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Contact Your Congressman Demanding<br />

VOL. 68 — NO. 17 SOUTH AMBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE <strong>16</strong>, <strong>1950</strong> Price Five Cent*<br />

Insurance Adjusters<br />

Delegate Assures /<<br />

Proper Treataefet<br />

Hdd Confer—c*<br />

Secretary<br />

Anraunoement of Mayor Leonard's<br />

intention to inn a "black<br />

list" of certain lneuruoe companies<br />

whose lepieeent stiver<br />

wert allegedly attempting to<br />

"p»aurt" local reattents Into<br />

•treeing to eettie feuurance<br />

claims for a leeeer amount than<br />

that to which they wen entitled,<br />

broufht tboirt i oonferejnce between<br />

the Mayor, Thomas J. O*-<br />

Leery, executive secretary of the<br />

Disaster Committee and Donald<br />

B. Sherwood* General Adjuster<br />

of the National Board of Fire<br />

Underwriter*, this wee*.<br />

Bherwood declared the lnsuraaee<br />

companies have provided<br />

170 trained pdjustw* who are<br />

(working six days a week to take<br />

care ef local dates and he urged<br />

that ever? attempt be made by<br />

local Htdenti to cooperate with<br />

Continued on<br />

•i • »e> '<br />

Relief Fntf<br />

Wit bcreased<br />

This<br />

Four Girfa Add $<strong>16</strong>.00<br />

From Gamt Social<br />

The amount to the fund of the<br />

local Disaster Committee treasury,<br />

was considerably increased<br />

during the_4>ast week as tha result<br />

of a large number of email<br />

donations and the fact that some<br />

persons. When they received<br />

damage checks from their Insurance<br />

companies, promptly refunded<br />

the money advanced<br />

them *by the Disaster Committee<br />

and there have also been a<br />

number of unsolicited donations<br />

made after the Insurance checks<br />

-were received.<br />

••<br />

Among the donations, was one<br />

of IM.00 frttti four girls of the<br />

roost seriously stricken bayshore<br />

section, who held a game social<br />

among their friends from ten to<br />

twelve yean of age, and collect.<br />

«d that amount Hie members of<br />

the group which arranged the<br />

ptarty were Mary Quinlan. 135<br />

(Continued on Page 9)<br />



Open This Sunday<br />

Sunday, June 18, <strong>1950</strong><br />

Petemon and Arky's<br />

Pharmacies<br />


DAT<br />

[ostallation At<br />

Final Meeting Of<br />

Stored Heart P.TA<br />

Mr*. John Sharo And<br />

Staff Took Office<br />

List Evening<br />

At ceremonies helot' last evening<br />

In Sacred Heart auditorium,<br />

Mrs. John Sharo was metalled<br />

president of the Sacred<br />

Heart Parent - Teacher Association<br />

to succeed Mrs. Prafik<br />

unews. The jnajstfla/ttori oeremonles<br />

were conducted under the<br />

direction of Mrs. George Hoffman,<br />

regent of the South Araboy<br />

Region of ,. Parochial *****&<br />

Teacher Associations.<br />

Installed along with Mrs. Sharo<br />

were: Mrs. Frank<br />

first vtoe president; Mrs. Walter<br />

Patoiteewekit M second vtoe pesldent;<br />

Mrs. Clarence Saunders, as<br />

PAQB TWO<br />

Green<br />

Was Keynoter<br />

At Rutgers Event<br />

Held Celebration<br />

Of 29th Aiaivereary Of<br />

InstltutfL Pounding<br />

BRUNSWICK. — When<br />

WttUam Green, president of tn«<br />

ion of Labor,<br />

to this city yesterday to de-<br />

Uvar the keynote address of the<br />

Wit snmtvfif T *& the. Rutgers<br />

Umvorslty Labor Institute, he<br />

found thai pioneer workers<br />

education project heraJd«d~by ~Ia<br />

be* antl education as a mUepoet<br />

toward industrial peace: '<br />

-•"Qnmk visited Rutgers 20<br />

ago, then as an anxious Observer<br />

of a brand new venture in bringing<br />

education and labor together<br />

Jersey Federation of Labor<br />

unknlst*. educators and government<br />

leeders—rSiat they win<br />

making history. The Intemning<br />

ractoasi of this prophecy.<br />

Tiie education-minded labor<br />

leader was not the only observer<br />

at this first formal meeting of<br />

American college and union re-<br />

?<br />

of unrrarslUes as<br />

far WaH a* Itlahhwi had to tee<br />

If Abe project would work.<br />

The University of Michigan<br />

people were so convinced of the<br />

values of riw^'ng labor information<br />

that by tbe foUowmg June a<br />

similar Institute ['was underway<br />

at Aim Barber. Today v models of<br />

the Rutfers Institute are-found<br />

JftJM colleges and UnivittiUes in<br />




.—(Develo(pcnent of<br />

a oound fisheries management<br />

poktoy for New Jersey's fresh water<br />

ponds and lakes. Is the objective<br />

of an intensive pond and<br />

laka survey to be canted on this<br />

summer, C*. A. Hasten Underhffl,<br />

Direotcr, Fish and Game Division,<br />

State Department of Oontion<br />

and Boonomfc Develannounced<br />

today.<br />

The oomprehedve survey will<br />

be conducted under the overall<br />

supervision of Robert A. Hayford,<br />

Assistant Superintmnd«nt<br />

oT Fish Culture. Roland F.<br />

Smith, of New Brunswick, wUl<br />

direct the field operations and<br />

personally supervise -the detailed<br />

activities of six echnkilarm wtho<br />

are graduate student in fisheries<br />

wort Dr. James R. Westman.<br />

,._nOTTlY, JUNE <strong>16</strong>,<br />

UOGAL<br />

rVani NO RAT«<br />

To per Une f or eaoh insertion<br />

Minimum abarg*. We per insertion<br />

for three lines or lest. Fire<br />

average words to a line.<br />

All copy for classified adver-<br />

Mismeats must be in tt» efltoe<br />

of The South AmtMy Cittern,<br />

8GWW AlffiOY<br />

insure Insertion en<br />

tag. Tt* appttes to both<br />

TEU SOUTH AMBOY 1-0004<br />

AU transient ckassfled advertising<br />

It payable in advance.<br />

Utninmm advertisements, three<br />

must oonform to the<br />

CWsea speemca.<br />

South Amboy Gttam<br />

ths rlgfct to edit or reject<br />

any riasaefted copy.<br />

Mottoe ofVrors, typographical<br />

or otherwise must be given us<br />

to tl«» lor eorrectkm before<br />

neat Insertion. Material errors<br />

aot the' faolt of the advenisef<br />

wiB be adjusted by not more<br />

"than one gratis Insertion.<br />

Replies to The South Amboy<br />

CtUsen box answers win not be<br />

held longer than two weeks after<br />

maertkm of ad.<br />

TO LOAN<br />

MONTY TO LOAN on Mad and<br />

mortgage In sums of $|00, $200,<br />

ftftOO, MOO. 500 and up to $10^.<br />

000. Offloe hours from !:*> A.<br />

U. to 8:20 P. M. Wednesday and<br />

Saturday from 8:30 A. H; to •<br />

P. at. Inquire John A. Lon&f.<br />

Trust Company Building, South<br />

Amboy.<br />



you need funds or wish to consolidate<br />

your obligations Into one<br />

loan to reduce your payments,<br />

please consult me.<br />

Fund* for modernizing or repairs.<br />

Construction funds for new home*<br />

Keney te Finance Buitiieee<br />

Advance te Favohaee Henee<br />

~-—Pkone, call or write<br />


10eo Broad Street Newark<br />

MdtcheU 2-508*<br />

The (kndnm Agency<br />


_ OF<br />


*<br />

211 HENRY STREET<br />

1M. S. A. 1-OSSI<br />

MONMOUTH PARK, northern New Jersey's thoronghSred paradise, inaairoratei Its 19S0 radng season on Jane <strong>16</strong> to<br />

continue 47 days through Aojrtist 9. Shown above is a «pHf»d sinrt, a view of the spacious grandstand with the outdoor<br />

walking ring in the fortgrooBd, and President AmOry L. Haskell, who will play host to thousands of race<br />

