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350 KRUSE<br />

implies can” principle does not hold for this norm. In contrast to the evidentialist norm, there<br />

are certain kinds of epistemic norms that can be characterized as epistemic duties. For<br />

example, epistemic norms, which require from epistemic agents to exercise intellectual<br />

virtues, like to be intellectually courageous, to be intellectually fair, to be epistemically<br />

careful, and to be open minded (cf. Montmarquet 2008) are epistemic duties within my<br />

approach. Epistemic norms which require epistemically significant actions, like to reflect<br />

upon one’s evidence or to search for and collect more information can also be characterized as<br />

epistemic duties within the approach that has been introduced in this paper.<br />

Andrea Kruse<br />

Ruhr-Universität Bochum<br />

Andrea.Kruse@rub.de<br />

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