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133<br />

彷 徉 无 所 倚<br />

He roams aimlessly with no shelter<br />

4<br />

广 大 无 所 极 些 In vast spaces that have no limit. 5<br />

Hundreds <strong>of</strong> years later, a similar horror seeps out from the malarial haze <strong>of</strong> Bao Zhao's “The Song <strong>of</strong><br />

Suffering from Heat” (“Dai kure xing” 代 苦 热 行 ). The first sixteen lines <strong>of</strong> the poem describe a<br />

fantastically foreboding southwest 6 thermal landscape teeming with strange and familiar 7 beasts<br />

tormenting the poet-narrator with venomous, Stygian terrors culled from a marriage <strong>of</strong> imagination and<br />

scorching geography:<br />

赤 阪 横 西 阻<br />

Chiban 8 in the west stretches forbiddingly across,<br />

火 山 赫 南 威<br />

Fiery mountains in the south blaze with awesome force.<br />

身 热 头 且 痛<br />

One suffers from a throbbing headache and burning fever,<br />

鸟 坠 魂 未 归<br />

While birds above fall, wandering souls have yet to return.<br />

汤 泉 发 云 潭<br />

Hot wells spurt out from the lake <strong>of</strong> vapour,<br />

焦 烟 起 石 矶<br />

Scorching smoke rises from rocky cliffs by the water.<br />

日 月 有 恒 昏<br />

It has perpetually obscured sun and moon,<br />

雨 露 未 尝 晞<br />

And has never dried from the dew or rain.<br />

丹 蛇 逾 百 尺<br />

There are red serpents exceeding one hundred feet<br />

in length,<br />

9<br />

玄 蜂 盈 十 围<br />

And black hornets with a ten-arm-span girth.<br />

含 沙 射 流 影<br />

One's floating reflection is shot by a sand-spitting demon,<br />

吹 蛊 病 行 晖<br />

One's travelling shadow is diseased by virus-spreading<br />

vermin.<br />

瘴 气 昼 熏 体<br />

One's body is fumigated by miasmal vapour in the daylight<br />

菵 露 夜 沾 衣<br />

One's clothes are soaked with dew on toxic grass at night.<br />

饥 猿 莫 下 食<br />

The hungry monkeys do not take it as a feeding ground,<br />

10<br />

晨 禽 不 敢 飞 The morning birds dare not flutter or hover around. 11<br />

While neither noxious nor infested with creatures <strong>of</strong> unworldly origin, the overpowering heat<br />

4 Wang Fuzhi 王 夫 之 ed., Chuci tongshi 楚 辞 通 释 (Shanghai: Renmin chubanshe 人 民 出 版 社 , 1975), p. 142.<br />

5 Stephen Owen, tr., An Anthology <strong>of</strong> Chinese Literature, p. 205.<br />

6 Ding Fulin 丁 福 林 ed., Xie Lingyun Bao Zhao ji 谢 灵 运 鲍 照 集 (Nanjing: Fenghuang chubanshe 凤 凰 出 版 社 ,<br />

2009), p. 143.<br />

7 Lost souls and giant “black wasps” (xuanfeng 玄 蜂 ) have migrated from the western region <strong>of</strong> “Calling Back the Soul”<br />

to Bao Zhao's nightmarish land.<br />

8 Literally “red hot hills”. Chiban itself is located in Yang county 洋 县 , Shaanxi 陕 西 province.<br />

9 玄 蜂 (xuanfeng) may also refer to a “black hornet nest” (Dr. Tsung-Cheng Lin, personal correspondence, May 2013).<br />

10 YFSJ 65.937.<br />

11 Modified version <strong>of</strong> Robert Shanmu Chen, tr., A Study <strong>of</strong> Bao Zhao and His Poetry, pp. 306-307.

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