
1950-06-16 1950-06-16


EDITORIAL • AT LAST—CONGRESS MOVES Wins they fail to see any action on the part of their •tat* or national governmeuts, citizens wto kftvt en> to them their welfare and that of their famllie*, efed save also entrusted them with all their worldly |*oper» ty, lot* faith in their governments, partievlafly If it is the government that is concerned. When thu take* ~fKTconaitio& u h existed here, because Congress has been sitting on its basds so far a* the serious local condition as the result of Use May Swth explosion is concerned. , It would seem that Congress having been informsd stoat the disaster, as the rest of the country was, should til* immediately made plans for local rehei mad followed this up with the necessary emerges** ksgiitatsoei and an iovestifttikm which would be a resd one, and not in the class with the farcical Coast Guard probe, which has bee* going on for a long time, and got nowhere. — irking to think ta*t since tht SM4 TUB lOOTH AMBOY GRBBN FRIDAY, JUNE 16,1866 St farys Gmmar Scsod Graduated 78 Students At Exercises Sunday Afternoon At Sacred Heart Auditorium 'there were atventjr-elfbt tors In the class wtassh graduated Iron BL Mary's ransnar JB^crxK>l at exorcises hot* Smdaar aftsotoa In the Sacred Heart parish sasUtorhtm. The re. Rev. ataar. Mwavi H. 1L C. Chinch sv Hie It was particularly irking to see a recent photograph of Ooegressman Eaton, who while not the representative of our Congressional District, but a resident and representathra of an adjoining district, standing with a group of ht she nounoed fef the The of ft*. Mirfs the «* "war!'we*nave"been told of conditions to Europe, wlmwjMsi Wtisi people had wiecked Home*,"iM' Were" living mSSF unhealthy and dangerous coaditioas, which required ls> mediate relief, to which the liberal citizens of our dty contributed willingly and generously, and for which miltons of their tax dollars were spent, and yet when a simistr^sttuationcame abtfut in this city, it was necessary for Csmnoa, local people to set up their own committee to go to Washdaffy. George Bryan DaJy. Martin Jo- Tbomas John r>o- fcaney, Jotaa Sdward Downs, Hackett, sett, Marion Catherine Hoi too. Stanley Mary Theresa Jaruslelfwci. Joseph Stephen Kaprsns. Mary WiL ma Krauss, Charles Raymond Kelly, Pttricta Mary I*uer. Cstthertoe Elisabeth Leonard. Constance Leonard. Jceeph Ray- Bond Lotkowks, Adam Bernard Lovely, Msreetis Mark McCatae, Mar* as4eito MaMk, Thonsa* Vteesnt RKSOLUT1ON Doyle, James Francis Murray. lOertrud* Lois Newman. Thomas >eeph Noble. Donald David O*- Qumlan, Aim Me. ^^ «m >rMi e^ae^BT s^ si ^sssjsjesfejra^ ^^^^ ^^ Brttt. Ann Marie Barry Oooling, Robert William for tfce rattaf of a foreigA conutry. Probably the Congreat- ckrth. Mary Rectoa FaireU, Marianne dkint know where the place was to which the money Rose Fttejereid. Marram Flan- 'Was bring sent, but he should know where South Amboy is, since he lives so close to it. However, we haven't heard a I William John Fuller. Patricia single word from him about our plight. What has taken place so far as Congress is concerned. convince