1954-08-26 - Sadie Pope Dowdell Public Library

1954-08-26 - Sadie Pope Dowdell Public Library 1954-08-26 - Sadie Pope Dowdell Public Library


PAGE FOUR THE SOUTH AMftOY CTTHSBW THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1954 CHURCH NEWS CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Founded IBM South Amboy, N. J. Rev. Christopher Nichols, Rector Harold Semonolt, Superintendent Clinton Beyer, Choirmaster Church-going families are happier families A Nursery for your child, * Parking Lot for your car and lalvAtlOD for your Soul I —August 39th— 9 A. M. Celebration of the Holy Bucharlat; special prayers for a lasting Peace, the efforts of the United Nations and those in the armed services of our Country. 9:30 A. M. Sunday School wwsaip services; Arthur B. Chaauan and Harold O. Sem-_ oneit. Lay Retfders. 9:Jfo A- M. FUm of th« Life of Jesus Christ will be shown in the Perish Hail auditorium. 11 A. M. Mid-moming worship smn-i with music by the senior choir and short sermon written by f.

, AUGUST *, 1*4 IN SERVICE to Daps May ait skted to be In uss Dy the end of 8ep«en*sr. Outy one roadway of the Parkway will 1M available over the New River strip at the openlaz tornan-©*. However, the one roadway will carry both directions of traffic. Within a fsw weeks, both the northbound and southbound roadways over the four-mile strip will be put in full bperatton. School Seniors Conduct Long Watch Spend Long Period OB Duty To Give Oihar Spotters Raat TRIMTON—Two high school Two large bridges—each measuring approxlmatsly 1,000 feet seniors began a marathon airplans spotting tour" at midnight In length—will carry traffic for Saturday/ August 21, at * the OAMP KHMER, N. J.—The the first time when the new Park Ridge around Observer ,25th. Army Band of Camp Kilmer, under the direction of row. The bridges take Parkway •tely U volunteer observers to four-mile section opens tomor- Corp* Post to permit ai)proxlm- CWO Robert C. Lewi*, will present the fourth in It* series of Bass Rivers in Burlington Coun- The youths, William Mosak, traffic over the MuUica and take a vacation. Kilmer Bowl concerto tonight at ty. They are among the largest 16, of Emerson, N. J., • senior 7:30 P. M. of some 380 bridges needed to at Westwod High School, and Private Phillip Mtl&mud. cany the Parkway over and under crossroads, tracks and bodies N. J., who enters the senior class Roofed Newman, 17, of Hillside, pianist, will be featured, in Clio* rge Gershwin'* "Rhapsody In of water, at Puddle this fall, manned the post fw twenty-four hours dally Blue." , The Parkway is a divided for the entire week unt" they Otnei selections to be played hlgoway, separate roadway* were lelleved at midnight Saturday, August aath. include "In an Eighteenth Century Drawing Room" by Bcott, fic. A center island measuring carrying each direction of traf- "Invitation a k Valse" by Weber, election* from iBhowboet" ates the northbound and south- up to 400 feet In width separ- Mm. Rosalie M. Bade. Post Supervisor, who I* also Park toy Kern, "Deep Purple" by De bound roadways along the Parkway course. The wldenaas of the and Disaster Control, pointed Ridge Director of Civic Defente Roso, "in A Monastery Garden" by Keteltoy, and selections from center island—one of the engineering features of the Parkately 00 volunteer* but requires out that the post ha* approxim- "La Boheme" by Puoelnl. The conceit 1* free, and the way—it akned at protecting opposing traffic against headlight eaoh fay with observer* spotting 168 to operate around-the-clock public is Invited. Parking space U available adjacent to the Kilmer BowL glare. two hours each week. 81* commenacd the two boys highly for ttielr splendid vesture ana informed Btate Director of Civil TWJ more concert* are sched. uled. one for September 9, and Detaue and Disaster Control, then September 33 to complete the summer band 1964. concert* for Another Section Of Parkway To Be Opened Saturday New Portion Will Give 111 Mile Unbroken Stretch TRUNTTON— The Garden State Parkway will become an unbroken 113-mll* stretch ' of tnoderj, soenie highway Saturday with the opening of a fourmile (.trip over the MuMJoa and Bass Rivers In southern New Jersey. j The New Jersey plghway Authority today announced that the four mile mUting link between previously opened sections 1* to put into use Saturday unless a heavy rainstorm Interferes. Openmg of the link will make the Parkway available for northbound and southbound traffic 4 all the way from Irvington, Bt*ex County, to Bomen Point, Atlantic County. Tio four-mile strip Is located 'between New Orewa and the soutnein bank of the Mullica River in the AUanUe-Burllntfon countv ana. The Parkway has been open since early this month for a 91-mUe stretoh north from New Oretna to Irvington, and ilnce August U in Atlantic County below the Mullioa River. With the opening today of an additional *lx miles south from Ttlton Road, Pleasantville, to €kwaers Point in Atlantlo County, the Parkway now extends soufn aknoet to the AUantic- Cape May county llns at Oreat Bag Harbor Bay. Atlantic City, New Jersey's famous resort oity, has been mads easily aooosilbl* from ths Parkway, When completed, the Parkway is to extend 100 mile* along the eastern half of New Jersey tram ttanunus, Bergen Cbunty, In ths to the bottom of mi State a* Cspa most May. Ths southsrnl mUas from Inrlngtonj With tomorrow's opening, the Parkway will be ready to cfcrry traffic between Newark and Atlantio City and similarly distant point* in a minimum of travel time. There are no Intersection* or traffic ttght* to obstruct the orderly awmattnt of tnJIks along the Parkway. The speed limit 1* 60 miles per (hour except where otherwise posted. No truck* are allowed on the Park- . M. Joseph Duffy, Middle*** CounLy Chairman for the Na- Uonal Foundation for Infantile ParV.y*!