Held Sunday Night At Sacft£ Heart Church Local Headquarters ...

Held Sunday Night At Sacft£ Heart Church Local Headquarters ...

Held Sunday Night At Sacft£ Heart Church Local Headquarters ...


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BT "THB STAFF"<br />

mini luritJ<br />

Curing the past several days, the<br />

entire nation has concerned itseif<br />

over developments in the coal miner's<br />

strike that brought matters to<br />

such a point that for a time it<br />

seemed to be a personal matter between<br />

President Roosevelt and John<br />

1* liwTsTTSBof'presldenfr-<br />

similar to that of Hitler and other<br />

dictators, and the pity of ttH that<br />

- the ordinary .miners, .will, really suffer<br />

greatest from the action.<br />

Organized labor has done much<br />

to tree workmen from conditions<br />

that were practically slavery, but<br />

Incidents, such si the present strike<br />

situation, put unions and union men<br />

in a bad light, especially in war<br />

time, even though they personally<br />

may not be responsible.<br />

<strong>Held</strong> <strong>Sunday</strong> <strong>Night</strong> <strong>At</strong><br />

<strong>Sacft£</strong> <strong>Heart</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Some conflicts go on for years despite<br />

everything, and one t!hat has lala and Sylvia Zysfcowska;<br />

ence Rutkowslfa and O-enevieve Rus-<br />

-teen wagingjtor_.a number of years, Frances Klimklewia and<br />

and continues to wage as vigorously<br />

as ever, despite the war, is theMisses Anna Ejniec and Cell Wylu-<br />

Madura, and ..Anna _ Klimklewicz;<br />

controversy between doctors and da and Rtta Pros; Misses Henrietta<br />

chiropractors. '<br />

Kudelka, and Helen Kuc, and Dolores<br />

Sunnan; Misses Jean Eyniec and<br />

While the average layman does not<br />

Florence Moscal, and- Florence "Piechoclnska;<br />

Misses Ronnie "Kunaw<br />

- know enough about "either field-ot<br />

healing to argue-intelligently on the<br />

_subJeci.JLwoultf^eemthatthere Is<br />

little sense sene t to this h constant cunnictr<br />

It would seem that there are enough<br />

physical ills in the world for both<br />

branches to get along peacefully, and<br />

even combine their skills at times for<br />

the common good.<br />

Practitioners hi both fields have<br />

worked wonders, and it would seem<br />

that there are some ills that could<br />

best be treated by each of them better<br />

than the other, and that the people<br />

in general should have the advantage<br />

of the benefits of both sciences,<br />

and when necessary a medical<br />

doctor should call a chiropractor<br />

into-conference.'-However,. as<br />

long as the present "hammer and<br />

tones" war rag«s. this is not likely.<br />

Speculation about the time the<br />

war Will end ba» come to be one of<br />

and everyone seems to have an opinion.<br />

The diversified opinions expressed<br />

indicate Chat ho one can give «o accurate-estimate,<br />

and the Jguess of<br />

plain citizen John Smith, is almost<br />

as good as that of the highest military<br />

officer.<br />

Admiral Halsey and Jim Farley.<br />

political leader, insist it will be over<br />

in IMS, and a member of the British<br />

cabinet has expressed the same<br />

opinion. '<strong>Church</strong>ill says maybe 1944<br />

or 18*5.<br />

It mlgfet be well, before taking any<br />

Misses"<br />

Hilda Kudelka and Connie Ciszewska<br />

and BemieeWojcik.<br />

The statue bearers wens Misses|<br />

Josephine Hrankowska, Helen Btashowska,<br />

Wanda Stnykalska and<br />

Agnes Witczak. -- •• +~<br />

Solemn benediction following the<br />

crowning waa^bratW by the Rev.<br />

John M. WUus, brother of the crowner,<br />

and pastor of Our I*dy of Per-<br />

master was Miss Jane V. Batrukiewlcz.<br />

hasjaken an active part In all communities<br />

activities. He was appoint-<br />

gate, wto is leavl<br />

company m Fialnfleld. '<br />

served in the enginer's office of the<br />

The speakers were Miss Julia<br />

Cross,<br />

of the Sodality: ed chairman and commander of theup his residence<br />

knoU Missionary/, •who recently re-<br />

from China, and ttM ot Che Valley, N.J. While a resident of this<br />

The deceased was born In Long A Court of Honor for all troops-,<br />

«f these predictions too seriously, to<br />

Sister Mary aoeratKe.'splritnal director<br />

of the Sodality; Marlon Gam-<br />

Civilian Defense organization in He was recently transferied by theturned<br />

remember that back in 1918 during<br />

of the Southern District will be held.<br />

March, 1843, and has held boto prdstant General Secretary<br />

of tmPRRYMCA at Juniaw,<br />

Pennsylvania. Be became general<br />

secretary Vt the Junlata-Association<br />

stalled. Last summer the entire first<br />

floor was renovated and the dormitory<br />

Increased from 40 beds to 80.<br />

While residing here, Mr. Milburn<br />

KSIfteri^^<br />

ing her home with herwm<br />

Defense Officials<br />

Discover Use Of<br />

Spurious Arm Bands<br />

Boys Are .Discovered Using<br />

Them Dining Blackouts -<br />

JMJB of the local Civilian Defense<br />

."organization, -while on,tnspec--<br />

tlon ipurs during recent blackouts,<br />

have discovered local-boys. not.connected<br />

with the setup have adopted<br />

" pniiii. 1 . i» i-rrTTfcrriw HTBIIII'"^<br />

and other pieces of white material^as<br />

veil as ihome-aude arm<br />

bands about their arms and strottog<br />

about tthe dty representing themselves<br />

as Civilian Defense Menen<<br />

gem. • .<br />

Defense officials have explained<br />

that tfels. is m vlolatim of the laws<br />

protestbur the Civilian Defense arm<br />

banoV'aM lnsigi)la''of the- organisa-<br />

Uon, and tSose wlio foOorthU pnactiee<br />

ain subject to th« Jail term and<br />

Dm provided for. by J&o tow,. _ ><br />

A dose watch for violator* is being<br />



Officers of the local Bed<br />

Cross have announced that a<br />

plea has ben made by fcatioaal<br />

HeaUqnarten' to rush the<br />

latest local quota, for knitted<br />

goods for American mlUUry<br />

men overseas.<br />

Wool has been received (at<br />

the making of sleeveless sweateri.<br />

long-steve, twrUe tu»<br />

sweatem,<br />

•earfi. .J<br />

Tiume wishing t« auke these<br />

materiab shmsld oM|aet Mat<br />

Man Mack, m lew 1<br />

Me. .<br />

County Juniors Will<br />

Celebrate 90th<br />

Anniversary Here<br />

State Treasurer Will<br />

<strong>At</strong>tend Session Here May 21<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Joel Parker Council has beet<br />

