Theory & Literature Review - Florida State University

Theory & Literature Review - Florida State University

Theory & Literature Review - Florida State University


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By<br />

Lisa Barona McRoberts<br />

A Dissertation Submitted to the<br />

Department of Textiles and Consumer Sciences<br />

in partial fulfillment of the<br />

requirements for the degree of<br />

Doctor of Philosophy<br />

Degree Awarded:<br />

Spring Semester, 2008

The members of the Committee approve the dissertation of Lisa Barona McRoberts defended on<br />

March 17, 2008.<br />

____________________________________<br />

Rinn M. Cloud<br />

Professor Directing Dissertation<br />

____________________________________<br />

Catherine Black<br />

Professor Co-Directing Dissertation<br />

____________________________________<br />

Thomas Ratliffe<br />

Outside Committee Member<br />

____________________________________<br />

Jeanne Heitmeyer<br />

Committee Member<br />

____________________________________<br />

Lynn Panton<br />

Committee Member<br />

Approved:<br />

_______________________________________________________<br />

Barbara Dyer, Chair, Department of Textiles and Consumer Sciences<br />

_______________________________________________________<br />

Billie J. Collier, Dean, College of Human Sciences<br />

The Office of Graduate Studies has verified and approved the above named committee members.<br />


To Norman, NaNa, Tori, Neal and PaPa.<br />



With great appreciation and respect, the author wishes to thank Dr. Rinn Cloud and Dr.<br />

Catherine Black for serving as her major professors, mentors, and friends. Dr. Cloud recruited<br />

her to doctoral studies, guided her academic formation, and supported her endeavor throughout,<br />

donating countless hours outside of work. Dr. Catherine Black made a huge impact on her<br />

academic formation both as a student and instructor, while providing support and guidance<br />

throughout her original prototype development. She would also like to thank Dr. Tom Ratliffe,<br />

Dr. Lynn Panton, and Dr. Jeanne Heitmeyer for all of their assistance and support as committee<br />

members, as well as their flexibility in scheduling. Dr. Grace Namwamba and Dr. Devona<br />

Dixon provided guidance, hospitality, and support with the body scanner at Southern <strong>University</strong>.<br />

In addition, she would like to recognize Dr. Bonnie Belleau for encouraging and supporting her<br />

endeavor to and throughout graduate studies. Dr. Betsy Garrison, Dr. David C. Blouin, and<br />

Xiaoting Wang provided continuous statistical support with statistical analysis. Dr. Teresa<br />

Summers is recognized for serving as both an academic and entrepreneurship mentor. Yvonne<br />

Marquette Leak, Elva Bourgeois, Pamela Rabalais Vinci, Dr. Jenna Kuttruff, Dr. Pamela<br />

Monroe, Dr. James Garand, Dr. Kathleen Rees, Debbie Welker, and Dr. Ioan Negelescu are<br />

recognized for their contributions to the academic’s career. Yvonne Marquette Leak is further<br />

thanked for her undergraduate academic mentoring, especially her expertise in fit and couture<br />

techniques. Debbie Welker, Dr. Chuanlan Liu, Dr. Cyndi DeCarlo, and Dr. Loren Marks are<br />

thanked for their support, mentoring, and friendship as colleagues at Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

The author would also like to thank the fabulous fifteen females that participated in the study.<br />

In addition, the author appreciates the continued love and support of her family. Her<br />

parents, Dr. Narses Barona and Mrs. Luz Marina Barona, are thanked for a lifetime of love,<br />


support, mentoring, and inspiration. Her husband, William Norman McRoberts, III, and<br />

children, Victoria Anne McRoberts and Neal Lane McRoberts, have all continuously supported<br />

and sacrificed throughout the academic’s career. In particular, her husband has generously given<br />

of his time to move to New York and Tallahassee for two years, and assist with many other<br />

responsibilities including serving as a research assistant. Her daughter, Victoria, has provided<br />

graphic design and publishing expertise. Her son, Neal, served as a research assistant throughout<br />

the study. Her accomplishment has been a team effort. In addition, the author appreciates her<br />

mother-in-law, Mrs. Melanie McRoberts, who provided frequent assistance, her sister-in-laws,<br />

Tanie Bush, and Mary Lea McRoberts Manning, and, her brother, Narses, who each provided<br />

support throughout the academic’s endeavor.<br />

Lastly, the author wishes to recognize the daily support and guidance of her loyal friends<br />

Jennifer Watson, Anne Davis, Anna Jacobs, Cindy Jacobs, Joe Jacobs, Don Bell, Terry Hughes,<br />

Lorye Watson, Charles Freeman, and Diana Sindicich. Dr. Gina Manguno-Mire and Dr. Ariana<br />

Wall are especially thanked for their academic support, guidance and friendship. Additionally,<br />

other dear friends are recognized for their contributions of love and support, Dana Berggreen,<br />

Jean Edwards, Liz Harris, Kevin Harris, Matt Hebert, Karla King, Don Cozine, Gilles Morin,<br />

Lori Robert, Roy Robert, Mary Lousteau, and Troy Lousteau, along with heartfelt gratitude for<br />

her original source of inspiration and continued affection, Denise and Dick Claflin.<br />



DEDICATION……………………………………….…………………………………………...iii<br />

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………….……………………………... iv<br />

LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................................................... x<br />

LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................xiii<br />

ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………..……....xiv<br />


1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 1<br />

Purpose…………………………………...…………………………......………...……… 3<br />

Objectives............................................................................................................................ 3<br />

Development Objective..................................................................................................... 3<br />

Testing Objectives............................................................................................................. 3<br />

Hypotheses………………………………………………………………………………... 3<br />

Research Questions……………………………………………………………………….. 5<br />

Assumptions……………………………………………………………………...……..... 5<br />

Limitations………………………………………………………….…………………...... 5<br />

Definitions………………………………………………………………………………....6<br />

2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE…...…………………………………………………..….… 7<br />

Functional Design Process………………………………………………..…………….… 7<br />

Postural Alignment……………………………………………………........….………... 10<br />

Importance of Proper Postural Alignment.……………………………………….……. 11<br />

Definition of Postural Alignment…………….............……………………….……….. .11<br />

Adverse Effects of Improper Postural Alignment........……………………….……….. 12<br />

Current Corrective Approaches for Improper Posture..……………………….……….. 13<br />

Need for Thoracic Support Research…………..............……………………….……… 15<br />

Wearer Acceptability…………………………….......………………........….…………. 16<br />

Comfort……………………………..............………………………........….…………. 17<br />

Thermal comfort…………………................………………………........….…………. 18<br />

Fit….......................………………................………………………........….…………. 18<br />

Mobility..................………………................………………………........….………….20<br />

Psychosocial Comfort........………................………………………........….…………. 21<br />

Summary............................………................………………………........….…………. 22<br />


Functional Design Process................................................................................................ 23<br />

Preliminary Work............................................................................................................... 26<br />

Market Analysis............................................................................................................... 26<br />

Rigid Support Products.................................................................................................. 26<br />


Semi-rigid Support Products.......................................................................................... 27<br />

Non-rigid Support Products........................................................................................... 28<br />

Informal Interviews.......................................................................................................... 30<br />

Preliminary Prototype Development and Evaluations.................................................... 31<br />

Fabrics............................................................................................................................. 31<br />

Informal Postural Analysis.............................................................................................. 32<br />

Preliminary Fit Assessment............................................................................................. 32<br />

Construction of Prototypes................................................................................................ 33<br />

Hypotheses and Rationale.................................................................................................. 33<br />

Research Questions and Rationale for Psychosocial Comfort .......................................... 36<br />

4 METHODS...........……………….……………………………………………………... 37<br />

Design of the Study............................................................................................................ 37<br />

Participant Selection.......................................................................................................... 37<br />

Treatments: Support Products............................................................................................ 38<br />

Sizes................................................................................................................................. 40<br />

Order of Treatments......................................................................................................... 41<br />

Wear Protocol………........................................................................................................ 43<br />

Postural Alignment Effectiveness……………................................................................ 44<br />

Wearer Acceptability....................................................................................................... 46<br />

Thermal Comfort……………………………….............................................................46<br />

Skin Temperature.......................................................................................................... 46<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale............................................................................................... 46<br />

Fit………………………………………………............................................................. 47<br />

Model Fit Evaluation Index........................................................................................... 48<br />

Mobility........................................................................................................................... 48<br />

Range of Motion…........................................................................................................ 48<br />

Movement Assessment Scale……………………........................................................ 48<br />

Psychosocial Questions…………………………………................................................ 48<br />

Pilot Study……………………………...…………………............................................... 49<br />

Data Analysis..................................................................................................................... 49<br />

Independent and Dependent Variables............................................................................ 49<br />

Statistical Analysis............................................................................................................. 52<br />

Content Analysis................................................................................................................ 53<br />

5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............……………….………………………………... 55<br />

Sample……………............................................................................................................55<br />

Hypothesis Testing……….................................................................................................59<br />

Postural Alignment Effectiveness.................................................................................... 59<br />

Body Scans………...……….........................................................................................59<br />

Photographs.................................................................................................................. 61<br />

A Priori Contrasts……………….............................................................................. 62<br />

Discussion……………………….............................................................................. 63<br />

Wearer Acceptability…………...………........................................................................ 64<br />

A Priori Contrasts………………................................................................................66<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 66<br />


Thermal Comfort…..…………...………........................................................................ 68<br />

Skin Temperature……………...................................................................................... 68<br />

A Priori Contrasts………………............................................................................... 70<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 70<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale…………….......................................................................... 71<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 72<br />

Fit……………...…..…………...………......................................................................... 73<br />

Static Tight-to-loose Fit……………............................................................................ 73<br />

A Priori Contrasts………………............................................................................... 74<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 75<br />

Static Fit Satisfaction ….…………….......................................................................... 75<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 77<br />

Dynamic Tight-to-loose Fit…………….......................................................................77<br />

A Priori Contrasts………………............................................................................... 79<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 80<br />

Dynamic Fit Satisfaction ……………......................................................................... 80<br />

A Priori Contrasts………………............................................................................... 81<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 82<br />

Mobility……..…..…………...………............................................................................ 82<br />

Range of Motion……………………........................................................................... 83<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 84<br />

Ease of Movement……………………........................................................................... 84<br />

Overall Mobility……………………........................................................................... 84<br />

A Priori Contrasts………………................................................................................. 85<br />

Ease of Individual Movements….……………............................................................ 86<br />

A Priori Contrasts – typing movement…................................................................... 88<br />

A Priori Contrasts – reaching forward movement…………….…............................. 89<br />

A Priori Contrasts – raising arms to sides movement (abduction)............................. 90<br />

A Priori Contrasts – turning torso movement………………..................................... 91<br />

A Priori Contrasts – spreading arms movement…..................................................... 92<br />

A Priori Contrasts – raising arms overhead movement…………….…..................... 93<br />

Discussion………………………............................................................................... 95<br />

Research Questions ..………............................................................................................. 95<br />

Psychosocial Comfort………………………………….…………….......................... 95<br />

Summary………………………………….……………............................................ 100<br />


Summary……………...................................................................................................... 102<br />

Conclusions………...………........................................................................................... 103<br />

Recommendations for Prototype Improvements………..................................................104<br />

Implications………...………...........................................................................................105<br />

Future Studies……………………................................................................................ 105<br />


APPENDIX 107<br />

A Human Subjects Application - <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>………………………..............107<br />

B Human Subjects Application - Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>............................................. 110<br />

C Human Subjects Application - Southern <strong>University</strong> at Baton Rouge..………................ 114<br />

D Consent Letter………….…………………………………………………………......... 116<br />

E Consent Form………….…………………………………………………...................... 118<br />

F Demographic Subject Information………….…………….............................................. 121<br />

G New York Posture Rating Chart…………….................................................................. 123<br />

H Wear Test Protocol.......................................….……..........……...…………..…........... 125<br />

I Study Instruction Booklet….……................…………………….…………….............. 131<br />

J Analysis of Variance for Individual Mobility Movements..........................................… 147<br />

K Range of Motion Results Table….……................…………..……………………….... 150<br />

L Frequencies of Participant Responses to Psychosocial Questions…………………...... 152<br />

M Analysis of Prototype Bust Concerns for Participants..................................................... 155<br />

References..………………………...……………….……………………………………… 157<br />

Biographical Sketch………...……………………………………….…………................... 163<br />



Table 1 – Stages of DeJonge (1984) Design Process and Example Studies Employing Aspects of<br />

the Stages……………………………………………………………….......................8<br />

Table 2 – Functional Design Process for Soft Structural Garment for Posture Alignment........... 24<br />

Table 3 – Functional Design Interaction Matrix of Garment Specifications of Prototype............ 30<br />

Table 4 – Treatment Sizing Chart.................................................................................................. 41<br />

Table 5 – Random Assignment Chart for Order of Treatments………......................................... 42<br />

Table 6 – Independent and Dependent Variables as Operationalized………............................... 51<br />

Table 7 – Self-Reported Age, Race, and Employment Status of the Fifteen Participants………. 56<br />

Table 8 – Height, Weight, Circumferential and Vertical Dimensions for Participants…………. 57<br />

Table 9 – Means of Height, Weight, Circumferential and Vertical Dimensions by Race………. 58<br />

Table 10 – Analysis of Variance for Postural Alignment Effectiveness by Treatment as Captured<br />

by Body Scans……………………………………………………………………………………60<br />

Table 11 – Mean Postural Alignment Scores of Body Scans by Treatments after the Wear<br />

Protocol………………………………………………………………………………………….. 60<br />

Table 12 – Analysis of Variance for Postural Alignment Effectiveness by Treatment as Captured<br />

by Photographs…………...………………………………………………………………………61<br />

Table 13 – Mean Postural Alignment Scores of Photographs by Treatments after the Wear<br />

Protocol………………………………………………………………………………………….. 62<br />

Table 14 – A Priori Contrasts for Postural Alignment Effectiveness by Treatments…………… 63<br />

Table 15 – Analysis of Variance for Wearer Acceptability...…………………………………… 65<br />

Table 16 – Mean Wearer Acceptability by Treatment and Stage……………………………….. 65<br />

Table 17 – A Priori Contrasts for Wearer Acceptability by Treatments by Stage……………… 67<br />

Table 18 – Analysis of Variance for Thermal Skin Test…………………………………..……. 69<br />

Table 19 – Mean Skin Test by Treatment and Stage………………………...………………….. 69<br />

Table 20 – A Priori Contrasts for Skin Temperature at Two Stages of the Wear Protocol...…… 71<br />


Table 21 – Analysis of Variance for McGinnis Thermal Test…………………………….….… 72<br />

Table 22 – Mean McGinnis Thermal Scale Tests for Treatments at Stage 3…..……………….. 72<br />

Table 23 – Analysis of Variance for Static Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments……………...….… 74<br />

Table 24 – Mean Static tight-to-loose Fit Assessments by Treatments.…....…..………………. 74<br />

Table 25 – A Priori Contrasts for Static Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments by Treatments….…... 75<br />

Table 26 – Analysis of Variance for Overall Static Fit Satisfaction……………….………….… 76<br />

Table 27 – Mean Overall by Static Fit Satisfaction by Treatment.…......…………...………….. 77<br />

Table 28 – Analysis of Variance for Dynamic Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments……….....….… 78<br />

Table 29 – Mean Dynamic Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments by Treatment..….......…..…….….. 79<br />

Table 30 – A Priori Contrasts for Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments by Treatment..…...……….. 79<br />

Table 31 – Analysis of Variance for Dynamic Fit Satisfaction Assessments..…....…………… 81<br />

Table 32 – Mean Dynamic Fit Satisfaction Assessments by Treatment……..…....…………… 81<br />

Table 33 – A Priori Contrasts for Dynamic Fit Satisfaction …………..……..…....…………… 82<br />

Table 34 – Analysis of Variance for Range of Motion of Movement by Treatment....……….... 83<br />

Table 35 – Analysis of Variance for Overall Mobility…….…………..….……………………. 85<br />

Table 36 – Mean Overall Mobility by Treatment..………......…..……………………………… 85<br />

Table 37 – A Priori Contrasts for Treatment.....................................…………………………… 86<br />

Table 38 – Analyses of Variance with Significant Outcomes for Ease of Movement with<br />

Mobility for Individual Movements……....….…………………………………………………. 87<br />

Table 39 – Mean Ease of Movement for Six Movements by Treatment....………......…..…….. 88<br />

Table 40 – A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement for Mobility for the Typing Movement… 89<br />

Table 41 – A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement when Reaching Forward……………..…. 90<br />

Table 42 – A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement for Mobility for the Raising Arms<br />

Movement……………………………………………………………………………………….. 91<br />


Table 43 – A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement for Mobility for the Torso Turn<br />

Movement……………………………………………………………………………………….. 92<br />

Table 44 – A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Spreading the Arms……………….……………..…. 93<br />

Table 45 – A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement with Mobility for the Raising Arms<br />

Overhead Movement…………………………………………………………………………….. 92<br />

Table 46 – Results of Aesthetic Attribute Questions ..............................................................….. 99<br />



Figure 1 – Three views of the human spinal column..................................................................... 10<br />

Figure 2 – Rigid support: Miami J® Collar by Ossur.................................................................... 26<br />

Figure 3 – Semi-rigid support: Original Cincher Support System by DocOrtho........................... 27<br />

Figure 4 – Semi-rigid support: The Soft Form® Posture Brace from DocOrtho.......................... 27<br />

Figure 5 – Non-rigid support product: The Upper Back Support from Orthobionics................... 28<br />

Figure 6 – Non-rigid support product: The Posture Corrector by First Street............................... 29<br />

Figure 7 – Prototype Sketch........................................................................................................... 31<br />

Figure 8 – The Preliminary Prototype............................................................................................ 32<br />

Figure 9 – Photograph of Treatments............................................................................................ 39<br />

Figure 10 – Body Scan: Prototype................................................................................................. 44<br />



Proper alignment of posture can serve as a preventative measure or treatment for back<br />

pain or strain. Despite the prevalence of spine (back) problems in the domestic population, many<br />

patients are non-compliant with current methods of treatment or prevention which include<br />

exercise (Dettotri, Bullock, Sutlive, Franklin, & Patience, 1996), use of supports (Dunn, Brace,<br />

Masud, Haslam, & Morris, 2005 ), and sometimes surgery (MayoClinic.com, 2007). Supports<br />

include rigid, brace-type structures as well as semi-rigid or non-rigid structures, some of which<br />

are worn like garments. The development of a soft structural support garment to support proper<br />

postural alignment may meet with improved compliance based on the symbiotic relationship<br />

between comfort and wearer acceptability (Rutherford-Black & Khan, 1995; Huck & Kim, 1997;<br />

Watkins, 1995; and Barker, 2007).<br />

Postural alignment is established by the relationship between the five areas of the back<br />

and their relationships to one another (Rhodes, 1996). Existing support garments have focused<br />

on the cervical and lumbar regions of the back or on multiple regions. There is a lack of research<br />

on the thoracic region of the spine and the possible role of soft structural support garments in<br />

encouraging proper postural alignment by focusing on that area.<br />

This study developed and tested a prototype for a soft structural support garment for the<br />

thoracic area of the spine to improve postural alignment. The purpose was to design and assess<br />

the postural alignment effectiveness, wearer acceptability, and comfort aspects of a prototype<br />

soft structural thoracic support garment as compared to two commercially available thoracic<br />

support garments (ComA and ComB). Each of the treatments was assessed for postural<br />

alignment effectiveness using an existing photographic method and using a method developed in<br />

this study that employs a 3-dimensional body scanner. Participants wore the garments during a<br />

prescribed activity protocol to evaluate wearer acceptability, thermal comfort, fit, and mobility.<br />

The results of the study indicated that the prototype was successful in providing<br />

equivalent postural alignment, thermal comfort, static and dynamic fit satisfaction, overall<br />

mobility, and psychosocial comfort, as compared to the two commercially available structural<br />

support garments. The prototype also provided similar wearer acceptability as the commercially<br />

available support A (ComA). However, the prototype provided better wearer acceptability than<br />

the commercially available support B (ComB). The prototype was also rated as having better<br />

ease of movement for typing and reaching forward than ComB and was perceived as more<br />


loosely fitted than both ComA and ComB. Additionally, more participants provided positive<br />

comments regarding the aesthetics, style, and design of the prototype than the other treatments.<br />

The prototype also provided significantly better postural alignment than the control as<br />

measured by the photographic method used in the study. This indication of postural alignment<br />

effectiveness of a soft structural support garment for the thoracic area of the spine adds to the<br />

body of knowledge regarding the use of such garments for prevention or treatment of poor<br />

posture. Results of the study provided information for improvement of the prototype including<br />

frequent suggestions from participants that a built-in bra would be desirable.<br />


CHAPTER 1<br />


Clothing development can be based on specific tasks or activities. Examples of<br />

functional clothing development include purposes ranging from high performance active<br />

wear such as engineered sports bras to specialized hospital gowns for the neonate in<br />

intensive care units. The functional design process provides a framework for developing<br />

specialized clothing to resolve a specific problem (DeJonge, 1984). The first step in this<br />

process involves the identification of the design challenge or problem. Requests for the<br />

development or improvement of functional clothing can originate from many sources<br />

with end-users being a frequent one. For the study at hand, my experience with upper<br />

back pain from repetitive motion in my occupation (apparel designer) led me to realize<br />

the need for a comfortable, soft structural support garment for improving postural<br />

alignment.<br />

The spinal column comprises five areas: the cervical area (neck), thoracic area<br />

(upper back), lumbar area (lower back), the sacral area (pelvis), and the coccygeal<br />

(tailbone). Postural alignment is determined by the vertical positioning of the vertebrae<br />

(Rhodes, 1996) in these five areas of the spine and the relationships between the areas,<br />

which form curves (Western, Rhodes, & Stevenson, 2002). “Each curve is<br />

interdependent on each other so that movement of one curve above or below another acts<br />

to balance the head” (Western et al., 2002, p. 36).<br />

During their lifetime, most people experience back pain partially attributed to<br />

improper postural alignment (Lawrence, Helmick, Arnett, & Deyo, 1998). Over 40% of<br />

domestic workers suffer from back pain, and the annual cost of back-related problems<br />

extends into billions of dollars for domestic employers (Ricci, Stewart, Chee, Leotta,<br />

Foley, & Hochberg, 2006). A survey taken by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)<br />

ranks back or spine problems as the second highest cause of disabilities in the United<br />

<strong>State</strong>s (CDC, 1999). Prolonged improper postural alignment may lead to possible<br />

decreased blood flow, decreased space between the vertebrae for proper function,<br />

inhibited breathing and oxygen transfer, impaired internal organ function, increased<br />

headaches and mood alterations, increased tension and muscle tightness resulting in back<br />


pain, as well as damage to the back or spine (Posture and Back Health, 2005). Women<br />

aged forty to sixty-five are particularly susceptible to the development of unhealthy<br />

spinal curvatures associated with osteoporosis (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services<br />

2002a).<br />

A relationship between posture and back, shoulder, and wrist musculoskeletal<br />

disorders has been established by Vieira and Kumar (2004). These authors also<br />

confirmed an association between posture and problems in the neck, shoulder, arms, hips,<br />

and knees. Their literature review shows that the focus of previous research has been on<br />

the lumbar area of the spine, followed by the cervical area of the spine. The limited<br />

amount of research on the thoracic region of the spine warrants studies of this area.<br />

Current methods for improving postural alignment of the spine include exercises<br />

for muscle strengthening (Dettotri, Bullock, Sutlive, Franklin, & Patience, 1996), use of<br />

support braces or products, and/or, in severe cases, surgical intervention (Mayo<br />

Clinic.com, 2007). Sixty percent of the population in the United <strong>State</strong>s does not exercise<br />

(Winters, Morley, & Spurlock, 2003), and others that do exercise may encounter back<br />

pain regardless (Mortimer, Pernold, & Wiktorin, 2006). There are various types of<br />

structural support products on the market. They range from extremely rigid to flexible.<br />

Based on our market analysis, the majority of postural support structures are rigid, made<br />

of heavy plastic, and incorporate metal parts and/or metal or plastic stays (built in strips).<br />

Existing rigid support products designed to correct improper posture may restrict natural<br />

movement and thereby limit activities of daily living, resulting in decreased quality of life<br />

(Pham, Houlliez, Carpentier, Herbaux, Schill, & Thevenon, 2008). Semi-rigid or soft<br />

structural support products may have advantages as compared to rigid products, but no<br />

studies were found indicating that any of these products have been evaluated for postural<br />

alignment effectiveness or comfort. Products that are perceived as comfortable may<br />

encourage better compliance with this form of treatment based on the symbiotic<br />

relationship between comfort and wearer acceptability (Huck & Kim, 1997; Rutherford-<br />

Black & Khan, 1995; Watkins; 1995; & Barker, 2007). A soft structural support garment<br />

that can provide comfort and postural alignment for the thoracic area merits further<br />

investigation.<br />


Purpose of the Study<br />

This study focused on developing and testing a prototype for a soft structural<br />

support garment for the thoracic area of the spine to improve postural alignment.<br />

Therefore, the purpose of my study was to design and assess the wearer acceptability,<br />

comfort aspects and postural alignment effectiveness of a prototype soft structural<br />

thoracic support garment as compared to two commercially available thoracic support<br />

garments.<br />

Objectives<br />

The following objectives were developed based on the literature review to address the<br />

purpose of the study.<br />

Development Objective<br />

To develop a prototype soft structural support garment for the thoracic spine based on<br />

preliminary work.<br />

Testing Objectives<br />

1. To compare postural effectiveness of the prototype to two commercially available<br />

support products<br />

2. To assess and compare wearer acceptability for the prototype and the two<br />

commercially available support products.<br />

3. To assess and compare thermal comfort of the prototype and the two commercially<br />

available support products.<br />

4. To assess comparative fit and fit satisfaction of the prototype and the two existing<br />

commercially available support products.<br />

5. To assess and compare mobility of users while wearing the prototype and the two<br />

commercially available support products.<br />

6. To assess the psychosocial comfort of the prototype and the two commercially<br />

available support products.<br />

Hypotheses<br />

The hypotheses were based on the literature review that follows. The rationale for<br />

each hypothesis is provided in Chapter 3.<br />


H1a: The prototype will exhibit equivalent postural alignment effectiveness as compared<br />

to two commercially available support systems (ComA and ComB) as determined using a<br />

method developed in this study that employs a 3-dimensional body scanner.<br />

H1b: The prototype will exhibit equivalent postural alignment effectiveness as compared<br />

to ComA and ComB as determined through an assessment of photographs of subjects<br />

wearing the treatments.<br />

H2: There will be an increase in wearer acceptability of the prototype support garment as<br />

compared to ComA and ComB.<br />

H3: The prototype will exhibit equivalent thermal comfort as compared to ComA and<br />

ComB as measured by skin temperature of the upper arm using a laser thermometer both<br />

initially and after the final stage of the wear protocol, or as measured by the McGinnis<br />

Thermal Scale after the final stage of the wear protocol.<br />

H4a: There will be a significant difference in static tight-to-loose fit of the prototype as<br />

compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

H4b: There will be a significant increase in overall static fit satisfaction of the prototype<br />

as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

H4c: There will be a significant difference in dynamic tight-to-loose fit of the prototype<br />

as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

H4d: There will be a significant increase in dynamic fit satisfaction of the prototype as<br />

compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

H5a: There will be no significant difference in the range of motion of subjects while<br />

wearing the prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by a goniometer.<br />


H5b: There will be significant improvement in the user satisfaction with mobility or<br />

perceived ease of movement while wearing the prototype as compared to ComA and<br />

ComB as measured by the Movement Assessment Scale after the wear protocol.<br />

Research Questions<br />

Questions were deemed appropriate in addressing objective 6 because there is<br />

very limited literature available regarding psychosocial comfort of functional garments<br />

and insufficient previous findings on which to base a hypothesis.<br />

6a. What psychosocial comfort issues will be expressed by participants as concerns<br />

related to wearing the garment to work?<br />

6b. What psychosocial issues related to the design of the prototypes will be identified<br />

by participants?<br />

6c. What other psychosocial aspects of the support garments will be addressed by<br />

participants in response to an open-ended question inviting comments related to clothing<br />

attributes including aesthetics, style, fashionability, appropriateness, design, color,<br />

texture, and body emphasis?<br />

Assumptions<br />

1. The performance of a soft structural support garment can be assessed subjectively and<br />

objectively within a period of two hours.<br />

2. Subjects responded in an honest and accurate way to the self-report scales.<br />

3. Subjects were not suffering from physical or emotional problems that could be<br />

ascertained at the time of the study.<br />

Limitations<br />

1. A small, non-random, purposive sample of 15 female subjects was selected for<br />

participation in this study restricting the generalizability to the population.<br />

2. The prototypes were limited to a selected range of sizes (medium to extra large).<br />


3. Commercial support products containing metal cannot be compared in the study due<br />

to the body scanning procedure that is being employed.<br />

Definitions<br />

Comfort – “a mental state of ease or well-being, a state of balance or equilibrium that<br />

exists between a person and his or her environment,” (Maher & Sontag, 1986, p. 2).<br />

Fit – “the relationship of the garment to the body,” (Watkins, 1995, p. 264).<br />

