SAR_Task22_Japan_Oct.. - Hydrogen Implementing Agreement

SAR_Task22_Japan_Oct.. - Hydrogen Implementing Agreement

SAR_Task22_Japan_Oct.. - Hydrogen Implementing Agreement


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Summary<br />

IEA <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Implementation <strong>Agreement</strong><br />

Semi-Annual Progress Report<br />

65 th Executive Committee Meeting, Fukuoka, <strong>Japan</strong><br />

11-14 <strong>Oct</strong>ober 2011<br />

Task 22: Fundamental and applied hydrogen storage materials<br />

development<br />

Professor Bjørn C. Hauback, IFE, Norway. Operating Agent<br />

<strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage is considered by many as the most challenging aspect for achieving a<br />

hydrogen-based economy. Task 22 addresses hydrogen storage in solid materials. The task<br />

started December 1 st 2006 for a period of 3 years, and with an extension for 3 years Task<br />

22 will end 30. November 2012. At present 54 Experts from 17 countries participate in 48<br />

projects in Task 22. The 9 th Task 22 meeting was held in Copenhagen in Denmark 4-8<br />

September 2011 with 63 participants. 38 out of the 48 projects were presented in the<br />

meeting. In addition there were presentations describing hydrogen storage activities in<br />

Denmark and and two observers’ presentation. The projects show very good progress with<br />

a significant international collaboration for the majority of them. One session was<br />

allocated to discussions about the future of hydrogen storage within IEA HIA after Task<br />

22. The next meetings will be in Heidelberg, Germany in May 2012 and the final Task 22<br />

meeting in Kyoto, <strong>Japan</strong> in <strong>Oct</strong>ober 2012.<br />

Task description<br />

Task 22 addresses hydrogen storage in solid materials. The research efforts require new<br />

materials and solutions, and not simple, incremental improvements in current<br />

technologies. The specific goals and objectives for research on hydrogen storage materials<br />

in Task 22 are:<br />

A. Develop a reversible or regenerative hydrogen storage medium fulfilling international<br />

targets for hydrogen storage.<br />

B. Develop the fundamental and engineering understanding of hydrogen storage by<br />

various hydrogen storage media that have the capability of meeting Target A.<br />

C. Develop hydrogen storage materials and systems for use in mobile and stationary<br />

applications and also other potential energy related applications, for example in<br />

batteries.<br />

Task 22 is open to a broad spectrum of project types:<br />

• Experimental<br />

• Engineering<br />

• Theoretical<br />

• Modelling<br />

• Safety aspects of hydrogen storage materials<br />


The following classes of materials are included:<br />

• Reversible metal hydrides<br />

• Regenerative hydrogen storage materials (chemical hydrides)<br />

• Nanoporous materials<br />

Task 22 is built on projects with international collaboration strongly encouraged. A project<br />

plan is prepared for each project. The number of Experts is 54, see Table 1.<br />