selected as,the scene for the Middlesex<br />

County gathering of members<br />

of the Junior Order, to celebrate the<br />

SOtti anniversary of the founding of<br />

the organization.<br />

The meeting, whloh will be he'.d<br />

in connection withrfflie May WBslon<br />

of the Middlesex County Fast Counwlth<br />

plans (or celebratioa of the anniversary<br />

outlined by State Councilor<br />

George J. Curtis, and the members<br />

of thl State Council Staff.<br />

Celebrations wiU be held 4n various<br />

counties during toe week beginning<br />

May MUl. ,_.<br />

State Treasurer and Fast'State-<br />

Councilor, Albert H. Schaefer of<br />

Rahway will be the apeaker at the<br />

meeting here. . : i<br />

A committee of local OOHBCU<br />

bers Is arranging for 1 ttte serving of<br />

refreshments.<br />

Junior Order <strong>Held</strong><br />

<strong>Night</strong> Friday<br />

Recording Secretary Of<br />

<strong>Local</strong> Council For Past<br />

'T-Twoity-Seven Years ~—--<br />

Friday evening<br />

home on lowi<br />

the members<br />

Jr. O.UAJkf .,<br />

gate," in honor<br />

First Aid Squad<br />

Distribution Of Earefopes<br />

Wednesday Nie&t; Pick-up<br />

NiKht. May, 18th<br />

<strong>At</strong> an eathusiaslic neettag<br />

MOI i*ht iaHbetr ht«*j«<br />

fceid<br />

t<br />

on First street memlwrs of the First<br />

Aid and Safety Swarf laid plans tor<br />

their annual djtae. attribution «f<br />

conUlbutioa ecnekaes «Ut take place<br />

watch «an and<br />

Wednesday nlghW anA May IWv the <strong>Local</strong> Civilian Defense Chairman<br />

following Tuesday night has been Paul Milburn, with other, Civilian and 21 at ttie Hotel' Commodore,<br />

designated as «tfMU«a aWtt. Defense Chairman of the state was tfew York when local delegates will<br />

The drhe wDB a* vndkr the «b*e- this week officially informed by be Mrs. James D. VanPelt and Mr*.<br />

Uon of James Coaik. pnatdent at Che<br />

State Defense <strong>Headquarters</strong> of theHoward Dillon, with Mrs. William<br />

