Grosse Pointe N~ws - Local History Archives

Grosse Pointe N~ws - Local History Archives

Grosse Pointe N~ws - Local History Archives


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<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> <strong>N~ws</strong><br />

VOL 40- No \ Grooao Polnto, Mlohlgon, Thurodoy ,I.. uory 1 1907<br />

r-.Jl:=-=--==-~7:~Loj ...u.MJ-:~~l4lIX::::~n::wgrnJit;tn.tHU;!altdJ\~.b,:!g;r*.6IDtl &IHM2m1!iltDM;".<br />

35 Conta<br />

fi? ..<br />

?MWd .'Wl<br />

24 Pages<br />

iMiUa<br />

I<br />

'I<br />

ror )UIII hl(urJlllltllJll<br />

fyi<br />

'Birds' makes a bid<br />

"Singing Bird.," tho 25<br />

mlnule film 'Produced nnd wt'l.t<br />

len by Kimberly Conely and<br />

lonner<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>!" Mfchele<br />

Poulik, has been submitted to<br />

~~~~r~~~o~~~~~~~<br />

pUon as a nominee for the 1986<br />

Oscors In the Best Short Film<br />

cot~~~ BU"ds Is the story of<br />

tvoo(amDles of Lithuanian 1m<br />

ml~ra.nts m ProhlbiUon-era DelrOlllL<br />

prelDlered althe Detroit<br />

Institute of Arts Jasl January<br />

and was a fmahst m the 28th An<br />

nua) Amencan Film and Video<br />

Festival<br />

The nommaLJons will be an<br />

nounced at the end of January<br />

'AHldLang Syne'<br />

wasn t as papular at Gall<br />

Kaess's house New Year sEve<br />

as The AnnIversary Waltz<br />

Her house was the seltmg for<br />

~a~:sm\Virlt~~r<br />

F~~~~<br />

ton and JackIe Gilmore of<br />

Detroit<br />

But thallSn t all Other guests<br />

celebralUlg t1'elTannlversanes<br />

Dee 31were Gau s parents her<br />

husband Chuck 5 parents and<br />

the bnde s parents<br />

Good v.av to end the year we<br />

alwa}:o say<br />

lIa[JfJl/<br />

\Ill<br />

II(It ,<br />

inside<br />

ottce for<br />

bood of<br />

nod<br />

Int.<br />

the<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> Polnle News, WBS er~<br />

roneous'l'henot!cewassubmll-<br />

~~~=~fr~s:J~el byan<br />

Ajokeof this nalore caos .. a<br />

i!eal (Lat o[ embarrassment<br />

,0; au parU .. involved,inclUd<br />

tngnurnewspaper It Is dtfflc.ut<br />

to understand where the humor<br />

lies in such an acUon<br />

We attempt to make aU the in<br />

formaUon reported In our pag ..<br />

as accurate as possible Howev<br />

er, when an Hem5uch as on en<br />

gagementannouncemenl is submitted,<br />

we must consIder It<br />

~~:mate until proven other<br />

r:3e~~~~o~o~ns~~<br />

pages a place to perpetrate<br />

~ctlcal jOkes on one another<br />

em~=:~JiJYo~ef::~~::l<br />

leoce caused by this IDcJdent<br />

Busmess<br />

5A<br />

Churches<br />

4B<br />

ClassIfied<br />

8B<br />

Edl10rlal<br />

6A<br />

Entertainment 128<br />

Fitness<br />

11B<br />

Letters<br />

6A<br />

Ooituanes<br />

4A<br />

Prime TIme!<br />

7A<br />

Heal E..olale<br />

6B<br />

Society<br />

J-5B<br />

Sports<br />

910B<br />

I<br />

Rnyal responsibilities<br />

PMotlyE<br />

•• f",n,.,.<br />

This young fellow seems to be pondering the heavy bur<br />

den of kingly responslblllty even if he Is just one of three<br />

kings, a,d only for 30 minutes during a living nativity scene<br />

He was one of 90 children who put on costumes for Christ<br />

mas In the Stable at Christ the King Luthemn Church on Dec<br />

21 For more on the event complete with animals see page<br />

1B<br />

Car windows shattered<br />

By Peter \ Salina!'.<br />

Flndmg a carwlUdo ....shot out on<br />

Chnstmas Eve mormng IS no w.ly<br />

tostartalongholidav ....eekend and<br />

worseyellSkno ....mg Itv.on t hkLly<br />

gel fIXeduntil the weekend 1S over<br />

At least 44 <strong>Grosse</strong> POlUle resl<br />

dents In the City Fanns Park and<br />

Woods apparently the vlcttms or<br />

random maltclous dcstructlOlI dls<br />

covered the Windows of their vehl<br />

c1esshattered when they went out<br />

to their cars Wednesday Dec 24<br />

DetecliveSgl GeorgeVanTlem<br />

north and south of Jerrerson<br />

ThlOnJy lead mthecasemlghtbl<br />

m the Woods accordmg lo Delel<br />

live Sgt Robert KWiatkowski<br />

We h.l\e nolhmg to bllt to lhe<br />

shootmgs hesald butweha\ea<br />

report of.l SUSpiCIOUS light colored<br />

car With a loud exhaust<br />

K"'latkO"skl Said there wer"<br />

four wmdows reported shattered In<br />

the Woods and that they oClurred<br />

10the northeast area of the city<br />

DetectIve Sgt John Drummond<br />

of the City Said 13 wmdows were<br />

shot there<br />

They hltonJl.eff and Rlvardand<br />

~~~it~~~~:~dv.~:: :11tag~e~~<br />

pretty much allover Drummond<br />

vandaiB AlotaJof17\\mdowswere said We have no suspeclB not<br />

reP¥h~~ebr:~ I~ ~~~:l~m:nore<br />

eV~~r~d:s:~~~~~<br />

~~~~i~~:~~~~:aV:yC~~~np<br />

VanTlemsatd Alltheautoswere<br />

pnrkedon the slreel orvery close to<br />

theslreel<br />

VBn Tlem said mostly the<br />

drJver II Bide window of the carB<br />

Ute:~It;:Js~r:I~ ~~~~:~~e~i~d~s:<br />

were damaged<br />

All of the calls to the Farms be<br />

~i~ni°~13'&:~ ~:~~~;~o~4li~~~<br />

shotthewlndowsoutJaleDec 230r<br />

ven \\illdc,::rF~:.x;:\~~(~he Pdrk<br />

said there were 10 reported wm<br />

dows shot out in thal city<br />

He said the vandalISm was not<br />

confined to one speCIfic area<br />

We have no suspects Bnd no<br />

dcsLrlptlOns of I.l car 1000lVld<br />

Furlawsaid Wehadthewmdows<br />

shot out throul$out hi "'llv hath<br />

~~:~b~WlljndJ<br />

caLLd that the officers taking the<br />

~er~~rb;~ii:: ~1 the weapon was<br />

I (end 10 belleve It was a BB<br />

gun Van Tlem said In most of<br />

the cases the wlOdows were shat<br />

tered but not penetraled A pellet<br />

would likely penetrate the win<br />

dow<br />

There were no reports or carwm<br />

dow damage In the Shores 8llord<br />

109 to a spokesperson<br />

Furtav. !'.aldthere were 8 LOuple<br />

of wlOdowsshaltered on hlsstree!<br />

It ISreany bad to come out on a<br />

holllwymormngandhllvell ralOlOg<br />

and rind yourcarwmdowbrokcn<br />

hesald JtIsareaJprobkm to try<br />

dnd gct It fu.cd PeoplL will Jw,t<br />

have to walt unttl alter the ....elk<br />

wd<br />

011/ or Ihl \ ('I."... r Ihnr n<br />

CoInof the r .Irms sntd !lhe l!lon a<br />

rlxed IOlomc and the vandahsm<br />

wlil co!>t hLr at lcust $HHl<br />

It ISareal hardslupon me she<br />

Missing Park woman<br />

victim of drug overdose<br />

A <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park woman<br />

reported missing lhree days be[ore<br />

Chr\~tmo.s ls In crlUco.\condiUon In<br />

DetroH s SamarUan Hospital<br />

Park police said Monday that Syl<br />

via Murphy was not expected to recover<br />

from an apparent drug over<br />

dose<br />

Murphy was reported mlssmg<br />

Dec 22 Pnrk DelecUve Lt \VII<br />

ham Furtaw said she had come<br />

home from work between 3 und<br />

1 JU .I m ami UIl..11dl!l.lppeared<br />

Only her coat was missing<br />

She was a smgle parent With<br />

three chlidren F'llrl'm Said She<br />

had made Chrlstlllu:. prLparattons<br />

that were InconsIslent with a<br />

voluntary disappearance<br />

MIssmg person mformatton was<br />

bro.ldcast and picked up by local<br />

teleVISion - and a security guard<br />

.It Samantan Hospital recognIzed<br />

Murphy as a Jane Doe who had<br />

been admitted several days previ<br />

Dusly<br />

A passmg motorIst had found her<br />

staggermg along the Sidewalk a<br />

rew blocks from her Wayburn<br />

gf~e t~~~~<br />

s:~~ ~d&~~sm~h~t<br />

sounded Ulte the west side of De<br />

trait The woman moLorlst took<br />

Murphy to the hospItal 10her ear<br />

and atlmlth!d her under that name<br />

When the name couldn t be traced<br />

her regIstration was changed to<br />

Jane Doe<br />

No Question about I! - Jt was 1<br />

drug house ~he had gone to I UI<br />

law smd Ct was a defInIte drug<br />

overdose<br />

w,N~~l1~t~ ~~~~~~b~~;~~ poll/ f'<br />

phy tool.. II s pO!lslbleshe thought<br />

she was gettmg one thmg nnd got<br />

another ['urlaw Said ObvlOu!l<br />

Iy her :.)stcm 0 lrn' led<br />

Purk police h.l\ e ror \ardld thl<br />

mformatlon on the apparent drug<br />

house located on Phillip to DetrOll<br />

paille<br />

Murphy s ISa sad case f'urt.l\\<br />

said Park police had to mrorm her<br />

family on Chnslma:. mormng<br />

while the children 1i 15 and 'l<br />

were openmg their pru.enu,<br />

ThiS15nol a case like.l drug ad<br />

dll.l f'urtuw smd She \~ IS<br />

prOVidinga good home She Ju

----.---. ,...... -,..._---<br />

Page Two-A<br />

r<br />

3J&3.i<br />

(JJ~imntU ~WttpS<br />

Our SeNlce For Your Safety'<br />

Professional Service • Certified • Insured<br />

NO MESS. NO DijST.<br />

Cleanmg Flfeplaces. Wdsloves.<br />

Inserts 011 Flues Caps Screens. Dampers<br />

AnImals Removed DeodollZmg Accessofjes<br />

Mleh Slale Lie. 1/5125 NSCG Certified<br />

FREE INSPECTIONS 771- 7678<br />

@/.-- Park Place _,,~'\\<br />

Vfh:9~C'aLe ~<br />

Post Holiday 5pecial<br />

Stuffed Chicken HPark Place Cafe"<br />

$8.95<br />

Grilled Swordfish Steak<br />

'69.95<br />

Sauteed Lake Perch<br />


Helen Thomas to speak<br />

Helen Thomas, White House bureau<br />

chief for Umted Press InternatIOnal.<br />

Will be the next guest In<br />

the Gros'ie POInte Celebnty Senes,<br />

sponsored by the Bon Secours AssIstance<br />

League She \\-III ~peak<br />

Helen Thomas<br />

Thursday, Jan. 8, at Parcells Middle<br />

School, 20600 Mack, at 11 a m<br />

Thomas, a Wayne State University<br />

graduate, began her career in<br />

JournalIsm In 1942 as a reporter for<br />

the old Washington, D.C. Dally<br />

News She JOIned the UPI<br />

WashIngton bureau a year later as<br />

a radio wrIter, transferrIng to the<br />

natIOnal staff m 1956 She has been<br />

the White House bureau chief for<br />

UPI smce 1960, reporting the actIvltIes<br />

of presidents and first ladle~<br />

begInmng With John F Kennedy<br />

She IS the first woman to head<br />

the presidential coverage of a ma-<br />

Jor news service, and IS the semor<br />

~taffer of the UPI reportmg team<br />

regularly assigned to the White<br />

House In 1975 she was elected<br />

pre~ldent of the White House Correspondents<br />

ASSOCiation, the first<br />

woman to hold that office III the 60-<br />

year history of the aSSOCiatIOn<br />

Tickets are aVallable b~rcalling<br />

BB5 1080 or 881-8242<br />

Bridge classes<br />

Beginner and refresher classes<br />

in contract bridge will begin in<br />

January at the War Memorial.<br />

The classes will include an hour<br />

of instruction in Standard American<br />

Bridge and a second hour of<br />

playmg time Frank Welcenbach<br />

WIllconduct the classes which cost<br />

$32 a person for eight SeSSlO'lS<br />

Register in advance.<br />

Begmners w111meet from a to 10<br />

p m on Thursdays, Jan a-Feb. 26.<br />

An evening refresher class will begm<br />

on Monday, Jan 12, from a to<br />

10pm., while a mormng class for<br />

refreshers Will be held on Wednesdays,<br />

from 10a.m to noon, Jan 14-<br />

March 4<br />

For mformatlOn call 881-7511<br />

Only the uncomfortable chairs<br />

become valuable antiques, contends<br />

one expert The comfortable<br />

chairs get worn out In one generatIon<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong><br />

<strong>Pointe</strong> News<br />

(USPS 230-400)<br />

Published 6'J9ry Thursday<br />

By Anleebo Publilhen<br />

96 Kercheval Avenue<br />

Gro .. e Pomte, MI 48236<br />

Phone 882-6900<br />

Second Class Postage pald at Oetro

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

Farms police say 12break-ins connected<br />

By Peter A, Salinas<br />

There have been 12breakmg and<br />

entenngs of occupied homes over<br />

the last month that Farms pollee<br />

beheve are the work of one person<br />

Detective Sgt George Van Tlem<br />

said the stnng of break-ms m the<br />

I....I~NS\.~It>ORMERS •..<br />

Roughifd.'110"Finish~"';'-low,.L~:wfrices.on<br />

$ SAVE $<br />

session<br />

Freeway. poster dog of the Michigan Humane Society. signs pawtographs to personalize a limited<br />

edition of 25' 'Rags to Riches" posters. The special edition posters sell for $25, all of which goes<br />

to benefit the Animal Rescue Fund of the Mic higan Humane Society. The Animal Rescue Fund supports<br />

cruelty investigations and rescues. Freeway is shown with his owner, Connie Volpe of West<br />

Bloomfield, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> photographer Paul Mobley who conceived ofthe poster project, and Ron<br />

Blauet of the Michigan Humane Society. The posters are available at Rainy Day Company and Graphis<br />

Art Framing, both on Mack in <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Woods, as well as at other stores in the area. Unpawtographed<br />

posters are $5,<br />

Farms DP\V<br />

votes to join<br />

Thamsters<br />

hUl \(Ill dCI1l.lIHi [he Illlnl dtlll'l1ld \It.1

Page Four-A<br />

Grace M. Knight<br />

Grace M Kmght, 95, a <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Pomter for more than 50 years,<br />

was buned In Fhnt Saturday, Dee<br />

'l:l Mrs Kmght died Dec 20 In<br />

Stamford, Conn where she hved<br />

With her daughter<br />

She was born 10 Chatham, Ontano,<br />

attended Moulton Academy<br />

In Toronto, and was a lifelong<br />

mpmber of The Order of the Empire<br />

She was a member of Gro~se<br />

Pomte Memonal Church while she<br />

hved m <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

Survivors Include a daughter,<br />

Catherme K Ingham, of Riverside,<br />

Conn, a son, Hlchard G<br />

Knight Jr ,of San Francl~co, five<br />

grandchl1dl en, and one greatgrandson<br />

In lieu of flower~, contnbutlOns<br />

may be made to the Whittier Tower~<br />

Memonal Fund, 415 Burns<br />

Dnve, DetrOit 48214<br />

Jean Tennent Hewitt<br />

l--IIVdle LUllerdl M~rVI(:e~",ere<br />

held for Jean Tennent HeWitt, 70<br />

She died Dec 21 In PhiladelphIa A<br />

memunal servICe wIll be liPId later<br />

thiS year In Vermont<br />

MISS HeWitt was born In Montclair,<br />

N J , and was a well-known<br />

child psychotherapIst In Gros~e<br />

Pomte between 1960 and 1985<br />

She attended Wellesley College<br />

and the University of Pennsylvania<br />

She receIved a master's In so-<br />

Cial work from Bryn Mawr College<br />

and a master's In psychology from<br />

Wayne State University.<br />

She was a member of the DetrOIt<br />

Curl10g Club and the Essex Golf<br />

and Coum. v Club In Wmdsor<br />

Survivors mclude two sIsters,<br />

one brother, and three half<br />

brothers<br />

She was cremated<br />

Francis P. Breen<br />

Services were held for FrancIs<br />

P Breen, 65, on Monday, Dec. 29,<br />

at Our Lady Star of the Sea Cathohc<br />

Church Mr Breen died Dec 24<br />

at Saratoga Commu:uty Hospital<br />

He was born in Detroit and was<br />

the reltred executlve director of<br />

Saratoga CommunIty HospItal He<br />

served In the army dunng World<br />

War II and was a member of the<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Senior Men's Club.<br />

