Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives

Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives

Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives


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y. <strong>Jun</strong>e 4. 1964 Thursday. <strong>Jun</strong>e 4. I~64 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen<br />

~ES 1\1.JONES<br />

I ser'.ices were held<br />

.Jones. ~7. of 171 Merroad,<br />

Monday <strong>Jun</strong>e<br />

heyden Funeral Home<br />

aur~<br />

Church.<br />

in Buffalo. N.Y.. she<br />

iday. May 29 in St.<br />

onvalescent<br />

Hom~.<br />

ors include<br />

a dat;ghter,<br />

n V. Lufkin, a son.<br />

ren and ten grandchil-<br />

'rial<br />

was in Mt. Olivet<br />

* *.: *<br />

YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED Three Trunk Lines To Serv. Yeu Quickly CALL TUxedo 2-6900 Three Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly DEADLINE 12. NOON TUESDAY<br />

.. * ..<br />

W<br />

L<br />

6 1<br />

4 2<br />

2 5<br />

2 5<br />

o 6<br />

power<br />

Excel.<br />

offer.<br />

Deadline<br />

TUxedo 4-2820<br />


Is Tuesday noon, 12 p.m.,<br />

for all new copy, changes<br />

of<br />

copy and cancellations. It is<br />

suggested<br />

th'\t all real estate<br />

copy be submitted<br />

to our office<br />

by Monday<br />

5 p.m.<br />

Classified<br />

28- TUTORING<br />


----------- Domestic WANTED (Domestic) ------------<br />

PRIVATt: rUT0RING ~~._--- I AT FIFE LAKE ESTATES DOUght and sold. BOY'S two-wheel bike. Sarkle,<br />

YOUR OWN flOME perieced coo k s, waitresses lady wishes ~ywork with! 4 bedroom modern cottage pri. J tiques, silver, china furni. ------------- used 6 months. Reasonahly<br />

and couples. TUxed) 5-4576. references. 921-5258. II vate beach, new 40' dock, 'boat, ture, Oriental rugs. Hugh C BED, complete living room I priced. 885-0594. be't. 4-5 p.m.<br />

A.1ISUbJects: all grades. Adults Bolan. 10233 W('odward. TO i chair, 9x12 rug, vacuum'l- .<br />

and "hl'ldren, Certified teach. - '1 EXPERIENCED lad . h will accomodate ten persons. 6 2500 I al h . Kerby San It r 0 n i c vacuum<br />

" OWN QUARTERS in lovely . y. WIS.es Will rent by week. month or • . sweeper, 80 ano vaeuum. '<br />

erg home available to conscien- daywork, cleamng, Iromn g ., season. Call or write Geo. R. I TUxedo 4-9247. : ;~~~~: ~:sh~~o~~:.ments.<br />

I Call: tlous. experie~ced peX:>0n. Monday, Wednesday. 925-2368 I Rogers, 315 Holbrook St., Cadil. COINS - Collector will sell or GREEN COLONIAL wing back i 821-3715<br />

Chorge Ads-12 words for $1 .00 DET}{OIT AND SUBURBAN ~~~~e:~r~Wi~n;lrJ~y a~~{ l~~~: EXPERIENCED girl wishes ~ac, Michigan' t PR 5-7353. Pic. ~~:5. U.S. coins. TUxedo 4- sofa. Excellent condition.. .<br />

Cosh Ads-12 words for 90c TUTORINC: SERVICE alternate . Sundays. Valley days. Grosse Poine references _u_r_e_o_n_r_eq_u_es_.______ 885-5693 after 6 p.m. M(~VlDg - must ~lspose of Ham.<br />

Coli KENWOOD 7-4653 1-3181. dependable. 821-7589. VERY comfortable and attrac- BE GOOD TO YOURSELF 11ton automatic washer. $80.<br />

------------ ------------ ------------ tive 3-bedroom ranch type IN 1964 NORGE electric stove, 40",1 After 6 p.m .. 777-2978.<br />

TUXEDO 2.6900 CAREER DIRECTIONS TOP SALARY EXPERIENCED GIRL wants heated cottage. Large wooded Visit pink. Large oven, verticle F r en c h Provincial couch. 2<br />

10c eoch odditionol word Professional Services in days. Monday through Satur- i lot on Platte Lake. Complete TH E GR IST MILL broiler, perfect condition, chairs, credenza. lamps, like<br />

3 Trunk Lines • Career Couns~lling EXPERIENCED housekeeper or day. Please call after 6 p.m.. electric kitchen including ddsh $100. TUxedo 1-3401. new. Also set of china.<br />