s and there jrttl bk towt<br />

number of persons the looal Council<br />

will be called upon to shelter and<br />

Spencer and Mm. Reginald NuttaH<br />

sObchainnen, cmiaclMite ot each<br />

alternates, -~'—, •<br />

temporarily feed to the event of an<br />

wild. WUMam Scatty b be ta<br />

Mrs. Amis Tenzel will be the hostess<br />

to the Literature Department<br />

charge ol the First Watd^ John hysterical from nearby or<br />

Orimley. Second Wart, l*stw Buhelw,<br />

Third Ward and Josa* Rm-<br />

Leonard DreyWsi. State' Civilian dish luncheon will take place In the<br />

ndghbortog communities.<br />

on May 17th at 8 P. M. A covered<br />

sell. Fourth Ward. Bath that we^ill discharge<br />

with himor mid distinction our responsMUy tovrard tho<br />

continuationof this worthy^and appreciated endeavor.<br />

Mayor dty of South Amboy<br />

plant of the American Agricultural<br />

Company. •<br />

The fire broke out in a coke drier,<br />

which was empty at the time and<br />

evidently, it was caused by friction<br />

of machinery. • "•<br />

Acting Chief Frank Musolino, in<br />

charge, estimated ttie damage at<br />

11,000.<br />



HEART PAfU&H<br />

Among -the Mothers Day events<br />

tobej<br />

Sacred <strong>Heart</strong> Parish .win I<br />

«r*s Day- dance to tie held <strong>Sunday</strong><br />

evening at 8 P«iM. hr Sacred <strong>Heart</strong><br />

One of the most successful flower<br />

shows in the history of the South<br />

Amboy. Woman's Club took place<br />

here Tuesday afternoon and evening'<br />

when the club held Its annual'show<br />

In the Parish House, under the direction<br />

of Mrs. Natalie Goodman.<br />

A short business session over<br />

which Vice President Mrs. James P.<br />

VanPelt presided iu -ttie-abse<br />

the president, Mrs. Howard W. Dillon,<br />

preceeded the show and it was<br />

announced the annual Olub convention<br />

will take place on May IB, 20<br />

F. N. Reps; Miscellaneous, Ms. F. N.<br />

Beps; piano arrangement, first, Mrs.<br />

Andrew Purman; second,-MrsnJams»—<br />

VanPelt; Children's Party Tables,<br />

Judged by Mrs. James Dawson, Mrs.<br />

Louis King end Miss Selma ManteB;<br />

miniatures, Orst, Mrs. Louise EDng:<br />

second, Mrs. Otto Miller: breakfast<br />

tables, Mrs. Edward Ooodman; Tea<br />

Tabes, nrat, Mrs. Annls Fenzel; seoond,<br />

Mrs. tBdward Ooodman; An"<br />

tlque Tables, first, Mrs. Howard Be*.<br />

gen; second, Mrs. Edward Ooodman:<br />

Luncheon Tables, first. Mrs, BdwSBd<br />

Cvodman; second, Mrs. Richard<br />

Mack.<br />

There was a tie tor first prise between<br />

Mrs. A. J. Fenzel and Mrs. B6V<br />

ward Ooodisan fca^flie awaNrnrtte -<br />

Shadow Boi division and the fc* .,<br />

general prlM:was^ awarded to-Mrs.<br />

Edward Ooodman.<br />

Court Of Honor For<br />

Boy Scouts <strong>At</strong><br />

fere^Heaitflall<br />

Will Be <strong>Held</strong> Monday<br />

<strong>Night</strong> For Southern<br />

District Members<br />

en by thr*junior Class of Hoffman<br />

^ i<br />

canopy covering the entire dancing<br />

floorr '.. '•~ lH rT-f, , . •<br />

Anna Krutel Is chairman of the<br />

poster committee and Jay Blrkin and<br />

Florence Tomaszewskl are co-chairmen<br />

of the Decoration Committee.<br />




The 40 it 8 8odety,of the Middlesex<br />

County American Legion con-,<br />

ducting a drive for funds topur-,<br />

chase playmr card! for American<br />

lltt Y *<br />

1575.40 collected to date. tlptoAp.<br />

ril 1st, the total collected and report*<br />

ed WM $407.40 local Jake A. Lovrfjr<br />

Post of the Legion, which contributed<br />

W0 to the fond, raised u tiw<br />

result of solicitation among loeal tn-<br />

Halt • ' ,•<br />

Mrs. Valeria - Oats is deneral<br />

Chairman and theco-chairman to<br />

Mrs. Helen Sharo.<br />

•committee,has extended an dlviduals sad organisation*, Is listed<br />

invitation to all servioe men to at-adSjg the maker of the larfest of.«*e<br />

TParent-Teacher Assncistioh . JL a d<br />

tttere will be no admission charge<br />

for them.<br />

WHEN TOO oar Tttum wont-

.' • • • • •<br />



«MMHMtMH<br />


rtneoiN» OOT AT» FIND A (—<br />


22 YEAJIS<br />

Issue ol May 7, 1S21<br />

• • *<br />

Because all bids exceeded $14,000<br />

the amount estimated as the cost of<br />

building the structure, the contract<br />

house was not awarded atlSereoun^<br />

ell meeting Tuesday night, all three<br />

7 ^<br />

nlcaltty involving a legal point, all<br />

bids for the laying of the sidewalk<br />

and curb on John street and Augusta<br />

street, between Pine avenue and<br />

-—St*vena..iiyenue, were laid over until<br />

the next meeting of the Council. The<br />

' bid submitted by Lambertson &<br />

Reese, $1,082.00 lower than that at<br />

-—their—closestL competitor^_was not<br />

signed In the space provided for the<br />

. signature on the proposal blanks<br />

furnished by the city.<br />

After a recess of ten minutes had<br />

been taken, it was moved that all<br />

bids be rejected, the amount being<br />

in excess of the estimate. The motion<br />

was carried unamiously. •<br />

"••"".". •":;e<br />

refreshments will be furnished by<br />

the Daughters.<br />

The dance for the benefit ot the<br />

South Amboy Memorial Hospital last<br />

-Monday, bight was a social success,<br />

•tad although the attendance Was<br />

sidsll, a tidy sum «tt realUed.<br />

It Is the wish of the committee<br />

holding tickets make returns<br />

B«v. Hfcrbert J. Aibup of the ft?esbyterlHn<br />

Churoh, returned-Tuesday<br />

to reunion at Prtntettm 8«mi<br />

the flrtt ten yaws H his<br />

He raporta ttntt thlsywtf's<br />

elan, 1921, vaa the most<br />

ia one to «t4D*te ttata<br />

Bemliuinr. in that Prinoe.-<br />

just fleeWed to grantee<br />

^f "EheolOBr degree to f«<br />

^tudtots; asil thtotaTOhre* th»-we*t-<br />

—Jntnt wrrMtht i«d wad blue hoods<br />

^ O w ir»du*Hon twrns; :<br />