Survivors mclude hIS WIfe,<br />

Grace a daughter. Patncla DIVlrgil,<br />

two sons, Jv.ichael and David,<br />

three grandchildren, and two SISters<br />

Interment was at Mount Ohvet<br />

CemeteIY<br />

Memorial conlnbutLOns may be<br />

made to the Michigan Cancer<br />

FoundatIOn<br />

Arrangements were handled by<br />

the A H Peters Funeral Home<br />

Daytime, Evenings and Salurdays<br />

Carol J. Quinn)<br />

V.V.S.<br />

Gentle 'Dentistry<br />

17200 Mack<br />

near Cadleux<br />

Telephone<br />

881-1231<br />

Carl Eberle<br />

Lanz<br />

ServIces for Carl Eberle Lanz,<br />

87, formerly of <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>,<br />

most recently of LakesIde, Callf ,<br />

were held reeently In San Diego<br />

Mr Lanz was born m Almannsweller-AJlmgen,<br />

Germany and<br />

came to the U S In 1:Y21He retired<br />

from a DetrOit tool and die bUSIness<br />

10 1976 and moved to Lake-<br />

~Ide<br />

He wa~ co-founder of the <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

POInte Farms Little League and<br />

past president of the Catholic Kolp-<br />

109 Society In DetroIt<br />

HIS hobbles mcluded gardening<br />

a 'l\eek, 24 hours a day, In!>ured and bonded<br />

taU (or a (ree a!>Ses!>menl b) our regtstered nursing supen iMlr.<br />

A Clean Chimney<br />

884-8461<br />

Is a Safe Chimney!<br />

PROFbIIO"'AI ~FR\ tU SI"( f 1976<br />

SAFE FI.UE<br />

~""UUJ:V<br />

• LiPS and Screens<br />

Installed<br />

• Mortar and Damper<br />

Repairs<br />


Certified by NiltlOnill Chimney Sweep Gutld<br />

Independent<br />

C:WI:'I:D<br />

w. ..ww .<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

Silfety Commission<br />

A sltbSJdmy of Kelt" StfHCtT<br />

In. K

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />


Page Flve-A<br />

Bon Secours •<br />

promotions<br />

Bon SeruUl S Hospital has recent<br />

Iy named foUl new hospItal dlrectOI~<br />

J e.lJUH' Balei'>ky, A C S W , has<br />

been plomoted to director ot the<br />

department ot ,>oclal work She<br />

Ieel'l\ cd her mdster's degree of solidi<br />

wor h from the Ull1Ver~Ity of<br />

Georgld dllli hds bepn a socIal<br />

\"orkel ,l the ho,:>plldl for mne<br />

vedl':><br />

P.llIld..l '-,11-.01 a, A C S W , ha~<br />

been pI omoted to dll eLtor of wom<br />

en'., health ,:>ervlces She hold~ an<br />

:\1 ~ \\ Jrom the Umver~lly of<br />

I\Ilchlgan ~he wa~ director of so<br />

lIal \\ or k at the hospItal for 12<br />

year~ and l~ now responsible for<br />

~ 1.. ~ __ ... ~<br />

U'-' \' .. LvPJ.tJ.b pi. V51 «.lU~ t,..V1Jl UU1UU~<br />

the psychological, phySical and so-<br />

CIal IIell-bemg of women of all<br />

dge~<br />

'I hom.l!> ('onIe\ ha~ been<br />

promoted from supervisor of humeln<br />

resources to director of human<br />

re~ources at the hospItal<br />

Conley receIved hIS master's degi<br />

ee from Central MIchIgan Umverslty<br />

and has been With the<br />

hospl tell smce 1982<br />

Bl'\{'dy l\lolTison moved from<br />

a~~lstant director to director of the<br />

cardIOpulmonary servIces department<br />

She ha~ been at the hOspItal<br />

tor 12 years Mornson has a B S<br />

degree from the Umverslty of DetrOit<br />

and has completed postgradu-<br />

Inventors to meet<br />

The Inventor~ As~ociatlOn of<br />

Metropohtan Detrort WIll meet<br />

Thursday, Jan 8, at 7 pm at<br />

'\Iorth High School, 707 Vermer<br />

Road<br />

N R Borofsky, manager of the<br />

Technology Transfer Center at<br />

Wayne State Umverslty, WIllspeak<br />

on "The Technology Transfer Network<br />

- Leadmg<br />

tom Lme ,-<br />

Edge Meets Bot-<br />

For more mformatlOn, call 772<br />

7888<br />

Book<br />

Actor<br />

Actre!>s<br />

MOVIe<br />

Play<br />

TV Show<br />

Newscaster<br />

Mdgazlne<br />

Columnist<br />

Newspaper<br />

Cou,ncilman,<br />

MUSIC<br />

Entertainment<br />

Pet or Ammal<br />

Sport<br />

Athlete<br />

Pro Team<br />

Most AdmIred Person<br />

flower<br />

Color<br />

Vdcahon Spot<br />

f-avonte Food<br />

FaVOrite Drink<br />

Restaurant<br />

~ong<br />

ReldxatlOn or Hobby<br />

Business<br />

Choices<br />

of<br />

John C. Prost<br />

~-~ YOUR CHOICE $195 ,£-<br />

ate work In the respIratory therapy<br />

program through Mount Carmel<br />

Mercy Hospital and the UIlIverslty<br />

of DetrOit<br />

Announcmg Allison Boomer<br />

of the Farms, a registered dieti-<br />

CIan and research dIetitian WIth<br />

Wayne State Umverslty, has been<br />

named one of 21 natIOnal media<br />

spokespeople for the Amencdll<br />

Dietetic ASSOCiatIOn Alfred Lepore<br />

of the Woods has Jomed Ross<br />

Roy advertlslll~ agency as an a:><br />

count supervisor on the Chrysler<br />

account Lepore formerly worked<br />

With Mantz CommuPlcatlOn and<br />

Campbell-Ewald He has a B A 111<br />

advertislllg and Journahsm from<br />

the Umverslty of DetrOit ~;adine<br />

Slowik of the Park has been<br />

ap<strong>Pointe</strong>d speCIal events and<br />

volunteer coordllla tor for the<br />

MIchigan Opera Theatre SlOWik<br />

has served as membership managpr<br />

nf the D! 1\ FOllP.d('!'S SOC!!::")' :~r;~<br />

IS an artIst who exhIbits her work<br />

throughout the metropolitan area<br />

She has a BFA from Wayne State<br />

Umverslty Peter Stroh of the<br />

Farms has been appomted chairman<br />

of the state's Yes 150FoundatIOn,<br />

which will raise funds for the<br />

sesqUicentenmal celebratIOn<br />

Stroh IS)he chaIrman and chIef executive<br />

offIcer of the Stroh Brewery<br />

Co and a graduate of Prlllce<br />

ton UniverSity Robert Sfll'e of<br />

the Farms ISsecond vice preSident<br />

of the Michigan Chapter of the<br />

American Institute of Real Estate<br />

Appraisers James Morris of<br />

Mutschler KItchens In the Woods<br />

has completed a trammg school for<br />

kItchen design . Ton) Ziomek of<br />

the Woods has added the dutIes of<br />

speCIal projects coordmator at<br />

WDIV to rus responsibilities as sen-<br />

IOr account executIve. He Will<br />

oversee the admlllistratlOll of key<br />

sales projects such as Tiger baseball<br />

sponsorships ZIOmek has<br />

been with the station Slllce 1975<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>r Dick Se:ymour ISa<br />

venture partner in the new<br />

Lakepointe Oldsmobile dealership,<br />

owned by Warren Powell. a DetrOltel'<br />

who previously worked for Seymour<br />

as a car salesman<br />

- Nancy Parmenter<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Park.<br />

. LOVing Each Other by Leo Buscaglia<br />

.. Robert Redford<br />

... Meryl Streep<br />

Same Time Next Year<br />

Cats<br />

Murder. She Wrote<br />

Mort Cnm<br />

Boating<br />

Neal Shine<br />

The <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte News, of course<br />

Anything my daughter Kathryne sings<br />

my daughter Kathryne<br />

Cot<br />

Football<br />

Jack Morris<br />

Detroit TIgers<br />

My mother<br />

Any In my WIfe's garden<br />

...... '" Blue<br />

On my boat 'The Office"<br />

Ita Iran<br />

. Wrne sprrtzer<br />

Pontchartrorn Wrne Cellars<br />

Blue Moon<br />

Srngrng WIth the Grunyon"<br />

.jell ('/iff!Jflo/0<br />

brings~u quality<br />

process~ ~/<br />

by Kodak .~".._~/ /<br />

•<br />

fine<br />

.<br />

lVlnes<br />

liquor<br />


I<br />

18328 Mack Avenue - In The Farms<br />



DAILY 8 a.m .. 7 p.m.<br />

Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m•• 6 p.m.<br />

CUT INTO 'l2's<br />



RING<br />



FRESH<br />

PORK<br />

5 LS. SAG ONI. Y<br />

& HORNUNG<br />

GARLIC<br />


TAKE 'N' BAKE<br />


I<br />

,- \~ BONELESS ~<br />


F .....<br />

...-.<br />

..-<br />

4<br />

--<br />

Page Slx-A<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

No revolutionaries here<br />

Yo~ ,. ouldn 't expect to find fldme-throwmg<br />

IevolutlOnl1ne~ In the <strong>Grosse</strong> POinte pubhc high<br />

~choob And you don't, of course Instead, what<br />

three Gro!:>~ePomte News staffer~ found In a recent<br />

9O-mlnute discussIOn with eight North and<br />

South high ~tudent~ was that the young people<br />

Iefleltpd mdnv of the ~olld vlew~ and values of<br />

the Gro:-,!:>(' P(;lIlte adult commumtv<br />

The "tndents felt they were fortun~ate to have<br />

attended dS excellent d'~chool !:>y~tema~ the one<br />

In Gro,,~e POll1te They all expect to go to college<br />

but the) dl"o conceded that college wasn't<br />

for ever) one The iour young women were Just<br />

11!:>mSI!:>lentd!:>the four young men about havmg<br />

careers of theIr own And several ~tudents<br />

thuught they would like to return to Gros!:>e<br />

POlIlte to 11\e and ral!:>ea family after they fm-<br />

Ish college and grt I I d 1\\0.,\<br />

'(~<br />

... 1-(IIIIJr<br />

II I 11 III<br />

~(.Jllin<br />

f{illor<br />

1 • ,\)( ell<br />

~JllHh I fill' r<br />

II' , II<br />

I when I act<br />

at Kercheval and Fisher to protect<br />

last expressed my opllllOn (and Paul D' Angelo'.s feehngs and the safety of the young RIchard<br />

that of my neIghbors on Hall Place vlewpomts pnnted m the Dec 181st<br />

sue of the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte News a famIly who hves III DetrOit near<br />

School students? Why and how did<br />

and Radnor CIrcle) regardlllg the<br />

extreme traffIc safety problem were nght on target Ialso feel the Chandler Park Dnve get a boat<br />

that to thIS day contmues to eXIst cIty Isn't bemg run very well The well at the Farms Pier Park when<br />

m our neighborhood<br />

Moran and McMIllan 1eSldents there IS such a long waItmg hst for<br />

Recently there were two more have every nght to a talr solutIOn reSidents of the Farms? These are<br />

major aCCIdents, two days m a to theIr traffiC problem as do the Just a few of my questIOns for the<br />

row One occurred shortly after 3 Hall Place/Radnor Circle resIdents<br />

D'Angelo<br />

Clt) and why I agree \\ lth Paul<br />

p m resultmg from a driver 10slIlg<br />

control of the car while speedmg Why do bus mess projects seem I bet theIe are mapy CItizen!'),<br />

around the curve at the Kercheval to get exactly what they want some of whom are readmg thIS<br />

end of Hall Place The car Jumped whIle the cItizens whose property rIght now, who have questIOns<br />

the curve, hIt one tree, travelled taxes are already high and always and/or concerns of theIr own Why<br />

across the Sidewalk and slammed escalatmg, have too many of theIr not WrIte them down and have<br />

mto another tree The car appeared<br />

to be totalled and, accord-<br />

much mterest accrued on the resI-<br />

News? Although the CIty may be<br />

problems fall on deaf ears? How them printed m the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

mg to WItnesses, the passengers dents' money paId to the city before<br />

the Sidewalks were complet-<br />

John F Dellayes Jr.<br />

deaf, I know they can read<br />

are lucky to be ahve<br />

The next day (before nann), the ed and where dId that mterest go?<br />

driver of a car tra\ elhng from<br />

Crro""e <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Boulevard toward<br />

Kercheval lost control of hl~ vehIcle,<br />

crossed over mto Illcommg Symphony women say thanks<br />

traffiC lane, Jumped the curb, To the Editor<br />

public enthul>lasm for the organIzatIOn<br />

throughout the communIty<br />

crossed the SIdewalk and cra~hed On behalf of the Board of DIrectors<br />

of the <strong>Grosse</strong> POInte Sympho-<br />

The bus mess commumty played<br />

through a fence The dnver fled<br />

the scene and \\ as la tel' dpprehended<br />

my personal appreCIatIOn, I Wish <strong>Grosse</strong> PaIUte and DetrOit area<br />

ny Women's ASSOCIatIOnand WIth a key role through sponl>OrShIp<br />

These two aCCident'> I have lu"t to thank the many mdlvllluals and retailers, restaurants and other<br />

de~cllbed al e not the ani' one::- husmeslI1cem) Idc..t<br />

,publlc expre~~lOn of concl'rn and benefIt the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pamte Symphony<br />

Orchestra durmg )'f'ar 1986 and hy acceptmg and dlsplaymg<br />

or serVIces, by contrIbutlllg funds,<br />

overall dlSgUl>t Too mdn) time ...<br />

my ldmlly dnd nelghhor:" ha\e Those acllvltle~ mcluded among leaflets, mslruments and postf'rs<br />

cnnged at the Sight and "oune! of other'>, fa~hlOn shows, drawmg:-" With the commulllty's contmued<br />

car" and motorcJ c]e,> roarmg up gdl age hlp drIve, support we Cdn mall1talll an out<br />

and down Hall Pldc(' mally GrossI' Pomte Symphony Week, '>tanchng mU,>Kal organJlatJOr.<br />

fl, hght and the Chnoc13tlon IS to further lIlterl'st m<br />

er of d car or d pec!e,>trIdtl 11111,,1 die the Gro

Opinions & letters<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> News<br />

