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242<br />

赴 北 庭 度 陇 思 家<br />

When Heading to Beiting and Passing Long Mountain I<br />

Think <strong>of</strong> Home 62<br />

西 向 轮 台 万 里 余<br />

也 知 乡 信 日 应 疏<br />

陇 山 鹦 鹉 能 言 语<br />

64<br />

为 报 家 人 数 寄 书<br />

West towards Luntai 63 is over ten thousand li,<br />

I also know that letters from home will be scarcer<br />

by the day.<br />

The parrots <strong>of</strong> Long mountain are able to speak:<br />

Send word for me and inform those at home to send<br />

more letters. 65<br />

62 After returning to Chang'an in 751, Cen Shen returned to the frontier in 754 to serve on the staff <strong>of</strong> Feng Changqing 封<br />

常 清 . Beiting 's 北 庭 original territory is north <strong>of</strong> present day Jimusa'er 吉 木 萨 尔 Xinjiang Autonomous Region.<br />

63 Tang dynasty Luntai 轮 台 was located in the environs <strong>of</strong> today's Miquan county 米 泉 县 , Xinjiang Autonomous Region.<br />

64 CSJJZ, p. 141.<br />

65 The parrots <strong>of</strong> Long mountain can be found just under six hundred years earlier in Mi Heng's 弥 衡 (173-198)<br />

“Rhapsody on a Parrot” (“Yingwu fu” 鹦 鹉 赋 ). The poem is “the most important extant work by Mi Heng...an eccentric,<br />

unpredictable and sometimes arrogant young genius who lived at the end <strong>of</strong> the Han dynasty...It is ostensibly a<br />

representative example <strong>of</strong> the subgenre <strong>of</strong> the rhapsody known as 咏 物 赋 (yongwu fu “rhapsody on an object”)...The<br />

first third <strong>of</strong> the rhapsody is a treatment <strong>of</strong> the background and rare properties <strong>of</strong> the parrot. It is the remaining sixty-odd<br />

lines that the poet...expresses the parrot's misery over its fate and captive state...an allegorical plea to be freed from his<br />

own captivity and allowed to return north [after having <strong>of</strong>fended Cao Cao 曹 操 and banished south]”. See See William<br />

H. Nienhauser, Jr., ed., The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, pp. 625-626 and William T. Graham,<br />

Jr., “Mi Heng's Rhapsody on a Parrot“, Harvard Journal <strong>of</strong> Asiatic Studies, Vol. 39, No. 1 (Jun., 1979), pp. 39-54,<br />

especially pp. 42, 50. The parrots' language skills and habitat can be found early in Mi Heng's poem: “This marvellous<br />

bird from the Western Region,/Endowed by nature with unusual beauty,/Possesses the bright flames <strong>of</strong> the fire<br />

element./Intelligent and capable <strong>of</strong> speech,/Clever and gifted with foreknowledge...Thus the emperor,/Attracted by its<br />

far-reaching reputation,/Admiring the beauty <strong>of</strong> its form,/Sends his forester to the Long Mountains,/Dispatches Bo Yi to<br />

the Moving Sands,/Deploys archers across Kunlun,/Spreads nets about the clouds and rainbows...” See William Graham,<br />

tr., “Mi Heng's Rhapsody on a Parrot”, pp. 45-46. 唯 西 域 之 灵 鸟 兮 , 挺 自 然 之 奇 姿 . 体 金 精 之 妙 质 兮 , 合 火 德 之 明 辉 .<br />

性 辩 慧 而 能 言 兮 , 才 聪 明 以 识 机 ... 于 是 羡 芳 声 之 远 畅 , 伟 灵 表 之 可 嘉 . 命 虞 人 于 陇 坻 , 诏 伯 益 于 流 沙 . 跨 昆 仑 而 播 弋 ,<br />

冠 云 霓 而 张 罗 . See Wenxuan 13.25-26 in SKQS.

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