Posture – “the relative arrangement of the parts of the body,” (Kendall, McCreary,<br />

Provance, Rodgers, & Romani, 2005, p. 51).<br />

Good posture – “is that state of muscular and skeletal balance which protects the<br />

supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity, irrespective<br />

of the attitude (erect, lying, squatting, or stooping) in which these structures are<br />

working or resting.” ,(Kendall et al. 2005, p. 51).<br />

Postural alignment - is determined by the vertical positioning of the vertebrae (Rhodes,<br />

1996), in these five areas of the spine (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and<br />

coccygeal) and relationships between the areas, which form curves (Western, Rhodes,<br />

& Stevenson, 2002).<br />

Structural support product (also referred to as “orthotic” and “brace”) – a product or<br />

device providing physical reinforcement for the alignment of the spine (original to<br />

this study).<br />

Soft structural support garment – a structural support product that can be worn as a<br />

garment, is produced from fabric components, and does not employ metal or plastic<br />

stays (original to this study).<br />

Thermal Comfort – “that condition of mind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal<br />

environment” (ASHRAE, 1981, p. 8.19).<br />

Thoracic – refers to a portion of the spine located between the cervical and lumbar areas<br />

of the spine consisting of 12 vertebrae (Rhodes, 1996; Werrell, 2000).<br />


CHAPTER 2<br />


This exploratory, experimental study applied the DeJonge (1984) functional<br />

design process to develop and test a soft structural support garment intended to assist<br />

women aged 40 to 65 years, with maintaining proper postural alignment. The review of<br />

literature summarizes pertinent aspects of the body of knowledge related to the functional<br />

design process, postural alignment, wearer acceptability, comfort judgments, thermal<br />

comfort, fit, mobility, and psychosocial comfort.<br />

Functional Design Process<br />

The fundamental elements of DeJonge’s (1984) functional design process include<br />

reflective examination of the end use requirements of the garment, creative analysis of<br />

the methods of development, and application of the required criteria. A systematic<br />

method has been incorporated in the development of functional clothing research (for<br />

example see, Fowler, 2003; Mitchka, Black, Heitmeyer, & Cloud, 2008).<br />

DeJonge’s (1984) functional design process was developed to address most types<br />

of specialized clothing. The process provides a systematic approach for the development<br />

of functional clothing from initial idea through evaluation, and reduces reliance on<br />

intuitive (black box) approaches while maintaining the creative input of the designer.<br />

Table 1 outlines the seven stages of the DeJonge functional design process and provides<br />

examples of studies that have employed the general techniques she described, including<br />

studies that were not based on her framework. DeJonge’s description of the process<br />

indicates that these steps may be reiterative with the designer revisiting earlier stages as<br />

the process continues, or that stages may occur simultaneously.<br />

Stage 1 of the DeJonge process begins with a general request. At this stage, a<br />

broad problem or design challenge is determined and expressed by the user, the designer<br />

or other interested parties. For example, Mitchka et al. (2008) indicated that the study of<br />

dance practice wear emanated from one of the authors’ years of participation as an<br />

amateur dancer and problems encountered in the performance of existing garments<br />

designed for the dance studio. In the design situation explored stage (stage 2) interviews<br />


Table 1<br />

Stages of DeJonge (1984) Design Process and Example Studies Employing Aspects of the<br />

Stages.<br />

DeJonge (1984) design process Activities Included<br />

Example Studies<br />

Stages<br />

Stage 1<br />

Request made<br />

Personal experience<br />

Stage 2<br />

Design situation explored<br />

Stage 3<br />

Problem structure perceived<br />

Stage 4<br />

Specifications described<br />

Stage 5<br />

Design criteria established<br />

Stage 6<br />

Prototype developed<br />

Stage 7<br />

Design evaluation<br />

Observation<br />

Third party request<br />

<strong>Review</strong> of literature<br />

User interviews<br />

Brainstorming<br />

Observation analysis<br />

Market analysis<br />

<strong>Literature</strong> search<br />

Isolate critical factors<br />

Narrow the perspective<br />

Define the problem<br />

Visual analysis<br />

Activity assessment<br />

Movement assessment<br />

Impact assessment<br />

Thermal assessment<br />

Social-psychological<br />

Assessment<br />

Check specifications<br />

against objectives<br />

Reassess critical factors<br />

Charting<br />

Ranking and weighing<br />

Prioritizing<br />

Materials testing<br />

Technique evaluation<br />

Solutions weighed<br />

against criteria<br />

Materials selection<br />

Pattern development<br />

Construction methods<br />

Finishing techniques<br />

User & wearer acceptability<br />

Fit Evaluation<br />

Movement Assessment<br />

Thermal Assessment<br />

Aesthetic Attribute Preferences<br />

Functional effectiveness<br />

Mitchka, Black, Heitmeyer, &<br />

Cloud (2008)<br />

Black, Grise, & Fowler (2003)<br />

Peksoz,, Branson, & Farr (2005)<br />

Cho (2006)<br />

Carroll (2001)<br />

Kim & Farrell-Beck (2003)<br />

Starr, Branson, Ricord, & Peksoz.<br />

(2006)<br />

Fratto, Cassill, & Jones (2004)<br />

Krenzer, Starr, & Branson (2005)<br />

Barker & Black (2004)<br />

Lawson & Lorentzen (1990)<br />

Lyman-Clarke, Ashdown, Loker,<br />

Lewis, & Schoenfelder (2005)<br />

Huck, Maganga, & Kim (1997)<br />

Horridge, Caddel, & Simonton<br />

(2002)<br />

Mitchka et al. (2008)<br />

Bergen, Capjack, McConnan, &<br />

Richards (1996)<br />

Fowler (2003)<br />

Starr, Branson, Shehab, Farr,<br />

Ownbey, & Swinney (2005)<br />

Bye & Hakala (2005)<br />

Krenzer, Starr, & Branson (2005)<br />

Cho, Takatera, Okada, Inui, &<br />

Shimizu (2005)<br />

McRoberts (2005)<br />

Rutherford-Black & Khan (1995)<br />

Takabu, Takahashi, &<br />

Matsumoto (2005)<br />

Huck & Kim (1997)<br />

Maher & Sontag (1986)<br />

Chae, Black, & Heitmeyer (2005)<br />


and or observations along with brainstorming sessions, market analyses, and literature<br />

searches may be conducted to elucidate all possible issues and perspectives. This stage<br />

of the process is characterized by divergence where the designer seeks all relevant<br />

information. In Starr, Branson, Ricord, and Peksoz (2006), observations in the natural<br />

setting were conducted of a young child in order to uncover all possible issues for<br />

consideration in the development of a support garment for a large protruding hernia-like<br />

birth defect.<br />

In the third stage, problem structure perceived, the approach becomes convergent<br />

with the designer focusing the study onto the most significant or relevant issues and<br />

defining the specific problem(s) to be addressed. At this stage, activities similar to those<br />

in stage 2 are formalized and directed toward the specific problem definition. Critical<br />

issues are determined and the perspective is narrowed. Based on a literature search,<br />

Krenzer, Starr, and Branson (2005) set out to develop a sports bra specifically targeted at<br />

large-busted women for the reduction of breast discomfort during exercise.<br />

In stage 4, garment specifications are described. Assessments of the critical<br />

factors identified in stage 3 may be conducted through structured analysis of movement,<br />

impact, thermal load, psychosocial aspects and/or other relevant assessments. Charting,<br />

ranking and weighting, including prioritizing of these specifications leads to the<br />

establishment of the design criteria in stage 5. In her study of body armor for police,<br />

Fowler (2003) conducted movement, thermal, and fit assessments, then used the data to<br />

assess critical factors for establishing design criteria for improving these protective<br />

garments.<br />

Prototype development based on the design criteria ensues in stage 6. At this<br />

stage, materials for the prototype will be selected, patterns will be developed,<br />

construction methods will be explored and any needed finishing techniques will be<br />

applied. Horridge, Caddel, and Simonton (2002) describe the methods used to create<br />

prototype uniforms of cotton/wool blend for police officers. In stage (7) the prototype is<br />

evaluated according to the objectives of the process and the final design criteria are<br />

established and/or revised. Evaluations of user satisfaction and garment performance<br />

provide feedback regarding the solution and may illuminate additional issues, which<br />

could re-initiate the design process. For example, this process was beneficial in the<br />


development of sustainable garments by Chen and Lewis (2005). Original garment<br />

designs were redesigned into four styles for each of five life styles in an attempt to<br />

provide a wardrobe that limited the amount of clothing kept.<br />

In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, the steps taken in this study to apply the DeJonge<br />

functional design process to develop a soft structural thoracic support prototype will be<br />

described. The following review of literature related to postural alignment, wearer<br />

acceptability and comfort was conducted as part of that process.<br />

Postural Alignment<br />

A search of the literature related to postural alignment revealed several topics to<br />

be considered. This section of the literature review will provide an understanding of the<br />

importance of proper postural alignment, a definition of postural alignment, adverse<br />

effects of improper postural alignment, the current corrective approaches for improper<br />

posture, and the need for thoracic support research.<br />

Cervical<br />

7 vertebrae<br />

Cervical<br />

7 vertebrae<br />

Thoracic<br />

12 vertebrae<br />

Thoracic<br />

12 vertebrae<br />

Lumbar<br />

5 vertebrae<br />

Lumbar<br />

5 vertebrae<br />

Figure 1. Three views of the human spinal column - Front (left), side facing to the right (middle), back<br />

(right). Photograph: McRoberts, W. (2008).<br />


Importance of Proper Postural Alignment<br />

Proper postural alignment is critical for the preservation of a healthy back, and<br />

prevention of back pain, strain, and damage. Rhodes (1996) stressed the importance of<br />

proper vertical alignment of the spine in regard to enhanced athletic ability, increased<br />

energy efficiency, and maximized performance. Additionally, proper postural alignment<br />

is responsible for the equilibrium of the body and free movement (p. 44).<br />

Definition of Postural Alignment<br />

The functions of the spinal column are to supply support for the head and internal<br />

organs; the foundation for ligaments, bones, extremity muscles, rib cage, and pelvis; a<br />

connection between the upper and lower extremities; the mobility of the trunk; and a<br />

safeguard of the spinal cord. The configuration or arrangement of the spinal column<br />

comprises five areas: the cervical area (neck), thoracic area (upper back), lumbar area<br />

(lower back), sacral area (pelvis), and coccygeal (tailbone). Postural alignment of the<br />

spine is determined by the vertical positioning of vertebrae, in these five areas and<br />

relationships between the areas, which form curves (Rhodes, 1996; Werrell, 2000).<br />

Proper alignment of the natural curves takes place when the ears, shoulders and hips form<br />

a straight line (Werrell, 2000). “Each curve is interdependent on each other so that<br />

movement of one curve above or below another acts to balance the head” (Western,<br />

Rhodes, & Stevenson, 2002, p. 36).<br />

Postural alignment when viewed from the side comprises four mutually<br />

dependent, unique curves: the thoracic and sacral areas are maintained as fundamental<br />

posterior convex curves, while skeletal accommodation results in secondary anterior<br />

concave curves in the cervical and lumbar areas (Rhodes, 1996; Western et al. 2002).<br />

Proper postural alignment results in an ability to balance the head through compensation<br />

of one vertebra by other vertebrae. Additionally, the connective cartilage of the vertebral<br />

joints, in the vertebral column, provides vigor and protection against weight bearing<br />

activities (Western et al. 2002).<br />


Adverse Effects of Improper Postural Alignment.<br />

Although most individuals are born with proper postural alignment, after age two,<br />

many stop using proper postural alignment for various reasons including “underuse and<br />

misuse of the muscles meant to hold the body in balance” (Rhodes, 1996, p. 44.). Lack<br />

of proper posture such as craning the neck forward, leaning, reaching, and slouching<br />

result in strains on the lower back (Werrell, 2000), as well as decreasing blood flow<br />

(Rhodes, 1996). Also, the function of the internal organs can be impaired when improper<br />

postural alignment decreases necessary space for proper function (Rhodes, 1996).<br />

Another adverse effect of improper postural alignment is insufficient protection<br />

against weight bearing during standing, lifting, or carrying, which may cause bulging<br />

discs and subsequently lead to pinched spinal nerve roots at the departure from the<br />

vertebral column. The results of these bulging discs include pain, possible muscle spasm,<br />

and weakness (Western et al. 2002).<br />

The primary importance of proper postural alignment is the prevention of<br />

prolonged improper postural alignment, which may lead to possible decreased blood<br />

flow, decreased space between the vertebrae for proper function, inhibited breathing and<br />

oxygen transfer, impaired internal organ function, increased headaches and mood<br />

alterations, increased tension and muscle tightness resulting in back pain, as well as<br />

damage to the back or spine (Posture and Back Health, 2005). Women aged forty to<br />

sixty-five years are susceptible to developing spinal curvatures associated with<br />

osteoporosis (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2002a). This thoracic spinal<br />

curvature called kyphosis, has been “associated with poor self-esteem, reduced quality of<br />

life, functional limitations, increased hospitalizations and mortality resulting from<br />

pulmonary compromise, cardiovascular disease or cancer” (Hinman, 2004, p. 415).<br />

A relationship between posture and back or shoulder or wrist musculoskeletal<br />

disorders, as well as an association between posture and problems in the neck, shoulder,<br />

arms, hips, and knees were identified by Vieira and Kumar (2004), who conducted a<br />

review of literature of working postures. Back pain attributed to improper postural<br />

alignment is common (Lawrence et al. 1998). Of the working population, 42.6% of<br />

workers experience back pain. In 1999, 16.5% (6.8 million) of the adult domestic<br />


population with disabilities had back or spine problems accounting for the second highest<br />

health problem associated with disabilities (Centers for Disease Control, 1999). Health<br />

issues among workers aged 40 to 65 years cost domestic employers approximately $7.4<br />

billion annually, with back pain exacerbations accounting for 71.6% of the cost (Ricci et<br />

al. 2006).<br />

Current Corrective Approaches for Improper Posture.<br />

A factor contributing towards a healthy back is muscle strengthening, which aides<br />

in prevention of back damage resulting from performing vigorous work (Werrell, 2000).<br />

As a result, therapists and trainers have integrated exercises for the improvement of<br />

proper postural alignment into therapeutic regimes. Rhodes (1996) provided various<br />

Pilates exercises designed to promote and enhance proper postural alignment, but<br />

emphasized that over-strengthening one muscle group without working opposing muscle<br />

groups might result in discomfort. Werrell (2002) made suggestions for the maintenance<br />

of spine wellness including warm-up activities, stretching, strengthening, and critical<br />

components of lifting. Warm-up activities consisted of arm circles, brisk walking,<br />

jumping jacks, and standing knee lifts. Stretching the muscles after warming-up extends<br />

and prepares muscles for work. Strengthening thigh and back muscles aides in lifting,<br />

increases efficiency, and decreases the possibility of injury. Critical components of<br />

lifting help maintain curves and alignment, utilize strong leg muscles, and produce safer<br />

lifts (Werrell, 2002).<br />

Another corrective approach for improper posture is the use of support products.<br />

Structural support products have been found to provide comfortable stability based on<br />

customized designs for other parts of the body such as ankle braces (for example, see<br />

Kitaoka et al. 2006).<br />

A market analysis, conducted as part of this study and described in Chapter 3,<br />

revealed three types of structural support products: rigid, semi-rigid, and non-rigid. The<br />

majority of the support products is rigid, made of heavy plastic, and incorporated metal,<br />

and/or metal or plastic stays (built in strips). Some of the support products for the<br />

thoracic area of the spine also provide support to an additional area. For instance, a<br />

thoracolumbasacral support product gives support to the thoracic area and provides<br />


support to the lumbar and sacral area of the spine (Katz, Richards, Browne, & Herring,<br />

1997). For patients in need of thoracic area support only, this additional support may<br />

result in unnecessary immobilization, and discomfort.<br />

Examples of some of the more rigid structural support products include the<br />

Boston brace, the Charleston bending brace, and the Milwaukee brace which are used for<br />

the treatment of scoliosis (Scoliosis.com, 2007). The Boston brace is a thoraco-lumbosacral-orthosis<br />

for the treatment of low–back, or mid- to low-back alignment. The<br />

Milwaukee brace is a cervico-thoraco-lumbo-sacral-orthosis for the treatment of high<br />

thoracic mid-back alignment. The Charleston bending brace is curved and molded<br />

towards the opposite side of the body as the curvature. It is also known as the “part-time”<br />

brace because it is worn only at night during sleep.<br />

Katz et al., (1997) conducted a comparison of the Boston brace and Charleston<br />

brace. Results indicated the Boston brace performed better than the Charleston brace<br />

which showed a 5° progression in spinal curvature as compared to the Boston brace.<br />

However, in a comparison study of 3 rigid structural support products (the Aspen<br />

thoracolumbascaral orthosis, Boston Body Jacket, and CAMP thoracolumbascaral<br />

orthosis ), differences in motion restriction went undetected, but one product was found<br />

to provide significantly increased comfort levels as compared to the other two products<br />

(Cholewicki, Alvi, Silfies, & Bartolomei, 2003). Additionally, the study’s authors<br />

concluded that “rigid custom orthosis design may not be important for restricting the<br />

spine motion and providing passive trunk stiffness, or there may be other measures that<br />

reflect better the function of orthoses” (p. 461.).<br />

Other products identified in our market analysis were grouped as semi-rigid or<br />

non-rigid (soft) structural support products. Semi-rigid support products are made of<br />

fabric, but contain hard metal or plastic stays. Non-rigid support products are made of<br />

fabric, and do not contain any plastic or metal stays, providing optimal flexibility. These<br />

types of structural support products have likely achieved marketability due to their ability<br />

to allow more flexibility than rigid structures. No studies were identified that established<br />

the comfort or postural alignment effectiveness of these products.<br />


Need for Thoracic Support Research<br />

The literature review indicated a prevalence of lumbar and cervical studies, with<br />

thoracic studies fewer in number (Theodoridis & Ruston, 2002). For instance, a search<br />

for the keyword, lumbar, resulted in 162,000 articles, and a search for the keyword,<br />

cervical, yielded 126,000 articles. A search for the keyword, thoracic, resulted in 70,000<br />

articles, but the following research suggests a link between alignment of the thoracic<br />

spine and various back disorders.<br />

In 1997, Bernard conducted a critical literature review of 600 articles on<br />

musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Bernard (1997) found strong evidence of awkward or<br />

extreme postures as key risk factors for MSDs, as well as, posture as a key risk factor for<br />

the neck and neck/shoulder regions. Improper posture was also found to be a risk factor<br />

for the shoulder, and hand/wrist tendonitis. However, the author indicated the results<br />

were inconclusive for elbow and carpal tunnel syndrome. Vieira and Kumar (2004)<br />

further supported a relationship between posture and musculoskeletal disorders in the<br />

neck, shoulder, arms, hips, and knees. Additionally, the National Institute of<br />

Neurological Disorders and Stroke indicates that incorrect posture is a cause of repetitive<br />

motion disorders (2007).<br />

Baldwin and Butler (2006) demonstrated a twenty-year rise in workers’<br />

compensation caseloads attributed to “cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) of the upper<br />

extremities” (p. 303). An association was also made between CTDs and repetitive<br />

motion tasks affecting the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, and/or shoulders (Allen, 1993).<br />

In 2000, upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders were the foremost domestic disability<br />

source in the workplace including computer workers under age 25. Younger computer<br />

workers were found to be at a doubled risk if they type more than 4 hours per day (Katz<br />

et al. 2000). Feuerstein and Harrington (2006) suggest there remains a great need for the<br />

development of effective interventions for work-related upper extremity disorder.<br />

Kebaetse, McClure, and Pratt (1999) found that thoracic spinal alignment<br />

influenced scapular position, and the two, together, influence overall shoulder girdle<br />

function. The authors further indicated these relationships were attributed to two factors:<br />

“numerous muscular connections between the spine, scapula, clavicle, and humerus” and<br />

“a known pattern of integrated movement at the glenohumeral” and “scapulothoracic<br />


joints (commonly called scapulohumeral rhythm)” (p.945). Additionally, thoracic spine<br />

flexion (kyphosis) as seen in some repetitive work tasks caused decreased range of<br />

motion and also decreased the amount of force generated by the muscles (Kebaetse,<br />

McClure, & Pratt, 1999). Kyphotic changes in posture can occur with age based on<br />

structural and mechanical changes in connective tissue and muscle weakness (Hinman,<br />

2004). Thoracic kyphosis is indicative of painful thoracic vertebral compression<br />

fractures (Hinman, 2004; Keller, Colloca, Harrison, Harrison, & Janik, 2005). Postural<br />

stiffness results in an inability to decrease the thoracic kyphosis. “Accentuated kyphosis<br />

is perhaps the most noticeable postural change, particularly in postmenopausal women,<br />

who frequently experience a concurrent collapse of the vertebral bodies resulting from<br />

low bone density” (Hinman, 2004, p. 415.).<br />

Wearer Acceptability<br />

Wear testing has been conducted using several methods including wearer<br />

acceptability questionnaires (Fowler, 2003; Horridge, Caddel, & Simonton, 2002; Huck<br />

& Kim, 1997), needs assessments (Bergen, Capjack, McConnan, & Richards, 1996;<br />

Chae, 2002; Rutherford-Black & Khan, 1995; Turk and Black, 2003; Yoo, 1996),<br />

exercise protocols (Fowler, 2003; Huck et al. 1997), range of motion measurements<br />

(Adams & Keyserling, 1996; Fowler, 2003; Huck & Kim, 1997; Huck et al. 1997;<br />

Watkins, 1977), and film studies of subjects (Lawson & Lorentzen, 1990; Watkins,<br />

1977).<br />

In 1995, Rutherford-Black and Khan, wear tested police bicycle patrol uniforms<br />

using a questionnaire for satisfaction with their uniforms. The questionnaire included 18<br />

bi-polar word pairings of physical aspects of the uniforms. The results of the study<br />

indicated that the information gathered was useful in assessing wear satisfaction levels<br />

for the uniforms.<br />

In Huck and Kim’s (1997) study, coveralls for fighting grass fires were improved<br />

based on specific considerations included sizing, fit, comfort, mobility, and improved<br />

functionality of the garment. The Wearer Acceptability Scale incorporated 12 bi-polar<br />

word pairings. Results of the questionnaire indicated that the prototype was favored in<br />

every measure verifying that the design process yielded an improved garment design.<br />


Black, Grise, and Fowler (2003) utilized DeJonge’s design process for the<br />

comparison of a prototype and existing design of hip support systems. One of the<br />

primary specifications for the prototype was wearability. Measures conducted included a<br />

movement analysis and a wearer acceptability scale containing 21 bi-polar word pairings.<br />

Results of the wear study indicated that the wearer acceptability of the new prototype was<br />

improved in comfort aspects and freedom of movement as compared to the previous<br />

support system. Each of the above articles represents different types of functional<br />

garment development and demonstrates the usefulness of assessing wearer acceptability.<br />

Horridge et al. (2002) used Branson and Sweeney’s physical dimension triad as<br />

their framework. Their purpose was to wear test trooper uniforms to analyze “the effects<br />

of cotton/wool fabrics on comfort and wear” (p. 350). Results indicated that the person<br />

attributes had more impact on the level of comfort experienced by the troopers during a<br />

work shift than the environment attributes or fiber content. Additionally, wearer<br />

acceptability has been correlated with garment properties such as fiber content (Horridge<br />

et al. 2002) and garment design.<br />

Comfort<br />

Branson and Sweeney (1991) developed the clothing comfort model incorporating<br />

parts of and changes to other existing models. Their model clarifies key concepts,<br />

terminology and measurement, provides a framework for demonstrating both the whole<br />

and contributing parts of comfort, and illustrates the constantly changing characteristic of<br />

comfort judgments.<br />

Markee and Pederson (1991) indicate that defining clothing comfort is difficult<br />

because testing of the different operational definitions could produce different research<br />

results. However, it may be possible to define what comfort is not, describing what is<br />

uncomfortable, in order to uncover what is comfortable. Furthermore, regardless of<br />

whether or not a garment provides needed function, if the garment is deemed<br />

uncomfortable, it will not be worn (Huck & Kim, 1977). In my research, the majority of<br />

the support products identified in the market analysis contain some form of rigidity<br />

ranging from plastic or metal insert stays to a hard-formed apparatus.<br />


Based on initial investigations of the need for a postural support garment, four<br />

sub-concepts of comfort have been identified: thermal comfort, fit, mobility, and<br />

psychosocial comfort. Each of these areas of comfort assessment will be reviewed.<br />

Thermal comfort<br />

Thermal comfort is defined as “that condition of mind which expresses<br />

satisfaction with the thermal environment” (ASHRAE, 1981, p. 8.19). Thermal factors<br />

can be assessed either subjectively or objectively preferably in a controlled environment<br />

(Watkins, 1995).<br />

Fowler’s 2003 study compared two ballistic vests and measured thermal<br />

acceptability. Ten officers served as the subjects for the data collection through surveys,<br />

interviews, movement analysis, fit analysis, and wear testing. Officers indicated that<br />

thermal comfort due to their ballistic vest was of main concern.<br />

Black, Grise, and Fowler (2003) compared two designs of hip support products to<br />

assess comfort and wearability to resolve complaints including those associated with<br />

insufficient thermal comfort. While the researchers were able to produce a prototype that<br />

provided improved wearability over the previous support product, thermal comfort<br />

remains to be achieved.<br />

Fit<br />

Watkins (1995) defined fit as being “the relationship of the garment to body” (p.<br />

264). Krenzer et al. (2005) indicated that fit was one of the most significant<br />

characteristics in determining female satisfaction with sports bras. Likewise, Black,<br />

Chae, and Heitmeyer (2005), surveyed subjects that purchased tennis wear regarding<br />

satisfaction, and found the most important attributes were comfort, fit, and quality.<br />

In 1995, Ashdown and DeLong, reported that fit variances could be perceived at<br />

varying levels of the body, and that subjects had varying tolerance levels at different parts<br />

of the body. In an earlier study, Delong, Ashdown, Butterfield, and Turnbladh, (1993)<br />

reported that clothing from differing categories would vary in the necessitated amounts of<br />

ease based on the mobility requirements. Therefore, during the selection of the<br />


appropriate amount of ease, both the end use and required movement by a garment<br />

should be considered.<br />

A study of petite women, introduced a self-report Model Fit Evaluation Scale that<br />

measured tight-to-loose fit (McRoberts, 2005). The scale consisted of 7 Liker-type, tightto-loose,<br />

static and dynamic fit assessments of the subject, and one fit satisfaction<br />

assessment. The tight-to-loose fit assessment had a range of 1 equal to extremely tight,<br />

and 5 equal to extremely loose, with 3 equal to neutral. On the scale, desired fit would be<br />

neutral. Static fit refers to fit measured while the subject is still or motionless. Dynamic<br />

fit refers to fit measured during movement. Several studies through the course of<br />

conducting product development have assessed both static and dynamic fit (Bye &<br />

Hakala, 2005; Huck et al. 1997; Huck & Kim, 1997; Lawson & Lorentzen, 1990;<br />

Rutherford-Black & Khan, 1995; Watkins, 1977). This study will need to address static<br />

and dynamic tight-to-loose fit and fit satisfaction individually so as to better understand<br />

the relationship between fit of the prototype and wear acceptability.<br />

Another useful method for determining appropriate amounts of ease consists of a<br />

skin stretch test. These tests can be used to determine the amount of ease or zero ease<br />

necessary for freedom of movement. Zero ease refers to the absence of ease. In dealing<br />

with stretch garments, especially for the purpose of providing support, it may be<br />

necessary to remove ease.<br />

Visual methods of analyzing fit by experts are ideal (Lyman-Clarke, Ashdown,<br />

Locker, Lewis, & Schoenfelder, 2005; McRoberts, 2005). However, due to the zero ease<br />

requirements for support garments, it is necessary to consider participant fit evaluation.<br />

In the McRoberts (2005) study, garments were successfully analyzed on live fit models<br />

by the models (self-report) and judges (objective third party assessment).<br />

Satisfaction with fit is difficult to measure because female consumers have<br />

varying fit preferences based on their body shapes and body cathexis (Alexander &<br />

Connell, 2003). For instance, females with hourglass silhouettes in the Alexander (2000)<br />

study favored extremely fitted garments, while females with inverted triangle silhouettes,<br />

favored very loosely fitted garments. Therefore, feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction<br />

with body shape and body cathexis can affect perception of fit in garments (Alexander,<br />

2000; Alexander, et al. 2003).<br />


Fit preference studies have been successfully conducted. For example, a study of<br />

fit satisfaction rankings in women aged 55 years or older, indicated that petite women<br />

were the least satisfied with apparel fit (Shim & Bickle, 1993). In Campbell and Horne,<br />

(2001) another fit preference study compared two similar pairs of pants and found the<br />

newer standards provided improved fit for mature petite women. Additionally,<br />

McRoberts (2005) developed patterns for petite women, and assessed the muslins<br />

developed from the patterns using live models. Results indicated mixed results regarding<br />

fit preference.<br />

Mobility<br />

Mobility is an important component of comfort and relates closely to dynamic fit<br />

issues. It is possible to increase clothing mobility through selecting fabric that is<br />