Page Seven.A<br />

Thursda, January 1, 1987<br />

-+<br />

Prime time for senior citizens<br />

NeV\T Year's celebrations<br />

By Marian Trainor<br />

A~ Merry Chn~tl1las blend~ m<br />

Happy New Year greetmgs, there<br />

remdlll" that euphol'lc feeling that<br />

alll~ light wIth our world We have<br />

touched ha~e with all 01 our fnends<br />

b) Vvay of Cdl d~ and notes We<br />

have Ienp\\ ed and strengthened<br />

ties With our loved one~ as we<br />

gathered to celebrdte Christmas<br />

We have given and we have<br />

received and It I" difficult to decide<br />

which made us hapPIer<br />

It wa~ wondel ful to have loved<br />

ones think of us III a speCial \\ay,<br />

but It was also gratrfvmg to see the<br />

happy, pleased look on the faces ot<br />

those to whom we gave gilts Now<br />

It I'>over and we look forward to<br />

1987 WIth hope, and of course, re~o<br />

lullOns We look backward once<br />

more and Hunk that no matter<br />

what lIes ahead, let It happen that<br />

we WIll all be together next year<br />

fOI a rerun of Chnstmas 1986<br />

There have been dIsasters but as<br />

a family and a natIOn, have survived<br />

and It we keep the faith and<br />

work together, 1987 WIll be better<br />

Right noVvwe are bewildered over<br />

the Iran inCident We hope that<br />

those III charge know much that<br />

cannot be told and must proceed on<br />

the secret InformatIOn they possess<br />

We know that modern technolo<br />

gy has shrunk the world to the<br />

pomt that the world we once knew<br />

no longer eXIsts and the one that<br />

we know now must survive on a<br />

different plan of stra tegles than<br />

those that once worked We also<br />

know that our precarIOus future<br />

exists on pohtlcs, and we hope that<br />

those who are m charge WIll look<br />

beyond ambitIOn and greed and<br />

reahze tha t their people, even as<br />

we, want to live m peace They<br />

have the ~ame hopes and deSires<br />

that we do These common belIefs<br />

and practices are no more apparpnt<br />

th"n ,n ()l1r f'plphr::ll1nn n::lrh('-<br />

Ye~r's<br />

r<br />

~i~~I;;N~~;<br />

In fact, New Year's has been<br />

called the grandfather of all other<br />

fesllvals that have been held the<br />

world around<br />

In almost every ('ou'ltr~ of tl>c<br />

world, NeV\-Year s has become a<br />

tlme of feastmg and fun People<br />

al'e thankful for the blessmgs that<br />

have come to them durlllg the year<br />

Just endmg They feel kmdly toward<br />

theIr fello\\ ma as they look<br />

forward to the promise a new year<br />

offers<br />

While customs differ III other<br />

countnes, the Sdme spmt prevails<br />

as the Nev, Year IS welcomed In<br />

the lJSSR New Year's IS a chIldcentered<br />

affaIr It IS the favonte<br />

festival of all the year to Soviet<br />

boyS and gIrls It comes at the begll1mng<br />

of the school hohdays and<br />

the fun lasts tor 12 days It IS a time<br />

for non-stop children's parties<br />

\\hlch IdSt trom the ,30thot Decemhel'<br />

through Jan 10<br />

There are 'ikatlllg parties, hockey<br />

and 'ikl partIes and rIdes over<br />

the snow III slelghomeOlH'to dsk ) OU \\ holutlOlI" dl,' FlI..,t "Ii<br />

they al e el",.,umlllg VOU ell e 'l1,d ni;<br />

olle Seco!ldl~, It could c.du"e -:'111<br />

ban a~~me[lt Wh(,ll vou tell Oll'1l1<br />

that JlI~h on your lIst IS to 11('\,['1<br />

~peak to them agam<br />

Some snapp" ans\\ Cl''' to! lLe~('<br />

tacky folks I III Ie

-~-~~_<br />

..'----.........<br />

...~_..---. ..._..., ......... _.,.p ...... .u._..FUU_ 4<br />

__ ....<br />

•<br />

,ea<br />

--<br />

= w.<br />

Page<br />

Etght-A<br />

But belllg \\ Ithout heroe~ doe~n 't<br />

seem tomean bemgwltholllldeals,<br />

as some wnters hdve cOJ1cluded<br />

People a~ dlver~e d~ Ansel Adam~,<br />

Mozart and David Letterman were<br />

put forth fOl con~ldel atlOn A"<br />

Mumma saId, Thel e a JUl1IOI at<br />

~outh He ~ d pho<br />

togl aph) butt, I:<br />

\\ Ith d eeshimself as a pohtlcdl<br />

liberal more mterested m a<br />

job'.'> personal rewards than m<br />

money He vIews modern socIety<br />

\\ Ith a degree of cymcism We are<br />

/l1dtellall~lrc, self-centered and<br />

"hOI't Sighted III our use and abuse<br />

of the \\ ul1d's reSOUl'ces The flip<br />

"lde 1'> tfhlt he thmks some of us<br />

Cdn dhlngf><br />

Kirsten ;\lumma<br />

IS a JUnIor at<br />

North ~rp !!l{es<br />

photography and<br />

, horsf::oack nding<br />

and hopes to ha ve<br />

a carper 111 a financially<br />

reward-<br />

IIlg and creative<br />

fIeld iJke public relations She's 111<br />

tel ('~ted In local polItics and has<br />

read about Watergate so she can<br />

understand the references to It in<br />

current coverage of the Irancontra<br />

dealings She, too, wants to<br />

..,<br />

"~<br />

~ ..<br />

, .<br />

" , .', ' . -:.'. j<br />

" .,<br />

. . ~.N<br />

Pholo by Peler A Salinas<br />

A discussion of the future of a generation has its light moments. Karen Naturkas, Kirsten Mumma,<br />

Jim Montgomery and editorial writer Bill Elston share a laugh.<br />

get her career on solid footmg before<br />

she starts a family<br />

Molly Maycock<br />

ISa sophomore at<br />

South She 1m<br />

George Deeb IS<br />

a selllor at North,<br />

trying to decide<br />

between U of M<br />

and MSU He is a<br />

mUSICian - composer,<br />

conductor<br />

and performer -<br />

.I < " but plans a bUSIness<br />

education and career He's<br />

TYH)rp rn~t~rl~!ls!!C t';~~ he thin~s<br />

he should be, but more enthuslashe<br />

about mUSIcthan anything else<br />

No question about Deeb's hero It's<br />

W A M07art, "an outrageous gen-<br />

IUS"<br />

Mary Jane<br />

Mertz IS a senIOr<br />

at South Sne Ju~t<br />

received her acceptance<br />

at U of<br />

M, although ~he<br />

claims she's just<br />

an average student<br />

She's secre- ~<br />

tary of the school's NatIOnal Honor<br />

SocIety chapter Mertz says she<br />

IStoo interested m too many things<br />

to categorrze herself She believes<br />

that children treated like responsible<br />

people will grow up to be responsible<br />

people; chtldren learn by<br />

makmg their own deciSIOns<br />

Jim Montgomery<br />

is a senior<br />

at North He's<br />

a jock - and a<br />

; singer, Montgomery<br />

has had a<br />

/"lifelong interest in<br />

the mlhtary and<br />

hopes to attend<br />

one of the service academies, become<br />

a fighter pilot and maybe<br />

end up in the diplomatic corps, Although<br />

he thinks people "don't<br />

have heroes," he admires Pete<br />

Dawkins, athlete and Rhodes<br />

Scholar and "someone to look up II<br />

to."<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> North<br />

Tangelos<br />

(35-40)<br />

I<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1~J37<br />


EnlJre Proceed~ I:)<br />

Foundation for Exceptional Children<br />

PRE and<br />

OPEN HOUSE -<br />

Indian River Pink<br />

GrapefrUit<br />

(1 R-??)<br />

$9.00 case 1$4.50 ca,e l~\ "rile 011<br />

Delivery beginning Jan. 5th.<br />

Call 824-3185 to place order.<br />


"Expect the best"<br />

At the Studio<br />

Thursday, January 8th<br />

11:30 -1:00 p.m.<br />

Come In and learn more about our program,<br />

New Studio Sessions starting:<br />

Post. - January 13 - March 19, 1987<br />

T&Th11:30.12:15p.m.<br />

Pre. - January 13 • February 12, 1987<br />

T & Th 12:30 -1 :15 p.m,<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> War Memorial:<br />

Post. - January 5 • March 11, 1987<br />

M & W 12:30 -1:15 p.m.<br />

Pre. - January 5 - February 11, 1987<br />

M & W 6:15 -7:00 p.m.<br />

The Ultimate in<br />

Exercise Instruction<br />

772.9470<br />

21517 Kelly Road, Between 8 & 9 Mile II<br />




Quality Work You Can Trust -<br />

Without the Hassle of Going<br />

to a Dealer, Be Same Day Service<br />

.<br />

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-~~~<br />

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Beach Marina.<br />

"lfe Carl)' ()riginal EquiJ)lnent & Parts For }bur Car"<br />

( We Specialize in All Exhaust & Brake Work.<br />

Free Hand Car Wash<br />

l<br />

with any service.<br />

__ Certified Master Mechanic on Duty<br />

•._-H ('<br />

VISA<br />

Foreign<br />

Sports<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> News<br />

Page Nrne-A<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

,<br />

~<br />

L<br />

f<br />

'f<br />

, ,<br />

Peggy<br />

O'Connor<br />

A peek into next<br />

week and beyond<br />

We're on the threshold of 1987 (or nght<br />

past the doorway, dependIng upon when you<br />

read thIs) and that round, brightly-hghted<br />

ball ISdroppmg slowly from the top of whatever<br />

~at bUildIng In New York CIty IS called,<br />

::'lgUdJJlIlg lne ::'ldft 01 yet dnother year and<br />

yet another column for me about the new<br />

year to come<br />

Things you'll never see in 1987:<br />

The BI-County League (After the sprmg<br />

sports seabon, that IS ) The league IS merg-<br />

Ing wIth the Macomb AthletIc Conference<br />

League champlOnshlps will be a bIt harder<br />

for BI-County member North to come by, but<br />

when they do - and they Will - they'll be<br />

all the more Important<br />

Lance Parrish, behind the plate m a TIger<br />

umform<br />

Jack Morris, at a Bill Lajoie for PresIden!<br />

rally<br />

The Red Wmgs, beating the Toronto Maple<br />

Leafs<br />

Things I'd like to see in 1987:<br />

Chuck Wright, relaxmg The man IS a<br />

marvel, the way he gets SO excited over hIs<br />

sport It's great to see and It works, too The<br />

ULS varsity basketball Kmghts were 5-Ugomg<br />

mto wmter break<br />

John Fowler, relaxing Another ULS<br />

coach who gets wrapped up m his sport.<br />

Tom Shehab, gettmg well Shehab is a<br />

great competitor and It'S kind of sad to see<br />

him have to stand on the SIdelines m his sen-<br />

IOr year<br />

Tim Zimmerman, not smllmg I mean,<br />

thIS guy seems like he's always happy, I Just<br />

want to see If he knows how to frown<br />

Jan Hooper, behmd the bench Just one<br />

more time<br />

The volleyball team at Our Lady Sto.r of<br />

the Sea wm a champlOnshIp, eIther In its<br />

league or dIStrICt. Sl;ar'wgfrls ~m to''Work<br />

harder than just about anyone m preparmg<br />

for volleyball, I'd just lIke to see that dedicahan<br />

rewarded<br />

North's hockey alumm play South's hockey<br />

alumm. Even If they play at the <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Pomte Commumty Rmk, It sure would be<br />

great to see guys like Marc Tirikian, Marc<br />

Young, Rick Lass, Frank Vento, Kevin<br />

Tisdale, Bill Teeos, John Mikesell, Dan<br />

Follis, Phil Pitters, Rich Suhrheinrich<br />

and Rob Wood back In theIr high school umforms,<br />

facmg off agamst theIr old rIvals. one<br />

more time<br />

MIchigan,<br />

wm the BIg Ten basket-<br />

MIChIgan State,<br />

ball championshIp<br />

wm the Rose Bowl<br />

My alma mater, the Umverslty of DetrOit.<br />

Will more than SiX ba'3ketball games<br />

Somebody challenge the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

News staff to a wmter-tIme sports actIvity<br />

We clf'aned up m volleyball back last summer<br />

and we're gettmg a little rusty (BesIdes<br />

that, \I;e've got to get more use out of our<br />

adorable, matchmg team shirts)<br />

Hockey IS out, smce we can't skate I'm<br />

open to suggestIOns, WIth the poSSible exceptIOn<br />

of luge and whlrlyball mmt. we're<br />

pretty good at Indoor thmgs lIke bo\\lIng and<br />

basketball At least 1 thmk we are}<br />

A schedule, from South High I stIll have<br />

to keep calling around to fInd out where the<br />

Blue DeVIls are playmg<br />

A very good season for the wrestlers at<br />

North and South Matmen don't seem to get<br />

much recogmtlOn and It would be nice If the<br />

Norsemen and Blue Devils could come out<br />

of 1987 With a wmmng record<br />

A very happy and healthy New Year for<br />

all<br />

1986 in review<br />

Champs, challengers<br />

'Our goal<br />

was !o<br />

reach the<br />

final four .. ,<br />

but at this<br />

point, one<br />

bad game<br />

means the<br />

season ...'<br />

- South<br />

baseball<br />

coach<br />

Dan<br />

Griesbaum<br />

By Peggy O'('onnor<br />

There were champIOns, chal<br />

lengers and also rans In <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Poznte In 1986 There were highs<br />