Table 1: Participation in IEA HIA Task 22 per May 2011.<br />

Country Expert Organization E-mail<br />

Australia C. Buckley Curtin Univ. c.buckley@curtin.edu.au<br />

Australia E. Gray Griffith Univ. e.gray@griffith.edu.au<br />

Canada R. Chahine HRI-UQTR richard.chahine@uqtr.ca<br />

Canada J. Huot HRI-UQTR jacques.huot@uqtr.ca<br />

Denmark T. R. Jensen Univ. of Aarhus trj@chem.au.dk<br />

Denmark T. Vegge Risø Nat. Lab. tejs.vegge@risoe.dk<br />

France D. Fruchart CNRS Grenoble daniel.fruchart@grenoble.cnrs.fr<br />

France M. Latroche CNRS Thiais michel.latroche@iscsa.cnrs.fr<br />

France P. de Rango CNRS Grenoble patricia.derango@grenoble.cnrs.fr<br />

Germany<br />

J. Bellosta von HZG<br />

jose.bellostavoncolbe@hzg.de<br />

Colbe<br />

Germany M. Dornheim HZG martin.dorniheim@hzg.de<br />

Germany M. Fichtner KIT m.fichtner@kit.edu<br />

Germany M. Hirscher MPI Stuttgart hirscher@mf.mpg.de<br />

Greece T. A. Steriotis NCSR Demokritos tster@chem.demokritos.gr<br />

Iceland S. Olafsson Univ. of Iceland sveinol@raunvis.hi.is<br />

Italy A. Albinati Univ. of Milan alberto.albinati@unimi.it<br />

Italy M. Baricco Univ. of Torino Marcello.baricco@unito.it<br />

Italy R. Cantelli Univ. of Rome rosario.cantelli@roma1.infn.it<br />

Italy P. Prosini ENEA Pierpaolo.prosini@enea.it<br />

Italy M. Zoppi CNR-ISC marco.zoppi@isc.cnr.it<br />

<strong>Japan</strong> E. Akiba ETRI AIST e.akiba@aist.og.jp<br />

<strong>Japan</strong> Y. Kojima Hiroshima Univ kojimay@hiroshima-u.ac.jp<br />

<strong>Japan</strong> N. Kuriyama UBIQEN AIST kuriyama-n@aist.go.jp<br />

<strong>Japan</strong> S.-I. Orimo Tohoku Univ. orimo@imr.tohoku.ac.jp<br />

<strong>Japan</strong> S. Tsunokake <strong>Japan</strong> Met. & Chem. tunokakes@jmc.co.jp<br />

Korea Y. W. Cho KIST oze@kist.re.kr<br />

Lithuania D. Milcius Lith. Energy Inst. milcius@isag.lei.lt<br />

Norway B. C. Hauback IFE bjorn.hauback@ife.no<br />

Norway V. A. Yartys IFE volodymyr.yartys@ife.no<br />

Netherlands B. Dam Delf Univ. of Tech. b.dam@tudelft.nl<br />

Sweden D. Noréus Stockholm Univ dag@struc.su.se<br />

Sweden Y. Andersson Uppsala Univ yvonne.andersson@mkem.uu.se<br />

Switzerland A. Züttel EMPA andreas.zuttel@empa.ch<br />

United Kingdom D. Book Univ. of Birmingham d.book@bham.ac.uk<br />

United Kingdom B. David ISIS w.i.f.david@rl.ac.uk<br />

United Kingdom Z. X. Guo Univ.College London z.x.guo@ucl.ac.uk<br />

United Kingdom D. K. Ross Univ. of Salford d.k.ross@salford.ac.uk<br />

United Kingdom G. Walker Univ. of Nottingham gavin.walker@nottingham.ac.uk<br />

USA C. Ahn Caltech cca@caltech.edu<br />

USA M. Allendorf Sandia mdallen@sandia.gov<br />

USA D. Anton SRNL donald.anton@srnl.doe.gov<br />

USA T. Autrey PNNL tom.autrey@pnl.gov<br />

USA C. Brown NIST craig.brown@nist.gov<br />

USA A. Burrell LANL burrell@lanl.gov<br />

USA Y. Chabal Univ. of Texas Dallas chabal@utdallas.gov<br />


USA D. Chandra Univ. of Nevada dchandra@unr.edu<br />

USA J. Graetz BNL graetz@bnl.gov<br />

USA K. J. Gross Hy-Energy karljgross@hy-energy.com<br />

USA C. M. Jensen Univ. of Hawaii jensen@gold.chem.hawaii.edu<br />

USA S.-Y. Liu Univ. of Oregon lsy@uoregon.edu<br />

USA D. Mosher UTRC mosherda@utrc.utc.com<br />

USA T. Udovic NIST udovic@nist.gov<br />

USA J.-C- Zhao Ohio State Univ. zhaojc@matsceng.ohio-state.edu<br />

USA R. Zidan SRNL ragaiy.zidan@srnl.doe.gov<br />

Task 22 consists of R&D projects lead by project leaders from the participation countries.<br />

