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189<br />

frontier poetry and Chinese frontier poetry in general is the eastward rushing waters <strong>of</strong> Long Mountain<br />

(long shui 陇 水 ):<br />

陇 水 何 年 有<br />

潺 潺 逼 路 旁<br />

东 西 流 不 歇<br />

65<br />

曾 断 几 人 肠<br />

In which year did the waters <strong>of</strong> Long mountain 64 come<br />

to be,<br />

Gurgling so close beside the road?<br />

Flowing east to west without resting,<br />

How many hearts has it broken?<br />

(“Passing Long Mountain Where the Waters Part”)<br />

一 驿 过 一 驿<br />

驿 骑 如 星 流<br />

平 明 发 咸 阳<br />

暮 到 陇 山 头<br />

Postal stop after postal stop,<br />

Postal horse like a meteor;<br />

At dawn set out from Xianyang,<br />

At dusk arrive at Long Mountain.<br />

陇 水 不 可 听 Can't listen to the waters at Long Mountain 66 ,<br />

鸣 咽 令 人 愁<br />

Sobbing sounds cause sorrow!<br />

沙 尘 扑 马 汗<br />

Sand and dust fly at the horse's sweat,<br />

雾 露 凝 貂 裘<br />

Wet fog settles on marten skin coat.<br />

(“Passing Through Long Mountain for the First Time: Presented to Administrative<br />

Assistant Yuwen, lines 1-8)<br />

In focalizing the Wei river, however, the poet-narrator forgoes surmising how many hearts the<br />

babbling and murmuring <strong>of</strong> the waters might have torn apart. Instead, he focalizes the waters as a<br />

vehicle for transporting himself metonymically home by way <strong>of</strong> his tears (lei 泪 ), relying on the waters'<br />

64<br />

Meaning the Long river (long shui 陇 水 ) at the mountain.<br />

65<br />

“Jing longtou shui fen” 经 陇 头 水 分 . See CSJJZ, p. 75.<br />

66<br />

Ever since their appearance in the Yuefu poem “Song <strong>of</strong> Long Mountain” (“Longtou geci” 陇 头 歌 辞 ), the sounds <strong>of</strong> the<br />

waters <strong>of</strong> Long River (Long shui 陇 水 ) have been catalysts <strong>of</strong> feelings <strong>of</strong> separation from home (See Yan Fuling, “Han-<br />

Tang biansaishi zhuti yanjiu”, p. 44): “The flowing waters <strong>of</strong> Long Mountain,/Flow out from below the mountain./I<br />

think <strong>of</strong> my entire life,/Tumbling about the open wilds./In the morning setting <strong>of</strong>f from Xincheng,/At dusk staying at<br />

Long Mountain./So cold I cannot speak;/My tongue rolls back into my throat./The flowing waters <strong>of</strong> Long<br />

Mountain,/Murmur and whimper deeply./Gazing far <strong>of</strong>f towards the rivers <strong>of</strong> Qin/My heart is about to break” 陇 头 流 水 ,<br />

流 离 山 下 . 念 吾 一 身 , 飘 然 旷 野 . 朝 发 欣 城 , 暮 宿 陇 头 . 寒 不 能 语 , 舌 卷 入 喉 . 陇 头 流 水 , 鸣 声 幽 咽 , 遥 望 秦 川 , 心 肝 断 绝 . See<br />

YFSJ 25.371. Long Mountain itself is located northwest <strong>of</strong> today's Long county 陇 县 Shaanxi province. In many<br />

poems, Long Mountain and its waters were a point <strong>of</strong> egress on the journey to the borderlands for those travelling from<br />

central China , a geographic locale marking the division between China proper and the frontier where one said goodbye,<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten lachrymosely, to his hometown in the east (Dr. Tsung-Cheng Lin, personal correspondence, January 2013).

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