llke the state tenms champIOnships<br />

at Soutfl and Umverslty Liggett,<br />

and near tItles In sWlmmzng and<br />

soccer And there were lows a<br />

threatened fo'felture for South's<br />

football team, a warmng for row<br />

dy fans<br />

~ ,<br />

ff~ ~~<br />

, .<br />

4;" Yi:'<br />

Here's a look at all of It<br />

J I\NUARY - North's varsIty<br />

wrestler::. beat ~outn ~ matmen 101'<br />

the 10th consecutive year The<br />

Norsemen have never lost to theIr<br />

crosstown rIvals In wrestling<br />

South (7-3-U top::. North (8-3) m<br />

the first ICe hockey meetmg of the<br />

year The 7-3 fmal is the bIggest<br />

wmning margm In thf' three-year<br />

senes<br />

North's varsIty basketball team<br />

runs out to a 7-2start, but loses sen-<br />

Ior center Rob Skuras for the season<br />

WIth a knee mJury North's<br />

shootmg game goeb cold and at a<br />

bad time. the fIrst league showdown<br />

With Clintondale ends In a 68-<br />

36 loss<br />

A 14-poInt outburst by ULS's 2-9<br />

basketball squad goes for naught<br />

despIte commg back from a 48-28<br />

defiCIt, the Kmghts fall m a close<br />

one, 56-51<br />

FEBRUARY - Another comeback,<br />

thiS one by South's gIrls'<br />

volleyball team Down 7-0 m game<br />

one of theIr match WIth North, the<br />

DeVIls come back to nearly tie,<br />

then use the momentum to take the<br />

nex.t two games and WIn the<br />

match, 11-15, 15-8, 15-4<br />

Poor fan behavlOr at the Feb 5<br />

North-South hockey game results<br />

m warnmgs to students at both<br />

schools, North students are told<br />

they will be admItted to the Norsemen's<br />

fmal home game only If accompamed<br />

by a parent North<br />

beats South m the rematch, 5-4<br />

ULS's hockey team, m the fIrst<br />

~, ~ar of its new '~;Ei,'M:o~~ flow-<br />

'!I!'.!' .!;!yle" sySt~m, WIllS''l1 \7Ef'Stfal'ght<br />

and runs Its record to 11-7-1<br />

MARCH - After beating<br />

Fraser, 5-4 and Port Huron, 9-2, m<br />

the playoffs and wmnmg the MIChigan<br />

Metro League champIOnship,<br />

South's Icers come back down to<br />

earth. Trenton wms the regIOnal fInal,<br />

9-1<br />

North's cager~ Will theIr dl~tnct<br />

title, beatmg Lake Shore, 75-63,<br />

South, 51-49, and usmg a last second,<br />

Bill MIller free throw to whIp<br />

Notre Dame, 59-58 The Norsemen's<br />

last mInute succe~s doesn't<br />

extend mto the reglOnals as ClIntondale<br />

wms, 50-46<br />

A challenge of the MIChIgan<br />

High School Athletic AssoclatlOn'i:><br />

transfer elIgIbIlIty rule started fIve<br />

months earlIer contmues when the<br />

case ISsent to the Court of Appeals<br />

"All I'm sayIng IS that I have to<br />

have some help If the ehglbIhty<br />

rule ISno good, tell me but you<br />

have to tell me why There has to<br />

be some consistency," says beleagured<br />

MHSAA attorney Edmun\i-Slkorskl<br />

AflRlL - The varsIty soccer<br />

teams at North and South begIn<br />

their seasons mlllus the servICes of<br />

fIve players, out WIth Illness or in-<br />

Jury<br />

South's boys' baseball team<br />

beats defendmg Eastern MichIgan<br />

League champ Anchor Bay, 9-4<br />

and 7-3to open the baseball season<br />

South's gIrls' track team beats<br />

North's runners, 90-29 It's the first<br />

track victory by South gIrls over<br />

North m 14 sea::.ons<br />

MAY - North's varsIty baseball<br />

team wms the prestigIOus Alpena<br />

Tournament for the second<br />

straIght year Semor Craig Como<br />

wms tournament MVP With a<br />

three-game average of 545<br />

South's gIrls are busy, too They<br />

beat No 6-ranked Troy, 1-0 III overtime<br />

then come nght back the next<br />

day to wm the Expressway League<br />

champIOnship WIth a 3-2 v. In over<br />

Eds"l Ford<br />

Ul--S's track team WillS the MIch-<br />

Igan Independent AthletIC Conference<br />

champIOnshIp<br />

The tenms tE'ams at all three<br />

high schools fare well In reglOnals<br />

dnd hedd mto state competltlOn<br />

It's a speCIal occaSIOn, so South's<br />

,<br />

girls' soccer team gets to use the<br />

boys' football fIeld to host theIr<br />

regIOnal game They respond to<br />

bell1g m the lImelIght wmnmg, 2-<br />

I, over utlCd Stevenson But theIr<br />

dream i:>ea::.on end" WIth a 2-1<br />

ULS's 17th tennis championship was a speCial one.<br />

playoff loss to Royal Oak KImball<br />

ULS wms Its 17th state tenms tItle<br />

In 21 years, but ItS fIrst after<br />

haVIng their natIOnal recordsettIng<br />

streak of 13 straight<br />

snapped "A very speCIal champIonshIp<br />

mdeed," says coach Bob<br />

Wood<br />

JUNE - North, as a member of<br />

the BI-County League, announces<br />

that It will merge WIth the 10-team<br />

Macomb Athletic Conference to<br />

form the Macomb Area Conference<br />

m the fall of 1987<br />

South's baseball and softball<br />

teams win the school's flrst-ever<br />

distnct champlonshlps The girls<br />

go on to wm the regional, but the<br />

boys fall to Brother RIce m the<br />

regIOnal semIfmals, 7-1. "Our goal<br />

was to reach the final four but<br />

at thiS pomt, one bad game means<br />

the season," says a disconsolate<br />

coach Dan Gnesbaum<br />

Rob and Kim Wood become the<br />

first brother-bister team to make<br />

the All-State squad in the same<br />

year, Rob for hockey and KIm for<br />

soccer Rob Wood was league<br />

MVP and leadmg scorer, KIm<br />

Wood scored 13 goals m four<br />

games for South<br />

South's softball team ISshocked<br />

In the state semIfInals m Lansmg<br />

After takmg a 3-0 lead mto the fInal<br />

Inmng, Waterford Kettenng<br />

explodes for four runs and wms, 4-<br />

3<br />

Woods' reSident JImmy Carson,<br />

the No 2-ranked player m North<br />

Amenca, IS drafted No 2 overall<br />

TiME<br />

highlight year<br />

730 PM<br />

m the NatIOnal Hockey League<br />

draft m Montreal, by the Los Angeles<br />

Kmgs<br />

J L LY - Pomte sculler Bnan<br />

Benl travE'ls to the SoVIet Umon to<br />

row III the GoodWIll Games and<br />

Photo by Peter A<br />

Sahnas<br />

comes home With a sliver medal<br />

AUGUST - Grosst POInte's<br />

MIckey Mantle League entry<br />

makes It to the dIstrIct finals.<br />

South HIgh grad-turned state<br />

trooper Lynne Frlewald wms three<br />

gold and one silver medal ill the Interna<br />

tlOnal PolIce Olympics swim<br />

competItion<br />

SEPTEMBER - The <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Pomte School board decides to<br />

fIght a decISIon by the MHSAA that<br />

fIve games of South's 1985 fc::.otball<br />

season b~ forfeIted because the<br />

DeVIls meed an meligible player<br />

The MHSAA decision comes one<br />

month after the Court of Appeals<br />

upheld the association's transfer<br />

elIgIbility rule.<br />

OCTOBER - North High beats<br />

Brablec, 42-0, In the SI1verdome<br />

St Clare volleyball coach Larry<br />

Hmes earns hIS 300th coachmg victory<br />

South's gIrls' cross country team<br />

loses ItS fIrst dual meet III three<br />

seasons - to nval North, 25-32<br />

ULS WillS ItS seventh straight<br />

and South, Its lith consecutive<br />

gIrls' tennis championship. "It's<br />

an unbehevable feelmg," says<br />

South coach Stephame Prychltko.<br />

After playing to a pair of 0-0 ties<br />

In the regular season, soccer<br />

league co-champs North and South<br />

meet m the dlstncts South wms,<br />

1-0, but then loses 1-0 In the playoffs<br />

to Llvoma Stevenson "I defImtely<br />

felt we were the stronger<br />

-~~-_.~--<br />

~ - ---~-- ....-~- ~~ -- r~- -- --~"""~-'-"-'-""-"-'-~----"---_-'II'-""_.""'_.l' __"'.j "'.<br />

-<br />

Page Ten.A<br />


Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

g<br />

Sports people<br />

Anthony<br />

"Tony" Atrasl<br />

wa~ a one-man<br />

wrecking crew<br />

at the Michigan<br />

B-C sWim meet<br />

~ponsored by the<br />

Oakland Live<br />

'l'er SWim Club held at Lepley<br />

Sports Center at Oakland Umver-<br />

'>Il) Nov 22 and 23 It wa~ Tony's<br />

la~t 8 ,md under competitIOn for<br />

the J\1IPOlntes Swml Club, hl~ up-<br />

(omIng mnth blrthdaj WIl! ~ldce<br />

hIm m the club's 10 and under<br />

group Tony fll1l~hed first In tne 25<br />

breast!>troke (19 85), In the 50<br />

tll edst (44 09) dnd III the 25 back<br />

stloke (20 04) He Wd~ third In the<br />

')0 butterfly (51 83) and III the 100<br />

1:\1 (1 39 26), fourth III the 23 but<br />

terlly 121 09) and helped hiS 100<br />

yard reJav team touch fifth<br />

Bowling Green Umverslty football<br />

team members were honored<br />

dl the squad's annual Football<br />

Rust earlJer thl~ month and among<br />

them was Chris Neal, of Gro~se<br />

Champs ...<br />

Pomte Neal, a selllor tight end,<br />

reha\\-a, Ontano It was Tracy's<br />

"p('ono MVP thl

QQ<br />

4 Q Q<br />

Fitness<br />

Feelin<br />

fit<br />

It occurred to me while joggmg<br />

in Colorado last week that<br />

two of the aspects of fitness we<br />

often forget are pleasure and<br />

variety. I looked out the front<br />

wmdow, the sun shone brilliantly<br />

on the mountain tops and the<br />

aIr was CriSP I had been downhill<br />

skiing the day bel ore and<br />

deCided to explore the country<br />

~ htUe and go for a run<br />

It was one of the most lovely<br />


Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

'IHum 1"11A ~ERIES Or PUBLIC ~t~R\'ICE AD\ ER n~El\IENTS<br />

Breaking free from drug and alcohol dependency The Oxford Way<br />

~ ......_ ....---~-------~------------~.<br />

,~_..~-_........""""'""~--~-,~----~---~---~~---<br />

"I'm free. Oxford changed my life!'<br />

~I<br />

Walt Shiel struggled with alcoholism for 17 years until he went to Oxford. Todny, Walt is free of alcohol.<br />

Al 7 p.m. on Ea!>ter Sunday<br />

1983, Waller ShIel caught himself<br />

driving the wrong wayan<br />

a one-way ~lreet-and saw hi,<br />

whole life headed the wrong<br />

direction A pollce officer<br />

caught hIm, too. and arrested<br />

him for dnl,mg under the Influ.<br />

ence of alcohol.<br />

After 27 year" of denlah,<br />

excusell and the remnant, oj<br />

relatlOnshlp~ with people who<br />

were fed up with hI" alcoholi!!m.<br />

Walt wa., reudy to admll<br />

he had a problem he couldn't<br />

solve all by hlm!>elf He wa!l<br />

desperate for a new Iltedesperate<br />

enough to do !lomethmg<br />

to find one,<br />

I.,n't Just a p~ychologlcal problem<br />

SOCial and famIly tie., brcd<br />

do\\, n Phy"'Cdl hCdlth erode'>,<br />

and "pmtual .,trength wea\..en Ihdl \\omen tlnd<br />

ulftlulll to (,d\.. dhout In d In,dcfemale<br />

glour "0 \\ C prm Ilie<br />

Ill11e \\\thln the proW,lI11 tor<br />

\\ omen !o mcc! 'cpMatch to<br />

dc,1I v. Ilh lhc\c U)fiCcrn\ \Ian)<br />

\Wlllcn \. \1\ \1L"';.1 1If!lilol1<br />

Lonlll1uc\<br />

It ,\ 1l11plll1.1!l!!o h.l\L the<br />

t 1111\1\ !J)\o!\cd 11\ the Ir\,l1<br />

rl1lnl II1d rcul\t:r) pnKL'~ It<br />

thl 1.111111\ I'll\ l11\ol\cd ,1 pu<br />


d.,kcd a coworker at Pontltlc<br />

Motor.,. the ~ub!!tancc abu.,e<br />

rcprC.,cntallve of Union <strong>Local</strong><br />

#653, for help<br />

The union counselor referred<br />

hIm to The Oxford [n!ttltute, a<br />

60-bed treatment center that haLl<br />

Just opened for rccoverlng<br />

alcoholics and drug addicts The<br />

-_._------------_ ..... _-------------on\ life," '-latc,> Dr<br />

Macdondld pre.,ldcnt of The<br />

Oxford In'>lilute, .I health Cdre<br />

partner of Samt John HO"Pltdl<br />

"Mental ahllltlc,> and copmg<br />

sklll~ dctcnoratc, but addictIOn<br />

.-- - _.-.-._._----~-----_._-------------<br />

Meeting the Special Problems of Women<br />

and Addiction<br />

Drug~ and alwhol drcn't .\<br />

macho problem dn) more<br />

According to the Michigan<br />

OftIce of SUb,>t.Hlle Ahu,>c Ser-<br />

VIce,. more lhan 250.000<br />

.....omen 10 thl" "laIc have prohlem.,<br />

"cvere enough to relJlIlle<br />

lrcatmcnt Ndtlon\\, Hie .It le,l\l<br />

onc tfmd of the a!teem and depen<br />

deney We view<br />

addictIOn a~ a pnmary dl~ease,<br />

and believe th.!t treatmg the<br />

whole person IS e:,:.enlJal to<br />

recovery"<br />

Oxtord\ 28-day lllpatient<br />

program give" a new :.tructure<br />

to patlent~' live" Treatment<br />

dunng the fir'>t wee\.. Interrupts<br />

the cycle of dependency and<br />

Identlfie., the patlent\ eOll hd\ 01 mlllh hl !tCI lh Iflu' I or more IIIfomwthm ahout<br />

01\lllll\\lliI IlUI\CI\<br />

drll~ and a/colw/treatment<br />

()thu 0\ j 0) d IfCdtllll ill pi 0 prORram\ for wonu'll 1he<br />

gr,llm dddrc'>\ the '>pcu.l1 nel d'> Oxford »'(1 V, ca//313/962-26.')8.<br />

....- ...~ _ .. - ~....... "' .........<br />

.._~-------_. -_ .....---_<br />

In!!tltute. on 85 wooded acre.,<br />

In Oxford Towmhlp. was !lO ne\\,<br />

that Walt Wd,>!t~ filth patIent<br />

Today. Oxford recelve~ about<br />

one thIrd of II'> patients through<br />

referrals from employers and<br />

employee a~~l!!tance program:.<br />

Ilke the one Walt turned to<br />

Other referral source:, are phy-<br />

SICians, family, fnend~ and the<br />

pallent., thcm!lel VC!!.<br />

Dougla., Macdonald. MD,<br />

formerly of Toronto'~ internatIOnally<br />

acclaimed Donwood<br />

In.,titute, direct, Oxford's program,<br />

which !ttarts with 28 days<br />

of mpatlent care in a homelike<br />

~etlLng. Among the 92 full-time<br />

staff are specla!lsts in internal<br />

mediC Ine, nursmg, addIction<br />

LAPEER<br />

tl,erapy, SOCial work, nutntlOn,<br />

psychology. occupational and<br />

recreational therapy, and ,plr-<br />

Itual coun!>ellng<br />

"We recogmze that chcl1llcal<br />

dependency I., an IlIne.,.., dnd<br />

we treat the Individual and<br />

famIly members With respect<br />

and protection of their dlgmty.1t<br />

Dr. Macdonald emphaSizes.<br />

IN HIS FIRST 28 DAYS at<br />

Oxford. Walt ShIel begdIl to turn<br />

m a new directIOn.<br />

"Part of why Oxford worb<br />

!!o well IS It!! peaceful, ru~tlc<br />

:.ettmg:' explams Walt "It IS<br />

,celuded, relaxed, and away<br />

from all the thmgs that were<br />

troubling me"<br />

SIX months after hi!> admls-<br />

--0-"'-0<br />

• P ocoe,<br />

-<br />

The Second Section<br />

__ --------------<br />

QI4ristmus in t4t ~tublt<br />

Christ the King presents a living Nativity<br />

,._(!IIIl,!ll!I,llll,----------------<br />

1:> w ,,4<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> News<br />

Section JI<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

-----------<br />

Nmety children and 65 adults<br />

took turns to bnng off Chnst the<br />

King Lutheran Church'b livmg nativity<br />

Dec 21 The two-hour program<br />

was divided mto 'W mmute<br />

shifts and chddren from many of<br />

the churches III the area particIpated<br />

in the creche scene fleshed<br />

out wIth ammals from Upland<br />

HIlls Farm<br />

"I'm sure we've had at least<br />

1,500 people here this a Hernoon,"<br />

said Shirley Fabry, some 30<br />

minutes before the event was over<br />

",.r", , ........... """!'P o~ II<br />

1,1 ( j dill 1 Irlll ill lUlU<br />

-, ( IdlnJn"lmlll I' IJI {u I I<br />

! " l/d"d fIUU'<br />

white sale<br />

*Come in and find white sale values throughout the store<br />

*<br />

Luxor@ Towels<br />

by Martexf~<br />

Made of 100% Pima cotton<br />

these claSSIC towels<br />

are softer with richer color<br />

Of course they are absorbent<br />

too<br />

Bath Towel<br />

Hand Towel<br />

Washcloth<br />

Reg Sale<br />

149512.99<br />

895 7.99<br />

395 3.29<br />

\ r.. I I 1'! ....Jl i II<br />

I I 111" \111111 111 rrl 1 r r I h [<br />

III J Ji III i"<br />

:<br />

Register<br />

NOW!<br />

Most<br />

classes<br />

begin<br />

Jan. 12<br />

/<br />

I<br />

-<br />

-----<br />

1l111r'UIl III j ... 11<br />

II I"~ III I ,In \ JI I rJrr I ,II<br />

r 1111 r rr I I, fI I,<br />

I I d, fI' "I I<br />

-J 1\ Inf,lh('. ,Irrd, III<br />

1\ ,,,III. no" ("llllllUIlIII (11111!-i'<br />

I-(PdlI, \ ()ur jlotl'lllld I !'drJ1 I IJllpgl' ( lid Ih<br />

JO]1l Ilw th()lI"dIHl" (,I pl'()p!!' 1\ h() hell I'<br />

1lf'1[)Pd ,hp!1l", 1\,1, h\ liking .I ( hdlll'l I ')(,<br />

II 11'( ()llr", 111 1/11' prT\ .II \ ()f tllt'11 Il\\ Il hOl11I'"<br />

1Oil II dl,,() rI 11']\1' rim'! "IOIl

p<br />

Pagtl Two-B<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

-Weddings<br />

Mr. and Mrs<br />

lValz-Grissirn<br />

John Gnssim<br />

Ll!IUd Anne wall, daughter ot<br />

:\11' dnd l\ir~ Erhard Walz of<br />

Gro~~e POlllte Woods, and .John<br />

Bradford GrJ'>~lm, son of Mr and<br />

.\1rs John Gnsslm of Milford,<br />

v.ere married on Sept 19. 1936, at<br />

the Gros~e Pomte Academy<br />

Chapel<br />

The 1{pv Henry Stenn('r and the<br />

Rev Hector SaulIno officiated at<br />

the 6 p m ceremony whIch was followed<br />

by a dmner reception at<br />

Thomas Cry,>tal Gardens m Mount<br />

Clemens<br />

The bnde wore a gown of Ivory<br />

llk dress and a<br />

\~hlte arch Id corsage<br />

The mother of the groom wore a<br />

\vInter \\ hlte en~emhle and a Similar<br />

corsagt><br />

The couple honeymoon('d with a<br />

triP to Bermuda They WIll lIve In<br />

AlexandrIa, Va<br />

The bnde I'>a graduate of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

POInte North High School and the<br />

Umver~lty of MIchIgan ,",'Ith a<br />

bachelor of ~clence degree In nurs-<br />

Il1g She I~ a registered nurse at<br />

} controller at<br />

LmUlln PI opel I:. Co In WashIngton<br />

D ('<br />

1\1a Igdrct Fergu'>on \\ aon of<br />

'\It "11 I \ll' John \\ \11 Arthur of<br />

\ I, f '1]( m,lllwd\fo\' 29<br />

\" /"11' h<br />

'j II' I (\ I.rI ' .Ir d (0 I)(jp 11<br />

offl! I, I, I il 'lip g P m ((,I('01On)<br />

, I • d /) / d t 1I ('( ('pilOn<br />

,I, 'I I}( IrOit<br />

I >II'" "Ill )WI lI1othpr..,<br />

\~('ddItH~ ill,..,,, of 1\01''' antlqup<br />

",11111 11]('hprllu' \~d'> hIghlighted<br />

/1\ "'pollkH'g bnllJ<br />

,,( ,ill(', [d Of) Uw ordngffiald" were<br />

ChrIstma Malicki, cousm of the<br />

hrlf!p Gro.

