of the specimen,<br />

6.1.2 Creep of specimen defined as the quotient<br />

of the total measured deflection and the<br />

bondline thickness, expressed in &metres per<br />

,millimetre(or inches per inch),<br />

6.1.3 Magnitude and duration of the compressive<br />

stress and the test temperature, and<br />

6.1.4 Nature of the failure if it occurs before<br />

the creep test is completed.<br />


@ D2293<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3.97 mm<br />

(5132")<br />

7<br />

63.5 mm<br />

( 2 -I /2")<br />

1<br />

6.35<br />

f<br />

1905 mm(3/4") I ' I<br />

L'<br />

-12.7 mm (1/2")<br />

20 NF Threod<br />

50.8 mm (2")long<br />

I<br />

A-slotted bdt<br />

&Bushing<br />

C-Sprhg-piano wire cylindrical helical compression<br />

spring with six active coils, eight total coils, wound closed,<br />

ground quam, and cadmium plated<br />

D-Washer-22.25 mm ('h in.) OD, 12.7 mm (% in.) ID,<br />

1.6 mm (%6 in.) thick<br />

E-Nut-12.7 mm ('h in.)-20 NF<br />

F-T- specimen<br />

Bolt 12.7 mm (1/2")<br />

20NFx130 mm<br />

(5-3/32") long<br />

@<br />

FIG. 2 Compression Creep <strong>Test</strong> Appmtm, Deenils<br />

FIG. 1 Compression Creep <strong>Test</strong> Apparatus, Assembly<br />


1.6 mm (0.064")<br />

1<br />

Bondline<br />

TMochine oll edges<br />

flat and square<br />

t<br />

25.4 mm<br />

6.35 mm 6.35"<br />

( I /4" 1 ( 1/4"<br />

FIG. 3 Form and Dimeasions of <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

The American Scxiety for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity o$any patent rights asserted in conrrortion<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users o$this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity o$any such<br />

went rights, and the risk of infingement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision a! any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision os this standard or for additid<br />

statduds and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive carefil consideration at a meeting ofthe<br />

respnsible technical committee, which you may attend. I$ you feel that your comments have not received a jhir hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Lbsignatim 0 2294 - 69 (Reapproved 198Or'<br />


1916 Raw St., Phikblphb, Pa. 1910d<br />

R~primd from the Annual Book of ASTM Standads, Wright ASrM<br />

in the current canbind index. will appmr in the mt edition.<br />

If not I ii<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed desigaation D 2294, the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last mvision or reapproval.<br />

" No~ESeCtion 2 WBS added editohlly and suhpequent SC&XIS renumbered h A@ 1985.<br />

1. scope<br />

1. I This test method covers the determination<br />

of the creep properties of adhesives for bonding<br />

metals when tested on a standard specimen and<br />

subjected to certain conditions of temperature<br />

and tensile stress in a spring-loaded testing ap<br />

paratus.<br />

1.2 This test method is applicable to the temperature<br />

range from -55 to +26OoC (-67 to<br />

+5WF).<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2. I ASTM Standards..<br />

D638 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Tensile Properties of<br />

Plastics2<br />

D 1002 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Strength Properties of<br />

Adhesives in Shear By Tension Loading<br />

(Metal-t~-Metal)~<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Tension Creep <strong>Test</strong> Apparatus, as shown<br />

in Fig. It shall consist of a hollow loading<br />

chamber, a solid extension rod with provisions<br />

for attachment of test specimens, and a hightemperature<br />

resistant spring.' A testing machine<br />

conforming to the requirements of <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

D 638 shall be used as a loading mechanism.<br />

3.2 Microscope, calibrated, having loOX magnification.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

4.1 <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall conform to the shape<br />

and dimensions shown in Fig. 2. These specimens<br />

are similar to the tension lap shear speci-<br />

mens described in <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1002, except<br />

for the holes as shown in Fig. 2:<br />

4.2 At least three specimens shall be tested for<br />

each set of standard conditions of load, time, and<br />

temperature.<br />

4.3 A complete description of these specimens<br />

and the method of preparation is given in Sections<br />

3,4, and 5 of <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1002.<br />

4.4 Each test specimen shall have the 12.7-<br />

mm (%in.) edges of the bond area polished and<br />

scribed with three fine lines across the glueline<br />

(Fig. 1) for creep measurement.<br />

5. Procedure<br />

5.1 Attach the test apparatus to a testing machine<br />

and condition to a prescribed test temperature.<br />

Place a specimen within the load chamber<br />

of the test apparatus (Fig. 2), and attach to the<br />

chamber and load shaft by means of pins.<br />

5.2 Apply the load by the test machine at a<br />

rate 80 to 100 kgf/cm2/min (1200 to 1400 psi/<br />

min). After reaching the desired load turn up the<br />

knurled supporting ring to make contact with<br />

! This test method, is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D14.80 on Metal Bonding Adhesives.<br />

Current edition approved May 9, 1969. Published July 1969.<br />

Onginally published as D2294 - 64T. Last previous edition<br />

D 2294 - 64T.<br />

' Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol08.0 1.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />

' Detailed working drawings for the construction of the tensile<br />

creep test apparatus are available at a nominal cost from the<br />

ASTM, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. Request Adjunct<br />

No. 12-422940-00.<br />

' Springs suitable for this apparatus may be obtained from<br />

the \N. D. Gibson Co., Chicago, IL.<br />


the disk (that is, touch plus Y4 turn) supporting<br />

the compressed Spring. Unload the testing machine,<br />

remove the entire creep test apparatus<br />

(except the loading yoke) from the testing machine,<br />

and place it in the desired environment.<br />

5.3 To measure total deflection, observe the<br />

displacement of fine razor marks across both<br />

sides of the bond area with a calibrated microscope<br />

having lOOx magnification.<br />

5.4 To measure deflection at various times<br />

during the test, especially when the environment<br />

is other than room temperature, fine scribe lines<br />

may be added periodically adjacent to the original<br />

mark across the edge of the joint. Make a<br />

final mark just before the specimen is removed<br />

from the temperature-conditioned area and the<br />

load removed. The relative displacement measurements,<br />

which may then be made at any time<br />

thereafter, will indicate the amount of creep deflection<br />

at the various time intervals. Suggested<br />

time intervals are 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100, 300,<br />

500, 1O00, etc., min, as these yield approximately<br />

equally spaced points when plotted on a log scale.<br />

If desired, readings of the changes in displacement<br />

can be continued even after the specimen<br />

is unloaded. These provide a measure of the<br />

relaxation.<br />

5.5 Record the deflection at periodic intervals<br />

during the test, the total deflection, the magnitude<br />

and duration of the tensile stress, and the<br />

test temperature for each specimen. Express all<br />

loads in kilograms per square centimetre (or<br />

pounds per square inch) and, if possible, report<br />

to three significant figures.<br />

6. Report<br />

6.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

6.1.1 Complete identification of the materials<br />

and procedures used and dimensions of the bond<br />

area including width and length k2.54 mm (0.0 1<br />

in.) and bondline thickness kO.0 127 mm (0.0005<br />

in.),<br />

6.1.2 Creep deflection of the specimens shown<br />

as total measured deflection,<br />

6.1.3 Magnitude and duration of the tensile<br />

stress, test temperature, and any environmental<br />

conditions,<br />

6.1.4 Conditioning procedure used for specimens<br />

prior to testing,<br />

6.1.5 Number of specimens tested, and<br />

6.1.6 Nature of the failure (that is, percent<br />

adhesive or cohesive) if it occurs before the creep<br />

test is completed.<br />


LT<br />

FIG. 1 Tc~~sion Creep <strong>Test</strong> Apparalvs<br />


The American Sbciety for <strong>Test</strong>ingand Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

went rights. and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years and<br />

$not revised. either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additiona2<br />

standards and sholrld be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive car& consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. rf you fwl that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Stanhrds. 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


4slb<br />

Designation:<br />

D 2556 - 69 386<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM<br />



Standard Method of <strong>Test</strong> for<br />




This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D '556: the number immediately following the designation indicates<br />

the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the<br />

year of last reapproval.<br />

1. scope<br />

1 .I This method covers the measurement of<br />

the apparent viscosity of shear-rate-dependent<br />

adhesives.<br />

5.2 The principle of measurement is based<br />

upon a reversible isothermal change in apparent<br />

viscosity with change in rate of shear.<br />

1.3 Measurement is performed with a spindle,<br />

disk, T-bar, or coaxial cylinder rotational<br />

viscometer under standardized conditions with<br />

rigid control of the time intervals of measurement.<br />

Readings are obtained on the viscometer<br />

dial scale at the end of 1 min for each rotational<br />

speed. Changes from the lowest speed<br />

to the highest speed, and return to the lowest<br />

speed, are made without stopping the instruffient.<br />

2. Apparatus<br />

2 I Viscometer-The apparatus shall consist<br />

of a spindle,2 disk,2 T-bar,2 or coaxial-type"<br />

viscometer with appropriate spindles, disks,<br />

T-bars, or cylinders. A scored, warped, or<br />

~ther~ise damaged spid!t, disk, T-bai, oi<br />

cylinder shall not be used. Except when using<br />

the coaxial cylinder-type viscometer, the size<br />

of container to be used wall be determined by<br />

mutual agreement. Some instruments have<br />

two concentric scales, and care should be<br />

taken to read the pointer on the correct scale.<br />

2.2 Supporting Stand'-The support for<br />

the viscometer shall consist of a suitable stand<br />

with a supporting arm which shall be capable<br />

of being lowered or raised either manually or<br />

mechanically.<br />

2.3 Thermometer-A precision thermome-<br />

290<br />

ter, with graduations not greater than 0.2 C<br />

(0.5 F), shall be used for temperature measurements.<br />

3. Conditioning<br />

3.1 Condition the adhesive sample and instrument<br />

at 23 f 0.5 C (73.4 f 1.0 F) (or<br />

other temperature agreed upon by the adhesive<br />

vendor and purchaser) at least 16 h. If<br />

special conditioning methods are necessary,<br />

such as the use of a circulating water bath,<br />

they shall be noted in the report, see 4.1.4.<br />

4. Procedure<br />

4.1 Select a viscometer and spindle (see<br />

Table AI), disk, T-bar, or cylinder suited to<br />

the viscosity range of the material such that<br />

the model-speed-rotational element combination<br />

will give dial readings between 20 and 80<br />

percent of the full-scale reading. Firmly fit the<br />

rotational element into the shaft extension<br />

which goes down through the center of the<br />

dial casing. Place the viscometer on the supporting<br />

stand so that the rotational element is<br />

vertical. Slowly immerse the rotational ele-<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives. A list of members may be found<br />

in the ASTM Yearbook.<br />

Current edition effective May 9. 1969. Originally issued<br />

1966. Replaces D 2556 66 T.<br />

- The Brookfield Synchro-Lectric Viscometers. Models<br />

LV, RV, or HV have been found satisfactory for this purpose<br />

and are available from the Brookfield Engineering<br />

Laboratories, Stoughton, Mass.<br />

' The Ferranti Portable Viscometers, Models VL, VM,<br />

or VH have been found satisfactory for this test and are<br />

available from Ferranti Electric Inc.. Plainview. Long Is-<br />

Ian!. N. Y.<br />

The Brookfield Helipath Stand or other commercially<br />

available stands may be used.

D 2556<br />

ment in the sample to the depth recommended<br />

by the manufacturer of the apparatus or,<br />

where this is not clearly indicated, to a depth<br />

agreed upon by the adhesive vendor and purchaser.<br />

Take care as the rotational element is<br />

lowered into the solution to ensure that no air<br />

is trapped under or around it. See Appendix<br />

A 1 for example or spindle selection.<br />

4.2 With the rotational element immersed<br />

n the adhesive, start the motor of the viscometer<br />

at the lowest rotational speed. Maintain<br />

this speed for exactly 1 min. Without stopping<br />

the motor, increase the speed to the next indicated<br />

measure of rotation, etc., at I-min (*2<br />

s) intervals, until the maximum readable rotation<br />

has been achieved. At the end of 1 min at<br />

thih speed, decrease the revolutions per minute<br />

in I-min intervals until the lowest speed<br />

ha5 been reached. Record dial readings at the<br />

end of each minute.<br />

4.3 A plot of rotational speed versus apparent<br />

viscosity as determined from the dial<br />

readings provides evidence as to shear-rate<br />

dependency of the material. A value of apparent<br />

viscosity may be obtained from any point<br />

on the curve.<br />

5. Report<br />

5.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

5.1.1 Date of test and complete identifica-<br />

tion of the adhesive tested, including type,<br />

source, manufacturer’s code numbers,, form,<br />

date of manufacture,<br />

5.1.2 Name and model number of the instrument<br />

used,<br />

5.1.3 Number and type of rotational element<br />

used,<br />

5.1.4 Conditioning procedure employed in<br />

preparation of the adhesive for testing, including<br />

dimensions of the test container,<br />

5.1.5 Time elapsed between various operations<br />

in preparation of the adhesive mix and<br />

between rotational element immersion and<br />

start of test,<br />

5.1.6 Temperature of the sample during<br />

test,<br />

5.1.7 Depth of immersion of rotating element<br />

(if depth not standard), and<br />

5.1.8 Apparent viscosity in poises or equivalent<br />

units associated with the particular<br />

equipment at one or more selected rotational<br />

speeds and whether obtained while increasing<br />

or decreasing the rotational speeds.<br />

NOTE-The shear-rate-dependent characteristics<br />

of a sample under test may be defined by a so-called<br />

“thixotropic index,” which is the ratio of apparent<br />

viscosities at two different speeds. For example:<br />

apparent viscosity at speed 2<br />

~<br />

apparent viscosity at speed 20<br />

= 80,000 ~P/20.000 CP = 4<br />


Eirich. F. K., Rheolog.i,, Academic Press, I1 1 5th<br />

Ave., New York, N. Y., 1960.<br />

Green, Henry, Industrial Rheo1og.r and Rheological<br />

Structures, John Wiley and Sons, New York,<br />

N. Y., 1949.<br />

29 1



TABLE A1<br />

Recommended Spindles for Brookfield RVF Viecometer<br />

Range, cP" Spindle Speed, rpm Factor'<br />

100 to 400<br />

400 to 800<br />

800 to 1 600<br />

1600to3 200<br />

3 2OOto4OOO<br />

4OOOto8000<br />

8 OOO to 16 OOO<br />

16 OOO to 20 000<br />

20 OOO to 40 OOO<br />

40 OOO to 80 GOO<br />

80 000 to 160 OOO<br />

160 000 to 200 OOO<br />

200 000 to 400 OOO<br />

400 000 to 800 OOO<br />

800 OOO to 2 000 OOO<br />

1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

3<br />

4<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

7<br />

20<br />

IO<br />

20<br />

10<br />

20<br />

20<br />

IO<br />

4<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

4<br />

2<br />

5<br />

10<br />

20<br />

40<br />

50<br />

100<br />

200<br />

250<br />

500<br />

1000<br />

2000<br />

2500<br />

5000<br />

IO 000<br />

20 000<br />

a If the scale reading is below 20 or above 80, move to the spindle and speed recommended for the next lower<br />

or higher viscosity-range<br />

* To obtain the viscosity in centipoises, multiply the reading on the "100' scale by the factor for the given<br />

spindle and speed<br />


(ISTE,<br />

Designation: D 2849 - 69 (Reapproved 1980)''<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Methods</strong> of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />


An American National Standard<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2849; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (c) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

'' NoTE-Mion 2 was added editorially and subsequent sections renumbered in August 1985.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 These methods cover the testing of poly01<br />

raw materials used in preparing urethane foams,<br />

including both polyesters and polyethers containing<br />

carboxyl, primary or secondary hydroxyl<br />

groups, or both.<br />

NOTE 1-Urethane foams are cellular products that<br />

vary from soft resilient types to those which are hard<br />

and rigid. These foams are made by the interaction of<br />

polyhydroxy compounds, water, and an organic polyisocyanate.<br />

The reactions involved in the manufacture<br />

of these foams can be modified in many ways. Basic<br />

materials, especially tertiary amines, act as catalysts and<br />

accelerate the reaction, whereas acidic materials retard<br />

it. The uniformity and size of the cells are affected by<br />

the addition of surface-active agents. Usually nonionic<br />

or cationic surfactants are employed. Fillers, plasticizers,<br />

and colors are also added in many cases to give<br />

specific properties to the foam.<br />

1.2 The procedures appear in the following<br />

order:<br />

Sections<br />

Sampling ........................... 4<br />

Sodium and Potassium ................ 6 to 20<br />

Acid and Alkalinity Numbers ...........21 to 30<br />

Hydroxyl Number ....................31 to 52<br />

Unsaturation ....................... .53 to 60<br />

Water ............................. .61 to 70<br />

Suspended Matter ....................71 to 73<br />

Specific Gravity . . . . . . . . . . 74 io 79<br />

Viscosity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 to 91<br />

Color .......................... 92 to 103<br />

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2. I ASTM S "k:<br />

D 6 18 Method for Conditioning Plastics and<br />

Electrical lnsulating Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing'<br />

D I 193 Specification for Reagent Water3<br />

D 1209 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Color of Clear Liquids<br />

(Platinum-Cobalt Scale)4<br />

E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometers'<br />

E 200 <strong>Methods</strong> for Preparation, Standardization,<br />

and Storage of Standard Solutions for<br />

Chemical Analysis6<br />

E 203 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Water Using the Karl<br />

Fischer Reagent6<br />

E 308 Method for Computing the Colors of<br />

Objects by Using the CIE System'<br />

3. Purity of Reagents<br />

3.1 Purity of Reagents-Reagent grade chemicals<br />

shall be used in all tests. Unless otherwise<br />

indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall<br />

conform to the specifications of the Committee<br />

on Analytical Reagents of the Amencan Chemical<br />

Society, where such specifications are available.*<br />

Other grades may be used, provided it is<br />

first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently<br />

high punty to permit its use without lessening<br />

the accuracy of the determination.<br />

3.2 Purity of Water-Unless otherwise indi-<br />

I These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-20 on Plastics and are the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D20.22 on Cellular Plastics.<br />

Current edition approied Dec. I Q. 1964 Puhli\IiL,.: I :vtiJr\<br />

1970.<br />

* .-II1/711U/ Book o/ .I.W\f .StU//t/Ud\. 1'01 ox 01<br />

'. lrlrllru/ Book o/ .1S%\f.s/u//durt/\.<br />

1'L)l I I (1 I<br />

.lr1r7//~/ Book o/ .I.ST.\I S/ur/durd\. 1

D 2849<br />

cated, references to water shall be understood to<br />

mean water conforming to Specification D 1 193.<br />

4. Sampling<br />

4. I Polyesters and polyethers usually contain<br />

molecules covering an appreciable range of molecular<br />

weights. These have a tendency to fractionate<br />

during solidification. Unless the material<br />

is a finely-ground solid it is necessary to melt<br />

(using no higher temperature than necessary) and<br />

mix the resin well before removing a sample for<br />

analysis. Many polyols are hygroscopic and care<br />

should be taken to provide minimum exposure<br />

to atmospheric moisture during the sampling.<br />

5. Conditioning<br />

5.1 Conditioning-Condition the test specimens<br />

at 23 f 2°C (73.4 f 3.6"F) and 50 f 5 %<br />

relative humidity for not less than 40 h prior to<br />

test in accordance with Procedure A of Method<br />

D 618 for those tests where conditioning is required.<br />

In cases of disagreement, the tolerances<br />

shall be f 1 "C (f 1.8"F) and +2 % relative humidity.<br />

5.2 <strong>Test</strong> Conditions-Conduct tests in the<br />

Standard Laboratory Atmosphere of 23 f 2°C<br />

(73.4 f 3.6"F) and 50 & 5 % relative humidity,<br />

unless otherwise specified in the test methods or<br />

in this specification. In cases of disagreement, the<br />

tolerances shall be floc (fl.8"F) and f2 % relative<br />

humidity.<br />


6. Scope and Application<br />

6.1 This method covers the determination of<br />

sodium and potassium in all types of polyols<br />

containing from 0 to 10 ppm of sodium or potassium,<br />

or both. Polyols having larger sodium<br />

or potassium concentrations can be analyzed by<br />

employiiig ~iie of the fg:l~~iiig mobifications:<br />

6.1.1 Decreasing the sample size,<br />

6.1.2 Diluting the ash solution, and<br />

6.1.3 Extending the calibration curve to<br />

higher concentration.<br />

7. Summary of Method<br />

7.1 This method is based on a flame photometric<br />

analysis of the ash derived from the sample.<br />

8. Apparatus<br />

8. I Flame Photometer.'<br />

8.2 Metal Sheet, 1.6 by 152 by 152 mm (l/16<br />

by 6 by 6 in.), or asbestos slate of similar dimensions,<br />

with a hole 38 mm ( 1.5 in.) in diameter in<br />

the center.<br />

8.3 Polyethylene Bottles, 470-cm3 (I-pt) capacity.<br />

8.4 Sample Holders, for vaporizing solution<br />

into the flame.<br />

8.5 Funnel, 50-mm, having short stem and<br />

drawn to a point.<br />

9. Reagents<br />

9.1 Potassium Carbonate, Potassium Chloride,<br />

or Potassium Acetate, Stock Solution<br />

(0.1000 g K/ 1000 mL, IO0 ppm K)-Prepare an<br />

aqueous solution of potassium carbonate<br />

(K2C03), potassium chloride (KCl), or potassium<br />

acetate (KC2H302) containing 0.1000 g of potassium/lOOO<br />

mL (100 ppm potassium). Store in a<br />

polyethylene bottle. Prepare standard aqueous<br />

solutions containing 1,2, 3, and 5 ppm of potassium<br />

from the above 100 ppm stock solution and<br />

store in a polyethylene bottle.<br />

9.2 Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Chloride, or<br />

Sodium Acetate, Stock Solution (0.1000 g Na/<br />

1000 mL, 100 ppm Na)-Prepare an aqueous<br />

solution of sodium carbonate (Na2C03), sodium<br />

chloride (NaCl), or sodium acetate (NaC2H302)<br />

containing 0.1000 g of sodium/l000 mL (100<br />

ppm sodium). Store in a polyethylene bottle.<br />

Prepare standard aqueous solutions containing<br />

1, 2, 3, and 5 ppm of sodium from the 100 ppm<br />

stock solution and store in a polyethylene bottle.<br />

9.3 Water, freshly distilled, stored in a polyethylene<br />

bottle.<br />

10. Special Precautions<br />

10.1 An extra effort must be made to avoid<br />

contamination during the entire procedure. 'The<br />

environment should be free of dust and cigarette<br />

smoke. Boiling of exposed salt solutions of calcium,<br />

sodium, and potassium near the sample<br />

can significantly affect the result. Fingers should<br />

never contact solutions and the inside of containers.<br />

All containers should be rinsed before<br />

use with freshly distilled water which is stored in<br />

The Beckman DU with flame photometer accessory, or the<br />

equivalent, has been found satisfactory for this purpose.<br />


D 2849<br />

a closed chemical-resistant glass or polyethylene<br />

bottle. Water contained in a polyethylene<br />

squeeze type wash bottle should be changed frequently<br />

since the air returning to the bottle after<br />

use can readily introduce sodium or potassium<br />

from the atmosphere. Filter paper must not be<br />

used in the analysis since it could either absorb<br />

or contribute sodium ion. The sample ash solution<br />

should be read in the flame photometer the<br />

same day it is prepared. Glass stoppers should be<br />

inserted in the volumetric flasks without twisting<br />

action. The platinum dishes should be perfectly<br />

clean, have a shiny and smooth inner surface,<br />

and should be reserved for this analysis.<br />

11. Sample Ashing<br />

11.1 Weigh 20 f 0.1 g of the sample into a<br />

platinum dish. Place the dish with its contents in<br />

the center of a metal or asbestos sheet that is<br />

supported by a ring stand and located above a<br />

bunsen or Meker burner. Light the burner and<br />

carefully heat the sample below its ignition point<br />

so that nonspattering steams of bubbles rise from<br />

the sample (Note 2). After the sample has been<br />

reduced to a tarry or coke-like residue (approximately<br />

40 min), ignite it by passing the flame<br />

over the dish. Turn the burner off and allow the<br />

residue to burn out. Transfer the dish to a mume<br />

furnace at 525 to 550°C (above 550°C a loss of<br />

sodium or potassium could occur) and complete<br />

the ashing to a carbon-free residue (Note 3).<br />

Remove the dish from the furnace and allow to<br />

cool to room temperature in a desiccator.<br />

NOTE 2-If the sample has a low volatility, the<br />

burner flame should touch the platinum dish directly;<br />

or, alternatively, the sample may be ignited and allowed<br />

to bum with a small flame that contains a minimum<br />

number of white-hot streamers.<br />

NOTE 3-The carbonaceous residue of some products<br />

may resist oxidation in the muffle furnace. If the<br />

carbon particles have not disappeared after 60 min, the<br />

cooled residue may be treated with a few drops of<br />

concentrated sulfunc acid. The acidified residue shaii<br />

then be heated slowly and carefully with a burner to an<br />

absence of white fumes and then returned to the mume<br />

furnace. One acid treatment will usually decompose<br />

the carbon particles in the ash. If acid treatment is<br />

necessary, a blank determination shall be made, using<br />

the same amount of the same lot of acid.<br />

1 1.2 Dissolve and ash in about four successive<br />

10-mL portions of warm water and quantitatively<br />

transfer each portion through a funnel to<br />

a 50-mL flask that has been freshly rinsed with<br />

water. Rinse the funnel with water and add each<br />

rinse to the volumetric flask until the liquid is at<br />

the 50-mL mark. Mist the contents of the flask<br />

and analyze with the flame photometer as directed.<br />

12. Flame Photometer Adjustment''<br />

12.1 Turn on the oxygen and acetylene supplies.<br />

Set the tank reducing and panel valves in<br />

accordance with the instrument manufacturer's<br />

instructions (Note 4). Light the burner. Adjust<br />

the spectrophotometer to the following settings:<br />

NOTE 4-The slit width and optimum oxygen and<br />

acetylene pressure settings vary with the burner. When<br />

a new burner is installed, the settings must be reestablished<br />

according to the instructions of the instrument<br />

manual.<br />

Wavelength set at maximum deflection near<br />

766 nm for potassium or 589<br />

nm for sodium<br />

0.1<br />

3 (IO 000 MQ)<br />

Selector switch<br />

Phototube load resistor<br />

Filter slide<br />

Phototube housing<br />

knob<br />

Shutter<br />

Sensitivity and slit<br />

in.<br />

in.<br />

open<br />

adjust for optimum sensitivity<br />

and maximum response<br />

SODIUM<br />

13. Calibration<br />

13.1 Rinse and fill a sample holder with<br />

freshly distilled water. (Note 5). Cover the holder<br />

with a 150-mL beaker. This is for use to establish<br />

background correction.<br />

NOTE 5-For increased accuracy the same lot of<br />

water should be used for background correction, solution<br />

of sample, and the standards. Experimental results,<br />

however, indicate that mixed lots do not significantly<br />

increase the error of the procedure. A check on the<br />

calibration curve with a new lot of water used to correct<br />

for background should verify the suitability of the water,<br />

provided no instrument changes have taken place.<br />

!3.2 Rinse 2nd f! tWO samp!e hn!den with<br />

the sodium solution (5 ppm Na). Cover each<br />

holder with a 150-mL beaker to minimize evaporation<br />

and possible dust contamination.<br />

13.3 Aspirate rinsing water in the flame for<br />

about 15 s and replace with the water used for<br />

background correction. Set the transmittance<br />

scale to 0 76. Rotate the dark current knob until<br />

"The adjustments described in Section 12 apply to the<br />

Beckman DU flame photometer. Comparable adjustments must<br />

be made if another type of instrument is used.<br />


the galvanometer needle is constant at zero.<br />

About 15 s are required before the radiant power<br />

becomes steady.<br />

13.4 Replace the aspirating background water<br />

with sodium solution (5 ppm Na). Set the transmittance<br />

scale to 100 % and turn the slit knob<br />

until the galvanometer needle is at zero. Do not<br />

change this slit width during a run of determinations.<br />

13.5 Remove the sodium solution from the<br />

burner. Aspirate cleaning water for at least 15 s<br />

and remove,<br />

13.6 Remove the water from the burner and<br />

introduce one of the two holders containing sodium<br />

solution. Set the transmittance dial to<br />

100 % T and rotate the sensitivity knob until the<br />

galvanometer reads zero. Do not change this<br />

sensitivity setting during a run of determinations.<br />

13.7 Replace the holder at the burner with the<br />

other holder containing sodium solution. Rotate<br />

the transmittance knob until the galvanometer<br />

again reads zero. The average of two readings<br />

should be 100 f 0.5 % on the transmittance<br />

scale. If the deviation is more than 0.5 (probably<br />

due to contamination) repeat 13.5 through 13.7<br />

with fresh portions of sodium solution (5 ppm<br />

Na) until the desired reading is obtained.<br />

13.8 Remove the standard solution from the<br />

burner and aspirate cleaning water.<br />

13.9 Establish transmittance readings between<br />

0 and 100% by aspirating the sodium<br />

solutions containing 1, 2, and 3 ppm sodium.<br />

13.10 Prepare a calibration curve by plotting<br />

transmittance reading versus parts per million of<br />

sodium on linear graph paper.<br />

14. Procedure<br />

14.1 Rinse the burner with water and introduce<br />

a cell containing sample ash solution. Record<br />

the reading on the transmittance scale. If the<br />

meter indicates that the reading is more than<br />

100 %, dilute an appropriate aliquot of the solution<br />

with water until a reading can be made at<br />

approximately 50 ?6 transmittance.<br />

14.2 Remove the solution from the burner<br />

and aspirate a second portion of the sample<br />

solution. Take readings as before. The average<br />

should not differ more than f 1 % absolute from<br />

that given in 14.1. If the difference is greater,<br />

repeat 14.1 and 14.2 with fresh portions of sample<br />

ash solution until a satisfactory check is obtained.<br />

14.3 Remove the sample from the burner and<br />

aspirate water. If more samples are to be analyzed,<br />

repeat 14. l and 14.2. If there are any delays<br />

between tests, close the shutter until work is<br />

resumed. If there are any prolonged delays between<br />

sample determinations on a given day,<br />

check one point on the calibration curve to ensure<br />

that no change has occurred in the instrument.<br />

14.4 When a run is completed, thoroughly<br />

rinse the burner by aspirating with water. Wait<br />

about 30 s and then turn off the acetylene valves<br />

.first. After the flame is extinguished, turn off the<br />

oxygen valves and the switches on the instrument.<br />

15. Calculation<br />

15.1 Convert the transmittance scale reading<br />

to parts per million of sodium by comparison<br />

with the sodium calibration curve. Calculate the<br />

parts per million of sodium in the sample as<br />

follows:<br />

Sodium, ppm = A X 2.5 x F<br />

where:<br />

A = parts per million of sodium from the calibration<br />

curve,<br />

2.5 = dilution factor for method as written, and<br />

F = dilution factor if further sample dilution<br />

is necessary.<br />

16. Precision<br />

16.1 The following data should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results (95 ?6 confidence<br />

limits). I I<br />

1 5.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by<br />

the same operator should not be considered suspect<br />

unless they differ by more than 0.5 ppm of<br />

sodium.<br />

16.1.2 Reproducibility-The average result<br />

reported by one laboratry should not be considered<br />

suspect unless it differs from that of another<br />

laboratory by more than 2.0 ppm of sodium.<br />


17. Calibration<br />

17.1 Prepare a calibration curve for potassium<br />

in accordance with the procedure described for<br />

sodium in Section 13, using the proper wave-<br />

" These precision data are approximations based on limited<br />

data, but they provide a reasonable basis for judging the significance<br />

of the results.<br />


D 2849<br />

length setting (Section 12) and the potassium<br />

standards instead of the sodium standards.<br />

18. Analysis<br />

18.1 Analyze the sample ash solution in accordance<br />

with Section 14 using the proper wavelength<br />

setting (Section 12).<br />

19. Calculation<br />

19. I Convert the transmittance scale reading<br />

to parts per million of potassium by comparison<br />

with the potassium calibration curve. Calculate<br />

the parts per million of potassium in the sample<br />

as follows:<br />

Potassium, ppm = A x 2.5 x F<br />

where:<br />

A = parts per million of potassium from the<br />

calibration curve,<br />

2.5 = dilution factor for method as written, and<br />

F = dilution factor if further sample dilution<br />

is necessary.<br />

20. Precision<br />

20.1 The following data should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results (95 % confidence<br />

limits). I I<br />

20.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by<br />

the same operator should not be considered suspect<br />

unless they differ by more than 0.5 ppm of<br />

potassium.<br />

20. I .2 Reproducibility-The average result<br />

reported by one laboratory should not be considered<br />

suspect unless it differs from that of another<br />

laboratory by more than 2.0 ppm of potassium.<br />


21. Scope and Application<br />

2 I. 1 This method is intended for determination<br />

of acidic or basic constituents in resins and<br />

other materials soluble in mixtures of benzene<br />

and denatured ethyl alcohol. This method is not<br />

applicable to pol yethers.<br />

2 1.2 This method is useful as an indication of<br />

the extent of a reaction involving acids. The<br />

results are a measure of batch-to-batch uniformity<br />

and are used as correction factors in calculating<br />

true hydroxyl number.<br />

22. Definitions<br />

22.1 acid number-the quantity of base, expressed<br />

in milligrams of potassium hydroxide,<br />

that is required to titrate acidic constituents present<br />

in 1 g of sample.<br />

22.2 alkalinity number-the quantity of base,<br />

expressed as milligrams of potassium hydroxide,<br />

present in 1 g of sample.<br />

23. Summary of Method<br />

23.1 The sample is dissolved in a mixture of<br />

benzene and denatured ethyl alcohol, and the<br />

resulting single-phase solution is titrated at room<br />

temperature with alcoholic potassium hydroxide<br />

solution, to the end point indicated by the color<br />

change of the added phenolphthalein. Alkalinity<br />

numbers are determined by back-titration after<br />

adding excess hydrochloric acid.<br />

24. Reagents<br />

24. I Ethyl Alcohol, Denatured-Ethyl alcohol<br />

conforming to either Formula No. 2B or 3A of<br />

the U. S. Bureau of Internal Revenue.<br />

24.2 Hydrochloric Acid (0.1 N)-Prepare a<br />

0.1 N solution of hydrochloric acid (HC1). Standardization<br />

is unnecessary.<br />

24.3 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution-<br />

Dissolve 0.5 g of phenolphthalein in 100 mL of<br />

a mixture of equal volumes of water and denatured<br />

ethyl alcohol. Add a slight excess of 0.1 N<br />

NaOH solution (pink color) and then just neutralize<br />

(colorless) with 0.1 N HCl.<br />

24.4 Potassium Hydroxide, Standard Alcoholic<br />

Solution (0.1 N)-Dissolve 5.6 I g of potassium<br />

hydroxide (KOH) in 10 mL of carbon<br />

dioxide-free water and dilute to I L with denatured<br />

ethyl alcohol. Store the solution in a chemical-resistant<br />

dispensing bottle out of contact with<br />

cork, rubber, or saponifiable stopcock lubricant<br />

and protected by a guard tube containing sodalime<br />

or soda-asbestos (Ascarite). Standardize frequently<br />

enough to detect changes of 0.0005 N,<br />

preferably against pure potassium acid phthalate<br />

(KHC8H404, 0 8 to 0.9 g) in about 100 mL of<br />

carbon dioxide-free water, using phenolphthalein<br />

to detect the end point.<br />

24.5 Sodium Hydroxide, Standard Solution<br />

(0.1 N)-Prepare and standardize a 0.1 N solution<br />

of sodium hydroxide (NaOH).<br />

24.6 Titration Solvent-Mix equal volumes of<br />

benzene and denatured ethyl alcohol.<br />


25. Procedure<br />

25.1 Into a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask, intro-<br />


D 2849<br />

duce a weighed quantity of the sample (Note 6).<br />

Add 50 mL of the titration solvent and 0.5 mL<br />

of the indicator solution. and swirl until the<br />

sample is entirely dissolved by the solvent (heat<br />

only if necessary, and do not boil).<br />

NOTE 6-For samples with an acid number of less<br />

than 7.0. use 6 to 8 g of sample. If the acid number is<br />

expected to exceed 7.0. choose an amount of sample<br />

that will contain 0.7 to 0.9 milliequivalents of acid. If<br />

the sample is not sufficiently soluble to enable use of<br />

the above amounts, decrease the sample size as necessary.<br />

Samples exceeding I .O g should be weighed to the<br />

nearest 1 mg. Smaller samples should be weighed to<br />

the nearest 0.1 mg.<br />

25.2 Titrate immediately with 0.1 N KOH<br />

solution at a temperature below 30°C, using a<br />

1 0-mL buret to add the KOH solution and using<br />

phenolphthalein as the indicator. Swirl the solution<br />

vigorously and add the KOH solution dropwise<br />

when approaching the end point. Consider<br />

the end point definite if the color change persists<br />

for 15 s or if it reverses with 2 drops of 0.1 N<br />

HCI .<br />

25.3 Make a blank titration on 50 mL of the<br />

titration solvent and 0.5 mL of the indicator<br />

solution, in the same manner as the sample was<br />

titrated. Record the quantity of 0.1 N KOH<br />

solution required to reach the phenolphthalein<br />

end point.<br />

26. Calculation<br />

26.1 Calculate the acid number, in terms of<br />

milligrams of KOH per gram of sample, as follows:<br />

Acid number = [(A - B)N x 56.l]/W<br />

where:<br />

A = millilitres of KOH solution required for<br />

titration of the sample,<br />

B = millilitres of KOH solution required for<br />

titration of the blank,<br />

N = normality of the KOH solution, and<br />

W- = grams of sample used.<br />


27. Procedure<br />

27.1 Proceed as directed in Section 25. If the<br />

sample solution is alkaline to phenolphthalein,<br />

add 0.1 N HCI from a 10-mL buret until the<br />

solution is colorless; then add 1.0 mL excess.<br />

Back-titrate to the end point with 0.1 N NaOH<br />

solution from a IO-mL buret. Titrate a blank<br />

containing the same amount of added 0.1 N HC1.<br />

28. Calculation<br />

28.1 Calculate the alkalinity number, in terms<br />

of milligrams of KOH per gram of sample, as<br />

follows:<br />

Alkalinity number = [(B - A )N X 56.1]/U'<br />

where the terms are defined as in Section 26.<br />

29. Report<br />

29.1 For acid and alkalinity numbers below<br />

7.0, report the value to the nearest 0.01.<br />

29.2 For acid or alkalinity numbers of 7.0 or<br />

over, report the value to the nearest 0.1.<br />

30. Precision<br />

30.1 The following data should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results (95 % confidence<br />

limits)."<br />

30.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by<br />

the same operator should not be considered suspect<br />

unless they differ by more than the following<br />

amounts:<br />

Acid or<br />

Alkalinity Number<br />

Less than 7.0<br />

7.0 and over<br />

Repeatability<br />

0.1 number<br />

I %<br />

30.1.2 Reproducibility-The average result<br />

reported by one laboratory should not be considered<br />

suspect unless it differs from that of another<br />

laboratory by more than the following amounts:<br />

Acid or<br />

Alkalinity Number<br />

Reproducibility<br />

Less than 7.0<br />

0.3 number<br />

7.0 and over 4%<br />


31. Scope<br />

31.1 These methods describe the determination<br />

of hydroxyl groups in polymeric glycols and<br />

esters. They may be app!ied, 2s we!!, to the determination<br />

of the hydroxyl function in many<br />

other substances.<br />

31.1.1 Method A-Acetic Anhydride Pressure<br />

Bottle, recommended for polyesters and polyols<br />

used for rigid polyurethane foams.<br />

31.1.2 Method B-Phthalic Anhydride Pressure<br />

Bottle, recommended for polyols used for<br />

flexible and rigid polyurethane foams.<br />

31.1.3 Method C-Phthalic Anhydride Reflux,<br />

recommended for polyols used for flexible<br />

and rigid polyurethane foams.<br />


D 2849<br />

32. Definition<br />

32.1 hydroxyl number-the number of milligrams<br />

of potassium hydroxide equivalent to the<br />

hydroxyl content of 1 g of the sample.<br />

33. Summary of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

33.1 Method A-The sample is acetylated<br />

with a solution of acetic anhydride (Caution, see<br />

Note 7) in pyridine in a pressure bottle at 98°C.<br />

The excess reagent is hydrolyzed with water and<br />

the acetic acid is titrated with standard sodium<br />

hydroxide solution. The hydroxyl content is calculated<br />

from the difference in titration of the<br />

blank and sample solutions.<br />

NOTE 7: Caution-Acetic anhydride and pyridine<br />

are toxic and flammable. In addition, acetic anhydride<br />

is corrosive. Proper precautions should be taken in<br />

handling these reagents.<br />

33.2 Method B-The hydroxyl group is esterified<br />

with a solution of phthalic anhydride in<br />

pyridine in a pressure bottle at 98°C. The excess<br />

reagent is titrated with standard sodium hydroxide<br />

solution.<br />

33.3 Method C-The hydroxyl group is esterified<br />

with a solution of phthalic anhydride in<br />

pyridine under reflux conditions at 1 15°C. The<br />

excess reagent is titrated with standard sodium<br />

hydroxide solution.<br />

34. Interferences<br />

34.1 Excessive amounts of water in the sample<br />

will interfere by destruction of the esterification<br />

reagents. If the water content of the sample exceeds<br />

0.2 %, it is recommended that the sample<br />

be dried.<br />

34.2 Primary and secondary amines and<br />

higher fatty acids react with the reagent to form<br />

stable compounds and would be included in the<br />

analysis.<br />



35. Apparatus<br />

35.1 Bag, heavy fabric, with draw string, to<br />

hold bottle (35.2). As an alternative stainless steel<br />

mesh jacket fitted to cover the bottle may be<br />

used.<br />

35.2 Bottle, pressure, heat-resistant, approximately<br />

350-mL.I2<br />

35.3 Buret, 100-mL total capacity, range of<br />

graduated portion 50 mL, 0.1 mL graduation.<br />

NOTE 8-As a substitute. if the 100-mL buret is not<br />

available, the first 50 mL of titrant may be added by<br />

pipet (uniform drainage time for all aliquots) and the<br />

titration completed with a 50-mL buret.<br />

35.4 Steam Bath, 98 k 2"C, containing<br />

enough water to cover the liquid in the sample<br />

bottles. It is critical that the water level be as<br />

prescribed and that the temperature be within<br />

the prescribed range and uniform throughout the<br />

bath.<br />

36. Reagents<br />

36.1 Acetic Anhydride.<br />

36.2 Acetylation Reagent-Mix 127 mL of<br />

acetic anhydride with 1000 mL of pyridine<br />

(36.5). The reagent shall be prepared fresh daily<br />

and kept in a dark bottle. It should not be used<br />

if darker than a pale yellow color.<br />

36.3 Hydrochloric Acid, Standard (0.5 N)-<br />

Prepare and standardize in accordance with Section<br />

18 to 22 of <strong>Methods</strong> E 200. Determine and<br />

record the temperature at which the standardization<br />

was performed. The concentration of the<br />

solution shall be corrected to the temperature at<br />

which the determination is performed as described<br />

in 36.6. The factor for the thermal expansion<br />

of this solution is 0.00014. This solution is<br />

required only if a correction is to be applied for<br />

presence of strong base in the sample being analyzed.<br />

36.4 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution-<br />

Dissolve 1 g of phenolphthalein in 100 mL of<br />

pyridine.<br />

36.5 Pyridine, containing 0.30 to 0.45 % wa-<br />

ter-Determine the water content of the pyridine<br />

using <strong>Test</strong> Method E 203, and add the required<br />

amount of water. The volume of water to add<br />

per litre of pyridine may be calculated as follows:<br />

Water to add, mL = 4.0 - 9A<br />

where A = % water in pyridine.<br />

36.6 Sodium Hydroxide, Standard Solution<br />

(0.5 Xj-Prepare and standardize iri accoidiiiice<br />

with Sections 12 to 17 of <strong>Methods</strong> E 200. Determine<br />

and record the temperature at which the<br />

standardization was performed. The factor for<br />

thermal expansion of this solution is 0.00014.<br />

For calculation of the hydroxyl content, the normality<br />

of the solution shall be corrected to the<br />

temperature at which the determination is performed<br />

by the following:<br />

"A suitable bottle is available from B. Preiser Co., Inc.,<br />

Catalog No. 10-5485; Chemical Rubber Co., Catalog No.<br />

33052A; and Scientific Glass Co., Catalog No. B-53 17.<br />


D 2849<br />

where:<br />

Ntl =<br />

Nt2 =<br />

tl =<br />

t2 =<br />

F =<br />

normality when standardized,<br />

normality during analysis of samples,<br />

temperature of solution ("C) during standardization,<br />

temperature of solution ("C) during analysis<br />

of samples, and<br />

factor to correct for thermal expansion<br />

of the solution (see each solution for<br />

appropriate factor).<br />

37. Procedure<br />

37.1 To each of a sufficient number of pressure<br />

bottles to make all blank and sample determinations<br />

in duplicate, pipet 20.0 mL of the<br />

acetylation reagent. A uniform drainage time<br />

must be used for all aliquots.<br />

37.2 Reserve two of the bottles for the blank<br />

determination. Into the other bottles introduce<br />

an appropriate weight of sample. Determine the<br />

sample weight as follows and weigh to the nearest<br />

0.1 mg.<br />

Sample weight, g<br />

= (56 1 x 0.98)/approximate hydroxyl number<br />

Since the calculated weight will be near the maximum<br />

permitted by the method, adhere closely<br />

to the indicated weight.<br />

37.3 Stopper the bottle and swirl until the<br />

sample is completely dissolved. Enclose each bottle<br />

in a fabric bag and place all bottles as close<br />

together as possible in the steam bath at 98 f<br />

2°C for 2 h. Maintain sufficient water in the bath<br />

to cover the level of liquid in the bottles.<br />

37.4 Remove the bottles from the bath and<br />

allow them to cool to room temperature. Untie<br />

the bags, uncap the bottles to release any pressure,<br />

then remove the bags.<br />

37.5 Carefully rinse any liquid on the stopper<br />

into the bottle and rinse the walls of the flask,<br />

using 20 to 30 mL of water. To each of the bottles<br />

add clean crushed ice until about one half full.<br />

37.6 Add 1 mL of the phenolphthalein indicator<br />

solution and titrate (Note 8) immediately<br />

with the 0.5 N NaOH solution to the first faint<br />

pink end point permanent for 15 s. The solution<br />

should be swirled during the titration, with vigorous<br />

swirling as the end point is reached. Record<br />

the volume of titrant to 0.02 mL (Note 9). Record<br />

the temperature of the NaOH solution.<br />

NOTE 9-If the volume of 0.5 N NaOH solution<br />

required for the sample is less than 80 96 ofthat required<br />

for the blank, the sample was too large and the analysis<br />

should be repeated with a smaller weight of sample.<br />

37.7 Acidity or Alkalinity Correction-If the<br />

sample contains significant acidity or alkalinity,<br />

correct the result as follows.<br />

37.7.1 Weigh into a 400-mL Erlenmeyer flask<br />

an amount of sample equal to that taken previously<br />

for the hydroxyl determination. Add to the<br />

flask 75 mL of redistilled pyridine, 75 mL of<br />

distilled water, and 0.5 mL of phenolphthalein<br />

indicator solution.<br />

37.8 Acidity Correction-If the solution is<br />

colorless, titrate with standard 0.1 N NaOH to a<br />

pink end point that persists for at least 15 s.<br />

Make a blank titration on the reagent mixture<br />

described in 37.7.1, omitting the sample. The<br />

acidity correction in milligrams of KOH per<br />

gram is calculated as follows:<br />

Acidity correction = [(A- B)N X 56.l]/W<br />

where:<br />

A = millilitres of the NaOH solution required<br />

for titration of the sample,<br />

B = millilitres of the NaOH solution required<br />

for titration of the blank,<br />

N = normality of the NaOH solution, and<br />

W = grams of sample used.<br />

37.9 Alkalinity Correction-If the solution in<br />

37.7.1 is pink, titrate to the disappearance of the<br />

pink color with 0.1 N HC1, then add 1 .O mL in<br />

excess. Back titrate with standard 0.1 N NaOH<br />

solution to a pink end point that persists for at<br />

least 15 s. Titrate with standard 0.1 N NaOH<br />

solution a blank containing exactly the same<br />

amount of added 0.1 N HCl and the reagent<br />

mixture described in 37.7.1, omitting the sample.<br />

The alkalinity correction in milligrams of KOH<br />

per gram is calculated as follows:<br />

Alkalinity correction = [(B- A)N X 56.1]/W<br />

where the terms are defined as in 37.8.<br />

38. Calculation<br />

38.1 Calculate the hydroxyl number in milligrams<br />

of KOH per gram of sample as follows:<br />

Hydroxyl number = [(B- A)N x 56.1]/W<br />

where:<br />

A = millilitres of NaOH required for titration<br />

of the sample,<br />

B = millilitres of NaOH required for titration<br />

of the blank,<br />

N = normality of the NaOH, and<br />


W = grams of sample used.<br />

38.2 If the sample contains free acidity or<br />

alkalinity as measured in Section 37, the result<br />

in 38.1 must be corrected as follows:<br />

Hydroxyl number (corrected)<br />

= hydroxyl number + acidity, or<br />

Hydroxyl number (corrected)<br />

= hydroxyl number - alkalinity<br />

39. Report<br />

39.1 Report the corrected hydroxyl number<br />

to the nearest 0.1.<br />

40. Precision<br />

40.1 The following data should be used for<br />

judging acceptability of results (95 % confidence<br />

limit). I '<br />

40.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by<br />

the same analyst should not be considered suspect<br />

unless they differ by more than the following<br />

amount:<br />

Hydroxyl Number<br />

Repeatability<br />

Less than 120<br />

I .O hydroxyl number<br />

120 and over I %<br />

40.1.2 Reproducibility-The average result<br />

reported by one laboratory should not be considered<br />

suspect unless it differs from that of another<br />

laboratory by more than the following amount.<br />

Hydroxyl Number<br />

Reproducibility<br />

Less than 120<br />

I .5 hydroxyl number<br />

120 and over 1.5 %<br />



41. Apparatus<br />

4 1.1 Bottles, pressure or storage, borosilicate<br />

glass: I<br />

4 1.2 Pressure Bottle Bags.I4<br />

4 1.3 Buret, Normax, bulb, 100-mL capacity.<br />

42. Reagents<br />

42.1 Pyridine-Distill from phthalic anhydride,<br />

discarding the heads fraction boiling below<br />

114-1 15°C. Store in brown glass bottles.<br />

42.2 Phthalic Anhydride-Pyridine Reagent-Weigh<br />

1 1 1 to 1 16 g of phthalic anhydride<br />

into a 1-qt brown bottle. Add 700 mL of pyridine<br />

which has been distilled from phthalic anhydride<br />

(see 42.1) and shake vigorously until complete<br />

solution is effected. The reagent must stand overnight<br />

before use. Reagent which develops a color<br />

should be discarded. In the blank titration as<br />

described in the following procedure, exactly 25<br />

mL of this reagent must consume between 95<br />

and 100 mL of 0.500 N sodium hydroxide.<br />

42.3 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution ( 10<br />

g/L)-Prepare a solution of 1 g of phenolphthalein<br />

in 100 mL of pyridine.<br />

42.4 Potassium Acid Phthalate, National Bureau<br />

of Standards standard sample.<br />

42.5 Sodium Hydroxide, Standard Solution<br />

(0.5 N)-Prepare a 0.5 N solution of sodium<br />

hydroxide (NaOH) and standardize as follows:<br />

42.5.1 Crush (do not grind) about 10 g of<br />

potassium acid phthalate (KHCsH404) to a fineness<br />

of approximately 100 mesh and dry for 1 to<br />

2 h at 100°C. Place in a glass-stoppered container<br />

and cool in a desiccator. Accurately weigh 4 to<br />

4.5 gm of the dried potassium acid phthalate and<br />

transfer it to a 500-mL flask that has been swept<br />

free of carbon dioxide. Add 200 mL of water that<br />

is free of carbon dioxide, stopper the flask, and<br />

shake gently until the sample is dissolved. Add<br />

phenolphthalein indicator and titrate to a pink<br />

end point with the 0.5 N NaOH solution using a<br />

50-mL buret.<br />

42.5.2 Calculate the normality of the NaOH<br />

as follows:<br />

Normality = W/( V X 0.2042)<br />

where:<br />

W = grams of KHCsH404, and<br />

V = millilitres of NaOH required for titration<br />

of the KHCsH404.<br />

43. Procedure<br />

43.1 Prepare a sufficient number of clean, dry<br />

pressure bottles to make all blank and sample<br />

determinations in duplicate. Replace the rubber<br />

gaskets, if necessary, and make certain the caps<br />

can be fastened securely.<br />

43.2 Accurately pipet 25 mL of the phthalic<br />

anhydride-pyridine reagent into each of the bottles.<br />

Use the same pipet for both sample and<br />

blank determinations. Do not allow the reagent<br />

to contact the rubber gasket.<br />

43.3 Reserve two of the bottles for the blank<br />

determination.<br />

43.4 Into each of the other bottles introduce<br />

the amount of sample calculated as follows, as<br />

l3 Available from Scientific Glass Apparatus Co. Order No.<br />

B-5317.<br />

" Available from Flaherty-Kennedy Fabrics. 50-H Old Mill<br />

Rd., Wall, NJ 07719.<br />

30 1

D 2849<br />

weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg:<br />

Sample size, g = 56llestimated hydroxyl number<br />

Since the calculated weight will be near the maximum<br />

permitted by the method, adhere closely<br />

to the indicated weight. Use a hypodermic syringe<br />

or similar apparatus to weigh the sample.<br />

Swirl to effect complete solution.<br />

43.5 Cap the bottles and enclose each securely<br />

in the pressure bottle bags. Place the samples and<br />

blanks as close together as possible in a water<br />

bath, maintained at 98 -+ 2"C, for 2 h. Maintain<br />

sufficient water in the bath to just cover the liquid<br />

in the bottles.<br />

43.6 Remove the bottles from the bath and<br />

allow them to cool to room temperature.<br />

43.7 When the bottles have cooled, open the<br />

bags, uncap carefully to release any pressure, and<br />

then remove the bags.<br />

43.8 To each bottle add 50 mL of redistilled<br />

pyridine and 0.5 mL of the phenolphthalein indicator<br />

solution and titrate with standard 0.5 N<br />

NaOH solution to a pink end point permanent<br />

for at least 15 s. It is essential that the net titration<br />

(blank minus sample) be between 18 and 22 mL.<br />

If it is not, repeat the determination, adjusting<br />

the sample size accordingly.<br />

43.9 Acidity or Alkalinity Correction-If the<br />

sample contains significant acidity or alkalinity,<br />

the result must be corrected as follows.<br />

43.9.1 Weigh into a 400-mL Erlenmeyer flask<br />

an amount of sample equal to that taken previously<br />

for the hydroxyl determination. Add to the<br />

flask 75 mL of redistilled pyridine, 75 mL of<br />

distilled water, and 0.5 mL of phenolphthalein<br />

indicator solution.<br />

43.10 Acidity Correction-If the solution is<br />

colorless, titrate with standard 0.1 N NaOH solution<br />

to a pink end point that persists for at least<br />

15 s. Make a blank titration on the reagent<br />

mixture described in 43.9.1, omitting the sample.<br />

The acidity correction in milligrams of KOH per<br />

gram is calculated as follows:<br />

Acidity correction = [(A - B)N x 56.111 W<br />

where:<br />

A = millilitres of the NaOH solution required<br />

for titration of the sample,<br />

B = millilitres of the NaOH solution required<br />

for titration of the blank,<br />

N = normality of the NaOH solution, and<br />

W = grams of sample used.<br />

43.1 1 Alkalinity Correction-If the solution<br />

in 43.9.1 is pink, titrate to the disappearance of<br />

the pink color with 0.1 N HC1, then add 1.0 mL<br />

in excess. Back titrate with standard 0.1 NNaOH<br />

solution to a pink end point that persists for at<br />

least 15 s. Titrate with standard 0.1 N NaOH<br />

solution a blank containing exactly the same<br />

amount of added 0.1 N HCI and the reagent<br />

mixture described in 43.9.1, omitting the sample.<br />

The alkalinity correction in milligrams of KOH<br />

per gram is calculated as follows:<br />

Alkalinity correction = [(B - A)N X 56.1]/W<br />

where the terms are defined as in 43.10.<br />

44. Calculation<br />

44.1 See Section 38.<br />

45. Report<br />

45.1 See Section 39.<br />

46. Precision<br />

46.1 See Section 40.<br />



47. Apparatus<br />

47.1 Soil Digestion Flasks, 250-mL capacity<br />

with standard-taper 24/40 joints and 24-in. air<br />

condensers.<br />

47.2 Oil Bath, maintained at 115 k 2°C.<br />

47.3 Buret, Normax, bulb, 100-mL capacity.<br />

48. Reagents<br />

48.1 Pyridine-See 42.1.<br />

48.2 Phthalic Anhydride-Pyridine Reagent-See<br />

42.2.<br />

48.3 Phenolphthalein (10 g/L)-See 42.3.<br />

48.4 Potassium Acid Phthalate-See 42.4.<br />

48.5 Sodium Hydroxide, Standard Solution<br />

(0.5 N)-See 42.5.<br />

49. Procedure<br />

49.1 Weigh into the flasks, by means of a<br />

hypodermic syringe or other suitable equipment,<br />

the amount of sample calculated as follows, and<br />

weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg. No material must<br />

be allowed to touch the neck of the flask:<br />

Sample size, g = 56l/estimated hydroxyl number<br />

Since the calculated weight will be near the maximum<br />

permitted by the method, adhere closely<br />

to the indicated weight.<br />


D2849<br />

49.2 Accurately pipet 25 mL of the phthalic<br />

anhydride-pyridine reagent into each flask. Swirl<br />

the flask to effect solution of the sample. Put the<br />

air condensers in place, and place the flasks in<br />

an oil bath, maintained at 115 f 2"C, for I h.<br />

Keep sufficient oil in the bath to cover approximately<br />

one half of the flask.<br />

49.3 After the heating period, remove the assembly<br />

from the bath and cool to room temperature.<br />

Wash down the condenser with 50 mL of<br />

redistilled pyridine, and remove the condenser.<br />

Add 0.5 mL of phenolphthalein indicator solution<br />

and titrate with 0.5 N NaOH solution to a<br />

pink end point that persists for at least 15 s.<br />

49.4 Run a blank in the same manner, omitting<br />

the sample. It is essential that the net titration<br />

(blank minus sample) be between 18 and 22<br />

mL. If it is not, repeat the determination, adjusting<br />

the sample size accordingly.<br />

49.5 Acidity or Alkalinity Correction-See<br />

43.9 through 43.1 1.<br />

50. Calculation<br />

50.1 See Section 38.<br />

51. Report<br />

5 I . 1 See Section 39.<br />

52. Precision<br />

52.1 See Section 40.<br />


53. Scope<br />

53.1 This method covers the determination of<br />

unsaturated compounds in polyether-type urethane<br />

raw materials.<br />

54. Summary of Method<br />

54. I Carbon-to-carbon unsaturated compounds<br />

in the sample are reacted with mercuric<br />

acetate and methanol in a methanolic solution<br />

to produce acetoxymercuricmethoxy compounds<br />

and acetic acid. The amount of acetic<br />

acid released in this equimolar reaction, which is<br />

determined by titration with standard alcoholic<br />

potassium hydroxide, is a measure of the unsaturation<br />

originally present. Because the acid cannot<br />

be titrated in the presence of excess mercuric<br />

acetate, due to the formation of insoluble mercuric<br />

oxide, sodium bromide is added to convert<br />

the mercuric acetate to the bromide which does<br />

not interfere. Inasmuch as the method is based<br />

on an acidimetric titration, a suitable correction<br />

must be applied if the sample is not neutral to<br />

phenolphthalein indicator. Care must be taken<br />

to exclude carbon dioxide which titrates as an<br />

acid and gives erroneous results.<br />

55. Interferences<br />

55.1 The method does not apply to compounds<br />

in which the unsaturation is conjugated<br />

with carbonyl, carboxyl, or nitrile groups. Because<br />

water presumably hydrolyzes the reaction<br />

product to form basic mercuric salts, quantitative<br />

results are obtained only when the system is<br />

essentially anhydrous. Acetone in low concentrations<br />

does not interfere significantly, although its<br />

presence may be detrimental to the end point.<br />

Inorganic salts, especially halides, must be absent<br />

from the sample because even small amounts of<br />

salts may nullify the reaction of the mercuric<br />

acetate with the unsaturated compound.<br />

56. Apparatus<br />

56. I Pipet, 50-mL capacity.<br />

56.2 Erlenmeyer Flask, 250-mL, glass-stoppered.<br />

56.3 Balance, 1000-g capacity, 0.1-g sensitivity.<br />

56.4 Buret, 50-mL capacity.<br />

57. Reagents<br />

57.1 Mercuric Acetate, Methanol Solution (40<br />

g/L)-Dissolve 40 g of mercuric acetate<br />

(Hg(C2H302)2) in sufficient methanol to make 1<br />

L of solution and add sufficient glacial acetic acid<br />

to require a blank titration of 1 to 10 mL of 0.1<br />

N alcoholic KOH solution/50 mL of reagent.<br />

Usually 3 or 4 drops of acid are sufficient. Prepare<br />

the reagent fresh weekly and filter before<br />

using.<br />

57.2 Methanol.<br />

57.3 Phenolphthalein Indicator Solution-<br />

Dissolve 1 g of phenolphthalein in 100 mL of<br />

methanol.<br />

57.4 Potassium Hydroxide, Alcoholic Solution<br />

(0.1 N)-Dissolve 6.9 g, of potassium hydroxide<br />

(KOH) pellets in methanol and dilute to<br />

I L. Filter through coarse filter paper if necessary.<br />

Standardize the solution by a suitable method.<br />

57.5 Sodium Bromide (NaBr).<br />


D 2849<br />

58. Procedure<br />

58.1 Add 50 mL of methanol to a sufficient<br />

number of 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks to determine<br />

