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Was sollen wir tun? Was dürfen wir glauben? - bei DuEPublico ...

Was sollen wir tun? Was dürfen wir glauben? - bei DuEPublico ...


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compensate for this shortcoming. 5 In particular, their representational strategy follows the<br />

strategy for the representation of entities in the type (cf. (1), (2)). Only, rather than<br />

representing an entity via the set of its extensional properties at @, we represent the latter via<br />

the set of true propositions at @ which carry information about it; or, equivalently, via the set<br />

of indices at which all true propositions at @ which carry information about the entity are<br />

true. An entity a is then represented by the set of indices from (8):<br />

(8) {w s | for all p , if @ ∈ p & p ‘is about’ a, then w ∈ p}<br />

To ease reference, we hereafter denote the representation of a from (8) by ‘a † @’.<br />

We illustrate the above representation strategy by means of an example: Consider the<br />

representation of John in a universe consisting of three indices @, w 1, and w 2, and two<br />

distinct entities: John (abbreviated j) and Mary (abbreviated m). Assume further that, at the<br />

current index, the propositions ‘John runs’ (Rj), ‘Mary runs’ (Rm) and ‘Mary doesn’t whistle’<br />

(¬Wm) are true, that, at the index w 1, the propositions ‘John runs’, ‘John whistles’, ‘Mary<br />

runs’ and ‘Mary doesn’t whistle’ are true (such that Rj, Wj, Rm, and ¬Wm obtain at w 1), and<br />

that, at the index w 2, the propositions ‘John doesn’t run’, ‘Mary runs’, ‘John whistles’, and<br />

‘Mary whistles’ are true (such that ¬Rj , Rm, Wj, and Wm obtain at w 2) (cf. Fig.1) .<br />

Then, by the characterization of aboutness from Section 3.2, the proposition ‘John runs’ is the<br />

only true proposition at @ which carries information about John. As a result, we represent<br />

John at @ by the subset of the set {@, w 1, w 2} at whose members John runs. We identify the<br />

latter with the set {@, w 1} (underbraced in Fig. 1). The latter encodes the information that<br />

John runs at @.<br />

Notably, the representation of entities along the lines of (8) presupposes the existence of the<br />

represented entity a at the current index: If a does not exist at @, no proposition p will satisfy<br />

the condition on the set from (8). Since a will thus be represented by the empty set of indices,<br />

its type- representation at @ will be identified with the type- representations of all<br />

other non-existing entities at @. But this is arguably undesirable.<br />

To solve this problem, we hedge the condition, @ ∈ p & p ‘is about’ a, on the set a † @ from (8)<br />

with the conjunct ‘a exists in w’. The entity a is then represented by the set of indices from<br />

(9):<br />

(9) {w s | a exists in w & for all p , if @ ∈ p & p ‘is about’ a, then w ∈ p}<br />

Figure 2 illustrates the representation of John at an index in which he does not exist. In the<br />

figure, we abbreviate ‘John exists’ as ‘Ej’.<br />

5<br />

Since they encode semantically ‘richer’ information than type- propositions, objects of the type<br />

still satisfy the simplicity requirement from Property 5.

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