---------~----~~----_._-----------_. ~--~~---- - - -"------ -- -~ -----------~-..-"--""""---- ~~<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-B<br />

I<br />

(!/ub and (!hurch .A/ews<br />

Women in Computing<br />

III 1tfol dl e TlIoma~ ugoen, treasurer,<br />

Dr. Tymon Totte; secretary<br />

Fred Schriever, rear commodore'<br />

Ted Smith, VIce commodore:<br />

Robert Yuhn, commodore DIrec~<br />

tors are Stephen Perry, George<br />

Clark, Dr WIllIam Jennings,<br />

The DetrOIt metropolitan chapter<br />

of the Association for Women<br />

m Computmg (mcludmg Women m<br />

InformatiOn Processmg which has<br />

merged with AWC), will meet at 6<br />

p m at the Machus 160in BIrmmgham,<br />

on Tuesday, Jan 13, 1987<br />

A panel dlscusslOn on salanes<br />

and Job opportunities In the DetrOIt<br />

metropolItan area will he presented<br />

by representatives from<br />

Oakland UnIversity, Compuware<br />

and Dunhlll of Ann Arbor<br />

The meetmg IS open to thE'publIc<br />

For reservatIOns and further<br />

mformatlOn, please call 822-2066<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong><br />

<strong>Pointe</strong> Yacht Club<br />

Officers and board of dIrectors<br />

for the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte Yacht Club<br />

Charles Stumb, RIchard Thams,<br />

Ed Palm, and Alphonse Susalla Jr<br />

Detroit Review Club<br />

The DetrOIt ReVIew Club wiII be<br />

starting 1987 off with a luncheon<br />

and program at the Lochmoor<br />

Club on Wednesday, Jan 21, at<br />

noon. The hostess will be Blanche<br />

Kefgen, DRC's preSIdent PastpreSident<br />

and program chairman<br />

Betty Gensch WIll mtroduce the<br />

program after lunch<br />

The speaker, Mary Ball, IS a<br />

former DRC member who has had<br />

a long career in public relations<br />

She has served as publIcist for the<br />

Department of Parks and RecreatIon<br />

and senior publiCist for the<br />

CIty of Detroit under SIXmayors.<br />

As dIrector of the International<br />

Institute, she IS recognized as<br />

spokesperson for more than 108<br />

ethnic groups in the tri-county<br />

area, and has brought a new<br />

awareness of ethnicIty through actiVItIes<br />

at the mstitute<br />

Ball WIll present a fIlm, "What<br />

the InternatIOnal InstItute Has<br />

Done For Ethmc Groups m the<br />

Area"<br />

ReservatIOns are being handled<br />

by Francis Quigley, 228VIlla Lane,<br />

St ClaIr Shores, MICh, 4BOO0<br />

Checks for $14 should be sent Immediately.<br />

Mclnally<br />

honored<br />

The DetrOIt College of Law<br />

hosted Its annual sprmg and fall<br />

honors convocatIon at the DetrOIt<br />

Boat Club Sunday, Dec 14, as the<br />

college recogmzed students WIth 33<br />

major awards and three alumm<br />

with speCial awards<br />

Alumm award reCIpients were<br />

were Damel M Clark of Birmmgham;<br />

Alan W Joslyn of Detroit;<br />

and Leroy B McInally of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Pomte The presentatIOns of medals<br />

and plaques for the award<br />

were made by Alumm Association<br />

PreSIdent Judge Gene Schnelz.<br />

McInally IS a native of Lapeer<br />

County, and semor partner In McInally,<br />

Brucker, Newcombe, Wilke<br />

and DeBona, PC, of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Pomte Farms He ISa 1931graduate<br />

of DCL and is a member of the<br />

AmerIcan Bar, MIchIgan State<br />

Bar, DetrOit Bar ASSOCIatIons as<br />

well as the AmerIcan College of<br />

Probate Counsel He IS a 33rd Degree<br />

Mason and past master of<br />

AcaCia Lodge =477, Free and Accepted<br />

Masons of <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

He IS actIve m the <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

Umted MethoO)\;<br />

Dr 1 ROI r. \11{ H<br />

821-3525<br />

Q( 11 fTY V0Rrlinc'l HI"q1lh Ml lht 17/~<br />

( u'torn Dl "",'I'<br />

\\ I Ilhll I"<br />

1)( )1J~11"'''' \ '11\<br />

1', t.ll<br />

\1, I,", 1\ I I, ), I n<br />

It n" I 1 nit 11<br />

.... I ) \1 1111 '\ I ill<br />

8. Rq~lIl.lr ~II"<br />

'"'' I' \111 • I '<br />


886-9000 20467 Mack Avenue<br />

t)i.~ ••'A.'" ~,.~ 'rtel H. AoIant, Jr. Peter M. P$off<br />

STORE<br />



COST<br />

USE<br />


CASH • Ct2ECK<br />


CHARGE<br />




COST!<br />



I<br />

II<br />

Churches<br />

A new name<br />

for the New Year<br />

The Hev. Robert E. )\,;eil~<br />

St. '1ichael'~ Epi!lcopal Church<br />

God I~ a name gIver A!:.one redd!:. the Bible It becomes very eVI<br />

dent that God lake, delight In glvrng people ne\', name~ The ndme~<br />

God glve~ are PO~ltlve, life glvmg and beautIful<br />

It l~ Intcre~tlng to note that Blbll<br />

given the ne\\ name of Israel, "one who stnve:, WIth God" He be<br />

(~'''''''"ln h,( n""""""n lA 11< ,........",.-,."",1" '.h, , ~ll ...,.~, (~ ... IT ....,,....<br />

.......................................................... ..J 1.-.) , i. ) ~...... ...JU 'I' IVl .I .. I'} IJt,.J..Io,L.lf...,-<br />

telb us \Iho Jef>U~ wa~ and I~ He became HI~ ndme The name<br />

The name Adam means "(hu)man "God gave hi:' fJr£:>thumanu e<br />

atlOn the name Adam<br />

In chapter 62 ot Isaiah, God gIves a new name to I:,rdel Verse<br />

t\\O read:', "And you shall be called by a new name whICh the<br />

mouth of the Lord WIll gl ve .. Israel ':, name had been" Forsaken"<br />

and "De~olate," but now God wa~ glvmg her a new name. 'God's<br />

Delight" As God gave her the name, Isrdel became the ne\\ ndme<br />

God IS alwayl> offering Ul>new name~ When \1 e accept the nel'<br />

name::., we become the new names<br />

God ha£:>renamed so many of us God hd~ changed our names<br />

from Creature of God to ChIld of God - from Lost to Found -<br />

Stamed to Clean - GUilty to ForgIven As God has gIven us the<br />

new name. we have become the new name<br />

Maybe your name today IS Hateful Let God gIve you a new name<br />

- Love Perhaps your name today IS SUSPICIOUS Let God gIve you<br />

a new name - Trust If your name today IS Resentment, let God<br />

gIve you a new name - "One Who Forgives"<br />

It I£:>a new year God I~ passmg out new names What name would<br />

YOLIlike? Claim It and become It<br />

. And not only does God gIve us new names, God uses you and me<br />

to give each other new names One of our greatest callmgs as children<br />

of God IS to give each other new names We do thiS by encouragmg,<br />

supporting and complImentmg each other<br />

We all are aware of the fact that our self-Images are given to<br />

us by others We have the opportulllty to give each other destructive<br />

self-Images or pOSitive self-Images It all depends on ho\\ we<br />

name each other<br />

Let God gIve you a new name for the new year Then m turn,<br />

why don't you gIve someone else a new name?<br />

ThiS column IS written by members oj the Grol,se Poznte<br />

Mznlstenal AssoclQtlOn on a rotatzng IJOl,15<br />

Commyn<br />

ordained<br />

.James E Commyn, son of Mr<br />

and Mr:- Edward Commyn of<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte CIty, was ordained<br />

to the Order of Presbyter for the<br />

ArchdIOcese of DetrOit by the<br />

l\., ../.h.....ch ........... ~...t:...-- •• _...I [ .... C ......... l.,., ....-..<br />

.... _ •• ""l~.UlVp .....n..&.... u ... u '\J. lJl.oU.n.Cl, VA"<br />

Nov 22. at the Cathedral of the<br />

Most Blessed Sacrement In DetrOIt<br />

He attended St PhIlomena<br />

grade school, BIshop Gallagher<br />

High School and earned a degree<br />

m humallltICs at the UllIverslty of<br />

Notre Dame He also attended Sa.<br />

cred Heart Semme.ry In Detroit<br />

dnd earned d ma~ter of diVInIty<br />

fI am St John's Seminary In<br />

Plymouth, MIC:l<br />

He IS currently at St RegiS<br />

Church In B Irmmgham<br />


VISIT CANADA f ~<br />

ARPIN'S<br />

1!l67 Collectoon of fabulous<br />

de~ neo tu 1"1 greatly ,educed<br />

Canadian Fur Specialists<br />

For Over 60 Years<br />

Duty and Sales Tax Refunded<br />

Full Premium on<br />

American Funds.<br />

rUld<br />

IntIJ'Cpin<br />


,;-<br />

James E, Commyn<br />

WIll be offered (willner need not be<br />

present to wm)<br />

All St Maron panshlOners, relatives<br />

and fflends are cordIally m-<br />

Vlttl1 to attend till:- gala -<br />

remlnlscmg St Maron's past. en-<br />

Joymg the pI esent, and lookmg forward<br />

to an excltmg future for the<br />

Free pick-up & deltvery<br />

free estimates<br />

VA 2.9660<br />

12339 HAYES<br />

PLUS:<br />

FOR<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> News<br />

Page Four-B<br />

OSEPH<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

St. Maron Church '''omen's Auxiliary plans festive event<br />

DetrOIt'£:> St Maron Church<br />

Women'!:. Auxllldry IS planmng d<br />

::.pectacular "CelebratIOn of<br />

Thlng~ to Come" dInner-dance to<br />

be held on Saturday. Jan 31. at<br />

Thomdl>' Cry~ta I Gdrden:, 111<br />

Mount Clemen~<br />

Mrs Paul J DVialhy IS genel dl<br />

L'hdlrman, assl~ted by (0-<br />

ehdll men Mrs Edmund T Ahee<br />

Opening ceremony<br />

and Mr::. Anthony I'll RiSk, also of<br />

Glo£:>se POinte<br />

TIckets are $50 per person, taxdeductible<br />

Gue~t~ wlil dance to<br />

the Johnny Trudell Orchestra, With<br />

coektalb at & 30 P m followed by<br />

dmner £It 7 30 P m Proceeds Will<br />

beneht the St l\Jaron Church<br />

!,'und A $1 000 (;, dlld Door Pnle<br />

Receiving a light from Auxiliary Bishop Walter J. Schoenherr<br />

is Elias Khalil, 15, a sophomore at Notre Dame High<br />

School in Harper Woods. The light provides the first flame for<br />

the U.S. Spiritual Olympics of Youth, in which participants will<br />

defend the life of the unborn and the moral health of America<br />

and the world. Others receiving candles at the opening<br />

ceremony held at St. Aloysius Church in Detroit recently are<br />

David Asker, 13, Theresa Jamieson, 12, and Luke Gianni, 10,<br />

of St. Paul on the Lake School, and sisters Caroline DeFauw,<br />

13, and Deborah DeFauw, 12. of St. Joan of Arc School in St.<br />

Clair Shores. The movement IS sponsored by Mothers of Mary,<br />

1250 Grayton Road, <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong>, Mich. 48230, phone<br />

885-6219.<br />

First English Ev. Lutheran<br />

Church<br />

Verlller Rd at Wedgewood Dr<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POinte Wood::. SSI.5040<br />

~<br />

Wor~hlp 'J 10 &.. 11 UO,I m<br />

Sunday School -- 9 10 d m<br />

Paul F Keppler P,htor<br />

Bruce QUdlmdn 1>'I')tor<br />

Christ the King Lutheran<br />

9 lJ() oJ m ~lInddv School &.<br />

Blble Cla;sc'><br />

9 00 & 10 lO d m Family Wor~hlp<br />

10 00 a m Wed Fhble Cla~

__ ~ ~ • ~ 0 --- _ _ _ _ _<br />

Thursday, J~nuary 1, 1987 GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />

Perk up almost anything with a sweet sauce for a special dessert<br />

What wonders an appropriate<br />

.'>QLl(e cun work It IS amazing the<br />

glamoll/ a del!clOus sauce can add<br />

to a plum piece of cake or to a serv<br />

mg of cottage puddmg Sauces lend<br />

jlavor and importance to even the<br />

7I10.'>tmundane dessert<br />

'1 he jundan-ental purpose of a<br />

.'>auce is to enhance the flavor, ap<br />

pearance and attractiveness of<br />

most de~.'>('rt.'> They should also<br />

((Hltnbute to /fie nutritive value of<br />

the jood Whldl they accompany It<br />

.'>/lOuld, In most cases, be thin<br />

enotlgh to flow readdy, but thick<br />

el10llgh not to .'>oak mto the food<br />

and be Co.'>tOJ (Ourse there are ex<br />

ceptlOrlS to /fus rule<br />

Hot ,cwu',ed,although .some<br />

(arl be made a/wad of time and re-<br />

IWClted<br />

Cold ~QllCe~ are a!wClys made<br />

ahead of time and pernlltted to<br />

dull b('jore .'>ervlng<br />

glegant<br />

gating<br />

The jollo wmg recipes a re from<br />

the low-calone, low-cholesterol,<br />

budget wise kitchens of Thyra<br />

Grey Howard and Helena DeWItt<br />

Roth<br />

Claret Sauce<br />

Give an everyday puddmg aj/mr<br />

with thIS unusual sauce, seldom<br />

mentIOned today but which our<br />

great grandmothers made fa<br />

mous'<br />

3 Tblsp. margarine<br />

II" cups confectioners' sugar<br />

:l egg whites<br />

21 cup boiling \\ aleI'<br />

2 I cup claret ....ine<br />

1 tsp. grated lemon rind<br />

12 tsp. cinnamon<br />

Cream margarme and sugar until<br />

smooth, beat m egg whItes and<br />

continue beatmg unhl lIght Just<br />

before servmg add bOllIng water,<br />

claret. gra ted lemon rmd and cmnamon<br />

Heat m double boiler and<br />

beat until foamY, r~kes three<br />

cups A I" teaspooh nutmeg may<br />

te add~d ,f npugar<br />

1 Tblsp. cornstarch<br />

1 cup boiling \\ atel<br />

12 grated lemon rind<br />

.! Tbl about 55 per ~ervlng<br />

C110leste10 I 0<br />

Sherry Custard Sauce<br />

This delIghtful sauce IS delicIOUS<br />

when served over poached frUIts<br />

and many varieties of baked pud<br />

dings<br />

III pkg. custard flavor or vanilla<br />

pudding<br />

1.% cups !>kim milk<br />

lia cup sherry<br />

Cook the pudding WIth the mIlk<br />

accordIng to the package directions<br />

Transfer to a small bowl and<br />

cover the surface of the puddIng<br />

\\ Ith a pIece of waxed paper When<br />

DorcolR<br />

CHilDREN'S<br />


DorcoI<br />

L- __ ~<br />

LIQUID<br />

Relieves<br />

children's<br />

stuffy noses<br />

without<br />

drOWSiness.<br />

DorcolR<br />

40z.$20&<br />



I ' \<br />

Dorcol<br />

Non-astJ/rm<br />

Helps rf'duce<br />

children's<br />

fevers and<br />

relieve<br />

mmoraches<br />

endpams<br />

402.5242<br />


DM<br />

COUGH<br />


8oz,<br />

5385<br />


COLD<br />

SYRUP<br />

80z<br />

5433<br />

cool, beat With rotary bed tel' If the<br />

sauce ha" congealed Add the<br />

sherry and mIx well Make~ about<br />

two cups<br />

Caloneil abollt 19 per fable,spoon<br />

Cholesterol - traw<br />

Blueberry Sauce<br />

1 cup fre"h 01 froH'n ,1IId th:l\\('d<br />

blueberri('"<br />

7/~ cup ....ah'l'<br />

14 cup ~ugdr<br />

I Tu)

