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170 RÖHL<br />

5. Conclusion<br />

The conflict between event causation and continous time evolution is often ignored, but if we<br />

take causation ontologically serious we should take the conflict seriously and investigate<br />

options how to resolve it. Dispositionalists should not tie their accounts to event causation if<br />

they want their conceptions to be applicable to fundamental physics. I argued that both the<br />

conception of causation in terms of discrete events classified as cause and effect and the<br />

viewpoint of mathematical physics that seems to avoid causal concepts in favor of the<br />

mathematically described continuous evolution of states of physical systems can be<br />

accommodated by a model of causation in terms of manifestation processes of dispositional<br />

properties exhibited by the material things that interact with each other. Both approaches<br />

have to be revised slightly for this purpose. The causal link between events is not taken to be<br />

fundamental, but itself based on a more complex relation of dispositions, their manifestation<br />

conditions and their manifestations. The state space approach was shown to implicitly use<br />

causal concepts, both to isolate a closed system and to identify the relevant internal factors<br />

for the mathematical descriptions. These factors are dispositional properties of the system’s<br />

components both in fundamental physics and elsewhere. An ontology with dispositions as<br />

relevant causal factors allows a unified conception of causation for both continuous processes<br />

and links of discrete events.<br />

Johannes Röhl<br />

Institut für Philosophie<br />

Universität Rostock<br />

18051 Rostock<br />

johannes.roehl@uni-rostock.de<br />

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