*, announced today that the rt«pon*e to the Iknergenc:/ way north of County. lAkewood In Setter Ortvtag Test* Visual rtquirttntou lot auto* mobilt drivers are slowly becoming more strict, ityi tbt Better Vision Instttut*. T« lUtti now test UCM»* applicants for depth •srcspUoD—an toereaM of thrte States ev«r 1*41. In 17 states, at against a previous », applicant* must pSM test* (or color blindaass. MAKE aaismbiy work eant, easy gooa pay. dustrles, a-19 K. HELP WANTED ETXBA MONEY Mothers: Need school funds? part time sales work Avon. Write Mrs. O. Miller District Manager, RedfleU Village D. apt. 3 Metuchen, N. 1-19 It YOU WDX by try ing our Hal's Beer, whfT Fins quality beer at lowest prices. Mo deimit. No fuss, Why not bt ths jtfclge and try same Hal's Beer? staokislvs at Red's Uquor Store, 101 South Bmsawav, next to Fw.OIHea, TelTftJL>-10«3. 1-36 jyyy WANTtD Xxpoases up with school starting! You can earn that ueeded monuy.. Apply Box If i-wai . . . . LANBCAPING and Supply. Top soil bwnui toft soil, Us, shrubs, blue stone, travel, landscaping and service. Michael Artelll. Tel. Keyport 1- s-w MOUSTHAN1M ABfcA BS8IDENTB TO BE AH8EMBLY DELEGATES ' More ttwn l«o residents of this area wlU be delegates to the forthcoming Circuit Assembly of Janovth's Witnesses to be held at the ifiorrlstown, N. J.. Armory from August 37-30. Sponsored by N. J. Circuit No, 3 ot Jehovah'; Wltneises, the assembly will feature BJblc instntetlon and concentrated gospel-preaching m that «rea, with an expected attendance of 3000 per. sons, a spokesman for the group today. announcftd Lentil R. Beda, presiding minister Perth Amboy congregation stated, "This Assembly will not be a so-called 'revival meeting', but an earnest gathering of Christian men ar.d women who teach the Bible* and endeavor to meet Its standards. The program offered jrillj'deal with the various aspeoti of Christian service and daily living, with the accent on increased diligence now." in doing Ood's will GOOD RESPONSE FOR PAKALYSIS DRIVE REPORTED BY DUFFY Qaim 12 lives Saved In State During Past Week Report Ten Traffic FaiaUiiea During Period TRBNTON—Reporting 10 traffic totalities in New Jersey during the week ending Sunday night. Director Arnold H. Vey of tho Bureau of Traffic Safety said today that this represented a {ratifying saving of 13 lives over the corresponding week of last year. With four death-free days and no pedestrian fatalities last week was the second best week of 1964 as far as lile-savtng vat concerned. The" 10 victims — seven drivers and'three passengers — brought the 1964 total to date to 461 as again*; 491 ^ the 1953 period. "Prom Monday to Thursday the totality slate was kept clean. What caused the let-down in precaution! over the week-end and the failure of some driven to keep in mind the ordinary safe and courteous rules of the road when 10 person* gave their lives?" the Director asked. ^Think. too, of the reasons behind the marked contrast of last week'i 10 death* with the 33 killed the week before. Tile Director warned that March of Dimes was beyond expectation. Mr. Dufly said. "Peo- needed to prevent a repttttVou Leonard Dreyfus*, of their unselfish tervice and consideration ple v*m to realise what the Ma- last August when 91 Uvea everyone'* cooperation will be far other post members. tleoal Foundation is trying to do lost in txaflte, the won* tact any August shoo* 1*41, Mo*, u while, Ur*. Sarle annoutttai abs snada «hsir ooUar* but •Dudat the &* and are not only eont*lbufttnc to serve breakfast to Moatk well." of Autwt. laaa. Newman for the entire week Volunteer* have arranged 8o*p' deat::a. So far thl* month M while several, Park Ridge Box derby*, «oftbaU game*, ftttalitle* have been recorded, a rant proprleior* have agreed to carnival*, awlmming meet* and very *Uu maivln of life-saving/' provide lunches and dinners numnrou* other money raising Director Vey added. "What ha* during the marathon tou» off function*. With the help of happened this month 1* largely duty. Dr. Harold Vtaukmslius.1 Parmt Teacher Associations,' a repetition of past month.* on also of Park Ridge, will keep a and many women's groups plus the road: speed too fa*t for convtant check of their odiyaical such men's dubs as the Or»tim-! *»41Uani pJu* other all-toocondition, making periodic vttlU common Improper Atving practices. Vacation day* are drawing to the post during this week. A cot wa& placed at the Post to » c,ktse and many lives will Headiuarters atop the Mtttagalso draw to a dose unlow thl* Volger Building so the young men may take turns at resting while the other maintained his vigil, in addition to the Park Ridge Post, Mrs. Sarle serves a* Bergen County Coordinator* for the around Observer Corps and Iwork* closely with OCX posts in CSoater and Ramsey. She was named to the County post by George H. Rateau. County Coordinator for Crril Defense Disaster Control. Recently Earle began an Intensive palgn among Bergen County resklents urging those who could to enroll as volunteers so the posts may operate on an around-the-clook vigil needed to provide the air surveillance the Air Force reojulree fense. for air de- His tuberose ittmsi li talks' ths "IndiAB aysslnth" bMsos* it grawi wild in the last Indies, sad tti trsgranc* rtMtuslct that of tb« CRUSH YOUR SMOKES PREVENT FOREST FIRES! 1st*. L:on* and the Junior Chamber of Commerce, enough men and women have volunteered to work to make a two day oountywide tag day possible. * N«. 1 list at tbi UUsr, with bom* acetdsnts mond WE APPRECIATE Your Cooperation needless haste is eliminated. If more driven will only 'THHflC and 'Slow Down and Liver, they may add year* to ttutr with our summer program during which out atort waa closad on Wednesday, during July and August. It has made it possible for •• to have a more enjoymble ranmar f and to secure real and relaxation. We hare BOW resumed our regular program, and wa wil be open for buaineai. every day fro* 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. exeept on Fridays when we will remain open nntU 9 P. M. SEMERSINC 101 SO. BROADWAY TEL. 3. A. 1-022S \