“stretchy, flexible, light in weight, thin, and slippery” (Watkins, 1995, p. 244). An<br />

important factor in fabric selection is recovery from stretch, because lack of recovery can<br />

increase bulk.<br />

Movement in a garment can be restricted when it is too loose or too tight. If it is<br />

too loose, the clothing can be so bulky that it impedes the movement of the subject thus<br />

resulting in a movement limitation. In order to check for the effectiveness of movement,<br />

range of motion measurements should be assessed using a goniometer (Huck, Maganga,<br />

& Kim, 1997; Huck & Kim, 1999). Additionally, exercise protocols can be used to<br />

measure range of motion movements (Huck et al., 1997). These measurements can<br />

demonstrate whether a garment is causing an impediment. Previous studies (Lawson &<br />

Lorentzen, 1990; Starr, Branson, Shehab, Farr, Ownbey, & Swinney, 2005; Watkins,<br />

1977) videotaped and photographed (Ashdown, 1998; Watkins, 1977) subjects while in<br />

different movements in order to capture and collect data for evaluation.<br />


Psychosocial comfort<br />

Four elements of Branson and Sweeney’s (1991) clothing comfort model affect<br />

comfort judgment: the physical dimension triad, social-psychological dimension triad,<br />

physiological/perceptual response, and filter. Both physical dimension triad and socialpsychological<br />

dimension triad are used to compartmentalize variables and provide a<br />

perspective of the measurement techniques.<br />

Psychosocial comfort literature is very limited. The psychosocial aspects of<br />

comfort are influenced by person attributes, clothing attributes and environment attributes<br />

(Branson & Sweeney, 1991). The person attributes include such characteristics as selfconcept,<br />

personality, body image/cathexis, values, attitudes, interests, religious beliefs, or<br />

political beliefs. Clothing attributes influencing psychosocial comfort relate to aesthetics,<br />

style, fashionability, appropriateness for the activity, design, color, texture and body<br />

emphasis or de-emphasis. The environment attributes include occasion or situation to<br />

wear, and expectations of others encountered in the environment. A comfort judgment<br />

can be complicated to determine when there are conflicting attributes. Wear studies<br />

may be conducted in controlled or natural environments. Psychosocial factors may be<br />

fewer and less complex in controlled environments.<br />

LaBat and DeLong (1990) demonstrated a correlation between fit satisfaction and<br />

feelings towards the personal body (body image/cathexis). Likewise, Alexander and<br />

Connell (2000) indicated that body shape and self-image of the individual was directly<br />

related to female fit preference. In 2004, Cash and Szymanski found that body-image<br />

evaluation was related to psychosocial well-being.<br />

More recently, Chattaraman and Rudd have reported that body cathexis and body<br />

image had a negative linear relationship with aesthetic preference and styling<br />

(Chattaraman& Rudd, 2006). The first three components (physical aspects, socialpsychological<br />

aspects, and perceptual response) of the Branson and Sweeney (1991)<br />

clothing comfort model were used as the framework for their study (Chattaraman &<br />

Rudd, 2006). The purpose of that study was to “determine whether women’s aesthetic<br />

response to apparel is related to their body size, body cathexis and body image and if so,<br />

to provide insight into underlying patterns of similarity in their response” (p. 46). It is<br />


apparent that psychosocial comfort is an important factor to consider in developing<br />

garments and wear testing them.<br />

Summary<br />

The literature established the significance of the need for the development of a<br />

soft structural support garment for the purpose of aligning the thoracic spine.<br />

Additionally, research studies addressed the components of thermal comfort, fit, mobility,<br />

and psychosocial comfort. Research was limited regarding the fit of a prototype for the<br />

resolution of improper postural alignment. However, Krenzer et al. (2005), can be used<br />

as an example for obtaining the proper fit of other prototypes.<br />

Postural alignment studies demonstrated the importance of proper alignment of<br />

posture for the prevention of potential back injury. The research also showed the<br />

consequences and adverse effects of improper postural alignment. Structural support<br />

products are one of the recommended corrective measures. Despite varying degrees of<br />

prevalent problems associated with improper postural alignment, the literature revealed<br />

few studies of the effectiveness of soft structural support products.<br />

Current measures for proper postural alignment include exercise, yoga, or Pilates;<br />

however, compliance is low. Previous orthopedic prosthetic devices have been primarily<br />

rigid (based on the market scan). At present, there are support products produced<br />

primarily for the lower back, followed by the neck. As a result of poor comfort, rigidity<br />

and limited mobility, many consumers may refuse to wear the support products.<br />

Comfort studies established the definitions, significance and attributes associated<br />

with the different types of comfort. Additionally, the results provided various methods of<br />

assessing and measuring comfort. Branson and Sweeney’s (1991) Comfort Clothing<br />

Model will be used for assessing the comfort of subjects in this study. Given that a<br />

prototype will not be worn if it is uncomfortable (Huck & Kim, 1997), comfort will be a<br />

key factor in the design and development of this prototype.<br />


CHAPTER 3<br />


This section is arranged in the following composition: functional design process,<br />

preliminary work, construction of prototypes, hypotheses, and research questions.<br />

Functional Design Process<br />

The DeJonge (1984) design process was chosen for the conceptual framework of<br />

this study for a variety of reasons. First, DeJonge provides a systematic and detailed<br />

approach to the functionality of a garment, resulting in consistency for replication. Also,<br />

the time and attention to detail in the early stages increases accuracy in problem<br />

identification, reducing the likelihood of intuitive approaches and resulting garment<br />

redesigns. Additionally, the design specifications established during the DeJonge design<br />

process can be used for assessing the prototype.<br />

This study focused on developing and testing a prototype for a soft structural<br />

support garment for the thoracic area of the spine to improve postural alignment.<br />

Therefore, the purpose of my study was to design and assess the postural alignment<br />

effectiveness, wearer acceptability, and comfort aspects of a prototype soft structural<br />

thoracic support garment as compared to two commercially available thoracic support<br />

products. In the application of DeJonge’s initial stage of the design process, request<br />

made, a general objective was determined through the preliminary work in this study<br />

regarding a postural alignment garment based on my personal experience (see Table 2).<br />

The second stage of DeJonge’s design process, design situation explored, included<br />

brainstorming all possible solutions without limitation to remove intuitive solutions and<br />

promote creativity in the design approach. User interviews were conducted with two<br />

female administrative assistants, one female volunteer with osteoporosis, and a renowned<br />

physician. Beneficial information from the administrative assistants was gathered<br />

regarding types of movements and repetition. Aesthetic and expressive information was<br />

gained from the interview with the osteoporosis patient. The physician provided<br />

invaluable information regarding posture, postural alignment, and pertinent journals.<br />


Table 2<br />

Functional Design Process for Soft Structural Support Garment for Posture Alignment<br />


Soft Structural Support Garment for Posture Alignment<br />

Personal experience<br />


Overall objective <strong>Review</strong> of <strong>Literature</strong> Problem Definition<br />

• Support systems<br />

• Fabrication<br />

• Physical comfort<br />

• Thermal comfort<br />

• Range of motion related to<br />

tasks<br />

• Functional Design<br />

Process<br />

• Posture<br />

• Fit<br />

• Comfort<br />

• Orthotics<br />

• Input from physicians,<br />

medical experts &<br />

trainers<br />

• Visual observation of<br />

individuals performing<br />

different tasks<br />


<strong>Literature</strong> Search User Input Market Analysis Identification of Critical<br />

Factors<br />

• Support systems<br />

• Fabrication<br />

• Physical comfort<br />

• Thermal comfort<br />

• Range of motion<br />

related to tasks<br />

• Personal<br />

discussions<br />

• Interviews<br />

• Consultations<br />

with Physicians &<br />

nurses<br />

• Analyzed<br />

commercially<br />

available support<br />

systems and support<br />

systems<br />

• Postural Alignment<br />

• Mobility<br />

• Ease of movement<br />

• Comfort (physical &<br />

thermal)<br />

• Fabrication<br />

• Fit<br />


Postural Alignment Comfort Movement<br />

• Identification of<br />

• Fit<br />

• Range of Motion<br />

correct posture<br />

• Mobility<br />

• Ease of Movement<br />

• Orthotics<br />

• Thermal comfort<br />


Interaction matrix<br />



Objective Analysis<br />

• Range of motion measurement<br />

• Movement assessment<br />

• Thermal assessment<br />

• Body scanning/physical assessment<br />

Note. Preliminary work steps italicized.<br />

Subjective Analysis<br />

• Wearer acceptability scale<br />

• McGinnis Scale (Thermal comfort)<br />


Further brainstorming identified the factors to be considered in the functional<br />

design process, such as posture, thermal comfort and fit, as well as further definition of<br />

the problem. It was determined that the problem was a lack of comfortable, nonrigid, soft<br />

structural support systems for improving and maintaining posture for women involved in<br />

occupations where repetitive motion may be likely. An observational analysis of workers<br />

performing repetitive motion tasks such as typing, filing, and answering the telephone<br />

was conducted. Then a market analysis was conducted via the Internet to determine what<br />

support systems were currently available, their design specifications, advantages and<br />

disadvantages. Another literature search was conducted to identify current research<br />

related to support products and orthotic development and evaluation.<br />

The third stage, problem structure perceived, resulted in narrowing the focus to<br />

critical design criteria, and led to the fourth stage of DeJonge’s (1984) design process,<br />

specifications described. In this stage, the critical design criteria were organized into a<br />

matrix for interaction analysis across the specifications. Each criterion was compared to<br />

each other criterion to determine if the two were in conflict, symbiotic or unrelated. The<br />

resulting matrix provided a guide for prioritizing and addressing further development of<br />

required design specifications for the prototype. A preliminary prototype was produced<br />

and evaluated following DeJonge’s sixth and seventh stages of the design process. The<br />

preliminary prototype was subjected to a fit analysis and an informal movement<br />

assessment consisting of extending, abducting, flexing, and raising of the arms. The<br />

movement assessment indicated that the front armholes of the prototype needed to be cut<br />

in more. Results from this informal evaluation of the preliminary prototype led to<br />

revisiting the third and following stages of the process until the prototype to be used in<br />

this study was developed.<br />


Preliminary Work<br />

Market Analysis<br />

As a part of DeJonge’s (1984) second stage of the functional design process,<br />

design situation explored, a market analysis was conducted by scanning the Internet for<br />

back braces, orthoses and support products related to posture. The scan revealed three<br />

types of support products: rigid, semi-rigid, and non-rigid. The rigid support products<br />

were made of heavy inflexible plastic with metal or plastic stays incorporated within<br />

them (built in strips). Semi-rigid support products were primarily made of thick fabrics,<br />

with metal or plastic stays. Non-rigid support products were made of flexible fabric<br />

without any stays incorporated in them.<br />

The results of the market scan indicated a variety of rigid cervicothoracic<br />

stabilizers that are made using hard plastic or metal with loop and hook tape Velcro®<br />

closures. A few soft structural support products were also found, but none that would<br />

qualify as a garment. Example support products intended for correcting posture are<br />

illustrated, and their advantages and disadvantages discussed.<br />

Rigid Support Products.<br />

Figure 2. Rigid support:<br />

Miami J® Collar by Ossur<br />

Sketch: Barona (2008)<br />

The Miami J® Collar by Ossur (see Figure 2)<br />

provides total immobilization for the rehabilitation of<br />

adults (http://www.ossur.com/?PageID=2853). It is<br />

advertised as being latex-free and provides protection to<br />

the skin for long-term use. This support system was<br />

designed to restrict mobility completely and is very rigid.<br />

In addition, it provides bracing to the cervical area of the<br />

spine (the neck), which is not required for the correction<br />

of posture. The advantage of this support system is that<br />

it provides complete immobilization; however, the main<br />

disadvantage is that it totally restricts movement of the<br />

supported regions, and appears to trap heat, creating the<br />

potential for poor thermal comfort.<br />


Figure 3. Semi-rigid support:<br />

Original Cincher Support System by<br />

DocOrtho. Sketch: Barona (2008)<br />

Semi-rigid support products.<br />

The Original Cincher support product by<br />

DocOrtho (see Figure 3) was designed with a longlined<br />

torso and features wide bands and vertical spiral<br />

steel stays. According to the website, this support<br />

product provides postural alignment through<br />

abdominal and lumbar compression (http://www.<br />

docortho.com/braces-and-supports/backsupport/<br />

original-cincher.html). This support product is made<br />

of high density power mesh, and has elastic bands.<br />

Additionally, this support product provides postural<br />

support through the use of steel stays. The advantage<br />

to this support product is that the fabric in the areas<br />

not covered by the elastic bands appears breathable. A disadvantage is failure to provide<br />

specific shoulder support. Also this semi-rigid structure may interact with<br />

undergarments, and the mandatory abdominal and lumbar support may be more confining<br />

and less comfortable than other support products revealed in the scan.<br />

The Soft Form® Posture Brace from<br />

DocOrtho (see Figure 4) is designed with two<br />

flexible plastic stays and adjustable shoulder straps.<br />

It is a long support product extending from<br />

shoulders to upper hipline. The website indicates<br />

the support system cover is made from Soft Form®<br />

latex free fabric (http://www.docortho.com/<br />

Figure 4. Semi-rigid support: The Soft<br />

Form® Posture Brace from DocOrtho<br />

Photograph: McRoberts, L. (2007)<br />

braces-and-supports/soft-form-posture-controlbrace.html).<br />

The advantage of this support product<br />

is that it is designed to draw back the shoulders into<br />

correct posture alignment and maintain the position.<br />

Additionally, this product provides circumferential<br />

support to the abdomen and lower back, but results<br />

in limited shoulder movement in the forward and<br />


downward directions as indicated by the company advertisement. It would appear that<br />

the product restricts range of motion in the trunk, and the inconvenient lowered<br />

placement of the bottom of the support product could also cause interaction with<br />

undergarments. The product may result in restriction across the abdomen while sitting<br />

down, and adds bulkiness in the entire torso area.<br />

Non-rigid (soft) support products:<br />

The Upper Back Support (ComA) from Orthobionics made by Bird & Cronin (see<br />

Figure 5) is designed with hooks at center front on the waist, but contains no other metal<br />

or plastic. This product was designed to provide proper posture by pulling back the<br />

shoulders and aligning the trunk. The website indicates the support product is made of<br />

79% Nylon and 21% Lycra © Spandex powernet (http://supports4less.com/birdcronin/<br />

backsupports/upperbacksupport/bc-upperback-support.htm). The support product is more<br />

flexible and less bulky than the rigid or semi-rigid braces, and, because it ends at the<br />

natural waistline, may provide less interference with undergarments. Another benefit is<br />

that the abdomen is not as confined and compressed as the semi-rigid structures.<br />

However, this support product does not cover the bust and may be prone to pinching or<br />

rolling at the waist due to the lack of stays to hold the product in place. Additionally,<br />

since the bust is not covered, the wearer is likely to need a bra with this support system.<br />

The combination of the support system and the bra may result in increased thermal<br />

discomfort, rubbing, pinching, or pilling of the fabrics.<br />

Figure 5. Non-rigid support: The Upper Back Support from Orthobionics Left: front view, Middle:<br />

side view, Right: back view. Photographs: McRoberts, L. (2008).<br />

Note. The black line is not part of the garment.<br />


The Posture Corrector (ComB) by First Street by Mavis Health Care, Inc. (see<br />

Figure 6), designed with Velcro® front closure, is advertised as providing correct posture<br />

while offering support to “reduce back strain” (p. 1). According to the website, this<br />

support product gently pulls, aligns and holds shoulders back minimizing stooping and<br />

slouching (http://www.nulifemedical.com/pc-23-33-dmi-posture-corrector-unisex.aspx).<br />

The fabric is 85% nylon/15% Lycra® spandex and is latex free. The main advantage of<br />

this support system is that it has adjustable shoulder straps and waistband that provide<br />

opportunity for custom fitting of varying body sizes. The disadvantage of this model is<br />

the lack of coverage across the bust and the shoulders. The design of the upper back<br />

portion of the product may not provide enough support to the thoracic region for postural<br />

alignment effectiveness.<br />

A few clavicle support products were revealed during the market analysis. These<br />

products are like small harnesses that cross the upper part of the shoulders only. They<br />

measure about 4 inches in height. They were not considered for use in this study as they<br />

appeared to provide insufficient support for effective postural alignment of the thoracic<br />

region.<br />

The commercially available support products most similar to a soft structural<br />

support garment were the two non-rigid products: ComA and ComB. Both of them were<br />

designed to improve posture of the upper (thoracic) back specifically, could be worn<br />

beneath clothing, and ended at the waist or above. According to company telephone<br />

interviews, ComA and ComB had never been tested; their inclusion for comparison to the<br />

prototype provided an important contribution to the body of knowledge.<br />

Figure 6. Non-rigid support: The Posture Corrector by First Street. Left: front view, Middle: side view,<br />

Right: back view. Photographs: McRoberts, L. (2008).<br />

Note. The black line is not part of the garment.<br />


Informal Interviews<br />

Early informal discussions were held with two administrative personnel whose<br />

work tasks primarily involved repetitive typing, answering the telephone, reaching and<br />

stretching, filing papers, stooping down to pick things up, and static sitting position.<br />

Both of the women were able to indicate where they felt muscle fatigue (the upper back,<br />

shoulders and neck), and efforts they made to prevent muscle fatigue onset.<br />

Another informal interview was conducted over the telephone with a female,<br />

diagnosed with severe osteoporosis. Informal interviews were also held with medical<br />

experts. Of particular interest was an interview with an orthopedic surgeon specializing<br />

in spine and disc replacement surgeries. He discussed the mechanics of posture and the<br />

spine. He agreed that a soft structure support garment for postural alignment might<br />

provide thoracic spine support.<br />

Table 3<br />

Functional Design Interaction Matrix of Garment Specifications of Prototype.<br />

Garment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12<br />

Specifications<br />

1. Back - 1 1 2 2 0 0 1 2 1 2 2<br />

Support<br />

2. Fabric - - 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2<br />

3. Comfort – - - - 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2<br />

Physical<br />

4. Comfort – - - - - 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2<br />

Thermal<br />

5. Body - - - - - 1 1 2 2 1 1 2<br />

Coverage<br />

6. Mobility - - - - - - 1 2 1 1 1 2<br />

7. Range of - - - - - - - 2 2 2 1 2<br />

motion<br />

8. Ease of - - - - - - - - 2 2 1 2<br />

movement<br />

9. Production - - - - - - - - - 2 2 2<br />

10. Fit - - - - - - - - - - 1 2<br />

11. Interaction - - - - - - - - - - - 2<br />

with clothing<br />

12. Style - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

0 = Conflict, 1 = Accommodation, 2 = No Conflict<br />


Preliminary Prototype Development and Evaluation<br />

Following DeJonge’s functional design process (1984), a preliminary soft structural<br />

support prototype garment was developed to aid in postural alignment of the thoracic area<br />

of the spine, because there was a lack of investigation and solution with regard to this<br />

region of the back. The preliminary prototype was created to be similar to a sports bra or<br />

fitted tank. Using a computer-aided-design system and a standard Misses’ size 8 block,<br />

the pattern for the preliminary prototype was designed and printed. The preliminary<br />

prototype was assembled from a polyester/spandex knit fabric and evaluated through an<br />

informal fitting and movement assessment (trial run). Design criteria were identified and<br />

placed into a specifications matrix (see Table 3). The specification matrix indicates which<br />

pairs of design criteria may cause a potential conflict in design decisions (designated with<br />

a “0” in the chart), those that can be accommodated (“1”) and those where no conflict<br />

exists (“2”). The prototype was redesigned based on results of the trial run, the<br />

specification matrix and features identified in products found through the market<br />

analysis.<br />

-Polyester 90/Spandex10<br />

-Polyester 90/Spandex10<br />

-Nylon 79/ Lycra© spandex 21<br />

-Nylon 79/ Lycra© spandex 21<br />

High Density Power Mesh<br />

Figure 7. Prototype Top: Original, Bottom: Redesign<br />

Prototype<br />

Sketch: McRoberts (2007).<br />

Fabrics<br />

The stretch fabrics chosen for<br />

the preliminary prototype consisted<br />

of polyester/spandex blends in two<br />

colors, light blue and navy blue (see<br />

Figure 7). For the redesigned<br />

prototype, I used a 79% nylon/ 21%<br />

Lycra © spandex and a nylon/Lycra ©<br />

spandex high density power mesh<br />

fabric for support across the<br />

shoulder blades. The power mesh<br />

provides less stretch and more<br />

elasticity, partially due to its own<br />

properties and partially due to being<br />

layered on top of the base stretch<br />


fabric. Neutral beige was selected as the color of the redesigned prototype based on the<br />

trial run results and the problems encountered with the use of the dark navy fabric in the<br />

body scanner which interfered with the accuracy of data collection.<br />

The cotton/polyester seam tape binding used to finish the fabric edges at the arm,<br />

neck and garment bottom was found to be too bulky and restrictive for movement (when<br />

arms were raised forward above the head and arms were raised at the sides). Therefore, a<br />

replacement trim fabric that is narrower and had a finished edge was used to eliminate<br />

bulk.<br />

Informal Postural Support Analysis<br />

The preliminary prototype was developed based on the idea that support could be<br />

achieved by using stretchier fabric in the front and more stability in the back (see Figure<br />

8). The preliminary prototype design was based on providing horizontal stability across<br />

each blade. However, analysis of the preliminary prototype indicated that the back<br />

support would be more effective with reinforced vertical/diagonal support across the<br />

blades. Therefore the<br />

design of the back<br />

support was changed. to<br />

provide vertical rigidity<br />

to flatten the scapula<br />

(shoulder blade) area, to<br />

increase stability, and<br />

pull back the shoulders.<br />

Figure 8. The Preliminary Prototype. Left: front view Right: back view.<br />

.Photograph: McRoberts, L. (2007)<br />

Preliminary Fit Assessment<br />

The preliminary soft structural prototype was fit both on a mannequin and a live<br />

model. The fitting on the Misses’ size 8 Wolf Dress Form demonstrated proper fit, ease,<br />

and balance. Evaluation of both fit and comfort on the live fit model were good.<br />

However, the mobility of the live model resulted in slight binding along the shoulder<br />

seams and underarm, with forward arm motion along the horizontal plane. Therefore, I<br />


cut the armholes of the redesigned prototype deeper (at a 45° as measured from the side<br />

seam), and cut the neckline deeper for mobility and versatility of wearing the prototype<br />

beneath clothing. The redesigned prototype was then ready for inclusion in the study at<br />

hand.<br />

Construction of Prototypes<br />

For the purpose of providing structural support, zero or negative fitting ease was<br />

used dependent upon the region of the prototype. For instance, the front of the prototype<br />

used zero ease with a high stretch fabric. However, the back shoulder blade region<br />

included a very stable fabric or less stretchy fabric to remove ease for the support<br />

necessary for aligning the posture. Preliminary fitting was accomplished through the<br />

implementation of a modification of the skin stretch test in which the preliminary<br />

prototype was placed on a live model and a series of 1inch squares drawn on the<br />

prototype. As the model moved in the preliminary prototype, the change in size of each<br />

square was noted and the information used for determining the need for movement<br />

accommodation or rigidity across the shoulder blades for providing support to the<br />

thoracic area of the spine. The redesigned prototype was adjusted to take these<br />

movement needs into account.<br />

Hypotheses<br />

Based on information gained in the review of literature and preliminary work, the<br />

following hypotheses were proposed.<br />

H1a: The prototype will exhibit equivalent postural alignment effectiveness as compared<br />

to two commercially available support systems (ComA and ComB) as determined by<br />

using a method developed in this study that employs a 3-dimensional body scanner.<br />

H1b: The prototype will exhibit equivalent postural alignment effectiveness as compared<br />

to ComA and ComB as determined through an assessment of photographs of subjects<br />

wearing the treatments.<br />


Rationale: The prototype is expected to be equally effective in supporting proper<br />

postural alignment as the two commercially available support products. No previous<br />

studies of the commercially available products has been reported, thereby making it<br />

difficult to propose levels of postural alignment effectiveness. The diagonal<br />

reinforcement of the power mesh across the shoulders was expected to provide postural<br />

alignment. Two methods of measurement are being used to determine the potential for<br />

use of body scanning in assessing posture. No previous studies were found which used<br />

the body scanner for the purpose of assessing posture. The traditional method for<br />

assessing posture applies a set of standards by observing a person placed in front of a grid<br />

and measuring the orientation of body parts to a reference line. Body scanning may have<br />

the potential to ultimately reduce time involved in collecting this information, but the<br />

method needs to be assessed in comparison to a commonly used method.<br />

H2: There will be an increase in wearer acceptability with the prototype soft structural<br />

support garment as compared to ComA and ComB.<br />

Rationale: The prototype was expected to provide improved wearer acceptability because<br />

it was developed with stretch fabric in a color based on the results of the trial run.<br />

Krenzer, Starr & Branson (2000) used similar stretch fabric for a sports bra developed for<br />

large-busted women which compared favorably to two commercially existing sports bras.<br />

It was also expected that changes to the design would improve the garments in specific<br />

ways as tested by other hypotheses and that these improvements would affect the overall<br />

wearer acceptability.<br />

H3: The prototype will exhibit equivalent thermal comfort as compared to ComA and<br />

ComB as measured by skin temperature of the upper arm using a laser thermometer both<br />

initially and after the final stage of the wear protocol, or as measured by the McGinnis<br />

Thermal Scale after the final stage of the wear protocol.<br />

Rationale: The prototype was expected to have similar thermal comfort as the two<br />

commercial support systems because the fabric used for the prototype is similar to the<br />


commercially available support products. Although the prototype does not have the thick<br />

Velcro® or elastic bands of the two commercial products, it covers the bust and this<br />

additional coverage may be sufficient to off-set improvements in thermal comfort in areas<br />

where the fabric is not as thick.<br />

H4a: There will be a significant difference in static tight-to-loose fit of the prototype as<br />

compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

H4b: There will be a significant increase in overall static fit satisfaction of the prototype<br />

as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

H4c: There will be a significant difference in dynamic tight-to-loose fit of the prototype<br />

as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

H4d: There will be a significant increase in dynamic fit satisfaction of the prototype as<br />

compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

Rationale: The prototype was expected to provide improved fit based on the design<br />

changes incorporated in the prototype after the trial run. The increased depth of the<br />

armhole was expected to provide increased mobility.<br />

H5a: There will be no significant difference in the range of motion of subjects while<br />

wearing the prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by goniometer.<br />

Rationale: The prototype is expected to provide equivalent mobility based on the use of<br />

similar fabric and the fact that the arms are not restricted in any of the products being<br />

tested.<br />

H5b: There will be significant improvement in the user satisfaction with mobility and<br />

ease of movement while wearing the prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as<br />

measured by the Movement Assessment Scale after the wear protocol.<br />


Rationale: The prototype armholes were cut more deeply to address issues with<br />

movement of the arm at the shoulder. It is expected that these changes may provide an<br />

advantage of the prototype in mobility assessments.<br />

Research Questions for Psychosocial Comfort<br />

6a. What psychosocial comfort issues will be expressed by participants as concerns<br />

related to wearing the garment to work?<br />

6b. What psychosocial issues related to the design of the prototypes will be identified<br />

by participants?<br />

6c. What other psychosocial aspects of the support garments will be addressed by<br />

participants in response to an open-ended question inviting comments related to clothing<br />

attributes including aesthetics, style, fashionability, appropriateness, design, color,<br />

texture, and body emphasis?<br />

Rationale: Branson and Sweeney’s (1991) clothing comfort model includes the aspect of<br />

psychosocial comfort which comprised person attributes, clothing attributes and<br />

environment attributes. Therefore, it is necessary to address psychosocial comfort in the<br />

wear testing of the prototype. Methods of measuring psychosocial comfort are limited<br />

based on the literature. In order to explore psychosocial comfort, open-ended research<br />

questions were presented to the participants. The study did not address person attributes<br />

specifically, but the comments of participants will be influenced by their individual<br />

psychosocial attributes. Although the testing was conducted in a controlled environment,<br />

the first question asks the wearer to consider their work environment in answering the<br />

question.<br />


CHAPTER 4<br />


This chapter describes the methods applied in stage seven of the DeJonge process<br />

to evaluate the redesigned prototype. It is arranged as follows: Design of the Study,<br />

Participant Selection, Treatments: Support Products, Sizes, Wear Protocol, Pilot Study,<br />

and Data Analysis.<br />

Design of the Study<br />

The evaluation of the prototype was conducted as an exploratory, experimental<br />

study involving human subjects. Institutional <strong>Review</strong> Board approvals may be found in<br />

Appendices A, B and C. Volunteer participants engaged in a controlled wear protocol<br />

after donning each of four treatments. Effects of treatments were compared for the<br />

following dependent variables: postural alignment effectiveness, wearer acceptability,<br />

thermal comfort, fit (static and dynamic tight-to-loose fit and fit satisfaction), mobility<br />

(range of motion, ease of movement), and psychosocial comfort. Dependent variables<br />

were measured at various points during the wear protocol (stage 1, 2, or 3) or<br />

immediately after the wear protocol. The experimental design was a within subjects<br />

design with two factors (wearer acceptability and thermal comfort) measured multiple<br />

times, while the other three factors were measured once during each wear session.<br />