-nat "BMMe ot VwrttovUle" will<br />

.be put-over by Luke A^tovely Pott<br />

Public School 2<br />

This week the list of students of<br />

School Mb. 3 who hate beta plated<br />

on tSe honor roll beatuse they sk*<br />

MWeH * tattral »wr»» ot ti% *<br />

over In all subject? for, the month at<br />

April was published. *ftS. roll ontaalris<br />

the fofloWinfe<br />

fBftQaMaL, r<br />

Nancy Bowen, Daf6ft» De Vtan.<br />

Joan J6WM. WWW Vaaft. BMbarn<br />

Rfj aB<br />

erlck Kurt*, Maraa -SUo.<br />

HSJSgffH tufi<br />

t ORAD&<br />

William Bouchant,. tthct BiMran,<br />

brace Dill, Itnton r*tx. 4ohn I*<br />

1. Jertt Ittgee.<br />

Joan Munch<br />

HB helped keep you warm this winter<br />

This aaf ineer it juit one ol<br />

lMtt jmey Ceritnl worker*<br />

Wfco UMd keep KM<br />

For nearer a centurr the Jeney<br />

Central Railroad htt aided in<br />

the growth and development of<br />

_ " ^we ierw<br />

our Nation in ihil wtrSme emer-~<br />

geocr, we are ever mindfiil of<br />

our oblipdon to prtwde if<br />

dl Mrnce ft*:ttttr (Heade<br />

<strong>At</strong> aU timea, wfe sb^t r*d^ to do<br />

Sanitary and<br />


TdephoiwS.<strong>At</strong>M<br />

228 First St^ SotttkAak«<br />

RatM Fnrnlahed Upoa<br />

HBAl<br />

Electrol 09 Burners<br />

Wttk<br />


Telephone «*tl<br />

PAINTS. ETC.<br />


^dt<br />

Oil. and d Varalsb*<br />

Bttiahei G6a», Broiww<br />

Gold Let. StalM, Etc<br />

WaDPaptr<br />

tMtirst Street<br />


r. O. Bos ift<br />


and I<br />

*a<br />


••' -• • • • - > .<br />



- _ t<br />

SU Ptort 8tnet Telephone S. A. 4. . South Amboy, N. J.<br />

3. MBtffORD HOIi. Kditor<br />

Under toe Act of March 3. J87»<br />

Subscription Rates: $2.00 per Yew. Flve~OH_t";per-eop)ft—"-^<br />


This newspaper wiU not be liable for error* appearta* In may<br />

tbe cost of spiff occupy by the error.<br />


f the governmsnt royalty-free its Buna rubber<br />

^ | « taoionly for the duration, but ftSrevapntt^"<br />

pany is carrying on in the best tradition of American industry.<br />

The offer provides tiiat in accepting these patents #he govern<br />

meat will have the right to issue wysity-tree licenses to every<br />

one who cooperates with the war rubber program and reciprocates<br />

with similar, licenses under its own patents. It provides also<br />

that the government increase expenditures on synthetic rubber<br />

research to a total of not less than 15,000,000.<br />

Thus we have big buriness giving up an individual possession<br />

to further the general cause and provide incentive to its own<br />

competitors as well as to the government, to intensify research<br />

in the all-important field of synthetic rubber.<br />

This is not the first time a company has relinquished its extclusive<br />

patents to other companies in return for the right to use<br />

those of other concerns. Patent pools have been in existence for<br />

some time in the automotive and airplane industries where makers<br />

of ears and planes throw their patents into pools from which<br />

participants may draw. .<br />

This is not a "share the invention scheme" without incentive<br />

to the pioneer. So long as there is opportunity for reward in the<br />

form of royalties, profits, or other valuable patents, technology<br />

thrives.<br />


Ear from encouraging is-the news that~absenteeism result-<br />

__jiftg_ft5ni_Ulness^non-iridustrial accidents, and personal reasons<br />

^^ausedalosilifl^OOTI^<br />

These figures, from the records of the National Industrial<br />

Conference Board, indicate that if absenteeism continues.at this<br />

rate, almost half a billion man-days will be lost during this vitaf<br />

production year.<br />

Absenteeism has always been with us to some extent and<br />

probably always will be. It is high-lighjed. and emphasized now<br />

because the war effort requires the presence of every man and<br />

woman on the job every hour of his or her working day.<br />

Every hour of production ^oss is serious. Late deliveries or<br />

short orders may be the difference between life and death to our<br />

armedforces.r-The issue i8,9oimj|ortanHhat^verything possible<br />

must be done to cut down^thia disastrous tSmeloss.<br />

.._.; : ___Jtad«sfay_hasbent"^very effort to combat the absentee problem<br />

through greafijTexpiuided facilities for.the protection and<br />

welfare of workers. -But industry cannot do the job alone. "7'<br />

Some communities to which thousands of new war workers<br />

have been attracted have been short of housing. Some have had<br />

Insufficient transportation facilities There are many cases in<br />

which retail stores, laundries, beauty parlors, banks, and restaur-<br />

~~Tin*s : lavfr-not-become_geai^Jo_the_needs of shift workers. - In<br />

lor economy and eflldtpey.<br />

• Announcement n of the ~ esry<br />

Pepartment that non-wmr expenditures<br />

ot t"he Federal Government<br />

have been cut 477 million dollars<br />


'<br />

Report On Investigation<br />

Of <strong>Local</strong> Police Car<br />

I McKeon Thinks Purchase<br />

Reporting the results of an Investigation<br />

requested by Councilman a long lUness.<br />

Hospital. New Brunswick, following<br />

Joseph McKeon, chairman of the Mrs. BstUl was the daughter of<br />

the late Christian and- Caroline<br />

at the session Tuesday night, declared<br />

the police car, out ot service<br />

for some time, will require (our new<br />

tires and the motor will have to be<br />

rebuttt,_ftt an estimated cost ol between<br />

*250 and $300.<br />

Following the reading of the report,<br />

McKeon declared the car has<br />

been out of service since November,<br />

and he believed It would be cheaper<br />

to by a new one than to have the<br />

~~present~bne lepalredr—Councilman<br />

Bess moved the matter be referred<br />

to the Police Committee, but Mc-<br />

Keon declared J<br />

her husband, a daughter, tin. Lester<br />

Stratton of Laurence Harbor;<br />