us that since we are citizens of the United States and not of some foreign country, we cannot expect tbe kind of aid we would receive if we lived outside the United SUtes, and therefore, we will have to fight aud fight hard for the action from Congress we deserve, and - hflivea right to expect. Bvtry single person in South Amboy must get into the fight, for their own preservation. Our first step must be to exert ''pressure'* methods on Congress by writing letters and sending telegrams to our Congressmen in Washington. The days of patient waiting and hoping that the next day will bring action from Washington are over. We must present a united front and a belligerent attitute, from here on out. And we must not forget what is taking place now and the lack of any CongxessionaL action since May 19th, wtai we go to the polls at the next election, and the elections to come. ... WsUTB YOUR. CONGRESSMAN ANI> ©EMAND ACTION. DO IT NOW — TOMORROW MAY BE TOO Jaaloe Qerethty. Patricia Clara OUadort. Donald Fnaote Gerald Anthoor Oo JaoMt Feol Orarer, Robert Oer- ywrtcfc OTooK Pitada wattem Qsoifs Rsa. the Suntran. Flo. Tasfart, Carol "Mary Tier, Theresa' Arthur Ricrjard Warga Helen Catherine Yablonkky and Joan Ann Zuspan. « Ways te> a close-grained wood that does Dot require a paste nUer. It can best be given s mahogany or walnut color with a penetrating stafav While It Is often given a natural finish with s gloss or dull varnish, a lacquer or a wax. It sup* piles en excellent best for enamel and may also be bleached. WITTt Yew Ceswreaasnan — Urging ExplBaieei ACTION! it is felt tliat Ike o» eVF eesn* largely •f May It. _ tm_ ike nie¥ a tra«ie teU aria* about the reimte eeir ettjr, and all ef Ha eJUaene fer all penenal in. and preaerty lose; and neby every agency of atase and nwn^eipal la prevent n reenr. ef snch a. catastrophe. 8OUTH AMBOY DISASTER COMTTTEE Carrets !»r Salad Fresh carrots are an excellent addition to a salad, in terms of color, flavor, texture, and food value." Left-Over Praits Left-over fruits may be used to add a fresh, new touch to meals by' adding them to muffins. ITE Urging for something to serce on tbt Year Congressman — ACTION! -: SayreWDeJ.CC Dim For Local Relief Closes Tonight Week Long Event To Terminate With Rally the first civic activity the new Junior Chamber of soft ball game. Two local girls; Dorothy MlgUn and Dcretta Pavich wiK prooent a pantosnjme on popular songs, end there will be an at Mbitlon by tne tnrlrtere of the OayreviUe High School Band Music will be furnished by the Jtelrose Ptfe, Dram and Bugle Corps* Vbtjfik Xtantne Is chairman of the dommlttee assisted by Bar. ,.iWB, Edwin Roglnakt t Joseph Kulaa, president of the Chamber, and M Laettl — >V The proportion of the American populstioh that graduated from cot* lege trebled between the two world wars, rielng from 1.1 per cent to S per cent. . L-*w Healthy growing plants water tale the air. win Mi • We always have on hand just the right kind of pastry for such an occasion, and we're always ready to make suggestions. __„__ • V Lou's Pastry Stop 115 So. Broadway Telephone 1620