• Career Programming nursemaid with local refer- TR 3-4942. h t 1 f' 1 c ,RESALE SHOPPE I<br />

was er, n a . u r a Irep a e, FRIGIDAIRE, electric range, _' 881.6640<br />

LINER STATIONS • Position Search ences, for executive's home -------------- --I docJtandboat.TUxed02-0610. 1151 Mack, Grosse Pte. Wds.<br />

CUNNINGHAM DRUGS We invite your personal inquiry. with children. Other help. TU CLEANING - White lady wishes ------------- 886-1640 good condition, suitable for SA-OFFICE E9UIPMENT<br />

16941 Kercheval at Notre Dame DALE MADDEN. in association 4-6882. 3 days weekly in one home. I MODERN 2 bedroom, electric- Variety of stock from the sub- cottage,' reasonable. TUxedo FOR SALE<br />

TV 5-9698 witb certified consulting psy- TUxedo 1-9347. after 6 p.m. ally heated eottages, on beau. ime to the ridiculous in AN- 1.6006. __ ~ _<br />

H~o~~N~a~/'1~~Ma~C~chmoor chologists. 3170 Penobscot Bldg.. Cook with experience to prepare $10 and bus fare. I tlful Walloon Lake. For more TIQUES, clotihng and house- -------- ----- TYPEWRITERS aM add I n ~<br />

TV 4-3100 Detroit 26. WOodward 5-7296. dinner several nights per ------------- information call LAkeview hold items. GIRL'S COATS, dresses, sizes machines, new, rebuilt. Rea •<br />

NEWS l'ALES STATIONS ---------~~------ week. A. 1. worker desires 3 or 4 days I 6-7277 or 372-9072, 4-10. Boy's slacks; sports, all sonable prices. National Of.<br />

DOWNTOWN AREA Tutoring by qualified college TUxedo 4-6882 general housework. <strong>Local</strong> ref-I' LAKE -p-t- FRENCH COLONIAL secretary. weather coats. Miscellaneous. fice Equipment. 16833 Harper<br />

Grand Circus Park News Stand student. Latin, French, nnd erenees WALLOON near e 05- desk. Medium light French TUxedo 5-6699. t B' h TU d 1 7130<br />

nDIy$100. PRescott; automatic transmission, power<br />

era available in aU subjects for urday. Grosse Pt~. references. \ . -. '\ typist, available- air condi-' 776-6200 . . --- -. - ,1-4468. ' steering, radio, heater. Call<br />

11 dOwn transportatIOn or Lake- LAW N W 0 R K. and mlscd- tl'onl'ng. cleanin'g p'rovided, LIKE NEW Smger sewmg, _ --------- ----~ TUxedo 2-2589.<br />

grade" high school, co ege an 80 lEd G P hi b' t t I d . 2 twin<br />

" shore bus. 886-26 . aneous. xperlence .. I good parking. Ready for oc- VIRGINIA'S mac ne ca IDe 8 ye an 8 mm mcvle camera, -. -------------<br />

adult education. I ~_~_---~--_-- __ - High and W. M. U. brothers. I . zig-zag. Makes buttonholes, headboards, pine twin bed. V. W. 1962 Bus, radio, heater.<br />

339 Merriweather Dayworker, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call Carl or Don. ED 1-0588.1 cu p an d c Y 8 In Mil AUgust M .<br />

BketwAeen ATTIC TREASURES designs, etc. Will accept $3.70 blankets, draperies, canni~ Excellent condition, custom<br />

Grosse Pointe Fanna Must like chi 1d r en. Ref- ----------- 7 an e on ac ve. tal . 11 1 . t' II t all t<br />

erences. Near Mack and Mc- Lawn work wanted, 2 boys, Your TUx e d 0 6-0222 w.eekdays. 10:30 - S Daily per monh or $31.09 to I J~rs, mIsce .aneous g assware. m etlOr, wa 0 w carpe -<br />

d We buy and sell amount due. Dealer, PR silver servmg pieces odds ing, furnished.<br />

Kinley; good transport..ation equipment. TUxedo 4-2112 evenIngs an 1-9872. and ends. 'l'Uxede 4-6939. TUxedo 5-1880<br />

facilities. TUxedru 5-4478. PRescott 1-5734 bet. 5 & 'i p.m. weekends. 17904 Mack 884-6313<br />