the acidity of each sample in duplicate.<br />

Neutralize to a faint pink end point, using a few<br />

drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution and<br />

0.1 N alcoholic KOH solution. Add 30 g of the<br />

sample weighed to the nearest 0.1 g to each flask<br />

and swirl to effect complete solution. Titrate with<br />

0.1 N alcoholic KOH solution to a pink end<br />

point that persists for at least I5 s and record the<br />

volume of titrant as A.<br />

58.2 Pipet 50 mL of the Hg(C2H302)2 solution<br />

into each of a sufficient number of 250-mL Erlenmeyer<br />

flasks to make all blank and sample<br />

determinations in duplicate. Reserve two of the<br />

flasks for the blank determination. Into each of<br />

the other flasks introduce 30 g of the sample<br />

weighed to the nearest 0.1 g and swirl to effect<br />

complete solution. Allow the samples to stand<br />

together with the blanks at room temperature for<br />

30 min. Swirl the flasks occasionally. Add 8 to<br />

10 g of NaBr crystals to each flask and swirl to<br />

mix thoroughly. Add approximately 1 mL of<br />

phenolphthalein indicator solution and titrate<br />

immediately with 0.1 N alcoholic KOH solution<br />

to a pink end point that persists for at least 15 s.<br />

Record the volume of titrant used for the samples<br />

as D and that used for the blank as E. The sample<br />

titration should not exceed 50 mL of 0.1 N<br />

alcoholic KOH solution.<br />

59. Calculation<br />

59.1 Calculate the concentration of unsaturated<br />

compounds, in terms of milliequivalents<br />

per gram, as follows:<br />

C= (A x N)/W<br />

where:<br />

A = millilitres of 0.1 N alcoholic KOH solutien<br />

required tG neutralize the sample<br />

(58.1),<br />

N = normality of the alcoholic KOH solution,<br />

and<br />

W = grams of sample used.<br />

Therefore,<br />

Total unsaturation = [(D - E)N/ W] - C<br />

where:<br />

D = millilitres of alcoholic KOH solution required<br />

for titration of the sample (58.2),<br />

E = average millilitres of alcoholic KOH solu-<br />

tion required for titration of the blank<br />

(58.2), and<br />

C = milliequivalents of acidity per gram of<br />

sample, average of results from first equation<br />

above.<br />

60. Precision<br />

60.1 The following data should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results (95 ?6 confidence<br />

limits)."<br />

60.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by<br />

the same analyst should not be considered suspect<br />

unless they differ by more than 0.002.<br />

60.1.2 Reproducibility-The average result<br />

obtained by one laboratory should not be considered<br />

suspect unless it differs from that of another<br />

laboratory by more than 0.004.<br />

WATER<br />

61. Scope<br />

6 1.1 This Karl Fischer titration is applicable<br />

for water determination in polyesters, polyethers,<br />

and many other organic compounds. The<br />

method is not applicable in the presence of mercaptans,<br />

peroxides, or appreciable quantities of<br />

aldehydes or amines unless suitable modifications<br />

are made.<br />

62. Definition<br />

62.1 electrometric endpoint-that point in the<br />

titration when two small platinum electrodes<br />

upon which a potential of 20 to 50 mV has been<br />

impressed are depolarized by the addition of 0.05<br />

mL of Karl Fischer reagent (equivalent to 2.5 to<br />

3.0 mg H20/mL) causing a change of current<br />

flow of 10 to 20 pA that persists for at least 30 s.<br />

63. Summary of Method<br />

63.1 This method is based essentially upon<br />

the reduction of iodine by sulfur dioxide in the<br />

presence of water. This reaction can be used<br />

quantitatively only when pyridine and an alcohol<br />

are present to react with the sulfur trioxide and<br />

hydriodic acid produced according to the following<br />

reactions:<br />

H20 + 12 + SO2 + 3CsHsN ---*<br />

2CsHsN. HI + C5H5N. SO3<br />

C5H5N. SO3 + ROH + CsHsN. HS04R<br />

63.2 To determine water, Karl Fischer reagent<br />

(a solution of iodine, pyridine, and sulfur dioxide<br />

in ethylene glycol monomethyl ether) is added to<br />


a solution of the sample in methanol until all the<br />

water present has been consumed. This is evidenced<br />

by a current measuring device which<br />

indicates the depolarization of a pair of platinum<br />

electrodes. The reagent is standardized by titration<br />

of water.<br />

64. Apparatus<br />

64.1 Titration Vessel-A vessel of approximately<br />

300-mL capacity, such as a tall-form lipless<br />

beaker, provided with a tight-fitting closure<br />

to protect the reaction mixture from atmospheric<br />

moisture. The vessel also shall be fitted with a<br />

nitrogen inlet tube, a IO-mL buret, a stirrer (preferably<br />

magnetic), and a port that may be opened<br />

momentarily for sample and solvent addition or<br />

removal and electrodes. It is convenient to provide<br />

a vacuum line leading to a 1-L trap bottle<br />

for drawing off the titrated solution. The nitrogen<br />

shall be passed through a drying tube containing<br />

anhydrous calcium sulfate (Indicating Drierite)<br />

before entering the titration vessel.<br />

64.2 Instrument Electrodes, platinum with a<br />

surface equivalent of two No. 26 wires, 3/~6 in.<br />

long. The wires should be 3 to 8 mm apart and<br />

so inserted in the vessel that 75 mL of solution<br />

will cover them.<br />

64.3 Instrument Depolarization Indi~ator,’~<br />

having an internal resistance of less than 5000 Q<br />

and consisting of a means of impressing and<br />

showing a voltage of 20 to 50 mV across the<br />

electrodes and capable of indicating a current<br />

flow of 10 to 20 pA by means of a galvanometer<br />

or radio tuning eye circuit.<br />

64.4 Buret Assembly, for Fischer reagent, consisting<br />

of a IO-mL buret with a 0.05-mL subdivisions<br />

connected by means of glass or polyethylene<br />

(not rubber) connectors to a source of<br />

reagent. Several types of automatic dispensing<br />

burets may be used. Since the reagent loses<br />

strength when exposed te mist air a! vents must<br />

be protected against atmospheric moisture by<br />

adequate drying tubes containing anhydrous calcium<br />

sulfate (Indicating Drierite). All stopcock<br />

and joints should be lubricated with a lubricant<br />

not particularly reactive with the reagent. I6<br />

64.5 Weighing Pipet, of the Lung type or<br />

equivalent .<br />

65. Reagents<br />

65.1 Karl Fischer Reagent (equivalent to 2.5<br />

to 3.0 mg water/mL). Dilute commercially avail-<br />

D 2849<br />

able stabilized Karl Fischer reagent” (6 mg H20/<br />

mL) (Note 10) with an equal volume of anhydrous<br />

ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (containing<br />

less than 0.1 % water) (Note 1 1).<br />

NOTE IO-If desired, a suitable concentrated reagent<br />

(6 mg water/mL) may be prepared as follows:<br />

For each L of solution dissolve 133 k 1 g of iodine in<br />

425 +. 2 mL of anhydrous (less than 0.1 % water)<br />

pyridine in a dry, glass-stoppered bottle. Add 425 k 2<br />

mL of anhydrous (less than 0.1 % water) ethylene glycol<br />

monomethyl ether. Cool to below 4°C in an ice bath<br />

and add 70 mL of freshly drawn liquid sulfur dioxide<br />

(SO*) in small increments.<br />

NOTE 1 I-Ethylene glycol monomethyl ether containing<br />

less than 0.1 % water is commercially available<br />

but if drying is desired it may be accomplished by<br />

distillation through a multiple plate column. Discard<br />

the first 5 % of material distilling overhead and use the<br />

95 % remaining.<br />

65.2 Titration Solvent, Anhydrous Methanol-Unless<br />

the methanol is extremely dry it will<br />

require a large amount of dilute Karl Fischer<br />

solution to react with its residual water. For this<br />

reason the solvent should be further dried by<br />

adding undiluted Karl Fischer reagent (6 mg<br />

water/mL) to a bottle of methanol until a light<br />

red-brown color persists. Add methanol until this<br />

color is just removed and the solution is a pale<br />

yellow. A 100 mL portion of the treated solvent<br />

should require a titration of 1 to 10 mL of dilute<br />

Karl Fischer reagent.<br />

66. Standardization of Reagent<br />

66.1 Standardize the Karl Fischer reagent<br />

daily using the same procedure as used for titrating<br />

the sample.<br />

66.1.1 Add 100 mL of titration solvent to the<br />

flask and titrate the residual moisture as described<br />

in Section 68. Add to this titrated solvent<br />

immediately 1 drop of water from a weighing<br />

pipet. Weigh the pipet to kO.1 mg. Complete the<br />

titration with Karl Fischer reagent as described<br />

in sectinn 58. It m2y be necesS2l-y tn refi!! the<br />

buret during the titration.<br />

I’ A type of instrument, similar to the Fisher Scientific Co.<br />

“Junior Titrimeter” or the Precision Scientific Co. “Aquatrator,”<br />

may be used. An instrument providing automatic titration such<br />

as the Beckman “Aquameter,” is convenient if many samples<br />

are involved.<br />

l6 Suitable lubricants are Apiezon N (James L. Biddle and<br />

Co., Philadelphia, PA); High Vacuum Silicone Grease (Dow<br />

Coming Co., Midland, MI); Sisco 300 (Swedish Iron and Steel<br />

Co., New York, NY).<br />

”Suitable Karl Fischer solution may be purchased from<br />

Fisher Scientific Co., 71 I Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, or Catalog<br />

NO. SO-K-3.<br />


D 2849<br />

66. I .2 Calculate the equivalency factor, F, in<br />

terms of milligrams of water per millilitre of the<br />

reagent as follows:<br />

Equivalency factor, F = A/B<br />

where:<br />

A = milligrams of water added, and<br />

B = millilitres of Fischer reagent required.<br />

67. Sampling<br />

67.1 It is essential to avoid changes in the<br />

water content of the material during sampling<br />

operations. Many polyols are quite hygroscopic<br />

and errors from this source are particularly significant<br />

in the determination of the small<br />

amounts of water usually present. Use almostfilled,<br />

tightly capped containers and limit as<br />

much as possible contact of the sample with air<br />

when transfemng the sample to the titration<br />

vessel. Avoid intermediate sample containers, if<br />

possible. If several different analyses are to be<br />

performed on the same sample, determine the<br />

water first and do not open the sample prior to<br />

the actual analysis.<br />

68. Procedure (Note 12)<br />

68.1 Adjust the nitrogen valve to pass dry<br />

nitrogen into the titration vessel at a slow rate<br />

(20 to 50 mL/min). Introduce approximately 100<br />

mL of titration solvent into the titration vessel,<br />

making sure that the electrodes are covered with<br />

solvent. Adjust the stirrer to give adequate mixing<br />

without splashing. Titrate the mixture with<br />

Karl Fischer reagent to the end point (see Section<br />

63).<br />

68.2 To the titration mixture thus prepared,<br />

add an amount of sample as indicated in Table<br />

1. Exercise care when the sample is transferred<br />

so that water is not absorbed from the air particularly<br />

under conditions of high humidity. Allow<br />

the solution to stir a minute or two until dissolution<br />

is complete. Again titrate the mixture with<br />

Fischer reagent to the same end point previously<br />

employed. Record the amount of reagent used to<br />

titrate the water in the sample.<br />

NOTE 12-A slight modification of this procedure<br />

can be used with no effect on the final results as follows:<br />

a known excess of Karl Fischer reagent shall be added<br />

to the titration solvent described in 65.2. The sample<br />

shall then be added and back-titrated with a standardized<br />

water-methanol solution.<br />

69. Calculation<br />

69. I Calculate the water content of the sample<br />

as follows:<br />

Water, % = VF/IOW<br />

where:<br />

V = millilitres of Karl Fischer reagent required<br />

by the sample,<br />

F = equivalency factor for Karl Fischer reagent,<br />

in milligrams of water per millilitre<br />

of reagent, and<br />

W = grams of sample used.<br />

70. Precision<br />

70.1 The following data should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results (95 % confidence<br />

limits).’ ’<br />

70.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by<br />

the same analyst should not be considered suspect<br />

unless they differ by more than the following<br />

amount:<br />

Water Content.<br />

% Repeatability<br />

Below 0.5<br />

Over 0.5<br />

0.01 % absolute<br />

2 % relative<br />

70. I .2 Reproducibility-The average result<br />

reported by one laboratory should not be considered<br />

suspect unless it differs from that of another<br />

laboratory by more than the following amount:<br />

Water Content,<br />

% Reproducibility<br />

Below 0.5<br />

Over 0.5<br />

0.02 % absolute<br />

4 % relative<br />


71. Scope<br />

7 I. 1 This method covers a procedure for visual<br />

inspection to determine the presence of insoluble<br />

foreign material.<br />

72. Procedure<br />

72.1 Invert a glass bottle of the sample and<br />

ejtiisiiiii~ “uj; iiaiismiiied light hi the presence or’<br />

suspended matter.<br />

73. Report<br />

73. I Report presence or absence of suspended<br />

matter.<br />


74. Scope<br />

74.1 These methods are intended for use in<br />

determining the specific gravity of polyesters by<br />

the pycnometer method.<br />


D 2849<br />

75. Definition<br />

75.1 specific gravity-the ratio of the weight<br />

in air of a given volume of the material at a stated<br />

temperature to the weight in air of an equal<br />

volume of water at a stated temperature. It shall<br />

be expressed as specific gravity, 25/25"C, indicating<br />

that the sample and reference water were<br />

both measured at 25°C.<br />

76. Apparatus and Materials<br />

76.1 Pycnometer, of 25 or 50-mL capacity,<br />

conical shape with a capillary side arm overflow<br />

tube complete with a standard-taper 5/ 12<br />

ground-glass joint to receive a ground-glass<br />

vented cap. A thermometer with a scale graduated<br />

from 12 to 38°C in 0.2-" divisions joins the<br />

neck of the flask with a standard-taper 10/18<br />

ground-glass joint. The thermometer contained<br />

in the pycnometer shall be calibrated using the<br />

ASTM thermometer specified in 76.3.<br />

76.2 Water Bath-A water bath capable of<br />

maintaining a temperature of 25.0 A 0.05"C during<br />

the test.<br />

76.3 Thermometer-An ASTM Low Softening<br />

Point Thermometer having a range from -2<br />

to +80"C and conforming to the requirements<br />

for Thermometer 15C as prescribed in Specification<br />

E 1.<br />

76.4 Analytical Balance-A balance having a<br />

sensitivity of between 2 and 3 scale divisions<br />

displacement effected by an excess weight of 1<br />

mg when carrying a load of between 15 and 20 g<br />

in each pan.<br />

76.5 Analytical Weights-Class S weights, as<br />

certified by the National Bureau of Standards, or<br />

equivalent weights.<br />

76.6 Chromic Acid Cleaning Solution-Prepare<br />

a saturated solution of chromic acid (CrO3),<br />

in concentrated sulfuric acid (H2S04, sp gr 1.84).<br />

77- Procedure<br />

77,l Clean the pycnometer by filling it with a<br />

chromic acid cleaning solution allowing it to<br />

stand for a few hours, emptying, and rinsing well<br />

with water.<br />

77.2 Fill the pycnometer with freshly boiled<br />

water that has been cooled to 22 to 24"C, and<br />

put the pycnometer thermometer in place carefully,<br />

avoiding trapping of air. Place the pycnometer<br />

in the water bath maintained at 25.0 +.<br />

0.05"C for at least 30 min. Wipe the overflow<br />

from the side arm capillary and cover with the<br />

vented cap, remove from the bath, wipe dry, and<br />

weigh.<br />

77.3 Empty the pycnometer, rinse successively<br />

with alcohol and ether, remove the ether<br />

vapor, and dry under vacuum for 15 min. Weigh<br />

the pycnometer and subtract the weight of the<br />

empty pycnometer from the weight when filled<br />

with water in order to get the weight, W, of the<br />

contained water at 25°C in air.<br />

77.4 The sample for test must be completely<br />

liquid. If the sample contains solid polyol, warm<br />

the entire sample in the original container until<br />

it becomes liquid. Then cool it to 22 to 24°C and<br />

quickly fill the pycnometer with it, allowing a<br />

minimum of time for exposure of the sample to<br />

the atmosphere.<br />

77.5 Insert the thermometer carefully, avoiding<br />

trapping of air. Cover the side arm with the<br />

vented cap and immerse the pycnometer in the<br />

water bath for at least 30 min. Wipe overflow<br />

from the side arm capillary and cover with the<br />

vented cap, remove from the bath, wipe dry, and<br />

weigh. Subtract the weight of the empty pycnometer<br />

from the weight when filled with sample in<br />

order to obtain the weight, S, of the contained<br />

sample at 25.0"C.<br />

78. Calculation<br />

78.1 Calculate the specific gravity at 25/25"C<br />

as follows:<br />

Specific gravity, 25125°C = SI W<br />

where:<br />

S = grams of sample used (77.5), and<br />

W = grams of water in the pycnometer (77.3).<br />

79. Precision<br />

79.1 The following data may be used for judging<br />

the acceptability of results (95 '% confidence<br />

limit)."<br />

79.1.1 Repeatability-Duplicate results by<br />

the same operator shouid not be considered suspect<br />

unless they differ by more than 0.0002.<br />

79.1.2 Reproducibility-The average result<br />

reported by one laboratory should not be considered<br />

suspect unless it differs from that of another<br />

laboratory by more than 0.0003.<br />


80. Scope<br />

80.1 This method is intended for the direct<br />

determination of viscosity of polyesters and pol-<br />


D 2849<br />

yethers whose viscosity falls in the range from 10<br />

to 100 000 CP at 25°C or at 50°C. The method<br />

is also applicable to more viscous samples that<br />

are soluble in n-butyl acetate. Other temperatures<br />

and solvents may be used as agreed upon by<br />

purchaser and seller.<br />

81. Definitions<br />

81.1 viscosity-resistance of a fluid to uniformly<br />

continuous flow without turbulence, inertia,<br />

or other forces.<br />

81.2 non-Newtonian flow-rate of flow of a<br />

material that is not proportional to the degree of<br />

force applied.<br />

82. Summary of Method<br />

82.1 The viscosity of resins is measured by<br />

determining the torque on a spindle rotating at<br />

constant speed in the liquid sample which is<br />

adjusted to 25 f 0.1"C or 50 +_ 0.1"C. Samples<br />

with viscosities exceeding 100 000 CP at 50°C<br />

are dissolved in n-butyl acetate (or other solvent)<br />

and the viscosity is determined at 25 k 0.1 "C.<br />

83. Apparatus<br />

83.1 Constant- Temperature Bath, capable of<br />

maintaining temperatures of 25 & 0.1 "C and 50<br />

& 0.1 "C shall be used. Water, water and glycerin,<br />

or oil may be used as the heating medium and<br />

the bath should be provided with heating, stirring,<br />

and thermostating devices.<br />

83.2 Bath and Sample Thermometers, graduated<br />

in 0.1"C subdivisions and standardized for<br />

the range of use to the nearest 0.01"C. ASTM<br />

Saybolt Viscosity Thermometers having ranges<br />

from 19 to 27°C and 49 to 57"C, as specified, and<br />

conforming to the requirements for Thermometers<br />

17C and 19C, respectively, as prescribed in<br />

Specification E 1 are recommended.<br />

83.3 Brookfield Synchro-lectric Viscometer's-Model<br />

LVF with speeds of 60,30, ! 2, and<br />

6 rpm is to be used when available. It is applicable<br />

to the range of 10 to 100 000 cP. If this model<br />

is not available, Model RVF or HAF may be<br />

substituted. However, samples should be heated<br />

or dissolved in the standard way as necessary to<br />

keep the measured viscosity below 100 000 CP<br />

so that the test may be repeated in other laboratories<br />

under similar conditions with Model LVF.<br />

The calibration of the instrument should be<br />

checked periodically by measuring the viscosity<br />

of Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Viscosity<br />

Standard fluids." Standard fluids L-2, L-3, R-I,<br />

R-2, H-1 are suitable for the usual range. The<br />

calibration corrections shall be applied to sample<br />

measurements.<br />

84. Solvent<br />

84.1 n-Butyl Acetate."<br />

85. Preparation of Sample<br />

85.1 The preparation of a homogeneous sample<br />

is of primary importance in viscosity measurements.<br />

A nonuniform temperature distribution<br />

as well as the presence of air bubbles and<br />

traces of extraneous material should be avoided.<br />

Resins are not easily made homogeneous with<br />

respect to temperature and the sample should be<br />

thoroughly mixed and the temperature measured<br />

at several locations in the sample vessel before<br />

determining the viscosity.<br />

86. Preparation of Apparatus<br />

86.1 Attach the viscometer with an adjustable<br />

clamp to a ring stand. Adjust the legs at the base<br />

of the ring stand until the bubble is in the center<br />

of the spirit level on the viscometer. Attach the<br />

spindle that applies to the range expected for the<br />

sample (see Section 88).<br />

87. Choice of Temperature<br />

87.1 Samples that are liquid and have a viscosity<br />

of less than 100 000 CP at 25°C should be<br />

measured at that temperature. Materials that fulfill<br />

this requirement only when heated from 25<br />

to 50°C should be measured at 50°C. If the sample<br />

viscosity exceeds 100 000 CP at 50°C, the<br />

sample may be dissolved in butyl acetate (70 or<br />

35 % solids) and the viscosity of the solution<br />

measured at 25°C. Other temperatures and solvents<br />

may be used by agreement.<br />

88. Choice of Spindle and Rotational Speed<br />

88.1 The recommended Brookfield Synchrolectric<br />

Viscometer models" offer a variety of<br />

spindle sizes and rotational speeds. In the case of<br />

non-Newtonian liquids, varying these factors will<br />

cause variation in the results obtained. In general,<br />

l8 Obtainable from the Brookfield Engineering Laboratories,<br />

Stoughton, MA.<br />

l9 n-Butyl acetate, Catalog No. B-396, obtainable from Fisher<br />

Scientific Co., 7 I I Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, or Baker reagent<br />

obtainable from A. H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, PA, or material<br />

of equivalent punty may be used.<br />


D 2849<br />

the following recommendations should guide in<br />

the choice of spindle size and speed to be used<br />

for a specific sample.<br />

88.1.1 The combination chosen should give<br />

an instrument reading near the center of the scale<br />

(that is, 175 to 325 on the 500 scale).<br />

88.1.2 The lowest possible speed consistent<br />

with fulfilling the requirement given in 88.1.1<br />

should be used in order to deemphasize certain<br />

types of nowNewtonian behavior.<br />

88.1.3 If these two recommendations conflict,<br />

the requirements given in 88.1.1 have preference.<br />

89. Procedure<br />

89.1 Place sufficient sample in a 600-mL lowform<br />

beaker to cover the immersion mark on the<br />

viscometer spindle. Cover the beaker with a<br />

watch glass and immerse to the sample level in<br />

the constant temperature bath. Stir occasionally<br />

without trapping air bubbles. Check the temperature<br />

at several different locations in the beaker<br />

to make sure uniformity has been achieved. After<br />

the desired temperature has been observed<br />

throughout the sample for 10 min, immerse the<br />

viscometer spindle and guard into the sample to<br />

the immersion line marked on the spindle. Caution<br />

should be exercised to avoid air bubbles<br />

gathering under the spindle during immersion. If<br />

bubbles are observed, detach the spindle, keeping<br />

it in the sample, and stir until the bubbles are<br />

released. Reinsert the spindle.<br />

89.2 Press down the viscometer clutch lever<br />

and start the motor by snapping the toggle switch.<br />

Release the clutch lever and allow rotation to<br />

continue until the spindle has made eight or ten<br />

revolutions. Depress the clutch lever, stop the<br />

motor, and read the scale. If, when operating at<br />

higher speeds the pointer is not in view when the<br />

dial has come to rest, throw the motor switch on<br />

and off rapidly until the pointer reaches the<br />

window.<br />

89.3 Repeat the procedure until 3 readings on<br />

the 500 scale agree within 5 units.<br />

90. Calculations<br />

90.1 Multiply readings on the 500 scale by the<br />

factors given in Table 2 to obtain viscoity in<br />

centipoises.<br />

90.2 At 60 r/min, air resistance on the pointer<br />

has a certain effect. Values obtained should be<br />

reduced as follows: No. 1 spindle, deduct 0.4 cP;<br />

No. 2 spindle, deduct 2.0 cP; No. 3 spindle,<br />

deduct 8.0 cP; No. 4 spindle, deduct 40.0 cP.<br />

90.3 Apply all calibration corrections mentioned<br />

in 83.3.<br />

91. Report<br />

9 I. 1 The report shall include the following:<br />

9 1.1.1 Temperature of test,<br />

91.1.2 Solids content and solvent, if sample<br />

was diluted,<br />

91.1.3 Model of viscometer,<br />

91.1.4 Speed of rotation,<br />

91.1.5 Spindle number, and<br />

91.1.6 Viscosity in centipoises.<br />

COLOR<br />



92. Scope<br />

92.1 This method covers the visual measurement<br />

of the color of essentially clear liquids. It is<br />

applicable only to materials in which the colorproducing<br />

bodies present have light absorption<br />

characteristics similar to those of the standards<br />

used.”<br />

93. Apparatus<br />

93. I Gardner-Holdt Tubes, of clear glass, with<br />

closed, flat, even bottoms, and having the following<br />

approxhate dimensions and markings:<br />

93.1.1 A uniform internal length of 1 I2 mm,<br />

93.1.2 A uniform internal diameter throughout<br />

the length of the tube of 10.75 mm, and<br />

93.1.3 An etched line around the outside of<br />

the tube 5 mm from the open end and a second<br />

etched line around the outside of the tube 13<br />

mm from the open end.<br />

94. Reagents<br />

94.1 Cobalt Chloride Solution-Prepare a solution<br />

containing l part by weight of cobalt chloride<br />

(CoCI2. 6H20) to 3 parts of HCI ( 1 -t 17).<br />

94.2 Ferric Chloride Solution-Prepare a solution<br />

containing approximately 5 parts by<br />

weight of femc chloride (FeCI3 6H20) and 1.2<br />

parts of HCl ( 1 + 17). Adjust to exact color equivalence<br />

to a freshly prepared solution containing<br />

3 g of K2Cr207 in 100 mL of H2S04 (sp gr I .84).<br />

See <strong>Test</strong> Method D I209 and Standard <strong>Methods</strong> for the<br />

Examination of Water, Sewage, and Industrial Wastes, Am.<br />

Public Health Assn., 10th Ed., 1955. New York, NY, pp. 87-<br />

89.<br />


D 2849<br />

94.3 Hvdrochloric Acid (1+17)-Mix 1 volume<br />

of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl, sp<br />

gr 1.19) with 17 volumes of water.<br />

94.4 Hydrochloric Acid (0.1 N)-Prepare 0.1<br />

N HCl.<br />

94.5 Potassium Chloroplatinate (K2PtC16).<br />

94.6 Potassium Dichromate ( K2Cr207).<br />

94.7 Sulfuric Acid (sp gr 1.84)-Concentrated<br />

sulfuric acid (H2S04).<br />

95. Gardner Color Reference Standards<br />

95.1 The primary standards for color shall<br />

consist of solutions defined by their spectral<br />

transmittance in a 1-cm cell with parallel sides.<br />

The chromaticity coordinates of these solutions<br />

shall conform to those given in Table 3 when<br />

determined on a 1-cm layer of the solution in<br />

accordance with Method E 308.<br />

95.2 For purposes of comparison, the use of<br />

permanent solutions, the color of which has been<br />

determined, is more satisfactory. The approximate<br />

composition of solutions giving each of the<br />

18 Gardner colors is also given in Table 3. The<br />

solutions shall be made from K2PtC16 in 0.1 N<br />

HC1, or, in the darker colors, from stock solutions<br />

of Feel3, CoC12, and HCl (93.1, 93.2, and 93.3).<br />

95.3 Solutions of K2Cr207 in H2S04 (sp gr<br />

1.84) may be used as reference standards. The<br />

approximate composition of these standards is<br />

also given in Table 3. Each solution must be<br />

freshly made for the color comparison, using<br />

gentle heat, if necessary, to effect solution.<br />

NOTE 13-Secondary reference standards may be<br />

obtained in the form of 18 colored glass disks, which<br />

are set into a pair of larger, plastic disks and the latter<br />

mounted to rotate in a housing for holding the sample<br />

tube and glass disk in close and fixed proximity.”<br />

96. Procedure<br />

96.1 Fill the tube with sample, free of solid<br />

partic!es OF air bibbles SO that the appaicfit tipper<br />

edge of the liquid meniscus is even with the lower<br />

etched line on the tube.<br />

96.2 Determine the color by comparison with<br />

the reference standard solutions prescribed in<br />

Table 3, by comparing the sample and the standard<br />

in Gardner-Holdt viscosity tubes as described.<br />

Make the comparison at 25 f 5°C by<br />

placing tubes close together and looking through<br />

them against a background that is substantially<br />

equal in color to the northern sky.<br />

97. Report<br />

97.1 Report the color of the sample in terms<br />

of the Gardner standard number that is nearest<br />

to it in color.<br />


98. Scope<br />

98.1 This method covers the visual measurement<br />

of the color of essentially clear liquids. It is<br />

applicable only to materials in which the colorproducing<br />

bodies present have light absorption<br />

characteristics similar to those of the standards<br />

used.I6<br />

99. Apparatus<br />

99.1 Nessler Tubes, matched 100-mL, tallform.<br />

100. Reagents<br />

100.1 Hydrochloric Acid (sp gr l.l9)-Concentrated<br />

hydrochloric acid (HCl).<br />

110.2 Potassium Chloroplatinate (K2PtC16).<br />

101. Preparation of Color Standards<br />

101.1 Measure 500 mL of water into a 1000-<br />

mL volumetric flask. Add 100 mL of the HCl<br />

and mix well. Weigh 1.245 g of K2PtC16 to the<br />

nearest I mg and transfer to the flask (Note 14).<br />

Dilute the solution in the flask to the mark with<br />

water and mix thoroughly. The color of this<br />

standard solution is equivalent to 500 units (500<br />

mg metallic platinum/L), that it, each millilitre<br />

of the standard contains 0.5 mg of metallic platinum.<br />

NOTE 14-If potassium chloroplatinate is not available,<br />

dissolve 0.500 g of pure metallic platinum in aqua<br />

regia with the aid of heat; then remove HN03 by<br />

repeated evaporation with fresh portions of HCI. Dissolve<br />

this product as directed in 10 I. 1.<br />

101.2 Prepare the required color standards by<br />

diluting the No. 500 standard solution as shown<br />

in Table 4. If more exact color comparison is<br />

desired, prepare additional standards to supplement<br />

those given below. One color unit is equivalent<br />

to 1 mg metallic platinum/L. Protect these<br />

*’ The pair of disks and a comparator housing may be obtained<br />

as Set 605 from Hellige, Inc., 877 Steward Ave., Garden<br />

City, NJ. Although these disks are marked “Hellige” they should<br />

not be confused with the Hellige ( 1930) series of color standards<br />

which were designated I L, I, 2L, 2, etc.<br />

3 10

D2849<br />

standards against evaporation and contamination<br />

when not in use.<br />

102. Procedure<br />

102.1 Transfer 100 mL of the sample to one<br />

of two matched 100-mL tall-form Nessler tubes.<br />

Fill the second tube to the mark with the standard<br />

that seems to match the color of the sample as<br />

indicated by a preliminary estimation. Compare<br />

the colors of the sample and the standard by<br />

viewing vertically down through the tubes against<br />

a white background. Replace the liquid in the<br />

second tube with lighter or darker standards until<br />

an exact match is obtained.<br />

103. Report<br />

103.1 Report the color of the sample in terms<br />

of the color standard number that is nearest to it<br />

in color.<br />

Water Content,<br />

%<br />

TABLE 2 Correction Factors Corresponding to Various<br />

TABLE 1 Recommended Sample Sizes Combinations of Spindles and Rotational Speeds<br />

Sample Size," g<br />

Below 0.5 weight containing approximately 25 mg<br />

of water. This weight should not exceed<br />

30 g.<br />

Over 0.5 5<br />

"Samples of smaller size may be used if the sample is not<br />

suficiently soluble. Viscous samples exceeding I g may be<br />

poured from a small bottle (20 to 50-mL capacity) and weighed<br />

by subtraction to f5 mg. Smaller samples should be weighed to<br />

f0. I mg in a Lunge pipet. Nonviscous samples may be weighed<br />

in a Lunge pipet or in a weighing bottle fitted with a medicine<br />

dropper. Solid samples that melt under 50°C may be liquefied<br />

by heating for a minimum length of time in an oven at 50°C.<br />

The sample bottle closure should be loosened slightly and the<br />

sample should be removed from the oven as soon as it is melted.<br />

Spindle<br />

No.<br />

Correction Factors<br />

Rotational 6 12 30 60<br />

speed, rpm<br />

LVF I 2 1 0.4 0.2<br />

2 IO 5 2 1<br />

3 40 20 8 4<br />

4 200 100 40 20<br />

Rotational 2 4 10 20<br />

speed, rpm<br />

RVF I IO 5 2 I<br />

2 40 20 8 4<br />

3 100 50 20 IO<br />

4 200 100 40 20<br />

5 400 200 80 40<br />

6 1000 500 200 100<br />

7 4000 2000 800 400<br />

Rotational 1 2 5 IO<br />

sueed, rpm<br />

HAF I 40 20 8 4<br />

2 160 80 32 16<br />

3 400 200 80 40<br />

4 800 400 160 80<br />

5 1600 800 320 160<br />

6 4000 2000 800 400<br />

7 16000 8000 3200 1600<br />

31 1

~<br />

TABLE 3 Gardner Reference Standard Color Solutions<br />

Chromaticity<br />

Coordinates<br />

Iron-Cobalt Solutions<br />

Gardner<br />

Potassium<br />

Potassium<br />

Color<br />

Standard<br />

Chloroplatinate,<br />

g/’Oo0 mL Of<br />

Fenic<br />

Chloride<br />

Cobalt<br />

Chloride<br />

Hydrochloric<br />

Dichromate,<br />

g/100 mL<br />

Number .Y I’ 0. I N HCI Solution. Solution. Acid. SUIfUriC Acid”<br />

mL mL mL<br />

I<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

0.3190<br />

0.3241<br />

0.33 I5<br />

0.3433<br />

0.3578<br />

0.3750<br />

0.4022<br />

0.4 179<br />

0.4338<br />

0.4490<br />

0.4836<br />

0.5084<br />

0.5395<br />

0.5654<br />

0.5870<br />

0.6060<br />

0.6275<br />

0.6475<br />

0.327 1<br />

0.3344<br />

0.3456<br />

0.3632<br />

0.3820<br />

0.4047<br />

0.4360<br />

0.4535<br />

0.4648<br />

0.4775<br />

0.4805<br />

0.4639<br />

0.445 I<br />

0.4295<br />

0.41 12<br />

0.3933<br />

0.3725<br />

0.3525<br />

0.550 0.0039<br />

0.865 0.0048<br />

1.330 0.007 I<br />

2.080 0.01 I2<br />

3.035 0.0205<br />

4.225 0.0322<br />

6.400 0.0384<br />

7.900 0.0515<br />

3.8 3.0 93.2 0.0780<br />

5.1 3.6 91.3 0.164<br />

7.5 5.3 87.2 0.250<br />

10.8 7.6 81.6 0.380<br />

16.6 10.0 73.4 0.572<br />

22.2 13.3 64.5 0.763<br />

29.4 17.6 53.0 1.044<br />

37.8 22.8 39.4 1.280<br />

51.3 25.6 23.1 2.220<br />

100.0 0.0 0.0 3.00<br />

” The dichromate color standards have been found to be less reliable than chloroplatinate or iron-cobalt color standards. They<br />

are included in Table 3 for reference only.<br />

TABLE 4 APHA Color Standards<br />

Color No. 500 Water,<br />

Standard No. Standard, mL mL<br />

I<br />

3<br />

5<br />

IO<br />

15<br />

18<br />

20<br />

25<br />

30<br />

40<br />

50<br />

60<br />

70<br />

80<br />

90<br />

100<br />

I20<br />

I40<br />

160<br />

I80<br />

200<br />

300<br />

400<br />

500<br />

0.2<br />

0.6<br />

1 .O<br />

2.0<br />

3.0<br />

3.6<br />

4.0<br />

5.0<br />

6.0<br />

8.0<br />

10.0<br />

12.0<br />

14.0<br />

16.0<br />

18.0<br />

20.0<br />

24.0<br />

28.0<br />

32.0<br />

36.0<br />

40.0<br />

60.0<br />

80.0<br />

100.0<br />

99.8<br />

99.4<br />

99.0<br />

98.0<br />

97.0<br />

96.4<br />

96.0<br />

95.0<br />

94.0<br />

92.0<br />

90.0<br />

88.0<br />

86.0<br />

84.0<br />

82.0<br />

80.0<br />

76.0<br />

72.0<br />

68.0<br />

64.0<br />

60.0<br />

40.0<br />

20.0<br />

0.0<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject IO revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

ij not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you &el that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />

3 12

eB<br />

Designation: D 2979 - 71 (Reapproved 1982)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 49103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASMA Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed iwthe current combined index, will apped in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2979; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

'' NoTE--Section 2 was added editorially and subsequent Seaions renumbered in April 1985.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers measurement of<br />

the pressure-sensitive tack of adhesives. This test<br />

method is applicable to those adhesives which<br />

form a bond of measurable strength rapidly upon<br />

contact with another surface and which can be<br />

removed from that surface cleanly, that is, without<br />

leaving a residue visible to the eye. For such<br />

adhesives, tack may be measured as the force<br />

required to separate an adhesive and the adherend<br />

at the interface shortly after they have been<br />

brought into contact under a defined load of<br />

known duration at a specified temperature.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 ASTMStandard:<br />

E 17 1 Specification for Standard Atmospheres<br />

for Conditioning and <strong>Test</strong>ing Materials'<br />

3. Summary of Method<br />

3.1 This test method involves bringing the tip<br />

of a cleaned probe of defined surface roughness<br />

into contact with the adhesive at a controlled<br />

rate, under a fixed pressure, for a short time, at<br />

a given temperature; and subsequently breaking<br />

the bond formed between the probe and adhesive,<br />

also at a controlled rate. Tack is measured<br />

as the maximum force required in breaking the<br />

adhesive bond.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 This test method provides a quantitative<br />

measure of the pressure-sensitive tack of the adhesive.<br />

4.2 The method is designed for the adhesive<br />

mass itself and is suitable for measuring the tack<br />

of pressure-sensitive adhesives for use on both<br />

rigid and flexible backings.<br />

4.3 This test method is suitable for quality<br />

control and research purposes.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 Probe-A Type 304 stainless steel rod, 5.0<br />

mm (0.197 in.) in diameter, machined at one<br />

end of 90' to the longitudinal axis. The tip shall<br />

be finished to a surface roughness of not more<br />

than 500 or less than 250 nm (20 to 10 pin.) rms<br />

as measured by a surface-measuring device.'<br />

NOTE 1-When the adhesive is supported on flexible<br />

backings, or is greater than 0.25 mm (0.010 in.)<br />

thick, a probe with a spherical crown of 0.05 mm (0.002<br />

in.) high, and with a 62.5-mm (2.5-in.) radius may be<br />

Used.<br />

5.2 Pressure-Loading Weight-An annular<br />

ring whose inside diameter is slightly larger than<br />

the probe diameter. The ring weight shall be such<br />

that the pressure applied to the sample is 9.79 f<br />

0.10 kPa ( 1.42 psi).<br />

NOTE 2-Contact pressures of 0.98, 1.96, or 4.90<br />

kPa may be obtained by employing annuli of different<br />

weight. These lower pressures as well as ones of 98 kPa<br />

or higher can be used to show the effect of pressure<br />

directly when tack is pressuredependent.<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D14.10 on Working Properties.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 24, 1971. Published November<br />

1971.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.<br />

'An example of a suitable surface-measuring device is a<br />

Surfindicator manufactured by Could, Inc., Gage and Control<br />

Div., 4601 Arden Dr., El Monte, CA.<br />


D 2979<br />

5.3 Forge Gage-A spring device with a dial<br />

indicator that retains the maximum force reading<br />

until reset manually. The spring characteristics<br />

shall be such that between 8.9 and 22.2 N (2'and<br />

5 lb) are required to extend it the permissible 2.5<br />

mm (0.10 in.). The probe shall be mounted directly<br />

on the force gage.<br />

NOTE 3-0ther force-measuring devices such as<br />

strain gage load cells, or devices with different forcedeflection<br />

characteristics may be used in certain instances.<br />

Tack values obtained with these devices will<br />

differ in magnitude but will be related to standard<br />

values obtained with the specified gage.<br />

5.4 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machin&-A mechanical system<br />

for bringing the adhesive into contact with the<br />

probe, automatically controlling the dwell time<br />

during which the adhesive and probe are in contact<br />

under pressure, and subsequently pulling the<br />

adhesive away from the probe. The machine shall<br />

be capable of maintaining a constant crosshead<br />

speed of 10 f 0.1 mm/s (24 in./min), sensing<br />

contact of probe with adhesive, stopping for 1 f<br />

0.01 s, and then reversing at the same 10 f 0.1-<br />

mm/s speed. The machine must support the<br />

probe such that its top surface is parallel to the<br />

plane of the adhesive at the time of contact to<br />

less than a 0" 10 min angle between them.<br />

NOTE 4-For some special purposes it may be desirable<br />

to measure the tack at dwell times as short as<br />

0.1 s or as long as 100 s, depending on how quickly the<br />

adhesive bond is to be established in the end use.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 Adhesive shall be cast from solution, dispersion,<br />

or as hot melt, etc. on 38-pm (1.5-mil)<br />

polyester film to give a dried adhesive thickness,<br />

preferably between 0.04 and 0.25 mm (0.0015<br />

and 0.01 in.), but always greater than 0.025 mm<br />

(0.001 in.) and less than 0.5 mm (0.02 in.). A<br />

minimum of two adhesive films shall be made,<br />

one from each of two separately prepared but<br />

identical solutions. The adhesive film shall be<br />

dried in a dust-free atmosphere to constant<br />

weight before testing.<br />

NOTE 5-Other films may also be used provided<br />

they do not react with the adhesive or elongate excessively<br />

during the test. Microscope slides or cover glasses<br />

may be used to give rigid support to the adhesive.<br />

6.2 Adhesives already on some supporting<br />

material shall be examined as they exist.<br />

7. conditioning<br />

7.1 <strong>Test</strong>ing Room-<strong>Test</strong> in a standard labo-<br />

ratory atmosphere, in accordance with Specification<br />

E 171.<br />

8. procedure<br />

8.1 Clean the probe with an absorbent material<br />

such as surgical gauze or tissue wet with a<br />

completely volatile solvent that is a good solvent<br />

for the adhesive under test. To be suitable, the<br />

material must be lint-free during use, absorbent,<br />

and contain no additives that are soluble in the<br />

cleaning solvents used. Wipe with another piece<br />

of solvent-wet absorbent material, and finally<br />

wipe the probe with a clean dry piece of absorbent<br />

material to remove excess solvent. Wait 20 s or<br />

a sufficiently longer time if necessary, to allow<br />

for complete evaporation of the solvent and temperature<br />

equilibration.<br />

8.2 Place an appropriately sized sample of<br />

supported adhesive, sticky side down, on the<br />

annular ring weight. The sample need only be<br />

large enough to cover the hole in the weight<br />

without slippage during the test and should be<br />

small enough so that it does not adhere to the<br />

carrier supporting the weight. Place the weight in<br />

the carrier.<br />

NOTE 6-The proper relation of the supported adhesive<br />

on the ring weight to the probe is sketched in<br />

Fig. 1. One possible arrangement of the canier and<br />

force gage is also illustrated.<br />

8.3 At a speed of 10 f 0.1 mm/s, bring the<br />

probe into contact with the adhesive. After a<br />

dwell time of 1.0 f 0.01 s separate the probe<br />

from the adhesive at 10 f 0.1 mm/s.<br />

8.4 Record the tack as the maximum force in<br />

newtons required to separate the probe from the<br />

adhesive.<br />

8.5 Make at least five determinations taken at<br />

random points on the supported adhesive. With<br />

grossly rough or nonuniform adhesive surfaces<br />

more than five determinations may be necessary<br />

to obtain the desired statistical reliability of the<br />

average tack value.<br />

8.6 Clean the probe surface with solvent after<br />

each test. In instances where tack values neither<br />

tend to increase or decrease systematically, cleaning<br />

may be limited to each series of test on a<br />

given adhesive.<br />

Nom 7-If there is evidence of contamination by<br />

lint, large dust particles, thumb prints, etc., the test shall<br />

'An example of a suitable machine is the Polyken Robe<br />

Tack <strong>Test</strong>er availabk from <strong>Test</strong>ing Machines, Inc., Mineoh,<br />

Long Island. NY.<br />

3 14

D 2979<br />

be discounted. If the probe surface shows to the unaided<br />

eye presence of deposited adhesive, the test shall also<br />

be discounted.<br />

9. Report<br />

9.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

9.1.1 Identification of the adhesive,<br />

9.1.2 Solvent used for dissolving the adhesive,<br />

9.1.3 Percent solids contained in solution,<br />

9.1.4 Temperature and time of drying used,<br />

9.1.5 Conditioning time for the adhesive sur-<br />

face,<br />

9.1.6 Adhesive thickness,<br />

9.1.7 Solvent used to clean probe,<br />

9.1.8 Supporting backing material for the adhesive,<br />

9.1.9 Separation rate of the probe,<br />

9.1.10 Dwell time,<br />

9.1.1 1 Contact pressure,<br />

9.1.12 Temperature and relative humidity if<br />

different from standard laboratory astmosphere,<br />

and<br />

9.1.13 Values of each of the tack readings,<br />

and the arithmetic average. Tack values shall be<br />

reported in newtons.<br />

NOTE 7-Items 9.1.2, 9.1.3, and 9.1.4 need be reported<br />

only if the adhesive is put in solution by the<br />

person making the tack test.<br />


f<br />

A-Adhesive<br />

&Backing<br />

C--carrier<br />

W-Weight<br />

P--probe<br />

G--Gage<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecling the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this stahid. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination ofthe validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infingement ofsuch rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed evev/ive years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive carejid consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. ljyou feel thnt you comments have nol received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. I916 Race St.. Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


#iTb<br />

Designation: D 31 11 - 76 R82<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined Index. will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard Recommended Practice for<br />



METHOD’<br />

This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3 11 I; the number immediately following the designation indicates<br />

the year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the<br />

year of last reapproval.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This recommended practice covers the<br />

determination of the flexibility of a hot melt<br />

adhesive in sheet form under specific test conditions.<br />

This is a working test. Its results are<br />

useful for comparing adhesives, not for absolute<br />

characterization of adhesives.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 1737 <strong>Test</strong> for Elongation of Attached<br />

Organic Coatings with Cylindrical Mandrel<br />

Apparatus2<br />

E 171 Specification for Standard Atmospheres<br />

for Conditioning and <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

Materials<br />

2.2 Other <strong>Methods</strong>:<br />

Federal <strong>Test</strong> Specification U. S. 141A,<br />

Method 6221, Flexibility .<br />

NOTE I-Although no tests related specifically to<br />

flexibility of unsupported hot melt adhesives in<br />

sheet form, the above tests concerned with film flexibility<br />

of coatings (supported films) are similar.<br />

3. Summary of Practice<br />

3.1 <strong>Test</strong> strips of a hot melt adhesive properly<br />

sized and conditioned, are bent 180 deg<br />

over a mandrel (rod). Using a fresh specimen<br />

for each test, the test is repeated with smaller<br />

diameter mandrels until the adhesive tails on<br />

bending. The flexibility of the adhesive is the<br />

smallest diameter mandrel over which 4 out<br />

of 5 test specimens do not break.<br />

4. Significance<br />

4.1 The “Mandrel Bend” test is simple<br />

and fast. It requires little investment in equip-<br />

ment and little operator training. The prime<br />

purpose is to determine whether a hot melt<br />

adhesive meets flexibility requirements. This<br />

test is also useful for comparing flexibility of<br />

several adhesives. It can be used to design<br />

adhesives by comparing the flexibility of various<br />

formulations to meet specific end use<br />

parameters. The adhesive flexibility ean be<br />

determined at temperatures other than ambient<br />

by conditioning the test apparatus and<br />

test specimens at the desired temperature and<br />

performing the test under these temperature<br />

conditions.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 The test apparatus consists of a series<br />

of different diameter cylindrical rods or<br />

mandrels supported at each end. There should<br />

be enough space to permit placement of the<br />

flat side of a test specimen tangentially at<br />

right angles to the longitudinal axis of the test<br />

mandrel. Individual requirements determine<br />

the diameter and lengths of the rods needed.<br />

For most tests, 3.2 mm (- k in.), 6.4 mm (- ‘11<br />

in.), and 12.8 mm (-h in.) diameter by 75<br />

to !50 mm (-3 in. tn in.) !ong rods made of<br />

brass or stainless steel are satisfactory. Figure<br />

1 describes two simple test frames, one<br />

with fixed mandrels and the other designed to<br />

take any diameter mandrel.<br />

I This recommended practice is under the jurisdiction of<br />

Committee D-14 on Adhesives.<br />

Current edition approved July 30, 1976. Published September<br />

1976. Originally published as D 31 11 - 72 T. Last<br />

previous edition D 31 11 - 72 T.<br />

Annual Book oJASTM Slandards, Part 27.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Parts 35 and 41.<br />


D 3111<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

6.1 The test specimen dimensions can be<br />

varied depending on the end use requirements<br />

of the hot melt adhesive. Figure 2 describes<br />

a recommended specimen size. It is IO<br />

mm (approx 0.4 in.) wide, 75 mm (approx 3<br />

in.) long and 1.25 f 0.01 mm (approx 0.05<br />

in.) thick. The thickness dimension is critical<br />

and must be accurately measured. The test<br />

specimens shall be cut from molded or extruded<br />

sheets or film. Plying of several<br />

thinner samples shall not be permitted. No<br />

flaws visible anywhere in the sample to the<br />

naked eye shall be permitted.<br />

7. Conditioning<br />

7.1 Store the test specimens and test apparatus<br />

at the test conditions for 24 h. Perform<br />

the test under these same conditions. For<br />

rapid screening, particularly at low temperatures,<br />

a minimum of 4 h conditioning can be<br />

used. Note this change when recording data.<br />

If other conditions are not specified, the<br />

storage and test conditions will be 23 f 2 C<br />

and 50 f 5 percent relative humidity. Method<br />

E 171, details these and other tests conditions.<br />

8. Failure<br />

8.t Failure is a visible fracture, crazing, or<br />

cracking of the hot melt adhesive. This can<br />

occur at any time during the bending of the<br />

adhesive test specimen over the mandrel.<br />

Color changes or blushing not affecting the<br />

tensile properties of the material is not a failure,<br />

but should be reported.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Run the tests in the same-environment<br />

used to condition the test specimens and test<br />

apparatus.<br />

9.2 Put the largest diameter mandrel in the<br />

horizontal operating position in the test<br />

frame.<br />

9.3 Grasp the test specimen between the<br />

thumb and forefinger of one hand with the<br />

longest dimension between the fingers. For<br />

low temperature testing, use ordinary cotton<br />

work gloves to insulate the test specimens<br />

from the warm fingers.<br />

9.4 Lay the flat-side of the test specimen<br />

tangentially at right angles to the longitudinal<br />

axis of the test mandrel.<br />

9.5 Within 1 s, fold the test specimen 180<br />

deg to form an inverted ‘‘U” shaped angle<br />

over the mandrel maintaining intimate contact<br />

with the mandrel.<br />

9.6 If no failure occurs, fold a fresh specimen<br />

over the next smaller diameter mandrel.<br />

Repeat the test using a fresh sample each<br />

time until failure occurs.<br />

9.7 Now repeat the test 5 times using 5<br />

fresh test specimens on the smallest diameter<br />

mandrel at which failure had not occurred. To<br />

be significant, at least 4 out of 5 test specimens<br />

must pass. Follow this procedure with<br />

smaller or larger diameter mandrels until 4<br />

out of 5 test specimens pass.<br />

9.8 Record the flexibility of the hot melt<br />

adhesive as<br />

over which 4<br />

the smallest diameter mandrel<br />

out of 5 test specimens passed.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report should include the following:<br />