Page Slx-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

=:=-=~:_~--_<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong><br />

Board of REALTORS.<br />

REALTOR'<br />





The Blake COll1pJn~<br />

Borldnd John,lon A;,,,(~ldle,, OJ LIII KeH!l Redlt)<br />

CenlUr) 21 Ed,l of the \'Illdgl'<br />

Cenlun 21 l ochmoor<br />

Chdm!Jl'! Jdln 1{('dIlOl"<br />

(hdmplOn &. Baer fnl<br />

H G Edgdr &. A"'>oudte,,<br />

Jdme" H Flkam Red I E"tdle Co<br />

John ~ Goodma"n irK<br />

(,Io",e POInte RCdl E~ePomte I'drk Income mdude;, two UnIL, each \I Ith four<br />

bedrooms Iwo dnd a hdlf bdth, dod naturdl fll epldce mlhe Ilvmg room<br />

(G SOTROI 886 4200<br />

CHAMPAGNE TASTE In Gro%e POInte Park' Thl~ two bedroom Ranch<br />

IS hlghllghled by .::multrd ;,hdrp, clJ;,tom decor dnd surrounded by a<br />

bedutlfut }ard In~lde discover new c.drpetlllg, two full balhs formal<br />

dining room and central alr $14'1,'100 ented III \Iond('rful c.ondllion thl;, profe'><br />

wmalh Idnd~laped home fealure~ three bedroom'> rcfllllshed hard<br />

\Ioodfloor~ !I\mgroomdnddlnlngroom $12'lOOO iI!02FTSl88'i20()O<br />


109 four bedroom Ihree and d half balh fdDl1!\<br />

room (20xlll I With ral,;ed hCarth fIreplace mod<br />

ern kItchen with bUiltin';, dttached garage flr';l<br />

floor laundry<br />

GREAT VALUE - Three bedrooms, one and a<br />

half bath Coloma! near North lligh FamIly room.<br />

spacIOus kItchen, nev,er furnace 2 car garage<br />

prrced under $100,000<br />

~TIU'_TCfI 0{ I 1"\ ,\ HI\ "('If \lllh Ihrf'e bedroom" two bath" hbrdry<br />

Th" (,ro'"," I'mole I'drk rr"ldrn( (. olfer,,) Oll Imnw(!Ialr Ol..(UP,IIl()<br />

r(>fmlr,h(tdhdrdll ood flonr'> ,1I ('rned IE'!frlU' ((tntrdJ ,ur ,lpphancc,<br />

and rl thfl'l' C,lr g,Il.lgl' 'ion, 000 I II IIll',\It) llll'i 2000<br />

GO \ IIEAD F,\ LL 1'\ LOVE \\ IIIIthlr, ( hd Imlllg turn OJthl>cent un Llrm<br />

I'ou 10 Ii,t<br />


( OZy COTTM~fe "e(tklt1g rl grdclou,> ,lnd comfort<br />

rlblr hfe,>t,le Attached garage' bnck patIO. rcere<br />

.rtlon room ,1OdWJlliilm,on furnrlce give eVidence<br />

of thl" hor'l(' ~ chdrm and quallt)'<br />

I'RE~T\\ WK \\ dnt a fdlnllv nrlghhorhood .lnd<br />

nrpr! d ,PdClOU'>hon1l"' 111 Iht" $1 lO ~ ~ VIood'><br />

( olol1lal II Ilh four bedroomr, tv.o and onE'half<br />

hdlhr, largf,uml) room forrnrll dllllng room<br />

hrlr,pmenl office<br />

f\!'~\1 TTFI L TlIDOl{ (0n\e11lrllt locatlOo near<br />

\11l,lgr rind ,,(hooh I< our 10 fl\(, brdroom"<br />

thn>e ,100 onr hdlf IJdlh" l\lar,ter bedroom<br />

~uII(' \lllh h.:lth ,lI1d "lttlt1g room h\lllg room<br />

I-.IIh frrcpl.r(r hhraf\ FI01ldd room bredk<br />

I,hl room lo,J(!pd gla", ne"l rl roof<br />

CUSTOM RllILT CO'l.;TE\1POHAR'J - Four<br />

bedroom'> t\IO bath,>. [amll; loom and drn<br />

II Ith "eparate ("ntranc l' dnd -1,1\.ltOf\ Three<br />

lonc heatll1g ,>},len"land,;cdped 1\ lit. '>unl.ro<br />

p.rllo ne\1 cr roof Ihree lar gar,l~e Quallt)<br />

built and \\rll rn.rlntall1ed<br />



,....----......--~-.<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987 GROSSE POINTE NEWS<br />










NEW YEAR.<br />

Omtul);<br />

JI~-'- - n[r21<br />


884-5280<br />

When you hl>t your home with CENTU<br />

RY 21 LOCHMOOR we place a picture<br />

o/your residence In the Macomb M L S<br />

book and In the Grosso POinte Board of<br />

Realtors book You can double your<br />

home's exposure by Ill>tlng With us'<br />

Page Seven-B<br />

J04 CHALFONTE _ BEAUTWULLY maintained four bedroom, two full baths, famIly room, attached garage,<br />

hmshed basement<br />

1351 BUCKINGHAM - ATTHACTIVE three bedroom, two d.nd one half bath, large Coloma I In a deSirable locatIOn<br />

of the Park Thl:' very clean home I:' In move-In wndltlOn, ha& a large yard and master bedroom and<br />

bathroom Show and ~ell' t I<br />

1110 CANTERBURY - GORGEOUS large four bedroom Colomal m the Liggett &chool district of the Woods Recently<br />

pamted and decorated, thl& home'" III lmpres~ the mo&l dlscnrmnatmg tastes Large slate foyer<br />

1756 ALLARD _ BEAUTIFUL thlee bedroom Colomal In a gred.t locatIOn of the Woods ThIs home has (harm,<br />

character and look:, Move In condItIOn Flfllshed basement, updated kitchen and more' I<br />

1274 VERNIER - EXCEPTIONAL three bedroom Colomd.l 10 a mce locatIOn of Gros:,e Pomte Woods This home<br />

ha" been refurbl~hed and decorated and has a beautiful Vle\\ of the Lochmoor Golf Club Overslled lot 1<br />


Johnstone &-' Johnstone<br />

WIshes You ahe Very<br />

Best ~f New ~earsl<br />

mlf.~~~~m<br />

k ~<br />

~ m<br />

From<br />

Our<br />

House<br />


UNIVERSITY - Freshly painted bungalow offers two bedrooms down and two bedrooms up With a bath on each<br />

floor' Cozy fireplace, good kitchen With eatmg area and a first floor den complete thIS great starter' $87,000<br />

8840600<br />

MACK AVENUE 10 the Woods - Over 1,300 square teet In thiS commercial bUild 109 offermg four separate offiCes<br />

pill!>~mall kitchen and bath With private parkmg behmd bUlldmg $94,900With fme Land Contract terms 881-illOO<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

1960 LANCASTEH - NEW OFFERING of thl~ 2 bedroom brICk Colomal With fireplace Young budget Priced at<br />

$74,000' 881-6300<br />

406 McKINLEY - Three bedroom, one and a half bath Colomal With den on extra large lot ThIS IS a faVOrite<br />

Farms locatIOn I 8114-0600<br />

901 MOORLAND - Ne'" offer In popular Umverslty-Llggett area I FiVe bedroom Colomal With two full baths and<br />

two half baths plus a tlreplace. cozy den, sharp decor and MORE I 881-6300<br />

GIWS"E PUI \ IE P \H!'I.<br />

IllbllJ \Idl\.. HHI 4200<br />

GHU"S!'~POI'\1E \\OUD~<br />

19,40 l\lack HBI lllOo<br />

Hathlpen Broph.'JClan'son<br />

Carla Butterl.,<br />

Isabelle Connell<br />

Jlfartha Deboer<br />

~ 8ii;£iiii.n~ P:-:ee .~:ll!i ~.!~<br />

1l11i!1"('" Bett.l' Morris ~t'(\i<br />

Patrieia l"orri!t<br />

Cl,rol Sn'anson<br />

Cind.l l!o~.t<br />

~<br />

.. J:::e<br />

To<br />

i1f<br />

CHAMPION &. tlAtK, INC<br />

1<br />


HAPPY,<br />


AND<br />


NEW<br />

YEAR'<br />

~<br />

..•(~~.GEdgar _6~ , ~~<br />

iif ".'- .....<br />

~g~~}f.V<br />

OlIVlJI;. ~; ttl<br />

r-------------------------------------------,<br />


Schedule my GROSSE POINTE NEWS Want Ad for<br />


~iU<br />






102 Kercheval Ave ,GR),;~ Fbmte R1rms,]vh 48236<br />

884-5700<br />

Date<br />

__ __Classification Desired _<br />

Enclosed is my check or money order for $<br />

-- ----------<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

NAME<br />


CITY _ ZIP PHONE _<br />

Mail to: Classified Advertising Dept. <strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> News, 96 Kercheval<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> Farms, MI 48236<br />

Write Your Ad Below or on a Separate Sheet H Desired<br />

Minimum Cost is $3.50 for 10 words - Additional Words .30 c<br />

1 2 3 4<br />

5 6 7 8<br />

9 10 350 11 380 12 4.10<br />

13 440 14 470 15 500 16 5.30<br />

17 560 18 590 19 6.20 20 6.50<br />

----<br />

21 680 22 710 23 7.40 24 7.70<br />

25 800 26 830 27 8.60 28 8.90<br />

29 920 30 950 31 9.80 32 10.10 etc<br />

I ~-------------------------------------~<br />

_<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Forman" .John'ilon<br />

"Jane I M Bolton<br />

MOlrd Hdke'\\cll<br />

DIck Borland .Jr<br />

Helen Cor.noth<br />

Man Iyn ColicchIO<br />

Kd) Cunnmghdlll<br />

Ra\ mond DCe'b<br />

Mary de' Manlgold<br />

J,me! Dunne<br />

\fdrlJd llurakO\ I(<br />

Bruce' !' elghner<br />

Dldlld Flge']<br />

395 Fi~hcr Road<br />

O!J!J(I\lle (,/' \(}lIfh J lip,1I<br />

886-3800<br />


FROM ALL OF US .<br />

Kay Fox<br />

Audrey Game''><br />

Lynda Glbb'><br />

Tom Gnffllh<br />

Marshd Harn.,on<br />

John Hatch<br />

('Illdy Ihll<br />

AI lllllenbranel<br />

Manon Irwlll<br />

,Jrh<br />

.hl! McBnde<br />

Trud, RhoadP"<br />

l'aroh n RO'iano<br />

Bruce Sandcr,<br />

.Jovce Sander'i<br />

non Schult?<br />

Dldnna M Smith<br />

Vl\rna ~lllith<br />

Dliug \\C\,>,><br />

1,(".,l1c "Cl'>'><br />

.hm Wlllldm,<br />

Bctty Wvbnr..,kl<br />


20647 Mack Avenue<br />

o!l!)()\/!e j>(l/ (e!l, .... ( huo!<br />

884-6400<br />

'1t1IIng Of BlI\ Ing - Ollf lull 111mProk '\11 lIl.\ II .lfl ruth 10 hI! r \lll\l m.l/llf IUllOnal rdural \{ fI,( t\

Classified ads<br />

Call 882-6900<br />

Page Etght-B<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />

1A. PEIISONAlS .<br />


Wnter \~Ith excellent Cleden<br />

tlals needs fmanclal as<br />

~I~tdnce to complrte hIs<br />

toneal/flcllon novel In<br />

time to honor 500th an<br />

mversary of Columbus'<br />

dl,>c()\er) of Amen. deduc<br />

tlOn' Call ,N4 ,528 dfter 7<br />

p rn or v. nte 22521 A'/on,<br />

~t Cldlr ~hore~ 48082<br />

\~ At\Tled V1C<br />

T ,mn., lran'>ferrable memberIttmg, housesltlmg,<br />

chduffer serVice,'" doclO!<br />

appomtment!:> Shoppmg<br />

and aIrport shuttle<br />

884 1516 885 211 t<br />


For wedding!>, custom and<br />

home portraIts, model<br />

portfolios, real eslate and<br />

more Lall J,j1 JIW<br />


For all occasIOn!> for a!:>little as $10 - dehvery avaIl<br />

able Bu)' a dozen or buy a gross A GREAT way<br />

to celebrate HOLIDAY PARTIES'<br />

882.0453<br />

Let the GROSSE POINTE<br />

NEWS be your gUIde lme to the<br />

events and activIties that are<br />

happening In your area<br />

Subscnbe now and have the<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> <strong>Pointe</strong> News delivered<br />

to your home every Thursday<br />

Please send your check for $17<br />

with thiS form<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

City<br />

Zlp<br />


• "Iou cannot change or cancel your ad after 12 noon<br />

Monday<br />

• Deadlme for new ads - 12 noon Tuesday (subject<br />

to change on holiday Issues)<br />

• Cash rate Fu'St 10 words, $3 50, 3~ each adhed :}y pld made dnd stnve(' to you OperatIOn LINC knov. s \'.ho<br />