three brothers, Christian, Robert and<br />

Carl Straub of this city, and three<br />

sisters, Mrs. William Pearce of this<br />

eityTrad~Mis. Mat£tfas Bchockrand<br />

Mrs. Christine Straub of Matawan,<br />

also three grandchildren. "<br />



Month Of April<br />

The honor roll for the fifth marking<br />

period at Hoffman High School.<br />

on<br />

the honor roll, attained a general average<br />

of 85% or over in all subjects:<br />

- - - - 7A<br />

Lois Becker, Jimmy Burkard. Har-<br />

8hJt!oxrBob87Hai<br />

Hoffman, Grace Kldd. Anna Komoslnsltl,<br />

Ruth Kurowsky, Howard Larew,<br />

Cynthia Mundy. Olga, Nicolas<br />

Barbarar Skow, Minnie Sorensen.<br />

__ • s ••- _<br />

Gloria BrBwn L Margaret Cosgfove.<br />

Carol Behn. Joan Brlggs. , •<br />

8A<br />

Ruth Bodenmann, Lenora Greenspan,<br />

Dorothy Kaganowlch, Ruth O'-<br />

Connor, Prances Ryder, Margaret<br />

Shirley Sltow. _ _<br />

Officersof the local Loyal Order<br />

8B<br />

of Moose have announced a change<br />

In the meeting nights to take effect<br />

Immediately.<br />

In the future, meetings will be<br />

held on second and fourth Thursdays<br />

of each month instead of the<br />

second and fourth Wednesdays. They ]<br />

will continue to be held in Wllhehn's<br />

Hall, however.<br />

The next meeting will take place<br />

Thursday evenffigrMayMthv<br />



Two fires demanded the attention<br />

of local firemen on <strong>Sunday</strong>. Both of<br />

them were brush Ores, the first causing<br />

an alarm to be turned In from Clara Ostrowskl.<br />

11B<br />

box • 82j_«t the. corner- of' Rldgewsy<br />

avenue and "Conoveatreet eatiy" in<br />

the afternoon and the second calling;<br />

out Protection Eneme Company to<br />

fight a blaze under the Pennsylvania<br />

railroad bridge on upper, Main<br />

street. -• •• !<br />

Eleanor Oeant, Frances Mlkolayczak,<br />

Dorothy Bannennan, Jack<br />

banning, Hazel Berry, Doris O'Neill,<br />

Prances GUlum.<br />

9A<br />

i B. Wedeen, M. Gelslnon, E. Shuler,<br />

h. Nicks, D. Murphy, N. Burkard,<br />

C. Richmond, B.-Stratton.<br />

9B<br />

Mary Komosinskl, Lillian Slsko,<br />

10A<br />

Susan Hess, Elizabeth Krutel, Dorothy<br />

Miiburn, Irene Sprlngle, Catherine<br />

VanHorn.<br />

UA<br />

George HasstaCher. Anna Krutel,<br />

Prances Zateski.<br />

*~ J —— •'•'-'<br />

12<br />

Sara Brower.Jsen Buntlngr Helen<br />

Cook, Katherine Croddlck, Elmer<br />

Galley; John' Oeant, Leroy Kurtz,<br />

Lois Nelll. Grace-- Pearson, Dorothy<br />

Straub. Lee Swittkowskl,<br />

Zimmerman.<br />

A(rica<br />

Lillian<br />

Anli-alrcialt gunners of three Colted Nations we seen working side<br />

I by tide.as they protect an Allied-held North African port from Axis ilr<br />

I attacks. In the foreground an American-unit mans a Bofors gnu, while<br />

\ Just behind them Is a French crew servicing their Oerllkon gun. In the<br />

4 far background is a British crew with another Bofors.<br />

General Patch Decorated iir Guadalcanal<br />


Scholars!^ R«JFH<br />

MonthOfAprf -<br />

<strong>At</strong> School No. 1<br />

The April scholarship honor xoD<br />

or Public School No. X,<br />

tile namoK n£<br />

a<br />

It contains ^heToUowtnsj names:<br />


Leah Fillhower, Judy Flanigan,<br />

ard Johnson, Fill Nicolas, Monroe<br />

Reiner, Lois Ross, Manvel Semonett,<br />

Dorothy Zulin.<br />


Almedla Ferguson. Katherine<br />

Flannlgan, Sbirtey Herrmann. Barbara<br />

Xambertson, Hilda msfwos.<br />

Oene Steward.<br />


Bobby Bell, Louise Bloodgood, Billy<br />

Brown, Jean Con way, Gloria De<br />

Forest, Edna Drews. Katherine les-<br />

Marlene Koenlg, Donald Munn. Joan<br />

Ross, Barbara Sprague, Claire Weiss.<br />



Preliminary plans for the annual<br />

Vacation Bible School, sponsored by<br />

the Pint Methodist, Calvary Meth-|<br />

odlst, Baptist a qA__ Presbyterian<br />

<strong>Church</strong>es are being made.<br />

The school will be conducted dur-<br />

ing the last two weeks in June and<br />

an announcement concerning the<br />

church In which It will be held will<br />

be made in a short time.<br />

Production Dp 3S Per C«at -<br />

The labor-management commit?<br />

tee 1 in the Westinghouse Elevator<br />

company, Jersey City, N. • J-, reported<br />

to War Production Drive<br />

IreBdquartersttiBi production i» «pproximately<br />

36 per cent over quota.<br />

•- 4-H-era at Uteensburt, Ky.<br />

Nails are little things but 4-H chib<br />

members in Greenaburg. Ky., recently<br />

salvaged 3,125 pounds of then<br />

from the ruins ot a burned tobacco<br />

warehouse to help keep; the steel<br />

mills going.<br />

KEEP WELL-<br />

There is no substitute<br />

forhedth<br />

Doctors Time Is<br />

Precious-Go To<br />

His Office<br />

After all. there are only 81<br />

hours In ajpetort^dajr, toe —<br />

and most of them are spent<br />

serving his patients and those<br />

whose former doctor has Joined<br />

the armed forces. More than<br />

30,000 of our doctors are new<br />

in the armed forces, so that<br />

places- an added harden on<br />

your doctor. Save his predons<br />

time and go to his office whenever'yon,<br />

can.<br />

-Hoffman's<br />

DrngSto^e<br />

ATfiusrA<br />

Blind Children Taught Gardening<br />

w * a patrietie duty with healthful exercise and occupation<br />

tar IM children, the New York Instftate for the EdacaUon of the Blind<br />

b eo«iTtrttBf most of the 15 »cre» of flower beds which adorned the earnpa<br />

at the school Into a victory garden. Here-we see the youngsters at<br />

w«rk ia the fotnre garden, the; work In roped-ofl lanes to prevent hurtiag<br />

each otter with the garden tools.<br />

Beware the Booby Trap<br />

s*Ws» soWlers leaned from experience never to toncB in objeet to<br />

esktnred territory antB sappers announce thct the territory is safe. Tanks<br />

ate iveUiag by British experience. The V. S. soldier on the left Is raakls«<br />