IO. 1.1 Method of specimen preparation,<br />

molded, extruded, or other method.<br />

IO. 1.2 Specimen dimensions, especially<br />

thickness to within 0.01 mm (K in.).<br />

IO. 1.3 Conditioning and test conditions,<br />

temperature and, if important, relative humidity.<br />

IO. I .4 Smallest diameter mandrel over<br />

which 4 out of 5 test specimens did not fail.<br />

10.1.5 Color changes or blushing of nonfailing<br />

test specimens after bending.<br />




FRAME<br />


(Note 1 Recess to fit test frame) Figures in parentheses are approximate.<br />

FIG. 1 <strong>Test</strong> Mandrel (Various Diameters) for <strong>Test</strong> Frame.<br />


FIG. 2<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Specimen.<br />

1.25 2 0.01MM (0.05")<br />

4<br />

0 5<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted<br />

in connection with any item mentioned in ihis standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised thai deiermination of the<br />

validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.<br />


ab<br />


Designation: D 3166 - 73 p.79<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

Standard Method of <strong>Test</strong> for<br />



This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3166; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of<br />

last approval.<br />

1. Scope<br />


The purpose of this test procedure is to provide for the determination of the fatigue<br />

properties of adhesives. The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds<br />

will depend on the conditions under which the bonding process is carried out. Unless<br />

otherwise agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser, the bonding conditions<br />

shall be prescribed by the manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to ensure that<br />

complete information is available to the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer<br />

of the adhesive shall furnish numerical values and other specific information for<br />

each of the following variables:.<br />

(I) Procedure for preparation of the surfaces prior to application of the adhesive, the<br />

cleaning and drying of metal surfaces, and special surface treatments such as sanding,<br />

which are not specifically limited by the pertinent test method.<br />

(2) Complete mixing directions for the adhesive.<br />

(3) Conditions for application of the adhesive, including the rate of spread or<br />

thickness of film, number of coats to be applied whether to be applied to one or both<br />

surfaces, and the conditions of drying where more than one coat is required.<br />

(4) Assembly conditions before application of pressure. including the room temperature,<br />

length of time, and whether open or closed assembly is to be used.<br />

(5) <strong>Curing</strong> conditions, including the amount of pressure to be applied, the length of<br />

time under pressure, and the temperature of the assembly when under pressure. It<br />

should be stated whether this temperature is that of the glue line, or of the atmosphere at<br />

which the assembly is to be maintained.<br />

(6) Conditioning procedure before testing, unless a standard procedure is specified,<br />

including the length of time, temperature, and relative humidity.<br />

A range may be prescribed fer any i~ariab!e by the m:rnufzc!urer of the adhe~ive, if it<br />

can be assumed by the test operator that any arbitrarily chosen value within such a<br />

range or any combination of such values for several variables will be acceptable to both<br />

the manufacturer and the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

I. 1 This method covers the measurement of ' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Comfatigue<br />

strength in shear by tension loading of<br />

adhesives on a standard specimen and under<br />

m i ~ ~ r ~ ~ Mar, ~ I, 4,973, e Published ~ ~ April i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1973.<br />


D 3166<br />

specified conditions of preparation, loading,<br />

and testing.<br />

NOTE I-While this method is intended for use in<br />

metal-to-metal applications it may be used for<br />

measuring the fatigue properties of adhesives using<br />

plastic adherends. provided consideration is given to<br />

the thickness of the plastic adherends. Doublers may<br />

be required for plastic adherends to prevent bearing<br />

failure in the adherends.<br />

NOTE 2-A variation in the thickness of the<br />

adherends can influence the test results. For this<br />

reason, the thickness of the sheets used to make the<br />

test specimens shall be specified in the material<br />

specification. When no thickness is specified. metal<br />

adherends 1.63 mm (0.064 in.) thick are recommended.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2. I ASTM Standat-&<br />

D 1002 <strong>Test</strong> for C,rrengrh Properties of<br />

Adhesives ir. Shear by Ten\lon Loading<br />

{Metal to<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine-The testing machine<br />

shall be capable of applying a sinusoidal cyclic<br />

axial load. The cyclic rate and type of equipment<br />

(constant load or constant displacement)<br />

can influence test results. For this reason, the<br />

cyclic rate and equipment used shall be specified<br />

in the material specification. When no<br />

cyclic rate is specified 1800 cycles per minute is<br />

recommended. The machine shall be provided<br />

with suitable grips and jaws so that the specimen<br />

can be gripped tightly and held in alignment<br />

as the load is applied. Loads shall be<br />

accurate within 3=2 9%.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

4.1 <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall conform to the<br />

shape and dimensions shown in Fig. I. Grip<br />

ends shall be-suitable for use in the particular<br />

testing machine. These specimens are similar<br />

to the tension lap-shear specimens described in<br />

Method D 1002.<br />

4.2 At least 25 specimens shall be tested,<br />

representing at least 4 different panels.<br />

4.3 Prepare, cut, finish, and condition the<br />

specimens in the same manner as for Method<br />

D 1002. The length of the overlap shall be 9.5<br />

mm (0.38 in.) for 1.63 mm (0.064 in.) aluminum<br />

alloys. Dimensions of other materials<br />

shall be such that failures occur in the bond.<br />

(An overlap of 12.7 mm (0.50 in.) for 6.4 mm<br />

(0.25 in.) thick nonmetals should be used if<br />

possible).<br />

5. Procedure<br />

5'. 1 Unless otherwise specified test the specimens<br />

in an atmosphere maintained at 50 + 4 9%<br />

relative humidity and 23 f 1.1 C (73.5 f 2 F).<br />

Precondition the specimens for at least 16 h.<br />

5.2 Place the specimen in the jaws of the<br />

testing machine and grip tightly so that the<br />

specimen and the jaws are perfectly aligned in<br />

such a position that an imaginary vertical line<br />

would pass through the center of the bonded<br />

area and through the points of suspension (Fig.<br />

I). The edge of the lap shall be 25.4 mm (1 in.)<br />

from the edge of the grip. Apply the cyclic load<br />

and check periodically. This load shall range<br />

from a muimum io approximately IO R of the<br />

maximum. The maximum load selected will<br />

depend upon the strength of the adhesive in<br />

shear tension loading and the desired life.<br />

5.3 <strong>Test</strong> five specimens each at five or more<br />

maximum loads which shall be selected such<br />

that failures occur with regular spacing over a<br />

range varying from at least IO 000 000 cycles<br />

to not less than 2000 cycles. (As a guide, the<br />

initial maximum !oad may be 50 70 of the<br />

strength of the adhesive in shear by tension<br />

loading.)<br />

5.4 Record the number of cycles to failure<br />

and the corresponding loads, calculated in<br />

pounds-force per square inch (or megapascals).<br />

Measure the specimen bond dimensions<br />

accurately enough to calculate the area to the<br />

nearest 0.6 mm (0.01 in.2). The location of<br />

failure (adhesive or joint material), and nature<br />

of failure if in the adhesive. (amounts of<br />

cohesion, adhesion, or contact failures) should<br />

be recorded for each specimen.<br />

6. Report<br />

6.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

6.1.1 Complete identification of the materials,<br />

procedures, and equipment (constant load<br />

or constant displacement) used.<br />

6.1.2 Dimensions of the bond area including<br />

width and length +2.5 mm (0.01 in.) and<br />

bonding thickness 10.0127 mm (0.0005 in.).<br />

The method of obtaining the thickness of the<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Siandards. Part 16.<br />


D 3166<br />

adhesive layer shall be described including<br />

procedure, location of measurements and<br />

range of measurements.<br />

6. I .3 Temperature and relative humidity in<br />

the test room.<br />

6.1.4 Cycling rate in cycles per minute.<br />

6.1.5 Number of cycles to failure and corresponding<br />

loads calculated in pounds-force per<br />

square inch or megapascals recorded on stresslog<br />

cycle coordinates. The point at which the<br />

curve intercepts the 10 million cycle coordinatt<br />

shall be designated as the “fatigue strength a.<br />

IO million cycles.”<br />

6.1.6 Conditioning procedure used fo;<br />

specimens prior to testing.<br />

6.1.7 Number of specimens tested<br />

6.1.8 Location and nature of failure (rela.<br />

tive percentage of adhesive or adherend, ad.<br />

hesion, or contact) for each specimen if ii<br />

occurs before the fatigue test is completed.<br />

NoTb-Minimum<br />

specimen length in the grip 25.4 mm ( I in.).<br />

FIG. 1.<br />


Designation: D 3247 - 73<br />

R84<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM<br />

Standard Method of <strong>Test</strong> for<br />




This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3247; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the determination of<br />

the coefficient of static friction of corrugated<br />

and solid fiberboard or of the materials used to<br />

make such board.<br />

1.2 The horizontal instrument requires some<br />

means of movement of the specimen in relation<br />

to the surface upon which it rests. The coefficient<br />

of friction is measured directly from the<br />

resistance to that force and the applied weight.<br />

1.3 An inclined plane method is described in<br />

Method D3248. Either method gives essentially<br />

equivalent results. The choice of approach<br />

depends on the equipment available and the<br />

means of measurement.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 585 Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot<br />

of Paper, Paperboard, Fiberboard, or Related<br />

Product2<br />

D 685 Conditioning Paper and Paper Products<br />

for <strong>Test</strong>ing2<br />

D 2534 <strong>Test</strong> for Coefficient of Kinetic<br />

Friction for Wax Coatings3<br />

D 3248 <strong>Test</strong> for Coefficient of Static Friction<br />

of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Inclined<br />

Plane Method)2<br />

2.2 Special Technical Publication:<br />

STP 335 Manual for Conducting an Interlaboratory<br />

Study of a <strong>Test</strong> Method4<br />

3. Significance<br />

3.1 The coefficient of friction of corrugated<br />

and solid fiberboard indicates how containers<br />

made from that board will perform in many<br />

critical applications. A high coefficient of fric-<br />

tion of one surface of board to itself means that<br />

containers having that surface will tend to resist<br />

sliding in unit loads. A low coefficient may<br />

indicate potential problems with the containers<br />

slipping from the load.<br />

3.2 The coefficient of friction test is empirical.<br />

It describes the condition of that surface at<br />

the moment of test. This may or may not relate<br />

to the condition of the surface in use. Nevertheless,<br />

the test results are useful in determining<br />

the properties of the surface tested. Its condition<br />

will depend upon the historical treatment<br />

of the surface. Because the previous history is<br />

unknown, measurement is not made until the<br />

third slide. Experience has shown that variability<br />

is greatly reduced after the second slide.<br />

4. Definitions<br />

4.1 coefficient of friction-the ratio of the<br />

frictional force resisting movement of the surface<br />

being tested to the force applied normal to<br />

that surface (the weight of the material above<br />

that surface).<br />

4.2 kinetic coefficient-the ratio of the force<br />

resisting motion of the surface once the motion<br />

is in progress.<br />

NOTE 1-Kinetic coefficient is not determined in<br />

this method (Appendix Xl).<br />

4.3 static coefficient-the ratio of the force<br />

resisting initial motion of the surface.<br />

This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-6 on Paper and Paper Products.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 27, 1973. Published October<br />

1973.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 15.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 18.<br />

' Available from ASTM Headquarters, 1916 Race St.,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


D 3247<br />

5. Apparatus (Fig. 1)<br />

5.1 Instrument Table-A horizontal. plane<br />

surface of a smooth incompressible material<br />

(metal, hard wood, plate glass, or plastic),<br />

having a width at least 1 in. (25 mm) wider<br />

than the test sled (5.2) with means of leveling it<br />

in two directions. The base serves as a support<br />

for the rest of the mechanism. When placed on<br />

a solid support, the instrument must be free of<br />

vibration.<br />

5.2 Sled, or specimen block, having a bottom<br />

area of at least 3 in.2 (20 cm2) smoothly<br />

finished to exert a pressure of 0.50 f 0.25 psi<br />

(3.44 1.72 kPa) on the horizontal surface.<br />

A sled 2.5 by 2.5 in (62.5 by 62.5 mm) weighing<br />

3 lb (1.36 kg) has been found to be satisfactory.<br />

Means are provided for clamping the<br />

specimen to the block, also for fastening the<br />

sled to the force measuring device.<br />

5.3 Mechanical Power Unit-Means for<br />

moving the specimen block horizontally along<br />

the instrument table or the horizontal table<br />

under the specimen block at a speed of 6.0 f<br />

1.0 in./min. (2.54 f 0.42 mm/s). This unit<br />

must not transmit vibration to the instrument<br />

table. The unit is connected to the sled or table<br />

with some kind of inelastic linkage.<br />

5.4 Measuring Device-Means for measuring<br />

the force required to move or restrain the<br />

specimen block to the nearest 0.01 lb (5 g).<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 From each test unit of a sample obtained<br />

in accordance with Method D 585, cut five<br />

specimens (see 6.3 for size). Carefully mark<br />

each specimen with its machine direction, on a<br />

place that will not be the actual test area. For<br />

corrugated board this will be perpendicular to<br />

the direction of the flutes.<br />

6.2 Cut and orient the specimens as follows:<br />

6.2.! If the specimens are from a container.<br />

carefully cut them from a flap area of the<br />

container. It is usually desirable to test a flap<br />

area since this is the area that normally comes<br />

in contact with the next container in pallet<br />

loads.<br />

6.2.2 Paper is anisotropic and the coefficient<br />

of friction is particularly so. Care must be<br />

taken in making the test to orient the surfaces<br />

to each other just as they will be oriented in<br />

actual use. Therefore, if the layers of containers<br />

are to be alternated in palletization, the coefficient<br />

should be measured with one surface MD<br />

(machine direction) and the other CD (crossmachine<br />

direction).<br />

6.2.3 If it is of interest to know how the<br />

container will perform on packaging machinery<br />

or be retained by conveyors, floors, shelves,<br />

etc., measure the coefficient between a sample<br />

of the paperboard and the material from which<br />

the conveyor or floor or shelf is made.<br />

6.2.4 If there is no known relationship to use<br />

conditions, cut the test specimens so that the<br />

measurements will be made with both parts<br />

oriented in the CD direction.<br />

6.3 Each specimen consists of two sheets.<br />

Cut the smaller sheet, to fit the size of the sled<br />

allowing for excess material if it is to be<br />

clamped. It is suggested that the specimen be<br />

scored with a suitable instrument and folded to<br />

conform to the sled base. Cut the larger sheet at<br />

least 1 in. (25 mm) larger in width than the test<br />

surface of the sled, and sufficient in length to fit<br />

the horizontal table, also allowing for material<br />

to be clamped. For some instruments it may be<br />

necessary to separate the outer facing of the<br />

board from the medium and inner facing or<br />

from the filler in order to clamp onto the sled or<br />

block.<br />

NOTE 2-Take care not ta touch the test area since<br />

skin oils, pencil marks, etc. can affect the test results.<br />

7. Conditioning<br />

7.1 Precondition, condition and test the<br />

specimens in an atmosphere in accordance with<br />

Method D685.<br />

7.2 With a clean cloth or tissue lightly wipe<br />

the test surface to remove any loose fibers or<br />

debris which may be present.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Place the instrument upon a solid and<br />

vibration-free base or table and level it.<br />

8.2 If necessary, adjust the force gage to<br />

zero.<br />

8.3 Place the longer specimen on the table<br />

top and clamp the end of the sheet farthest from<br />

the measuring device in the sheet clamp.<br />

8.4 Clamp the smaller sheet in place on the<br />

sled. It is best to clamp one end of the specimen<br />

and then draw the specimen uniformly<br />

tight before clamping the remaining end.<br />


D 3247<br />

8.5 Place the sled with the specimen in position<br />

on the other specimen and fasten the<br />

cable on the block to the power unit, or to the<br />

force gage.<br />

8.6 Start the power unit, taking care to<br />

maintain the cable(s) taut as the drive takes up<br />

the load.<br />

8.7 Continue the motion of the two specimens<br />

in relation to each other until the entire<br />

test area has been traversed.<br />

8.8 Repeat 8.4 to 8.6 and record the force to<br />

just begin the motion on the third slide.<br />

8.9 Repeat the test on the other four specimens.<br />

9. Calculations<br />

9.1 Divide the force required to just hegin<br />

motion of the block by the weight of the block.<br />

This is the coefficient of static friction.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

10.1.1 Average coefficient of s;atic friction<br />

of the five specimens with the maximum and<br />

minimum values for each combination of MD<br />

and CD directions tested, and<br />

10.1.2 If any side other than the top side of<br />

the board was tested (see 8.3 and 8.4).<br />

11. Precision<br />

1 1.1 Repeatability-The repeatability is f<br />

6.4% over the range exhibited by corrugated<br />

linerboard.<br />

1 1.2 Reproducibility-The reproducibility is<br />

not known.<br />

11.3 Comparabilit.v-The comparability is<br />

not known; in accordance with the definitions<br />

of these terms in STP 335.<br />

Sled with specimen<br />

Force Gage<br />

/<br />

A Specimens<br />

Base<br />

cantilever<br />

(External Loading Optional)<br />

Spring I // Specimens<br />

Base<br />

FIG. 1. Schematics for Two Horizontal Plane Instruments.<br />



X<br />


XI ,I The kinetic coefficient is not measured in Not all surfaces, particularly those with some surface<br />

this method. The static coefficient is usually of treatment such as wax, retain this relationship and<br />

greater importance. For most corrugated and solid therefore if it is desirable to know the kinetic<br />

fiberboard and their components the static and coefficient, it should be measured. Method D 2534<br />

kinetic coefficients are usually related to each other describes how to measure the kinetic coefficient for<br />

(that is, a surface with high static Coefficient will waxed coatings.<br />

usually have a high (relatively) kinetic coefficient).<br />

By publication of this standard no position is taken with respect to the validity of any patent rights in connection therewith,<br />

and the American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing the standard against liability<br />

for infringement of any Letters Patent nor assume any such liability.<br />


Designation: D 3248 - 73 ~ 8 4<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM<br />

Standard Method of <strong>Test</strong> for<br />




This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3248, the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision A number In parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the determination of<br />

the coefficient of static friction of corrugated<br />

and solid fiberboard or of the materials used to<br />

make such board.<br />

1.2 The inclined plane is raised until sliding<br />

begins. The coefficient of friction is equal to the<br />

tangent of the angle at which sliding begins.<br />

1.3 A horizontal plane method is described<br />

in Method D 3247. Either method gives essentially<br />

equivalent results. The choice of approach<br />

depends on the equipment available and the<br />

means of measurement.<br />

2. Applicable Documents:<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 585 Sampling and Accepting a Single Lot<br />

of Paper, Paperboard, Fiberboard, or Related<br />

Product2<br />

D685 Conditioning Paper and Paper Products<br />

for <strong>Test</strong>ing*<br />

D 2534 <strong>Test</strong> for Coefficient of Kinetic Friction<br />

for Wax Coatings3<br />

D 3247 <strong>Test</strong> for Coefficient of Static Friction<br />

of Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard (Horizontal<br />

Plane Method)2<br />

2.2 Special Technical Publication:<br />

STP 335 man^! fer CQX!CC~IQ 2:: !fiteilaboratory<br />

Study of B <strong>Test</strong> Method'<br />

3. Significance<br />

3.1 The coefficient of friction of corrugated<br />

and solid fiberboard indicates how containers<br />

made from that board will perform in many<br />

critical applications. A high coefficient of friction<br />

of one surface of board to itself means that<br />

containers having that surface will tend to resist<br />

sliding in unit loads. A low coefficient may<br />

indicate potential problems with the containers<br />

slipping from the load.<br />

3.2 The coefficient of friction test is empirical.<br />

It describes the condition of that surface at<br />

the moment of test. This may or may not relate<br />

to the condition of the surface in use. Nevertheless,<br />

the test results are useful in determining<br />

the properties of the surface tested. Its condition<br />

will depend upon the historical treatment<br />

of the surface. Because the previous history is<br />

unknown, measurement is not made until the<br />

third slide. Experience has shown that variability<br />

is greatly reduced after the second slide.<br />

4. Definitions<br />

4.1 coefficient of friction-the ratio of the<br />

frictional force resisting movement of the surface<br />

being tested to the force applied normal to<br />

that surface (the weight of the material above<br />

that surface).<br />

4.2 kinetic coefficient-the ratio of the force<br />

resisting motion of the surface once the motion<br />

is in progress.<br />

NOTE I-Kinetic coefficient is not determined in<br />

this method (Appendix Xl).<br />

4.3 static coefficient-the ratio of the force<br />

resisting initial motion of the surface.<br />

5. Apparatus (Fig. 1)<br />

5.1 Sleds-A metal block, rectangular, with a<br />

plane lower surface. A,means for clamping the<br />

This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-6 on Paper and Paper Products.<br />

Current edition approved Sept. 27, 1973. Published October<br />

1973.<br />

*Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 15.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 18.<br />

' Available from ASTM Headquarters, 1916 Race St.,<br />

Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


D 3248<br />

specimen to the sled is desirable, but is not<br />

necessary if the lower surface is faced with soft<br />

rubber '43 in. (3 mm) thick. The size and weight<br />

of the metal block are not critical, but a 2 by 4<br />

in. (50 by 100 mm) block weighing 1.65 lb (750<br />

g) giving 0.2 i 0.1 psi (1.38 f 0.69 kPa) when<br />

horizontal has been found satisfactory.<br />

5.2 inclined Plane-A plane surface, hinged<br />

so that it can be tilted, with a smooth, incompressible<br />

top surface which may be made of<br />

metal, hard wood, plate glass or plastic having<br />

a width at least 1 in. (25 mm) wider than the<br />

sled and a length sufficient to permit the sled to<br />

move at least 5/i3 in. (15 mm). The plane is<br />

provided with a clamp ai the upper end to fix<br />

the test specimen to the plane.<br />

NOTE 2-When the plane is horiLonta1, means are<br />

provided to level the instrument in two directions.<br />

5.3 Means to indicate the angular displacement<br />

of the plane to within 0.5 deg.<br />

5.4 Means to smoothly increase the inclination<br />

of the plane from the horizontal through an<br />

arc of at least 45 deg at a rate of 1.5 f 0.5<br />

deg/s.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 From each test unit of a sample obtained<br />

in accordance with Method D 585, cut five<br />

specimens (see 6.3 for size). Carefully mark<br />

each specimen with its machine direction, on a<br />

place that will not be the actual test area. For<br />

corrugated board this will be perpendicular to<br />

the direction of the flutes.<br />

6.2 Cut and orient the specimens as follows:<br />

6.2.1 If the specimens are from a container,<br />

carefully cut them from a flap area of the<br />

container. It is desirable to test a flap area since<br />

this is the area that normally comes in contact<br />

with the next container in pallet loads.<br />

6.2.2 Paper is anisotropic and the coefficient<br />

of friction is pariicuiariy so. Take care in<br />

making the test to orient the surfaces to each<br />

other just as they will be oriented in actual use.<br />

Therefore, if the layers of containers are to be<br />

alternated in palletization, measure the coefficient<br />

with one surface MD (machine direction)<br />

and the other CD (cross-machine direction).<br />

6.2.3 If it is of interest to know how the<br />

container will perform on packaging machinery<br />

or be retained by conveyors, floors, shelves,<br />

etc., measure the coefficient between a sample<br />

of the paperboard and the material from which<br />

the conveyor or floor or shelf is made.<br />

6.2.4 If there is no known relationship to use<br />

conditions, cut lhe test specimens so that the<br />

measurements will be made with both parts<br />

oriented in the CD direction.<br />

6.3 Each specimen consists of two sheets.<br />

Cut the smaller sheet to fit the size of the sled<br />

allowing for excess material if it is to be<br />

clamped. It is suggested that the specimen be<br />

scored with a suitable instrument and folded to<br />

conform to the sled base. Cut the larger shepVt at<br />

least 1 in. (25 mm) larger in width than the test<br />

surface of the sled, and sufficient in length for<br />

the sled to move 0.6 in. (15 mm), also allowing<br />

for material to be clamped. For some instruments<br />

it may be necessary to separate the outer<br />

facing of the board from the medium and inner<br />

facing or from the filler in order to clamp onto<br />

the sled.<br />

NOTE 3-Take care not to touch the test area since<br />

skin oils, pencil marks, etc. can affect the test<br />

results.<br />

7. Conditioning<br />

7.1 Precondition, condition, and test the<br />

specimens in an atmosphere in accordance with<br />

Method D685.<br />

7.2 With a clean cloth or tissue lightly wipe<br />

the test surface to remove any loose fibers or<br />

debris that may be present.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Level the plane so that it is horizontal<br />

when the inclinometer indicates zero.<br />

8.2 Mount the larger sheet on the plane with<br />

the surface to be tested upward. Clip the other<br />

specimen to the sled and position it on top of<br />

the lower specimen with the surface to be tested<br />

facing downward. Unless an unusual orientation<br />

is used in making the container, this will be<br />

the top side of the board as made on the paper<br />

.-- I -L:--<br />

IIIdLlIIIIC.<br />

8.3 Incline the plane at the specified rate.<br />

When the sled starts to move, stop the inclinator<br />

immediately and allow the sled to slide to<br />

the stop. Carefully lift the sled and attached<br />

specimen and place the assembly in its original<br />

starting position with the plane in its horizontal<br />

position. Repeat this for a total of three slides<br />

and read the angular displacement at the moment<br />

the sled starts to move on its third side.<br />

NC~F +-It has been shown that after two slides<br />

on a giwn surface, friction measurements are then<br />


D 3248<br />

essentially constant for repeated slides. Since the<br />

previous history of the specimen is not known, two<br />

preliminary slides wili bring the surface to that more<br />

uniform level.<br />

8.4 Repeat 8.1 to 8.3 on the other four<br />

specimens.<br />

9. Calculations<br />

9.1 Calculate the tangent of the angle at<br />

which sliding begins on the third slide. This is<br />

the coefficient of static friction.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

10.1.1 Average coefficient of static friction<br />

of the five specimens with the maximum and<br />

minimum values for each combinaiion of PAD<br />

and CD directions tested, and<br />

10.1.2 If any side other than t3e top side of<br />

the board was tested (see 8.2).<br />

11. Precision<br />

11.1 Repeatability-The repeatability is<br />

~0.026 (tangent of 1.5 deg). This is 5.6 to 8.1 %<br />

of the average in the range of values usually<br />

obtained for corrugated board.<br />

11.2 Reproducibility-The reproducibility is<br />

not known.<br />

11.3 Comparability-The comparability is<br />

not known, in accordance with the definitions<br />

of these terms in STP 335.<br />

Sled with specimen<br />

FIG. 1 Schematic of Inclint Inclined Plane Apparatus.<br />



X1.1 The kinetic coefficient is not measured in<br />

this method. In the inclined plane method, the kinetic<br />

coefficient is not as easily determined to the same<br />

precision as the static coefficient. The static coefficient<br />

is usually of greater importance. For most<br />

corrugated and solid fiberboard and their components,<br />

the static and kinetic coefficients are usually<br />

related to each other (that is, a surface with high<br />

static coefficient will usually have a high (relatively)<br />

kinetic coefficient). Not all surfaces, particularly<br />

those with some surface treatment such as wax, retain<br />

this relationship and therefore if it is desirable<br />

to know the kinetic coefficient, it should be measured.<br />

Method D 2534 describes how to measure<br />

the kinetic coefficient for waxed coatings.<br />

X 1.2 <strong>Test</strong>ing Corrugated and Solid Fiber<br />

Containers-With most instruments it is not possible<br />

to test actual containers unless they are unusually<br />

small; however, some inclined plane instruments are<br />

large enough to test whole containers. With such<br />

equipment, perform the test as follows:<br />

XI .2.1 The instrument characteristics should conform<br />

to those stated above for the inclined plane<br />

instrument.<br />


X1.2.2 Clamp one board specimen (top of one<br />

box) to the inclined plane; or if friction is to be<br />

measured against another surface, such as metal or a<br />

conveyor belt, clamp that material to the inclined<br />

plane.<br />

X 1.2.3 Place a container on top of the test surface.<br />

Orientation should correspond to the orientation of<br />

the two surfaces in actual use.<br />

X1.2.4 Raise the inclined plane until sliding just<br />

begins. Repeat for three slides.<br />

X1.2.5 On the third slide, record the angle for<br />

which sliding just begins on the third slide.<br />

X 1.2.6 Report the coefficient of static friction,<br />

which is the tangent of that angle.<br />

By publication of ihis standard no position is iaken with respect to the validiiy of any patent rights in connection therewith,<br />

and the American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing the standard against liability<br />

for infringement of any Letters Patent nor assume any such liability.

lsTr,<br />

Designation: D3334 - 80<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Methods</strong> of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3334. the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption. or in the case of revision. the year of last revision A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval<br />

I. Scope<br />

1.1 These methods cover the characterization<br />

of fabrics woven from polyolefin monofilaments.<br />

1.2 The methods appear as follows:<br />

Title<br />

Applicable Documents<br />

Coefficient of Static Friction<br />

Conditioning<br />

De fin i t ions<br />

Fabric Count<br />

Fabric Weight<br />

Gloss<br />

Heat Shrinkage<br />

Resistance to Ultraviolet <strong>Radiation</strong><br />

Sampling and Number of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

Stability to Thermal Oxidation<br />

Summary of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

Tensile Properties<br />

Uses and Significance<br />

Section<br />

2<br />

15<br />

7<br />

3<br />

8<br />

9<br />

14<br />

I I<br />

13<br />

6<br />

I2<br />

4<br />

10<br />

5<br />

NOTE I-For methods of testing and specifications<br />

for polyolefin monofilaments, refer to Specification<br />

D 3218, for Polyolefin Monofilaments.*<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 76 Specification for Tensile <strong>Test</strong>ing Machines<br />

for Textiles3<br />

D 123 Definitions of Terms Relating to<br />

Textiles3<br />

D 1248 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics<br />

Molding and Extrusion Materials4<br />

D 1682 <strong>Test</strong>s for Breaking Load and Elongation<br />

of Textile Fabrics'<br />

D 1776 Practice for Conditioning Textiles<br />

and Textile Product for <strong>Test</strong>ing"<br />

D 1910 <strong>Test</strong> for Construction Characteristics<br />

of Woven Fabrics2<br />

D 2146 Specification for Polypropylene Plas-<br />

tic Molding and Extrusion Materials4<br />

D 2565 Recommended Practice for Operating<br />

Xenon-Arc Type ( Water-Cooled)<br />

Light- and Water-Exposure Apparatus for<br />

Exposure of Plastics5<br />

G 23 Recommended Practice for Operating<br />

Light- and Water-Exposure Apparatus<br />

(Carbon-Arc Type) for Exposure of Nonmetallic<br />

Materials6<br />

2.2 Other Documents:<br />

Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method Standard No. 141a,<br />

Sept. I, 1965, Section 6000, Method 6101,<br />

60 Degree Specular Gloss7<br />

TAPPI <strong>Test</strong> Method T 503, Coefficient of<br />

Static Friction of Shipping Sack Papers<br />

(Inclined-Plane Method)"<br />

3. Definitions<br />

3.1 breaking load, n.-the maximum force<br />

applied to a specimen in a tensile test carried to<br />

rupture.<br />

3.1.1 Force is commonly expressed in<br />

grams-force (gf), kilograms-force (kgf),<br />

pounds-force (lbf), newtons (N), or millinewtons<br />

(mN).<br />

.__<br />

'These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D-! 3 on Tex!i!es. a d are !he d:rec: :espen:ibi!i:y<br />

of Subcommittee D13.59 on Fabric <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong>. General.<br />

Current edition approved March 3. 1980. Published May<br />

1980. Originally published as D 3334 - 74 T. Last previous<br />

edition D 3334 - 74 T.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 32.<br />

3Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Parts 32 and 33.<br />

4Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 36.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards. Part 35.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards. Part 4 I .<br />

' Available from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S.<br />

Government Printing Office, Washington. D.C. 20402.<br />

' Available from the Technical Association of Pulp and<br />

Paper Industry, One Dunwoody Park, Atlanta, Cia. 30341.<br />


D 3334<br />

3.2 elongation at the breaking load, n.-the<br />

elongation corresponding to the maximum<br />

load.<br />

3.2.1 Elongation is expressed as a percentage<br />

of the length of the original specimen.<br />

3.3 gloss (specular gloss), n.-the luminous<br />

fractional reflectance of a fabric specimen in<br />

the specular direction.<br />

3.4 heat shrinkage, n.-the change in dimension<br />

of a fabric specimen exposed to heat.<br />

3.4.1 Negative shrinkage is designated as<br />

growth.<br />

3.5 polyolefin fabric, n.-a fabric woven<br />

from polyolefin monofilaments. Polyethylene<br />

(PE) fabrics have a composition conforming to<br />

Specification D 1248. Polypropylene (PP) fabrics<br />

have a composition conforming with Specification<br />

D 2 146.<br />

3.5.1 A common type of polyolefin fabric is<br />

woven from 2 by 100-mil monofilaments.<br />

3.6 resistance to ultraviolet radiation polyolefin<br />

fabric), n.-the average retained<br />

strength of a fabric, exposed to ultraviolet<br />

radiation for a specified length of time, under<br />

specified conditions.<br />

3.7 stability to thermal oxidation (polyolefin<br />

fabric), n.-that property of a fabric which<br />

resists breaking under a specified tensile strain,<br />

when exposed to a current of air at an elevated<br />

temperature.<br />

3.7.1 The stability of polyolefin fabric to<br />

thermal oxidation is measured in time-to-failure,<br />

in days, at 125°C.<br />

3.8 For definitions of other textile terms<br />

used in these methods, refer to Definitions<br />

D 123.<br />

4. Summary of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

4.1 Summaries of the various testing procedures<br />

are included in the referenced test<br />

methods, or in pertinent sections herein.<br />

5. Uses and Significance<br />

5.1 Only on the condition that interlaboratory<br />

precision data are available for the specific<br />

procedure, is any method described or referenced<br />

in this standard recommended for acceptance<br />

testing of commercial shipments.<br />

5.2 No justifiable statement on the accuracy<br />

of the methods included in this standard, can be<br />

made since the true value of the properties<br />

cannot be determined by accepted reference<br />

met hods.<br />

6. Sampling and Number of Specimens<br />

6.1 Take samples as directed in an applicable<br />

specification or as agreed upon between the<br />

purchaser and the seller.<br />

6.2 The desired number of specimens is<br />

covered in the referenced methods, or in pertinent<br />

sections herein.<br />

7. Conditioning<br />

7.1 Expose the specimens in the standard<br />

atmosphere for testing textiles, as directed in<br />

Recommended Practice D 1776, for a minimum<br />

of 1 h.<br />

8. Fabric Count<br />

8. I Procedure:<br />

8.1.1 Take the specimens no closer to a<br />

selvage than one tenth of the width of the<br />

fabric.<br />

8.1.2 Count the yarns in both the warp and<br />

the filling directions, over a 3-in. (75")<br />

length or width, as directed in Sections 30 and<br />

32 of <strong>Methods</strong> D 1910.<br />

8.1.3 Repeat the count on five different areas<br />

of each specimen. Average the five counts for<br />

each direction.<br />

8.2 Report:<br />

8.2.1 State that the specimens were tested as<br />

directed in Section 8 of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334, and Sections 30 to 32 of <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 1910. Describe the material or product sampled,<br />

and the method of sampling used.<br />

8.2.2 Report the average warp count, and<br />

the average filling count, to the nearest yarn<br />

unit.<br />

8.3 Precision and Accuracy:<br />

8.3.1 Precision-No changes in procedure<br />

have been made which affect the precision of<br />

the method for fabric count, as specified in<br />

Secticns 30 to 32 nf Method D 1910.<br />

8.3.2 Accuracy-This method for testing<br />

fabric count has no known bias, and is generally<br />

used as a referee method.<br />

9. Fabric Weight<br />

9.1 Procedure-Determine the weight (Note<br />

2) of the fabric, as directed in Section 38 of<br />

<strong>Methods</strong> D 1910.<br />

NOTE 2-The term "weight" is used in this standard<br />

because of established trade usage. in place of<br />

the technically correct term "mass."<br />


9.2 Report:<br />

9.2. I State that the specimens were tested as<br />

directed in Section 9 of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334 and Section 38 of <strong>Methods</strong> D 1910.<br />

Describe the material or product sampled, and<br />

the method of sampling used.<br />

9.2.2 Report the weight per square yard<br />

(or square metre) to three significant figures.<br />

State that the weight as reported does not<br />

include the selvage.<br />

9.3 Precision and Accuracy:<br />

9.3. I Precision-No changes in procedure<br />

have been made that affect the precision of the<br />

method for fabric weight, as specified in Section<br />

38 of <strong>Methods</strong> D 1910.<br />

9.3.2 Accuracy-This method for testing<br />

fabric weight has no likely bias, and is generally<br />

used as a referee method.<br />

10. Tensile Properties ( Breaking Load and<br />

Elongation at the Breaking Load)<br />

10. I Apparatus-Tensile <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine.<br />

of a type conforming to Specification D 76.<br />

I 0.2 Procedure- Determine the breaking<br />

load and elongation as directed in Section 15<br />

(Grab <strong>Test</strong>) of <strong>Methods</strong> D 1682.<br />

NOTL 3-The I by 2-in. (25 by 50-mm) jaw faces<br />

are preferable. because the larger gripping area tends<br />

to reduce slippage.<br />

10.2.1 <strong>Test</strong> five specimens, each 4 by 8 in.<br />

(100 by 200 mm), with the long dimension<br />

parallel to the direction, for which the breaking<br />

load is to be determined.<br />

10.3 Report:<br />

10.3.1 State that the specimens were tested,<br />

as directed in Section IO of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334. Describe the material or product sampled,<br />

and the method of sampling used.<br />

10.3.2 Report the following information:<br /> Average breaking load in each direction,<br />

for all specimens giving acceptable<br />

breaks,<br /> Average percent apparent elongation<br />

in each direction, for all specimens giving<br />

acceptable breaks,<br /> Type of testing machine used, and<br /> Average time required to break all<br />

specimens giving accept able breaks.<br />

10.4 Precision and Accuracy:<br />

10.4.1 Precision-No changes in procedure<br />

have been made that affect the precision of the<br />

D 3334<br />

methods for tensile properties, as specified in<br />

Section 15 of <strong>Methods</strong> D 1682.<br />

10.4.2 Accurac.v-This method for testing<br />

tensile properties of fabrics has no known bias,<br />

and is generally used as a referee method.<br />

11. Heat Shrinkage<br />

11. I Scope-This method covers the determination<br />

of the dimensional change of woven<br />

polyolefin fabrics, after exposure to air at an<br />

elevated temperature.<br />

I I .2 Apparatus:<br />

I I .2. I Oven,!' mechanical-convection type,<br />

for controlled circulation of air; with adjustable<br />

air intake and exhaust facilities. and designed<br />

for air velocities up to I m/s. The oven shall be<br />

equipped with a temperature-control system<br />

designed to maintain the oven temperatures at<br />

the levels specified in 11.4, with a precision of<br />

+I"C. A device to prevent temperature<br />

overrides"' shall be included in the temperature-control<br />

system.<br />

I 1.2.2 Thermometer, with the temperature<br />

range from 0 to 150°C, and graduated at<br />

intervals of 1 deg.<br />

11.2.3 Marking Pen, such as a felt-tip<br />

marker, or any other device that will produce a<br />

suitable mark.<br />

11.2.4 Rule, or other measuring device,<br />

graduated in 0.025411. (I-mm) units.<br />

I 1.3 <strong>Test</strong> Specimens:<br />

11.3.1 Take three specimens each at least<br />

12-in. (300-mm) square. Lay out a specimen<br />

fully extended, but not stretched, on a flat,<br />

horizontal surface. Place a mark about I in. (25<br />

mm) from the edge. Measure IO in. (250 mm)<br />

along one principal direction of the specimen,<br />

and place a second mark. Place similar pairs of<br />

marks on the specimen in the other principal<br />

direction. Prepare the other two specimens in<br />

the ~aiiie Xai;nei.<br />

1 I .3.2 Measure the distance between each<br />

pair of marks on each specimen to the nearest<br />

0.025 in. (I mm). Record the three measure-<br />

" Freas Model 835. Precision Scientific Co., 3737 W.<br />

Cortland St.. Chicago. 111. 60647; or Blue M. Model<br />

POM-136 C. Blue M Electric Co., 138th and Chatham Sts,<br />

Blue Island, 111 60406; or any other equivalent oven, have<br />

been found satisfactory for this method.<br />

'I' A bimetallic-strip temperature switch. Fenwal Inc.. 261<br />

Main St., Ashland, Me. 01721; or any other equivalent<br />

device has been found satisfactory for this method.<br />

-<br />


D 3334<br />

ments along each principal direction. Calculate<br />

the two averages.<br />

11.3.3 When a more accurate method is<br />

needed, make cuts in the fabric specimen,<br />

instead of using marks. This will provide a<br />

more precise bench mark for the alignment of<br />

the measuring device. Marks usually tend to be<br />

wavy on woven Fabrics, thus introducing<br />

sources of imprecision into the measurements.<br />

I 1.4 Procedure:<br />

11.4.1 Maintain the temperature at 125 =t<br />

IOC, for testing fabrics made from polypropylene<br />

materials and at 100 & I"C, for<br />

testing fabrics made from polyethylene materials.<br />

Monitor the temperature by placing the<br />

thermometer bulb 75 to 80 mm from the top<br />

liner of the oven, in the vicinity of the exhaust<br />

port.<br />

11.4.2 Maintain nominal air velocity at 0.5<br />

f 0.1 m/s during the test. Adjust the air intake<br />

and exhaust ports to allow at least one volume<br />

change per hour.<br />

11.4.3 When the oven has been at the specified<br />

test conditions for at least 30 min, place the<br />

fabric specimens on the perforated shelf, and<br />

leave them in the oven for 20 + 2 min.<br />

1 I .4.4 Remove the specimens from the oven,<br />

and condition them for 1 h in the standard<br />

atmosphere for testing textiles (see 7.1). Remeasure<br />

each sei of specimens. Record the<br />

results, and calculate the average for each<br />

principal direction.<br />

I I .4.5 Calculate the percentage change in<br />

dimension for each direction of the specimen to<br />

the nearest 0. I ?k using Eq 1:<br />

Dimensional change, % = [(A - B) IOO]/A (1)<br />

where:<br />

A = average length, before heat agings, and<br />

B = average length, after heat aging.<br />

I 1.5 Report:<br />

11.5.1 State that the specimens were tested<br />

as directed in Section I I of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334. Describe the material or product sampled,<br />

and the method of sampling used.<br />

1 I .5.2 Report the average percent change in<br />

length, for each principal direction, to the<br />

nearest 0.1 %, and indicate whether it was<br />

shrinkage or growth.<br />

1 1.6 Precision and Accuracy:<br />

1 1.6.1 Precision-The precision of this<br />

method for heat shrinkage of fabrics has not<br />

been established.<br />

I I .6.2 Accurac-v-See 5.2.<br />

12. Stability to Thermal Oxidation<br />

12.1 Summary of Method-Specimens of<br />

polyolefin fabrics are exposed to a current of<br />

air, in a mechanical-convection oven at an<br />

elevated temperature until mechanical failure<br />

occurs.<br />

12.2 Uses and Significance-Under the severe<br />

conditions of this accelerated-aging test,<br />

the specimens undergo degradation at a rate<br />

that is dependent upon the thermal endurance<br />

of the polyolefin materials. The time-to-failure<br />

by this test is a common criterion for assessing<br />

the stability to thermal oxidation of polyolefin<br />

fabrics.<br />

12.3 Apparatus:<br />

12.3. I Oven, as described in I I .2. I .<br />

12.3.2 Thermometer, as described in 1 I .2.2.<br />

12.3.3 Air Meter,'' designed for the measurement<br />

of linear velocities in the range from 0<br />

to 1 m/s.<br />

12.3.4 Glass Rod, approximately 250 mm<br />

long, with a diameter of about 12 mm.<br />

12.3.5 Weights, 5-g, in the form of leaded<br />

No. 2 small paper clips.<br />

12.3.6 Polytetrajluoroethylene Film.<br />

12.4 <strong>Test</strong> Specimens:<br />

12.4.1 Cut five strips of polyolefin fabric, I<br />

by IO in. (25 by 250 mm), with the longer<br />

dimension in the warp or filling direction,<br />

whichever is to be tested.<br />

12.4.2 Attach a weight to each end of a<br />

specimen, and form a loop from the specimen.<br />

Avoid direct contact of metal with the specimen<br />

by using polytetrafluoroethylene film as parting<br />

element. Attach weights to the other four<br />

specimens in a similar manner. Insert the glass<br />

rod through the loop of each specimen. The<br />

specimen assemblage is now ready for mounting.<br />

12.5 Procedure:<br />

12.5.1 Maintain the temperature in the oven<br />

at 125 =t I'C, during the thermal aging test.<br />

Monitor this temperature, by locating the ther-<br />

I' hnemotherm Model 60, Anemostat Product Div., Dynamic<br />

Corporation of America. P.O. Box 1083. Scranton.<br />

Pa. 18500. or its equivalent. has been found satisfactory for<br />

this method.<br />


D 3334<br />

mometer bulb 2 in. (50 mm) from the top liner<br />

of the oven. in the vicinity of the exhaust port.<br />

12.5.2 Maintain the air velocity at 0.5 f 0. I<br />

m/s, inside the oven. Adjust the air intake and<br />

exhaust ports to allow at least one air-volume<br />

change per hour.<br />

12.5.3 Suspend the specimen assemblage<br />

from the upper shelf of the oven.<br />

12.5.4 Inspect the specimens daily for failure,<br />

as evidenced by the material breakdown<br />

which causes the two parts of the specimen, and<br />

their attached weights, to fall onto the bottom<br />

shelf of the oven.<br />

12.5.5 Record the time-to-failure of eiich<br />

specimen, and calculate the average time-tofailure,<br />

in days, for the five specimens.<br />

12.6 Report:<br />

12.6.1 State that the specimens were tested<br />

as directed in Section 12 of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334. Describe the material or product Sampled,<br />

and the method of sampling used.<br />

12.6.2 Report the average time-to-failure, in<br />

days, as stability to thermal oxidation, and<br />

indicate the direction in which the fabric was<br />

tested (warp or filling).<br />

12.7 Precision and Accuracy:<br />

12.7. I Precision-The precision of this<br />

method for stability to thermal oxidation has<br />

not been established.<br />

1 2.7.2 Accurac v-See 5.2.<br />

13. Resistance to Ultraviolet <strong>Radiation</strong><br />

13. I Summary of' Method-Specimens are<br />

exposed to an artificial light source simulating<br />

natural sunshine. The test conditions of temperature<br />

and humidity approximate those encountered<br />

in outdoor exposure in subtropical regions.<br />

The breaking load is determined on<br />

fabric specimens, as directed in Section 10, and<br />

after the specified exposure time agreed upon<br />

between the purchaser and the seller.<br />

13.2 Uses and Signifi:cance-Data obtained<br />

by this method are expected to correlate reasonably<br />

well with data from outdoor exposure.<br />

The previous statement is particularly applicable<br />

to Procedure B of Recommended Practice<br />

D 2565. For many applications of polyolefin<br />

fabrics, a total exposure of 100 h is adequate,<br />

but longer exposure periods may be required.<br />

13.3 Apparatus-The apparatus shall be as<br />

specified in Recommended Practices D 2565<br />

and G 23.<br />

13.4 <strong>Test</strong> Specinlens-Mount a 4- by &in.<br />

(100 by 200-mm) specimen in the frame-type<br />

specimen holder, an accessory supplied with<br />

each exposure apparatus. Place the long dimension<br />

of the specimen holder parallel to the<br />

principal direction of the specimen to be tested<br />

(warp or filling). Prepare three mounted specimens.<br />

I 3.5 Procedure:<br />

13.5. I Expose three mounted specimens, for<br />

each test direction, to xenon-arc weathering, in<br />

accordance with Procedure A of Recommended<br />

Practice D2565. In case of dispute use Procedure<br />

B.<br />

13.5.2 Alternatively, if agreed to between the<br />

purchaser and the seller or if there is some other<br />

bilateral agreement, expose the mounted specimen<br />

to sunshine-carbon-arc weathering, as directed<br />

in Recommended Practice G 23.<br />

13.5.3 At the end of the exposure period,<br />

remove the mounted specimen from the apparatus<br />

and determine the breaking load, as<br />

directed in Section 10. Record the results and<br />

calculate the average breaking load for each<br />

principal direction of the specimens tested.<br />

I 3.6 Cafcufations- Determ ine the percentage<br />

retention of the original breaking load<br />

using Eq 2:<br />

Retained strength, '70 = (E x iOO)/U (2)<br />

where:<br />

E = average breaking load of exposed specimen,<br />

Ibf (N), and<br />

U = breaking load of unexposed specimen, Ibf<br />

(N).<br />

13.7 Report:<br />

13.7.1 State that the specimens were tested<br />

as directed in Section 13 of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334. Describe the material or product sampled,<br />

and the method of sampling used.<br />

13.7.2 Report the following information:<br />

13.7.2. I Average retained strength, in percent,<br />

for both the warp and filling directions,<br />

and<br /> Exposure period, and type of exposure.<br />

13.8 Precision and Accuracv:<br />

13.8.1 Precision-The precision of thl<br />

method for resistance to ultraviolet radiatio<br />


D 3334<br />

has not been established.<br />

13.8.2 Accuracy-See 5.2.<br />

14. Gloss<br />

14. I Summary of Merhod-Gloss is determined<br />

on fabric specimens with a glossmeter,<br />

which measures the fractional reflectance of the<br />

specimen with the axis of the incident beam 60<br />

deg from a plane perpendicular to the test<br />

surface. Basically, the method is derived from<br />

Federal <strong>Test</strong> Method Standard No. 141a,<br />

Method 6101.<br />

14.2 Uses and Signficance-Gloss is undesirable<br />

in many applications of polyolefin<br />

fabrics. This method is used to provide a<br />

measure of this characteristic.<br />

14.3 Apparatus:<br />

14.3.1 Glossmeter," graduated in 0. I-gloss<br />

units.<br />

14.3.2 Polished Glass, Standard of Reflectance,<br />

supplied with the glossmeter.<br />

14.4 <strong>Test</strong> Specimens-Cut three specimens,<br />

approximately IO by IO in. (250 by 250 mm),<br />

across the width of the fabric. Take the specimens<br />

no closer to the selvage than one tenth of<br />

the width of the fabric.<br />

14.5 Standardi=ation-Using polished gloss<br />

standards, standardize the glossmeter in accordance<br />

with the instructions supplied with the<br />

unit.<br />

14.6 Procedure:<br />

14.6.1 Stack the three specimens on top of<br />

each other and place them on a dull surface.<br />

14.6.2 Place the rectangular head of the<br />

glossmeter parallel with the warp direction of<br />

the fabric, and take three measurements, moving<br />

the unit to another area of the specimen<br />

before taking each successive measurement.<br />

Place the glossmeter parallel with the filling<br />

direction, and take three readings in a similar<br />

manner. E-ecord each reading to two significant<br />

figures.<br />

14.6.3 Place the top specimen at the bottom<br />

of the stack and test the second specimen as<br />

directed in 14.6.2. ?lace the top specimen at the<br />

bottom of the stack and test the third specimen<br />

as directed in 14.6.2.<br />

14.6.4 Calculate the average of the 18 gloss<br />

readings.<br />

14.7 Report:<br />

14.7.1 State that the specimens were tested<br />

as directed in Section 14 of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334. Describe the material or product sampled,<br />

and the method of sampling used.<br />

14.7.2 Report the average gloss reading to<br />

two significant figures.<br />

14.8 Precision and Accuracy:<br />

14.8. I Precision-The precision of this<br />

method for gloss has not been established.<br />

14.8.2 Accuracy-See 5.2.<br />

15. Coefficient of Static Friction<br />

15.1 Surnmarjs of Method-The coefficient<br />

of static friction is determined on woven polyolefin<br />

fabric. using an inclined-plane method.<br />

One specimen is attached to a plane, which can<br />

be raised at one end, and another specimen is<br />

attached to *a test sled. The fabric-covered sled<br />

is placed crosswise on the fabric-covered plane,<br />

and the plane inclined until sliding occurs. The<br />

tangent of the angle is reported as an index of<br />

the static friction. This method is derived from<br />

TAPPI Method T 503.<br />

15.2 Uses and Significance-An excessively<br />

high or low coefficient of friction may be<br />

detrimental to many products in which polyolefin<br />

fabrics are used. This method provides a<br />

measure of the coefficient of static friction of<br />

one fabric on another.<br />

15.3 Apparatus:<br />

15.3.1 Timer, or stop watch graduated in<br />

seconds .<br />

15.3.2 Inclined Plane, having a smooth, incompressible<br />

top surface, with a width at least 1<br />

in. (25 mm) wider than the test sled, and a<br />

sufficient length to permit the sled to move by<br />

gravity at least 0.5 in. (12 mm). It must be<br />

provided with clamps for the test specimen, and<br />

an inclinometer to indicate the angular displacement<br />

of the plane, within 0.5 deg. The<br />

device must be designed so that the inclination<br />

of the plane from the horizontal can be increased<br />

smoothly through an arc of at least 45<br />

deg at a rate of 1.5 * 0.5 deg/s.<br />

15.3.3 <strong>Test</strong> Sled, a metal block, preferably<br />

rectangular. with a flat lower surface 3.5 by 4<br />

in. (90 by 100 mm), with a weight to provide a<br />

pressure of 0.2 psi (I .4 kPa), when horizontal.<br />

15.4 Specimen Preparation-Cut three specimens,<br />

5 by IO in. (125 bj 250 mm). across the<br />

fabric, with no specimen cut closer to the<br />

'' Gardner automatic photometer unit. Model AUX-3. or<br />

its equivalent. has been found satisfactory for this method.<br />


~<br />

~<br />

selvage than one tenth of the width of the<br />

fabric. Cut each of the three specimens into two<br />

5-in. ( 125”) squares.<br />

I 5.5 Procedure:<br />

15.5. I Level the plane, so that it is horizontal<br />

when the inclinometer reads zero.<br />

15.5.2 Clamp one half of one specimen to<br />

the plane, with the warp direction parallel to the<br />

direction of slide, and the surface to be tested<br />

facing upward. The fabric should be flat with no<br />

creases or wrinkles.<br />

15.5.3 Clamp or tape the other half of the<br />

specimen to the bottom of the test sled, with the<br />

filling parallel to the long dimension and the<br />

surface to be tested facing downward. The<br />

fabric should be flat with no creases or wrinkles.<br />

15.5.4 Place the test sled on the plane with<br />

the long dimension parallel to the direction of<br />

slide. The two surfaces of the specimen should<br />

now be in contact, with their warp direction at<br />

right angles. Allow a dwell time of 30 f 3 s,<br />

then incline the plane at a rate of 1.5 =t 0.5<br />

deg/s. Stop the plane when the test sled starts<br />

to move. Repeat this procedure twice and read<br />

the inclinometer to the nearest 0.5 deg. Record<br />

the angle at which the test sled begins to slide<br />

on the third trial.<br />

15.5.5 Repeat 15.5.4 with each of the specimens.<br />

Calculate the average angle required to<br />

produce movement of the test sled. Determine<br />

the trigonometric tangent of the average angle.<br />

15.6 Report:<br />

15.6. I State that the specimens were tested<br />

as directed in Section 15 of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong><br />

D 3334. Describe the material or product sampled,<br />

and the method of sampling used.<br />

15.6.2 Report the trigonometric tangent of<br />

the average angle as the coefficient of static<br />

friction.<br />

15.7 Precision and Accuracy:<br />

15.7.1 Precision-The precision of the<br />

method for static friction has not been established.<br />

15.7.2 Accuracy-See 5.2.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validit!, of any patent rights asseried in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the<br />

validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every jive<br />

years and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or<br />

for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration<br />

at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received<br />

a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, I916 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

19103, which will schedule a further hearing regarding your comments. Failing satisfaction there. you may appeal to the<br />

ASTM Board of Directors.<br />


eb<br />

Designation: D 3359 - 87<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3359: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