••< FRIPAT; RastusW.Sbw Funeral Services Held On Monday not town AKBOY eras* N. J. for a Plenary Retail Consumption License for pretttoated ct H« Stevene ML W. Shaw, ot VlneltiMr premise* •Hunted at lit South own HIIMUJ , n. v. MUTJPUX, • • cneo Avenue; South Amboy,. home on Friday. The nasaes and residences of N. ,). The names and residences He was a retired carpenter. all of the •tocfchnlrtere holding stockholders hokttag one or A funeral service took place one or more percent of the stock oenft of the stock o? Monday, afternoon at 2 P. M. m said corporation are Aleck seHd corporation are: Mary Fedak. M%. 1M Stevens Avenue. from the Meson Funeral Home, Kurpiewskl 110 snares, TlUte 241 Bordentown Avenue, with Kurpiewskl 1 share; Violet Kur. South Ambof. If. J.; John Fedak. the Rev. WUbur N. Pike, pastor I- sfcsjre, Dse Miltfeaee of 0%, 1M Stevens Avenue, South of the First Methodist Church all the storirhntdect above Is ill Amboy. K. J. officiating. Interment was in Christ Church Cemetery. Surviving are three daughters; Mrs. E. Anderson of Morgan, r Wti; ffladj* Dill of Farlin, Mrs. Blanche Anderson of Miami, Flo. "rida, and five gsranchildren. also a sister, Mrs. Hettle Mslone of Purdue, Kentucky. - * LOCAL GROUPS MAY USE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM The Board of Education has been assured of the, safety of Hoffman High School Auditorium and has announced thai during the emergency, every effort . will be made to make it possible for local churches and civic cr- _jpy^tJoM_to_use 1 t..W» &PPHcatlon lo, any Board. A CALVARY WOMEN START PLANS FOR FALL SUPPER member ot the The South Amboy Disaster Committee has issued an appeal to all local people who tcofc photographs of any kind concerning the May ltth explosion to file a copy of the photographs with the committee, as soon as possible. These photographs will be us& by the committee as proof of the damage sustained by the disaster, and will be presented along with a series of documents to Congress In the effort to secure remuneration ta local residents for damage suffered. NOTICE Take notice that Nelson's Tavern Incorporated, trading as Nelson's Tavern has applied to tctf Souh Amboy, N. J. for a Plenary Retail Consumption Li. oenM for premises situated ae , 122 Soutfti Broadway, South Amboy, N. J. The names anA residences of ail the stockholders holding one or more per cant of the stock in said corporation are: Raymond Nelson, M%, of 24 Henry Street, SayrevUle, N. J.; Justus Nelson, 6%, of 117 North Broadway. South Ambogr. and Wlllard Ooodman, 5%, of Manor Street. Morgan, N. J. Objections, If any, should be me.de immediately in wrHinr t9 O. F. Disbraw. Oty Clerk, South Amboy. N. J (•igned) Raymond Ntlson. 24 Henry St., 8ayrst*Jk, If, J -« at / laat nottae tbat Fejatt Tavfc.traitaf as . Pejaki aej afpUcd to !f» Com. Council of the CHy of Soutti *«bey. n. J. for a Flsamry Re- Objections, If any, should be made Immediately in writing to O. F. Wabrow, City Clerk, South Ambojr N.J. (signed) Mary Fedak. Prw.. 6-9 3t. South Amboy, N. J. NOTICE Take notice that WHUarn J. Bauble and AJberta. Bauble, trad* ng as Juiey's Tip Top Tavern, Council of the City of South Am. boy, N. J. for « Plenary "Recall Coneumptlon license for prem* situated at U0 South Broadway, South Amboy. N. J. Objeotlons, If any, should be ttmnetUatgly nr wrtttnr~to O. F. DMbrow, City Clerk. South Amboy N. J. (signed) William J. Faubel (signed) Alb.rU Fauble 6-9 3t. Plans are going forward for NOTICE th« annual fall supper sponsored Teke notice feat "443 Bordentown Ave.. Inc., trading as "442 by the Women's Society for Cristian Service of the Calvary Brrdentown Avenue Tavern." has Methodist Church on Thursday, applied to the Common Council October Hh, in the social hall of the City of South Amboy, N of the church. J. for a Plenary Retail Consumption