Nearly every project involves international collaboration. In addition to the individual<br />

projects there is also one project related to Engineering/Applied hydrogen storage aspects<br />

that is coordinated by Donald Anton, SRNL, USA. The 48 active projects are (the project<br />

leaders in parenthesis):<br />

• Light metals and porous materials for hydrogen storage (C. Buckley, Australia)<br />

• In-situ studies of hydrogen storage materials with neutrons and X-rays (E. Gray,<br />

Australia)<br />

• Effect of severe plastic deformation on hydrogen storage behavior (J. Huot, Canada)<br />

• Synthesis and characterization of light metal hydrides and nanoporous materials (T. R.<br />

Jensen, Denmark)<br />

• Integrated computational and experimental methods for thermodynamic predictions<br />

and kinetic analysis (T. Vegge, Denmark)<br />

• TM and RE intermetallics based hydrides, from fundamental to processes and storage<br />

units (D. Fruchart, France)<br />

• Composite materials combining metallic compounds and porous materials for the<br />

chemical or electrochemical storage of hydrogen (M. Latroche, France)<br />

• Kinetic optimization of LiBH 4 /MgH 2 and Ca(BH 4 ) 2 /MgH 2 Reactive Hydride<br />

Composites (M. Dornheim, Germany)<br />

• Synthesis and characterization of new tetrahydroborate compounds and nanoscale<br />

hydrides (M. Fichtner, Germany)<br />

• <strong>Hydrogen</strong> physisorption on MOFs (M. Hirscher, Germany)<br />

• Synthesis and characterization of metal doped carbons (T. A. Steriotis, Greece)<br />

• Fundamental and applied hydrogen storage materials development of composite Mg:C<br />

materials: Using thin films and post composite processing of ball milled material (S.<br />

Ólafsson, Iceland)<br />

• <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage in nanostructured complex hydrides, molecular compounds and<br />

metal alloys (A. Albinati and R. Cantelli, Italy)<br />

• Experimental and theoretical studies on hydrogen storage materials (M. Baricco, Italy)<br />

• <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage devices based on NaBH 4 (P. Prosini, Italy)<br />

• Atomic scale characterization of hydrogen storage materials (metal hydrides,<br />

nanoporous materials, clathrates, MOFs) by optical spectroscopy and neutron<br />

scattering techniques (M. Zoppi, Italy)<br />

• Synthesis and characterization of novel metal hydrides (E. Akiba, <strong>Japan</strong>)<br />

• Basic research on non-metallic hydrogen storage materials (Y. Kojima, <strong>Japan</strong>)<br />

• Synthesis under high-pressure hydrogen atmosphere (N. Kuriyama, <strong>Japan</strong>)<br />

• Development of Light-Weight and Compact Hydrides (S.-I. Orimo, <strong>Japan</strong>)<br />

• Synthesis and characterization of complex alloy hydrides (Y. W. Cho, Korea)<br />


• Development of nanocrystalline metal hydrides using vapour deposition technologies<br />

(D. Milcius, Lithuania)<br />

• Synthesis, structural characterization and stability of complex hydrides (B. C.<br />

Hauback, Norway)<br />

• Analysis of interface effects in light-weight metal hydride thin films using<br />

hydrogenography (B. Dam, Netherlands)<br />

• Metastable lightweight hydrides (D. Noréus, Sweden)<br />

• Syntheses and characterization of hydrogen absorbing compounds based on<br />

magnesium, aluminium and 3d transition metals (Y. Andersson, Sweden)<br />

• Stability and reversibility of borohydrides for hydrogen storage (A. Züttel,<br />

Switzerland)<br />

• <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage in borohydrides and light-metal hydrides (D. Book, UK)<br />

• Synthesis, structure, stability and simulation of novel complex hydrides (B. David,<br />

UK)<br />

• Tailoring reaction routes for metal and complex metal hydrides (Z. X. Guo, UK)<br />

