Plans Progressfor President's Bail!PrizA J S ^ hts i Economy Urged ...

Plans Progressfor President's Bail!PrizA J S ^ hts i Economy Urged ... Plans Progressfor President's Bail!PrizA J S ^ hts i Economy Urged ...


THE FEATHERHEADS So iVE GOT IT ALL FIGURED OUT I TAKE" " EARLIER BUS—AVOID me p J JAM AMD NOT T— \NORRy ABOUT J->- To f i: OM TIME —) ^ FINNEY OF THE FORCE IP I'M ffOiMff To (JET UP A HALF HodR EAfeLiER./ I To SET REAPY TO TfJRM IM NOW OKAY- I'LL BE UP LATER. * °£*r 3V SHAVIMS- TOMIG-HT I'LL' B£ SURe- TO BE ABLS To SET THE EARL-/ MBOY CITIZEN WAKE liP.'i! YOU fOR To SET THE ALASM' YOL JUST HA^E. TO CATCH THE USUAL BUS- IF VOU Early to Bed WiS-OI KNOW ALL THAT.' 01 •TEST COME IN T'TELL VET. WER CAR 15 , PARRIED OM Tri SOiDE O' You HAVE IMSOMMIA YOU SLEET FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1938 Make Votive Offerings Snail lias One Foot Soldiers of ancient Greece used to The snail has one foot. The foot is really a muscular development of make votive ofierinps in the torm or masevuuic»i"»*- ......Hitpd the stomacn, stomach, ai and is never lifted soldier statuettes to the god "

FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, X038 TffB SOUTH AMB0Y CITIZEN PAGE THBOT FABLES IN SLANG By GEORGE ADE JUST HUMANS -^T By GENE CARR FABLE OP THE HOME VS TME19TB HOLE JOE WAS A REGULAR GUY WELL LIKED BV EVE.WBODV BUT HIS WIFE'S RELATIONS . HE WAS A GOLF FIEND AND HIS BETTER. OR WORSE BECAME VE.RW WORSE ABOUT IT ' SHOT HE ABSORBED AT THE I9"2! HOLE MEANT JUST ANOTMER. HOUR OF LOST SLEEP _J AT THE END OF A FEW MONTHS JOE LOOKED LIKE A REPAINT THAT WENT 18 HOLES WITH A DUB i A WIFE IS HARDER TO CORRECT A SLICE REG'LAI? FELLERS And Do Monkeys Oow on Trees? By GEiiSE BYRNES HSS'. LOCK IKVJ" BEAUTIFUL THEY ASEAN 1 St. Mary's School News X II SPIRITUAL LIGHTS God's care In preserving and. governing the world is His providence. He preserves all His creatures in existence as long as He wills. "When Thou shalt take away their breath, they shall die, and return again to dust." (Psalms 103-28). In order therefore, that His creatures may continue to exist, He provides all that Is needed for their sustenance; meat, wheat, vegetables and the various fruits of the earth. .God also governs the world, i.e., He conducts all things in the world so that they contribute to His glory and to man's advantage. There is no one on earth for whom God does not care, and for whose welfare He does not prepare. A mother would sooner furgei her child than God would forget us. He even cares for irrational creatures, for the beasts and birds and plants. "Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor do they reap, nor gather into barns; and your Heavenly Father feedeth them. Are not you of much more value than they?" (Math. VI-25-30.) Moreover, nothing happens by chance. While there are indeed many things, the causes of which we are ignorant, all have some cause, and God guides all.,The only moral evil Jn the world is sin. Sin is due to man's abuse of his free will. God created man free, and therefore, does not hinder even those free actions which are evil. St. Augustine says: "God would never have permitted evil if He had not intended to bring some greater good out of It." In His love for us, God will draw good out of evil and make everything turn unto His love for us. God will draw good out of evil and make everything turn unto His own honor and glory and the snnctlftcatlon of the elect. (Rom. VIII:28). In this way the soul resigned to the will of God is like the ne-dln pointing to the North. The soul that submits itself to all God's arrangements has already begun to live the life of heaven upon earth. His Cross is carried for him': his ship is in the hands of a sure pilot and he is sure to arrive safely into port.- Regina Coakley, '39. * * * Library Magazine Shelf There has been a very noticeable demand at the school library for current magazines and periodicals. The upper classmen are manifesting a great interest in modern problems particularly those dealing with the present world crisis. These students exhibit a curprislngly mature judgment in the selection of articles. The Pro and Con page of the Literary Digest answers many questions, while the Catholic Digest summarizes the leading items of importance. Owing to tlie deep Interest in correct speech and oral presentation which is so prevalent throughout the school, the Correct English Magazine and the Literature Review are in constant use. The under classmen are interested in Popular Mechanics Magazine and the ingenuity Qf many of them plus the knowledge acquired from this periodical has Inspired them to attempt the creation of many mechanical devices of which wo may truly boast. The Young Catholic Messenger, a weekly-periodical. Is also of Interest to the younger students. Prom this little paper the children are gathering a wenlth of information, current events and moral lessons. This interest manifested In the various types of literature silently portrays that the student body of St, Mai-y'a is educating Itself for the demands of the day and possesses a ccrtnln amount of foresight which will make them good citizens and Stood Christians. ^ PATRONIZE CITIZEN { ADVERTISERS HAZEL NOTS AN 1 .^EN Marian Anderson, Negro Contralto To Sing At Rutgers In Third Conceit of Current Series Marian Anderson, famous Negro contralto, will be the artist at the third concert of the current series at Rutgers University on Friday evening. 1 The performance will begin at 8:0 in the Rutgers Gymnasium in New Brunswick. Acknowledged by critics as "one of the greatest singers of our time," Miss Angerson has met with remarkable success in almost every music center of the world. Three sold-out Carnegie Hall recitals in one season attest to her popularity iri this country. Explaining this success. Olin Downcs, a leading American Critic, describes Miss Andersons' voice as "a ACORttS, PEACHES, BEST UNEO, PEARSt CHESTOOTS, APRICOTS.. •••••LET ME THIMK WHAT modities and service; (c) depression contralto of stunning range and vol-iume, managed with suppleness and industries. building construction and related grace." Praise of her voice and personality comes from Russia, Spain, "Many eminent authorities assert Scandanavia, Vienna, Egypt and Palestine. Miss Anderson's career started in a church choir in her native Philadelphia where she sang as a child. Her vocal training began with a Negro teacher and later she became a pupil of the well-known Guisseppe BORhetti. Her musical education was financed from the proceeds of benefit concerts and from contributions by music-lovers of her own race. After further education, Miss Anderson appeared in Paris where she was well received and urged to make a continental tour. The New Brunswick, concert will be one of the first appearances of her third transcontinental tour of the United States, whicli began this week in Boston. Sentinels of Health Don't Neglect Them I Naturo designed the kidneys to da a mnrvclous job, Their task is to keeji tha flowing blood stream free of an excess of toxic impurities. Tho net of living—Ufa it.'-flf—is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good henhh is to endure. When the kidneys fail to function aa Nature intended, there Is retention of waste that may cause body-wide HistrosB. One may suffer nnSKint* bnekachc, peraislcnt headache, ntlaekH of dizziness, petting up nigVits, swelling, puffineaa under tha eyes—feel tired, nervous, all worn out. Frtnuent, ncanty or burning passages mny be further evidence of kidney or bladder disturbance. The TccrtRiiiipri and proper treatment IB n iliuretic medicine to help the kidneys eft rid of excess poisonous body waste. Uae Donit'e Pills. They havo had more thnn forty years of public approval. Aro endorsed the country over. Insist on Voan'a. Sold, nt alt drug Btoiea, DOAN SPILLS Tax On Materials Raises the Ire Of N. J. Manufacturer Newark. January 5.—The Progressive League of New Jersey, through its president, John H. Allen, prominent manufacturer, and president of the Chamber of Commerce of Jersey City, has sent the following communication to Senator Charles E. Loizeux, and copies to all members of the legislature: "The problem which must bo solved promptly and iRlfo'ierly, if we are to avoid serious disaster, is the depression in business, the vast and rapidly increasing unemployment, poverty and crime, and the extremely oppressive cost in taxation, charities and social unrest. "In our opinion these conditions are the result of (a) lack of buying power; (b) excessive cost of com- that the underlying causes are (1) the imposition of excessive taxation on materials, equipment and buildings, and on'business transactions; '2) the harmful practice of holding land unused or under-improved, on speculation, for the natural increase in population to make more valunble. "The logical and only effective remedy is State legislation which will (a) gradually reduce taxes on materials, equipment and improvements; (b^ gradually increase the tax on all taxable land value in each community enough to provide the needed public revenue, and to bring land—the source of all employment —Into greater use. "This legislation would immediately encourage building and other development; it would also reduce the cost of obtaining and maintaining homes—and these two factors would do more to improve business and social conditions, and thus reduce the cost of unemployment relief, thaii anything yet suggested. "A bill to permit this plan to be put in operation in cities, towns and boroughs had good support in the 1935 and 1936 sessions of the State Assembly. It will be reintroduced in lhe coming session and should be enacted without delay. "This would accord with the constitution, which says: 'Properly shall be assessed for taxes under general laws, and by uniform rules, according to its true value.' It does not specify that all property, nor that any specific kind of property, shall be taxed. "This would in no way affect the proportionate amount of revenue payablo by each taxing district to the county and state, as that proportion is based entirely on assessed values nnd not on tax rates." KEEP AMERICA OUT OF WAR 1 15 Y I!ALLOTS NOT BULLETS This ballot is offered to the readers of The Citizen in support of ft nationwide "l'eacc-for-America," camiiaijrn lwivig eonthteteil by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of (lie United States. Tlic purpose of thin canipaimi is to provide Congress U'HJi tangible proof, In lhe form of 25 million signatures of citizen voters, that the people of this nation want America to heep out of war. You Can Do Your Hit For Peace By Mailing This Usillot Properly Signed VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, National Headquarters, Kansas City, Missouri. I hereby call upon Congress, and tho President of the United States to adopt nnd apply policies designed to Keep America Out of War and supported by a.national defense program adequate to preserve and protect our country and its people. . • Signed . Name in Pull Street and Number City and State 'CAUSE YoUVE SAID "Information" No matter how meager the details you supply her, "Information" will furnish the telephone number—if there Is one nnd if it's not in your directoryl Here she is at one of the up-to-the-minute Information centers , serving New Jersey telephone users, surrounded by equipment and by records some of which are changed daily. She h?s clipped 20 seconds off the time needed to fllve you a number, In the last ten years. Usually you have the answer in slightly more than half a minute, now. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of thanking our many kind neighbors, friends and relatives who assisted in any way during our recent bereavement. Also wish to thank those who sent cars and the beautiful floral bouquets to the funeral. Mrs. George Kuntz and Family DON'T BE SKINHY Amazing gains of 5 to 12 pounds in j. tew weeks ace often, matte by adding Yeast Vitamins and iron (as contained In Vinol) to your diet. Vlnol helps stimulate appetite, improves blood and nervous system. Vlnol has helped thousands Rain needed weight ana tnorgy. vinol Is delicious to take. PETERSON'S PHARMACY "Everybody's Talkimg" '•Hm! T thought so. Try rating BLUE R1H- BON BREAD everyday!" Good Old Fashioned JELLY ROLLS filled with a pure apple raspberry jam SOUTH 29c each "So He's Your Brother. What no You Call Him?" "When He Acts Like This I Can't Tell You" lift PROTECT your BABY Mother most hospitals now SAFER against germ*. So. « protect their babies against mother, do at hospitals do, M germs and skin-infection by doctors recommend Give rubbing Mennen Antiseptic your baby a- safety-rub with Oil alt over the baby's body- Monnen Antiseptic Oil daily, every day This keeps the Buy a bottle of the oil at your baby's skin healthier and druggist's today, OIL FRANK'S tc FOOD MARKET The Store of Quality Foods 611 Bordentown Ave. FREE DELIVERY South Amboy Tel. S. A. 277 MEAT — POULTRY — FISH Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 6, 7 and 8 Genuine Spring f)') Legs of Lamb 1b Lot Jersey Uib End •« /\C Pork Loin, lb. 1" Rib Roast, 9b. LO Boneless AAe Milk Fed Veal lo Home Made Loose OOC Sausage, lb. Zo FRESH Prime Beet Fresh f\QC ^ fj" Calves Liver, JO Armour's Star OO C Smoked Hams Zo Whole or String- End Chopped Beef Fresh or Smoked OO C Kabosi, lb. Zo Prime Beef OftC ChuckRoastlb ZZ Sugar Cured Pork Goodies Brookfield or Cloverbloom White llofie Chicken 4 lbs. New Of C Sauer Kraut Z!) Boneless f\ f|t Corned Beef, oL Jersey O*7 C Fresh Hams, Li Good Luck Noodle Dinner 29c Margarine 2 lbs 39c Potatoes bskt. 45 C IOO Ib. bag $ l.3