through the meeting.<br />

p<br />

Libya, scheduled by United Ne-<br />

Uotu resolution to become independent<br />

by January 1. lftU. will be the<br />

fourth Independent African eountry.<br />

The three already free of ties to<br />

colonial empires—E«ypt, Ethiopia,<br />

and Liberia—comprise only about<br />

one-fifteenth of Africa.<br />

Deeorallve latereat<br />

Rooms that are square and uninteresting<br />

in shape ean be improved<br />

by having one wall painted 4 color<br />

that is different from the other<br />

three. This provides a focal point<br />

of Interest. If there Is a fireplace la<br />

the room, the decorative Interest is<br />

usually placed on the fireplace<br />

Stale<br />

California takes petrotaam ovt et<br />

the grand, salt out of the sea, and<br />

vttamms out of ftah liver through a<br />

chemical industry that makes some<br />

lone m Amador county, has reeeal*<br />

ly eome « hard* waxUke hydreeat<br />

boo which may replace th* Car*<br />

nauba was used in the manufacture<br />

of shoe polish and carbon paper.<br />

Californlans even collect seaweed<br />

and squeeze from it medicines and<br />

livestock fodder.<br />

care<br />

If you want large roses,<br />

ber that removing some of the bods<br />

will produce larger flowers hut few.<br />

•r of them. To get bigger blooms, •1<br />

remove any aide buds on a eaae Is<br />

channel additional strength la the<br />

terminal<br />

Tes* la fteses<br />

High among the world's most<br />

eted rose awards are the<br />


Life huuranca companies have<br />

made more than a billion dollars<br />

available te state, county and munidpal<br />

governments for their flbandng<br />

needs-used for highways,<br />

water works, public buildings,<br />

bridges, schools and many other<br />

From Whey Te "Whee"<br />

Whey, a by-product of the dairy<br />

Industry, has Joined grains and<br />

fruits in the field of starting mats*<br />

rials for fermented drinks. A new*<br />

ly patented process will utilize whey,<br />

which li now largely wasted, as the<br />

basis for many beverages.<br />

Bab's Department Store wishes<br />

as Dads all possible happiness,«<br />


.•^w.<br />

Careef<br />

Nature quite wisely provides flse<br />

toddler with the phytleal ability he<br />

need* to get aroust* and "Me"<br />

everything, for that Si Jott wDat at<br />

te do.<br />

danger, but nay<br />

¥l<br />



WRITEA<br />

WANT AD<br />

CASH IN ON<br />

STUFF<br />

IN<br />

WationsJ Hose fociejkv bL_<br />

and the All-America award,<br />

pre-lntroductlon honor for r<br />

this country.<br />



Two services f or the price ef aoe<br />

Clean out yow fwraaee ektaaney<br />

and rid your bsani ef a lire<br />

bjuard with<br />

Q. ,B. Ya^snuB Cleaner<br />

Chimney Cleaning Service<br />

Quick and Clean<br />

Special Seasonal Price $4.00<br />

N. A. NILSEN<br />

230 Bordentown Avenue<br />

TeL «. A. t-HU<br />

"Bob's Dept.<br />

148 North Broadway *<br />


•>_^<br />

i IH.IT'i f-fcif-n ~ rr iirnTx*rri ••<br />



li^y. N. J.<br />

, June ltth—<br />

M. causes for every.<br />

. Morning Service.<br />

Thinking at Father<br />

P. M. Evening Service.<br />

•The True Social'<br />




Motor Corps<br />

Saturday Night<br />

Affair At Cedar Manor<br />

Awtfrcnary<br />

At their annual banquet. held In order to facilitate<br />

Waswday night at Cedar Manor Write yew Congres<br />

hi MilMown, members , of the paign which has been launched!<br />

South Aasboy Women's Motor to urge local people to oontactj<br />

ceJsvrated tnelr nlntft<br />

sacys<br />

it* A. M. Church School snd<br />

SalUe Qutnlan. Major of •ral Oovenunent. the South Amthe<br />

Corps, was the toastmaster,<br />

-1M» A. M. Bahr<br />

and she ejao .condnsts d ~a ^"cTass ~~~ a house to house can.<br />

night" program when the me-was when forms of 1 stagiami and<br />

*fwe. presented ^^^^<br />

member ci the Corjps. In turn,<br />

the members ' tneseiitadT Maior HHf."<br />

Qulnlan with a dhalse lounge, Ttte drive plans also include<br />

and Mrs, Vincent Higgins Cap. the sending tft telegissas by aQ<br />

tain of the organisation, with an local organtsatfr—, and the committee<br />

orchid.<br />

has furnssbad to each or-<br />

mghUghttng' the program of gnisatkm a sugsjnisrt telegram<br />

the evening, was the presentation<br />

to be tent In thetr name.<br />

» 4oeaA telegi—M and letters<br />

l:tti M. — Sunday School/<br />

hsUflfll HfiMfs oDtXHsva JQCgnl ODCZ!s%uC hntiirf be —*t. to w*<br />

Disaster<br />

Defiyers Suggested<br />

Letter Material<br />

Pbr "Writ* Your<br />

Launched Here<br />

Hoi}. Robert C. Hendrkfcsnn. U.<br />

S. Senator, Senate Building.<br />

Washington, tf. C. or Hon. Alexander<br />

Smiths U. S. Senator. Senate<br />

Building. Washington. D. C.<br />

*—<br />




Church parish house. Kathryn<br />

Kurtz was reflected councilor.<br />

Others elected ' were: Bttelle<br />

Qlsen. associate councilor; Norma<br />

Brown, vice councilor; Addle<br />

Leach, associate vice-councilor;<br />

Dorothy SemoneK, recording secretary;<br />

Ann Fegley, assistant<br />

foonlirjg—seocetary; Mildred<br />

Orob, financial secretary; Ruth<br />

Vegmnek, assistant flnancU! se.<br />

cretary; Helen Morgan treasurer<br />

Joan Kress, .conductor; Ruth<br />

Kvkt etarden; Alma Qarrlson,<br />

Inside sentinel; Ida Johnson, outside<br />

sentinel; Alma Garrison,<br />

trustee for It moaths and Mary<br />

Strattotta represintative for a<br />

two year term.<br />



A degree of Bachelor of Dftvlnhy<br />

was* awarded to the Rev.<br />

Seth Wood, pastor of th« Calvary<br />

Mehodiet Church at oommencement<br />

exercises of Drew Unlver.<br />

sKgr, Tuesday at Madison. N. J.<br />

The Rev. Wtood graduated<br />

from Bast High School in Erie,<br />

Pa., and atended Houghton College<br />

and Oannon College, receiving<br />

a bechetor of arts degree,<br />

from ttie latter buftitution<br />

ta 1M7. Hs is a World War n<br />

vetsnn *t)f ths Anny.<br />

mt<br />

ICor* than s 100 years before tbe<br />

"Jackets* legions of Julius Caetar invaded<br />

to cover cured SMSIS ts Gaul, the natives of India began to<br />

si storage sad sMp> use sbeUae to protect the surfaces<br />

ef their templet and homes.<br />



•I9A2O<br />

Jteyport, N. J.<br />


SOUTH RIVER, N. J.<br />



Banil Rskov Jr.<br />

[Marie Etta Fflskov<br />

Was Graduated From Is Graduated From<br />

Ste?as Iasliliile Goocher CoDege<br />

ItWtitlltf ri Tnrhnnj.<br />

ocy conferred the degree of mechanical<br />

engineer on It3 under*<br />

graduatte, M of them wMh honox<br />

and Mm mlih.. high, honor, ei<br />

©OsBHBBBDBkjBBWieMt 4flDflfCoMg)0B 0ft «UT•<br />

day on the coUege athletic<br />

fleet Ninety-three graduate students<br />

received degree of master<br />

of science.<br />

te O£<br />

Hoffman High School<br />

aflat Marie Btta<br />

Fltokov. of<br />

more than <strong>16</strong>0 graduate* wtoo received<br />

the degree of Bachelor of<br />

Arts from Ocuchar Collect »t<br />

that Institution fifty-ninth commencement<br />

exercises held Mon.<br />

Thomas R. Gleason<br />

Is Graduated From<br />

Princeton University<br />

i &S.E. Degree<br />

IA Engineering Study<br />

Princeton, N. J. — Princeton<br />

^efctatinrlS:7Or3tb5y Aar an<br />

oomnenoenunt with cerback<br />

more than<br />

two centuries, Tuesday -morning<br />

Questions atk/d by the preschool<br />

child deserve answers, tut CUMcraft<br />

books advise you to be brief.<br />

Usually the yeungster If only mildly<br />

and flettingly curious, and a dotailed<br />

reply will leave him baffled<br />

the Common Council of the City<br />

of South Amboy, N. J. tor a Ple-<br />

[nary RetalT Consumption license<br />

en the tree shaded north campus [tor the premises situated it 800<br />

conferred bachelor and advanced | Washington Avenue, South Am-<br />

Objections, If- any, thou'd be<br />

made immediately In ' writing to<br />

Q. F. Dlsbrow. City Clerk, South<br />

Amboy. N. J.<br />

< signed) Matep Valentl,<br />

S00 Washington Avenue,<br />

Hearty M milUon aerei of<br />

were grows in the United States<br />

last ytar. The I960 crop U expected<br />

to be less than 71 miUfon seres.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that John Laah,<br />

and VretT W. Scheer Jr., trading<br />

at "The Covered Wagon." have<br />

Hgned- 4» 4ba. Mayor and JBe.<br />

rough Council of BayreviHel W. HT<br />

for a htnacy Retail Ccnsuauv<br />

tkm license for premises situated<br />

on "Bordentown Turnpike, 014<br />

Bridge, N. J.<br />

Objections, If any, should be<br />

made immediately In writing to<br />

OBaV_& Ife&r to*ug& (Bark,<br />

of SayrevUle. N. J.<br />

.:; (signed) John Lash.<br />

4 Maria Dtrett,<br />

South Rim. N. J.<br />

(signed) F»d W. BcHeer. Jr.<br />

' " 4 MarUa Street.<br />

Jtmtk **<br />

^F^^^ ww^^ -————i<br />

Am,<br />



^t degrees represented<br />

tnornlng i» BalUmoi*e, Md, upon 1434 person*, th<br />

nine stales, including New Miss Fllikov, who prepared for argest group ever to receive de-<br />

Jersey. N«w York, Connecticut, college at the H. O. Hoffman grees from Princeton at a single<br />

Florid* Maryland, Massachusetts.<br />

High School, is the daughter of graduation ceremony.<br />

Oklahoma, Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pilakov, of iBefore a record commence-<br />

and Texas* and two foreign countries:<br />

302 Main Street. A psychology ment Amphitheater In front of<br />

China and Turkey. major at college, site was a mem-Nassau Hall, Dr. Pordyce B. St.<br />

Qwilym A> Price, president, ber of the Canterbury Club and John '<strong>06</strong>, Chairman of the Executive<br />

W«?stuuhouse Electric Corporation the Interfalth Association.<br />

Committee of the Univerr<br />

of Pit tabu: s. gave the commencement<br />

She was the secretary of theaity Board of Trustees, presented<br />

address and received Psychology Club, and also a nine different types of degrees,<br />

*n hoacrmry decree of doctor of<br />

engineering. The same honorary<br />

member of the Tone Committee,<br />

which supervises student oohdiiot.<br />

ranging from the war-bora associsvte<br />

in arts, thrOUtfft the bachelor<br />

decree was conferred on Howard degrees in liberal arts and en-<br />

Ocucher's commencement address<br />

Bruce, rlc* chairman of the<br />

was delivered by Dr. Mar-gineering, to masters of public<br />

board. Baltimore National Bank,<br />

Baltimore, and Major OeoeraJ<br />

Stanley X, Scott, military assistant<br />

garet Mead, associate curator of<br />

ethnology at the American Museum<br />

of Natural History,<br />

affairs, doctorate* of philosophy<br />

and ittdjscloaod number of honorary<br />

degrees.<br />

to the Secretary of Defense,<br />

Among the recipients of degaret<br />

Washington. D, C. The honorary TAVERN LICENSE<br />

tome « par cant of<br />

decree af dotAor of science wai IS SUSPENDED FOR<br />

conferred on Prof* Charles THIRTY DAYS<br />

O. Ounther, retiring head of the<br />

Department of Mathematics and<br />

professor of ordnance engineer-<br />

Following alleged violations of<br />

the local ordinance setting closing<br />

hours for taverns, Edwin B.<br />

Ing at 8tevens Institute, and<br />

.Captain Harold K. Baunders (retired<br />

K Nary Department, Bureau Beverage Control Commission.<br />

Hock, director of the Alcoholic<br />

of Ships. Washington, JD.' C, has ordered the suspension of<br />

while the honora*7 degree of the license of Brennan* Tavern,<br />

eJejctrtoal engineer .was. conferred at the comer of Broadwaj and<br />

on Gilbert K. Oustafson, vlea'John Street, for a period of<br />

president In charge of engineer- thirty days, lees five days remising.<br />

Zenith Radio Corporation, slon for a plea of non vult made<br />

Chicago; - (by the defendants, Francis J. and<br />

Dr. Barmy N. Darts, president .Laura M. Brennan.<br />

of Stevens Institute, presented' !**•• Ootan&ksion reported It<br />

the/candidate* for degrees which discovered violations of the etaswere<br />

formally ecnfarred by Willis in « provisions on Sunday, March<br />

H. Taylor. Jr., chairman of the 5th and on Sunday March 28tfc.<br />

-!,>jnjjmi .,»/*.. *n**,.«»nrf.Tr.- "'^;«»•^*fA^J^iO->»^^.^^..^^^^'^«>^^^Jafcaha^^•»eMat^^'•'^aM!J*^^g^;-'la*l^<br />

-ff<br />

Dae •» teereaaed efficiency, bev<br />

Isr operating methods and malsrlak\<br />

Ike cost of operating the<br />

rajfeteeds IR.IMI was epproxtmateb7<br />

tMt.Me.tMr lees than had the<br />

to living policybolden<br />

hy Ihslt life Iniursnee comrmm-mn<br />

ft.f»,m«» toiwa.<br />

•Nr 41 pat cent more than Qvt<br />

JCWE; TOB enun awmssja uivutul<br />

be olosed between Joe boun of<br />

1«.<br />

t p. m. on Sunday*.<br />


saw servioe with the<br />

Armed Forces, were 479 bachelors<br />

of arts, 124 bachelors of science<br />

in engineering, a lone associate<br />

m ante, <strong>16</strong> masters of fine arts,<br />

14 masters of public affairs. 32<br />

masters of science in engineering,<br />

10 masters of science, 87 doctors<br />

of philosophy and 107 matters of<br />

arts.<br />

Mr. Oleason, a graduate of<br />

Hoffman High School, i* a veteran<br />

of World War XI, and the<br />

son of Mr. and Mm, Thomas<br />

Oleason. of 12 Bertram Avenue.'<br />

His father \B a member of the<br />

local Boacd at Education, of<br />

which he la a former president.<br />

He is married to the former<br />

Grace M. Clayton of this city.<br />

Oleason, who graduated with<br />

board of trustees. The Rev. Al- n«* d »J»o' on April l«th. whet*<br />

ben W. Mbum, rector of Trial- the.owners hindered and failed honors, is president of the<br />

ty Church, Hoboken, pronounced ^° '»cllitftte an investigation then Princeton chapter of the American<br />