• Neutron scattering and ab initio investigations of hydrogen storage materials (D. K.<br />

Ross, UK)<br />

• Porous materials IEA collaboration (G. Walker, UK)<br />

• Multicomponent hydride systems (G. Walker, UK)<br />

• High pressure ambient temperature hydrogen storage adsorption (C. Ahn, USA)<br />

• Controlled synthesis of metal hydride nanoclusters (M. Allendorf, USA)<br />

• Chemical hydrogen storage (T. Autrey, USA)<br />

• Structure and dynamics of hydrogen in physisorbent systems (C. Brown, USA)<br />

• Metal amidotrihydroborates (A. Burrell, USA)<br />

• Novel theoretical and experimental approaches for understanding and optimizing<br />

molecule-sorbent interactions in metal organic framework materials (Y. Chabal, USA)<br />

• Amorphous alloy membranes prepared by melt-spin methods for long-term use in<br />

hydrogen separation applications (D. Chandra, USA)<br />

• Regeneration of kinetically stabilized hydrides (J. Graetz, USA)<br />

• International standardized practices and materials development for hydrogen storage<br />

(K. J. Gross, USA)<br />

• Novel borohydrides for hydrogen storage (C. M. Jensen, USA)<br />

• <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage by novel CBN heterocycle materials (S.-Y. Liu, USA)<br />

• Neutron metrology of hydrogen in bulk and nanoconfined metal-hydride and complexhydride<br />

systems (T. Udovic, USA)<br />

• Exploration of lightweight borohydrides for hydrogen storage (J.-C. Zhao, USA)<br />

• Development and characterization of novel hydrogen storage materials (R. Zidan,<br />

USA)<br />

• Engineering/Applied hydrogen storage, project leader: D. Anton, USA. Subprojects:<br />

Definition of a materials acceptability envelope for metal hydrides to be used in<br />

hydrogen storage systems (D. Anton, USA); <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Storage Solutions for<br />

Stationary and Mobile Applications: From Materials to Systems (V. Yartys, Norway);<br />

From basic structure to system modelling (R. Chahine, Canada); Development of<br />

Combined Heat and <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Storage Systems Based on Low-Cost Metal Hydrides<br />

(Y.-W. Cho, Korea); Engineering progress in materials based H2 storage for light-duty<br />

vehicles (D. Mosher, USA); Off-Grid and Remote-Area Electricity Supply With<br />

Integrated <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Storage (E. Gray, Australia); <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Storage Systems Based<br />

On Complex Hydrides (M. Fichtner, Germany); Design and Testing of High Capacity<br />


Alane and Chemical Hydride Based <strong>Hydrogen</strong> Storage Systems (C.M. Jensen, USA);<br />

Research, Development and Safety Assessment on Metal Hydride Tanks (S.<br />

Tsunokake, <strong>Japan</strong>); Adiabatic hydrogen storage system using changing phase<br />

materials (P. de Rango, France); Materials aspects in complex hydride based hydrogen<br />

storage tanks (J. Bellosta von Colbe, Germany)<br />

Activities during the previous six months<br />

Meeting number nine of Task 22 was held in Copenhagen, Denmark 4-8 September 2011.<br />

The program for the meeting is attached. A photo with the participants is shown in Fig. 1.<br />

Dr. Torben R. Jensen, Aarhus University, prof. Fleming Besenbacher, head of the iNANO<br />

center at Aarhus University, and other staff-members hosted the meeting in an excellent<br />

way. The meeting was partly in The Royal Danish Academy for Science and Letters and<br />

one day at the Carlsberg Academy (in the house where Niels Bohr lived for 31 years).<br />

There was in total 63 participants present at meeting, and thus it is the Task 22 meeting<br />

with most attendance so far. Table 2 below summarizes the Task 22 meetings.<br />