, AUGUST *, 1*4<br />


to Daps May ait skted to be In<br />

uss Dy the end of 8ep«en*sr.<br />

Outy one roadway of the<br />

Parkway will 1M available over<br />

the New<br />

River strip at the openlaz tornan-©*.<br />

However, the one roadway<br />

will carry both directions of<br />

traffic. Within a fsw weeks, both<br />

the northbound and southbound<br />

roadways over the four-mile<br />

strip will be put in full bperatton.<br />

School<br />

Seniors Conduct<br />

Long Watch<br />

Spend Long Period OB<br />

Duty To Give Oihar<br />

Spotters Raat<br />

TRIMTON—Two high school<br />

Two large bridges—each measuring<br />

approxlmatsly 1,000 feet<br />

seniors began a marathon airplans<br />

spotting tour" at midnight<br />

In length—will carry traffic for Saturday/ August 21, at * the<br />

OAMP KHMER, N. J.—The the first time when the new<br />

Park Ridge around Observer<br />

,25th. Army Band of Camp Kilmer,<br />

under the direction of row. The bridges take Parkway •tely U volunteer observers to<br />

four-mile section opens tomor-<br />

Corp* Post to permit ai)proxlm-<br />

CWO Robert C. Lewi*, will present<br />

the fourth in It* series of Bass Rivers in Burlington Coun-<br />

The youths, William Mosak,<br />

traffic over the MuUica and take a vacation.<br />

Kilmer Bowl concerto tonight at ty. They are among the largest 16, of Emerson, N. J., • senior<br />