Institute of Chemical En-<br />

the inTOoation and beoedlctioQ. ^Pf made by agents pt the<br />

Among'the graduates was Commission.<br />

gineers; a member of the Princeton<br />

Engineering Council, and a<br />

^arcM Thonrald FUskor. of 302 ! Tii * ^>cal ordinance prohibits<br />

•Iain Street, this city, feou of toe sale, service, delivery or con-membefermer OouncUman and Mrs. *umptlon ; of alcoholic beverages He wiU be associated wtth the<br />

of the Terrace Club.<br />

Harold FUakor. Mr. FUskov Sr., between the hours of 2 a. m. andTitanium<br />

iDrvisJcn of the Natloal<br />

Lead Compamy after July a Stevens graduate. 1 P. m, oo Sundays, and provides<br />

1.<br />

••"'•"""'•" •""'iiyrir*fi|fi"" lw "':r -'; • •••••"•••"<br />

MAYOR TO MEM 1<br />


Mayor John D.. Leonard has<br />

> Big* level* el jptBt eaa be produced<br />

with grain mixturet eontam-<br />

requested that ail local contrac-<br />

attend a meeting in his of-<br />

eoaditkm* existed as In 1911. taf ai little aj XitfT cent of fattor*<br />

and cowi will probably not suffer fice in City Hall, he has called<br />

* — '" ill health on these low fat tat* for this evening, at 7:30.<br />

J<br />

tures.<br />

' The purpose of ^be*meeting,<br />

Leonard explained, is to discuss<br />

•some tnat'era of Tttal ttriportance<br />

to looal oontnactors that<br />

Sou* •Africa rfnl tw« offidal<br />

Ungusgei, EofUsh. and Afrikaaae, have come up as the result of<br />

the<br />


$395.00<br />

The price ihfcwn here Inelodee Caaket<br />

Case, remeral from any local hospital or<br />

facilities, hearse and one Hmewtne te any<br />

Protective OvJer<br />

aee of eJI<br />

HokU<br />

251 Augusta Stmt T«l. S. A. 1-OUl<br />

South Amboy, N. j.<br />

N. Y. ani N. J. Ueensei PteereJ HJreeten and<br />


122 North Broadway Te-Uphone S. A. I-O26I<br />


65c Aw<br />

LOINS OP PORK _.., : 59c Ib<br />

RUMP OF VEAL v............. .-....._ 55c Ib.<br />


....... 58c Ib.<br />

SWEET CORN ^<br />

3 ears for 20c<br />

GREEN PEPPERS •..»..-»• rnzr... 3 lor 10c<br />



20c Ib.<br />

Why Rid, Ude on Unsafe Tires?<br />

Huy Soars Karnous<br />

Crusader Tires<br />

for a low<br />

$8.22<br />

plus tax and your old tire.<br />

It has a 12-month guarantee and compares in<br />

weight and tread of a $18.95 tire.<br />

See Joe Rebeck far •> complete) change over to<br />

Sears tirex. Special price on Seta of 4.<br />

Rebuilt Chevrolet Motors $105.00 Exchange price.<br />

Plymouth and Dodge Rebuilt Motors 1120.00 Exchange<br />

price. • •• • - ,<br />

Satisfaction guaranteei CI7 A D C ^ Hobart Street<br />

or year money back. O l l A l w Tel. P. A. 4-6600

nmmi tm BOOTH AMBOY WSUDAX, JUNE W, <strong>1950</strong><br />

Oooi, moist weather makes oondittons<br />

favorable for garden<br />

•hits, often called snails. Leaves<br />

«U1 bt eaten on plants thai are<br />

•ad where the fottafe<br />

dose (o the ground.<br />

These glue* leave marks other<br />

than the eaten folia*-*- J» they<br />

WJWWI or*r the - ground, they<br />

lean a allmjr track, which driei<br />

to appear silvery.<br />

One way to ffet rtd of these<br />

It to trap than. They axe neatly<br />

and hid* la the<br />

of board hid e-<br />

wifl<br />

{•wide them with<br />

tcctfcn. Opon lifting the "boards<br />

in the moraing the beasts will<br />

be discovered and then you can<br />

dispose ct them.<br />

Same gardeners plane them<br />

near the front end wfch a dam-<br />

Ing needle. Others. move them<br />

near some spot where ejCt win<br />

do no harm and sprinkle a little<br />

salt on<br />

pieces tt «risp- tottuoe tprlnklsd*<br />

with Paris green placed near<br />

where they are feeding will provide<br />

them with a fatal tidbit.<br />

The. lettuce must be crisp so. it<br />

need to be cut fresh each<br />

A ring of hydrated lime about<br />

favorite plants acts as a deterent<br />

but <br />

Uness aboard his ship and ajnoof<br />

bis crew. This was the reasoa, he.<br />

said, that be was able to resam<br />

three years later with an enviable<br />

record of having lost ooty one<br />

You<br />

haul more<br />

miles... for<br />

Sir •'];' -^'•'•- - j . ~Z<br />

i ' - *<br />

•v.<br />

a - - .<br />

v<br />

Tok« lime out to talk to somo ChovroJot frock vson. You*ll find<br />

It ravwillng. You'll discover that Chevrolet tivckt pay thotr %vay<br />

kf hauling mora 1SadV-fnors> mtlot-lor lottl And you'll find<br />

ttiit oxtra moosufw of voluo te^wvon woiw oppoiwfit In ttio<br />

Cnovrolot inooola* Doflnnolyy tnoy M Antwrtosi 9 •waVcnoioa<br />

Hocks. Hwovy-duty units faatuiw a bfond-iww 105-h.p. VatvosfVHood<br />

engine with the powor to pull hoovy loadt and conquor<br />

•loop grade*. They offer now PowttsM carburotion for wnoorhtf,<br />

ojuldcor operation. Thoy bring you tho fast, safo shifHog of<br />

Chevrolet'* 4-»peed Synchro-Moth trantmitslon. But whofvor<br />

your houllng roqulromontt,<br />

Chevrolet trades are..your hirt<br />

bet. See them in our showroom.<br />

You'll agree.<br />


m<br />

•<br />



let<br />


me neHen's<br />


You're money ahead wifh Chevrelet<br />

rock-bottom Inirlol totf-ovtri<br />

atJon and upkeep—ami high<br />

to the lowest price for yew.<br />



<strong>16</strong>11960<br />


Pimtitbed every Friday by<br />


M. C. BLOODGOOD, Managing Editor<br />

"" '" at tb* South<br />

Under the Act of March t, ifTt<br />

^TMi aWeVaper wm not be liable for mtm'Wmfia*<br />

beyond the cost of apace occupied by the<br />


Metteeel<br />

IIIUI<br />

H».T«it-<br />

DiOW YOUR<br />


•rOTUGHT ON<br />

•TENDING<br />

Zn past year* when Gongt<br />

ii*nd* to optrate<br />


a socialist paity takes oVer the government of<br />

a country, it may have the noblest of intentions. It may<br />

to paisfemately devoted to the ideal of making life better<br />

for_aV*ryone. But, in practice* end regardleas of the probity<br />

andTpurpose"of"the" menTti'cbntroV"it alwiyi winds up by<br />

regimenting the energies and resources of the nation, and<br />

weakening the fibres of the people.<br />

A particularly goo4 example of- that is found m England,<br />

and we need not turn to Conservative Party spokesmen<br />

for evidence. Four years Ago, on May 6, 1946, an influential<br />

member of the Labor Party, Ivor Thomas, said in<br />

Commons: 'Today, over a wide field, private enterprise<br />

has become a stumbling Mock to economic advance. In the<br />

new Renaissance the new and potent instruments which sci-<br />

Howba*thl* worked inOmtmrttib-mxr<br />

•<br />

Sactudmg sM to Sinflope and<br />

company in that *tate. It observed: "Our area will not have lyment for Federal debt, an<br />

ence has placed in the hands of man are matched bv a new to entertain any dismal thoughts of any future drastic power (appropriation •MM measure* were put<br />