Participant Selection<br />

Based on the literature search and a statistical analysis of the research<br />

design, 15 participants were recruited via mass e-mailings to the staff of two universities<br />

in a metropolitan area in the southeastern United <strong>State</strong>s. The functional design studies<br />

reviewed for this research have used 4 to10 subjects. Since we were analyzing multiple<br />

variables, we increased the target sample size to 15. Potential participants were offered a<br />

body shape analysis as an incentive for their participation. The e-mails solicited premenopausal<br />

female participants between the ages of 40 and 55 years who regularly<br />

performed repetitive-motion activities. Respondents were excluded who were: unable to<br />

commit for four weeks; males; women age 39 and under, or 56 and over; women who<br />


had hysterectomies; women that were postmenopausal; and women with spinal problems<br />

other than posture. Twenty-six individuals who responded to the e-mail were provided<br />

with additional information, then telephoned to confirm that they met the<br />

inclusion/exclusion criteria and to schedule the orientation and initial session for those<br />

who were eligible. Subject selection ended when the 15 th eligible person was identified<br />

and scheduled. One subject dropped out of the study after the initial session (control<br />

treatment) and was replaced by the next eligible person. These 15 subjects completed all<br />

phases of the study.<br />

At the orientation, subjects signed the consent form (see Appendices D and E) and<br />

submitted a questionnaire that indicated basic demographic information (age, height,<br />

weight, occupation, length of occupation), participation in repetitive motion, availability<br />

for participation, history of back or spine problems or claustrophobia, and willingness to<br />

participate in body scanning. Subjects who consented to participate and met the<br />

inclusion/exclusion criteria, were then measured by a fit expert who took circumferential<br />

measurements of the bust, waist, and hips, and vertical measurements (bust to waist,<br />

waist to hips).<br />

Treatments: Support Products<br />

Treatment is an independent variable with 4 levels: control, prototype, ComA, and<br />

ComB (see Figure 9). The control, a sports bra, is designed to provide bust support<br />

during dynamic movement. In this study the control represents the absence of back<br />

support. It is comprised of 97% nylon/3% Lycra © spandex. The prototype is a soft<br />

structural support garment designed to provide postural alignment with increased wearer<br />

acceptability, and makes other clothing optional. Both commercial support product A<br />

(ComA) and commercial support product B (ComB) are soft structural supports designed<br />

to be worn either under or over clothing.<br />


Figure 9. Top Row: Control (sports bra): Left: front view, Center: side view, Right: back view.<br />

Second Row: Prototype: Left: front view, Center: side view, Right: back view.<br />

Third Row: Commercial support product A (ComA): Left: front view, Right: back view.<br />

Bottom Row: Commercial support product B (ComB): Left: front view, Right: back view.<br />

Photographs: McRoberts, L. (2008). Note. The black line is not part of the garment.<br />


Sizes<br />

Prior to subject selection, sixteen ComA and ComB support products were<br />

purchased for the study. Sizes of the commercial support systems were compared prior to<br />

the purchase to coordinate the sizes of ComA and ComB. ComA sizes are based on waist<br />

measurements, while the sizes for ComB are based on chest measurements. Three sizes<br />

of ComA (Medium, Medium/Large, and Large) and four sizes of ComB (Medium,<br />

Medium/Large, Large, and X-Large) were selected as the range of sizes to be used in<br />

the study. Control garments covering the same range of bust sizes as ComB were used.<br />

Five sizes were needed to cover the range. The measurements of the prototype were<br />

developed based on a combination of the measurements of ComA and ComB, using five<br />

sizes corresponding with sizes of the control. Table 4 lists the size information for all<br />

treatments in the study and indicates how many participants wore each size of the<br />

treatment. During the screening process, participants provided bra sizes, clothing sizes<br />

(both shirt and pants), and measurements if known. Control garments (sports bras) were<br />

purchased based on the screening results.<br />

During the orientation session, participants’ circumferential and vertical<br />

measurements were taken for the purpose of selecting the most appropriately sized<br />

treatments for all of the subjects in the study prior to allocation. All of the participant<br />

measurements were compared for the most suitable allocation of treatments. Each<br />

participant was assigned and allocated specific sized treatments that were marked with<br />

their corresponding identification number and stored in their individual bags. Each<br />

support product was worn once by a single participant for a two-hour wear protocol. All<br />

15 subjects wore each of the support products.<br />


Table 4<br />

Treatment Sizing Chart<br />

Medium Med/Large Large X-Large XX-Large<br />

Control Bust = 36” Bust = 38” Bust = 40” Bust = 42” Bust = 44”<br />

n = 6 n = 4 n = 0 n = 2 n = 3<br />

Prototype Bust = 36” Bust = 38” Bust = 40” Bust = 42” Bust = 44”<br />

Waist = 30” Waist = 32” Waist = 33” Waist = 34” Waist = 35”<br />

n = 6 n = 4 n = 0 n = 2 n = 3<br />

ComA Waist = Waist = Waist =<br />

27”– 29” 30”– 32” 33”– 35”<br />

n = 5 n = 4 n = 6<br />

ComB Chest = Chest = Chest = Chest =<br />

34”– 36” 38”– 40” 42”– 44” 46”– 48”<br />

n = 6 n = 4 n = 4 n = 1<br />

Order of Treatments<br />

Each volunteer agreed to participate in four wear tests, one for each of the four<br />

treatments. It was determined that the first treatment would be the control (A), for each<br />

participant for several reasons.<br />

1. If there were any problems during the first phase of the study that needed to be<br />

corrected, everyone would have received the same treatment and been at the same phase<br />

of the study.<br />

2. If a subject dropped out after the first session, we would not have to throw out any of<br />

the costly treatments (structural support products).<br />

3. All of the subjects would have an opportunity to acclimate to the environment and the<br />

procedures involved in the wear protocol prior to testing the structural support products.<br />

4. The control treatment provided a baseline for the evaluation of the three support<br />

treatments.<br />


For the remaining three sessions, participants were randomly assigned to a<br />

treatment sequence that allowed an equal number of participants to wear each of the<br />

treatments at the second, third, or fourth session. The treatment order assignments are<br />

provided in Table 5.<br />

Table 5<br />

Random Assignment Chart for Order of Treatments<br />

Participant 1 st Treatment 2 nd Treatment 3 rd Treatment 4 th Treatment<br />

A-1 A B C D<br />

B-2 A C D B<br />

C-3 A D B C<br />

D-4 A C D B<br />

E-5 A D B C<br />

F-6 A D B C<br />

G-7 A C D B<br />

H-8 A B C D<br />

I-9 A B C D<br />

J-10 A C D B<br />

K-11 A C D B<br />

L-12 A B C D<br />

M-13 A C D B<br />

N-14 A C D B<br />

O-15 A D B C<br />

Note. A= Control; B=Prototype; C=ComA; D=ComB<br />


Wear Protocol<br />

The wear protocol consisted of an acclimation period, a set of sedentary activities,<br />

a movement protocol, a body scan, and photographs. The movement protocol was<br />

developed based on previous wear tests (Huck & Kim, 1997; Krenzer, Starr, & Branson,<br />

2005; and Horridge, Caddel, & Simonton, 2002) using movements related to<br />

administrative office tasks based on the guidelines in ASTM 1154-88, 1988. A<br />

Participant Instruction Booklet was created as both a procedural guide and compilation of<br />

the instruments used for self report assessments. Instruments included in the booklet<br />

were as follows: the Wearer Acceptability Scale, Model Fit Evaluation Index, Movement<br />

Assessment, McGinnis Thermal Assessment, and the Psychosocial Questions. The 15<br />

page study instruction booklet is shown in Appendix I.<br />

To begin the protocol, each participant entered the dressing room and donned a<br />

set of issued clothing (a white cotton control sports bra and/or support treatment, heather<br />

grey cotton knit t-shirt, grip socks, and hair holders), and put their hair up off their neck.<br />

Participants wore their own lower body garments. Each participant spent an hour<br />

performing the activity and movement assessment based on administrative work tasks.<br />

After the completion of the activity assessment, each participant was<br />

photographed from the front, back and both side views against a 1” by 1” grid.<br />

Additionally, they were photographed facing front, with their arms raised to their sides,<br />

and then, with their arms raised over their heads. These last two photographs were used<br />

for the range-of-motion assessment. Next, each participant removed their pants and<br />

donned a pair of heather grey cotton knit biker shorts for the body scans and photographs.<br />

The participant was positioned in the body scanning booth and instructed to hold the<br />

handlebars and stand very still. The angle of the participants’ arms was measured using a<br />

goniometer so as to maintain the same position throughout the data collection. After the<br />

completion of the session, the subject changed into their clothing or began a second<br />

session. After all testing was completed, the clothing that subjects wore was given to<br />

them, along with an individual body shape analysis.<br />


Postural Alignment Effectiveness<br />

Postural alignment effectiveness, as used in this study, refers to the extent to<br />

which a soft structural support product provides physical reinforcement to vertically<br />

position the vertebrae in the alignment required for good posture as defined by the New<br />

York Posture Rating Chart (Howley & Franks, 1992). Postural alignment was measured<br />

using a method developed in this study that employs a 3-dimensional body scanner and<br />

using an existing method modified for use with photographs. Both posture measures<br />

occurred at the end of the wear protocol.<br />

The body scanner used in this study is located at Southern <strong>University</strong> in Baton<br />

Rouge, Louisiana. The purpose of body scanning is to collect 3-dimensional images of<br />

participants. The body scanner selected for the data collection in this study is a white<br />

light-based scanner with non-moving scan heads. The output is translated using the<br />

proprietary measurement extraction software from [TC] 2 (Cary, North Carolina). This<br />

type of body scanner has been validated by the federal government for military uses<br />

(http://www.tc2.com/news/news_seated.html). The body scanning procedure takes less<br />

than 2 minutes. The data output from the body scanner provides three-dimensional<br />

images that can be rotated in every plane. It also has the capability of extracting the scan<br />

into a software program that provides for the placement of a grid on the scan, as was done<br />

in this study.<br />

Both the body scans and the photographs<br />

were assessed using the 100 point New York<br />

Posture Rating Chart modified by Howley and<br />

Franks (1992) from the original version published<br />

in 1958 (see Appendix G). The rating scale was<br />

developed to evaluate posture as one component<br />

of physical fitness in boys and girls, grades 4<br />

through 12. The chart provides figure drawings<br />

illustrating the alignment of the human body from<br />

13 views and providing examples of good (10<br />

points), fair (5 points) or poor (0) alignment for<br />

Figure 10. Body scan: Prototype that view of the body with a possible range<br />

Scan taken by: McRoberts, L. (2007).<br />


etween 0 and 100 (perfect posture). In 2004, Briedenhann used the New York Posture<br />

Rating Scale to assess posture, indicating its continued use for this measure. The<br />

procedure for use of the scale was modified to use grided scans or photographs instead of<br />

performing a live assessment for recording the data. The photographs taken were full<br />

front view, full side view and full back view including head and feet. Each participant<br />

was positioned in front of a 1 inch by 1 inch grid, based on the testing procedures in<br />

Dwyer & Davis, 2008. The camera, a digital Canon Powershot S500, was situated on a<br />

tripod 10 feet from the grid where the observer would be positioned (Ostrow, 1958). A<br />

transparent ruler with red gridlines was placed on the photographs, with its center vertical<br />

gridline placed along the center of the body in place of the plumb line (weighted string<br />

hung from the ceiling to the floor).<br />

Body scans were evaluated by three medical professionals applying the New York<br />

Posture Rating chart to score the posture on a scale from 0 (“poor” posture) to 100<br />

(“good” posture). The medical professionals each had a specialization in orthopedics,<br />

one with an emphasis in spinal disorders. Each was given a copy of the New York<br />

Posture Rating Chart modified by Howley and Franks (1992), the New York Posture<br />

Rating Chart instructions by Ostrow (1958), and an article on testing range of motion<br />

(Dwyer & Davis, 2008). The primary medical professional demonstrated the evaluation<br />

method on a sample scan and photograph for the other medical professionals. Then each<br />

of the three evaluated the scans and photographs independently.<br />

Printouts of the body scans were overlaid by a transparent grid with a center line<br />

positioned over the scans, and matched to the gridlines on the scans, with the thicker red<br />

vertical line of the ruler specifically aligned with the line on the scans, from the floor to<br />

the crotch height (balance line) which is the standard measuring point for the scanner<br />

software projected onto the scanned image. From this point the images were compared to<br />

the illustrations in the New York Posture Rating chart where scores were determined for<br />

each of the three treatments and the control garment.<br />

The Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the New York Posture Rating Scale for<br />

body scans in this study was = 0.86. Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the New York<br />

Posture Rating Scale for photographs in this study was = 0.84. According to Peterson<br />

(1994), acceptable alpha coefficients for basic research require reliabilities of 0.80.<br />


Wearer Acceptability<br />

The 9-point Wearer Acceptability Scale (WAS) was based on the scale from<br />

Huck, Maganga and Kim (1997) with slight wording modifications. The instrument<br />

comprises 16 pairs of bipolar descriptive adjectives regarding the participant’s perception<br />

of various aspects of the treatment (garment or product) performance. The instrument<br />

was designed to elicit various aspects influencing acceptability including comfort,<br />

mobility and fit. Previous studies employing this scale have not reported reliability of the<br />

scale. A factor analysis was conducted and the results indicated that the WAS represents<br />

a single factor. Therefore, the 16 items were averaged to create a single wearer<br />

acceptability score. Cronbach’s coefficient alpha for the Wearer Acceptability Scale in<br />

this study was = 0.84. A copy of the WAS may be found in Appendix I.<br />

Thermal Comfort<br />

Thermal comfort was measured through skin temperature and the McGinnis<br />

Thermal Scale. Methods for each test are described.<br />

Skin Temperature<br />

The skin temperature test was conducted with a laser-based, Extech mini IR<br />

Thermometer from Radio Shack, which has been indicated to have the same reliability as<br />

a thermal sensor (Foto, Brasseaux, & Birke, 2007). The thermometer is designed for use<br />

by consumers to take human skin temperatures and therefore has an appropriate range for<br />

this study. Skin temperature was measured on the forehead, chest, both wrists, and upper<br />

arms using the laser thermometer. The skin temperature test was conducted at each of the<br />

three stages (initial, stage 2 after typing, and stage 3 after the activity protocol). The<br />

temperatures from the three stages were averaged across stages for hypothesis testing.<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale<br />

A subjective and simple linear scale for assessing thermal comfort was developed<br />

by John McGinnis in the Army Natick Laboratory (Hollies, 1971). This assessment tool<br />

was found to be appropriate for both thermal assessment of participants that are<br />


subjected to stress and to check the safety of participants in severe climates (Hollies,<br />

1971). Given that the participants in this study will participate in an activity assessment<br />

and movement assessment that is not necessarily rigorous, this instrument will be used<br />

along with a skin test. Refer to the McGinnis Thermal Scale in Appendix I.<br />

Fit: Model Fit Evaluation Index<br />

The fit instrument, Model Fit Evaluation Index, by McRoberts (2005), was<br />

originally developed for the purpose of evaluation of fit on live fit models, and was based<br />

on the fit criteria in Amaden-Crawford, (1996, p. 48) and Betzina (2001, pp. 6-7). For<br />

this study, the scale was modified to be self-reported by participants. The scale was also<br />

reconceptualized to address static and dynamic fit satisfaction separately. Static fit<br />

questions (tight-to-loose and satisfaction) were assessed at stage three of the study after<br />

the wear protocol. Dynamic fit (tight-to-loose and satisfaction) was assessed for each<br />

movement of the movement protocol immediately following the movement. These four<br />

sections were reported separately: static tight-to-loose fit, static fit satisfaction, dynamic<br />

tight-to-loose fit, and dynamic fit satisfaction. “Static tight-to-loose fit” refers to the fit<br />

experienced while motionless, ranked on a five point scale from “extremely tight” to<br />

“extremely loose” with the center being “neutral”. “Static fit satisfaction” refers to the<br />

satisfaction with fit experienced while motionless after the completion of the wear<br />

protocol. “Dynamic tight-to-loose fit” refers to the fit experienced while in motion,<br />

ranked on a nine point scale from “extremely tight” to “extremely loose” with the center<br />

being “neutral”. “Dynamic fit satisfaction” refers to the satisfaction with fit experienced<br />

while in motion.<br />

Scale reliability for the Model Fit Evaluation Index was not reported in the<br />

previous study. I assessed the reliability of the scale after data collection for internal<br />

consistency using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. Results indicated a Cronbach’s<br />

coefficient alpha for static tight-to-loose fit = 0.93. Dynamic tight-to-loose fit resulted in<br />

a Cronbach’s coefficient alpha = 0.68. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient alpha for static fit<br />

satisfaction = 0.88, while Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for dynamic fit satisfaction =<br />

0.97.<br />


Mobility<br />

Range of Motion<br />

Photographs of each participant were taken against a 1” grid upon the initial<br />

donning of the treatment at the beginning of each session, and after the completion of the<br />

movement assessment. The participants faced forward for the first photographs and<br />

raised their arms at their sides, and then raised their arms over their head for the second<br />

photographs. After the completion of the study, three medical professionals assessed the<br />

range of motion of each participant in each treatment using a goniometer (Dwyer &<br />

Davis, 2008).<br />

Movement Assessment Scale<br />

Participants rated the ease associated with movements while wearing each of the<br />

treatments. A 9-point Likert-type ease of movement scale was developed based on the<br />

exercise protocol (movement assessment) from Huck and Kim (1997), which, in turn,<br />

was based on the American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Practices for<br />

Qualitatively Evaluating the Comfort, Fit, Function and Integrity of Chemical-Protective<br />

Suit Ensembles, ASTM F1154-88 (1988). Huck and Kim (1997) selected movements for<br />

testing that best represented those movements required by the particular work<br />

environment and movements that would create the most strain on the garment. Similarly,<br />

this instrument was modified to demonstrate those movements most required in the<br />

typical clerical work environment taking into consideration the most strain impacting the<br />

treatments during the scope of the required movements. For the purposes of this study,<br />

the movement assessment was modified such that each assessment was made<br />

immediately following each movement. This instrument was assessed for internal<br />

consistency using Cronbach’s coefficient alpha. Results indicated a Cronbach’s<br />

coefficient alpha for individual movements = 0.97.<br />

Psychosocial Questions<br />

The questions for the assessment of psychosocial comfort were based on Branson<br />

and Sweeney’s (1991) Clothing Comfort Model. Three open-ended questions were used<br />


to capture perceptions of psychosocial clothing attributes of the support garments<br />

(aesthetics, style, fashionability, appropriateness, design, color, texture, and body<br />

emphasis). The questions were answered at the end of the wear protocol.<br />

6a. What would be some of your concerns about wearing this support system to work?<br />

6b. If you could change something about the design, what would it be?<br />

6c. Please provide any other information you would like to regarding the clothing<br />

attributes of this support system (aesthetics, style, fashionability, appropriateness, design,<br />

color, texture, and body emphasis).<br />

Pilot Study<br />

A pilot study was conducted by two subjects prior to the initiation of this study.<br />

These subjects received the same incentives as the participants in the study. The two<br />

subjects went through one complete session and were scanned while wearing each of four<br />

intended treatments; the sports bra control, the prototype, one commercial soft structural<br />

support product, and one commercial semi-rigid support product. The commercial, semirigid<br />

treatment did not scan well due to the metal stays and did not provide proper fit in<br />

the upper back. Based on these problems, the semi-rigid support product was replaced by<br />

a second soft structural support product. The replacement soft structural support product<br />

was also pilot tested in the body scanner.<br />

Based on the pilot study, minor changes were made to the study booklet for<br />

clarification. The subjects used in the pilot study were not included in the final sample.<br />

Data Analysis<br />

Independent and Dependent variables<br />

The active and categorical independent variable was treatment, which comprised<br />

four levels: the control, the prototype, ComA, and ComB. The six continuous dependent<br />

variables were: postural alignment effectiveness, overall wearer acceptability, fit,<br />


mobility, thermal comfort, and psychosocial comfort. Table 6 indicates the<br />

operationalization of the variables.<br />

Table 6<br />

Independent and Dependent Variables as Operationalized<br />

IV DV Operationalization<br />

Control Postural alignment New York Posture Rating Scale<br />

effectiveness TC 2 Body scan measurement<br />

Prototype Postural alignment New York Posture Rating Scale<br />

effectiveness TC 2 Body scan measurement<br />

ComA Postural alignment New York Posture Rating Scale<br />

effectiveness TC 2 Body scan measurement<br />

ComB Postural alignment New York Posture Rating Scale<br />

effectiveness TC 2 Body scan measurement<br />

IV DV Operationalization<br />

Control<br />

Wearer Acceptability Wearer Acceptability Scale<br />

Prototype<br />

Wearer Acceptability Wearer Acceptability Scale<br />

ComA<br />

ComB<br />

Wearer Acceptability Wearer Acceptability Scale<br />

Wearer Acceptability Wearer Acceptability Scale<br />

IV DV Operationalization<br />

Control Fit Model Fit Evaluation Scale –<br />

Static & Dynamic<br />

Prototype Fit Model Fit Evaluation Scale –<br />

Static & Dynamic<br />

ComA Fit Model Fit Evaluation Scale –<br />

Static & Dynamic<br />

ComB Fit Model Fit Evaluation Scale –<br />

Static & Dynamic<br />


IV DV Operationalization<br />

Control Mobility ROM measurements<br />

Ease of Movement Scale<br />

Prototype Mobility ROM measurements<br />

Ease of Movement Scale<br />

ComA Mobility ROM measurements<br />

Ease of Movement Scale<br />

ComB Mobility ROM measurements<br />

Ease of Movement Scale<br />

IV DV Operationalization<br />

Control Thermal Comfort Laser Thermometer – skin temp.<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale<br />

Prototype Thermal Comfort Laser Thermometer – skin temp.<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale<br />

ComA Thermal Comfort Laser Thermometer – skin temp.<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale<br />

ComB Thermal Comfort Laser Thermometer – skin temp.<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale<br />

IV DV Operationalization<br />

Control Psychosocial Open-ended Questions<br />

Comfort<br />

Prototype Psychosocial Open-ended Questions<br />

Comfort<br />

ComA Psychosocial Open-ended Questions<br />

Comfort<br />

ComB Psychosocial Open-ended Questions<br />

Comfort<br />


Statistical Analysis<br />

The demographic questionnaires and surveys were evaluated using descriptive<br />

statistics including means, standard deviations, and frequencies. Hypothesis testing was<br />

conducted using the mixed model analysis of variance with the mixed-model procedure<br />

of the Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). The experimental design was a within<br />

participants design with two factors receiving multiple measures, while the other four<br />

factors are not repeated. The two factors receiving multiple measures, were not true<br />

repeated-measures designs because the repetition of the measures for the Wearer<br />

Acceptability Scale (WAS) and the Thermal Skin Testing were not conducted under the<br />

same conditions. In order to perform a true repeated-measures design, participants must<br />

undergo the same conditions.<br />

In this experimental design, participants read a magazine for twenty minutes as a<br />

baseline in stage 1. This was performed to establish a baseline and provide acclimation<br />

time to the treatment and the environment. The second stage, consisted of the participant<br />

typing for thirty minutes. Participants were reassessed at this stage to see if there was<br />

any thermal comfort change. Then, the third stage was a twenty minute movement<br />

assessment activity. The participants were measured for WAS and skin temperature three<br />

times under different conditions. Specific contrasts were performed after each significant<br />

ANOVA finding, based on the corresponding hypothesis.<br />

The experimental design consisted of one categorical independent variable with<br />

four levels: the control, the prototype, ComA, and ComB. There were six dependent<br />

variables: postural alignment effectiveness, wearer acceptability, fit, mobility, thermal<br />

comfort, and psychosocial comfort. Each of the dependent variables were tested<br />

separately resulting in the output for ANOVA tests. The purpose was to aide in the<br />

interpretation of the data. Given that the F-test statistic of ANOVA is only capable of<br />

establishing relationships within groups, if the overall F was significant, a priori contrasts<br />

were performed to define the individual relationships, if any between the prototype and<br />

the commercially available support systems.<br />

Another consideration during data analysis was that the participants all received<br />

the control as the first treatment. Thereafter, the treatments were randomly assigned. In<br />


order to account for the possibility of carryover effects based on the initial sequence of<br />

the treatment allocation, carryover effects were investigated with no significant findings.<br />

The last dependent variable, psychosocial comfort, was treated as a research<br />

question, and explored using open-ended questions and a content analysis to explore any<br />

suggestions for improving the prototype for production.<br />

Content Analysis<br />

A directed content analysis method was used to analyze answers to the openended<br />

questions and extract trends in the responses. Three coders independently<br />

evaluated the responses and categorized them according to Lamb & Kallal’s (1992)<br />

Functional Expressive Aesthetic (FEA) consumer needs model.<br />

Responses were color-coded based on the three categories of the FEA model<br />

(functional = red, expressive = blue, or aesthetic = yellow). Where there was a conflict in<br />

categorization, the most frequently selected was assigned.<br />

Next, we conducted a conventional content analysis using only the aesthetic and<br />

expressive responses. Coders independently grouped similar or related responses,<br />

reading through the comments several times. Color-coding was used to mark similar<br />

items and identify trends. For instance, all of the responses that were related to breast<br />

support were grouped together by marking with a pink highlighter. The Coders then met<br />

as a group and negotiated differences in groupings. The number of responses in various<br />

groups or trends was recorded for each treatment.<br />

Next, a second directed content analysis was conducted using the Branson and<br />

Sweeney model psychosocial attribute categories included in the question as prompts.<br />

Additionally, each response was coded as either positive (+), for a favorable comment, or<br />

negative (-), for a complaint or concern regarding the treatment. The frequency of<br />

positive and negative responses was recorded for each treatment.<br />


CHAPTER 5<br />


The purpose of the study was to design and assess the postural alignment<br />

effectiveness, wearer acceptability, and comfort aspects of a prototype soft structural<br />

thoracic support garment as compared to two commercially available thoracic support<br />

garments. In this chapter the results of the study are presented and analyzed for<br />

satisfaction of the proposed objectives. Descriptive analyses of the sample demographics<br />

are provided. Results of hypotheses testing and content analysis of the psychosocial<br />

research questions are presented and discussed.<br />

Sample<br />

Volunteers were recruited via mass e-mailings from two universities in a<br />

metropolitan area in Louisiana. The sample was comprised of 15 pre-menopausal<br />

females between the ages of 41 and 55 with a mean age of 47 years. Racial distribution<br />

of the sample was 40.0% Caucasian, 33.3% African-American, and 26.7% Hispanic.<br />

According to the American Community Survey, the Louisiana population is 64.4%<br />

Caucasian, 31.6% African-American, and 2.9% Hispanic (U. S. Census Bureau, 2006).<br />

Our sample was more diverse than the general population and this diversity was<br />

welcomed in terms of providing the potential for diverse physical and perceptual<br />

characteristics of users. Table 7 lists the participants by age, race, and employment<br />

status.<br />

The majority of the participants, 73.3%, were employed. This was high compared<br />

to the national average for employed females of 59.4% (U. S. Census Bureau, Census<br />

2000), but was expected due to recruitment through two university staff mailings.<br />

Participants indicated that they regularly participated in repetitive motion tasks, a<br />

criterion for inclusion in this study. The participants ranged in height from 5’1” to 5’9”<br />

with an average height of 5’5”, and ranged in weight from 117 to 235 pounds, with an<br />

average weight of 156 pounds.<br />


Table 7<br />

Self-Reported Age, Race, and Employment Status of the Fifteen Participants<br />

Age Race Employment Status<br />

41 Hispanic Graduate Student<br />

42 African American Employed<br />

42 Caucasian Employed<br />

43 African American Employed<br />

43 Caucasian Employed<br />

43 Hispanic Employed<br />

46 Caucasian Employed<br />

46 Caucasian Housewife<br />

47 African American Employed<br />

50 African American Employed<br />

50 Caucasian Housewife<br />

52 Hispanic Employed<br />

53 Caucasian Employed<br />

55 Hispanic Housewife<br />

Subtotals<br />

Subtotals<br />

African American 5 Employed 11<br />

Caucasian 6 Housewife 3<br />

Hispanic 4 Grad. Student 1<br />

Mean 46.9 .9 .9<br />

Std. Dev. 4.5 .9 .5<br />

Note. The values for race ranged from 0 to 2, with 0 = Caucasian, 1 = Hispanic, and 2 = African-American.<br />

Values for employment ranged from 0 to 2, with 0 = Housewife, 1 = Employed, and 2 = Graduate Student.<br />