Uoense, for premises A turkey supper will be served from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. slUiafted at 442 Bordentown Ave. ..Mrs. George Newcomb and nue, South Amboy, N. J. Mrs. D:nald Beam are coclvalrmen of the commlttte and bazar all the „ stockholders holding one The names and residences of booth- chairmen "will be Mrs. or more per osht of the stock In Oeorge Evigan, Mrs. Arthur Andrews and Mrs. Nellie Harris. Adzlnskl 60%, 442 Bordentown said oorporetjon are: Anthony -a Avenue, South Amfeoy; Susan DISASTER COMMITTEE Ladzinski; 10%, 281 Grace Street, WANTS PHOTOGRAPHS Penth Amboy; and William Lftdsinekl, 40%. 230 .Grant Stipet. Anot)oy. If. J. Objections, If any. should be made immediatety In writing to O. F. OUbrow, City Clerk, South Amboy N.J. (signed) Anthony Ladxtnski, President, 442 Bordentown Ave., ^ttwth Amboy. N. J. 1-9 2t. NOTICE Teke TKX*ce that Angelo Mmrice Corvlno, tndmg as Corvino's Tavern, lias applied to the Common Council of .the City of South Amboy, N. j. for a Plenary Retell Consumption License for premises situated at 117 North . South Amboy, n. J. made immediately "in writing to O. F. Dtsbruw, City Clerk, South (signed) Angelo M. Corvlno, at. m Nonto Broadway Soutli Amboy. N j A New Merchandise Club is now being fornwd at OPPENHEMS Register now. Take notice that tHe Shamrock !„. trading M Shamrock Cafe has emitted to the Common Council of the City of South Am- O F. Dtabiw If any. should be City Clerk, South Nonci Take notice that Anthony H. AMttttsUo. trrrndtaf as The Abby." hes applied to the Common Oounett of the City of South Aabaar. M. J..Ior a. Flenaxy Retail ConeuaspUon Dcense for ettoated at 138 South Slovene Avenue, Soutti Amboy, V. J. •V If any, should be made immediately In writing to Ambogr N. J. (signed) Anthony A. AbbatieUo 121 South Stevens Ave. South Amboy, N. J. 8-9 2t. NOTICE Take notice that Peter J. Ewtuihek, trading as Pete's Tavern has nsjMed to tbe Common Counoflof tfetCUjr of South Amboy, If. J. for c Plenary Retail Consumption License, for promlaes srtuate4 at 100 Augusta Street, South Amboy. N. J. Objections, If any. should be made •immediately In writing to O. F. Dtttaow, City Clerk. 8ovth Amboy N, J. (signed) Peter J. Bwtusheki 100 Augusta Street, South Amboy. N. J. 2t. NOTICE Take notice the* Friendly ern, Xnoorpomted, trading under name ef Friendly Tavern. Inc., has ftfiSiti^ to the Common Council of the City of South , N. J. for a Plenary Retail Consumption license for premises situated at 3M Bordentown Avenue. The names and residence* of the stockholders holding more than 1% of me stoek are Lsuls J. Waceman. 106 fctafbam Avenue, Perth Am boy. Mft%, VWroeuoa Wmtemar 106 TUwMmfiMn AMMie. Perth Amboy. 9*Vk% and Dorothy Waif* BwMntttatu Avenue. Perth Amboy, M. J; Sltt Ot^eoUona, If any. ahould be m writing to ^^. J^L^^^^J^^^ ^* I j J ^^riSJS^^^^SS^^^^ . ^Gnjr CHHt. Amboy N. J. (eltned) Louis J. Waeeman. -t Bt. 106 un Ave., Ferth Amboy. N. J. Dr. B. SINOWAY OPTOMETRIST - CYtS fXAMINfD - 115 SMITH ST Cmrmi SIM* ftnh Ambsr 4-44)8 Hours; f:M A M U R P. M. #^ Sk^aAflB, W^^IBASMBBBWIV f^spEsfJBvfsaV •• mi^nm aai ey appointment tin I. P M iHiTl NOTICE TOALL MERCHANTS All local marthanU art advised that South Amboy Diaaster Committet will act b* rafponslbk for any purchatea mad« in Hi name, oniaes tit porchaee* prtvents «n offkiaT purebaat ordar of th« CommtttM. RBV. WItBUR N. PKB, - - : urn FOR SALE Three-quarter Chevrolet Pick-up Truck Can be seen at South Amboy water plant DITMAf Perth Ambo; r. A. CONTDTUOCt imOM tP.M, TODAY THRU WEDNESDAY TYPE CAN TALK! When skillfuHy handled, type can «JRpr«ai atrjr message you wish to put forth. - We give careful consideration to every job In our shop to guarantee this. , - ... SOUTH AMBOY PUBUSfflNG CO. 211 Firnt Street South Amboy, N. J. Tel, & A. 1*4)004 L -V. » \

