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122<br />

the object <strong>of</strong> the verb <strong>of</strong> perception, Fire Mountain and Puchang.<br />

The poet-narrator, as already noted, focalizes the focalized in a particular manner, that is he<br />

“sees” and then “focuses” particular aspects <strong>of</strong> an object. The means by which this is undertaken can be<br />

divided into two facets: the perceptual and psychological. 67 The perceptual facet <strong>of</strong> focalization is<br />

concerned with the use <strong>of</strong> the senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, and the spacial coordinates <strong>of</strong> the<br />

focalizer and/or focalized during acts <strong>of</strong> focalization. 68 The following sentences, and their analysis,<br />

illustrate the perceptual facet: “While in the kitchen, Henry looked at the piece <strong>of</strong> toast which had<br />

fallen on the floor ”. In this statement, sight is the activated aspect <strong>of</strong> the perceptual facet; however, in<br />

the similar sentence, “Henry salivated while gazing upon the piece <strong>of</strong> toast which had fallen on the<br />

kitchen floor”, the perceptual facet has expanded to include the gastronomical (“seeing with the<br />

stomach”) as evidenced by the focalizer salivating in anticipation <strong>of</strong> not merely seeing but also<br />

consuming the focalized (the piece <strong>of</strong> toast). These aspects <strong>of</strong> the perceptual facet <strong>of</strong> focalization can be<br />

referred to as “lenses”. Thus, in the first sentence, Henry, the focalizer, uses an ocular lens (sight) to<br />

focalize (“see”) the focalized (the piece <strong>of</strong> toast), and in the second sentence uses a combination <strong>of</strong><br />

ocular and gastronomical (stomach) lenses in the act <strong>of</strong> focalization.<br />

Rimmon-Kenan categorizes spatial coordinates as either being a bird's eye view <strong>of</strong> the focalized<br />

or that <strong>of</strong> a limited observer whose focalization lacks fluidity and is restricted by physical laws. 69<br />

However, since focalization in Cen Shen's frontier poems, like many lyrics, <strong>of</strong>ten moves between<br />

disparate spatial coordinates, Rimmon-Kenan's second division is not <strong>of</strong> any importance for this thesis;<br />

yet reference to a purely panoramic or omniscient spatial coordinate is too inexact for purposes<br />

hereafter. In order to avoid the limitations <strong>of</strong> Rimmon-Kenan's system, the spatial coordinates <strong>of</strong><br />

67 Ibid., pp. 77-81. A third facet introduced by Rimmon-Kenan, the ideological, will not be considered in this thesis.<br />

68 Ibid., p. 77. Rimmon-Kenan also discusses the temporal coordinates <strong>of</strong> the perceptual facet. But since these coordinates<br />

are not very pronounced in the poetry under analysis, this aspect <strong>of</strong> the perceptual facet will not be introduced here.<br />

69 Rimmon-Kenan, Narrative Fiction, p. 77.

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