a mistake in totfehinr the earners on the body of this German soldier.<br />

Faete en right shows bow it was wired to r -vde at slightest tonch.<br />

Animal Eyes<br />

Eyes of most animals look to the<br />

side and have different fields of<br />

vision. Human eyes, however, function<br />

as one organ.<br />

2,«M a Day<br />

One U. ar"&rmy~op^<br />

cated one day's railroad haul from.<br />

its supplies requires 2.000 freight<br />

cars to keep It in operation; another<br />

three days remqvei from its materials<br />

needs 4.000 freight cars.<br />

"•"""• HOUSE POR BlOJS<br />

FOR SAUt.—large Family House,<br />

an unprovements. pleasant location.<br />

Inquire 419 Rarlttin St.,<br />

South Amboy. 4-30<br />

FOR SALE: Tb settle estate, one<br />

two-family house, and three onefamily<br />

bouses. Reasonable price.<br />

Phone Woodbrldge. 8-1126. 1-B-tf<br />

FOB RENT<br />

POR RENTrs-room flat. $20 montli.<br />

Inquire Broadway Market. 2-12-tf<br />

FOR RENT: 5-room flat and sun<br />

parlor; on Bordentown Ave. Rent<br />

$35.00 Inquire 315 Fourth St.<br />

4-23-2t<br />


Will rent to well-recommended middle-aged<br />

man a fine furnished<br />

room, located in central section<br />

of city. Handy to buses, trains,<br />

stores, etc. Adress replies only In<br />

writing to Box 41, oare Citizen<br />

Office.<br />

- 4-30-tf<br />

FOR SALE: Top sou. Inquire H. 8.<br />

Davis. TippeT Mate streetr 4-23-4t<br />



Window Shades and Venetlar<br />

Blinds. Best materials. Reasonable<br />

cost; 385 Kim 8t.. Perth Ambov<br />



FREE INSPECTION I Free pick-up.<br />

Free delivery! Expert repairs guar<br />

S t a r y l « 0 S t t St<br />

Perth mboy, N. J Tel. 42263.<br />

Zero Vision<br />

.... Pur. eyes isoe; pbiecJSHindistinctly<br />

when In motion. Some experiments<br />

indicate that when the, eyes are<br />

moving their vision,if ijlmost zero.<br />









MONEY-'TO" LOAN- on- -bond-anf<br />

mortgage in sums of $100, |200<br />

$300. $400, fSOO and up to $10,000<br />

^MTice hours f«5m 8:20 a. m. -U<br />

8:20 p. m. Wednesday «nd Saturday,<br />

from 8:20 a. m. tot p. m<br />

Inquire John A. Lovely, Trusi<br />

Company Building. South Amboj<br />


^S®Agir<br />

Storage. Dependable ^ocal auc<br />

long distance moving; 283 Madison<br />

avenue. Perth Amboy. Tel<br />

.P, A. 4-3318<br />

6-3-tf(o)<br />

PERMANBSfT WAVE; 5»o! Do your<br />

own Permanent with Charm-Kurl<br />

Kit. Complete equipment, including<br />

40 curlers and shampoo. Easy<br />

to do, absolutely harmless. Praised<br />

by thousands including June Lang,<br />

glamorous movie star. Money refunded<br />

if not satisfied.<br />


4-w-iot<br />

POR SALE: Plot of land 70 x 293<br />

feet on upper Main street. Price<br />

reasonable. Inquire Mrs. G. A. Dls<br />

brow, Upper Mam Street. 4-23-4t<br />

LOST: "A" gas ration book, somewhere<br />

In South Amboy or Keansburg.<br />

Return to Alfred Rletel. Daylight<br />

Bakery,. 103 North Broadway.<br />

4-30-2t<br />



Miss Rose ltcNeal has announced-,<br />

plant for the formation ot a daa»<br />

If First Aid for women to te «on~ducted<br />

ta^the headquarters ot Urn<br />

First Aid andj Safety Squad, on<br />

First street. *f ----- -<br />

Those Interested In enrolling have<br />

been_ asked to contact M1s» Mclteal<br />

as possible.<br />

and she was mly tear.<br />

She sold the tomb to tar s<br />

And help to win the war.<br />


TIRE<br />

1NSPOT<br />

Masterson's<br />

Station<br />


Stevens Are. & George St<br />

Tel. 198 — Sta. No. S<br />


Amtzing scientific discovery<br />

makes painting<br />

quick . .. easy . .. low<br />

Rigbt over wallpaper<br />

tad.most interior JUTfaces<br />

in one cost...dries<br />

in one boor<br />

Juit mix with water aad<br />

apply . . . rooms occit<br />

pied same day. "<br />

South Amboy<br />

Lumber Corp.<br />



Tel. 448<br />

148 Billions for War<br />

The U. S. has appropriated 148<br />

-—about twicethetotalfo^TIlne^b<br />

wars' in -• • history.<br />

Navy Distinguished Serv<br />

command of U.S. troops tt Guadalcanal, shortly aft<br />

W. Fitch (right) is shown as he pinned the<br />

ilexaoder M. Patch, In<br />



sJ .. • •<br />


Don't Forget Mollier<br />

Mother's Day week end special<br />






3 BIG DAYS—-<br />




Representing the Silver in<br />

••—.-«•<br />


Telephone 153<br />

~ the Home of That Good Blue Ribbon Bread<br />



WARNER BROS! most<br />

dlsllngvlihsil offsrioo-Wllh -<br />




Scncn PUy by Rolxrt Bucknr tnd Edmund Jowpk • Or.glml Story by Rotirt tucknn<br />