Thew methods haw been approvedfor use b.v agencies qfthe Department of Definse and. for listing in the DoD 1ndiB.v qf Specifications<br />

and Standard.9.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover procedures for<br />

assessing the adhesion of coating films to metallic<br />

substrates by applying and removing pressuresensitive<br />

tape over cuts made in the film.<br />

1.2 Method A is primarily intended for use at<br />

job sites while Method B is more suitable for use<br />

in the laboratory. Also, Method B is not considered<br />

suitable for films thicker than 5 mils (125<br />

CLm).<br />

NOTE I-Subject to agreement between the purchaser<br />

and the seller. Method €3 can be used for thicker<br />

films if wider spaced cuts are employed.<br />

1.3 These test methods are used to establish<br />

whether the adhesion of a coating to a substrate<br />

is at a generally adequate level. They do not<br />

distinguish between higher levels of adhesion for<br />

which more sophisticated methods of measurement<br />

are required.<br />

NOTE 2-It should be recognized that differences in<br />

adherability of the coating surface can affect the results<br />

obtained with coatings having the same inherent adhesion.<br />

1.4 In multicoat systems adhesion failure may<br />

occur between coats so that the adhesion of the<br />

coating system to the substrate is not determined.<br />

1.5 This standard may involve hazardous materials;<br />

operations: and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safeiyproblems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of the user ofthis standard to establish appropriate<br />

safety and health practices and determine<br />

the applicability oj'regulatory limitations prior to<br />

use.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Stavrdards:<br />

D609 <strong>Methods</strong> for Preparation of Steel Panels<br />

for <strong>Test</strong>ing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and<br />

Related Products'<br />

D823 <strong>Methods</strong> of Producing Films of Uniform<br />

Thickness of Paint, Varnish, and Related<br />

Products on <strong>Test</strong> Panels'<br />

D 1730 Practices for Preparation of Aluminum<br />

and Aluminum-Alloy Surfaces for Painting'<br />

D2092 Practices for Preparation of Zinc-<br />

Coated Galvanized Steel Surfaces for Paint'<br />

D 3330 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive<br />

Tape of 180" Angle3<br />

3. Summary of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong><br />

3.1 <strong>Test</strong> Method A-An X-cut is made in the<br />

film to the substrate, pressure-sensitive tape is<br />

applied over the cut and then removed, and<br />

adhesion is assessed qualitatively on the 0 to 5<br />

scale.<br />

3.2 T~SI Method B-A lattice pattern with<br />

either six or eleven cuts in each direction is made<br />

in the film to the substrate, pressure-sensitive<br />

tape is applied over the lattice and then removed,<br />

and adhesion is evaluated by comparison with<br />

descriptions and illustrations.<br />


4. Apparatus and Materials<br />


4. I Cutting Tool-Sharp razor blade, scalpel,<br />

knife or other cutting devices. It is of particular<br />

importance that the cutting edges be in good<br />

condition.<br />

4.2 Cutting Guide-Steel or other hard metal<br />

straightedge to ensure straight cuts.<br />

' These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee DI on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials<br />

and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee DO1.23 on<br />

Physical Properties of Applied Paint Films.<br />

Current edition approved May 29, 1987. Published September<br />

1987. Originally published as D 3359 - 74. Last previous<br />

edition D 3359 - 83.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standardr. Vol06.01.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standardr, Vol 15.09.<br />


0 3359<br />

4.3 Tape-One-inch (25") wide semitransparent<br />

pressure-sensitive tape with an adhesion<br />

strength of 38 f 5 oz/in. (43 f 5.6 g/mm or N/<br />

100 mm) width when tested in accordance with<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method D 3330. The adhesion shall not<br />

change by more than f: 6.5 % of its mean value<br />

within 12 months. The backing of the tape may<br />

consist of fiber-reinforced cellulose acetate? unplasticized<br />

poly(viny1 chloride), or polyester film.<br />

Tape with different properties may be used subject<br />

to agreement between the purchaser and the<br />

seller. When results obtained in different laboratories<br />

do not agree, it is recommended that the<br />

test be repeated using tape from the same batch.<br />

4.4 Rubber Eraser, on the end of a pencil.<br />

4.5 Illumination-A light source is helpful in<br />

determining whether the cuts have been made<br />

through the film to the substrate.<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

5. I When this test method is used in the field,<br />

the specimen is the coated structure or article on<br />

which the adhesion is to be evaluated.<br />

5.2 For laboratory use apply the materials to<br />

be tested to panels of the composition and surface<br />

conditions on which it is desired to determine<br />

the adhesion.<br />

NOTE 3-Applicable test panel description and surface<br />

preparation methods are given in <strong>Methods</strong> D 609<br />

and Practices D I730 and D 2092.<br />

NOTE 4-Coatings should be applied in accordance<br />

with <strong>Methods</strong> D823. or as agreed upon between the<br />

purchaser and the seller.<br />

NOTE 5-If desired or specified, the coated test<br />

panels may be subjected to a preliminary exposure such<br />

as water immersion, salt spray, or high humidity before<br />

conducting the tape test. The conditions and time of<br />

exposure will be governed by ultimate coating use or<br />

shall be agreed upon between the purchaser and seller.<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 Select an area free of blemishes and minor<br />

surface imperfections. For tests in the field, ensure<br />

that the surface is clean and dry. Extremes<br />

in temperature or relative humidity may affect<br />

the adhesion of the tape or the coating.<br />

6.2 Make two cuts in the film each about 1.5<br />

in. (40 mm) long that intersect near their middle<br />

with a smaller angle of between 30 and 45'. When<br />

making the incisions, use the straightedge and<br />

cut through the coating to the substrate in one<br />

steady motion.<br />

6.3 Inspect the incisions for reflection of light<br />

from the metal substrate to establish that the<br />

coating film has been penetrated. If the substrate<br />

has not been reached make another X in a different<br />

location. Do not attempt to deepen a<br />

previous cut as this may affect adhesion along<br />

the incision.<br />

6.4 Remove two complete laps of the pressure-sensitive<br />

tape from the roll and discard.<br />

Remove an additional length at a steady (that is,<br />

not jerked) rate and cut a piece about 3 in. (75<br />

mm) long.<br />

6.5 Place the center of the tape at the intersection<br />

of the cuts with the tape running in the same<br />

direction as the smaller angles. Smooth the tape<br />

into place by finger in the area of the incisions<br />

and then rub firmly with the eraser on the end<br />

of a pencil. The color under the transparent tape<br />

is a useful indication of when good contact has<br />

been made.<br />

6.6 Within 90 f: 30 s of application, remove<br />

the tape by seizing the free end and pulling it off<br />

rapidly (not jerked) back upon itself at as close<br />

to an angle of 180' as possible.<br />

6.7 Inspect the X-cut area for removal ofcoating<br />

from the substrate or previous coating and<br />

rate the adhesion in accordance with the following<br />

scale:<br />

5A No peeling or removal<br />

4A Trace peeling or removal along incisions<br />

3A Jagged removal along incisions up to '/I6 in. ( I .6 mm) on<br />

either side<br />

2A Jagged removal along most of incisions up to '/E in. (3.2<br />

mm) on either side<br />

IA Removal from most of the area of the X under the tape<br />

OA Removal beyond the area of the X<br />

6.8 Repeat the test in two other locations on<br />

each test panel. For large structures make sufficient<br />

tests to ensure that the adhesion evaluation<br />

is representative of the whole surface.<br />

6.9 After making several cuts examine the<br />

cutting edge and, if necessary, remove any flat<br />

spots or wire-edge by abrading lightly on a fine<br />

oil stone before using again. Discard cutting tools<br />

that develop nicks or other defects that tear the<br />

film.<br />

7. Report<br />

7.1 Report the number of tests, their mean<br />

and range, and for coating systems, where the<br />

failure occurred that is, between first coat and<br />

substrate, between first and second coat, etc.<br />

7.2 For field tests report the structure or article<br />

tested, the location and the environmental conditions<br />

at the time of testing.<br />

' Permacel 99 manufactured by Permacel. New Bnmswick.<br />

NJ 08903, and available from various Permacel tape distributors<br />

is reponed to be suitable for this purpose. The manufacturer of<br />

the tape used in the interlaboratory study' has advised that as<br />

of September I98 I the properties of this tape are being changed.<br />

Users of its should, therefore, check whether current material<br />

gives comparable results to previous supplies.<br />


D 3359<br />

7.3 For test panels report the substrate employed,<br />

the type of coating, the method of cure,<br />

and the environmental conditions at the time of<br />

testing.<br />

8. Precision <strong>Test</strong>'<br />

8.1 In an interlaboratory study of this test<br />

method in which operators in six laboratories<br />

made one adhesion measurement on three panels<br />

each of three coatings covering a wide range of<br />

adhesion, the within-laboratories standard deviation<br />

was found to be 0.33 and the betweenlaboratories<br />

0.44. Based on these standard deviations,<br />

the following criteria should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results at the 95 %<br />

confidence level:<br />

8.1. I Repeafabilify-Provided adhesion is<br />

uniform over a large surface, results obtained by<br />

the same operator should be considered suspect<br />

if they differ by more than I rating unit for two<br />

measurements.<br />

8. I .2 Reproducibilify-Two results, each the<br />

mean of triplicates, obtained by different operators<br />

should be considered suspect if they differ<br />

by more than 1.5 rating units.<br />


9. Apparatus and Materials<br />

9. I Cutting Tool-Sharp razor blade, scalpel,<br />

knife or other cutting device having' a cutting<br />

edge angle between 15 and 30' that will make<br />

either a single cut or several cuts at once. It is of<br />

particular importance that the cutting edge be in<br />

good condition.<br />

9.2 Culling Guide-If cuts are made manually<br />

(as opposed to a mechanical apparatus) a<br />

steel or other hard metal straightedge or template<br />

to ensure straight cuts.<br />

9.3 Rule-Tempered steel rule graduated in<br />

0.5 mm for measuring individual cuts.<br />

9.4 Tope, as described in 4.3.<br />

9.5 Rubber Eraser, on the end of a pencil.<br />

9.6 Illumination, as described in 4.5.<br />

9.7 Magnifving Glass-An illuminated magnifier<br />

to be used while making individual cuts<br />

and examining the test area.<br />

10. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

10.1 <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall be as described in<br />

Section 5.<br />

11. Procedure<br />

11.1 Where required or when agreed upon,<br />

subject the specimens to a preliminary test before<br />

conducting the tape test (see Note 3). After drying<br />

or testing, select an area free of blemishes and<br />

minor surface imperfections.<br />

I I .2 Place the panel on a firm base and under<br />

the illuminated magnifier make parallel cuts as<br />

follows:<br />

11.2.1 For coatings having a dry film thickness<br />

up to and including 2.0 mils (50 pm) space<br />

the cuts 1 mm apart and make eleven cuts unless<br />

otherwise agreed upon.<br />

11.2.2 For coatings having a dry film thickness<br />

between 2.0 mils (50 pm) and 5 mils (125<br />

pm), space the cuts 2 mm apart and make six<br />

cuts. For films thicker than 5 mils use Method<br />

A.<br />

11.2.3 Make all cuts about '1.1 in. (20 mm)<br />

long. Cut through the film to the substrate in one<br />

steady motion using just sufficient pressure on<br />

the cutting tool to have the cutting edge reach<br />

the substrate. When making successive single<br />

cuts with the aid of a guide, place the guide on<br />

the uncut area.<br />

1 1.3 After making the required cuts brush the<br />

film lightly with a soft brush or tissue to remove<br />

any detached flakes or ribbons of coatings.<br />

11.4 Examine the cutting edge and, if necessary,<br />

remove any flat spots or wire-edge by abrading<br />

lightly on a fine oil stone. Make the additional<br />

number of cuts at 90" to and centered on the<br />

original cuts.<br />

11.5 Brush the area as before and inspect the<br />

incisions for reflection of light from the substrate.<br />

If the metal has not been reached make another<br />

grid in a different location.<br />

11.6 Remove two complete laps of tape and<br />

discard. Remove an additional length at a steady<br />

(that is, not jerked) rate and cut a piece about 3<br />

in. (75 mm) long.<br />

1 I .7 Place the center of the tape over the grid<br />

and in the area of the grid smooth into place by<br />

a finger. To ensure good contact with the film<br />

rub the tape firmly with the eraser on the end of<br />

a pencil. The color under the tape is a useful<br />

indiction of when good contact has been made.<br />

I I .8 Within 90 k 30 s of application, remove<br />

the tape by seizing the free end and rapidly (not<br />

jerked) pulling it off at as close to an angle of<br />

180' as possible.<br />

1 I .9 Inspect the grid area for removal of coating<br />

from the substrate or from a previous coating<br />

' Supporling data are available from ASTM Headquarters.<br />

Request R R WI-1008.<br />

34 1

D 3359<br />

using the illuminated magnifier. Rate the adhesion<br />

in accordance with the following scale illustrated<br />

in Fig. I:<br />

59<br />

49<br />

39<br />

29<br />

IB<br />

OB<br />

The edges of the cuts are completely smooth none of the<br />

squares of the lattice is detached.<br />

Small flakes of the coating are detached at intersections;<br />

less than 5 % of the area is affmd.<br />

Small flakes of the coating are detached along edges and at<br />

intersections of cuts. The area affected is 5 to I5 % of the<br />

lattice.<br />

The coating has flaked along the edges and on parts of the<br />

squares. The area affected is I5 to 35 % of the lattice.<br />

The coating has flaked along the edges of cuts in large<br />

ribbons and whole squares have detached. The area affected<br />

is 35 to 65 % of the lattice.<br />

Flaking and detachment worse than Grade 1.<br />

1 1.10 Repeat the test in two other locations<br />

on each test panel.<br />

12. Report<br />

12.1 Report the number of tests, their mean<br />

and range, and for coating systems, where the<br />

failure occurred, that is, between first coat and<br />

substrate, between first and second coat, etc.<br />

12.2 Report the substrate employed, the type<br />

of coating and the method of cure.<br />

13. Precision5<br />

13.1 On the basis of two interlaboratory tests<br />

of this test method in one of which operators in<br />

six laboratories made one adhesion measurement<br />

on three panels each of three coatings covering a<br />

wide range of adhesion and in the other operators<br />

in six laboratories made three measurements on<br />

two panels each of four different coatings applied<br />

over two other coatings, the pooled standard<br />

deviations for within- and between-laboratories<br />

were found to be 0.37 and 0.7. Based on these<br />

standard deviations, the following criteria should<br />

be used for judging the acceptability of results at<br />

the 95 ?6 confidence level:<br />

13. I. Repeatability-Provided adhesion is<br />

uniform over a large surface, results obtained by<br />

the same operator should be considered suspect<br />

if they differ by more than one rating unit for<br />

two measurements.<br />

13.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results, each the<br />

mean of duplicates or triplicates, obtained by<br />

different operators should be considered suspect<br />

if they differ by more than two rating units.<br />


D3359<br />

Classification of Adhesion <strong>Test</strong> Results<br />

Classification<br />

Surface of cross-cut area from<br />

which flaking has occurred.<br />

(Example for six paralled cutsi<br />

-<br />

58<br />

None<br />

c<br />

(le<br />

38<br />

c<br />

28<br />

16<br />

__ ~<br />

00<br />

Greater than 65%<br />

FIG. 1 CL.ssiCiat&a of Adhesion <strong>Test</strong> Results<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with an.v item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that determination oJthe validity of any such<br />

patent rights. and the risk of infiingement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibiity.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and<br />

ij not revised- either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either /or revision of this standard or /or additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive care/irl consideration at a meeting ofthe<br />

responsible technical committee. which you may attend. Uyou fwl that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


ClSTb<br />

Designation: D 3363 - 74 (Reapproved 1980)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3363; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

NOTE-section 2 was editorially added and subsequent sections renumbered in June 1980.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This method covers a procedure for<br />

rapid, inexpensive determination of the film<br />

hardness of an organic coating on a substrate<br />

in terms of drawing leads or pencil leads of<br />

known hardness.<br />

2. Significance<br />

2.1 This method is especially useful in development<br />

work and in production control testing<br />

in a single laboratory. It should be recognized<br />

that the results obtained may vary between<br />

different operators and laboratories. Every<br />

effort should be made to standardize the<br />

hardness of the lead used and the technique<br />

followed. If used as a basis for purchase agreement,<br />

this method will achieve maximum accuracy<br />

if a given set of referee pencils be agreed<br />

upon between the purchaser and the seller.<br />

3. Summary of Method<br />

3.1 A coated panel is placed on a firm horizontal<br />

surface. The pencil is held firmly against<br />

the film at a 45" angle (point away from the<br />

operator) and pushed away from the operator<br />

in a ?&in. (6.5") stroke. The process is<br />

started with the hardest pencil and continued<br />

down the scale of hardness to either of two end<br />

points: one, the pencil that will not cut into or<br />

gouge the film (pencil hardness), or two, the<br />

pencil that will not scratch the film (scratch<br />

hardness).<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 A set of calibrated drawing leads (preferred)<br />

or equivalent calibrated wood pencils<br />

meeting the following scale of hardness:'<br />

The difference between two adjacent leads shall<br />

be considered one unit of hardness.<br />

4.2 Mechanical Lead Holder, for drawing<br />

leads if used.3<br />

4.3 Mechanical Sharpener, draftsman-type,<br />

is helpful for trimming wood pencils if<br />

4.4 Abrasive Paper, grit No. 400.<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens and Conditions<br />

5.1 Apply the surface coating by appropriate<br />

means to a smooth rigid substrate and cure<br />

properly, or use representative panels cut from<br />

coated stock. The panels used, the curing conditions,<br />

and the age of the coating prior to the<br />

test shall be within the limits agreed upon<br />

between the purchaser and the seller.<br />

5.2 The film thickness of the coating shall<br />

be as specified or as agreed upon between the<br />

purchaser and the seller.<br />

5.3 Conduct the test at 77 & 3.5"F (25 &<br />

2°C) and 50 f 5 % relative humidity.<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 For wood pencils, remove approximately<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-l on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and<br />

is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D01.53 on Fac-<br />

D--,...- A c.-:-<br />

wry-, ~scuai~u auip Meid.<br />

Current edition approved Oct. 25. 1974. Published November<br />

1974.<br />

' Pencils from many manufacturers have been and may<br />

be used in pencil hardness testing but it was apparent to the<br />

test group (D01.53.02) that the leads supplied by two manufacturers<br />

were more uniform. and reproducible results could<br />

be obtained from batch to batch of leads. These are: (a)<br />

Eberhard Faber--Microtomic and (b) Eagle Turquoise--<br />

T 2315.<br />

.'I Turquoise No. IO is the preferred holder, however. any<br />

holder adequately constructed to eliminate lead slippage may<br />

be used.<br />

6B-5B-4B-3B-2B-B-HB-F-H-2H-3H-4H-5H-6H<br />

Apsco Products. Inc.. Dexter Super IO Draftsman type<br />

AlOD Cutter Assembly. or equivalent, has been found suit-<br />

Softer<br />

Harder<br />

able.<br />

6 ^_..<br />


D 3363<br />

%fi to ?4 in. (5 to 6 mm) wood from the point of<br />

each pencil using a draftsman-type mechanical<br />

sharpener, being careful to leave an undisturbed,<br />

unmarked, smooth cylinder of lead.<br />

Holding the pencil or lead holder (when using<br />

drawing leads) at an angle of 90" to the abrasive<br />

paper, rub the lead against the paper maintaining<br />

an exact angle of 90" to the abrasive paper<br />

until a flat, smooth and circular cross section is<br />

obtained, free of chips or nicks in the edge of<br />

the cross section. The desired edge may be<br />

attained by cementing the abrasive paper to a<br />

flat motor driven disk. By supporting the pencil<br />

at 90" to the rotating disk a uniform flat lead<br />

end may be obtained more reproducibly.5<br />

6.2 Place the coated panel on a level, firm,<br />

horizontal surface. Starting with the hardest<br />

lead, hold the pencil or lead holder firmly with<br />

the lead against the film at a 45" angle (point<br />

away from the operator) and push away from<br />

the operator. Exert sufficient uniform pressure<br />

downward and forward either to cut or scratch<br />

the film or to crumble the edge of the lead. It<br />

is suggested that the length of the stroke be VI<br />

in. (6.5 mm).<br />

6.3 Repeat the process down the hardness<br />

scale until a pencil is found that will not cut<br />

through the film to the substrate l(either metal<br />

or a previous coat) for a distance of at least %<br />

in. (3 mm) (see 7.1.1).<br />

NOTE I-The operator must watch closely for<br />

cutting into or scratching the film. Some finishes<br />

contain compounds that may tend to lubricate the<br />

film. Checks should be made by close visual inspection<br />

and by fingernail feel.<br />

NOTE 2-111 conducting the test, if the sharp edge<br />

of the lead is slightly chipped or crumbled, the lead<br />

must be resharpened.<br />

6.4 Continue the process until a pencil is<br />

found that will neither cut through nor scratch<br />

the surface of the film. Any defacement of the<br />

film other than a cut (gouge) is considered a<br />

scratch. Record each end point (if appiicable j<br />

for gouge and scratch hardness (see 7.1).<br />

NOTE 3-With some films, the two end points will<br />

be identical.<br />

6.5 Make a minimum of two determinations<br />

for gouge hardness (6.3) and scratch hardness<br />

(6.4) for each pencil or lead.<br />

7. Report<br />

7.1 Report two end points as follows:<br />

7.1.1 Gouge Hardness-The hardest pencil<br />

that will leave the film uncut for a stroke length<br />

of at least $6 in. (3 mm).<br />

7.1.2 Scratch Hardness-The hardest pencil<br />

that will not rupture or scratch the film.<br />

7.2 Report the make and grade of lead or<br />

pencil used.<br />

7.3 Report any deviation from standard conditions,<br />

including roughness in the finish.<br />

8. Precision<br />

8.1 In an interlaboratory test of this method<br />

with three different films on panels, ten laboratories<br />

and operators and repeated by switching<br />

leads and panels between laboratories, the<br />

within-laboratories standard deviation was<br />

found to be 0.52 and the between-laboratories<br />

standard deviation was found to be 0.6 I. Based<br />

on these standard deviations the following criteria<br />

should be used for judging the acceptability<br />

of results at a 95 96 confidence level:<br />

8.1.1 Repeatability-Two results obtained<br />

by two operators within a laboratory using the<br />

same pencils and panels should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than one pencil<br />

unit on the scale described in 4.1.<br />

8.1.2 Operator Reproducibility-Two results,<br />

each the mean of at least two determinations,<br />

obtained by operators in different laboratories<br />

using the same pencils and panels or different<br />

pencils with the same panels should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than one<br />

pencil unit on the scale described in 4. I.<br />

"A suitable device for this purpose is available from<br />

Gardner Laboratories, Inc., P. 0. Box 5728. Bethesda. Md.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validicv of an,. patent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are express!, advised that determination ofthe validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights. are entire!, their own responsibili!,.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years<br />

and if not revised, either reapproved or withdrciwn. Your comments cre invited either for revision of this Ttandard orfor additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will Ycceive careful conridcration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />



1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa., 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not hted in the current combined Index. will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This Standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3528; the number immediately following the designation indicates<br />

the year of original adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year<br />

of last reapproval.<br />


The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds will depend on the<br />

conditions under which the bonding process is carried out. Unless otherwise agreed<br />

upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser, the bonding conditions should be<br />

prescribed by the manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to ensure that complete<br />

information is available'to the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer of the<br />

adhesive should furnish numerical values and other specific information for each of the<br />

following variables:<br />

(1) Surface preparation<br />

(2) Mixing directions<br />

(3) Adhesive application<br />

(4) Assembly conditions<br />

(5) <strong>Curing</strong> conditions<br />

(6) <strong>Test</strong>ing conditions<br />

A range may be prescribed for any variable by the manufacturer of the adhesive if it<br />

can be assumed by the test operator that any arbitrarily chosen value within such a<br />

range, or any combination of such values for several variables will be acceptable to<br />

both the manufacturer and the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This method covers the determination<br />

of the tensile shear strengths of adhesives for<br />

bonding metals when tested in an essentially<br />

peel-free standard specimen that develops adhesive<br />

stress distribution representative of<br />

those developed in a typical low peel production<br />

type structural joint. The reproducibility<br />

of the strengths achieved are directly related<br />

to conformance with specified conditions of<br />

preparation and testing.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

B 36 Specification for Brass Plate, Sheet,<br />

Strip, and Rolled Bar2<br />

B 152 Specification for Copper, Sheet,<br />

Strip, Plate, and Rolled Bar2<br />

B 209 Specification for Aluminum-Alloy<br />

Sheet and Plate3<br />

B 265 Specification for Titanium and Titanium<br />

Alloy Strip,3 Sheet, and Plate4<br />

E 4 Verification of <strong>Test</strong>ing Machines'<br />

E 122 Sample Size to Estimate the Average<br />

Quality of a Lot or Process, Choice of6<br />

E i7 i Standard Atmosphere for Condirioning<br />

and <strong>Test</strong>ing Materials'<br />

This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives, and is the direct responsibility<br />

of Subcommittee D 14.80 on Metal Bonding Adhesives.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 27, 1976. Published<br />

October 1976.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 6.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 7.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 8 and 45.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 10, 14, 32,<br />

35, and 41.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Parts 15 and 41.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 35 and 41.<br />


D 618 Conditioning Plastics and Electrical<br />

Insulating - Materials for <strong>Test</strong>ing8<br />

3. Significance<br />

3.1 This method is designed to produce<br />

shear property data for the process control<br />

and specification of adhesives. The method<br />

may also be useful for research and development<br />

of adhesives.<br />

3.2 Lap shear properties vary with specimen<br />

configuration preparation, speed, and<br />

environment of testing. Consequently, where<br />

precise comparative results are desired, these<br />

factors must be carefully controlled and reported.<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine, conforming to the requirements<br />

of <strong>Methods</strong> E 4. The testing machine<br />

should be so selected that the breaking<br />

load of the specimens falls between 15 and<br />

85 % of the full-scale capacity. The machine<br />

should be capable of maintaining a rate of<br />

loading Of 8'27 to 9'65 MPa (l2O0 to l4Oo<br />

psi)/min, or if the rate is dependent on crosshead<br />

motion, the machine should be set to<br />

approach the rate of loading. It should be<br />

provided with a suitable pair of self-aligning<br />

grips to hold the specimen. The grips and<br />

vestigated. The maximum permissible length may<br />

be computed from the following relationship:<br />

where:<br />

L = length of overlap, in., (Figs. 1 and 3),<br />

t, = thickness of doubler, in., (Figs. 1 and<br />

3)9<br />

t2 = thickness of aderend in., (Figs. 1-and<br />

31,<br />

Fty = yield point of adherend (or stress at<br />

proportional limit), psi, and<br />

T = 150 % of the estimated average shear<br />

strength of the adhesive bond, psi.<br />

NOTE 2-Variations in adherend thickness, and<br />

of the length of the overlap, normally influence the<br />

test values and make direct comparison of test data<br />

questionable. Therefore, it is preferable for the<br />

comparative or specification tests, to standardize on<br />

the typical specimen configuration shown with ap<br />

propriate adherend gages as computed per Note 1.<br />

When specimens incorporating special lap lengths<br />

are developed for specific studies, the adherend<br />

gage and geometry, once established, should not be<br />

altered.<br />

5 -2 The following grades of metals are retommended<br />

for the test specimens:<br />

Brass<br />

Copper<br />

Aluminum<br />

Specification B 36. CDA 268<br />

Specification B 152, CDA 110<br />

Specification B 209, Alloy 2024,<br />

T3 Temper<br />

attachments should be so constructed that Corrosion-resisting Specification A 167, Type 302,<br />

they will move into alignment with the test<br />

specimen as soon as the load is applied, so<br />

that the long axis of the test specimen will<br />

coincide with the direction of the applied pull<br />

through the center line Of the grip<br />

5. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

5.1 The test specimens should conform to<br />

one of the alternative types as dimensioned<br />

and shown in Figs. 1 or 3. Cut the specimens<br />

from the appropriate test panels that have<br />

been prepared as prescribed in Section 6. For<br />

aluminum-alloy specimens the recommended<br />

thickness of the sheet is 3.24 ? 0.125 mm<br />

(0.125 - 0.005 in.). The recommended test<br />

overlap length (L) for most metals, with adherends<br />

of the prescribed metal thickness and<br />

arranged as shown in Figs. 1 and 3, is 12.7 ?<br />

0.25 mm (0.5 ? 0.01 in.).<br />

NOTE 1 -Since it is undesirable to exceed the<br />

yield point of the metal in tension during test, the<br />

permissible length of overlap in the specimen will<br />

vary with the thickness and type of metal and on the<br />

general level of strength of the adhesive being in-<br />

Titanium<br />

2B Finish<br />

Specification B 265, Grade 3<br />

5.3 The minimum sample size necessary to<br />

develop typical or design values for a given<br />

joint geometry should be specified on the test<br />

request in accordance with the principles presented<br />

in Recommended Practice E 122. Because<br />

of inherent variations in adhesive properties,<br />

due to process variables, specimens<br />

should be selected from a minimum of four<br />

different test panels.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 It is recommended that the test panels<br />

be of a width sufficient to be cut into at least<br />

five test specimens unaffected by panel joint<br />

edge variables. Do the cutting operation in a<br />

manner that will not overheat, damage by<br />

exposure to unsatisfactory coolants, or mechanically<br />

damage the bonded joints. Panels<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Parts 22, 35, and<br />

39.<br />


of two alternative configurations ure shown in<br />

Figs. 2 and 4 from which the test specimens<br />

(Figs. 1 or 3) may be cut. Vary the adherend<br />

sheet length to accommodate changes in bond<br />

lap length. Cut sheets of the prescribed adherend<br />

metals to suitable size. The edges of the<br />

metal panels which will be within (or bound)<br />

the lap joints should be free of burrs, deformation,<br />

and bevels. The bond faying surfaces<br />

should be smooth (rms 160 max) before the<br />

panels are surface treated and bonded. Prepare<br />

the bond faying surfaces carefully in accordance<br />

with the procedure prescribed by the<br />

adhesive manufacturer or the governing ap<br />

proved process specification and assemble<br />

with adequate spacer sheets to prevent bondline<br />

deformation in the lap area. Prepare and<br />

apply the adhesive in accordance with the<br />

prescribed process specification. The prime<br />

coat, if used, apply to a bond area faying<br />

surface in sufficient width to extend beyond<br />

the lap bond area by approximately 6 mm<br />

(0.125 in .) . The adhesive, liquid or film, a p<br />

ply or position in the bond area limiting its<br />

extension beyond the adherends to 1.62 k<br />

0.25 mm (0.064 2 0.001 in.) to prevent excessive<br />

filleting. Cure the adhesive in conformance<br />

with the prescribed process specification.<br />

NOTE 3 -Bonding specimens in multiple-width<br />

panels is believed to produce the most representative<br />

individual test specimens. Die-punched panels<br />

or individual specimens may be used for s ecial<br />

studies; however, fabrication problems will E e increased<br />

due to inadvertent slippage of the individual<br />

adherends.<br />

7. Procedure<br />

7.1 Precondition the finished specimens as<br />

specified in the test request. Conduct room<br />

temperature tests under controlled temperature<br />

and relative humidity conditions in accordance<br />

with Specification E 171 (23 k 2°C<br />

(73.4 ? 3.6"F) and 50 2 5 % relative humidity).<br />

7.2 Conduct depressed or elevated temperature<br />

tests in a controlled chamber. The<br />

chamber should be of sufficient size to accommodate<br />

the test grips for preconditioning and<br />

thermal stability during the test. After the test<br />

chamber and grips have been brought to equilibrium,<br />

place an instrumented dummy specimen<br />

in the grips and calibrate the bondline<br />

temperature for each desired test condition.<br />

D 3528<br />

NOTE 4 -It is recommended that the dummy<br />

specimen be calibrated by the following procedure.<br />

Instrument the specimen with two thermocouples.<br />

Position one in the geometric center of the bondline<br />

and secure the second to the external surface, in the<br />

geomctric center of the metal lap area. Position and<br />

secure the dummy specimen in the test grips within<br />

the thermally stabilized test chamber. Record the<br />

time required for the bondline to reach the test<br />

temperature. Monitor and simultaneously record<br />

the temperature of the surface thermocouple.<br />

7.3 Measure the width of the specimen and<br />

the overlap lengths to the nearest 0.25 mm<br />

(0.01 in.) to determine the shear areas.<br />

7.4 Place the specimens in the grips of the<br />

test machine so that the terminal 31.8-mm<br />

(1.25411.) ends are engaged firmly and so that<br />

the long axis of the test specimen coincides<br />

with the direction of the pull.<br />

7.4.1 There should be no slack in the test<br />

linkage just prior to applying a load; a preload,<br />

if used, shall not exceed 350 kPa (50<br />

psi) during final stabilization and soak.<br />

7.4.2 Control the temperature exposure,<br />

where applicable, by the cycle determined<br />

with the calibration. A periodic check of the<br />

cycle maybe' made by attaching a thermocouple<br />

to the external surface of a test specimen<br />

in a manner similar to the calibration test.<br />

7.5 The test temperature tolerance shall be<br />

in accordance with Method D 618.<br />

7.6 Unless otherwise specified, load the<br />

test specimen to failure at a rate of 8.27 to<br />

9.65 MPa (1 200 to 1400 psi)/min. This rate of<br />

loading will be approximated by a free crosshead<br />

speed of 1.27 mm (0.05 in.)/minute.<br />

7.7 Record the load at failure, the test<br />

temperature and soak time, the nature and<br />

amount of failure (cohesion in the adhesive,<br />

adhesion between adhesive and metal or<br />

metal). Failing stresses shall be expressed in<br />

kilograms per square centimeter (or poundsforce<br />

per square inch) of total shear area<br />

(Goth God iiries) caicuiaieci to the nearest<br />

0.06 cm,2 (0.01 in.'), and to the third significant<br />

figure.<br />

8. Report<br />

8.1 The report should include the following:<br />

8.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, form, source,<br />

manufacturer's code numbers, procurement<br />

specification number (where applicable),<br />


D 3528<br />

weight per square foot at application and<br />

cured glueline thickness.<br />

8.1.2 Complete identification of the adherend<br />

material, the individual adherend thicknesses<br />

and the heat treat condition (where<br />

applicable),<br />

8.1.3 Adherend preparation for bonding,<br />

8.1.4 Adhesive application and bonding<br />

conditions used in preparation of the specimens<br />

(specification number, where applicable),<br />

8.1.5 Final width of specimen and length<br />

of bond overlap measured to the nearest 0.25<br />

mm (0.01 in.),<br />

8.1.6 Conditioning procedures for specimens<br />

prior to testing,<br />

8.1.7 <strong>Test</strong> temperature and soak time,<br />

8.1.8 Number of specimens tested, coded<br />

for positions in test panels,<br />

8.1.9 Type of specimen and number of test<br />

panels represented,<br />

8.1 .10 Maximum, minimum, average, and<br />

coefficient of variation for the stress at failure,<br />

and<br />

8.1.11 Nature of failure, including the estimated<br />

percentage of failure in cohesion and<br />

adhesion or metal failure.<br />

T, = 1.6 mm<br />

Tz = 3.2 mm<br />

A = <strong>Test</strong> Gluelines<br />

B = Spacer = T2<br />

C = Area in <strong>Test</strong> Grips<br />

D = Shear Area<br />

FIG. 1 Form and Dimensions of Specimen Type A.<br />


T<br />

I<br />

0<br />

4 190.6 m + L<br />

4- 95.3 m + L -b<br />

A = Predrilled Pinholes<br />

(4 required; 2.4-mm diameter)<br />

FIG. 2 Form and Dimensions of Standard <strong>Test</strong> Panel for Type A Specimens.<br />

I, A C I-B<br />

63.5 m 63.5 m<br />

k- 129.4 + 2L m<br />

193 + 2L m<br />

TI = 1.6 mm<br />

Tz = 3.2 mm<br />

A = <strong>Test</strong> Gluelines<br />

B = Area in <strong>Test</strong> Grips<br />

C = Shear areas<br />

FIG. 3 Form and Dimensions of Specimen Type B.<br />


2.4 m-b<br />

c- 95.3 + L mm +<br />

193 + 2L mm<br />

f-- 95.3 + L "<br />

A = Predrilled Pinholes<br />

(4 required; 2.4-mm diameter)<br />

B = Suggest TFE-fluorocarbon Filler for<br />

Adhesive Flash Control<br />

FIG. 4 Form and Dimensions of Standard <strong>Test</strong> Panel for Type B Specimens.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted<br />

in connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination<br />

of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, is entirely rheir own responsibility.<br />

35 1

Designation: D 3658 - 78 (Reapproved 1984)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard Practice for<br />




This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3658; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of on inal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapprovaf A superscript epsilon (a) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

'' NOTE--Section 6.5.3 was corrected editorially in February 1984.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This practice covers the simplistic comparison<br />

of strengths of glass/metal joints when<br />

the adhesive is cured by ultraviolet (UV)<br />

radiation and standard specimens are used<br />

and tested under specified conditions of prep<br />

aration, radiation, and load.<br />

1.2 This practice involves torque loading<br />

UV-bonded hexagonal metal blocks to glass<br />

plates.<br />

1.3 This practice may be used to obtain comparative<br />

torque strength-to-failure data for other<br />

bonded joint systems, radiation cured or not.<br />

1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

A 109 Specification for Steel, Carbon, Cold-<br />

Rolled Strip'<br />

A 167 Specification for Stainless and Heat-<br />

Resisting Chromiun-Nickel Plate, Sheet,<br />

and Strip'<br />

B 36 Specification for Brass Plate, Sheet, Strip,<br />

and Rolled Ba?<br />

€3 152 Specification for Copper Plate, Sheet,<br />

Strip, and Rolled Ba?<br />

B 265 Specification for Titanium and Titanium<br />

Alloy Strip, Sheet, and Plate'<br />

D 1002 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Strength Properties<br />

of Adhesives in Shear by Tension Loading<br />

( Metal-to-Metal)6<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 The apparatus is schematically shown<br />

in Fig. 1.<br />

3.2 The apparatus shall be capable of<br />

transferring a uniform and continuous torque<br />

to the bonded hexagonal block.<br />

3.3 An accurate and reliable means of recording<br />

load to failure, that is, x-y or strip<br />

chart recorder, should also be a part of the<br />

test system.<br />

3.4 A safety shield or other safety device<br />

shall be incorporated as part of the system to<br />

prevent injury from possible shattering glass.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

4.1 Recommended specimens are as shown<br />

in Fig. 2.<br />

4.2 Selection of the test metal for hexagofial<br />

blocks is ai the discretion of the user;<br />

however, the following grades are recommended<br />

(see <strong>Test</strong> Method D 1002):<br />

I This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM-Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives and is the'direct responsibility of Subcommittee<br />

D14.20 on Durability.<br />

Current edition approved Feb. 24,1978. Published May 1978.<br />

*Annual Book of ASTM Standards, VOI 01.03.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol02.0 I.<br />

' Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol02.02.<br />

209 Specification for A1uminum-A1loy Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol02.04.<br />

Sheet and Plate4<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />


Metal<br />

Specification<br />

Brass B 36, Alloy 8<br />

Copper<br />

B 152, Type A<br />

Aluminum<br />

B 209, Alloy 2024, T3<br />

Temper<br />

Steel A 109, Grade 2<br />

Corrosion-resisting steel A 167, Type 302<br />

Titanium B 265<br />

4.3 Hexagonal blocks may be reused after<br />

testing by bonding the opposite end of the<br />

block or by cleaning the original bonded end<br />

by sanding or grinding and taking care to<br />

ensure that ends are smooth and parallel.<br />

4.4 Selection of the glass plate is at the<br />

discretion of the user. Standard lh-in. (13-<br />

mm) thick pressed plate glass is recommended.<br />

5. Preparation of <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

5.1 The assembly and cure of the specimen<br />

is recommended as shown in Fig. 3.<br />

5.2 Cut glass plates 3 by 3 in. (76 by 76<br />

mm) square to fit the holding fixture without<br />

lateral movement.<br />

5.3 A recommended cleaning procedure is<br />

to soak the glass plates in a dilute detergent<br />

solution for 2 to 3 min, followed by light<br />

scrubbing with an absorbent cleaning tissue .'<br />

Then thoroughly rinse the glass plates with<br />

distilled or deionized water and air dry.<br />

5.4 Metal hexagonal blocks, '/z in. (13<br />

mm) high, may be prepared by light sanding<br />

with 400 grade wet or dry emery paper,<br />

followed by solvent wiping, such as l,l,ltrichloroethane.<br />

NOTE - Preparation of adherends are recommended<br />

only. Users may employ methods conducive<br />

to actual practice. Reported data should be<br />

qualified as to the method of surface preparation.<br />

5.5 Apply adhesive to the hexagonal button<br />

in sufficient quantity to cause wetting of<br />

the entire surface when clamping pressure is<br />

applied by means of two 10-lb (0.9-kg) spring<br />

clamps.<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 The level of the radiation and time of<br />

exposure should be within the tolerances<br />

specified for the cure.<br />

6.2 Measure the intensity of the radiation<br />

with a suitable meter sensitive to the radiation<br />

used. Place the meter in a position related to<br />

the bond line.<br />

6.3 If the material is subject to post curing,<br />

it must remain at specified conditions of temperature,<br />

humidity, etc, prior to testing.<br />

6.4 Fully cured specimens may be subjected<br />

to environmental exposure such as<br />

weathering, humidity, temperature, or combinations<br />

thereof, prior to testing.<br />

6.5 <strong>Test</strong> the bonded specimen as follows:<br />

6.5.1 Place the specimen in the holding<br />

fixture, ensuring that no lateral movement is<br />

evident.<br />

6.5.2 Mechanically apply a torque on the<br />

hex nut assembly or by means of a constant<br />

drive loader at a rate of 0.5 rpm (suggested)<br />

until failure occurs.<br />

6.5.3 Record the load at failure and the<br />

nature and amount of the failure (cohesive in<br />

adhesive or glass or adhesive at metal/adhesive<br />

or gladadhesive interface). Express all<br />

failure loads in lbf. in. (or N. m).<br />

7. Report<br />

7.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

7.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturers'<br />

code numbers, form, etc.<br />

7.1.2 Complete identification of the metal<br />

used, its thickness, and the method of cleaning<br />

and preparing its surfaces prior to bonding.<br />

7.1.3 Complete identification of the glass<br />

used, as in 7.1.2.<br />

7.1.4 Application and bonding conditions<br />

used in preparing specimens, including the<br />

type intensity (watts per steradian), and exposure<br />

time of the radiation used.<br />

7.1.5' Conditioning procedure prior to testing.<br />

7.1.6 Number of specimens tested.<br />

7.1.7 Maximum, minimum, and average<br />

values for load at failure.<br />

7.1.8 Standard deviation and coefficient of<br />

variation for the specimens tested.<br />

7.1.9 k:erzge thickness of the adhesive<br />

layer after cure of the joint. Subsequent measurements<br />

should be obtained if the specimens<br />

are exposed to environmental conditioning.<br />

7.1.10 The nature of the failure, including<br />

the average estimated percentages of failure;<br />

that is, adhesives-cohesive, glass-cohesive, interface<br />

failure (glass/adhesive or metal/adhesive)<br />

.<br />

' Kimwipes, available from Kimberly-Clark Corp., 128<br />

N. Lake, Neenah. Wisc. 54956, or equivalent, have been<br />

found satisfactory for this purpose.<br />


D 3658<br />

Details<br />

1 -Base plate<br />

2 -Upright<br />

3 -Mounting bracket<br />

4-Lebow socket wrench sensor Model 2133-103<br />

5-Pillow block-Boston #PPBlO<br />

6-Extension -Armstrong #4-105 A<br />

7 - 1-in. (25.4") hexagonal socket-Armstrong #A4632<br />

8 - UV specimen (see Fig. 2)<br />

9-Adjustable side guides (Fig. 2)<br />

10-Neoprene pad (bonded to Detail 9) (Fig. 2)<br />

Dimensions<br />

in.<br />

mm<br />

A 0.50 13<br />

B 3.75 95<br />

C 0.62 16<br />

D 5.50 140<br />

E 0.50 13<br />

F 6.75 170<br />

G 6.25 160<br />

H 2.62 66<br />

Flg. 1 UV<strong>Test</strong>lagAppntus.<br />


I<br />

"p:<br />

t<br />

I\<br />

D"<br />

A<br />

B<br />

c<br />

D<br />

E<br />

L<br />

"C"<br />

t<br />

,<br />

Details<br />

1 -Glass plate<br />

2 -Hexagonal metal block<br />

Dimensions<br />

Dimensions<br />

in. mm in .z<br />

3 .OO<br />

76<br />

Bond<br />

1 SO<br />

38<br />

Area F<br />

0.866<br />

0.47 12<br />

1 .oo 25<br />

0.50 13<br />

FIG. 2 UV Specimen Configuration.<br />

1<br />

"E"<br />

t<br />

mmz<br />

559<br />



Details<br />

1 - UV specimen<br />

2 -Clamp<br />

3 -Neoprene cushion<br />

4 -Clamp support (glass or metal)<br />

5 -Bond surface (Ref.)<br />

FIG. 3 Adhesive Joint Preparation.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every jive years and<br />

not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive cardul consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. uyou fie1 that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your.views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia. Pa. 19103.<br />


4Ib<br />

Designation:<br />

0 3807 - 79 (Reappmved 1984p'<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 49103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />




This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3807; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

NoTE-!%dOn 9 was added editonally in July 1984.<br />


The accuracy of the results of strength tests of adhesive bonds will depend on the<br />

conditions under which the bonding process is carried out. Unless otherwise agreed<br />

upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser, the bonding conditions shall be prescribed<br />

by the manufacturer of the adhesive. In order to ensure that complete information is<br />

available to the individual conducting the tests, the manufacturer of the adhesive shall<br />

furnish numerical values and other specific information for each of the following<br />

variables:<br />

(I) Procedure for preparation of surfaces prior to application of the adhesive, the<br />

cleaning and drying of the plastic surfaces, and surface treatments.<br />

(2) Complete mixing directions for the adhesive.<br />

(3) Conditions for application of the adhesive, including the amount of adhesive to<br />

apply or thickness of films, number of coats to be applied, whether the coats are to be<br />

applied to one or both surfaces, and the conditions of drying where more than one coat<br />

is required.<br />

(4) Assembly conditions before application of pressure, including the room temperature,<br />

relative humidity, length of time, and whether open or closed assembly is to be<br />

used.<br />

(5) <strong>Curing</strong> conditions, including the amount of pressure to be applied, the length of<br />

time under pressure, method of applying pressure, heat-up rate, and the temperature of<br />

the assembly when under pressure. It should be stated whether this temperature is that<br />

of the bond line or of the atmosphere at which the assembly is to be maintained.<br />

(6) Conditioning procedure before testing, unless a standard procedure is specified,<br />

including the length of time, temperature, and relative humidity.<br />

A range may be prescribed for any variable by the manufacturer of the adhesive if it<br />

can be assumed by the test operatoi that any arbitrarily chosen value within such a<br />

range, or any combination of such values for several variables, will be acceptable to<br />

both the manufacturer and the purchaser of the adhesive.<br />

NOTE 1-Results of round-robin tests is available adhesives for bonding engineering plastics when<br />

from ASTM Headquarters, 1916 Race St., Philadel- tested on a standard specimen and under specific<br />

phia, PA 19103 as RR: D14-1002.<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-<br />

1. scope<br />

mittee D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct reswnsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D14.40 on Adhesives for Plastics.<br />

This test method the Current edition approved July 27, 1979. Published Septemof<br />

the comparative cleavage/peel strengths of ber 1979.<br />


D 3807<br />

conditions of preparation and testing.<br />

1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Description of Terms<br />

2.1 cleavage/peel strength-the average load<br />

per unit width of bond line required to produce<br />

progressive separation of two bonded, semirigid<br />

adherends, under conditions designated in this<br />

method.<br />

2.2 semirigid-indicates that the adherends<br />

shall have such dimensions and physical properties<br />

as to permit bending them through any<br />

angle of up to 30 deg without breaking or<br />

cracking.<br />

3. Apparatus<br />

3.1 Tension <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine, capable of applying<br />

a tensile load having the following prescribed<br />

conditions:<br />

3.1.1 The machine and loading range shall<br />

be so selected that the maximum load on the<br />

specimen falls between 15 and 85% of the<br />

upper limit of the loading range.<br />

3.1.2 The rate of movement between heads<br />

shall remain essentially constant under fluctuating<br />

loads.<br />

NOTE 2-It is difficult to meet this requirement<br />

when loads are measured with a spring-type or pendulum-type<br />

weighmg device. Gear-driven head separation,<br />

such as Instron testing units employ, would<br />

be recommended.<br />

3.1.3 The machine shall be equipped with<br />

suitable grips capable of clamping the specimens<br />

f d y throughout the tests.<br />

3. !.4 The maehhe shall be autographic, giving<br />

a chart that can be read in terms of cencimetres<br />

(or inches) of separation as one coordinate<br />

and applied load as the other coordinate.<br />

3.1.5 The applied tension as measured and<br />

recorded shall be accurate within fl %.<br />

3.2 Conditioning Room or Desiccators, capable<br />

of maintaining a relative humidity of 50<br />

f 5 96 at 23 f 2°C.<br />

4. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

4.1 Laminated test panels (see Fig. 1) shall<br />

consist of two semirigid adherends properly<br />

prepared and bonded together in accordance<br />

with the adhesive manufacturer's recommendations.<br />

Specially prepared test specimens shall<br />

be 25.4 mm (1 in.) wide by 177.3 mm (7 in.)<br />

long, but shall be bonded only over approximately<br />

76 mm (3 in.) of their length. <strong>Test</strong><br />

specimens of these same dimensions may also<br />

be cut from larger, fully laminated panels.<br />

NOTE 3-Direct comparisons of different adhesives<br />

can be made only when specimen construction<br />

and test conditions are identical.<br />

NOTE &General purpose ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene)<br />

molded plaques approximately 6.3<br />

mm (0.25 in.) thick have been found satisfactory as<br />

adherends for structural adhesives. Other engineering<br />

plastics and metals have been found satisfactory for<br />

specific adhesives.<br />

NOTE 5-The adherend substrate selected must<br />

exhibit sufficient toughness and stiffness to resist<br />

substrate failure, thus forcing the adhesive layer to<br />

absorb the stresses of the testing process. Should the<br />

substrate fail cohesively, the ultimate cleavage/peel<br />

strength of the adhesive under test has not been<br />

determined.<br />

4.2 The bonded panels shall be cut into 25-<br />

mm (1-in.) wide test specimens by a means that<br />

is not deleterious to the bond. A suggested<br />

cutting process employs Rockwell-Delta band<br />

saw with a 6.3" (0.25-in.) thick blade with<br />

18 teeth per 25.4 mm (1 in.) and 12.5 mm (0.5<br />

in.) wide. The feed rate and saw speed controlled<br />

to minimize heat build up during the<br />

sawing process.<br />

4.3 The 101-mm (4 in.) long unbonded ends<br />

shall be separated sufficiently to insert gripping<br />

wires for attachment to testing machine jaws.<br />

4.3.1 The gripping wire employed shall be<br />

20-gage American Standard steel wire [0.8 mm<br />

(0.03 in.) in diameter] attached to the specimen<br />

in a manner shown in Fig. 1. The gripping<br />

wires shall be twisted together yielding approximately<br />

10 twists per 25 mm (1 in.) of twisted<br />

length.<br />

NOTE 6-Aitemaiive methods of gripping wire<br />

attachment may be employed if necessary. Sufficient<br />

flexibility in the attaching wires must be maintained<br />

to allow self-alignment of the gripping wires during<br />

the course of the pull testing of the specimens.<br />

4.4 At least ten test specimens shall be tested<br />

for each adhesive.<br />

NOTE 7-Within the limitations imposed by Note<br />

3 under other specimen widths may be used, provided<br />

the test machine grips are of ample width to apply<br />

the load uniformly across the width of the adherends.<br />

5. Conditioning<br />

5.1 Condition specimens for 3 days at a rel-<br />


ative humidity of 50 k 5 96 at 23 f 2"C, except<br />

where the adhesive manufacturer may specify<br />

such an aging period to be unnecessary or a<br />

shorter period to be adequate.<br />

6. Procedure<br />

6.1 Clamp the connecting wires from the<br />

specimen (Fig. 1) in the test grips of the tensiontesting<br />

machine. Apply the load at a constant<br />

crosshead speed of 12.7 mm (0.5 in.)/min.<br />

6.2 During the cleavage/peel test make an<br />

autographic recording of load values versus<br />

crosshead movement or load versus distance<br />

peeled.<br />

6.3 Determine the cleavage/peel resistance<br />

over at least a 50.8" (2-in.) length of the<br />

bond line after the initial peak.<br />

7. Calculations<br />

7.1 Determine the average load (in kilonewtons<br />

per metre width of specimen required to<br />

separate the adherends) from the autographic<br />

curve for the first 50.8 mm (2 in.) of cleavage/<br />

peel after the initial peak. It is preferred that<br />

the average load be determined from the curve<br />

with the use of a planimeter.<br />

NOTE 8-In case a planimeter is not used, the<br />

average load may be calculated as the average of<br />

load readings taken at fmed increments of crosshead<br />

motion. For example, the load may be recorded at<br />

each 5-mm (0.2-in.) intervals of head motion following<br />

the initial peak, until at least seven readings have<br />

been obtained.<br />

8. Report<br />

8.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

8.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, manufacturer<br />

code number, batch or lot number, form, etc.<br />

8.1.2 Complete identification of adherends<br />

used, including material, thickness, surface<br />

preparation, and orientation.<br />

8.1.3 Description of bonding process, including<br />

method of application of adhesive,<br />

glue-line thickness, drying or precuring conditions<br />

(where applicable), curing time, temperature,<br />

and pressure.<br />

8.1.4 Average thickness of adhesive layer<br />

after formation of the joint, within 0.025 mm<br />

(0.001 in.). The method of obtaining the thickness<br />

of the adhesive layer shall be described<br />

including procedure, location of measurement,<br />

and range of measurements.<br />

8.1.5 Complete description of test specimens,<br />

including dimensions and construction<br />

of test specimens, conditions used for cutting<br />

individual test specimens, number of test panels<br />

represented, and number of individual test<br />

specimens.<br />

8.1.6 Conditioning procedure prior to test-<br />

ing.<br />

8.1.7 Type of test machine and crosshead<br />

separation rate used.<br />

8.1.8 Method of recording load and determining<br />

average load.<br />

8.1.9 Average, maximum, and minimum<br />

cleavage/peel load values for each individual<br />

specimen.<br />

8.1.10 Average cleavage/peel strength in kilonewtons<br />

per metre width for each combination<br />

of materials and constructions under test<br />

and<br />

8.1.1 1 Type of failure, that is, cohesive failure<br />

with the adhesive or adherend, adhesion to<br />

the adherend, or combinations thereof, for each<br />

individual specimen.<br />

9. Precision and Bias<br />

9.1 Precision and bias have not been determined<br />

for this test method.<br />


FIG. 1 Cleavage Peel <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any ilem mentioned in this standard Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed evevjve years and<br />

if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee. which you may attend. Ifyoukel that your comments have not received ahir hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />



Designation: D 4060 - 84<br />


1916 Ram St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will -r in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4060, the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (6) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. scope<br />

I. I This test method covers the determination<br />

of the resistance of organic coatings to abrasion<br />

produced by the Taber Abraser on coatings ap<br />

plied to a plane, rigid surface, such as a metal<br />

panel.<br />

1.2 Because of the poor reproducibility of this<br />

test method, it should be restricted to testing in<br />

only one laboratory when numerical abrasion<br />

resistance values are to be used. Interlaboratory<br />

agreement is improved significantly when rankings<br />

of coatings are used in place of numerical<br />

values.<br />

I .3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safetyproblems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D823 <strong>Methods</strong> of Producing Films of Uniform<br />

Thickness of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer,<br />

and Related Products on <strong>Test</strong> Panels’<br />

D 1005 <strong>Methods</strong> for Measurement of Dry Film<br />

Thickness of Organic Coatings2<br />

D I 186 <strong>Methods</strong> for Nondestructive Measurement<br />

of Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic<br />

Coatings Applied to a Ferrous Base’<br />

D 1400 Method for Nondestructive Measurement<br />

of Dry Film Thickness of Nonconductive<br />

Coatings Applied to a Nonferrous Metal<br />

Base’<br />

D2240 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Rubber Property-<br />

Durometer Hardness3<br />

3. Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard<br />

3.1 Abrasion resistance can be expressed as<br />

one or more of the following terms:<br />

3.1.1 wear index-I000 times the loss in<br />

weight in milligrams per cycle.<br />

3.1.2 weight loss-the loss in weight in milligrams,<br />

determined at a specified number of cycles.<br />

3. I .3 wear cycles per mil-the number of cycles<br />

of abrasion required to wear a film through<br />

to the substrate per mil of film thickness.<br />

4. Summary of Method<br />

4.1 The organic coating is applied at uniform<br />

thickness to a plane, rigid panel and, after curing,<br />

the surface is abraded by rotating the panel under<br />

weighted abrasive wheels.<br />

4.2 Abrasion resistance is calculated as loss in<br />

weight at a specified number of abrasion cycles,<br />

as loss in weight per cycle, or as number of cycles<br />

required to remove a unit amount of coating<br />

thickness.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 Taher Abra~er.~<br />