and<br />

on>1<br />

fruitful<br />

Imi + fill<br />

principle;<br />

nnnninla •<br />

the<br />

fka<br />

principle<br />

nrinxmla<br />

of<br />

rxf<br />

public<br />

nuKlio Antl>pnr

St Mary's<br />

Ftr<br />

Presented At Sunday<br />

Nbjat Com<br />

of SI graduates of 8L Mery*s<br />

High School, at<br />

y»—rtf held<br />

In Sacred Heart Aadttorimm.<br />

The dankss<br />

red by Magr. Edward J.<br />

van. pastor of St. Mary's R. C<br />

Cbuich. and the Rev. Francis J<br />

the<br />

the<br />

A gold medal. Ac gift<br />

V<br />

TODAY, JUNE <strong>16</strong>,1980<br />

Postponed Plans<br />

For Ladies Night<br />

Condition Of Incoming<br />

President Mtnvel<br />

AwMegate Jr., Explosion<br />

- Vfcttm, Prompts Action<br />

chairmanship of the Citizens'<br />

Disaster Belief Committee also<br />

spoke. The Rev. Pile's talk was<br />

concerned mainly with the grave<br />

problems confronting local<br />

churches as the result of the<br />

damage they suffered. John E.<br />

Mullane, a former president of<br />

the club, talked on the pioper<br />

handling of proof of loqs claims.<br />

Postmaster Thomas £. Downs,<br />

presided over the session, the<br />

prayer was lead by Joseph Vail<br />

and a program of community<br />

singing was presented under the<br />

direction of James ChuUli.<br />

Attending as guests were the<br />

Rev. Earl Devaney of the Woodbridge<br />

club, Andrew Wight, John<br />

BUama and Fred Mayer of the<br />

Perth Amboy club, Matthew Malissewaki,<br />

Ambrose Bclght, E-d<br />

laceiwaki, Ambrose Fritsch. Ed-<br />

Postmasier Charles Hau&serman<br />

of th£ South River club,<br />

and DougJtfs Cook, who was the<br />

guest of Raymond Ketchel.<br />

Fsjaeral Serrices<br />

On Wednesday For<br />

S,yanZudt<br />

8. Van zautdt. of 1M<br />

Bordsntown Avwnus. died on<br />

Sunday at the Booth Amwoy Me.<br />

{morw Hospittl. after a short 01-<br />

Because Mtnvel AppUgau, He wae hem en Ovidto, fterltf*v<br />

Jr., president elect, who was to and was superintendent of<br />

bam b* n Installed with 3>e teaanee for the lfsftr<br />

mainbets cf hia staff at the Ladies<br />

Nlflht. snlann«(l by the South Surviving are bis<br />

Highway Dspartssen<br />

Anlboy Rotary for next Wednea- Avr4*gs» Ita * ,<br />

4af nifht, *1H b« unafcle to attend<br />

because he Is still suffering sisters, Mrs,<br />

of<br />

Louis Van Xeotft Jr, sod two<br />

major injuries received during Dayton Beaoh, Florida sad Hie.<br />

the explosion, it has been decided<br />

to postpone that event in.<br />

Theodore Wtttsrman of<br />

definitely. John Oleason is chairflMft<br />

el the Ladiae Night oommit-<br />

I A fuosral ssnrieft teas hsld on<br />

^»^^ ^^^^H^S^^^B^BB^^^BM^^B^' ^PBVBI^B^B^^BJ^BBB^B^^^B^^BJBJIS ^awy ^BB ^a ^<br />

M front «w Meson Ptt&cre^<br />

At the meeting held on Tuesday,<br />

Mayor Leonard was the when the Rev. Jesses Arttosax<br />

Home, Ml Botdsatosm, Avenos.<br />

guest of the club, and he explained<br />

the organisation which Church officiated. Interment was<br />

pastor of the First PressytsHsA<br />

has; been set up locally to stop in the Hillside Cemetery at<br />

the present investigation of the Plaiafield.<br />

Coast Guard Into the cause of Mr. Van Zandt was a veteran<br />

the disaster, and the purpose of ef World War I, and Lot* A.<br />

the trip of local representatives Lovely Post of the American Legion<br />

held a memorial service on<br />

to Washington.<br />

The Rev. Wilbur N. Pike of the Tuesday evening.<br />

First Methodist Church who has .• *<br />

been named by Leonard to the MRS. ALBERTA HE1M<br />


If You Are<br />

For a last<br />

Minute Gift<br />

For<br />

Then Stop At<br />

ARKYS<br />


North Broadway<br />

Seep btieUcldta eontttntag oalor-<br />

-gge.9flj^!^sai<br />

arei and note*<br />

I (Continued from Page 1)<br />

tfo« alternates, MIssBeairtee CarroU,<br />

Mrs. Mary Ifcatlerfc Mrs.<br />

Harold Stratton aad Mrs. Ana<br />

Casey.<br />

| Delegates to the state convention<br />

will be Mrs. flmttfc. Mrs.<br />

CoaUey, Mrs. Noble and Miss<br />

Carroll, with the altfrmta, Mrs.<br />

Fred Beitteri. Mrs. Haosd Btartton<br />

and MM. AJk*rt Helm.<br />

Meetings wBl be dispensed<br />

with during the summer months<br />

and the neat meeting wil ltmke<br />

place Wednesday evening, September<br />

13th.<br />

' The new officers will be installed<br />

at Joint ceremonies will*<br />

•the Legion poet and arrange,<br />

menu for this event are present.<br />

ly being made.<br />



(Continued fttm Fajs One><br />

was especially built for tbe han-<br />

[dllng of suob shipments. and<br />

tbe recent shipment Is<br />

! to have been refused by the Fed<br />

|erar • authorities at •arts, who<br />

'declared it was unsafe end improperly<br />

packaged, after which<br />

, the Coast Guard permission for<br />

it to be shtoved from ttris dty<br />

wss given.<br />

"A* a ciUesn of South Amboy."<br />

: Boftman ooBttnoed* **I wish • to<br />

give full support to the action<br />

taken by Mayor Leonard and the<br />

city eouflefl of eouah Amboy and<br />

Mayer mm and p* dty of<br />

itivesUgstteti ef<br />

this<br />

Leonard advises me that he has<br />

called upon you as the<br />

utemwr or CQnarress for<br />

Jersey tk> asssmldiB the<br />

bers of the the New Jersey delstaUon<br />

to dsnuas this matter<br />

, with a committee of cHisens from<br />

Middlesex County and to secure<br />

'aetlon that wlB fix the reepon-<br />

'sJbiUtT and make good the losses<br />

of oitissns innoeerrUy supjected<br />

I to ttols unwarranted hasard. I<br />

hope you wlQ oemply promptty<br />

jwtth this rsojusst and take an<br />

wy \xonvresi psrare xne coas?<br />

Guard ooBniatss Its bearings and<br />

t b iteatf from all<br />

,bflrty<br />

nnouiu AMBOY<br />

Henry Burden of Troy. New York,<br />

was a prominent Ironmaster and Inventor<br />

during th« mld-ieWs.<br />

Among hU moat Important inventions<br />

were the "Kuecser" tor puddled<br />

Iron, and a horseshoe making<br />

machine. Burden horseshoes were<br />

eighty feted during the Civil war<br />

by CWe Aerate eommandera.<br />

Take aotfcoe that Walter Zsb.<br />

BO, trading ss Majors Tavern, has<br />

[spiled tie the Oosssnon Otmntrtl<br />

of the CM* of South Asawoy H.<br />

' J. far a Plenary Betail<br />

S-1S It.<br />

. If. J.<br />

It any. should bs<br />

m writing to<br />

(signed) Walter A. Ubro,<br />

IAS Bsltn* Stseot,<br />

ooum aflmoy, it; J.<br />

Take no, Borough Clerk,<br />

. J.<br />

(Signed) Ifarf Smith.<br />

ateoutrlx.<br />

•0 Waadpaack Avenue<br />

:, N. J.<br />

Tanas.<br />

Executor.<br />

Street<br />

- Sooth Amboy N. J.<br />

w-e*»<br />

sVOTIOK!<br />

LOCAL<br />


(Continued from Peg* t)<br />

Augusta Street, Mary Ann and<br />

Betty Lou Bwtuahek, of 11* Au.<br />

gusta Street, and Theresa Quinlan<br />

of 196 AuflusU Street. ICach<br />

at these ginis will be presented<br />

with a tteaeoaU autographed by<br />

o&embers of tha CtoveBMid Xndlball<br />

team, who have<br />

turned these bsasbetli ever to<br />

Alfle dark, local snembsr ef the<br />

ttrnmrn<br />

J. MUDFOU)<br />


David J. Mudford, of<br />

Surest, was among the<br />

graduates of Beton Hall<br />

He recently flew tt<br />

JUoo. where he will<br />

Univeuitgr of San Juan, to<br />

for a doctor's degree in<br />

try.<br />



tOSS SAY "YES"g<br />

good advice for you<br />

*' **'*'<br />

Geod grooming often spells the<br />

~ asMl a »ffn an , Borough Clerk,<br />

of 8ey«wvtfle,<br />

v-t-lf<br />

N. J.<br />

) Charles 6chad*l,<br />

Roosevelt Blvd.,<br />

President Part<br />

notice $h*t O«orf e Vandjrhoot*.<br />

trading u 8M Shell<br />

hae applied «a the Mayor and<br />

a)orough Cfcmrsjsf<br />

If any; ahould be<br />

Bade immidfcMory to writing to<br />

#. Kosb. Borough Clerk,<br />

If. J.<br />

: oae It by all Mayor and Borough Council of I<br />

trading aa Btaarot, has applied<br />

i • Ro overboard.<br />

^ ^Wear oae. Ian tta<br />

Tori<br />

to the<br />

tttrettefi for sktint, and tha<br />

a* ttw auumitr ward.<br />

rartoatexl at Peary Place,<br />

of SeyrevUle, N. J.. for a<br />

t»eV Nrfsnae: The taalea ge Morgan.<br />

Retail OoiwgBptlon )iloessc<br />

for<br />

situated<br />

• • *ia aajejrree. irat,<br />

OWecthm*, If any,<br />

at<br />

It Beavy eelogm, er p<br />

Mb. W Morgan.<br />

to I<br />

gwvtaB afr# interview<br />

Ctifrctiona, If any. ahould be<br />

i IV Oisre: (M Heed Hd those ads that set | Prttak1p -* otb ' Boiqigh * a * 1 *'| t , l) A. ttmmiiiMTVr m writma to<br />

Heea f mr only beat thlnr friend yoar wont tell of SeyreviDe, H. J.<br />

IS^^wJST^J*Z*Tn!.*<br />

Kolb, Boicugh<br />

i) TbosnasiA, ShCTkUn,!<br />

M>I« •Uttn V*- boaa «.i. will »ki.. tall ««. yon la«*^_ I . ,_ •> . . ^ ^-^_.,.__ Irrank Bayrevttle, P. Kolo, N. J. Borcugh Clerk,<br />

Igam tf you're not careful.<br />

Peary Place, Morgan,<br />

RPD. l. South Amboy.K. J. 1<br />

Peter Mttano.<br />

(Highway No, M. Morgan,<br />

«-«-ii<br />

RJJ). 1. Souttx Amhoy. N. J<br />

aVSUE<br />

Waterier Plga<br />

of dean water at aO<br />

I bssfiporUnt In producing hoft<br />

Pigs make faster and<br />

eeeoomical gains when they<br />

Btoaty of water.<br />

NOTICK<br />

notice thai Andrew Koetndlng<br />

aa Andy'a TfjreA.'<br />

to the Mayor and<br />

Council of Sayreyille.<br />

K. J, for * Plenary Retell ConejMsspeicii<br />

Uoenae for premiies al-<br />

UBatsd *t 26© Oai Street, Mel-<br />

~ MOVICB<br />

Take nottoe that John Henry<br />

em flMaaaa^eaaVsai - ^eaakewtetesT aaai<br />

Bar f*d Orill, has<br />

pltod to the Mayor «nd<br />

Fran* I*. Kott),<br />

N. J,<br />

(ssgned).<br />

John Bwry atkd Ifsok<br />

•••.14<br />

BOXES<br />

aad Mam Street<br />

and Center Streets<br />

87—Stockton and First streets<br />

11—Parker Ave. and Portia 8t<br />

12—Bordentown Ave.<br />

Street<br />

SI—Stevens Ave. and Ai<br />

B*, tf any, should be 34—Bordentown Ave. and Ft OS<br />

in writinR to peot Street<br />

P. Kokto. Borough Clerk, 36—Pine Avenue and Portia St<br />

W. J.<br />

36—Broadway and Augusta St.<br />

(signed) Andrew Xoamo*ki, 37 ...Bertram Ave. and Robert St.<br />

SM Oak Street, 41—Broadway and Louisa 8t<br />

Metros*. 42—Henry and Rosewell 8treets<br />

,,..^.<br />

IS—Henry St. and Pine Ave.<br />

44—South Ambojr Hospital<br />

15—Feltus and Augusta Streets<br />

that Georgette<br />

<strong>16</strong>—John and Feltus Streets<br />

as Georgette's,<br />

34—Broadway and Bordentown<br />

to the Mayor and Avenue<br />

a of SayrevUIe. 82— PRR Docks<br />

for a Plenary Retail Con- |«3—PRR Yard Master's Office<br />

lfcenae for gvemlses eitmated<br />

at Hlshway No. 86, Mel-<br />

Ctiectione, if any, should be<br />

tmmedsately In writing to<br />

Borttftth Cltrk.<br />

et SayrsjvlDe. K. #.<br />

(same) Gee*.<br />

64—PRR Docks<br />

63—Seaboard Coal Dock Co.<br />

72—John St. and Stevens Ave.<br />

81—Fourth and Potter Streets<br />

S2—Rldgeway Ave. and Cenevet<br />

**••*<br />

I—Wrc aader centre! or wire<br />

Wo 1ft, HsVt Oeaeral Alarm<br />

S-t-M—No sesetea of<br />

NOTICI<br />

Take aotJee that Barry E.<br />

Prltehavd and HUa Owen, tradaa<br />

Otd Spye |na. has ap~<br />

jjlied to the Borouab Council,<br />

Sayntilsa, N. J. for a Plenary<br />

Retail Ooasutnptkm license for<br />

situated at Oed Spy*<br />

-inuM, a*. P. D. 1, South Affoboy,<br />

ton j^<br />

^•^1 OtJeotlOTis, a* any. ahould be<br />

laiade Immediately. ID writing to<br />

{frank KoM>, Clerk. Borough Hall,<br />

H. J.<br />

(signed) Barry B. Prltehard.<br />

Hila Owen,<br />

OM Spye Rd, R. W\ D. 1,<br />

«-» 1 t<br />

\ ». J.<br />

none*<br />

Take notice thai John O. Ne-<br />

#ua, trading as Wonder Bar, has<br />

to the Onrnmon Council<br />

of the City of South AmboyvH.<br />

J. for a Plenary Retail Consumption<br />

licence for premises situated<br />

at 400 Henry Street, South Am-<br />

»oy. M. J.<br />

OttectlQjMV tf any. ahould be I<br />

made immafitately m writing tot<br />

F. O. Dttrow. Otty Clerk, South<br />

N. J.<br />

(signed) John O. Nemu<br />

400 Ptae Avenue,<br />

4-9 2t.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take nottoe th«t FtWl H.<br />

