Vol. VI, No. 3, March 1992 +-+-+-+-+ - Ibiblio

Vol. VI, No. 3, March 1992 +-+-+-+-+ - Ibiblio

Vol. VI, No. 3, March 1992 +-+-+-+-+ - Ibiblio


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Mar. 23: Thirty-second World Meteorological Day, by Maung Tun<br />

Lwin (Meteorologist). ["The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology<br />

of Myanmar has 27 WWW {World Weather Watch} stations from Putao...to<br />

Kawthoung ...."]<br />

Religious Matters<br />

Mar. 3: At the 3rd Yangon Division Working Commission of<br />

Sangha, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vannasiri made the following criticisms of<br />

Sangha practises:<br />

-- Some Sayadaw members of Division or Township Sangha Nayaka<br />

Committees failed to meet and consult, or even hold required annual<br />

meetings. They should resign.<br />

-- Township Sangha Nayaka Committees hold religious examinations,<br />

which is good. But, there are irresponsible acts such as "some<br />

invigilator Sayadaws reading newspapers or falling asleep while the<br />

examination was being held; some of them pretending not to see<br />

candidates copying from others because [they] belonged to the<br />

monasteries of the invigilator Sayadaws...but taking action against<br />

the candidates because they were from other monasteries; some<br />

reporting irregularities with prejudice; and invigilators and the<br />

laymen collaborating to allow irregularities; some abbots<br />

and...Committees enlisting the names of candidates who were not in<br />

the Township during the lent; and some getting hold of the question<br />

papers, taking out, answering them and copying them in examination<br />

halls." Some "talked in such a way as supporting those<br />

irregularities."<br />

-- Some abbots "accepted a large number of candidates and<br />

encouraged irregularities," and some State Central Committee Sayadaws<br />

"forewarned those concerned that supervisors of the State<br />

Sangha...and Religious Affairs Department were due to arrive."<br />

-- Some Township Sangha Nayaka Committee chairmen or<br />

secretaries "issued letters contrary to the resolutions passed<br />

without consulting others...."<br />

Yangon Commander Maj-Gen. Myo Nyunt "supplicated on religious<br />

matters." (WPD 3/4)<br />

Mar. 4: "A get-together of peoples of different faiths to<br />

strengthen friendly ties between all religions in Upper Myanmar Zone<br />

was held...in Mandalay...under the sponsorthip of the Myanmar-Muslim<br />

National Affairs Organization...." Muslim representatives from<br />

Kachin, Kayah, Chin, Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway, Mon, Yangon, Bago,<br />

and Ayeyarwady attended. Speeches were given by Mandalay<br />

representatives of Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, and Hindus.<br />

Election Commission member Saya Chai, a Muslim, said Myanmar-<br />

Muslims include Muslims from the national races and those who became<br />

citizens in 1948 under the Citizenship Law. They do not include<br />

Muslims who are not citizens of Myanmar. "He pointed out that all<br />

Myanmar-Muslims are duty-bound to inherit the patriotism and zeal<br />

shown by their forefathers towards the State." He denounced British<br />

colonialist efforts to divide and rule through religion, and<br />

"malicious rumours broadcast by the BBC and spread by some foreign<br />

publications with ulterior motives...to make it appear as if the<br />

Government and the Tatmadaw were persecuting Myanmar-Muslims in the<br />

country...to make the Islamic Nations of the world have wrong opinion<br />

of the Myanmar Government...." (WPD 3/5)<br />

Mar. 15: The 47-member plenary meeting of the State Sangha Maha<br />

Nayaka Committee "discussed the question of `whether the Buddha is an<br />

ordinary human being or not,'" and concluded that he is not. It<br />

resolved that:<br />

"(1) Though Lord Buddha belonged to the human race He was not<br />

an ordinary one.... He is unmatched and incomparable."<br />

"(2) ...one who belittles or speaks ill of the Buddha amounts<br />

to committing an offense; with the accumulation of demerits he could<br />

fall into four nether regions. If the one who commits such an offence<br />

is a Buddhist, he will cease being a Buddhist."<br />

"(3) If one reveres and respects the Buddha there will be<br />

accumulation of merits, which could bring great benefits up to the

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