Table 2. Task 22 meetings.<br />

Location Dates No. of participants<br />

Monterey, California, USA 28.1-1.2. 2007 51<br />

Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands 3-7.9. 2007 58<br />

Hotel Sacocomie, Québec, Canada 2-5.3 2008 49<br />

Villa Mondragone, Italy 7-10.10 2008 52<br />

Jeju Island, Korea 19-23.4 2009 50<br />

Paris, France 11-15.10 2009 59<br />

Death Valley, USA 11-15.4 2010 56<br />

Fremantle, Australia 16-20.1 2011 43<br />

Copenhagen, Denmark 4-8.9 2011 63<br />

Prof. Ping Chen from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, China and Prof. Isaac Jacob<br />

from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel participated in the meeting. It is a hope<br />

that they can contribute to participation from China and Israel in the IEA HIA.<br />

Major Accomplishments<br />

In the first morning session of the Task 22 meeting in Copenhagen the local hosts Dr.<br />

Torben R. Jensen and Prof. Fleming Besenbacher welcomed the Experts. This was<br />

followed by a presentation from DONG Energy, one of the major sponsors of the meeting,<br />

a presentation about hydrogen research activities in Denmark by Torben R. Jensen and the<br />

Task 22 introduction by the OA. Furthermore the invited observers, Isaac Jacob from<br />

Israel and Ping Chen from China presented new research results from their activities. In<br />

the following sessions 38 out of 48 projects were presented and discussed.<br />

As usual the meeting was organized in sessions addressing the different types of materials<br />

and each session was followed by a discussion led by a moderator. The sessions were: (i)<br />

(i) Methods; (ii) Nanoporous materials and “nano-hydrides”; (iii) Mg-based, composites,<br />

AlH 3 and chemical hydrides; (iv) Borohydrides; and (v) Engineering/Applied hydrogen<br />

storage. Every presentation showed new unpublished results and with a significant<br />

international collaboration in particular with other Task 22 Experts. To present new results<br />


in the Task 22 meetings have been continuously stressed by the OA. This is one of the<br />

most important reasons for the strong interest to attend the Task 22 meetings by the<br />

international leading experts in the field. As usual there were very good discussions. The<br />

presentations and discussions in the Engineering/Applied hydrogen storage session gave<br />

an overview of different important applications of hydrogen storage materials, and with a<br />

strong emphasize on the important link between research related to materials development<br />

and applications.<br />

New future hydrogen storage task (to follow task 22 after November 2012) was discussed<br />

in a special session on Monday evening. The Chair of the IEA HIA ExCo, Dr. Jan Jensen<br />

participated in this session. He gave an overview of the IEA HIA as an introduction to the<br />

discussion. It is a strong interest from the Experts to establish a new task following Task<br />

22. The proposed title is “<strong>Hydrogen</strong>-based energy storage technologies” The first proposal<br />

for a new task will be prepared by the OA for the ExCo-meeting in Fukuoka, <strong>Japan</strong>. More<br />

details about the new task will be discussed in the Task 22 meeting in Heidelberg in May<br />

2012 and the plan is to present the final proposal at the ExCo meeting in Canada in June<br />

2012.<br />

A web-site: www.hydrogenstorage.org is available for the Task 22. It includes information<br />

about the Experts, short information about the Task 22 meetings and the annual reports<br />

from each project. However, unfortunately the web-site is still not updated, but this is<br />

planned to be done as soon as possible.<br />

Status of milestones<br />

Task 22 started in December 2006. The 9 th Experts meeting was organized 4-8 September<br />

2011. The presentations of the projects show a significant progress related to new solid<br />

compounds for hydrogen storage, the use of catalysts, better understanding of varieties of<br />

properties of the materials, and interesting and promising examples of applications of solid<br />

compounds in demonstration and also more industrial projects. However, still further work<br />

has to be carried out to reach the international goals for hydrogen storage. Different types<br />

of applications need different properties of the hydrogen storage system, and thus<br />

development in different directions. International collaboration as obtained within Task 22<br />

will be a key for a possible solution of this challenging problem. It is still a significant<br />

international activity is this field, but there are concerns in several countries about<br />

reductions in funding.<br />

Abbreviated Work Plan and Milestones for next months<br />

The following meetings will be 6-10 May 2012: Heidelberg, Germany (organized by Dr.<br />