Table 8<br />

Height, Weight, Circumferential and Vertical Dimensions for Participants<br />

Height 1 Weight 1 Bust Waist Hips Torso Waist-<br />

Feet/inches pounds inches inches inches inches to-Hips<br />

inches<br />

5.1 120 34.38 28.63 38.45 14.50 7.00<br />

5.1 128 36.00 30.25 39.13 16.00 8.00<br />

5.1 134 37.75 30.75 41.00 17.00 8.50<br />

5.2 144 37.75 31.50 42.25 17.50 8.00<br />

5.3 117 32.63 27.63 36.00 14.00 8.38<br />

5.4 120 34.50 28.63 37.25 15.50 8.00<br />

5.4 150 37.25 29.86 42.25 15.00 9.00<br />

5.5 150 35.50 29.00 44.00 14.00 9.00<br />

5.5 175 43.00 39.50 45.50 17.50 8.50<br />

5.6 150 37.38 31.25 42.00 17.00 9.00<br />

5.6 NA 2 47.00 40.00 51.00 17.50 8.00<br />

5.7 NA 45.00 37.00 45.25 17.50 7.00<br />

5.8 155 38.25 31.00 40.38 15.00 9.00<br />

5.8 213 42.38 37.50 51.88 17.50 9.00<br />

5.9 235 44.38 39.50 49.25 18.00 9.00<br />

Means 5.47 155.8 38.85 32.80 43.00 16.23 8.35<br />

Std. Dev. .29 35.78 4.38 4.51 4.84 1.44 .69<br />

1<br />

Self-reported<br />

2 NA=not available. Participant did not provide weight.<br />

Circumferential measurements ranged from 32.63” to 47.00” for the bust, 27.63”<br />

to 40.00” for the waist, and 36.00” to 51.88” for the hip. Vertical length measurements<br />


anged from 14.50” to 18.00” for neck to waist length and 7.00” to 9.00” for waist-to-hip<br />

length. The participant pool was well distributed in terms of body sizes.<br />

Table 9<br />

Means for Height, Weight, Circumferential and Vertical Dimensions by Race<br />

Height 1 Weight 1 Bust Waist Hips Torso Waist-<br />

Feet/ pounds inches inches inches inches to-Hips<br />

inches<br />

inches<br />

African-American<br />

Means 5.5 170 40.78 35.17 44.03 16.90 8.10<br />

Std. Dev. .3 48.8 4.72 4.98 4.13 1.39 1.02<br />

Caucasian<br />

Means 5.6 162.5 38.82 32.50 44.21 15.50 8.72<br />

Std. Dev. .3 33.9 5.13 5.13 6.21 1.61 .45<br />

Hispanic<br />

Means 5.3 131.5 36.50 30.28 39.91 16.5 8.13<br />

Std. Dev. .2 10.1 1.57 1.23 2.19 .91 .25<br />

1<br />

Self-reported<br />

2 NA=not available. Participant did not provide weight.<br />

African-American participants weighed more, and had larger bust and waist<br />

circumferential measurements and torso height. Caucasian participants were slightly<br />

taller (.07) than African-American participants, in the middle for bust and waist<br />

circumferential measurements, largest in the hips, tallest in the waist to hips height, and<br />

shortest in torso height. Hispanic participants were shortest in height, and smallest in the<br />

bust, waist, and hip circumferential measurements, in the middle for torso height, and the<br />

same as African-American participants in waist to hips height.<br />


Hypotheses Testing<br />

Mixed-Model ANOVAs were run using the mixed-model procedure of the<br />

Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). The experimental design comprised one<br />

independent variable with four levels, two dependent variables with multiple measures,<br />

and four dependent variables tested only once. Specific a priori contrasts were performed<br />

after each significant ANOVA finding, based on the corresponding hypothesis.<br />

Postural Alignment Effectiveness<br />

Hypothesis 1 was addressed using two Mixed-Model ANOVAs to compare<br />

postural alignment effectiveness as captured in body scans and photographs by treatment<br />

(control, prototype, ComA, and ComB). Sequence (order of treatments) was included in<br />

the model to determine any order or carryover effects. One analysis was conducted using<br />

the body scanner to measure postural alignment while the other used photographs. Both<br />

body scans and photographs were evaluated by medical experts that applied the New<br />

York Posture Rating chart to scans and photographs of participants for scoring.<br />

Body Scans<br />

The following null hypothesis was tested.<br />

H1a 0 : There will be no significant difference in the postural alignment effectiveness of<br />

the prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as determined using a method developed<br />

in this study that employs a 3-dimensional body scanner.<br />

Results of the ANOVA for postural alignment effectiveness as measured by body<br />

scans are given in Table 10. The covariance parameter estimate residuals are equal to<br />

21.5783 (estimate error), accounting for 100% of the population estimate for sequence<br />

and 100% of the population estimate for treatment. Omega-squared values are provided<br />

as an indicator of the strength of association for a given F value. Cohen (1977) indicates<br />

that effect sizes for omega-squared values can be roughly interpreted as follows: small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14. Based on these approximate<br />

values, sequence and treatment had small effects.<br />


The analysis revealed no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 12.5)=0.07, p=.936]. This result indicated that there were no carryover effects<br />

based on the order that the participants wore the different treatments in the study and<br />

allows consideration of the main effects and interactions without adjusting for sequence<br />

effects. Treatment was not significant [F(3, 39)=1.35, p=.273]. Table 11 shows the<br />

mean postural alignment by scan scores for each treatment at stage 3, after the wear<br />

protocol.<br />

Table 10<br />

Analysis of Variance for Postural Alignment Effectiveness by Treatment as Captured by<br />

Body Scans<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 12.5 0.07 0.032 .936<br />

Treatment 3 39 0.98 0.017 .273<br />

error (21.5783)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

Table 11<br />

Mean Postural Alignment Scores of Body Scans by Treatments after the Wear Protocol<br />

Treatment 1 Postural Alignment Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 74.0 11.83 55 90<br />

Prototype 76.0 12.17 55 90<br />

ComA 78.2 11.46 60 100<br />

ComB 75.2 13.84 45 95<br />

Note. Scan scores range from 0 – 100, with 100 representing ideal posture. Postural alignment scores<br />

assessed using the New York Posture Rating Chart (Ostrow, 1958; Howley & Franks, 1992).<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />

Means scores ranged from 74.0 to 78.2, on a possible range of 0 (“poor” posture)<br />

to 100 (“good” posture), with 50 representing “fair” posture. These mean scan scores and<br />


the lack of a significant ANOVA suggest that all treatments were equivalent in postural<br />

alignment effectiveness<br />

Photographs<br />

H1b 0 : There will be no significant difference in the postural alignment effectiveness of<br />

the prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as determined through an assessment of<br />

photographs of subjects wearing the treatments.<br />

Results of the ANOVA for postural alignment effectiveness as captured in<br />

photographs are given in Table 12. The covariance parameter estimate residuals are<br />

equal to 33.0794 (estimate error), accounting for 100% of the population estimate for<br />

sequence and 100% of the population estimate for treatment. Based on omega-squared<br />

values, sequence and treatment had medium effects.<br />

The analysis indicates no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 14.2)=0.67, p=.526]. This result indicated that there were no carryover effects<br />

based on the order that the participants wore the treatments in the study and allows<br />

consideration of the main effects and interactions without adjusting for sequence effects.<br />

Treatment significantly [F(3, 39)=2.85, p=.049] influenced postural alignment as<br />

measured by expert observation/evaluation of photographs. Table 13 shows the mean<br />

postural alignment scores for each treatment as captured in photographs taken after the<br />

wear protocol.<br />

Table 12<br />

Analysis of Variance for Postural Alignment Effectiveness as Captured in Photographs<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 14.2 0.67 -0.066 .526<br />

Treatment 3 39 2.85 0.085 .049*<br />

error (33.0794)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14. (Cohen, 1977)<br />

*p≤.05.<br />


Table 13<br />

Mean Postural Alignment Scores of Photographs by Treatments after the Wear Protocol<br />

Treatment 1 Postural Alignment Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 71.4 10.15 55 90<br />

Prototype 78.3 8.96 60 90<br />

ComA 77.0 11.98 55 95<br />

ComB 72.5 7.75 65 90<br />

Note. Scores range from 0 – 100, with 100 representing ideal posture. Postural Alignment scores assessed<br />

using the New York Posture Rating Chart (Ostrow, 1958; Howley & Franks, 1992)<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />

A priori contrasts. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to<br />

determine whether differences between the control, prototype and commercial support<br />

products were meaningful (see Table 14). Contrast analysis for postural alignment by<br />

photographs scores between the control and prototype yielded significant results [F(1,<br />

39)=4.53, p=.040], indicating that participants wearing the prototype had significantly<br />

better postural alignment than when they were wearing the control. Contrast analysis for<br />

postural alignment effectiveness by photographs scores between the prototype and both<br />

ComA and ComB yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=0.08, p=.782 and F(1,<br />

39)=1.72, p=.197, respectively], indicating that the prototype was similar in postural<br />

alignment effectiveness to ComA or ComB. Therefore, we failed to reject the null<br />

hypothesis for the prototype as compared to ComA and ComB. As desired, the prototype<br />

garment provided better postural alignment effectiveness than the control and at least as<br />

much postural alignment effectiveness as both ComA and Com B when measured using<br />

the photograph method.<br />


Table 14<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Postural Alignment Effectiveness by Treatments<br />

Treatments Stage Num df Den df F p<br />

Prototype vs. Control 3 1 39 4.53 .040*<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 3 1 39 1.28 .782<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 3 1 39 4.45 .197<br />

Note. Stage 3 = final after wear protocol.<br />

*p≤ .05.<br />

Discussion. The prototype was expected to be equally effective in supporting<br />

proper postural alignment as compared to both ComA and ComB. The prototype did<br />

provide similar postural alignment as compared to both ComA and ComB as captured in<br />

body scans and photographs. However, the photographs revealed a significant difference<br />

in supporting proper postural alignment between the prototype and the control.<br />

The body scan method has not been used previously. This method is in<br />

development and its use in this study was instructive. Postural alignment scores using the<br />

body scans did not provide the same results as those using photographs. This difference<br />

can be attributed to the difficulty in locating body landmarks on the scans. We believe<br />

that markers placed at the ear (external meatus) and ankle will help pinpoint landmarks<br />

and facilitate evaluation of the body scans.<br />

The research hypothesis proposed no difference in postural alignment between the<br />

prototype and the commercial product, because our intention was to create a soft<br />

structural support garment that would provide postural alignment at least as good as the<br />

commercial support products. The finding that the prototype was significantly different<br />

from the control, was desirable as it shows that it is improving postural alignment and<br />

that we are getting effectiveness.<br />


Wearer Acceptability<br />

Hypothesis 2 was addressed using a mixed-model ANOVA to compare wearer<br />

acceptability ratings by treatment (control, prototype, ComA, and ComB), stage (initial,<br />

intermediate and final), and interaction between treatment and stage. Sequence (order of<br />

treatments) was included in the model to determine any order or carryover effects. The<br />

following null hypothesis was tested.<br />

H2 0 : There will be no significant difference in wearer acceptability with the prototype<br />

support garment as compared to ComA and ComB.<br />

Results of the ANOVA are given in Table 15. The covariance parameter estimate<br />

residuals are equal to 0.1533 (estimate error), accounting for 86% of the population<br />

estimate for sequence, 69% of the population estimate for treatment, 75% of the<br />

population estimate for stage, and 84% of the population estimate for treatment/stage<br />

interaction. Omega-squared values are provided as an indicator of the strength of<br />

association for a given F value. Based on these values, sequence and treatment/stage<br />

interaction had small effects in this ANOVA, while treatment and stage had medium<br />

effects.<br />

The analysis indicates no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 17)=3.24, p=.064]. Interaction of treatment and stage was not significant [F(6,<br />

112)=1.90, p=.087] indicating that the main effects of treatment (control, prototype,<br />

ComA, and ComB) and stage (initial, intermediate, and final) have independent effects<br />

on wearer acceptability. Both treatment [F(3, 39)=5.43, p=.003] and stage [F(2,<br />

112)=5.81, p=.004] were significantly associated with wearer acceptability. Table 16<br />

shows the mean wearer acceptability rating for each treatment at each stage of the study<br />

and the overall means by treatment and by stage.<br />


Table 15<br />

Analysis of Variance for Wearer Acceptability<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 17 3.24 0.024 .064<br />

Treatment 3 39 5.43 0.069 .003**<br />

Stage 2 112 5.81 0.051 .004**<br />

Treatment*Stage 6 112 1.90 0.029 .087<br />

error (0.1533)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

**p≤ .01.<br />

Table 16<br />

Mean Wearer Acceptability by Treatment and Stage<br />

Treatment 1 Stage Stage Stage Overall by Std. Min Max<br />

1 2 3 Treatment Dev.<br />

Control 7.4 7.1 7.4 7.3 1.06 1.50 5.68<br />

Prototype 7.3 7.1 6.9 7.1 0.84 1.50 5.31<br />

ComA 6.2 6.3 6.1 6.2 1.72 1.19 7.19<br />

ComB 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.4 1.66 1.56 7.19<br />

Overall by Stage 6.6 6.5 6.4<br />

Std. Dev. 1.44 1.48 1.70<br />

Minimum 1.19 1.50 1.50<br />

Maximum 7.19 7.19 7.19<br />

Note. The values represent the wearer acceptability ratings of the treatment. Scale = 1-9, with 1 =<br />

“Extremely Unacceptable”, to 9 = “Extremely acceptable”, with 5 = “Neutral”.<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />


A priori contrasts. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to<br />

determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial support<br />

products were meaningful (see Table 17). Contrast analyses between the prototype and<br />

control were non-significant both initially (stage 1), [F(1, 42.4) =0.01, p=0.927], and<br />

after wear protocol (stage 3) [F(1, 42.4) =0.51, p=0.478], indicating that the prototype<br />

and control were perceived as having similar wearer acceptability. Contrast analysis<br />

between the control and ComA was significant both at Stage 1 [F(1, 43.5) =5.05,<br />

p=0.030] and Stage 3 [F(1, 43.5) =6.32, p=0.016] indicating that the control was<br />

perceived as more acceptable than ComA. Contrast analysis between the control and<br />

ComB was also significant both at Stage 1 [F(1, 42.4) =9.22, p=0.004] and Stage 3 [F(1,<br />

42.4) =14.39, p=0.0005] indicating that the control was perceived as more acceptable<br />

than ComB.<br />

Contrast analysis between the prototype and ComA yielded non-significant results<br />

both initially [F(1, 40.9)=2.04, p=.161], and after the wear protocol (stage 3) [F(1,<br />

40.9)=1.28, p=.265], indicating that wearer acceptability for the prototype and ComA<br />

was similar. Therefore, we failed to reject the null hypothesis and the research hypothesis<br />

was not supported for ComA. The prototype garment was not perceived as more<br />

acceptable than ComA.<br />

Contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB was approaching significance<br />

at stage 1 [F(1, 40.5) =4.07, p=0.0503] and indicated a significant [F(1, 40.5) =4.45,<br />

p=0.04] difference in wearer acceptability ratings between the two treatments at Stage 3.<br />

Therefore the null hypothesis was rejected for the comparison of the prototype and ComB<br />

and the research hypothesis was supported. The prototype garment was perceived as<br />

more acceptable than ComB.<br />

Discussion. The prototype performed similarly to the control in wearer<br />

acceptability. This finding is positive because the control represents a garment designed<br />

without postural support. At the same time, the control provided significantly better<br />

wearer acceptability than both ComA and ComB. It was expected that differences in the<br />

design of the support products would result in different levels of wearer acceptability.<br />

The prototype and ComA may have behaved more similarly than expected because of the<br />

similarities of the nylon/spandex fabric. The prototype was constructed from a<br />


nylon/spandex knit and nylon/spandex power mesh fabric that was intended to provide<br />

increased stretch for mobility as compared to the spandex fabric in ComB. Additionally,<br />

the design of the prototype provided greater body coverage with a higher percentage<br />

(21%) of spandex in the fabric blend than ComB (15%) which used 2” wide elastic trim<br />

and closures that would be more stiff and insulative. Because wearer acceptability is an<br />

overall measure, other analyses will provide greater insight as to what aspects of the<br />

prototype performance may be contributing to similar wearer acceptability as ComA and<br />

higher wearer acceptability than ComB.<br />

Table 17<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Wearer Acceptability of Treatments by Stage<br />

Treatments Stage Num df Den df F p<br />

Control vs. Prototype 1 1 42.4 0.01 .927<br />

Control vs. Prototype 3 1 42.4 0.51 .478<br />

Control vs. ComA 1 1 43.5 5.05 .030*<br />

Control vs. ComA 3 1 43.5 6.32 .016*<br />

Control vs. ComB 1 1 42.4 9.22 .004*<br />

Control vs. ComB 3 1 42.4 14.39 .000***<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 1 40.9 2.04 .161<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 3 1 40.9 1.28 .265<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 1 40.5 4.07 .050*<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 3 1 40.5 4.45 .041*<br />

Note. Stage 1 = initial and Stage 3 = final after wear protocol<br />

*p≤ .05, ***p≤ .0005.<br />


Thermal Comfort<br />

Hypothesis 3 was addressed using two mixed-model ANOVAs. The first mixedmodel<br />

ANOVA was conducted to compare average skin temperature by treatment<br />

(control, prototype, ComA or ComB), stage (initial and final), and interaction between<br />

treatment and stage. Sequence (order of treatments) was included in the model to<br />

determine any order or carryover effects.<br />

The second mixed-model ANOVA was conducted to compare McGinnis thermal<br />

comfort test results by treatment (control, prototype, ComA or ComB) at the final stage<br />

of the wear protocol. Sequence (order of treatments) was included in the model to<br />

determine any order or carryover effects. The above two analyses were used to test the<br />

following null hypothesis.<br />

H3 0 : There will be no significant difference in thermal comfort of the prototype as<br />

compared to ComA and ComB as measured by skin temperature of the upper arm using<br />

a laser thermometer both initially and after the final stage of the wear protocol, or as<br />

measured by the McGinnis Thermal Scale after the final stage of the wear protocol.<br />

Skin Temperature<br />

Results of the ANOVA for skin temperature are given in Table 18. The<br />

covariance parameter estimate residuals are equal to 1.1111 (estimate error), accounting<br />

for 100% of the population estimate for sequence, 100% of the population estimate for<br />

treatment, 77% of the population estimate for stage, and 99% of the population estimate<br />

for treatment/stage interaction. Based on omega-squared values, sequence, treatment, and<br />

treatment/stage interaction had small effects in this ANOVA, while stage had a large<br />

effect.<br />

The analysis indicates no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 21.4)=0.78, p=.472]. Interaction of treatment and stage was not significant [F(6,<br />

112)=0.63, p=.707] indicating that the main effects of treatment (control, prototype,<br />

ComA, and ComB) and stage (initial, intermediate, and final) are independent for skin<br />

temperature. Treatment [F(3, 39)=0.98, p=.410] was not a significant factor. Stage [F(2,<br />

112)=46.05, p≤.0001] was significantly associated with skin temperature. Table 19<br />


shows mean skin temperatures for each treatment at each stage of the study and the<br />

overall means by treatment and by stage.<br />

Table 18<br />

Analysis of Variance for Thermal Skin Test<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 21.4 0.78 0.001 .475<br />

Treatment 3 39 0.98 -0.000 .413<br />

Stage 2 112 46.05 0.334 .000***<br />

Treatment*Stage 6 112 0.63 -0.012 .707<br />

error (1.1111)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

***p≤.0001.<br />

Table 19<br />

Mean Thermal Skin Tests for Treatments and Stages<br />

Treatment 1 Stage Stage Stage Overall by Std. Min Max<br />

1 2 3 Treatment Dev.<br />

Control 80.8 80.7 79.2 80.2 1.59 66.7 73.1<br />

Prototype 81.7 81.1 80.0 80.9 1.30 67.4 72.8<br />

ComA 81.7 81.1 79.5 80.8 1.60 66.4 72.3<br />

ComB 81.4 81.4 79.9 80.9 1.44 67.3 72.3<br />

Overall by Stage 81.4 81.1 79.7<br />

Std. Dev. 1.41 1.36 1.27<br />

Minimum 67.7 67.4 66.4<br />

Maximum 73.0 73.1 72.2<br />

Note. Thermal Skin Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit.<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />


A priori contrasts. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to<br />

determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial support<br />

products were meaningful (see Table 20). Contrast analysis for skin temperature between<br />

the prototype and ComA yielded non-significant results both initially [F(1, 48.4)=0.00,<br />

p=.979], and after the wear protocol (stage 3), [F(1, 48.4)=0.31, p=.582]. Likewise,<br />

contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB yielded non-significant results both<br />

initially [F(1, 46.5) =0.09, p=0.766], and after the wear protocol, [F(1, 46.5) =0.02,<br />

p=0.889] indicating that average skin temperature for participants when wearing the<br />

prototype was similar in skin temperature when wearing ComA or ComB at either stage<br />

of the study. Therefore, we failed to reject the null hypothesis and did not find support for<br />

the research hypothesis. The prototype garment did not provide more thermal comfort<br />

than ComA or Com B as measured by skin temperature.<br />

Discussion. Temperature measurements were made on exposed skin and<br />

participants wore the treatments in an air-conditioned environment. Expected differences<br />

in thermal comfort may have been masked by these conditions. However, Table 21<br />

values suggest that the prototype and the commercial support products produced<br />

consistently higher skin temperatures than the control garment. Therefore, on the basis of<br />

the contrasts analysis for skin temperature, changes in design and fabrication of the<br />

prototype as compared to the commercial support products neither improved nor was<br />

detrimental to thermal comfort as measured by skin temperature.<br />


Table 20<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Skin Temperature by Treatments at Two Stages of the Wear<br />

Protocol<br />

Treatments Stage Num df Den df F p<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 1 48.4 0.00 .979<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 3 1 48.4 0.31 .582<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 1 46.5 0.09 .769<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 3 1 46.5 0.02 .889<br />

Note. Stage 1 = initial and Stage 3 = final after wear protocol<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale<br />

The McGinnis Thermal Scale was administered to the subjects one time after the<br />

wear protocol. Results of the ANOVA are given in Table 21. The covariance parameter<br />

estimate residuals are equal to 0.5195 (estimate error), accounting for 100% of the<br />

population estimate for sequence and 100% of the population estimate for treatment.<br />

Omega-squared values indicate sequence and treatment had small effects in this<br />

ANOVA.<br />

The analysis revealed no significant difference in McGinnis Thermal ratings by<br />

sequence (order of treatment) [F(2, 13.7)=3.30, p=.068], indicating that there were no<br />

carryover effects based on the order that the subjects wore the treatments in the study.<br />

Treatment was not significant [F(3, 39)=0.64, p=.594]. Therefore the null hypothesis<br />

failed to be rejected. Table 22 shows mean McGinnis Thermal ratings by treatment at<br />

stage 3.<br />


Table 21<br />

Analysis of Variance for McGinnis Thermal Scale Ratings<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 13.7 3.30 0.007 .068<br />

Treatment 3 39 0.64 -0.018 .594<br />

error (0.5195)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates. ω 2 =<br />

omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small effect=0.01,<br />

medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

*p≤.05, **p≤ .01, ***p≤.0001.<br />

Table 22<br />

Mean McGinnis Thermal Scale Ratings by Treatment at Stage 3<br />

Treatments 1 McGinnis Rating Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 4.5 1.25 3 6<br />

Prototype 4.6 1.41 2 7<br />

ComA 5.0 1.41 3 7<br />

ComB 4.4 1.45 2 7<br />

Note. Scale = 1-13, with 1 = “So cold I am helpless”, to 13 = “So hot I am sick and nauseated”.<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment.<br />

Discussion. Mean results ranged from 4 (“Cold”) to 5 (“Uncomfortably Cool”).<br />

These ratings suggest that the cool temperature of the environment prevented detection of<br />

any differences in thermal comfort between the prototype and the commercial support<br />

products. The room temperature during testing was not under the control of the<br />

researchers and was maintained by the facilities management between 68 and 71 degrees.<br />

Subjects were wearing only short-sleeved cotton knit shirts over the support treatments<br />

during the testing. While the environmental temperature may be typical of a work<br />

environment, the respondents would likely wear more clothing in an environment that<br />


cool. Differences in thermal comfort may have been detectable in a warmer<br />

environment.<br />

Fit<br />

Hypothesis 4 was addressed using 4 mixed-model ANOVAs to compare static<br />

tight-to-loose fit, static fit satisfaction, dynamic tight-to-loose fit, and dynamic fit<br />

satisfaction by treatment (control, prototype, ComA or ComB) during the wear protocol.<br />

Sequence (order of treatments) was included in the model to determine any order or<br />

carryover effects. The research hypothesis was tested using four null sub-hypotheses.<br />

The analysis of each sub-hypothesis follows.<br />

Static Tight-to-Loose Fit<br />

H4a 0 : There will be no significant difference in static tight-to-loose fit of the prototype<br />

as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

“Static tight-to-loose fit” refers to the fit experienced while sitting motionless at<br />

the end of the wear protocol, rated on a five point scale from “extremely tight” to<br />

“extremely loose”. Participants rated the fit of the treatment in 6 body areas: bust, below<br />

the bust, neck, across the shoulders, under the arms, in the armhole, and from the top of<br />

the shoulders to the bottom of the support treatment. These ratings were averaged by<br />

participant to produce a single assessment of static tight-to-loose fit for each treatment.<br />

Results of the ANOVA for static tight-to-loose fit are given in Table 23. The covariance<br />

parameter estimate residuals are equal to 0.2541 (estimate error), accounting for 100% of<br />

the population estimate for sequence and 50% of the population estimate for treatment.<br />

Based on omega squared values, sequence had a small effect in this ANOVA, while<br />

treatment had a large effect.<br />

The analysis indicated no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 15)=0.98, p=.399]. Treatment significantly [F(3, 39)=8.00, p=.0003] influenced<br />

static tight-to-loose fit ratings. Table 24 shows the mean static tight-to-loose fit<br />

assessment for each treatment after the wear protocol.<br />


Table 23<br />

Analysis of Variance for Static Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 15 0.98 -0.000 .399<br />

Treatment 3 39 8.00 0.259 .0003***<br />

error (0.2541)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates. ω 2 =<br />

omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small effect=0.01,<br />

medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

***p≤.001.<br />

Table 24<br />

Mean Static Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments by Treatment<br />

Treatment 1 Fit Assessment Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 3.0 .90 2.0 5.0<br />

Prototype 3.6 .61 3.0 5.0<br />

ComA 2.2 .65 1.6 4.3<br />

ComB 2.1 .60 1.3 3.7<br />

Note. Scale = 1-5, with 1 = “Extremely tight”, to 5 = “Extremely loose”, with 3 = “Neutral”.<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment.<br />

A priori contrasts. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to<br />

determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial support<br />

products were meaningful (see Table 25). Contrast analysis between the prototype and<br />

ComA indicated significant [F(1, 39)=13.81, p=.0006] difference in static tight-to-loose fit<br />

assessments for the prototype and ComA. Therefore the null hypothesis was rejected for the<br />

comparison of the prototype and ComA. The prototype garment, with a static tight-to-loose<br />

fit assessment of 3.6, was rated more loosely-fitted than ComA, which received an average<br />

assessment of 2.2 on the five point scale.<br />


Table 25<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Static Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments by Treatment<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 13.81 .0006***<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 12.56 .0010***<br />

***p≤ .001.<br />

Contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB indicated a significant [F(1,<br />

39) =12.56, p=0.001] difference in static tight-to-loose fit assessment between the two<br />

treatments. Therefore the null hypothesis was also rejected for the comparison of the<br />

prototype and ComB. The prototype garment, with an average static tight-to-loose fit<br />

assessment of 3.6, was rated more loosely-fitted than ComB which received an average<br />

assessment of 2.1 on the five point scale.<br />

Discussion. The perceptions of a looser fit for the prototype garment likely relate<br />

to differences in the designs of the prototype and the two commercial products. ComA<br />

had no bust coverage, requiring reinforced fabric around the armholes and some tightness<br />

across the abdomen for hook and eye closures. Additionally, ComA was longer in the<br />

torso, ending at the natural waistline while the prototype ended just under the bustline.<br />

ComB had 2” wide elastic bands around the armholes and stiff Velcro closures along the<br />

shoulders and across the abdomen.<br />

Static Fit Satisfaction<br />

H4b 0 : There will be no significant difference in overall static fit satisfaction of the<br />

prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation<br />

Scale.<br />

“Static fit satisfaction” refers to the overall satisfaction-with-fit rating provided by<br />

the participant in that same motionless position after the wear protocol, rated on a five<br />

point scale from “extremely satisfied” to “extremely dissatisfied.” Participants rated<br />


overall satisfaction with static fit of the treatment once, immediately after completing the<br />

static tight-to-loose fit ratings. This single rating indicates overall static fit satisfaction<br />

for each support treatment. Results of the ANOVA for overall static fit satisfaction are<br />

given in Table 26. The covariance parameter estimate residuals are equal to 1.6470<br />

(estimate error), accounting for 99% of the population estimate for sequence and 95% of<br />

the population estimate for treatment. Based on omega squared values, sequence had a<br />

small effect in this ANOVA, while treatment had a medium effect.<br />

The analysis indicated no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 30.1)=1.41, p=.260]. Treatment was approaching significance [F(3, 39)=2.79,<br />

p=.053] for static fit satisfaction, but did not meet the predetermined confidence level of<br />

p≤.05. Therefore, no contrasts were run. Table 27 shows the overall static fit satisfaction<br />

rating for each treatment.<br />

Table 26<br />

Analysis of Variance for Overall Static Fit Satisfaction<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 30.1 1.41 0.013 .260<br />