7:30 P. M.<br />

of some 380 bridges needed to at Westwod High School, and<br />

Private Phillip Mtl&mud. cany the Parkway over and under<br />

crossroads, tracks and bodies N. J., who enters the senior class<br />

Roofed Newman, 17, of Hillside,<br />

pianist, will be featured, in Clio*<br />

rge Gershwin'* "Rhapsody In of water,<br />

at Puddle this fall, manned the<br />

post fw twenty-four hours dally<br />

Blue." ,<br />

The Parkway is a divided<br />

for the entire week unt" they<br />

Otnei selections to be played hlgoway, separate roadway*<br />

were lelleved at midnight Saturday,<br />

August aath.<br />

include "In an Eighteenth Century<br />

Drawing Room" by Bcott, fic. A center island measuring<br />

carrying each direction of traf-<br />

"Invitation a k Valse" by Weber,<br />

election* from iBhowboet" ates the northbound and south-<br />

up to 400 feet In width separ-<br />

Mm. Rosalie M. Bade. Post<br />

Supervisor, who I* also Park<br />

toy Kern, "Deep Purple" by De bound roadways along the Parkway<br />

course. The wldenaas of the and Disaster Control, pointed<br />

Ridge Director of Civic Defente<br />

Roso, "in A Monastery Garden"<br />

by Keteltoy, and selections from center island—one of the engineering<br />

features of the Parkately<br />

00 volunteer* but requires<br />

out that the post ha* approxim-<br />

"La Boheme" by Puoelnl.<br />

The conceit 1* free, and the way—it akned at protecting opposing<br />

traffic against headlight eaoh fay with observer* spotting<br />

168 to operate around-the-clock<br />

public is Invited. Parking space<br />

U available adjacent to the Kilmer<br />

BowL<br />

glare.<br />

two hours each week. 81* commenacd<br />

the two boys highly for<br />

ttielr splendid vesture ana informed<br />

Btate Director of Civil<br />

TWJ more concert* are sched.<br />

uled. one for September 9, and<br />

Detaue and Disaster Control,<br />

then September 33 to complete<br />

the summer band<br />

1964.<br />

concert* for<br />

Another Section<br />

Of Parkway To<br />

Be Opened Saturday<br />

New Portion Will Give<br />

111 Mile Unbroken<br />

Stretch<br />

TRUNTTON— The Garden<br />

State Parkway will become an<br />

unbroken 113-mll* stretch ' of<br />

tnoderj, soenie highway Saturday<br />

with the opening of a fourmile<br />

(.trip over the MuMJoa and<br />

Bass Rivers In southern New<br />

Jersey.<br />

j<br />

The New Jersey plghway Authority<br />

today announced that<br />

the four mile mUting link between<br />

previously opened sections 1*<br />

to put into use Saturday unless<br />

a heavy rainstorm Interferes.<br />

Openmg of the link will make<br />

the Parkway available for<br />

northbound and southbound<br />

traffic 4 all the way from Irvington,<br />

Bt*ex County, to Bomen<br />

Point, Atlantic County.<br />

Tio four-mile strip Is located<br />

'between New Orewa and the<br />

soutnein bank of the Mullica<br />

River in the AUanUe-Burllntfon<br />

countv ana. The Parkway has<br />

been open since early this month<br />

for a 91-mUe stretoh north<br />

from New Oretna to Irvington,<br />

and ilnce August U in Atlantic<br />

County below the Mullioa River.<br />

With the opening today of an<br />

additional *lx miles south from<br />

Ttlton Road, Pleasantville, to<br />

€kwaers Point in Atlantlo County,<br />

the Parkway now extends<br />

soufn aknoet to the AUantic-<br />

Cape May county llns at Oreat<br />

Bag Harbor Bay. Atlantic City,<br />

New Jersey's famous resort oity,<br />

has been mads easily aooosilbl*<br />

from ths Parkway,<br />

When completed, the Parkway<br />

is to extend 100 mile* along the<br />

eastern half of New Jersey tram<br />

ttanunus, Bergen Cbunty, In ths<br />

to the bottom of mi State<br />

a* Cspa<br />

most<br />

May. Ths southsrnl<br />

mUas from Inrlngtonj<br />

With tomorrow's opening, the<br />

Parkway will be ready to cfcrry<br />