Maximilian Fichtner). The final Task 22 meeting is planned to be in Kyoto, <strong>Japan</strong>, 26-27<br />

<strong>Oct</strong>ober 2012 with Dr. N. Kuriyama and Prof. Y. Kojima as organizers. It will linked to<br />

the MH2012 (the main hydrogen storage materials meeting organized every second year)<br />

Effectiveness of Task Participation<br />

The participation in Task 22 is very good. Most of the Experts were present at the meeting<br />

in Copenhagen, and 38 out of 48 projects were presented by the Experts themselves or by<br />

proxies. This shows that participation in the IEA HIA Task 22 meetings is given a high<br />

priority by the Experts.<br />


Fig. 1: Participants at the Task 22 Experts meeting in Copenhagen, 4-8 September 2011.<br />

Matters Required Executive Committee Attention<br />

• Approval of the semi-annual progress report.<br />

• First proposal for a new task<br />

Attachment:<br />

• Program for IEA HIA Task 22 meeting 4-8 September 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark.<br />



Task 22 – Fundamental and applied hydrogen storage materials<br />

development<br />



Dates: 4-8 September 2011<br />

Place: Copenhagen, Denmark: 4-6 and 8. September in The Royal Danish Academy for<br />

Science and Letters, H.C. Anderssen Boulevard 35; and 7 September at The Carlsberg<br />

Academy and Niels Bohr’s house, Gamle Carlsberg Vej 15.<br />

Host: Torben R. Jensen, Aarhus University, Denmark<br />


Sunday 4 September<br />

11:00-17:00 Free entrance at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (www.glyptoteket.com)<br />

16:30-20:30 Registration and welcome reception (The Royal Danish Academy for<br />

Science and Letters).<br />

Monday 5 September<br />

08:30-12:30 Welcome, introduction of Task 22, observers, presentations<br />

12:00-14:00 Lunch<br />

14:00-17:30 Presentations and discussions<br />

17:30-20:30 Discussion – the future after Task 22 (light dinner)<br />

Tuesday 6 September<br />

08:30-12:30 Presentations and discussions<br />

12:30-14:00 Lunch<br />

14:00-17:30 Presentations and discussions<br />

17:30-21:30 Light meal and visit Tivoli.<br />

Wednesday 7 September (at The Carlsberg Academy and Niels Bohr’s houlse)<br />

09:00-12.30 Presentations and discussions.<br />

12:30-13:30 Lunch<br />

13:30-18:30 Visit Carlsberg, Sightseeing in Copenhagen<br />

18:30-21:00 Conference dinner<br />

Thursday 8 September<br />

08:30-12:30 Presentations and discussions<br />

12:30-14:00 Lunch<br />

13:30-15:30 Final discussions, future plans and closing comments<br />

15:30-17:30 Scientific discussions – networking (optional) (with food and drink)<br />



This meeting is limited to participants from IEA HIA countries. IPHE storage experts<br />

have been invited based on the Memorandum of Understanding between IEA HIA and<br />

IPHE related to Task 22 cooperation. Information presented should not be abstracted,<br />

quoted or otherwise utilized until it is duly published and/or patented by the presenting<br />

parties. Photographs and/or recordings of presentations are forbidden. IEA HIA presenters<br />

may freely make their presentations available on request to IEA HIA participants, but are<br />

not obligated to do so.<br />


Sunday 4 September<br />

11:00-17:00 Free entrance at Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (www.glyptoteket.com)<br />

16:30-20:30 Registration and welcome reception at (The Royal Danish Academy for<br />

Science and Letters). Buffet 17:30 to 19:00.<br />

Monday 5 September<br />

08:30-09:40 Welcome, introduction of Task 22, presentations of activities in Denmark<br />