I-<br />

— PLUS<br />

Cartoon 1 — "THE FIFTH COLUMN MOUSE"<br />

"Latest — ''NEWS OF THE WORLD; 1 .<br />


— TMJS—<br />



QltDED BO8B<br />


TO TBS tiA01E8

MAY 7. 1948<br />





PAGE<br />

Broadway Market<br />

122 H. Broadway --South Amboy_-<br />

WEt>EUVER ~-.~-^,.- 7 . -^jaaNSJ»I<br />

SLICED BACON, lib. -. 40c<br />

OLEOMARGARINE, Lb. -27c<br />

,, FTtESB. SPARE RIBS^ Lb. :.......30c<br />











Only Pigs Make Hogs bt Themselves<br />


KEEN JUO6EA\EA1T.'<br />


B<strong>At</strong>OGNA. Lb.<br />

jgc<br />


45c<br />



Has a large<br />

selection of<br />

Flowers for<br />

*<br />

'' Mn. Clarence Wheeler ot Main<br />

"atreet, visited recently in Birmtag-<br />

Revs. C. J. Champion and<br />

'-Grim attended the New Brunswick<br />

Preernold,<br />

recently.<br />

. Bevi. H. P. Grim and C. J. Champion<br />

visited the session of the New<br />

Annual Methodist Conference<br />

-to St. Luke's Methodist <strong>Church</strong>, Newark<br />

pn Friday.<br />

~- • •.•<br />

Mr». Charles Hamilton, cl Main<br />

street Is visiting with her aunt and<br />

"-uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bpence<br />

•of Anadarko. Oklahoma.<br />

• • • • -<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Chapman<br />

'<br />

346-8 BORDENTOWN AVE^ T_ ** ;, "<br />

-Ogen DaiIy-9-A. Straff Fr'M^ts<br />




Also Ladies' Tailored Suits<br />




G>UTLET<br />

i<br />

- SOUTH AMBOY, N. J...<br />

. WL—10 P. ft.<br />

.T-<br />

*ed?otted Plants<br />

for Bouquets tndAsswrted:<br />

Boxes<br />

Corsages<br />

Orchids, Gardenias, Roses, Sweet Peas<br />

—and Mixed<br />

120 NO. BROADWAY ^Telephone 36<br />


FractieaJb<br />

Presents<br />

Will<br />

Appreciate<br />


PLATE<br />

Size 10, Only 45c<br />

2 Sizes, large 65c<br />


Set of 3 Bowls — 95c<br />


STOCKINGS. _:<br />



VA Qt ..65c<br />


SLIPS<br />

'— A Full Line of House Furnishings — ^<br />


5c-10c-25c and Up Store<br />

108 SOUTH BROADWAY Telephone 28ft

~ J-- -' -•<br />

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FRIDAY, HAT 7, 1943 "i THE SOUTH AMBOY CfREEtf<br />

Bear Pitcber<br />

Jfyfi..<br />

:<br />

, *l«tl tradition that Bit ouUn»miugi<br />

•college pitcher of the country should<br />

•Uttia bis first professional laurels<br />

"with the Bears, You could name<br />

Devens of Harvard, Broaca of Yale,<br />

•'•—-Barlrey of Duke, Murphy of Ford-<br />

_ bam and many others, but going':<br />

•lfeclc only three ye0s there havej<br />

'tfeen Hank Borowy of FOrdhara,<br />

'Tommy Byrne of Wake Forest and<br />

- :«ow FiankJHlUgr of lAfayette.<br />

IJke Borowy and Byrne, HUler<br />

^aune-dlrectly from the cam<br />

Tmade his professional debut in the<br />

.--second game of a <strong>Sunday</strong> doubla-<br />

-tieader at Newark. It was. only last<br />

:Suoday that Btller made his first<br />

start for the International League 1<br />

ohamplons and limited Montreal to<br />

five hits in a thrilling extra Inning<br />

^victory by the score of 2-1.<br />

• Lite Borowy, Hiller, en Irvington,<br />

31. J. boy, was under the additional<br />

•handicap of pitching before a home<br />

flrowtf,-but-sfter_a .jOiataLJLrsJL jn-<br />

•aiirig the-husky righthander pitched<br />

like a real veteran. A passed ball<br />

-Caved the way for the lone Royal<br />

run In the Initial frame but after<br />

-that the schoolboy completely mastered<br />

the Montreal plungers, even<br />

' In the sixth Inning when two errors<br />

"by collegian Joe Buaus of BuckneU<br />

:*t short pyt hta lit a bad way.<br />

Fran Walter HlUer wits bom July<br />

13, f&20 ffi his naUve Irvington<br />

-Where he was a high school sensation,<br />

winning 17 and losing one<br />

Same In three years. <strong>At</strong> Lafayette<br />

he Iwd Identically the same record<br />

••until his final college game when<br />

lie lost to West Point for his third<br />

loss In 31 high school and college<br />

- - contests. "<br />

A blonde.liKnairiirnvr feetrelevtall<br />

and weighing<br />

Plans for New Cable Anticipated State Highway<br />

Possible War With Japan Yean ^go Department Makes<br />

UU In 1»», with war ragtag In<br />

•wope but two rears awar (or America,<br />

It baeame apparent to Ball SjtUm<br />

that additional telephone<br />

Young TlillerhasttH the basic b -JUUt*tLCiU!6i8_lIiiL<br />

Qualifications of a great pitcher —[j| |j^_i^it<br />

tpeed, control, a real curve, change<br />

• «f pace and courage. He was Ju$t as<br />

good as Borowy Byrne and all the<br />

•Others In college and should be just<br />

|ts good in the pro-ranks which<br />

means he will be winning for the<br />

I To Administer<br />

'Yankees In IMS.<br />

Price Control Program<br />

The new Bear star has a twin<br />

"toother in the Coast Guard and has<br />

tried to enlist in all the services but<br />

•n injury to his arm. suffered in<br />

childhood, has caused htm to be rejected.<br />

Laat winter the new -flftu trameon- ;<br />

tlntntal" want In Mnrlce, maUag poa- j<br />

slble a telephone call over an all-cable<br />

rout* bom coast- to coast for the tnt<br />

/jierew ths continent Stringiag acHF<br />

{tonal wires on axlattat route* would Omaha to Sacramento, (or meat of lt»<br />

Craw* from Eatt and<br />

Wast matt «t Utah-<br />

Nrvada lint, maka "last<br />

aplle*" togethtr In naw<br />

alh*able traMeontlnen-<br />

Ul tolapbona highway<br />

aaJMjr ljurlad deep wndtrground.<br />

hare been ilmpleit, fattwt, lout expassive,<br />

instead, decision was nude to<br />

Dlace Ui» needed Unas is cable, and<br />

to place the cable safely well underground.<br />

The controlling consideration<br />

la tne decision was the poaalbllity of<br />

a war wltn Japan.<br />

length in tie form of twin cables buried<br />

In the soil by giant trnctor-dfiwff j>taw<br />

traim which dug the farrow, laid the<br />

cables and covered them with earth In<br />

a continuous operation. The plow trains<br />

worked many nights under floodlights,<br />

to hurry the Job along.<br />

Price panels, similar to the rationing<br />

panels which now administer the<br />

various rationing programs, will be<br />

formed Immediately by each local<br />

rationing board in the State. This<br />

was announced here this week by<br />

James Kerney, Jr., State OPA Di-<br />

. ~^,—.._,. _....- __- —2,-TheJoUoHing information is relrom'ffirR^raal-OI>A-office.direots..quirid<br />