Ptitaohe trading as Bay View<br />

Inn has applied to the Common<br />

Council of fre City of South Amboy<br />

N. J. for Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption License for premises<br />

situated at 400 South Pine<br />

Avenue, South Amboy, N. J.<br />

Objections, if any, should be<br />

made immeidately In writing to<br />

P. O. Disbrow, CHy Clerk, South<br />

Amboy, N. J.<br />

(signed) Fred. H. Frltache,<br />

400 South Fine Avenue.<br />

Booth Ainboy, N. J. I<br />


With aynchronlied flash It Is easy to snap story-telling pictures at the<br />

Indoor reception.<br />

Wedding Rocoption Snapshooting<br />

D knew at s glance that the<br />

heavy white envelope in this<br />

ssoralng's ewUl seatalaed a wedding<br />

tntHatton—and that 1s pracUcally<br />

the same as saying it contained aa<br />

offer ol a golden opportunity for<br />

making informal, story-telling<br />

shots.<br />

Many people prefer to concentrate<br />

their picture taking on the gay happenings<br />

at the reception. There yon<br />

can snap not only sach traditional<br />

pictures se the cutting of the cake<br />

and the throwing of the bride's boodost,<br />

bat yos can make pictures of<br />

tiie bride sod groom as they receive<br />

the best wl»nes of family aad<br />

friends, and of the guests ss they<br />

Chat togeihrr.<br />

Howerer. la the midst of all this<br />

happy excitement the camera user<br />

has to be very tiert—or should na»e<br />

planned in advance. If yours is an<br />

adjustable earners, it U a good Ides<br />

to decide 00 one setting for most of<br />

your shooting. Then you won't run<br />

the risk of losing a good picture<br />

because you had to take time to<br />

BUT U. 8. BONDS<br />

adjust the camera, or because you<br />

forgot to do it.<br />

It the reception Is out-of doors,<br />

t-aaUlnev will, cf coursa. vary<br />

with the weather. But U It's the<br />

pleasant, sonny day it should be. a<br />

shutter speed of 1/50 at f/11 and a<br />

distance setting of IS feet will five<br />

yo« generally good pictures.<br />

If the reception is' Indoors, the<br />

whole thing will be equally simple<br />

tf your camera has built-in synchronised<br />

flash equipment. Tb.e spaed of<br />

the flash bulbs will make even the<br />

simplest camera fast enough to stop<br />

any normal movement—and therefore<br />

protect you against a picture'a<br />

being spoiled because your subject,<br />

nnaware of your intentions, suddenly<br />

mores. Without synebronlted<br />

flash It Is slightly more difficult, but<br />

you can get some eirellent results<br />

with the new, inexpensive, handheld<br />

flash guns. It you haven't used<br />

flash and have any doubts or questions,<br />

talk It ovei with your dealer.<br />

He'll be glad to help you. And you'll<br />

be glad you tried It!<br />

—John van Guilder<br />


Tb# lUmily Itoxt Door...<br />

M He> fwwto terriWe, Dodtrl**<br />

e Isn't It coosfcrdac to know<br />

that' day or nlgbs your tele*<br />

phooe stands ready to summon<br />

aid? It might be a m^jtr emergency<br />

i:: oae where minutes or<br />

eveti seconds count! Considering<br />

fas* die protection feature<br />

of your telephone service, can<br />

you measure it* value in dollar*<br />

and cents?<br />

MW JttMY 1IU<br />



TIIIPHONI greatly Increases<br />

the convenience ond<br />

protection of your telephone<br />

••rvice—ond co*H |utt a f *w<br />

cents a day I Your local Telephone<br />

Business Office will<br />

gladly arronge for Its inirallotion.<br />


FRIDAY, JUNE t*, 1960<br />

Datry'BKrtS)<br />

Dairy used to the ittnrtiisa<br />

type of dairy bam should study th*<br />

loose' bousing system carefully be*<br />

fora changing ever *> B . "<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that Efthemia<br />

Oekbldes, trading M Tsd't Bar<br />

and 0:111, ha* applied to the<br />

Mayor and Borough Council of<br />

BayrevUle. N. J., for. ft Plenary<br />

Retail OormimCrtioc IjowJ— for<br />

premise* situated at Pint. and<br />

Liberty Street, Morgan.<br />

Objections, If any, ahould be<br />

made lsUMdiately In writing to<br />

Frank P. Kolb, Borough Clerk,<br />

of Saycevttk. N. J.<br />

Efthtmla Oalebidea,<br />

Pine and Uiberty fit,<br />

Morgan.<br />

NOllt'l<br />

and Olivt<br />

ROW*, trading at Rove's lodge<br />

tr and Orlll. hat applied to the<br />

Mayor and Borough Council at<br />

Bayrevtile, N. J., for a Plenary<br />

Retail Consumption license for<br />

premise* situated at Highway<br />

No. 33, Morgan.<br />

Objections, if any. should be<br />

made immediately In writing to<br />

Prank P. Kolb, Borough Clerk,<br />

of Saytevtfle, N. J.<br />

(signed) Olive Reiwe.<br />

^Highway No. 25,<br />

Morgan.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice tahat Joseph Benmato,<br />

Inc.. trading as Rozy Bar<br />

and Grill, has applied to the<br />

Mayor and Borough Council of<br />

Bayreville, N. J., for a Plenary<br />

Retail Consumption license for<br />

premises situated at Hlgthway No.<br />

35. Morgan.<br />

Objections, If any, should be<br />

made Immediately in wrltln? to<br />

Prank P. Kolb, Borcugh Clerk,<br />

of SaycevUle. N. J.<br />

(signed) Joseph Benlnato,<br />

President,<br />

Highway No. 35, Morgan,<br />

R. F. D. 1,<br />

South Amboy, N. J.<br />

6-9.<strong>16</strong><br />


MI MIII M<br />

Saves time and effort in paying bills.<br />

Systematizes your financial affairs.<br />

Avoids dangers of carrying cash.<br />

tswest pttot reach** by •<br />

railroad ia tkts eountry It it mlU-<br />

*ctt gtt.4, sw iaHoa. California,<br />

where the Soutfatrn Pacific railroad,<br />

to crossing tha Balton "sink" and<br />

*eImperial ralley. reaches a<br />

ivtt < 1M J fMl baknr Mt<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that Barnard 1.<br />

maiMsmi. trading at Molly's<br />

T«v«rlC'mi applied to the stay:<br />

or and Borougb douacti o< Bay.<br />

l N. J, lor a flawy Betell<br />

Consumption ttssikis fop<br />

situated at BgHway<br />

Kb. K. Make*.<br />

Objections, If any. ahould bt<br />

made imnwfMaiy m writing to<br />

frank P. Kolb, Borough Clerk.<br />

of Sayiwifle, N. J,<br />

(signed)<br />

Bernard X. UIHSMWSH,<br />

Mo, w, MskOM,<br />

, N. *<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that Imam Lto<br />

Kuhrt, tjrading as Osne's Road<br />

Stand, hat applied to tha Mayor<br />

and Borough Council of Sajrre-<br />

Kuhrt, trading at Osne* Bead<br />

Consumption ttaenat for premlses<br />

sMuatod at Highway No. M.<br />

Morgan.<br />

Objectiooa, If any. should be<br />

made immediately In writing to<br />

Prank P. Xolb, Borough Clerk.<br />

of SayreviUe, N. J.<br />

(signed* «dg«ne Kuhrt,<br />

Highway No. U,<br />

Morgan.<br />

Q-9-<strong>16</strong><br />

NOTICI<br />

Take notio* that William F.<br />

Doyle, trading at Doyle's Bar and<br />

arm tuts appUad to tht Mayor<br />

and Borough. Qoundl of Bayreville.<br />

N. J., for a Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption license for preen*<br />

l*s situated at Highway No. SS,<br />

Morgan.<br />

Objections, if any, ahould be<br />

made immediately in writing to<br />

Frank (P. Kolb, Botough Clerk,<br />

of 6ayrevUle, N. J.<br />

(signed) William F. Doyle.<br />

Highway No. SB,<br />

Morgan.<br />

6-9-tt<br />

Builds prestige and establishes credit<br />

Cancelled check proves payment<br />

You are invited to open and saafaltfc<br />

a checking account in thb btaib<br />






Wins they fail to see any action on the part of their<br />

•tat* or national governmeuts, citizens wto kftvt en><br />

to them their welfare and that of their famllie*,<br />

efed save also entrusted them with all their worldly |*oper»<br />

ty, lot* faith in their governments, partievlafly If it is the<br />

government that is concerned. When thu take*<br />

~fKTconaitio&<br />

u h<br />

existed here, because Congress has been sitting on its basds<br />

so far a* the serious local condition as the result of Use May<br />

Swth explosion is concerned. ,<br />

It would seem that Congress having been informsd<br />

stoat the disaster, as the rest of the country was, should<br />

til* immediately made plans for local rehei mad followed<br />

this up with the necessary emerges** ksgiitatsoei and an<br />

iovestifttikm which would be a resd one, and not in the<br />

class with the farcical Coast Guard probe, which has bee*<br />

going on for a long time, and got nowhere. —<br />

irking to think ta*t since tht SM4<br />

TUB lOOTH AMBOY GRBBN FRIDAY, JUNE <strong>16</strong>,1866<br />

St farys Gmmar<br />

Scsod Graduated<br />

78 Students<br />

At Exercises Sunday<br />

Afternoon At Sacred<br />

Heart Auditorium<br />

'there were atventjr-elfbt<br />

tors In the class wtassh<br />

graduated Iron BL Mary's<br />

ransnar JB^crxK>l at exorcises<br />

hot* Smdaar aftsotoa In the<br />

Sacred Heart parish sasUtorhtm.<br />

The re. Rev. ataar. Mwavi H.<br />

1L C. Chinch<br />

sv Hie<br />

It was particularly irking to see a recent photograph<br />

of Ooegressman Eaton, who while not the representative<br />

of our Congressional District, but a resident and representathra<br />

of an adjoining district, standing with a group of<br />

ht she<br />

nounoed fef the<br />

The<br />

of ft*. Mirfs<br />

the «*<br />

"war!'we*nave"been told of conditions to Europe, wlmwjMsi<br />

Wtisi people had wiecked Home*,"iM' Were" living mSSF<br />

unhealthy and dangerous coaditioas, which required ls><br />

mediate relief, to which the liberal citizens of our dty contributed<br />

willingly and generously, and for which miltons<br />

of their tax dollars were spent, and yet when a simistr^sttuationcame<br />

abtfut in this city, it was necessary for Csmnoa,<br />

local people to set up their own committee to go to Washdaffy.<br />

George Bryan DaJy. Martin Jo-<br />

Tbomas John r>o-<br />

fcaney, Jotaa Sdward<br />

Downs,<br />

Hackett,<br />

sett, Marion Catherine Hoi too.<br />

Stanley<br />

Mary Theresa Jaruslelfwci. Joseph<br />

Stephen Kaprsns. Mary WiL<br />

ma Krauss, Charles Raymond<br />

Kelly, Pttricta Mary I*uer.<br />

Cstthertoe Elisabeth Leonard.<br />

Constance Leonard. Jceeph Ray-<br />

Bond Lotkowks, Adam Bernard<br />

Lovely, Msreetis Mark McCatae,<br />

Mar*<br />

as4eito MaMk, Thonsa* Vteesnt<br />


Doyle, James Francis Murray.<br />

lOertrud* Lois Newman. Thomas<br />

>eeph Noble. Donald David O*-<br />

Qumlan,<br />

Aim Me. ^^ «m >rMi<br />

e^ae^BT s^ si ^sssjsjesfejra^ ^^^^ ^^<br />

Brttt. Ann Marie<br />

Barry<br />

Oooling,<br />

Robert<br />

William<br />

for tfce rattaf of a foreigA conutry. Probably the Congreat- ckrth.<br />

Mary Rectoa FaireU, Marianne<br />

dkint know where the place was to which the money<br />

Rose Fttejereid. Marram Flan-<br />

'Was bring sent, but he should know where South Amboy is,<br />

since he lives so close to it. However, we haven't heard a I William John Fuller. Patricia<br />