Treatment 3 39 2.79 0.082 .053<br />

error (1.6470)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates. ω 2 =<br />

omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small effect=0.01,<br />

medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

*p≤ .05.<br />


Table 27<br />

Mean Overall Static Fit Satisfaction by Treatment<br />

Treatment 1 Satisfaction Ratings Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 3.7 1.39 1 5<br />

Prototype 3.3 1.16 1 4<br />

ComA 4.3 1.46 1 5<br />

ComB 2.1 1.51 1 5<br />

Note. Scale = 1-5, with 1 = “Extremely Dissatisfied”, to 5 = “Extremely Satisfied”, with 3 = “Neutral”.<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment.<br />

Discussion. Although the mean satisfaction values were quite varied, the<br />

differences by treatment were not meaningful statistically, suggesting that the variability<br />

within these ratings is large. Minimum and maximum values indicate that at least one<br />

subject rated each treatment on each end of the satisfaction scale, further reflecting the<br />

variability of this measure. Satisfaction with fit is difficult to measure. Previous research<br />

indicates that female consumers have varying fit preferences based on their body shapes<br />

and body cathexis (Alexander and Connell, 2003). For instance, females with hourglass<br />

silhouettes in the Alexander (2000) study favored extremely fitted garments, while<br />

females with inverted triangle silhouettes, favored very loosely fitted garments. Fit<br />

satisfaction for the prototype may have been affected by the participants’ feelings of<br />

satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their body shape and body cathexis (Alexander, 2000;<br />

Alexander et al. 2003), or just personal preference. It was beyond the scope of this study<br />

to measure these factors.<br />

Dynamic Tight-to-Loose Fit<br />

H4c 0 : There will be no significant difference in dynamic tight-to-loose fit of the<br />

prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation<br />

Scale.<br />


“Dynamic tight-to-loose fit” refers to the fit experienced while performing<br />

specified movements during the wear protocol, rated on a nine point scale from<br />

“extremely tight” to “extremely loose”. Participants rated the fit of the treatments during:<br />

sitting down, reaching forward, rising from sitting, walking, turning the torso from side to<br />

side while sitting, bending the torso backwards and forwards while standing, bending the<br />

torso from side to side while standing, and raising arms in front of body and spreading<br />

arms open, raising arms overhead. These ratings were averaged by participant to produce<br />

a single assessment of dynamic tight-to-loose fit for each support treatment. Results of<br />

the ANOVA for dynamic tight-to loose fit are given in Table 28. The covariance<br />

parameter estimate residuals are equal to 0.7824 (estimate error), accounting for 98% of<br />

the population estimate for sequence and 64% of the population estimate for treatment.<br />

Based on omega squared values, sequence had a small effect in this ANOVA, while<br />

treatment had a medium effect.<br />

The analysis indicated no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 13.8)=0.50, p=.617]. Treatment was significantly [F(3, 39)=16.53, p=.0001]<br />

associated with dynamic tight-to-loose fit assessments. Table 29 shows the mean<br />

dynamic tight-to-loose fit assessments for each treatment.<br />

Table 28<br />

Analysis of Variance for Dynamic Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 13.8 0.50 -0.017 .617<br />

Treatment 3 39 16.53 0.437 .000***<br />

error (0.7824)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates. ω 2 =<br />

omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small effect=0.01,<br />

medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

***p≤.001.<br />


Table 29<br />

Mean Dynamic Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments by Treatment<br />

Treatment 1 Fit Assessment Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 4.9 1.52 3 8.8<br />

Prototype 7.3 1.06 5 9<br />

ComA 3.7 1.44 1.2 7.4<br />

ComB 2.6 1.66 1 7.8<br />

Note. Scale = 1-9, with 1 = “Extremely tight”, to 9 = “Extremely loose”, with 5 = “Neutral”.<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />

.A priori contrasts. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to<br />

determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial support<br />

products were meaningful (see Table 30). Contrast analysis between the prototype and<br />

ComA indicated significant [F(1, 39)=30.98, p=.0001] difference in the dynamic tightto-loose<br />

fit assessments for the prototype and ComA. Therefore the null hypothesis was<br />

rejected for the comparison of dynamic tight-to-loose fit assessments between the<br />

prototype and ComA. The prototype garment, with a dynamic tight-to-loose fit<br />

assessment of 7.3 on a 9 point scale, was rated more loosely-fitted than ComA which<br />

received an assessment of 3.7.<br />

Table 30<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Dynamic Tight-to-Loose Fit Assessments by Treatment<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 30.98 .000***<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 41.15 .000***<br />

***p≤ .001.<br />


Contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB indicated a significant [F(1,<br />

39) =41.15, p=0.0001] difference in dynamic Tight-to-Loose fit assessments between the<br />

two products. Therefore the null hypothesis was also rejected for the comparison of the<br />

prototype and ComB. The prototype garment, with a dynamic tight-to-loose fit<br />

assessment of 7.3, was rated more loosely-fitted than ComB which received an<br />

assessment of 2.6 on the nine point scale.<br />

Discussion. The results for dynamic tight-to loose fit reflect those for static tightto-loose<br />

fit and may result from the same differences in garment and product design as<br />

previously discussed. Garments or product that fit more tightly in a motionless position<br />

are likely to apply additional stress to body parts when moving.<br />

Dynamic Fit Satisfaction<br />

H4d 0 : There will be no significant difference in dynamic fit satisfaction of the prototype<br />

as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by the Model Fit Evaluation Scale.<br />

“Dynamic fit satisfaction” refers to the satisfaction-with-fit ratings provided by<br />

the participant while performing specified movements during the wear protocol, reported<br />

on a scale from “extremely satisfied” to “extremely dissatisfied.” Participants rated<br />

satisfaction with dynamic fit of the treatment once immediately following each of 12<br />

movements. These ratings of the various movements were averaged to produce a single<br />

assessment of dynamic fit satisfaction by participant for each support treatment. Results<br />

of the ANOVA for dynamic fit satisfaction are given in Table 31. The covariance<br />

parameter estimate residuals are equal to 0.2541 (estimate error), accounting for 99% of<br />

the population estimate for sequence and 96% of the population estimate for treatment.<br />

Based on omega squared values, sequence had a small effect in this ANOVA, while<br />

treatment had a large effect.<br />

The analysis indicated no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment)<br />

[F(2, 19)=2.07, p=.153]. Treatment was significantly [F(3, 39)=3.95, p=.015] associated<br />

with dynamic fit satisfaction assessments. Table 32 shows the mean dynamic fit<br />

satisfaction assessments for each treatment.<br />


Table 31<br />

Analysis of Variance for Dynamic Fit Satisfaction Assessments<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 19 2.07 0.034 .153<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.95 0.129 .015*<br />

error (3.2962)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

*p≤ .05.<br />

Table 32<br />

Mean Dynamic Fit Satisfaction Assessments by Treatment<br />

Treatment 1 Satisfaction Rating Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 7.5 1.45 1 5.6<br />

Prototype 6.5 1.80 1 6.6<br />

ComA 6.5 2.61 1.2 8.6<br />

ComB 4.4 2.69 1.6 9.0<br />

Note. Scale = 1-9, with 1 = “Extremely Dissatisfied”, to 9 = “Extremely Satisfied”, with 5 = “Neutral”.<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />

A priori contrasts. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to<br />

determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial support<br />

products were meaningful (see Table 33). Contrast analysis between the prototype and<br />

ComA yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=0.00, p=.969] indicating that dynamic fit<br />

satisfaction assessments for the prototype and ComA were similar. Therefore, we failed<br />

to reject the null hypothesis. The prototype garment was not perceived as having more<br />

satisfactory dynamic fit than ComA.<br />


Table 33<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Dynamic Fit Satisfaction<br />

Treatments Stage Num df Den df F p<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 3 1 39 0.00 .969<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 3 1 39 2.06 .159<br />

.*p≤ .05.<br />

Likewise, contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB yielded nonsignificant<br />

results [F(1, 39) =2.06, p=0.159], indicating that dynamic fit satisfaction<br />

assessments for the prototype and ComB were also similar. Therefore, we failed to reject<br />

the null hypothesis. The prototype garment was not perceived as more satisfactory in fit<br />

than ComB. The research hypothesis for dynamic fit was not supported.<br />

Discussion. The results for dynamic fit satisfaction may have resulted from<br />

similar issues as the results for overall static fit satisfaction. Those issues consist of<br />

varying female fit preferences and participants’ feelings about their own body shape and<br />

cathexis (Alexander & Connell, 2003).<br />

Mobility<br />

Hypothesis 5 was addressed using two mixed-model ANOVAs for range of<br />

motion movements of abduction and overhead, and 14 mixed-model ANOVAs to<br />

compare overall mobility and ease of movement for 12 individual movements by<br />

treatment (control, prototype, ComA or ComB) during the movement protocol.<br />

Range of motion analysis was conducted to compare range of motion movement for<br />

abduction by treatment (control, prototype, ComA or ComB), and interaction between<br />

treatment and stage. The research hypothesis was tested using two null sub-hypotheses.<br />

The analysis of each sub-hypothesis follows.<br />


Range of Motion<br />

H5a 0 : There will be no significant difference in the range of motion of subjects while<br />

wearing the prototype as compared to ComA and ComB as measured by a goniometer.<br />

Range of motion refers to the degree of movement possible in a given joint as<br />

captured by photographs against a 1” grid, and measured using a goniometer. Two<br />

measures were taken: the first with arms abducted to a 90° angle from the body, and the<br />

second with arms raised overhead to a 180° angle from the body. Movement was<br />

(abduction and overhead) was included in the model to determine the degree of range of<br />

motion. Results of the ANOVA for range of motion are given in Table 34. The<br />

covariance parameter estimate residuals are equal to 1.4858 (estimate error), accounting<br />

for 98% of the population estimate for sequence and 93% of the population estimate for<br />

treatment. Based on omega-squared values, sequence had a small effect in this ANOVA,<br />

while treatment had a large effect.<br />

Interaction of treatment and movement was not significant [F(3,106)=0.140, p<br />

=.94] indicating that the main effects of treatment and movement (arms raised to the sides<br />

and arms raised overhead) have independent effects on range of motion. Treatment was<br />

not a significant [F(3,106)=0.55, p =.65] factor in range of motion. Movement was a<br />

significant [F(1,106)=3570, p =.000] factor in range of motion as would be expected.<br />

Table 34<br />

Analysis of Variance for Range of Motion of Movement by Treatment<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Movement 3 106 3570 0.99 .000***<br />

Treatment 3 106 0.55 -0.02 .065<br />

Movement*Treatment 3 106 0.14 -0.04 .94<br />

error (4526.58)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

***p≤0001.<br />


Discussion. Range of motion for arm abduction (arms moved away from the<br />

midline of the body, or raised to the sides) ranged from 70° to 104°. Range of motion for<br />

arms raised overhead ranged from 8° to 33°. The lack of significance for the treatment<br />

by movement interaction and for the treatment alone indicated that the range of motion<br />

for the various treatments was similar. This was what we expected and no contrasts were<br />

necessary. The significant difference by movement was expected as the angles of these<br />

two movements are quite different.<br />

Ease of Movement<br />

H5b 0 : There will be no significant difference in user ratings of overall mobility or<br />

perceived ease of movement while wearing the prototype as compared to ComA and<br />

ComB as measured by the Movement Assessment Scale after the wear protocol.<br />

Overall Mobility. Results of the ANOVA for overall mobility are given in Table<br />

35. The covariance parameter estimate residuals are equal to 1.4858 (estimate error),<br />

accounting for 98% of the population estimate for sequence and 93% of the population<br />

estimate for treatment. Based on omega-squared values, sequence had a small effect in<br />

this ANOVA, while treatment had a large effect.<br />

The analysis indicated no significant carryover effects based on the order of wear<br />

[F(2, 17.1)=0.03, p=.970]. Treatment was a significant [F(3, 39)=3.44, p=.026] factor in<br />

ease of movement for overall mobility. Table 36 shows the mean ratings for overall<br />

mobility for each treatment.<br />


Table 35<br />

Analysis of Variance for Overall Mobility<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Sequence 2 17.1 0.03 -0.033 .970<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.44 0.109 .026*<br />

error (1.4858)<br />

Note. The value in parentheses represents residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

*p≤.05.<br />

Table 36<br />

Mean Overall Mobility by Treatment<br />

Treatment 1 Ease of Movement Rating Std. Dev. Minimum Maximum<br />

Control 1.4 .44 1 2.3<br />

Prototype 1.5 .33 1 2.0<br />

ComA 2.6 1.81 1 7.2<br />

ComB 3.2 2.13 1.1 6.8<br />

Note. Results are based on the nine point Movement Assessment Scale , with 1 = “Easy to do”, 5 =<br />

“Neutral, ” and 9 = “Hard to do.”<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />

A priori contrasts. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to<br />

determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial support<br />

products were meaningful (see Table 37). Contrast analysis between the prototype and<br />

ComA yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=1.28, p=.266], indicating that overall<br />

mobility for the prototype and ComA was similar. Therefore, we failed to reject the null<br />

hypothesis for overall mobility. The prototype garment was perceived as providing<br />

similar overall mobility as compared to ComA.<br />


Table 37<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Treatments<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 1.28 .266<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 2.55 .119<br />

Likewise contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB yielded nonsignificant<br />

results [F(1, 39) =2.55, p=.119], indicating that overall mobility for the<br />

prototype and ComB was similar. Therefore, we failed to reject the null hypothesis. The<br />

prototype garment was perceived as providing similar overall mobility as compared to<br />

ComB. Although overall mobility was similar between the soft support treatments,<br />

further analyses were conducted to determine possible differences in specific aspects of<br />

mobility.<br />

Ease of Individual Movements. Results of the six significant ANOVAs for ease of<br />

individual movements are given in Table 38. The covariance parameters are also listed.<br />

Based on the omega values, sequence had a large effect in the typing movement, and a<br />

small to medium effect in the other individual movements in the ANOVAs. Treatment<br />

had a medium to large effect in all of the ANOVAs. The analyses of ease of individual<br />

movements indicated no significant difference by sequence (order of treatment) for any<br />

of the significant movements. Treatment was significantly associated with the following<br />

movements: typing, reaching, raising arms, turning the torso, spreading arms, and raising<br />

arms overhead. Table 39 shows the mean ease of individual movements for each<br />

treatment.<br />


Table 38<br />

Analyses of Variance with Significant Outcomes for Ease of Movement with Mobility for<br />

Individual Movements<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Type: Sequence 2 19.2 3.47 0.076 .052<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.80 0.123 .017*<br />

error (2.0283)<br />

Reach: Sequence 2 18.7 0.65 -0.012 .535<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.84 0.124 .017*<br />

error (2.6332)<br />

Raise arms: Sequence 2 18.6 0.06 -0.032 .939<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.34 0.105 .029*<br />

error (2.5892)<br />

Turn torso: Sequence 2 17.1 0.27 -0.025 .768<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.07 0.094 .039*<br />

error (1.5401)<br />

Spread arms: Sequence 2 16.6 0.10 -0.031 .908<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.85 0.125 .017*<br />

error (2.1224)<br />

Overhead: Sequence 2 17.8 0.18 -0.028 .840<br />

Treatment 3 39 4.45 0.147 .009*<br />

error (2.8579)<br />

Note. The values in parentheses represent residual estimates from the covariance parameter estimates.<br />

ω 2 = omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests. An example of a small<br />

effect=0.01, medium effect=0.06 and large effect =0.14 (Cohen, 1977).<br />

*p≤ .05.<br />


Table 39<br />

Mean Ease of Movement for Six Movements by Treatment<br />

Source 1 Control Prototype ComA ComB<br />

Typing: 2.3 0.4 2.2 4.4<br />

Reaching forward: 1.6 1.4 2.8 4.4<br />

Raising arms: 1.3 2.2 2.5 3.6<br />

Turning the torso: 1.3 1.8 2.4 3.0<br />

Spreading arms: 1.3 1.9 3.0 3.0<br />

Overhead reaching: 1.3 2.2 3.2 3.7<br />

Note. Results are based on the nine point Movement Assessment Scale, , with 1 = “Easy to do”, 5 =<br />

“Neutral, ” and 9 = “Hard to do.”<br />

1 n = 15 for each treatment<br />

A priori contrasts – typing movement. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts<br />

were run to determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial<br />

support products were meaningful (see Table 40). Contrast analysis between the control<br />

and the prototype was significant [F(1, 39) =5.89, p=0.02] indicating that the prototype<br />

provided increased ease of movement for the typing movement as compared to the<br />

control. Contrast analysis between the control and ComA was non-significant [F(1, 39)<br />

=0.02, p=0.898] indicating that the ease of movement for typing movement when<br />

wearing the control provided similar ease of movement for mobility as compared to<br />

ComA. Contrast analysis between the control and ComB was significant [F(1, 39) =6.53,<br />

p=0.015] indicating that the control provided more ease of movement for mobility for the<br />

typing movement than ComB.<br />

Contrast analysis for the typing movement between the prototype and ComA<br />

yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=3.07, p=.088], however, contrast analysis<br />

between the prototype and ComB indicated a significant [F(1, 39) =11.39, p=0.002]<br />

difference in ease of the typing movement. Therefore the null hypothesis was rejected for<br />

the comparison of the prototype and ComB. The prototype garment provided similar<br />


mobility ease of movement as ComA, but more satisfactory mobility during the typing<br />

movement than ComB.<br />

Table 40<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement for Mobility for the Typing Movement<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Control vs. Prototype 1 39 5.89 .020*<br />

Control vs. ComA 1 39 0.02 .898<br />

Control vs. ComB 1 39 6.53 .015*<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 3.07 .088<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 11.39 .002**<br />

*p=.05, **p=.005.<br />

A priori contrasts – reaching forward movement. Based on the hypothesis, a<br />

priori contrasts were run to determine whether differences between the prototype and the<br />

commercial support products were meaningful (see Table 41). Contrast analysis between<br />

the control and the prototype was significant [F(1, 39) =0.02, p=0.898] indicating that the<br />

prototype provided increased ease of movement for the reaching forward movement as<br />

compared to the control. Contrast analysis between the control and ComA was nonsignificant<br />

[F(1, 39) =2.13, p=0.152] indicating that the ease of reaching forward when<br />

wearing the control was similar to ComA. Contrast analysis between the control and<br />

ComB was significant [F(1, 39) =9.41, p=0.004] indicating that the control provided<br />

more ease of mobility for the typing movement than ComB.<br />

Contrast analysis between the prototype and ComA for the reaching forward<br />

movement yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=1.36, p=.2507], indicating that ease<br />

of reaching forward for the prototype and ComA was similar. Therefore, we failed to<br />


eject the null hypothesis. The prototype garment was not perceived as providing more<br />

ease of mobility for the reaching forward movement than ComA.<br />

Table 41<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement when Reaching Forward<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Control vs. Prototype 1 39 0.08 .785<br />

Control vs. ComA 1 39 2.13 .152<br />

Control vs. ComB 1 39 9.41 .003*<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 1.36 .251<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 5.13 .029*<br />

*p=.05.<br />

Contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB indicated a significant [F(1,<br />

39) =5.13, p=0.029] difference in the reaching forward movement ratings between the<br />

two treatments. Therefore the null hypothesis was rejected for the comparison of the<br />

prototype and ComB. The prototype garment was perceived as having more ease of<br />

mobility during the reaching forward movement than ComB.<br />

A priori contrasts – raising arms to sides movement (abduction). Based on the<br />

hypothesis, a priori contrasts were run to determine whether differences between the<br />

prototype and the commercial support products were meaningful (see Table 42).<br />

Contrast analysis was non-significant between the control and both the prototype [F(1,<br />

39) =0.96, p=0.333] and ComA [F(1, 39) =2.31, p=0.137] indicating that the ease of<br />

lifting the arms when wearing the control was similar as compared to ComA. Contrast<br />

analysis between the control and ComB was significant [F(1, 39) =6.27, p=0.017]<br />


indicating that the control provided more ease of mobility for the raising arms to sides<br />

movement than ComB.<br />

Contrast analysis for the raising arms to side movement between the prototype<br />

and ComA yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=0.07, p=.799]. Likewise, contrast<br />

analysis between the prototype and ComB yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39) =1.07,<br />

p=0.308] after the wear protocol, indicating that the ease of mobility for the raising arms<br />

to side movement for participants when wearing the prototype was similar when wearing<br />

ComA or ComB after the wear protocol. Therefore, we failed to reject the null<br />

hypothesis. The prototype garment provided similar ease of movement for raising the<br />

arms to the side as ComA or Com B as measured by the movement assessment scale.<br />

Table 42<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement for Mobility for the Raising Arms Movement<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Control vs. Prototype 1 39 0.96 .333<br />

Control vs. ComA 1 39 2.31 .137<br />

Control vs. ComB 1 39 6.27 .017*<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 0.07 .799<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 1.07 .308<br />

*p≤ .05..<br />

A priori contrasts –turning torso movement. Based on the hypothesis, a priori<br />

contrasts were run to determine whether differences between the prototype and the<br />

commercial support products were meaningful (see Table 43). Contrast analysis for the<br />

turning torso movement between the prototype and ComA yielded non-significant results<br />

[F(1, 39)=0.35, p=.556]. Likewise, contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB<br />


yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39) =1.24, p=0.273] after the wear protocol,<br />

indicating that the ease of turning the torso t for participants when wearing the prototype<br />

was similar when wearing ComA or ComB after the wear protocol. Therefore, we failed<br />

to reject the null hypothesis. The prototype garment provided similar ease of mobility for<br />

turning the torso as ComA or Com B as measured by the movement assessment scale.<br />

Table 43<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Movement for Mobility for the Turn Torso Movement<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Control vs. Prototype 1 39 0.49 .488<br />

Control vs. ComA 1 39 2.92 .095<br />

Control vs. ComB 1 39 5.49 .024*<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 0.35 .556<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 1.24 .273<br />

*p≤ .05.<br />

A priori contrasts –spreading arms. Based on the hypothesis, a priori contrasts<br />

were run to determine whether differences between the prototype and the commercial<br />

support products were meaningful (see Table 44). Contrast analysis between the control<br />

and the prototype yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=0.49, p=.488], indicating that<br />

the prototype performed similar to the control. Contrast analysis between the control and<br />

ComA was significant [F(1, 39) =5.88, p=0.020] indicating that the ease of raising the<br />

arms in front and spreading them open when wearing the control was better than ComA.<br />

Contrast analysis between the control and ComB was significant [F(1, 39) =4.73,<br />

p=0.036] indicating that the control provided more ease of mobility for the spreading<br />

arms movement than ComB.<br />


Contrast analysis for the spreading arms movement between the prototype and<br />

ComA yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=1.00, p=.325] after the wear protocol<br />

(stage 3). Likewise, contrast analysis between the prototype and ComB yielded nonsignificant<br />

results [F(1, 39) =0.88, p=0.353] after the wear protocol, indicating that the<br />

ease of spreading the arms for participants when wearing the prototype was similar when<br />

wearing ComA or ComB after the wear protocol. Therefore, we failed to reject the null<br />

hypothesis. The prototype garment provided similar ease of mobility for spreading the<br />

arms as ComA or Com B as measured by the movement assessment scale.<br />

Table 44<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Ease of Spreading the Arms<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Control vs. Prototype 1 39 0.62 .437<br />

Control vs. ComA 1 39 5.88 .020*<br />

Control vs. ComB 1 39 4.73 .036*<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 1.00 .325<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 0.88 .353<br />

*p≤ .05.<br />

A priori contrasts – raising arms overhead. Based on the hypothesis, a priori<br />

contrasts were run to determine whether differences between the prototype and the<br />

commercial support products were meaningful (see Table 45). Contrast analysis between<br />

the control and the prototype was non-significant [F(1, 39) =0.96, p=0.333] indicating<br />

that both the control and prototype provided similar ease of movement for raising the<br />

arms overhead. Contrast analysis between the control and ComA was significant [F(1,<br />

39) =5.55, p=0.024] indicating that the ease of raising the arms overhead when wearing<br />


the control was better than ComA. Contrast analysis between the control and ComB was<br />

significant [F(1, 39) =6.30, p=0.016] indicating that the control provided more ease of<br />

mobility when raising the arms overhead as compared to ComB.<br />

Contrast analysis for raising arms overhead movement between the prototype and<br />

ComA yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39)=0.62, p=.437]. Likewise, contrast<br />

analysis between the prototype and ComB yielded non-significant results [F(1, 39) =1.04,<br />

p=0.314] indicating that the participant ease of raising arms overhead when wearing the<br />

prototype was similar to ComA or ComB after the wear protocol. Therefore, we failed to<br />

reject the null hypothesis. The prototype garment provided similar ease of mobility for<br />

raising the arms overhead as ComA or Com B as measured by the movement assessment<br />

scale.<br />

Table 45<br />

A Priori Contrasts for Ease with Mobility for the Raising Arms Overhead Movement<br />

Treatments Num df Den df F p<br />

Control vs. Prototype 1 39 1.01 .321<br />

Control vs. ComA 1 39 5.55 .024*<br />

Control vs. ComB 1 39 6.30 .016*<br />

Prototype vs. ComA 1 39 0.62 .437<br />

Prototype vs. ComB 1 39 1.04 .314<br />

*p≤ .05.<br />

Discussion. Of the six significant ANOVAs for ease of individual movements,<br />

only two resulted in significant contrast analyses between the prototype and the<br />

commercially-available support products. The improvement in the movements required<br />

for reaching forward and typing was probably due to the redesign of the prototype which<br />


provided deeper cut, larger armscyes than both ComA and ComB. Additionally, the<br />

fabric selection of nylon/spandex for the prototype was less restrictive than the 2” wide<br />

elastic straps situated around the armhole of ComB. The ease of mobility provided by the<br />

prototype was generally similar to ComA and ComB and was improved as compared to<br />

ComB with regard to reaching forward and typing movements.<br />

Research Questions: Psychosocial Comfort<br />

1. What psychosocial comfort issues will be expressed by participants as concerns<br />

related to wearing the garment to work?<br />

2. What psychosocial issues related to the design of the prototypes will be identified<br />

by participants?<br />

3. What other psychosocial aspects of the support garments will be addressed by<br />

participants in response to an open-ended question inviting comments related to clothing<br />

attributes including aesthetics, style, fashionability, appropriateness, design, color,<br />

texture, and body emphasis?<br />

Results are provided for the three open-ended questions designed to elicit<br />

responses regarding psychosocial aspects of comfort. The first question addressed issues<br />

related to how the respondent would feel about wearing the garment to work. The second<br />

question was concerned with design issues that might be identified. The third question<br />

was based on a list of attributes identified by Branson and Sweeney as possible influences<br />

on psychosocial comfort.<br />

Responses to the open ended questions were analyzed using a stepwise approach<br />

to content analysis. The first step was to use a directed content analysis approach to sort<br />

the items by the three areas identified in the Lamb and Kallal FEA (Functional,<br />

Expressive, & Aesthetic) model (1992). Three coders assessed the responses and<br />

negotiated differences. Responses were separated and independently categorized into<br />

functional, expressive, or aesthetic categories. The subjects provided 168 functional, 111<br />

aesthetic, and 19 expressive comments.<br />


In the second step, conventional content analysis was applied to comments<br />

identified as expressive or aesthetic to sort them by themes. Two themes emerged for the<br />

aesthetic comments. The first theme comprised comments related to design principles,<br />

while the second was concerned with body garment relationships. Expressive comments<br />

were identified by coders as relating to appropriateness or the degree to which subjects<br />

liked the garments.<br />

The third step involved a second directed content analysis using Psychosocial<br />

Attribute categories identified in the Branson and Sweeney model and included in the<br />

question as prompts. The results of the directed content analysis using the Branson and<br />

Sweeney attributes provided feedback from the respondents for each of the categories.<br />

Appendix I shows the attributes that had several comments.<br />

Finally, each frequency response was coded as either positive (+), for a<br />

constructive comment, or negative (-), for a complaint or concern regarding the<br />

treatment. Responses were both positive and negative for each of the aspects with the<br />

prototype the most positive towards the aesthetic aspect (style) and most negative<br />

towards the aesthetic aspect (bust shape). One of the main issues of the respondents was<br />

that the prototype needed a built in bra. However, respondents indicated three times as<br />

many negative responses for the control (sports bra) as the prototype towards the<br />

aesthetic aspect (bust shape).<br />

Question 1<br />

Question 1, explored psychosocial comfort issues expressed by participants,<br />

concerning wearing the garment to work. Both ComA and ComB had one respondent<br />

each that indicated they would never wear the treatments to work. Additionally, all of the<br />

participants stated a concern with the shape of the bust or lack of bust support for the<br />

control (sports bra). This may play a factor in the decision to wear or not wear the<br />

treatment to work. Five participants commented on this issue for the prototype, three<br />

commented on it for ComA, and two commented on it for ComB. However, both<br />

commercial support products were worn over the control, and that might have lowered<br />

the amount of concern reported about lack of breast support. It is also possible that the<br />

participants thought that it would be redundant to complain about the lack of breast<br />


support if they had previously complained for the control given that they were wearing it<br />

under the commercially available support products. Based on the actual responses, 2<br />

participants indicated “concerns in wearing the treatments to work” for ComA and ComB<br />

only.<br />

To gain a better understanding of the respondents’ concerns with bust shape for<br />

the prototype, reflection upon the participants’ body shape was examined. Participants<br />

were either pear-shaped (n = 8), meaning that their bust was 4” smaller (or more than 4”<br />

smaller) than the circumferential measurement of the hips, or had a bust larger than 4”<br />

smaller than the circumference of the hips (n = 7). Results indicate that 4 of these 5<br />

respondents weighed 120 pounds or less, and were 5 feet 4 inches tall or under, meaning<br />

that they were petite. The fifth respondent weighed 155 pounds and was 5 feet 8 inches<br />

tall. More interestingly, all of the respondents with concerns about the prototype bust<br />

shape were larger busted than the pear-shaped participants in proportion to their hips<br />

circumference (Appendix M). Therefore, the issue of providing breast support needs to<br />

be further investigated.<br />

Question 2<br />

Question 2 focused on psychosocial issues related to the design of the garments.<br />