when you register:~~:<br />

" > Ing establishment "'-— of su

• • • •<br />

*AGE EIGHT<br />

• r.«.<br />

With South Amboyans<br />

The present address of Albert B.<br />

fiead, sou of CfflmMfc"" 1 and Mrs.<br />

B. Read A/S Co. 172. U. S. N. T. S,<br />

„ Newport.E.X<br />

a • •<br />

Word has-been received here of<br />

the safe arrival of Private Carl<br />

Marlklewlcz, with an American er<br />

pedltionaiy force in. Australia.<br />

• • • •<br />

Sergeant Richard House of Camp<br />

Edwards, Mass.. spent this week on<br />

furlough in this city. He will return<br />

-to duty' today, going 'to Camp<br />

Davis, where he will begin a course<br />

in the Officer Candidate School.<br />

Sergeant Pete Pavich, who is now<br />

the chief clerk to Captam S. M.<br />

Bach of Louisville. Kentucky, sports<br />

director of the European Theatre,<br />

and player-manager, of army teams<br />

In England, declares, "My team over<br />

here U a pretty f ah-to middlm 1<br />

tail club, rm the only prof eastaoal.<br />

—but we've got a number of first rate<br />

semi-pros and I think well win our<br />

share of games.<br />

Pavich hit .317 for Cttntan, farm<br />

dub of the New York Giants, In<br />

1941, his third year m professional<br />

baseball, and was to have gone with<br />

the Giants into spring training m<br />

1942.<br />

Auxiliary Dorothy Inman of 548<br />

Main street, has been transferred<br />

fronn Daytona Beach, Florida to<br />

the Fourth Women's Army Auxiliary<br />

Corps at Port Devens, Mass.<br />

She is part of the personnel<br />

which will operate this post as<br />

training center for new recruits.<br />

Hundreds of recruits arei coming<br />

-in eaoh week from every state In the<br />

country. It is estimated that eventually<br />

10,000 at a time will be reagiheir<br />

basic training as auxiliaries<br />

at Port Devens. When their<br />

training is completed, they win be<br />

sent to army posts to work or will<br />

"go to specialist, or officer candidate<br />

schools."' : '"<br />

Auxiliary Inman is among those<br />

selected to carry out this tremendous<br />

program to release man-power<br />

for the fighting fronts.<br />

• - - . . • • •<br />

• "Commissioned a Third Officer on<br />

April 10, Helen Weiss of 429 Portia<br />

street, is stationed at Fort Ogtethorpe,<br />

Georgia.<br />

fltoe~was-a—member of the 23nd<br />

-Class *t Fort<br />

WAAC Training Center. Port Des<br />

Moines, Iowa. Her WAAC rank is<br />

equivalent to Second Lieutenant In<br />

itlie-Anny.<br />

Announcement has been made<br />

that the rule, against «ii<br />

in the Army has been relaxed so far<br />

as the Corps of Bigmeen is concerned<br />

and Engineers and nwhanics<br />

of<br />

pp<br />

either to their ioeal draft board, lor<br />

at Army recruiting offices.<br />

Mrs. J. Cieslacsyk of Henry street<br />

visited ; her son. Pharmacist's Mate<br />

John Cleslacsyk, at Portsmouth Virginia,<br />

over the weekend. He was recently<br />

transferred to Kew River, N.<br />

C, f or hospital training.<br />

• • • - - •<br />

Private Frank C. OendTek. who recently<br />

spent a sixteen-day furlough<br />

with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph<br />

Gendlek of 425 David street<br />

returned this week to Camp Santa<br />

Anita, California, where he is stationed<br />

as a s -member of the Ordnance<br />

Division.<br />

-,•-««![.«-./-!-«-,<br />

Announcement was made this week<br />

at the local Draft Board headquarters<br />

ihataH-mm en ito roite-betwtenl<br />

the ages of 18 and 25 will be released<br />

to the Army within the next six<br />

months.<br />

Ernest Smalley Jr., stationed with<br />

the Navy at Camp Perry, Wllllamsburg.<br />

Va., is spending a leave with,<br />

his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest<br />

Smalley of Second street.<br />

Private Robert Sprague is now<br />

stationed with the 3rd Medical<br />

Training Bn., Co. B. Barracks 1354,<br />

Camp Pkkett, Virginia.<br />

Word *ias been received by Mr<br />

and Mrs. John McNamara of Second<br />

street, that their son, Pvt. John<br />

McNamara Jr., has arrived safely in<br />

North Africa. Pvt McNamara was<br />

inucted into the army hi December<br />

and received his basic training as an<br />

engineer in Fort Leoard-Wood, Missouri.<br />

His AJ».O. address Is: Co. C<br />

21st R.<br />

ter, N. T.<br />

Grace Martin ol this city, is sow<br />

a Technician Fifth Grade In the<br />

Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.<br />

Corporal Martin was called to active<br />

duty on February st of this<br />

year. She reported to Ft. Des Moines,<br />

Iowa, where she spent four weeks !n<br />

baste training; and then attended a<br />

Specialist Recruiting School at the<br />

Fort On March 14, she was sent Into<br />

the field.<br />

Corporal Martin is now stationed<br />

in the WAAC Recruiting Office in<br />

Syracuse, N. Y. .<br />

Before she entered the Corps, she<br />

worked atJheJDuPont L p!ant *s an :<br />

ex-ray inspector and also with the<br />

Ben Telephone. .Company. :<br />

The newly Tormed WAAC "head*<br />

quarters at Fort Monmouth received<br />

an unusual phone call from one of<br />

the* soldiers reoenUyr"'"'- "*<br />

"I wonder if you could tegl'me the<br />

name of the good looWng WAAC<br />

who was scrubbing the front porch."<br />

came the shy voice of the tiddler,<br />

"Golly, she really was a honey," he<br />

continued.<br />

Somewhat taken back by .the queer<br />

request the ottJear to cbarg* had<br />

only ttus to say I ' • : - • ';•<br />

•"Gee. If she looked so cute scrubbing<br />

the porch, what will she look<br />

The name of the AUtUlarT still is<br />

a mystery . . . both to the WAAC<br />

headquarters and to the mquring<br />

soldier as well. -<br />

It's A People Wir<br />

We ate. paying mareia taxef<br />

than ever before ... and likely<br />

wfll pay more. Bat we unset<br />

"rely on taxeito finanee the war.<br />

* wool* not be fait tr bast a<br />

tax as the tTeraie smile family<br />

income when many families<br />

have more than one income.<br />

We eenld barrow all the money<br />

treat the banks, bat for both<br />

•eenomle sad social ruions<br />

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