single word from him about our plight.<br />

What has taken place so far as Congress is concerned.<br />

convince us that since we are citizens of the United<br />

States and not of some foreign country, we cannot expect<br />

tbe kind of aid we would receive if we lived outside the<br />

United SUtes, and therefore, we will have to fight aud<br />

fight hard for the action from Congress we deserve, and<br />

- hflivea right to expect.<br />

Bvtry single person in South Amboy must get into<br />

the fight, for their own preservation. Our first step must<br />

be to exert ''pressure'* methods on Congress by writing<br />

letters and sending telegrams to our Congressmen in Washington.<br />

The days of patient waiting and hoping that the<br />

next day will bring action from Washington are over. We<br />

must present a united front and a belligerent attitute, from<br />

here on out. And we must not forget what is taking place<br />

now and the lack of any CongxessionaL action since May 19th,<br />

wtai we go to the polls at the next election, and the elections<br />

to come.<br />



Jaaloe Qerethty. Patricia Clara<br />

OUadort. Donald Fnaote<br />

Gerald Anthoor Oo<br />

JaoMt Feol Orarer, Robert Oer-<br />

ywrtcfc OTooK Pitada<br />

wattem Qsoifs Rsa. the<br />

Suntran. Flo.<br />

Tasfart, Carol<br />

"Mary Tier,<br />

Theresa'<br />

Arthur<br />

Ricrjard Warga Helen<br />

Catherine Yablonkky and Joan<br />

Ann Zuspan.<br />

«<br />

Ways te><br />

a close-grained wood that<br />

does Dot require a paste nUer. It<br />

can best be given s mahogany or<br />

walnut color with a penetrating<br />

stafav While It Is often given a<br />

natural finish with s gloss or dull<br />

varnish, a lacquer or a wax. It sup*<br />

piles en excellent best for enamel<br />

and may also be bleached.<br />

WITTt Yew Ceswreaasnan —<br />

Urging ExplBaieei ACTION!<br />

it is felt tliat Ike<br />

o» eVF eesn*<br />

largely<br />

•f May It.<br />

_ tm_ ike<br />

nie¥ a tra«ie teU<br />

aria* about the reimte<br />

eeir ettjr, and all<br />

ef Ha eJUaene fer all penenal in.<br />

and preaerty lose; and neby<br />

every agency of<br />

atase and nwn^eipal<br />

la prevent n reenr.<br />

ef snch a. catastrophe.<br />



Carrets !»r Salad<br />

Fresh carrots are an excellent addition<br />

to a salad, in terms of color,<br />

flavor, texture, and food value."<br />

Left-Over Praits<br />

Left-over fruits may be used to<br />

add a fresh, new touch to meals by'<br />

adding them to muffins.<br />

ITE<br />

Urging<br />

for something to<br />

serce on tbt<br />

Year Congressman —<br />

ACTION!<br />

-:<br />

SayreWDeJ.CC<br />

Dim For Local<br />

Relief Closes Tonight<br />

Week Long Event To<br />

Terminate With Rally<br />

the first civic activity<br />

the new Junior Chamber of<br />

soft ball<br />

game. Two local girls; Dorothy<br />

MlgUn and Dcretta Pavich wiK<br />

prooent a pantosnjme on popular<br />

songs, end there will be an at<br />

Mbitlon by tne tnrlrtere of the<br />

OayreviUe High School Band<br />

Music will be furnished by the<br />

Jtelrose Ptfe, Dram and Bugle<br />

Corps*<br />

Vbtjfik Xtantne Is chairman of<br />

the dommlttee assisted by Bar.<br />

,.iWB,<br />

Edwin Roglnakt t Joseph Kulaa,<br />

president of the Chamber, and<br />

M Laettl<br />

— >V<br />

The proportion of the American<br />

populstioh that graduated from cot*<br />

lege trebled between the two world<br />

wars, rielng from 1.1 per cent to<br />

S per cent.<br />

. L-*w<br />

Healthy growing plants<br />

water tale the air.<br />

win<br />

Mi •<br />

We always have on hand just the<br />

right kind of pastry for such an occasion,<br />

and we're always ready to<br />

make suggestions. __„__<br />

• V<br />

Lou's Pastry Stop<br />

115 So. Broadway<br />

Telephone <strong>16</strong>20

••<<br />

FRIPAT;<br />

RastusW.Sbw<br />

Funeral Services<br />

Held On Monday<br />

not town AKBOY eras*<br />

N. J. for a Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption License for pretttoated<br />

ct H« Stevene<br />

ML<br />

W. Shaw, ot VlneltiMr premise* •Hunted at lit South<br />

own HIIMUJ , n. v.<br />

MUTJPUX, • • cneo<br />

Avenue; South Amboy,.<br />

home on Friday.<br />

The nasaes and residences of<br />

N. ,). The names and residences<br />

He was a retired carpenter.<br />

all of the •tocfchnlrtere holding<br />

stockholders hokttag one or<br />

A funeral service took place<br />

one or more percent of the stock<br />

oenft of the stock o?<br />

Monday, afternoon at 2 P. M.<br />

m said corporation are Aleck<br />

seHd corporation are: Mary Fedak.<br />

M%. 1M Stevens Avenue.<br />

from the Meson Funeral Home,<br />

Kurpiewskl 110 snares, TlUte<br />

241 Bordentown Avenue, with<br />

Kurpiewskl 1 share; Violet Kur.<br />

South Ambof. If. J.; John Fedak.<br />

the Rev. WUbur N. Pike, pastor<br />

I- sfcsjre, Dse Miltfeaee of<br />

0%, 1M Stevens Avenue, South<br />

of the First Methodist Church<br />

all the storirhntdect above Is ill<br />

Amboy. K. J.<br />

officiating. Interment was in<br />

Christ Church Cemetery.<br />

Surviving are three daughters;<br />

Mrs. E. Anderson of Morgan,<br />

r Wti; ffladj* Dill of Farlin, Mrs.<br />

Blanche Anderson of Miami, Flo.<br />

"rida, and five gsranchildren. also<br />

a sister, Mrs. Hettle Mslone of<br />

Purdue, Kentucky.<br />

- *<br />



The Board of Education has<br />

been assured of the, safety of<br />

Hoffman High School Auditorium<br />

and has announced thai during<br />

the emergency, every effort<br />

. will be made to make it possible<br />

for local churches and civic cr-<br />

_jpy^tJoM_to_use 1 t..W» &PPHcatlon<br />

lo, any<br />

Board.<br />

A<br />




member ot the<br />

The South Amboy Disaster<br />

Committee has issued an appeal<br />

to all local people who tcofc photographs<br />

of any kind concerning<br />

the May ltth explosion to file a<br />

copy of the photographs with the<br />

committee, as soon as possible.<br />

These photographs will be us&<br />

by the committee as proof of the<br />

damage sustained by the disaster,<br />

and will be presented along with<br />

a series of documents to Congress<br />

In the effort to secure remuneration<br />

ta local residents for damage<br />

suffered.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that Nelson's Tavern<br />

Incorporated, trading as<br />

Nelson's Tavern has applied to<br />

tctf Souh Amboy, N. J. for a<br />

Plenary Retail Consumption Li.<br />

oenM for premises situated ae<br />

, 122 Soutfti Broadway, South Amboy,<br />

N. J. The names anA residences<br />

of ail the stockholders<br />

holding one or more per cant of<br />

the stock in said corporation are:<br />

Raymond Nelson, M%, of 24<br />

Henry Street, SayrevUle, N. J.;<br />

Justus Nelson, 6%, of 117 North<br />

Broadway. South Ambogr. and<br />

Wlllard Ooodman, 5%, of Manor<br />

Street. Morgan, N. J.<br />

Objections, If any, should be<br />

me.de immediately in wrHinr t9<br />

O. F. Disbraw. Oty Clerk, South<br />

Amboy. N. J<br />

(•igned)<br />

Raymond Ntlson.<br />

24 Henry St., 8ayrst*Jk, If, J<br />

-« at /<br />

laat nottae tbat Fejatt Tavfc.traitaf<br />

as . Pejaki<br />

aej afpUcd to !f» Com.<br />

Council of the CHy of Soutti<br />

*«bey. n. J. for a Flsamry Re-<br />

Objections, If any, should be<br />

made Immediately in writing to<br />

O. F. Wabrow, City Clerk, South<br />

Ambojr N.J.<br />

(signed) Mary Fedak. Prw..<br />

6-9 3t.<br />

South Amboy, N. J.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that WHUarn J.<br />

Bauble and AJberta. Bauble, trad*<br />

ng as Juiey's Tip Top Tavern,<br />

Council of the City of South Am.<br />

boy, N. J. for « Plenary "Recall<br />

Coneumptlon license for prem*<br />

situated at U0 South Broadway,<br />

South Amboy. N. J.<br />

Objeotlons, If any, should be<br />

ttmnetUatgly nr wrtttnr~to<br />

O. F. DMbrow, City Clerk. South<br />

Amboy N. J.<br />

(signed) William J. Faubel<br />

(signed) Alb.rU Fauble<br />

6-9 3t.<br />

Plans are going forward for<br />

NOTICE<br />

th« annual fall supper sponsored Teke notice feat "443 Bordentown<br />

Ave.. Inc., trading as "442<br />

by the Women's Society for Cristian<br />

Service of the Calvary Brrdentown Avenue Tavern." has<br />

Methodist Church on Thursday, applied to the Common Council<br />

October Hh, in the social hall of the City of South Amboy, N<br />

of the church.<br />

J. for a Plenary Retail Consumption<br />

Uoense, for premises<br />

A turkey supper will be served<br />

from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock. slUiafted at 442 Bordentown Ave.<br />

..Mrs. George Newcomb and nue, South Amboy, N. J.<br />

Mrs. D:nald Beam are coclvalrmen<br />

of the commlttte and bazar all the „ stockholders holding one<br />

The names and residences of<br />

booth- chairmen "will be Mrs. or more per osht of the stock In<br />

Oeorge Evigan, Mrs. Arthur Andrews<br />

and Mrs. Nellie Harris. Adzlnskl 60%, 442 Bordentown<br />

said oorporetjon are: Anthony<br />

-a<br />

Avenue, South Amfeoy; Susan<br />

DISASTER COMMITTEE Ladzinski; 10%, 281 Grace Street,<br />

WANTS PHOTOGRAPHS Penth Amboy; and William Lftdsinekl,<br />

40%. 230 .Grant Stipet.<br />

Anot)oy. If. J.<br />

Objections, If any. should be<br />

made immediatety In writing to<br />

O. F. OUbrow, City Clerk, South<br />

Amboy N.J.<br />

(signed) Anthony Ladxtnski,<br />

President,<br />

442 Bordentown Ave.,<br />

^ttwth Amboy. N. J.<br />

1-9 2t.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Teke TKX*ce that Angelo Mmrice<br />