5.2 Abrasive Wheels-Resilient calibrase<br />

’ This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D- I on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and is<br />

the direct responsibility of Subcommittee DO I .23 on Physical<br />

Properties of Applied Paint Films.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 3 I. 1984. Published January<br />

1985. Originally published as D 4060 - 81. Last previous edition<br />

D4060-81.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Vol06.0 I .<br />

’ Annical Book ofASTM Standards, Vols 08.02 and 09.01.<br />

‘ Available from Teledyne Taber. North Tonawanda. NY<br />


~<br />

wheels No. CS- 10 or CS- 17, as required, shall be<br />

used. Because of the slow hardening of the rubber<br />

bonding material in this type of wheel, the wheels<br />

should not be used after the date marked on<br />

them, or one year after their purchase if the<br />

wheels are not dated.<br />

NOTE 1 -The hardness of the wheels can be checked<br />

by <strong>Test</strong> Method D2240. An acceptable hardness for<br />

both types of wheels is 8 1 * 5 units on Shore Durometer<br />

A-2 Scale.<br />

NOTE 2-The CS- 17 wheels produce a harsher abrasion<br />

than the CSIO wheels.<br />

5.3 Resurfacing Medium, an Sll abrasive<br />

disk, used for resurfacing the abrasion wheels.<br />

5.4 Vacuum Pick-Up Assembly, consisting of<br />

a vacuum unit, a variable transformer suction<br />

regulator, a nozzle with bracket attachment, and<br />

a connecting hose with adaptor.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

6.1 Apply a uniform coating of the material<br />

to be tested to a plane, rigid panel. Specimens<br />

shall be a disk 4 in. (100 mm) in diameter or a<br />

plate 4 in. ( 100 mm) square with rounded corners<br />

and with a ‘/&in.(6.3-mm) hole centrally located<br />

on each panel. Prepare a minimum of two coated<br />

panels for the material.<br />

NOTE 3-The coatings should be applied in accordance<br />

with <strong>Methods</strong> D823, or as agreed upon by the<br />

purchaser and the seller.<br />

NOTE 4-The thickness of the dry coatings should<br />

be measured in accordance with <strong>Methods</strong> D 1005,<br />

D 1186, or D 1400.<br />

7. Standardization<br />

7.1 Mount the selected abrasive wheels on<br />

their respective flange holders, taking care not to<br />

handle them by their abrasive surfaces. Adjust<br />

the load on the wheels to 10oO g.<br />

7.2 Mount the resurfacing medium (S11abrasive<br />

disk) on the turntable. Lower the abrading<br />

heads carefully until the wheels rest squarely on<br />

the abrasive disk. Fiace the vacuum pickup nozzle<br />

in position and adjust it to a distance of I1.2<br />

in. (1 mm) above the abrasive disk.<br />

7.3 Set the counter to “zero” and set the suction<br />

regulator to approximately 50 points on the<br />

dial. The setting may be increased to 90 if more<br />

effective removal of the abradings appears nec-<br />

-rY.<br />

7.4 Start the vacuum pickup and then the<br />

turntable of the abrader. Resurface the wheels by<br />

running them 50 cycles against the resurfacing<br />

medium.<br />

NOTE 5-The wheels should be resurfaced in this<br />

manner before testing each specimen and after every<br />

500 cycles.<br />

8. Conditioning -<br />

8.1 Cure the coated panel under conditions of<br />

humidity and temperature as agreed upon between<br />

purchaser and seller.<br />

8.2 Unless otherwise agreed upon between<br />

purchaser and seller, condition the coated panel<br />

for at least 24 h at 23 2 2°C and 50 k 5 % relative<br />

humidity. Conduct the test in the same environment<br />

or immediately on removal therefrom.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Weigh the test specimen to the nearest 0.1<br />

mg and record this weight, if either the wear<br />

index or the weight loss is to be reported.<br />

9.2 Measure the coating thickness of the test<br />

specimen in several locations along the path to<br />

be abraded.<br />

9.3 Mount the test specimen on the turntable.<br />

Place the abrading heads on the test film and the<br />

vacuum pickup nozzle in position as outlined in<br />

7.2. Set the counter and suction regulator as<br />

outlined in 7.3.<br />

9.4 Start the vacuum pickup and then the<br />

turntable of the abrader. Subject the test specimen<br />

to abrasion for the specified number of<br />

cycles or until wear through of the coating is<br />

observed. In determining the point of wear<br />

through, stop the instrument at intervals for examination<br />

of the test specimen.<br />

9.5 Remove any loose abradings remaining<br />

on the test specimen by light brushing. Reweigh<br />

the test specimen.<br />

9.6 Repeat 9.1 to 9.5 on at least one additional<br />

test specimen of the material under test.<br />

10. Calculation<br />

10.1 Wear Index-Compute the wear index<br />

of a test specimen as follows:<br />

(A- B) lo00<br />

wear index =<br />

C<br />

where:<br />

A = weight of test specimen before abrasion,<br />

m&<br />

B = weight of test specimen after abrasion, mg,<br />

and<br />

C = number of cycles of abrasion recorded.<br />

NOTE 6-111 calculating wear index it may be advisable<br />

to discard the last 200 cycles because the results<br />

may be afectedby abrasion of the exposed substrate.<br />


10.2 Weight Loss-Compute weight loss of<br />

the test specimen as follows:<br />

weight loss = A - B<br />

where:<br />

A = weight of test specimen before abrasion,<br />

mg, and<br />

B = weight of test specimen after abrasion, mg.<br />

10.3 Wear Cycles Per Mil-Compute the<br />

wear cycles per mil of the test specimen as follows:<br />

wear cycles per mil = DIT<br />

where:<br />

D = number of cycles of abrasion required to<br />

wear coating through to substrate and<br />

T = thickness of coating, mils (0.001 in.) (to<br />

one decimal place).<br />

NOTE 7-In calculating the wear cycles, it is advisable<br />

to discard the first and last readings because the<br />

first may be affected by an uneven surface and the last<br />

by abrasion of parts of the substrate.<br />

11. Report<br />

1 1.1 Report the following for each test material:<br />

1 1.1.1 Temperature and humidity during<br />

conditioning and at the time of testing,<br />

11.1.2 Thickness of coating when wear cycles<br />

are specified,<br />

1 I . 1.3 Kind of calibrase abrasive wheels used,<br />

11.1.4 Load applied to the abrasive wheels,<br />

11.1.5 Number of wear cycles recorded for<br />

each test specimen,<br />

11.1.6 Wear index, weight loss, or wear cycles<br />

per mil for each test specimen, and<br />

11.1.7 Mean and range of the abrasion resistance<br />

values of the replicate coated panels.<br />

I 2. hecision’<br />

12.1 On the basis of an interlaboratory test of<br />

this test method in which operators in five laboratories<br />

tested four coatings having a broad range<br />

of abrasion resistance, the within-laboratory coefficients<br />

of variation and between-laboratories<br />

coefficients of variation were found to be those<br />

in Table 1. Based upon these coefficients, the<br />

following criteria should be used for judging the<br />

acceptability of results at the 95 % confidence<br />

level:<br />

12.1.1 Repeatability-Two results by the<br />

same operator should be considered suspect if<br />

they differ by more than the maximum allowable<br />

difference values shown in Table 1.<br />

12.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results obtained<br />

by operators in different laboratories should be<br />

considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

the maximum allowable difference values shown<br />

in Table 1.<br />

NOTE 8-When this test method is used to rank a<br />

series of coatings by magnitude of abrasion resistance,<br />

the precision is significantly better than shwn in Table<br />

1. In the interlaboratory study for evaluating precision,<br />

all laboratories ranked the coatings in the same order<br />

of abrasion resistance.<br />

’ Supporting data are available on loan from ASTM Headquarters.<br />

Request RR: WI-1037.<br />

Weight loss at 500 cycles<br />

Weight loss at lo00 cycles<br />

Wear index at 500 cycles<br />

Wear index at IO00 cycles<br />

Cycles mr mil<br />

TABLE I<br />

Precision of Taber Abrasion Values<br />

Within Laboratory<br />

Between Laboratories<br />

Maximum Al-<br />

Maximum Al-<br />

Coeficient Of lowable Differ- Coefficient Of lowable Differ-<br />

Variation, %<br />

Variation, %<br />

ence, %<br />

ence, %<br />

12 48<br />

10 46<br />

13 52<br />

10 46<br />

13 44<br />

36 I05<br />

30 90<br />

36 106<br />

30 92<br />

31 92<br />

The American Socii~~.v,/i~r Tmting and Materials takes no position respecting the validity ofany patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that determination ofthe validity of any such<br />

patent rights. and the risk of infringement qf such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard i.s subjivt to revision al any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjive years and<br />

(1 not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should he addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

ri~.vponsihle lechnical committee, which you may attend. I$ you fie1 that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to tht ASTM Committee on Standard.7, 1916 Race SI., Philadelphia. Pa. 19103.<br />


ab<br />

Designation: D 4144 - 82<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4144; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. scope 4. Apparatus<br />

1.1 This method covers procedures for test- 4.1 Oven, maintained at 60 f 2°C.<br />

ing the package stability of coatings intended 4.2 Glass Jars, wide-mouth, 4-oz (115-mL),<br />

to be cured by ultraviolet radiation. One pro- with 38-mm closures.<br />

cedure is given for clear coatings and another 4.3 Cans, lined, 4-oz (115-mL), friction top,<br />

for opaque fillers.<br />

with lids.<br />

4.4 Spheres, glass or porcelain, 7 to IO-"<br />

2. Summary of Method<br />

diameter.<br />

2.1 Specimens are placed in several containers,<br />

some of which are subjected to an<br />

elevated temperature while others are stored at<br />

room temperature. At specified intervals a specimen<br />

is checked for evidence of gelling. Clear<br />

materials are held in glass containers so they<br />

can be examined visually without opening to<br />

prevent contact with air which might inhibit<br />

polymerization. Opaque materials are checked<br />

by opening one can, probing the contents with<br />

a spatula to determine the extent of any polymerization,<br />

and then discarding that specimen.<br />

3. Significance and Use<br />

3.1 Coatings intended to be cured by ultraviolet<br />

radiation, especially those involving free<br />

radical chemistry, tend to polymerize during<br />

storage. It is of interest to determine how well<br />

a formulation resists this effect. Many factors<br />

influence the storage stability nf a cnapositien.<br />

The procedures described here are intended to<br />

improve the precision of determining this property.<br />

Because the effects of resins, monomers,<br />

photoinitiators, synergists, stabilizers, or pigments<br />

can alter the relation between elevated<br />

and room temperature stabilities, any correlation<br />

of performance at two different temperatures<br />

is possible only with a given formulation<br />

and, therefore, is useful only for quality control.<br />

5. Procedure<br />

5.1 Clear Coatings:<br />

5.1.1 Fill three 4-oz (115-mL) wide-mouth<br />

jars to ?4 in. (6 mm) from the top. Add a small<br />

glass or porcelain sphere to each container and<br />

put the lids on tightly.<br />

5.1,l. 1 The amount of head space in a jar or<br />

can is critical because the volume of air in<br />

contact with the sample has an effect on the<br />

rate of polymerization. The stability is also<br />

related to the ratio of the area of liquid-air<br />

interface to the volume of liquid.<br />

5.1.2 Put two jars in an oven at 60 & 2°C.<br />

Retain the third at ambient temperature, 25 rfr<br />

2"C, and in the dark.<br />

5.1.3 Check an oven jar daily but do not<br />

open or invert. Rather, tip slightly, no more<br />

than 30", to determine the extent of polymerizatioii<br />

tij: noting the mobiiiiy of the sphere.<br />

When gelling is noticed, check the second jar<br />

to confirm.<br />

5.1.4 Record the duration of the test in days.<br />

' This method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and<br />

is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D01.52 on Factory-Coated<br />

Wood Products.<br />

Current edition approved June 25, 1982. Published September<br />

1982.<br />


Indicate the last day the sphere is mobile followed<br />

by the first day it is immobile, and if the<br />

days are not consecutive, why the interval occurred.<br />

5.1.5 Check the jar stored at room temperature<br />

every week but do not open or invert. Tip<br />

slightly, no more than 30°, to determine if the<br />

sphere is immobile.<br />

5.1.6 Record the number of weeks not gelled<br />

followed by the first week the sphere is immobile.<br />

5.2 Pigmented (Opaque) Coatings:<br />

5.2.1 Fill twelve 4-02 (1 15-mL) lined cans to<br />

?4 in. (6 mm) from the top and put the lids on<br />

tightly.<br /> See<br />

5.2.2 Put six of the cans in an oven at 60 f<br />

2°C. Retain six cans at ambient temperature,<br />

25 f 2°C.<br />

5.2.3 After one day remove one can from the<br />

oven, open, and probe to the bottom to determine<br />

if gelling is beginning. Discard the can<br />

after the test. Check one of the remaining cans<br />

on the 2nd, 4th, 8th, 16th, and 32nd days and<br />

discard after testing. By starting on a Monday<br />

all the testing will fall on normal working days.<br />

5.2.4 Record the condition of the specimen<br />

each day tested, indicating the fractional<br />

amount of any gelled material present.<br />

5.2.5 After one week check one of the cans<br />

held at ambient temperature by opening and<br />

probing to the bottom to determine if gelling is<br />

D 4144<br />

beginning. Discard the can after the test. Check<br />

one of the remaining cans after 2,4, 8, 16, and<br />

32 weeks.<br />

5.2.6 Record the condition of the specimen<br />

after each test and indicate the fractional<br />

amount of any gelled material present.<br />

6. Report<br />

6.1 Report whether the material was clear or<br />

pigmented and the length of time it was stable<br />

as indicated by the occurrence of gelation at<br />

both ambient and elevated temperatures. Report<br />

the age of the material when the test began,<br />

if it is known.<br />

7. Precision<br />

7.1 Clear Coatings:<br />

7.1.1 At the elevated temperature, four of<br />

five cooperators reported a clear coating with-'<br />

out inhibitor gelled on the 8th or 9th day. Four<br />

of five cooperators reported a coating with<br />

inhibitor gelled on the 32nd day; the fifth reported<br />

gelation on the 18th day.<br />

7.1.2 At room temperature four of four cooperators<br />

reported no gelling at 32 weeks, with<br />

or without inhibitor.<br />

7.2 Pigmented Coatings:<br />

7.2.1 At the elevated temperature six of six<br />

cooperators reported a filler gelled at 8 days.<br />

7.2.2 At room temperature four of four cooperators<br />

reported various degrees of gelation<br />

after 32 weeks.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyfive years<br />

and ifnot revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsibletechnical committee, which you may attend. Ifyou feel that your comments have not received a fair hearingyou should<br />

makeyour views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


!Sib<br />

Designation: D 421 2 - 82<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4212; the number immediately following the designation indicates the<br />

year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last<br />

reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method describes the determination<br />

of viscosity of paints, varnishes, lacquers,<br />

and related liquid materials by dip-type<br />

viscosity cups. Due to poor reproducibility, this<br />

method is recommended for viscosity control<br />

work within one plant or laboratory and should<br />

not be used to check compliance with specifications.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard<br />

E 1 Specification for ASTM Thermometer2<br />

3 Summary of Method<br />

3.1 The cup is completely immersed in the<br />

material to be tested and then withdrawn so<br />

that the time of flow of the material, through<br />

a hole in the base of the cup, can be measured.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 This type of cup is used to measure<br />

viscosity because it is easy to use, robust, and<br />

may be used in tanks and reactors.<br />

4.2 There are other types of apparatus for<br />

measuring viscosity in the laboratory that provide<br />

better precision and accuracy.<br />

5. Apparatus<br />

5.1 Zahn Viscosity Cup"-No. 1 through No.<br />

5 Zahn viscosity cups made of corrosion- and<br />

solvent-resistant materials. The capacity of the<br />

cup is nominally 44 mL, but may vary from 43<br />

to 48 mL, depending on the manufacturer. A<br />

diagram of a Zahn cup is given in Fig. 1. The<br />

dimensions, including orifices, are only approximate<br />

because the cups are not made to one<br />

given specification. Each manufacturer produces<br />

a different cup and considerable variation<br />

between batches from a given manufac-<br />

turer has been noted in the past. This is a major<br />

reason why Zahn cups should not be referred<br />

to in specifications between producer and user.<br />

5.1.1 Nominal Zahn cup orifice diameters<br />

are listed in Table X1.l. Cup No. 1 with the<br />

smallest orifice is used for determining the<br />

viscosity of thin bodied materials. Cup No. 2,<br />

for use with clears, lacquers, and enamels; Cups<br />

3 and 4 for heavier bodied materials.<br />

5.2 Shell Viscosity Cup4-S- 1 through S-6<br />

Shell viscosity cups made of stainless steel with<br />

a capacity of 23 mL and a 1-in. (25-mm) long<br />

capillary in the bottom and conforming to the<br />

dimensions shown in Fig. 2.<br />

5.2.1 Nominal Shell cup orifice diameters<br />

are listed in Table X 1.1. Cups 1 through 2% are<br />

recommended for use with reduced rotogravure<br />

inks; Nos. 3 through 4 for industrial enamels,<br />

lacquers, flexographic, and gravure inks; and<br />

Nos. 5 and 6 for heavy materials.<br />

5.3 Calibration Thermometer-ASTM Saybolt<br />

Viscosity Thermometer 17F having a range<br />

of 66 to 80°F and subdivisions of 0.2"F or<br />

17°C having a range of 19 to 27°C and subdivisions<br />

of O.l"C, both conforming to the requirements<br />

of Specification E 1.<br />

'This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee D- 1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials<br />

and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D01.24 on<br />

Physical Properties of Liquid Paints and Paint Materials.<br />

Current edition approved Nov. 26, 1982. Published Janua<br />

1982.<br />

'1982 Annual Book o$ASTM Srondards, Parts 25 and 44.<br />

:' Zahn cups may be obtained from Paul N. Gardner Co.,<br />

2 18-D Commercial Blvd/Suite 204, Lauderdale-by-the Sea,<br />

Fla. 33308; General Electric Co.. Instrument Products Div.,<br />

40 Federal St., Lynn. Mass. 01910 and Pacific ScientificCo.,<br />

Gardner/Neotec Instrument Div.. 243 I Linden Lane, Silver<br />

Sp$ng. Md. 20910.<br />

Shell cups may be obtained from the Norcross Corporation.<br />

255 Newtonville Ave., Newton, Mass. 02158.<br />


D 4212<br />

5.3.1 For general operations, any thermometer<br />

with 1 "C subdivisions may be used.<br />

5.4 Timer-Any timing device may be used<br />

provided that the readings can be taken with a<br />

discrimination of 0.2 s or better.<br />

6. <strong>Test</strong> Materials<br />

6.1 The material to be tested should be visibly<br />

homogeneous and free from any foreign<br />

material or air bubbles.<br />

7. Temperature of <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

7.1 Measurements should be made at 77°F<br />

(25°C) unless otherwise specified. Temperature<br />

drift during the test should be kept to a minimum.<br />

7.2 A temperature correction curve may be<br />

constructed for each liquid by plotting viscosity<br />

(seconds) against temperature over the expected<br />

temperature range. With this curve, a<br />

viscosity determined at one measured temperature<br />

may be converted quickly to a viscosity<br />

at another temperature.<br />

8. Calibration<br />

8.1 Cups should be checked in accordance<br />

with the procedure described in the Appendix.<br />

The frequency of this check depends upon the<br />

amount of use and care that the individual cup<br />

receives.<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Choose the proper cup so that the time<br />

of efflux will be between 20 and 80 s. See Table<br />

1.<br />

9.2 Immerse the cup in the container, which<br />

may be a can or beaker, but is more likely to<br />

be a thinning or mixing tank or even a resin<br />

reactor. Stir or agitate the fluid well to give<br />

uniform temperature and density. Allow the<br />

cup to remain in the fluid for at least 5 min. To<br />

standardize conditions, control the temperature<br />

and construct a temperature correction curve<br />

as described above.<br />

9.3 Lift the cup vertically out of the material<br />

in a quick steady motion. As the top edge of<br />

the cup breaks the surface, start the timer.<br />

During the time of flow hold the cup vertically<br />

no more than six inches above the level of the<br />

liquid. Stop the timer at the first definite break<br />

in the stream at the base of the cup. The efflux<br />

time in seconds constitutes the viscosity. It is<br />

common to make only a single measurement,<br />

but for greater precision and accuracy the nl<br />

of two measurements should be taken.<br />

10. Care of the Cup<br />

10.1 Following each determination, clean<br />

the cup with a suitable solvent and a soft brush.<br />

Use no metal tools in contact with the instrument<br />

as nicks or wear of the drilled orifice<br />

affect the accuracy of the cup.<br />

11. Report<br />

11.1 Report the efflux time to the nearest 0.5<br />

s for Zahn or Shell Cup No. - manufactured<br />

by<br />

and whether the result is from<br />

a single measurement or the mean of two measurements.<br />

12. Precision<br />

12.1 Dip cups are not precision instruments<br />

and should be used for viscosity control at a<br />

given location only. However, if comparisons<br />

are made, cups from the same manufacturer<br />

must be used. The following criteria can be<br />

used for judging the acceptability of results at<br />

the 95 % confidence level:<br />

12.1.1 Zahn Cups-Precision was determined<br />

on the basis of an interlaboratory test in<br />

which six laboratories used new Zahn cups (all<br />

from the same manufacturer) to test eight<br />

paints covering a broad range of viscosities.<br /> Repeatability-Two results obtained<br />

by the same operator should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than 1 1 % of<br />

their mean value.<br /> Reproducibility-Two results, each<br />

the mean of two measurements, obtained by<br />

operators in different laboratories should be<br />

considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

33 % of their mean value.<br />

12.1.2 Shell Cups-Precision was determined<br />

on the basis of an interlaboratory test in<br />

which four iaboraiories tested seveii paiiiis COYering<br />

a broad range of viscosities.<br /> Repeatability-Two results obtained<br />

by the same operator should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than 9 % of<br />

their mean value.<br /> Reproducibility-Two results, each<br />

the mean of two measurements, obtained by<br />

operators in different laboratories should be<br />

considered suspect if they differ by more than<br />

18 % of their mean value.<br />


TABLE 1 Approximate Kinematic Viscosities at 77°F<br />

(2S"C), cst<br />

CUP<br />

Number<br />

Zahn Cup<br />

Shell Cup<br />

2os~<br />

80 s 20 s 80 s<br />

...<br />

1 60 1.6 15<br />

2<br />

2%<br />

20<br />

...<br />

230<br />

...<br />

9<br />

16<br />

43<br />

71<br />

3 150 850 27 I20<br />

3% ... ... 40 170<br />

4 220 1100 65 270<br />

5 460 I 840 I25 515<br />

...<br />

6 ... 320 1300<br />

A Zahn Cup No. 1 does not permit a 20-s flow time.<br />

, 1 1!.6<br />

i.<br />

(295)<br />

13.6<br />

(347)<br />

c.4<br />

3 (33)<br />

2.4<br />

(61)<br />

4'x<br />


0.7(17) 1<br />


(35)<br />



NOTE-Dimensions are approximate only and may vary with the manufacturer and from batch to batch.<br />

FIG. 1 ZahnCup<br />


D4212<br />

.13 (3.3) DIA x%2 (0.8) DEEP<br />

I<br />


I<br />



(61.9)<br />

(34.9)<br />

1.25 DIA<br />

(31.8 )<br />

1. 1.375<br />

=/_ 1.000 j L 1 6 1 SEE TABLE XI.1<br />

(34.9) (25.4) (1.6)<br />

FIG. 2 Shellcup<br />


D4212<br />



X1.1 The orifice of the cup is subject to wear with<br />

use and cleaning. A small change in the diameter of<br />

the orifice becomes significant in the results obtained<br />

with this type of viscosity-measuring device.<br />

X 1.2 Select the appropriate liquid viscosity standard<br />

for the cup to be ~hecked.~ (Table X1.l).<br />

X1.3 Bring the cup and the liquid viscosity standard<br />

to a constant temperature as close as possible to<br />

77.0°F (25.0"C). Determine the time of efflux to the<br />

nearest 0.2 s using the procedure detailed in Section<br />

9. Record the temperature. If it is not 77"F, correct<br />

the viscosity of the standard oil to the actual temperature.<br />

X1.4 Convert the time of flow in seconds to kinematic<br />

viscosity as follows:<br />

where:<br />

V = k(t - C)<br />

V = kinematic viscosity, cSt,<br />

t = eMux time, s, and,<br />

k, c = appropriate constants from Table X1.2.<br />

X1.5 Calculate the correction factor b dividing<br />

the true kinematic viscosity of the standar B oil by the<br />

kinematic viscosity calculated from the efflux time.<br />

This factor may then be used to correct viscosity<br />

readings taken with the cup. The product of the<br />

factor and an efflux time gives a corrected viscosity<br />

in Zahn or Shell seconds.<br />

Certified kinematic viscosity standards (I-pt samples<br />

only) are available from the Cannon Instrument Co., P.O.<br />

Box 16, State College, Pa. 16801. For particular oils applicable<br />

for use with each cup refer to Table X1.l:Oils available<br />

from other sources, having known kinematic viscosities, may<br />

also be used.<br />

TABLE X1.l<br />

Viscosity Standards Recommended for Calibrating DipType Viscosity Cups<br />

Cup Number<br />

Nominal DiameterA<br />

of Orifice, Range: cSt Standard Oil Number"<br />

Approximate Oil Viscosity"<br />

@ 77F (25C),<br />

mm<br />

cst<br />

Zahn<br />

I 2.0 20 to 90 S20, S60 35,120<br />

2 2.7 50 to 250 S60 I20<br />

3 3.8 90 to 800 S60, S200 120,480<br />

4 4.3 150 to 1200 s200 480<br />

5 5.3 280 to 1700 S200, S600 480, 1600<br />

Shell<br />

1 1.8 4 to 20 S6 9<br />

2 2.4 6 to 60 S6, S20 9, 35<br />

2% 2.7 16 to 90 s20 35<br />

3 3.1 20 to 150 S20, S60 35, 120<br />

3% 3.5 40 to 180 S60 120<br />

4 3.8 50 to 360 S60 120<br />

5 4.6 70 to 740 S60, S200<br />

120,480<br />

6 5.8 170 to 1600 s200 480<br />

A Information based on literature of cup manufacturers<br />

Range within which the viscosity formula is valid.<br />

See Footnote 5.<br />

Exact viscosity is supplied with each oil standard.<br />


D4212<br />

TABLE X1.2<br />

Constants for Use With Viscosity<br />

FormulaA<br />

Cup Number k C<br />

Zahn I<br />

Zahn 2<br />

Zahn 3<br />

Zahn 4<br />

Zahn 5<br />

Shell 1<br />

Shell 2<br />

Shell 2%<br />

Shell 3<br />

Shell 3%<br />

Shell 4<br />

Shell 5<br />

Shell 6<br />

1.1<br />

3.5<br />

11.7<br />

14.8<br />

23<br />

0.226<br />

0.576<br />

0.925<br />

1.51<br />

2.17<br />

3.45<br />

6.5<br />

16.2<br />

29<br />

14<br />

7.5<br />

5<br />

0<br />

13<br />

5<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1.5<br />

1<br />

1<br />

0.5<br />

A Zahn and Shell cup constants from T. C. Patton, Paint<br />

Flow and Pigment Dispersion, second edition, John Wiley and<br />

Sons, New York, 1979, p. 82.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in<br />

connection with any item meniioned in this standard. Users of this standard are express4 advised that determination of the validiiy<br />

of any such patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical commiitee and must be reviewed everypve years<br />

and if not revised, eiiher reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

makeyour views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />

37 1

Designation: D 4361 - 84'*<br />


1916 Race St, Philadelphia, Pa 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D436 I; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (c) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

-___<br />

__<br />

" NOTE-Paragraphs 6.2 and 13.2 were editorially changed in November 1985.<br />

" Nom-Paragraph 13.2 was editorially corrected in November 1986.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method describes the use of the<br />

Inkometer for determining the apparent tack of<br />

printing inks using mechanically or electronically<br />

controlled models.<br />

I .2 This test method is applicable to inks that<br />

are essentially nonvolatile at 73.5"F (23°C).<br />

1.3 Ttiis standard may involve. hazardoiis matcrials,<br />

operations, and cxiiripmcnt. This standard<br />

docs not pitrport to addrcm all ql'thc. safety proh-<br />

1om.s associated with its i ~sc. It is the) re~sponsibility<br />

of whocw~r iisc~s this standard to cvnsuli and<br />

establish appropriate. safety and health practics<br />

and dcvcv-minc. the applicability t$regztlatory limitations<br />

prior to use. Specific precautionary statements<br />

are given in Section 7.<br />

2. Summary of Method<br />

2.1 Two kinds of Inkometers may be used:<br />

mechanical and electronic models. A measured<br />

quantity ofthe sample is spread on the Inkometer<br />

rollers and distributed at a given speed(s) for a<br />

given period(s) of time, at controlled water bath<br />

and ambient temperature conditions. At the end<br />

of the test period(s) the apparent tack reading(s)<br />

is(are! determined with either the ba!ance beam.<br />

direct reading attachment, or recorder on the<br />

mechanical Inkometer, or the digital readout or<br />

recorder on the electronic Inkometer.<br />

2.2 The procedure given in this test method is<br />

designed to give a single value for apparent tack<br />

at a given set of conditions and includes a procedure<br />

for periodic calibration of the Inkometer.<br />

3. Description of Terms Specific to This Standard<br />

3.1 tack-a function of the force required to<br />

split a fluid ink film between two rapidly separating<br />

surfaces: it is not a property of a fluid but<br />

of the system: it is not a fixed number, but varies<br />

with test conditions. These include: Inkometer<br />

water bath temperature (that is, roller temperature),<br />

ambient temperature, speed at which the<br />

apparent tack reading is measured. distribution<br />

time at which the apparent tack reading is measured,<br />

quantity of ink applied to the Inkometer.<br />

calibration and zero accuracy of the Inkometer.<br />

mechanical integrity of the Inkometer. and electronic<br />

integrity of electronic models, interaction<br />

of ink with roller covering, type of solvent used<br />

for wash-up, and interaction with roller covering,<br />

long and short term history of the Inkometer<br />

rollers, and their condition.<br />

3.2 appartnt tack-a tack reading obtained at<br />

a specific set of conditions.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 Apparent tack is a relative number that is<br />

useful in quality control. development. and research.<br />

While it does not completely determine<br />

the performance of a printing ink, it is a significant<br />

parameter of an ink. Results from a given<br />

lnkometer must be repeatable on a day-to-day<br />

basis, in order to be significant (see Annex). In<br />

order to obtain such results, all of the test conditions<br />

listed in 3.1 must be controlled. Two or<br />

more lnkometers may not produce identical apparent<br />

tack readings, but if each gives repeatable<br />

results, they may be mathematically correlated<br />

so that results can be compared.<br />

' This lest method is under the jurisdiction 31' ASTM Committee<br />

D-l on Paint and Related Coatings and is the direct<br />

responsibility of Sutxommittee Dol .56 on Printing Inks.<br />

Current edition approved April 27. 1984. Published October<br />

I 984.<br />


D4361<br />

5. Interferences<br />

5.1 Inkometer “Squeal”-A high pitched<br />

whine or squeal may be noted when running high<br />

tack inks or at high rotating speeds, orboth.<br />

Inkometer squeal may result in instability of the<br />

balance beam or direct reading attachment of the<br />

mechanical Inkometer, or fluctuation of the digital<br />

readout of the electronic Inkometer, making<br />

definite readings dificult.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 Mechanical Inkometer,’ Model B-45 or C-<br />

46, with the option of a direct reading attachment’<br />

or recorder,2 or<br />

6. I. 1 Electronic Inkometer,’ Model 10 I A or<br />

10 I B, with the option of a recorder.’<br />

6.2 Inkometer Rollers,’ one set with a total<br />

surface area of 166 in.’ (1069 cm’), well brokenin<br />

(see Annex) for each major ink system to be<br />

evaluated.<br />

6.3 Suitable Pipette, as an Inkometer pipette,2<br />

1.32 mL volume, or ink mi~ropipette,~ variable<br />

volume, 2-mL capacity, accurate to 0.01 mL.<br />

6.4 Slopwatch or Timer, accurate to 1 s.<br />

6.5 Ink Knife, small, free from nicks and<br />

rough edges.<br />

6.6 Munufucturer’s Current for the<br />

specific model Inkometer.<br />

6.7 Man icfact urer ’s Culibrat ion A ppurur<br />

for the specific model Inkometer.<br />

7. Precautions<br />

7.1 Never allow inks to dry nor oxidative or<br />

reactive inks to complete their chemical reaction<br />

on the Inkometer rollers.<br />

7.2 Take care not to damage the Inkometer<br />

rolls during the cleaning process (see or<br />

by leaving the rolls in contact when the instrument<br />

is not in use.<br />

7.3 Never touch the zero button except during<br />

the ca!ibratiol? PrOrPSs (see Note 7).<br />

8. Reagents and Materials<br />

8.1 Wash-UpSolvent, compatible with the ink<br />

system, fast evaporating, and having minimal<br />

effect on the rollers; it should be acceptable environmentally.<br />

Hydrocarbon solvents with an initial<br />

boiling range of 250 to 350°F (1 20 to 177”C),<br />

a final boiling range of 300 to 400°F (150 to<br />

205°C). a Kauri-Butanol value of 30 to 40 and<br />

less than 1 76 benzene content are appropriate<br />

for many sheet-fed and heat-set inks. Specific<br />

solvents may be required for unique ink systems.<br />

8.2 Rags or Wipers, clean, soft, absorbent,<br />

lint-free.<br />

9. Sampling<br />

9.1 The sample shall be carefully selected to<br />

be representative ofthe entire lot being evaluated;<br />

it must be free of skin and other contamination.<br />

A minimum of 3 mL of ink, sufficient for two<br />

specimens, is required for testing. The ink shall<br />

be kept in a closed clean container with skin<br />

paper.<br />

10. Conditioning<br />

IO. 1 Conduct the tests in a temperature controlled<br />

draft-free environment, preferably 73.5 &<br />

3.5”F (23 & 2°C). If the ink system being tested<br />

may be moisture sensitive, or ink misting or<br />

flying may be a factor, precise humidity control<br />

is necessary.<br />

10.2 The Inkometer rollers must be well broken-in<br />

prior to use (see Annex).<br />

10.3 Prior to calibration of the Inkometer, or<br />

the first test of the day, condition the rollers by<br />

running approximately 1.0 to 1.5 mL of an ink<br />

of the system being tested, at the specified test<br />

speed, for 5 to 10 min. Wash up, as in 14.1.<br />

11. Preparation and Calibration of Apparatus<br />

1 1.1 Calibrate the apparatus periodically, as<br />

needed.<br />

1 I .2 Mechanicul Inkometer:<br />

1 1.2. I Set the Inkometer water bath temperature<br />

to 90.0 & 0.2”F (32.2 f 0.1”C). Activate<br />

the water bath and allow water to circulate<br />

through the system.<br />

11.2.2 Engage the measuring and vibrator<br />

rollers against the brass roller. Set the speed at<br />

400 rpm: turn on the Inkometer. Allow the Inkometer<br />

to run for approximately 30 min to<br />

equlibrate the instrument temperature.<br />

11.2.3 Stop the lnkometer; set the Inkometer<br />

at the specified test speed. Using the manufacturer’s<br />

manual and calibration apparatus, zero<br />

and calibrate the Inkometer (and direct reading<br />

attachment or recorder, if they are to be used) at<br />

the specified test speed.<br />

1 1.3 Electronic lnkometer:<br />

* Available from Thwing-Alben Instrument Company.<br />

10960 Dutton Rd.. Philadelphia. PA. 191 54.<br />

Precision pipette available from Techno-Graphic Instruments.<br />

5321 Bentwood Drive, San Angelo. TX 76901. or Pantone.<br />

Inc., 55 Knickerbocker Road. Moonachie. NJ 07074.<br />


D 4361<br />

11.3.1 Set the lnkometer water bath temperature<br />

to 90.0 & 0.2"F (32.2 f 0.1"C). Activate<br />

the water bath and allow water to circulate<br />

through the system.<br />

11.3.2 Engage the measuring and vibrator<br />

rollersagainst the brass roller. Turn on the power,<br />

drive, and temperature switches; turn on the low<br />

speed switch. Allow the Inkometer to run for<br />

approximately 30 min to equilibrate the instrument<br />

temperature.<br />

11.3.3 Turn on the high speed switch, set the<br />

Inkometer at the calibration speed, lo00 rpm.<br />

Using the manufacturer's manual and calibration<br />

apparatus, zero and calibrate the Inkometer (and<br />

recorder, if it is to be used) at the calibration<br />

speed, 1000 rpm.<br />

12. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

12. I Remove only enough of the sample from<br />

the container for one test; close or reseal the<br />

container.<br />

12.2 Work a minimum of 2 mL of the sample<br />

on a clean glass plate, with the ink knife: do not<br />

aerate the material during this process.<br />

12.3 Fill the pipette with 1.32 mL of the<br />

worked sample by forcing the ink into the cylinder<br />

with the ink knife, while slowly pulling back<br />

the ram. When the pipette contains 1.32 mL of<br />

ink, scrape the excess ink off the surface of the<br />

pipette.<br />

Nori: 1-1.32 mL of ink gives a 12.3 pm ink film<br />

thickness when distributed on the lnkometer roller<br />

system: smaller specimens (For example, 0.50 to 1.00<br />

mL) may be appropriate if a thinner ink film is desired.<br />

13. Procedure<br />

13.1 Control the water bath to 90.0 +. 02°F<br />

(32.2 f 0.I"C) during all tests (see Annex).<br />

13.2 Set the lnkometer at the specified test<br />

speed and run. If the dry reading differs from<br />

zero by more than k 5 g-m, reclean the rollers in<br />

accordance with i 4. i or recalibrate in accordance<br />

with Section I 1.<br />

Now 2-Commonly specified test speeds for sheetfed<br />

inks are 800 or 1200 rpm and for web-fed inks.<br />

I200 to 2000 rpm.<br />

NOTI; 3-Frequent large zero adjustments should be<br />

considered suspect.<br />

13.3 'Stop the Inkometer and transfer the ink<br />

specimen from the pipette to the middle 5 in. of<br />

the vibrator roller, spreading it evenly. Wipe any<br />

remaining ink from the pipette onto the same<br />

roller. in such a manner as to achieve the most<br />

even distribution.<br />

13.4 Mechanical Inkometer:<br />

13.4.1 Distribute the ink initially by manually<br />

turning the motor coupling approximately ten<br />

revolutions.<br />

13.4.2 Set the Inkometer speed at 400 rpm,<br />

start the Inkometer and the stopwatch simultaneously,<br />

and distribute the ink at 400 rpm for a<br />

minimum of 5 s. Stop th5 lnkometer but do not<br />

stop the stopwatch.<br />

13.4.3 Quickly reset the speed to the specified<br />

test speed, immediately restart the inkometer,<br />

and run the ink at the test speed.<br />

13.4.4 Record the apparent tack reading from<br />

the balance beam, direct reading attachment, or<br />

recorder after 60 s of running the ink at the test<br />

speed. In some instances it may be desirable to<br />

run the ink until the apparent tack begins to<br />

decrease.<br />

13.4.5 When the direct reading attachment or<br />

the recorder, or both, are not being used, measure<br />

the apparent tack by disengaging the balance<br />

beam, moving the sliding weight until the beam<br />

is continuously in balance, and taking the reading<br />

on the balance beam scale at the left of the sliding<br />

weight, using the scale alignment cutout to facilitate<br />

reading. Parallax may be minimized by<br />

aligning the zero indicator and the zero line on<br />

the balance beam with a reflective rear surface<br />

on the beam stop (see Annex).<br />

13.4.6 Disengage the balance beam only when<br />

taking a reading.<br />

I 3.5 Elc~tronic Inko1nc.tc.r:<br />

13.5.1 Distribute the ink initially by manually<br />

turning the brass roller ten revolutions.<br />

No11 4-Turn the brass roller by placing the fingertips<br />

against 1he sides of the roller: do not touch the<br />

ink contact surface.<br />

13.5.2 Set the Inkometer high speed at the<br />

specified lest speed: start the Inkometer at low<br />

speed (125 ipiiij arid the sropwarcn simuitaneously.<br />

and distribute the ink at 125 rpm for a<br />

minimum of 5 s.<br />

13.5.3 Switch the lnkometer to high speed and<br />

run the ink at the test speed.<br />

13.5.4 Record the apparent tack reading from<br />

the digital readout or recorder after 60 s of running<br />

the ink at the test speed. In some instances,<br />

it may be desirable to run the ink until the<br />

apparent tack begins to decrease.<br />

NOTE 5-A single apparent tack reading often does<br />

not give a truly representative picture of the ink; a<br />


D 4361<br />

continuous plot for a longer period of time may significantly<br />

increase the resulting information. If a continuous<br />

plot or additional apparent tack readings are<br />

desired, the Inkometer speed may be held constant,<br />

while apparent tack readings are taken at uniform time<br />

intervals or the speed may be vaned stepwise, at uniform<br />

time intervals, with apparent tack readings at each<br />

Speed.<br />

13.6 Stop the Inkometer and clean as in 14.1.<br />

13.7 Measure the apparent tack reading of the<br />

ink under test twice; consecutive readings should<br />

agree within the repeatability given in 16.2.<br />

NOTE 6-The tendency of some inks to “mist” or<br />

“fly”, particularly at high Inkometer speeds, may cause<br />

a significant change in the apparent tack reading, due<br />

to the loss from the rollers.<br />

14. Wash-up<br />

14.1 Inkomeler:<br />

14.1.1 With the Inkometer running at the lowest<br />

speed, apply a small amount of wash-up<br />

solvent to the rollers. Remove most of the ink<br />

from the system by placing pads of the clean,<br />

soft, absorbent lint-free rags or wipers firmly<br />

against the brass roller. Repeat this procedure<br />

with additional solvent and pads until the rollers<br />

are free from ink. If any ink remains on the edges<br />

of the rollers, remove very gently with a solventmoistened<br />

rag. Allow the rollers to dry thoroughly<br />

by running them in contact for a minimum<br />

of 5 min or until all of the solvent has<br />

evaporated.<br /> Remove ink directly from the measuring<br />

or vibrator rollers with extreme care. Undue<br />

pressure will cause uneven wear of the rollers<br />

and may place significant strain on the torsion<br />

bar of the electronic Inkometer. Use extreme care<br />

to ensure that the cleaning pad does not go<br />

through the rol?er nip which may cause serious<br />

mechanical problems.<br />

14.1.2 Check the zero of the Inkometer at the<br />

specified test speed; a discrepancy greater than +-<br />

0.5 may indicate residual ink or solvent, or both,<br />

on the rollers.<br />

NOTE 7-The zero calibration and the zero reading<br />

after the calibration are directly related to the condition<br />

of the top roller; therefore, do not turn the zero button.<br />

If zero cannot be reached, it is likely that more cleaning<br />

of the rolls is needed. Remember that each time the<br />

zero button is turned the scale shifts.<br />

14.2 Pipette-Clean the pipette thoroughly<br />

with the wash-up solvent and dry with a clean<br />

rag.<br />

15. Report<br />

15.1 Report the following information:<br />

15.1.1 Complete identification of the sample,<br />

15.1.2 Apparatus used,<br />

15.1.3 Water bath temperature,<br />

15.1.4 Distribution time,<br />

15.1.5 Speed,<br />

15.1.6 Ambient temperature,<br />

15.1.7 Any modifications to this test method,<br />

15.1.8 Whether significant flying or misting of<br />

the ink was observed,<br />

15.1.9 Whether Inkometer squeal was noted<br />

during the test,<br />

15.1.10 Average apparent tack reading of the<br />

determinations, and<br />

15.1.1 1 Any additional apparent tack readings<br />

determined at constant speed-constant time intervals<br />

or varying speeds-constant time intervals.<br />

16. Precision4<br />

16.1 In an interlaboratory study of this test<br />

method six ink batches with a broad range in<br />

tack were measured for apparent tack ten times<br />

at 1-min and 5-min intervals on mechanical<br />

Inkometers in six laboratories and on electronic<br />

Inkometers in eight laboratories. The withinlaboratory<br />

and between-laboratories standard deviations<br />

were found to be as shown in Table l.<br />

Based on these standard deviations the following<br />

criteria should be used for judging the acceptability<br />

of results at the 95 ?& confidence level:<br />

16.1.1 Repeatability-Two individual results<br />

obtained by the same operator should be considered<br />

suspect if they differ by more than the values<br />

given in Table 2.<br />

16.1.2 Reproducibility-Two results, each the<br />

mean of two readings, obtained by operators in<br />

different 1aborst:oiies sho.c;!d be cmsidered swpect<br />

if they differ by more than the values given<br />

in Table 2.<br />

‘Supporting data are available from ASTM Headquarters.<br />

Request RR: DO1 - 1039.<br />


D 4361<br />

TABLE I<br />

Inkometer Tvoe _-<br />

St8ndard Deviation of Apparent<br />

Tack Readings a-nr‘<br />

Within-laboratory<br />

laboratories<br />

Between-<br />

I min 5 min I min 5 min<br />

Mechanical 0.49 0.47 0.52 0.97<br />

Electronic 0.31 0.46 0.67 1.26<br />

” Gram-meter.<br />

TABLE 2<br />

lnkometer Type<br />

Precision of Apparent Tack Readings, g-d<br />

Repeatability<br />

Reproducibility<br />

1 min 5 min 1 min 5 min<br />

Mechanical 2.0 I .8 2 .o 1.8<br />

Electronic 1.2 1.8 2.6 5.0<br />

” Gram-meter.<br />


D4361<br />

ANNEX<br />

Mandatory Information<br />


Al.l Routine Maintenance of the lnkometer<br />

A1.I.I Routine maintenance of the lnkometer is<br />

extremely important to the mechanical integrity of the<br />

instrument; see the manufacturer's current instruction<br />

manual for the specific model.<br />

A1.1.2 The measuring vibrator rollers of the Inkometer<br />

may acquire a "glazed" or shiny appearance<br />

with use, depending on the ink system and the washup<br />

solvent. Thisglaze may result in a significantchange<br />

in the apparent tack reading of an ink.<br />

Al.2 Breaking-in the Inkometer Rollers<br />

A 1.2. I New Inkometer measuring and vibrator rollers<br />

may selectively absorb certain components of some<br />

ink systems, up to a saturation point, at which point<br />

they may be said to be "broken in." Until this selective<br />

absorption is complete, tack determinations made with<br />

these rollers may not be repeatable. Break in new rollers<br />

using the following procedure:<br />

A Place the rollers on the Inkometer. Choose<br />

as break-in inks those representative of the system that<br />

will be evaluated on the rollers. Run approximately I .O<br />

to 1.5 mL of the break-in inks for extended periods of<br />

time, wash-up with the solvent to be used, reapply the<br />

ink. run, wash-up etc.<br />

NOTE A 1.1 -The wash-up is a significant part of the<br />

break-in process.<br />

A 1.2.1 .? Break-in time may vary from several hours<br />

to several days. Reproducible apparent tack readings<br />

on standard inks (see A I .5. I), over a period of several<br />

days. indicate that the rolls are broken in; they ma)<br />

then be put into routine use.<br />

A1.2.2 A major change in ink systems may adversely<br />

affect the lnkometer rollers. When a set of rollers<br />

has been used for one ink system, and they are to be<br />

used for another. this same break-in procedure should<br />

be used. They may then no longer be suitable for the<br />

original ink system.<br />

A1.3 Temperature Control of the Inkometer Water<br />

Bath<br />

A I .3. I Extremely precise temperature control of the<br />

lnkometer water bath is essential for repeatable appar-<br />

ent tack readings.<br />

A 1.3.2 The thermometer furnished with the mechanical<br />

Inkometer, and the temperature gage of the<br />

electronic lnkometer are accurate to +0.5"F (kO.3"C).<br />

AI.3.2.1 It may be advantageous to use a Bomb<br />

Calorimeter Thermometer ASTM 56F. 66.0 to 95.00"F,<br />

with divisions of 0.05"F, or ASTM 56C, 19.00 to<br />

35.Oo"C. with divisions of 0.02"C, in the Inkometer<br />

water bath. The thermometer should be positioned in<br />

such a manner that the bottom of the mercury bulb is<br />

in line with the return inlet from the brass roller.<br />

A I .3.3 The temperature-control system of the Inkometer<br />

is capable of controlling the temperature inside<br />

the brass roller within +0.5"F (+0.3"C).<br />

A I .3.3.1 It may be advantageous, particularly if<br />

high-tack inks are run for extended periods of time. or<br />

if the lnkometer is in constant use, to augment the<br />

temperature control system with a cold-water cooling<br />

coil. A coiled length of '14 in. (6.3 mm) outside diameter<br />

copper tubing may be placed in the water bath reservoir.<br />

in the flow area away from the thermometer. The coil<br />

is connected to a cold-water tap with a pressure regulator<br />

and emptied into a sink or drain.<br />

A 1.4 Parallax Minimization of Mechanical lnkometer<br />

Balance-Beam Readings<br />

A1.4.I Minimization of parallax is necessary for<br />

repeatable apparent tack readings on the mechanical<br />

Inkometer when the balance beam is used. It may be<br />

useful to mount a small reflective surface on the beam<br />

stop. behind the zero indicator and the halance beam.<br />

The zero indicator and the zero line on the balaiice<br />

beam are aligned in the reflective surface when an<br />

apparent tack reading is being taken.<br />

A1.S Standard <strong>Test</strong> Inks<br />

Ai5.i ir map ix udui iu iicsrgiiaie uaz or iiioie<br />

inks as standards. Inks that are stable and have a good<br />

shelf life without a change in apparent tach reading (for<br />

example. "tack rated" or "tack graded") are appropnate.<br />

Daily apparent tack readings on these inks assures<br />

that the Inkometer is in calibration and Serves as a<br />

check on repeatability.<br />


4Tb<br />

Designation: D 4501 - 85<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4501; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. Scope<br />

1.1 This test method describes a procedure<br />

and fixture used to determine shear strengths of<br />

adhesives used to bond materials with moduli<br />

higher than the modulus of the adhesive. The<br />

size and shape of the specimens are variable<br />

within the physical restraints of the fixture.<br />

1.2 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2. I ASTM Standards:<br />

D907 Definitions of Terms Relating to<br />

Adhesives*<br />

E 4 Practices for Verification of <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine~.~<br />

3. Summary of Method<br />

3. I In this test method, blocks, plates, or disks<br />

are bonded together, and the maximum force to<br />

shear them apart is determined.<br />

4. Significance and Use<br />

4.1 This test method provides an estimate of<br />

the shear strength of an adhesive on various<br />

machinable and nonmachinable substrate materials.<br />

It is particularly applicable for testing bonds<br />

between ceramic, glass, magnet moldings, and<br />

plastic parts with one flat face where machining<br />

would be difficult or impractical.<br />

5. Terminology<br />

5.1 For definitions of technical terms pertaining<br />

to adhesives, see Definitions D 907.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 <strong>Test</strong>ing Machine, with a capacity of not<br />

less than 44 kN (10 000 Ibf) in tension. <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

machine shall conform to the requirements of<br />

<strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> E 4.<br />

6.2 Shearing Fixture-Perform the tests by<br />

using a shearing fixture consisting of a holding<br />

block and a shearing tool (Figs. I and 2). The<br />

holding block can accomodate specimens up to<br />

80 by 80 by I3 mm (3 by 3 by l/2 in.). For small<br />

specimens as shown in Fig. 3B, an adapter plate<br />

(Fig. 4) can be inserted into the holding block to<br />

keep the shearing blade within its guides and to<br />

locate the specimen under the clamp. The shearing<br />

blade can accomodate specimens up to 30 by<br />

30 X 13 mm ( 1 '/E by 1% by '/2 in.)."<br />

7. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

7.1 <strong>Test</strong> specimens can be any size within the<br />

limits of the shearing fixture capacity, as given in<br />

6.2. Suggested sizes are as follows:<br />

7.1.1 Metal Blocks-25 by 25 by 6 mm (I by<br />

l by '14 in.;.<br />

-<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

D-14 on Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of<br />

Subcommittee D14.40 on Adhesives for Plastics.<br />

Current edition approved July 26, 1985. Published Novem-<br />

ber 1985.<br />

Annual Book VfASTM Standards, Vol 15.06.<br />

'Annual Book ofASTMStandards. Vols 03.01,04.02,07.01,<br />

and 08.03.<br />

' Detailed drawings of the fixture are available from ASTM<br />

Headquarters, 19 I6 Race St.. Philadelphia, PA 19103. Order<br />

PCN 12-445010-25.<br />


ab<br />

7. I .2 ferrite or ceramic blocks-25 by I8 by<br />

13 mm (1 by 3/4 by l/2 in.).<br />

7. I .3 Wood or Plastic Blocks-25 by 25 by 13<br />

mm (1 by 1 by l/2 in.).<br />

7.1.4 Glass Plates-75 by 75 by I3 mm (3 by<br />

3 by ‘12 in.).<br />

7.2 Prepare the adhesive and apply in accordance<br />

with the recommendations of the adhesive<br />

manufacturer. Assemble the adhesive-coated<br />

specimens, and bond them in accordance with<br />

procedure under investigation.<br />

No~~-Assemble the thrust surfaces, where the<br />

straight-sided specimen contacts the fixture, so that they<br />

are parallel to the fixture within 0.005 in./in. (0.005<br />

mm/mm). Center round or shaped specimens within<br />

the shear blade in such a way that a moment is not<br />

applied to the specimen during shearing.<br />

7.3 Remove any flash or fillets on the loaded<br />

side prior to testing. Figure 3 shows typical specimens<br />

after bonding.<br />

7.4 <strong>Test</strong> at least five specimens for each test<br />

condition.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8. I Mount the shear fixture in the testing machine<br />

with the holding block on top.<br />

8.2 Place the specimen in the shearing fixture<br />

in such a way that one of the adherends is engaged<br />

by the holding block and the other by the<br />

shearing tool (Fig. 5). Close the toggle clamp on<br />

the rear of the holding block to keep the specimen<br />

located against the back face (Fig. 6). (Some<br />

adjustment of the pad may be necessary to accomodate<br />

varying specimen thickness.)<br />

8.3 <strong>Test</strong> the specimen using a crosshead speed<br />

of 1.26 mm/min (0.05 in./min). Record the maximum<br />

force sustained by the specimen.<br />

9. Calculations<br />

9.1 All bond strengths shall be expressed in<br />

D 4501<br />

megapascal (MPa) or pound-force per square<br />

inch (psi).<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following<br />

information:<br />

10.1.1 Complete identification of the adhesive<br />

tested, including type, source, and manufacturer’s<br />

code numbers.<br />

10. I .2 Complete identification of the adherends<br />

used, including dimensions and orientation<br />

in the test fixture, and the method of cleaning<br />

and preparing the surfaces prior to bonding.<br />

10.1.3 Quantitative application and bonding<br />

conditions used.<br />

10. I .4 Average thickness of adhesive layer<br />

after formation of bond, within 0.2 mm, and the<br />

means of measurement.<br />

10.1.5 The temperature at which the test was<br />

performed.<br />

10.1.6 Number of specimens tested.<br />

10.1.7 The maximum shear stress reached for<br />

each specimen.<br />

10.1.8 Average shear strength.<br />

10.1.9 The nature of the failure: cohesion,<br />

adhesion, or voids in the bondline. Report the<br />

average percent of each.<br />

11. Precision and Bias<br />

11.1 No statement is made about either the<br />

precision or the bias of this test method for<br />

measuring shear stress. Round-robin testing has<br />

not been conducted because fixtures are not<br />

available. Data are being developed for a singlelaboratory<br />

precision statement and another laboratory<br />

is considering construction of a fixture<br />

making a round-robin possible.<br />


FIG. 1 ShearingTool<br />

FIG. 2 HoklingBlock<br />


.-<br />

0<br />

e<br />

0<br />

fi<br />

E<br />

s<br />

Y<br />

.-<br />

6<br />

E<br />

4<br />

h<br />

a E<br />

H<br />

<<br />

s<br />

38 1


D4501<br />

FIG. 5 Specimen Loaded in Shearing Fixture<br />


D4501<br />

SCREW<br />

FIG. 6 Rear View of Fixture with Specimen Clamped in<br />

Place<br />

The American Societyfor <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any paient rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights. and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject lo revision at any lime by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every jive years and<br />

i/ not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you fie1 that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known IO the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Designation: E 96 - W2<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong> for<br />


