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31<br />

This sense <strong>of</strong> estrangement, as expressed through imagery and subjective comments, on the frontier<br />

permeates the much later “Impromptu Poem about Luntai 60 ” (“Luntai jishi” 轮 台 即 事 ), a work in<br />

which the weird and strange is also described at a near torrential pace. Furthermore, in this excerpt<br />

from Cen Shen's “Written After Getting Drunk at a Banquet Held By the Prefect <strong>of</strong> Jiuquan” (“Jiuquan<br />

taishou xishang zuihouzuo” 酒 泉 太 守 席 上 醉 后 作 ), a poem in which the immediately unfamiliar<br />

similarly dominates the text as in “Impromptu Poem About Luntai” and the Yuefu “Song <strong>of</strong> the Wusun<br />

Princess”, the gastronomy <strong>of</strong> the frontier also ushers the poet-narrator towards a now familiar longing<br />

for home associated with being on the frontier, a feeling which in this instance cannot even be assuaged<br />

by the thick luxuriance <strong>of</strong> a hefty and exotic repast:<br />

浑 炙 犁 牛 烹 野 驼<br />

交 河 美 酒 归 叵 罗<br />

三 更 醉 后 军 中 寝<br />

62<br />

无 奈 秦 山 归 梦 何<br />

There's also barbequed ox and steamed camel,<br />

Fine Jiaohe 61 wine poured into round shallow cups.<br />

Late at night after getting drunk, sleeping the army camp,<br />

How can I not return to Qin mountain 63 through my<br />

dreams? 64<br />

(lines 3-6)<br />

Gao Shi, on the other hand, in “Accompanying Censor Dou on a Cruise on Ling Yun Lake” (“Pei Dou<br />

shiyu fan lingyunchi” 陪 窦 侍 御 泛 灵 云 池 ) exorcises the frontier <strong>of</strong> its inhospitable associations <strong>of</strong><br />

sword-sharp winds and inscrutable temperatures, a place where in “The Song <strong>of</strong> Yan” (“Yange xing” 燕<br />

abbreviated as YFSJ<br />

60 See earlier translation in this thesis<br />

61 Modern Tulufan 吐 鲁 番 , Xinjiang province. “Jiaohe wine” is spirits produced by the especially delectable grapes <strong>of</strong><br />

China's western region.<br />

62 CSJJZ, p. 188<br />

63 Located in modern Zhejiang province. Cen Shen spent a significant portion <strong>of</strong> his pre-frontier days there.<br />

64 Ai Lihui 艾 丽 辉 and Kang Yanyan 康 燕 燕 in “Lun censhen biansai shi de yiyu fengqing 论 岑 参 边 塞 诗 的 异 域 风<br />

情 ”Yuwen xuekan 语 文 学 刊 2010.4, pp. 93-94, segregate a short selection <strong>of</strong> Cen Shen's frontier poetry under the<br />

rubric <strong>of</strong> “Distinct Cultural Characteristics <strong>of</strong> Minority Peoples” (Xianming shaoshumingzu wenhuatesu 鲜 明 少 数 民 族<br />

文 化 特 色 ), poems which include scenes <strong>of</strong> frontier cuisine, as noted above; non-Chinese interior furnishings <strong>of</strong> abodes<br />

(“Beginning <strong>of</strong> Autumn at Luntai” 首 秋 轮 台 ); music (“Night Time Gathering With Administrative Assistants at<br />

Lodgings in Liangzhou” 凉 州 馆 与 诸 判 官 夜 集 ) and dance (“Song <strong>of</strong> Prefect Tian's Lovely Lady Dances 'Like the<br />

Lotus' Northern Spear Dance” 田 使 君 美 人 舞 如 莲 花 北 金 鋋 歌 ). The juxtapositions <strong>of</strong> Ai and Kang's arrangement<br />

exposes both a curiosity for the new as well as nostalgia for home engendered within the poet-narrator when<br />

encountering elements <strong>of</strong> frontier culture, the former response being relatively new by Cen Shen's time.

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