Corvlno, tndmg as Corvino's<br />

Tavern, lias applied to the<br />

Common Council of .the City of<br />

South Amboy, N. j. for a Plenary<br />

Retell Consumption License for<br />

premises situated at 117 North<br />

. South Amboy, n. J.<br />

made immediately "in writing to<br />

O. F. Dtsbruw, City Clerk, South<br />

(signed) Angelo M. Corvlno,<br />

at.<br />

m Nonto Broadway<br />

Soutli Amboy. N j<br />

A New Merchandise<br />

Club<br />

is now being fornwd at<br />


Register now.<br />

Take notice that tHe Shamrock<br />

!„. trading M Shamrock<br />

Cafe has emitted to the Common<br />

Council of the City of South Am-<br />

O F. Dtabiw<br />

If any. should be<br />

City Clerk, South<br />

Nonci<br />

Take notice that Anthony H.<br />

AMttttsUo. trrrndtaf as The Abby."<br />

hes applied to the Common<br />

Oounett of the City of South<br />

Aabaar. M. J..Ior a. Flenaxy Retail<br />

ConeuaspUon Dcense for<br />

ettoated at 138 South<br />

Slovene Avenue, Soutti Amboy,<br />

V. J.<br />

•V If any, should be<br />

made immediately In writing to<br />

Ambogr N. J.<br />

(signed)<br />

Anthony A. AbbatieUo<br />

121 South Stevens Ave.<br />

South Amboy, N. J.<br />

8-9 2t.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice that Peter J.<br />

Ewtuihek, trading as Pete's Tavern<br />

has nsjMed to tbe Common<br />

Counoflof tfetCUjr of South Amboy,<br />

If. J. for c Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption License, for promlaes<br />

srtuate4 at 100 Augusta<br />

Street, South Amboy. N. J.<br />

Objections, If any. should be<br />

made •immediately In writing to<br />

O. F. Dtttaow, City Clerk. 8ovth<br />

Amboy N, J.<br />

(signed) Peter J. Bwtusheki<br />

100 Augusta Street,<br />

South Amboy. N. J.<br />

2t.<br />

NOTICE<br />

Take notice the* Friendly<br />

ern, Xnoorpomted, trading under<br />

name ef Friendly Tavern. Inc.,<br />

has ftfiSiti^ to the Common<br />

Council of the City of South<br />

, N. J. for a Plenary Retail<br />

Consumption license for premises<br />

situated at 3M Bordentown<br />

Avenue. The names and residence*<br />

of the stockholders holding<br />

more than 1% of me stoek<br />

are Lsuls J. Waceman. 1<strong>06</strong><br />

fctafbam Avenue, Perth Am<br />

boy. Mft%, VWroeuoa Wmtemar<br />

1<strong>06</strong> TUwMmfiMn AMMie. Perth<br />

Amboy. 9*Vk% and Dorothy Waif*<br />

BwMntttatu Avenue.<br />

Perth Amboy, M. J; Sltt<br />

Ot^eoUona, If any. ahould be<br />

m writing to<br />

^^. J^L^^^^J^^^ ^* I j J ^^riSJS^^^^SS^^^^<br />

. ^Gnjr CHHt.<br />

Amboy N. J.<br />

(eltned) Louis J. Waeeman.<br />

-t Bt.<br />

1<strong>06</strong> un Ave.,<br />

Ferth Amboy. N. J.<br />

Dr. B. SINOWAY<br />


- CYtS fXAMINfD -<br />

115 SMITH ST<br />

Cmrmi SIM*<br />

ftnh Ambsr 4-44)8<br />

Hours; f:M A M U R P. M.<br />

#^ Sk^aAflB,<br />


f^spEsfJBvfsaV •• mi^nm<br />

aai ey appointment<br />

tin I. P M<br />

iHiTl<br />


All local marthanU art advised that<br />

South Amboy Diaaster Committet will act b*<br />

rafponslbk for any purchatea mad« in Hi<br />

name, oniaes tit porchaee* prtvents «n offkiaT<br />

purebaat ordar of th« CommtttM.<br />

RBV. WItBUR N. PKB,<br />

- - : urn<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Three-quarter Chevrolet<br />

Pick-up Truck<br />

Can be seen at South Amboy<br />

water plant<br />

DITMAf Perth Ambo;<br />

r. A.<br />

CONTDTUOCt imOM tP.M,<br />



When skillfuHy handled, type can «JRpr«ai atrjr<br />

message you wish to put forth. -<br />

We give careful consideration to every job In our<br />

shop to guarantee this. , - ...<br />


211 Firnt Street South Amboy, N. J.<br />

Tel, & A. 1*4)004<br />

L -V.<br />

» \

nor SOUTH AMBOY ' FRIDAY, JUNE le, <strong>1950</strong><br />


.'-•<br />


MIALe<br />

aro attraetlre to<br />

tellciovs to eat. To brofl<br />

i to oook by direct boat or to<br />

Oaly tender cuts of<br />

bo broiled,<br />

tat edges of moat at 1<br />

to prevent curUag.<br />

tt brollor u regulated bjr beat<br />

soatfsU sot dial at eWF. or **Brett,"<br />

•at follow manufacturers' dlreeftor<br />

ooparato broUor, tura beat<br />

B tell to broU and keea door<br />

Uagt* of broiling tlaio depend*<br />

alee porsopsi tasto.<br />

r one to three laches botwi<br />

ooorc* of beat and food.<br />

Waea first sld« U brown, turn<br />

broil to deslrsd dvcroo of<br />

\." To teat for "doaeooas."<br />

a small ga»h clone to tb« boao<br />

tho end or the cooking tlaio<br />

aaa note color or iht, m«au<br />

It Is economical and convanleat<br />

10 broil vocetablet with ttao meat.<br />

yanutlui should b« parboOei.<br />

IHfteept tomatoes) buttered, sea-<br />

•oaoa, and placed around aMat,<br />

nsaatl/ when meat is tamed,<br />

•af also bo broiled with the<br />

aa4 aaod as a carnlao.<br />

Freaa pork Is not brottei, e><br />

pork chops and steak* are<br />

pork<br />

time to bring oat tta<br />

Voal k> aot broUod Noam It<br />

dja^doj^ la fftt *ad kas as<br />

4paboo of<br />

fft<br />


TOUATOm<br />


wtta skins on, trata.<br />

Fry oatoaa la<br />

«Bta a dattoaio brotra, Ooamblao ff<br />

tooi of broUor pan. Plaoo broiior<br />

Ik.<br />

1b. ground<br />

Lay strips of<br />

slightly, oa waxed _ .<br />

pet beef oat between t<br />

waxed paper to alas<br />

sfaaro. »SB»OTO waxed<br />

plaoo beef oa baooa.<br />

aad alloo la IV sttoon.<br />

asoai «m; kntt t<br />

Bortool<br />

1 tbap, saOk I largo or 4<br />

%onp<br />


l>»On.W> HAM STSAK<br />

p rmrnAm<br />

UOAN*«Os\N<br />

all<br />

HOM<br />

H tap.<br />

pjag baat 1' tales. fJaraJta<br />

oa grid. Brad ea<br />

If<br />

I<br />


G. T. WILHELM CO.<br />

SsUaitgaTy<br />

Heating Engineer<br />


JOB. Btxoae; A Hgr.<br />

SS8Flnt8t. flMKb<br />

& A. MBS<br />

4-ues<br />

WM. H. LEWIS<br />

Fhumbing and Heating<br />

Bedral 01 Bum<br />


sat 49^As^sn^heV i 41<br />

Tat t. A. 1<br />

H<br />

Phnnbing<br />

TeL 1-<strong>06</strong>08<br />

Heating<br />

FaWWd OD Bnram<br />

Ofi<br />


Sooth Amber, N. J.<br />



Tel. •. A. 1-NU<br />

A. MORRIS<br />

Paint* Oils I Varnish**<br />

Dnwiiet, Gleem, Proime<br />

OeliLeei, SteiM, Bie.<br />

Wall Payer<br />


Prmk A. MaciduUki<br />

•ad Builder<br />

To<br />

Fhoof a A. 1-0781-J<br />

So«Ui Aaiboy, N. J.<br />



UMODELmO<br />

BOOfDfO • SIDINa<br />

1TOBX FBONT8<br />

- Scott An. —South Amboy<br />

Phono 6. A- 1-15H-W<br />

C P. ZADLOCK<br />

122 H«U7 Street<br />

8. A l-0tM4f<br />

Fill Dirt, Top 8011, llaton<br />

Sand, GraTftl, Sod, Fire<br />

Wood, Bint Stout<br />

Snow Flow Service<br />

Dump Truck To Hire<br />


MOVERS<br />


Storafo WarobeuM<br />

48 Yean of Dependability<br />

J»&2K>118<br />

602 Compton Avenue<br />

Perth Amboy, N. J.<br />

p. i<br />

RARITAti<br />

AND<br />



Me<br />



C. T. MASON<br />

(SsMoeaser to E. F. Haooa)<br />

Insurance<br />

in<br />

Reliable United State$<br />

Companies<br />

Explosion Insurance<br />




262 HENRY STREET<br />

TEL. 0044<br />

d<br />

Dr. Louis L Prager<br />



35 W. Front St., Keyport<br />

Tel. Keyport 7.2«2t<br />

HOURS<br />

DAILY: 9 ajn. to 8:80 PA.<br />

Wed., 8 ajn. to 13 Moon.<br />

Fit. 9 ajn. to 9 pjn.<br />

8at.. 9 ajn. to 6:30 pjn.<br />

BARNEY'S<br />

Catering, Service<br />

Catering- for Wedding!<br />

and Banquet*<br />

Phoite S. A. 1-1177-R<br />

B. F. SODEN, Prop.<br />

S35 Cathorino Strett<br />

SOUTH AMBOY. N. J.<br />




PHONES:<br />

8. A. 1-1177 J 8. A. 1-1<strong>16</strong>4-M<br />


I<br />

HW"<br />


HcmMwWos Ilk* tho pay-as-you-go Idea. It't<br />

•OQdcxnloal and hnsinooo like. You pay kx the uoe<br />

jap make of your account — no more. The coot per<br />

dfeiek !• the earn*, reganfleoo ol abe or frequency<br />

flftiK. And you hare) all the advaniagea of oafety,<br />

aArenience and tyftematio reoords that go with<br />

ttm OM ol bank checks. Open an account hoi*.<br />

FIRST<br />




Fbatt S. A. 1-1896<br />

8<strong>16</strong> Second Stratt<br />

South Amboy, N- J.<br />



'<br />


O0 Bnratr Strrfet<br />

859 Henry Street<br />

South Amboy<br />

1VJ. i. A. 141U<br />

Telephone & A. 1-<strong>06</strong>81<br />

WflilAJI C (TBRJEN<br />

Head Sew<br />

Retooth<br />

Lawn Mower Sales<br />

Sharpening and Repalrg<br />

Circular Brnmn up to 60 lnohas<br />

Key Making<br />

Sharpeoang<br />

Sonrloo f o r<br />

tiiqunera. axoa,<br />

hatchets. ohia.<br />

•la. piano Wu,<br />

sciisora, knfcroa,<br />

too akatos. •to.<br />

• BRAZDfO -<br />

229 Augusta Street<br />

•. A. UltiM


O<br />

Hartland. In Canada's provmee of<br />

New Bruniwick, claims it has the<br />

longest covered bridge in th« world<br />

with • 1,282-foot roofed-over spaa.<br />

Naatleal Mite<br />

Nation* disagree on the<br />

length of a nautical mlla. Aeeavsmg<br />

to U 3 calculations H ti gjgl.lt<br />

feet. Britain used I.9I0.JI feeti<br />

France and Germany, MUM {tat,<br />

while Iceland makes It MMJ8 feet<br />

laOalvea<br />

aaftes |MMT« tha<br />

ttey timid be ManksteeT. :<br />

mu* aa* warm water, and<br />

drafts.<br />

Young Turkey* grow<br />

make each food use er<br />

grate .that sewly<br />

keting of turkey brouars.<br />





fast Serf<br />

bit of<br />

ef<br />

aartef<br />

side of the ra-<br />

•suatty gets the<br />

miles ki 1S4B.<br />

M trip* la tha<br />

By RfllPH TEE<br />







ON WEU DCAi Wim OUR<br />



That's all you do hen you wash dls' v<br />


Stick the pi.- s in th« dishwasher... get Ihi coatroas -<br />

dlihwt. *. ritustj.. .tw-ringeaj.,.