••<<br />

FRIPAT;<br />

RastusW.Sbw<br />

Funeral Services<br />

Held On Monday<br />

not town AKBOY eras*<br />

N. J. for a Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption License for pretttoated<br />

ct H« Stevene<br />

ML<br />

W. Shaw, ot VlneltiMr premise* •Hunted at lit South<br />

own HIIMUJ , n. v.<br />

MUTJPUX, • • cneo<br />

Avenue; South Amboy,.<br />

home on Friday.<br />

The nasaes and residences of<br />

N. ,). The names and residences<br />

He was a retired carpenter.<br />

all of the •tocfchnlrtere holding<br />

stockholders hokttag one or<br />

A funeral service took place<br />

one or more percent of the stock<br />

oenft of the stock o?<br />

Monday, afternoon at 2 P. M.<br />

m said corporation are Aleck<br />

seHd corporation are: Mary Fedak.<br />

M%. 1M Stevens Avenue.<br />

from the Meson Funeral Home,<br />

Kurpiewskl 110 snares, TlUte<br />

241 Bordentown Avenue, with<br />

Kurpiewskl 1 share; Violet Kur.<br />

South Ambof. If. J.; John Fedak.<br />

the Rev. WUbur N. Pike, pastor<br />

I- sfcsjre, Dse Miltfeaee of<br />

0%, 1M Stevens Avenue, South<br />

of the First Methodist Church<br />

all the storirhntdect above Is ill<br />

Amboy. K. J.<br />

officiating. Interment was in<br />

Christ Church Cemetery.<br />

Surviving are three daughters;<br />

Mrs. E. Anderson of Morgan,<br />

r Wti; ffladj* Dill of Farlin, Mrs.<br />

Blanche Anderson of Miami, Flo.<br />

"rida, and five gsranchildren. also<br />

a sister, Mrs. Hettle Mslone of<br />

Purdue, Kentucky.<br />

- *<br />



The Board of Education has<br />

been assured of the, safety of<br />

Hoffman High School Auditorium<br />

and has announced thai during<br />

the emergency, every effort<br />

. will be made to make it possible<br />

for local churches and civic cr-<br />

_jpy^tJoM_to_use 1 t..W» &PPHcatlon<br />

lo, any<br />

Board.<br />

A<br />




member ot the<br />

The South Amboy Disaster<br />

Committee has issued an appeal<br />

to all local people who tcofc photographs<br />

of any kind concerning<br />

the May ltth explosion to file a<br />

copy of the photographs with the<br />

committee, as soon as possible.<br />

These photographs will be us&<br />

by the committee as proof of the<br />

damage sustained by the disaster,<br />

and will be presented along with<br />

a series of documents to Congress<br />

In the effort to secure remuneration<br />

ta local residents for damage<br />

suffered.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that Nelson's Tavern<br />