An issue raised by one participant for the prototype related to design, was the lowering of<br />

the neckline to prevent it from showing under clothing. Three participants indicated a<br />

need for improving the general clothing interaction of the sports bra. Five of the<br />

participants stated that ComA needed various design changes including bulk reduction<br />

and waist stabilization to prevent the hemline from rolling. While 10 participants<br />

indicated a need for design changes including bulk reduction and Velcro elimination of<br />

ComB. Participant photographs indicated some redness on the shoulders upon the<br />

removal of ComB, as well as some minor redness associated with the armholes of ComB.<br />

The prototype had one indicated design change, to decrease the width of the strap.<br />

Participants demonstrated design change for reduction of bulk in both ComA and ComB.<br />

Additionally, respondents suggested the elimination of Velcro closures for ComB.<br />


Question 3<br />

Question 3 invited comments related to clothing attributes including aesthetics,<br />

style, fashionability, appropriateness, design, color, texture, and body emphasis.<br />

Favorable style responses emerged from the conventional analysis for the prototype with<br />

3 participants (representative of 20%) indicating that there were no concerns with the<br />

style. Six participants (40%) indicated they disliked or wanted to change the strap style<br />

line of ComB.<br />

Body de-emphasis also yielded notable negative results. The control had 7<br />

participants indicating that changes were necessary. Those changes included lowering<br />

the neckline (front and back), lengthening the bust, and hemline. The prototype had 5<br />

participants indicating a desire to lower the neckline to prevent the treatment from<br />

showing from beneath clothing, and lower the armhole. ComA also had 5 participants<br />

indicating lengthening the hemline, shortening the hemline, and lowering the armholes.<br />

ComB had 3 participants indicating lowering the armholes.<br />

Overall, the prototype performed similarly to the other treatments. However,<br />

respondents reported 3 times the number of concerns with the shape of the bust of the<br />

control (15) as compared to the prototype (5). More respondents provided negative<br />

responses for ComA and ComB than the prototype with regard to the clothing attributes<br />

of aesthetics, style and design. Aesthetic considerations have been shown to reduce<br />

negative feelings including stress, tension, psychological depression and anger (Cho,<br />

2006).<br />


Table 46<br />

Results of Aesthetic Attribute Questions<br />

Coded Trends Coded<br />

Positive<br />

Negative<br />

Aesthetics<br />

Can be worn as bra<br />

Bust shape/Appearance<br />

Add bust form<br />

Separate bust<br />

No concerns/change<br />

Fashionable<br />

Aesthetically pleasing<br />

Velcro convenient<br />

Acceptable fit with clothing<br />

General clothing interaction<br />

Like color<br />

Great materials<br />

Style<br />

Appropriateness<br />

Design<br />

Reduce bulk<br />

Color<br />

Texture<br />

Dislike – change<br />

Change strap style line<br />

Not fashionable<br />

Would never wear to work<br />

Change/eliminate Velcro<br />

Narrow strap width<br />

Change neckline – flatten<br />

Waist – rolls<br />

Shoulders, waist, underarm,<br />

and Velcro<br />

Dislike/change trim color<br />

Change materials<br />

.<br />

Body Emphasis/De-emphasis<br />

Lower Neckline (front and<br />

back)<br />

Lengthen bust and hemline<br />

Shorten hemline<br />

Lower armholes<br />


Summary<br />

The prototype was successful in providing similar postural alignment as both<br />

ComA and ComB. The prototype also provided significantly more supportive postural<br />

alignment than the control. This was an indication of postural alignment effectiveness.<br />

The prototype provided similar wearer acceptability as ComA due to the similar fabrics<br />

used. However, the prototype provided better wearer acceptability than ComB as<br />

expected. The prototype provided equivalent thermal comfort as both the commercially<br />

available support products.<br />

The prototype provided looser fitted support for both static and dynamic tight-toloose<br />

fit as compared to both ComA and ComB. Dynamic mean satisfaction overall was<br />

significantly improved by the prototype. Static fit satisfaction of the prototype may have<br />

been affected by the participants’ body cathexis and varying perceptions of fit. As<br />

expected the prototype performed equally effective to ComA and ComB in overall<br />

mobility. The prototype showed improved mobility in the individual movements of<br />

typing and reaching forward.<br />

The prototype performed similar to the other treatments for psychosocial comfort.<br />

However, the prototype had more favorable responses for aesthetics, style, and design<br />

than the other treatments. A majority of the participants requested bust shaping and<br />

padding for the control. Five respondents requested bust shaping for the prototype, and 5<br />

more for both ComA and ComB. This could at least partially explain why the<br />

participants felt that the prototype was more loose-fitted.<br />


CHAPTER 6<br />


Summary<br />

Proper alignment of posture can serve as a preventative measure against back<br />

pain, strain, and damage to the entire body. However, there is a lack of research on the<br />

thoracic region of the spine and the possible role of soft structural support garments.<br />

The development of a prototype soft structural support garment for postural<br />

alignment effectiveness applied DeJonge’s 7-stage functional design process. This study<br />

evaluated the prototype and compared it to two commercially available support systems<br />

(ComA and ComB). One independent variable with 4 levels (treatment) and 5 dependent<br />

variables, two with multiple measures (wearer acceptability and skin temperature) and 3<br />

with one measure (fit, thermal comfort, and mobility) were evaluated. Additionally,<br />

research questions regarding psychosocial comfort were explored.<br />

The following research objectives were investigated:<br />

Development Objective<br />

To develop a prototype soft structural support garment for the thoracic spine<br />

based on preliminary work.<br />

Testing Objectives<br />

1. To compare postural effectiveness of the prototype to two commercially<br />

available support products<br />

2. To assess and compare wearer acceptability for the prototype and the two<br />

commercially available support products.<br />

3. To assess and compare thermal comfort of the prototype and the two<br />

commercially available support products.<br />

4. To assess comparative fit and fit satisfaction of the prototype and the two<br />

existing commercially available support products.<br />

5. To assess and compare mobility of users while wearing the prototype and the<br />

two commercially available support products.<br />


6. To assess the psychosocial comfort of the prototype and the two commercially<br />

available support products.<br />

A wear protocol was conducted in a laboratory setting. Four treatments (control,<br />

prototype, ComA and ComB) were evaluated for postural alignment effectiveness, wearer<br />

acceptability, thermal comfort, fit satisfaction, and mobility. Psychosocial comfort was<br />

also explored using both a directive and conventional content analysis. Fifteen premenopausal<br />

female participants between age 40 and 55 volunteered.<br />

Mixed-model Analyses of Variance (ANOVA) were run using the mixed-model<br />

procedure of the Statistical Analysis Software (SAS). The experimental design was a<br />

within subjects design. The prototype was consistently found to provide similar<br />

properties as the commercially available support systems, or in some cases improvement.<br />

The prototype provided significantly better postural alignment effectiveness than the<br />

control as scored by photographs. As expected, the prototype provided similar postural<br />

alignment as both ComA and ComB by body scans and photographs. The wearer<br />

acceptability ratings for the prototype were significantly better than ComB, both initially<br />

and after the wear protocol. Thermal comfort measures may have been affected by the<br />

cool environment in the laboratory. Regardless, the prototype performed similar to both<br />

ComA and ComB with respect to thermal comfort.<br />

Both the static and dynamic tight-to-loose fit were significantly improved for the<br />

prototype as compared to the ComA and ComB. Although, fit satisfaction was not<br />

significantly different, it may have been affected by individual fit preferences and body<br />

self concept. Posture was not significantly different with respect to overall mobility, but<br />

it was significantly different than ComB for the individual movements of typing and<br />

reaching forward, movements required in daily office work. Subject responses to the<br />

psychosocial questions provided suggestions for improvement of the prototype, including<br />

integration of a built-in bra.<br />

Conclusions<br />

All of the objectives in this study were met. The prototype created is successful<br />

in providing postural alignment using soft structural thoracic support without the feeling<br />


of tightness or restriction, and is actually preferred during typing movements. Given the<br />

technological advances of today, most of the domestic population uses computers that<br />

require typing. The prototype can be beneficial to many. More importantly, the<br />

prototype is a garment that can be worn independently as opposed to the soft structural<br />

products that do not cover the bust, or lend themselves to being worn as traditional<br />

exterior clothing.<br />

The prototype was the only treatment in this study that demonstrated postural<br />

alignment effectiveness as compared to the control. Additionally, it performed at least<br />

equivalently to the commercially available support products in every respect (ComA and<br />

ComB). Results of the study support further development of the prototype for the<br />

applicability to a variety of repetitive motion tasks beneficial or even indispensable to<br />

computer users, sewing machine operators, hair dressers, massage therapists, surgeons,<br />

artists, or anyone that partakes in repetitive motion tasks regularly. Another reason for<br />

further development is the refinement of the body scanning technique for measuring<br />

posture, and exploration in using markers for certain body landmarks that were difficult<br />

to locate with great precision.<br />

Recommendations for Prototype Improvements<br />

The psychosocial question responses requesting bust shaping in the prototype for<br />

one-third of the sample, led to exploration of the demographics. Further investigation to<br />

establish a relationship between the participants requesting the incorporation of bust<br />

shaping is warranted, as they varied largely by height, weight and body shape, as well as<br />

race. This relationship may help improve the wearer acceptability of the prototype. It<br />

would support the development of an optional prototype with a built in bra.<br />

Arrangements have already been made to team up with another researcher specialized in<br />

bra development, to develop an alternative prototype for females that prefer an integrated<br />

bra. Then the two prototypes can be wear tested and compared to determine their<br />

effectiveness based on postural alignment, wear acceptability and aspects of comfort.<br />

Thermal comfort may be increased through the introduction of a wicking fabric<br />

and a higher fiber content of Lycra ©. spandex. Additional considerations include the<br />

facilitation of donning and doffing, experimentation with finishing techniques, lowering<br />


of the neckline, narrowing of the shoulder straps, and the incorporation of a wider, colorcoordinated<br />

bias trim.<br />

Implications<br />

This study is important because there were limited studies in the literature<br />

regarding support of the thoracic area of the spine. Of the articles that addressed<br />

structural support of the thoracic area, the majority of them included simultaneous<br />

structural support of another portion of the spine as well. Previous testing of structural<br />

support products also considered multiple parts of the spine as opposed to focusing on the<br />

thoracic region. Additionally, there were no soft structural support garments for the<br />

purpose of providing postural alignment.<br />

The body scanner technique had not been previously used to assess posture.<br />

During the course of this study, a method of scoring postural alignment for body scans<br />

was developed. This method needs to be further developed as it did not pick up<br />

differences as well as the photographic method. In the testing of fit, the Model Fit<br />

Evaluation Index (McRoberts, 2005) was used for the second time. Through further<br />

development of the scale, we divided out static and dynamic tight-to-loose fit and fit<br />

satisfaction.<br />

Future Studies<br />

Prototype testing included routine movements that are typical of repetitive<br />

motions. The prototype should be tested for its effectiveness in participation of repetitive<br />

motion tasks for extended time periods.<br />

Further work is needed to develop the body scanning technique for measuring<br />

posture. I may explore the possibility of some type of marker for certain body landmarks<br />

that were difficult to locate with great precision.<br />

There were sufficient methods of measuring postural alignment effectiveness in<br />

this study without the Vicon Kinematic System. An area where I plan to conduct<br />

research in the near future will involve use of the Vicon Kinematic System that uses<br />

video capture of body form based on optical markers. A collaboration is in place to use<br />

that equipment to measure posture and compare it to the body scanning and photographic<br />


methods. The next direction for this study should be to test the prototype using the Vicon<br />

Kinematic System for comparison of its’ performance against that of the TC 2 Body<br />

Scanner. This would determine its’ effectiveness in diagnosing and assessing postural<br />

alignment effectiveness. Subjects have agreed to participate in the future.<br />

A renown physician with specialization in spine surgery indicated willingness to<br />

collaborate in a wear study with his patients. A clinical study of patients may determine if<br />

there is a compliance advantage for the prototype.<br />

One of the requirements for subject participation in the study was to be premenopausal.<br />

In the future, a follow-up study of the subjects once they have entered the<br />

post-menopausal stage, should be conducted for comparison, and understanding of the<br />

resulting physical changes in posture.<br />

Other considerations for future studies include testing the prototype for its<br />

postural alignment effectiveness during routine exercise, developing prototypes geared<br />

for children and elderly subjects with kyphosis, and conducting longitudinal testing for<br />

osteoporosis. I believe the study of posture and soft structural support garments has great<br />

possibilities, not only for my future research, but also in improving the lives of<br />

individuals who need a support garment of this type. There is much that is yet to be<br />

done.<br />



Human Subjects Application - <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />





Human Subjects Application - Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />






Human Subjects Application – Southern <strong>University</strong> at Baton Rouge<br />




Consent Letter<br />


Hello, my name is Lisa McRoberts and I am a doctoral student under the direction of<br />

Professors Catherine Black and Rinn Cloud at <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> in the College of<br />

Human Sciences. In addition, I am under the direction of Professor Bonnie Belleau at<br />

Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> in the College of Human Ecology, and Professor Grace<br />

Namwamba at Southern <strong>University</strong> in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.<br />

The purpose of the research that I am conducting is to compare posture alignment<br />

effectiveness and comfort of a soft structural garment and two commercially available<br />

support systems.<br />

I am currently conducting a study on the effectiveness and comfort of garments designed<br />

to improve upper body posture. During the course of this study, you will be asked to read<br />

magazines, type, file forms, fill out surveys (The questionnaire is anonymous. The results<br />

of the study may be published but your name will not be known), participate in body<br />

scanning and permit videotaping so as to analyze and compare the posture. The TCTC<br />

body scanner uses approximately regular white lights with six cameras in order to capture<br />

a 3-dimensional body scan. It takes only two minutes to take each scan. However, if you<br />

are sensitive to light or have a tendency to get claustrophobic then you should not<br />

participate. In order to participate in this study, it will be necessary to commit to four 2-<br />

hour sessions during consecutive weeks, to be held on either Thursday afternoon or<br />

Friday during the day. The sessions will be located in the Family and Consumer Science<br />

building on the campus of Southern <strong>University</strong>. If you have any questions or concerns,<br />

you can contact Lisa Barona McRoberts at (225) 335-2835 or Dr. Grace Namwamba at<br />

(225) 771-4660. Parking permits will be mailed in advance, or can be obtained from the<br />

Police office on campus. During any of the activities during the protocol, if you<br />

experience any anxiety or discomfort, you may ask to stop the activity.<br />

Return of the questionnaire and signature on the consent form will be considered your<br />

consent to participate. Thank you.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Lisa Barona McRoberts<br />



Consent Form<br />



Please let this serve as notice that I am a graduate student under the direction of<br />

Professors Catherine Black and Rinn Cloud at <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> in the College of<br />

Human Sciences. In addition, I am under the direction of Professor Bonnie Belleau at<br />

Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> in the College of Human Ecology, and Professor Grace<br />

Namwamba at Southern <strong>University</strong> in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences.<br />

The title of my research is The Design and Assessment of a Soft Structural Prototype for<br />

Postural Alignment. The purpose of the research that I am conducting is to compare<br />

posture alignment effectiveness and comfort of a soft structural garment and two<br />

commercially available support systems. The study will consist of 15 subjects. Each<br />

subject will receive a signed copy of the consent form for her records.<br />

Your participation will involve 4 two-hour sessions during four consecutive weeks.<br />

Physical activities involved include administrative tasks such as typing, reading,<br />

completing surveys, filing, as well as completing a range of motion test and movement<br />

analysis. While completing these activities, you will be asked to wear back support<br />

systems, and a prototype back support system, and submit to body scanning (which<br />

consists of standing in a booth while hundreds of lights reflect on you to create a 3D scan<br />

of your body). The lights are safe and there is no radiation involved in participation.<br />

Specific body measurements will be taken using 3D body scanning and traditional tailor<br />

tape. 3D body scanning consists of a series of light sensors that extract measurements.<br />

An individual being scanned enters into the scanner’s dressing room, changes into a fitted<br />

outfit, which is provided, then enters into the scanning area. The individual then stands<br />

still while the scanner captures the image and produces a 3D scan of their body within 30<br />

seconds or less. The measurements are stored in the computer and can be uploaded into a<br />

pattern design program and can then be used to generate a customized basic shirt, pant, or<br />

skirt pattern for the individual that was scanned. You will also be asked to fill out a<br />

questionnaire that will rate your level of wearer acceptability of the prototype back<br />

support system. The total time of commitment will be around 10 hours.<br />

You will be photographed and videotaped while completing the activities related to the<br />

study. The purpose of these photographs and videotapes will be to aide the researchers in<br />

further analysis of the back support system. The photographs and videotapes may be used<br />

by us when presenting any findings, but your identity will remain anonymous and all of<br />

the information obtained during the course of this study will remain confidential, to the<br />

extent allowed by law.<br />

Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate or withdraw from this<br />

study at any time without any prejudice, penalty or loss of benefits, to which otherwise<br />

entitled. All of your answers to the questions will be kept confidential to the extent<br />

allowed by law. The results of this research study may be published, but your name will<br />

not appear on any of the results.<br />

There is a possibility of a minimal level of risk if you choose to participate in this study.<br />

You may experience mild discomfort when wearing this prototype back support system.<br />


The researchers will be present at all times during this study if any discomfort arises. You<br />

will be able to stop your participation at any time you wish during the study.<br />

Although there may not be any direct benefit to you, your participation will be providing<br />

the researchers will valuable information pertaining to back support systems and making<br />

them more comfortable. This information will be able to help others in the future who<br />

have to wear these types of support systems.<br />

You may contact Lisa McRoberts at lbm05f@fsu.edu, lmcrob1@lsu.edu, 2933 Myrtle<br />

Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70806, (225) 335-2835, Dr. Rinn Cloud at rcloud@fsu.edu,<br />

and Dr. Catherine Black at cblack@mailer.com, Dr. Bonnie Belleau at hcbell@lsu.edu,<br />

or Dr. Grace Namwamba at grace_namwamba@cxs.subr.edu, (225) 771-4660 at any time<br />

regarding any questions you have pertaining to this research or your rights as a<br />

participant.<br />

If you have any questions or concerns about your rights as a participant in this research<br />

study or to report a research-related injury, contact Jimmy D. Lindsey, Ph.D.,<br />

Chairperson, Institutional Research Oversight Committee, Southern <strong>University</strong>, Baton<br />

Rouge, LA 70813, (v) 225-771-3950, Jimmy_Lindsey@CXS.SUBR.Edu.<br />

If you have any questions as a subject/participant in this research, or if you feel you have<br />

been placed at risk, you can contact the chair of the Human Subjects Committee<br />

Institutional <strong>Review</strong> Board through the Vice President for the Office of Research at<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> (850)-644-8633.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Lisa Barona McRoberts<br />

By signing below, I give my consent to participate in the above study. It is my<br />

understanding that I will be videotaped and photographed by the researcher, and be<br />

required to complete minimal physical activities. All of the photographs and videotapes<br />

will be kept under lock and key for use only by the researcher. The videotapes will be<br />

destroyed by January 30, 2009.<br />

__________________________________ _______________________________<br />

(Subject)<br />

(Date)<br />



Demographic Subject Information<br />


Demographic Subject Information<br />

Name:_______________________________________ __________________________<br />

Age: _______________ Height: _________________ Weight: ___________<br />

Bust: _______________ Waist: __________________ Hips: _____________<br />

Bust to Waist Length: __________________Hips to Waist Length: _________________<br />

Prototype worn: ____ (Session 1) _____ (Session 2) ____ (Session 3) _____ (Session 4)<br />

Occupation: _________________________ How long? _________________________<br />

Do work tasks require repetitive motion?________ If yes, list activities?_____________<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

_______________________________________________________________________<br />

Prototype Size provided: ____<br />

Are you willing to commit to one day per week, for 4 weeks with 2 hour-long sessions?_<br />

Do you have any back or spine diseases? __________ If so, please explain ___________<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

Do you get claustrophobic in small rooms? _____________________________________<br />

Would you be willing to have your body scanned given that it is harmless, based on the<br />

use of ordinary white lights from six cameras and takes two minutes per scan or less? ___<br />

Can you be available for sessions on Thursday afternoons or during the day on Friday for<br />

4 consecutive weeks? ________________<br />

Can you be available for sessions for four consecutive days during the week of July 16 th ,<br />

23 rd , or 30 th ? ________________ If so, please rank which weeks would be best by<br />

placing the number 1, 2, 3 or 0 (for not possible): July 16 th ____, July 23 rd ____, July<br />

30 th ____<br />



New York Posture Rating Chart<br />




Wear Test Protocol<br />


Wear Test Protocol<br />

During the orientation, each subject will be briefed about the protocol.<br />

1. Subjects arrive to room 206 at staggered times every 30 minutes and sign in.<br />

2. Issue white cotton control sports bra, heather grey t-shirt, grip socks, hair holders<br />

(ponytail holders for medium to long hair and elastic headbands for short hair), bags for<br />

personal items (opaque hospital bag for clothing and shoes to be locked up and large<br />

colored Ziploc bag for keys and small items), and a clipboard with an instruction booklet.<br />

3. Subject enters dressing room and puts on issued clothing, keeps on personal<br />

underwear and pants, and puts hair up off of neck. Shoes and personal clothing other<br />

than underwear and pants are placed in an opaque personal items bag and locked in<br />

cabinet. Subject maintains possession of large Ziploc bag with keys, etc.)<br />

4. Photograph each subject against a 1” grid with the following views: front view,<br />

side view, back view, front view with arms raised over head, and front view with arms<br />

raised at sides (without t-shirt).<br />

5. Subject enters activity room (room 204), selects a magazine from the front table<br />

labeled “Magazines”.<br />

6. The subject sits at a computer desk marked either “Station A”, “Station B” or<br />

“Station C” in ascending order from arrival.<br />

7. The subject adjusts the chair until the knees are situated so that the thighs and<br />

calves are at a 90° angle to the floor underneath the table, and the elbows are bent to<br />

provide the forearms and upper arms at a 90° angle to the table with the wrists resting on<br />

the wrist pad.<br />


8. The subject may move the keyboard to the side in order to place the magazine in<br />

front of them on the table. Subject sets and starts the digital timer for 20 minutes. Subject<br />

reads the selected magazine while facing the front of the room (the computer screen) for<br />

20 minutes (to acclimate to the environment). Subject turns off the timer.<br />

9. Subject surveyed with the wearer acceptability instrument.<br />

10. Subject turns toward the aisle for skin test and remains seated. Researcher<br />

measures the thermal skin temperature of the subjects’ right forearm, right upper arm, left<br />

forearm, left upper arm, chest, and forehead using the laser thermometer.<br />

11. Subject turns back to face the computer screen and rechecks initial alignment of<br />

legs and arms after placing the keyboard back in front of them (the thighs and calves are<br />

at a 90° angle to the floor underneath the table, and the elbows are bent to provide the<br />

forearms and upper arms at a 90° angle to the table with the wrists resting on the wrist<br />

pad).<br />

12. Subject chooses an article they enjoyed, sets and starts the timer for 30 minutes.<br />

The subject types about what they enjoyed, either how it can be applied in their lives, or<br />

how they can relate to the subject. Videotaping from the side of the row continuously<br />

captures activity assessment to determine when posture changed while seated.<br />

13. During typing activity, 20 minutes after starting time, side view photos will be<br />

taken using a quiet camera without flash.<br />

14. After the typing activity, the subject will turn off the timer, and move to the back<br />

of the room to the table labeled “Filing” bringing their personal items Ziploc bag and<br />

clipboard with them.<br />


15. Subject will remove two empty cardboard file boxes from an overhead stack of<br />

boxes.<br />

16. Subject will place the box on a table, and place in file folders. Subject will set<br />

and start the timer for 15 minutes and file the letters alphabetically until the timer stops.<br />

17. The subject will remove the file folders and papers, restacking them in individual<br />

stacks, and replace the empty file boxes on top of the box stack.<br />

18. Subject will move away from the “Filing” table to one of the desks marked<br />

“Movement Assessment A” or “Movement Assessment B” and begin the movement<br />

assessment which will require ranking ease with required movements and fit during<br />

movement. For the physical movement other than at the desk, please move into and stay<br />

inside of the taped rectangle area on the floor.<br />

19. While standing, subject will rank the filing movement accordingly in the booklet.<br />

20. Subject will sit down from standing and rank the movement.<br />

21. Subject will rank the fit while sitting.<br />

22. Subject will reach forward while sitting and rank the fit.<br />

23. Subject will type three lines of anything they desire and rank it accordingly.<br />

24. Subject will rise from sitting to standing and rank the movement.<br />

25. Subject will walk to one end of the taped rectangle and walk forward five steps<br />

and turn around and walk five steps back and rank the movement of walking and the fit<br />

during walking.<br />

26. Subject will raise and lower their arms in front of them as if to pump weights<br />

three times slowly (abduction and adduction) and rank the movement.<br />


27. Subject will bend torso back and then forward slowly to reach to their toes, and<br />

then straight back up again and rank both the movement and fit during the movement.<br />

28. Subject will bend their torso from side to side slowly three times, and then<br />

straight back up again and rank the movement.<br />

29. Subject will turn torso from left to right at waist and look over each shoulder.<br />

30. Subject will raise arms out in front of them and spread arms open to sides and<br />

then bring them forward again and repeat series slowly three times and rank the<br />

movement.<br />

31. Subject will raise their arms out in front of them and over their head and then<br />

lower their arms completely, repeat the series three times slowly, and rank the movement<br />

and assess the fit accordingly.<br />

32. Each subject will have their thermal skin temperature taken.<br />

33. Subjects will be surveyed using the Model Fit evaluation Scale, the McGinnis<br />

Thermal Scale, and the Wearer Acceptability Scale.<br />

34. Subject will return to dressing room (room 206) and have five photos taken<br />

without the t-shirt on and against a 1” grid (front view, side view, back view, front view<br />

with arms raised over head, and front view with arms raised at sides) for visual<br />

assessment of the posture that will be made based on the New York Posture Rating Scale.<br />

35. Each subject will then go to room 215 (the room with the body scanner in it),<br />

receive biker shorts from the research assistant, and go into the body scanner dressing<br />

room and remove their pants and put on the biker shorts.<br />


36. Subject will enter the body scanner and be told to place their feet on the markings,<br />

hold the handlebars with their hands, and hold still until the scanner completes the scan<br />

(which takes about 2 minutes).<br />

37. One of the research assistants will measure the angle of the arms of the subject,<br />

and record the angle in order to maintain the same angle throughout the remainder of the<br />

study during each scan.<br />

38. Subject will be given instructions from the body scanner system and be scanned.<br />

39. Once the scan is checked for accuracy, the subject will either be rescanned if<br />

necessary, or be told to get dressed. Subjects will place all testing materials in the opaque<br />

bag and return it to the research assistant, along with the clipboard and booklet.<br />

40. The protocol will be repeated on either three consecutive days or the following<br />

day, Friday, and Thursday, and Friday of the following week. Each subject will be<br />

randomly assigned each of the additional treatments until they have received each of<br />

them.<br />

41. On the last day, the subjects will be given a body scan analysis. Subjects will also<br />

be given the option to receive a printout of their body scan, and save a copy of their data<br />

if they bring a flash drive.<br />



Study Instruction Booklet<br />


Study Instruction Booklet<br />

Session: 1 2 3 4<br />

Subject: ______<br />

P. 1<br />


Enter activity room 204, proceed to the front table labeled “Magazines”, and<br />

select a magazine. Go to an open computer desk marked either “Station A”, “Station B”<br />

or “Station C” in ascending order (A, B, C) from arrival and sit down. Adjust the chair<br />

until your knees are situated so that your thighs and calves are at a 90° angle to the floor<br />

underneath the table, and your elbows are bent with your forearms and upper arms at a<br />

90° angle to the table with your wrists resting on the wrist pad. You may move the<br />

keyboard to the side in order to place the magazine in front of you on the table. Set and<br />

start the digital timer for 20 minutes.<br />

Instructions for Setting Digital Timer:<br />

a. Press “M” button to set minutes and hold down until the correct number of<br />

seconds appear, then release.<br />

b. Press “S” button to set seconds and hold down until the correct number of<br />

minutes appear, then release.<br />

c. Once the timer has been set, press “START”, read the selected magazine while<br />

facing the front of the room (the computer screen) for 20 minutes until timer rings. Once<br />

timer rings, turn off the timer by pressing “STOP”. Press “M” and “S” at the same time<br />

to reset timer.<br />

Fill out the survey on the next page entitled wearer acceptability instrument.<br />