This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 96; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

e’ NOTE-Table I was editorially corrected in July 1984.<br />

” NoTE-Editonal changes were made throughout this standard in May 1987.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 These test methods cover the determination<br />

of water vapor transmission (WVT) of materials<br />

through which the passage of water vapor<br />

may be of importance, such as paper, plastic<br />

films, other sheet materials, fiberboards, gypsum<br />

and plaster products, wood products, and plastics.<br />

The test methods are limited to specimens<br />

not over 1’14 in. (32 mm) in thickness except as<br />

provided in Section 9. Two basic methods, the<br />

Desiccant Method and the Water Method, are<br />

provided for the measurement of permeance, and<br />

two variations include service conditions with<br />

one side wetted and service conditions with low<br />

humidity on one side and high humidity on the<br />

other. Agreement should not be expected between<br />

results obtained by different methods.<br />

That method should be selected which more<br />

nearly approaches the conditions of use.<br />

1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are<br />

to be regarded as the standard. Metric inchpound<br />

conversion factors for WVT, permeance,<br />

and permeability are stated in Table 1. All conversions<br />

of mm Hg to Pa are made at a temperature<br />

of 0°C.<br />

! -3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Referenced Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

C 168 Definitions of Terms Relating to Thermal<br />

Insulating Materials*<br />

C677 Recommended Practice for Use of a<br />

Standard Reference Sheet for the Measurement<br />

of the Time-Averaged Vapor Pressure<br />

in a Controlled Humidity Space’<br />

D449 Specification for Asphalt Used in<br />

Dampproofing and Waterproofing3<br />

D2301 Specification for Vinyl Chloride Plastic<br />

Pressure-Sensitive Electrical Insulating<br />

Tape4<br />

3. Terminology<br />

3.1 Definitions of terms used in this standard<br />

will be found in Definitions C 168, from which<br />

the following are quoted:<br />

“water vapor permeability-the time rate of<br />

water vapor transmission through unit area of<br />

flat material of unit thickness induced by unit<br />

vapor pressure difference between two specific<br />

surfaces, under specified temperature and humidity<br />

conditions.”<br />

NOTE-Permeability is a property of a material, but<br />

the permeability of a body that performs like a material<br />

may be used. Permeability is the arithmetic product of<br />

permeance and thickness.<br />

“water vapor permeunce-the time rate of water<br />

vapor transmission through unit area of flat<br />

‘These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM<br />

Committee C-16 on Thermal Insulation and are the direct<br />

responsibility of Subcommittee C16.33 on Thermal Insulation<br />

Finishes and Vapor Transmission.<br />

Current edition approved Oct. 3 I , 1980. Published February<br />

I98 I . Originally published as E 96 - 53 T. Last previous edition<br />

E96-66(1972).<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol04.06.<br />

’Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Vol04.04.<br />

‘Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Vol 10.0 I.<br />


~<br />

material or construction induced by unit vapor<br />

pressure difference between two specific surfaces,<br />

under specified temperature and humidity conditions."<br />

NOTE-Permeance is a performance evaluation and<br />

not a property of a material.<br />

"wafer vapor transmission rate-the steady<br />

water vapor flow in unit time through unit area<br />

of a body, normal to specific parallel surfaces,<br />

under specific conditions of temperature and<br />

humidity at each surface."<br />

4. Summary of <strong>Test</strong> <strong>Methods</strong><br />

4.1 In the Desiccant Method the test specimen<br />

is sealed to the open mouth of a test dish containing<br />

a desiccant, and the assembly placed in a<br />

controlled atmosphere. Periodic weighings determine<br />

the rate of water vapor movement through<br />

the specimen into the desiccant.<br />

4.2 In the Water Method, the dish contains<br />

distilled water, and the weighings determine the<br />

rate of vapor movement through the specimen<br />

from the water to the controlled atmosphere. The<br />

vapor pressure difference is nominally the same<br />

in both methods except in the variation, with<br />

extremes of humidity on opposite sides.<br />

5. Significance and Use<br />

5.1 The purpose of these tests is to obtain, by<br />

means of simple apparatus, reliable values of<br />

water vapor transfer through permeable and semipermeable<br />

materials, expressed in suitable units.<br />

These values are for use in design, manufacture,<br />

and marketing. A permeance value obtained under<br />

one set of test conditions may not indicate<br />

the value under a different set of conditions. For<br />

this reason, the test conditions should be selected<br />

that most closely approach the conditions of use.<br />

While any set of conditions may be used and<br />

those conditions reported, standard conditions<br />

that have Seen s;sefs;! are shown in Appfidix<br />

XI.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 <strong>Test</strong> Dish-The test dish shall be of any<br />

noncorroding material, impermeable to water or<br />

water vapor. It may be of any shape. Light weight<br />

is desirable. A large, shallow dish is preferred, but<br />

its size and weight are limited when an analytical<br />

6aIance is chosen to detect small weight changes.<br />

The mouth of the dish shall be as large as practical<br />

and at least 4.65 in.* (3000 mm2). The<br />

E 96<br />

desiccant or water area shall be not less than the<br />

mouth area except if a grid is used, as provided<br />

in 12.1, its effective area shall not exceed 10 %<br />

of the mouth area. An external flange or ledge<br />

around the mouth, to which the specimen may<br />

be attached, is useful when shrinking or warping<br />

OCCUTS. When the specimen area is larger than<br />

the mouth area, this overlay upon the ledge is a<br />

source of error, particularly for thick specimens.<br />

This overlay material should be masked as described<br />

in 10.1 so that the mouth area defines<br />

the t&t area. The overlay material results in a<br />

positive error, indicating excessive water vapor<br />

transmission. The magnitude of the error is a<br />

complex function of the thickness, ledge width,<br />

mouth area, and possibly the permeability. This<br />

error is discussed by Joy and Wilson.' This type<br />

of error should be limited to about 10 to 12 %.<br />

For a thick specimen the ledge should not exceed<br />

3/4 in. (19 mm) for a IO-in. (254-mm) or larger<br />

mouth (square or circular) or '/E in. (3 mm) for a<br />

5-in. (127-mm) mouth (square or circular). For<br />

a 3-in. (76-mm) mouth (square or circular) the<br />

ledge should not exceed 0. I I in. (2.8 mm) wide.<br />

An allowable ledge may be interpolated for intermediate<br />

sizes or calculated according to Joy<br />

and Wilson.' A rim around the ledge (Fig. X2. I)<br />

may be useful. If a rim is provided, it shall be<br />

not more than '14 in. (6 mm) higher than the<br />

specimen as attached. Different depths may be<br />

used for the Desiccant Method and Water<br />

Method, but a 3/4-in. (19-mm) depth (below the<br />

mouth) is satisfactory for either method.<br />

6.2 <strong>Test</strong> Chamber-The room or cabinet<br />

where the assembled test dishes are to be placed<br />

shall have a controlled temperature and relative<br />

humidity. The temperature chosen shall be between<br />

70 and 90°F (21 and 32"C), and shall be<br />

maintained constant within 1 'F (0.6"C). A temperature<br />

of 90°F (32'C) is recommended (Note<br />

I). The relative humidity shall be maintained at<br />

50 .+ 2 %, except where extremes of humidities<br />

are desired, when the conditions shall be 100 .+<br />

1 "F(38 f 0.6"C) and 90 f 2 % relative humidity.<br />

Both temperature and relative humidity shall be<br />

measured frequently, or preferably recorded continuously.<br />

Air shall be continuously circulated<br />

throughout the chamber, with a velocity SUE-<br />

' Joy, F. A.. and Wilson. H. G., "Standardization ofthe Dish<br />

Method for Measuring Water Vapor Transmissions," National<br />

Research Council of Canada, Research Paper 279. January<br />

1966, p. 263.<br />


m<br />

cient to maintain uniform conditions at all test<br />

locations. Its velocity over the specimen, in feet<br />

per minute, shall be (numerically) not less than<br />

ten times the permeance of the specimen, in<br />

perms. but at least 500 ft/min, or in centimetres<br />

per second not less than 7.7 times the permeance,<br />

in metric perms, but at least 250 cm/s.<br />

NOTE I-Simple temperature control by heating<br />

alone is usually made possible at 90°F (32'C). However,<br />

it is very desirable to enter the controlled space, and a<br />

comfortable temperature is more satisfactory for that<br />

arrangement. Temperatures of 73.4"F (23°C) and 80°F<br />

(26.7-C) are in use and are satisfactory for this purpose.<br />

With cyclic control, the average test temperature may<br />

be obtained from a sensitive thermometer in a mass of<br />

dry sand. The temperature of the chamber walls facing<br />

a specimen over water should not be cooler than the<br />

water to avoid condensation on the test specimen.<br />

6.3 Balance and Weights-The balance shall<br />

be sensitive to a change smaller than 1 % of the<br />

weight change during the period when a steady<br />

state is considered to exist. The weights used shall<br />

be accurate to I 76 of the weight change during<br />

the steady-state period. For example: A I-perm<br />

(5.7 x IO-'' kg.Pa-'.s-'.m-2) specimen IO in.<br />

(254 mm) square at 80°F (26.7"C) passes 8.6<br />

grains or 0.56 g/day. In 18 days of steady state,<br />

the transfer is IO g. For this usage, the balance<br />

must have a sensitivity of I % of 10 g or 0.1 g<br />

and the weights must be accurate to 0.1 g. If,<br />

however, the balance has a sensitivity of 0.2 g or<br />

the weights are no better than 0.2 g, the requirements<br />

of this paragraph can be met by continuing<br />

the steady state for 36 days. An analytical balance<br />

that is much more sensitive will permit more<br />

rapid results on specimens below 1 perm (5.7 x<br />

IO-" kg-Pa-'-s-'.m-*) when the assembled dish<br />

is not excessively heavy. A light wire sling may<br />

be substituted for the usual pan to accommodate<br />

a larger and heavier load.<br />

7. Materials<br />

7. i Desiccanr and Facer:<br />

7. I. I For the Desiccant Method, anhydrous<br />

calcium chloride in the form of small lumps that<br />

will pass a No. 8 (2.36-mm) sieve, and free of<br />

fines that will pass a No. 30 (600-pm) sieve, shall<br />

be used (Note 2). It shall be dried at 400°F<br />

(200°C) before use.<br />

NOTE 2-If CaClz will react chemically on the specimen,<br />

an adsorbing desiccant such as silicagel, activated<br />

at 400°F (200°C). may be used; but the moisture gain<br />

by this desiccant during the test must be limited to 4 %.<br />

7.1.2 For the Water Method, distilled water<br />

E 96<br />

shall be used in the test dish.<br />

7.2 Sealant-The sealant used for attaching<br />

the specimen to the dish, in order to be suitable<br />

for this purpose, must be highly resistant to the<br />

passage of water vapor (and water). It.must not<br />

lose weight to, or gain weight from, the atmosphere<br />

in an amount, over the required period of<br />

time, that would affect the test result by more<br />

than 2 %. It must not affect the vapor pressure<br />

in a water-filled dish. Molten asphalt or wax is<br />

required for permeance tests below 4 perms (2.3<br />

x IO-'' kg. Pa-' -s-'- m-I). Sealing methods are<br />

discussed in Appendix X2.<br />

8. Sampling<br />

8.1 The material shall be sampled in accordance<br />

with standard methods of sampling applicable<br />

to the material under test. The sample shall<br />

be of uniform thickness. If the material is of<br />

nonsymmetrical construction, the two faces shall<br />

be designated by distinguishing marks (for example.<br />

on a one-side-coated sample, "1" for the<br />

coated side and "11" for the uncoated side).<br />

9. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

9. I <strong>Test</strong> specimens shall be representative of<br />

the material tested. When a product is designed<br />

for use in only one position. three specimens<br />

shall be tested by the same method with the vapor<br />

flow in the designated direction. When the sides<br />

of a product are indistinguishable, three specimens<br />

shall be tested by the same method. When<br />

the sides of a product are different and either side<br />

may face the vapor source, four specimens shall<br />

be tested by the same method, two being tested<br />

with the vapor flow in each direction and so<br />

reported.<br />

9.2 A slab, produced and used as a laminate<br />

(such as a foamed plastic with natural "skins")<br />

may be tested in the thickness of use. Alternatively,<br />

it may be siicea into two or more sheets.<br />

each being separately tested and so reported as<br />

provided in 9.4, provided also, that the "overlay<br />

upon the cup ledge" (6. I ) of any laminate shall<br />

not exceed '/x in. (3 mm).<br />

9.3 When the material as used has a pitted or<br />

textured surface, the tested thickness shall be that<br />

of use. When it is homogeneous. however, a<br />

thinner slice of the slab may be tested as provided<br />

in 9.4.<br />

9.4 In either case (9.2 or 9.3), the tested overall<br />

thickness, if less than that of use. shall be at least<br />


five times the sum of the maximum pit depths<br />

in both its faces, and its tested permeance shall<br />

be not greater than 5 perms (3.3 metric perms).<br />

9.5 The overall thickness of each specimen<br />

shall be measwed at the center of each quadrant<br />

to the nearest 0.002 in. (0.05 mm) and the results<br />

averaged.<br />

NOTE 3-The time required for testing a thick specimen<br />

of low permeability is long, in many cases increasing<br />

as the square of the thickness. When testing a lowpermeance<br />

material that may be expected to lose or<br />

gain weight throughout the test (because of evaporation<br />

or oxidation), it may be advisable to provide an additional<br />

specimen or "dummy" tested exactly like the<br />

others except that no desiccant or water is put in the<br />

dish. For thick hygroscopic specimens of low permability,<br />

the time required lo reach the steady state may be<br />

as long as 60 days. Other materials may reach it quickly.<br />

10. Attachment of Specimen to <strong>Test</strong> Dish<br />

IO. 1 Attach the specimen to the dish by sealing<br />

(and clamping if desired) in such a manner<br />

that the dish mouth defines the area of the specimen<br />

exposed to the vapor pressure in the dish.<br />

If necessary, mask the specimen top surface,<br />

exposed to conditioned air so that its exposure<br />

duplicates the mouth shape and size and is directly<br />

above it. A template is recommended for<br />

locating the mask. Thoroughly seal the edges of<br />

the specimen to prevent the passage of vapor<br />

into, or out of, or around the specimen edges or<br />

any portion thereof. The same assurance must<br />

apply to any part of the specimen faces outside<br />

their defined areas. Suggested methods of attachment<br />

are described in Appendix X2.<br />

NOTE 4-In order to minimize the risk of condensation<br />

on the interior surface of the sample when it is<br />

placed in the chamber, the temperature of the water<br />

prior to preparation of the test specimen should be<br />

within +2"F (+ 1. I T ) of the test condition.<br />

11. ProyJure for Desiccant Method<br />

1 1.1 Fill the test dish with desiccant within '1'4<br />

in. (6 mmj ofthe specimen. Leave enough space<br />

so that shaking of the dish, which must be done<br />

at each weighing, will mix the desiccant.<br />

1 1.2 Attach the specimen to the dish (see 10.1)<br />

and place it in the controlled chamber, specimen<br />

up, weighing it at once. (This weight may be<br />

helpful to an understanding of the initial moisture<br />

in the specimen.)<br />

1 1.3 Weigh the dish assembly periodically, often<br />

enough to provide eight or ten data points<br />

during the test. A data point is the weight at a<br />

particular time. The time that the weight is made<br />

E96<br />

should be recorded to a precision of approximately<br />

I % of the time span between successive<br />

weighing. Thus, if weighings are made every<br />

hour, record the time to the nearest 30 s; if<br />

recordings are made every day, a time to the<br />

nearest 15 min would be allowed. At first the<br />

weight may change rapidly; later a steady state<br />

will be reached where the rate of change is substantially<br />

constant. Weighings should be accomplished<br />

without removal of the test dishes from<br />

the controlled atmosphere, but if removal is prescribed<br />

necessary, the time the specimens are<br />

kept at different conditions, temperature or relative<br />

humidity, or both, should be kept to a<br />

minimum. Analyze the results as prescribed in<br />

13.1.<br />

11.4 Terminate the test or change the desiccant<br />

before the water added to the desiccant<br />

exceeds 10 % of its starting weight (Notes I and<br />

4). This limit cannot be exactly determined and<br />

judgement is required. The desiccant gain may<br />

be more or less than the dish weight-gain when<br />

the moisture content of the specimen has<br />

changed.<br />

NOTE 5-The WVT of some materials (especially<br />

wood) may depend on the ambient relative humidity<br />

immediately before the test. An apparent hysteresis<br />

results in higher WVT if the prior relative humidity<br />

was above the test conditon and vice versa. It is therefore<br />

recommended that specimens of wood and paper<br />

products be conditioned to constant weight in a 50 95<br />

relative humidity atmosphere before they are tested.<br />

Some specimens may be advantageously preconditioned<br />

to minimize the moisture that the specimen will<br />

give up to the desiccant. This applies when the specimen<br />

is likely to have high moisture content or when it is<br />

coated on the top (vapor source) side.<br />

12. Procedure for Water Method<br />

12. I Fill the test dish with distilled water to a<br />

level 3/4 li: '/4 in. (19 +. 6 mm) from the specimen.<br />

The air space thus allowed has a small vapor<br />

resistance, but it is necessary in order to reduce<br />

the risk ofwater touching the specimen when the<br />

dish is handled. Such contact invalidates a test<br />

on some materials such as paper, wood, or other<br />

hygroscopic materials. The water depth shall be<br />

not less than '/8 in. (3 mm) to ensure coverage of<br />

the dish bottom throughout the test. However, if<br />

the dish is of glass, its bottom must be visibly<br />

covered at all times but no specific depth is<br />

required. Water surges may be reduced in placing<br />

a grid of light noncorroding material in the dish<br />

to break the water surface. This grid shall be at<br />

least 9'4 in. (6 mm) below the specimen, and it<br />


shall not reduce the water surface by more than<br />

10 W (Note 5).<br />

NOTE 6-For the Water Method, baking the empty<br />

dish and promptly coating its mouth with sealant before<br />

is “TImendd. The may be added<br />

most conveniently after the specimen is attached,<br />

through a small sealable hole in the dish above the<br />

water line.<br />

12.2 Attach the specimen to the dish (see<br />

10.1). Some specimens are likely to warp and<br />

break the seal during the test. The risk is reduced<br />

by preconditioning the specimen, and by clamping<br />

it to the dish ledge (if one is provided).<br />

12.3 Weigh the dish assembly and place it in<br />

the controlled chamber on a true horizontal surface.<br />

Follow the procedure given in 11.3. If the<br />

test specimen cannot tolerate condensation on<br />

the surface, the dish assembly shall not be exposed<br />

to a temperature that differs by more than<br />

5’F (2.8’C) from the control atmosphere to minimize<br />

the risk of condensation on the specimen.<br />

Analyze the results as prescribed in 13.1.<br />

12.4 Where water is expected to be in contact<br />

with the barrier in service, proceed as in 11.3<br />

except place the dish in an inverted position. The<br />

dish must be sufficiently level so that water covers<br />

the inner surface of the specimen despite any<br />

distortion of the specimen due to the weight of<br />

the water. With highly permcable specimens it is<br />

especially important to locate the test dish so that<br />

air circulates over the exposed surface at the<br />

specified velocity. The test dishes may be placed<br />

on the balance in the upright position for weighing,<br />

but the period during which the wetted surface<br />

of the specimen is not covered with water<br />

must be kept to a minimum.<br />

13. Analysis of Results, Calculations<br />

13.1 The results of the rate of water vapor<br />

transmission may be determined either graphically<br />

or numerically.<br />

13.1.1 Graphic Analysis-Plot the weight<br />

against elapsed time, and inscribe a curve which<br />

tends to become straight. Judgment here is required<br />

and numerous points are helpful. When<br />

a straight line adequately fits the plot of at least<br />

six properly spaced points, with due allowance<br />

for scale sensitivity, a nominally steady state<br />

exists (Note 3), and the slope of the straight line<br />

is the rate of water vapor transmission.<br />

13. I .2 Numerical Analysis-A mathematical<br />

least squares regression analysis of the weight as<br />

a function of time will give the rate of water<br />

vapor transmission. An uncertainty, or standard<br />

deviation of this rate, can also be calculated to<br />

define the confidence band- For very low Permeability<br />

materials, this method can be used to<br />

determine the results after 30 to 60 days when<br />

using an analytical balance, with a sensitivity of<br />

+.I mg, even if the weight change does not meet<br />

the 100 times the sensitivity requirement of 6.3.<br />

Specimens analyzed in this manner must be<br />

clearly identified in the report.<br />

13.2 Calculate the water vapor transmission.<br />

WVT, and permeance as follows:<br />

13.2.1 Water Vapor TranJmission:<br />

WVT = G/tA = (G/t)/A<br />

where:<br />

In inch-pound units:<br />

G = weight change, grains (from the<br />

straight line),<br />

t = time during which G occurred. h,<br />

G/t = slope of the straight line, grains/h.<br />

.4 = test area (cup mouth area), ft2. and<br />

WVT = rate of water vapor transmission.<br />

grains/h. ft’.<br />

In metric units:<br />

G = weight change (from the straight line).<br />

g*<br />

t = time, h.<br />

G/t = slope of the straight line, g/h,<br />

.4 = test area (cup mouth area), m’, and<br />

WVT = rate of water vapor transmission, g/h.<br />

m’.<br />

13.2.2 Permeance:<br />

Permeance = WVT/Ap = WVT/S(R, - R2)<br />

where:<br />

In inch-pound units:<br />

Ap = vapor pressure difference, in. Hg,<br />

S<br />

= saturation vapor pressure at test temperature,<br />

in. Hg,<br />

R, = relative humidity at the source expressed<br />

as a fraction (the test chamber for desiccant<br />

method; in the dish for water<br />

method), and<br />

R, = relative humidity at the vapor sink expressed<br />

as a fraction<br />

In metric units:<br />

Ap = vapor pressure difference, mm Hg ( 1.333<br />

x 10‘ Pa),<br />

S = saturation vapor pressure at test temperature,<br />

mm Hg (1.333 x IO’ Pa),<br />

R, = relative humidity at the source expressed<br />


E96<br />

as a fraction (the test chamber for desiccant<br />

method; in the dish for water<br />

method), and<br />

relative humidity at the vapor sink expressed<br />

as a fraction.<br />

13.2.3 In the controlled chamber the relative<br />

humidity and temperature are the average values<br />

actually measured during the test and (unless<br />

continuously recorded) these measurements shall<br />

be made as frequently as the weight measurements.<br />

In the dish the relative humidity is nominally<br />

0 % for the desiccant and 100 % for the<br />

water. These values are usually within 3 % relative<br />

humidity of the actual relative humidity for<br />

specimens below 4 perms (2.3 x g.Pa-'-<br />

s-I m-I) when the required conditions are maintained<br />

(no more than 10 % moisture in CaC12<br />

and no more than 1 in. (25 mm) air space above<br />

water).<br />

13.3 Only when the test specimen is homogeneous<br />

(not laminated) and not less than '12 in.<br />

( 12.5 mm) thick, calculate its average permeability<br />

(perm in.) (metric perm-cm) as follows:<br />

Average permeability = permeance x thickness<br />

NOTE 7: Example-in a desiccant test that ran 288<br />

h ( 12 days) on an exposed area of 100 in? (0.0645 m'),<br />

it was found that the rate of gain was substantially<br />

constant after 48 h and during the subsequent 240 h,<br />

the weight gin was 12 g. The controlled chamber<br />

conditions were measured at 89.O"F (31.7-C) and 49 %<br />

relative humidity.<br />

Required: WVT and permeance<br />

Calculation (inch-pound units):<br />

Permeance =<br />

-<br />

0.77 1 grains/h, -<br />

100 in2 x ft2 - 0.695 ft2,<br />

144 in2<br />

1.378 in. Hg (from standard references<br />

tables),<br />

49 % (in chamber),<br />

0 % (vapor sinkj, and<br />

0.771 grains/h i 0.694 ft2 = 1.1 1<br />

grains/ft2 h.<br />

WVTIbP = WVT/S (R1- Rz)<br />

1.1 1 grains/ft2.h + 1.378 in. Hg<br />

(0.49- 0)<br />

1.64 grains/Ft2.h.in. Hg = 1.64<br />

perms<br />

Calculation (metric units):<br />

Glt = 12 g/240 h = 0.05 g/h,<br />

A = 0.0645 m2,<br />

S = 35 mm Hg (from reference tables),<br />

Rl<br />

R2<br />

WVT<br />

= 35 mm Hg x 1.333 X 102 Pa/"<br />

Hg = 46.66 x lo2 Pa,<br />

= 49 % (in chamber),<br />

= 0 '36 (vapor sink), and<br />

= 0.05 g/h + 0.0645 m2 = 0.775 g/<br />

h - m2.<br />

Permeance = WVT/AP - WVT/S (R, - R2)<br />

= 0.775 g/h.m2 X 1 h/36OOs +<br />

46.66 x lo2 Pa X (0.49 - 0)<br />

= 9.42 x IO-* g/Pa-s-m2<br />

13.4 Metric units and conversion factor are<br />

given in Table 1.<br />

14. Report<br />

14.1 The report shall include the following<br />

14.1.1 Identification of the material tested,<br />

including its thickness.<br />

14.1.2 <strong>Test</strong> method used (desiccant or water).<br />

14.1.3 <strong>Test</strong> temperature.<br />

14.1.4 Relative humidity in the test chamber.<br />

14.1.5 Permeance of each specimen in perms<br />

(to two significant figures).<br />

14. I .6 The side of each specimen on which<br />

the higher vapor pressure was applied. (The sides<br />

shall be distinguished as "side A" and "side B"<br />

when there is no obvious difference between<br />

them. When there is an obvious difference, this<br />

difference shall also be stated, such as "side A<br />

waxed" and "side B unwaxed.").<br />

14.1.7 The average permeance of all specimens<br />

tested in each position.<br />

14.1.8 The permeability of each specimen (as<br />

limited by 13.3), and the average permeability of<br />

all specimens tested.<br />

14.1.9 Include a portion of the plot indicating<br />

the section of the curve used to calculate permeability.<br />

14.1.10 State design of cup and type or composition<br />

of sealant.<br />

15. Precision and Bias<br />

15. i Resuits obtained by any one procedure<br />

on several specimens from the same sample may<br />

differ as much as 10 95 from their average. Two<br />

significant figures in water vapor transmission or<br />

permeance will, therefore, usually sufice to characterize<br />

the sample. Nevertheless, careful attention<br />

to all aspects of the procedure is required in<br />

order to obtain test results of acceptable precision.<br />

Possible errors resulting from tolerances are<br />

shown in Table 2. Accuracy of methods and<br />

apparatus may be checked by using Recommended<br />

Practice C 677.<br />


~~<br />

TABLE I<br />

Metric Units and Conversion Factors"-'<br />

To Obtain (for<br />

Multiply by the same test<br />

condition)<br />

WVT<br />

g/h. m2 1.43 grains/h. ft2<br />

grains/h. A2 0.697 g/h. m2<br />

Permeance<br />

g/h.s-m' 1.75 X IO' 1 Perm (inch-pound)<br />

1 Perm (inch-pound) 5.72 X IO-8 g/Pa.s.m*<br />

Permeability<br />

g/Pa.s.m 6.88 x 10" 1 Perm inch<br />

I Perm inch 1.45 x IO4 g/Pa.s.m<br />

"These units are used in the construction trade. Other units<br />

may be used in other standards.<br />

'All conversions of mm Hg to Pa are made at a temperature<br />

of O'C.<br />

Section<br />

TABLE 2<br />

Errors Resulting from the Tolerances<br />

Possible Error, %<br />

Wet<br />

Notes :2 CUD<br />

6. I Cup ledge " +I2 +I2<br />

1.2 Sealant gain or loss<br />

f2 f2<br />

6.2 Chamber tempera- ' f3 *3<br />

6.2<br />

ture<br />

Chamber relative ' f4 f4<br />

humidity<br />

6.3 Balance sensitivity +I f l<br />

6.3 Accuracy of ' +.I f l<br />

weights<br />

11. 12 Air in dish -I -3<br />

1 I .4 10 % water in CaC12 -6 ...<br />

" This error applies to a homogeneous specimen I V4 in. (32<br />

mm) thick. The error is smaller for a thin specimen and is<br />

limited to 10% for a laminate by the %in. (3-mm) overlay<br />

provided in 9.2.<br />

'These errors are eliminated by correct measurements and<br />

calculations based thereon.<br />

'This error applied to a 4-perm specimen. and is smaller for<br />

lower permeance.<br />


(Nonmandatory Information)<br />


XI.1 Standard test conditons that have been useful 73.4'F (23°C).<br />

are: X 1. I .4 Prtwdirrc C-Desiccant Method at 90'F<br />

X1.1.1 Procedure A-Desiccant Method at 73.4"F (32.2'C).<br />

(23%). X 1. I .5 Prtwedurc. D-Water Method at 90'F<br />

X1.1.2 Procedure B-Water Method at 73.4"F (32.2T).<br />

(23%). X I. I .6 Procedure. E-Desiccant Method at I WF<br />

X1.1.3 Procedure BW-Inverted Water Method at (37.8"C).<br />


X2.1 An ideal sealing material has the following<br />

properties:<br />

X2. I. 1 Impermeability to water in either vapor or<br />

liquid form.<br />

X2.1.2 No gain or loss of weight from or to the test<br />

chamber (evaporation. oxidation, hygroscopicity. and<br />

water solubility being undersirable).<br />

X2. I .3 Good adhesion to any specimen and to the<br />

dish (even when wet).<br />

X2.1.4 Coinplete conformity to a rough surface.<br />

X2. I .5 Compatibility with the specimen and no excessive<br />

penetration into it.<br />

X2.1.6 Strength or pliability (or both).<br />

X2.1.7 Easy handleability (including desirable viscosity<br />

and thermal of molten sealant).<br />

X2. I .8 Satisfactory sealants possess these properties<br />

in varying degrees and the choice is a compromise, with<br />

more tolerance in items at the beginning of this list for<br />

the sake ot those at the latter part of the list when the<br />

requirements of 7.2 are met (Note A2). Molten asphalt<br />

or wax is required for permeance tests below 4 perms<br />

(2.6 metric perms). <strong>Test</strong>s to determine sealant behavior<br />

should include:<br />

X2. I .8. I An impervious specimen (metal) normally<br />

sealed to the dish and so tested. and<br />

X2.1.8.2 The seal normally assembled to an empty<br />

dish with no specimen and so tested.<br />

X2.2 The following materials are recommended for<br />

general use when the test specimen will not be affected<br />

by the temperature of the sealant:<br />

X2.2. I Asphalt, I80 to 2WF (82 to 93°C) softening<br />

point, meeting the requirements of Specification D 449,<br />

Type C. Apply by pouring.<br />

X2.2.2 Beeswax and rosin (equal weights). A temperature<br />

of 275'F ( 135°C) is desirable for brush application.<br />

Pour at lower temperature.<br />

39 1

X2.2.3 Microcrystalline wax6 (60 %), mixed with<br />

refined crystalline paraftin wax (40 %).<br />

X2.3 The materials listed in X2.3.1 are recommended<br />

for particular uses such as those shown in<br />

Figure X2.1. The suggested procedure described in<br />

X2.3.2 applies to an I I-3/8-in. (289-mm) square specimen<br />

if its permeance exceeds 4 perms (2.6 metric<br />

perms) (limited by evaporation of sealants).<br />

X2.3.1 Mutcviuls:<br />

X2.3. I. I Aluminum foil, 0.005 in. (0. I25 mm) minimum<br />

thickness.<br />

X2.3.1.2 Tape, meeting the requirements of Specification<br />

D 230 1, vinyl chloride plastic pressure-sensitive,<br />

electrical insulating tape.<br />

X2.3. I .3 Cement. contact bond, preferably rubber<br />

base.<br />

X2.3.2 Procedurc:<br />

X2.3.2.1 Stcp I-Seal aluminum foil around edges<br />

ofspecimen. leaving a 100-in.' (0.0654-m') exposed test<br />

area on each side. Use contact bond cement as directed<br />

by the manufacturer.<br />

X2.3.2.2 Step 2-Spread sealant on inside of rim<br />

and ledge. Place desiccant (dry), or water and surge<br />

control material (wet) in pan. Press specimen in place.<br />

Avoid squeezing compound into the test area.<br />

X2.3.2.3 Step 3-Coat outside of rim and bottom<br />

of ledge with contact bond cement. and place foil strips<br />

from edge of template. around rim. and bottom of<br />

ledge.<br />

X2.4 A method of using hot asphalt, as appiied to a<br />

IO-in. (254-mm) square-mouth dish with ledge and rim,<br />

is as follows:<br />

X2.4.1 ,4ppururus:<br />

X2.4.I.I Trmnplule-A square frame of brass or<br />

steel, in. (5 mm) thick and V4 in. (19 mm) deep.<br />

The %6-in. (5-mm) thickness is tapered to zero at the<br />

bottom of the frame where it will touch the test specimen<br />

and maintain a IO-in. (254-mm) square test area.<br />

X2.4. I .2 Sculunt-Asphalt (see X2.2.1 used at the<br />

proper pouring consistency of 375 to 450°F (179 to<br />

232°C).<br />

X2.4.1.3 Melting Pot 'for the asphalt, electrically<br />

heated, with one dimension greater than 1 1 in. (289<br />

mm).<br />

X2.4.1.4 Small Ladle for pouring.<br />

X2.4.2 Procedure-Mark the 1 I%n. (289-mm)<br />

square specimen with a line at an equal distance from<br />

each edge. so that the area enclosed by the lines is as<br />

nearly as possible a IO-in. (254-mm) square. The template<br />

may be used for marking. Dip each edge of the<br />

specimen in molten asphalt up to the line, so that the<br />

test area is defined and all edges are coated with a heavy<br />

layer of asphalt. Place the specimen over the pan containing<br />

water or desiccant. Lightly oil the template or<br />

coat with petroleum jelly on its outer side, and place<br />

on the specimen. Pour molten asphalt into the space<br />

between the template and the rim of the pan. After the<br />

asphalt has cooled for a few minutes, the template<br />

should be easily removable.<br />

X2.5 Hot wax may be applied like asphalt. It may<br />

also be applied (freely) with a small brush. Its lower<br />

working temperature may be advantageous when a<br />

specimen contains moisture.<br />

X2.6 Several designs for dishes with supporting rings<br />

and flanges are shown in Fig. X2.2. Various modifica-<br />

tions of these designs may be made provided that the<br />

principle of prevention of edge leakage by means of a<br />

complete seal is retained. The dishes may be constructed<br />

of any rigid, impermeable, corrosion-resistant<br />

material, provided that they can be accommodated on<br />

the available analytical balance. A lightweight metal.<br />

such as aluminum or one of its alloys, is generally used<br />

for larger-size dishes. In some cases when an aluminum<br />

dish is employed and moisture is allowed to condense<br />

on its surface, there may be appreciable oxidation of<br />

the aluminum with a resulting gain in weight. Any gain<br />

in weight will ordinarily depend on the previous history<br />

of the dish and the cleanness of the surface. An empty<br />

dish camed through the test procedure as a control will<br />

help to determine whether any error may be expected<br />

from this cause. When aluminum dishes are used for<br />

the water methods. a pressure may develop inside the<br />

assembly during a test due to corrosion. This can cause<br />

seal failure or otherwise affect the result. Where this is<br />

a problem, it can be overcome by providing inside the<br />

dish a protective coating of baked-on epoxy resin or<br />

similar material. Dishes with flanges or rings that project<br />

from the inner walls of the dish are to be avoided,<br />

as such projections influence the diffusion of the water<br />

vapor. The depth of the dish for the water procedures<br />

is such that there is a 0.80 f 0.20 in. (20 f 5-mm)<br />

distance between the water surface and the under surface<br />

of the specimen, with a water depth of about 0.20<br />

in. (5 mm).<br />

X2.6. I For the desiccant-in-dish procedures. the<br />

dishes need not be as deep as those required for the<br />

water-in-dish procedures. The desiccant is within '/4 in.<br />

(6 mm) of the under surface. and a minimum depth of<br />

only in. (12 mm) of desiccant is required.<br />

X2.6.2 The dishes shown in Fig. X2.2 require a<br />

molten seal.<br />

X2.6.3 A template such as is shown in Fig. X2.3 is<br />

usually used for defining the test area and effecting the<br />

wax seal. It consists of a circular metal dish '/a in. (3.18<br />

mm) or more in thickness with the edge beveled to an<br />

angle of about 45". The diameter of the bottom<br />

(smaller) face of the template is approximately equal<br />

to. but not.greater than, the diameter of the effective<br />

opening of the dish in contact with the specimen. Small<br />

guides may be attached to the template to center it<br />

automatically on the test specimen. A small hole<br />

through the template to admit air. and petrolatum<br />

applied to the beveled edge of the template facilitate its<br />

removal after sealing the test specimen to the dish. In<br />

use, the template is placed over the test specimen and<br />

when it is carefully centered with the dish opening,<br />

molten wax is flowed into the annular space surrounding<br />

the beveled edge of the template. As soon as the<br />

wax has solidified. the template is removed from the<br />

sheet with a twisting motion. The outside flange of the<br />

dish should be high enough to extend over the top of<br />

the specimen. thus allowing the wax to completely<br />

envelop the edge.<br />

X2.6.4 Gasketed types of seals are also in use on<br />

appropriately designed dishes. These simplify the<br />

'Grade Nos. 2305 or 2310 of the Mobil Oil Corp.. or their<br />

equivalent. have been found satisfactory for this purpose.<br />


mounting of the specimen, but must be used with<br />

caution, since the possibility of edge leakage is greater<br />

with gasketed seals than with wax seals. Gasketed seals<br />

a~ not permitted for the measurement of permeance<br />

less than 0.044 perms (2.5 ng. Pa-' s-' . m2). As a further<br />

precaution when gasketed seals are used instead of<br />

preferred sealants, a blank test run is suggested using<br />

glass or metal as a dummy specimen.<br />

X2.6.5 A suitable weighing cover consists of a cir-<br />

cular disk of aluminum I/Jz to 3/32 in. (0.8 to 2.4 mm)<br />

in thickness provided with a suitable knob in the center<br />

for lifting. The cover fits over the test specimen when<br />

assembled and makes contact with the inside beveled<br />

surface of the wax seal at, or just above, the plane of<br />

the specimen. The cover is free of sharp edges which<br />

might remove the wax and is numbered or otherwise<br />

identified to facilitate its exclusive use with the same<br />

dish.<br />

Template<br />

Sample<br />

Aluminum Foil<br />

I n<br />

-<br />

Square Pan<br />

Specimen<br />

Specimen<br />

Specimen<br />

Foil<br />

(Tape or Foil)<br />

FIG. X2.1<br />

Apparatus for Water Vapor Transmission <strong>Test</strong>s of Luge Thick Specimens<br />

FIG. X2.2 Several Types of Dishes for Water Vapor<br />

Transmission <strong>Test</strong>s of Matedals in Sheet Form<br />


FIG. X2.3 Template Suitable for Use in Making the Wax<br />

Seals on <strong>Test</strong> Dishes<br />

Thc :I miwcan SoiiiJty.liir 7'e.sring and .VaterialY tokev no position revpiwing the validity ifany putiwl rights assi~rti.cl in connixtion<br />

with any item mmrioniJd in this standard. L:si.r,. ofthis standard arc evpriwly advised that dctcvminution oj'rhc validity (?/'any such<br />

putiwt rights, and the risk i?finJringiv"t of mch rights. arc iwtirc$j, their own responsibility.<br />

This .standard is .\ithic't't to riwision at any timil by tha revponsihli> tc~chnicul iwnmitti.e and mii.vt be rivicned evcvy,/iv(~ ycwrs und<br />

if' not riwvid. either riwpproved or withdrann. Your cornmiwts arc invitcxl eithi~r ,/Or ri4sion oJ this standard or jiir udditional<br />

.standard.v and shoitld be oddrevscd to .4ST.M t1eadquarti~r.s. Yoitr comniiwt Y will riwivc cartlfitl consideration at u meciting of the<br />

ri~vponsihli~ tcdinii~ul commiltiv. which j'ou may atrend. l/'jwrc .li.c.l that yoirr irmmmts huvc. not riwived a Juir hcaririg .voir shorcld<br />

muke your vitw:v known to thr .ASTM Commiltc.c. on 9andard.y. lVlb Race SI.. Philadelphia. PA 19103.<br />


Designation: E 450 - 82 (Reapproved 1987)"<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />



METER'<br />

This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 450 the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

oenal adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A suprsctipt epsilon ( E) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

NOTE-Editorial changes were incorporated throughout in August 1987.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers the instrumental<br />

measurement of the color of low-colored, clear,<br />

nonfluorescent and nonmetameric liquids using<br />

water as the reference material. In certain applications<br />

it may be desirable to use another material<br />

as the referende. The color differences between<br />

the sample and reference are expressed in<br />

units of approximately uniform visual color perception<br />

as described by either the Hunter L, a, b<br />

scales or the CIE 1976 L*, a*, b* scales.*<br />

1.2 This test method is intended for the measurement<br />

of the color of lowcolored liquids free<br />

of haze. The test method is applicable to liquids<br />

whose color intensity approximates the range<br />

fiom 0 to 25 platinum-cobalt units, although the<br />

hues of the liquids are not limited to yellow<br />

colors. Colors of higher intensity may be measured<br />

by using cells of shorter light path.<br />

1.3 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purporr to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

ofrhe user of this standard to establish appropriate<br />

safity and health practices and to determine<br />

the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Refereneed Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

D 1209 <strong>Test</strong> Method for Color of Clear Liquids<br />

(Platinum-Cobalt Scale)'<br />

D2244 Method for Calculation of Color Differences<br />

from Instrumentally Measured<br />

Color Coordinates4<br />

E 180 Practice for Determining the Precision<br />

of ASTM <strong>Methods</strong> for Analysis and <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

of Industrial Chemicals'<br />

3. Descriptions of Terms Specific to this Standard<br />

3. I color space-the daylight colors of liquids<br />

are represented by points in a space formed by<br />

three mutually perpendicular unit vectors, E, d,<br />

and 6, having scales, L, a, and b, respectively<br />

(Fig. 1). These scales were chosen so that color<br />

differences in this space correlate with perceived<br />

color differences in an approximately linear fashion.<br />

3.2 L scale-the L scale measures the lightness<br />

or grayness component of the color of the<br />

sample. The color difference due to grayness ( AL)<br />

between the sample and water is described by the<br />

magnitude and algebraic sign of the value. A<br />

positive value indicates less gray (lighter) than<br />

water; a negative value indicates more grayness<br />

(darker) than water.<br />

3.3 a scale-the a scale measures the chro-<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

E- I5 on Industrial Chemicals and is the direct responsibility<br />

of Subcommittee E 15.23 on Physical Properties.<br />

Current edition approved March 26, 1982. Published June<br />

1982. Originally published as E 450 - 72 T.Last previous edition<br />

E 450 - 77.<br />

'Hunter, R. S., "Photoelectric Color Difference Meter",<br />

Journal ofthe Optical Society OJAmerica, JOSAA, Vol 12, No.<br />

12. December 1958, pp. 985-995, and Supplement No. 2 to<br />

CIE Publication, No. I5 (May 1976). Official Recommendations<br />

on Uniform Color Spaces, Color-Difference Equations, Maric<br />

Color Terms.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols 06.0 I and 06.03.<br />

'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol06.01.<br />

Annual Book ofASTM Standards, Vol 15.05.<br />


maticity differences in the red-green components<br />

of the color of the sample. The color difference<br />

due to the red-green component (Aa) between<br />

the sample and water is described by the magnitude<br />

and algebraic sign of the value. A positive<br />

value indicates the sample is redder (less green)<br />

than water; a negative value indicates the sample<br />

is greener (less red) than water.<br />

3.4 b scale-the b scale measures the chromaticity<br />

differences in the yellow-blue components<br />

of the color of the sample. The color difference<br />

due to the yellow-blue component (Ab)<br />

between the sample and water is described by the<br />

magnitude and algebraic sign of the value. A<br />

positive value indicates the sample is yellower<br />

(less blue) than water; a negative value indicates<br />

the sample is bluer (less yellow) than water.<br />

3.5 AE scale-the AE scale is a measure of<br />

the total color difference between the sample and<br />

water. The magnitude of AE gives no indication<br />

of the character of the color of the sample because<br />

it does not indicate the quantity and direction of<br />

the hue, saturation and lightness components.<br />

The AE value is derived from the AL, Aa, and<br />

Ab values.<br />

3.6 Relationship of Color Scales to Tristimu-<br />

Ius Values-The relationships of the Hunter L,<br />

a, b scales and the CIE L*, u*, b* scales to<br />

tristimulus values are given by the following<br />

equations:'<br />

3.6.1 Hunter L, a, b scales:<br />

L = IO JT<br />

u = 17.5 (1.02X - Y)/a<br />

b = 7.0 (Y - 0.847Z)IJY<br />

where X, Y, and 2 are the tristimulus values for<br />

the I93 1 CIE Standard Observer and Source C.<br />

3.6.2 CIE L* a* b* scales:<br />

L* 25Y113 - 16<br />

a* = 107.7 ((1.0291'3 - ~ 113)<br />

b* = 43.09 (Y'13- (0.8472)'13)<br />

where X, Y, and Z are the tristimulus values for<br />

the 193 1 CIE Standard Observer and Source C.<br />

4. Summary of <strong>Test</strong> Method<br />

4.1 Differences in the color of the sample and<br />

water are determined with Hunterlab Color Difference<br />

Meter.6 The transmission measurements<br />

are made and read directly from the instrument<br />

as units of the L, a, and b color scales. A measure<br />

of total color difference, AE, may be calculated<br />

from the AL, Aa, and Ab values of the sample.<br />

E 450<br />

5. Significance and Use<br />

5.1 This test method provides a means of<br />

objectively measuring the color of low-colored<br />

clear liquids regardless of the hue. Color measurements<br />

of fluorescent liquids are beyond the<br />

scope of this test method. Erroneous results may<br />

be obtained on metameric liquids, but the error<br />

may be expected to be slight at low levels of color<br />

intensity.<br />

5.2 This test method complements Method<br />

D 2244 for the measurement of color differences<br />

of opaque materials.<br />

5.3 This test method permits the use of two<br />

sets of color scales, the older Hunter L, a, b color<br />

scales and the CIE L*, a*, b* scales established<br />

by the CIE in 1976. Each set of color scales<br />

correlate well with average visual judgments of<br />

color appearance.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6. I Hunterlab Color Drference Meter, Model<br />

D2Sp6, capable of measuring the L, a, and b<br />

values to the nearest 0.0 1 unit and equipped with<br />

a special cell holder to position a IO-cm cell<br />

parallel to the pivoted light source.<br />

NOTE I-Some models measure color in terms of<br />

the Hunter L, u, b scales; others can use either the<br />

Hunter scales or the CIE L* a* b* scales. Where measurements<br />

by more than one laboratory are involved,<br />

agreement should be reached on which scales are to be<br />

used.<br />

6.2 Absorption Cells, IO-cm light path, 35-<br />

mm outside diameter, and equipped with one or<br />

two stoppered filling' ports. Two matching cells<br />

are required.<br />

7. Reagents and Materials<br />

7.1 Purity of Reagents-Reagent grade chemicals<br />

shall be used in all tests. Unless otherwise<br />

indicated, it is intended that all reagents shall<br />

conform to the specifications of the Committee<br />

on Anaiyticai Reagenrs of the American Cnemical<br />

Society, where such specifications are available.'<br />

Other grades may be used, provided it is<br />

first ascertained that the reagent is of sufficiently<br />

'Model D25P-SS. D25P-2DT. or D25P-9 manufactured by<br />

Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc., 11495 Sunset Hills Rd.,<br />

Reston, VA 22090, has been found satisfactory for this purpose.<br />

' Reagent Chemicals, American Chemical Society Specifications,<br />

American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. For suggestions<br />

on the testing of reagents not listed by the American<br />

Chemical Society, see *Reagent Chemicals and Standards," by<br />

Joseph Rosin, D. Van Nostrand Co.. Inc., New York, NY. and<br />

the "United States Pharmacopeia."<br />


E450<br />

high purity to permit its use without lessening<br />

the accuracy of the determination.<br />

7.2 Purity of Water-References to water<br />

shall be understood to mean colorless, distilled<br />

water. A recommended procedure for preparing<br />

the water follows:<br />

7.2.1 Into a 3000-mL round bottom borosilicate<br />

flask containing approximately 2500 mL of<br />

distilled or deionized water, add 0.5 g of sodium<br />

hydroxide and 0.2 g of potassium permanganate<br />

for each litre of water.<br />

7.2.2 Attach to the flask a 20-cm by 20-mm<br />

outside diameter glass column packed with glass<br />

helices, and equipped with a water-cooled distillation<br />

head.<br />

7.2.3 Apply heat to the flask by means of a<br />

heating mantle, and distill at a rate of about 5<br />

mL/min. Discard the first 20%, and stop the<br />

distillation with 20 % remaining in the flask.<br />

Store the distillate in a borosilicate glass container.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Check to make sure the instrument is<br />

operating correctly in accordance with the manufacturer’s<br />

instruction manual.<br />

8.2 Turn the lamp switch from Standby to<br />

On, and insert the white standard tile at the<br />

outside position of the sphere. Rotate the light<br />

source by pulling out the left knob on the side of<br />

the lamp housing so that the pivoted beam shines<br />

through the entrance port of the sphere and<br />

strikes the interior wall of the sphere. If necessary,<br />

the diameter of the beam must be adjusted so<br />

that none of the beam strikes the edge of the<br />

entrance port or the wall of the IO-cm cell when<br />

the cell is mounted parallel to the beam using<br />

the special cell holder. Refer to the manufacturer’s<br />

instruction manual for details on making<br />

this adjustment.<br />

8.3 Rinse, drain, and fill two clean lO-cm cells<br />

with water. The level of the liquid should extend<br />

up into the filler necks of the cells and there must<br />

be no bubbles in the cell. Carefully wipe the faces<br />

of each cell with lens tissue to remove smudges,<br />

dust, etc.<br />

8.4 Place the reference cell in the instrument,<br />

using the special cell holder to position the cell<br />

parallel to the light beam, with the edge of the<br />

cell touching the face plate of the sphere.<br />

8.5 With the standardizing knobs, standardize<br />

the L scale to 100.00, the a scale to 0.00, and the<br />

b scale to 0.00.<br />

8.6 Replace the reference cell with the sample<br />

cell and measure the L, a, and b values. Record<br />

the L, a, and b values to the nearest 0.01 unit.<br />

8.7 Replace the sample cell with the reference<br />

cell and verify the original set values. If the values<br />

for L, a, and b differ from 100.00,0.00, and 0.00,<br />

respectively, by more than f 0.05 units, a drift<br />

in the instrument is indicated, and 8.4 through<br />

8.6 should be repeated until no instrument drift<br />

is detected. Record the L, a, and b values for the<br />

distilled water in the sample cell versus distilled<br />

water in the reference cell to the nearest 0.01<br />

unit. These values are Lo, a,, and bo in the<br />

calculations.<br />

8.8 Drain the sample cell, rinse the cell with a<br />

solvent suitable for the sample, rinse with small<br />

portions of anhydrous methanol, and dry with a<br />

stream of air. Fill the sample cell with the sample<br />

so that the level of the liquid extends up into the<br />

filler necks of the cell. There must be no air<br />

bubbles in the cell. Carefully wipe the faces of<br />

the cell with lens tissue to remove any smudges,<br />

dust, etc.<br />

8.9 Verify the L, a, and b settings of 100.00,<br />

0.00, and 0.00, respectively, for the reference cell,<br />

and if the readings differ by more than f 0.05<br />

unit from the set values, readjust the instrument<br />

as described in 8.4 through 8.6. Replace the<br />

reference cell with the sample cell and determine<br />

the L, a, and b readings in the same fashion<br />

described previously. Record the L, a, and b<br />

values for the sample. These values are Li, ai, and<br />

6, in the calculations. ReverifL the reference cell<br />

settings, and remeasure the sample if instrument<br />

drift is noted.<br />

9. Calculation<br />

9. I Calculate the color of the sample using the<br />

following equations:<br />

AL=Li-L,<br />

Ab = bj - 6,<br />

where:<br />

L,, a, , and bo refer to the measurements of the<br />

reference solution (water),<br />

Lj, at, and bi refer to the measurements of the<br />

sample, and<br />

AE = total color difference.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 Report the values of AL, Au, Ab, and AE<br />

to the nearest 0.01 unit and identi@ the scale<br />


used: Hunter L, a, b, or CIE L*, a*, b*.<br />

10.1.1 Duplicates that agree within the values<br />

shown in Table 1 are acceptable for averaging<br />

(95 ?6 confidence level).<br />

11. Precision and Bias<br />

11.1 The following criteria should be used for<br />

judging the acceptability of results:<br />

NOTE 2-The precision statements are based on an<br />

interlaboratory study performed in 1970-7 I on samples<br />

of platinum-cobalt standards covering the range from<br />

0 to 100 units. These standards were prepared as described<br />

in Method D 1209. The data expressed in terms<br />

of Hunter L, a, b scales, were obtained using a model<br />

D25P-SS instrument that is no longer manufactured.<br />

The replacement models (D25P-2DT and D25P-9),<br />

according to the manufacturer, have been improved<br />

with respect to the detecter, electronics, and readout,<br />

and should have a precision at least as good as, and<br />

probably better than, the model used in the 1970-71<br />

study. The manufacturer explains that the D25P identification<br />

was retained because no changes were made<br />

in the vital spectral and geometric optics of the new<br />

instruments. Four laboratories using six instruments<br />

and six analysts measured each sample in duplicate on<br />

each of two days.' Practice E I80 was used in develop<br />

ing these precision statements.<br />

1 1.1.1 Repeatability (Single Analyst)-The<br />

standard deviation of results (each the average of<br />

duplicates), obtained by the same analyst on<br />

different days, has been estimated to be the values<br />

shown in Table 1. Two such results should be<br />

considered suspect (95 % confidence level) if they<br />

differ by more than the values in Table 1.<br />

1 1.1.2 Reproducibility (Multi1aboratov)-<br />

The standard deviation of results (each the average<br />

of duplicates), obtained by analysts in different<br />

laboratories has been estimated to be the<br />

values shown in Table 1. Two such results should<br />

be considered suspect (95 % confidence level) if<br />

they differ by more than the values in Table 1.<br />

* Supporting data giving results of cooperative tests are available<br />

from ASTM Headquarters. Request R R EIS-1014.<br />

Level<br />

AL =010-2<br />

= -2 lo -5<br />

AU =0!0-2<br />

= -2 10 -5<br />

Ab =Olo 14<br />

= 14 to24<br />

AE -0108<br />

= 14 lo25<br />

TABLE 1 ColorplerlsioaIh~bA<br />

Duplicates Repeatability Reproducibility<br />

Standard<br />

Standard 95x<br />

95% Degrees Standard 95% Degrees<br />

Desrees<br />

Deviation Range Freedom Deviation Range Freedom 7:;- Range Freedom<br />

0.026 0.07<br />

0.028 0.08<br />

0.028 0.80<br />

0.029 0.09<br />

0.018 0.05<br />

0.0 I6 0.05<br />

0.012 0.03<br />

0.020 0.06<br />

36<br />

24<br />

32<br />

20<br />

36<br />

22<br />

34<br />

22<br />

0.054 0.16<br />

0.035 0.11<br />

0.030 0.09<br />

0.06 I 0.19<br />

0.029 0.09<br />

0.029 0.09<br />

0.042 0.12<br />

0.033 0. IO<br />

-<br />

18<br />

12<br />

16<br />

10<br />

18<br />

I1<br />

17<br />

I1<br />

0.41 5<br />

0.326 1.19 5<br />

0.169 0.66 4<br />

0.791 3. IO 4<br />

0.076 0.28 5<br />

2.004 7.30 5<br />

0.110 0.40 5<br />

1.923 7.00 5<br />

~-<br />

A For a better appreciation of the visual significance of the L, (I, b, and AE scales, the following approximate relationships may be<br />

helpful. Based on average analyses of platinum-cobalt standards from 0 to 25 units, one unit of L corresponds to about 17 platinumcobalt<br />

units; one unit of a, I7 platinum-cobalt units; one unit of b, 3,4 platinumoobalt units; and one unit of AE, 3.2 platinumcobalt<br />

units.<br />


100 White<br />

Yellow<br />

Orange<br />

- 50<br />

-80 a-,<br />

I<br />

0 Black<br />

FIG. 1 Rectangubr Color Solid with Dimenshs L, o, .ad b<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights. and the risk of infringement of such rightso are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every jive years and<br />

i/ not revised- either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addre.ssed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible twhnical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a.fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race SI., Philadelphia, PA 19103.<br />


