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12<br />

不 教 胡 马 度 阴 山<br />

46<br />

No [Hu] horses would be allowed to pass the Yin Mountains. 47<br />

(lines 2-3)<br />

The first <strong>of</strong> four poems comprising Below the Frontier” (“Saixia qu sishou” 塞 下 曲 四 首 ) uses Xiao<br />

Pass as a point <strong>of</strong> reference for the frontier:<br />

蝉 鸣 空 桑 林<br />

八 月 萧 关 道<br />

48<br />

Cicadas chirp within the empty mulberry grove,<br />

The eighth month <strong>of</strong> the year, the road to Xiao Pass.<br />

(lines 1-2)<br />

Moving west, two regional features <strong>of</strong>ten alluded to in Tang frontier poetry include Liangzhou<br />

凉 州 and Yumen 49 Pass (Yumen guan 玉 门 关 ). The former, equivalent to modern day Wuwei 武 威 in<br />

northwest Gansu 甘 肃 province, was the site <strong>of</strong> a large population and stood at the crossroads <strong>of</strong><br />

Chinese and non-Chinese peoples 50 . The third and fourth lines <strong>of</strong> Cen Shen's “ Night Time Gathering<br />

With Administrative Assistants at Lodgings in Liangzhou” (“Liangzhou guanzhong yu zhupanguan yeji<br />

凉 州 馆 中 与 诸 判 官 夜 集 ) 51 relate these demographic and cultural features:<br />

凉 州 七 里 十 万 家<br />

Liangzhou is seven li 52 in area and has one-hundred thousand<br />

homes, 53<br />

46 QTS 143.1444.<br />

47 Joseph J. Lee, tr., Wang Ch'angling, p. 94.<br />

48 QTS 140 juan, 1420.<br />

49 Literally “Jade Gate”<br />

50 Ren Wenjing, Tangdai biansaishi de wenhua chanshi, p. 138.<br />

51 Composed in 754 when Cen Shen was on his way to Beiting 北 庭 , a city north <strong>of</strong> today's Jimusa'er county 吉 木 萨 尔 县 ,<br />

Xinjiang 新 疆 province.<br />

52 One li being around 320 meters during the Tang dynasty<br />

53 The implication being that “the city <strong>of</strong> Liangzhou is huge and densely populated” See Zhang Hui 张 辉 , ed., Cen Shen<br />

biansaishi xuan 岑 参 边 塞 诗 选 (Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 1981), p. 47.

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