Incorporated, trading as<br />

Nelson's Tavern has applied to<br />

tctf Souh Amboy, N. J. for a<br />

Plenary Retail Consumption Li.<br />

oenM for premises situated ae<br />

, 122 Soutfti Broadway, South Amboy,<br />

N. J. The names anA residences<br />

of ail the stockholders<br />

holding one or more per cant of<br />

the stock in said corporation are:<br />

Raymond Nelson, M%, of 24<br />

Henry Street, SayrevUle, N. J.;<br />

Justus Nelson, 6%, of 117 North<br />

Broadway. South Ambogr. and<br />

Wlllard Ooodman, 5%, of Manor<br />

Street. Morgan, N. J.<br />

Objections, If any, should be<br />

me.de immediately in wrHinr t9<br />

O. F. Disbraw. Oty Clerk, South<br />

Amboy. N. J<br />

(•igned)<br />

Raymond Ntlson.<br />

24 Henry St., 8ayrst*Jk, If, J<br />

-« at /<br />

laat nottae tbat Fejatt Tavfc.traitaf<br />

as . Pejaki<br />

aej afpUcd to !f» Com.<br />

Council of the CHy of Soutti<br />

*«bey. n. J. for a Flsamry Re-<br />

Objections, If any, should be<br />

made Immediately in writing to<br />

O. F. Wabrow, City Clerk, South<br />

Ambojr N.J.<br />

(signed) Mary Fedak. Prw..<br />

6-9 3t.<br />

South Amboy, N. J.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that WHUarn J.<br />

Bauble and AJberta. Bauble, trad*<br />

ng as Juiey's Tip Top Tavern,<br />

Council of the City of South Am.<br />

boy, N. J. for « Plenary "Recall<br />

Coneumptlon license for prem*<br />

situated at U0 South Broadway,<br />

South Amboy. N. J.<br />

Objeotlons, If any, should be<br />

ttmnetUatgly nr wrtttnr~to<br />

O. F. DMbrow, City Clerk. South<br />

Amboy N. J.<br />

(signed) William J. Faubel<br />

(signed) Alb.rU Fauble<br />

6-9 3t.<br />

Plans are going forward for<br />

NOTICE<br />

th« annual fall supper sponsored Teke notice feat "443 Bordentown<br />

Ave.. Inc., trading as "442<br />

by the Women's Society for Cristian<br />

Service of the Calvary Brrdentown Avenue Tavern." has<br />

Methodist Church on Thursday, applied to the Common Council<br />

October Hh, in the social hall of the City of South Amboy, N<br />

of the church.<br />

J. for a Plenary Retail Consumption<br />

Uoense, for premises<br />

A turkey supper will be served<br />

from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. slUiafted at 442 Bordentown Ave.<br />

..Mrs. George Newcomb and nue, South Amboy, N. J.<br />

Mrs. D:nald Beam are coclvalrmen<br />

of the commlttte and bazar all the „ stockholders holding one<br />

The names and residences of<br />

booth- chairmen "will be Mrs. or more per osht of the stock In<br />

Oeorge Evigan, Mrs. Arthur Andrews<br />

and Mrs. Nellie Harris. Adzlnskl 60%, 442 Bordentown<br />

said oorporetjon are: Anthony<br />

-a<br />

Avenue, South Amfeoy; Susan<br />

DISASTER COMMITTEE Ladzinski; 10%, 281 Grace Street,<br />

WANTS PHOTOGRAPHS Penth Amboy; and William Lftdsinekl,<br />

40%. 230 .Grant Stipet.<br />

Anot)oy. If. J.<br />

Objections, If any. should be<br />

made immediatety In writing to<br />

O. F. OUbrow, City Clerk, South<br />

Amboy N.J.<br />

(signed) Anthony Ladxtnski,<br />

President,<br />

442 Bordentown Ave.,<br />

^ttwth Amboy. N. J.<br />

1-9 2t.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Teke TKX*ce that Angelo Mmrice<br />

