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PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania

PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania


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57<br />

Calomel and opium every hour and fomenting the eyes with a tepid decoction<br />

<strong>of</strong> white poppy capsule. As surgeon to the Liverpoo l Dispensaris he had<br />

found this treatment very successful . The next morning G. C. Scha,,· ca 11 eel<br />

upon Hal l and denied that the man was without rations ,<br />

stating that he had<br />

not thought the case was too urgent as the man had always suffered with<br />

sore eyes . In any case he intended to return the man to the Government<br />

that day in the usual way . Hall argued that , according to the regulations ,<br />

Schaw could not do th is wh ile the man was suffering from an acute disease,<br />

especially as the so-called hospital was only a building unprovided with<br />

any requirements for th e treatment <strong>of</strong> the sick .<br />

that Schaw had returned the man to the Government ,<br />

Later Hall was informed<br />

and as he was not in the<br />

watch-house , he could not be supp lied with rations .<br />

Consequently Ha ll was<br />

left with the sick man on his hands ,<br />

supplying him with all the necessaries<br />

<strong>of</strong> life from his own purse.<br />

Perp lexed as to the correct procedure he<br />

asked for <strong>of</strong>ficial instructions on March 19 from Officer , who concurred in<br />

his opinion <strong>of</strong> the Schaws '<br />

actions and submitted the case for Frank lin's<br />

consideration . As a result Schaw , though strongly excusing himself and<br />

his son from any guilt , was firmly reprimanded by the Government ;<br />

it was agreed, had acted ''with much feeling and kindness" . 11<br />

This<br />

Hall,<br />

unfortunate incident served only to add more fuel to the fire <strong>of</strong> hosti lity<br />

which the Assistant Police Mag istrate already entertained towards th e<br />

Doctor .<br />

That pernicious emotion was affecting other residents <strong>of</strong> Bothw el l<br />

too , due sometimes to local causes , at others to factors affecting the<br />

who le colony, especially the many changes taking place in the British<br />

Government 's po licy on convicts . Many felt that the new Probation Syste<br />

cold not succeed; they were concerned at the lack <strong>of</strong> free immigrants to<br />

supp ly their demands for labour now that assignment was to cease ;<br />

a:r.c thev<br />

were outraged at what they considered unj ustifiab le insults poured upon<br />

them over the ir treatment <strong>of</strong> assigned servants .<br />

Article after article in<br />

the press condemning the Probation System confirmed their own opinions .<br />

Closer at hand and more disturbing was the hostility between the<br />

Presbyterian and Ep iscopalian sects which had broken out into open confl ict .<br />

For many years the two groups worked harmon ious ly together, the<br />

Presbyterians under Garrett 's guidance ,<br />

and the Epis copalians under the<br />

Reverend Dr Drought , a visiting clergyman from Green Ponds ,<br />

sharing th eir<br />

services ln the small , stone chape l <strong>of</strong> St . Luke 's which had been opened<br />

11 c.s.o. 5/235/5965 .

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