Was sollen wir tun? Was dürfen wir glauben? - bei DuEPublico ...

Was sollen wir tun? Was dürfen wir glauben? - bei DuEPublico ...

Was sollen wir tun? Was dürfen wir glauben? - bei DuEPublico ...


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the development of the modern (post-Aristotelian) concept of the mind (Rorty 1980, Lakoff<br />

and Johnson 1999). Let’s consider a key component of this development: the transformation<br />

of the faculty of reason, intellect, or understanding, into an organ of sense which peers into a<br />

distinct perceptual space, called ‘the mind’ (a Rylean category mistake, if ever there was one).<br />

The intuitions to be explained can be generated by several parallel and mutually reinforcing<br />

analogical (CSG) inferences which employ distinct but related visual metaphors and proceed<br />

from source-domain premises about different acts and achievements of visual perception.<br />

One of the most important of these conceptual metaphors is the metaphor Thinking-about as<br />

looking-at which motivates metaphorical talk of ‘looking hard at the problem’, ‘looking at the<br />

issue from different sides’, etc. A CSG inference which employs its basic mapping takes us<br />

from the source-domain premise that when we look at things we use our eyes to the<br />

conclusion that<br />

C 0<br />

When we think about something, we use our eyes.<br />

Source-domain<br />

premise<br />

Operation<br />

Target-domain<br />

conclusion<br />

1 S looks at X Substitution S thinks about X<br />

2 Implies (1;3-4) Substitution: identical implies (1;3-4)<br />

3 S uses Y Substitution: identical S uses Y<br />

4 S’s eyes (Y) Generation S’s eyes (Y)<br />

INP is set to interpret fresh conclusions as expressing propositions the thinker already<br />

believes true, namely in case some such proposition is semantically sufficiently similar to the<br />

input. Both common sense and faculty psychology furnish us with a suitable belief, a belief we<br />

can express by sentences which employ the same terms as C 0, almost throughout: ‘When we<br />

think about things we use our…’ – ‘reason’, ‘intellect’, or ‘understanding’. In faculty<br />

psychology as in ordinary language, these terms are used to refer not to any organ of sense<br />

but to a faculty, power, or ability, namely to the ‘faculty of comprehending or reasoning’ or<br />

the ‘power or ability to understand’ (as the Oxford English Dictionary puts it). But ‘intellect’<br />

and ‘understanding’ can, like eyes, be said to be ‘used’ by subjects who ‘have’ them; like eyes,<br />

they may be more or less ‘sharp’, etc. They share enough attributes and relations to enjoy a<br />

degree of semantic similarity. The concepts employed earlier in the resulting statement are<br />

identical with those filling the same thematic roles in C 0, and both statements fill the same<br />

number of roles. Since the semantic similarity between two propositions is a function of (i)<br />

the similarities of the concepts filling the same thematic roles in the different propositions<br />

and (ii) the number of different such roles that get filled in either proposition (Budiu and<br />

Anderson 2004: 38), the proposition<br />

C 0<br />

*<br />

When we think about something, we use our understanding<br />

is semantically highly similar to C 0. Therefore INP will activate C * 0 throughout, and<br />

eventually strongly, so that it is accepted as interpretation of C 0, and the utterance of C 0 is<br />

interpreted as expressing the prior belief C 0* .<br />

This interpretation process is bound to trigger new mappings: INP aligns candidate<br />

interpretations with the claim to be interpreted, and compares expressions in matching roles<br />

for semantic similarity. In processing the present CSG conclusion, it aligns:<br />

S – uses – his eyes.<br />

S – uses – his understanding.

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