Corvlno, tndmg as Corvino's<br />

Tavern, lias applied to the<br />

Common Council of .the City of<br />

South Amboy, N. j. for a Plenary<br />

Retell Consumption License for<br />

premises situated at 117 North<br />

. South Amboy, n. J.<br />

made immediately "in writing to<br />

O. F. Dtsbruw, City Clerk, South<br />

(signed) Angelo M. Corvlno,<br />

at.<br />

m Nonto Broadway<br />

Soutli Amboy. N j<br />

A New Merchandise<br />

Club<br />

is now being fornwd at<br />


Register now.<br />

Take notice that tHe Shamrock<br />

!„. trading M Shamrock<br />

Cafe has emitted to the Common<br />

Council of the City of South Am-<br />

O F. Dtabiw<br />

If any. should be<br />

City Clerk, South<br />

Nonci<br />

Take notice that Anthony H.<br />

AMttttsUo. trrrndtaf as The Abby."<br />

hes applied to the Common<br />

Oounett of the City of South<br />

Aabaar. M. J..Ior a. Flenaxy Retail<br />

ConeuaspUon Dcense for<br />

ettoated at 138 South<br />

Slovene Avenue, Soutti Amboy,<br />

V. J.<br />

•V If any, should be<br />

made immediately In writing to<br />

Ambogr N. J.<br />

(signed)<br />

Anthony A. AbbatieUo<br />

121 South Stevens Ave.<br />

South Amboy, N. J.<br />

8-9 2t.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that Peter J.<br />

Ewtuihek, trading as Pete's Tavern<br />

has nsjMed to tbe Common<br />

Counoflof tfetCUjr of South Amboy,<br />

If. J. for c Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption License, for promlaes<br />

srtuate4 at 100 Augusta<br />

Street, South Amboy. N. J.<br />

Objections, If any. should be<br />

made •immediately In writing to<br />

O. F. Dtttaow, City Clerk. 8ovth<br />

Amboy N, J.<br />

(signed) Peter J. Bwtusheki<br />

100 Augusta Street,<br />

South Amboy. N. J.<br />

2t.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice the* Friendly<br />

ern, Xnoorpomted, trading under<br />

name ef Friendly Tavern. Inc.,<br />

has ftfiSiti^ to the Common<br />

Council of the City of South<br />

, N. J. for a Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption license for premises<br />

situated at 3M Bordentown<br />

Avenue. The names and residence*<br />

of the stockholders holding<br />

more than 1% of me stoek<br />

are Lsuls J. Waceman. 1<strong>06</strong><br />

fctafbam Avenue, Perth Am<br />

boy. Mft%, VWroeuoa Wmtemar<br />

1<strong>06</strong> TUwMmfiMn AMMie. Perth<br />

Amboy. 9*Vk% and Dorothy Waif*<br />

BwMntttatu Avenue.<br />

Perth Amboy, M. J; Sltt<br />

Ot^eoUona, If any. ahould be<br />

m writing to<br />

^^. J^L^^^^J^^^ ^* I j J ^^riSJS^^^^SS^^^^<br />

. ^Gnjr CHHt.<br />

Amboy N. J.<br />

(eltned) Louis J. Waeeman.<br />

-t Bt.<br />

1<strong>06</strong> un Ave.,<br />

Ferth Amboy. N. J.<br />

Dr. B. SINOWAY<br />


- CYtS fXAMINfD -<br />

115 SMITH ST<br />

Cmrmi SIM*<br />

ftnh Ambsr 4-44)8<br />

Hours; f:M A M U R P. M.<br />

#^ Sk^aAflB,<br />


f^spEsfJBvfsaV •• mi^nm<br />

aai ey appointment<br />

tin I. P M<br />

iHiTl<br />


All local marthanU art advised that<br />

South Amboy Diaaster Committet will act b*<br />

rafponslbk for any purchatea mad« in Hi<br />

name, oniaes tit porchaee* prtvents «n offkiaT<br />

purebaat ordar of th« CommtttM.<br />

RBV. WItBUR N. PKB,<br />

- - : urn<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Three-quarter Chevrolet<br />

Pick-up Truck<br />

Can be seen at South Amboy<br />

water plant<br />

DITMAf Perth Ambo;<br />

r. A.<br />

CONTDTUOCt imOM tP.M,<br />



When skillfuHy handled, type can «JRpr«ai atrjr<br />

message you wish to put forth. -<br />

We give careful consideration to every job In our<br />

shop to guarantee this. , - ...<br />


211 Firnt Street South Amboy, N. J.<br />

Tel, & A. 1*4)004<br />

L -V.<br />

» \

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