Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives

Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives

Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives


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••• t<br />

Page Four<br />

Neil Staebler To Speak Here<br />

Rue de la Palx<br />

Comes to 'Hill'<br />

Neil Staebler. Democratic can. \ <strong>Jun</strong>e 5, at 8 p,m.<br />

didate for Governor, will dis(;uss The program is being spon.<br />

"Michigan Tomorrow" at the sored by The Gro~e Pointe Today, Thursday, <strong>Jun</strong>e 4,<br />

Grosse Pointe War Memorial, Democratic Club. from. 11 t:l 3 o'clock, the Hill<br />

_________________________<br />

LANG~S<br />

VDlage Meats<br />

17045 Kercheval<br />

in the Village<br />

CHUCUKCHOioAST 49~<br />

Order Earl, - let Us Prepare<br />

" Exactly 'he Way You lilee<br />

Strictly Fresh, \'/holfi<br />


For Delivery Call TU 2-5778 - TU 2.'5777<br />

• New Yorle Strip Steales At AI; Times •<br />

OPEN<br />

WIDB!<br />

Pull your dusty suitcaseS out of<br />

their lbiding places and get set to gol<br />

Whete1 ••• Wben1 ••• Howl<br />

Talk to the friendly young lady at<br />

your Auto Club office.She': an AM<br />

travel counselor and an expe>::: at<br />

leading you to cuefree. vacatioD<br />

.veL She caD banc11e Just .bene<br />

fJVery travel detail except packins<br />

fOurbaga.<br />


15415 E. Jefftlrlon<br />

Phone 821.8000<br />


GeoTge Measel, Manager<br />

District, from McMillan to Muir<br />

roads. will be converted into a<br />

series of French Sidewalk<br />

Cafes.<br />

Gay flower carts, colorful<br />

tables, balloons, posters, and<br />

plenty Of punch, cookies. cakes,<br />

sandwiches. candles, ice cream,<br />

coffee and tea will be ready.<br />

Chet Sampson, of the Chet<br />

Sampson Travel Service, is<br />

chairman of the affair.<br />

Participating members are<br />

Frank Adam, The Book Shelf,<br />

Young Clothes, Inc., Gray's<br />

Racquet and Sport Shop, Top<br />

O'The Hill, Champion Real<br />

Estate.<br />

Dants,<br />

Chet Sampson, The<br />

Picard-Norton, Bruce<br />

Tappan Real Estate, Howard<br />

Rochelle, Carl Sterr. Margaret<br />

Riee, C. W. Toles, Johnstone<br />

and Johnstone, Tile League<br />

Shop, Sign of the Mermaid,<br />

Virginia Williams, Wm. Den,ler<br />

and Co., Hamllin's, Johnston<br />

Optical Co., Pongrac2. Jeweler<br />

and Silversmith, Punch and<br />

Judy Toyland, Wrigley's, An.<br />

thony, and Trail Apothecary<br />

Shop.<br />

Come and enjoy the Hill's<br />

Hospitality on their "Rue de la<br />

Paix Day."<br />

In case of rain, it will be held<br />

Friday during the same hours.<br />

Pointe Hobbv<br />

Show <strong>Jun</strong>e 7.<br />

Ma,lY Grosse Pointe families<br />

will want to stop at the War<br />

Memorial C~nter, 32 Lake Shore<br />

road, on Sunday afternoon,<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e 7 between the hours of 2<br />

