Vol. VI, No. 3, March 1992 +-+-+-+-+ - Ibiblio

Vol. VI, No. 3, March 1992 +-+-+-+-+ - Ibiblio

Vol. VI, No. 3, March 1992 +-+-+-+-+ - Ibiblio


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"One of our neighbours to the west of us, India, due to her<br />

peculiar nature was able to dismantle the Portuguese enclave of Goa<br />

only in 1963. If you study that, you will realize that our anti-<br />

Portuguese colonialist action had a headstart over India by exactly<br />

350 years...."<br />

Third Anglo-Burmese War<br />

"The British colonialists waged their third war of invasion in<br />

1885 and took Myanmar Naing-Ngan. There is evidence that from the<br />

time the entire nation became enslaved, our various indigenous<br />

nationals stood up against the colonialists for a decade....<br />

"Although the colonialists derisively described our<br />

revolutionaries as robbers and bad hats in their books, the fact is,<br />

those revolutionaries, our patriotic ancestors at that time were to<br />

us heroes.<br />

"Our ancestors highly regarded the monarch who ruled them as<br />

Lord of Land and Water, Absolute Ruler and Patron of the Sasana. They<br />

sincerely believed that only when a coronated monarch ruled would<br />

there be peace and tranquillity, would the Sasana flourish.<br />

Therefore, when they ran into an unqualified ruler, they desired<br />

change. They did not desire the dismantling of the monarchy and its<br />

replacement by another system. That reflects the love of one's race,<br />

patriotism that existed then.<br />

"For many centuries Myanmar society was maintained through a<br />

triangular relationship of monks who are the learned intellectuals,<br />

the ruling monarch and the people, and it established and sustained<br />

that Myanmar life....<br />

"Therefore, if we draw a lesson from history, we must clearly<br />

understand that for national defence, we must rely on the strength<br />

within ...."<br />

Japanese Occupation<br />

"We know that in fact Fascism itself is the outcome of the<br />

worst corruption of capitalism. Fascists showed great cruelty to our<br />

ancestors. Just as the Fascists cruelly exterminated many of our<br />

nation's worth sons, they insulted the modesty of many of our<br />

nation's worthy daughters. The Fascists did not even spare members of<br />

the Sangha we revere.... The Fascists gave our nation sham<br />

independence, and they too, like the colonialists, started sucking<br />

blood here.... Some 50 Japanese capitalis companies...exploited the<br />

economy of our nation as they pleased.... The sons and daughers of<br />

our land, our elder brother Tatmadawmen wanted to rise in<br />

resistance.... However, we had to bide time and only on 27 <strong>March</strong> 1945<br />

was it officially declared and the entire nation stood up together in<br />

anti-Fascist resistance.... Even the British authorities conceded<br />

that 52 per cent of the Fascists fell at the hands of the Myanmar<br />

Tatmadaw. Such was our victory.<br />

"Therefore, those called Fascists and Colonialists were only<br />

different in the way they are called, but are of identical intent,<br />

and I urge you to always bear in mind that we must always oppose and<br />

crush the hegemonistic acts of some such big powers ...."<br />

Karen-Burmese Enmity<br />

"Who can deny the fact that among the armed terrorist groups<br />

today, the KNU, the KIA and the Karenni, who are the most stubborn<br />

and steeped in racial enmity were of British colonial machination?<br />

They believe that they come from the Caucasus, which has no common<br />

land or sea connection with us....<br />

"[After 1885] the plan was executed by American Missionary Dr.<br />

Vinton and British High Commissioner Sir Charles Bernard to employ<br />

Kayins to put down and eliminate the Bamars .... Dr. Vinton...told<br />

[his flock] that the Kayin nationals were under the will of God...to<br />

remove the Bamars who worshipped images.... He had thus dastardly<br />

used religion to agitate and incite people into a political-racial<br />

act.... That...Kayins [armed by Dr. Vinton] were used against fellow<br />

nationals...in 1886 and 1887 is to us, food for thought.<br />

"By the same token, when it was not successful in using Bamar<br />

police to arrest anti-British patriots, Kayin nationals were pressed<br />

into service to put down the Bamars....

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