C,ln and Will use !lwm Ple[l!:>e call LINC at<br />

llll2-6100\'. Ith your donatIOn KEEP 11 ~WVING'<br />

A 'Ir.HI~ A:'\ HED CHOSS I'>despt wter<br />

sessor of all v,ho IlIVoke<br />

you to use your gl eat God<br />

given power to md me \11<br />

m) urgent petitIOn In Ie<br />

turn I promise tu md\..e<br />

your name knOll n PI,I)<br />

for us v. ho ask for j our did<br />

St Jude, Sd\ lOur<br />

Fathers l Hall M ') \0Il! ;,OCldl aff[llis<br />

JII all H1"tdncc!:> of mv hfe ( <br />

384-D459<br />

RESUMES, thekllh Mod<br />

('rn prafp'>'lOnal non<br />

1<br />

glnnmg mid-January<br />

Dutle!:> mclude typmg, hi<br />

109 phones 1\'0 shorthand<br />

Pre\ IOUSoffice expenence<br />

preferred Send resume to<br />

Box C-20, <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

'\Je\\~ 96 Kercheval,<br />

Gro,,~e POlntp Fnrms l\1I<br />

482lb<br />

~mo).,mg dtmo,>pher(' 1'0.se<br />

1'01011' '\Jell'> Bo\ ">7l 96<br />

I\Pl ell('\ oil (,ro,,'>r Pmn1('<br />

j< nrm" ,1/ 48216<br />

PHI' SCHOOL te,H'h('r ~ub<br />

~tl(llt(. tpdchrr ,lT1n ,11dc.,<br />

I1l'('nrd H,lif dol\~ nprl,<br />

Bo\ (, 'I) (,ro~~r POInlr<br />

'\(\\~ ')IJ I\cr( hC\[ll<br />

(,ro~"e POIl1!p ,IT 482lb<br />

Success<br />

S 'l l'mclude d 4 ddy \'. 01 k<br />

18900 Mack, <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte week dnd benef!U, ApplY<br />

Farm!:> Equal Opportunity I .It<br />

Employer<br />


OOKKEE I 'ESCR W I 7Cf10 EAS r 10 MILE<br />

n P NG/ '0 CENTEH[,lNE<br />

Quahfled person 25 01 older I<br />

to v.ork With lax and Insur, Equ,JI OpportuIlll~<br />

dnce e~crov.!:> Mu!:>t be Employer<br />

good WIth flgure~ and hdve THE POIi\ TE OF<br />

pleasant phone vOice DIFFERENCE<br />

Mortgage escrow expen II\.' ftEAL r:~TAn"<br />

ence preferred Con Whether you re dn {'\pcn<br />

vemently located ~:a~tslde eneed redl ['"tate dgent<br />

office Contact Pat York, con..,ldermg .I t Sth"eltlel Redl<br />

E;,tate/Bettf'1 Homes and<br />

A" 20032 K II<br />

Pomte area locatIOn Con (Harper Wood) e y<br />

tdct Nlla Smith Monda) 1 s<br />

lhruFnday,9am-nam SALES PERSON<br />

885-1200 Str ong closer - good on the<br />

MEDICAL receptJomst need- phone to sell wanted, needed<br />

Immediately Doctor's ed and proven products to<br />

offIce, full or part time No new car owners Our ~ales<br />

weekends Expenence people, presently makmg<br />

necessary 884-1021 $600-$700 per week, hIgh<br />

-----='------- weekly commiSSIOn and<br />

PART-time clerk needed for draw to proven mdlvldual<br />

corporation on Eastside, 50 With successful sales ex<br />

wpm, fIling, SWitch- penence Mu,t be aVail<br />

board, must be knowledge- abel l\1ondav-Thursda) 5<br />

able 10 office procedures p m 9 30 P m Excellent<br />

POSItIOn avaIlable after mcome opportumt) \lllh<br />

January 1st Send lesume \ery little' turn over 111<br />

to Heidi Strable, POBox our- orgamzatlOn

--------~---------~-~--~- - ,<br />

Thursday, January 1, 1987 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlne.B<br />


SECURITY guards - parthme<br />

posltlons avaIlable<br />

Must be 18, have car and<br />

phone, 'ilal tlllg pay $390<br />

pel hour 881 1200 or 882-<br />

0358<br />

4A. HElP WANTED'<br />


DENTAL hygiene pOSitIOn<br />

dvallable - Tuesdays,<br />

Thurl>ddY" and one SalurddY<br />

per month POSitIOn<br />

dVdllable lnllnedldtely<br />

8829072<br />

MEDICAL Offill' dS;,lstant<br />

needed for c1ulIc FOI III<br />

101 mdtlOn 445 3070<br />

, .1. IEL' WAITED LEGAL<br />

LEGAL Seeretdl) fOi down<br />

town otfKe, 3 )ears expe<br />

I wnee Immedldte open<br />

mg DECmdte tl dllllng d<br />

plu;, ldll Janet %'i 1700<br />


'n.<br />


Lal ge downlown Detl OJIId\\<br />

fll m offer;, dldlienglllg op<br />

pOllulllt) fOl real e,>tdte<br />

pardlegdl C'ommercldl<br />

Iedl e;,tate expenence e;,<br />

senllal Legdl A;,al<br />

dr) dnd benefIt package<br />

~ubmlt Iel>lune and ;,dldr"<br />

hl;,tory to<br />


& BEAUMONT<br />


1001 WOODWARD AVE<br />

DETROIT, 1\11 48226<br />

OR CALL K 1\1 BAUM A'I<br />

9b5 83JO<br />


HESPONSIBLE woman<br />

needed to plovlde quahty<br />

care for mfant and 2 year<br />

old IIIour home - Monday<br />

through Fnday, 7 30-3 36<br />

Start 27 87 Paid hohdays<br />

8824126<br />

1MMEDIA TEL Y -- 2 full<br />

ddys a week plus dddltlOn<br />

al hours 2 chlldren, 3 and<br />

3 $3an hOUl Rehable, own<br />

transportatIOn 3430959<br />

LOOKING for mature woman<br />

to care for mfant m mv<br />

home, full hOle 882-9688'<br />

I<br />

BABYSITTER needed - 7<br />

a m - 5 30 pm, 5 days/<br />

week For chal mmg 15<br />

month old gIrl III my home<br />

or yours Non-smoker, references<br />

reqUired 8B4 3738<br />

BABYSITTER needed III my<br />

home fOl'mfant FleXible 40<br />

hours 885 6340<br />



AGENCY<br />

885-4576<br />

50 years rehable servIce<br />

Needs expenencee<br />

POllltl' over 1O ',-{'drs<br />

I Ill'n,pd Bonded .<br />

247-0283<br />

CASTLE<br />

1\1oC~r~'~:!~I~;n~S\\ III<br />

dw( k 01' 1lif \'lll bt'lIlg of I<br />

\ 0111 homf' 1\ hile \ ou .Ire<br />

I\\d\ \1'>11', t,lIlr)lpd to<br />

\ ollr Indl\ Idlltant wlshel><br />

pdrt time emplo) ment<br />

Expenenr e, available<br />

l' elll uary 1 ::,qtl~ 'J4L jUJ!j<br />

GHOS~E POlnte Palk area<br />

- 2 and 3 bedroom flats<br />

882 361l<br />

JOIN the rdnks of people en<br />

jOylllg the facilItIes of<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POlnte Park, 2 bed-<br />