GELO<br />

JANrZZI<br />

nuzzi. 87. of 1959 Littleed<br />

in St. Mary's<br />

Nurse<br />

jn St. Clair Shores<br />

May 31.<br />

al 'services for Mr.<br />

were held Wednesday,<br />

in the VerheYden<br />

Home and OUr Lady<br />

the Sea Church.<br />

Burial<br />

t. Olivet Cemetery.<br />

in Salerno. Italy. he is<br />

by six daughters,<br />

Mrs.<br />

am Sullivan<br />

Bernadine,<br />

ne S. Rahm. Doroth~'.<br />

hn L. Louisignau and<br />

n D. Donahue<br />

and two<br />

. Elmer R. and Arthv r<br />

ings. * >I< *<br />


'a1 services were held<br />

s. Schermack Tuesday,<br />

in the Verheyden Fuorne.<br />

Shermack died Sunday,<br />

at 81 Hall place.<br />

:; survived by her son,<br />

two dau:,;hte:rs, M r s .<br />

nkelman and ~Irs. Mil.<br />

ger;<br />

two grandchildren.<br />

illiam Willis and Ed.<br />

inkelman. Jr. and two<br />

'andchildren.<br />

'S<br />

,ns<br />

,ees<br />

Sox<br />

e Sox<br />

National<br />

inals 5 2<br />

.s 4 3<br />

ers 4 3<br />

~ 4 3<br />

es 3 4<br />

the season just a third<br />

becom~s apparent that<br />

ue much tighter in the<br />

than in the American<br />

. Parent-spectator parm<br />

i£ stilI far below<br />

it should be. Come out<br />

nner, folks; these games<br />

il nearly 8.<br />

tonday. May 25, it was<br />

dinals over the Dodgers<br />

s Rusty Knowles<br />

p:tched<br />

~r and went all the w'.!~<br />

sing pitcher was W,::<br />

. At the other diamonr'<br />

he Indians<br />

over the Yan<br />

to 2 with the big inning<br />

in the third as the In-<br />

:ored 6 runs.<br />

hicoine alse served as<br />

t of the Woherine<br />

of the Telephone Pio-<br />

American in 1951.52<br />

1946-47 was national<br />

ident of the Pioneers,<br />

nization of telephone<br />

s with 21 or more years<br />

e. He was an honorary<br />

nber of the National<br />

Oflagement<br />

Association.<br />

vors include his wife.<br />

son. Lionel M. Jr.: a siss.<br />

Rose Hager and two<br />

lildren.<br />

.1 was in Woodlawn<br />

ry.<br />


al services were held<br />

ay. May 27. in the Ver-<br />

Funeral Home for Mr.<br />

. 72. who died Monday,<br />

. at his home in 340<br />

road.<br />

hicoine, who retired in<br />

secretary<br />

of ~he l\'lichi-<br />

Telephone<br />

Co.. joined<br />

anization<br />

in 1906 as an<br />

graph operator at the<br />

4. He spent more than<br />

s with the company,<br />

han anyone else in its<br />

Elected secretary and<br />

in December,<br />

1950, he<br />

th positions until the<br />

e divided in 1954.<br />

as a member of the<br />

Detroit Board of Come<br />

Economic Club of<br />

the American Institute<br />

gement, the American<br />

of Corporate Secretawhich<br />

he was a past<br />

r of the Detroit Chaplalla<br />

Chevrolet.<br />

Sam Or-<br />

....as the big hitter f"r<br />

with a bases-loaded<br />

Ronnie Franklin traded<br />

ners mask for a pitchers<br />

md worked the mound<br />

winners. Al Slowik was<br />

'ng pitcher.<br />

Ird Buick bested<br />

O'Brien<br />

to 4. Tt,irteen year ole!<br />

afran had a big day at<br />

te with a single. double<br />

RBI's. Jeff Belanger also<br />

single. double and 2<br />

'or the victors. Bel2.nger<br />

Ie winning pitcher and<br />

:hakoto the<br />

loser.<br />

: Ranney tripled in 3 runs<br />

Grosse Pointe :£(ambler<br />

ichard<br />

Buick 7 to 4. Bill<br />

,as the winner and Brian<br />

!Jack the<br />

los~r.<br />

mother contf:st. Green<br />

~r-Plymouth shaded<br />

Shal-<br />

Tolet 10 to 9. Greg Ulmer<br />

Rick Shalla.<br />

'" . .<br />

eague<br />

~RMS - CITY.<br />

PARK<br />

By Bill Stu~k<br />


American<br />

_ __ _ _ _ __ --- ._- -- - • __ _2 .. 0 _1II0 .. 0__ __ 2II?IPII:lI2I tr<br />

.. 0 __ 1II0.. _ 2 2 > .

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