and 5 to witness the Grosse<br />

Pointe Hobby Show displayed<br />

in the air conditioned Crysial<br />

Ballroom of Fries Auditorium<br />

under the chairmanship of Walter<br />

M. Dailey assisted by Mrs.<br />

James O. Hoyt.<br />

A fascinating display of<br />

hobby work gleaned from the<br />

five Poiptes will be shown. The<br />

stamp and coin display alone<br />

will run the entire length of<br />

one side of the ballroom.<br />

Other avocations included in<br />

the show will be decoupage and<br />

related art work displayed by<br />

Mrs. Hoyt, hand-made violins<br />

shown by Joseph C. Black, an<br />

antique Studebaker by Alfred<br />

R. Glancy, Jr .. music boxes by<br />

Arch L. Rankin, enameling from<br />

Edward Gehrig, myrtlewood<br />

bowls-Ernie Lang, della.robia<br />

wrl~aths-Arthur Neff.<br />

Also: old guns-Joseph Hickey,<br />

lapidary art-Martin Robinson,<br />

South American artif,1cts<br />

-Mr. and Mrs. Zwickey, enamel<br />

on copper and silver-Mrs, Earl<br />

I. Heenan, crewel work-Mrs.<br />

Sally Anderson, woodworking-<br />

Jess Shields, needlepointe-<br />

Mrs. Agnes Jeffries, hooked<br />

rugs - Mrs, Edward Reinhart.<br />

and Mrs. Armand C. Kerber.<br />

There will be a great deal<br />

of art snd sculpture shown. In<br />

addition a potter's wheel will<br />

be shown in action.<br />

The show is entirely free to<br />

the public and all Grosse Pointe<br />

families are encouraged to<br />

corne. Many will want to compare<br />

notes on their own hobbies<br />

and many more will prObably<br />

be stimulated to take up a fascinating<br />

pastime. _<br />

Too much night ldfe is posi-.<br />

tive proof that money doesn't<br />

,grow on sprees.<br />


Scouts to Get<br />

Eagle Awards<br />

Three Boy Scouts :>f Trnop<br />

156 will receive the coveted<br />

Eagle Award at a "Court of<br />

Honor" which will be held at<br />

Christ Church on Grosse Pointe<br />

Boulevard at 7:30 p.m, on Wednesday,<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e 10.<br />

Featured speaker of the evening<br />

will be George Pierrot,<br />

president of the Circumnavigators<br />

Club. noted traveler and<br />

host of the George Pierrot<br />

travel-adventure programs.<br />

The three scouts to receive<br />

the honors are: William Ludwig,<br />

722 Rivard, John Lehman,<br />

Jr., 447 Moran, and Brad<br />

Smith, 302 Mount Vernon.<br />

Mr. Pierrot will speak to the<br />

troop and then show a new ad.<br />

venture film called "River of<br />

No Return."<br />

Advancement a war d s are<br />

scheduled to be presented to<br />

other scouts at this Court of<br />

Honor which will be attended<br />

by families and friends of the<br />

srouts in Troop 156.<br />

DR. MARK YEAGER, of<br />

Yorkshire road, will attend<br />

the graduation exercises at Harvard<br />

Uni'..ersity, w her e his<br />

daughter, JOY YE"AGER, will<br />

receive her Masters dc~ree in<br />

Education from the Graduate<br />

School.<br />

~~ ~~ ~<br />

ii- STEREO LP'S ;<br />

: 3 FOR $5 v~,~. ~<br />

War Memorial<br />

Center Robbed<br />

Defer Holding<br />

Variety Show<br />

Thieves took several valuable As the school year draws to a<br />

items froIl' the War Memorial c1?se, Defer School instrument-<br />

., ahsts, singers. dancers. and act-<br />

Center', sometIme smce May 12, ors are preparing for their anaccording<br />

to information given nual variety show. This wHl be<br />

to Farms police on Monday, May given <strong>Jun</strong>e 5 at 2:15 p.m. in the<br />