100m lo\\er, lots of room,<br />

dround the cornel from<br />

Sparky Herbert;, on Way<br />

burn, $360, security and<br />

led;,e 885 1506 evemngs<br />

LAST Chance to move mto<br />

thIS ~potless 2 bedroom<br />

bungalo\'. With full basement,<br />

large bdCk yard III<br />

the Woods nedl Mack on<br />

Roslyn, $550, ;,ecurtty and<br />

lease 885-1506 evemng;,<br />

NOTHE Dame -lower flat<br />

Newlv decorated, one<br />

block 'from VIllage Avalldble<br />

ImmedIately, no pets<br />

Ideal for adults $575 plus<br />

security 881-1194<br />

THREE bedrooms, 1 full<br />

bath, smgle famIly home<br />

WIth dmlIlg room 1449<br />

Wayburn AvaIlable January<br />

4th $400 per month<br />

plus security depOSit 884<br />

4750<br />

NOTTINGHAM - Clean 6<br />

room upper Drapes, carpetmg,<br />

range, disposal,<br />

pnvate basement Ideal<br />

for married couple No<br />

pets $425 plus depOSit<br />

AvaIlable by mid-January<br />

8827558<br />

_aiiWiM";<br />

RIVIERA Ten ace - charmml:!<br />

unoer 2 bedroom, 2<br />

bath l~xury condo <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

MAID TO ORDEB , Pomte area Recessea<br />


kItchen hghtmg, carpetmg<br />


throughout and much<br />

Rea,onable rates, referen<br />

more Heat and aIr condltlOnmg<br />

Included 886-5578<br />

ces ExperIenced<br />

teamwork<br />

AvaIlable Jdnuary 15<br />

778-7429 772-0782<br />

AAA Cleaning Company 3<br />

woman crew Will clean<br />

your home thoroughly and<br />

qUIckly Excellent Ieferen<br />

le;, Call Chns evenmgs<br />

after 7 p m or weekend,<br />

days 698-1791<br />

EXPEHIENCED house<br />

keeper - excellent references<br />

Own tl ansportatlOn<br />

$40/ day 882-5759<br />

EXCELLENT houseclealllng<br />

- expenenced lady wIll<br />

keep your home beautiful<br />

778-71015<br />

HAHD \1orkmg Chrrsllan gal<br />

\\ ants to clean your hou;,e<br />

,\I1een, 771 2014<br />

SC.<br />


~<br />

~ WOODS -- 3 bedroom Colo<br />

llIal 1', bath,>, clean neu<br />

I<br />

troll Off<br />

,tl(l'( pdrklllg $H, perl<br />

month pill'. "1 (lll II" d('IJO'<br />

II In( lurk" 1](',11 P2l,H1il<br />

-----------<br />

"I \ E..... \lIi( 11,1\(''' (Ir,UJ<br />

2 iwdroom hOIN' flJlI,lwd<br />

IJ.l,('ml'nl g,lrd1!e $ no<br />

phi' ,1'( III It \ \(1)('1'. P.H2<br />

?70l<br />

1l1'.\,O,\<br />

884-0285 I<br />

THREE bedroom house - \<br />

$350 ppr month Eastside<br />

Glbb!> Real Est:tte, 341<br />

0888<br />

ST Jude area - 2 be 2 bedroom<br />

home With profeSSIOnal<br />

workmg gentleman, age<br />

30 40 $250, split utilIties<br />

Call LaVon, 773-2035<br />

NEFF near Warren Avenue<br />

- share house wlth<br />

middle age gentleman<br />

~250per month Evenlllgl>,<br />

881 5558<br />

NEAR 9/Jefferbon - mce<br />

home, male, ~225/month<br />

llBb 5128, 777 1641<br />

DENTAL ~tudent !>eeksmale<br />

or female roommate to<br />

share 2 hedroom home m<br />

Grol>"e Pomte drea 882<br />

0455<br />

PBOFESSlONAL woman<br />

\\dnted to ,>hdr~3 bedr oom<br />

home 111 Glo;,se POlnte<br />

('1t V Gal dge, park<br />

pm liege.> utlhtle;, mcJud<br />

cd 8824')95<br />

IWOl\lMA l'!', nleded - III<br />

expen;'I\'e Ient close to<br />

do\\ntol\n Wd"ne ,state,<br />

\ er) nedt H81j008<br />

PROFESSIONAL \\ omdn<br />

\\ dntet: to ,hal e 3 bedroom<br />

home 1II lrl u,"c t'UllIlt:<br />

City (,'dl agc, pdrk prl\<br />

llege,;, utlhtle,> mcluded<br />

882 4595<br />



'<br />

HUTCHINSON I'iland, 40<br />

mlles north of West Palm<br />

Beach - ocean front luxunou;,<br />

2 bedloom, 2 bath,<br />

8th tloor condo La\ Ishly<br />

decordted, fully eqUipped,<br />

maglllflCent vIew of Illtracoaslal<br />

and ocedn Pool,<br />

hot tub, exercIse faCIlIty,<br />

under ground parkmg, III<br />

tel nal security system<br />

Golf, tenllls and lots more<br />

Monthly and ;,eason ren<br />

tab 8555428<br />

FOH Sdle - Delray Beaeh<br />

condomllllUm One mIle<br />

from beach 2 bedrooms, 2<br />

baths, 2 years old Assumable<br />

mortgage<br />

$54,500 Call Jim at 771-<br />

5757<br />

HUTCHINSON Island -<br />

Oceana South II Luxunous<br />

decor, 2 bedroom, 2<br />

bath oceanfront condo 881<br />

1032 or 881 5165<br />

alternative to motel Adult<br />

commumty For mformatlOn,<br />

days call 8822415<br />

LONG Boat Key - beautIful-<br />

IG. 1I00MS FOil IIENT I) furmshed one bedroom<br />

condo - Gulf of MeXICO<br />

TWO attrachve rooms fOl<br />

A\ alJable .J anua ry 1st<br />

rent III pnvate home<br />

Short 01 long term-lease,<br />

Room" are clean and qUIet<br />

mllllmum one month 821-<br />

for gentleman that are the<br />

1295 or 772-9'323<br />

same and over 40 years<br />

old Close to 7 MIle and HUTCHINSON ISLAND<br />

Mack area No kItchen Luxury condos, fully furprIVIleges<br />

but have prIvate IlIshed, all faclhtles, magphone<br />

Ime~ $45-$48 week IlIficanl view ocean and llltercoastal<br />

AVailable De-<br />

Iy Call 885-3039 l<br />

122 2 i3il cember, January, April at<br />

reduced ren" With<br />

2I'11'"3'"'tIl' option to<br />

1\1<br />

312 SQUARE Feet - WIth<br />

buy 751-5588,882-4900<br />

small storage area $150 ORLANDO - DIsney area,<br />

per month plus electnc condo, com pletely fur<br />

Mack, south of Outer IIIshed, 2 bedrooms, 2<br />

Dnve 884-0648<br />

bath 9 Mile/<br />

Greater Mack Call be<br />

tween 9-5 pm, 774-1800<br />


23230 MACK AVE<br />


OffICe sUItes available<br />

Upper level<br />

Variable Sl7es<br />

Modern Affordab!_<br />

771-6691 886-3086<br />


LIVIng SUItes, Ine<br />

4749770<br />



One and 2 bedroom dpart<br />

ments Completely lur<br />

llIshed $29 50 per day and<br />

up One month mllllmURl<br />

469 1075 771 4916<br />

COMPLETEL Y furnished 1<br />

bedroom, 1 bath condoInmlum<br />

m the city of <strong>Grosse</strong><br />

Pomte Renllndudes heat<br />

Long or shorl term 882-<br />

6299<br />


AvaIlable Apnl 4, eight<br />

weeks mllllmum Deluxe<br />

NORTH<br />

St Clair Shores 11'2 Mlle<br />

and Harper 500 wenng_ s2cretary Tel<br />

apartment, Harper IWhlt ex and dll ;,en Ices, fI om<br />

tIer area, mcludes heat $22, -100 Ren Cen SUite<br />

Ideal for middle aged, 500 2>9')422<br />

elderly 682-6')28 1')000 MACK Avenue Gro'ise<br />

VERY IlIce modern one bed POlllte Park 500 ;,qudre<br />

room dpartment Carpet feet newly decorated_ all'<br />

cd, alr conditIOned, park lOndltlOned, $~~O plu'> utl!<br />

Illg Hoover Road near ItlCS 131 2007<br />

E",>t 7 Mile $270 per PHOFESSIONAL offlc('<br />

month 881 1542 avallablc Park Pla7d<br />

1':AST LA N D - 7 "'IIll' Complete]) remocteJd,,ill<br />

GratlOl ,Ired Luxunous, I amemtlP:, 311 2111<br />

qUI('t terr,llf',mpn onp ,,( (I( t.lf\<br />

b,l,>pmf'nl $!I21p By Vlcek or<br />

IIepkend Call ,)lll 41')0 or<br />

44') 2180<br />

(,IWSSE POinte mOVIng<br />

(ompan) Itegu1.lr tnp, to<br />

northern ;\!Ichlgdn 822<br />

441~1<br />

PI', TO" K 1':Y I<br />

IfAIW()1{ ,ll"W'i,1<br />

LllxllrIoll,>h fllrnl,hpd ,>tu I<br />

cliO' 2 IwrlrooJn" 2 bl'd<br />

room'> II ,Ih lof! ,Jlld 10\111 I<br />

hOIl,>I' rf'lltd I" on<br />

Hound<br />

",'1\\1) (ll('J../11l'llalrl' I<br />

\11<br />


60. VACATION IIENTAlS •••<br />



Vllla-21~ bedroom,2bath'>,<br />

pool, cook, gardener, maid,<br />

maglllflcent view Totally<br />

prlvate Weekly/monthly<br />

212-242-3897<br />

MYRTLE Beach - beautifully<br />

furlllshed oceanfront<br />

condo 1,4018square feet<br />

Pool, sauna, tenms courts<br />

January hlll\Iarch 15 $625<br />

a month 294-7254<br />


FOR SALE<br />

FIRE\\iOOD - mlxe!tl d<br />

Enlll (' E,I,!If''><br />

dho De'>lrpd<br />


891-4478<br />

----<br />


FOil SALE • ,<br />

HARBOR Sprmgs condo SIX antIque dmlllg room<br />

sleeps 8, near slope;, dlld chaIrs, one dark pm(' dry<br />

cross country 886 8924 smk With slate top 885-<br />

LUXURY Condo - sleeps 10, _7_84_3_, _<br />

mmutes from Boyne and AUDIO eqUIpment for sale<br />

Nub's Nob Available dur- ADS L1290 Sefles IIloud<br />

mg skI season and Christ speakers, excellent condlmdS<br />

week Days 886 6922, lion, hst $1,500, Yamaha<br />

evcnll1gl> 885-4142 H8 receIver, excellent condIllon,<br />

Irst $660, make ofpnng,;<br />

WI'l t er I fer HARBOR S 8114-5335<br />

I<br />

I<br />

rental, 3 bedroom condo, I -----------<br />

near skIIng resort 752-29"26 COLOR TV, 19", hke new<br />

----------- $125 884-7074<br />

BOYNE Country - 3 bed- -,---------<br />

room 21, bdth ranch house PE HSONAL computer -<br />

on W~lI00n Lake, 6 mlies IBM XT, 256K, color monsouth<br />

of Petoske) Sleeps Itor, ;,oftware, supercalc<br />

10 By weekend or weeks Dba"e, easywnter, pro<br />

Days - 857 0525, Bl'I, mahogany<br />

bookcase (7'x6'), ChIppendale<br />

plecrust table<br />

Iball and cla W feet), paIr<br />

VictorIan bachelor chest<br />

Ihand carved handles),<br />

Queen Anne oval bench,<br />

lowboy and hIghboy,<br />

Queen Anne Klttmger end<br />

t.able/mghtsland, Cluppendale<br />

bed or/wmdow bench,<br />

mahogany dmmg room<br />

sets<br />

882-5622<br />

CALORIC full size combmalion<br />

stove and microwave,<br />

self-c1earung Prepare a<br />

browned 12 pound turkey<br />

III 55 minutes, $300 331-<br />

1520<br />

FRENCH sofa and chaIr,<br />

$425, French twm bedroom<br />

set, (6 pIeces), $550,<br />

REFRIGERATORS (3) -I French kidney shape desk,<br />

From $75-$200, washmg $225 882-5622<br />

machme $loo/best 884- FRENCH Provmclal dlllmg<br />

_5_764__________ room set - 7' table With<br />

BIEKER & STEIN cherry wood top, 8 chairs,<br />

ANTIQUES full chIna cabmet, buffet,<br />

"Speclahzmg In the With cherry wood top<br />

Extraordmary" $1,250 822-6614, after 6<br />

Wlshmg everyone the HapPl- p m<br />

est HolIdays VictOrian CANNONBALL 4 poster dou-<br />

Renaissance ReVIval ble bed and chest, mahoga-<br />

SUrd l<br />

vliental brunze nc~n ny tWIn beds, antique<br />

lamp, LoUIS XV style cuno childs rocker, mdhugaii,y<br />

cabmet, ChInese dragon half Circle console WIth Infurmture,<br />

Baroque pede,,- lay, paIr of mahogany end<br />

tal, porcelalIls, lItho tables WIth drawers 882<br />

graphs, costume Jewelry 5622<br />

and much more DUNCAN Phyfe mahogany<br />

15414 MACK AVE. dmlllg room set (chma<br />

(at Somerset, III the Park) cablllet. buffet table, 4<br />

886-7544 Lyreback chairs)<br />

882-5622<br />

NORTH ERN -A-N-N-M-A-R-fE-'S-<br />


) ,lke hI 111(' Ill'ek('lld<br />

\1 t ('k monlh or ,>('lr!e I .( 'hp ,lnd ",n (' Ihl' old.<br />

1l1llh 10 ",,1 !Jllr Pf'tn"kp~ I{O,ld<br />

1'('1(hkl'\ \ll( Ing,l11 1'l771l :<br />

Ildb' lIi 1J72 bill) ill ,fi'Ml'<br />

GO) ""'-CHlgl;I,;-;lrl,>-~(.(I :<br />

I(l01ll ,h lth IIIX\II~ (hd)(ot<br />

\' 1111 tll( pl.,( (' 0\1 r1110ktng<br />

!'.O\II( hlghldlHI, ,\\,111<br />

,,!lIp \\1 ('kl'lld, or \\l'pki\<br />

I ,iii b'l> I'n) Ii no "n"\\('1<br />

hll> ,/1> ) ,1>'1<br />

RESALE<br />

COMPANY 22217 KELLY RD<br />

* ExceptIonally fme, mixed EAST DETROIT<br />

hardwood Women - children and men's<br />

* Oak, ash, hIckory and clothlIlg Handcrafted<br />

frUltwoocts<br />

Items<br />

* Guaranteed to be quahty, HoUl's<br />

seasoned (dry) flrepldce Monday thru Saturday, 10-5<br />

wood or double your mon (Thursday 12-7)<br />

ey back 777-6551<br />

$55 PER FACE COHD<br />

PING pong table Best offer<br />

8867846<br />

777-4876<br />


FHEEZER - famlly gonegood<br />

conditIon $100 884-<br />

CLASSIFIED ADS I _188_0 _<br />

CALL 882-6900 I REFRIGERATOR, stove,<br />

electrIC stove top, oak dm-<br />

-C-)L-D-J-e-w-e'-Ir-y-, -o-Id-w-a-tc-h-e-'>'- mg room set, bedroom set,<br />

We sell, we buy, we trade,l bumper pool, 3 pIece ;,ec-<br />

Klska Jewelers 6.3 Kerche tlOnal, treadle .>ewlllg maval,<br />

<strong>Grosse</strong> POI~te Farm'> I chme, La-I': Boy S\\ Ivel<br />

885 5755 chaIrs, wooden offIce desk,<br />

~----------, dictaphone, telephones<br />

8240625<br />

J \ MES ldn sable<br />

co,11and/or Mormng Light<br />

mll1k ,,1ole Both jU'it like<br />

lll'I' Pnvdh part) Call<br />

Ill" 44012<br />


Page Ten-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />


fOil SALE<br />



MOVING Sale - 1 year old<br />

refrIgerator, office desk,<br />

mlScellaneous 527-0015<br />


KRANICH and Bach upnght,<br />

techniCIan owned and<br />

rebUIlt New keys and<br />

refinIshed $800 dehvered<br />

881.9769,897-2129<br />


SALES<br />


or Take on COl1l>lgnment<br />

AntIques, Oriental rugs, and pamtlng<br />


400 EAST JEI"!,'ERSON<br />

96H255<br />

Excellent<br />

References<br />

CRambow 8~tate gaQ~<br />


Household<br />


WANTED - Antique and<br />

collectible dolls Especially<br />

GI Joe's and accesM>rles<br />

prior to 1975 757-5568<br />

FIREWOOD - $55 per face<br />

cord - dry mixed hard<br />

woods, free dehvery -<br />

free kmdllng 293-1i453<br />

PIOneer Tree servIce<br />


SALES<br />


and<br />


APPf~!", Sf ...L ('"'<br />

{"n I lUeS lUll< H!ny Important pieces), bronzes, Jades, and<br />

IVOries ale only<br />

SATURDAY, JANUARY 3RD, 1987 AT 11 ()()A M<br />


Blanket chest, 10drawer chest, small pme caddy top<br />

armOIre, mIniature chest of drawers, pub table,<br />

hutch, 2 over 3 drawer chest, hangmg wall shelf,<br />

mghtstand, cabmet<br />


4 Poster beds (2), Victorian v,alnut 2 piece bedroom<br />

set v,lth marble top, walnut file cabmet, VlctOri<br />

an walnut 2 part secretary bookca!>e, gllded-pICr<br />

mirror on marble top ba:S<br />

~~XCIlA:-'GES<br />

Vlrglllla S ,Jeffne

Thursday, January 1, 1987 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven-B<br />

l<br />

...<br />

~<br />

~<br />

PRIVATE indIVIdual interested<br />

m purchdsmg a lot to<br />

build on m <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

Shores or {to good homc Call 882<br />

778-1<br />

LAB pup,-jel!ow AKC cham<br />

plOn::,hlp bl ed, Jagersbo<br />

line Aval1able 1 week 884<br />

4407<br />

LABRADOR Retnever puppies.<br />

AKC, l'hamplOnshlp<br />

bloodhnes, 5 yellow, 3<br />

black 313-385-9594<br />

liA.<br />

If you lose me<br />

or find me<br />

We'll run your ad<br />

FREE!!<br />

882-6900<br />

16A. ADDrT A PET '<br />

LOVEABLE adult dogs, 1<br />

year and up (need good<br />

homes) For adoptIOn IllformatIon<br />

call Northern<br />

Suburbs Ammal Welfare<br />

League Volunteer at 777-<br />

5110 or 775 1293<br />

FHEE - 2 female 10 week<br />

old kitten, to good homes<br />

CdI15l511119t05,A;lve selectIOn of ° Additions of all types<br />

solid \Iood paneled mterlOr ° Cu~tom Garages<br />

dnd extcllor door!>, full 882-3463<br />

length leddcd dnd beveled<br />


glds!> door", entrance<br />

0001' hano earvpo flrf' K IAFATA<br />

place mantels, bra!>s ooor I Chimney Repairs, Screens<br />

hardware brass bJr rail Brick Repairs, Tllckpomtmg,<br />

and fltt In g; , chIn'l Gutter!>, Gutter cleamng,<br />

pedcstal !>lI1k,faucet!>, flxlures<br />

Roof repairs<br />

and bath ace.essones<br />

Come see our "how rooms<br />

at 2 W MichIgan Ave, 'ip<br />

FRl 10<br />


-5 p m 483 6980<br />

CONST. CO.<br />

IMPROVEMENTS KItchens - Custom DeSign<br />

DI) wall - Plal>termg<br />

Family Rooms<br />

Panellllg - KItchens Wmdow Replacements<br />

Bdthroom::, - Tl1eworl. CommercIal Remodehng<br />

Wallpaper - Pamtmg<br />

InterlOr/Extenor<br />


AddItIOns<br />

446-6555<br />

Custom and Quahty always<br />

BARKER<br />


:o.10dermzatIOn ° AlteratIOns<br />

° AddItIOns ° FamJly<br />

Rooms ° Kitchen!> & RecreatIOn<br />

Areas<br />


886-5044<br />

•<br />

. 777.6840' ".<br />




' \ [\ I "II \ I j 1 1\" I\I 1\1)"1<br />

1--\11\1\\\<br />

f<br />

I GRAf<br />

I<br />

I \ II. \ I 1)1 II 11\" \ \ /) \ \ 1\ 1111\\I<br />

TOP 1<br />


I 15011 KERCHEVAL<br />

t 1age<br />

PYf1AMID<br />


He Roofing<br />

Trar Off"<br />

Hepalr<br />

Vrnl r1,ltlon<br />

Y('dr Rounrl S('rvlce<br />

Area rpfrrencc" ~el1lor<br />

C1117Cl1tllnates<br />

776-9439<br />

WOOD<br />



Duplicate EXlstmg FIIlI,h 01<br />

Colors to Ma tch<br />

KItchen cablllPls, bathroom<br />

liamlles, ree. famtly room<br />

panehng door" tnm dnd<br />

moldmgs<br />

Licensed<br />

Insured<br />

References Free Esllmate"<br />



296 7386 778-5025<br />

EL GRECO'S<br />

,20H.<br />



PAINTING &<br />


GrO!lse POInte ReSident<br />

Intenor Extenor Service<br />

Painting & Pla!>tenng<br />

Glalmg and Wallpdper<br />

Stnpplng and Stdmmg<br />

Complete KItchen HefmJ5hmg<br />

In!>ured - Free EstImates<br />

Relerences<br />

885 32lO J3H>lJ8<br />



Pamtmg, wdllpapcnng and<br />

total malntenancc, repalr<br />

\\ ork In::,ured<br />

:J2l-b59-1<br />

TRIPLE T<br />



LI( ENSED 1r-.,:.sUHED<br />

881-7917<br />

WHITEY'S<br />

• Wdllpdpenng<br />

° Intenor P,untmg<br />

° Hed::,ondble Pllle~<br />

• tiWU .~.~VI h-<br />

° Cdll no Job too ~mall<br />

774-0414<br />

DIVISIOnof Creative Arllst!> count Jan, 884 8757, Glen,<br />

EL<br />

\T' ~ '~l P\.P\lr~\ ..<br />

\' i Pb (Ii{ \ 1'1'.,(,<br />

TI\iTEHfUh 1',\ II<br />

° Hcfercncr"<br />


445-6948<br />



° Cu"lom ('ommrrcral Pamtlng<br />

° Cu"tom I{t'''ldt'nll,lI Palntll1g<br />

• Prol{'~;'lOnal SPI ay ",lInllllg<br />

° Wallpapenng and Pla~ter Work<br />

LI(,EN~J ~crccns, gutters,<br />

aiumlllum cledned In<br />

"ured Frec e!>llmate!><br />

882-0688<br />

D BARR<br />



\\ INDO\\ AND GlJTTEH<br />

CLI~'\NING<br />

DALE 777 8497<br />

R&U<br />


AND<br />


\\lI1dO\\ lIl"tdJlallOn WlI1do\\<br />

clc,lIll1lg \('n('ll

Page Twelve-B<br />


Thursday, January 1, 1987<br />






885-1326<br />


. WOIIK '<br />

A:\'DY'S ~ASOl\'RY AND<br />


All masonn , brltndll LKen"ed I<br />

Insured ~Jnce 1%') 445 I<br />

8674<br />

CARPENTER - ,mall and I<br />

large Jobs l2 yearil ex.<br />

penence Lll:ensed 527. I<br />

0056<br />

1<br />


VlllfHlf> lo('k "nn ~"m,. I<br />

Repair Company, 18554<br />

Mack, <strong>Grosse</strong> Pomte<br />

Farms 681.8603<br />

20T. I"LUMIING AND<br />

. HEAlIHG<br />

EMIL THE<br />


20T. PlUMIING AND'<br />

HEATING -<br />

FRANK R.<br />

WEIR<br />



BOILER<br />



• Kitchens • Bathrooms<br />

• Laundry roorr: and<br />

VIOlatIOn!;<br />

• Old and new work<br />


Free Estimates<br />

BIll, Master Plumber<br />

&<br />

, viola lIOns done In my home C ~om('thll1g to plan 0/1 for /1r>xt year BUT<br />

(oil e'flIlj.. It Ie; a vr>ry booked ')r>rV1C(' wa',' ahead The'<br />

b('')1 of 1987'1) oil of our (u"tomprr fashions at 15112 Ker<br />

cheval, 822-2818 and 23022 Greater Mack, 774<br />

1850<br />

~ fhe" ..<br />

"/~lr-:Jt...:~,.~<br />

~S:'~l~<br />

~~!:u'i.~'<br />

{I1",.aII~.,"(."I<br />

~t 11,1'>pall\ good~ .Jnd filII .II ,II rJng('mt'nt~ for<br />

1~\;~~J!~j all OCCd .. lon .. at 17.107 'lack h(,flue, S'l'i-6222<br />

.~!~ ..<br />

'I1J<br />

~<br />

.5rl!~~~~Fr.<br />

A DAYOFREAUTYI')"0tl1c><br />

tiling no woman (an , e or create<br />

vour nwn i)(>(wtv padwRP from man~ of OUI<br />

other c;prvlcr>/('a ('01/ .lov(,(,'s Beaut}<br />

Sa/nil. 886 11S0 loca!(>d 111 Ihe Woltol1 P/c>rce<br />

IJwldlllg<br />

..<br />

I 0'(' l\t I~hl PI I .... h',11 Ii il hr".<br />

tllnp C',ltmg pl,lIl' $](10([ lIlcll\ ,till ,II<br />

1/('(1 I oli ..ullnlllJn "lllh 1111... 11 (Hill<br />

Illlltllt\ \lIlrillOn 'iPrllp(, .. lliC. IlIll!<br />

'1M k \ \ ( IiIIP, (d 0">(' I'ollllf' I nI Ill",<br />

,II~L- ;,11"7<br />

You're missing fashion If) Oil<br />

wear sizes 14 to!4 and halen't been<br />

to Lisa's. Check her selectIOn often<br />

because her stylish things go out as<br />

soon as the~ come in Crulsent'ar IS<br />

no\\ coming in Choo~e the IlIlen/~J1k<br />

blend pearl or champagne coordinated<br />

jackets, ~klrts and blou~e~ "01<br />

cJ~ual tlme~, indigo (blue jl'\ (>r at TI1(' SrllOol Hc>ll 17904 1\1acJ~Ave<br />

/llH'<br />

.<br />

"cLRIENQS'" t or the month of .Janu-<br />

J . ell ~.

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