So iVE GOT IT ALL<br />



J<br />

JAM AMD NOT T—<br />

\NORRy ABOUT J->-<br />

To f i:<br />

OM TIME —) ^<br />


IP I'M ffOiMff To (JET UP<br />

A HALF HodR EAfeLiER./ I<br />


TfJRM IM NOW<br />

OKAY- I'LL<br />

BE UP<br />

LATER.<br />

* °£*r<br />


I'LL' B£ SURe- TO BE<br />


EARL-/<br />


WAKE liP.'i! YOU<br />

fOR To SET<br />


JUST HA^E. TO<br />


BUS- IF VOU<br />

Early to Bed<br />

WiS-OI KNOW<br />

ALL THAT.' 01<br />


T'TELL VET.<br />

WER CAR 15 ,<br />

PARRIED OM Tri<br />

SOiDE O'<br />

You HAVE<br />


YOU<br />

SLEET<br />

FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1938<br />

Make Votive Offerings<br />

Snail lias One Foot<br />

Soldiers of ancient Greece used to<br />

The snail has one foot. The foot<br />

is really a muscular development of<br />

make votive ofierinps in the torm or<br />

masevuuic»i"»*- ......Hitpd the stomacn, stomach, ai and is never lifted<br />

soldier statuettes to the god "

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