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Jun-04.pd - Local History Archives


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in!<br />


admiration of the neighbors<br />

higher than your neighbor's? This<br />

is the total of all fruits, vegetables,<br />

herbs, and nuts that you raise<br />

in a year. As surprising as it may<br />

seem,there are still neighborhoods<br />

in this country where 'a peck of<br />

tomatoes counts more than' a<br />

variegated tuberous-root begonia.<br />

You can keep careful notes<br />

and arrive at a total annual yield,<br />

but a more effective method of<br />

scoring high on GNP is to give<br />

boxes, baskets, and bowls of your<br />

garden produce to neighbors.<br />

This warmhearted gesture lets<br />

them know that you're thinking<br />

of them and that what you're<br />

thinking is that they couldn't raise<br />

an edible carrot on a bet.<br />

H you intend to dominate-and<br />

you do--you can't afford to neglect<br />

the battle for the birds which is<br />

raging in neighborhoods across the<br />

country. The grim fact is that<br />

there are just so many birds in<br />

this world, and every one your<br />

ne;ghbor has is one you have not.<br />

Featherin. Your Nest<br />

There is an effective bird-winning<br />

technique, but it should be<br />

used only in desperation. It requires<br />

some electrical conduit and<br />

a little work.<br />

Install two electrodes in some<br />

soft, lush spot in the lawn or garden,<br />

and hook them up to a switch<br />

in the house. Then invite the<br />

neighbors over for ~ cookout.<br />

An hour before they arrive, flip<br />

the switch, and when the first<br />

guests show, turn the electrodes<br />

off. By that .time. you will have<br />

galvaniud all the wor.ms to the<br />

surface, and you'll have so many<br />

birds descending on this crawly<br />

feast that the neighbors will not<br />

only be impressed, they'll lose<br />

their appetites and save you ~ let<br />

of hamburger money.<br />

So much for the major battles.<br />

Once you have mechaniL.ed the<br />

tool shed. excelled in the war of<br />

words over chemicals, raised your<br />

gross natural product (and won<br />

credit for this yield with effective<br />

propaganda), and enticed all the<br />

local birds, then you will probably<br />

be envied and/or admired by all<br />

the neighbors, regardless of how<br />

your lot actually looks.<br />

How to Stay on Top<br />

Be prepared, though, to drop<br />

everything to meet an unexpected<br />

challenge, however small. For example,<br />

one small but important<br />

contest is the camouflage of garbage<br />

cans. The garbage man spent<br />

three minutes searching for .our<br />

neighbor's cans, accor~ng to Joan,<br />

the nonautomatic sprinkler and<br />

wife at our house, and I knew we<br />

were in trouble: our cans were still<br />

faintly visible. on clear winter<br />

days. behind a screen.-of yew anc<br />

forsythia. At the risk of bragging,<br />

I can report that before dawn the<br />

next morning I haq bought and<br />

installed an in-the-ground can with<br />

a green lid.<br />

As 'you parry and thrust, keep<br />

calm. Try to appear relaxed at<br />

all times. In fact, resolve to take<br />

a day or two each summer to be<br />

relaxed.<br />

After all, the real purpose of<br />

lawn and garden puttering is your<br />

own leisure-time enjoyment. The<br />

rest of life may be demanding and<br />

frustrating, one long series of<br />

thwarted hopes.<br />

When you garden, however,<br />

forget the rest of life, the frustrations<br />

and defeats; when you garden,<br />

win, and you'll really enjoy it.<br />

Let your neighbor think of you like this: a cJu:unp who knows all the tricks.<br />

There's a sto\~away<br />

in the new KitchenAid dishwasher<br />

It's a hox of Calgonite e dishwasher detergent. Try it-it's free. Know how<br />

that Calgonite gets inside? The KitchenAid people pack stowaway sample boxes<br />

of Calgonite in all their 1964 dishwashers because they're sure you'll want<br />

your new dishwasher ready to go as soon as it's installed. And they're certain<br />

you'll like the combination of Calgonite and KitehenAid for sparkHng clean<br />

glassware and china. KitehenAid has been recommending Calgonite for years.<br />

SuburbiD Today, <strong>Jun</strong>e 1964 29

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