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100<br />

偏 能 照 列 卿<br />

241<br />

Shines just so on the array <strong>of</strong> ministers. 242<br />

This paradigm <strong>of</strong> difference in framing the local language <strong>of</strong> the frontier people is surpassed in<br />

a later poem also written at Beiting 243 titled “Heptasyllabic Old Style Poem For Dugu Jian on Our<br />

Parting (Also to be Presented to Attendant Censor Yan Wu)” (“Yu Dugujian daobie changju<br />

jianchengyanbashiyu” 与 独 孤 渐 道 别 长 句 兼 呈 严 八 侍 御 ). After first addressing his loneliness,<br />

feelings <strong>of</strong> separation (sentiments which incidentally also close the poem), the poet-narrator continues<br />

by praising his friend's moral rectitude and perseverance before entering an extended flight <strong>of</strong> idealized<br />

recollection <strong>of</strong> their time together while employed on the frontier. Of interest to this portion <strong>of</strong> the<br />

thesis is how the poet-narrator describes a particularly jubilant intercultural feast replete with drink,<br />

drums and singing:<br />

军 中 置 酒 夜 挝 鼓<br />

锦 筵 红 烛 月 未 午<br />

花 门 将 军 善 胡 歌<br />

244<br />

叶 河 藩 王 能 汉 语<br />

In the army camp wine is set out, drums pound in the<br />

night,<br />

Embroidered mats, red candles, the time has yet<br />

to reach midnight.<br />

The general <strong>of</strong> Huamen excels at singing Hu songs,<br />

The Fan 245 king <strong>of</strong> Yehe 246 can speak the Han language.<br />

(lines 25-28)<br />

Rather than through comparison, the language <strong>of</strong> the frontier is here presented directly. But<br />

what makes this depiction <strong>of</strong> non-Chinese language especially brilliant is its conveyance in the first line<br />

241<br />

CSJJZ, p. 161.<br />

242<br />

A synecdochical reference to General Feng. The “array <strong>of</strong> ministers” were the Nine Chief Ministers, “a collective<br />

reference to high central government <strong>of</strong>ficials...with varying applications”, among which was included General Feng's<br />

new position, 鸿 胪 卿 . See Charles O. Hucker, A Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Official Titles In Imperial China, p. 176.<br />

243<br />

The CSJJZ dates “Heptasyllabic Old Style Poem For Dugu Jian On Our Parting (Also to be Presented to Attendant<br />

Censor Yan Wu)” at 756 and the previously cited poem within the preceding year. See CSJJZ, pp. 177, 161.<br />

244<br />

CSJJZ, pp. 176-177)<br />

245<br />

Non-Chinese tribe <strong>of</strong> northwest<br />

246<br />

The Ye river, in today's Wusu county 乌 苏 县 , Xinjiang province, once fell under the administrative command <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Military Commissioner <strong>of</strong> Beiting. See CSJJZ, p. 179. The CSJJZ further notes this the “Fan king <strong>of</strong> Yehu” may not in<br />

fact have actually existed.

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