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PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania

PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania


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43<br />

sentence had been served, to be followed by a Pardon .<br />

Each stage <strong>of</strong><br />

discipline was controlled by regulations too numerous to elucidate here ,<br />

the who le process being dependent upon the convict 's 01n desire for<br />

improvement and social reform . 1 3<br />

Since Hall, as a "convict doctor", was in frequent cont act for<br />

many years with men who lived out their penal sentences according to th ese<br />

conditions , the pattern <strong>of</strong> their daily life is an indication <strong>of</strong> the likely<br />

prob lems both mental and physical he was called upon to solve. The<br />

probation gangs consisted <strong>of</strong> two hundred and fifty to three hundred or<br />

more men who were employed on the building <strong>of</strong> roads and bridges , clearing<br />

land and growing' crops for their own subsistence . Although there 1ere<br />

slight variations from one camp to another, the fo llowing hours <strong>of</strong> 1crk<br />

were usually adhered to : in Novemb er , December, January and February 1ork<br />

began at five thirty a.m. and finished at six p.m. with time <strong>of</strong>f for<br />

breakfast from eight unti 1 nine and dinner from twe 1 ve to one , In \1arch ,<br />

October, April and September, work began at six thirty a.m. and ended at<br />

five thirty p.m. ; in May and August, from eight a.m. unt il five p.m. ; in<br />

June and July , from eight a.m. until four thirty , meal times being the sari'c<br />

in each case. In the winter months breakfast was eaten before conv icts<br />

left for work at eight . Each man was issued with two cloth jackets , t10<br />

pairs <strong>of</strong> cloth trousers , two shirts , four pairs shoes , two leather caps ,<br />

one rug , one blanket and one palliasse, an amount wh ich seems hard ly enouglto<br />

withstand the cold <strong>of</strong> Van Diemen' s Land 1vinters , especially in the<br />

higher districts <strong>of</strong> the island's interior where some <strong>of</strong> the camps \\' ere<br />

located. Daily food for each convict was also strictly rat ioned :<br />

1 1 /z lbs flour (<strong>of</strong> type 12%) ;<br />

1 /z lb vegetables ; l lb fresh meat , or<br />

l lb salt beef or 16 ounces pork; 1 1 2 oz salt; 1 1 /2 oz soap . The men<br />

slept in huts housing ten, twenty , sometimes even many more according to<br />

their class . Each station was under the control <strong>of</strong> a Government emp loyel<br />

staff cons isting <strong>of</strong> one superintendent , three assistant superintcnents ,<br />

one clerk who was also the storekeeper , three working overseers and one<br />

messenger . As the Prob ation System became more fi rmly estahlishcu , the<br />

general picture <strong>of</strong> minute to minute daily life in the stations gradua 11 y<br />

emerged . One hour before the time specified for starting work , the<br />

constable on watch rang the first bell, on which the convicts imrne:J i ate J \'<br />

rose, fo lded their bedding neatly and prepared to leave the ward .<br />

r1ftecr,_<br />

1 3 GO 1/48 p. 165 .

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