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218<br />

天 山 雪 歌 送 萧 治 归 京<br />

Song <strong>of</strong> Snow on Tian Mountain: Sending Off<br />

Xiao Zhi on His Return to the Capital<br />

天 山 雪 云 常 不 开 Snow clouds never break on Tian Mountain, 6<br />

千 峰 万 岭 雪 崔 嵬 Tens <strong>of</strong> thousands <strong>of</strong> l<strong>of</strong>ty peaks and ranges are covered<br />

in snow.<br />

北 风 夜 卷 赤 亭 口<br />

一 夜 天 山 雪 更 厚<br />

The night's north wind rolls over Chiting Pass;<br />

As night passes, the snow is thicker on Tian Mountain.<br />

能 兼 汉 月 照 银 山 The snow both reflects the Han moon and shines on<br />

Yin Mountain 7<br />

复 逐 胡 风 过 铁 关 And again chases the Hu wind through Iron Gate Pass。 8<br />

交 河 城 边 鸟 飞 绝<br />

轮 台 路 上 马 蹄 滑<br />

晻 霭 寒 氛 万 里 凝<br />

阑 干 阴 崖 千 丈 冰<br />

将 军 狐 裘 卧 不 暖<br />

都 护 宝 刀 冻 欲 断<br />

正 是 天 山 雪 下 时<br />

送 君 走 马 归 京 师<br />

雪 中 何 以 赠 君 别<br />

9<br />

惟 有 青 青 松 树 枝<br />

At the edge <strong>of</strong> Jiaohe birds in flight disappear;<br />

On the Luntai road horses' hooves slip.<br />

Gloom cold clouds freeze everything over a distance <strong>of</strong><br />

ten thousand li,<br />

Railings upon shaded cliffs are a thousand meters <strong>of</strong> ice.<br />

The general's fox skins do not keep the bed warm,<br />

The protector-general's sword is frozen and about to break.<br />

Just when it snows on Tian Mountain<br />

I send you <strong>of</strong>f as you set forth for the capital;<br />

In the midst <strong>of</strong> snow what can I give you when we part?<br />

Only a green pine branch.<br />

6<br />

Tian Mountain, which also went by the names White Mountain 白 山 and Snow Mountain 雪 山 in ancient times, is<br />

located north <strong>of</strong> the Tarim basin at the borders <strong>of</strong> Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the Xinjiang Autonomous Region.<br />

7<br />

Located near modern day Kumushen 库 木 什 , southwest <strong>of</strong> Turpan 吐 鲁 番 Xinjiang Autonomous Region.<br />

8<br />

A pass southwest <strong>of</strong> Yin mountain<br />

9<br />

See CSJJZ, pp. 168-169.

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