traffic between Newark and Atlantio<br />

City and similarly distant<br />

point* in a minimum of travel<br />

time. There are no Intersection*<br />

or traffic ttght* to obstruct the<br />

orderly awmattnt of tnJIks<br />

along the Parkway. The speed<br />

limit 1* 60 miles per (hour except<br />

where otherwise posted. No<br />

truck* are allowed on the Park-<br />

. M. Joseph Duffy, Middle***<br />

CounLy Chairman for the Na-<br />

Uonal Foundation for Infantile<br />

ParV.y*!*, announced today that<br />

the rt«pon*e to the Iknergenc:/<br />

way north of<br />

County.<br />

lAkewood<br />

In<br />

Setter Ortvtag Test*<br />

Visual rtquirttntou lot auto*<br />

mobilt drivers are slowly becoming<br />

more strict, ityi tbt Better<br />

Vision Instttut*. T« lUtti now<br />

test UCM»* applicants for depth<br />

•srcspUoD—an toereaM of thrte<br />

States ev«r 1*41. In 17 states, at<br />

against a previous », applicant*<br />

must pSM test* (or color blindaass.<br />

MAKE<br />

aaismbiy work<br />

eant, easy<br />

gooa pay.<br />

dustrles,<br />

a-19 K.<br />



Mothers: Need school funds?<br />

part time sales work Avon.<br />

Write Mrs. O. Miller District<br />

Manager, RedfleU Village<br />

D. apt. 3 Metuchen, N.<br />

1-19 It<br />

YOU WDX<br />

by try<br />

ing our Hal's Beer, whfT Fins<br />

quality beer at lowest prices. Mo<br />

deimit. No fuss, Why not bt<br />

ths jtfclge and try same Hal's<br />

Beer? staokislvs at Red's Uquor<br />

Store, 101 South Bmsawav, next<br />

to Fw.OIHea, TelTftJL>-10«3.<br />

1-36 jyyy<br />

WANTtD<br />

Xxpoases up with school starting!<br />

You can earn that ueeded<br />

monuy.. Apply Box If<br />

i-wai . . . .<br />


and Supply.<br />

Top soil bwnui toft soil,<br />

Us, shrubs, blue stone,<br />

travel, landscaping and service.<br />

Michael Artelll. Tel. Keyport 1-<br />

s-w<br />




' More ttwn l«o residents of<br />

this area wlU be delegates to the<br />

forthcoming Circuit Assembly of<br />

Janovth's Witnesses to be held<br />

at the ifiorrlstown, N. J.. Armory<br />

from August 37-30. Sponsored<br />

by N. J. Circuit No, 3 ot Jehovah';<br />

Wltneises, the assembly<br />

will feature BJblc instntetlon<br />

and concentrated gospel-preaching<br />

m that «rea, with an expected<br />

attendance of 3000 per.<br />

sons, a spokesman for the group<br />

today.<br />

announcftd<br />

Lentil R. Beda, presiding minister<br />

Perth Amboy congregation<br />

stated, "This Assembly<br />

will not be a so-called 'revival<br />

meeting', but an earnest gathering<br />

of Christian men ar.d women<br />

who teach the Bible* and<br />

endeavor to meet Its standards.<br />

The program offered jrillj'deal<br />

with the various aspeoti of<br />

Christian service and daily living,<br />

with the accent on increased<br />

diligence<br />

now."<br />

in<br />

doing Ood's will<br />




Qaim 12 lives<br />

Saved In State<br />

During Past Week<br />

Report Ten Traffic<br />

FaiaUiiea During Period<br />

TRBNTON—Reporting 10 traffic<br />

totalities in New Jersey during<br />

the week ending Sunday<br />

night. Director Arnold H. Vey<br />

of tho Bureau of Traffic Safety<br />

said today that this represented<br />

a {ratifying saving of 13 lives<br />

over the corresponding week of<br />

last year. With four death-free<br />

days and no pedestrian fatalities<br />

last week was the second best<br />

week of 1964 as far as lile-savtng<br />

vat concerned. The" 10 victims<br />

— seven drivers and'three<br />

passengers — brought the 1964<br />

total to date to 461 as again*;<br />

491 ^ the 1953 period.<br />

"Prom Monday to Thursday<br />

the totality slate was kept clean.<br />

What caused the let-down in<br />

precaution! over the week-end<br />

and the failure of some driven<br />

to keep in mind the ordinary<br />

safe and courteous rules of the<br />