T.R. Jensen and F. Besenbacher: Welcome.<br />

F. Besenbacher: CarlsbergFondet and The Royal Danish Academy for<br />

Science and Letters<br />

A. Hauge Pedersen, DONG Energy A/S<br />

T.R. Jensen: <strong>Hydrogen</strong> in Denmark<br />

B.C. Hauback: Task 22 Introduction<br />

09:40-10:20 Observers and methods<br />

I. Jacob, Israel: Impact of elastic properties of alloys on hydrogen<br />

absorption: Ce-Gd case<br />

P. Chen, China: Releasing H 2 from LiBH 4 – NH 3 system<br />

10:20-10:50 Coffee<br />

10:50-11:30 Methods<br />

K. Gross, USA: International standardized practices and materials<br />

development for hydrogen storage.<br />

N. Kuriyama, <strong>Japan</strong> presented by N. Takeichi: Synthesis under highpressure<br />

hydrogen atmosphere.<br />

11:30-12:30 Nanoporous materials and “nano-hydrides”<br />

G. Walker, UK: Porous materials IEA collaboration<br />

C. Buckley, Australia: Light metals and porous materials for hydrogen<br />

storage.<br />

M. Latroche, France, presented by C. Zlotea: Composite materials<br />

combining metallic compounds and porous materials for the chemical or<br />

electrochemical storage of hydrogen.<br />

12:30-14:00 Lunch<br />

14:00-16:30 Nanoporous materials and “nano-hydrides” (coffee at 15:15)<br />

Y. Kojima, <strong>Japan</strong>: Basic research on non-metallic hydrogen storage<br />

materials.<br />

D. Milcius, Lithuania: Development of nanocrystalline metal hydrides<br />

using vapour deposition technologies<br />


M. Hirscher, Germany: <strong>Hydrogen</strong> physisorption on MOFs.<br />

M. Allendorf, USA: Controlled synthesis of metal hydride nanoclusters.<br />

T. Gennett, USA, presented by P. Parilla: Improving the reproducibility<br />

and uptake kinetics of chemisorptive (spillover) materials.<br />

M. Zoppi, Italy: Atomic scale characterization of hydrogen storage<br />

materials (metal hydrides, nanoporous materials, clathrates, MOFs) by<br />

optical spectroscopy and neutron scattering techniques.<br />

S.-Y. Liu, USA: <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage by novel CBN heterocycle materials.<br />

16:30-17:30 Discussion – Nanoporous materials and “nano-hydrides” (moderator: G.<br />

Walker, UK)<br />

17:30-20:30 Discussion – the future of hydrogen storage after Task 22 (moderator:<br />

B.C. Hauback) (light dinner)<br />

Jan K. Jensen, Executive Vice President, About IEA and Task 22.<br />

Tuesday 6 September<br />

08:30-12:30 Mg-based, composites, AlH 3 and Chemical Hydrides (coffee at 10:15)<br />

D. Fruchart, France: TM and RE intermetallics based hydrides, from<br />

fundamental to processes and storage units.<br />

J. Huot, Canada: Effect of severe plastic deformation on hydrogen storage<br />

behavior.<br />

B. Dam, Netherlands: Analysis of interface effects in light-weight metal<br />

hydride thin films using hydrogenography.<br />

E. Akiba, <strong>Japan</strong>: Synthesis and characterization of novel metal hydrides.<br />

Y. Andersson, Sweden: Syntheses and characterization of hydrogen<br />

absorbing compounds based on magnesium, aluminium and 3d transition<br />

metals.<br />

G. Walker, UK: Multicomponent hydride systems.<br />

M. Dornheim, Germany: Kinetic optimization of LiBH 4 /MgH 2 and<br />

Ca(BH 4 ) 2 /MgH 2 Reactive Hydride Composites.<br />

R. Zidan, USA: Development and characterization of novel hydrogen<br />

storage materials.<br />

R. Cantelli, Italy: <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage in nanostructured complex hydrides,<br />

molecular compounds and metal alloys.<br />

J. Graetz, USA: Regeneration of kinetically stabilized hydrides.<br />

Y. Chabal, USA, presented by J. Graetz: Novel theoretical and<br />

experimental approaches for understanding and optimizing molecularsorbent<br />

interactions in metal organic framework materials.<br />

T. Autrey, USA: Chemical hydrogen storage.<br />

12:30-14:00 Lunch<br />

14:00-15:00 Discussion – Mg-based, composites, AlH 3 and Chemical Hydrides”<br />