Designation: E 595 - 84<br />


1916 Race St., Philadddphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard <strong>Test</strong> Method for<br />




This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 595; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or. in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (c) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This test method covers a screening technique<br />

to determine volatile content of materials<br />

when exposed to a vacuum environment. Two<br />

parameters are measured: total mass loss (TML)<br />

and collected volatile condensable materials<br />

(CVCM). An additional parameter, the amount<br />

of water vapor regained (WVR), can also be<br />

obtained after completion of exposures and measurements<br />

required for TML and CVCM.<br />

1.2 This test method describes the test apparatus<br />

and related operating procedures for evaluating<br />

the mass loss of materials being subjected<br />

to 125°C at less than 7 x Pa (5 X torr)<br />

for 24 h. The overall mass loss can be classified<br />

into noncondensables and condensables. The latter<br />

are characterized herein as being capable of<br />

condensing on a collector at a temperature of<br />

25°C.<br />

NOTE I-Unless otherwise noted, the tolerance on<br />

25'C and 125'C is k1"C and on 23°C is k2T. The<br />

tolerance on relative humidity is +5 %.<br />

1.3 Many types of organic, polymeric, and<br />

inorganic materials can be tested. These include<br />

polymer potting compounds, foams, elastomers,<br />

films, iapes, insulations, shrink tubings, adhesives,<br />

coatings, fabrics, tie cords, and lubricants.<br />

The materials may be tested in the "as-received"<br />

condition or prepared for test by various curing<br />

specifications.<br />

1.4 This test method is primarily a screening<br />

technique for materials and is not necessarily<br />

valid for computing actual contamination on a<br />

system or component because of differences in<br />

configuration, temperatures, and material proc-<br />

essing.<br />

1.5 The criteria used for the acceptance and<br />

rejection of materials shall be determined by the<br />

user and based upon specific component and<br />

system requirements. Historically TML of<br />

1 .OO % and CVCM of 0.10 % have been used as<br />

screening levels for rejection of spacecraft materials.<br />

1.6 The use of materials that are deemed ao<br />

ceptable in accordance with this test method does<br />

not ensure that the system or component will<br />

remain uncontaminated. Therefore, subsequent<br />

functional, developmental, and qualification<br />

tests should be used, as necessary, to ensure that<br />

the material's performance is satisfactory.<br />

1.7 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safity and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Document<br />

2.1 Am&! Slandard:<br />

E 177 Recommended Practice for Use of the<br />

Terms Precision and Accuracy as Applied to<br />

Measurement of a Property of a Material2<br />

' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

E-21 on Space Simulation and Applications of Space<br />

Technology.<br />

Current edition approved Oct. 26, 1984. Published April<br />

1985. Originally published as E 595 - 77. Last previous edition<br />

E 595 - 83.<br />

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.<br />


3. Definitions<br />

3.1 collected volatile condensable material,<br />

CVCM-the quantity of outgassed matter from<br />

a test specimen that condenses on a collector<br />

maintained at a specific constant temperature for<br />

a specified time. CVCM is expressed as a percentage<br />

of the initial specimen mass and is calculated<br />

from the condensate mass determined<br />

from the difference in mass of the collector plate<br />

before and after the test.<br />

3.2 total mass loss, TML-total mass of material<br />

outgassed from a specimen that is maintained<br />

at a specified constant temperature and<br />

operating pressure for a specified time. TML is<br />

calculated from the mass of the specimen as<br />

measured before and after the test and is expressed<br />

as a percentage of the initial specimen<br />

mass.<br />

3.3 water vapor regained, WR-the mass of<br />

the water vapor regained by the specimen after<br />

the optional reconditioning step. WVR is calculated<br />

from the differences in the specimen mass<br />

determined after the test for TML and CVCM<br />

and again after exposure to a 50 % relative humidity<br />

atmosphere at 23°C for 24 h. WVR is<br />

expressed as a percentage of the initial specimen<br />

mass.<br />

4. Summary of Method<br />

4.1 This microvolatile condensable system3<br />

was developed from an earlier system for determination<br />

of macrovolatile condensables that required<br />

much larger samples and a longer test.<br />

4.2 The test specimen is exposed to 23°C and<br />

50 % relative humidity for 24 h in a preformed,<br />

degreased container (boat) that has been weighed.<br />

After this exposure, the boat and specimen are<br />

weighed and put in one of the specimen compartments<br />

in a copper heating-bar that is<br />

part of the test apparatus. The copper heating-<br />

ba- I ~an -- accommdate a ni;mber of specimem<br />

for simultaneous testing. The vacuum chamber<br />

in which the heating bar and other parts of the<br />

test apparatus are placed is then sealed and evacuated<br />

to a vacuum of at least 7 x iw3 Pa (5 x<br />

torr). The heating bar is used to raise the<br />

specimen compartment temperature to 125°C.<br />

This causes vapor from the heated specimen to<br />

stream from the hole in the specimen compartment.<br />

A portion of the vapor passes into a collector<br />

chamber in which some vapor condenses<br />

on a previously-weighed and independently tem-<br />

E 595<br />

perature-controlled, chromium-plated collector<br />

plate that is maintained at 25°C. Each specimen<br />

compartment has a corresponding collector<br />

chamber that is isolated from the others by a<br />

compartmented separator plate to prevent cross<br />

contamination. After 24 h, the test apparatus is<br />

cooled and the vacuum chamber is repressurized<br />

with a dry, inert gas. The specimen and the<br />

collector plates are weighed. From these results<br />

and the specimen mass determined prior to the<br />

vacuum exposure, the percentage TML and percentage<br />

CVCM are obtained. Normally, the reported<br />

values are an average of the percentages<br />

obtained from three samples of the same material.<br />

NOTE 2-It is also possible to conduct infrared and<br />

other analytical tests on the condensates in conjunction<br />

with mass-loss tests. Sodium chloride flats may be used<br />

for infrared analysis. These flats are nominally 24 mm<br />

(1 in.) in diameter by 3.2-mm (0.125-in.) thick, and are<br />

supported edgewise in a metal holder that fits into the<br />

collector plate receptacle. On completion of the test,<br />

the flats are placed into an infrared salt flat holder for<br />

examination by an infrared spectrophotometer. As an<br />

altemative method, the condensate may be dissolved<br />

from the metallic collector, the solvent evaporated, and<br />

the residue deposited on a salt flat for infrared tests.<br />

Sodium chloride flats shall not be used for CVCM<br />

determinations.<br />

4.3 After the specimen has been weighed to<br />

determine the TML, the WVR can be determined,<br />

if desired, as follows: the specimen is<br />

stored for 24 h at 23°C and 50 % relative humidity<br />

to permit sorption of water vapor. The specimen<br />

mass after this exposure is determined.<br />

From these results and the specimen mass determined<br />

after vacuum exposure, the percentage<br />

WVR is obtained.<br />

4.4 Three empty specimen chambers and collector<br />

plates in the heater bar, selected for each<br />

test at random, can be used as controls to ensure<br />

that uniform cleaning procedures have been followed<br />

after each test.<br />

4.5 A typical test apparatus can have 24 specimen<br />

chambers with 24 associated collector<br />

plates so that a number of specimens of different<br />

types can be tested each time the foregoing o p<br />

erations are conducted. Three specimen compartments<br />

can serve as controls and three can be<br />

used for each type of material being tested. The<br />

total time required for specimens requiring no<br />

' Muraca, R. E, and Whinick, J. S., 'Polymers for Spacecraft<br />

Applications," SRI Project ASD-5046, NASA CR-89557, N67-<br />

40270, Stanford Research Institute, September, 1967.<br />

40 1

~<br />

prior preparation is approximately 4 days. The<br />

equipment should be calibrated at least once a<br />

year by using previously tested materials as test<br />

specimens.<br />

4.6 The apparatus may be oriented in any<br />

direction as long as the configuration shown in<br />

Fig. 1 is maintained and bulk material does not<br />

fall from the sample holder nor obstruct the gasexit<br />

hole. The dimensions for critical components<br />

given in Fig. 2 and Table 1 are provided so<br />

that apparatus constructed for the purpose of this<br />

test may provide uniform and comparable results.<br />

5. Significance and Use<br />

5.1 This test method evaluates, under carefully<br />

controlled conditions, the changes in the<br />

mass of a test specimen on exposure under vacuum<br />

to a temperature of 125°C and the mass of<br />

those products that leave the specimen and condense<br />

on a collector at a temperature of 25°C.<br />

5.2 Comparisons of material outgassing prop<br />

erties are valid at 125°C only. Samples tested at<br />

other temperatures may be compared only with<br />

other materials which were tested at that same<br />

temperature.<br />

5.3 The measurements of the collected volatile<br />

condensable material are also comparable<br />

and valid only for similar collector geometry and<br />

surfaces at 25°C.<br />

5.4 The simulation of the vacuum of space in<br />

this test method does not require that the pressure<br />

be as low as that encountered in interplanetary<br />

flight (for example, lo-'* Pa ( torr)).<br />

It is sufficient that the pressure be low enough<br />

that the mean free path of gas molecules be long<br />

in comparison to chamber dimensions.<br />

5.5 This method of screening materials is considered<br />

a conservative one. It is possible that a<br />

few materials will have acceptable properties at<br />

the intended use temperature but will be eliminated<br />

because their properties are not satisfactory<br />

at the test temperature of 125°C. Also, materials<br />

that condense only below 25°C are not detected.<br />

The user may designate additional tests to qualify<br />

materials for a specific application.<br />

5.6 The determinations of TML and WVR<br />

are affected by the capacity of the material to<br />

gain or lose water vapor. Therefore, the weighing<br />

must be accomplished under controlled conditions<br />

of 23°C and 50 % relative humidity.<br />

5.7 Alternatively, all specimens may be put<br />

E 595<br />

into open glass vials during the 24-h temperature<br />

and humidity conditioning. The vials must be<br />

capped prior to removal from the conditioning<br />

chamber. Each specimen must be weighed within<br />

2 min after opening the vial to minimize the loss<br />

or absorption of water vapor while exposed to an<br />

uncontrolled humidity environment. While control<br />

of humidity is not neceSSary at this point,<br />

the temperature for the weang should be controlled<br />

at 23T, the same temperature prescribed<br />

for the 24-h storage test.<br />

6. Apparatus<br />

6.1 The apparatus used in the determination<br />

of TML and CVCM typically contains two resistance-heated<br />

copper bars. Generally, each bar<br />

is 650 mm (25.5 in.) in length with a 25-mm (1-<br />

in.) square cross section, and contains 12 specimen<br />

chambers. The open section of each specimen<br />

chamber allows vapors from the specimen<br />

to pass through a hole into a collector chamber<br />

where it impinges on a removable chromiumplated<br />

collector plate maintained at 25°C<br />

throughout the test. (See Figs. 1 and 2.) Variations<br />

in test apparatus configurations are acceptable<br />

if critical dimensions are maintained as prescribed<br />

in Table 1.<br />

6.2 Typically, a total of 24 specimen chambers<br />

is used for testing during a 24-h vacuum operation;<br />

three of the chambers are maintained as<br />

controls. The test apparatus can be mounted on<br />

the base plate of a vacuum system within a<br />

narrow vacuum bell, 260 mm (10% in.) in diameter,<br />

that rests on a specially adapted feedthrough<br />

collar, also supported by the base plate.<br />

6.3 The operation of the vacuum chamber<br />

system and any device for raising the vacuum<br />

bell can be automatically controlled. Power to<br />

the heating element mounted in the copper bars<br />

is generally controlled by variable transformers<br />

through temperature controllers. Recorders with<br />

an electronic icepoint reference junction feedback<br />

may be used to monitor the heater bar<br />

temperatures. A heat exchanger using a suitable<br />

fluid may be used to maintain the collector plate<br />

at 25°C during the test.4<br />

6.4 It is recommended that the vacuum chamber<br />

system include automatic controls to prevent<br />

' Detailed drawings for a typical installation are available at<br />

a nominal cost from ASTM Headquarters, 19 16 Race St., Phila.,<br />

Pa. 19103. Request Adjunct No. 12-505950-00.<br />

-<br />


E 595<br />

damage in the event of power failure or cooling<br />

fluid supply failure when in unattended operation.<br />

Care must be taken to prevent backstreaming<br />

of oil from vacuum or diffusion pumps into<br />

the vacuum chamber.<br />

7. <strong>Test</strong> Specimen<br />

7.1 Finished products (for example, elastomers,<br />

hardware, and structural parts) are cut into<br />

small pieces on the order of 1.5 to 3.0-mm (*/M<br />

to %-in.) cubes to fit into the specimen boat.<br />

Boats approximately 10 by 6 by 12 mm (3/8 by<br />

Y.4 by l/2 in.) have been found satisfactory.<br />

7.2 Products that require compounding are<br />

normally mixed in 10-g batches to ensure representative<br />

samples. Materials shall be cured as<br />

sheets, thin slabs, or thicker sections to simulate<br />

application in actual use; then they shall be sectioned<br />

in accordance with the foregoing dimensions<br />

for specimen cubes.<br />

7.3 Adhesive tapes shall be applied to a surface,<br />

such as a preweighed aluminum ring or foil,<br />

to simulate actual use. Paints can be applied to<br />

aluminum foil by brushing, dipping, or spraying<br />

to approximate the as-used thickness, then cured<br />

before testing. A paint can also be cured on an<br />

inert surface such as TFE-fluorocarbon, removed<br />

as a film, and treated as bulk material. Some<br />

adhesives or sealants may be applied to preweighed<br />

aluminum foil and cured.<br />

7.4 Greases shall be placed into a boat. Liquids<br />

shall be placed directly in a boat or absorbed<br />

in an ignited neutral filler such as asbestos or<br />

silica and then placed in a boat. The technique<br />

used shall be stated in the report. Liquids and<br />

greases, especially silicones, are prone to creep; if<br />

the material exhibits creep to such an extent that<br />

some flows out of the boat, the test results shall<br />

be disregarded.<br />

7.5 Minimum specimen masses in the order<br />

of 200 mg are required. If smaller quantities are<br />

utilized, the accuracy of the measurements may<br />

be impaired.<br />

7.6 It is absolutely essential that specimen materials<br />

not be contaminated at any step in the<br />

specimen fabrication process. Most importantly,<br />

specimen material shall not be handled with the<br />

bare hands as oils from human skin are volatile<br />

and condensable and thus will cause false TML<br />

and CVCM results.<br />

7.7 The following specimen handling procedures<br />

are recommended to control contamina-<br />

tion:<br />

7.7.1 Wear suitable gloves or finger cots during<br />

all specimen preparation steps.<br />

7.7.2 All previously prepared materials can be<br />

assumed to be contaminated in the “as-received”<br />

condition; and must be cleaned.<br />

7.7.3 Use cleaning solvents that are known to<br />

be nonreactive with the specimen material and<br />

that are known to leave no residue.<br />

7.7.4 When possible, discard exterior surfaces<br />

of materials when preparing specimens. A clean<br />

razor blade can be used to shave off exterior<br />

surfaces of rubbers, foams, and other soft materials.<br />

Exterior surfaces of harder materials can be<br />

removed with a clean jewelers’ saw. A clean<br />

jewelers’ drill can be used to remove specimen<br />

material from the center part of material suspected<br />

of being contaminated.<br />

8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Weigh a prepared aluminum foil boat and<br />

return it to its storage beaker in a glass desiccator<br />

utilizing silica gel desiccant.<br />

8.2 Weigh a prepared collector and mount it<br />

into its cooling-plate receptacle.<br />

8.3 Add the test specimen (100 to 300 mg) to<br />

the boat and condition the sample at 50 % relative<br />

humidity and 23°C for a minimum of 24 h.<br />

8.4 Weigh the conditioned specimen (see 4.6)<br />

using a balance having f 1 pg sensitivity.<br />

8.5 Place the specimen and boat into a specimen<br />

compartment of the heating bar in the microvolatile<br />

condensable sy~tem.~<br />

NOTE 2--Prior to the operation noted in 8.5, the<br />

copper compartment bar, separator, and cooling plate<br />

shall be clean, in position, and awaiting the specimen<br />

boats and collector plates.<br />

8.6 Mount and screw down the respective<br />

cover plates onto the entry end of each specimen<br />

compartment.<br />

8.7 Close the vacuum system and evacuate it<br />

to 7 x Pa (5 x lo-’ torr) or less within 1 h,<br />

using proper operating procedures.<br />

8.8 Control of the collector plate temperature<br />

at 25°C shall be achieved within the first hour of<br />

pumpdown.<br />

8.9 When a pressure of 7 x Pa (5 x IO-’<br />

torr) is reached, turn on the heater bar and adjust<br />

the variable transformers to raise the heater bar<br />

temperature to 125°C within 60 min. Temperature<br />

controllers should maintain bar temperatures<br />

at 125°C.<br />


8.10 Maintain the collector plate temperatures<br />

at 25°C.<br />

8.11 Maintain the heater bar temperature at<br />

125°C for 24 h, then close the high vacuum valve<br />

to the pumping system and turn off the heater<br />

bar current.<br />

8.12 Open the vent valve and backfill with<br />

clean, dry nitrogen regulated within a gage pressure<br />

range from 10 to 30 Wa (2 to 4 psi) above<br />

atmosphere to cool the bars rapidly.<br />

8.13 Allow the heater bar to cool sufficiently<br />

to permit handling (nominally 2 h to reach 50'C).<br />

Then turn off the collector-plate heat exchangers,<br />

return the vacuum chamber to room pressure<br />

using the clean, dry nitrogen, and open the chamber.<br />

8.14 Store aluminum boats with specimens<br />

and respective collector plates in desiccators (using<br />

active silica gel desiccant) immediately. After<br />

specimens have cooled to approximately room<br />

temperature, but no longer than '/2 h, remove<br />

and weigh each specimen within 2 min of its<br />

removal from the desiccators. Control collector<br />

plates are used to detect cross contamination or<br />

poor technique. Mass loss of greater than 20 pg<br />

by a control is usually due to poor preparation<br />

and cleaning of the collector plate. Mass gain of<br />

greater than 50 pg is an indication of poor cleaning,<br />

poor bake-out of the heater assembly, cross<br />

contamination, or poor vacuum technique. Any<br />

change of 50 pg (0.05 % of a 100-mg sample<br />

mass) or greater is reason for concern and for a<br />

review of or change in techniques. All data acquired<br />

during runs when this occurs shall be<br />

discarded or retained with a note indicating the<br />

discrepancy.<br />

8.15 Return the foregoing samples to the relative<br />

humidity chamber for 24 h if the WVR is<br />

to be determined. Weigh the conditioned specimens<br />

(see 5.6).<br />

NWE 3-Annex Ai contaifis rmommended cieaning<br />

and storage procedures.<br />

9. Calculations<br />

9.1 Calculate TML as follows:<br />

Initial Mass, g<br />

Final Mass, g<br />

Specimen and Si + Bi SF Bi<br />

boat<br />

Boat BI Bi<br />

Specimen alone (Si + BI) - (SF + Bi) -<br />

Bi = Si<br />

BI = SF<br />

Difference or L = SI - SF<br />

mass loss L/Si X 100 = % TML<br />

Initial Mass, g<br />

Final Mass, g<br />

Specimen on alu- Sl+AI1+& SF + A11 4- &<br />

minum foil<br />

and boat<br />

Aluminum foil All + B, All+ B1<br />

and boat<br />

Specimen alone (Si + A11 + BI) - (SF + A11 + BI) -<br />

(Ah + Bi) = SI (AI1 + BI) SF<br />

Difference or L = SI- SF<br />

mass loss<br />

L/Sf X 100 = % TML<br />

9.2 Calculate CVCM as follows:<br />

Final mass, g, collector plate and condensables, CF<br />

Initial mass, g, collector plate, C1<br />

Mass, g, condensables CO = CF - CI<br />

Condensable mass, g<br />

(G) X 100 = % CVCM<br />

Initial specimen mass, g SI<br />

9.2.1 A correction may be made using control<br />

collector plates when calculating CVCM. This<br />

correction is recommended but not required unless<br />

an excessive mass change occurs as described<br />

in 8.14.<br />

cs = c, - c,<br />

where:<br />

CS = change in mass of control collector plate,<br />

g<br />

CCF = final mass of control collector plate, g,<br />

and<br />

CcI = initial mass of control collector plate, g.<br />

9.3 Calculate WVR as follows:<br />

Reconditioned mass, g, specimen and boat after 24 h at 50 %<br />

relative humidity, SF'<br />

Mass regain&, g SF' - SF = % WVR<br />

Initial specimen mass, g ( SI )<br />

9.4 Calibrate the balance periodically (at least<br />

every 6 months) and apply the appropriate calibration<br />

factors.<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall contain the following<br />

information:<br />

IO. I. I Trade name a d iitimki of the material,<br />

the manufacturer, the batch or lot number,<br />

or other such identification.<br />

10.1.2 Summary of the preparation schedule<br />

(mixing proportions, cure time and temperature,<br />

postcure, cleaning procedures), date prepared.<br />

10.1.3 Number of samples (nominally three<br />

for each material).<br />

10.1.4 Samples configuration (size, shape,<br />

etc.). Statement of technique used in handling<br />

liquids or greases (see 7.4).<br />

10.1.5 Statement of sample test temperature<br />


( 125”C), collector plate temperature (25”C), and<br />

duration of test and dates of test.<br />

10.1.6 Initial mass of conditioned samples, SI.<br />

10.1.7 Mass of samples as taken from test<br />

chamber, SF.<br />

10.1.8 Final mass of samples after optional<br />

reconditioning for 24 h at 50 % relative humidity<br />

and 23”C, SF’, if WVR determination is conducted.<br />

10.1.9 Percentage of total mass loss, TML<br />

(normally three values for each material and the<br />

average value).<br />

10.1.10 Percentage of water vapor regained,<br />

WVR (normally three values for each material<br />

and the average value), if determined.<br />

10.1.11 Initial mass of the dried collector<br />

plates, C,.<br />

10.1.12 Change in mass of the control collector<br />

plate, Cs, in grams.<br />

10.1.13 Final mass of the collectors, CF.<br />

10.1.14 Percentage of collected volatile condensable<br />

material, CVCM (normally three values<br />

for each material and the average value).<br />

10. I. 15 Infrared spectrum or other analytical<br />

description of the condensed contamination<br />

when determined.<br />

10.1.16 Remarks about any noticeable incident<br />

or deviation from standard conditions observed<br />

during the test.<br />

E 595<br />

11. Precision and Bias<br />

11.1 Bias for this test method has not been<br />

determined.<br />

1 1 .2 Precision of these measurements was established<br />

by interlaboratory tests of 17 materials<br />

by 5 organizations. Precision for particular materials<br />

is affected by the nature of the material as<br />

well as testing variance. For example, monolithic,<br />

homogeneous materials with relatively low TML<br />

and CVCM values will have high precision and<br />

low standard deviation. Materials that are mixed<br />

and cured individually before testing may not be<br />

homogeneous or completely comparable from<br />

organization to organization. Despite such possible<br />

variations, the test can successfully identify<br />

“good” and “bad” lots of materials, and screen<br />

out relatively low outgassing materials from relatively<br />

high outgassing materials. For example,<br />

Celcon acetyl polymer was tested and found to<br />

have an average value of 0.5336 f 0.0832 and<br />

an average CVCM value of 0.0394 f 0.0342 for<br />

the five laboratories. Epon 828/V125 had an<br />

average TML value of 0.4068 k 0.18 19 and an<br />

average CVCM value of 0.0128 f 0.0082. Precison<br />

for this method is +- 10 % (95 % confidence<br />

level) for TML and f20 % for CVCM (95 %<br />

confidence level).<br />

1 1.3 No precision has been estimated for<br />

WVR as of yet.<br />


TABLE 1 <strong>Test</strong> Apparatus Dimensions (See Fie.2)<br />

Letter mm Tolerance in. Tolerance Notes<br />

AA<br />

k0.005 diameteP<br />

BA<br />

io.005 diameter"<br />

CA<br />

DA*c<br />

EA,C<br />

FA,C<br />

GC<br />

HA<br />

JA<br />

K<br />

L<br />

M<br />

N<br />

P<br />

Q<br />

R<br />

S<br />

T<br />

U<br />

V<br />

W<br />

X<br />

Y<br />

Z<br />

6.3 *o. I<br />

11.1 *o. I<br />

33.0 *o. I<br />

13.45 *o. 10<br />

9.65 *o. 10<br />

0.65 *0.10<br />

7. I +0.3<br />

0.75 kO.10<br />

12.7 A0.3<br />

1.6 M.8<br />

8.0 kO.8<br />

16.0 333. I<br />

16.0 *0.8<br />

32.0 rtO.8<br />

50.0 kO.8<br />

25.5 *0.8<br />

0.4 k0.3<br />

12.0 *0.8<br />

25.5 k0.8<br />

25.5 20.8<br />

50.0 kO.8<br />

6.0 kO.8<br />

25.0 kO.8<br />

I .6<br />

kO.8<br />

0.250<br />

0.438<br />

1.300<br />

0.531<br />

0.380<br />

0.026<br />

0.50<br />

0.030<br />

0.500<br />

%6<br />

%6<br />

0.625<br />

'h<br />

1 1/4<br />

2<br />

I<br />

0.0 I5<br />

'h<br />

I<br />

I<br />

2<br />

Y4<br />

1<br />

%6<br />

333.005 diameter"<br />

M.005<br />

k0.005<br />

lt0.005<br />

333.0 I<br />

*0.05 stock size<br />

*o.o 10<br />

*%2<br />

f %2<br />

k0.005<br />

k v32<br />

*%2<br />

k1/32<br />

cover plate must fit snugly<br />

*0.010 half stock thickness<br />

&/32<br />

* Y32<br />

*v32<br />

fV32<br />

*%2<br />

*'/32<br />

*I/32<br />

radius, typical<br />

A Critical dimensions that must be maintained for test results to be comparable.<br />

Diameters must be concentric to *O. 1 mm (+0.005 in.) for test results to be comparable.<br />

Dimensions include plating thickness. Satisfactory surfaces have been produced by making substrate surface finish, 1.6 pm<br />

RMS (63 pin. RMS), highly polished, plated with electroless nickel, 0.0127-mm (0.0005-in.) thick, and finished with electroplated<br />

chromium, 0.005 I -mm (0.0002-in.) thick.<br />







FIG. 1 Schematic of Critical Portion of <strong>Test</strong> Apparatus<br />

(Section A-A of Figure 2)<br />


E595<br />

I<br />

FIG. 2 Critical Portion of <strong>Test</strong> Apparatus (See Table 1 for Dimensions)<br />


Cleaning<br />

.2 I. I. 1 General-The components shall be cleaned<br />

after fabrication to remove any residual oils, etc., from<br />

the fabrication process. The cleaning operations in<br />

A 1.1.2 through A I. 1.9 shall be performed before each<br />

test run unless otherwise specified.<br />

A1 . li<br />

A 1.1.2 Aluminum Boats-Vapor degrease the boats<br />

for 5 or more min. A l:l:l by volume chloroform:acetone:ethanol<br />

solvent blend has been used successfully<br />

for this purpose. Dry the boats at 125 k 5°C<br />

for at least 4 h.<br />

A 1.1.3 Collector Plates-Immerse and agitate collector<br />

plates in the solvent. Follow this with vapordegreasing<br />

for 15 min. A 1:1:1 by volume chloroform:acetone:ethanol<br />

solvent blend has been used successfully<br />

for this purpose. Dry the collectors for 4 h<br />

minimum at 125 & 5°C.<br />

A 1.1.4 Specimen Chamber and Heating Bar-Take<br />

special care with the bar between test runs to avoid<br />

contamination during subsequent tests. Wash the bar<br />

cavities and surface with a suitable solvent. A I:l by<br />

volume acetone:ethanol solvent blend has been used<br />

successfully for this purpose. Mount the bar into the<br />

system without specimens. Evacuate the system to 1 x<br />

10-4 Pa (I x IO- torr) and degas the bar at 150" k 5°C<br />

for 4 h minimum. This is 25°C above the normal test<br />

temperature. Then turn off the heater to the bar and<br />

allow the bar to cool under vacuum. Leave the heater<br />

chamber bar in place in the vacuum system. It need<br />

only by removed after the test for recleaning. The<br />

vacuum system can be configured to close off the bell<br />

volume, if necessary, thus permitting the vacuumpumping<br />

system to be off over a weekend.<br />

A 1.1.5 Separator Plate-Wash the separator plate<br />

with a suitable solvent. A I:] by volume acetone:ethanol<br />

solvent blend has been used successfully<br />

for this purpose. Use filtered dry nitrogen gas to remove<br />

particulates and to evaporate solvents.<br />

A 1.1.6 Collector Plate Support-Following the system<br />

degassing described in A 1.1.4, wipe the collector<br />

plate support using a suitable solvent. Ethanol has been<br />

used successfully for this purpose.<br />

A 1.1.7 Vacuum Bell-Poor vacuum is frequently<br />

caused by materiai outgassing from the intemai bell<br />

surface. Wipe down the bell interior with a suitable<br />

solvent as required to restore vacuum-operating efi-<br />

ANNEX<br />


ciency. Ethanol has been used successfully for this<br />

purpose.<br />

A 1.1.8 Other Items-Various other items such as<br />

brackets and standoffs can be cleaned as required by<br />

wiping with a suitable solvent. A l:1 by volume acetone:ethanol<br />

solvent blend has been used successfully<br />

for this purpose.<br />

A 1.1.9 Cleaning Materials-All wiping materials<br />

and swabs shall be preextracted using solvents with<br />

which they will be used. (See Note Al.) All solvents<br />

shall be of spectro-grade or equivalent purity. The<br />

nitrogen gas shall be 99.9 % pure, or better, and shall<br />

have a dew point of -60°C (-76°F) or less. The gas<br />

shall be filtered using a Molecular Sieve SA or equivalent.<br />

Metal tubing (for example, stainless steel or cop<br />

per) that is used for gas transfer shall be cleaned before<br />

Use.<br />

NOTE A 1-A recommended extraction procedure<br />

for cleaning wiping material is a 24-h treatment in a<br />

Soxhlet extractor charged with a mixture of 90 % chloroform:<br />

IO % ethyl alcohol.<br />

A1.2 Storage<br />

A 1.2.1 Boats-After cleaning, the boats can be<br />

placed in 5-cm3 beakers with designated compartment<br />

numbers, then stored in a desiccator that contains<br />

indicating silica gel. Seal the unit with a low-vapor<br />

pressure grease for ground glass joints. The boats shall<br />

be weighed within one day of being stored.<br />

A1.2.2 Collector Plates-The plates can be<br />

mounted on a circular plate rack and stored in a desiccator<br />

that contains indicating silica gel. Seal the unit<br />

with a low-vapor pressure grease for ground glass joints.<br />

Plates shall be weighed within 1 day of being stored.<br />

A1.2.3 Handling and Storage-Due to the nature<br />

of this method, it is imperative that good cleaning<br />

procedures be followed to minimize handling of cleaned<br />

parts and the introduction of contaminants after cleaning.<br />

Hence, all components that have been cleaned<br />

must be stored in such a manner as to maintain their<br />

clean state.<br />

A1.2.4 Vacuum System-Perform periodic maintenance<br />

in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended<br />

practices in order to ensure good vacuum<br />

system performance.<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject IO revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjive years and<br />

if not revised, either reupproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical commi:?ee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards. 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


@ E595<br />


(Nonmandatory Information)<br />


X 1.1 The following format is suggested for reporting raw data and test results.<br />


Material: (name, part number, lot, etc.)<br />

Description: (material type, sample form, color, etc.)<br />

Condition: (mix and cure, pre or post condition, as received, on substrate, etc.)<br />

Manufacturer:<br />

Requestor:<br />

Date:<br />

Location:<br />

Charge No.:<br />

Telephone:<br />

Blanks:<br />

Heater Position No. ( ) ( ) ( )<br />

Initial holder mass, g ---<br />

Final holder mass, g ---<br />

Initial collector mass, g ---<br />

Final collector mass, g ---<br />

Sample:<br />

Heater Position No. ( ) ( 1<br />

Initial holder mass, g<br />

---<br />

Initial holder plus sample ---<br />

Final holder plus sample ---<br />

Reweighed sample plus holder, 24 h 50 % RH, g" ---<br />

Initial collector mass, g ---<br />

Final collector mass, g ---<br />

~otal mass loss (TML) % ---<br />

Ave. % TML<br />

Total mass gain (CVCM) %<br />

Total water regained"<br />

(Sample WVR)<br />

---<br />

Ave. %<br />

CVCM<br />

---<br />

Ave. % WVR<br />

A WVR measurement is optional<br />

Remarks: (Sample appearance, collector appearance after test, any test anomalies, non-standard conditions,<br />

problems, etc)<br />

Date test begun:<br />

Sample temperature, "C:<br />

Collector temperature, "C:<br />

Date test completed:<br />

Pressure torr:<br />

Time at test temperature hours:<br />

Operator signature:<br />


ab<br />

Designation: G 26 - 84<br />


1916 Raw St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Repriitted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.<br />

Standard Practice for<br />




This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 26; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This practice covers the basic principles<br />

and operating procedure for water- or light-exposure<br />

apparatus, or both, employing a xenonarc<br />

light source.<br />

NOTE 1-This practice combines the practices previously<br />

referred to as G 26 and G 27. Recommended<br />

Practice G 27, for Operating Xenon-Arc Type Apparatus<br />

for Light Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials', is<br />

to be discontinued since it is now covered in this edition<br />

of G 26 under <strong>Methods</strong> C and D.<br />

NOTE 2-Attention is called to Recommended<br />

Practice G 23, for Operating Light- and Water-Exposure<br />

Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type) for Exposure of<br />

Nonmetallic Materials: and IS0 Recommendation<br />

No. 759, Document ISO/TC 61 (Secretariat).'<br />

1.2 This practice does not specify the exposure<br />

conditions best suited for the material to be<br />

tested, but is limited to the method of obtaining,<br />

measuring, and controlling the conditions and<br />

procedures of the exposure. Sample preparation,<br />

test conditions, and evaluation of results are covered<br />

in ASTM methods or specifications for specific<br />

materials.<br />

1.3 This practice includes four methods:<br />

1.3.1 Method Z-Continuous exposure to<br />

light and intermittent exposure to w&er spr~y.<br />

1.3.2 Method 2-Alternate exposure to light<br />

and darkness and intermittent exposure to water<br />

spray.<br />

1.3.3 Method 3-Continuous exposure to<br />

light without water spray. Exposure conditions<br />

are characteristic of those specified by AATCC<br />

<strong>Test</strong> Method 16E 1976.<br />

1.3.4 Method 4-Alternate exposure to light<br />

and darkness without water spray. Exposure conditions<br />

characteristic of those natural conditions<br />

experienced when exposing are in accordance<br />

with Practice G 24.<br />

I .4 This practice may involve hazardous operations<br />

and equipment. This practice does not<br />

purport to address all of the safety problems associated<br />

with its use. It is the responsibility of<br />

whoever uses this practice to consult and establish<br />

appropriate safety and health practices and determine<br />

the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard. The inch-pound equivalents<br />

of the SI units may be approximate.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standard:<br />

G24 Practice for Conducting Natural Light<br />

Exposures Under Glass2<br />

2.2 AATCC Standard:<br />

Method 16E 1976 Colorfastness to Light, Water-cooled<br />

Xenon-Arc Lamp Continuous<br />

Light4<br />

2.3 CIE Standard:<br />

No. 20 Recommendations for the Integrated<br />

Irradiance and the Spectral Distribution of<br />

' This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

G-3 on Durability of Nonmetallic Materials and is the direct<br />

responsibility of Subcommittee G03.03 on Simulated and Controlled<br />

Environmental <strong>Test</strong>s.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 3 I, 1984. Published November<br />

1984. Originally published as E 239 - 64T. Redesignated<br />

G 26 in 1970. Last previous edition G 26 - 83.<br />

'Annual Book ofASTM Stadirds, Vol 14.02.<br />

Available from the American National Standards Institute,<br />

1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018.<br />

'Available from The secretary, American Association of<br />

Textile Chemists and Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle<br />

Park, N.C. 27709.<br />


G 26<br />

Simulated Solar <strong>Radiation</strong> for <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

purposes5<br />

3. Significance and Use<br />

3.1 Several types of apparatus with different<br />

exposure conditions are available for use. No<br />

single operating procedure for lightexposure a p<br />

paratus with and without water can be specified<br />

as a direct simulation of natural exposure. This<br />

practice does not imply expressly or otherwise an<br />

accelerated weathering test.<br />

3.2 Since the natural environment varies with<br />

respect to time, geography, and topography, it<br />

may be expected that the effects of natural exposure<br />

will vary accordingly. All materials are<br />

not affected equally by the same environment.<br />

Results obtained by use of this practice should<br />

not be represented as equivalent to those of any<br />

natural weathering test until the degree of quantitative<br />

correlation has been established for the<br />

material in question.<br />

3.3 Variations in results may be expected<br />

among instruments of different types or when<br />

operating conditions among similar type instruments<br />

vary within the accepted limits of this<br />

practice. Therefore, no rderence should be made<br />

to results from use of this practice unless accompanied<br />

by the report form shown in Fig. 1 or<br />

unless otherwise specified in a referenced procedure.<br />

4. Apparatus<br />

4.1 Water-Cooled Type!<br />

4.1.1 The apparatus employed should utilize<br />

a water-cooled xenon-arc lamp as the source of<br />

radiation and should be one of the following<br />

general types, or their equivalent:<br /> Type A-An exposure apparatus in<br />

which the source of radiant energy shall be a<br />

water-cooled xenon-arc vertically located at the<br />

central axis of either a 508-mm (204x1.) diameter<br />

vertical specimen rack, or of a 648-mm (25.5-<br />

in.) diameter inclined rack. Means shall be provided<br />

for automatic programming of temperature<br />

and cycles. Means shall be provided for<br />

adjustment of relative humidity. The specimen<br />

rack shall rotate at 1 2 0.1 rpm.<br />

NOTE 3-In the commercial descriptions of the four<br />

types, the term “cycle” is defined as each time interval<br />

of light, darkness, and water spray that is specified<br />

differently in accordance with the different testing<br />

methods.<br /> Type AH-The exposure apparatus<br />

shall be identical to Type A except it shall have<br />

automatic humidity control.<br /> Type B-An exposure apparatus in<br />

which the source of radiant energy shall be a<br />

water-cooled xenon-arc vertically located at the<br />

central axis of a 960-mm (37.75-in.) diameter<br />

specimen rack. Means shall be provided for automatic<br />

programming of temperature and cycles.<br />

Means may be provided for adjustment of humidity.<br />

The specimen rack shall rotate at 1 +. 0.1<br />

rpm-<br /> Type BH-The exposure apparatus<br />

shall be similar to Type B except it shall have<br />

automatic humidity control.<br />

4.1.2 The xenon-arcs employed shall be of the<br />

“long arc” water-cooled type operated through<br />

suitable reactance transformers and electrical<br />

equipment from a 50 or 60-Hz power supply.<br />

They shall employ cylindrical inner and outer<br />

optical filters to direct the flow of cooling water<br />

and to simulate a designed spectral energy distribution.<br /> For the purpose of this practice, the<br />

xenon-arc lamp shall consist of a quartz xenon<br />

burner tube and one of the following optical filter<br />

combination^:'*^<br />

(a) Borosilicate glass inner and outer optical<br />

filter to simulate the spectral power distribution<br />

(SPD) of natural daylight throughout the actinic<br />

region.<br />

(b) Infrared absorbing glass inner optical filter<br />

with quartz outer optical filter to simulate the<br />

SPD of natural daylight (300 to 1000 nm).<br />

(c) Borosilicate glass inner optical filter with<br />

soda lime glass outer optical filter to simulate the<br />

SPD of natural daylight (actinic wavelengths)<br />

filtered through window glass.<br />

(d) Infrared absorbing glass inner and outer<br />

optical filter to simulate the SPD of natural day-<br />

’ Available from Secretary, U.S. National Committee, CIE,<br />

?Wlcna! B me of S&ndards, Gai!hershxg, MD 20899.<br />

Available from Atlas Electric Devices Co., 41 14 N. Ravenswood<br />

Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60613. Model 25-W meets the requirements<br />

of Type A. Models 25-WT and 25-WR meet the requirements<br />

of Type AH apparatus. Model 65-W, 65-SMC, 65-DMC,<br />

and 65-XW meet the requirements of Type B. Models 65-WR,<br />

65-WRC, 65-SMC-R, 65/SMC-RC, 65-DMC-R, 65-DMC-RC,<br />

65-XW-R and 65/XW-RC meet the requirements of Type BH<br />

apparatus.<br />

’ Norton, Kiuntke, and Connor, Canadian Textile Journal,<br />

CTJOA, May 1969.<br />

‘Corning 7740 Pyrex0 (borosilicate), Coming 4601 IR ab<br />

sorbing visible transmitting, Kimble R6 soda lime glass tubing,<br />

and General Electric GA-204 quartz tubing of proper dimensions<br />

have been found suitable for use as xenon-arc optical<br />

filters. Available from Atlas Electric Devices Co., 41 14 N. Ravenswood<br />

Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60613.<br />

41 1

eb<br />

light (310 to 1000 nm) filtered through window<br />

sl=.<br />

(e) Quartz inner and outer optical filter to<br />

approximate sunlight intensities unfiltered by the<br />

earth's atmosphere.'<br /> To prevent loss in levels of irradiance<br />

due to excessive solarization and to prevent possible<br />

breakage caused by stresses in optical filters<br />

exposed to high-intensity UV energy, inner op<br />

tical filters9 shall be replaced periodically. Suggested<br />

intervals are 300 and 400 h for Types A<br />

and B, respectively. The outer optical filter shall<br />

be replaced after 1500 and 2000 h for Types A<br />

and B, respectively.<br />

4.1.3 Distilled or deionized water should be<br />

recirculated past the burner at a flow rate SUEcient<br />

to remove excess heat. Passing water<br />

through a cartridge demineralizer installed in the<br />

recirculation line just ahead of the lamp minimizes<br />

contamination of the quartz envelope of<br />

the burner. A heat-exchange unit should be used<br />

to cool the recirculated lamp water.<br />

4.1.4 Since xenon-arc lamps, like all gas discharge<br />

lamps, will have a progressive drop in<br />

radiation output with continued use, and since<br />

optical filters will change in their transmission<br />

characteristics, provision shall be made in the<br />

apparatus (automatically or manually) for progressively<br />

increasing the wattage of the lamp to<br />

minimize changes in the intensity of the radiation<br />

at the face of the sample. The greatest change in<br />

both the xenon burner tube and optical filters<br />

occurs in the first 20 h of use. For this reason,<br />

burners and optical filters preaged by the instrument<br />

manufacturer are recommended for critical<br />

testing when a more rapidly changing rate of<br />

intensity is undesirable. For routine testing on a<br />

comparative basis, the 20 h of preaging may be<br />

omitted.<br />

4.1.5 Many nonmetallic materials are selectively<br />

absorbing. The energy that a molecule<br />

absorbs depends upon the wavelength of the<br />

incident radiation." It is desirable to monitor the<br />

level of irradiance of the photochemically effective<br />

wavelengths if intercomparisons are to be<br />

made among samples not exposed simultaneously.<br />

Samples may then be exposed to known<br />

amounts of irradiation, the time integral of irradiance.<br /> Where radiometers capable of monitoring<br />

discrete portions of a continuous spectrum<br />

are available, exposure to a mutually agreedupon<br />

level of irradiation may be specified as the<br />

412<br />

G 26<br />

exposure interval in place of a time interval.<br />

(a) When using the optical filter combination<br />

described in (a), the suggested minimum<br />

spectral irradiance levels are:<br />

.2 W/m2/nm band at 320 nm<br />

.35 W/m'/nm band at 340 nm<br />

.5 W/m2/nm band at 380 nm<br />

.I5 W/m2/nm band at 420 nm<br />

(b) When using the optid filter combination<br />

described in (c), the suggested minimum<br />

spectral irradiance levels are:<br />

.2 W/m2/nm band at 340 nm<br />

.45 W/m'/nm band at 380 nm<br />

.I W/m'/nm band at 420 nm<br />

(c) Operating at the suggested minimum levels<br />

approximates the average daily solar irradiance<br />

under ideal conditions. It is about half of the<br />

maximum values for total irradiance on a horizontal<br />

plane when the sun is at 90" altitude as<br />

reported in CIE No. 20. When irradiance is monitored<br />

and periodic manual adjustment of wattage<br />

is made to compensate for changes of intensity,<br />

no lamp assembly should be used that cannot<br />

maintain the minimum level of irradiance<br />

within a 10 % tolerance at the monitored wavelength.<br />

Irradiation expressed as joules per square<br />

metre is the product of irradiance x exposure<br />

time in seconds.<br />

4.1 S.2 Xenon-arc type equipment not having<br />

a radiometer shall be operated with periodic increases<br />

in wattage to minimize any drift in levels<br />

of irradiation. Such intervals shall be established<br />

by the parties concerned or follow the suggested<br />

schedule below in 4.1 S.2 (a).<br />

NOTE 4-The use of suggested wattage steps does<br />

not imply that irradiance will be maintained at levels<br />

equivalent to those obtained when employing a light<br />

monitor. They are intended as a guide to minimize the<br />

reduction of UV intensity with maximum lamp longevity<br />

when using either Method A or C for 2.5, 6, or 6.5-<br />

kW lamps, respectively.<br />

(a) The fo1:owing are the suggested wattage<br />

settings for each exposure interval of a 2500-W<br />

xenon burner tube based upon the average performance<br />

of xenon burner tubes with borosilicate<br />

filters:<br />

Time, h<br />

Power, W<br />

0 to 20 I600<br />

20 to 200 I800<br />

Kishii, T., and Ooka, IC. Symposium on Coloured Glasses.<br />

International Comm. on Glass of Czech. Sci. & Tech. SOC. of<br />

the Silicate Industry, 1967.<br />

lo Hawkins, W. L., ed., Polymer Stabihtion, Wiley-Interscience,<br />

1972, p. 166.

G 26<br />

Time, h<br />

Power, W<br />

200 to 400 2000<br />

400 to 600 2250<br />

600 to 800 2500<br />

800 to 1000 2600<br />

1000 to 1200 2800<br />

1200to 1500 3000<br />

(b) The following are the suggested wattage<br />

settings for each exposure interval of a 6OOO-W<br />

xenon burner tube based upon the performance<br />

of xenon burner tubes with borosilicate filters in<br />

Method A:<br />

Time, h<br />

Power, W<br />

0 to 20 min<br />

20 to 100 4750<br />

100 to 250 5000<br />

250 to 400 5250<br />

400 to 550 5500<br />

550 to 700 6000<br />

700 to 850 6500<br />

850 to 1000 7000<br />

(c) The following are the suggested wattage<br />

settings for each exposure interval of a 6500-W<br />

xenon burner tube based upon the average performance<br />

of xenon burner tubes with borosilicate<br />

filters in Method A:<br />

Time, h<br />

Power, W<br />

0 to 20 min<br />

20 to 100 5500<br />

100 to 200 6000<br />

200 to 500 6200<br />

500 to 1000 6500<br />

1000 to 1500 7000<br />

1500 to 2000 7500<br />

2000 and over 8500<br />

4.1.6 In Types A and AH apparatus, specimens<br />

in holders should be positioned as follows:<br /> At a distance of 244 f 3 mm (10.0 2<br />

0.125 in.) from the vertical axis of the arc and<br />

with no exposed part of the specimen over 100<br />

mm (4 in.) from a horizontal plane passing<br />

through the center of the arc, or<br /> At a distanceof310 k 3 mm (12.25<br />

0.125 in.), which shall be a radius about the<br />

horizontal axis of the lamp at which a nonvertical<br />

inclined rack is tangential, and with no exposed<br />

part of the specimen more than 190 mm (7.5 in.)<br />

from a horizontal plane passing through the center<br />

of the arc.<br />

4.1.7 In Types B and BH apparatus, specimens<br />

in holders or otherwise mounted on the<br />

rack should be positioned as follows:<br /> At a distance of 480 f 3 mm (18.875<br />

2 0.125 in.) from the vertical axis of the arc, and<br />

with no part over 230 mm (9 in.) from a horizontal<br />

plane passing through the center of the<br />

arc, or<br /> At a distance of 470 f 3 mm (18.5 f<br />

0.125 in.), which shall be a radius about the<br />

horizontal axis of the lamp at which a nonvertical<br />

inclined rack is tangential, and with no exposed<br />

part of the specimen more than 195 mm (7.7 in.)<br />

from a horizontal plane passing through the center<br />

of the arc.<br />

4.1.8 <strong>Test</strong>ing temperatures should be measured<br />

and regulated on the basis of a black panel<br />

thermometer unit mounted on the specimen rack<br />

so that the face of the unit is in the same relative<br />

position and is subjected to the same influences<br />

as the test specimens. The black panel thermometer<br />

unit should consist of a stainless steel panel<br />

about 70 by 50 by 0.95 mm (2.750 by 5.875 by<br />

0.0375 in.), to which a stainless steel bimetallic<br />

dial-type thermometer is mechanically fastened.<br />

This thermometer should have a stem approximately<br />

4 mm (0.16 in.) in diameter with a 44.5-<br />

mm ( 1.75411.) dial. The sensitive portion extending<br />

about 38 mm (1.5 in.) from the end of the<br />

stem should be located in the center of the panel<br />

approximately 64 mm (2.5 in.) from the top and<br />

approximately 48 mm (1.875 in.) from the bottom<br />

of the panel. The face of the panel with the<br />

thermometer stem attached should be finished<br />

with a baked-on black infrared-absorbing coating<br />

having good resistance to light.<br /> A thermocouple or resistance bulb<br />

thermometer mounted at the center face of the<br />

black panel, which provides temperature values<br />

equivalent to the dial thermometer, may be substituted.<br />

4.1.9 A blower unit in the base of the apparatus<br />

should provide a flow of air through the<br />

test chamber and over the test specimens. Control<br />

of specimen and black-panel temperature<br />

should be accomplished by thermostatic control<br />

of the temperature of the constant volume of air<br />

from the blower. Black-panel temperatures<br />

should be read through the window in the test<br />

ciramki door withoiii ofiiiiiig the boor.<br />

4.1.10 Apparatus operated as a light- and water-exposure<br />

test shall be equipped with a specimen<br />

spray unit as illustrated in Figs. 2 and 3. All<br />

components of the specimen spray unit should<br />

be fabricated from stainless steel, plastic, or other<br />

material that does not contaminate the water.<br />

Apparatus operated only as a light-exposure test<br />

are not required to have the specimen spray unit<br />

or, if present, it should not be used.<br />

4.1.1 1 Types A, AH, BH, and some Type B<br />

apparatus are equipped with an electrically op<br />


eb<br />

erated vaporizing unit for adding moisture to the<br />

air as it passes through the conditioning chamber<br />

in the base section prior to its entry into the test<br />

chamber of the apparatus.<br />

4.1,ll.l In Types A and B, the vaporizing<br />

unit, when manually turned on, may operate<br />

continuously while the apparatus is in operation.<br />

Type A and some Type B apparatus may be<br />

programmed to operate the vaporizer during a<br />

dark cycle only. The temperature of the water,<br />

with which the vaporizer is supplied, is not controlled.<br />

In Type B apparatus not supplied with a<br />

vaporizing unit, the relative humidity within the<br />

test chamber is governed by evaporation of water<br />

in the bottom of the chamber and from water<br />

emitted through the specimen spray unit.<br />

4.1.1 1.2 In Types AH and BH apparatus, op<br />

eration of the vaporizer is controlled automatically<br />

by a wet-bulb thermostat. The temperature<br />

of the water supplied to the vaporizer is regulated<br />

automatically by thermostatically-actuated electric<br />

immersion heaters. Control automatically<br />

shifts between two separate sets of thermostats as<br />

the arc lamp is turned on and off by the program<br />

control unit.<br />

4.1.12 In Types A, B, AH, and BH apparatus<br />

containing vaporizing units, relative humidity is<br />

determined from wet- and dry-bulb thermometers<br />

located in the air stream at the vaporizer's<br />

point of exit from the test chamber.<br /> Determine the relative humidity for<br />

Type B apparatus not equipped with a vaporizing<br />

unit from wet- and dry-bulb thermometers<br />

mounted in holders on the specimen rack so that<br />

their sensitive portions are in the same relative<br />

position as the face of the test specimen but<br />

shielded from the radiation.<br /> Any apparatus with a vaporizing unit<br />

operated with the unit and immersion heaters<br />

turned off will provide essentially the same conditions<br />

of relative humidity as are produced in<br />

Type B apparatus without a vaporizing unit.<br />

4.1.13 The apparatus shall include means for<br />

measuring the following:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Wattage of the xenon-arc lamp,<br />

Irradiance at the specimen rack,<br />

Black-panel temperature,<br />

Dry-bulb temperature (test cham-<br />

bed,<br /> Wet-bulb temperature (test chambed,<br /> Exposure interval, and<br />