road when 10 person* gave their<br />

lives?" the Director asked.<br />

^Think. too, of the reasons behind<br />

the marked contrast of last<br />

week'i 10 death* with the 33<br />

killed the week before.<br />

Tile Director warned that<br />

March of Dimes was beyond expectation.<br />

Mr. Dufly said. "Peo-<br />

needed to prevent a repttttVou<br />

Leonard Dreyfus*, of their unselfish<br />

tervice and consideration ple v*m to realise what the Ma-<br />

last August when 91 Uvea<br />

everyone'* cooperation will be<br />

far other post members. tleoal Foundation is trying to do lost in txaflte, the won* tact<br />

any August shoo* 1*41,<br />

Mo*, u while, Ur*. Sarle annoutttai<br />

abs snada «hsir ooUar* but<br />

•Dudat the &*<br />

and are not only eont*lbufttnc<br />

to serve breakfast to Moatk well."<br />

of Autwt. laaa.<br />

Newman for the entire week<br />

Volunteer* have arranged 8o*p' deat::a. So far thl* month M<br />

while several, Park Ridge<br />

Box derby*, «oftbaU game*, ftttalitle* have been recorded, a<br />

rant proprleior* have agreed to<br />

carnival*, awlmming meet* and very *Uu maivln of life-saving/'<br />

provide lunches and dinners<br />

numnrou* other money raising Director Vey added. "What ha*<br />

during the marathon tou» off<br />

function*. With the help of happened this month 1* largely<br />

duty. Dr. Harold Vtaukmslius.1<br />

Parmt Teacher Associations,' a repetition of past month.* on<br />

also of Park Ridge, will keep a<br />

and many women's groups plus the road: speed too fa*t for<br />

convtant check of their odiyaical<br />

such men's dubs as the Or»tim-! *»41Uani pJu* other all-toocondition,<br />

making periodic vttlU<br />

common Improper Atving practices.<br />

Vacation day* are drawing<br />

to the post during this week. A<br />

cot wa& placed at the Post<br />

to » c,ktse and many lives will<br />

Headiuarters atop the Mtttagalso<br />

draw to a dose unlow thl*<br />

Volger Building so the young<br />

men may take turns at resting<br />

while the other maintained his<br />

vigil, in addition to the Park<br />

Ridge Post, Mrs. Sarle serves a*<br />

Bergen County Coordinator* for<br />

the around Observer Corps and<br />

Iwork* closely with OCX posts in<br />

CSoater and Ramsey. She was<br />

named to the County post by<br />

George H. Rateau. County Coordinator<br />

for Crril Defense<br />

Disaster Control. Recently<br />

Earle began an Intensive<br />

palgn among Bergen County resklents<br />

urging those who could<br />

to enroll as volunteers so the<br />

posts may operate on an<br />

around-the-clook vigil needed to<br />

provide the air surveillance the<br />

Air Force reojulree<br />

fense.<br />

for air de-<br />

His tuberose ittmsi li talks'<br />

ths "IndiAB aysslnth" bMsos* it<br />

grawi wild in the last Indies, sad<br />

tti trsgranc* rtMtuslct that of tb«<br />

CRUSH<br />

YOUR<br />

SMOKES<br />



1st*. L:on* and the Junior Chamber<br />

of Commerce, enough men<br />

and women have volunteered to<br />

work to make a two day oountywide<br />

tag day possible.<br />

*<br />

N«. 1<br />

list at tbi<br />

UUsr, with bom* acetdsnts mond<br />


Your Cooperation<br />

needless haste is eliminated. If<br />

more driven will only 'THHflC<br />

and 'Slow Down and Liver,<br />

they may add year* to ttutr<br />

with our summer program during<br />

which out atort waa closad on Wednesday,<br />

during July and August. It has made it<br />

possible for •• to have a more enjoymble<br />

ranmar f and to secure real and relaxation.<br />

We hare BOW resumed our regular<br />

program, and wa wil be open for buaineai.<br />

every day fro* 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. exeept<br />

on Fridays when we will remain open<br />

nntU 9 P. M.<br />


101 SO. BROADWAY TEL. 3. A. 1-022S<br />


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