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88<br />

attitudes which at times were able to break the well-entrenched paradigm <strong>of</strong> viewing such peoples<br />

through the lens <strong>of</strong> a military enemy, can in part be ascribed to the increase in numbers <strong>of</strong> poetically<br />

talented men whose employment led them to the frontier. 185 Unlike previous eras in which direct<br />

experience rarely informed frontier poetry, many High Tang writers could now use an admixture <strong>of</strong><br />

tradition and local interactions in their borderland compositions. For instance, in Cui Hao's 催 颢 (d.<br />

754) “Song: Hu People <strong>of</strong> Yanmen” (“Yamenhuren ge” 雁 门 胡 人 歌 ) local denizens are portrayed<br />

without projecting an atmosphere <strong>of</strong> antagonism, becoming humanized through descriptions <strong>of</strong> their<br />

non-militaristic customs as well as their preferences for alcohol over enemy annihilation:<br />

高 山 代 郡 东 接 燕<br />

At the towering mountains <strong>of</strong> Dai county 186 which<br />

eastward meet up with Yan, 187<br />

雁 门 胡 人 家 近 边 Are the Hu people <strong>of</strong> Yanmen, their homes near the border.<br />

解 放 胡 鹰 逐 塞 鸟<br />

能 将 代 马 猎 秋 田<br />

山 头 野 火 寒 多 烧<br />

They have the falconry skills to catch birds <strong>of</strong> the frontier,<br />

They can ride Dai horses 188 and go on Autumn hunts.<br />

In the mountains they light wild fires 189 , coldness turned<br />

into swathes <strong>of</strong> burnt grass,<br />

雨 里 孤 峰 湿 作 烟 From solitary mountain peaks in the rain damp smoke 190<br />

rises.<br />

闻 道 辽 西 无 斗 战<br />

时 时 醉 向 酒 家 眠<br />

192<br />

Hearing that in Liaoxi county 191 there are no battles to<br />

fight,<br />

One can keep getting drunk and sleep in taverns.<br />

Rather than borrowing the trope <strong>of</strong> barbarian berserkers relentlessly harassing the Tang border, Cui<br />

185<br />

Yan Fuling, “Han-Tang Biansaishi zhuti yanjiu”, p. 132, and Kam-lung Ng, “Tangdai biansaishi yanjiu”, p. 174.<br />

186<br />

Located in modern day Dai county 代 县 , Shanxi 山 西 province. See Wang Jun 王 军 Li Ye 李 晔 ed., Biansaishipai<br />

xuanji 边 塞 诗 派 选 集 (Beijing: Capital Normal <strong>University</strong> Press 首 都 师 范 大 学 出 版 , 1994), p. 46.<br />

187<br />

Refers to Youzhou 幽 州 .<br />

188<br />

Famous breed <strong>of</strong> horse produced in northern Hu territory. See the opening <strong>of</strong> Cao Zhi's “Lyric on the Northern Wind”<br />

(“Shu<strong>of</strong>eng shi” 朔 风 诗 ): “Raising my head and facing the northern wind/I think <strong>of</strong> the capital <strong>of</strong> Wei/I wish I could<br />

gallop <strong>of</strong>f on the back <strong>of</strong> Dai horse/and quickly head north” 仰 彼 朔 风 , 用 怀 魏 都 . 原 骋 代 马 , 倏 忽 北 徂 . See Wenxuan<br />

zhu 文 选 注 2.8 in SKQS.<br />

189<br />

To smoke out prey for hunting.<br />

190<br />

Or mist.<br />

191<br />

Area <strong>of</strong> northeastern frontier.<br />

192<br />

QTS 130.1326.

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