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PDF book - The Extinction Website

PDF book - The Extinction Website


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occur Pinna (sp. nov. ?), Lucina interrupta. Lamk., Cardium unedo, Linn.,<br />

and 3Iesodesma glahrata, Lamk., all, with the exception of the last, very<br />

common. Large numbers are cast upon the beach, but they may be obtained<br />

wherever the sand has a slight admixture of argillaceous matter, as at the<br />

north end of the Lagoon, off the Old Settlement. Gardium nnedo, the<br />

" Strawberry cockle," exhibits endless varieties in its colouring. Some are<br />

almost colourless, others with a few of the strawberry seeds on the anterior<br />

sides ;<br />

others yellow tinted towards the ventral margins, or even a delicate<br />

red tint ; some have the red specs carried on to the posterior slopes, whilst<br />

again many are beautifully besprinkled across the whole breadth of the valves.<br />

<strong>The</strong> colourless condition appears to represent old shells.<br />

<strong>The</strong> genus Pecten is peculiar by its absence. We did not meet with many<br />

bivalves of importance on the reef , but the commoner forms are Mytllicardia<br />

variegata, Brug. ; two species of Avicula, A. fimbriaia Eeeve, and A. malJeoides,<br />

HeeYe ; a few Lima multistriata, Sby. ; two species of stunted oyster,<br />

a Modiola met with in all the pools and crevices, but specifically unknown to<br />

Mr. Brazier ; and two species oi Area, A. {Litliarcd) decuszaia, Sby., and ..4.<br />

divaricata, Sby. <strong>The</strong> first is moderately common, and distorted into all sorts<br />

of shapes ;<br />

whilst the latter, unlike individuals from the more tropical islands<br />

of the Pacific, are small and uncommon. Perhaps the most characteristic<br />

bivalve found on the reef is a small clam, Tridacna elongata, Lamk., lying<br />

half buried in cracks and depressions of the surface. It is also found on the<br />

rocky ledges of the east coast. An example of Crassatella pidchra, var.<br />

Cumingi, A. Ad., and a dead valve of Pectunculus costatus, Eeeve, were also<br />

picked up. Neither Braehiopoda, nor Pteropoda were met with.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following is the complete list of Mollusca collected, as determined by<br />

Mr. Brazier:<br />

Spirula Peroni, Lamlc.<br />

Onychoteuthis Banksi, Leacli.<br />

Sepia latimanus, Q. ^ G.<br />

Eusus Hauleyi, Angas.<br />

Eanella leucostoma, LamJc.<br />

Nassa mucronata, A. Ad.<br />

„ elegans, Kiener.<br />

,,<br />

paupera, Gould.<br />

PurjDura succincta, Martin.<br />

,, ,,<br />

var. striata.<br />

var. textilosa.<br />

,, ,,<br />

,, amygdala, Kiener.<br />

,, Smithi, Brazier (sp. nov.)<br />

Cominella tritoniformis, Plain v.<br />

Ricinula morns, Lamli-.<br />

Sistrum chaidea, Dnclos.<br />

,, marginalba. Bean.<br />

Voluta nucleus, Lamlc.<br />

Columbella versicolor, Shij.<br />

„ Tyleri, Grag.<br />

varians, Sbg.<br />

5,<br />

Cumingi,<br />

,,<br />

Peeve.<br />

sp.<br />

Engina armillata. Peeve.<br />

„ lineata. Peeve.<br />

Mitra scutulata, Chem. ?<br />

„ sp-

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