25, by John Lake, director of gym.<br />

the Center. M:. 1?ahl's sixth graders will<br />

be smgmg the "Flame Song" by<br />

Thursday, <strong>Jun</strong>e 4, 1964<br />

GPUS to Graduate 43<br />

(Continued from Page 1)<br />

nal d, rector of Christ Church,<br />

Grosse Pointe.<br />

David Arner will lead the<br />

Glee Club in two numbers. Miss<br />

Jean A. Diekoff will be or~<br />

ganist.<br />

Headmaster Hugh C. Riddleberger<br />

will award prizes and<br />

scholarships, and principals<br />

Wellington V. Grimes and Mar-<br />

awarding of diplomas.<br />

Alfred R, Glancy .fr., will<br />

speak as president of the Board<br />

of Trustees, Miss Mary Beth<br />

Bicknell will be speaker for the<br />

senior class.<br />

Alumni ar ~ invited to attend.<br />

To obtain tickets they may call<br />

the school office. TV 4-4444.<br />

Lots of people know they talk<br />

garet Harvey will participate too much, they don't seem to<br />

with the headmaster in the Iknov' there's a remedy.<br />

Taken, Lake said, was a black, Kaye. The sixth grade band will<br />

heavy wrought iron chair, with perform "Anchors Aweigh."<br />

a wooden seat, from the foyer Donna Mueller will l?Ji~reher<br />

of the Fries Auditorium. It is Idea of a naughty little girl who ~~M~~-w.,~ilIl ••• =;;.lr~~I-Biiirm::.m~fm ....<br />

valued at $200. lives in a New York apartment m<br />

. ., house in a pantomdne of "Elo- fA 1c 0FF Per Gallon of Gasoline<br />

Also mlssmg, he said, were a ise." The Jiffy Mixers will be i -<br />

pair of six-candle brass and blue ably represented by Mr. Calla. ~ I Just Mention This Ad<br />

e n a m e led candelllbr~, taken way's fifth grade girlB. $<br />

prior to ~he G~osse POInte Ro- Although the performance is W Celebrating 'lie Opening of<br />

tary Club s AntIque Show, value scheduled for the parents of the Wi JACK D LANEY'S 17000<br />

not known; and a brass pot hol~- ohildrl!n participating the pub- ! e Mack A'll.<br />

er taken from the Center Ll-. '.<br />

brary sometime toward. the end ~~e~d. also cordially Invited 1.0 f$ MACK HARV ARD ~TANDARD SERVICE<br />

of the show. The latter IS valued I:; * complete Br.ke and Wheel Alignment 'arvlea<br />

at $35. FACE THE FACTS ' * Motor Tuna-Up and Ganeral RepaIrs<br />

The matter was assigned to Don't be deceived-the fellow A!.L WORK GUARANTEED<br />

Det. Sgts. George Van Tiem and who tells littl~ white lies is of- TU 2-2268<br />

Jack Paisley.<br />

ten color blind.<br />

Fournier's For Fine Carpeting<br />

All wool carpeting from $4.95 up. See the beautiful Contessa all<br />

wool c;arpet ot $13.95 and the famous Dillinger custom all wool<br />

seamless carpet, woven to your individually desired colour •.• prices<br />

ranging to $29.00 per square yard.<br />


Fournier's Custom Furniture<br />

,.. $12.00 .. 0 M Th<br />

12,000 LP's always In "ock : • pen on., ur'. TU 1-1285<br />

20746M~TlrOLAN~u 4.3800t 16421 HARPER, Near Whittier and Fri. 'Til 9 p.m.<br />

[ ~ *******************11'; 17131 W. McNIr.holl BR 3-8921 _M1--------------------------------------------------<br />

.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~<br />

Thursday. <strong>Jun</strong>e 4, 1964<br />

----------<br />

Ibex Sehed'lLles Annunl ~<br />

-----~---<br />

I hex' annual meEting is wood road homE<br />

scheduled tomorrow, F rid a y, \ .\1. Mengden.<br />

<strong>Jun</strong>e 5, at 1 o'clock, in the Ken. :<br />

-----~_._-- -_.----------<br />

Now Available<br />

,: )) portrait of a m~<br />


. (omplete<br />

GARDEN<br />

For DE<br />

DOCKEY'S<br />

Spredrose<br />

Electr<br />

A new clear "Iostic course plot- • DEPTH FIN!<br />

ler so simple to use thot the<br />

skipper mer e I y DIALS HIS • SHIP TO SI<br />

COURSE, Undeniably proven<br />

oo:urate results. Length 20". • DIRECTION<br />

22~Miles of Plottin~~nadian Charts, Great 1<br />



Complete Selectim<br />

Boating Headu;are, Boatl<br />


the ship's whee:<br />

19605 Mack Ave., Grosse Pte. Woods<br />

--~~-- .----------<br />

, ,,'<br />

FEI<br />

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