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perspiration is unnatural and should restrict itself to the preceding summer months and not exude<br />

during “the ninth month” (jiu yue 九 月 ). 24 The poet-narrator's discombobulation is even more<br />

pronounced in “Passing Fire Mountain”. By noting the time, one in which winter is at its most severe<br />

(yandong shi 严 冬 时 ), the thermality behind “scorching winds” and “flowing sweat” (hanliu 汗 流 )<br />

becomes even more astounding, suggesting that the ferocity <strong>of</strong> even the most frigid time <strong>of</strong> year is<br />

enfeebled by the heat <strong>of</strong> Fire Mountain.<br />

5.1.3. Imaginary Mode Correspondences<br />

Under the ordinary mode <strong>of</strong> focalization, the poet-narrators used ocular, dermal, ocular-dermal<br />

and glandular lenses to focalize sub-themes <strong>of</strong> Fire Mountain and Hot Lake that were accessible to the<br />

five senses. But there is still a sub-theme amplifying these two themes that neither the eyes nor the skin<br />

can detect: a heat hiding within the ordinarily perceptual thermal heart <strong>of</strong> these two regions. The poetnarrator<br />

<strong>of</strong> “Song <strong>of</strong> Hot Lake” initially focalizes this heat as a generative force interwoven with its<br />

perceivable equivalent:<br />

海 上 众 鸟 不 敢 飞<br />

中 有 鲤 鱼 长 且 肥<br />

岸 旁 青 草 常 不 歇<br />

空 中 白 雪 遥 旋 灭<br />

Flocks <strong>of</strong> birds do not dare fly above the lake;<br />

In the lake carp are long and fat.<br />

Green grasses on the shore grow for a long time<br />

and don't wither,<br />

Snow at a distance overhead swirls and then melts.<br />

(“Song <strong>of</strong> Hot Lake”, lines 3-6)<br />

The temperature <strong>of</strong> Hot Lake simultaneously repels “flocks <strong>of</strong> birds” (zhongniao 众 鸟 ) while nurturing<br />

24 This feeling <strong>of</strong> thermal strangeness is akin to other types <strong>of</strong> confusion, such as that caused by infinite spaces (to be<br />

discussed in chapter six), the bleeding <strong>of</strong> memory and nostalgia into scene, and the floating, sourceless borderland<br />

music, found in Chinese frontier poetry. See Ronald Miao, “T'ang Frontier Poetry”, p. 127. An especially striking<br />

couplet <strong>of</strong> meteorological aberrations on the frontier can be found in lines five and six <strong>of</strong> Cen Shen's “Composed at<br />

Beiting” (“Beiting zuo” 北 庭 作 ): “Autumn snow in spring still falls,/Morning winds at night do not cease” 秋 雪 春 仍 下 ,<br />

朝 风 夜 不 休 . See CSJJZ, p. 155.

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