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Was sollen wir tun? Was dürfen wir glauben? - bei DuEPublico ...


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When Is It Rational to Believe a Mathematical<br />

Statement?<br />

Jendrik Stelling<br />

Traditional philosophy of mathematics has long held that the fundamental business of<br />

mathematics is to ascertain the truth of mathematical propositions by finding suitable proofs<br />

for them, where “proof” means a chain of logico-deductive steps, starting from accepted<br />

premisses or axioms, and terminating in the proposition to be proved. Under this view, we<br />

are justified to believe in a mathematical statement if and only if there is a proof for it. My<br />

goal here is to call this view into question. To this end, we will discuss two examples of<br />

mathematical argumentation that suffer, prima facie, from the same shortcoming. We will<br />

then attempt to extract the significant differences and use them to elucidate the concept of<br />

proof that actually informs mathematical practice.<br />

1. Oracles and Probabilities<br />

Imagine that, in some remote mountain cave, there lives a mysterious mathematical oracle. If<br />

one manages to make the dangerous trek there, one is allowed to ask a single question of the<br />

form “is mathematical statement p true?” The oracle knows the truth value of all<br />

mathematical statements and will neither lie to us nor try to deceive us in any way.<br />

Everything the oracle says can be taken at face value. “Mathematical statement” is meant to<br />

be understood as something that might be considered a result in some publication; e.g., we<br />

might ask the oracle about the truth value of “P=NP” but not whether set theory or category<br />

theory is the more appropriate foundation of mathematics. 1 Let’s also, for the moment, ignore<br />

questions about things that are in some sense indeterminate, such as the Continuum<br />

Hypothesis.<br />

Imagine then that one day we make the trip and stand before the oracle. “Oracle,” we ask, “is<br />

it true that all even numbers greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes?” The<br />

oracle pauses for a moment, and gravely intones, “Goldbach’s conjecture is true if and only if,<br />

on randomly drawing a real number, the number you draw is not a natural number.”<br />

Given what we know about the oracle, what do we do with this answer? Obviously we cannot<br />

simply carry out the experiment and draw a random real number. So we need a mathematical<br />

approach: When we ask for the probability of drawing a given number from the reals, we need<br />

to come up with an account of probabilities that can handle the enormous amount of real<br />

numbers we face. Ordinarily, we would perhaps try to define probabilities as a quotient, the<br />

positive outcomes divided by all possible outcomes. But since there are infinitely many real<br />

numbers, and within them infinitely many natural numbers, this won’t do. But we can use<br />

some concepts from measure theory to help us circumvent this problem. The Lebesgue<br />

measure, for instance, works by comparing smaller slices of real numbers, and seeing how<br />

many naturals we can find in them, and then extending these results across the real number<br />

system. Important in this regard is the notion of a zero measure set (meaning an interval of<br />

1<br />

I presuppose that the future won’t show either framework to be inconsistent; the decision between set<br />

theory and category theory is not a valid question precisely because I understand it to be a judgement<br />

call and not amenable to mathematical proof.

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