G 26<br /> Water spray pressure when applicable.<br />

4.1.14 Where specified, the apparatus shall<br />

include means for regulating or controlling the<br />

following:<br /> Wattage of the xenon lamp,<br /> Irradiance or irradiation, or both, at<br />

the specimen rack,<br /> Temperature (test chamber),<br /> Relative humidity (test chamber),<br /> Lightdark-spray-humidity-temperature<br />

cycles, and<br /> Water spray pressure when applicable.<br />

4.2 Air-Cooled Type:' I<br />

4.2.1 The apparatus employed shall use an<br />

air-cooled xenon-arc lamp as the source of radiation<br />

and should be one of the following types, or<br />

their equivalent:<br /> Type C-Air-cooled xenon-arc apparatus,<br />

1500 W, 158-mm (6.2-in.) diameter specimen<br />

rack, with automatic programming of cycles<br />

and humidity. The specimen rack should<br />

rotate at 5.2 k 0.1 rpm.<br /> Type D-Air-cooled xenon-arc apparatus,<br />

4500 W, 360-mm (14.2-in.) diameter specimen<br />

rack, with automatic programming of temperature,<br />

cycles, and humidity. The specimen<br />

rack should rotate at 3.7 k 0.1 rpm.<br />

4.2.2 The xenon arcs employed in Types C<br />

and D should be of the medium-pressure, aircooled<br />

type and one or more optical filters shall<br />

be fitted between the light source and the samples<br />

to filter out undesired wavelengths of radiation.<br />

A combination of optical filters recommended<br />

by the manufacturer shall be used to simulate (1)<br />

sunlight in the open, (2) sunlight behind window<br />

glass, or (3) any other simulated solar irradiation<br />

condition desired.<br />

4.2.3 All gas discharge lamps have a progressive<br />

drop in radiant output with continued use.<br />

Although Types C and D minimize this drop in<br />

output, these xenon arcs must still be exchanged<br />

for new ones after 1500 h of use. It is recommended<br />

to exchange the IR-optical filters for new<br />

ones after 3500 h of use. Answering the purpose,<br />

not all seven IR-optical filters of the filter lantern<br />

should be exchanged at the same time but each<br />

I' Available from Quadampen GmbH, 6450 Hanau/Main,<br />

West Gmnany. Domestic distributor is Batson Machinery, Inc.,<br />

P.O. Box 3978, Grcendle, S.C. 28608. Model I50 meets the<br />

requirements of Type C. Model 450 meets the requirements of<br />

Type D.<br />


should be exchanged after it has been running<br />

for 3500 h.<br />

4.2.4 Specimen holders should rotate around<br />

the arc, describing a cylindrical surface, so that<br />

specimens may face, or be turned opposite to,<br />

the arc. No part of the specimens shall be above<br />

or below the ends of the arc. Repositioning of<br />

specimens in upper, center, or lower positions<br />

can improve the uniformity of intensity of the<br />

exposure.<br />

4.2.5 <strong>Test</strong>ing temperatures should be measured<br />

and regulated on the basis of a black-panel<br />

thermometer unit that is mounted so that the<br />

face of the unit is in the same relative position<br />

and is subjected to the same influences as the test<br />

specimens. The black-panel thermometer unit<br />

should consist of a stainless steel panel approximately<br />

48 by 200 by 1 mm (1.9 by 8.0 by 0.04<br />

in.), to which a stainless steel bimetallic dial-type<br />

thermometer is mechanically fastened. The temperature<br />

at the center of the panel should be<br />

sensed by the thermometer. The face of the panel<br />

should be finished with a baked-on black glossy<br />

enamel having good stability to light.<br />

4.2.6 A blower unit in the base of the apparatus<br />

shall provide a flow of air through the test<br />

chamber and over the test specimens. Control of<br />

the specimen and the black-panel temperature<br />

should be accomplished by thermostatic control<br />

of the temperature of the constant volume of air<br />

from the blower. Black-panel temperature should<br />

be read through the window in the test chamber<br />

door without opening the door.<br />

4.2.7 The apparatus should be equipped with<br />

a system to spray the specimens uniformly with<br />

water. This system should be of stainless steel,<br />

plastic, or other material that does not react with<br />

or contaminate the water employed.<br />

4.2.8 Relative humidity in the test chamber<br />

should be measured and controlled by a contact<br />

hygrometer. Water should be vaporized and diffused<br />

to enrkh the air with water and produce<br />

the required humidity.<br />

4.2.9 The apparatus shall include equipment<br />

necessary for measuring and controlling the same<br />

parameters as listed for water-cooled xenon arcs.<br />

5. General Procedure<br />

5.1 Check to be sure the apparatus is operating<br />

properly at the start of each test. Check the lamp<br />

operation at 100-h intervals to be sure the burner<br />

tube and optical filters are clean and that they<br />

have not exceeded the maximum recommended<br />

G 26<br />

period of use.<br />

5.2 Program the instrument to operate in the<br />

continuous light-on mode without water spray.<br />

Fill the specimen rack with blanks and the blackpanel<br />

thermometer. Operate the instrument in<br />

this mode while regulating the chamber dry-bulb<br />

temperature to provide the desired black-panel<br />

temperature of 63 f 3°C (145 f 5°F).<br />

5.3 When the chamber dry-bulb temperature<br />

has been regulated, adjust instruments with automatic<br />

humidity control to control the chamber<br />

wet-bulb temperature at the level that will ensure<br />

the desired relative humidity.<br />

5.4 In Types A, B, C, and D apparatus, use<br />

the type and number of spray nozzles (Figs. 2<br />

and 3) recommended by the manufacturer and<br />

operate at a pressure of 124 to 172 kPa ( 18 to 25<br />

psi), measured at the nozzle unless otherwise<br />

recommended. The water shall have a pH of 6.0<br />

to 8.0, contain less than 20 ppm solids, and leave<br />

no deposit or stain on the specimens after continued<br />

exposure in the apparatus. The temperature<br />

of the water should be 16 f 5°C (60.8 f 9"F),<br />

and recirculation of the water shall not be permitted<br />

unless the recirculated water meets the<br />

above requirements. Pass the specimens through<br />

the spray once in each minute or revolution of<br />

the rack during the spray cycle. Allow the water<br />

to strike the test specimens in the form of a fine<br />

spray equally distributed over the specimens.<br />

5.5 The temperature of the rack spray water<br />

should be sufficiently low to reduce the specimen<br />

temperature below the dewpoint when the specimen<br />

is continuously sprayed during a dark cycle.<br />

5.6 Reference Standards:<br />

5.6.1 AA TCC Blue Wool Lightfastness Standard~.~<br />

NOTE 5-The eight standards L-2 to L-9 have been<br />

made by blending wool dyed with the fugitive dye Erio<br />

Chrome Azurole B and wool dyed with the fast dye<br />

Indigosol Blue AGG in different proportions. The<br />

Mended wm!s were spun into yams and the yams<br />

woven into cloths. Each standard is approximately<br />

twice as fast as the next lower numbered standard. It<br />

has been found that when new lots of the standards are<br />

produced, the amounts of the dyes required and the<br />

properties of the two wools in the blends are often<br />

different from those used originally. The dyeing<br />

strengths and blending proportions would therefore be<br />

misleading, and they are intentionally not specified.<br />

5.6.2 Any standard sample established by mutual<br />

agreement between the purchaser and the<br />

supplier.<br />

5.6.3 IS0 Gray Scale for Assessing Change in<br />


Color. '*<br />




6. Procedure<br />

6.1 Apparatus shall be Type A, B, AH, BH,<br />

C, or D light-exposure device.<br />

6.2 Program the instrument for continuous<br />

light and intermittent water spray in accordance<br />

with the manufacturer's instructions. Choice of<br />

the program selected will be by mutual agreement<br />

among the interested parties. Historical<br />

convention has established a cycle of 102 min of<br />

light followed by a cycle of 18 min of light and<br />

water spray as a commonly accepted program<br />

that permits the attainment of the maximum<br />

black-panel temperature during the light-only<br />

portion of the cycle.<br />

6.3 In Types AH and BH apparatus, adjust<br />

dry- and wet-bulb temperature controls, humidifier,<br />

and immersion heater controls to maintain<br />

the desired conditions as specified in Section<br />

5.<br />

6.4 In Types A and B with humidifier, humidity<br />

may be adjusted but not controlled.<br />

6.4.1 Type B instruments without a humidifier<br />

must operate with whatever humidity<br />

occurs from the evaporation of water in the<br />

bottom of the test chamber and from specimen<br />

spray.<br />




7. Procedure<br />

7.1 Apparatus shall be Type A, B, AH, or BH<br />

light-exposure device<br />

7.1.1 Types AH and BIi apparatus with automatic<br />

humidity csntrois may be operated on<br />

alternate light and dark cycles. Types C and D<br />

may be operated with 18U-deg specimen rotation<br />

per revolution about the lamp.<br /> Operation during the light-on cycle<br />

shall be as described in Section 6.<br />

7. I. 1.2 Separate controls for temperatures and<br />

humidification may be adjusted during the dark<br />

cycle for automatic control as the program alternates<br />

from light to dark. In Type BH apparatus,<br />

a rack spray to cool the specimens by wetting the<br />

Unexposed back surface can result in development<br />

of condensation on the exposed specimen<br />

surface during the dark cycle.<br />

7.1.2 Types A, B, AH, and BH may be pro-<br />

0 26<br />

grammed to operate on alternate light and dark<br />

cycles without control of relative humidity.<br />



8. Procedure<br />

8.1 Apparatus shall be Types A, B, AH, BH,<br />

C, or D light-exposure devices programmed for<br />

continuous light only, in accordance with the<br />

manufacturers instructions. Optical filters C or<br />

D described in should be used.<br />

8. I. I Adjust the controls on the apparatus so<br />

that the black-panel temperature is 63 f 3°C<br />

(145 f 5°F) and the relative humidity is 30 f<br />

5 % when the xenon lamp is operated at a wattage<br />

that provides 20 AATCC Fading Units of exposure<br />

in about 15 to 25 clock hours. Check at<br />

regular intervals and, when necessary, readjust<br />

the controls to maintain the specified values for<br />

these variables. Target values for black panel<br />

temperature, 20 AATCC Fading Units, and relative<br />

humidity should be 63"C, 20 clock hours,<br />

and 30 %, respectively.<br />

NOTE 6-20 AATCC Fading Units is equivalent to<br />

a 1.5 f 0.2 ANLAB(40) unit change in Blue Wool L-4<br />

(#4 on the IS0 Gray Scale). Irradiation of about 110<br />

H/m2 (1.5 W/mZ.20-h exposure) at 420 nm has been<br />

found sufficient to produce the specified condition.<br />

8.1.2 Expose the material to be tested as determined<br />

by mutual agreement among the concerned<br />

parties or, when not otherwise specified,<br />

in accordance with one of the following:<br /> Versus One AA TCC Blue Wool Light-<br />

.fastness Standard-Expose the test specimen and<br />

any mutually agreed-upon AATCC Blue Wool<br />

Lightfastness Standard until the selected standard<br />

between its exposed and unexposed portion exhibits<br />

a color change equal to Step 4 of the IS0<br />

Gray Scale. Report the results by any mutually<br />

agreed-upon method of measuring change in the<br />

test specimen.<br /> Versus Set of AATCC Blue Wool<br />

Lightfastness Standards-Expose the test specimen<br />

and a set of AATCC Blue Wool Lightfastness<br />

Standards until a maximum permissible<br />

amount of change, as determined by any specified<br />

or mutually agreed-upon method of measurement,<br />

occurs in the test specimen. Assign it<br />

'*Reference DraR Is0 Recommendation No. 177, Document<br />

ISO/TC-38 (Secretariat 102) 186. Scales with instructions<br />

for use are available from Is0 member bodies in the various<br />

countries of the world. In the USA they may be obtained from<br />

The Secretary, American Association of Textile Chemists and<br />

Colorists, P.O. Box 122 IS, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709.<br />


G 26<br />

a classification number equal to that of the numbered<br />

standard that most nearly exhibits a change<br />

in color equal to Step 4 on the IS0 Gray Scale<br />

between its exposed and unexposed portion.<br />

Where one standard shows a color change greater<br />

than Step 4 and the next higher number standard<br />

shows less than a Step 4 color change, an intermediate<br />

or half-grade rating may be used.<br /> Versus Other Standard Sample--Expose<br />

the test specimen and any mutually agreedupon<br />

standard sample until either, by any specified<br />

or mutually agreed-upon method of measurement,<br />

shows an agreed-upon amount of<br />

change. Report the results on the basis of a<br />

comparison of the specimen with the standard<br />

sample.<br />



SPRAY<br />

9. Procedure<br />

9.1 Apparatus shall be Types A, B, AH, or BH<br />

programmed to predetermined cycles of light and<br />

darkness by turning off the xenon arc, or apparatus<br />

shall be Type C and D programmed for<br />

light and dark cycles by rotating the exposed face<br />

of the specimen 180 deg away from the arc. The<br />

method will be determined by the apparatus used<br />

and results may not be comparable between the<br />

two.<br />

NOTE 7-Type B instruments not equipped with a<br />

vaporizing unit do not meet the requirements of<br />

Method D. In Type A and Type B apparatus with<br />

intermittent blower operation during the light-off cycle<br />

and the atomizer in continuous operation, the test<br />

chamber air temperature will drop to that of room air<br />

less the heat removed by vaporation of water from<br />

wicks and atomizer.<br />

9.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, exposure<br />

conditions shall be identical to Method B except<br />

that during the light-on cycle the equilibrium<br />

condition for relative humidity shall be 35 k 5 %<br />

and during periods of darkness equilibrium conditions<br />

shall be 90 f 5 % relative humidity at a<br />

dry-bulb temperature of 35 k 3°C (95 & 5°F).<br />

10. Report<br />

10.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

10.1.1 Type and model of exposure device,<br />

10.1.2 Type of light source and wattage,<br />

10.1.3 Type and age of filters,<br />

10.1.4 Spectral irradiance at sample location,<br />

W/m2-nm (see Note 9),<br />

10.1.5 Irradiation, kJ/m2,<br />

10.1.6 Elapsed exposure time, h,<br />

10.1.7 Light- or dark-water-humidity program<br />

employed,<br />

10.1.8 Operating black-panel temperature,<br />

10.1.9 Operating relative humidity,<br />

10.1.10 Type of spray water,<br />

10.1.1 1 Type of spray nozzle, and<br />

10.1.12 Specimen relocation procedure.<br />

NOTE 8-When direct measurement of irradiation<br />

and spectral irradiance cannot be made, data supplied<br />

by the manufacturer shall be substituted. Irradiation in<br />

kilojoules per square metre may be calculated by multiplying<br />

the product of the irradiance in watts per square<br />

metre and the exposure time in hours by the factor 3.6.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjive years and<br />

is not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, I916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1910.3.<br />


Material<br />

G 26 <strong>Test</strong> Method No.<br />

Reference Standard Used:<br />

Other ASTM <strong>Test</strong> No.<br />

Method No.<br />

Exposure Apparatus: ASTM Type<br />

Mfr. Model<br />

Serial No.<br />

Light Source: Water-cooled -W, Air-Cooled -W<br />

Method Used to Regulate Wattage to Lamp<br />

Optical Filters: Type , Age h<br />

Spectral Irradiance: W/m2 at nm<br />

Irradiation Units: L / m * How Monitored:<br />

Elapsed Exposure Time: -h<br />

Exposure Conditions: Program -h<br />

Light -min<br />

Dark -min<br />

Black-Panel Temperature -“C (“F)<br />

Air Temperature -“C (“F)<br />

Dry Bulb Temperature -‘C (“F) -‘C (“F)<br />

Relative Humidity -% -%<br />

Specimen Water Spray -min cycle -min cycle<br />

Specimen Nonspray -min cycle -min cycle<br />

Specimen Spray Water Type:<br />

Specimen Spray Nozzle Type: Mfg. Designation<br />

Specimen Relocation Procedure During Exposure:<br />

Identify properties to be determined on test specimens and identify test procedures or methods used for property measurement.<br />

-r- *---- - ~<br />

Supervisor/Date:<br />

Company:<br />

FIG. 1 ReportForm<br />


SPRAY<br />

ANGLE-<br />

/'<br />

\<br />

\<br />

\<br />

80°<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />







PRESSURE OF18 T225 OS!, F-90<br />

NOZZLE - 23 TS 32 FINTS/MIN<br />

' i<br />

ji I<br />

I /<br />

I<br />

1<br />

I<br />

i) \.<br />

Metric Equivalents<br />

23~a in. 60.325 mm<br />

4 in. 101.6 mm<br />

20 in. 508 mm<br />

18 psi<br />

124 kPa<br />

25 psi<br />

172 kPa<br />

0.23 pt 0.109 liter<br />

0.32 pt 0.152 liter<br />

FIG. 2 Specimen Spray Arrangement for Type A and AH Appnratus<br />



\v<br />

/ FACE<br />

-7<br />

OF SPEClMEN /<br />

DIRECTION X/\,<br />


1 RPM<br />

><br />


1“<br />



r NOZZLE<br />



1 TYPE EMPLOYED- F-80<br />

I<br />




FIRESSURE OF TH TG 25 PS, 46 ro 64<br />


t 55’*<br />

t-<br />

t<br />

c..<br />

Metric Equivalents<br />

4 in. 101.6 mm<br />

18 psi 124 kPa<br />

4’16 in. 117.48 mm<br />

25 psi 172 kPa<br />

5”l~ in. 136.52 mm 0.46 pt 0.218 liter<br />

IO‘/2 in. 266.7 mm<br />

0.64 pt<br />

0.304 liter<br />

3731r in.<br />

958.85 mm<br />

FIG. 3 Specimen Spray Arrangement for Type B and BH Apparatus<br />

The American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infiingement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />


ab<br />


Designation: G 53 - 84<br />


1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103<br />

Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM<br />

If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the Rext edition<br />

Standard Practice for<br />




This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 53; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of<br />

original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.<br />

A superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.<br />

This practice has been approvedfor use by agencies of the Department of Defense and for listing in the DoD Index of Specijications<br />

and Standards.<br />

1. scope<br />

1.1 This practice covers the basic principles<br />

and operating procedures for using fluorescent<br />

ultraviolet (UV) and condensation apparatus to<br />

simulate the deterioration caused by sunlight and<br />

water as rain or dew.<br />

1.2 This practice is limited to the method of<br />

obtaining, measuring, and controlling the conditions<br />

and procedures of exposure. It does not<br />

specify the exposure conditions best suited for<br />

the material to be tested. Specimen preparation<br />

and evaluation of the results are covered in<br />

ASTM methods or specifications for specific materials.<br />

1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be<br />

regarded as the standard.<br />

1.4 This standard may involve hazardous materials,<br />

operations, and equipment. This standard<br />

does not purport to address all of the safety problems<br />

associated with its use. It is the responsibility<br />

of whoever uses this standard to consult and<br />

establish appropriate safety and health practices<br />

and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations<br />

prior to use.<br />

2. Applicable Documents<br />

2.1 ASTM Standards:<br />

E 220 Method for Calibration of Thermocouples<br />

by Comparison Techniques2<br />

G 7 Practice for Atmospheric Environmental<br />

Exposure <strong>Test</strong>ing of Nonmetallic Material?<br />

2.2 CIE Standard:<br />

No. 20 Recommendations for the Integrated<br />

Irradiance and the Spectral Distribution of<br />

Simulated Solar <strong>Radiation</strong> for <strong>Test</strong>ing<br />

Purposes4<br />

3. Description of Terms Specific to This Standard<br />

3.1 irradiance-the radiation incident on a<br />

surface expressed in W/m2. Irradiance is the total<br />

of the incident radiation at all wavelengths. Forty<br />

watt fluorescent lamps of the UV-B and UV-A<br />

types generate similar amounts of irradiance.<br />

However, since this irradiance is distributed at<br />

different wavelengths, the photochemical effects<br />

caused by these different lamps vary greatly.<br />

Therefore, irradiance should not be used to compare<br />

UV light sources.<br />

3.2 spectral irradiance-the distribution of irradiance<br />

as a function of wavelength. It is expressed<br />

in W/mZ per wavelength band. The spectral<br />

irradiance of sunlight is often shown as W/<br />

mz per 10 nm band. The spectral irradiance of<br />

fluorescent UV lamps should be shown in bands<br />

1 or 2 nm wide. Spectral irradiance is the proper<br />

method for comparing sources with different energy<br />

distributions.<br />

3.3 spectrai energy distribution (SED j-a<br />

general term for the characterization of the<br />

amount of radiation present at each wavelength.<br />

' This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee<br />

G-3 on Durability of Nonmetallic Materials, and is the direct<br />

responsibility of Subcommittee 03.03 on Simulated and Controlled<br />

Environmental <strong>Test</strong>s.<br />

Current edition approved Aug. 3 I , 1984. Published October<br />

1984. Originally published as G 53 - 77. Last previous edition<br />

G 53 - 83.<br />

Annual Book oJASTM Standards, Vol 14.01.<br />

'Annual Book oJASTM Standards. Vol 14.02.<br />

' Available from Secretary, U.S. National Committee, CIE,<br />

National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.<br />

42 1

G 53<br />

SEDs can be expressed by power in watts, irradiance<br />

in watts/m2, or energy in joules. The<br />

shape of the SED would be identical in all of<br />

these units. Fluorescent lamps are frequently described<br />

by relative SEDs which show the amount<br />

of radiation at each wavelength as a percentage<br />

of the amount of radiation at the peak wavelength.<br />

Fig. 1 is a relative SED.<br />

3.4 ultraviolet regions-CIE Publication No.<br />

20 (1 972) divides the ultraviolet spectrum into<br />

three regions: UV-A, radiation in wavelengths<br />

between 3 15 nm and 400 nm; UV-B, radiation<br />

in wavelengths between 280 nm and 315 nm;<br />

and UV-C, radiation in wavelengths shorter than<br />

280 nm.<br />

3.5 Juorescent UV lamp-a lamp in which<br />

radiation at 254 nm from a low-pressure mercury<br />

arc is transformed to longer wavelength UV by a<br />

phosphor. The spectral energy distribution of a<br />

fluorescent UV lamp is determined by the emission<br />

spectrum of the phosphor and the UV transmission<br />

of the glass tube.<br />

4. Summary of Practice<br />

4.1 Specimens are alternately exposed to ultraviolet<br />

light alone and to condensation alone<br />

in a repetitive cycle.<br />

4.2 The UV source is an array of fluorescent<br />

lamps, with lamp emission concentrated in the<br />

UV range.<br />

4.3 Condensation is produced by exposing the<br />

test surface to a heated, saturated mixture of air<br />

and water vapor, while the reverse side of the test<br />

specimen is exposed to the cooling influence of<br />

ambient room air.<br />

4.4 The exposure condition may be varied by<br />

selection ofi the fluorescent UV lamp; the timing<br />

of the UV and condensation exposure; the temperature<br />

of UV exposure; and the temperature of<br />

condensation exposure.<br />

5. Stgnificanee and Use<br />

5.1 The use of the apparatus under this practice<br />

is intended to simulate the deterioration<br />

caused by water as rain or dew and the ultraviolet<br />

energy in sunlight. It is not intended to simulate<br />

the deterioration caused by localized weather<br />

phenomena, such as atmospheric pollution, biological<br />

attack, and salt water exposure.<br />

5.2 Variation in results may be expected when<br />

operating conditions are varied within the accepted<br />

limits of this practice. Therefore, no reference<br />

shall be made to results from use of this<br />

practice unless accompanied by a report detailing<br />

the specific operating conditions in conformance<br />

with Section 1 1.<br />

5.3 Any report correlating results from use of<br />

this practice to results from a period of natural<br />

weathering shall specify in detail the conditions<br />

of natural exposure, since sunlight and water<br />

effects upon materials exposed to the weather<br />

will vary from year to year and also vary with<br />

location, latitude, time of year, temperature,<br />

proximity to water sources, etc.<br />

NOTE I-Practice G 7 lists the information required<br />

to describe a particular condition of outdoor exposure.<br />

5.4 Correlations established and reported in<br />

conformance with 5.2 and 5.3 shall not be extrapolated<br />

to other test conditions permitted by<br />

this practice, to other conditions of natural exposure,<br />

or to materials other than those tested.<br />

6. Apparatus5<br />

6.1 <strong>Test</strong> Chamber, (see Fig. 2) constructed of<br />

corrosion-resistant materials enclosing eight fluorescent<br />

UV lamps, a heated water pan, test<br />

specimen racks, and provisions for controlling<br />

and indicating operating times and temperatures.<br />

6.2 Lamps, rapid start, medium bipin fluorescent<br />

UV lamps with a length of 1220 mm, and a<br />

nominal rating of 40 W when operated from a<br />

ballast providing a controlled current of 430 mA<br />

at 102V.<br />

6.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the lamps<br />

shall be UV-B lamps with a peak emission at 3 13<br />

nm and a spectral energy distribution as shown<br />

in Fig. 1.<br />

6.2.2 Other fluorescent UV lamps meeting the<br />

size and electrical characteristics in 6.2 may be<br />

used, provided that the lamp and spectral energy<br />

distribution are reported in conformance with<br />

Section 11.<br />

6.3 Lamp Spacing and Arrangement-The<br />

lamps shall be mounted in two banks of four<br />

lamps each as shown in Fig. 2. The lamps in each<br />

bank shall be mounted parallel in a flat plane on<br />

70-mm centers.<br />

6.4 Specimen Mounting and Arrangement-<br />

The test specimens shall be mounted in stationary<br />

racks with the plane of the test surface parallel<br />

to the plane of the lamps at a distance of 50 mm<br />

from the nearest surface of the lamps, as shown<br />

JApparatus and lamps from QPanel Co., 26200 First St.,<br />

Cleveland, OH 44145, and from Atlas Electric Devices Co.,<br />

4 I I4 N. Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, IL 606 13, have been found<br />

satisfactory.<br />


G 53<br />

in Fig. 2.<br />

6.4.1 The test specimens shall be exposed<br />

within an area 210 mm in height by 900 mm<br />

wide on each side of the apparatus located as<br />

shown in Fig. 4.<br />

NOTE 2-It is possible to mount specimens above,<br />

below, and beside the 210 by 900 mm area, but specimens<br />

so mounted will be exposed to lower UV intensities.<br />

6.5 Condensation Mechanism-Water vapor<br />

shall be generated by heating a water pan extending<br />

under the entire sample area and containing<br />

a minimum water depth of 25 mm. Specimen<br />

racks and the test specimens themselves shall<br />

constitute the Side walls of the chamber. The<br />

back side of the specimens shall be exposed to<br />

cooling effects of ambient room air. The resulting<br />

heat transfer causes water to condense on the test<br />

surface.<br />

6.5.1 The specimens shall be arranged so that<br />

condensate runs off the test surface by gravity<br />

and is replaced by fresh condensate in a continuous<br />

process. Vents along the bottom of the test<br />

chamber shall be provided to permit an exchange<br />

of ambient air and water vapor to prevent oxygen<br />

depletion of the condensate.<br />

5.6 Water Supply, with an automatic control<br />

to regulate the level in the water pan shall be<br />

provided. Distilled, deionized, or potable tap water<br />

are equally acceptable for purposes of the test,<br />

since the condensation process itself distills water<br />

onto the test surface.<br />

6.7 Cycle Timer, A continuously operating<br />

cycle time, for programming the selected cycle of<br />

UV periods and condensation periods.<br />

6.7.1 Hour meters shall be provided to record<br />

total time of operation and total time of UV<br />

exposure.<br />

6.8 Specimen Temperature Measurement:<br />

6.8.1 Specimen temperature shall be measured<br />

by a thermometer with a remote sensor<br />

attached to a black aluminum panel 75 by 100<br />

by 2.5 mm thick. The thermometer shall be<br />

precise to f 1°C through a range from 30" to<br />

80°C. The indicator dial shall be located outside<br />

the test chamber.<br />

6.8.2 The black aluminum panel with the<br />

thermometer sensor shall be positioned in the<br />

center of the exposure area so that the sensor is<br />

subject to the same conditions as the specimens.<br />

6.9 Specimen Temperature Control:<br />

6.9.1 During UV exposure, the selected equilibrium<br />

temperature shall be maintained within<br />

k 3°C by supplying heated air to the test chamber.<br />

6.9.2 During condensation exposure, the selected<br />

equilibrium temperature shall be maintained<br />

within -+ 3°C by heating the water in the<br />

water pan.<br />

6.9.3 The UV and condensation temperature<br />

controls shall be independent of each other.<br />

6.9.4 Doors shall be located on the room air<br />

side of the specimen racks to act as insulation<br />

during the UV exposure and to minimize drafts.<br />

Such doors shall not interfere with the room air<br />

cooling of the specimen during the condensation<br />

exposure.<br />

6.10 <strong>Test</strong> Chamber Location:<br />

6.10.1 The apparatus shall be located in an<br />

area maintained at a temperature between 20°C<br />

and 30°C. The room temperature shall be measured<br />

by thermometers mounted on interior<br />

walls or column approximately 1500 mm above<br />

the floor level and at least 300 mm from any<br />

heated apparatus. Three or more thermometers<br />

located at various points will show any temperature<br />

variation in the area.<br />

6.10.2 It is recommended that the apparatus<br />

be located at least 300 mm from walls or other<br />

apparatus. Nearby heat sources, such as ovens or<br />

heated test apparatus, should be avoided or<br />

shielded, because such heat sources can reduce<br />

the cooling required for condensation.<br />

6.10.3 The room where the apparatus is located<br />

shall be ventilated to remove the heat and<br />

moisture produced and to maintain the temperatures<br />

specified in 6.10.1. Two to four air changes<br />

per hour will normally provide sufficient ventilation.<br />

7. <strong>Test</strong> Specimens<br />

7.1 Replicate specimens are desirable to provide<br />

a record of degradation at different time<br />

intervals. Retention of an unexposed specimen<br />

is recommended as ir is difiiculi io mask a specimen<br />

to prevent exposure to condensation.<br />

7.2 For specimens of insulating materials,<br />

such as wood, plastic, or porous laminates, maximum<br />

specimen thickness should be 20 mm to<br />

allow adequate heat transfer for condensation.<br />

7.3 To provide rigidity, flexible specimens<br />

may be attached to a backing panel made of<br />

aluminum or other noncorrosive heat conductive<br />

material.<br />

7.4 Cut edges of coated steel specimens shall<br />

be protected so that rust does not contaminate<br />


G 53<br />

the test surface.<br />

7.5 Holes in specimens and any openings<br />

larger than 1 mm around irregularly shaped specimens<br />

shall be sealed to prevent loss of water<br />

vapor. Porous specimens, such as textiles or wood<br />

shall be backed with a vapor barrier such as metal<br />

or plastic.<br />

8. Calibration and Standardization<br />

8.1 The thermometer or thermocouple which<br />

indicates test temperature shall be calibrated by<br />

immersing the sensing element and a liquid-inglass<br />

thermometer in water heated to approximately<br />

70°C and comparing the two temperatures<br />

as in Method E 220.<br />

8.2 The formation of condensation may be<br />

observed by using clear glass or plastic blanks in<br />

the specimen holders or rack. One large sheet of<br />

plastic may also be used for this purpose. The<br />

condensate that forms on a given area during a<br />

period of condensation may be collected and<br />

then measured.<br />

8.3 The fading and other changes caused by<br />

the fluorescent UV lamps may be observed by<br />

exposing lightfastness standards in the apparatus<br />

using UV alone without condensation.<br />

8.3.1 The AATCC Blue Wool Lightfastness<br />

reference materials6 may be used to measure the<br />

changes caused by UV. The L2 Blue Wool has<br />

been found satisfactory for evaluating fluorescent<br />

UV lamps.<br />

8.3.2 Other lightfastness reference materials<br />

may be used by agreement.<br />

8.4 Reference standards for calibrating the o p<br />

eration of the apparatus in alternate exposure to<br />

UV light and condensation may be prepared<br />

from painted metal, plastics, or other materials.<br />

Painted metal specimens produced by the coilcoating<br />

process have been found suitable for such<br />

reference standards.<br />

9. Rwdare<br />

9.1 Mount the test specimens in the specimen<br />

racks with the test surfaces facing the lamp. When<br />

the test specimens do not completely fill the<br />

racks, fill the empty spaces with blank panels to<br />

maintain the test conditions within the chamber.<br />

9.2 Program the selected test conditions. Op<br />

erate continuously, repeating the cycle, except<br />

for servicing the instrument and inspection of<br />

specimens.<br />

9.3 Various test conditions may be used. If no<br />

conditions are specified, the following cycle and<br />

temperatures are suggested: 4 h UV at 60"C, 4 h<br />

Condensation at 50°C.<br />

NOTE 3-Prior versions of this practice recommended<br />

a condensation temperature of 40'C in 9.3.<br />

When operating in room conditions that do not comply<br />

with those set forth in 6.10, a 40°C condensation temperature<br />

can result in inadequate condensation. Therefore,<br />

a 50°C condensation temperature is now suggested.<br />

9.3.1 Any test temperature that can be maintained<br />

within the limits specified in 6.9.1 and<br />

6.9.2 may be used. UV test temperature of 50°C,<br />

60", and 70°C are widely used. A condensation<br />

test temperature of 50°C is commonly used.<br />

9.3.2 The following time cycles are widely<br />

used: 4 h UV/4 h CON, and 8 h UV/4 hr CON.<br />

Use UV and condensation periods of at least 2-<br />

h duration to allow sufficient time to reach equilibrium.<br />

9.3.3 The severity of the UV exposure is influenced<br />

by test temperatures and time cycles. Photochemical<br />

reaction begins as soon as the UV<br />

lamps are turned on. The rate of UV degradation<br />

is proportional to the time of UV exposure or<br />

the temperature of UV exposure, or both. UV<br />

exposures at temperatures higher than those expected<br />

in the service environment can cause abnormal<br />

thermal degradation.<br />

9.3.4 Water reactions during condensation exposure<br />

are affected by the permeability of the<br />

specimen and require time to initiate.The rate of<br />

water degradation is increased by increased temperature.<br />

However, long hot condensation exposures<br />

can cause abnormal degradation. Fourhour<br />

condensation exposures are often used for<br />

paints on metals, while condensation exposures<br />

of 20 h duration may be used on wood.<br />

9.4 Maintenance-Periodic maintenance is<br />

required to maintain uniform UV and condensation<br />

exposure conditions.<br />

9.4.1 After 400 to 450 h of lamp operating<br />

the, replace one !amp in each bank d!amps,<br />

and rotate the other lamps as shown in Fig. 3.<br />

This procedure provides a useful lamp life of<br />

1600 to 1800 h.<br />

9.4.2 Drain water and clean water pan when<br />

conducting lamp replacement and rotation procedure.<br />

Scum on the top of the water can inhibit<br />

water vaporization.<br />

9.5 Inspect specimens daily in tests with a<br />

Available from American Association of Textile Chemists<br />

and Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC<br />

27709.<br />


G 53<br />

length of 1 week or less. <strong>Test</strong>s for longer periods<br />

should be inspected weekly. In order to minimize<br />

any effects from temperature or UV light variation,<br />

samples may be repositioned on a regular<br />

schedule, if such procedure is reported as a specific<br />

condition of the test in accordance with<br />

11.1.5.<br />

9.5.1 A permanent record of degradation at<br />

various times may be obtained by using three<br />

replicate specimens and removing the replicates<br />

sequentially at intervals equal to one third of the<br />

test length.<br />

9.6 Conclude the test when either a mutually<br />

agreed-upon number of total test hours or a<br />

mutually agreed-upon change has occurred in<br />

the test specimen or a standard test specimen.<br />

For convenience in inspecting and concluding<br />

tests during normal working hours, the following<br />

test durations are recommended:<br />

96 h = 4 days<br />

168 h = 1 week<br />

336 h = 2 weeks<br />

504 h = 3 weeks<br />

672 h = 4 weeks<br />

1008 h = 6 weeks<br />

1512 h = 9 weeks<br />

2016 h = 12 weeks<br />

10. Interpretation of Results<br />

10.1 This practice is intended to simulate the<br />

deterioration caused by natural weathering.<br />

However, the rate of degradation in natural<br />

weathering varies from year to year. Laboratory<br />

accelerated weathering is more consistent in rate.<br />

Therefore, in comparing natural and laboratory<br />

weathering one should not attempt to predict the<br />

number of hours of laboratory exposure that<br />

might equal a year of natural weathering. Even<br />

if the details of the natural exposure are fully<br />

reported as required by 5.3, any time to time<br />

comparison would apply only to a given year at<br />

a particular site.<br />

10.2 It is possible to correlate the deterioration<br />

resulting from a period of natural weathering,<br />

such as 1 year, to the deterioration resulting from<br />

a period of laboratory accelerated weathering.<br />

Spearman rank correlation, which is discussed in<br />

most basic statistical texts, has proved to be a<br />

useful method for this. A minimum of seven<br />

variables must be ranked by both test methods<br />

to obtain statistical validity from Spearman rank<br />

correlation. Ranking 10 to 15 variables by both<br />

methods will improve the reliability of such correlations.<br />

10.3 It is frequently not possible to predict<br />

how many hours or weeks of accelerated testing<br />

will yield the best correlation to some period of<br />

outdoor testing. Therefore, laboratory tests<br />

should be measured periodically, such as weekly<br />

or biweekly, so that the correlation coefficient<br />

may be calculated at several points during the<br />

accelerated test.<br />

11. Report<br />

1 1.1 The report shall include the following:<br />

11.1.1 Manufacturer and model of fluorescent<br />

UV/condensation apparatus,<br />

I 1.1.2 Manufacturer's designation for the fluorescent<br />

UV lamp, the wavelength (nm) at which<br />

peak emission occurs, and the short wavelength<br />

at which 1 % of peak emission occurs (for example,<br />

FS-40 313/280 nm),<br />

11.1.3 Cycle of UV exposure time and temperature,<br />

condensation time and temperature<br />

(for example 4 h UV/6o"C, 4 h CON/SO"C),<br />

1 1.1.4 Total exposure time,<br />

1 1.1.5 Special conditions of test, such as rotation<br />

of test specimens, and<br />

1 1.2 A sample report form is shown in Fig. 5.<br />


(nanometers)<br />

FIG. 1 Typical Relative SED of UV-B Lamp<br />


A<br />

Controll<br />


sp.ri..n<br />

Door -<br />


NEW 0<br />

LAMP<br />

FIG. 3<br />

\<br />

Lamp Rotation<br />

0 NEW<br />

LAMP<br />

FIG. 2 Apparatus %hematic Cross Section<br />

I_- POOmm -7<br />

FIG. 4 Limits of Area of Uniform Intensity<br />



Type and Modal<br />

TEST<br />

TIME<br />

hrr.<br />

LAMP<br />


TYPE<br />


CYCLE<br />

hrr UV ai -"C. I - hrr COND at ' C .<br />


nn<br />

LOW CUTGFF (1% of pwlrl<br />

nm<br />

START<br />

DATE:<br />


END<br />

DATE: mt hrr.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

FIG. 5 Sample Report Form<br />

The American Societyjbr <strong>Test</strong>ing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection<br />

with any item mentioned in this standard. Users ofthis standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such<br />

patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.<br />

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed everyjive years and<br />

tf not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional<br />

standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the<br />

responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you fie1 that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should<br />

make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.<br />


APPENDIX 14<br />

Common Abbreviations and Symbols<br />

NAME<br />

Angstrom unit<br />

American Society for <strong>Test</strong>ing Materials<br />

Avoirdupois (unit of weight based on 1 pound = 16 ounces)<br />

British Thermal Unit<br />

Celsius, degree<br />

Centimeter<br />

Centipoise<br />

Coefficient of Friction<br />

Cubic centimeter<br />

Degree<br />

Electron beam<br />

Fahrenheit, degree<br />

Feet<br />

Feet per minute<br />

Gallon<br />

Glass transition temperature<br />

Gram<br />

Hour<br />

Inch<br />

Kilowatt<br />

Liters<br />

Mercury<br />

Meter<br />

Methyl ethyl ketone<br />

Micron<br />

Milligram<br />

Milliliter<br />

Nanometer<br />

Poise<br />

Pounds<br />

Pounds per square inch<br />

Pounds per square inch per gram<br />

Revolutions per minute<br />

Seconds<br />

Time<br />

Ultraviolet<br />

Volatile Organic Compound<br />


b;<br />

ASTM<br />

avdp<br />

Btu<br />

"C<br />

cm<br />

CP<br />

COF<br />

cc<br />

deg. ,"<br />

EB<br />

OF<br />

ft.,<br />

fpm<br />

gal<br />

Tg<br />

g<br />

hr<br />

in., "<br />

kW<br />

1, L<br />

Hg<br />

m<br />

MEK<br />

Ccm<br />

mg<br />

ml, mL<br />

nm<br />

P<br />

lbs., #<br />

psi<br />

Psig<br />

'pm<br />

sec., s<br />

t<br />

uv<br />

voc<br />

kilocentimillimicronano-<br />

Prefixes and Their Numerical Value<br />

k<br />

C<br />

m<br />

IC<br />

n<br />

1 o3<br />

lo-*<br />

10-~<br />


APPENDIX 15<br />

Common Units and Conversion Factors<br />

To Convert From To Multiply By<br />

Centimeters<br />

ri<br />

rr<br />

rr<br />

Centipoise<br />

Cubic centimeter<br />

rr<br />

rr<br />

Cubic inch<br />

Cubic meter<br />

Feet<br />

rr<br />

rr<br />

Gallons, (U.S., liquid)<br />

Grams<br />

ir<br />

ir<br />

I1<br />

Inches<br />

I1<br />

ri<br />

rr<br />

Kilograms<br />

Liters<br />

rr<br />

I1<br />

Meters<br />

ir<br />

rr<br />

ir<br />

tr<br />

Microns<br />

Milligrams<br />

Milliliters<br />

Mils<br />

rr<br />

rr<br />

Ounces (avdp.)<br />

rr<br />

Poise<br />

Pwiids (zfdij.)<br />

rr<br />

Feet<br />

Inches<br />

Meters<br />

Mils<br />

Poises<br />

Cubic inches<br />

Cubic meters<br />

Liters<br />

Cubic centimeter<br />

Cubic centimeter<br />

Centimeters<br />

Inches<br />

Meters<br />

Liters<br />

Kilograms<br />

Milligrams<br />

Ounces (avdp.)'<br />

Pounds (avdp.)<br />

Centimeters<br />

Feet<br />

Meters<br />

Mils<br />

Grams<br />

Cubic centimeters<br />

Gallons, (U.S., fluid)<br />

Milliliters<br />

Centimeters<br />

Feet<br />

Inches<br />

Microns<br />

Millimeters<br />

Meters<br />

Grams<br />

Liters<br />

Meters<br />

Centimeters<br />

Inches<br />

Grams<br />

Pounds (advp.)<br />

Centipoise<br />

Grams<br />

Ounces (avdp.)<br />

0.0328<br />

0.3937<br />

0.01<br />

393.7<br />

0.01<br />

0.0610<br />

0.000001<br />

0.0010<br />

16.387<br />

1 ,oO0,oO0.0<br />

30.48<br />

12<br />

0.3048<br />

3.7853<br />

0.001<br />

1000<br />

0.0353<br />

0.0022<br />

2.54<br />

0.0833<br />

0.0254<br />

1000<br />

1000<br />

1000.028<br />

0.2642<br />

1000<br />

100<br />

3.2808<br />

39.37<br />

1,000,000.0<br />

1000<br />

0.00000 1<br />

0.001<br />

0.001<br />

0.001<br />

0.0025<br />

0.001<br />

28.35<br />

0.0625<br />

100<br />

453.59<br />

16<br />

'avdp. - Avoirdupois (unit of weight based on 1 pound = 16 ounces)<br />


APPENDIX 16<br />


To<br />

"C<br />

- 17.78<br />

- 17.22<br />

- 16.67<br />

-16.11<br />

- 15.56<br />

- 15<br />

- 14.44<br />

- 13.89<br />

- 13.33<br />

- 12.78<br />

- 12.22<br />

-11.67<br />

-11.11<br />

- 10.56<br />

- 10<br />

-9.44<br />

-8.89<br />

-8.33<br />

-7.78<br />

-7.22<br />

-6.67<br />

-6.11<br />

-5.56<br />

-5<br />

-4.44<br />

-3.89<br />

-3.33<br />

-2.78<br />

-2.22<br />

-1.67<br />

-1.11<br />

-0.56<br />

0<br />

.56<br />

1.11<br />

1.67<br />

2.22<br />

2.78<br />

3.33<br />

3.89<br />

4.44<br />

5<br />

5.56<br />

6.11<br />

6.67<br />

To Conver<br />

+ "F or "C +<br />

0<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

To<br />

"F<br />

32<br />

33.8<br />

35.6<br />

37.4<br />

39.2<br />

41<br />

42.8<br />

44.6<br />

46.4<br />

48.2<br />

50<br />

51.8<br />

53.6<br />

55.4<br />

57.2<br />

59<br />

60.8<br />

62.6<br />

64.4<br />

66.2<br />

68<br />

69.8<br />

71.6<br />

73.4<br />

75.2<br />

77<br />

78.8<br />

80.6<br />

82.4<br />

84.2<br />

86<br />

87.8<br />

89.6<br />

91.4<br />

93.2<br />

95<br />

96.8<br />

98.6<br />

100.4<br />

102.2<br />

104<br />

105.8<br />

107.6<br />

109.4<br />

111.2<br />

430<br />

To<br />

"C<br />

7.22<br />

7.78<br />

8.33<br />

8.89<br />

9.44<br />

10<br />

10.56<br />

11.11<br />

11.67<br />

12.22<br />

12.78<br />

13.33<br />

13.89<br />

14.44<br />

15<br />

15.56<br />

16.11<br />

16.67<br />

17.22<br />

17.78<br />

18.33<br />

18.89<br />

19.44<br />

20<br />

20.56<br />

21.11<br />

21.67<br />

22.22<br />

22.78<br />

23.33<br />

23.89<br />

24.44<br />

25<br />

25.50<br />

26.11<br />

26.67<br />

27.22<br />

27.78<br />

28.33<br />

28.89<br />

29.44<br />

30<br />

30.56<br />

31.11<br />

31.67<br />

To Convert<br />

+ "F or "C +<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

57<br />

58<br />

59<br />

60<br />

61<br />

62<br />

63<br />

64<br />

65<br />

66<br />

67<br />

68<br />

69<br />

70<br />

71<br />

72<br />

73<br />

74<br />

75<br />

76<br />

77<br />

78<br />

79<br />

80<br />

81<br />

82<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

88<br />

89<br />

To<br />

"F<br />

113<br />

114.8<br />

116.6<br />

118.4<br />

120.2<br />

122<br />

123.8<br />

125.6<br />

127.4<br />

129.2<br />

131<br />

132.8<br />

134.8<br />

136.4<br />

138.2<br />

140<br />

141.8<br />

143.6<br />

145.4<br />

147.2<br />

149<br />

150.8<br />

152.6<br />

154.4<br />

156.2<br />

158<br />

159.8<br />

161.6<br />

163.4<br />

165.2<br />

167<br />

168.8<br />

170.6<br />

172.4<br />

174.2<br />

176<br />

177.8<br />

179.6<br />

181.4<br />

183.2<br />

185<br />

186.8<br />

188.6<br />

190.4<br />



To<br />

"C<br />

32.22<br />

32.78<br />

33.33<br />

33.89<br />

34.44<br />

35<br />

35.56<br />

36.11<br />

36.67<br />

37.22<br />

37.78<br />

38.33<br />

38.89<br />

39.44<br />

40<br />

40.56<br />

41.11<br />

41.67<br />

42.22<br />

42.78<br />

43.33<br />

43.89<br />

44.44<br />

45<br />

45.56<br />

46.11<br />

46.67<br />

47.22<br />

47.78<br />

48.33<br />

48.89<br />

49.44<br />

50<br />

50.56<br />

51.11<br />

51.67<br />

52.22<br />

52.78<br />

53.33<br />

53.89<br />

54.44<br />

55<br />

55.56<br />

56.11<br />

56.67<br />

To Convert<br />

+ O F or "C +<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

93<br />

94<br />

95<br />

96<br />

97<br />

98<br />

99<br />

100<br />

101<br />

102<br />

103<br />

104<br />

105<br />

106<br />

107<br />

108<br />

109<br />

110<br />

111<br />

112<br />

113<br />

114<br />

115<br />

116<br />

117<br />

118<br />

119<br />

120<br />

121<br />

122<br />

123<br />

124<br />

125<br />

126<br />

127<br />

128<br />

129<br />

130<br />

131<br />

132<br />

133<br />

134<br />

To<br />

OF<br />

194<br />

195.8<br />

197.6<br />

199.4<br />

201.2<br />

203<br />

204.8<br />

206.6<br />

208.4<br />

210.2<br />

212<br />

213.8<br />

215.6<br />

217.4<br />

219.2<br />

22 1<br />

222.8<br />

224.6<br />

226.4<br />

228.2<br />

230 ,p<br />

231.8<br />

233.6<br />

235.4<br />

237.2<br />

239<br />

240.8<br />

242.6<br />

244.4<br />

246.2<br />

248<br />

249.8<br />

251.6<br />

253.4<br />

255.2<br />

257<br />

258.5<br />

260.6<br />

262.4<br />

264.2<br />

266<br />

267.8<br />

269.6<br />

271.4<br />

273.2<br />

To<br />

"C<br />

57.22<br />

57.78<br />

58.33<br />

58.89<br />

59.44<br />

60<br />

60.56<br />

61.11<br />

61.67<br />

62.22<br />

62.78<br />

63.33<br />

63.89<br />

64.44<br />

65<br />

65.56<br />

66.11<br />

66.67<br />

67.22<br />

67.78<br />

68.33<br />

68.89<br />

69.44<br />

70<br />

70.56<br />

71.11<br />

71.67<br />

72.22<br />

72.78<br />

73.33<br />

73.89<br />

74.44<br />

75<br />

75.56<br />

76.11<br />

76.67<br />

77.22<br />

77.78<br />

78.33<br />

78.89<br />

79.44<br />

80<br />

80.56<br />

81.11<br />

81.67<br />

To Convert<br />

+ OF or "c +<br />

135<br />

136<br />

137<br />

138<br />

139<br />

140<br />

141<br />

142<br />

143<br />

144<br />

145<br />

146<br />

147<br />

148<br />

149<br />

150<br />

151<br />

152<br />

153<br />

154<br />

155<br />

156<br />

157<br />

158<br />

159<br />

160<br />

161<br />

162<br />

163<br />

164<br />

165<br />

166<br />

167<br />

168<br />

i65<br />

170<br />

171<br />

172<br />

173<br />

1 74<br />

175<br />

176<br />

177<br />

178<br />

179<br />

To<br />

OF<br />

275<br />

276.8<br />

278.6<br />

280.4<br />

282.2<br />

284<br />

285.8<br />

287.6<br />

289.4<br />

291.2<br />

293<br />

294.8<br />

296.6<br />

298.4<br />

300.2<br />

302<br />

303.8<br />

305.6<br />

307.4<br />

309.2<br />

311<br />

312.8<br />

314.6<br />

316.4<br />

318.2<br />

320<br />

321.8<br />

323.6<br />

325.4<br />

327.2<br />

329<br />

330.8<br />

332.6<br />

334.4<br />

336.2<br />

338<br />

339.8<br />

341.6<br />

343.4<br />

345.2<br />

347<br />

348.8<br />

350.6<br />

352.4<br />

354.2<br />

43 1


To<br />

"C<br />

82.22<br />

82.78<br />

83.33<br />

83.89<br />

84.44<br />

85<br />

85.56<br />

86.11<br />

86.67<br />

87.22<br />

87.78<br />

88.33<br />

88.89<br />

89.44<br />

90<br />

90.56<br />

91.11<br />

91.67<br />

92.22<br />

92.78<br />

93.33<br />

93.89<br />

94.44<br />

95<br />

95.56<br />

96.11<br />

96.67<br />

97.22<br />

97.78<br />

98.33<br />

98.89<br />

99.44<br />

100<br />

100.56<br />

101.11<br />

101.67<br />

102.22<br />

102.78<br />

103.33<br />

103.89<br />

104.44<br />

105<br />

105.56<br />

106.11<br />

106.67<br />

To Conver<br />

+ "F or "C +<br />

180<br />

181<br />

182<br />

183<br />

184<br />

185<br />

186<br />

187<br />

188<br />

189<br />

190<br />

191<br />

192<br />

193<br />

194<br />

195<br />

196<br />

197<br />

198<br />

199<br />

200<br />

201<br />

202<br />

203<br />

204<br />

205<br />

206<br />

207<br />

208<br />

209<br />

210<br />

21 1<br />

212<br />

213<br />

214<br />

215<br />

216<br />

217<br />

218<br />

2 19<br />

220<br />

22 1<br />

222<br />

223<br />

224<br />

To<br />

OF<br />

356<br />

357.8<br />

359.6<br />

361.4<br />

363.2<br />

365<br />

366.8<br />

368.6<br />

370.4<br />

372.2<br />

374<br />

375.8<br />

377.6<br />

379.4<br />

381.2<br />

383<br />

384.8<br />

386.6<br />

388.4<br />

390.2<br />

392<br />

393.8<br />

395.6<br />

397.4<br />

399.2<br />

40 1<br />

402.8<br />

404.6<br />

406.4<br />

408.2<br />

410<br />

411.8<br />

413.6<br />

415.4<br />

417.2<br />

419<br />

420.8<br />

422.6<br />

424.4<br />

426.2<br />

428<br />

429.8<br />

431.6<br />

433.4<br />

435.2<br />

432<br />

To<br />

"C<br />

107.22<br />

107.78<br />

108.33<br />

108.89<br />

109.44<br />

110<br />

110.56<br />

111.11<br />

111.67<br />

112.22<br />

112.78<br />

113.33<br />

113.89<br />

114.44<br />

115<br />

115.56<br />

116.11<br />

116.67<br />

117.22<br />

117.78<br />

118.33<br />

118.89<br />

119.44<br />

120<br />

120.56<br />

121.11<br />

121.67<br />

122.22<br />

122.78<br />

123.33<br />

123.89<br />

124.44<br />

125<br />

125.56<br />

126.11<br />

126.67<br />

127.22<br />

127.78<br />

128.33<br />

128.89<br />

129.44<br />

130<br />

130.56<br />

131.11<br />

131.67<br />

To Conver<br />

+ OF or "C -+<br />

225<br />

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23 1<br />

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25 1<br />

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26 1<br />

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267<br />

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269<br />

To<br />

OF<br />

437<br />

438.8<br />

440.6<br />

442.4<br />

444.2<br />

446<br />

447.8<br />

449.6<br />

451.4<br />

453.2<br />

455<br />

456.8<br />

458.6<br />

460.4<br />

462.2<br />

464<br />

465.8<br />

467.6<br />

469.4<br />

471.2<br />

473<br />

474.8<br />

476.6<br />

478.4<br />

480.2<br />

482<br />

483.8<br />

485.6<br />

487.4<br />

489.2<br />

49 1<br />

492.8<br />

494.6<br />

496.4<br />

498.2<br />

500<br />

501.8<br />

503.6<br />

505.4<br />

507.2<br />

509<br />

510.8<br />

512.6<br />

514.4<br />


APPENDIX 17<br />


Acme Printing Ink Co ......................................... 27<br />

American Ultraviolet Co ..................................... 24<br />

B orden ................................................................. 11<br />

Ciba-Geigy .......................................................... vi<br />

Ciba-Geigy .......................................................... 42<br />

DeSoto. Inc .......................................................... 3<br />

EM Industries ....................................................... 5<br />

Energy Sciences. Inc ............................................ 9<br />

Fusion UV <strong>Curing</strong> Systems ................................ 12<br />

Goldschmidt Chemical Co .................................. 27<br />

Henkel Corp ........................................................ 24<br />

Henkel Corp ......................................................... 7<br />

Interez. Inc .......................................................... 16<br />

Pierce & Stevens Corp ......................................... 3<br />

PPG Industries ..................................................... v<br />

Radcure Specialties. Inc ........................<br />

RPC Industries .................................................... 19<br />

S artomer Co ......................................................... 9<br />

Union Carbide Corp ............................................ 12<br />

Inside Front Cover<br />

The Upjohn Co ................................................... 23<br />

UV Process Supply. Inc .............................. Back Cover<br />



#N008-001<br />

This gage has precisely<br />

graduated, clearly marked paths<br />

ranging from 0.3 to 125 mils<br />

milled into its surface. The<br />

formulation to be tested is<br />

applied to the level end of the<br />

comparator and drawn into the<br />

fhs with the supplied scraper.<br />

hen sent through the curing<br />

chamber, the thickness range<br />

of the cured film is easily<br />

determined.<br />


ROLL (1000)<br />

These phdochromic labels are a<br />

simple, reliable low cost method<br />

of monitoring UV and EB radiation.<br />

Upon irradiation the labels<br />

undergo a color change which<br />

can be easily measured with a<br />

densitometer or colorimeter. The<br />

color change can be related to<br />

radiation dose. Especially useful<br />

where an instrument is not<br />

practical such as 3-0 parts, web<br />

coating or printing.<br />


RADIOMETER #Myuoo8-001<br />

This radiometer has been<br />

specifically designed to address<br />

long-term UV process problems.<br />

Once properly installed, it<br />

provides the means of continuously<br />

monitoring the output<br />

from your particular UV processor.<br />

It is an important tool<br />

used to detect early equipment<br />

deterioration or failure. It also<br />

conIributes in the recording of<br />

equipment and process history.<br />


#MWl.MIt<br />

Provides precision measurements<br />

on any flat surface,<br />

without having to cut into the<br />

cured film. Readings are taken<br />

by zeroing the linear transducer<br />

probe on the surface and<br />

movin the probe so it steps<br />

onto tfe ink or coating. The<br />

difference in thickness is read<br />

directly in standard or metric<br />

units ranging from 0.05 to O.ooO1<br />

inch (0.05 to O.OGO5mm)<br />


IM(004-001<br />

The world's first computer<br />

tachometer. A digital, hand held,<br />

battery operated tachometer<br />

which is programmed to compute<br />

and readd in any one of<br />

13 different standard uniIs of<br />

measurement. Speeds ranging<br />

from 0.1 to IO00 FPM can be<br />

measured accurately using the<br />

rubber tread wheel supplied.<br />

Also includes concave and convex<br />

rubber tips for shaft contact.<br />


TACHOMETER #M004-002<br />

This tachometer is a dual<br />

function instrument providing<br />

contact and non-contact<br />

measurement of rotational and<br />

linear mdions. Wflh an accuracy<br />

of +I- ,03546 of indicated<br />

reading, it is ideal for uses in<br />

production, engineering, inspection,<br />

quality control and<br />

maintenance. The unit comes<br />

with a convex tip and lOcm linear<br />

measuring wheel.<br />


This digital stroboscopeltachometer<br />

is a high quality, versatile<br />

hand held instrument suited to a<br />

wide range d, motion analysis, as<br />

well as to image inspection.<br />

Optically slows or stops the<br />

motion of any moving object.<br />

Useful for printing, packaging,<br />

general production and quality<br />

control.<br />

Flashrate range: 20.00 to 29,999<br />

FPM<br />

Tachometer range: 120.00 to<br />

99,999 RPM<br />

DUROMETER IN006-002<br />

This durometer is designed to<br />

measure the indentation hardness<br />

of rubber, soft plastics and<br />

other elastomers. Dependable,<br />

built of ruggsd construction, with<br />

all park totally enclosed and<br />

machined to a high tolerance<br />

that provides precision gage<br />

movement. Portable, easily read<br />

and used anywhere, can be<br />

mounted in any orientation. A<br />

marked, calibrated test block is<br />

included with each unit.<br />

.. (.__ ..+__ .. --<br />


(Iy005-001 to 00B/sET (16)<br />

These self adhering paper Ihermometers<br />

are lowcost. accurate<br />

heat indicators for inaccessible<br />

areas. Based on the heat sensitivity<br />

d calibrated coatings on<br />

the paper base, this product is<br />

formulated to react within 1<br />

second of exposure to heat by a<br />

distinct color change from white<br />

to black. Available in 8 different<br />

temperature sets.<br />


A direct reading, precision instrument<br />

for accurately measurin<br />

the wet film thickness 3<br />

coatings, inks, adhesives,<br />

varnishes, lacquers and many<br />

other products. Can be used on<br />

a flat or curved substrate.<br />

Simply roll over a wet film.<br />

Available in two ranges:<br />

#MOO2402 (measures between<br />

0 and 2 mils) and #M002-003<br />

(measures between 0 and 4 mils)<br />


These advanced meters are the<br />

most reliable instruments available<br />

in their price range with an<br />

accuracy of +I- 5%. They<br />

provide automatic full range<br />

readin s on an LCD displa<br />


#MOO712 (Spectral band width<br />

around 254nm) MEDIUM<br />


014 (Spectral ran e of 280 to<br />

anm) LONG ~AVE RADIO-<br />

METER YM007-013 (Soectral<br />

range of 320 to 380nni) '<br />


Determining desired film<br />

thickness is easy to do with<br />

these multi-thickness wet film<br />

applicators. Each variable<br />

scraper provides a predetermined<br />

thickness range for<br />

testing formulations. A small<br />

quantity of the material is<br />

placed in the channel and<br />

scraped across a Hat substrate<br />

for evaluation. Available in 2 or<br />

8 paths and a variety of widths.<br />

Featured above is ryNOO8-002<br />

(graduated 0 to 10 mil).

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