•? -«• ««<br />

a pubs*<br />

of the ComsBpn Oouats*e<br />

psace at aty Hall.<br />

boro Baseball League at present<br />

Joel Farker Jr. O. O. wuth six wins and a single loss<br />

for a Ml average.<br />

M, «tll hold A meeting this<br />

The standing of the i—netntnc<br />

In Christ Church Farof<br />

John<br />

fc ft at ToeienvtUe, at she<br />

ft a<br />

Be<br />

afternoon, student* of<br />

«Jsjntfe grade* of local pUbbooU<br />

and St. Mary's school<br />

the guests of the Roads<br />

management m New<br />

_j City: The utp was arranged<br />

.-^JBJ the recreation department of<br />

* ri **%# local Cttteni Dtsesjker Re.<br />

Usf Committee, under the dlrecoT<br />

James oobriynski.<br />

.'IT 1 ""<br />

itn. Lett* Nell and daughter<br />

Lota Mod Mrs. Stanley 8telner,<br />

are vacationing tn Florida.<br />


TOPS Df LsUGUl<br />

HM South Amboy A A occupy<br />

the top spot in the inter,<br />

am* is as follows:<br />

H.A.A.C I I AS<br />

ihamtown A A ft I .500<br />

•fllMown A A, S | JT5<br />

1 i .175<br />

s (So. River) I 6 J33<br />

*<br />

and l*s. Harold T. FUof<br />

30* Main Street, are theOOIZ)6pot<br />

of a f Irl bom reoenUr<br />

FOfcSAUE<br />

at tbe Soulx Amboy Memorial<br />

Jesm and Bdward O'Brien, stuat<br />

Seattle Univeraity are<br />

the summer Taaasion<br />

•ssslr parents, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Moard OtMen of David Street.<br />

POr the benefit of the explo-<br />

' skn fund of Christ Episcopal<br />

' ' Church, a game social will Uke<br />

In the Parish House on<br />

evening. AIM 21, be-<br />

'•BjDlnt at 8 P. M. Mrs. William<br />

- liwHatu and Mrs. Lloyd Neiltopp<br />

g#eoottialrmen of the committee<br />

lira. WiBlam Duggan of Church<br />

Street, sgawared on the "Chance<br />

•_, Of a lifetime" program of radio<br />

WJX jesteirtay sits<br />

. In a plea for funds for to-<br />

'" oat disaster rloUms.<br />

it* ..<br />

let. and Mrs. Russell Hahm.<br />

•f t4S Mam Stre et, are the par.<br />

«Qts of a daughter bom recently<br />

St. Peter's Hospital in New<br />

Mrs. Hahm is the<br />

Helen Shuey of this city.<br />

r* 1 An election of officers was the<br />

a meeting of Star of<br />

Jktal Farker Council of the<br />

of America held at<br />

Church parish house,<br />

ntreah-<br />

**-•-..#» -r •*<br />

Xvelyn Miller Kardwick, la<br />

Unas, telli of th« greatness of Botnaa<br />

roads:<br />

Oreat roadi the Romans bvftt mat<br />

men might meet<br />

And walls to keep strong men<br />

apart, secure.<br />

Now eenturlet are gone, and la<br />

defeat<br />

At walla are fallen, but the roads<br />

endure.<br />


r, in good<br />

In-<br />

1. A, 1-1MS<br />

us faeke you keep your<br />

"spirits" up, ready, afcta<br />

wUUng to oonktnne OBI<br />

to you. Telephone for tree da.<br />

llrery. South Asntaqr 1-U9S,<br />

Red's Package Mem<br />

neat lo Post OBke,<br />

and<br />

WO* SAL!<br />


odd coins, a**.<br />

r* of the local Ladles<br />

of the Ancient! Order<br />

y<br />

HaSemians will attend tat Yarn Shop, lit Hall Aronue,<br />

of the State Board of Perth Amtoy. N. J.<br />

etae AO£.. to take place Sunday<br />

t - after<br />

f-lf It<br />

at the Perth Amboy<br />

School.<br />

aaTULIONB of assorted beads, all<br />

colors, also novelty jewelry.<br />

J. Hewlachrr HI. of Any reasonable offer accepted.<br />

College. Pa., is visiting hU Madelyn's Yam Shop, 173<br />

grants Mr. and Mrs. Oeone J. Hall Avenue. Perth Amboy,<br />

jr. Jr.. of 917 Henry N. J. 641 It.<br />


in iOtertor<br />

ooratlng, moderate rates. For<br />

job estimates call Edward<br />

Lunebrtoh. at Senfth Rrrer<br />

6-3107-M after 5 P. Iff.<br />

4t.<br />



By Legion Post<br />

WID Socec«d Harold<br />

Stratum, Prcamt<br />

CorneUss Cban. a veteran of<br />

'World War H, has been elected<br />

•nmander of Luke A. Lorely<br />

Post of the American Legion for<br />

the coming twrm toosucceed Harold<br />

Stratton.<br />

Vice Commanders elected were<br />

William Madsen, Albert Sorrentino<br />

and John Q ran ate. Harold<br />

Stmtton was elected finance ofifioer,<br />

M. C Bloodgood, historian:<br />

Raymond Lucitt, chaplain: Robert<br />

dark, serges,nt-at-arms; and<br />

Edgar Scully service .officer.<br />

The trustees elected were WhlS<br />

more Pascoe. Harold Stratton,<br />

Joseph Coluocl, Anton Foley and<br />

AtoeH Helm.<br />

The delegates elected were:<br />

Cornelius Coan. WUHsm Barry.<br />

Whitmore Pasoo*, with Albert<br />

Sorrsntmo as the delegate at<br />

Jama. The •Kamaia<br />

ase; Wlttam Madsen. Haroid<br />

and If. C Bloodgoood.<br />

arequeatly rasuW<br />

bsssg saufjat by doors, wk*><br />

. ... CbOdrea iaouli<br />

bt waiW against this hasard and<br />

especUfijr ajabast being oaufht beated<br />

me singes of doors. Bruises en<br />

tbe bead are often the result of av<br />

satMsat bead«room m eaQars, ea<br />

stairways, ete. This is a matter to<br />

be considered when buDdsag a<br />

P<br />

Bobby Wlate To<br />

Appear At Concert<br />

At Hoffman High Tusaday<br />

F Disaster Fond<br />

Tuesday erenlng, the concert<br />

at Hoffman High School for the<br />

benefit of local explosion sufferers<br />

will feature fwo persons popular<br />

with local residents. Miss<br />

Helen Spin*., local operatic singer,<br />

and Bobby White, son of Robert<br />

WhHe, tte famous "slim<br />

masked tenor," and a resident<br />

of tills city for many years. AH<br />

proceeds will go to the fund, and<br />

the concert wall begin ad 1:15.<br />

Also to appear wffl be iha famous<br />

Barber Shop Quartette of<br />

Plamfleld. "<br />

The younger Whtte, has been<br />

for many yean a radio and television<br />

star, and he fat hiss Irish<br />

raised In thjg<br />

She<br />

born and<br />

and is a soa<br />

eonher<br />

tool<br />

oar to<br />

areragi<br />

wffl also<br />

that<br />

SDT HSS oanosrs wui<br />

pesoai qnre famipersons<br />

than the<br />

arias, which she<br />

Us V. f. stats department was<br />

as me department of<br />

aot *f Mr tl; IWH Less than<br />

tater. on leptsmber 15,<br />

to me<br />

*<br />

WWfl Yoar<br />

AOTBONt<br />

IMDAY, JUNK ft, I960<br />

Letter to the<br />

Editor<br />

t Always happens ea Pridaf"<br />

(Don't rush to get away<br />

tor the week-end)<br />

It first happened In October:<br />

It was a Friday too; - •<br />

That South Amboy was that<br />

tared, by the Morgan<br />

It left our homes m pieces.<br />

sent our folk out of town;<br />

But the Government sent In<br />

Army, to protect and patrol<br />

mmA: .........<br />

The people were re-imbursed. .<br />

at least to satisfaction;<br />

And the Morgan plant was 4e*<br />

•monshed. as the First War '<br />

"' :^""**' r * Imptoatott, which<br />

And south Amboy again paid rorj<br />

torestigators lie*;<br />

it oonttnued thru<br />

years, and another War;<br />

And even after Combat, Munitions<br />

torn South Amboy<br />

came more;<br />

jttonr. Ja4BU South Ambop la-••<br />

shatterod again—<br />

It's Friday May lfith Explosion<br />

of Manlttons. we blame;<br />

But tot's get down to bustntttr<br />

Let U. S. ship Munitions<br />

Munitions caused more than<br />

One Ntghtmare ....<br />

leseph E. fsgsia.<br />

Weel Price Bappert<br />

The 1M0 governmental wool<br />

support will avaeage 45.1<br />

pound on a national bails,<br />

WRITE Year<br />


ACTION!<br />

like the idea, and you can be sure he will be delighted<br />

with the taste, for they're made of the<br />

same high quality, tasty ingredients that have<br />

made all our products famous.<br />

Cakes in the shape of a straw hat. Dad will<br />

week end. Oeorge J. Has- HELP WANTED<br />

, Jr.. of 317 Henry 8treet, WOMB* to work aftarnoons.<br />

has son Robert at Hiram Monday through Friday, able<br />

i :<br />

Hiram. Ohio, where the to give good reference*,, can<br />

has Just completed his Metuthen 6-H67-aC<br />

ye*r.<br />

returned home with his<br />

•-46 St.<br />

•,*ahd on the return trip,<br />

visited Oeorge Hasalacher.<br />


DO you enjoy having money?<br />

son of Mr. Hasstacher.<br />

Is an insructor In the De-<br />

Then you will enjoy fuOy the<br />

money you can make at Avon<br />

"»siai t of Engineering Matheistsios<br />

at the Pennaylvana> State tkne. Box "R" CfUasn.<br />

epresentative, full or part<br />

•-<strong>16</strong> it<br />


Beating of the Protection<br />

FOE SALE<br />

Cronftany, enhfUfcOed for LOT tQaflB ft. wide, at 31B tinootn<br />

Avenue, close to shore line<br />

elr<br />

Telephone 0153<br />

i<br />

Ustli next Thursday evenmf. at Laursno* Kasbar. vWU seU<br />

for ftvJ. Xhmnre Mrs. F.<br />

•Wlessffsid. If. J. Tal Westfleld Th? RISK of That Good Blue Ribbon Bread<br />

It.<br />


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