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PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania

PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania


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40<br />

2 kinds <strong>of</strong> tickets <strong>of</strong> leave .<br />

1. Maximum wage only - enter into any description <strong>of</strong> service<br />

and to choose 'own masters (subj ect to approval <strong>of</strong> Chief Police<br />

Magistrate) .<br />

2. Can hold property, real or personal - do not have to attend<br />

muster, except annual one , can change own residence .<br />

During the next months , wh ile Franklin waited for detailed<br />

instructions on the Probation System, the English newspapers which were<br />

received in Hobart Town brought glimpses <strong>of</strong> the Home Government 's<br />

intentions .<br />

'<br />

These so dismayed Franklin that he felt constrained several<br />

times to voice his fears about the proposed po licy to Colonial Secretary<br />

Stanley . On February 2, 1839, he wrote :<br />

I cannot allow a vessel to depart without expressing to<br />

Your Lordship my serious apprehensions that the Committee were<br />

not aware <strong>of</strong> the many if not insuperab le difficulties , wh ich<br />

will in practice present themselves if effect is to be given<br />

in all points to their accommodations .... I fear there will<br />

be found positive objections to some portions <strong>of</strong> the Committee 's<br />

recommendations , and I very much doubt whether the contemplated<br />

benefits either to the Mother Country , the Colonies , or the<br />

convicts themselves wi ll in practice be realized ... , 9<br />

Two weeks later he wrote again , pointing out that there had been very few<br />

instances <strong>of</strong> "peculiar severity" ;<br />

on the contrary care had been taken not<br />

to excite the insurgent spirit by unexpected degrees <strong>of</strong> punishment , but<br />

rather to mitigate the stringency <strong>of</strong> the penal code .<br />

Franklin fe lt that<br />

the moral aspect <strong>of</strong> the community gave little cause to modify the present<br />

system, and drew Stanley 's attention to the remarkab le degree <strong>of</strong> secur ity<br />

<strong>of</strong> both person and property to be found . 10<br />

On a month 's tour <strong>of</strong> the<br />

settled districts in March and April, he saw little to caus e concern .<br />

. ... I visited the huts in wh ich the men are lodged at every<br />

Estab lishment , ·sometimes alone, sometimes attended by the Master,<br />

frequently unexpectedly , at almost all times , and under al l<br />

circumstances , when the huts were in the cours e <strong>of</strong> being put<br />

in order for the day , or already in order , or when the men were<br />

at their meals . I gave the inmates every opportunity <strong>of</strong> stating<br />

anything in their circumstances which they might wish to bring<br />

under my notice and in every way I made it a point to ob tain<br />

all the information within my reach and I had the pleasure <strong>of</strong><br />

perceiving that there was no expression in any case <strong>of</strong><br />

dissatis . faction amongst the men , and that , in so far as I could<br />

judge , there was also no ground for any such expression . In<br />

the huts attached to the Establi shments <strong>of</strong> several <strong>of</strong> the more<br />

wealthy and influential settlers , there was exhib ited, in the<br />

state <strong>of</strong> the bed places , and in the general arrangements , an<br />

attention to orders and cleanliness creditable to all part ies<br />

9<br />

GO 25/7 p. 607 .<br />

1 0 Ibid. , p. 689 .

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