Please mark everything and give the best response that you can. Feel free to add any<br />

comments you have in the booklet at anytime.<br />

Turn Page P. 2<br />


Wearer Acceptability Scale<br />

Place an X on the blank line at the location that best describes how you feel with the<br />

middle being neutral in the upper support garment only.<br />

Comfortable ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Uncomfortable<br />

Unacceptable ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Acceptable<br />

Tired ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Rested<br />

Place an X on the blank at the location that best describes only the upper body support<br />

system you are wearing with the middle being neutral.<br />

Flexible ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Stiff<br />

Hard to put on ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Easy to put on<br />

Freedom of ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Restricted<br />

movement of arms<br />

movement of arms<br />

Easy to move in ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Hard to move in<br />

Unsatisfactory fit ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Satisfactory fit<br />

Freedom of ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Restricted<br />

movement of torso<br />

movement of torso<br />

Like ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Dislike<br />

Tight ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Loose<br />

Bulky ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Not Bulky<br />

Cool ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Hot<br />

Lightweight ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Heavyweight<br />

Soft to the skin ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Harsh to the skin<br />

Absorbent ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Nonabsorbent<br />

[Based on Huck & Kim’s (1997) Wearer acceptability scale]<br />

Turn Page P. 3<br />


Turn towards the aisle, to face research assistant for skin test and remain seated.<br />

Readjust the chair until your knees are situated so that your thighs and calves are<br />

at a 90° angle to the floor underneath the table, and your elbows are bent with your<br />

forearms and upper arms at a 90° angle to the table with your wrists resting on the wrist<br />

pad. You may move the keyboard to the side in order to place the magazine in front of<br />

you on the table.<br />

Turn back to face the computer screen, placing the keyboard back in front of you,<br />

and recheck the alignment of your legs and arms as you did originally (with your thighs<br />

and calves at a 90° angle to the floor underneath the table, and your elbows bent to<br />

provide your forearms and upper arms at a 90° angle to the table with your wrists resting<br />

on the wrist pad).<br />

Choose an article you enjoyed reading. Then set and start the timer for 30<br />

minutes. Type about what you enjoyed, either how it can be applied in your life, how<br />

you can relate to the subject, or anything at all. The important thing is that you type as<br />

continuously as possible until the time period ends. After the typing activity, turn off the<br />

timer, and reset it.<br />

Read and perform each movement required. Then place an X on the blank at the<br />

location that best describes how you can move in the treatment with the middle being<br />

neutral. Some of the movements will require an evaluation of the fit of the upper body<br />

support garment worn (the sports bra, or support systems).<br />

Rank the movement of typing.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

Describe the fit while sitting using the scale below.<br />

Extremely tight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely loose<br />

Extremely satisfied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely dissatisfied<br />

Comments:<br />

Turn towards the aisle, to face research assistant for skin test and remain seated.<br />

Fill out the wearer acceptability scale on the next page. Please mark everything<br />

and give the best response that you can. Feel free to add any comments you have in the<br />

booklet.<br />

Turn Page P. 4<br />


Wearer Acceptability Scale<br />

Place an X on the blank line at the location that best describes how you feel with the<br />

middle being neutral in the upper support garment only.<br />

Comfortable ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Uncomfortable<br />

Unacceptable ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Acceptable<br />

Tired ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Rested<br />

Place an X on the blank at the location that best describes only the upper body support<br />

system you are wearing with the middle being neutral.<br />

Flexible ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Stiff<br />

Hard to put on ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Easy to put on<br />

Freedom of ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Restricted<br />

movement of arms<br />

movement of arms<br />

Easy to move in ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Hard to move in<br />

Unsatisfactory fit ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Satisfactory fit<br />

Freedom of ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Restricted<br />

movement of torso<br />

movement of torso<br />

Like ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Dislike<br />

Tight ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Loose<br />

Bulky ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Not Bulky<br />

Cool ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Hot<br />

Lightweight ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Heavyweight<br />

Soft to the skin ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Harsh to the skin<br />

Absorbent ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Nonabsorbent<br />

[Based on Huck & Kim’s (1997) Wearer acceptability scale]<br />

Turn Page P. 5<br />


Move to the back of the room to the table labeled “Filing” bringing your personal<br />

items bag and clipboard with you.<br />

Place personal items bag and clipboard out of the way to the extreme right hand<br />

side of the table, but in plain view. Remove one empty cardboard file box from the<br />

overhead stack of boxes. Place the box in the middle of the table and place file folders<br />

inside of it. Set and start the timer for 15 minutes and file the papers alphabetically in the<br />

folder until the timer stops.<br />

Turn off timer, reset it, and remove the file folders and papers, restacking them in<br />

individual stacks, and replace the empty file box on top of the box stack. Move away<br />

from the “Filing” table to one of the desks marked “Movement Assessment A” or<br />

“Movement Assessment B” bringing your personal items bag and clipboard with you.<br />

Begin the movement assessment and fit evaluation, which requires ranking ease<br />

with required movements and evaluating fit during required movements. For the physical<br />

movement other than at the desk, please move into and stay inside of the taped rectangle<br />

area on the floor.<br />

Turn Page P. 6<br />


Read and perform each movement required. Then place an X on the blank at the<br />

location that best describes how you can move in the treatment with the middle being<br />

neutral. Some of the movements will require an evaluation of the fit of the upper body<br />

support garment worn (the sports bra, or support systems).<br />

1. While standing, rank the previous filing movement of taking the boxes down from the<br />

stack.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

2. Sit down from standing and rank the movement.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

3. While sitting, reach forward with both arms. Then rank the movement and fit of the<br />

upper body support<br />

system while reaching forward.<br />

Comments:<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

Extremely tight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely loose<br />

Extremely satisfied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely dissatisfied<br />

3. Rise from sitting to standing and rank the movement.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

4. Walk to one end of the taped rectangle, walk forward five steps, and turn around and<br />

walk five steps back.<br />

a. Rank the movement of walking.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

b. Rank fit during walking.<br />

Extremely tight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely loose<br />

P. 7<br />


Extremely satisfied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely dissatisfied<br />

5. Raise and lower your arms in front of you with palms facing the ground as if to pump<br />

weights three times slowly and rank the movement.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

6. Bend torso back and then forward slowly to reach to your toes, and then straight back<br />

up again.<br />

a. Rank the movement of bending.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

b. Rank fit during bending.<br />

Extremely tight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely loose<br />

Extremely satisfied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely dissatisfied<br />

7. Bend torso from side to side slowly three times, and then straight back up again. Rank<br />

the movement.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

8. Turn torso from left to right at waist and look over each shoulder and rank the<br />

movement.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

9. Put your clipboard down and raise your arms out in front of you palms facing the<br />

ground and spread arms open to sides and then bring them forward again and repeat<br />

slowly three times and rank the movement.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

P. 8<br />


10. Put your clipboard down and raise your arms out in front of you (palms facing down)<br />

and over your head and then lower arms completely, repeat the series three times slowly.<br />

Rank the movement and assess the fit accordingly.<br />

a. Rank the movement of raising arms overhead.<br />

Easy to do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hard to do<br />

b. Rank fit during raising arms overhead.<br />

Extremely tight _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely loose<br />

Extremely satisfied _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Extremely dissatisfied<br />

[Based on Huck & Kim’s (1997) Wearer acceptability scale and McRoberts’ Model Fit<br />

Evaluation Index (2005)]<br />

Turn Page P. 9<br />


Sit down at the desk you used for the movement assessment marked “Movement<br />

Assessment A” or “Movement Assessment B” bringing your personal items bag and<br />

clipboard with you.<br />

Turn towards the aisle, to face research assistant for skin test and remain seated.<br />

Complete the surveys using the Overall Model Fit Evaluation Index, the<br />

McGinnis Thermal Scale, Aesthetic Attribute Questionnaire, and the Wearer<br />

Acceptability Scale.<br />

Turn Page P. 10<br />



Please circle the most appropriate response based on the corresponding scale.<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Extremely Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Extremely<br />

Tight Tight Loose Loose<br />

A. Describe the fit of the upper support garment only across the:<br />

1. Across the bust area 1 2 3 4 5<br />

2. Below the bust area 1 2 3 4 5<br />

B. Describe the fit of the upper support garment only in the area between:<br />

3. Around the neck area 1 2 3 4 5<br />

4. Across the shoulder blades in the back 1 2 3 4 5<br />

5. Under the arms 1 2 3 4 5<br />

6. In the armhole area 1 2 3 4 5<br />

7. From the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the<br />

support system 1 2 3 4 5<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Extremely Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Extremely<br />

Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Dissatisfied<br />

8. Overall, how satisfied are you with the fit of the upper support garment only?<br />

(Based on McRoberts, 2005)<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Turn Page P. 11<br />


McGinnis Thermal Scale<br />

I AM:<br />

1. So cold I am helpless<br />

2. Numb with cold<br />

3. Very cold<br />

4. Cold<br />

5. Uncomfortably cool<br />

6. Cool but fairly comfortable<br />

7. Comfortable<br />

8. Warm but fairly comfortable<br />

9. Uncomfortably warm<br />

10. Hot<br />

11. Very hot<br />

12. Almost as hot as I can stand<br />

13. So hot I am sick and nauseated<br />

(Hollies, 1971, p. 112.)<br />

Turn Page P. 12<br />


Aesthetic Attribute Questionnaire<br />

1. What would be some of your concerns about wearing this support system to work?<br />

2. If you could change something about the design, what would it be?<br />

3. Please provide any other information you would like to regarding the clothing<br />

attributes of this support system (fabric and clothing system, aesthetics, style,<br />

fashionability, appropriateness, design, color, texture, and body emphasis).<br />

Other Comments:<br />

Turn Page P. 13<br />


Wearer Acceptability Scale<br />

Place an X on the blank line at the location that best describes how you feel with the<br />

middle being neutral in the upper support garment only.<br />

Comfortable ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Uncomfortable<br />

Unacceptable ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Acceptable<br />

Tired ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Rested<br />

Place an X on the blank at the location that best describes only the upper body support<br />

system you are wearing with the middle being neutral.<br />

Flexible ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Stiff<br />

Hard to put on ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Easy to put on<br />

Freedom of ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Restricted<br />

movement of arms<br />

movement of arms<br />

Easy to move in ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Hard to move in<br />

Unsatisfactory fit ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Satisfactory fit<br />

Freedom of ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Restricted<br />

movement of torso<br />

movement of torso<br />

Like ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Dislike<br />

Tight ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Loose<br />

Bulky ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Not Bulky<br />

Cool ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Hot<br />

Lightweight ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Heavyweight<br />

Soft to the skin ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Harsh to the skin<br />

Absorbent ⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐___⏐ Nonabsorbent<br />

[Based on Huck & Kim’s (1997) Wearer acceptability scale]<br />

Turn Page P. 14<br />


Return to dressing Room 204.<br />

*End of Activity/Movement Session<br />

P. 15<br />



Analysis of Variance for Individual Mobility Movements<br />


Analysis of Variance for Individual Mobility Movements<br />

Source Num df Den df F ω 2 p<br />

Type: Sequence 2 19.2 3.47 0.076 .052<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.80 0.123 .017*<br />

error (2.0283)<br />

Reach: Sequence 2 18.7 0.65 -0.012 .535<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.84 0.124 .017*<br />

error (2.6332)<br />

Raise arms: Sequence 2 18.6 0.06 -0.032 .939<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.34 0.105 .029*<br />

error (2.5892)<br />

Turn torso: Sequence 2 17.1 0.27 -0.025 .768<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.07 0.094 .039*<br />

error (1.5401)<br />

Spread arms: Sequence 2 16.6 0.10 -0.031 .908<br />

Treatment 3 39 3.85 0.125 .017*<br />

error (2.1224)<br />

Overhead: Sequence 2 17.8 0.18 -0.028 .840<br />

Treatment 3 39 4.45 0.147 .009*<br />

error (2.8579)<br />


File: Sequence 2 19.2 0.28 4.41 .757<br />

Treatment 3 39 2.47 64.41 .076<br />

error (2.8647)<br />

Sitting: Sequence 2 18.9 0.18 -0.027 .835<br />

Treatment 3 39 2.08 0.051 .119<br />

error (1.6472)<br />

Rise from Sequence 2 21.1 0.11 -0.031 .900<br />

Sitting: Treatment 3 39 0.74 -0.013 .534<br />

error (1.8268)<br />

Walking: Sequence 2 20.2 0.34 -0.022 .716<br />

Treatment 3 39 1.27 0.013 .300<br />

error (1.6478)<br />

Bend back: Sequence 2 17.3 0.08 -0.032 .924<br />

Treatment 3 39 2.37 0.064 .086<br />

error (2.3402)<br />

Bend side: Sequence 2 18.4 0.18 -0.022 .838<br />

Treatment 3 39 2.19 0.013 .104<br />

error (2.1920)<br />

Note. Values in parentheses represent residual estimate from the covariance parameter estimates. ω 2 =<br />

omega-squared values - tell the strength of association for the F tests.<br />

*p< .05.<br />



Range of Motion Results Table<br />


Participant Range of Motion by Treatments<br />

Subject Tx. 1 Tx. 2 Tx. 3 Tx. 4 Tx. 1 Tx. 2 Tx. 3 Tx. 4<br />

Abduct Abduct Abduct Abduct Ovrhd Ovrhd Ovrhd Ovrhd<br />

1 90 94 94 93 18 8 14 14<br />

2 90 * 98 90 9 * 4 12<br />

3 90 104 102 102 27 25 18 27<br />

4 99 80 90 80 14 15 17 15<br />

5 89 * 90 91 26 * 21 33<br />

6 91 91 90 95 12 8 17 14<br />

7 74 75 77 89 14 13 4 10<br />

8 90 90 88 91 10 8 8 8<br />

9 90 84 90 92 16 20 23 18<br />

10 70 74 84 88 23 18 19 19<br />

11 97 90 90 91 17 8 14 18<br />

12 90 91 90 90 12 17 24 18<br />

13 88 90 90 90 21 21 28 21<br />

14 90 101 93 95 15 23 20 17<br />

15 92 91 90 * 16 18 15 *<br />

Note. Results are given in degrees. Abduct = abduction, arms raised to the sides; Ovrhd = overhead,<br />

arms raised overhead.<br />

* = missing data.<br />



Frequencies of Participant Responses to Psychosocial Questions<br />


Frequencies – Results of Psychosocial Questions<br />

Fabric/Clothing Attribute Concern Specified/Comment Tx 1 Tx 2 Tx 3 Tx 4<br />

Aesthetics Bust shape/Appearance -3 -5 -2 -1<br />

Add bust form -12 -1 -1<br />

Separate bust -1<br />

Can be worn as bra +1<br />

Subtotal -15 -5 -3 -2<br />

Style No concerns/change +1 +4 +1<br />

Dislike – change – general -1 -2<br />

Change strap style line -1 -1 -4<br />

Subtotal +1 +3 -1 -6<br />

Fashionability Not fashionable -2 -2 -1<br />

Aesthetically pleasing +1<br />

Subtotal 0 -2 -2 0<br />

Appropriateness Would never wear to work -1 -1<br />

Subtotal 0 0 -1 -1<br />

Design Change/eliminate Velcro -6<br />

Velcro convenient +1<br />

Narrow strap width -1 -1<br />

Acceptable fit with clothing +1<br />

General clothing interaction -3 -1<br />

Change neckline – flatten -1<br />

Waist – rolls -1 -1<br />


Reduce bulk – shoulders -1 -1<br />

Reduce bulk – at waist -1<br />

Reduce bulk – underarm -1<br />

Reduce bulk – Velcro -2<br />

Subtotal -3 -1 -5 -10<br />

Color Dislike/change trim color -3 -1<br />

Like color +1 +3<br />

Subtotal +1 0 -1 0<br />

Texture Great materials +1 +2<br />

Change materials -1 -2 -2<br />

Subtotal 0 0 0 -2<br />

Body Emphasis/De-emphasis Lower Neckline (front) -4 -3<br />

Lower Neckline (back) -1<br />

Lengthen bust -1<br />

Lengthen hemline -1 -2<br />

Shorten hemline -2<br />

Lower armholes -2 -1 -3<br />

Subtotal -7 -5 -5 -3<br />

Note. Tx = Treatment. Scale = -15 to +15. With ≥ -1 = Negative (Concern, Less favorable to the wearer),<br />

0 = Neutral, and ≥ +1 = Positive (More favorable to the wearer).<br />



Analysis of Prototype Bust Concerns for Participants<br />


Analysis of Prototype Bust Concerns for Participants by Race, Height, Weight, and<br />

Circumferential Measurements (bust, waist, hips)<br />

Bust Race Height 1 Weight 1 Bust Waist Hips<br />

Concern Feet/inches pounds inches inches inches<br />

No 4 AA 5.1 120 34.38 28.63 38.45<br />

Yes 3 H 5.1 128 36.00 30.25 39.13<br />

Yes 3 H 5.1 134 37.75 30.75 41.00<br />

No 4 H 5.2 144 37.75 31.50 42.25<br />

Yes 3 C 5.3 117 32.63 27.63 36.00<br />

Yes 3 H 5.4 120 34.50 28.63 37.25<br />

No 4 C 5.4 150 37.25 29.86 42.25<br />

No 4 C 5.5 150 35.50 29.00 44.00<br />

No 3 AA 5.5 175 43.00 39.50 45.50<br />

No 4 AA 5.6 150 37.38 31.25 42.00<br />

No 4 C 5.6 NA 2 47.00 40.00 51.00<br />

No 3 AA 5.7 NA 2 45.00 37.00 45.25<br />

Yes 3 C 5.8 155 38.25 31.00 40.38<br />

No 4 C 5.8 213 42.38 37.50 51.88<br />

No 4 AA 5.9 235 44.38 39.50 49.25<br />

1<br />

Self-report.<br />

2 NA=not available. Participant did not provide weight.<br />

3 Bust and hips circumference difference is less than 4 inches (larger busted than pear-shaped individuals).<br />

4 Pear-shaped, Bust is 4 or more inches smaller than hips circumference.<br />



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Luz “Lisa” Barona McRoberts<br />

lmcrob1@lsu.edu<br />

Ph.D. <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Tallahassee, <strong>Florida</strong>, 2008.<br />

Major: Textiles and Consumer Sciences<br />

Concentrations: Apparel Design/Product Development, Functional Design,<br />

Comfort, Fit<br />

Dissertation: The Design and Assessment of a Soft Structural Support Prototype<br />

for Postural Alignment.<br />

M.S. Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2005.<br />

Major: Human Ecology<br />

Concentrations: Apparel Design/Production, Fit<br />

Thesis: Petite Women: Fit and Body Shape Analysis<br />

B.S. Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2000.<br />

Major: Human Ecology<br />

Concentrations: Apparel Design/Production, Merchandising, Fashion Promotion,<br />

Entrepreneurship, Couture Techniques<br />

Couture Certification, House of LeSage, Paris, France, 11/97.<br />

Concentrations: Beading and Embroidery<br />


2007 to Present Assistant Professor, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2005 to 2007 Graduate Teaching Assistant/Instructor, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

2005 to 2007 Graduate Student Mentor, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2005 to 2006 Graduate Research Assistant, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

Summer, 2005<br />

Vera Wang Summer Intern, Bridal Design –Samplehand,<br />

Participation in Production Fittings, and In-house press shows,<br />

NYC, NY<br />

2004 - 2005 Graduate Teaching Instructor, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2004 - 2005 Graduate Teaching Assistant II, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />


2003 - 2004 Graduate Teaching Assistant I, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2002 - 2003 Intern Supervisor, Private Business Owner, Louisiana <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

-Supervised and instructed interns couture and entrepreneurship<br />

techniques.<br />

Fall, 2000<br />

Instructor, St. Joseph’s Academy, Baton Rouge, LA<br />

1996 - 1998 Substitute Instructor, Sacred Heart School, Baton Rouge, LA<br />


Mildred Pepper Design Competition, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Tallahassee, <strong>Florida</strong><br />

2007 Graduate Career/Day Wear (first place)<br />

Fashion Group International, New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

2004 Alpha Award Recipient (first place), Custom Design, Single Item –<br />

Couture<br />

2003 Alpha Award Recipient (first place), Custom Design, Single Item –<br />

Couture Formal/Evening<br />

2003 Bronze (third place), Carnival Court Costume<br />

2002 Alpha Award Recipient (first place), Custom Design, Single Item –<br />

Couture Formal/Evening<br />

2002 Bronze (third place), Carnival Court Costume<br />

2001 Alpha Award Recipient (first place), Custom Design – Bridal<br />

2001 Bronze (third place), Custom Design – Couture<br />

2000 Alpha Award Recipient (first place), Custom Design – Couture<br />

1999 Participant LSU Educational Alpha Award, Team Alligator<br />

Project, Second Place for Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

1998 Runner Up at Fashion Group International’s Career Day<br />


Fashion Group International, Dallas, Texas<br />

2000 First Place, Special Occasion<br />

2000 Second Place, Weekend Design<br />

International Textiles and Apparel Association<br />

2002 International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Design<br />

Exhibition and Competition, Mounted Exhibit, NYC, NY<br />


McRoberts, L. & Belleau, B. (2006). Petite Women: Fit and Body Shape Analysis.<br />


McRoberts, L. & Belleau, B. (2007). An Internship Experience Inside Vera Wang What<br />

Students Need To Know To Be Successful. ITAA Proceedings, Monument, CO:<br />

ITAA, Inc. (In press)<br />

McRoberts, L. & Black, C. (2007). The Importance of Industry Techniques in the<br />

Classroom: Vera Wang Example, Corsetry. ITAA Annual Proceedings,<br />

Monument, CO: ITAA, Inc. (In press)<br />

McRoberts, L. & Belleau, B. (2006). Petite Women: Fit and Body Shape Analysis. ITAA<br />

Proceedings, Monument, CO: ITAA, Inc. (In press)<br />

McRoberts, L. & Rees, K. (2004). An Analysis of the Competitiveness of the U.S.<br />

Apparel Industry. ITAA Proceedings, #61, Res205, Monument, CO: ITAA, Inc.<br />

Available from http://www.itaaonline.org<br />

GRANTS:<br />

McRoberts, L. (2006). College of Graduate Students Travel Award, Graduate School,<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

McRoberts, L. (2006). College of Human Sciences Travel Award, Graduate School,<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />

McRoberts, L. (2004). Graduate School Travel Award, Graduate School, Louisiana <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong>.<br />

McRoberts, L. (2004). Dr. Harvey S. Lewis Graduate Travel Award, School of Human<br />

Ecology, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>.<br />



McRoberts, L., Belleau, B., Garrison, E., Cloud, R., & Black, C. (2008). Development of<br />

a Fit Evaluation Index. ITAA Annual Meeting<br />

McRoberts, L., Black, C., & Cloud, R. (2008). The Design and Assessment of a Soft<br />

Structural Support Prototype for Postural Alignment. ITAA Annual Meeting<br />


*Indicates Presenter(s)<br />

*McRoberts, L. & Belleau, B. (2007). An Internship Experience Inside Vera Wang What<br />

Students Need To Know To Be Successful. ITAA Annual Meeting<br />

*McRoberts, L. & Black, C. (2007). The Importance of Industry Techniques in the<br />

Classroom: Vera Wang Example, Corsetry. ITAA Annual Meeting<br />

*McRoberts, L. & Belleau, B. (2006). Petite Women: Fit and Body Shape Analysis.<br />

ITAA Proceedings, Monument, CO: ITAA, Inc. (In press)<br />

*McRoberts, L. & Rees, K. (2004). An Analysis of the Competitiveness of the U.S.<br />

Apparel Industry. ITAA Proceedings, #61, Res205, Monument, CO: ITAA, Inc.<br />

Available from http://www.itaaonline.org<br />


McRoberts, L. & Belleau, B. (2005). Petite Women: Fit and Body Shape Analysis.<br />

Southeast Graduate Consortium, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>. (*Alison Burns)<br />


HUEC 4070 Entrepreneurship in Human Ecology<br />

HUEC 4045 Synthesis: Textile & Apparel Production<br />

HUEC 4037 Advanced Apparel Production<br />

CTE 4725 Advanced Apparel Design (co-taught couture techniques)<br />

CTE 4752 Design Through Draping<br />

CTE 3341 Advanced Clothing Construction<br />

CTE 1310 Basic Apparel Construction<br />

HUEC 2041 Textile Science Lab<br />



HUEC 4045 Synthesis: Textile & Apparel Production<br />

HUEC 4037 Advanced Apparel Production<br />

HUEC 3230 Pattern Making with Computer Application<br />

HUEC 3037 Intermediate Textile & Apparel Production<br />


2008 Glenn Society Member, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2008 Board Member, Arts of Fashion International<br />

2007 Invited to participate in a teaching exchange in Colombia, South<br />

America at the Corporacion Unificada Nacional De Educacion<br />

Superior<br />

2007 Golden Key Nominee, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2007 Oglesby Gallery Exhibition Participant, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2007 Outstanding Teacher Assistant Award, Center for Teaching and<br />

Learning, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2006 InRegister Runway Challenge Judge, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2005 – 2006 Design Team Committee Member, AAFA Accreditation, <strong>Florida</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2005 College of Human Sciences Graduate ShowCase Participant,<br />

<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2005 Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Highlights: Community Partnerships,<br />

Michelle Spielman<br />

2004 Graduate Student Star, School of Human Ecology, Louisiana <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

2004 Edith Arnold Graduate Scholarship, School of Human Ecology,<br />

Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2003 Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Graduate School Supplement Award,<br />

Graduate School, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />



1999 – 2002 Krewe of Romany, Design and execution of Court costumes,<br />

King and Queen for Romany Ball Captains: Rachel Grace,<br />

Jeannine Schutte, & Carol Dykes<br />

1999 to Present Lisa Barona McRoberts, Inc., Entrepreneur, Custom couture<br />

bridal, debutante and evening gown design business<br />

1996 Shelley Brunson, Constructed exotic fur designer pillows<br />

marketed by Beth Clayborn<br />

1995 Klarion Designs, Contracted by Karla King<br />

1995 Playmakers, Costumer<br />

1994 Swine Palace Productions, Contracted for costumer<br />

1994 Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Theatre, Seamstress<br />

1994 – 1998 Anne Marie Kenney, Designed and finished hand-painted<br />

garments<br />

1984 Cynthia Couture, Constructed custom-made silk dresses<br />

1984 Independent Contractor, Began sewing eveningwear and bridal<br />

gowns for the public<br />

1984 Ma Petite, Salesclerk<br />


2007 Outstanding Teacher Assistant Award Nominee, Center for<br />

Teaching and Learning, <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2007 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Teaching Portfolio<br />

Seminar, Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE), <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

2006 Teaching Portfolio Seminar, Program for Instructional Excellence<br />

(PIE), <strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2006 Grant Writing Workshop, Office of Research Services, <strong>Florida</strong><br />

<strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2005 Program for Instructional Excellence (PIE) Teaching Conference,<br />


<strong>Florida</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

2004 TCTC Body Scanner Training, Southern <strong>University</strong>, Louisiana<br />

2003 Blackboard Training, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

1996 New York Field Study, Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />


Textiles & Consumer Science Graduate School Advisory Committee<br />

2006-2007 President<br />

2005-2006 Vice-President<br />

Gamma Beta Phi<br />

Glenn Honor Society<br />

International Textiles and Apparel Association<br />

Kappa Omnicron<br />

Phi Upsilon Omicron<br />

The Fashion Group, International<br />

Arts of Fashion International 2007 Board Member<br />


2008 Interdisciplinary Teaching & Collaboration with Ladies Who<br />

Launch, International<br />

- Facilitation and supervision of Entrepreneurship students with<br />

local entrepreneurs for the development of business plans<br />

2007 St. Joseph’s Academy<br />

- Served as retreat leader for Senior Trip<br />

2007 Girls Hope<br />

- Met with student interested in Apparel Design<br />

2000-2005 Junior League of Baton Rouge, Member 2000-2005<br />

- Auctioned garment for the Junior League of Baton Rouge,<br />

Hollydays, 2000<br />

2001-2003 Catholic High School Mother’s Club Auction<br />

- Auctioned garment for each Annual Auction<br />

2002 Louisiana <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong> Friends of the Museum Auction<br />

- Auctioned garment for the Annual Auction<br />

2001 American Heart Association Annual Auction<br />

- Auctioned commissioned garment for the Annual Auction<br />


2004 Spring Hill College – St. Joseph Chapel<br />

- Design and creation of altar cloths<br />

1995 – 2005 St. Joseph Cathedral<br />

- Preservation and creation of vestments<br />

2000 – 2002 St. Joseph’s Academy<br />

- Presented couture techniques and garments<br />

2000 Baton Rouge Bead Association<br />

- Presentation on couture beading and embroidery<br />

1998- 2001 St. Joseph Cathedral<br />

- Youth Ministry Director<br />

1997 - 1999 Sacred Heart School<br />

- Spanish Instructor to middle school children<br />

1988 – 1998 St. Joseph Cathedral<br />

- Religious education instructor<br />


Married twenty-four years, two children ages twenty-three and twenty-one.<br />

Fluent in Spanish.<br />


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