(moderator: C. Buckley, Austalia)<br />

15:00-15:30 Coffee<br />

15:30-17:30 Borohydrides<br />

T. Vegge, Denmark: Integrated computational and experimental methods<br />

for thermodynamic prediction and kinetic analysis.<br />

M. Fichtner, Germany: Synthesis and characterization of new<br />

tetrahydroborate compounds and nanoscale hydrides.<br />

D. Book, UK: <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage in borohydrides and light-metal hydrides.<br />

C.M. Jensen, USA: Novel borohydrides for hydrogen storage.<br />


B.C. Hauback, Norway: Synthesis, structural characterization and stability<br />

of complex hydrides.<br />

Y.W. Cho, Korea: Synthesis and characterization of complex alloy<br />

hydrides.<br />

17:30-18:30 Light meal (sandwiches)<br />

18:30-21:30 Social activities Entrance in Tivoli<br />

Wednesday 7 September (meeting at The Carlsberg Academy and Niels Bohr’s<br />

house)<br />

09:00-10:45 Borohydrides<br />

A. Züttel, Switzerland: Stability and Reversibility of Borohydrides for<br />

<strong>Hydrogen</strong> Storage.<br />

B. David, UK: Synthesis, structure, stability and simulation of novel<br />

complex hydrides.<br />

S.I. Orimo, <strong>Japan</strong>: Development of light-weight and compact hydrides.<br />

T.R. Jensen, Denmark: Synthesis and characterization of light metal<br />

hydrides and nano-porous materials.<br />

M. Baricco, Italy: Experimental and theoretical studies on hydrogen<br />

storage materials.<br />

10:45-11:15 Coffee<br />

11:15-12:30 Discussion – borohydrides (moderator: E. Akiba, <strong>Japan</strong>)<br />

12:30-13:30 Lunch<br />

13:30-18:30 Visit Carlsberg, sightseeing in Copenhagen<br />

18:30-21:00 Conference dinner (walk back to hotel, 3km)<br />

Thursday 8 September<br />

08:30-11:30 Engineering/Applied hydrogen storage (coffee at 10:15)<br />

D. Anton, USA: Definition of a materials acceptability envelope for metal<br />

hydrides to be used in hydrogen storage systems.<br />

R. Chahine, Canada: Adsorbent compacting and its effects on system<br />

performance.<br />

D. Mosher, USA, presented by B. van Hassel: Engineering progress in<br />

materials based H2 storage for Light-duty vehicles<br />

P. Prosini, Italy: <strong>Hydrogen</strong> storage devices based on NaBH 4 .<br />

J. Bellosta von Colbe, Germany: Materials aspects in complex hydride<br />

based hydrogen storage tanks.<br />

P. de Rango, France: Adiabatic hydrogen storage system using changing<br />

phase materials.<br />

D. Chandra, USA: Ni-based amorphous alloy membranes for long-term<br />

use in hydrogen separation applications<br />

11:30-12:30 Discussion – Engineering/Applied hydrogen storage (moderator: D.<br />

Anton, USA)<br />

12:30-13:30 Lunch<br />

13:30-15:30 Summary discussion future after Task 22, presentation of sites for<br />

coming meetings: May 2012 in Heidelberg, Germany and later<br />

meeting(s) (moderator: B.C. Hauback)<br />

15:30-17:30 Scientific discussions – networking (optional) (with snacks and drinks)<br />


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