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240<br />

河 西 春 暮 忆 秦 中 At Hexi in Late Spring and Remembering Qinzhong 54<br />

渭 北 春 已 老<br />

North <strong>of</strong> the Wei river 55 Spring is already nearing its end,<br />

河 西 人 未 归<br />

This man in Hexi has yet to return.<br />

边 城 细 草 出<br />

Fine grasses have sprouted up in the frontier town,<br />

客 官 梨 花 飞<br />

Pear blossoms at the guesthouse are flying.<br />

别 后 乡 梦 数<br />

Since leaving I <strong>of</strong>ten dream <strong>of</strong> home,<br />

昨 来 家 信 稀<br />

Letters from home are fewer by the day.<br />

凉 州 三 月 半 In the middle <strong>of</strong> the third month at Liangzhou, 56<br />

57<br />

犹 未 脱 寒 衣 And still I have yet to take <strong>of</strong>f my winter clothes.<br />

54 Qinzhong 秦 中 refers to Guanzhong 关 a region equivalent to modern day central Shaanxi province. See CSJJZ, p. 90.<br />

Qinzhong also functions as an indirect reference to Chang'an. See Zhang Hui, ed., Cen Shen biansaishixuan, p. 26.<br />

55 North <strong>of</strong> the Wei river near modern day Xi'an 西 安 . In the poem, the river is also a geographic gesture towards<br />

Chang'an. See Zhang Hui, ed., Cen Shen biansaishixuan, p. 26.<br />

56 A former name <strong>of</strong> Wuwei commandery 武 威 群 . See Zhang Hui, ed., Cen Shen biansaishixuan, p. 26.<br />

57 CSJJZ, p. 90.

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