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PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania

PDF (Whole thesis) - UTas ePrints - University of Tasmania


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I.<br />

326<br />

Even on this wonderful day, sick though he \'las , he did not forget the<br />

orphan children for whom he had felt so much sympathy all his life ;<br />

though he \'las too ill to visit them himself, he deputed his daughters to<br />

take them a gift <strong>of</strong> oranges , buns and lollies , together with a fare\.,rell<br />

letter <strong>of</strong> blessing. 22<br />

His life s 10\Y'ly drew to a close; each day the Mercury issued<br />

a bulletin on his health; many \Y'ere the messages <strong>of</strong> sympathy and wishes<br />

for his recovery. But such was not to be: on Saturday night , July 30 ,<br />

just before midnight, in the seventy-seventh year <strong>of</strong> his age, in full<br />

consciousness <strong>of</strong> unimpaired mental faculties , he died quietly sitting in<br />

his chair in the presence <strong>of</strong> his family.<br />

After a Requiem Mass at<br />

St. Joseph 1 s Church, presided over by Bishop Murphy, he was buried at<br />

Cornelian Bay Cemetery on August 2, 1881 . 2 3<br />

The Obituary notice in the Mercury read:<br />

Though to his family and intimate friends the end was not<br />

unexpected, the intimation that Dr Hall died on Saturday<br />

night, shortly before midnight \'I ill be received with regret<br />

throughout the length and breadth <strong>of</strong> the colony. They who<br />

knew him best \'li ll deplore the loss <strong>of</strong> one who \'las not only<br />

an estimable private citizen ever going about doing good ,<br />

but who as an <strong>of</strong>ficer, holding important pub lic positions<br />

was painstaking, zealous and independent . They who knew him<br />

only by report recognized him as a man \'lhom no influence or<br />

inducement could trn from duty . In the discharge <strong>of</strong><br />

sometimes unpleasant work , because he had to keep up to the<br />

mark those \'lhom he respected, and with \'lhom he \'las intimate<br />

he \'las as stern and faithful as \'lith the meanest citi zens .<br />

If ever anyone acted solely from a sense <strong>of</strong> duty, and \'las<br />

uninfluenced by private or personal considerations , that man<br />

was Dr E.S. Hal l. The consequence was that from the<br />

knowledge <strong>of</strong> his sheer integrity <strong>of</strong> purpose he could carry<br />

out changes from which anyone else \'lould have had to shrink,<br />

and this, whether as a paid <strong>of</strong>ficer or a volunteer for it is<br />

to his credit - though the fact is not so well knO\m as it<br />

should have been - that whi le the depressed state <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Public Treasury seemed to Parliament to necessitate his services<br />

being dispensed with, he after\'lards continued as earnest and<br />

zealous a guardian <strong>of</strong> the pub lic health, as when he had been<br />

receiving a salary as a Government <strong>of</strong>ficer , and both the<br />

Colonial and the Municipal authorities felt so strongly the<br />

worth <strong>of</strong> his services, that they voted him a salary as soon as<br />

their finances would afford it. That the recompense was not<br />

equal to the \'lork \'las universely felt, and thus on the occasion<br />

<strong>of</strong> the celebration <strong>of</strong> the 50th anniversary <strong>of</strong> his marriage, his<br />

services received such a recognition from the pub lic as has been<br />

accorded fe\'1 or none <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tasmania</strong> 1 s most gifted and valuable<br />

2.2<br />

2 3<br />

Mercury, June 13, 1881.<br />

Mercury, Aug. 13, 1881 .

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